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Ruth Miller
American artist Ruth Miller begins sketching realistic portraits in pencil, then transforming them into multi-colored embroidery. Beginning with a hyper-realistic, almost photographic drawing, Miller uses her needles almost as if they were paintbrushes, filling in each detail of the portrait, mimicking skin tone precisely. Her work reveals varying human traits similar to those found in photography, not only depicting morphology, but the thoughts and emotions of the subjects. Masterful attention to detail makes each even more surprising.
L’artista americana Ruth Miller ha iniziato a fare ritratti a matita molto realistici, per poi convertirsi a rappresentazioni a colori ricamate. Partendo da un disegno iperrealista, quasi fotografico, al tratto, Ruth Miller ricama con il filo, servendosi dell’ago, quasi fosse un pennello, per riempire totalmente la sagoma dei volti a punto raso e utilizzando colori che richiamano le tonalità dell’incarnato. I suoi ritratti rivelano tratti umani diversificati, al pari di quelli fotografici, capaci di rappresentare, non solo le morfologie, ma anche di svelare pensieri e attitudini dei soggetti. La perizia esecutiva contribuisce a esaltare la verosimiglianza, suscitando sorpresa e meraviglia.
American artist Ruth Miller begins sketching realistic, almost photographic, portraits in pencil, then transforming them into multi-colored pieces of embroidery
Miller uses her needles almost as if they were paintbrushes, filling in each detail of the portrait, mimicking skin tone precisely, and even portraying the thoughts and emotions of her subjects