Fall 2011

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Schreiner Student Newspaper

Fall 2011

REGISTERING TO SUCCESS student requests,” Woods said. “Students were interested in being able  During the last few to register online. We just semesters, we have seen wanted to accommodate many changes at Schthem while maintaining reiner, moving us into the a close relationship with future. One of the newest their advisor.” changes will leave stu Keep in mind that there dents with a new sense of will be holds on accounts independence: the new of probation students; registration process. they will still need to go  Advising thus far has to their advisor’s office to been an appointment register to make sure they made by you, the student, are on the right path. with your advisor to sign  Students and advisors up for classes the followneed to pay close ating semester. tention to degree plans, Before this appointment course rotations, transyou look through the ferred hours, and prereqclasses and see what fits uisites. Students need to in your schedule and what take classes in the right you need for your degree order, for a successful seplan. mester and college career.  Not too much has  Dr. Woods said the new changed there; the change registration process will is that you can get on your “strengthen the relationSchreiner One account any ship between advisor and day during registration, advisee. They will have based on your classificamore time to discuss grad tion, and register yourself. school, the job market or At the end of this semesthe value of a liberal arts ter, the process will be education, as well as pickkicked off. ing the right classes for  One of the main people the next semester.” behind this great empow-  Texas A&M-Corpus erment of students is Dr. Christi and the Alamo ColWilliam Woods, Dean of leges have varied versions the School of Liberal Arts. of online registration.  “It is in response to STORY BY SARAH WHITSITT PHOTO FROM SCHREINER WEBSITE



Crystal Wilson, a new transfer student at Schreiner, has been to both of these schools. “I think registering for your own classes makes the process smoother,” Crystal said. While Crystal likes being able to do it herself, she also thinks “that having to see an advisor prior to registration is beneficial.”

Dr. Miller advising a student for registration.

No Ordinary Oaks Story By SHELBY SMITH

When most people think of college dorms, they picture something outdated and overcrowded. The carpets are old, there are holes in the wall, and you have to share this extra small space with someone you barley know. Lucky for us, we go to Schreiner. In the last few years Schreiner has been making an effort to improve our housing on campus. One such improvement

is the new additions to the Oaks apartments. These new apartments are the opposite of your typical college dorm. They feature a full kitchen and spacious living room. There are four bedrooms in every apartment. Each person gets their own room so you will each have your own space. Two people share a sink area, with lots of counter space, and a bathroom. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4



The Mountaineer - Fall 2011

TROOPERS VISIT SCHREINER Student Senate: Troopers Explain the Costs of Alcohol and Substance Use The presentation also outlined the costs of a DWI, which includes direct fines On Thursday, Sept. 22 at of up to $2,000 but also 7 p.m. Schreiner University the indirect fines of up to and the Texas Department $20,000. of Public Safety showcased The DPS personnel a presentation for students stressed not only the instant about the risks of alcohol consequences but also the and drug use. lingering consequences. T h e   9 0 - m i n u t e They don’t want a college p r e s e n t a t i o n   i n c l u d e d student’s possible future to information on why college be negatively effected by a students drink and the criminal record. statistical evidence that “I want you to talk to us shows the dangers and consequences of underage now instead of on the side of drinking and intoxicated the road” was a consistent quote that the troopers driving. expressed throughout the The presentation also presentation. included a large section of The illegal substance the legal actions that will section of the presentation occur if you’re convicted of included information on a DWI. different illegal substances D e p a r t m e n t   o f   P u b l i c that could also be attributed S a f e t y   T r o o p e r   M i k e to a DWI and illegal Bacon shared his on-the- possession charges. job knowledge of how the Many of the students in legal system could be used attendance listened to a to prosecute you if you are caught driving while trooper as he explained how some of these substances intoxicated. Story By TAYLOR SALAZ & REBECCA PAGE

only require one use to get you addicted. The presentation also included beforeand-after pictures of methamphetamine users after one year as well as a picture of actor Charlie Sheen after cocaine use, which caused some laughter among the students. Toward the end of the presentation the troopers opened the conversation for questions. After the questions were asked, the presentation ended with a very interpersonal slideshow of the things that state troopers carry with them. These things include images of the fatality wrecks that they have had to work during their careers. The message that this video sent was easy to pick up, since all of the victims in these fatalities were in a college student’s age group. After the presentation the troopers were available for one-on-one questions with students.

