House to Home Showcase Edition 4-26-18

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In the Garden

This photo provided by Sundie Ruppert shows the Silver Penciled Rock Rooster artwork she made with her husband, Brad Ruppert, at their Des Moines, Iowa, studio. The mixed-media art includes hat maker's felt remnants, metal flashing and carved wood. Below is a detail view of the artwork. Inset, is a photo provided by Jennifer Wozniak and She's A Rainbow which shows one of the purses Wozniak made from a vinyl record and its album cover in Denver, Colo. (AP photos)

This undated photo shows clove currant flowers in New Paltz, N.Y. Attractive flowers are just one of the assets of clove currant; the flowers are also extremely fragrant and go on to yield tasty, dark currants. (AP photo)

For both beauty and flavor, consider planting berry bushes No need to choose between planting either an ornamental or a fruiting bush in your yard. Plant both with a single plant! Many berry bushes are pretty enough to be grown as landscape plants. Let’s foray out into the yard to see which bushes are best at offering these dual pleasures. BEAUTIFUL BLUES Blueberries are an attractive and tasty place to begin this berry sampler. They are truly year-round ornamentals. Spring brings clusters of blossoms dangling from stems like dainty, white bells. Summer brings soft, slightly bluish, greenery which, come fall, ignites into a fiery red. Even in winter, the stems turn red to ofLEE REICH fer a bright contrast to a snowy backdrop. In some gardens, birds try to monopolize every blueberry. If birds threaten, drape bird netting over the bushes while the fruits are ripening, or construct a decorative, walk-in, birdtight cage, either permanent or temporary. Alternatively, do nothing and take your chances. Blueberries require a soil that is moist, very acidic and rich in humus. Provide these conditions by testing the acidity of your soil and adjusting it to the requisite pH of 4 to 5.5, and by mixing a generous bucketful of peat moss into each planting hole. After planting, spread a few inches of leaves, wood chips, sawdust or some other weed-free organic mulch over the ground, to be replenished every year. Blueberries like the same soil as rhododendrons, mountain laurels and azaleas, so why not mingle them with these other beautiful shrubs? BEYOND BLUEBERRIES A blueberry relative that’s also ideal for “luscious landscaping” is lingonberry. This one’s a spreading groundcover less than 6 inches high and decked out year-round in dark, lustrous green leaves. The red berries, tart but tasty fresh or in sauces and jams, decorate the stems all winter long. Lingonberry enjoys the same soil conditions as its blueberry kin. More cosmopolitan in its soil likes and dislikes is juneberry. It exists in both tree and bush forms, and all sport cheery white or pink flowers in early spring, blazing orange and purple foliage in fall, and neat growth habits all year. Juneberry plants are better known for their beauty than for their fruits, but the berries — which look like blueberries — provide their own unique gustatory experience: They’re sweet and juicy, with the richness of sweet cherry and a hint of almond. Nanking cherry is another bush more often planted as an ornamental than for its fruit. It has just one season of flamboyance, but what flamboyance that is! In early spring, the whole bush bursts into a dense cloud of pinkish white blossoms. Plant two Nanking cherries for cross-pollination and just about all those flowers will go on to become fruits. The cherries are small, pink or red, and refreshingly semi-sweet. Birds may or may not eat some fruits, but no matter. Production is so profuse that you won’t notice the loss. See Garden p. 2D

2 approaches to turning recycled materials into art By JENNIFER FORKER Associated Press What have you not seen recycled into an art form? Everything from T-shirts to trash finds new life, as artists and crafters scramble to create something new out of something old. Here’s a look at two couples who have found interesting ways to turn recycling into art, and enjoy doing it together:  Jennifer Wozniak and Mark Serwinowski of Denver scour antique stores and record swaps for vinyl records and album covers, which they turn into purses in their garage. Wozniak had been developing ideas for making a beautiful purse that was sturdy and could hold a lot

mertime art markets. Avid recyclers who work in parallel fields — Wozniak works for Xcel Energy and Serwinowski is a sustainability consultant — the couple tries to toss as little waste as possible. “I have been passionate about recycling before re-

cycling was the cool thing to do,” said Wozniak. “It makes me sad that a lot of people have this throwaway mentality, and it’s not a sustainable practice for our environment.” Wozniak often pieces the See Recycle p. 2D


Modern folklore patterns adorn decor

By KIM COOK Associated Press Many young international designers are drawing on heritage, folklore and their imaginations to create contemporary textile, ceramic and wall-covering patterns. Some are finding larger audiences through decor retailers and online sites. Others are taking their imaginations outdoors, onto the sides of buildings. At Spoonflower , designer Andrea Lauren creates linocut patterns of woodland animals, flora, even the Loch Ness monster. They’re printed on textiles that can be used for pillows, curtains, bedding or lampshades. Il-

COMMERCIAL LAND 1440 E M28, Chocolay Twp (1045463) $265,000 545 FF, 4.17 AC

of stuff. “It’s been evolving, but when my husband figured out how to cut the vinyl, that’s when this really got going.” Serwinowski uses a small Dremel saw with a diamond blade. Toward the end of the project, he drills the holes through which Wozniak hammers decorative rivets that help hold the purses together. Wozniak recycles leather belts picked up at thrift stores into the purse handles, and uses album liner notes to line the insides. She recently started making mini purses with smaller 45’s, or record singles, and she opened an Etsy online store, ShesARainbowCO . Otherwise, she sells her vinyl record purses in boutique shops and at sum-

W. US 41, Marquette Twp (1060823) $5,500,000, 1900 FF on US 41 and 1050 FF on CR - HPB (Old US 41) 43 AC

RESIDENTIAL LOTS Forge Rd – Negaunee Twp (1094585) $42,900, 4.4 AC 130 Hillcrest Dr – Ishpeming (1105731) $9,900, 85x120 WATERFRONT PARCELS Lakes 6234 N Shore Helen Lake Rd – Helen Lake, Humboldt Twp (1096504) 210 FF, 1 AC, $79,900 22364 Partridge Lane – Beaufort Lake, Spurr Twp (1103710) 200 FF, 2.4 AC, $84,900 Stream Northwestern Rd – W. Branch Salmon Trout, Powell Twp (1105589), $250,000, 200 AC, Smaller Splits Available of 80 AC & 120 AC

This photo provided by HALFDROP shows a fabric design on various items by the Romanian design brand that creates fabric designs and products for interiors. Romanian architect and designer Alexandra Lazarescu interprets her country's folk heritage and imagery in geometric patterns with contemporary sophistication. (AP photo)

lustrator Jeremiah Witting of Portland, Oregon, does penand-ink illustrations inspired by a 1910 compendium of Grimm’s Fairy Tales passed down to him by his grandmother. And for Parisian artist Vannina Baquere, inspiration comes from an eclectic mix of Mexican serape blankets, fantastic gardens and Scandinavian folk prints. Many early American quilt and rug patterns live comfortably in the 21st century because of their simple geometric designs and clean color palettes. At Garnet Hill, the JohanSee Folklore p. 2D

DEAD RIVER BASIN WATERFRONT PARCELS Only 5 Remaining 1.1 to 3.7 Acres Reduced Pricing!!! Come experience the sandy beaches & all the water sports you can imagine, along w/ great fishing. Build your vacation getaway here & enjoy the good life on the Dead River Hoist Basin Land contracts available.

