February 26, 2010

Page 1

The Mountain Press ■ Sevier County’s Daily Newspaper ■ Vol. 26, No. 57 ■ February 26, 2010 ■ www.themountainpress.com ■ 50 Cents


INSIDE Spotlight

February 26 - March 4, 2010

On Smoky Mountain Entertainment

On the tube

Monica Potter, Max Burkholder and Peter Krause (from left) star in “Parenthood,” premiering Tuesday on NBC.

5On the tube this Tuesday Monica Potter and Max Burkholder star in NBC’s “Parenthood” inside

5Range cooking Rollins helps keep chuckwagons on the front burner Mountain life, Page B1

‘Mr. Seaton ... Not how I pray’ Alleged victims testify Thursday at prelim hearing By JEFF FARRELL Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — One of five women accusing local hotelier Ken Seaton of sexual battery said Thursday that he had prayed with her and another woman just before groping her. During a preliminary hearing in Sevier County General Sessions Court, the woman told Judge Kenneth N. Bailey Jr. that Seaton asked her and another woman in his office to hold his hands and pray for prosperity. Immediately after that, she said, Seaton got up and came to hug her, but his hands drifted below her waist — once, then again after she

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Above, Judge Kenneth N. Bailey Jr. talks with Assistant D.A. Pamela Huddleston and defense attorney Bryan Delius. At right, Ken Seaton listens to testimony.

moved them. She said this is not how I pray,’” he touched the sides of the woman told Bailey. her breasts, and then she Bailey presided over the pushed him away. See seaton, Page A5 “I said, ‘Mr. Seaton,

Snow problems leave officials in school daze What to do? Sevier down to one cancelation


All District Honors Sevier County High School nets several IMAC awards Page A8

Weather Today Mostly Sunny High: 43°

Tonight Mostly Clear Low: 23° DETAILS, Page A6

Obituaries Florence Reedy, 91 Laura Hodges, 80 Ronald Hodges, 72 F. Leroy Mitchell Jr., 38 Arnold McCarter, 66 Harry Vann, 56 Frank Clabo, 88 Mildred Teaster, 76 Johnnie Shults, 68 DETAILS, Page A4-A5

Index Local & State . . . . A1-12 Money . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . A8-10 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . B4 Classifieds . . . . . . . B4-B8 Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . B9 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B9

Corrections The Mountain Press is committed to accuracy. Please report factual errors by calling 428-0748 Ext. 214.

By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — The number of days local school officials have built into the calendar for inclement weather has fallen as fast as the snow in Sevier County this winter, and that opens the possibility of everything from longer school days to Saturday classes. As of Thursday, students had gotten 12 unexpected days off with the potential for another today, though that decision hadn’t been made by press time. Classes can be canceled only 13 times before officials have to start looking for ways to make up the missed time. Sevier County is one of only a few in the state that were given a special exemption for scheduling make up days by a so-called “snow bill” in the 1980s. Under that law, local officials were given permission to extend the time students are in class each day, yielding 13 extra days’ worth of instruction time, school system Director of Curriculum Debra Cline explains. While that has typically been enough to accommodate the missed days, this year’s active winter has pushed the calendar to the brink. With a requirement that 180 days of instruction

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Icicles hang from the ticket and concession stand at Gatlinburg-Pittman High School Thursday as snow and cold weather kept county students home. be offered each school year coming into conflict this year with concern for student safety, officials may soon be looking for ways to make up additional missed days. “What we want to do is have our kids in school regularly to go about the business of education,” Cline says. “Missing days like we have this year could impair the academic achievement of the students. We do all we can to be on task and focused on instruction when school is in session, but having all these days out has been tough.” Still, when officials believe conditions might

be unsafe for students, parents, faculty, staff and buses, school must be canceled. “Hopefully we won’t miss more than one more day,” Cline says with a laugh that acknowledges how unlikely that seems in light of the area’s recent snow globe quality. “If we do, the superintendent would have to look at the options for what is the best way for us to ensure we’re getting the instructional time we need.” Among those options is adding another hour to the school day for as many weeks as are needed to make up the time, tacking on extra days

of classes to the Easter or summer breaks, and calling students in for Saturday sessions. Cline acknowledged none of those options is at all attractive to officials, and certainly none of them will be popular with teachers, students or parents. Still, even just a glance at the shortterm forecast reveals Old Man Winter may already be gearing up to bury any hope that the remainder of the year will go uninterrupted under a fluffy layer of snow. National Weather Service Meteorologist Tod Hyslop says the models indicate the area could see remnant snow

showers from a system that moved through the area a couple days ago to continue sliding through the area. “We’ve got a blocking pattern that’s been with us through most of the winter,” Hyslop explains. “What that means is we’ve basically got a big area of high pressure that has parked over the area. It’s like the high pressure system that came to dinner and wouldn’t leave. It’s blocking these low pressure systems that we’ve seen moving through the area and keeping this winter precipitation See snow, Page A5

Lights, cameras: Action starts on new theater By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer


This is an artist rendering of the new movie theater in Pigeon Forge. Target opening date is late August.

PIGEON FORGE — The money’s secured, the renderings have been made and the site is being prepared for what appears likely to become the first promised new movie theater to become reality in the last few years in Sevier County. Ned Vickers, the developer with Holrob Investments who oversees the local development, told The Mountain Press Thursday the company has signed loan documents with Citizens National Bank for the $3.5 million needed to complete the project and has struck a deal with a theater management company to See theater, Page A5

A2 ◆ Local

The Mountain Press ◆ Friday, February 26, 2010

Local woman battles rare tumor By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — For five years, Crystal Scheffers had experienced an excruciating stomach pain and trouble swallowing. Doctors couldn’t seem to make her troubles go away. “One doctor told me it was the thickening of the esophagus and just let it go,” said Scheffers, a Sevierville mother of three girls. “Another doctor, a gastroenterologist, told me it was my gallbladder and took it out — but the pain kept on.” When another gastroenterologist examined her, he told her she had a tumor that had grown to her esophagus from her stomach, or vice-versa. The condition was called “leiomyomatosis,” which is extremely rare, according to her physician, Dr. Keith Gray at University of Tennessee Medical Center. “It felt like a knife was in my stomach, grinding,” she said of her symptoms. “Later I had trouble swallowing. It’s not cancer. They said there was a possibility it was hereditary. My daughters’ CT scans came back normal, thank God.” Scheffers had surgery in June that involved turning out the top of her esophagus all the way down through her stomach.

Ellen Brown/The Mountain Press

Crystal Scheffers of Sevierville studies papers in her home on her rare tumor, “leiomyomatosis.”

“They took a large portion out of my stomach. It’s now in my chest.” She is required to go for a CT-scan every six months. “I didn’t have any symptoms until I was close to 30 years old,” she said. “They think this started when I was little, it grows at such a slow

rate. If it had grown any faster, they think my esophagus would have collapsed.” She continues to have pain, which she believes is from nerve damage. After being on a feeding tube for two months, then a high-fiber diet, her body is still adjusting to the surgery. “I eat 8-9 snacks a day right now,” said Scheffers, adding that her nutritionist has been working on a new plan. “Within five minutes, any food I take in empties out. ... I’ve lost about 40 pounds.” Scheffers worked in human resources until two years ago and is now on disability. “For two weeks at a time, I won’t leave the house because I have no energy.” There are also the looming hospital bills, which are currently at $15,000 — and much tougher to pay since her husband lost his job in November. “My emotions go up and down because there’s nobody to talk to about this. I think there are more cases out there — the doctors didn’t know what they were looking at when they saw me. “Maybe there’s someone else out there who is reading this and is having the same symptoms I had.” n ebrown@themountainpress.com

Property tax deadline looms Saturday By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — Tax day looms for thousands of folks who got a bill late last year from Sevier County. Local property taxes are due by Feb. 28, though since that falls on a Sunday this year, those who still have to pony up must do so by Saturday or face the potential of penalty fees. Trustee Jettie Clabo says her office is open today and staffers will be in again from 8 a.m. to noon tomorrow for a rare Saturday workday. “The last day is always the big day,” Clabo says. “People have been waiting to pay even more than usual this year, so I expect we’ll see a crowd.” So far, the collections have been running down about 1 percent from the previous year based on the number of folks com-

ing in to pay. Still, the actual amount paid in is about even or slightly higher than in years past because there are more parcels to pay for this year thanks to development that has continued despite the ongoing recession. That economic downturn and the loss of a number of jobs locally has put some taxpayers into a real pinch this year. “We have had a number of people coming in worried about being able to pay,” Clabo says. “A lot of people don’t realize you can actually set up a payment plan with our office and we’ll keep track of your progress.” It may be a bit late to start that sort of effort without incurring the late fees, which accrue at 1.5 percent per month. Still, just letting the trustee’s

staff know there’s some effort ongoing to make payment can help. As of Thursday, the office was seeing crowds of people come in spurts as the rush was on to beat the deadline. Though the bills were mailed months ago, it seems some people either needed the time to collect the cash or just enjoy the thrill of beating the deadline. “February is our biggest month of the whole time,” Clabo says. “That’s one thing we’re telling people about Saturday — they can come in and not have as much trouble finding a place to park because there won’t be all these people coming to pay in addition to those who have regular business in the courthouse.” In addition to offering the Saturday service, the trustee’s office is tell-

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ing folks they can make their payments through the mail as long as the envelope is postmarked by Saturday and collecting the monies through the county clerk’s drivethrough window behind the Sheriff’s Department across from the courthouse. Those who take the latter option must have a current tax bill and use a check to meet their obligations. For more information about paying taxes, call the trustee’s office at 453-2767. n dhodges@themountainpress.com

a rres t s Editor’s Note: The following information was taken from the intake reports at the Sevier County Jail. All people listed within this report are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.

u John Phillip Banks, 48, of Deer Field Park Lot 37 in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with driving on a suspended license and financial responsibility law. He was released on $1,500 bond. u Dustin Rustel Blair, 22, of New Market, was charged Feb. 24 with two counts of violation of probation. He was being held. u Jamison Ray Catlett, 35, of 829 Willow Brook Way in Gatlinburg, was charged Feb. 24 with burglary and theft of property. He was being held in lieu of $25,000 bond. u Robert Nicholos Farragut, 29, of 332 Edgewater Drive in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 25 with domestic violence assault. He was being held. u Billie Lynn Johnson, 45, of Dandridge, was charged Feb. 24 with theft of property, failure to appear, a warrant from circuit court and a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. She was being held in lieu of $2,000 bond. u Brian Keith Maples, 33, of 3245 Nuns Cove Road in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with domestic violence assault. He was being held. u Dennis Arthur McCarter, 48, of 1522 Jay Ell Road in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with DUI, possession of a schedule II substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of implied consent law. He was being held. u Jennifer Nicole McMahan, 19, of Valley View Motel in Pigeon Forge, was charged Feb. 24 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court and shoplifting. She was being held. u Joshua Lee McNabb, 25, of 615 Cedar Road in Pigeon Forge, was charged Feb. 24 with bond revocation. He was being held. u Pattie Sue Messamore, 33, of New Market, was charged Feb. 24 with two counts of worthless checks. She was released on $1,000 bond. u Richard L. Newsome, 51, of Maryville, was charged Feb. 24 with possession of a schedule II substance, juvenile court warrant and possession of a legend drug without prescription. He was being held in lieu of $4,000 bond. u Kimberly L. Palmer, 50, of Lexington, Ky., was charged Feb. 24 with theft of property and being a fugitive from justice. She was being held. u Jacob Alan Presnell, 22, of 2529 Sportsman Way in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Adam Edward Reagan, 33, of 633 Morning Mist Way in Gatlinburg, was charged Feb. 25 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Sally Lucinda Reed, 49, of 1514 Seagull Hollow in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with theft. She was released. u Charles Daniel Shular, 26, of 1222 Goose Gap Road in Sevierville, was charged Feb. 24 with public intoxication, possession of a schedule II substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was being held. the

Check Out The Mountain Press

Local â—† A3

Friday, February 26, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

Pi Beta Phi Foundation awards $130,500 grant to Arrowmont

Sunrise Rotarians see magic

Submitted Report


Sevierville Sunrise Rotarians were treated to a little magic and a little philosophy from magician Terry Evanswood. Evanswood will appear at WonderWorks starting the first of March. Sevierville Sunrise Rotary meets every Thursday morning at Smoky Mountains Children’s’ Home.

List of authors for first literary festival finalized Event is Saturday at Walters State Submitted Report SEVIERVILLE — The list of authors has been confirmed for the first Rose Glen Literary Festival, presented by the Sevierville Chamber of Commerce. The event will be held at Walters State Community College in Sevierville from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The day-long event will feature lectures, book signings and a special luncheon with local authors and those who have written books about Sevier County. These include Donnie Lamon, whose book “Riding to Newport� gives a snapshot of everyday life

along Byrds Creek and in downtown Sevierville during the 1980s. Other confirmed writers for the inaugural event: Arthur McDade, Robert Allen (retired FBI agent and author of “Perry Camp Murders�), Steve Watson, Greg Johnson, Jack Hodge (a local poet), Lin Stepp (“The Foster Girl�), Beulah Carr (“Civil War History of Sevier County�), Lyn Bales (a naturalist at Ijams Nature Center and author of “The Natural History of the Tennessee Valley�), Eric Ball (“Recipes from Blue Mountain Mist Country Inn�), Laura West, Mary Phillips-Marsang (author of the children’s book “Booger�), Don Williams, Veta King (“History of Pigeon Forge�), Donnie Lamon (“Riding to Newport�), John B.

Waters Jr. (author of “Down Bound� and “The History of Sevier County�), Steve Cotham, Cathy Ownby Wilheim, Dwight McCarter (“Mayday, Mayday�), Bonita Hammond, Jarrett Hallcox (a UT professor and author of “Behind the Yellow Lines�) and Ersa Rhea Smith (author of “Flying Bullets,� the story of her father, Ray Noland). All of the authors presented at the Rose Glen Literary Festival have either written books about Sevier County or are from Sevier County. There is an $18 charge for attending the luncheon with the keynote speaker Lyn Bales. There is no fee to attend the other workshops during the day. To reserve tickets, call Carroll McMahan at 453-6411.

GATLINBURG — For the second consecutive year, Pi Beta Phi Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, has announced a grant to Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts. The grant award for 2010 is $130,582; the 2009 grant award was $150,000. Both grants fully fund the requests submitted by Arrowmont. This year’s grant continues to support the school’s development and marketing capacity, as well as funding updates to technology, studios and housing at Arrowmont, and for professional services. “I am pleased that many wonderful things have been accomplished and set into motion because of the Welgan bequest,� said Arrowmont Executive Director David Willard. “We know we could not have taken these important steps without the support of the Foundation and this

bequest and are confident our continued stewardship will merit assistance for many years to come.� “The real impact of support from Pi Beta Phi Foundation will be long term,� Willard said. The grant was unanimously approved by Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s board. Since fiscal year 200001, the foundation has awarded $554,500 in grants and an additional $19,700 in scholarships and gifts to Arrowmont. Arrowmont offers an artist in residence program and workshops in a variety of media. On a 14-acre residential campus in Gatlinburg are five exhibition galleries, art supply store, and resource center. Founded at Monmouth College in Illinois in 1867, Pi Beta Phi Fraternity was the first national secret society of women to be modeled after the Greek-letter fraternities of men. Today there are 134 active chapters and more than 330 alumnae groups in the United States and Canada.

Sevier Library system announces varied book club programs for March Submitted Report Each month the Sevier County Public Library System hosts a variety of book clubs to fit personal reading preferences. The Fireside Book Club features contemporary, eclectic books. The Inspirational Reading Club focuses on an author and his or her works instead of a specific book. The Literary Classics Book Club discusses previous and more recent classics.

March meeting dates, authors and books: n Fireside Book Club, 10 a.m. March 12, to discuss Lin Stepp’s “The Foster Girls.� The club meets at Fort Sanders Sevier County Senior Center. Call 7746033. n Inspirational Reading Club, 1 p.m. March 10 at the Seymour library, featuring Stephen Bly and his books. Call Janet Persichetti at 573-0728 for information. n Literary Classics Book Club, 6 p.m. March 26 at the

Kodak library, will feature Karen Joy Fowler’s “The Jane Austen Book Club.� Call Danielle Smothers at 933-0078 for more information.

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Spring Extreme applications accepted March 1 Submitted Report

Resort’s Indoor Water grade. The cost is $90 for Park. the five days. Spring Extreme is 8 a.m. For more information SEVIERVILLE — The Sevierville Parks and to 5 p.m. each day for kin- call Deanna Hutchens at Recreation Department dergarten through sixth 868-1875. will accept registration for the Spring Extreme 1N .;NLC=E_M .CH Saturday, March 6 2 pm Program beginning March $8 (includes materials). You don’t have to be Irish to wear 1. green for St. Patrick’s day! Paint an easy wooden shamrock This is a five-day profor the big day. gram during Sevier County TERRI’S YARNS & CRAFTS $OLLY 0ARTON 0ARKWAY 3EVIERVILLE s School System’s spring -ON 3AT www.terrisyarnsandcrafts.com break, April 5-9. Children will partici4(% .%7 /4)#/. h()4v (%!2).' !)$ pate in activities at the A PREMIUM PRODUCT AT AN ENTRY LEVEL PRICE! Community Center such as Easter egg hunt, soc&/2 /.% 7%%+ /.,9 cer, bowling, basketball, #!,, 4/$!9 !.$ '%4 4(% '5!2!.4%%$ art, dodgeball, kickball, ,/7 02)#% /& 0!)2 tennis, whiffleball and %XPIRES swimming. There also are field trips planned for THIS IS THE INTRODUCTION OF THIS NEW, AMAZING HEARING DEVICE AND WILL ONLY BE AT THIS PRICE FOR ONE WEEK! The Track, Reel Theatres, East Tennessee Hearing Center Great Smoky Mountains &OX -EADOWS "LVD 3UITE s OFF -IDDLE #REEK 2OAD s 3EVIERVILLE 4. National Park, Sevierville City Park and Westgate

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A4 â—† Local/State

In Memoriam

Frank B. Clabo

Frank B. Clabo, age 88 of Gatlinburg, passed away Sunday, February 21, 2010. He was an Army veteran of World War II and was a member of First United Methodist Church in Gatlinburg. Mr. Clabo served as a county commissioner for twelve years and was in the service station business for 40 years. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather and will be greatly missed. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Shirley Clabo McKay; grandsons, Robert Bryan McKay and Edward Browning Trotter; parents, Pinkney and Viola Clabo, brothers, Shirrill Clabo, Joy Clabo and Armalee Clabo; sister, June Watson; brother-in-law Gene Wood. Survivors: wife of 68 years, Cecil Ogle Clabo; daughter and son-in-law, Dianna and Johnny Farley; son-in-law, Bob McKay; grandchildren, William Douglas McKay and wife Hope, and Thomas Bates Trotter, Jr.; great-grandchildren, Brooke McKay McCoy and husband Adam, Austen Renee Trotter, Jessica Megan McKay, John Douglas McKay, Karson Bates Trotter, Hannah Leigh McKay, Casey Lynn Trotter; great-great grandchild, Ethan Taylor Massey; sisters, Marjorie Galyon and husband Ralph, Edna Wood, Betty Jo Wallwork and husband David, and Louise Motley and husband Earl; brother, Howard Clabo and wife Jeannie. Memorial contributions may be made to First United Methodist Church, Gatlinburg, 742 Parkway, Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738. Funeral service 7 p.m. Friday in the West Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with Rev. Larry Dial officiating. Interment 10 a.m. Saturday in Smoky Mountain Memory Gardens with full military honors provided by American Legion Post #104. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Friday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

In Memoriam

F. Leroy Mitchell, Jr.

F. Leroy Mitchell, Jr., age 38 of Sevierville, passed away Monday, February 22, 2010. Leroy was former owner of Muffler King and was currently employed by Plumbing Solutions. He was of the Baptist faith and coached New Center football and Greater Sevierville Little League Baseball. Survivors include his wife, Sharon Mitchell; sons, Dalton Mitchell, Korey Mitchell and friend Bethann Barnhart; stepson, Derick Tarwater and fiancĂŠe Laurel Keithley; parents, Frank, Sr. and Carol Mitchell; sister and brother-in-law, Susan and Bobby Smith; nephew, Robbie Smith; niece, Olivia Smith; and all the little guys he coached that touched his life. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to benefit the family. Funeral service 7 p.m. Friday in the East Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with Rev. Curtis Wells officiating. Interment 11:30 a.m. Saturday in Kear-Loveday Cemetery. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Friday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

Laura Helen Hodges

where he served as an usher and Laura Helen Hodges, 80 of a greeter. Ronald Sevierville, died Tuesday, Feb. graduated from 23, 2010, at LeConte Medical Hiawassee College Center in Sevierville. Mrs. with an associate degree, and Hodges was a member of First the University of Tennessee with Baptist Church in Sevierville a Bachelor of Arts in Agriculture and past president of Tampa See obits, Page A5 Bay Women’s Club. She was an LPN for 30 years, and after retirement served as a hospice volunteer. Survivors: husband, Earl Hodges; daughters and sonsin-law, Sherry and Bill LeVines, Rebecca and John Clark, Ann and Jerry Moser; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; sisters, Gladys Cromer and JoAnn Bailey; numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to First Baptist Church, 317 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862; or Alzheimer’s Association, P.O. Box 10088, Knoxville, TN 37939-9910. The family will receive friends 10-11 a.m. Friday with memorial service to follow at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church Sevierville, the Rev. Jerry Hyder officiating. Arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

Ronald Gordon Hodges Ronald Gordon Hodges, 72, died Monday, Feb. 22, 2010. He was a member of Sevier Heights Baptist Church

The Mountain Press â—† Friday, February 26, 2010

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Mildred H. Teaster

Mildred H. Teaster age 76 of Louisville, formerly of Townsend, went to be with the Lord, Wednesday, February 24, 2010. She was a member of Headricks Chapel Primitive Baptist Church in Wears Valley. Preceded in death by her husband, William Rance Teaster; infant daughter, Patricia Teaster; parents, Elder Otha and Naomi Henry; brothers, Linton and Brickey Henry; sisters, Marie and Pearl Henry. Survivors include son and daughter-in-law, Melvin and Debbie Teaster; son, Bill Teaster; grandchildren, Brad Teaster, Bethany and Joe Lindsey; great-granddaughter, Averie Lindsey; sisters, Mable Trentham, Wilma Majors, Carol Wright, and a host of family and friends. A special thanks to Lisa, Dr. Hanna and the Critical Care Staff at UT Hospital. funeral service will be at 7 p.m. Saturday, February 27, 2010, in the Smith Trinity Chapel with Rev. Ronnie Hepperly officiating. Interment will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, February 28, 2010, at Brickey Cemetery in Townsend. Family will receive friends from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Saturday, February 27, 2010, at Smith Funeral & Cremation Service, Maryville, 9831000.