Offense number

First DWI offense Second DWI offense

Third DWI offense

Jail time

72 hours to 180 days in jail

30 days to 1 year in jail

2 to 10 years in jail

Suspended license 180 days to 2 years Fine up to $4,000

Suspended license from 180 days to 2 years Fine up to $10,000

License Suspended license suspension for 180 days to 2 years Fines Fine up to $2,000

The Direct costs of a DWI for a first, second and third offense in Texas.

Voice Your Opinions Story By STEPHANIE SAMAYOA

Many Schreiner students go their four years of undergraduate studies without knowing what the Student Senate stands for. The mission statement of this organization is to “represent the student body of Schreiner University [by promoting] the general welfare, protect the rights, and voice the opinions of the student population.” It is not uncommon to hear a disenchanted student voicing his opinion to his peers around campus, but how many of these complaints actually reach the ears of those who can improve things? Well, one of the most important functions of the Student Senate is to make sure our concerns are voiced to the appropriate university committees and university’s administration. By getting involved in the Student Senate, students gain the opportunity to propose changes on things that are dysfunctional. It is also a great way to enhance leadership. Currently the Leaders of the Student Senate are known as the Executive Board, consisting of an Executive President, William Keaton, Executive Vice President Colby Adolph, Executive Secretary Derek Draper, Executive Parliamentarian Laura Hooge, and Executive Treasurer Luke Berry. Every student at Schreiner University has opinions as well as ideas. A healthy university is one that foments the exchange of these ideas to transform and progress. Thus, getting involved is extremely important in order to live an enriching experience that fulfills your university ’s expectations

academically, culturally, and environmentally. Like the president of Student Senate, William Keaton, says, “It is your choice on whether you use your voice to benefit our community.” Getting involved is as easy as attending the weekly meetings every Tuesday at 12:15 P.M. in the River Room or sending any of the student representatives an e-mail to voice your concerns. At the beginning of the current Fall Semester, Student Senate invited the entire student population to reform the constitution. Executive Parliamentarian Laura Hooge suggests the change was b ro u g ht   a b o u t   b e ca u s e , “Senate was having difficulty filling the upperclassmen officer positions. Also, student athletes, who make up a good percentage of the student body, were not represented under the old constitution.” The new constitution was ratified and now Student Senate is working hard to fill the many vacancies for students seeking to become leaders. Part of being a leader is giving back to the community. If you are looking for a community service project, they also volunteer during the Spring Semester with the Local Red Cross Chapter. Student Senate also plans events that cultivate our sense of community. Look for the upcoming Fall Ball. This is your opportunity to dress up, mingle, and have fun. A governing student body is important in every university, and you have the chance to get involved and voice your opinion as well as the opinions of your peers.


The Mountaineer - Fall 2011


Logan Library Photography & Cinema-What?! Leisures STORY & PHOTO BY LAUREL BEY

the windows and bean bags can STORY & PHOTOS BY ELIZABET QUINONES be found throughout the library for a relaxed feel. The Scarle/ Philips room has been set apart While Schreiner stusolely for those who are looking dents enjoyed their summer vacation away from campus, the for complete quiet study time. Senior Ashley Brondo Logan Library was undergoing really enjoys how much the renovations for the new school library has grown and the new year. technology it offers. What exactly were those changes? In the main area " I like the new computers. They give you extra desk space...the of the library, there are three new study rooms aligned on the new study rooms are especially good for group projects with left side, two of which contain presentations." flat screen Toshiba TVs perfect There is no doubt the for group meetings. A study sta- new additions have been a tion was added with computers success, thanks to students and that can be hidden if not being faculty taking advantage of what used. This place also solves the problem of not being able to find the library has to offer. It seems as though the location has been an unoccupied computer. busier and the gate count has Comfortable booths increased from past years. replace the old study tables by If you are wondering what hap-

The new computer lab stations in the Logan Library.

I s   a ny o n e   i n t e r e s t e d   i n Photography or Cinematography? Well if you answered yes, then Oh Snap is the club for you! What is Oh Snap? For those of you who don’t know, Oh Snap is a photography and cinematography club. Well, now another question that might be floating through your head is, “What is cinematography?” Cinematography is the art or technique of motion-picture photography.

The purpose of Oh Snap is to provide the students at Schreiner University to further their knowledge of photography and cinematography. Oh Snap also takes part in community service activities, plus some fundraising will take place during the semester. Our meetings are Wednesdays from 8:00-8:45 PM in the CCAC Fishbowl.

