CHUM U S A N D U K F LY F I S H I N G C O M E D I A N S , N E W S T I L LWAT E R S , A P O D CA S T, A B O O K , F LY T Y I N G E V E N T S , N E W C L O B B E R , P R O D U C T S A N D YO U R F LY F I S H I N G H O R O S C O P E .
FOLLOW… …Amie Battams. Lurking in the chalk streams of the UK is a shitload of fly fishing comedy in the form of hilarious, pottymouthed Londoner Amie Battams. Follow her on Instagram: @amie.flyfish, YouTube or Twitter: @BattamsAmie. Home waters? When I am not getting the train out of London I get to fish on my home stretch of the river Wandle. I’m secretary of the Wandle Piscators fishing club (wandlepiscators. net), we look after the river, championing conservation of its wildlife whilst engaging with the local youth. We’ve set out a 5-year plan to train up a few local anglers to a level 2 qualification for coaching (myself included) to provide free lessons and competitions for local kids in the area. It’s important to give back when you can, as much as I love fishing it doesn’t belong to me so I’m making efforts to share my passion and make it sustainable for future generations to come. What do you usually target? I catch everything and anything I can on the fly I’ve had chub, barbell, gudgeon, roach, trout and pike, and will set out to catch as many different species as possible! Can you imagine when I started fly fishing nearly two years ago I didn’t even know what a trout was! Fly fishing pet hate? There is nothing I hate! Even when I get caught in trees or get stung by nettles, I’m living! For me that is the most important thing after wasting much of my youth on drugs
and alcohol I tend to savour every dose of real life I possibly can. I knew my life had changed forever the moment I caught a jack on my first hand-tied pike fly. It was a true sensory overload - the birds were chirping amongst the sound of rippling water, and the smell of the dog shit I slid in whilst netting the pike was at a strength unbeknown to science! That’s living. Shameless product punt? My Greys GR80 8-foot 4-weight Streamflex works a dream on smaller rivers with overgrown trees and vegetation. My favourite reel to partner it with would be a Greys Fin 5/6. For pike fishing it’s the GR80 SALT 9-ft 9-weight partnered with a 9/10 Tail reel. It works an absolute treat. Gay representation in mainstream fishing media? I do not see anyone flying the flag! No company! No manufacturer! No one! So I’ll fly it myself until my arms fall off, for one simple reason... Visibility! To see yourself in something is to have it as an option. I hope that one day when hashtagging the word lesbian it won’t just come up with erotic or over-sexualised images/videos of women as this is not truly representative of the culture. I’d like to see positive representation but to do that you have to put yourself out there so here I am. Happy Pride Everyone! Complete the following sentence - If Izak Walton were alive today, he would... DM me wanting my tuppence but I would have to tell him I was a massive lesbian. He wouldn’t mind, Izak would have plenty tuppence on standby.
W W W. T H E M I S S I O N F LY M A G . C O M