Johnnie M. (Fox) Shults Johnnie M. (Fox) Shults, age 68 of Maryville, passed away with dignity and grace at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center with her family by her side. She was a member of Bakers Creek Presbyterian Church. Preceded in death by Late husband, Carl S. Fox; Parents, John & Louart Turpin; Brothers, Earnest, Oscar Lee & Cleo Turpin. She left behind her Husband of 37 years, Don (D.H.) Shults of Maryville; Loving Daughter & Son-inlaw, Tammy (Fox) Caughron & Kevin of Maryville; Dear Son, Chad Shults of New York; Brother & Sister-in-law, Norman & Virgie Turpin of Sevierville; Sister & Brother-in-law, Mary Alice & Troy Gene Caughron; Three Precious Grandchildren, Kiefer, Logan & Larissa all of Maryville; Special friends, Lavonne Ogle and Barbara King of Sevierville. Family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m., Friday, February 26, 2010 at Smith West Chapel. Funeral service will immediately follow at 8 p.m., with Rev. Ron Sabo and Rev. Keith Johnson officiating. Private graveside services for family and close friends will be at 11 a.m., Saturday, February 27, 2010, at Bakers Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery. Smith Funeral & Cremation Service, Maryville, (865) 983-1000. n www.smithmortuary.com

n www.smithmortuary.com

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Harry L. Vann

Arnold Lee McCarter, age 66, of Pigeon Forge, died February 24, 2010. He was preceded in death by his mother and father, Hazel Laney McCarter and Kenneth R. McCarter. He is survived by sister and brotherin-law, Linda and Jerry Rawlings; brother, Michael K. McCarter; nephew, Scott Rawlings; uncle and aunt, Kelly and Velma McCarter; many loving cousins and friends. A memorial celebration will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27, at Banner Baptist Church.

Harry L. Vann, age 56 of Kodak, TN, passed away Wednesday morning, February 24, 2010. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and was a self employed long-haul truck driver. A beloved husband, father and grandfather he will be greatly missed for his sense of humor and sharing with his family. Survived by his wife of 32 years, Debra Vann of Kodak; children, Victoria Hester of LaGrange, GA, Troy Vann of Pine Mountain, GA and Tony Vann of Woodland, AL, Amy Leeper of Sevierville, Monica Whitley of Dandridge and Dale Vann of Kodak; 20 grandchildren; sister, Connie Wheat. Funeral services, Friday, 7 p.m. at Farrar Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Charles Harkleroad officiating. Interment graveside services, Saturday, 1 p.m. at Beech Springs Cemetery. Family will receive friends, Friday, 5 to 7 p.m. at Farrar Funeral Home, Dandridge.

Arnold Lee McCarter

Senate OKs bill to help low-income NASHVILLE (AP) — The Senate has unanimously approved legislation that seeks to help low-income Tennessee residents. The measure co-sponsored by Democratic Sen. Douglas Henry of Nashville was approved 30-0 on Thursday. The companion bill is awaiting a vote on the House floor next week. The legislation allows the Department of Human Services to provide low-income energy assistance at “any percentage of the federal income poverty level that is permitted by federal law.�

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Local/Money â—† A5

Friday, February 26, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

hearing because local judges recused themselves from the case. The Mountain Press is not identifying either of the alleged victims who testified Thursday because the newspaper does not generally identify alleged victims of sex crimes. Bailey eventually bound over two sexual battery charges against Seaton. Seaton’s attorney, Bryan Delius, had already waived preliminary hearings on three additional charges. That means all five charges will be reviewed by a grand jury, which will consider whether there is enough evidence to merit proceeding with a trial against Seaton. Delius spent a large portion of the afternoon attempting to impeach the testimony of the two alleged victims whose charges hadn’t been waived. That effort might not have proved successful with Bailey, but allowed Delius to conduct lengthy cross-examinations which could provide more opportunities to attack the women’s credibility as the cases move forward. In all five cases, the women allege that Seaton touched them inappropriately. Most were working for him late last year at the time the alleged incidents took place. The woman who testified he prayed with her is one of two women who filed sexual harassment and wrongful termination suits against Seaton. The other party filing the suit, who is not among the alleged victims


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from moving out like they should.� That has meant those widely scattered snow showers, like those forecast at a slim chance for today and into the weekend, have


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operate the facility. “We have started with demolition. This is going to be a reality,� Vickers said. “The construction contract runs for 180 days and it started Monday. We’re looking at a late August opening.� The effort being completed by D&S Builders is set to locate a five-screen multiplex in a portion of the Parkway shopping center to the left of the Smoky Mountain Brewery location in a section of retail space that has been left vacant. Those shops will be torn down and the theater will take their place. The new theater will have a traditional cinema marquee out front and will also fill several false store facades. It’s set to have stadium seating and digital projection, with the capability to show 3-D movies, Vickers said. Holrob has also signed a contract with Knoxville-based theater operations company Phoenix Big Cinemas Management LLC, the 25thlargest theater company in the country, Vickers said. It’s not the first time Phoenix has been involved with a project in Sevier County. Among the previous promises for new cinema offerings in the area was one that a multiplex would be built in the Allensville Road development that seemed to stall after the construction of Home Depot. In a post on The Mountain Press’ Web site Thursday, Phoenix Vice President of Marketing Karen Lane said the company was set to manage that facility but that deal has since been dissolved as the developer



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in the criminal case, was the same one the alleged victim said was in the room with her and Seaton when the incident occurred. After touching her, the woman said, “(Seaton) told me if I cooperated, I wouldn’t need a husband, and I’d be surprised what Viagra could do for an old man.� The woman said she worked for Seaton several more days after rebuffing him, but was eventually fired from her job. The second alleged victim to testify Thursday said she worked in Seaton’s offices. She told Bailey that Seaton came up behind her, pulled her shirt and bra down and placed his face between her breasts. She pushed him away and pulled up her shirt and bra, she said, and he told her to leave them down. “(What he said) was to the effect of, ‘Don’t bother to do that, I might be back for more,’� she told Bailey. Both women said Seaton appeared to be drunk when the incidents occurred; the second said he kept a supply of Scotch whisky in the office and had a glass of it in his hand when the incident allegedly happened. The second woman said she was never paid for any of the time she worked for Seaton, which lasted for several weeks, including time after the alleged incident occurred. Delius raised several issues in an attempt to question the credibility of the two women. The dates they testified the alleged incidents happened in court do not match the dates Pigeon Forge Detective Rene Kendall listed in the war-

rants; however, prosecutor Pamela Huddleston noted the warrants say the events occurred “on or about� the listed dates. Delius also noted previous criminal charges against the first woman who took the stand; she was convicted of a misdemeanor drug charge and possession of drug paraphernalia. He asked the second woman if she had told people Seaton fell and his hand had gone down her blouse, rather than what she described in court; she said she hadn’t. The first woman also said Delius and an investigator came to her home the day after Christmas last year and, while questioning her about the criminal case, offered a financial settlement — an offer Delius took quick steps to assure the judge involved the civil suit, and not the criminal case. “It all came down to (Delius and the investigator) asking me what it would take to make me whole again,� she said. When the investigator took the stand, at Delius prompting he said that they inquired if she would accept a settlement in the civil case, and made it clear they were not offering money for her to change her testimony regarding the criminal charges. At one point during the hearing, a bailiff asked attorneys for both sides to approach the bench. Officials indicated there had been an incident outside involving witnesses waiting to testify, but the judge did not announce any actions during the hearing.

stuck around long after the bulk of the storm has moved through, drawing moisture from the air and water bodies to sustain their lives a bit longer. In addition to that chance for frozen precipitation, which seems likely to bring additional significant accumulations only to the moun-

tains, the forecast indicates there’s likely another storm system taking aim at the area for early next week. While the sun is expected to dominate through the weekend, notwithstanding those slight chances for a passing snow shower, and temperatures are likely to rebound into the mid- to upper-40s, the

n jfarrell@themountainpress.com




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49.19 13.31 2.99 31.30 20.41 202.00 24.77 16.55 28.23 62.87 24.48 43.60 72.11 24.33 53.12 42.87 16.38 59.39 65.14 12.74 11.78 24.58 22.88 15.92 31.36 127.07 20.63

0.12 0.25 -0.04 0.02 0.15 1.34 -0.14 0.22 -0.25 -0.61 -0.23 0.03 -0.23 -0.01 -2.04 -0.01 -0.07 -0.18 -0.41 -0.07 0.05 0.04 0.11 -0.10


0.24% 1.91% -1.32% 0.06% 0.74% 0.67% -0.56% 1.35% -0.88% -0.96% -0.93% 0.07% -0.32% -0.04% -3.70% -0.02% -0.43% -0.30% -0.63% -0.55% 0.43% 0.16% 0.48% -0.62% UNCH 0.00% -0.52 -0.41% -0.07 -0.34%

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27.98 40.64 52.31 28.81 22.31 64.38 9.07 28.60 6.85 24.87 49.61 17.69 63.70 6.54 96.26 1.07 21.75 17.91 3.29 26.37 23.52 42.30 28.86 54.90 26.14 54.15 15.24

-0.26 -0.21 -0.09 -0.24 0.42 -0.33 -0.02 -0.03 0.06 0.10 -0.22 -0.12 -0.19 -0.10 0.74 -0.03 0.03 -0.08 0.01 -0.17 -0.24 -0.19 0.18 0.16 1.76 0.23 -0.35

-0.92% -0.51% -0.17% -0.83% 1.92% -0.51% -0.22% -0.10% 0.88% 0.40% -0.44% -0.67% -0.30% -1.51% 0.77% -2.73% 0.14% -0.44% 0.30% -0.64% -1.01% -0.45% 0.63% 0.29% 7.22% 0.43% -2.25%

Toyota chief blasted by lawmakers despite apology WASHINGTON (AP) — Under blistering criticism, Toyota President Akio Toyoda personally and repeatedly apologized to Congress and millions of anxious American car-owners Wednesday for deadly defects in popular models produced by his Japanese company. But angry lawmakers forcefully declared it was hardly enough. “Where is the remorse?� scolded Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio. And Republican John Mica of Florida held aloft what he called an “absolutely appalling� Toyota report bragging of defusing a safety investigation. Of Toyoda’s apology, Kaptur said, “I do not think it reflects significant remorse for those who have died.� Federal safety officials have received reports linking 34 deaths in the United States to safety defects in Toyota cars and trucks over the past decade. “I extend my sincerest condolences to them from the bottom of my heart,� responded Toyoda, grandson of the founder of the world’s largest auto company. “I’m deeply sorry for any accident that Toyota drivers have experienced.�

front set to move through to kick off March will bring more cold air with it. “There is the potential for some rain or snow Monday night into Tuesday, but it’s so far out at this point we can’t be sure what that will look like yet,� Hyslop says. n dhodges@themountainpress.com

and Animal Husbandry. He retired from Tennessee Farmers Co-op after 35 years and retired as a Mst. Sgt. from the Tennessee Air National Guard after 38 years. Survivors: wife, Isabell P. Hodges; daughters, Beth and Susan Sims; sister, Gwendolyn (Lynn) Lowery, New Market; brothers, Dwayne (Clara) Hodges, Sevierville; and Lowell (Becky) Hodges, Kodak; five nephews; three nieces; several great-nephews and -nieces, great-greatnieces and -nephews. Funeral services were held Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010, in the chapel at Berry Funeral Home, with the Rev. Charlie McNutt officiating. The family and friends will meet at Berry Funeral Home at 1 p.m. Friday and proceed to Beech Springs Cemetery in Kodak for a 2 p.m. graveside service. Military honors will be provided by the Veterans Honor Guard. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Sevier Heights Baptist Church, “A Story Continues� building fund, 3232 Alcoa Highway, Knoxville, TN 37920. Pallbearers will be Ray, Lon, Clint and Marty Hodges and Mark and Aaron Lowry. Honorary pallbearers will be The Carroll Reagan Sunday School Class, Bill Cox, David Childress, Jimmy Anderson, Charles Reeder, Michael Crawford, and Wayne Edmonds. The family will receive friends 5-8 p.m. prior to the service. Condolences may be offered at www.berryfuneralhome.net.

Death Notice Florence Reedy Florence Reedy, 91, of Pigeon Forge, died Feb. 24, 2010, at Pigeon Forge Care & Rehabilitation. Rawlings Funeral Home in charge of local arrangements.

Weekday Specials

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has left the site vacant. Lane wasn’t able to offer further information on that situation when she spoke to The Mountain Press late Thursday, only confirming that the agreement struck “years ago� has fallen through. “This (Waldens Landing) is the project we’re involved in in Sevier County now,� Lane said. “This one is a great location and the developer was ready to go.� The idea of putting a theater at Waldens Landing came as its ownership pondered ways to increase foot traffic to the center. Though a somewhat high-end development in a busy part of town, the retail location has seen a high turnover rate among its stores, with a number of spaces sitting empty for long stretches of time. Putting the theater in could

solve two problems by bringing in more visitors to take in a show and peruse the retail offerings, as well as filling the vacant storefronts. Vickers has speculated to city officials there could be hundreds of thousands of people who use the theater each year. If that hefty projection materializes, developers are ready to accommodate the demand. “There is the potential to expand by three or four screens behind the building if that becomes necessary,� Vickers said. “We have determined that there is room for 600 additional seats back there. How many screens we get out of that depends on how many seats we put in each theater.� n dhodges@themountainpress.com


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A6 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Friday, February 26, 2010

sunrise in the smokies

TODAY’S Briefing Local n


Jaycees plan concert today

The John Titlow Band of Maryville will be in concert from 10:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. today at the Four Seasons Hotel in Gatlinburg. Admission is $10. This concert is sponsored by the Sevier County Jaycees. For more information or advance ticket sales call429-0948 or visit JohnTitlowBand.com. n


Baseball group event Saturday

Smoky Mountain Youth Baseball Association player sign-up and evaluation will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Sevierville City Park, Field No. 4. The program is for players ages 3-16. League officials will evaluate players from 7 years and older that are not already on a team roster. Players should bring glove and bat and come prepared to catch, hit, field and run. Call 388-7672 or 5488555 for more information. The cost is $30 per player. n


Bank sponsoring cutest pet contest

Home Federal’s Relay For Life team is sponsoring the “So You Think You Have the Cutest Pet” contest. The winner receives a pet-friendly basket, which includes a Mountain Home Veterinary Hospital annual exam and vaccinations, as well as various pet items. Persons may enter their pets in the contest at any Home Federal branch in Sevier County. The contest continues through February. For questions or for more information call Suzanne Leach or Cheryl Parton at 453-5515. n

Robert Kendig, Gatlinburg resident and coordinator of counseling and follow-up church ministries for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, will be teaching the Christian Life & Witness Course for free March 4-6 at Gatlinburg Inn. There is a $4 charge for books and materials. Garlands of Grace is sponsoring the course, with some local businesses underwriting it. To register call Joann Jordan at 4360313 or visit www.fgraceministries.com. SEVIER COUNTY

Teddy bears are solicited

Teddy bears to be given to children in a crisis situation may be dropped off: n 1-3 p.m. Mondays, Gatlinburg Inn n Noon-1:30 p.m. Mondays, Seymour Christian Heights n 9-11 a.m. Thursdays, Pigeon Forge FUMC n After 10 a.m., Sevierville FUMC n Anytime, Blue Mountain Mist B&B, 1811 Pullen Road n

Lottery Numbers

Tourism becomes boon to state farms NASHVILLE (AP) — In a tough year for Tennessee’s state budget, the departments of tourism and agriculture have found a mutual silver lining: a boomlet in agricultural tourism. Milking cows (sort of), wandering through corn and cotton mazes, watching chicks hatch, having a country wedding and picking melons are among the activities drawing city folks and their pocketbooks to farms around Tennessee. Officials from the state Department of

Agriculture say more than 600 such operations can be found across Tennessee today. And some of the farmers have crossed into the cyberspace world, setting up Web sites and Facebook pages. With an estimated loss of 11.5 acres of Tennessee farmland per hour to development, conservationists wanting to preserve the state’s green landscapes are also among those supporting the movement. “It’s very much a growing industry



in Tennessee,” said Tennessee Agriculture Commissioner Ken Givens. Figures from a 2006 University of Tennessee study showed annual spending of about $32 million, including $17 million in direct spending. The report came out after efforts began cranking up three years earlier to actively promote what became labeled as agritourism. Some farmers open their farms for family reunions, for scarecrow festivals, pumpkin pick-

Today's Forecast


Chicago 25° | 18°

Washington 38° | 25°

Memphis 47° | 27°

Chance of rain/ snow 0%

Raleigh 49° | 27° Atlanta 52° | 27°

New Orleans 58° | 38°

High: 44° Low: 29°

Miami 65° | 43°

■ Lake Stages: Douglas: 953.9 Unch


Education Hall of Fame starting

The Sevier County Education Hall of Fame is seeking nominations for its first class of honorees. The Hall of Fame will recognize outstanding teachers, administrators, school employees and school board members. The first class will be inducted in April. Nominations are being accepted until March 20. Forms are available at sevier.org, seviercountybank.com, all Sevier County schools, the Sevier County Library or any Sevier County Bank branch.

© 2010 Wunderground.com

■ Ober ski report: Base: 45 to 75 inches Primary surface: Machine groomed Trails open: All (Grizzly closes at dusk) (Mogul Ridge not groomed)

Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow

“I think we’re establishing that there are actually some areas of real agreement. And we’re starting to focus on what the disagreements are. ... If you look at the issue of how much government should be involved,” he said, “the argument that the Republicans are making really isn’t that this is a government takeover of health care but rather that we’re ensuring the ... We’re regulating the insurance market too much. And that’s a legitimate philosophical disagreement.” — President Barack Obama at Thursday’s health care summit

“We have a very difficult gap to bridge here. We just can’t afford this. That’s the ultimate problem.” — Rep. Eric Cantor, the No. 2 House Republican, at the summit

“She loved the whales like her children, she loved all of them. They all had personalities, good days and bad days.” — Diane Gross, whose sister, animal trainer Dawn Brancheau, was killed by a killer whale at the SeaWorld theme park in Orlando, Fla., on Wednesday.

The Mountain Press Staff

Publisher: Jana Thomasson Editor: Stan Voit Production Director: Tom McCarter Advertising Director: Joi Whaley Business Manager: Mary Owenby Circulation Distribution Manager: Will Sing (ISSN 0894-2218) Copyright 2008 The Mountain Press. All Rights Reserved. All property belongs to The Mountain Press and no part may be reproduced without prior written consent. Published daily by The Mountain Press. P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN, 37864, 119 River Bend Dr., Sevierville, TN 37876. Periodical Postage paid at Sevierville, TN.


Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Weather Underground • AP

national quote roundup


Midday: 6-9-9


Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010 Midday: 9-8-8-9


Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010 13-20-25-31-33

04-17-35-50-57 12 x2

This day in history Today is Friday, Feb. 26, the 57th day of 2010. There are 308 days left in the year. Locally a year ago:

Jane Boling’s Comprehensive Development Classroom, Seymour Primary School, received a grant to introduce students to Agriculture in the Classroom. Her eight students with various challenges, each have their own shovel with which they planted a variety of vegetables. “The look on their faces when they first dug up the potatoes … they just couldn’t believe it,” said Boling.

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010


■ Saturday High: 44° Low: 27° ■ Sunday

Due to an early deadline some lottery results have been omitted.