Oh Snap! member, Miranda Palomo, sits at the Oh Snap! booth during the Schreiner Volunteer/Organization Fair.

pened to Dickey Hall, its services have been combined with those of the library, forming one place where people can research, study, and mingle with more ease. There is one project still under development and it pertains to the empty photocopier space. According to Dr. Candice Scott, library director, the area will serve as a Gaming Research lab. "We already have several faculty interested in using the space and resources to implement scholarly under-

graduate research projects that use game theory and activity to better understand how and why people make decisions or how they react to situations. We're also hoping to partner with the Graphic Design department to create wall murals in that area," she said. Sounds innovating and inviting? Head to the Logan Library and see the new changes yourself and don't be afraid to give feedback to the librarians who truly take in mind what the faculty, students, and community have to say.

with a group like that? One of the many benefits to joining Oh Snap is that you would be able to meet fun, cool and creative people. You would be able to socialize and find a whole bunch of new people, also be active in the Schreiner community. You can create and be creative with Who wouldn’t want to join photography or cinematography

and experiment with subjects you may be interested in and may end up loving! It’s a great feeling when you take a picture and people awe over something that you have done and same thing goes for cinematography. Wouldn’t you want to be a part of that? You can! Join Oh Snap today!

Phi Delta Theta presents its annual Haunted House! When: October 28th - 31st Where: River Hills Mall Times: 8:00pm - 12:00am How much: $6 for Children & Students with ID; $8 for Adults So come on out and have a Spookerifc Time!

Better Together in Unity for a Lifetime “The goal of the Better Together campaign is to serve a total of 5,000 collective hours This year, Sept. 11 kicked off a to our causes of education and lifetime of friends and strangers domestic poverty,” she said. coming together in spiritual Throughout the year, Better unity. Schreiner’s hope is to Together is looking forward to engage students and faculty in getting involved with Habitat community service work. for Humanity, the Crop Walk, Kelsey Moore, campaign Youth Fast, Home Rehab, CSI, leader of the interfaith and Mentoring. campaign, said generous On Friday, Sept. 9, The Better donation of time is the Together committee and other objective. students traveled to Bastrop Story By MARSHALL BROWN Photos By NIKITA HERNANDEZ

with the purpose of donating basic needs to the victims of the Bastrop fires. Their emotional goal is to distribute friendliness throughout a devastating environment. This is not a one-time event; Better Together is hoping to continue this for many years to come. One event that they would like to attend during Spring Break is visiting Joplin, Missouri, in efforts to contribute to the flood relief.

A group of Schreiner students volunteering at Bastrop.

Will Keaton, recruitment leader of the interfaith campaign, said: “Better together for me is more than

an event; it’s a way of being willing to communicate with others and living with others.”



The Mountaineer - Fall 2011

Going Greek On Campus Schreiner Greek Life are held at a high academic, takes a few people to change personal, and social standard. your life forever. I know I am Benefits Students! Becoming an initiated member a better man because of my Story By STEPHANIE SAMAYO Photo By SHELBY STEVENS

For many of us, the first people we meet are our UNIV classmates. For others, it is our fellow athletes or roommates. Most residential students were pleasantly surprised to get help from “Monty’s moving crew”. The Greeks around campus have made it a tradition to aid incoming residential freshman from the first day they set foot on our campus. Currently, there are two sororities, Delta Phi Epsilon and Alpha Sigma Alpha, and two fraternities, Phi Delta Theta and Chi Phi, on campus. Our preconception of being Greek might have been affected by popular shows and movies, but here at Schreiner University, our Greeks are leaders, athletes, and motivated students who

of a Greek organization brothers; their support has means that you do not stand helped me in college, and alone; rather everything you each time I work with them

The Greeks of the Schreiner community.

do represents your Greek brothers or sisters and the university. Once initiated, you become part of a family that wants to see you succeed and will stand by your side anytime. It also means, you are responsible for aiding others in their quest of personal growth. Phi Delta Theta President Will Keaton says, “I learned it only

I have grown. [Being Greek] has shaped my life and helped me find my call in life, and for that I will always be thankful.” Being part of a fraternity or sorority means having pride and love in what your organization stands for. Each sorority and fraternity has

PIFS, Zombies, & Fun!

