Women's Month is a time to celebrate and honor the achievements, and contributions of women throughout history. It is a reminder of the progress made towards gender equality and the ongoing work needed to empower women in all aspects of life For me, Women's Month is a time to reflect on the strength, resilience, and wisdom of women who have paved the way for future generations It is a time to celebrate the variety and uniqueness of women's experiences and to advocate for their rights and opportunities. Women's Month serves as a reminder to continue supporting and uplifting women in their personal and professional endeavors.
What inspired you to pursue your career path, and how did you end up on Netflix’s Selling The OC?
Honestly, I was sick and tired of hearing how much “potential” I had and it not being reflected in my bank account. It was 2016 and I finally realized I needed a big girl job! I’ve always had a passion for beautiful homes and the ability to be in control of my own business so real estate seemed like a natural path. After several years in the industry, I received a DM on Instagram from a producer asking if I was interested in interviewing for Selling The OC and the rest is history!
As an accomplished woman in your field, what advice do you have for young women aspiring to break into the industry?
75% of real estate agents leave the industry within their first year, according to N.A.R., but with some patience and a whole lot of hustle, it’s possible to build your place in this business. My top tip would be to find a good mentor to show you the ropes.
What role has resilience played in your journey, and how do you cultivate it in your daily life?
I’m no stranger to adversity and hardships. I mean, I haven’t been sober since 2012 because life was rainbows and butterflies. I’ve found that every single time I’ve dusted myself off and persevered forward, I begin to love the woman that I am even more. Gratitude is a verb so I try to show how grateful I am for every struggle just as much as every win.
Can you discuss the importance of self-compassion and embracing imperfection in your journey?
Imposter syndrome is real, ladies & gents! When I first started in this business and especially when casted for Selling The OC, I questioned if I belonged and if I deserved to be here. The truth is, though, when I’m my authentically imperfect self, I attract the best people around me and I have the most fun!
AcARRE® ‘Beauty Refresh’ rich in minerals and rare earth elements, is a multi use bioactive treatment mask. This powder leaves your scalp and skin feeling clean and moisturized. ‘Beauty Edit’ is a dry oil rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that helps to rebalance your microbiome for healthy scalp and skin. This oil leaves your scalp and skin nourished and revitalized. Visit www.acarre.co and follow @acarrebeauty on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Tiktok and Twitter.
How do you navigate challenges and setbacks in both your professional and personal life?
I have faced so many challenges and setbacks in my 37 years I have learned to view each redirection or road block as something that has been put there for a reason and it will mean what is meant for me is coming or it stops me from moving forward with something that isn’t meant to be part of my journey. Of course I still experience disappointment and frustrations when things don’t go to ‘plan’ but time and time again I have been shown that everything happens for a reason. Trust the process as cliche as it sounds is so very true.
What advice do you have for women entrepreneurs starting their own businesses or pursuing their passions?
Be open to your goal moving and changing, being too rigid in your idea of what you will be or exactly how your business is going to work will only delay the process of getting you where you are meant to be
What legacy do you hope to leave for future generations of women, both personally and professionally?
That anything is possible, it doesn’t matter how old you are, where you are from, how much formal education you have, how much money you come from or have in the bank…if you believe in yourself, love yourself, know your worth…you will be a great success.
What beauty / lifestyle routines and rituals do you love the most?
I recently joined a Ballet school and attend class twice a week after 20 years of my shoes being hung up, when I was younger I was in the Royal Ballet and classical dance was my first love, It’s a magical part of my week being back at the barre
What beauty / lifestyle routines and rituals do you love the most?
I love treating myself to a good facial. My favorite esthetician, Courtney, at Quartz Skin and Body is my favorite ever. Our skin is the biggest organ we have and it is so important to nurture that.
Can you discuss the importance of selfcompassion and embracing imperfection in your journey?
I was diagnosed with general anxiety when I was 16. I felt like my selfcompassion was nonexistent because I never felt confident in myself. I think one thing we forget is how imperfect we ALL are. Self-care, coffee dates, exercise, sunshine... they are all a part of my routine that makes me feel a little more sane in a very chaotic life.
How do you navigate the intersectionality of being a woman in your particular field or industry?
It's not easy but each day I get a little more confident in what I do. Working in the entertainment industry can be fun but also very hectic. I'm really proud to say my entire social media team I work with is ALL women and we support each other so much.
As the founder of M Beauty Clinic in San Diego and Beverly Hills, what inspired you to start your practice, and how do you ensure it stands out in the competitive field of cosmetic dermatology?
I was very passionate to practice medicine the way I want and to be able to give my patients the quality of care and attention I feel all of us deserve - so I decided to start my own practice instead of staying employed in a Dermatology group It has been more challenging than I thought it would be, especially since I am the very first physician and entrepreneur in my first generation immigrant family, so I am constantly learning as I go I feel having the right heart and intention to provide the best to our patients, and building a reputation of delivering on promises, has allowed our practice to be successful, stand the test of time and we are so thrilled to be celebrating our 20th Anniversary. M Beauty Clinic is unique because it is truly a family affair with my siblings working with me as RNs and my husband, Dr. James Lee as CoFounder.
When we started our practice 20 years ago, we were one of the first Dermatology offices to offer Aesthetic and Cosmetic procedures Now there are so many medspas and cosmetic practices so staying competitive is always on top of my mind Our patients choose us because of the advanced and cutting edge treatments I helped pioneer and develop as well as the warm, caring and supportive environment we provide We have the best Team at M Beauty Clinic Our patients become part of our extended family
You're the inventor of the Time Machine Procedure™. Can you explain what this procedure entails and how it reflects your philosophy on regenerative aesthetics?