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010

High: 43° Low: 23° Windy

ing or hayrides so that they can help make ends meet. Others, like Billy Donnell, whose Jacksonarea farm has been in the family since 1835, view agritourism as a way to educate the public about farming, while still raising cattle and crops. The tours and activities, which he said pay for themselves — plus a little extra — include playing in a giant “sandbox” filled with dry, shelled corn instead of sand, and feeding chickens.

City/Region High | Low temps

Forecast for Friday, Feb. 26


Christian Life course offered


top state news

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Today’s highlight:

On Feb. 26, 1940, the United States Air Defense Command was created. n

On this date:

In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from exile on the Island of Elba. In 1987, the Tower Commission, which probed the Iran-Contra affair, issued its report, which rebuked President Ronald Reagan for failing to control his national security staff. n

Thought for today:

“There is one thing more powerful than the armies of the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” — Victor Hugo (18021885).

Celebrities in the news n n

Howard Stern Tiger Woods

NEW YORK — Howard Stern’s representative has confirmed a report that the r a d i o jock is organizing The T i g e r Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant. Woods T h e pageant will award $100,000 to one of Woods’ mistresses on March 10. The Times U.K. reports that four of the 13 women identified in the press as having had an affair with Woods have agreed to participate, and Stern has reportedly said that he would go through with the event as long as more than three women were on board.

Mountain Views

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” —United States Constitution, Amendment One

■ The Mountain Press ■ Page A7 ■ Friday, February 26, 2010


Generals have tough time taking orders In an obituary of Alexander Haig, The New York Times wrote: “He was a rare American breed: a political general.” Not rare enough, I’d say. Haig was a key figure in what Eisenhower might have called “a military-governmental complex.” Perhaps that is fitting. After all, our first president was the greatest of our generals, George Washington. He was followed by 11 more president generals. The political viability of generals declined after the Civil War generation passed on. Haig and others, most recently another former commanding general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Wesley Clark, ran unsuccessfully for the White House. They were generals, not used to having their judgment or knowledgeability questioned. They could not handle argument or criticism. Real politicians can; they can thrive in lives that are often an endless series of small humiliations. Haig, in fact, was a significant example of the military men who worked their way into the higher levels of democratic government by practicing the military arts of duty, honor, country — deference, unthinking loyalty and discretion. Haig was only a colonel when he was called into the Nixon White House in 1969 as a military assistant to Henry Kissinger. A West Point graduate and decorated Vietnam veteran, he had created the career path that was followed by other military men, most notably Gen. Colin Powell and Adm. John Poindexter. After his service on Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s staff during the Korean war, Haig, obviously among the Army’s best and brightest, was assigned to the Pentagon as a deputy special assistant to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Then he went to Vietnam as a brigade commander. Coming home he was assigned the White House assistant job and, in time, succeeded Kissinger as national security adviser. Those were almost unbelievably nasty times, with the military spying on the National Security Council. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Thomas Moorer, sent a young Navy typist to deliver each day copies of the papers he saw and the contents of Kissinger’s and Haig’s wastebaskets to the Pentagon. When Watergate finally destroyed the strong men of the Nixon White House, H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, Haig, then vice chief of staff of the Army, was called back to replace Haldeman as White House chief of staff. By all accounts, he served the country with honor in the final days of the Nixon administration, holding together the fractured administration until Nixon resigned. With Nixon’s backing, Haig was appointed secretary of State in 1981 by a new Republican president, Ronald Reagan. He lasted only 17 months, ruining himself by going on television wild-eyed and declaring he was in charge of the White House when Reagan was wounded by a would-be assassin. More important, it was during Haig’s rise and fall that civilian government turned more and more to the military for manpower. And in those years, particularly after Kissinger was gone, power and money shifted steadily from the State Department and diplomacy to the Defense Department and military solutions to political problems. At the same time, the ending of a civilian draft by Nixon inevitably separated the military from most of the rest of society. It did not start with Haig, of course. President Kennedy had elevated Gen. Maxwell Taylor to high levels of politics and diplomacy. In fact, Kennedy saw the military as the new agents of civilian government itself, saying in a commencement speech at West Point in 1962: “Whether it is Vietnam or Laos or in Thailand ... Whatever your position, you will need to know and understand not only the foreign policy of the U.S. but the foreign policy of all countries scattered around the world ... You will be involved in economic judgments which most economists would hesitate to make.” The year before, the commencement speaker, Gen. MacArthur, a man who had wanted to be president, delivered the opposite message: “Your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable — it is to win our wars. Everything else in your professional career is but corollary to this vital dedication.” Recent history — watching bright and dedicated young officers try to build civil societies in Iraq and Afghanistan — makes you wonder if MacArthur, a political general if there ever was one, may have been right all along. — Richard Reeves, a presidential scholar and expert on six presidents, is the author of several books, including profiles of Richard Nixon and John Kennedy. Column distributed by Universal Syndicate.


Saddle Up! Pigeon Forge lassoes fun to close out Winterfest Yee-haw! It’s the last round-up for Pigeon Forge’s 20th annual Winterfest Celebration. What a celebration it has been and what a round-up this weekend promises to be. It started back on Nov. 3 when The Duggar Family, stars of the TLC reality series “18 Kids and Counting,” came to Patriot Park for fireworks and the turning-on-the-lights ceremony. In the nearly four months that have passed, more than 5 million lights have brightened the city for locals and tourists alike. What started Thursday and continues through the weekend at various locations around Pigeon Forge is the 10th annual Saddle Up! The festival “includes a variety of cowboy entertainment, presented the cowboy way.” There’s going to be entertainment galore, but perhaps the top draws — get the cowboy metaphor? — will be performances by the Grammy-winning western and comedy group Riders in the Sky at Tennessee Shindig tonight

and Saturday, and a reunion of the cast of “The Virginian.” The four cast members will be at virtually all of the Saddle Up! events as well as attending a meetand-greet just for them from 6-9 p.m. Saturday at the convention center on Jake Thomas Road. For folks old enough to remember the 1960s when westerns and rural sitcoms were such a major force on television, “The Virginian” cast reunion ought to be a special treat. Cast members James Drury, Roberta Shore, Gary Clarke and Randy Boone will be on hand. There will be a question-and-answer session, the cast will sign autographs and film clips from the series will be shown. DVDs of the first two seasons will be for sale. Of course, entertainment won’t be provided just by the television stars and Riders in the Sky. There will be performances by various entertainers at venues such as The Smith Family Theater, Grand Majestic Theater, Tennessee Shindig and Grand Resort and Hotel

(check mypigeonforge.com for a complete listing). If just the entertainment doesn’t get you into that cowboy spirit, there’s a heap more. There are going to be chuckwagon breakfasts, lunches and dinners, a chuckwagon cookoff, a songwriters workshop that lasts almost all day Saturday and cowboy church Sunday morning led by Pastor Doug Stokes of Porterville, Miss. And for those who really want to get into the cowboy spirit, you need to plan to be at Clabough’s Campground beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday. Attendees will be able to learn the basics of calf roping, cowboy poetry and Dutch oven cooking. The calendar says we officially have almost another month of winter, but the final curtain falls on Pigeon Forge’s Winterfest 2009-’10 this weekend. It would be fitting to grab your partner — shoot-fire, your whole family — and dosey-doe over to Pigeon Forge for the final round-up. Yee-haw!

Political view

Public forum Parents of Bryan Walker say thanks for the ‘Idol’ support

Editor: Our son, Bryan Walker, was a recent contestant on the television show “American Idol.” The experience was wonderful in so many ways. Most valuable to us has been the tremendous outpouring of support and love from you, our hometown community. Contractual agreements with the folks at A.I. and the management company associated with them have limited Bryan and all of our family from expressing our thanks to you. Now that his participation in the show has ended we can share our thoughts. So many friends have encouraged Bryan that it would be impossible to list all of you

here, and I wouldn’t dare to try for fear of forgetting someone. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You may never know how much Bryan enjoyed all of the comments, texts, phone calls, cards and letters, prayers and other acts of kindness from each of you. Special thanks must be given to the Sevierville board of Mayor and Aldermen, Mayor Bryan Atchley (fasten that seat belt, your honor) and the Sevier County Commission. Thanks to each of you for your cooperation and support. Sevier County law enforcement, especially the Sevierville Police department, Chief Myers, Capt. Bryan, Lt. Ayers and all of the officers on Bryan’s shift: thank you so much. Bryan is proud to serve with each of you. Special thanks also to our church families

at Sevierville First and Pathways. We love and appreciate you all very much. Our friends at the Sevier County schools have also been wonderful. Finally, we want each of you to know how proud we are to be Bryan’s parents. God has blessed us indeed with a great family, but we realize our children have been greatly influenced by our friends and the community in which we live. While we were in California, Bryan talked with pride about his friends and the home he loves so much. Soon he will be able to make a public statement and will do so. Please remember us in your prayers and look for Bryan to be singing here soon. Thanks so much to all of you. René and David Walker Kodak

Letters to the editor policy and how to contact us: ◆ We encourage our readers to send letters to the editor. Letters must contain no more than 500 words. No more than one letter per person will be published in a 30-day period. Letters must be neatly printed or typed and contain no libel, plagiarism or personal attacks. All letters are subject to editing for style, length and content. Statements of fact must be attributed to a source for verification. All letters must be signed and contain a phone number and address for verification purposes. No anonymous or unverified letters will be printed. No letters endorsing candidates will be considered. The Mountain Press reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: editor@themountainpress.com or MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, The Mountain Press, P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864. For questions, call (865) 428-0748, ext. 214. The Mountain Press and its publishers do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in letters and columns on this page.

Editorial Board:

State Legislators:

Federal Legislators:

◆ Jana Thomasson, Publisher ◆ Stan Voit, Editor ◆ Bob Mayes, Managing Editor ◆ Gail Crutchfield, Community News Editor

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■ The Mountain Press ■ A8 ■ Friday, February 26, 2010


PF, Bearettes fight for postseason lives tonight By JASON DAVIS Sports Editor PIGEON FORGE — By virtue of their performance in the regular season and semifinals of the District 3-AA tournament, the Pigeon Forge Lady Tigers will host the Scott County Lady Highlanders in the first round

of the Region 2-AA tournament tonight at PFHS. Similarly, the Sevier County Bearettes upset win over Cocke County in the opening round of the District 2-AAA tournament assured them a spot in the region tonight, and they’ll travel to Bristol to face the Vikings of Tennessee High. While the Purple and White

(10-20) will have their work cut with Tennessee High (22-8), the Lady Tigers (21-5) are the likely favorites over Scott County (14-11). Still, the Lady Highlanders are no pushovers. After falling to the top-seeded Christian Academy of Knoxville in the District 4-AA semifinals, 55-44, Scott County toppled

a good Stone Memorial team, 80-73, in triple-overtime to earn the district’s third-place crown on Monday. In that game the Lady Highlanders showed off their versatility as four players scored in double-figures — Whitney Phillips with 22 points, Shay Anderson with 20, Lexi Jeffers with 15 and Lynsey Chambers

with 13. Pigeon Forge would be wellsuited to start off hot, as they did in many home games this season. Using their pressing style to spark a few Danielle Rauhuff steals and layups or some spotup 3-pointers on fast-breaks from a trailing Kelsey Brooks See TONIGHT, Page A9


Big Weave a Red Raider Seymour lefty inks with Roane State CC By JASON DAVIS Sports Editor SEYMOUR — Last season Corbin Weaver made huge strides on the baseball field. Previously a stalwart of the Eagles’ bullpen and an occasional spot starter, the powerfully-built lefty — affectionately know as Big Weave by teammates — earned a new reputation around District 3-AA. Starting the season 7-1 with a sub-2.00 ERA on the hill for the Eagles, Weaver had earned stature as one of the Eagles’ highestperforming hurlers for the Blue and Gold. “He was actually our numberone pitcher,” coach Scott Norman said. “He’d beat some really good teams. He shutout Morristown East and beat Anderson County

on the road. “I think he ended up maybe 7-2, he had a couple of rough outings right at the end of the year, which kind of inflated his ERA a little bit, but going into May he was really throwing the ball pretty well.” That success on the mound, coupled with a good bat — about a .310 average with five homers — got Weaver some attention from Roane State Community College and coach David Lane. He recently made a trip there, and it helped him make up his mind to sign with the team this week. “I took a visit up there, and I threw a little bit,” Weaver said moments after signing. “They’d showed me around, and I liked it.” Seymour’s coach Norman said Weaver’s only improved from last year’s big season. “He’s had a good year in the weight room, he’s added a few See WEAVER, Page A9

Jason Davis/The Mountain Press

Seymour’s Corbin Weaver (seated, center) is surrounded by parents Larry and Deanna Weaver and Seymour principle Greg Clark, baseball coach Scott Norman and Athletic Director Gary Householder. Weaver signed with RSCC on Tuesday. WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES

Mancuso fast, not enough for giant slalom medal By JAIME ARON AP Sports Writer

Jason Davis/The Mountain Press

SCHS players Austin Nave, Jordan Henrickson and Josh Johnson were honored as coaches’ selections to the 2-AAA All-District team following the tournament finals on Tuesday night. The trio were also named to the all-tournament team and the media’s 2-AAA All-District second and third teams. PREP BASKETBALL

Bears honored by coaches and media as All-IMAC team selecions By JASON DAVIS Sports Editor SEVIERVILLE — Three Sevier County Smoky Bears continued to pile up the postseason accolades on Thursday, as sniors Austin Nave and Jordan Henrickson and junior Josh Johnson were named to the 2009-10 IMAC All-Media Teams. Bearettes senior guard Jaisa Moritz was also chosen for the squad. Voted on by nine media outlets covering the teams of the InterMountain Athletic Conference, the honors awarded three AllIMAC teams, a coach of the year and player of the year. Nave was tabbed as a second team member, while Henrickson, Johnson and Moritz were all named to the All-IMAC third teams. Smoky Bears coach Ken Wright earned the second-most votes for coach of the year behind Jefferson

Jaisa Moritz

SCHS head coach Ken Wright

County peer David Scott. Earlier in the week AllTournament awards were distributed following the boys’ championship game. Again Nave, Henrickson and Johnson were honored with AllTournament selections, while Nave

Carly Pippin

also was given the distinction of Tournament MVP. Bearette sophomore Carly Pippin was named to the girls All-Tournament team. Also announced following the title game were the coaches’ choices for All-IMAC, Coach of the Year and Player of the Year. Again the Smoky Bears’ trio of Nave, Henrickson and Johnson were honored, as was coach Wright as Coach of the Year. The Bearettes did not have an all-conference coaches’ selection for the regular season. mpsports@themountainpress.com

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Julia Mancuso was third fastest in Thursday’s second run of the giant slalom, which wasn’t enough to overcome a frustrating performance in the first run a day earlier. She wound up eighth, an end to her Vancouver Olympics that was both encouraging and even more frustrating. What if she hadn’t been forced to stop her first run because injured teammate Lindsey Vonn was still on the ground? Would that trip have been similar to this one? Did she deserve to have been back on the medals stand in an event she won four years ago in Turin? “I felt I was able to put down a really good second run today,” she said. “It just wasn’t enough. ... I was pretty close, but I guess I’ll wait for another four years.” Mancuso is planning to skip the final women’s Alpine event, the slalom on Friday. That closes her 2010 Winter Games with a pair of silver medals. Vonn plans to ski the race, even though that tumble left her with a broken right pinkie and a bunch more bruises to go with her bum right shin. Viktoria Rebensburg of Germany won the giant slalom, a stunning feat for a woman who’d never won a major race, and another German took silver in the women’s cross-country relay. That puts Germany into the lead for the most gold medals with eight, and trims the United States’ lead in the overall count to two, 28-26. Marit Bjoergen of Norway won the women’s cross-country relay, making her the first person in Vancouver to collect three golds and four overall medals. The Norwegians are now tied with the U.S. and Canada for second-most golds with seven. Four more gold medals were to be awarded Thursday, with Kim Yu-na taking a commanding lead into the women’s figure

skating free skate and a clash of titans in women’s hockey, the United States vs. Canada. The other events are men’s aerials and Nordic combined’s individual 10Km. ——— GIANT SLALOM Germany hadn’t won this event since 1956. Rebensburg was highly unlikely to be the drought-buster. Just ask her. “Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable,” she said. The 20-year-old Rebensburg was sixth after the opening run. Her second run was only seventh-best and she expected at least one of the remaining skiers to top her. Obviously, they couldn’t. “She should experience this moment right now,” said her teammate Maria Riesch, winner of the super combined. “It all goes by like a film and tonight she will shake her head and wonder what happened.” ——— BOBSLEDDER DETAINED A U.S. bobsledder who is supposed to compete Friday was detained and released by Canadian police. Nobody is saying much other than confirm that something happened with Bill Schuffenhauer, a push athlete for the USA-3 four-man bobsled squad. The USOC said it was not immediately clear why he was detained. U.S. coach Brian Shimer said, “We’re just getting ready to race.” ——— NORDIC COMBINED American Johnny Spillane is in good shape for a third medal, finishing second in the large hill ski jumping portion of his event. Spillane was fortunate to be part of the jumpers who went off before weather worsened. The change in conditions hurt some of the top jumpers behind him. There already had been one restart, with the scores of the first wave erased. See OLYMPICS, Page A9

Sports ◆ A9

Friday, February 26, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press


3From Page A8

“It’s like a lottery. Some guys got good conditions, some others terrible conditions,” said World Cup leader Jason Lamy Chappuis, of France, who won the gold in the normal hill 10K but had to start this race in 29th place. American Billy Demong was to start sixth, teammate Todd Lodwick 14th. ——— CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING Bjoergen joined the growing trend of skiers pausing on the way to the finish to grab a flag. Like the others who did it, she was well ahead. Norway won its first women’s relay gold since 1984, having settled for silver five times. Bjoergen also won the individual sprint and 15K pursuit, and took bronze in the 10K freestyle. ——— WOMEN’S HOCKEY Finland beat Sweden 3-2 in overtime for the bronze medal in women’s hockey, which was essentially the prize for being best of the rest after the dominating duo of the U.S. and Canada. Finland hadn’t won a medal since taking bronze when women’s hockey debuted at the 1998 Winter Olympics. The Finns celebrated as it they’d won gold, throwing their gear and sharing a group hug. Sweden’s goalie stood frozen in front of her net, watching it all. There’s such a drop after the top two teams that there’s been speculation about women’s hockey being cut from the Olympics. Unlikely, says IOC president Jacques Rogge, adding that the spot will get another Winter Games or two for the rest of the world to catch up. “Women’s hockey is a growing sport,” Rogge said. “There is no doubt that in the future wom-


3From Page A8

would put the Lady Tigers in good shape early. As for the Bearettes’ matchup with Tennessee High, the Lady Vikings showed what they were all about Monday night as they delivered a 52-33 knockout punch to 1-AAA’s top-seeded Science Hill in the finals of the district tournament. What’s most concerning for the Bearettes enter-

Alessandro Trovati/AP

Julia Mancuso of the United States speeds down the course during the second run of the Women’s giant slalom, at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in Whistler, British Columbia on Thursday. en’s hockey will be a hit.” ——— MEN’S HOCKEY In the ongoing dispute over whether the NHL will let its players participate in the 2014 Sochi Games, the head of Russia’s pro hockey league says it would be a serious mistake for the NHL to stand in their way. Alex Medvedev said he met three times in Vancouver with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman. Bettman is concerned about shutting down the NHL season during the Olympics. He also has doubts about an Olympics in which the hockey would be played at a time when many North American fans would be asleep. ——— V A N C O U V E R : LUGER’S LEGACY IOC president Jacques Rogge says the death of a Georgian luger will forever be associated with the Vancouver Games, just as

the slaying of Israeli athletes remains a legacy of the Munich Olympics. Rogge said the IOC accepted a “moral responsibility” for the tragedy but not any legal responsibility. “There will always be risk in sport, but it has to be reasonable and the athletes take a lot of risk themselves,” he said. He also expects Russian organizers to make sure the sliding track is safe for the 2014 Sochi Games. “The IOC has been very clear in saying to the Russians: Please deliver us a track that will not be hazardous,” Rogge said. ——— CURLING It’ll be Sweden vs. Canada in the women’s finals. The defending gold medalists from Sweden KO’d the reigning world champion Chinese in one semifinal, and the hosts took out Switzerland on a late shot.

ing tonight’s game is that same Science Hill team easily handled SCHS twice this season — by an average of nearly 18 points. For the Bearettes to be competitive with the Vikings, they need guards Jaisa Moritz and Carly Pippin to be hitting on all cylinders. With Moritz bombing away from the outside and Pippin slashing to the basket and mixing in a few jumpers, the Bearettes could make it interesting.

Jason Davis/The Mountain Press

Corbin Weaver fires a pitch last season for the Seymour Eagles.