The Pay-It-Forward Scholarship Fund was established at the end of last year, and since fundraising has

Going Greek does not suggest that you will become someone else, but rather the individuality you bring to the group will help the community grow and learn multiculturalism. Being part of such a large community that helps shape you also entails

The Pay It Forward Schrener Logo

begun, PIFs (Pay-It-Forward Schreiner) has already collected over a thousand dollars! PIF’s is dedicated towards the goal of having students bring in students to Schreiner, giving a potential Schreiner student the shot at a higher education they may not have otherwise had. “Paying

But this RSO has a new rumor floating around about it now. It involves music, and dancing, and…..Zombies?! You heard right! This October, the 21st, be on the look out for the walking dead! A truly thrilling night is in order, as PIFs sponsors Schreiner’s very first Zombie Ball! Forget the suit and tie, and come dressed as a zombie or any type of ghoul! And have some fun while doing your part to aid PIFs in reaching their goal! Be a part of the team! Be a part of the mission! And best of all, come be a part of the FUN!

that you give back a great deal, either by service or just by bringing your best attributes to the group. Being Greek is staying true to who you are while being open-minded and learning from others. Tom Pappas, Chi Phi president says, “What I enjoy the most is that every Brother in my fraternity shares these same adventures of personal development and learning which binds us together and forms the strongest relationships in our lives.” For those who are interested in joining, all fraternities and sororities will have formal recruitment this coming up Spring Semester. If you want to become part of something monumental, make a change, commit to your community, and meet new people then come out to the Greeks’ events. For president of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Breanne Lawrence, joining a sisterhood opened up many doors personally as well as publicly.

No Ordinary Oaks of living (on and off campus) it averages out to almost exactly the same. That’s only if you’re splitting the cost with a roommate court outside, great for socializing off campus. If you live by yourself with friends. You get all the off campus, the cost will be much amenities of a regular apartment higher than on campus, no contest, here at school. because there is no one to split As upper classmen, rent with. many students opt to live in an A few years ago it would apartment off campus, for the have been understandable to want simple fact that it is cheaper, and to live off campus. With all the many regret it. On campus living advantages of living on campus includes your food, housing, though it makes more sense to electricity, internet and water live here. The new apartments on bills. Not to mention the money campus are probably better if not you save on gas, the apartment just as good as any you will find is already furnished, there is in Kerrville anyways. Next year, 24 hour security, and on call when you are upperclassmen maintenance. With a pool and gym choosing your housing, think also in walking distance what else about how much easier living could you need? These are all the on campus would be, and weigh benefits you miss out on when you out the costs of both, before you live off campus. When everything commit yourself to an apartment is taken into account for the cost lease.

forward our own good fortune” Continued from page 1 that’s what PIFs is all about, The apartments also feature a simple as that. barbeque pit and sand volleyball


For those of you here last year, you may have heard the rumor about the new RSO with the funny sounding name. Well, PIFs is not a type of candy, not some time of fairy or dainty magical creature, or an unflattering sound one may make after a few meals at the Schreiner Diner. No, PIFs is a small team of motivated students doing their part to raise money for a student-funded scholarship.

its own motto and goals. Thus, if you are considering “going Greek” it is important to attend socials, service projects, and recruitment events each organization sponsors. One benefit of becoming Greek is the automatic inclusion into community service events that foster a sense of commitment and pride. A lot of Greeks also get an awakening in the desire to strive for excellence because your Greek organization becomes your legacy. Delta Phi Epsilon’s President Sofia Mireles commented that, “being Greek helped me feel at home here at Schreiner. Greek Life has helped me see the importance of being a part of something bigger than myself.”


The Mountaineer - Fall 2011


Schreiner Baseball Gets New Coaching Staff Story By ETHAN CATALANI Photos from SCHREINER WEBSITE

Coach Dahl is happy new head coach, Ryan Brisbin. Brisbin attended he chose Schreiner University. Coach more than one college in “I want to get involved in his college career and those coaching and help give back to the young student athletes. colleges were Central College Also I had a connection Junior College and Greenville with the head coach here at College.

It’s a new year for athletics at Schreiner and everyone is excited. All the sports cannot wait to be under way, but especially the baseball team. The new coaching department Schreiner now and am very for the baseball team is the thankful he has given me the talk of athletics as of now. opportunity,” he said. The coaching staff for Asked what his top baseball is new with just two three goals are in his first coaches. The first new coach is season as the assistant Coach Mike Dahl, the assistant baseball coach, Coach Dahl baseball coach. Coach said: “One, to grow and Dahl attended University become a better coach by of Charleston and studied learning new techniques and athletic administration and use them to help the student business. athletes; two, o help both on The job that Coach and off the field with anything Dahl had before coming to the student athlete needs help Schreiner was being a video with, specifically academic. analyst for the major league And three, to help the baseball team Pittsburgh Schreiner University baseball Pirates. He worked in this team have a .500 record and department for two years and make the playoffs.” loved every minute of it. The team also has a

Coach Brisbin gained professional knowledge for playing for the baseball teams of Portland Beavers, and the major league team Minnesota Twins.

