House to Home 11-15-18

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A Thanksgiving countdown

This Oct. 21 photo of wood stove ashes on a property near Langley, Wash., shows a nutrient-rich sample free of any residue from pressure-treated wood, painted wood or cardboard. They carry chemicals that can damage plants. The same goes for using charcoal from BBQ grills, fake fireplace logs and coal. Good quality wood ash is a soil amendment bonus for gardeners but beware using any containing additives. (AP photo)

This October 2017 photo provided by Katie Workman shows food on the table at her apartment in New York. When you are making a big Thanksgiving dinner getting as much done ahead of time — and enlisting as much help from family and friends as possible — makes these epic meals much more enjoyable. (AP photo)

Wood ash from fireplaces, stoves can sometimes help the soil By DEAN FOSDICK Associated Press For gardeners who heat their homes in winter using stoves or fireplaces, good-quality wood ashes can be a soil-amendment bonus. But if applied improperly, they can be a caustic topping for foliage-heavy plants and seedlings. The primary benefits of recycling wood ash into the soil are for fertilizing and raising pH levels to make soil less acidic, said Leonard Perry, horticulture professor emeritus with the University of Vermont. Soil pH acidity is measured on a 14-point scale, with 7 being neutral. Anything below 7 is classified acidic. Anything above that is alkaline. “What this means for soil ashes is that if your soil is 6.5 to 7 or above, don’t add them,” Perry said in a fact sheet. Always test the soil before spreading ashes. “Too high a pH will bind up micronutrients that your crops need,” said Julia Gaskin, a land application specialist with the University of Georgia Extension Service. “If you are just getting started in a garden spot, soil-test every year until you get the fertility and soil organic matter right. Then you can test every other year or so.” Wood ash contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium among a dozen or more important nutrients. “They vary widely with the types of trees being burned,” Gaskin said. Hardwoods, including oak, maple, ash, hickory, sycamore, walnut, apple and cherry, burn hotter and longer. They also produce several times more ash and contain more nutrients than softwoods like pine and fir. Avoid using fireplace or wood ashes from pressuretreated wood, painted wood and cardboard. They carry chemicals that can harm plants. The same goes for charcoal residue from BBQ grills, fake fireplace logs and coal. Those should go to the landfill. Wood ash can be used sparingly in gardens, spread thinly over lawns and stirred thoroughly into compost piles. Lawns needing lime and potassium benefit from wood ash — 10 to 15 pounds per 1,000 square feet, Perry said. “This is the amount you may get from one cord of firewood,” he said. Spreading wood ash on compost piles keeps the acidity level near neutral. “Sprinkle some on each layer of compost as you build the pile,” Perry said. “Another option is to store wood ashes dry, then make a ‘tea’ with them during the growing season for watering plants and so providing some nutrition.” Avoid applying wood ashes if you’re about to seed your garden, said Alicia Lamborn, a horticulturist with University of Florida Extension. “If you want to use wood ash as a pH source, then do it three to six months before you plant,” Lamborn said. “It takes some time to work it into the soil. A chemical See Ash p. 2D

This Oct. 21 photo taken on a property near Langley, Washington, shows wood stove ashes spread lightly around a newly planted tree to raise soil pH acidity. Plants that thrive with a dressing of nutrient-rich wood ashes include garlic, chives, leeks, lettuces, asparagus and stone fruit trees. Don't apply it If your soil tests 6.5 to 7 or above. (AP photo)

Holiday planning made easier By KATIE WORKMAN Associated Press Thanksgiving is just around the bend, and if you are hosting you might already be thinking about how you might plan things better this year, how to make it all a bit less stressful. While the truly prepared are already polishing their napkin rings, the rest of us are just starting to wonder, “How can I not want to throw a gravy boat out the window?“ Let me start by saying, striving for perfection is overrated. The messiness

and imperfectness of the holidays is part of what makes each one memorable and particular to your family or the band of friends you share the occasion with. Still, there are strategies and tricks to making sure Thanksgiving runs smoothly. Here‘s a game plan for getting things done ahead of time so you can truly enjoy the turkey and pie along with your gang. ONE WEEK BEFORE 1. Lists, lists, lists: Plan your menu, and make shopping lists, guest lists,

lists of who is bringing what, lists of who needs to be picked up when. 2. Create a timeline leading all the way up to the “Dinner is Served“ moment. Determine when you are going to get things done (for example, two days before, make Brussels sprouts; one day before, arrange the flowers, etc.). Write down all of the little things, like putting the mashed potatoes into the oven to reheat, filling the ice bucket, setting out the appetizers. See Thanksgiving p. 2D