Road 1—Ishpeming Twp (1088467) $39,100 Kangas Rd – Champion Twp (1105397) $69,000 South Camp Rd—Ish Twp (1088504) $74,500 Co Rd GGT—Ishpeming Twp (1088502) $80,400 Stickney Rd—Champion Twp (1088500) $80,400

2D The Mining Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2018

House to Home Mortgage Index 30-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pts.

15-YEAR Rate-Fee/Pt.

High rate





Low rate





Average rate





This graphic represents a Tuesday survey of regional lending institutions. Figures are based on rates at Range Bank, First Bank of Upper Michigan, the Marquette Community Federal Credit Union and mBank.

February home prices soar 6.3 percent in a fierce competition to buy By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON — U.S. home prices jumped in February as buyers compete fiercely over a dwindling number of properties for sale. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national home price index released Tuesday jumped 6.3 percent in February from a year earlier, matching December's increase. That jump was the largest in nearly three years. Steady job gains and rising numbers of millennials moving out on their own has intensified the competition for homes. February's price gain far outpaces average increases in wages or inflation. Americans are becoming reluctant to sell their homes as mortgage rates rise, preferring to renovate instead. Others are holding onto their homes because they see few other options available. That's kept supply tight: The number of homes for sale fell 7.2 percent in March from a year earlier to just 1.67 million. Sales of existing homes ticked up in March but actually declined slightly from a year earlier as the housing shortage constrained sales. Homebuyers are getting increasingly aggressive, snapping up homes an average of 30 days after they are listed in March, down

Re cycle

from 1D

vinyl record purses alone in her heated garage, but she welcomes when Serwinowski is right there beside her. “There are a lot of little plastic flecks flying around when he’s using the saw . and if we’re cutting a Bruce Springsteen record, we listen to Bruce Springsteen,” she said. “Music is such an important part of the fabric of our lives and a song can take you back to a memory, like a smell can,” Wozniak said. “It’s very powerful.” Brad and Sundie Ruppert of Des Moines, Iowa, are longtime graphic designers who spent 15 years making folksy art pieces together before taking a turn toward fine art. They found their inspiration when, while installing a handcrafted sign at the Greeley Hat Works shop in Greeley, Colorado, they stumbled on piles of thin felt strips trimmed from handbuilt cowboy hats. The felt “wasn’t much to work with . literally, it was

In this March 6, 2018, photo a home across the street from the Apple campus is advertised as sold in Sunnyvale, Calif. On Tuesday, the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller 20-city home price index for February is released. (AP photo) from 34 days a year earlier. "Competition is fierce, offer windows are short and tensions will inevitably run high for many buyers as the spring shopping season unfolds," Svenja Gudell, chief economist at real estate data website Zillow, said. There are signs that the supply crunch could ease later this year, as listings have picked up in recent months, only to be quickly sold. And developers are breaking ground on more homes, lifting single-family home construction 5.2 percent in March compared with a year earlier. Seattle, Las Vegas and San Francisco remain the nation's top real estate hot spots, with home prices jumping 12.7 percent in

Seattle, 11.6 percent in Las Vegas and 10.1 percent in San Francisco. Strong job gains in some cities, which hint at an influx of new residents, are pushing up home prices, Standard & Poor's said. Seattle reported the biggest increase in employment, and had the largest home price gain. Chicago ranked 19th out of the 20 cities tracked in both home price increases and employment. Cleveland came in at 18th place in home prices and 20th in employment. But in San Francisco and Los Angeles, home prices are rising much faster than their job gains would suggest, a sign that regulatory limits on homebuilding and limited land availability are pushing prices eve higher.

the outline of a circle 1inch wide,” said Sundie Ruppert. They took a pile of felt strips home, and Brad played with them in his workshop. He created a crow, then a feather, followed by a rooster. After the third sample, the couple knew they’d hit upon their own art form, and now they create a menagerie of mostly furry and feathered animals: birds of all colors and sizes, farm animals, and wild creatures like foxes and bears. “Why do we do animals? I think it’s because the material itself is fur-like,” Sundie Ruppert said. They sell their work at art fairs and on their website, Vintage Sculpture. Sundie Ruppert designs the pieces and adds the details — eyes and beaks, for example, generally fashioned from metal — while Brad carves the wooden bases and builds up layers of colored felt to fashion the bird or beast. The limitations of the material sometimes prove liberating. “The tiny pieces of felt force us to figure out,

‘What in the world can you do with almost nothing?’” Sundie Ruppert said. “We don’t have a big sheet of something to cut a shape out of, which would be the easier and faster way to accomplish a piece of art. That drives our art.” The Rupperts work closely together on a project, but not side by side. They have separate workspaces, but consult with one another. “The fact that it goes back and forth between the two of us . (a project) doesn’t seem to get stuck as often,” Sundie said.

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from 1D

Much of the beauty of red currant bushes lies in the berries themselves, dangling from the branches like strings of jewels. The delicate spheres are so translucent that you can see the seeds floating within when the berries are backlit by sunlight. Currants also are among the few fruits that bear well even in partial shade. Red currants are the most


common ones, but don’t overlook equally beautiful white currants, essentially the same fruit except for their color. A BUSH TO PLEASE ALL YOUR SENSES Perhaps the star performer among bushes for edible landscaping is a relatively unknown currant called the clove currant. It was a common dooryard plant in Victorian times. The name hints at why it was planted near the house: In spring, the flowers pour out a spicy, clove-like

from 1D

na puts a modern spin on pieced quilts with circle pieces instead of traditional squares. Annie Selke’s Merry Go Round hooked rug re-scales the playful medallions and flowers of a 1930s artwork that Selke found in France; the rug is offered in two different colorways. Great Plains Native American motifs are crafted into a bold geometric rug exclusively at Crate & Kids from Los Angeles-based Bethany Yellowtail. The artist has also done a striking wool blanket, available on her own website, that she calls “All My Relations.” Stripes of various configurations reflect Crow and Northern Cheyenne elements, both part of her heritage. Modcloth has ceramic plates and glassware decorated with delicately painted folk art motifs in a pretty palette of charcoal, lime, orange and mint, from the company One Hundred Eighty Degrees in St. Paul, Minnesota. Nathalie Lete’s storybookstyle ceramic collection at Anthropologie features winsome woodland creatures, fruits and flowers, all handpainted. At the Heimtextil fair in Frankfurt, Germany, in January, design students from PatternLab, a master’s program at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, showed their work to potential buyers. Many designs were in-