When Coach Brisbin was asked about why he chose Schreiner University, he replied: “Looking to get back in the game of baseball and stay in Texas. I really liked it cause it was similar to the schools I coached before, having the same values, and it is a small institution, which fits my style a lot better.”

Coach Mike Dahl

baseball coach and he stated: “One, get the players as a unit in the right direction and succeed in the classroom and also on the field. Two,, give the players a reason to be excited about the season to come and have the mindset that we can Coach Brisbin also was win and be a dominant team asked what his three goals are in the American Southwest for his first season as the head Conference. And three, to

Coach Ryan Brisbin

make the ASC playoffs for the first time since the year 2000.” The upcoming season for Schreiner University baseball will be fun to watch with two new coaches and seeing the players with whole new mindsets about the game!

Graduation: The First Obstacle for Athletes & Coaches

lege level is the concept of trying to get a team back into successful form, since some of In sports there comes a the experienced players have time when a team has a period departed because of graduaof success. The Chicago Bulls tion, transferred, left the school had the Michael Jordan era or left the team for other rea(1985-1998), which saw them sons. win six NBA championships in Here at Schreiner eight years, 1991-1998. University, there are two teams In 1998, this era came having to deal with rebuilding to an end when Michael Jordan their athletic programs. retired, therefore introducing The cross country and the Bulls to the post-Michael tennis team are both suffering Jordan/rebuilding era. from low number of athletes For the Chicago Bulls on their men’s and women’s the glory days have recently teams. started to come back. Cross country Coach They have made the Jerry Dyes, Tennis Coach Wade playoffs for the last three years Morgan and Athletic Director thanks to All-Star point guard Ron Macosko have used e-mail Derrick Rose. to recruit students. The point is that teams On Sept. 8, Macosko that have had success can make sent an e-mail to the entire stucomebacks. dent body about open tryouts The challenge is called for the tennis team that were rebuilding and doing that takes held Sept. 9. time and is not easy at any His e-mail also menlevel. tioned that students interested Rebuilding at the colin joining the cross country Story & Photo By EMILIANO SUMMERVILLE

team were to e-mail Coach Dyes. The reason as to why people weren’t returning was simply explained by Coach Dyes: “People are going to graduate in December and they wanted to concentrate on getting their grades together and finishing in December.” Coach Dyes said that the deadline for joining the team is Oct. 15 and that anyone interested should e-mail him for more information. If you can’t join the team this year, you can still e-mail him about joining next year’s team. However the tennis team situation is different. Coach Morgan won’t have to worry about players not returning to the team on the men’s side based on graduating, since there are no seniors on this year’s team. On the women’s team they have one senior, Lynne Collenback, which should not

hurt the team once she graduates. When asked why there is a low number of members on the teams he said “returners transferred off or graduated”. He Empty lockers in the locker room are a reminder of low has been numbers in tennis and cross country this fall. recruiting heavily pete.” and expects a full squad in the As for the tennis team spring. he said “tennis were going to He expects 5 to 10 male rebe fine...over time its going to cruits and 6 to 8 female recruits be great.” for next year’s team. Both Coach Dyes Upon asking Athletic and Coach Morgan as well as Director Macosko for his input Athletic Director Macosko have about the lack of athletes in been positive about this year’s cross country, he said “it’s not teams saying they are looking appealing to everybody...it “competitive”. takes a special person to com-


ENTERTAINMENT Where Music Meets History


Cowboys and Indians at Schreiner University? On September 20th the Texas Heritage Music Foundation put on its 24th annual music festival, roping in musicians, students, and history lovers alike. Located at and around the Robbin-Lewis Pavilion, the celebration featured a continual stream of live music. Performers of all kinds graced the stage, the lineup including gospel and Hispanic music, performances by songwriters and scholarship recipients, the Schreiner University Choir, and a noon tribute to Jimmie Rodgers… which included a performance by Schreiner’s very own Dr. Summerlin. Likewise, the field surrounding the pavilion was peppered with informational booths,

including everything from models of Native American teepees to trick roping demonstrations. Students grades K-12, community members, Schreiner students, and staff alike mingled within this melee. Cory Reneau, a freshman attending Schreiner, noted many enjoyed, “learning more about Texas history, music, and cowboy