Homeowners are spending, Home Depot is winning NEW YORK (AP) — Home Depot breezed past all expectations in the third quarter and raised its annual profit expectations again as Americans plow money into their homes, even amid hints that the housing market is cooling. Comparable-store sales, a key indicator of a retailer’s health, rose 4.8 percent, but it jumped 5.4 percent in the U.S., its dominant market. Housing prices and mortgage rates are steadily increasing and home sales fell for the sixth consecutive month in September. Contracts to buy new homes, a forward-looking indicator, have been weak for months. That is not all bad news for home-improvement retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s, which posts earnings next week. People who buy homes are a huge revenue generator, but so are those who are investing in the homes that they already own, for a

In this Sept. 10 photo, Jim Craig, David Burke and Chris Rayner load generators as people buy supplies at The Home Depot in Wilmington, N.C. Home Depot Inc. reports earnings Tuesday, Nov. 13. (AP photo) multitude of reasons. A strengthening economy and historically low unemployment have also created

a significant tail wind for Home Depot. “Home Depot’s numbers are particularly impressive

given that the housing market did not play ball over See Spending p. 2D

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, November 15, 2018

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

This Aug. 23 file photo shows a Home Depot store in Orlando, Fla. Home Depot Inc. reports earnings Tuesday. (AP photo)

Spending from 1D the period, with a slump in sales of both new and existing homes,” wrote Neil Saunders, managing director of GlobalData Retail. “Over the longer term, we remain concerned that this trend will dampen some of the underlying demand for home improvement. However, we also recognize that there are a number of other factors that will elevate spending.” Saunders cited the strong the Sears economy, bankruptcy filing, and rebuilding efforts after nu-

merous natural disasters. Home Depot raised its outlook for the year, and now expects annual earnings to climb about 33.8 percent, or $9.75 per share. Its previous outlook was for a 29.2 percent increase. Analysts surveyed by FactSet expect earnings of $9.56 per share. For the period ended Oct. 28, the Atlanta company’s profit jumped 32 percent to $2.87 billion, or $2.51 per share, far exceeding pershare projections for $2.27 on Wall Street, according to a survey of analysts polled by Zacks Investment Research. A year earlier Home De-

pot earned $2.17 billion, or $1.84 per share. Revenue climbed 5.1 percent to $26.3 billion from $25.03 billion, beating Wall Street’s $26.21 billion prediction. Revenue is now expected to rise approximately 7.2 percent, up slightly from its prior forecast for an increase of about 7 percent. Comparable-store sales are now anticipated to climb approximately 5.5 percent. Home Depot previous outlook was for the metric to increase about 5.3 percent. Shares of The Home Depot Inc. rose 2 percent before the opening bell.

Thanksgiving from 1D 3. Do the Turkey Math: Calculate how long the turkey needs to be in the oven, and remember that it might take up the whole oven for that length of time. Plan accordingly. 4. Write down who is responsible for what: Giving people a written list of tasks with a time frame makes things clear for them, and lets you hand off things neatly. 5. Buy all non-perishables, including drinks (alcoholic and non), canned and boxed items (broth, cranberries), baking staples (flour, butter, refrigerated pie crusts what? They are terrific!), and also sturdier produce like potatoes, apples, squash and carrots. Make sure someone is home to help you unload. 6. Give any silver a quick polish (though I firmly believe the slightly tarnished look is in), iron any tablecloths and cloth napkins (though I firmly believe the slightly wrinkled look is in), find those candlesticks and candles. 7. Locate roasting pans, food processor blades, potato ricers, whatever equipment you‘ll need. Wash whatever hasn‘t been touched since last year. ONE TO TWO DAYS BEFORE 1. Back to the market for the turkey, the greens, herbs, flowers and so on. And also all the other stuff you forgot the first time (bay leaves, extra onions, chicken broth). 2. Make as many sides and desserts as possible ahead of time. Brussels sprouts, string bean casseroles, mashed potatoes, roasted or pureed squash dishes, salad dressing, cranberry sauce, pies all of these can be made a day or more ahead of time. Thanksgiving menus are usually full of sturdy dishes that can be reheated on the stovetop, in the microwave or in the oven. Plot out which dish you will reheat in which