3From Page A8

miles to his fastball. He’s throwing the ball low-tomid 80s, with a good curveball and a good changeup. We’re just excited he gets a chance to go play at the next level,” Norman said. Weaver started his baseball journey like most Eagles — at Bower Field. “I’ve played at Bower since T-ball, I pretty much grew up at Bower. I love the game of baseball,” Weaver said. From Bower he progressed under coach Doug Newport, and then

with the Seymour Middle School program, before joining the team at SHS, where he’s been varsity since 10th grade. An all-district selection in 2009, Weaver is poised for a big spring with the Eagles this year. “Signing early takes a lot

of pressure off,” Norman said. “He can go in an focus. I think he’s going to be a workhorse for us this year, he’s going to play some first and DH some. He’s got some pop in his bat.” mpsports@themountainpress.com

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A10 â—† Sports

The Mountain Press â—† Friday, February 26, 2010

SPORTS BRIEFS Little Bears football spring sign-ups

Come join the Purple & White on what could be a historic season. All three teams 10-11yrs, 8-9yrs, 6-7yrs will compete for the coveted EMFC Football Superbowl this season. The league has a record of 46 wins and 14 losses over the last two seasons with two Super Bowl Championships. We stress hard work, commitment and sportsmanship while teaching the fundamentals of football. Joining in the spring allows the players to get to know the system before the regular season rolls around. Spring sign ups will be held on March 6 from 9 a.m. until noon at the football field next to Sevierville Middle School. For more info call Joy at 865-776-3325.

SMYBA baseball sign-ups The Smoky Mountain Youth Baseball Association is having it’s player sign-ups and evaluation at Sevierville City Park, Field #4, on Saturday, Feb. 27 at 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. The registration is for players from the ages of 3-16 at $30 per player. Evaluation is for all players from 7-and-up that are not already on a team roster. Players should bring glove, bat and come prepared to do an on field skills evaluation of catching, hitting, fielding and running. Dress appropriately. Contact SMYBA 388-7672 or 548-8555 for more info if needed.

Chili Supper and Auction

The annual Pigeon Forge Little League Football Booster Club Chili Supper and Auction will be held Saturday, Feb. 27, at the Pigeon Forge Middle School cafeteria. The supper will begin at 6 p.m. with the auction beginning around 7 p.m. The entire community is welcomed to attend for a cost of $5 at the door. Tickets will also be presold throughout the community.

Special Olympic golf tourney ahead The Special Olympic Golf Tournament will be Wednesday, March 31, at Eagles Landing. The contest will be 2-man scramble and will cost $75 per person. The cost includes lunch by Collier Food Group and dinner by Carino’s Italian Grill. Call Dan Deremer for more information at 680-3668.

Spring fitness swimming at G’burg The Gatlinburg Recreation Department will be having an after school Spring Swim for Fitness program for students that can swim the length of the pool. Sessions are as follows: Feb 2-20, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30-4:30 ($20 for 8 classes); March 2-30, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:304:30 p.m. ($20 for 8 classes); April 1-29, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. ($17.50, 7 classes); and May 3-27, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m. ($20 for 8 classes). To register for any of these sessions, payments may be made at the Gatlinburg Community Center Information Office. There is a limit of 14 children per class. For more information, call Sherry Jochen at 436-4990.

NFL puttin more emphasis on head injuries at this year’s pro combine By MICHAEL MAROT AP Sports Writer INDIANAPOLIS — The focus on head injuries in pro football is turning to this year’s potential draft picks. For the first time, all 329 invited players at this week’s NFL scouting combine will be given a baseline brain activity exam — called the ImPACT test — and will likely face more grilling than previous classes did about their concussion histories. Those implementing the changes call it smart football. “We’re testing everybody, not just at-risk athletes who have had more than one concussion,� said Dr. Art Rettig, an orthopedic surgeon at Methodist Sports Medicine in Indianapolis, which runs the medical part of the combine. “Everybody will have this ImPACT test so they will have a baseline, and whatever team they end up with will be sent that baseline information.� That hasn’t been standard operating procedure in past years, though all 32 teams individually now use similar tests on their own. Doctors compare pre-injury and post-injury answers to determine whether a player can safely return from a head injury. By testing everyone at the combine, the league will have a more standardized way of evaluating players and potentially collecting

For the first time, all 329 invited players at this week’s NFL scouting combine will be given a baseline brain activity exam. data about repeated hits to the head. It’s the latest step in a movement that started to gain momentum last season, particularly after a study for the league by researchers at the University of Michigan found retired players may have a higher-than-normal rate of Alzheimer’s disease and other memory problems. The league has since adopted stricter policies on allowing players to return to the field after big collisions. Lawmakers in Congress and state legislatures also have jumped into the discussion, and the NCAA is considering additional ways to reduce head injuries in football. On Wednesday, the league’s competition committee heard presentations about helmet designs that could reduce the risk of head injuries. No decisions are expected before next month’s owner’s meeting. “We have to admit, this is a tough game, a violent game, a collision game,� said John Madden, a Hall of Fame coach, former television analyst and now a consultant to the NFL. “How do we make it safer? We have to educate players and coaches and trainers, equipment is another way and rules changes are another way. But it can’t be just any one of those

things. It has to be all of them together.� The message seems to be getting through. On Thursday, NFL Players Association representatives met with the competition committee to discuss possible rules changes along with the possibility of limiting offseason workouts and contact at practices. Nobody is yet saying how much contact could be scaled back. As for rules changes, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell used the example of expanding the definition of a defenseless receiver. One possibility would be giving receivers more than the current two steps before they are considered a runner. Though Goodell wants to adopt new safety measures quickly, finding agreement may be tricky. “We showed them (players) some videos of things we think could be taken out and it’s not universal,� Goodell said. “It’s about how we define the rule and then how do we teach it.� With management and labor may disagree about specifics, the union also is studying the issue. On Friday, the NFLPA will hold its second Player Safety and Welfare Summit in Indy, an all-day event that gives manufacturers a platform to discuss prod-

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ucts and services to make the game safer. Later that evening, team doctors will have their annual scientific meeting to discuss better treatments for players. Part of the discussion, Rettig said, will focus on head injuries. Rettig, the Colts team physician, and other doctors will spend four days poking and prodding players to make sure teams are investing in athletes with a clean bill of health — and that goes beyond brain trauma. After Bears defensive end Gaines Adams died in January from a heart attack, there is also renewed interest in cardiology issues. “Invariably we have one or two players that are found to have (medical) conditions that are not reported, that are lifethreatening in some cases,� Colts president Bill Polian said. But all players could face new rounds of questioning during the 15-minute team interviews. Traditionally, decisionmakers such as Polian and Minnesota’s Rick Spielman have used the allotted time to measure football aptitude, whether it’s through questions and answers or psychological tests. This year, the expanded discussions may include head injuries.


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2008 CHRYSLER SEBRING 2DR CONV LX......................................................$16,995 2009 DODGE CHARGER 4DR SDN RWD.........................................................$17,995 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 REG 120.5WB 4X2 ST .............................................$16,995 2007 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR 4WD X ..............................................................$17,995 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD 140.5WB 4X .................................................$19,995 2008 KIA SEDONA 4DR LWB EX ....................................................................$19,995 2009 CHRYSLER 300-SERIES 4DR SDN RWD TOURING ................................$18,995 2008 FORD ESCAPE 4DR 2WD XLT................................................................$18,995 2006 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR X ......................................................................$19,995 2006 JEEP WRANGLER 2 DOOR UTILITY .......................................................$19,995 2008 DODGE DAKOTA PK ..............................................................................$19,995 2005 NISSAN MURANO 4DR SL AWD ............................................................$19,995 2008 CHRYSLER 300-SERIES 4DR SDN 300 TOURING ..................................$21,995 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD 140.5WB 4X2 SLT .........................................$20,995 2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 EXT CAB 2WD 134 ...............................$20,995 2009 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 ...............................................................................$20,995 2010 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4DR SDN LT ........................................................$20,995 2008 FORD EXPLORER 4DR 2WD XLT ...........................................................$21,995 2006 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR RUBICON ..........................................................$21,995 2009 TOYOTA RAV4 4DR 2WD 4CYL .............................................................$22,995 2008 FORD F150 CREW CAB .........................................................................$24,995 2006 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 4DR 4WD 1500 .............................................$26,995 2007 JEEP WRANGLER 4DR 2WD UNLIM SAHARA ........................................$26,995 2008 JEEP WRANGLER 2DR 4WD X ..............................................................$24,995 2009 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN VAN SXT .....................................................$23,995 2007 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD 160.5WB 4X4 SLT .........................................$24,995 2008 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 .......................................................$24,995 2009 DODGE DURANGO 4DR 4WD SLT..........................................................$25,995 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN TOURING ......................................$25,995 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN TOURING ......................................$26,995 2008 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD SLT ...............................................................$25,995 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA ACC CAB 4WD V6 .....................................................$24,995 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN TOURING ......................................$26,995 2009 TOYOTA 4RUNNER 4RUNNER ...............................................................$27,995 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA DBL CAB 4WD LB .....................................................$28,995 2008 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY VAN TOURING ......................................$26,995





$14,977 $14,977 $15,977 $15,977 $15,977 $16,977 $16,977 $16,977 $16,977 $16,977 $17,977 $17,977 $17,977 $18,577 $18,577 $18,977 $18,977 $18,977 $19,977 $19,977 $20,977 $20,977 $20,977 $21,977 $22,977 $22,977 $22,977 $23,977 $23,977 $23,977 $24,977 $24,977 $24,977 $25,977 $25,977 $26,977

Nation â—† A11

Friday, February 26, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

Health summit: Heated talk, little agreement WASHINGTON (AP) — With tempers flaring, President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans clashed in an extraordinary live-on-TV summit Thursday over the right prescription for the nation’s broken health care system, talking of agreement but holding to longentrenched positions that leave them far apart. “We have a very difficult gap to bridge here,� said Rep. Eric Cantor, the No. 2 House Republican. “We just can’t afford this. That’s the ultimate problem.� With Cantor sitting in front of a giant stack of nearly 2,400 pages representing the Democrats’ Senate-passed bill, Obama said cost is a legitimate question, but he took Cantor and other Republicans to task for using political shorthand and props “that prevent us from having a conversation.�

And so it went, hour after hour at Blair House, just across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House — a marathon policy debate available from start to finish to a divided public. The more than six-hour backand-forth was essentially a condensed, one-day version of the entire past year of debate over the nation’s health care crisis, with all its heat, complexity and detail, and a crash course in the partisan divide, in which Democrats seek the kind of broad remake that has eluded leaders for half a century and Republicans favor much more modest changes. With Democrats in control of the White House and Congress, they were left with the critical decision about where to go next. Obama and his Democratic allies argued at Thursday’s meeting that a broad overhaul is imperative for the nation’s future economic vitality. The president

cast health care as “one of the biggest drags on our economy,� tying his top domestic priority to an issue that’s even more pressing to many Americans. “This is the last chance, as far as I’m concerned,� Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y. Obama lamented partisan bickering that has resulted in a stalemate over legislation to extend coverage to more than 30 million people who are now uninsured. “Politics I think ended up trumping practical common sense,� he said. And yet, even as he pleaded for cooperation — “actually a discussion, and not just us trading talking points� — he insisted on a number of Democratic points and acknowledged agreement may not be possible. “I don’t know that those gaps can be bridged,� Obama said. With hardened positions well staked out before the meeting,

the president and his Democratic allies prepared to move on alone — a gamble with political risks no matter how they do that. One option — preferred by the White House and progressives in the Democratic caucus — is to try to pass a comprehensive plan without GOP support, by using controversial Senate budget reconciliation rules that would disallow filibusters. GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander asked Democrats to swear off a jam-it-through approach, while Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., defended it. Obama weighed in with gentle chiding, asking both sides to focus on substance and worry about process later — a plea he made repeatedly throughout the day with little success. A USA Today/Gallup survey released Thursday found Americans tilt 49-42 against Democrats forging ahead by themselves without any GOP

support. Opposition was even stronger to the idea of Senate Democrats using the special budget rules, with 52 percent opposed and 39 percent in favor. A second alternative for Obama and his party is going smaller, with a modest bill that would merely smooth some of the rough edges from the current system. A month after the Massachusetts election that cost Democrats their Senate supermajority and threw the health legislation in doubt, the White House has developed its own slimmed-down health care proposal so the president will know what the impact would be if he chooses that route, according to a Democratic official familiar with the discussions. That official could not provide details, but Democrats have looked at approaches including expanding Medicaid and allowing children to stay on their parents’ health plans until around age 26.

Wind could be the real HEVROLET concern in Northeast VOLUNTEER CHEVROLET

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Another big, powerful snowstorm barreled into the winter-weary Northeast on Thursday, disrupting flights, closing schools and threatening high winds late in the day that could team up with the wet, heavy snow to topple trees and power lines. The storm was expected to drop at least 8 inches of snow over much of the region and linger more than 24 hours, meaning more headaches Friday. More snow is predicted for much of the region Saturday, too. The National Weather Service put much of the East Coast under wind advisories and warnings from 4 p.m. Thursday until as late as 7 a.m. Friday. The agency warned that winds could blow steadily between 20 and 30 mph in some areas, with gusts of 55 mph or higher in coastal and mountainous areas. Even coastal New England, which was seeing rain but nothing like the 18 inches of snow expected in some parts of northern New Jersey and upstate New York, was under coastal flood watches because of the wind. By late morning, the weather service station in Mount Holly, N.J., reported the strongest scattered gusts so far — a not-so-damaging 25 mph — with snow totals in the 2-inch range. While forecasters can predict the snow totals and what that will mean — slippery roads, a snow day for the kids — it’s trickier to know whether winds might create havoc. “Your tree may fall down; your neighbor’s may not,� said Kristina Pydynowski, a meteorologist for AccuWeather, a private forecasting company in State College, Pa. She said dense, wet snow weighing down trees would make it more likely for strong winds to knock them down. And power will probably be hardest to restore in areas where heavy snow keeps repair crews at bay. In upstate New York, the dangers are well understood. In a storm hit the area with up to 2 feet of snow on Wednesday, some 150,000 homes and businesses lost power. By late Thursday morning, 60,000 customers were still without power, mostly in the Hudson Valley and the Catskills. A pair of blizzards this month in New Jersey each knocked out 80,000 to 90,000 customers, mostly on the $2,500 shore. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. in New Jersey had mos. wac extra crews and supplies ready in case power lines sh start coming down $ this week.

MONTH 1000



On Select 2010 Vehicles In Stock the Longest


2LT 2009 Silverado Crew Cab #9815



MSRP $34,215 Customer Cash $4,000


995 995 995

! $28,886

OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash

PI3580 9899A

09 SILVERADO 1500 .................... $29995 08 FORD F350 ............................. $34995


PA3548B 97 FORD EXPLORER ........................ $3995 995 PA3552A 03 DODGE DURANGO....................... $4995 995 PA2806AA 00 FORD EXPEDITION...................... $8995 995 3D9F1D9?> ?6 D85 &!

9893A /+) N '13;175 ?B 01 GMC YUKON ............................ $10995

995 89785B B5AE9B54 M 8331A 02 FORD ECONO........................... $13995 3D9F1D9?> ?6

995 D85 &! /+) N 9884C

05 NISSAN PATHFINDER .............. $17995 '13;175 ?B 89785B 995 B5AE9B54 C; 8?G PA3597 09 JEEP COMPASS ...................... $17995 995 'B935C 9>3<E45 1 29<< 3B549D 6?B =?>D8C 16D5B B521D5 @<EC 1> 1449D9?>1< G9D8 ?><9>5 B521D5 1>4 3?>C5>D D? 5=19< PA3593 09 SATURN VUE ........................... $18995 995 1<5BDC O PA3602 09 SATUR VUE ............................. $19995 995 PA3598 09 TOYOTA RAV4 .......................... $21995 995 PI3590 08 GMC CANYON.......................... $21995 995 PI3587 09 SUBURBAN ............................. $33995 995 PA3578 09 CHEVROLET TAHOE.................. $36995 995 PA3592 09 GMC YUKON ............................ $41995 995 995 VANS: 995 995 8376B 01 OLDS SILHOUETTE...................... $4995 995 9666A 00 DODGE CARAVAN ....................... $4995 995 8039B 89 CHEVROLET CUT VAN ................. $5995 995 8377A 00 PONTIAC MONTANA................... $8995 995 8647B 07 CHRYSLER TOWN&CTRY. ......... $16995 995&665BC 5>4 ?> 1@@B?F54 3B549D 3B549D 31B4 B5AE9B54 %5G 3ECD?=5BC ?><I <51C5 B5AE9B54 =ECD =19>D19> @B?7B1==9>7 -) 1>4 335CC 1B4G1B5 1F19<12<5 C5@1B1D5<I #51C5 655 =? 6?B C53?>4 1>4 5138 1449D9?>1< B5359F5B 1>4<9>7 PA3573 08 CHEVROLET EXP. VAN .............. $16995 995 5<9F5BI 655 =1I 1@@<I @@<9312<5 EC5 D1H 14:ECD=5>D =1I 1@@<I ?> D85 B5D19< F1<E5 ?6 D85 9>CD1<<1D9?> PI3574 09 CHEVROLET EXP. VAN .............. $17995 995

$ " " % ! #

*1F9>7C 21C54 ?> CD1>41B4 B1D5C 6?B 1@@<9312<5 @B?7B1==9>7 @13;175C 1>4 6B55 =?>D8C ?6 @B5=9E=C *1F9>7C =1I 25 <?G5B G9D8

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SALE HOURS Mon-Fri 8AM - 7PM Sat 8AM - 5PM

On Select 2010 Vehicles In Stock the Longest

For Qualified Buyers *WAC

2009 HHR




2009 Aveo Hatchback

2009 HHR



MSRP $15,685 Customer Cash $2,000

MSRP $22,825 Customer Cash $2,500

OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash

OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash





2009 Chevy Impala 2LT 2009 Chevy Malibu 2LT 2009 Silverado Crew Cab #9642

MSRP $28,155 Customer Cash $4,000 OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash




CARS: PA3390A 9623AAA PA3483A 9787A 9682A 9657BB 9129A 9852A 9757B PA3530A PI3589 PI3487 PA3185 PA3372 PA3388 9837A PA3445 PA3601 9031A PA3354 PA3521 PA3536 PA3596 9816A PA3389 PA3572A PA3595 PA3591 PI3229

93 FORD TAURUS ............................ $2495 98 INFINITI I30 ............................... $5995 97 LINCOLN TOWN CAR ................... $6995 01 PONTIAC GRAND AM .................. $8995 04 CHEVROLET IMPALA................... $8995 95 CHEVROLET CORVETTE............... $9995 06 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX ............. $10995 05 NISSAN ALTIMA ...................... $10995 04 JAGUAR X-TYPE...................... $11995 06 NISSAN MAXIMA .................... $11995 08 CHEVROLET COBALT ............... $11995 06 CHRYSLER SEBRING ............... $12995 04 CHEVROLET IMPALA................ $13995 07 FORD TAURUS ......................... $13995 07 HYUNDAI ACCENT ................... $13995 05 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO ..... $14995 07 CHEVROLET MALIBU MAXX ..... $14995 09 CHEVROLET COBALT................ $14995 03 CADILLAC DEVILLE.................. $15995 07 CHEVROLET G5 ....................... $16995 07 CHEVROLET HHR ..................... $16995 09 CHEVROLET ............................ $16995 09 CHEVROLET IMPALA ................ $16995 06 FORD MUSTANG ...................... $17995 07 MAZDA 3 ................................ $17995 07 NISSAN MURANO .................... $17995 08 TOYTOTA SCION XB ................. $17995 08 CHEVROLET EQUINOX .............. $18995 06 CHEVROLET IMPALA................ $16995

MSRP $27,505 Customer Cash $3,000 OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash

PA3522 PA3387 PA3599




09 CHEVROLET MALIBU ............... $19995 07 NISSAN ALTIMA ...................... $20995 10 CHEVROLET CAMARO .............. $27995

TRUCKS: 9045B PA3516A 8874B PI3476A 9898A PI3234 7968A 9068E 9859B PA3499A 9751B 9880A PA3551 PA3554 PA3600 8675B PA3482 PA3528 8981A 9820A PA3576 9845A PA3494 PA3577 PA3579 PA3594

MSRP $34,215 Customer Cash $4,000

79 DODGE ...................................... $2995 95 CHEVROLET C/K1500 ................ $3995 94 FORD F150 ................................ $4995 93 CHEVROLET 2500 ...................... $4995 03 CHEVROLET S10 ........................ $7995 96 FORD ECONO.............................. $7995 03 GMC SIERRA 1500 ..................... $8995 96 CHEVROLET C/K3500 ................. $8995 01 DODGE RAM 1500...................... $8995 90 FORD E-350 ............................... $8995 02 CHEVROLET TRUCK ................. $10995 04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE ......... $11995 07 CHEVROLET COLORADO........... $16995 08 CHEVROLET UPLANDER ........... $16995 09 CHEVROLET HHR ..................... $16995 04 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE ......... $17995 09 CHEVROLET HHR ..................... $17995 09 CHEVROLET HHR ..................... $17995 99 FORD F450 ............................. $21995 07 SILVERADO 1500 .................... $21995 06 GMC SIERRA 2500HD ............. $21995 06 SILVERADO 1500 .................... $22995 07 CHEVROLET 3500 ................... $23995 02 GMC 4000 .............................. $24995 09 CHEV. EXPRESS PASS. ............ $24995 07 SILVERADO 1500 .................... $24995

OR 0.0% APR Up To 60 mos. wac and $1000 Bonus Cash

PI3580 9899A



09 SILVERADO 1500 .................... $29995 08 FORD F350 ............................. $34995

SUV: PA3548B PA3552A PA2806AA 9893A 8331A 9884C PA3597 PA3593 PA3602 PA3598 PI3590 PI3587 PA3578 PA3592

97 FORD EXPLORER ........................ $3995 03 DODGE DURANGO....................... $4995 00 FORD EXPEDITION...................... $8995 01 GMC YUKON ............................ $10995 02 FORD ECONO........................... $13995 05 NISSAN PATHFINDER .............. $17995 09 JEEP COMPASS ...................... $17995 09 SATURN VUE ........................... $18995 09 SATUR VUE ............................. $19995 09 TOYOTA RAV4 .......................... $21995 08 GMC CANYON.......................... $21995 09 SUBURBAN ............................. $33995 09 CHEVROLET TAHOE.................. $36995 09 GMC YUKON ............................ $41995

VANS: 8376B 9666A 8039B 8377A 8647B PA3573 PI3574

01 OLDS SILHOUETTE...................... $4995 00 DODGE CARAVAN ....................... $4995 89 CHEVROLET CUT VAN ................. $5995 00 PONTIAC MONTANA................... $8995 07 CHRYSLER TOWN&CTRY. ......... $16995 08 CHEVROLET EXP. VAN .............. $16995 09 CHEVROLET EXP. VAN .............. $17995

VOLUNTEER CHEVROLET (79 3%6)%26),,% s www.volunteerchevrolet.com


SALE HOURS Mon-Fri 8AM - 7PM Sat 8AM - 5PM

USED CARS Tax, title, tags & lics. fees extra. WAC, dealer retains all rebates and/or incentives. Due to advertising deadlines some units may be sold. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Program expires 3/1/2010. Price includes $399 customer service fee.