Wanted Pigs


Oh the Schreiner Pigs, where to begin? I’m sure most of you have seen the assorted pig statues that sometimes sit on the back gate, to the entrance here at school. The pigs belong to our dear Dr Woods, and it is a Schreiner tradition to steal them off the gate and to hide them around campus, or to take them somewhere fun…like say to New Orleans, for Mardi Gras. The Pigs have their own facebook page where you can see some of their adventures. There are, I believe, six pigs in all, but don’t quote me on that, and no two of them are alike; one of the larger ones is made from white cement and stands on a base, there is a blue and white swirly and Indian culture.” Next year will mark the Festival’s 25th anniversary, a landmark achievement for Dr. Kathleen Hudson, the Foundation’s founder. Her vision for next year’s festivities features a “classroom without walls” in which the entire school participates.

ASA DANCES WITH THE STARS together. When asked what we can expect from this event, she told “Get excited to see some us, “Expect to have lots of laughs, dancing!” That’s what Alpha a good time, and a great group of Sigma Alpha President Breannne girls helping a great organization.” Lawrence said in reference to this Proceeds from the event year’s Dancing with the Alpha will go to the Special Olympics, Sigma Alpha Stars fundraiser. one of Alpha Sigma Alpha’s The event will be Oct. 28, the philanthropies. The guest of honor Friday of Family Weekend, in the at the event will be Schreiner CCAC ballrooms here on campus, student and Special Olympics with doors opening at 7:30 p.m. participant Austin Anderson. Tickets will be on sale in the CCAC In addition to all the dancing breezeway Oct. 17 through Oct. 21 and Oct. 24 through Oct. 27. Prices fun, a silent auction will be taking are $3 presale and $5 at the door. place. Machis said, “I hope to The main event will consist of represent a lot of local businesses Alpha Sigma Alpha girls dancing of Kerrville in the silent auction”. with their partners, a variety of Schreiner young men and even a So if there are places here in professor. The dance routines will Kerrville that you love, come by range in styles, but all should be the event to see if they’re a part of the auction. entertaining. The goal for this event, Jocelynn Machis, fundraising chair of Alpha Sigma Alpha, is according to Machis, is to see it working very hard to put this all come back in years to come; she STORY & PHOTO BY CRYSTAL WILSON

The Mountaineer - Fall 2011

hopes it will “become an annual event everyone in the Schreiner community…can…look forward to from Alpha Sigma Alpha.” So if you’re looking for something fun to do, take Joceylnn’s advice and “buy a ticket, save the date, and come out and support us!”

Jocelyn Machis, Fundraising Chair of ASA

with Texas Music Scholarship recipient, Shana Martin, singing “Deep Sweat”, a cappella style. Without any music, Ms. Martin ceramic one who now lives in the gave a beautiful performance art studio, a small one that stands that complimented the rest of on all four legs, an even smaller the evening’s performances. red one who is sitting, and my More performances favorite the medium sized hallow including stunning mindone who made it into the 2009 boggling poetry from graduate Fall edition of the Mountaineer student, Phillip Huddleston Newspaper. You may have seen and reappearing featured artthis last one buried in the quad a ist, Terry Sharp, helped pump couple years ago. Sadly I have not seen up the audience for Grammy any of them this year. The last award winning, Los Texmanione that I saw was the largest pig acs. No wonder why they were of them all. Easily weighing 200 Grammy award winners; they pounds this pig was last spotted, brought sitting couples to their only for a short day, in front of Dr feet in dance, and those in the Woods’s house. The only reason I was lucky enough to see that pig is audience who weren’t fans of Tejano music, still enjoyed the because the year before I helped steal him off the fountain by Wier, energy and music the Los Texmaniacs show cased. The last which by the way was no easy task, and I give kudos to whoever performance of the September was responsible for putting it up coffeehouse was just as good as there. That pig is heavy! The very the first. Josh Aimes ended the next morning he was gone from night with his own catchy and Dr Woods’s yard though. well-written song, “Take Me to the Sun.” The Texas Music Coffeehouse takes place in the Lion’s Den every first Wednesday of the month at 7:00p.m. If you’re STORY BY TIFFANY SCHULZE an aspiring artist and would like The first Texas Music to show off your work, or if you Coffeehouse of the 2011-2012 would like to hear some great year took place September music and spoken poetry, come 7th. The coffeehouse opened and check it out.

