SCOT DE BRUYN W H E T H E R I T ’ S G U I D I N G FO R SA L M O N O N T H E Å R ØY I N N O RWAY O R P U T T I N G C L I E N TS I N TO F I S H O N T H E F L ATS O F T H E S E YC H E L L ES , A F T E R 1 6 Y E A R S I N T H E GA M E S C O T D E B R U Y N ( @ CA RT E L _ F LY F I S H I N G ) H AS S E E N I T A L L . W E CAU G H T U P W I T H H I M FO R A R A P I D - F I R E H I G H 5 S . Photos. Scot de Bruyn Archive
5 best things about where you guide? 1. Undoubtedly the food at our Årøy River lodge in Norway is the best by far. Thanks Knut! 2. The clients I have met on location who have become good friends. 3. My guide teams in the Seychelles from both FlyCastaway and Alphonse Fishing Co. You know who you are. 4. The knowledge I have acquired over the past 16 years at different destinations (you can’t buy that online). 5. And lastly, the amazing scenery I get to take for granted on a daily basis. 5 fishing-connected items you don’t leave home without before making a mission? 1. Top of the list would be my Costa sunnies. I can’t work without a great pair of polarised shades. 2. My @axisgo X housing for my iPhone. Amazing for underwater images. 3. Blue Steel Sports Anti-chafe Cream. Life saver! 4. Bovril spread for those early morning breakfasts. 5. And, as always, a good old bottle of Havana Club. 5 bands to listen to while on a road trip? 1. The Black keys 2. ODESZA 2. Kygo 4. Hippie Sabotage 5. PNAU 5 things you are loving right now 1. Spending time at home with my wife, Sherrilee, and son, Reef. 2. Not getting sunburnt on the flats. 3. Watching the Monster Energy Supercross season kicking off. 4. Generous clients who have helped my family financially during Covid. Thank you guys. We will forever be in your debt. 5. My forever youthful looks, as my wife should have left me by now after the shit show of a year I have had.
5 indispensable flies for saltwater? 1. Wayne Hasselau’s Pillow talk. 2. James Christmas/Alec Gerbec’s original Flexo Crab. 3. Sempers, great for geets/poons and my pocket. 4. Alec Gerbec’s WMD triggerfish fly. 5. My secret weapon - The OJ Simpson (convict surgeon pattern for GTs). 5 indispensable flies for freshwater? 1. Can’t go wrong with a good dragon pattern. 2. Elk wing caddis. 3. GRHE. 4. Sex dungeon. 5. Rhuan Human’s foam frog (deadly for fall trout). 5 favourite fly fishing destinations across South Africa/ Africa? 1. My home river in South Africa, the Mooi River, Natal. 2. Lower Bushman’s for KZN Yellowfish (scaly). 3. Lesotho DIY missions. 4. Orange River, Kalahari Outventures conservancy. 5. Swartberg, for stillwater trout. 5 favourite fly fishing destinations globally? 1. Cosmoledo in Seychelles. 2. The Delger River in Mongolia. 3. St Brandons off Mauritius. 4. The Alta River in Northern Norway. 5. Gabon for tarpon (holy F#$%). 5 flies to pack (in the smuggler kit under your driver’s seat) to cover most species? 1. Clouser Minnow. 2. Wooly bugger. 3. Parachute Adams. 4. Sunray Shadow. 5. Red Francis.
W W W. T H E M I S S I O N F LY M A G . C O M