This photo provided by Crate & Barrel shows their B. Yellowtail Not Afraid Rug. Great Plains Native American motifs are crafted into this bold geometric rug sold exclusively at Crate and Kids. (AP photo) spired by Finnish folk art. For pattern designers without access to an exhibition booth at an international fair, there are lots of online portals to sell work. Besides , there’s,w, and In her Harvest collection for her studio Half Drop, Romanian designer Alexandra Lazarescu reinterprets her country’s folklore through the lens of her architecture background. Traditional spoons, botanicals, wheels, and symbols of day and night are rendered in geometric patterns that have a distinct Arts and Crafts vibe. The National Museum of Warsaw recently opened its Gallery of Polish Design, showcasing some of that country’s rich folkloric tradition in carved furniture, ceramics and textiles. In studios around the city, and in nearby Lodz, young makers are

translating those designs for the 20th century, using digital printing, 3-D imaging and other modern techniques. International decor powerhouses like IKEA, Vitra and Hay are buying their work. In Zalipie, a village about three hours from Warsaw, huts and homes are painted with elaborate floral and geometric motifs. The practice began generations ago as a way for residents to cover walls smudged with soot from stoves. Other designers are playing with lacework, another of Poland’s renowned craft arts. Warsaw-based street artist NeSpoon uses spray paint to create intricate outdoor murals of lace patterns on the sides of buildings all over the world.

BIG C REALTY (906) 387-3074 321 E. Munising Ave., Munising

1104554 Cozy updated 2 BR home on corner lot with attached 1 car garage and a wonderful yard to put in your garden and/or add to the perennial flowers already there. Home features newer windows, new drywall, new electric, new plumbing and HW heat runs, fully insulated with spray foam (walls, attic, crawl space), new bathrooms, and very economical to live in. Hardwood and pine planked flooring throughout plus ceramic flooring in both bathrooms. $69,900. 1103844 Beautiful and secluded!!! 3+ acres with 300’ lake front along the North shore of Driggs Lake. Cozy little barn styled furnished camp with pull down ladder to loft, 3/4 bath, kitchen area and glass sliding doors to deck overlooking the lake. Separate building for generator (included in sale). A small stream meanders through property. A must see!! ! $79,900. 1102862 Beautiful 3 BR lakefront home featuring a lower level master suite with walk out to lake level, huge family room on main level with wall of windows overlooking the lake, living room with free standing wood burning fireplace, hardwood floors, update kitchen with loads of cabinets and walk in pantry, 2 1/2 bath, screened in porch $289,900. 1103041 Duplex with each unit featuring 1 BR, bath, LR, DR and kitchen; full basement, hardwood floors. TLC needed to make this an income producing property for you! $34,900. 1103038 Location - Location - Location!! Vacant commercial building on busy H58, previously a convenience/gift/party store. Beer-wine take out license is in escrow, coolers, display racks, shelving, and more - just waiting for you to start your own business. Includes a 27 x 32 detached garage. $149,000.

1900 Presque Isle Ave.


1103300 ONE OF THE MOST FABULOUS VIEWS IN MUNISING -nestled in the hills watching the sunrise and all the activity on Munising Bay. Let your imagination go and build your dream home on this spectacular setting. $20,000.


2 3 W h ite O a k D r, M q t T h is s tu n n in g 5 b e d r o o m 4 b a th r o o m h o u s e in c lu d e s s la te flo o r in g , r e m o d e le d o p e n c o n c e p t k itc h e n , fo r m a l d in in g r o o m , c a th e d r a l c e ilin g , flo o r to c e ilin g fir e p la c e , m a s te r s u ite w ith la r g e w a lk in c lo s e t, c u s to m b a th r o o m , u p d a te d b a s e m e n t, w e t b a r, s a u n a a n d th e lis t g o e s o n ! (1 1 0 6 6 4 3 ) $ 5 2 9 ,9 9 9

fragrance. The tart fruit is very aromatic, good for jam or just popped into your mouth as you walk around your yard. As if fragrance and fruit were not enough, clove currant’s abundant flowers also put on an-eye catching show. Each blossom is a long yellow trumpet, with a spot of red in its center. Native to the upper Midwest, the clove currant is also tough, able to laugh off drought, heat, cold, insects, diseases, even deer.


4 0 1 E U S 4 1 , N e g a u n e e E x c e lle n t in c o m e in v e s tm e n t a n d w e ll m a in ta in e d ! L o ts o f p a r k in g a v a ila b le . T h r e e s o lid r e n ta ls . A d d itio n a l lo t o n th e E a s t - m a y b e a b le to b e d e v e lo p e d fo r e x p a n s io n . (1 1 0 2 7 8 7 ) $ 5 2 5 ,9 0 0 1 M a rq u e tte D r, M q t E x e c u tiv e 4 b e d r o o m 4 b a th h o m e o n 4 .2 5 a c r e s w ith h u g e flo o r to c e ilin g w in d o w s fo r p a n o r a m ic v ie w s o f L a k e S u p e r io r. D r e a m k itc h e n , c u s to m w o o d b e a m s , w a ln u t flo o r s , r e c r o o m , g u e s t s u ite , te n n is c o u r t a n d m o r e ! (1 1 0 3 1 7 1 ) $ 8 4 9 ,5 0 0 1 7 5 N P e a rc e S t, G w in n C lo s e to to w n th is 3 b e d r o o m s ta r te r h o m e h a s a s p a c io u s liv in g ro o m , o p e n c o n c e p t, n e w e r w in d o w s , m a s te r s u ite w ith b a th ro o m a n d a tta c h e d 2 c a r g a r a g e ! (1 0 9 9 0 1 7 ) $ 6 5 ,0 0 0

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The Mining Journal 3D

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Real Estate Classifieds                                                                                                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Open Houses

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                                                     

                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                             

When you’re looking for that special item, look in the classifieds first.


4D The Mining Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2018

148 W. Washington St., Marquette

E4319 AuTrain Trail Rd., AuTrain

Pride of Ownership!

