How to knock your interview out of the ballpark after graduation ashley biundo editor-in-chief emeritus As you prepare to leave Meramec and move into the adult world, getting a job may be difficult if you don’t have the connections. Being interviewed for a job can be nerve wracking, but here are the top six most common interview questions and how to answer them according to Disclaimer: when it comes to interviews the questions may vary depending on what company and what position you have applied for. has more than 120 common interview questions. Pro tip: before interviewing, do research on the job, qualifications, company, and experience you are applying for and make note of any questions you want to ask at the end of the interview. That shows the employer that you are very interested in the job. It is okay if you don’t have any questions, the best thing to say is that you don’t have any questions at the moment. Always stay positive and smile, even if they cannot see you (phone interview), they can tell.
“Tell me about yourself”. According to, “They are seeking to understand your qualifications, what led you to the job and generally why you think you’d be a good fit. The key here is making your answer concise and direct, including only professional information relevant to the job.” First: Express your background with your responsibilities Second: Summarize your experiences with your achievements Lastly: Describe how you found the job you are applying for and why it’s a good fit and also mention your goals within the job “Why do you want to work here?” “Interviewers
often ask this question to determine whether or not you took the time to research the company and think critically about whether you’re a good fit,” said “The best way to prepare for this question is to do your homework and learn about the products, services, mission, history and culture of this workplace. In your answer, mention the aspects of the company that appeals to you and aligns with your values and career goals.”
“Why are you leaving your current job?” Www. said, “There are many acceptable reasons for leaving a job. Prepare a thoughtful answer that will give your interviewer confidence that you’re being deliberate about this job change. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your current or previous role, focus on the future and what you hope to gain in your next position.” Talk about your skills and what you have learned from your past job Keep it positive and don’t talk bad about your past job.
And you’re out of here!
“Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?” According to,
“This question is often used to assess how well you perform under pressure as well as your problem-solving abilities. Keep in mind stories are more memorable than facts and figures, so strive to “show” instead of “tell.” This is also an excellent opportunity to show your human side and how when faced with adversity you are able to persevere.” Stick to the STAR Method, according to Situation, Task, Action, Results. This also works if they ask about your accomplishments.
“What is your salary range?” “Interviewers ask this question to make sure your expectations are in line with the amount they’ve budgeted for the role. If you give a salary range exceedingly lower or higher than the market value of the position, it gives the impression that you don’t know your worth,” said. Provide a Range Negotiate Deflect the question: Still learning about the job? You can talk about it later in the interview
“Why should we hire you?” said, “While this question may seem like an intimidation tactic, interviewers generally ask to offer another opportunity to explain why you’re the best candidate. Your answer should address the skills and experience you offer, why you’re a good culture fit and what you believe you’d bring to the role.” Study the job posting. Research the company. Tie your background to the job posting. Quantify your accomplishments. Go above and beyond.