The Right Way. The Right CarÂŽ

A12 â—† Local/Nation

The Mountain Press â—† Friday, February 26, 2010

real estate transfers Unit 7, Summit View Ross Summitt and IncredI-Builders LLC to Sevier County Bank for $40,000 for unit N and 14, Summit View

district 1 Gregory and Lisa Goodwin to Jefferson and Linda Wofford for $62,000 for unit 431, English Mountain Condominiums Brite Lite Investments Inc. to James Lee Sr. and Doris Lee for $91,500 for lot 41, Rich Mountain Estates Vivian Rainey to Ronald, Judy, Ronald Jason and Chrissy Shortridge for $37,000 for lot 133, Venture Out at Gatlinburg Bank of New York Mellon, CIT Home Equity Loan Trust and VeriCrest Financial Inc. to Robert Poole for $21,500 for property on Camp Hollow Road William Davis and Janie Long to Don and Tina Guiles for $W9,500 for lot 35, Venture Out at Gatlinburg

district 2 George and Debra Moye to Citizens National Bank for $672,840.11 for lot 35, Limberlost

district 4 Benjamin Byler, Myranda Culotta and Myranda Byler to Kheashreram and Lachmin Persuad for $110,000 for lot 22, Logan’s Landing Albert and Barbara Foster to Lawrence and Shirley Weston for $225,000 for lot 75, Phase I, Mountain Meadows Estates Darrell Keene to Melissa Norris for $100,000 for lots 118 and 119, unit 3, Murphy Farm

district 14

Mountain National Bank for $170,000 for 1.88 acres, Hatcher Cemetery RCB Properties LLC to Terri and Albert Nardslico Jr. for $60,000 for lot 15, Garden Hills Paul and Stacia Essler to Reese Massey III, and Greta Massey for $185,000 for lot 173E, Unit 4, Phase II, Homestead in Wears Valley Otis Tarkington to Judy Bivens and Renata Ownby for $70,000 for lot 25, Ogle View

district 7 Homesales Inc. to Tedd Graves for $65,800 for lot 2, Carl Floyd Farm Matthew and Carrie Otten to C. Vaughn and Margaret Leslie for $100,000 for lot 48, Echota Resort

district 8 Eva Havlicek to Daniel Roeske for $28,250 for lot 12, Phase II, Bentwood

district 5 Shellie Wallace, Andy and Mende Turner to U.S. Bank Trustee for $144,000 for lot 23A, Phase II, Country Oaks Fannie Mae, Federal National Mortgage Association to Brian Carroll and Michael Shular for $244,650 for unit 215, Riverstone Resort Condominium Wear Development Group LLC and John Wear to General Festival, David Fee and James Hedrick for $310,000 for lot 3, Roy Von Campbell Property Shapiro & Kirsch LLP, Bobby and Deborah Wear to Beneficial Tennessee Inc. for $40,791.74, for 2.64 acres in District 5 Nationwide Trustee Services Inc., Christopher and Jerri McCleese to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company for $388,746.29 for lot 25, Hillside Marsden Carmichael and Carmichael Family Trust to Jaimee Collier for $115,000 for lot 10B, Sunrise Meadows Emily Jones to Carl, Jerry and James Lindsey Patsy Plemons and Vicki Mount for $5,000 for lot 24, High Chaparral Ranchettes Marian Stranahan and Andrea Robertson to J. Blake and Whitney Wright, Rodney and Julie Hill for $225,000 for lot 62, phase 2, Brookstone Village Thomas Dickenson, Jack and Mary Maples to Mountain National Bank for $90,000 for lot 39, Little Pigeon Estates

district 9 Robert Entner to Kevin and Amanda Wiggins for $190,000 for 0.73 acres, Old Sevierville Pike Fannie Mae, Federal National Mortgage Association, Valerie Spicer and Elizabeth Cash to Jeffrey and Deanna Wyatt for $275,000 for lot 143, Phase III Majestic Meadows Larry Haynes, executor, and Murray Haynes, deceased, to Rod Cowan for $27,000 for lot 3, Fred and Lizzie Reed Estate Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Chicago Title Insurance Company and ServiceLink to Robert and Marketta Smiddy for $237,331 for lot 37, Majestic Meadows

district 10 James and William Matthews, Mable Alice Price Matthews Estate, Genell Matthews Holland, Earnest Reagan, Angel Miley, Ronald Reagan, WiIliam Matthews, deceased, and Ernest Jackson Reagan to Adams Properties and Ricky and Robert Adams Sr. for $65,450 for lots 3 and 4,

district 11 Recontrust Company, Melanie and Robert Poston to GS Mortgage Securities Corp. for $279,000 for lot 3, Overlook at Greystone Morequity Inc. and LPS Asset Management Solutions Inc. to Julia and Stan Lowe for $92,312 for lot 7, Kenview Estates Wells Fargo Bank to Charles and Verlon Willmon for $57,000 for unit 213, Oak Square Condominiums Dale and Cheryl Meade to Edward and Margaret Marks for $152,000 for lot 18, Tyrolea Ross Summitt and Incred-I-Builders LLC to Sevier County Bank for $1,924,150 for 12 acres, Dudley Creek Sykes & Wynn PLLC and Incred-I-Builders LLC to Sevier County Bank for $235,850 for 581 acres, Glades Road Olde Gatlinburg Rentals Inc. to Joyce Tate for $31,846 for units 109 and 211, Olde Gatlinburg Place Condominiums Olde Gatlinburg Rentals Inc. to Jean Ellis for $29,406 for unit 207, Olde Gatlinburg Place Condominiums Elizabeth Cash, Rafael Barraza and Vicki Rodgers to Winged Foot Investments Inc. for $150,000 for lot 30, Laurel Ridge MCC TN LLC Sub Trustee, Todd and Melinda Wilkinson to Bank of America for $103,102.11 for 0.36 acres, Oglewood Lane

Cabins For You LLC to Brenda and Donald Cheek for $125,000 for lot 5, Waldens Creek Mountain Retreat Elizabeth Cash and Gary Fields II to Wells Fargo Bank for $360,000 for lot 93, Phase Three, Cedar Falls Cleav Peavy to Gordon and Louise Stevenson for $100,000 for lot 124R, Phase II, The Summit Vanguard Investments Inc. to Steven Miller for $209,900 for lot 41-R, Black Bear Ridge Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp, Freddie Mac, National Default REO Services and First American Asset Closing Services to Kathy Hanson for $142,000 for lot 28, Brothers Cove

district 17 Big Timber LLC to Michael and Julie Moore for $150,000 for lot 2, Chestnut Ridge section, Cobbly Nob, Beal Bank and New South Federal Savings Bank to Robert and Michelle Strange for $25,000 for lot 3, J. Fred Moyers Property

Shellie Wallace, David Hanley and Ashley Hall to Bank of New York Mellon Trust for $152,007 for units S and 19, Summit View Sykes & Wynn PLLC and Incred-I-Builders LLC to Sevier County Bank for $300,000 for Unit G and

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ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Trainers will continue working with a killer whale that grabbed one of their colleagues and dragged her underwater, killing her, but SeaWorld said Thursday it is reviewing its procedures. People lined up to get into the park a day after the whale named Tilikum killed veteran trainer Dawn Brancheau as a horrified audience watched. Tilikum had been involved in two previous deaths, including a Canadian trainer dragged under water by him and two others whales in 1991. Killer whale shows are suspended indefinitely in Orlando and at the park’s San Diego location. “We have every intention of continuing to interact with this animal, though the procedures for working with him will change,� SeaWorld said in a post on its blog. Chuck Tompkins, who is in charge of training at all SeaWorld parks, said Thursday that Tilikum will not be isolated from the Orlando location’s seven other whales. Tilikum fathered some of them and will continue mating with others. “We want him to continue to be part of that social group,� Tompkins said. Trainers will review safety procedures and change them as needed, but Tompkins said he doesn’t expect the killer whale shows to be much different. Brancheau, 40, was rubbing Tilikum from a poolside platform when the 22-foot, 12,000-pound creature reached up, grabbed her long braid in its mouth and dragged her underwater. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said Thursday that trainers trying to help her could not get into the water because Tilikum was so aggressive. They had to coax him into a smaller pool and raise him out of the water on a platform before they could free her. She likely died from multiple traumatic injuries and drowning, the medical examiner’s office said. Horrified visitors who had stuck around after a noontime show watched Tilikum charge through the pool with Brancheau in his jaws. Tompkins said the whale was lying in front of Brancheau when her braid swung in front of him and he apparently grabbed onto it. “We like to think we know 99.9 percent of the time what an animal is doing,� he told The Associated Press on Thursday. “But this is one of those times we just don’t know.� Kelly Vickery, 24, of Tallahassee was at the noon show Wednesday and said the whales seemed to be acting odd, swimming around the tank rapidly. Trainers said the whales “were having an off day, that they were being ornery,� she said. Tompkins disputed that, saying nothing seemed abnormal. Vickery returned Thursday with her sons so they could see the areas of the park they had missed a day earlier, though she acknowledged being there felt “weird� a day after the tragedy.

district 13


district 6

Chapter 7 s

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Whale that killed SeaWorld trainer won’t be isolated

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Mountain Life ■ The Mountain Press ■ B Section ■ Friday, February 26, 2010

Arts & E n t er t a i n m e n t Editor’s Note: The Arts/Entertainment calendar is printed as space permits. Events within a two-hour drive will be considered. To place an item phone (865) 428-0748, ext. 215, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress.com. Items may be faxed to 453-4913. n

Local Entertainment

John Titlow Band

10:30 p.m. today at Four Seasons Hotel, Gatlinburg; tickets $10, sponsored by Sevier County Jaycees, 42909448, www.JohnTitlowBand.com

Kata Hay & The Blaze

9 p.m. today, Saturday at Pigeon Forge Convention Center, Grand Ballroom adjacent to Jake Thomas Rd.; tickets $5, benefitting Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch


Regional Entertainment

James Rogers

7:30 p.m. Saturday at Niswonger Performing Arts Center, Greeneville; tickets $10-$22.50, (423) 638-1679, www.greenevillenpac.com

Trey Anastasio and Classic TAB 8 p.m. Sunday at Tennessee Theater; tickets $39.50, (865) 656-4444, www. tennesseetheatre.com

Brad Paisley

March 5 at Thompson Boling Arena with Miranda Lambert and Justin Moore; tickets on sale Feb. 6, $24.75$54.75, (865) 656-4444, www.knoxvilletickets.com

Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance

8 p.m. March 5-6, 2 p.m. March 6 at Tennessee Theater; tickets $32-$77, (865) 656-4444, www.tennesseetheatre. com


Local Festivals/Events

Saddle Up

Through Sunday, Pigeon Forge, 4297350, www.mypigeonforge.com

Rose Glen Literary Festival

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Walters State Community College, Sevierville, 453-6411

World Sword Swallowers Day

1:30 p.m. Saturday at Ripley’s Believe it or Not Odditorium, 908 Parkway, Gatlinburg, featuring Erik Kloeker, Chris Steel and Travis Fessler; free

Puttin’ On the Ritz

6-10:30 p.m. March 6 at Sevierville Civic Center, semi-formal dinner and dance; $50 person, RSVP by today, proceeds benefit Relay For Life., 428-0846, 654-9280, 397-5556, 603-1223

Mountain Quiltfest

March 10-14 at Music Road Convention Center and Smoky Mountain Convention Center, Pigeon Forge, 429-7350, www.mountainquiltfest.com


Regional Festivals/Events

Romeo and Juliet

7:30 p.m. today, Saturday, March 5-6, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 7 at Walters State Community College, Morristown; tickets $5 students, $10 adults, (423) 585-6922

Range Cooking

Rollins helps keep chuckwagons on the front burner By GAIL CRUTCHFIELD Community Editor Growing up on a working cattle ranch in Oklahoma, Kent Rollins has consumed more than his fair share of chuckwagon-prepared meals. Some were better than others. These days, he’s the one preparing the meals for cowboys, executives and everyday people as he travels the United States and beyond sharing the stories and heritage of an integral part of the cowboy way of life. Rollins is in Pigeon Forge this week preparing dutch oven meals for hundreds of people during the annual Saddle Up! celebration. He prepared a meal for Smith Family Theater’s Chuckwagon Dinner Show on Thursday and will be on hand for Saturday’s Buckaroo Roundup and Pigeon Forge Lodging Association Chuckwagon Cookoff Lunch at Clabough’s Campground on Wears Valley Road. Rollins learned the dos and don’ts of dutch oven cooking from eating the meals on the trail and from his own mother. “I’ve been a ranching cowboy all my life,” Rollins said. “I had the privilege of working with a lot of old-timers who stood tall as giants.” While working on the ranch, he would always eat what was put in front of him. “You never complained about ranch cooking,” he said, one reason being it might be your turn to cook next. While shared his thoughts with his dad a time or two about the quality of a meal, he knew better than to share those thoughts with the cook. Rollins said the chuckwagon was “really invented after the Civil War,” when people started settling in the western half of the United States. A high demand for beef meant the ranchers had to find a way to get the cattle to railheads to be shipped off to cattle yards. Driving 3,000 to 4,000 head of longhorns took days and even weeks, during which time the cowboys had to be fed. “It was the first meals-on-wheels program ever invented,” Rollins said. Back in those days, the meals wouldn’t have been very good — beans, cornbread and jerky, Rollins said, could make up the daily menu. They didn’t eat any beef, he said, unless something happened to one of the cows they were moving up the trail. But a dutch oven can cook anything you would make in a regular oven. His favorites include bread pudding with whisky sauce, and steak. “My mother taught me to cook when I was 7 or 8,” he said. He bought a chuckwagon in 1992 and started cooking three square meals a day for 12 to 15 cowboys. Rollins harnessed mules to his wagon and would move it 7 to 8 miles down the trail every day to start all over again the next day. He then started cooking for elk hunters in New Mexico and then began catering meals and competing in cookoffs. “I’ve been everywhere from British Columbia to Tampa Bay doing it,” he

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Kent Rollins adds pork fat to a dutch oven as he prepares a meal for Smith Family Theater’s Chuckwagon Dinner Show Thursday. said, keeping the heritage of chuckwagon cooking alive. He continues to work on ranches in the spring and fall during roundups for vaccinations and weaning. That requires planning a menu for three weeks worth of meals and then making the grocery list to get the supplies they need. “It looks worse than the menu,” he said of the long list of foods needed to stock up for a three-week trip, 40 miles from the closest town. “That’s a long time, and you get to thinking, you ain’t going to the store so it has got to be right,” Rollins said. After 20 years of cooking on a chuckwagon, Rollins said he’s got it down like clockwork. The largest group he’s ever fed was 3,000 strong, and he’s never made anyone wait for the dinner.

“In 20 years I’ve never been late,” he said. “It will happen one of these days, but I’ve always been on time.” He’ll also change up his menus every now and then, adding new dishes to the old favorite, or just giving the latter a rest now and then. “Last year I served 15,000, 16,000 people off wagon,” he said. Serving that many people peach cobbler can make a man never want to see peach cobbler again. Sometimes a change in menu is simply a result of working with the ingredients he has on hand, such as a blueberry cream cheese turnover he once made, “just because I had some stuff left over and didn’t know what to do with it.” See Rollins, Page B2

Fiber Arts Festival

March 19-21 at Townsend Elementary School and Highland Manor Inn


Local Arts

Invitational Exhibit

Sevier County Invitational Exhibit through Saturday at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts; free admission and parking, 436-5860, www.arrowmont.org

Sevier County Student Art Show Through March 6 at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, reception 6-8 p.m. today, www.seviercountyartscouncil.org, 436-5860, www.arrowmont.org


Regional Arts

Betty Bullen

5-7 p.m. March 5, First Friday art exhibit and reception at Bijou Theatre, second floor state gallery of U.S. Cellular Stage, www.KnoxBijou.com

Photography of Robert Creamer Through March 27 at UT Downtown Gallery, opening reception 5-9 p.m. March 5

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Kent Rollins sheds his jacket as things heat up while cooking a meal from his chuckwagon.

B2 â—† Local

The Mountain Press â—† Friday, February 26, 2010

Et Cetera Showing at Reel Theatres’ Movies on the Parkway in Sevierville. For show times, call 4539055. *Cop Out (RO — Stars Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan. Two longtime NYPD partners on the trail of a stolen, rare, mint-condition baseball card find themselves up against a merciless, memorabilia-obsessed gangster. *The Crazies (R) — Stars Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell. Something is infecting the citizens of a small town with insanity. Now complete anarchy reigns as one by one the townsfolk succumb to an unknown toxin and turn sadistically violent. Shutter Island (R) — Stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo. Two U.S. marshals are summoned to a remote and barren island off the coast of Massachusetts to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a murderess from the island’s fortress-like hospital for the criminally insane. Valentine’s Day (PG-13) — Stars Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper. Intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles break-up and make-up based on the pressure and expectations of Valentine’s Day. The Wolfman (R) — Stars Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. A haunted nobleman lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes sets out to find his brother and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself. Percy Jackson & The Olympians (PG) — Stars Logan Lerman and Pierce Brosnan. A teenager discovers he’s the descendant of a Greek god and sets out on an adventure to settle an on-going battle between the gods. Dear John (PG-13) — Stars Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. A soldier home on leave falls for a conservative college girl, but instead of returning home to her, he reenlists after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Her correspondence with him over the next seven years keeps him going, but time and distance ultimately yield consequences that neither the brave soldier or his one true love could have foreseen. *Indicates new releases this week

Spotlight Calendar

To add or update items to the weekly entertainment calendar, call 4280748, ext. 205, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress.com.


Black Bear Jamboree: 908-7469 n Blackwoods Breakfast Show: 908-7469 n Comedy Barn: 4285222 n Country Tonite Theatre: 453-2003 n Dixie Stampede: 4534400 n Elvis Museum TCB Theater, featuring Matt Cordell: 428-2001 n Grand Majestic Theater: 774-7777 n Great Smoky Mountain Murder Mystery Dinner Theater: 908-1050 n Magic Beyond Belief: 428-5600 n

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n Memories Theater: 428-7852 n Miracle Theater: 4287469 n Smith Family Theater: 429-8100 n Smoky Mountain Theater: 774-5400 n Smoky Mountain Palace Theatre: 429-1601 n Sweet Fanny Adams Theater: 436-4039 n Tennessee Shindig (formerly Fiddlers’ Feast): 908-3327 n WonderWorks “Hoot N’ Holler� Show: 868-1800

Butterfly program to be presented Monday Submitted Report

at 6:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Sevierville. When she retired in May 2007, Lois English became infatuated with black swallowtail butterflies in English began learning more about 2006. This black butterfly with yel- butterflies and built her first habitat, capped down over the fennel low markings is often seen in this plant. In 2007 she counted 69 black area. swallowtails had been raised and English will present a program she had 35 chrysalises in a habitat on raising butterflies to Retired Citizens of the Smokies at 1 p.m. on that would hatch in the spring of 2008. Monday at Gatlinburg Community She soon added milkweed so she Center, and later that day at a meeting of LeConte Photographic Society could have Monarch butterflies as

well. During 2008 English raised monarchs and black swallowstails with a few fritillaries. The butterfly population seems to be declining, she said, “so I am doing all I can to help raise them and keep the population healthy with their natural plants.� Her program has been given at the Wilderness Wildlife Week in Pigeon Forge, Earth Day in Gatlinburg, the Master Gardeners Eastern Regional, and Heritage Day in Kodak.