Great Price! Great Location! A charming chalet with great access to Lake Superior within walking distance from property. Boat launch close by. Enjoy all the lake activities and not the high waterfront taxes. Chalet is on 2 wooded lots for privacy. New metal roof on house & garage. Has a detached garage with 220 power for your hobbies. Has an 8x24 deck. Chalet comes fully furnished. There is an inside sauna for your relaxation. $89,500 #1094258

SUPERIORLAND Stacey Masters, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 202-3312

Historic building, PRIME location in heart of Downtown Marquette. Professional office building, next to city Pocket Park. Public parking ramp directly behind building. Private off street parking also available onsite behind building. Perfect for physicians, attorneys and other professionals. Walking distance to post office, county court house, restaurants and shops. Three floors all with potential rental space. Newly remodeled and painted main floor with 4-7 professional offices, large waiting area, built-ins, coffee bar, conference room, private restroom and two offices can be subdivided easily for more than one tenant on first floor. There are men’s and women’s restrooms on second floor as well. Lower level houses all utilities areas and provides storage space. There are also five 100 sq. ft. studio rentals available on this level that have been rented by artists and for storage. Two new high efficiency boilers were installed in 2004. $399,000 MLS#1097441

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

213 W Water St, Negaunee Friends and Family feel invited right away by the cozy front porch with an accent of cedar siding. Custom chair rail shelves for display and redone original radiators are just some of the updates completed by the current owners. Other updates include new siding, vinyl windows, custom made fiberglass tub, ceramic tile, furnace, new silent close cabinets, and quartz counters. From the second floor you have views of Teal Lake. In 2007 a new detached 22x36 garage and workshop was completed. The old candle workshop was converted to a guest cottage with an 8x12 bedroom and a 12x12 living room. When not relaxing in the comforts of home you can head out to the upper back deck and enjoy the views of Teal Lake. Spend your Fourth of July’s with a backyard BBQ and the fireworks from the comforts of your own private viewing area! $128,000

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

1st Bass Lake

1 M a r q u e tte D r., M q t. E w p g m r

x e c u tiv e in d o w s r iv a te b a r a n ite c o a k e th is o o m , g u e

4 b e fo r p th w u n te y o u s t s u

d ro o m 4 b a n o r a m ic ith d o u b le rto p s , s to n r d re a m k ite , te n n is

a th h o m e o n 4 .2 5 a c r e s w ith h u g e flo v ie w s o f L a k e S u p e r io r. T h e m a s te r s in k s a n d a b e a u tifu lly tile d w a lk in e a c c e n ts , 8 b u rn e r s to v e a n d c u s to m itc h e n ! C u s to m w o o d b e a m s , w a ln u c o u r t a n d m o r e ! (1 1 0 3 1 7 1 ) $ 8 4 9 ,5 0 0

o r to c e ilin s u ite h a s s h o w e r. T h r e fr ig e r a to t flo o r s , r e

g a e c

2070 Gold Mind Aux, Marquette, MI • Custom 3bd, 2ba home. Vaulted ceilings - open floor plan • Approximately 400’ of shoreline • Large one car garage, area for sauna framed in

• Off grid living! Solar panels power the battery bank with top of the line generator! • Most furnishings stay with the home • Approx 20 minutes from MQT. • 34 Acres to explore for hunting or hiking Price - $199,900 MLS - 1103128


C o n ta c t S te v e P e lto

2 2 8 -7 2 5 5

1st Realty

Linda A. Johnson

1 9 0 0 P r e s q u e Is le A v e ., M q t.

259 Southgate Dr., Gwinn


N3894 Hayward Rd., Munising

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

COMING SOON!!! 455 E Ridge St, Marquette

16 Mile Lake, Munising Situated on 13 +/- beautifully wooded acres w/ the Escanaba River flowing through the back of the property. This 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom executive home boasts a spacious entry with two-story ceiling and a wonderful oak staircase. To the left is a wonderful den/ study that also features high ceilings. To the right of the entry, glass French doors lead to the living room & formal dining room. The kitchen features stainless appliances, custom cabinets and a large island. The main level of this home also features a large, bright laundry room & entry area to the 3-car attached garage. The upstairs features a landing that leads to spacious bedrooms. A natural gas fireplace is the focal point of the master bedroom that is just “WOW!” Plus, the master bath features jetted tub, shower and a beautiful vanity. The finished basement features a recreation room, craft room, family room with NG fireplace, wet bar & surround sound. There is also sauna with dressing room, additional bath, non-conforming bedroom & access to the garage. $379,900 MLS#1097682

Breck Tonella 250-7138

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Cottage for Sale on Fish Lake!

Gorgeous 3BR, 3BA home on 16 Mile Lake! This home includes a heated swimming pool, hot tub, large deck, fire pit and 136’ of sandy frontage on 16 Mile Lake! Store all your toys in a 3 car garage to use on ATV and snowmobile trails that are close by. Go ice fishing, snowshoeing and then relax in either the outdoor or indoor sauna for winter fun! Every room in this house takes advantage of the picturesque views. $329,000 #1103320

SUPERIORLAND Stacey Masters, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 202-3312

5849N W Straits Lake Rd., Wetmore

Lakes on Both Sides

1560 E Fish Lake, Champion Extremely well maintained property with 2 bedrooms one bath. Cabin includes some replacement windows, hardwood floors, large living room, kitchen, restroom with shower, sun porch and the previous exposed carport has now been enclosed and turned into a garage. Enjoy the view while sipping your coffee from your 17x20 deck. Or, follow the boardwalk/steps down to the dock. $149,900

Over 200 feet of frontage on Ostrander Lake as well as Straits Lake! Build your year round or seasonal cabin overlooking either lake and have access to the Chain of Lakes (Deep, Skeels, Pike and Straits) Both are all sports lakes with boating, fishing, swimming and recreational areas. Plenty of federal land in the area for hunting, hiking, skiing and snowmobiling. Must See! $65,000 #1104983

SUPERIORLAND Stacey Masters, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 202-3312

Historic East side Victorian Home with 5,465 square feet of exquisite living. Beautiful natural woodwork and hardwood floors throughout. Seven bedrooms and 6 bathrooms on three floors. An indoor lap pool, Detached three car garage. Many updates. Must be seen to be appreciated! Look for Open House in the near future.

The Mining Journal 5D

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Beautiful Two Story Home on Lake George!

1423 Washington St., Munising

Family Home! Great Location!

21540 W Beaufort Lake Rd, Michigamme Year round or vacation home on 127’ of shoreline on Lake George in the resort area of Three Lakes. Lake side of home has upper and lower glassed in sunroom with spectacular views of the peaceful water. This 4 bed, 2 ba. home has many hardwood floors. First floor kitchen/living/bath/laundry with plenty of room for your family & friends. Enjoy the sunset over Lake George from either enclosed porch or from your large outdoor deck. Comes with a dock that is ready to put in the water for summer fun. Detached cedar sauna has separate changing room. Newer 32x40 garage has workshop set up in back and the additional 18x21 steel garage is another separate outbuilding ready to house all the extra stuff. $199,900

Ranch style 3 BR/ 2BA home on Washington Street. One floor living, basement clean and ready for storing or to be finished, master bath, landscaped yard with tons of bulbs planted and a portion of the backyard fenced in. Desirable area close to town and steps away from Lake Superior! $166,000 #1106443

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147 M-35, Negaunee

130’ frontage Petticoat Lake

Your hobby farm awaits! This amazing home is nestled on 27+\- acres with 10 acres of pasture. This sprawling 2400+ sq. ft.(built in 2000) ranch has 5 beds, 4 baths, a large gourmet kitchen & a huge master suite with private wing. Breathtaking living room looks out over the pasture. The lower level boasts a finished rec. room, custom kitchenette, 4th bedroom, utility room & bath w/ sauna! There’s also an attached two-car garage & a main floor laundry w/ large mud room. Outbuildings include a 60x80 pole barn & second barn with electric, a lean to & a shed. To boot, there’s a pond, a stream (in the springtime) & access to Iron Ore Heritage Trail. Other amenities include new (2017) on demand tankless water maker, in floor radiant heat throughout & in garage, underground sprinkler system, highly efficient utilities, Trex decking & Anderson Windows. $450,000 MLS#1100735

