The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30 — 9B
PAGE 10B M.D. from MD to MI New Chief nursing officer
PAGE 11B Raising health awareness
PAGE 12B Highest honor
PAGE 13B Top left, the 2015 Bike Rodeo was held at the Marquette Commons June 26. The event was hosted by Kohl!s Cares, U.P. Health System Marquette Trauma Department, UPHSM Pediatric Specialists, Marquette Downtown Development Authority, Lundin Mining Corporation, Jilbert Dairy, McDonalds, Upper Peninsula Children!s Museum, YMCA, Marquette Police Department, Lakeshore Bike, and the Range Area Mountain Bike Association. (Courtesy photo) Top right, Haley Provost, 2, of Marquette, takes her turn riding over a wood plank. Left, Don Fassbender of Marquette, at right, lends a hand to his daughter, Nina, 6, as she takes a turn riding on wooden planks. (Journal photos by Justin Marietti)
Outstanding achievement Benefit to OB/GYN team Award winning
Riding Safety Marquette, Kohl’s host bike safety event By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer MARQUETTE — UP Health System – Marquette!s Trauma Department, in conjunction with Kohl!s Department Stores, hosted the Kohl!s Cares Heads U.P. on Safety event on June 26 at Marquette Commons on South Third Street. This free event featured handson learning and valuable information for families on bike safety. The first 250 children, ages 13 and under, received a bike helmet after attending a safety program presentation. Children were required to be present for the entire safety program in order to receive a free helmet. Kohl!s made a donation to Superior Health Foundation and Marquette!s Trauma Department of $23,048. The money is used to support Heads U.P. on Safety events that are held each summer and fall. At these events, children and youth learn proper helmet safety for biking and snow sports, while having the opportunity to receive a free helmet. Since 2004, Kohl!s has donated more than $219,000 to UP Health System Marquette. Kohl's commitment to" UP Health System Marquette is
made possible through the Kohl's Cares" cause merchandise program. Through this initiative, Kohl!s sells"$5 books and plush toys, where 100 percent of net profit benefits children!s health and education programs nationwide, including hospital partnerships like this one. Kohl's has raised more than $274 million through this merchandise program. In addition to the merchandise program, Kohl's Cares"features the Kohl's Cares" Scholarship Program, which last year recognized more than 2,500 young volunteers with more than $400,000 in scholarships and prizes."Through the Kohl!s Associates in Action volunteer program,"more than"834,000"associates"have donated"more than"3.2 million hours of their time since 2001, and Kohl!s has donated"more than"$79"million"to youth-focused nonprofit organizations." Kohl!s also offers fundraising gift cards for schools and youth-serving organizations. For more information, visit" Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
10B -— The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30
M.D. from MD to MI McShane named UP Health System – Marquette Critical Care Medical Director
By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer MARQUETTE — Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician Pamela McShane, M.D., joined UP Health System-Marquette in September as Critical Care Program medical director. Most recently, McShane was a clinical pulmonologist with the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Branch of the National Heart and Lung Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. She previously served as an assistant professor of medicine, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care, at the University of Chicago. “As medical director, Dr. McShane will lead an intensivist-managed critical care service and drive leading practice through mentorship, protocols, procedures, and processes,” said Marquette Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tom Noren in a press release. “A state-of-the-art intensive care unit is essential to a tertiary center and Dr. McShane will take our already excellent ICU unit to even greater heights.” McShane completed medical school at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine. She went on to complete a residency in internal medicine at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, Northwestern University. Her Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship was completed at the Universi-