Ash from 1D change needs to occur. You want to do that ahead of time before you put any plants into the ground.” Some people store the ash they remove from their stoves in winter for applications throughout the year. “You don’t want to pile it on in one season or just one time,” Lamborn said. Do not spread ashes

way. 3. Set the table, and/or lay out the buffet. Put out all serving platters and serving utensils, and put Post-Its on them so you know what will go in each plate and bowl. 4. Clean, prep and chop any ingredients for the day of. 5. Set up the bar. THE DAY OF 1. Above all, pay attention to when that turkey needs to go into the oven. We start every Thanksgiving with my mother yelling, “Oh my god, I forgot to put the turkey in! We‘re going to eat at midnight!“ 2. Let people bring things. When Aunt Bunny asks what she can bring, don‘t say “just bring yourself“ say “cheese.“ And you can even tell her to bring three different kinds, about pound of each, so that you get what you need. And remind her to bring crackers. 3. Think of tasks to delegate and let people help (otherwise known as, don‘t be a martyr). So when Uncle Ivan comes into the kitchen looking for a job, you will be able to point him toward the salad for dressing and tossing. 4. Don‘t be afraid of room temperature food. Hey, by the time everyone serves themselves and finds a seat, the food isn‘t going to be super-hot anyway! Give yourself permission to not stress about getting all the food to the table piping hot at the same time. When you go back for seconds, it‘s always room temperature anyway, right? And has that ever slowed anyone down? Certainly not Cousin Kevin. THE DAY AFTER The next day, when you sit down with a bowl of turkey noodle soup and some leftover pinot noir, you can tuck those notes from your super-organized, stress-free Thanksgiving away in a folder marked “I Kicked Thanksgiving‘s Butt,“ and be that far ahead of the game this time next year.

around acid-loving plants like blueberries, strawberries, azaleas, rhododendrons, camellias, holly, potatoes or parsley. Plants that thrive with a dressing of wood ash include garlic, chives, leeks, lettuces, asparagus and stone-fruit trees. Online: For more about wood ashes as a natural fertilizer, see

this blog from the University of Florida: You can contact Dean Fosdick at Your “Hot Rod” is waiting for you in The Mining Journal’s Sunday Auto Section!

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502 Pine St, Mqt Totally renovated 1895 East side Marquette home! Luxurious Master Suite, with a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Brand new kitchen, bathrooms, coal/gas fireplace, flooring finishes, cabinetry, custom closets, lighting, in floor radiant heating, insulation, boiler, windows, paint, rooms, appliances, electrical and plumbing, humidification and air conditioning! (1110992) $365,000

1 1 1 0 9 5 7 T w o s to r y b u ild in g , w ith a flo o r p la n o f 5 b e d r o o m s , 1 3 /4 b a th h o m e w ith fu ll b a s e m e n t a n d d e ta c h e d 2 c a r g a r a g e . F ir s t flo o r c o n s is ts o f k itc h e n , d in in g r o o m , liv in g r o o m , o ffic e /d e n , b e d r o o m , u tility a n d th e 3 /4 b a th . In n e e d o f s o m e u p d a tin g a n d r e m o d e lin g s o le t y o u r im a g in a tio n g o - s in g le fa m ily h o m e , o r a n y o f th e u s e s z o n in g a llo w s fo r in c o m m e r c ia l. $ 4 8 ,9 0 0

332 S Stephenson Ave, Iron Mt Own and operate your business from an excellent location in the heart of Downtown Iron Mountain! This 4,646 Sq. Ft. building has had an abundant amount of renovations done over the years and has been very well maintained since! (1111199) $219,000

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84 S Shag Lake, Gwinn Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bathroom home on Shag Lake! Dream kitchen with cherry cabinets and granite counters. Enjoy the vaulted ceilings, pine floors, gas fireplace and views of the lake! New 40’ patio and stone work on the entire back of the house! Even has an additional guest cottage. (1110724) $449,900

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TBD Co Rd 553, Gwinn This 20 acre parcel can be split to accommodate your commercial needs. Seller will work with you to get the frontage and acreage you need for your new business. (1107728) $300,000 195 N Pansy St, Ish Desirable Ishpeming Township home, remodeled and updated top to bottom! Five large bedrooms, which include an amazing master suite, 4 bathrooms and open concept kitchen. Enjoy 16x10 deck off the family area with a huge backyard. (1110188) Reduced! $259,000


Price Reduced

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Prime location on US 41 in Ishpeming with 290 ft of frontage across from the Ski Hall of Fame. Great potential to build a new business in a high visibility area. Former gas station and vehicle repair facility. Adjacent building was formerly used as a car wash and could be adapted to many other commercial uses. Two buildings: service station is 2100 sf with 2100 sf basement. Car wash building is 2052 sf. and no basement. Lot survey is on file. MLS # 1111790 $125,000.

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The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                  

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Earn Cash Quickly-Sell Through The Classifieds!