Andy’s Junction

Andy’s Junction, 10237 Chapman Highway, Seymour: Country Tradition, 7-10 p.m. Friday; live music, 7-10 p.m. Saturday

Appalachian Music

Jerry and Joan Paul perform Appalachian music most afternoons in Gatlinburg at Alewine Pottery in Glades. 7746999

Blue Moose Burgers and Wings

Located on the Parkway behind Bullfish Grill and Johnny Carino’s: Live music, 7-10 p.m. Fridays. 286-0364

Front Porch Restaurant

Live bluegrass, 7-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday; live folk and acoustics, 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday. (423) 4872875

Guarino’s Italian Restaurant

Michael Hicks sings and plays piano, 6-10 p.m. every Friday in Gatlinburg

New Orleans on the River

Amelia & Louis perform 6 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 933-7244

Ripley’s Aquarium

Bluegrass group Smoky Mountain Travelers 10-4 p.m. Saturday in front of Aquarium in Gatlinburg

The Ship Pub

The Ship Pub on Glades Road in Gatlinburg, pool tournaments at 8 p.m. every Friday, 430-4441

Skiddy’s Place

Skiddy’s Place on Birds Creek Road in Gatlinburg; Karaoke, Tuesday and Thursday nights; Locals Night, 4-7 p.m. on Wednesdays; various performers on weekends. 436-4192

Smoky Mountain Brewery

In Gatlinburg, 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.: karaoke/DJ, Monday-Tuesday; live music, Wednesday-Sunday. In Pigeon Forge, 9 p.m. to midnight: karaoke/ DJ, Sunday-Monday; live music, Tuesday-Saturday

Smoky’s Sports Pub & Grub

1151 Parkway (Light #10) Gatlinburg: Weekly live entertainment and karaoke. 436-4220

Sunset Grille

142 Thinwood Drive Newport: The show starts at 9 p.m. 0OTTERY (OUSE #AFÂŁ 'RILLE 3UN 4HURS AM PM &RI 3AT AM PM



3From Page B1

Here are a few recipes from www.kentrollins.com. The site features monthly recipes that can be made in a dutch oven or a conventional oven. Click the About tab to access the recipes. Aunt Kay’s Breakfast Casserole 8 or 10 slices of bread, crumbled 1 onion, chopped 2 jalepenos, chopped 2 c. grated cheese 2 lbs. sausage 8 eggs 1 1/2 c. milk Salt and pepper to taste Brown the sausage, onion and jalapenos together. Drain the grease and set aside to cool. In a 10-inch dutch oven, or 9-by-13 pan, grease slightly and put in the crumbled bread. Add the sausage mixture and then cover with the cheese. Put in refrigerator overnight. Beat the eggs and milk together and pour over the mixture when ready to cook. Cook slow in dutch oven with coals on the top and bottom, or in an oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Upside Down Pizza 2 lbs. hamburger 1 pkg. spaghetti sauce mix 1 1/2 c. Mozzarella cheese 8 oz. can crescent rolls 1/3 c. Parmesan cheese 1/4 c. chopped onion 16 oz. tomato sauce 1/2 c. sour cream 2 tsp. melted butter Brown the meat and onion and drain off the grease. Then add spaghetti sauce mix and tomato sauce and let simmer to combine flavors. Spread the mixture in 14-inch Dutch oven. Layer on cheese and sour cream. Top with crescent rolls. Brush with butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake in oven at 375 degrees in 9-by-13 pan for 25 minutes.

Rum Cake 2 c. sugar 4 eggs 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 c. buttermilk 1 tsp. rum extract 2 sticks butter 3 c. flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. vanilla Cream sugar and butter together. Add the eggs one at a time then sift in the dry ingredients. Add the buttermilk and flavorings. Pour into a greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 325 degrees for one hour. Brush the glaze on while cake is still hot. GLAZE 1/2 c. sugar 1/4 c. water Boil sugar and water for one minute then add: 1/4 tsp. vanilla 1 T. oil 1/4 tsp. rum

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Kent Rollins arranges dutch ovens on top of a firebox.


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n`k_ gliZ_Xj\ f] D`Zif[\id fi :_\d`ZXc g\\c%

Local â—† B3

Friday, February 26, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

Library schedules gaming programs

Encourage one another to achieve your very best I take a hands-on, special interest in every organization with whom I am involved as a speaker, trainer or consultant. I want to make sure that what I say and do is relevant and on target for the group. As you might imagine, however, I take a very special interest in one of the groups with whom I work on a regular basis, ClaimCare Medical Billing Services. My son Carl II is the CEO. Recently, Carl II contacted me for some input on a Management Performance Survey for his employees in multiple locations. The opening lines of the survey read, “As ClaimCare continues to grow, change and improve, it is vital for us to engage in a stateof-the-art performance evaluation program for all personnel. Therefore, as a follow-up to the recent employee performance reviews, the goal of this online survey is to ask employees to provide anonymous feedback on the ClaimCare senior management team. As CEO, I am interested in learning your views on the strengths and weaknesses of our leadership.� I share this with my readers to remind you of how important it is for every leadership team member and every employee to never forget that the only long-term competitive advantage for any organization is the collective brain power, passion and work ethic of its people. Organizations cannot win unless there is intelligence, appropriate technical and people skills and a commitment to excellence on the part of everyone in the organization. Coaches don’t win alone and players don’t win alone. They must all buy in to what they are doing and must buy in to each other. General Alexander Suvorov, a 17th century Russian field marshal, never lost a battle, even against numerically superior opponents. He authored a famous manual, “The Science of Victory,� in which he said the enlisted soldier was the foundation of his success. Even though he respected his front line people, he trained them hard, telling them, “What is difficult in training will become easy in battle.� His soldiers adored him because they knew he cared for them, prepared

them and expected excellence from them — for their sake as well as his. He joked with them, called them “brothers,â€? solicited their input, while always expecting their very best and accepting nothing less. Because of his high standards and his dedication to soldiers who worked to live up to such standards, Suvorov’s people were committed to him and his objectives. Suvorov knew the importance of his followers being resourceful, and he recognized the need of providing training in the areas that would help them make better decisions and be more effective in action. He also realized the need for his followers to maintain an optimistic outlook, which required him to establish a positive vision of the future — for the organization, the soldiers and their families. He demonstrated consideration for his followers by being committed to excellence. In turn, they demonstrated commitment to the organization. Whether you are trying to increase your effectiveness as a leader or as an important team member, study the characteristics of people who have come before you and have done well. Just as Carl II sees the importance of regular performance evaluations for the personnel and management of ClaimCare, it behooves any organization of any type for the leaders to encourage personnel and for the personnel to encourage leaders to perform at their very best and never become satisfied with anything less. Š 2010 by Carl Mays, speaker and author whose mentoring site, www. MyMerlin.net, is based on his book and program, “A Strategy For Winning.â€? E-mail to carlmays@carlmays.com, call 436-7478 or visit www. carlmays.com.




NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS OF STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION BIDS TO BE RECEIVED MARCH 19, 2010 Internet Bids will be received by the State of Tennessee, Department of Transportation, at their ofďƒžces in the James K. Polk Building, Suite 700, Nashville, Tennessee until 10:00 A.M., Friday, March 19, 2010 and opened publicly in the Conference Room on the 7th Floor of the James K. Polk Building at that hour. ANDERSON, BLOUNT, CAMPBELL, CARTER, CLAIBORNE, COCKE, GRAINGER, GREENE, HAMBLEN, HANCOCK, HAWKINS, JEFFERSON, JOHNSON, KNOX, LOUDON, MONROE, MORGAN, ROANE, SCOTT, SEVIER, SULLIVAN, UNICOI, UNION, AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES (Contract No. CNJ055) Call No. 003. Project No. 98017-4135-04, 98017-4134-04. 98017-4134-04: The retracing of painted pavement marking lines on various Interstate and State Routes. Project Length - 0.000 mile. 98017-4135-04: The random on-call pavement marking on various Interstate and State Routes. Project Length - 0.000 mile. Total Project Length - 0.000 mile. Completion Time - On or before June 30, 2011 (See Special Provision 108B). NO PLANS CONTRACT. SEVIER COUNTY (Contract No. CNJ052) Call No. 018. Project No. HSIP-139(6), 78014-3209-94. The installation of signals on S.R. 139 at the junction with Kodak Road and W. Dumplin Valley Road. Project Length - 0.000 mile. Completion Time - On or before October 31, 2010. Plans Cost - $3.00. The DBE goal for this contract is 8%. INTERNET BIDDING MANDATORY ON ALL CONTRACTS. A Prime Contractor must prequalify with the Department of Transportation in accordance with Section 54-5117 of the “Tennessee Code Annotatedâ€? and Tennessee Department of Transportation Rule 1680-5-3 prequaliďƒžcation of contractors before bidding authorization will be provided. Unauthorized bids will not be considered for award. The Tennessee Department of Transportation hereby notiďƒžes all bidders that it will afďƒžrmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability in consideration for an award. The Tennessee Department of Transportation is an equal opportunity afďƒžrmative action employer, drug-free with policies of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or military service. Telephone (615) 741-5996. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS IS RESERVED. Bidding authorization, standard speciďƒžcations and standard drawings may be obtained by contacting the Department of Transportation, Construction Division, Suite 700, James K. Polk Building, Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0326, Telephone number (615) 741-2414. Plans may be obtained by contacting the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Copy Center, Level A, James K. Polk Building, Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0330; Telephone number (615) 741-2048. Sales Tax will be added to the cost of all documents, where applicable. GERALD F. NICELY, COMMISSIONER

SEYMOUR — The Seymour Library hosts gaming programs for all ages. The March gaming events include: n Teen Video Game Night: 4-7 p.m. March 1 n Family Video Game Night: 4-7 p.m. March 4 n Senior Video Game Night: 2–5 p.m. March 15 Video game competition will continue March 6 at these times: n Seniors: 11 a.m.–1 Submitted

Travis Fessler will swallow a mouthful of live cockroaches at the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! in Gatlinburg on Saturday at 2:27 p.m. — all part of World Sword Swallowers Day.

Sword swallowers to perform at Ripley’s Submitted Report

Ripley co-sponsoring it “because it’s great GATLINBURG — More entertainment,� said Tim than 25 sword swallowers O’Brien, a spokesman for Ripley Entertainment Inc. will be performing shows “Sword swallowers and at more than a dozen Ripley go way back to the Ripley Believe It or Not! Odditoriums at 2:27 p.m. very first Ripley’s Believe Saturday, in celebration of It or Not! Odditorium, set up at the Chicago World’s the fourth annual World Fair in 1933.� Sword Swallowers Day. The art of sword swalErik Kloeker, the younglowing began more than est professional sword 4,000 years ago in India, swallower in the world, will perform in Gatlinburg and requires the practialong with Travis Fessler, tioner to use mind-overwho will swallow a sword matter techniques to conwith his mouth full of live trol the body and repress natural reflexes to insert cockroaches. solid steel blades from World Sword 15 to 25 inches down the Swallowers Day was esophagus and into the founded by the Sword stomach. With the demise Swallowers Association of the traveling circus International. sideshow over the past “We sword swallowers several decades, there are risk our lives every time currently less than a few we swallow swords, but many people don’t believe dozen full-time professional sword swallowers. it’s real, or they think the Ripley Entertainment art has died out,� said Dan Meyer, who has been fea- Inc. (www.ripleys.com), tured in Ripley’s Believe It has 80 attractions in 11 countries. or Not!.

Book Ends New books for the Sevier County Public Library System Adult Fiction n “Rules of Vengeance� by Christopher Reich (Main) (Kodak) n “DreamFever� by Karen Marie Moning (Audio CD) (Main) (Kodak) n “Fire and Ice� by J. A. Jance (Main) (Seymour) Adult Non-Fiction n “Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story� by C. David Heymann (Main) n “Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson� by Ian Halperin (Main) (Kodak)

p.m. Wii Bowling and Mario Karts n Families: 1-3 p.m. Wii Bowling and Mario Karts n Teens: 3-5 p.m. Mario Karts and Rock Band For more information e-mail to krug@sevierlibrary.org or call 577-7511. A grant by the Department of Tennessee and the Tennessee State Library and Archives provided games and gaming units.

H e a lt h D e pa r t m e n t Inspection Reports The Department of Health is responsible for regulation of food service establishments in Tennessee The law requires that restaurants have an unannounced inspection at least once every six months to determine if they are in compliance with applicable rules and regulations at the time of inspection. In addition to routine inspections, unannounced inspections are conducted in response to individual complaints. Tennessee uses a 44-item inspection sheet with a maximum of 100 points. Thirteen of the items are considered critical. Critical items, found out of compliance, must be corrected within 10 days. Inspections since Feb. 17:

n Fudgery ‌ 82 n Little House of

‌ 80


n Comedy Barn ‌ 92 n No Way Jose’s Cantina

‌ 87 n Old Mill Creamery ‌ 93 n Tony Roma’s ‌ 83 n WonderWorks concession ‌ 98


n A&W

Restaurant, Dolly Parton Parkway ‌ 89 n Applebee’s ‌ 90 n Buddy’s of Sevierville ‌ 94 n China Town Restaurant, 525 Parkway ‌ 72 n Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority ‌ 92 n McDonald’s, Dolly Parton Parkway ‌ 93


n Ben

& Jerry’s Ice Cream

‌ 97 n Crusty Joe’s ‌ 92 n Days Inn breakfast ‌ 82 n Fannie’s Corner Kitchen No. 1, 656 Parkway ‌ 89



n Bob-E-Que ‌ 87 n Chepas ‌ 80 n Seymour High School

‌ 91 n Seymour Primary School ‌ 96

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Friday Nite Special

32 oz. Cowboy Cut Prime Rib Bet ya can’t eat it all!



B4 â—† Local

The Mountain Press â—† Friday, February 26, 2010

Community Calendar Editor’s Note: The community calendar is printed as space permits. Only noncommercial, public events held in Sevier County will be considered. They are listed by date. To place an item phone 4280748, ext. 214, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress. com. Items may be faxed to 453-4913.

Friday, Feb. 26 Consignment Sale

Oak City Baptist Church children’s consignment sale 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and 8-3 Saturday. Visit www. oakcitybc.org or call 6031388.

Kodak Story Time

Preschool story time 11 a.m. at Kodak Library. 9330078.

Puttin’ on Ritz

RSVP by today to attend Puttin’ on the Ritz, 6-10:30 p.m. March 6, Sevierville Civic Center. $50, includes meal, dancing, entertainment. 428-0846, 397-5556 or 603-1223. Proceeds benefit Relay For Life.

Kid’s Night Out

Kid’s Night Out 6-10 p.m., Pigeon Forge Community Center. $10 for center members, $15 for nonmembers. 429-7373.

Wearwood Wrestling

Sevier Attitude wrestlers in action 7 p.m., Wearwood School. $7, age 6-12 $5. Ringside seats $10; pre-event tickets $2 off. Proceeds benefit eighth-grade trip. 4532252.

Saturday, Feb. 27

Skywarn Class

Sevier County Emergency Radio Service three-hour Skywarn class 10 a.m., Rescue Squad. Free. 4292422 or e-mail to n4jtq@ live.com.

Relay Breakfast

Relay for Life pancake breakfast 7-9:30 a.m., Old Mill Square Pottery House CafĂŠ and Grille.

Literary Festival

Chili Supper/Auction

Pigeon Forge Little League Football Booster Club chili supper/auction 6 p.m. at middle school cafeteria. $5 at door.

Sevier County VFD

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n Noon-Seymour Heights Christian Church (enter last door on right side), Chapman and Boyds Highway, Seymour n 1 p.m. Gatlinburg Inn, Gatlinburg

CROSS Volunteers

Seymour Story Time

Christians Reaching Out Serving Seymour volunteer training 10 a.m. to noon, Seymour Heights Christian Church, 122 Boyds Creek Highway. 577-7508.

Sunday, Feb. 28 Gatlinburg FUMC

Gatlinburg First United Methodist Church offers 6 p.m. fellowship of contemporary music, worship, followed by meal. 436-4691.

Hurst Chapel Benefit

Benefit singing 6 p.m., Hurst Chapel Baptist Church, with Locust Ridge Boys. Proceeds to Randy Ownby for medical expenses.

Boyds Creek Singing

Middle Creek UMC

National Assn. of Retired Federal Employees meets 6 p.m. at Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge. 453-4174.

Kindness Counts

Swimming Lessons

Alzheimer’s Support Group 6-7 p.m. at MountainBrook Village, 700 Markhill Drive.

Hot Meals

Prayer In Action meets at 6 p.m. Pigeon Forge UMC. Nondenominational.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of SYLVIA N. BUTLER Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 19 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of SYLVIA N. BUTLER deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 19 day of February, 2010.


(Signed) N. Marie Butler Executor

By:Donald B. Roe Attorney


By: Joe Keener County Clerk

By:none Attorney

Garden Club

Gatlinburg Garden Club meets 1 p.m., Gatlinburg Community Center. Program presented by Carol Bennett of Anna Porter Public Library. To make corn husk dolls, bring $3 for supplies. Meeting to be canceled in the event of school closure due to weather.

Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:30-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church in Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist Church in Kodak.


865-254-3844 Now Accepting Mowing Contracts for 2010 (Monthly Billing can be arranged!) All work guaranteed. Licensed & Insured !LL WORK GUARANTEED ,ICENSED )NSURED


Deadlines Deadline

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Good News In The Smokies

Friday, 10 a.m. Friday, 11 a.m. Monday, 10 a.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. Friday, 10 a.m.


02/26/2010 03/05/2010

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LAURA COWAN COOPER Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 17 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of LAURA COWAN COOPER deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 17 day of February, 2010.

Estate of

Women’s Bible Study


By: Joe Keener County Clerk

(Signed) David A. Cooper Administrator

Free evangelism course today-Saturday in Gatlinburg; daily sessions 9-11:30 a.m., 1-3:30 p.m. Register at www.garlandsofgraceministries.com or call 436-0313. Instructor Bob Kendig.

s 4REE 3HRUB Trimming

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 1 p.m. Foxtrot Bed and Breakfast, Garrett, Gatlnburg n 6:30 p.m. Pigeon Forge

02/26/2010 03/05/2010

Sevier County Right to Life meets 5:30 p.m., Pigeon Forge Library. Discussion on stem cells and cloning. 908-2689 or 908-1968.

Evangelism Course


Monday, March 1


Right To Life

Hot Meals

Worship services at 6:30 p.m. at Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. 216-2066.

TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.

and Landscaping AND ,ANDSCAPING Landscape Design and Installation

Children’s swim lessons at Pigeon Forge Community Center Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 2-25. 429-7373, ext. 18.

900 Transportation

American Legion Post 202, 6:30 p.m. by post office in Gatlinburg. 5991187.


STANLEY FENCING 34!.,%9 &%.#).'

Old Time Gospel Missionary Baptist Church singing 6:30 p.m. with Cliff Adkins and New Calvary Echoes. 830 Sugarloaf Lane, Seymour. 584-4837.

800 Mobile Homes

Sevier County Democratic Party meets at 7 p.m. at courthouse.

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room

Kindness Counts meets 7 p.m. at Sevierville IHOP. 654-2684.

Gospel Singing

400 Financial

(Signed) Donald B. Roe Administrator


Hot Meals for Hungry Hearts served from 5:30 to 6:30 p,m. Second Baptist Church, Pigeon Street just off Chapman Highway.

300 Services

This 11 day of February, 2010.

Traditional Lent services 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays through March 24, First Presbyterian Sevierville. Offering collected will go to help Haiti. 453-2971.

Maples Branch Baptist Church singing 6:30 p.m. with Jackie Parton and Parton Family.

700 Real Estate

All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once.

American Legion Post 104 covered dish dinner meeting 6 p.m. at Post home. 908-4310 or www.amlgnp104tn.org.

Maples Branch Baptist

200 Employment

All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred.

First Presbyterian

American Legion

Alzheimer’s Support

600 Rentals

Notice is Hereby Given that on the 11 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of ERICA DAWN H. BECKER deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee.

Wednesday, March 3

Tuesday, March 2

John Ogle chapter of Colonial Dames of the XVII Century meets at 2 p.m., Sevier County Library. Film of national headquarters to be shown.

500 Merchandise

Estate of ERICA DAWN H. BECKER Late of Sevier County, Tennessee

Preschool story time 11 a.m. Seymour Library. 5730728

Thursday, March 4 Democratic Party

American Legion

Optimist club of Northview, Kodak, celebrates 25th anniversary with reception 7 p.m. at Northview Clubhouse. Charter members especially encouraged to attend.

Al-Anon Family Group meets at 11 a.m., First United Methodist Church, Pigeon Forge. 428-7617 or 680-6724.

Colonial Dames

100 Announcements


Northview Optimist Club

Preschool story time, Sevier County Main Library. 453-3532.

Al-Anon Family

Boyds Creek Baptist Church monthly service in song at 7 p.m. featuring Dumplin Valley Trio.