PAMELA McSHANE ty of Chicago. In addition, McShane served four years of active duty as a critical care physician in the U.S. Air Force. She was deployed to Iraq in 2004 and 2006, with the U.S. Air Force 407th Expeditional Medical Group and the 332nd Expeditional Medical Group, respectively. “I!m excited about the challenge of leading the inpatient Critical Care Program forward at UP Health System – Mar-
quette,” McShane said in a press release. “Our goal is to provide the highest quality and most compassionate care to our ICU patients.” McShane came to the U.P. with her husband, Dr. Michael Frank, who recently joined UP Health System as Heart Surgery Program medical director. Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
New Chief Nursing Officer McGovern named CNO at Bell By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer ISHPEMING – In June, Sandra McGovern, DNP, RN, joined the team of caregivers at UP Health System – Bell as Chief Nursing Officer. As a member of the executive team, Sandra oversees all nursing and quality aspects at UPHS – Bell. Prior to coming to Bell, Sandra served since 2010 as clinical director of Inpatient Behavior Health Services at UP Health System – Marquette. “I!m thrilled with this amazing opportunity to bring my skills and experience to Bell,” said McGovern in a press release. “As we continue to fulfill our mission to the residents of western Marquette County, I am committed to maintaining the high standards Bell is so well known for throughout the entire Upper Peninsula.” Sandra!s achievements include a Doctorate in Systems Leadership from Rush University (Chicago); a Masters of Science in Nursing (Nurse Educator) from Saint Francis Col-
lege of Nursing (Peoria, Illinois); she wrote the Suicide Prevention Strategy for Marquette County, and she also has 12 years experience in nursing management. In a press release, UPHS – Bell CEO Mitch Leckelt said Sandra will be a great asset to the Bell team. “We couldn!t ask for a stronger chief nursing officer than Sandra,” Leckelt said. “Her combination of nursing management experience and love of the U.P. is a perfect fit.” In addition to serving several years as a nurse manager at UPHS – Marquette, Sandra previously served as director of nursing at Norlite Nursing Center in Marquette. Prior to coming to the U.P. in 2006, Sandra worked in Illinois, first as a medical surgical nurse and later as an occupational health nurse. Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30 — 11B
Raising health awareness
Women’s Health Expo held at Bell
By ELIZABETH BAILEY Journal Staff Writer MARQUETTE — In May, women from across the Upper Peninsula gathered for the annual Bell Women!s Health Expo at UP Health System - Bell in Ishpeming. “This is our seventh annual Women!s Expo, and it draws community-wide attention while focusing on the health needs of the women in our community,” said Mitch Leckelt, chief executive officer at UPHS - Bell. The expo!s main concern is raising health awareness mixed with a morning of pampering for good measure. “Everything that we do here at the Women!s Expo is tailored to women, whether that!s mental health, physical health or activities to get you outdoors and things like that, it!s really all about women!s health, period,” Leckelt said. “It!s a good thing to be reminded of every day, that our health is important,” said Julie
Top photo, Rosemarie Strom, left, instructor at Main Street School of Cosmetology in Ishpeming, files Blanch Brown's nails down at the manicure station during the Women's Health Expo May 16 at the Upper Peninsula Health System-Bell. Top middle, Cindy Silva, left, of Great Lakes Gems assists Janis LaFreniere, middle, and Pam Hansen, far right create jewelry at the expo. Bottom photo, from left, Chelsey Connors and Allyssa VanHorn sniff a sample from Briana Ormson of Hanna!s Tea Time. At top right, Shawna Gleason is seen during her presentation “Family medicine overall approach to mental illness.” Bottom right, the Women's Health Expo sign located at the entrance to UPHS-Bell in Ishpeming. The expo offered health screenings, presentations by physicians, various vendor booths and pampering of all kinds. (Journal photos by Elizabeth Bailey)