21632 Petticoat Lake, Michigamme

Vacant Land on CR 492, Marquette, MI

• Beautifully wooded 17 acre parcel on • Driveway permit through July ‘18 CR 492, perfect spot to develop! • 4x4 posts mark the corners on CR • Easement for Natural Gas, property 492, pins readily visible in the back, extends approximately 500-600’ trees with ribbons marking the E & East of easement W sides. • Confirmed water availability with the • Trails throughout for the Sisters of St. township! Paul Price – $189,900 MLS - 1103343

th is c o m r, B r id a l a lly th e H l s p a c e w

C o n ta c t S te v e P e lto

SUPERIORLAND Stacey Masters, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 202-3312

e s fo r C lip p e s fo rm l re n ta 5 9 ,5 0 0

Enjoy a quite evening around a camp fire and relax to the views and sounds of the lake. 2 bedroom 1 bath camp or year round property. Boating, kayaking, swimming, and fishing….all out your front door. .52 acres with 130’ of frontage on Petticoat Lake. $94,000 MLS: 1107125

1st Realty

Linda A. Johnson REALTOR®, ABR

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

TBD Iron Street

Beautiful, private, peaceful yet right in town with all amenities available and over 6 acres of usable land. Wooded. Township water and sewer are available. Electricity is at the street. It is the perfect sight to build your new home. Close to schools and shopping. $25,000 1095566 MLS

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

80 Drobny Dr., Ishpeming

E4312 AuTrain Trail, AuTrain

Dream home on Lake Superior!! Enjoy the view from this 3BR/2BA home with a view! Features a 3 season’s room, kitchen with high breakfast bar, granite-tiled countertops and in-floor heating. The master has a breath-taking view of the lake. There is a big workshop with the potential to be a bedroom or family room! Follow the path to the lakeshore and enjoy endless summer days. $299,900 #1106631

SUPERIORLAND Stacey Masters, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 202-3312

Are you looking for that true camp feel, but with all the luxuries of home? 23 miles northwest of Marquette and 10 miles north of Ishpeming, you’ll find this beautiful property on the Dead River Basin. Plowed year round, with year round neighbors! Launch a boat easily from the shore or fish right off the end of your dock. Watch eagles, Arctic Tundra Swans, Golden Eyes, Mallards, Merganzers & Loons play and fish on the water. There are spawning beds at this end of the basin and Northern Pike, Small Mouth Bass, Perch & Walleye abound. Take your pontoon down the Basin for the 4th of July fireworks this year! Or as a member of the Dead River Camper’s Association, hunt on the association acreage! Pick raspberries on your own property or ride the four wheel trail up to Red Rd. and pick blueberries. Ice fish right out your back door, or take the Basin to the near by snowmobile trails. $140,000 MLS#1101904

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Residential Lot in Quiet Subdivision

216 S. Main St., Ishpeming

TBD Heather Lane, Marquette, MI 49855

Large commercial/ office building located in the Ishpeming business district! The building offers 5000+ square feet for your offices, business or retail office space. A large waiting & reception area comes complete with 3 professional offices, kitchen/ lounge area, conference room, restroom and IT room along with storage & file rooms. There’s also a full basement with plenty of storage & a brand new boiler installed by Swailes (October 2016). Some offices and rooms have newly installed windows. There’s also new drywall in the rear hallway area. The second floor to the building houses 3 one bedroom apartments, all recently renovated with new windows & coin operated washer and dryer available. All 3 are currently rented out. $112,500 MLS#1098685

One acre lot in Glen Meadows Subdivision, Sands Township. Ideal lot for bi-level home wth walk out basement $24,400 MLS# 1106266

Andi Goriesky 361-4655

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

6D The Mining Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2018

234 Taylor Rd., Gwinn

1832N Cooper, Gulliver

Forget roughing it in a bare bones rustic camp . . . this cottage/retreat is your home away from home! Whether a week-end get-a-way, hunting, or snowmobiling, you’ll be comfortable and cozy fireside while enjoying the surrounding views as numerous windows let the outside in! MLS 1101211

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor (906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

Just 13 miles south of Marquette in Sands Township, you’ll find this beautiful five bedroom, three bath, log style home. Built in 2008, it’s nestled in the woods on over ten acres with attached garage and a separate pole building with its own power! Walk inside to whole log beams, a flag stone fireplace and beautiful tongue and groove ceilings. An open concept features a cook-friendly kitchen. There’s a master bedroom & two other bedrooms on the main floor that share a bathroom. A laundry room sits off the garage on the main floor. On the fully finished lower level, you will find two additional bedrooms with full egress, a huge rec/ family room, gym area and utility room. 200 amp service, multi zone boiler and radon mitigation system are all located in this area of the home. $299,999 MLS#1102863

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

12 N Pearce Street

114 W. Hewitt Ave., Marquette

This is an adorable, clean, and well taken care of home. The home has been updated with newer furnace, plumbing. The living room has a lot of natural lighting. Laundry room on the main floor. Two good size bedrooms with cedar lined closet. A very large garage enough room for two cars and a work space, Plus a very large shed in the back yard. Fenced in yard. New garage door with automatic opener. $55,000 1102497 MLS

This 4925 sq. ft. Victorian Queen Anne Home was built in 1898. With 8 bedrooms & 5 full baths, it has been partitioned off into a 3400 sq. ft. owner’s home with 5 bed/3 baths and 2 apartments. There is a fully renovated kitchen & finished, walkout basement. Original, Victorian details include stained glass windows, friezes, fireplaces, pocket doors & custom built ins. New updates include new roof, hydronic heating w/ every room individually zoned, PEX plumbing, 300 AMP electrical & new wiring, new sewer line, soundproofing & rebuilt front porch. This home is within walking distance to Lake Superior, downtown, NMU, MGH and many restaurants/ breweries. $473,000 MLS#1103077

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

339 Jackson St., Marquette

455 Sorensen

This 3 bed, 2 bath home is convenient to downtown and an easy walk to the beach, Farmer Q’s market, Giant’s Foot Park or Hurley Field. Situated on double lot in South Marquette, this home boasts a private backyard, brand new concrete driveway, new siding, and a 2+ car heated, drive-through garage with workshop (2013). Located at the back of the property is a second garage. Inside, there’s a large, vaulted ceiling mudroom & a large, eat-in kitchen w/ large island. This space was updated in 2012 and works well for entertaining. The convenient main floor laundry and half bath are off the kitchen. At the front of the home, you’ll find a separate dining room w/ built ins and living area. Up the stairs, there are three bedrooms and a huge bath with oversized jetted tub, low threshold shower, vanity and more built ins! The master is large and offers a full walk in closet with window and makeup counter/mirror. $191,000 MLS#1104994

