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Additional Contributors
We would like to acknowledge an error made on the part of our editorial staff on pages 16-17 in the “Insight: Poetry, History, and Ecocriticism” spread in the Spring 2023 Renaissance Edition.
The three lovely poets featured in this spread are not accredited as contributors in the back of the publication, nor were their biographies included. We would like to apologize for and acknowledge our mistake and take some time, now, to share more with you about these talented poets. Furthermore, the poem “Stone Circle” by Catherine Young was published first in her collection, Geosmin © 2022 Water’s Edge Press. We are grateful to Catherine for sharing her poem with us and excited to publish the work of all these talented poets in collaboration with the Friends of Lakeshore Nature Preserve.
Amanjot Kaur is a UW-Madison freshman majoring in Political Science and Legal Studies. She has been writing poetry for over five years, and many of her poems surround her passion for the environment and her vision for a sustainable, equitable future. Her poem, “dreamer’s dilemma”, focuses on the conflicting emotions she and many other students feel when engaging in activism. The poem displays that as overwhelming as the goals may seem, remembering their motivations and values can push students to continue fighting for the future they believe in.
Catherine Young is author of the ecopoetry collection Geosmin and the memoir of place Black Diamond Forthcoming from Torrey House Press. Her writing is published in literary anthologies and journals nationally and internationally and has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and Best American Essays. Catherine’s background includes work in environmental science and geography. Rooted in farm life, Catherine lives with her family in the Driftless bioregion of Wisconsin. For more visit http://www. catherineyoungwriter.com/
Paul Noeldner is a poet and volunteer Madison FUN Coordinator who enjoys sharing poetry with family and friends.