Solka, a member of the Women!s Health Expo team. “This is kind of a jump start for that.” According to expo officials, this year there were 235 preregistered women with about 400 women expected to attend the event. In addition to physician presentations on a variety of topics, there were health screenings, massages and manicures, as well as vendors offering everything from herbal teas to jewelry. Keynote speaker Dr. Shawna Gleason spoke about the importance of mental health in overall health. She touched on the various factors that cause mental illness, mentioning environmental stressors, genetics, physical health/medical condition, history of trauma, prior mental illness and history of abuse. Elizabeth Bailey can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 243. Her email address is
12B — The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30
Highest honor
Recipients of The Mercy Award named at local hospitals
By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer MARQUETTE — It was announced in May that UP Health System was the winner of the 2015 Mercy Award at each of its three Upper Peninsula Hospitals. The Mercy Award recognizes one employee from each of LifePoint Health!s more than 60 hospitals, including UPHS – Marquette and UPHS - Bell, who profoundly touch the lives of others and best represent the spirit and values on which the company was founded. UP Health System operates three hospitals and several clinics in the region, including UPHS – Marquette, UPHS – Bell and UPHS –
Portage. The UPHS – Bell Mercy Award winner is David Poirier, pharmacist. The UPHS – Marquette Mercy Award winner is Amy Harju, senior system analyst, Information Technology Department. At UPHS – Portage, the Mercy Award winner is Brian Laakonen, pharmacy courier. The Mercy Award program is an annual recognition that was established in 2002 to honor the life of Scott Mercy, LifePoint (the hospitals! parent company) founding chairman and CEO. The Mercy Award is considered the highest honor a LifePoint employee can receive. In a press release,
UPHS – Bell CEO Mitch Leckelt said of Poirier, “Many people know Dave as the friendly pharmacist at Bell Hospital who always takes the extra time to ensure patients are both informed and comfortable with their prescribed medications. But Dave has also been involved in many volunteer activities within Marquette County, including more than 30 years with Cancer Care of Marquette County. Dave!s donation of countless hours of his personal time to help cancer patients has impacted many families in the community.” Harju is also being recognized for her work both at the hospital and in the community.
“Amy recognizes the team!s role in the total patient experience and ensures that the patient is at the center of all they do each and every day,” Ed Banos, former UPHS – Marquette CEO, explained in a press release. “However, her commitment to service goes far beyond her job at our hospital. As a kidney transplant recipient, she understands and has responded to the needs of those in our community who need an organ transplant. She dedicates much of her time to a foundation that she established to support organ transplant patients and help defer costs associated with travel and testing.”
UP Health System – Portage CEO Jeff Lang cited Laakonen!s close bond with homebound patients as one reason why he was named that hospital!s Mercy Award winner. “Brian supplies an essential service to our community, delivering prescription medications,” Lang said in a press release. “The patients Brian sees everyday are homebound and go days without seeing anyone. Brian!s smiling face and genuine care for everybody makes him a sight for sore eyes. The patients often call the pharmacy just to say how wonderful Brian is.” “At UP Health System, we share LifePoint!s
commitment to making communities healthier, and we recognize that this is supported by the good work and service of our employees on and off the job,” UP Health System Market President Jim Bogan said in a press release. “We are extremely proud to recognize Dave, Amy and Brian on behalf of our patients and our community. They all go above and beyond to ensure that every person they encounter is treated with the highest level of care and compassion.”
Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-2282500, ext. 245. His email address is
Mercy Award winners
Kurt Olson, M.D. Executive Director
Mark Olson, M.D.
Dr. Christine Krueger, M.D.
Christy Garnsey, CNP
Dave Locknane, PA-C
Jill Magel, PA-C
Welcome to the Family.