This home has a fenced in yard with a large deck on the front to enjoy the summer days. Garage with a breezeway with plenty of space for boots and coats. New doors and windows. New kitchen cabinets and countertops with breakfast bar. The kitchen is open into the living area. Hardwood floors throughout the living room and bedrooms. Three good sized bedrooms and updated bathroom. A very large spacious back yard. $94,999 1102572 MLS

1783W Quarry Road, Gulliver

Looking for some room to breathe? Over eight acres awaits you . . . just blocks from US Highway 2! The owners of this home have blended the old with the new and expanded the floor plan to over 1400 sf of versatile living space. Rear deck off the master bedroom is ideal for that first cup of coffee and because the rear yard is partially fenced, Fido can join you! MLS 1102726

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor (906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

Escanaba River Frontage

2878 CR 565, Richmond Township, Neg, MI • 1 Floor, 3bd, 1.5 ba • External Sauna • 36x24 Garage

• Over 2 acres, 432 feet of river frontage • 28x14.5 Pole Barn • Great hunting! Price – $189,900 MLS – 1106509

1st Realty

Jennifer Cosco

Linda A. Johnson

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette



W18759 Wild Leek Lane, Germfask

2 7 0 B is h o p W o o d s , M q t B e a u tifu l 5 b e d r o o m h o m e w ith m a n d a v a u lte d 2 s to r y e n tr y w a y . T h p lu s a n a d d itio n a l a r e a fo r a m a in c h e r r y c a b in e ts w ith a s p a c io u s is th e g a r a g e w h ic h c o u ld e a s ily b e w ith a n o p e n s ittin g a r e a . T h e b a s b a th r o o m w ith a s a u n a , s to r a g e , la

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Amazing panorama await you in this one-of-a-kind home. Open and airy floor plan. Great room w/cathedral ceiling. 108 ‘ of Big Manistique Lake waterfront is shaded, has sandy bottom, and allows you to take full advantage of the ever-changing views of Emerald Island. MLS 1105042

C o n ta c t S te v e P e lto

2 2 8 -7 2 5 5

1 9 0 0 P r e s q u e Is le A v e ., M q t.

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor (906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

Ski’s Handy Grocery

100 Kirkpatrick Street, Palmer, MI 49871 Owner’s Retiring! Motivated. Great business opportunity with attached living quarters in good condition offering grocery and convenience items right on M35. Currently featuring beer, wine, hard liquor, tobacco, lottery and grocery items. Real estate, fixtures and equipment included. A 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 2200 square feet, living quarters attached with a beautiful fenced in front yard and nice porch on a corner lot. A separate 2 car commercial garage with attached retail space with endless possibilities. New roof, furnace and hot water heater in 2013. Driveway and parking lot were completely dug up and repaved in 2010. Possible Owner Financing with approved credit. MLS 1105345

The Mining Journal 7D

Thursday, April 26, 2018

3960 N Hayward Rd., Munising

Fantastic 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on very desirable 16 Mile Lake close to Munising. Enjoy the sauna and jump right in the lake! The home was remodeled in 2012 and is like new! See how nice life on the lake can be! $289,000 MLS # 1106444

Petticoat Lake

21526 N. Shore Dr., Michigamme, MI • Fixer !!!! • No public access • 2 bd + loft area, 1 ba • Check out the fishing: http:// • Garage with attached bunk report/mi/Petticoat-Lake • 101’ of Sandy beach frontage, great swimming lake! Price – $134,900 MLS - 1106826

SUPERIORLAND Craig Johnson, Realtor

1st Realty

Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 450-4944

2310 W County Road 565

161 Chippewa Dr., Negaunee

Peaceful serenity. Enjoy the quiet this property has to offer, enjoy the bonfires in the newly redone fire pit. The property is 20 wooded acres. This 3 bedroom 1 bath home was completely updated from flooring, to the Kitchen cabinets. New furnace, new wiring, Drilled well. There is a three car attached garage, one stall is heated along with plenty of space for storage. A beautiful bar to entertain your friends and family. The home comes with a 38 x 48 pole barn. $129,999 1106484 MLS

Luxury awaits in this beautiful custom built (2000) home with private backyard on almost 2 acres. Outside, you’ll find an amazing swing set/ gym, play house & a Trex deck system with hot tub. Inside the main floor boasts soaring ceilings, a spacious entry, a gourmet kitchen, separate formal dining area, main floor laundry, convenient full bath, attached two car garage, office & guest bedroom. Upstairs a master suite, four more large bedrooms & an additional full bath offer plenty of room. The lower level features a huge recreation/family room, a full bath & sauna as well as a utility area with a workshop. $460,000 MLS#1105699

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

Linda A. Johnson REALTOR®, ABR

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

3995N Barr, Manistique

Looking for a place even she will approve? Maintenance free vinyl siding and windows in this 2BR, 1BA cabin on 19.56 gated acres on/near the Haywire Grade ORV Trail. Topography includes many ridges, and ideal area for bear, deer, and grouse hunting. Numerous inland lakes in the region. MLS 1105153

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor (906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Thinking of Selling your Home or Business?

2 3 W h ite O a k D r, M q t T h is s tu n n in g 5 b e d r o o m flo o r in g , r e m o d e le d o p e n c a th e d r a l c e ilin g , flo o r to la r g e w a lk in c lo s e t, c u s to b a r, s a u n a a n d th e lis t g o e

Let a Professional, Experienced, Result Oriented realtor assist you!

4 b a th ro o m c o n c e p t k itc h e c e ilin g fir e p la m b a th ro o m , u s o n ! (1 1 0 6 6 4 3 )

h o n , c e p d $ 5

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s la te ro o m , w ith t, w e t

C o n ta c t S te v e P e lto

2 2 8 -7 2 5 5

1 9 0 0 P r e s q u e Is le A v e ., M q t.