Gatekeepers men’s Bible study: n 6:30 p.m., 1328 Old Newport Highway, Sevierville. 908-0591. n 6:30 p.m., 2445 Scenic Mt. Drive, Sevierville. (865) 310-7831.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Sevierville Story Time


Gold Wing Road Riders Assn. meets at 6:30 p.m. at IHOP Sevierville. 6604400.

Sevier County Volunteer Fire Department, New Center station, to hold meet-and-greet for local political candidates 5:30-9 p.m. Includes $5 chili supper. Proceeds benefit department.

Prayer In Action

Rose Glen Literary Festival 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Walters State Community College, Sevierville.


Gold Wing Riders

A publication from The Mountain Press

Thursday, 10 a.m.

LEGALS LAURA COWAN COOPER By:Wayne R. Kramer Attorney By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of MARY ELIZABETH HODGE Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 16 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of MARY ELIZABETH HODGE deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 16 day of February, 2010.


http://www.themountainpress.com OR, www.adquest.com

LEGALS (Signed) Geraldine H. Burchfiel Administrator Estate of MARY ELIZABETH HODGE By:Douglas S. Yates Attorney By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of WILBUR “BILL� HOPPER Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 11 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of WILLIAM “BILL� HOPPER deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper set-

All line ads published in The Mountain Press are placed FREE on a searchable network of over 500 newspapers’ classifieds located at http://www.themountainpress.com WANT TO KNOW WHEN A CLASSIFIED ITEM IS AVAILABLE? Go to http://www.adquest/request/ to register your request and we will notify you by e-mail when it becomes available in the Classifieds.

After the first insertion, want ads scheduled to be published again on Tue., Wed., Thu., or Fri. may be canceled or corrected between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the day prior to publication. For ads on Sat., due Thu., prior to 3 p.m., for Sun., Fri., prior to 10 a.m. and Mon., prior to 11 a.m. Notice of typographical or other errors must be given before 2nd insertion. The Mountain Press does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself and shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad for a typographical error.




tlement with the undersigned at once.

their claim will be forever barred.

This 11 day of February, 2010.

All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once.

of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred.

(Signed) Lawrence Yeager Executor Estate of WILLIAM “BILL� HOPPER By:Jerry H. McCarter Attorney By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LONNIE DALE HOWARD Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 12 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of LONNIE DALE HOWARD deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise

This 12 day of February, 2010. (Signed) Brenda Williams Administrator

All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 11 day of February, 2010.


(Signed) Robert E. Huff Administrator

By:none Attorney

Estate of WILMA E. HUFF

By: Joe Keener County Clerk

By:none Attorney

02/26/2010 03/05/2010

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of WILMA E. HUFF Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 11 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of WILMA E. HUFF deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date

By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010

Working for peanuts?

LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of RONALD WADE KING Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 12 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of RONALD WADE KING deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 12 day of February, 2010. (Signed) Karen McMahan Administrator

Find your perfect job in



By: Joe Keener County Clerk

By:Devin J. Koester Attorney

The Mountain Press ‹ Friday, February 26, 2010 LEGALS


02/26/2010 03/05/2010

INVITATION TO BID SEVIER COUNTY SCHOOLS Sealed bids for school supplies and paper will be RECEIVED UNTIL AND PUBLICLY OPENED AT 9:00 AM AND 9:30 AM, FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2010 by the Sevier County School System, 311 Bruce Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862 Specifications and bid forms may be obtained by contacting Judy Schultz at the address and phone number below: Teacher Resource Center Attn: Judy Schultz 311 Bruce Street Sevierville, TN 37862 865-453-4671 ext. 3022 Bids received after the specified time, postmarks notwithstanding, shall be rejected. 02/23/2010 02/24/2010 02/25/2010 02/26/2010 02/27/2010

NOTICE On March 10, 2009 at 10:00 am at 324 Wears Valley Rd. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Pigeon Forge Storage will sell, to the highest and last bidder, the contents of the following units to satisfy delinquent rents King, C E-11 G-14 Armstrong, D L-33 Banks/Parker A-15 Billie, U L-22 Brown, R D-11 Burress, M A-10 Cheek, T H-52 H-53 H-54 Collett, A I-06 Daniel, J C-07 Gallent, T B-01 B-02 Hill, M J-15 J-16 Huff, M A-37 Huggins, R B-53 Lee, J E-04 May, S G-20 McKnight, L D-01 D02 H-27 H-28 Moore, C K-05 Morales, B K-15 L21 Newman, P H-37 Roberts, S J-30 Spears, S D-18 Turner, A K-16 Weidner, P L-08 Wisby, T J-09 02-26-10 03-05-10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The City of Gatlinburg is requesting proposals for providing wireless devices for various departments. It is the desire of the City to attain wireless services and equipment that allow for wireless voice communications at a minimum but also may provide wireless text messaging, wireless e-mail communications, etc. The City desires to purchase up to ten (10) of these devices. The City also would like to purchase/rent approximately twentythree (23) “push-totalk� communication devices that basically have the function of two-way radios. The term of this agreement will be 24 months with the option to renew for another 24 months. Information may be obtained from Robert L. Holt, Treasurer, City of Gatlinburg City Hall, 1230 Parkway East, Suite 2, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, Telephone Number (865) 4361404, or email to roberth@ci.gatlinburg.tn.u s.

Proposals should be submitted no later than March 11, 2010 at 2:00 PM. Please mail or deliver proposals to the City of Gatlinburg, P.O. Box 5, 1230 Parkway East, Suite 2, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, Attention: Robert L. Holt, Treasurer, Phone number 865-436-1404. Email: roberth@ci.gatlinburg.tn.us. The City of Gatlinburg reserves the right to qualify all proposals, to waive ant informalities, and to reject any and/or all proposals. 02/26/2010

The City of Pigeon Forge is receiving bids on LED replacement bulbs for Winterfest scenes. Specifications may be obtained at the Public Works Department in City Hall between the hours of 8:00 and 4:30, Monday thru Friday. Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., March 10, 2010, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. All bids must be in sealed envelope with bidders name and address on outside and marked bid on “Winterfest Lights.� The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid most favorable to the City. This 23rd day of February, 2010. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LAVANA SIMS Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 11 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of LAVANA SIMS deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 11 day of February, 2010. (Signed) Johnny Sims Executor

LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to public notice a meeting of the CITY OF PIGEON FORGE BEER BOARD has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Room of City Hall Complex. The purpose of the meeting is to address alleged violation under Section 8-203 of the Pigeon Forge Municipal Code. The meeting is also for consideration of application of: PERMIT FOR SALE OF PACKAGED BEER 1. Waldens Creek Market 2870 Goose Gap Road Sevierville, TN 37862 2. Tobacco King 335 Wears Valley Road Suite #4 Pigeon Forge, TN 37863

The public is invited to attend. This 26th day of February, 2010 Earlene M. Teaster City Manager 11-28-09 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JAY KEMP WILLIAMS Late of Sevier County, Tennessee Notice is Hereby Given that on the 11 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of JAY KEMP WILLIAMS deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred.


All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once.

By:none Attorney

This 11 day of February, 2010.

By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of TOMMY LEE WEBB Late of Sevier County, Tennessee

(Signed) Kathy Jo Plutschak Administrator Estate of JAY KEMP WILLIAMS By:none Attorney By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010

Notice is Hereby Given that on the 12 day of FEB 2010,Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of TOMMY LEE WEBB deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the County Court Clerk of Sevier County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk of the above named Court within four months from the date of the first publication (or of the posting, as the case may be) of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 12 day of February, 2010. (Signed) Susan Webb Executor Estate of TOMMY LEE WEBB By:none Attorney By: Joe Keener County Clerk 02/26/2010 03/05/2010


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After the first insertion, want ads scheduled to be published again on Tue., Wed., Thu., or Fri. may be canceled or corrected between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the day prior to publication. For ads on Sat., due Thu. prior to 3 p.m.; for Sun., Fri. prior to 10 a.m. and Mon., prior to 11 a.m. Notice of typographical or other errors must be given before 2nd insertion. The Mountain Press does not assume responsibility for an ad beyond the cost of the ad itself and shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad for a typographical error.


Edition Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Good News in the Smokies

Deadline Friday, 10 a.m. Friday, 11 a.m. Monday, 10 a.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. Friday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.


http://www.themountainpress.com OR, www.adquest.com All line ads published in The Mountain Press are placed FREE on a searchable network of over 500 newspapers’ classifieds located at http://www.themountainpress.com. WANT TO KNOW WHEN A CLASSIFIED ITEM IS AVAILABLE? Go to http://www.adquest/request/ to register your request and we will notify you by e-mail when it becomes available in the Classifieds.

236 GENERAL APPLIANCE REPAIR TECHNICIAN. Experience a must. Call 865-429-1138.



Local cabin company taking applications for Reservationist, Assistant Manager, and Cleaners. Apply in person at: 333 Ski Mtn. Rd. Gatlinburg.

Assistant Executive Housekeeper

Needed TN. Licensed Tattoo Artist. 865363-6609. Needed: Cosmetologist and Nail Tech. Full or part time. Sev. area. Call Janet at 654-0477. New Restaurant Opening in Chestnut Hill area. Hiring all shift. Competitive wages and great working environment. Call 865556-9375 for Application. Sevier Check Cashing Co. CSR. $26K start. No exp. preferred. We offer paid holidays, paid vacation, no Sundays, no nights. Candidate requirements: stable job history, basic math, cash handling exp., attention to details, friendly, energetic, outgoing, high school graduate, good personal credit history. Resumes: MDB, 8018 Kingston Pike, Knox TN 37919. Sevier County Schools is currently seeking a sign language interpreter for a hearing impaired student. For more information, please call the Department of Special Education at 4531036 or 453-1037 and ask for Dee Kilpatrick. Smoky Mountain Christian Village is looking for a Christian individual to join our Group Sales and Marketing Team. Strong computer skills are practically a must; attention to detail is key. Please visit our website for an application, or office located at 2525 Goldrush Rd, Pigeon Forge. w w w . t s m c v. o r g 865-428-8279 The Lodge at Buckberry Creek, a 4-diamond, luxury resort seeks qualified, experienced, reliable candidates for the following positions: Front Desk Personnel

Assistant Manager needed. Drop off resume to Global Liquidation located at The Shops of Pigeon Forge East Wears Valley Rd Cobbly Nob Rentals now hiring Housekeepers. Apply in person. 3722 East Parkway, Gatlinburg. Drug free workplace. Fireside Chalets in Pigeon Forge is looking for Front Desk/Reservationist with customer service skills. Nights & weekends required. Apply online at pigeonforgejobs.com or in person at Fireside Chalets. 865-7744121 Front Desk Manager Manages front desk operations of a luxury cabin rental company in a fastpaced environment. Requires prior experience, hands-on approach and high front desk visibility management style. Apply at Timber Tops, 1440 Upper Middle Creek Rd., Sevierville, TN 37876 or email: kcarpenter@timbertops.net; Fax: 865-8680836 Full time, year round, pd. parking. Retail Associate needed. Must have experience, neat appearance, available on weekends. Apply in person Cowboy Way, Mtn. Mall, level C, Gat. 430-1949. Full/part time positions available Sevierville, Pigeon Forge. Starting pay $8/hr. Call 865-223-4607. Laurel Crest, A Bluegreen Resort, Seeking Full-Time Activities Associate. Nights and Weekends a Must. Please apply in person at: Laurel Crest Resort, 2628 Laurel Crest Lane, Pigeon Forge, TN

Servers – All Shifts Fine dining experience a plus, but not required. Candidates should apply in person at 961 Campbell Lead Rd., Gatlinburg. 430-8030 WANTED: Housekeeping Team for 25+ cabins. Must have worker’s comp & liability insurance, business license, & resume. Aunt Bug’s Cabin Rentals, 908-4948. Wrecker or Rollback Driver needed. Recent experience a must! Apply in person 701 West Main St 237 HEALTHCARE Personal Care Choices is currently hiring caregivers or CNAs to provide in home non-medical care to seniors as well as adults and children with disabilities in Sevier Co. We offer flexible hours & competitive pay, preemployment background and drug testing required. EOE. Call 865681-0999. 238 HOTEL/MOTEL An

award winning property in the heart of Pigeon Forge is searching for a Guest Service Rep. and part time Breakfast Attendant w/experience in a fast-paced hotel environment. Candidate must possess a “guest service attitude�, be neat in appearance and have a professional demeanor. Candidates with prior hotel experience preferred for this nonsmoking property. Please email your resume to: gmepf @shular.com or fax to 865-2934180. You may apply in person at 2440 Parkway in Pigeon Forge, TN. Sorry, no phone calls will be accepted.

MasterCorp seeks experienced Assistant Executive Housekeeper. 2+ yrs hskp mgt exp in a hotel/resort; Excellent benefits package offered; Salary commensurate with exp. Apply in person Wyndham Smoky Mountain Resort Housekeeping Office; 308 Collier Dr, Sevierville, TN. No calls please. Clarion Inn Willow River now hiring Experienced Room Attendants and Housemen. Apply in person 1990 Winfield Dunn Parkway (Hwy 66) Sevierville. Executive Housekeeper MasterCorp seeks experienced Executive Housekeeper for the Gatlinburg area. 5+ yrs hskp mgt exp in a hotel/resort; Excellent benefits pkg offered; Salary commensurate with exp. Fax resume and salary history to 866-8073910.



Kids’ Consignment Sale at Oak City Baptist Church off Boyd’s Creek Hwy. Feb. 26, 9-5; Feb. 27, 8-3. 603-1388. www.oakcitybc.org 556 FIREWOOD Firewood for sale. All hardwood. $45 rick. 865-977-8903 Firewood. Call Jack 865-898-7885 557 MISC. SALES Maple Secretary Desk $100; German Marble Top Coffee Table $200; Cream Couch $125; Lg. wood End Table $25. OBO. 865436-7248. 581 PETS PUG PUPPIES for sale. All males. $150 each. Call 865-599-9953.

Hay for sale. 4x4 rolls in field. $10. 4534285.

249 RESERVATIONIST Reservationist Are you motivated by money? Have Sales Experience? Enjoy working in the cabin rental industry? Able to work flexible shifts? Join our Team today! Apply at Timber Tops, 1440 Upper Middle Creek Rd, Sevierville, OR email resume: kcarpenter@timbertops.net OR Fax: 865-8680836 EOE


10X10 or 10x20 SELF STORAGE Convenient Location! 411 South, left on Robert Henderson Rd., 1/4 mile on right at Riverwalk Apts. 429-2962


555 GARAGE & YARD SALES A BIG SALE. Saturday 9-1. Furniture & misc. New Center Mini Storage # 33. 865-748-8133 ESTATE SALE 9-5 Saturday 2/27 133 Bruce St Downtown Sevierville Office equip, desks, chairs, books, woodworking equip, commercial ice machine, lots of great stuff

NEW YEARS SPECIAL 2 new recliners $398 Cagles Furniture & Appliances 2364B Pittman Center Rd.

For Sale


3 seater floral couch for sale $150. Maple china hutch $225. 428-5315 Maple hutch, table, 4 chairs. 933-7782

Retail shops in The Village shopping center downtown Gatlinburg. 865-4363995 or 803-5950 610 DUPLEX FOR RENT Duplex available River Trace 2br/1ba 1 car garage $665.00 865-429-4470

Spacious 1BR/1BA $495 per mon., 2BR/2BA $695 per mon. Excl. Cond. C H/A. W/D Conn., D/W Vaulted Ceiling, Front porch, Rear patio, Lawn, Trash & City Water Incl. 705-0387. 693 ROOMS FOR RENT

Weekly Rentals Includes Phone, Color TV, Wkly Housekeeping Micr./Frig. Available $169.77+ Family Inns West

Pigeon Forge 865-453-4905



Brass Grill & Howards Restaurant hiring Manager/ Bartender and Servers. Apply in person 9am-1pm daily.

1500 sf office space/ 1500 sf warehouse space. $1500/mo 2 miles from pkwy. 865-573-6859

A-1 pre-owned dryers, washers, ranges & refrigerators All with warranty. Cagles Furniture and Appliances

***FLAPJACK’S*** at 146 Parkway in Gatlinburg is now hiring for all positions. Please apply in person between 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM





592 WANTED TO BUY Motorcycle luggage trailer. Please call 776-3388

Now hiring Housekeeping. Apply in person Park Tower Inn, 201 Sharon Dr, Pigeon Forge.

Clerical. Excellent organizational and multi tasking skills required. Apply in person Eden Crest 652 Wears Valley Road or fax resume to 774-1713

Washer & Dryer, 5 yr. old Maytag. $350 obo for both. 865774-9788 after 4:30 p.m.


OfďŹ ce & Storage Space for Lease Different sizes for lease

" ! # ! ' % $ % & ! " " #



Prime Retail Space For Rent In Pigeon Forge Parkway with Frontage 1000sf


2-STORY BUILDING FOR LEASE 3774 Sq Ft, Next to Bennett’s BBQ River Rd, G’burg 865-603-3884

Affordable Housing in Gatlinburg Rooms for rent, weekly rates, furn., cable TV.

436-4471 or 621-2941

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, on the 30th day of October, 2006, by Deed of Trust recorded in Deed Book 2658, Page 786 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, SANA C. SANCREEK-KELCHNER and husband, CALVIN L. KELCHNER, SR., did convey in trust to TOWN AND COUNTRY TITLE CORPORATION,, Trustee, the hereinafter described real estate to secure payment of a promissory note in the original principal amount of Two Hundred Forty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($240,000.00) and other obligations, said debts and obligations being more particularly described in said trust deed, and WHEREAS, EASTMAN CREDIT UNION, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust appointed EVAN E. HAUSER as Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded in Book 3487, Page 802-803 in the RegisterĂ­s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness, the same being now past-due and the entire amount thereof having been declared due and payable in accordance with the terms of said note and deed of trust, and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of the authority vested in me, I will on the 12th day of March, 2010 at 10:00 a.m., offer for sale and sell at the front door of the Sevier County Court House (Court Street entrance) in Sevierville, Tennessee, to the last, highest, and best bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate to-wit: SITUATED in the Sixth (6th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee and being Tract 1R of the Lillie E. Teaster Property as shown on Large Map 2, page 60, in the RegisterĂ­s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin set at a common corner between Tract 2 and Tract 1R, 190 feet southeast from Manis Road along the northern boundary of the 25-foot-right-of-way easement to the property, the Point of BEGINNING; thence North 34Âœ 07Ă­ 32ĂŽ East, 397.92 feet to an iron pin; thence North 01Âœ 14Ă­ 49ĂŽ East, 249.57 feet to an iron pin, common corner with Tract 4 of the Lillie E. Teaster Property; thence with property of James Headrick North 82Âœ 19Ă­ 42ĂŽ East, 95.47 feet to an iron pin; thence with a common property line with Oakhill Estates South 01Âœ 14Ă­ 49ĂŽ West, 828.93 feet to an iron pin at a common corner with Lot 4, Teaster Subdivision; thence North 55Âœ 25Ă­ 25ĂŽ West, 362.40 feet to an iron pin, common corners with Lot 1 and Lot 3, Teaster subdivision, thence North 73Âœ 07Ă­ 41ĂŽ East, 32.17 feet to an iron pin; thence North 55Âœ 52Ă­ 28ĂŽ West, 43.53 feet to an iron pin, the POINT OF BEGINNING, and according to survey of Ronnie L. Sims, 1221 East Ridge Road, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862, and dated January 26, 2000. ALSO CONVEYED HEREWITH is a permanent easement for ingress and egress, subject to the rights of others to Wears Valley Road as more fully described in Deed Book 519, page 135 and shown on plat of record in Map Book 23, page 128, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Sevier County, Tennessee. THE address of the above described property is: 3343 Manis Road Sevierville, TN 37862 This conveyance is made SUBJECT to applicable restrictions, minimum building setback lines, existing easements and all conditions shown of record, if any. The property above described is further conveyed SUBJECT to any and all visible and/or recorded rights of way and easements and SUBJECT to any and all easements and rights-of-way acquired by use and possession, whether visible and/or recorded or not. BEING the same property conveyed to SANA C. SANCREEKKELCHNER and husband, CALVIN L. KELCHNER, SR. from SANA C. SANCREEK-KELCHNER f/k/a SANA C. SANCREEK, by Quit Claim deed dated October 31, 2006, as seen of record at Deed Book 2658, Page 738, in the RegisterĂ­s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. See also Deed of record at Deed Book 1583, Page 354, in said RegisterĂ­s Office. Said sale will be free from the right and equity of redemption, homestead, dower and all other exemptions, the same having been waived in said deed of trust. Said property will be sold subject to all unpaid real estate taxes, and any and all other prior liens and mortgages, if any. The Sevier County property taxes for 2009 are paid in the amount of $845.00. The Sevier County property taxes for 2010 are unpaid. Other interested parties: Eastman Credit Union Tax lien notice: None The right is reserved to adjourn the day of sale to another day certain, without further publication and in accordance with the law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale set forth above. This notice shall be published in The Mountain Press, a newspaper published in Sevier County, Tennessee, on the 19th day of February, 2010, the 26th day of February, 2010, and the 5th day of March, 2010. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED AS A RESULT WILL BE USED FOR THAT EXPRESS PURPOSE ONLY. THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Dated this the 17th day of February, 2010. Evan E. Hauser, Substitute Trustee This Instrument Prepared By: Evan E. Hauser P.O. Box 5005 Knoxville, TN 37928 (865) 696-7956 February 19, 26 and March 5, 2010

6B ‹ Classifieds 693 ROOMS FOR RENT

The Mountain Press ‹ Friday, February 26, 2010



CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN SEVIERVILLE 2 bedroom 1.5 bath townhomes Call 428-5161

ROOMS FOR RENT Weekly Low Rates $95.00 + tax 436-5179 Greystone Rentals Red Carpet Inn 349 East Parkway Gatlinburg, TN


2/2 Townhome

428 Park Rd.



near trolley stop

Includes All Utilities. Free Wi-Fi, Cable, Laundry, Kitchens, Clean Rooms, NO PETS.