The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30 — 13B
Outstanding achievement
Bell ranked among highest in nation
By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer ISHPEMING – It was announced in April that UP Health System – Bell in Ishpeming was on the short list of “Five Star” facilities in the nation by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. According to a CMS press statement release, “ … For the first time (CMS) introduced star ratings on Hospital Compare, the agency!s public information website, to make it easier for consumers to choose a hospital and understand the quality of care they deliver. Today!s announcement builds on a larger effort across HHS to build a health care system that delivers better care, spends health care dollars more wisely, and results in healthier people.”" Only 7 percent, or 251 hospitals in the U.S., received the highest possible Five Star rating. UPHS – Bell CEO Mitch Leckelt said, “Everyone at Bell and the entire western Marquette County community can take pride in the Five Star rating recognition by CMS. It!s humbling to be ranked among
the best in the nation in terms of consistently delivering quality care in such a compassionate setting. It is a tribute to our Medical Staff, Advisory Board of Directors and every Bell employee. And it assures the patients we serve that what we call the #Bell experience! is built upon a century of unwavering commitment.” According to the CMS press statement, “The Hospital Compare star ratings relate to patients! experience of care at almost 3,500 Medicare-certified acute care hospitals. The ratings are based on data from the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey measures that are included in Hospital Compare.” CMS reported that HCAHPS has been in place since 2006, measuring patient ratings of hospital care. Key categories of care include: • How well nurses and doctors communicated with patients • How responsive hospital staff was to patient needs •"How clean and quiet hospital environments were • How well patients were prepared for post-hospital settings UPHS – Bell Chief Medical
Officer Dr. Doug LaBelle pointed out that the hospital has been ranked among the top hospitals nationwide for patient satisfaction, consecutively, for several years. “The internal culture at Bell is reflective of our community as a whole,” LaBelle said in a press release. “We care for our neighbors like family. That spirit is engrained at Bell.” According to the CMS press statement, “The patient experience Star Ratings will make it easier for consumers to use the information on the Hospital Compare website and spotlight excellence in health care quality,” said Dr. Patrick Conway, Acting Principal Deputy Administrator for CMS and Deputy Administrator for Innovation and Quality. “These star ratings also encourage hospitals and clinicians to strive to continuously improve the patient experience and quality of care delivered to all patients.” For more information about the HCAHPS Survey go to Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
A boost to OB/GYN team
Dowdy joins UPHS - Bell Women’s Care By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer ISHPEMING – Dr. Joe-La Dowdy joined the OB/GYN medical staff at UP Health System – Bell in mid-August. “Dr. Dowdy!s joining our Bell Women!s Care clinic is a great benefit to our already strong OB/GYN team of caregivers,” UPHS – Bell CEO Mitch Leckelt said in a press release. “We are especially proud of our #Bell Babies! birthing suites and reputation for providing quality overall women!s medical care. Dr. Dowdy will no doubt even further enhance the #Bell experience! that western Marquette County residents know they can count on.” From 2011 until accepting her new position at Bell, Dowdy has served as a clinical professor at the Central Michigan University College of Medicine. From 2008 to 2011 she served as an OB/GYN physician on the medical staff at St. Joseph Women!s Center in downstate Tawas.
Mitch Leckelt
Her medical education includes an Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency at Synergy Medical Education Alliance in Saginaw; Doctor of Osteopathy, 2004, from Lake Erie College in Erie, Pennsylvania; and a Bachelor!s of Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1998. “I am excited by both the beautiful Bell facility and the opportunity to care for the women of the Upper Peninsula,” Dowdy said in a press release. “I am looking forward to fitting in to the U.P. community and getting to know the patients I!ll be treating.” Dowdy joins Dr. Kelly Menge and Dr. Kimberly Baker at UPHS-Bell Women!s Care. To learn more about UPHS – Bell Women!s Care, visit or call 4852665. Justin Marietti can be reached at 906-228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
Award winning
UP Health System - Marquette named recipient of the Award of Hope
By JUSTIN MARIETTI Journal Staff Writer MARQUETTE — In April 2015, UP Health System - Marquette was named recipient of the University of Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Donation Award of Hope. The Award of Hope recognizes the comprehensive work of hospitals that achieve or exceed “true conversion rate” goals for organ donation. True conversion rates measures the percent of medically eligible donors that become actual organ donors and is reflective of a hospital!s commitment to maximizing that amazing gift.
The goals achieved are the cornerstones to saving lives through organ donation and transplantation. UPHS – Marquette is one of only 10 hospitals to receive this award for 2014. To honor the hospital!s achievement, University of Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Donation also hosted a celebration on May 16 at the Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells, Wis., where the award was presented. Justin Marietti can be reached at 906228-2500, ext. 245. His email address is
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14B — The Mining Journal, Wednesday, March 30