TBD Dukes Rd., Skandia

Spring is coming! It’s a great time to get your land purchased so you can start your build soon. How about 20 acres of buildable land that’s never been logged? Beautiful mix of hardwoods with a small creek running through the back of the property. Plenty of deer and partridge on the property and only a 20 or so minute drive to Marquette. From fresh leeks in the spring to peaceful hikes in the colorful fall or a snowshoe in the winter, you can’t go wrong! $29,900 MLS#1106334

1160N County Road 457, Manistique

Open and airy inside and out this home provides ample space for the growing family, retiree, and/or would-be hobby farmer. Recreational opportunities are endless with nearby trails and inland lakes, and with 56+ acres you can build permanent blinds and incorporate food plots for your own fall harvest! MLS 1105545

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor Andi Goriesky 361-4655

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

(906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

105 Kirkpatrick

Quaint home located in the heart of Palmer. Easy commute to Marquette. Ramped door way. Laundry located on the first floor. Large open living and dining area. Very private enclosed porch along with a front porch for the summer nights. Private back yard with sauna. With a little TLC this home will be quite the gem. $34,999 1106519 MLS

8D The Mining Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2018

106 W Euclid, Ishpeming

30 Edgewood Dr., Marquette

5704N Corner Lake Rd., Wetmore


Motivated Seller’s! Imagine enjoying the panoramic views on the swing of your covered porch or darling sitting room in the Turret of this beautifully renovated historic Victorian Home that sits at the top of Main Street Hill. This 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath with indoor sauna with shower, boasts a large living room, as well as a sitting room with gas fireplace, a large country eat-in kitchen with hickory cabinets, large island, built in desk area, large deck out the back door, a formal dining room, walkout basement which also has a very large family room, office and lots of storage. The gorgeous yellow birch and bird’s eye maple floors have all been refinished. Additional parking in the back. $149,900 MLS 1107151

This 4 bed, 3 bath, 2700+ sq. ft. home is nestled on a corner lot that measures +.5 acres with a private, tree lined backyard. The attached two-car garage conveniently opens into a large entry area, next to the main floor laundry and kitchen. Entering this space, you’ll be struck by the soaring ceilings and the beautiful and warm tongue and groove of the kitchen, dining & living rooms. The kitchen was updated by the current owner and is open to the dining area that looks out through the sliding glass doors onto the large deck with black iron detail. Upstairs, you’ll find the master suite with its own dedicated master bath, two additional bedrooms and the third bathroom. Downstairs there’s a family room, a large fourth bedroom, and an additional rec/ game room! The utility room boasts built in storage for odds and ends plus a boiler, water heater & breaker box. There’s also built in storage in the garage! $245,000 MLS#1106504

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

13635 US 41, Champion

PENDING – Custom quality throughout, this home set on 40 acres of pasture fields and mixed hardwoods is only 19 miles from Marquette. Built in 2007, this home features 4 large bedrooms and 3 full baths. A large living room boasts a wood burning fireplace. There’s also a large office/library area with built-ins and a main floor laundry. Gather in the finished lower level, enjoy the theater room or warm yourself by the fire. Work out in a commercial standard workout room complete with equipment. Relax in the sauna which is attached to another full bathroom. There’s also a dog grooming room with tons of storage space. Outside, storage isn’t an issue in the detached 32’x28‚’ three-car garage. Plus, a barn houses horses with room for six 10’x10’ stalls. $399,000 MLS#1106568

Andi Goriesky 361-4655

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on Corner Lake, which is part of the Chain of Lakes in the heart of the Hiawatha National Forest right off Forest Highway 13. Just remodeled in 2010-2017, the home is like brand-new! Enjoy lakeside living in this great get-away!! $189,900 MLS # 1100001

SUPERIORLAND Craig Johnson, Realtor Office: (906) 387-4530 / Cell: (906) 450-4944

Ranch Home on Corner Lot!

58 Co Rd CKK, Champion 3 bedroom, 2 bath home was completely redone in 2011. Walk into an entry way with plenty of room for welcoming your family and friends. All drywall corners have been finished off with rounded edges in this open concept living. Bathroom on main level has walk-in shower and jetted tub. Utility room on the lower level has plenty of storage space and 2nd option for laundry as when the home was redone they added a utility room in the upper hall closet that holds stackable washer/dryer. Not only does this home have a deck off the front and back it has a 3x10 sunroom, and a 21ft above ground pool. When you are not enjoying your quiet neighborhood from one of your decks, you can take a short walk to the park and Boston Lake that has a public landing and lots of wildlife. $149,500

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Marquette Dairy Queen

3260 W US 41, Marquette, MI 49855 Single story stand alone “Grill and Chill”, franchise, business, equipment, 72 seat capacity building, drive thru on 1.02 acres Class “C and D” (Mix) Fast Food Restaurant, General Business zoned, highly sought after, prime US 41 W commercial corridor in Marquette Township. 44 parking spaces in the Target parking lot, within the newest commercial fast growing, highly visible, expanding development area, directly across from Walmart, just E. of Lowe’s, Menard’s and the new Meijer store (to open early summer). MLS 1106185

23216 Maple Drive, McMillan

Situated on a double corner lot, this executive home is just minutes from three lakes in the resort town of Curtis -and- nearby Newberry. Owners have meticulously maintained and updated this home with quality, high-end, products. Maintenance-free exterior is eye-catching with stacked stone and vinyl shake siding accents. MLS 110555

SUPERIORLAND Cheryl A. Cox, Realtor (906) 387-4530 - Office / (906) 236-3615 - Cell

Just getting started?

171 S. Red Horse Ln., Gwinn

1543 E. Martin Lake Tr., Gwinn

If you’re looking for peace and tranquility on a small inland lake, then have I got the place for you! You won’t find a cleaner or more meticulously maintained cottage than this one right here! Enjoy this 3 bedroom (1 in the loft, the other has no closet) and 1 full bath home. Beautiful views overlook your own beach and peninsula with 300+/- of lake frontage for your swimming, boating or fishing activities. There’s plenty of space, including a 5’ crawlspace and ample room to build a garage. So close to all the snowmobile and ATV trails, with plenty of room to park your toys, this spot is golden! This location is in the middle of everything and so close to Marquette, Gwinn, Skandia or Little Lake. 8X12 storage shed is also included.$119,900 MLS#1106589

Andi Goriesky 361-4655

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Negaunee Buildable Lots! 152 Chippewa Dr, Negaunee $37,900 1.76 acres MLS # 1095851

301 Atlas, Gwinn, MI • Completely updated 4bd, 1ba townhouse • End unit, only one neighbor • Newly updated Bathroom and Kitchen

• Three levels of finished square footage • One car detached garage • Six-foot privacy fence around your park like backyard • Irrigation system Price – $54,900 MLS - 1106883

This is truly a one of a kind, beautifully crated home. The large custom made kitchen was designed to entertain and is laid out to perfection. There is also plenty of seating at the breakfast bar or the high top table. The room also features a free standing, wood burning fireplace and large windows with views surrounding the 9+ acres. Down the hall is where you’ll find 4 bedrooms including the master with 2 closets and a gorgeous remodeled bathroom. The lower level was recently finished as well for another great family room and is a walk-out to the yard. Some other features include 3 out buildings, a wrap around deck, a fenced-in garden, landscaping with perennials and the property is only 20 yards from Shag Lake Public Access! This home really has it all and surely will not disappoint. $258,000 MLS#1106636

1st Realty

Linda A. Johnson REALTOR®, ABR

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

Breck Tonella 250-7138

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

165 M35, Negaunee $17,500 1.52 acres MLS # 1106897 314 North Rd, Negaunee $33,500 2.84 acres MLS # 1106749 For more information or questions please contact Kimme at (906) 362-5226.