We are one of the very first practices to offer regenerative therapies for the skin Ten years ago, we started offering combination treatments utilizing energy-based resurfacing like lasers and radiofrequency along with platelet-rich plasma growth factors and microneedling We call this combination protocol our signature Time Machine Procedure The Time Machine Procedure is the ultimate in regenerative aesthetics and comprehensive skin rejuvenation activating and utilizing our body’s natural ability to heal, repair and regenerate. My patients and I love it because we can naturally address the many issues associated with aging and sun-damaged skin like discoloration, wrinkles, eye bags, sagging skin and large pores without surgery. The Time Machine Procedure can reset the aging of the skin. Our Time Machine Procedure patients look years younger, fresher with healthier looking skin without surgery.
As a dermatologist partner for brands like Proactiv and No7, how do you select which brands to collaborate with, and what do you believe your expertise brings to these partnerships?
I only partner with companies that have products based on science, clinical evidence, and have impact on people’s skin health and overall quality of life. I have to personally believe in any product or treatment I endorse. I believe in practicing what I preach and always speaking from the heart which is why I believe I am effective. Authenticity is key and the brands I partner with appreciate my expertise and ability to communicate and educate the general public about the solutions their products are providing very common skin issues like acne, sun damage and skin changes associated with menopause
Your book, California Total Beauty, and your public speaking engagements allow you to share your knowledge widely. What key principles do you hope readers and listeners take away from your teachings?
My expertise in dermatology, aesthetics and cosmetic surgery inspired me to write the book “California Total Beauty” with my friend and patient, mental health coach, Dr. Brian Alman. We shared how inner and outer beauty are so interrelated - when we look good, we feel good and when we feel good, we are more attractive! The book offers separate inner beauty and outer beauty quizzes, so readers can assess their status and the good news is that we have the ability to improve both inner and outer beauty to achieve our most confident and best life
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What advice do you have for women who find it challenging to prioritize their personal health while managing multiple responsibilities (such as wife, mom, business owner etc)?
I think it is important to create a schedule that you work off that helps to keep you laser-focused on what you need to accomplish and within this schedule that also includes your personal health/wellness. For me here are my 4 hot tips of advice.
1. Be an early riser. I get to bed early and wake up early so that I can build workouts into my schedule and do them at the start of the day before I get into anything else This way, I put my fitness first and never miss it
2. Stack the calendar. I am also a fan of stacking your calendar, meaning, I will go for IV Vitamin drips and while I am sitting there I can also take a work call, this always for me to get two things done at once For me, it is all about efficiency to make life easier I also do this with blowouts, I will invest in spending the money to get my hair washed and styled so I look my best, but also at the same time I can spend that hour in the chair checking emails.
3 Plan it out. I always write out to-do lists and decide what to do based on top priority This always finds room to integrate my personal health appointments and tasks amongst my other work and life items.
4. Delegate it. I have no problem with someone else helping me or letting someone else get the job done if they are capable, this to me is the only way to expand and be able to grow your business and in all areas of your life, you don't need to do it all -- let someone else help you.
What advice do you have for women who find it challenging to prioritize their personal health while managing multiple responsibilities (such as wife, mom, business owner etc)?
The truth is, I find this challenging too. My son is 3 1/2 years old so every bout of illness that goes through his school I get too. I'm not sure how 9-5'ers or 9-7'ers function to be honest with you as I would have been fired a long time ago. The immense number of sick days I would have needed to be home for my son for the amount of times he was sick and had to go home from school, I actually don't know how working moms do it. My mom was a stay at home mom and so was always there when I needed to come home from school and take care of me. I think you are lucky as a mom if you have the opportunity to stay at home and to be able to have fun with the tasks of a stay at home mom- creating on the house and decorations for each season, raising your kids and being fully immersed in their life, having time to work out and have lunch with friends, and plan the trip / social calendar for the family. Most women it seems nowadays do not have this luxury or perhaps they prefer to work as they have a passion in what they are creating and doing.
For me, it is mixed. I love being productive, I love being on the world stage, I love being well connected and having huge opportunities, but as I've gotten older and achieved quite a bit, I feel like it would have been okay for me to now just chill out a little : ) The only way I balance it is by having a flexible schedule. So if you can work from home, if you can make your own hours, if you have some extra cash to pay for a sitter, etc. -- to me, you have to have this in order to fit it all in. Or, I would assume that you have to do everything on the weekend or have a freelancer come to your house to do things in the evenings. For me, as a business owner, I can take an hour here and there to go to the dermatologist, get a facial, get a colonoscopy, etc. But that is because I can make my own schedule. Or, I would assume if you have a boss who understands this and is okay with you taking off here and there for an appointment, then it could work that way as well. Or perhaps if the office building you are in or the neighborhood you work in have these types of shops, then you could easily do something over lunch break. But the real key to balancing it all is having a schedule So when are you spending time with your kids, when are you doing date night, when are you working, when can you fit in a workout, when can you fit in those appointments -- really putting these on the calendar in advance so that you can then sort out how that is going to happen.
At Modern Day Wife we love to feature products and services that bring a smile to your face throughout the day and that can help you in your career, life, home-life and relationships! We are thrilled to have been able to put together this 2024 Edit of our annual Women’s Day Look Book that features some of our favorite boss women and brands We hope you enjoyed flipping through these beautifully crafted digital pages, and found the curated collections a source of inspiration
We absolutely would love to stay connected with you, our readers and followers. We would love for you to follow us and say hello over on our social channels and share with us your favorite items from the Modern Day Wife Look Book If you are a brand or know a brand that would be an excellent fit, please send us an email to: hello@themoderndaywife com
Much Love,