A Little Bit of Coffee

Flowing with Buttermilk & Syrup Dedicated to Beth Fawcett & Jake Crawley By Karli Fischer

The Mountaineer - Fall 2011



Speaking in an Age of Anxiety Story By JONATHAN FLETCHER Photo By NICHOLAS NEWLAND

Jonathan Fletcher: Schreiner marked the 10th anniversary of September 11th with a multi-faith prayer service, and I imagine most people in their own way reflected on their memories of that day. Yours are especially interesting because you were in China during the terrorist attacks. Tell me about that. Dr. Jeannette Cockroft: I was studying in China during 9/11. I think I had been there no more than 3 or 4 weeks, and I did not initially realize what had happened. I saw the coverage on late night TV in my hotel room, but I thought it was one of the “Die Hard” movies— I think there’s one where there’s some kind of hotel involved, so I just turned it off and went to sleep. I didn’t realize until the next day, when a couple of my Englishspeaking colleagues who were from that part of New York told me that they had gotten emails and seen The New York Times, that this terrible thing had happened.

JC: All of my colleagues were pretty much Americans, and of course were very upset. I remember being on the street in my neighborhood, and a couple of Chinese people just coming up to us and saying how really sorry they were that this had happened. I met a lot of Chinese people in that year I was there who really loved Americans— people who would come up to me and talk about their experience of America in connection to World War II, or people who had children working over in the United States. And so although the US and China may have political differences and economic differences, there are a lot of people in China who are very connected to the United States and Americans on very warm and human levels. JF: How has the specter of terrorism and globalization affected the way you approach the subjects in your courses?

JC: I haven’t taught my classes in a different way, but I am mindful of the fact that my students look at some of the fundamental issues JF: What were some of the in American history and politics reactions from both your colleagues now in ways that are different and the citizens there? way that I look at it: The question

of civil liberties, for example, and how much the government should encroach on our privacy— eavesdropping on phone calls or security clearance at airports. My students seem to have a lot more tolerance for what I would define, and what I would think people in my generation define, as intrusions into our privacy, and I think that’s because for the generation of all of you, this is a defining moment. And although it’s a horrifying moment for me and people my age, I’m not sure it’s a defining way in the same way, and so I am always surprised at how importance security is now to students and to people. And it does not have the same resonance for me. And probably part of that is generational. When you have children who are 15, 17, and 18, they will be sick of hearing about the Iraq War and the politics of that, as I suspect many of you are about hearing about Vietnam, Watergate, and the 60’s. We can’t get past it because it shaped our views of politics in a very formative way, in a formative period of our lives, and it will be the same for you. You will be annoying your children in the way that we’re annoying all of you (smiles). JF: How did your undergraduate

Perspectives of a New Student Story By ELIZABETH ROWLAND FRESHMAN, CLASS OF 2015

The moment you set foot on this campus you feel your life shifting into gear. High School is over and College is finally here and you can be anything or anyone you want. The sky is the limit. Maybe you imagine yourself acing your first test and having a crowd of smiling faces surround you as you tread past the trees, the sun your spotlight. Or perhaps there are nightmares associated with being thrown into a new environment and that certain, intimidating professor morphs

into a plotting mastermind, sent to obliterate you from the face of the Earth. Regardless of your daydreams of fame or night terrors of humility, we are all in this together even though it may not always seem so. Looking at such a beautiful school it is hard not to envision yourself succeeding in whatever you choose to do. The buildings tower over you and there is a presence of a different time, still lingering as if trapped forever within the ground itself. Walking from old building to new building you begin to paint the picture of what Schreiner really looks

like from the inside out. From scouting to the top floor of Weir to venturing through the library, you begin to understand the rhythm of the land and do your best to absorb every microscopic detail. But soon your gaze shifts to the auditorium and your curiosity is perked. As you approach you think back on the history of the Schreiner campus, almost seeing the cadets running from place to place through snow and ponder the existence of tunnels interconnecting each and every building. Your adrenaline spikes at the thought of encountering

experiences shape you? JC: When I was at Penn, my focus was Chinese language skills. I’m at the cradle of the American Republic, and I’m not even studying American history. I’m at Ground Zero of the Quaker movement of the United States— and I wasn’t even a Quaker yet. All that opportunity was there, and I was looking at something else, and I didn’t think about American History or being a Quaker until I got somewhere else, and looked back and said, “Oh, my gosh. How did I not see that?” I thought I was going to law school from the time I was probably 6 or 7 years old, and then my first year at university, I got a job as a paralegal back in the days when people were getting stuck in the Columbia Record Club scam: Buy 6 records for a penny, and then you have to buy 5 more to fulfill your obligation. And we did a lot of those kinds of cases that just were not very interesting. History and Political Science were just much more exciting because you get this grand narrative about where things have been and where

something you only see in movies. With sweaty palms and an eager grin, you open the heavy doors and tiptoe through a vast amount of seats. There, sitting at the center of attention is a stage just calling out your name almost pulling you by such an eerie silence, compelling you to get up there. As you stand in the center you imagine your future that is to come and the stage lessens in intimidation the longer you dwell. After a few delusional bows you scamper down the steps a loud nonexistent cheering tickling your eardrums. Your heart races and you are determined to see what you are made of.

