Love Amongst Red and Green Cellophane by Davis Lisk The crinkle of Christmas packaging From thy white fingers mingling With lissome hands the wrapping Paper – I fall into thy smile And eyes of Bluest Nile. My breath is left from mile unto mile. The snow on the window is melting, And like it mine is all the while Fading into melody, And I’d like to sing you a song, But I don’t want to speak. Silence is a better harmony, And to its tune I’ll sing along. Thou art my Mary, mild and meek.
The Christmas Goblins: A Warning and Villanelle by Albwin Robinello Tall, crimson, green-cat-eyed, As winter settles they arrive, Long-haired, long-eared, deceit inside!
They gallop through the countryside And city streets (how few survive!), Tall, crimson, green-cat-eyed!
On Christmas Eve they saddle and ride From out their snowbound grotto-hive, Tall, crimson, green-cat-eyed
Do not go out, for if espied There’s no escape you could contrive. Long-haired, long-eared, deceit inside,
And full of far-off faerie pride (Though marred and mingled still alive), Long-haired, long-eared, deceit inside.
Invisible at first they stride To those who unshriven strive: Tall, crimson, green-cat-eyed, Long-haired, long-eared, deceit inside!