Open Houses

OPEN HOUSES Saturday & Sunday Noon - 2:00PM

4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, November 15, 2018




Land Brokers


23 Acres Co Rd KCB, Big Bay

13 Acres, Blind 35, Big Bay

23 acre parcel just across the road from Lake Independence near Big Bay MLS#: 1107617

Great hunting location to build your camp with public land in close proximity MLS#: 1110831



3304 Castile Road, Wakefield

40 Acres, Whitefish Access Road, Limestone

Remodeled and renovated three bedroom home with gardens galore with new oversized garage MLS#: 1110852

40 acre parcel of upland terrain with a nice mix of woods and a secluded location with good road access. MLS#: 1111574





TBD M94/Townline, Skandia

Outstanding property with a beautiful building site overlooking the ponds on the Skandia/West Branch border MLS#: 1107778


8352 Old K-10, 17th Rd, Rapid River

40 acres with a rustic deer camp located in Southern Delta County on the Stonington Peninsula MLS#: 1110747

80 Acres, Co Road FFW, Republic

TBD Dalton Road, Skandia

Outstanding Skandia hunting property or affordable big acreage building site adjoining a large tract of CFA Land and cornering USA Forest Property MLS#: 1107779

80 acres with a rustic camp and a wide range of timber species near Gamble’s Creek MLS#: 1110965





20 Acres, Macafee Road, Trenary Twenty acres consisting of mostly hardwoods that would be a great spot to build a home or camp MLS#: 1111586


20 Acres, Co Road 478, Ishpeming Twenty acres near Greenwood with year round access MLS#: 1110912


19223 Jack Spur Road, Wakefield

117 E. Sno Dance, Wakefield



40 Acres, County Road 432, Menominee

190 Acres Clark Creek Road, Ishpeming

370 wooded acres with a great camp and sauna located just northeast of Wakefield MLS#: 1105465

Central U.P. hunting camp on 40 acres in Delta County MLS#: 1109358 $99,000 ROB SULLIVAN

1075 Ortman Road, Marquette

Reduced price on this 5 bedroom/3 bath home on top of Indianhead Mountain. Get ready for the ski season ahead. MLS#: 1098251

Four bedroom, four bath executive estate home on 10 wooded acres just outside of Marquette MLS#: 1108550


N106 Corner Lake Road, Wetmore

Mountain top views of the Dead River Basin with a cozy hunting cabin just east of Clark Creek on 190 wooded acres. MLS#: 1111590

Family style cottage on popular Corner Lake in the Chain of Lakes near Munising MLS#: 1108361



VACANT LAND TO BUILD YOUR OWN CAMP 40 Acres, Furleys Road, Republic 40 Acres, Co Road 467, Germfask 80 Acres, Kirkpatrick Lane, Gwinn 50 Acres, Camp Nine Road, Ralph 120 Acres, Hilltop Kelso Rd, Crystal Falls 80 Acres, Northwestern Road, Big Bay 63 Acres, Co Road 426, Ralph 39 Acres, Shultz Road, Ralph 40 Acres, Co Road 581, Ishpeming 120 Acres Off M94, Manistique

Love the Land!

B o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r / O w n e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 1 - 4 2 1 2

R o b S u lliv a n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r , O ffic e M a n a g e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 3 3 3 7

B ria n O ls o n

A s s o c ia te B r o k e r C e ll: 9 0 6 - 8 6 9 - 6 4 4 6

$39,000 $30,000 $110,000 $39,900 $110,000 $129,000 $56,900 $35,900 $36,000 $59,500

S u e F e ld h a u s e r A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 2 8 9 1

MLS# 1111677 MLS# 1111576 MLS# 1104222 MLS# 1111324 MLS# 1102851 MLS# 1110246 MLS# 1105366 MLS# 1105367 MLS# 1109691 MLS# 1090971

C h a rle s D ru ry A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 9 8

B o b A n d e rs o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 3 6 2 - 8 3 8 8

D o n W ills o n

A g e n t C e ll: 9 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 0 4 5 7

T o l l - 9 f 0 r 6 e - 2 e 2 5 1 - L - A 8 N 6 D 6 - ( 5 2 2 3 6 31 ) - • L w A w N w D . n o • r t wh e r w n m w i c .h n i g o a r n t l ah n e d rb nr o m k e i r c s . hc o i m g a • n w l w a w n . d p r b e mr o i u k m e u r p s p r. oc p o e mr t i e • s . c 2 o 5 m 5 • 2 2 U5 5 S2 U 4 S 1 4 1 W W e s t ,t ,M M a r q a u r e q t t ue e t t e

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