7 minute read
Photos. Craig Richardson
What was your first experience of the salmonfly hatch like?
My first salmonfly experience was on the south fork of the Snake River in Idaho. A WorldCast guide and friend of mine, Zack Barrett, took me out. The flow was higher than anything I had ever seen. Growing up fishing the Vaal River a lot and seeing it in full flood, this river looked higher and faster than anything I had ever seen there. Zack picked out this gigantic #6 foam thing called a Water Walker and told me to get it as close to the bank as possible. After a few casts a trout that looks like an average Smalblaar trout came up and ate it. I was blown away! Zack rowed to me to a bank and told me to walk through the grass and I’d find some salmonflies. I wasn’t expecting to see so many in the grass but they were everywhere. Picture a fly, the length of your pinky finger that every trout wants to eat.
Er...why is it called a salmon fly? Is it safe to assume that salmon chow them too or is there something else to it?
I’m not sure why they’re called salmonflies. I’ve asked everyone I know and no one has given me an answer. Spending their entire life in fresh water, salmon won’t go out of their way to eat them but I’m sure a few have over the years. Maybe it’s because the body is salmon pink/orange?
What are the best months for the salmonfly hatch? How long does it last?
It all depends on the area you are in. They need the water temperature to reach 54 degrees Fahrenheit which is 12.22 degrees Celsius. In south east Idaho it normally comes middle to late May for the Henry’s Fork and late June to early July on the South fork. They can run anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on how steady the flow of the river is. Big fluctuations will mean the majority get washed away before they can breed. They live for two to four years, so if you have a bad year with bugs getting washed away, chances are the hatch will suck in three years’ time.
Which rivers do you fish when the hatch is on? Do they appear in several states? Where should we rush to when it’s on?
I picked Idaho because of the diverse rivers and massive amounts of public access. So, I would also say Idaho. I fish the Henry’s Fork (the north fork of the Snake River) and the south fork for both the hatches because they happen over different dates. I’m spoilt because I can get up to a month of salmonfly fishing, whereas in other states you’ll be restricted to a week on one river system. Salmonflies are found throughout the west but they are very specific about the type of water and temperatures they can survive and thrive in.
There are constant reports worldwide of how insect populations are plummeting due to pollution, pesticides etc (eg. more than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered). Any idea what the status of the salmonfly is? Are the hatches as good as ever or do resident old-timers see a difference between today’s hatches and those of a few decades back?
Some say it’s better than ever and some say it’s worse. The Henry’s Fork Foundation (henrysfork.org) is doing some incredible work documenting everything from flows and snow pack to the density of bugs in each section. Because of their work we have a much better understanding of what needs to happen to improve the bug life which has proved itself with their recent bug report. Salmonflies like water temperatures that don’t fluctuate too much. So water that doesn’t get too hot or too cold through the year makes the difference. A lot of the best salmonfly rivers are tail waters so the water is controlled by a dam.
And the fish? Are we talking predominantly browns? What else is smashing them?
It’s a mix of browns, rainbows and cutthroat. They all love salmonflies equally. It depends on the river and structure you’re fishing more than anything. Every fish in the rivers wants in on the action, whether it is nymphs or the adults.
In terms of the fishing, how different is the action to say a BWO (Bluewing Olive) or Green Drake hatch? Do the fish respond differently? The flies look like hoppers, which trout in SA annihilate. Do salmonfly get the same treatment or a gentle sip?
The fish tend to be tighter to the banks or any structure because salmonflies crawl to the bank and hatch on dry land. The fish will often be willing to chase the fly down if you skate it with some twitching. Some of the tails are super aggressive but some are calm and really slow. The bigger fish seem to eat the fly slowly with confidence while smaller fish tend to cause a massive splash.
What’s the general approach during the hatch? Is it easy fishing? How difficult is it for clients to mess it up?
Get the fly as close as you can to the bank or structure, wiggle the fly a bit and then let it drift. Salmonflies are terrible at flying and spend an awful amount of time running on the water. Make your fly look like that and you’ll get them. The fishing can be easy if the fish haven’t gorged themselves on naturals. If they have, it’s going to be tough. It’s really easy to fuck up. Overhanging willows have claimed more than a few flies during the hatch. Setting too quickly is another issue. You have to let them eat it before you can set the hook. Sometimes it’ll take them a few tries to get the giant fly in their mouth. Pay attention to your fly and you catch more fish.
Are you floating or wading?
Mostly floating. If we find a fish feeding on a bank we will anchor up and try to get it on foot, but the majority of the time you’re on the boat. The water is higher because of snow melt so sometimes wading isn’t an option.
What’s your ideal set-up?
A 9-foot, 6-weight with a floating line and an 8-foot TroutHunter 2x leader. Tie the fly straight to the leader with an Improved Homer Rhode knot and you’ll get your fly back almost every time.
In SA, a #10 is considered a pretty big dry fly. What sort of size are we talking for salmonfly patterns?
Anywhere from a #4 to #8. I’ve caught fish here on flies that guys fish on the Breede River for leeries. Most South Africans don’t even own a Wooly Bugger that is as big as the dries the guys tie here.
Do you fish salmonfly dries and nymphs or is it dry fly all the way?
Yes, I do. The Pat’s Rubber Legs is pretty much the only stonefly nymph I fish. I like a burnt orange or black one in #4 or #6. My favourite salmonfly dry is the G’s Supafly in #6 or a rusty body Water Walker in #6.
Lastly, what do salmonflies taste like? As the Yeti, by now you must have had one fly in your mouth.
They taste like crickets, but a bit more bitter. Not bad though. I’ve eaten worse things in the Seychelles!
When he’s not guiding in Idaho, Craig Richardson is FlyCastaway Head Guide on St Brandons Atoll, a guide at Como Maalifushi, Maldives and a WorldCast Anglers Guide. Follow him on Instagram - @craigrichardson123