Dr. Jeannette Cockroft

they’re going to go, and what it says about who we are, and that is a lot more interesting than the question of “Why didn’t you just buy the records?” (chuckles) There just is no comparison. This is the kind of job where you get to share that every day. It is the best job ever, and what I would hope for students who go to school here is that each of you find that coolest job ever.

the increase would invariably go back into financial aid. Generously, he offered to email the Tuition Equalization Plan, which provides a breakdown of how student tuition is used, to anybody so inclined. Regarding the Schreiner Master Plan, aka SchreT, Dr. Summerlin proudly announced that the plan is complete and will be submitted to the Board of Trustees in May. The first steps, he noted, will be implemented in the summer. Although the year is coming to an end, it is obvious that great things are just around the corner, and for those staying (like me), I am truly excited.


The decision you make involving your major is one that will probably affect the next 40+ years, or all of your working life. Most of us plan on working in a job field that has to do with our major. Some of us are lucky enough to know what we are going to be from the time we are kids so the decision isn’t hard. There are others of us though, myself included, who have absolutely no idea what we want to do with ourselves upon starting college. Hopefully this will help: • First things first, you have to get your basics.

The Mountaineer - Fall 2011

people have a feel for what they like, and depending on your grades you will definitely know what your strongest subject is by now. Still not sure though? No pressure you don’t have to sign a plan till your junior year.

This is a good thing in that it gives you a variety to help find out what you are good at. What is your best subject? An equally important thing to know is what is your favorite • If you are torn subject? between two majors pick • Take electives. By one to be your minor. doing this you can widen • The last suggestion your options for potential I have, is once you do majors. Try something new have a major in mind, that you think you might one that you are seriously be interested in. Take a thinking about, look at course in art, psychology, all the professions you or graphic design. Already could go into with that have a major in mind? Then specific major. If you can take one of the classes as see yourself doing any of an elective to test it out and them then congratulations, see if its right for you before you found your major, and you commit to a plan. are ready to sign a degree • Around the time of plan. If you don’t like any your sophomore year most of those professions then

Choosing your major may not be the easiest thing to do.

it’s probably not the major for you. You want to pick something that you will be happy doing for the rest of your working life. These are the steps that I took to find the major that I wanted, I hope that they can help guide you towards your decision also.

Calling for Creative Submissions! The Muse Creative Writing Magazine wants your Poetry, Photos, Short Stories, Essays, and One-Act Plays. Student AND faculty submissions accepted. Please send your submissions to sumuse@gmail.com.


that involves work in the the Free Speech quad and front entrance as well. The architecture and Zone almost landscaping in these areas is completed! being done by Terra Design, and a copy of their master Story & Photo By SHELBY SMITH plan for this campus can be I’m sure everyone found in the library upon has noticed the work going request. on in front of the dining hall. After corresponding In case you were wondering with Dr Summerlin, I learned about it, the construction that the Free Speech Zone that is going on in the Free was phase one of the plan Speech Zone is only part because it had the “most 1 of a larger master plan immediate impact for the for our campus, a plan cost”. The goal for redoing

this area between the dining hall and the CCAC is to, in Dr Summerlin’s words, “Turn a very busy but rather drab part of campus into a site suitable for dining, outdoor study, informal conversation, and outdoor events”. Before construction began that area was covered in grass with no seating at all, and an upgrade was very much needed. Now, it will provide a relaxed environment in which

students can sit around and chat with friends or study quietly with a book. The work that was begun in May was supposed to have been completed by August. Right now the brick pavers are completing their work and the school is

waiting on metal canopies and outdoor furniture that will be added to finish the new area. Fingers crossed that things run smoothly, our new Free Speech Zone should be done by late October, in time for family weekend.

Questions or Comments About The Mountaineer? Editor-in-Chief • ELOY RICO      EERico@schreiner.edu Co-editor • MARYFRANCIS BENNING  MBenning@schreiner.edu

Workers constructing the new Free Speech Zone which is said to be finished this month!

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