The Mining Journal 9D

Thursday, April 26, 2018

27757 US 41, Michigamme


551 Duncan Ave., Ishpeming, MI • 3bd, 1 ba • Full unfinished basement • Updated wiring, carpeting, Finish some space and add painting & window treatment a bath = Equity • NEWLY UPEDATED BATH!!!! • Close to Al-Qaul for year• One car detached garage round family FUN $109,900 MLS 1107307

Dreamed of running a B&B/resort or maybe you’d love a camp or year round home? The Ruth Lake Resort sits on 1.36 acres and boasts 209’ of beautiful sandy beach! Take in views of BOTH Lake Ruth and Lake George! Every building has been updated in the last 10 years. The main house was completely renovated in 2006. Each cabin has laminate floors, knotty pine walls, an air conditioner (in motel only)/ heater wall unit, with 2 full sized beds, kitchenette and .75 bath. There is an on-site laundry facility attached to the motel as well. Rent your quaint cabins by the night, week, or month to snowmobilers, campers, vacationers. There’s also a newly built 44’x36’ heated garage/ workshop. The property includes newer outdoor wood boiler (2014), all log sided and metal roofing (2007), new wiring (2006), 80 ft. deep well, a garden area and much more! $397,800 MLS#1106699

1st Realty

Linda A. Johnson REALTOR®, ABR

906.250.6846 (cell) 225-1136 (office) Each office independently owned and operated.

1295 Woodridge Ave., Marquette

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

Rental Property Potential!!

TBD Old M28 Parcel 2 & 3, Shelter Bay

Lake Superior Property Wausau Home built in 2012 on double lot in popular Trowbridge location is just a short walk to Lion’s Field ball park for those summer games and convenient to Vandenboom Alternative and Marquette Senior High Schools. There is an open concept living room/ dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and an office on the main level along w/ main floor laundry. On the lower level, the drywall, electric and heating ducts have already been put in place for a fully finished basement. Just add drop ceiling and flooring. There is also a half bath on the lower level and an egress window for a third conforming bedroom should you choose. SEMCO budget of $42. Efficient home. Two sheds on the property and plenty of room to build a garage on the 120 by 135 lot. Patio with fire pit in the backyard. $190,000 MLS#1107113

Jennifer Cosco 250-5548

1901 W. Ridge, Suite 9, Marquette

N7840 Ridge Rd., Munising

N7601 Arbutus, Autrain Are you an investor? Looking to start a rental portfolio? This property with views of Lake Superior may be the perfect place for you. Whether you want to make this property a vacation rental, boat/sport/RV rental hub, or the commercial property of your dreams you are all set. Formerly home to the popular Wagener’s Deli, this property has been completely renovated and is ready for you! $ 200,000 MLS: 1105349

Two beautifully wooded surveyed parcels with 349363 feet of frontage on Lake Superior. Your new home or vacation get-a-way would have a perfect setting overlooking the Great Lakes. This property is conveniently located between Munising and Marquette. $89,000/$91,000 #1093683-85

SUPERIORLAND Amy Schieding, Broker / Owner (906) 387-4530 / (906) 202-0340 Cell

250’ on Pelissier Lake

Breathtaking View ONE OF KIND VIEW OF LAKE SUPERIOR! 3-4 BR home with attached garage sitting high on a 19 acre parcel with a beautiful view of Lake Superior and Grand Island. This 2,719 SF home is perfect for family and friends to gather. Store all your “toys” in the insulated stick built out building that has power and heat with an additional older shed & small stone building. It is zoned commercial with lots of room. Additional acreage available. $343,000 #1095899

SUPERIORLAND Amy Schieding, Broker / Owner (906) 387-4530 / (906) 202-0340 Cell

Lot B Pelissier Lake Rd., Marquette Beautifully wooded property has over 5 acres and close to 250’ of Pelissier Lake frontage. Unique building site is perfect for a walkout basement and the right elevation for your home to have amazing views of the lake and all the wildlife that call it home. $ 97,500 MLS: 1104271

10D The Mining Journal

Thursday, April 26, 2018




Land Brokers

Immaculate and move-in ready home with 180 ft of frontage on Farmer’s Lake

Log home set on the banks of the Laughing Whitefish River with 54 private acres in Alger County on Deerton Road

N8969 Deerton Road, Deerton $399,900 MLS#: 1107297 ROB SULLIVAN

2011 County Road 456, Little Lake $339,900 MLS#: 1107316 BRIAN OLSON

Here’s a rare opportunity to own over 300 ft of frontage on Copper Harbor

Beautiful lakefront parcel with yearround access and 266 ft of frontage on Lake Michigamme

Parcel 2, Brass Road, Michigamme $135,000 MLS#: 1107353 BOB SULLIVAN

TBD Woodland Drive, Copper Harbor $190,000 MLS#: 1107351 BOB SULLIVAN


86 Acres, Thomas Lake, Michigamme $289,000 MLS#: 1104317 BOB SULLIVAN

North 40, Nelligan Lake Road, Michigamme $87,500 MLS#: 1104318 BOB SULLIVAN

40 Acres, Grant Lake Road, Republic $29,900 MLS#: 1101165 BOB SULLIVAN


Twenty-four acres of peaceful land with thousands of acres of Hiawatha National Forest bordering the west side of the property

Bright and cheerful home, great landscaping, and centrally located between Gwinn and Skandia

113 Acres with frontage on Lost Creek

Waterfront home with 225 acres and over 3,000 feet of frontage on walleye-filled Clear Lake.

Three bedroom home in South Republic with many updates

Motivated Seller! Great family home

Year round access on a private Estate-type property with approximately 700’ of frontage on Fish Lake.

Sweet little cottage located on the shores of beautiful Squaw Lake in Marquette County

E6599 Crossover Road, Munising $149,900 MLS#: 1093614 SUE FELDHAUSER

380 Hemlock Street, Republic $53,000 MLS#: 1104935 NATHAN BRABON

Love the Land!

1652 Engman Lake Road, Skandia $119,900 MLS#: 1100104 BRIAN OLSON

635 E McLeod Avenue, Ironwood $159,900 MLS#: 1101544 SUE FELDHAUSER

Bob Sullivan

Associate Broker/ Owner Cell: 906-361-4212

Rob Sullivan

Associate Broker, Office Manager Cell: 906-362-3337

N2025 Co Rd 510, Marquette $158,500 MLS#: 1106073 NATHAN BRABON

3557 Co Rd FFB, Champion $445,000 MLS#: 1102975 NATHAN BRABON

Brian Olson

Associate Broker Cell: 906-869-6446

Nathan Brabon Agent Cell: 906-869-8451

2384 W Co Rd 432, Gulliver $699,500 MLS#: 1089456 BOB SULLIVAN

7202 Elm Road, Republic $150,000 MLS#: 1106336 BOB SULLIVAN

Sue Feldhauser Agent Cell: 906-360-2891

Charles Drury Agent Cell: 906-235-3198

Toll-free 1-866-231-LAND • • 2552• 2552 USUS 4141West, Marquette 906-225-LAND (5263) • • West, Marquette

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