Some pets ok. Call for pet policy. 865-908-6789



ďŹ nchumproperties.com

1 & 2 BR Apt. From $395. Water/Sewer Inc. Patio Mtn Views. 908-2062 1 or 2BR Apartment. Quiet neighborhood. No pets. Call 453-3177 or 850-1693. 1BR Apt. near Gat. W/D, DW, $495 mth or $150 week + dep. 556-1929.


1BR/1BA Apartment w/carport, Sevierville. Includes stove, refrigerator, W & D, CH/A, water, sewer. No pets. $475.00 Month. First month plus $250.00 damage deposit due at contract signing. References required. Phone 865-4295745.

Spacious & Quiet! 2 BR / 2 BA Apts. for Rent in Wears Valley From $650/mo. 12 Mo. Lease Pets Allowed (865) 329-7807

WALK TO WALMART Furn, W/D On Trolley Route Large 3 or 2 Bed Weekly, Bi-Weekly or Monthly 865-789-1427


Sevier County’s Best for 13 years 1 & 2 BR avail. Some Pets OK. $400 UP WATER INCLUDED

EFFICIENCIES All Utilities Included

Wears Valley

Murrell Meadows 1/8 mile from Walters State College

1BD/1.5BA Pet Friendly

Allensville Road Walk to lake


2BR/2BA House on a cul de sac, Immaculate cond. $600 WATER INCLUDED

luxury condo 2BR/2BA all extras


Reasonable Rates


SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Construction Loan Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Assignment of Contract Rights, Leases and Security Agreement (Deed of Trust) executed by Halls & Allen LLC, Sammy Hall and wife, Marjorie J. Hall, and H O H, a Tennessee General Partnership, to Dwight B. Grizzell, Trustee, dated May 23, 2007, and recorded in Book 2828, Page 277, as modified by Modification of Deed of Trust of record in Book 3393, Page 224 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Halls & Allen LLC to Mountain National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Mountain National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee of record in Book 3485, Page 93 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee on the 22nd day of March, 2010, at 10:55 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described properties to-wit (which are believed to have street addresses on Winfield Dunn Parkway, Sevierville, TN (Tracts 1 & 3): SITUATE in the Seventh (7th) and Fifth (5th) Civil Districts of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being t wo (2) tracts more particularly described as follows: TRACT ONE: SITUATE in the Seventh (7th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee and being all of L ot 4 Revised of the Resubdivision of Lot 2R-1 and 4—Property of Minor Etherton, as the same is shown on a plat of record in Map Book P37, Page 88 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which reference is here made for a more particular description. ALSO CONVEYED is an interest the Grantor may have in that Lease Agreement with Ripley Entertainment, Inc. as is more particularly described in Memorandum of Lease dated May 24, 2001 and recorded in Book 1253, Page 744 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. CONVEYED HEREIN AND SUBJECT TO a Joint Use Right of Way deed of record in Book 2817, Page 306 and re-recorded in Book 2821, Page 813, both in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee which grants and conveys a perpetual joint use easement for ingress and egress to and from Winfield Dunn Parkway and the eastern boundary of the subject property. BEING the same property conveyed to Halls & Allen LLC, a Tennessee Limited Liability Company, by deed from Hall & Hall Enterprises, Inc., a Tennessee corporation, dated May 23, 2007 and recorded in Book 2828, Page 273 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Ronni Michele Allen, Ronni Michelle Allen, Ronnie Michele Allen and Ronnie Michelle Allen is one and the same person. Sevier County Tax Map: Map 027, Par. 027.04 TRACT THREE-A 25% INTEREST ONLY IN AND TO THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS: SITUATE in the Fifth (5th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, within the corporate limits of the City of Sevierville, Tennessee and being L ot 6 of Granny’s River Bottom, Phase I, as shown on a plat entitled Granny’s River Bottom, Phase I, Revision,I of record in Large Map Book 1, Page 176 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which reference is here made for a more particular description. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT to any and all applicable restrictions, easements, and building setbacks of record in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee including, but not limited to the following: The above described property may not be used for any business engaged in the selling of gasoline or diesel products through January 1, 2023. This prohibited use shall run with the land and be binding upon the Grantees, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns for a period ending January 1, 2023; however, the Grantors herein do not subject the above described property to the Reciprocal Easement Agreement by and between Three B Partners, a Tennessee General Partnership and Lowe’s Home Center, Inc. dated January 28, 1998, of record in Right-of-Way Book 16, Page 258 in the Register’s Office for Sevier county, Tennessee, the subject property being conveyed prior to the recordation of such Reciprocal Easement Agreement. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT to the notes, restrictions, easements and building setbacks, as shown on plats of record in Large Map Book 1, Page 176 and Map Book 28, Page 177 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. BEING A 25% UNDIVIDED INTEREST ONLY of the property conveyed to H O H, a Tennessee General Partnership, having as its sole general partners, Jodi C. Ohman, Joe Ohman, Ralph R. Hamlin, Jeffrey Hamlin and Sammy Hall, also known as Samuel R. Hall and wife, Marjorie Jaclyn Hall, by deed from Jodi C. Ohman, Joe Ohman, Ralph R. Hamlin, Jeffrey Hamlin and Sammy Hall, a/k/a Samuel R. Hall and wife, Marjorie Jaclyn Hall, dated February 28, 2000 and recorded in Book 1035, Page 210 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Sevier County Tax Map: Map 049G, Grp. C, Par. 006.00 The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. John Parker, Sr. may assert an interest in some or all of the abovedescribed properties and has been notified of this sale. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney’s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Mountain National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 23rd day of February, 2010.

THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307 Feb. 26, March 5 and 12, 2010


in Sevierville Offers 1/2 BR Units Pet Friendly

Gatlinburg Walking distance to town. Low weekly rates. Furn/cable TV, micro, fridge, phone. 1 person $130 per week. 436-4387 696 APARTMENTS FOR RENT


2BR 1BA Fridge, stove, dishwasher, W/D hkup. $575 924-4761. 2BR 2BA triplex PF. 2BR apt Sev. No pets. Clean & convenient. 453-5079. 2BR Apartments for Rent $475, $500 & $550 a month. 908-7805 or 3681327 APTS FOR RENT IN KODAK: 2 or 3BR deposit Call Barbara 865-368-5338 Beautiful Newly redecorated 2BR 1BA. Sevierville $550, $400 dep. 712-0254. CROSSCREEK 2BR/1.5BA $545 2BR/2BA Large Garden apartment $570.00 to $580.00 865-429-4470


Mountain View Townhome apartment for rent 2BR 1.5BA. Newly remodeled with hardwood flooring & new carpet. Located in Gatlinburg. 1st mth rent & security deposit required. For more information call 865-868-0449 Mon-Fri 8:30am5:30pm or 865356-3015 after hours & weekends

Find BIG Savings... When You Place Your Ad in the Classifieds!



NOTICE OF HOME GRANT APPLICATION CITY OF SEVIERVILLE, TENNESSEE City of Sevierville is submitting a 2010 HOME grant application that will request funding for housing rehabilitation within the City limits. The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) administers the federally funded home program to promote the production, preservation, and rehabilitation of house for low and very low-income households. This program provides funds to cities, counties, non-proďŹ t organizations, and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOS). Applications must request a minimum of $100,000 in HOME funds, with a maximum grant award of $500,000. Grant applications are due on March 12, 2010, and the THDA anticipates notiďŹ cation of successful applicants in May, 2010.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Credit Line Deed of Trust (Deed of Trust) executed by Sammy Hall and wife, Marjorie J. Hall, to Dwight B. Grizzell, Trustee, dated January 14, 2008, and recorded in Book 2996, Page 527, as modified by Modification of Credit Line Deed of Trust of record in Book 3393, Page 219 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Sammy Hall and wife, Marjorie J. Hall, to Mountain National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Mountain National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee of record in Book 3485, Page 95 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee on the 22nd day of March, 2010, at 10:45 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described properties to-wit (which is believed to have a street address of

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE 328 Smokey View Drive, Kodak, TN 37764 THAT WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated August 13, 2008, of record in the Registerís Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, in Instrument Book 3172, page 216, Preferred Builders, Inc., did convey in Trust to Dennis Michael Robertson, Trustee, the tract of land hereinafter described to secure the payment of a promissory note in the original amount of $300,000.00, being modified with indebtedness being increased to $453,000.00, †same being payable as set out in said Deed of Trust, being incorporated by reference, and recorded in the Sevier County Registerís Office, and, WHEREAS, Commercial Bank, Harrogate, Tennessee, is the owner and holder of the note aforesaid secured by the Deed of Trust aforesaid, and, WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust provides that in the event of default in the payment of said note when due, the entire indebtedness shall become due and payable, and, WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said note and the holder has declared the entire amount due and payable and has instructed the trustee to foreclose on said Deed of Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of authority to me vested as trustee of said instrument, I will on the 8th day of March, 2010, offer for sale, and sell on the front steps of the Sevier County Courthouse, in Sevierville, Tennessee, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. to the last, highest, and best bidder for cash in hand, and in bar of the equity of redemption, the following described tract of land: Situated in the Ninth (9th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being all of Lot Eight (8) of Hidden Ranches, Phase 1, as the same appears on a plat of record in Large Map Book 8, page 141, in the Registerís Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which plat specific reference is hereby made for a more particular legal description. This conveyance is made subject to all applicable restrictions, easements, and building setback lines recorded on the plat, and to the protective and restrictive covenants recorded in I/B 2956, page 317. Property address: 928 Hidden Ranch Way Seymour, Tennessee This notice is published in accordance with said Deed of Trust on the 12th, 19th, and 26th day of February, and the 5th day of March, 2010, in the Mountain Press. Dated: January 6, 2010 Dennis Michael Robertson, Trustee P.O. Box 678 Harrogate, Tennessee 37752 423-869-0520

SITUATE in the Eighth (8th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee and being L ot 5R of Smokey Vista, as shown by plat of record in Plat Map 33, Page 54 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which plat reference is here made for a more particular description. SUBJECT to restrictions, reservations and easements of record in Misc. Book 51, Page 653 and Misc. Book 170, Page 197, and as amended by restrictive covenants of record in Misc. Book 245, Page 353, all in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. ALSO SUBJECT to any and all applicable restrictions, easements and building setback lines as are shown in the records of the said Register’s Office. BEING the same property conveyed to Sammy Hall and wife, Marjorie J. Hall, as tenants by the entirety, by deed from Robert L. Dekker and wife, Voncile Dekker, dated February 21, 2002 and recorded in Book 1395, Page 683 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Sevier County Tax Map: Map 018A, Grp. D, Par. 005.00 The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney’s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Mountain National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 23rd day of February, 2010.

THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307 Feb. 26, March 5 and 12, 2010

February 12, 19 , 26 and March 5, 2010

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Deed of Trust executed by Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon L. Daugherty, to M. Coppley Vickers, Trustee, dated September 29, 2006, and recorded in Book 2630, Page 204, as modified by Modification of Note and Deed of Trust of record in Book 3099, Page 499, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Carl and Sharon Daugherty to Citizens National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Citizens National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee recorded in Book 3495, Page 293 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 22nd day of March, 2010, at 10:25 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described property to wit (which is believed to have a street address of 415 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN 37738 SITUATED in District No. Eleven (11) of Sevier County, Tennessee, within the corporate limits of the City of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pin in the western right-of-way of the Parkway (U.S. Highway 441) and in the western edge of a sidewalk, and also marking a common corner with property of Stuart John Phillips Tract No. 1 of Rebecca A. Oakley Trust Estate Property; thence from said point of beginning and with the common line with the Stuart John Phillips property, South 74 deg. 10 min. West, 95 feet located at waters edge of Little Pigeon River; thence with Little Pigeon River, North 09 deg. 36 min. East, 130.63 feet to an iron pin located at waters edge of Little Pigeon River; thence leaving the Little Pigeon River, North 85 deg. 00 min. East, 43.66 feet to an iron pin located in the western edge of the sidewalk and in the western right-of-way of the Parkway (U.S. Highway 441); thence with said right-of-way along a curve to the left concave southeasterly having a radius of 704.07 feet and an arc distance of 110.15 feet and a chord bearing of South 15 deg. 42 min. East to the point of BEGINNING, containing 7,852.0 square feet, more or less, as shown on survey of George E. Dunn of Rebecca A. Oakley Trust Estate, dated October 3, 1982, consisting of Tract No. 2 of the Rebecca A. Oakley Trust Estate. BEING the same property conveyed to Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon Daugherty, by deed from McIntosh Properties, LLC, dated 9/29/06, and of record in Book 2630, Page 201, in the Sevier County, Tennessee, Register of Deeds Office. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above.The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record.The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Citizens National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 23rd day of February, 2010.

THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307 February 26, March 5 & 12, 2010

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Deed of Trust executed by Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon L. Daugherty, to M. Coppley Vickers, Trustee, dated December 15, 2005, and recorded in Book 2425, Page 602, as modified by Modification of Note and Deed of Trust of record in Book 3070, Page 118, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Carl and Sharon Daugherty to Citizens National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Citizens National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee recorded in Book 3495, Page 295 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 22nd day of March, 2010, at 10:15 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described property to wit (which is believed to have a street address of 431 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN 37738 SITUATED in the Eleventh (11th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, within the City of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, being the River Park Motel property located on the west side of the Parkway (U.S. Highway 441), being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin in the western edge of the Parkway right of way; thence South 69 deg 20 min West 128 feet to the center of the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River; thence with the river, North 45 deg 45 min West 104 feet; thence North 06 deg 53 min East 82.51 feet; thence North 79 deg 22 min East 31.40 feet to an iron pin on the east bank of the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River; thence continuing North 79 deg 22 min East 113.60 feet to an iron pin in the Western edge of the Parkway right of way; thence with the western edge of the Parkway right of way, South 17 deg 06 min East 142.35 feet to the point of BEGINNING; and, BEING the same property conveyed to Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon Daugherty, by deed from Carl H. Daugherty, Sr. (single), individually and as Executor and sole heir of the Estate of Brenda Jean Daugherty, dated May 28, 1998, of record in Warranty Deed Book 627, Page 48, Registerís Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. For further reference see Quitclaim Deed from River Park Associates, a Tennessee General Partnership, to Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon Daugherty, dated December 14, 2005, of record in Book 2425, Page 599, Registerís Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Citizens National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 23rd day of February, 2010. THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307 February 26, March 5 & 12, 2010

The Mountain Press ‹ Friday, February 26, 2010

Murrell Meadows 1BR/1BA $415.00 2BR/1BA $455.00 865-429-2962

Newly renovated apt. in the heart of Pigeon Forge near Patriot Park w/access to Trolley station. $595/mo, 1st & last mon. w/$500 sec. dep. due at signing. Free cable & internet incl. Tenant must supply elect. & water before moving in. 865-385-9690. 696 APARTMENTS FOR RENT

Nice res. area off Hwy 66 2BR 2BA Furn/unfurn. with utilities & laundry. Pets welcome. 1 yr lease $875. 865774-3553

RIVERWALK 1BR/1BA TO 2BR/2BA $545.00 to $695.00 865-429-2962



Rural 2BR 1BA Furn or unfurn. $600 + $300 dep. Utilities incl. 659-8070

Light 6, P/Forge Duplex, 2 Br / 1 Ba, All Appls, W/D, Lg. Family Room, Wood Floors

$550 mo. 1st/last/Dep/No Pets

Studio furn., utilities, $165/wk. 1st, last, dep. 6 mo. lease. 865-310-9545.


Large 3BR, fully furn. luxury Condo in Gatlinburg on Cobbly Nob Golf Course. 2.5 BA, jacuzzi, FP, $850/mo Call 654-9490.

1, 2 & 3BR mobile homes. Some furniture. On Price Way. 865-6548702



Townhouse in Sevierville 2BR 1.5BA Stove, refrigerator & dishwasher. $475 + dep. No pets. 453-2634.

View Mt. LeConte from outside your new basement apartment or walk to the Old Harrisburg Covered Bridge. Fully furnished, the three large rooms include a big whirlpool tub and a full bathroom. Just right for the perfect single person with good references, $1000 will move you in with monthly rent then $650. Phone 429-4325 and leave a return number if no answer.



Boyds Creek Rent to Own 2BR 2BA. Good condition. $595 mth. No pets. 865-765-7929




$550 to $950+. Wanda Galli Realty Exec. 680-5119 or 7744307.

2/2 Townhome

Home In Kodak 3BR/2BA with 2 car garage. Stove, fridge DW & W/D conn New carpet Approx 1250 sq ft $895.00 865-429-4470

1 BR w/small room. $525/mo. 1 1/2 mo. sec. No pets. Ref./credit ck. Sev. 865-388-5655.

Kodak 3+2 $550 2+2 $450 + dep. No pets. Very nice. 933-6544 Nice 2BR mobile home 10 miles East of Gat. 865-430-9671 or 865-228-7533

Condo for rent 3BR 2BA, 1650 sq ft, 2 car garage, 1 level, new construction. Downtown Sevierville. $1200 mth + damage deposit. Call Phyllis 4555821

Gatlinburg: 2BR/2BA, Furn. W/D; $875/ mo. Inc. water/cable & HBO, Pool; F/P; NO pets. 865323-0181.

2-3 BR Homes

Peaceful Settings Mountain View


2BR/2BA Mobile Home Private Lot. Conv. to 407. $685 electric and water included. 933-8955 or 356-1405

699 HOME RENTALS *Sevierville, 3BR, 2BA. 28 ft. long family room. Excellent neighborhood! W/D, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher incl. Lg. level corner lot w/ 2 car garage. Professionally cleaned. Includes city trash pick-up. Available immediately! No inside pets. $895. 1st, last, sec. 6075111, 429-5111.

New Homes for Rent. 3BR/2BA starting at $700 - $850 & $1000 per month. No pets. 865-850-3874


4 BD / 2 BA + GARAGE 4 MILES FROM EXIT 407 $950/MONTH + DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 865-712-5238

3BR 2BA Overlooking PF. Fully furn. Jac, Fp, very clean, new Carpet, 2 car gar. 1st, last dam. 865-755-5325 o/a

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on December 2, 2005, by Jeffery Whaley & Stephanie Whaley to Larry A. Weissman, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book No. 2410, Page 3, (“Deed of Trust�); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc; and WHEREAS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder�), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, March 18, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situate in the Fourth (4th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being Lot 17, of Windswept Subdivision, as the same is shown by plat of record in Map Book 28, Page 298 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements as set forth in Misc. Book 258, Page 476, and Map Book 28, Page 298 in said Register s Office. Also Subject to any and all restrictions, easements and building setback lines as are shown in the records of the said Register s Office. Being the same property conveyed to Jeffrey Whaley and wife, Stephanie Whaley by Warranty Deed of Warren Bradley Kirkland and wife, Mika Elizabeth Kirkland dated November 23, 2005 of record in Book 2410, Page 1 in the said Register s Office. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 508 Asa Street Sevierville, TN 37876 CURRENT OWNER(S): Jeffery Whaley & Stephanie Whaley The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. This sale is also subject to the right of redemption by the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE U.S. TREASURY, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1) by reason of the following tax lien(s) of record in: Book 3482, Page 406. Notice of the sale has been given to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with 26 U.S.C. 7425(b). SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: SunTrust Mortgage Inc.; SunTrust Bank; Blalock Lumber Company, LP dba Blalock Ready Mix; 2 Judgments in favor of 84 Lumber Company; Commerce & Industry Insurance Company OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on June 3, 2005, by Linda J. Nicholson to Larry A. Weissman, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book 2262, Page 765, (“Deed of Trust�); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to SunTrust Mortgage, Inc.; and WHEREAS, SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder�), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, March 11, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Exhibit “A� Situated in District Number Nine (9) of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being known and designated as Lot 103, in Eagle Den Subdivision, Unit 3, as shown on map of record in Map Book 26, Page 25, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, and being more fully bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin in the South right of way of Dora Street, said iron pin being located 120 feet in a Westerly direction from the point of intersection of the South right of way of Dora Street and Eagle Den Drive; thence from said iron pin and leaving the South right of way of Dora Street, South 33 degrees 01 minute East , 170.65 feet along the line of Lot 104 to an iron pin; thence from said iron pin, South 62 degrees 40 minutes West, 120 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being common corner to Lot 102, 103, 106 and 107; thence from said iron pin, North 33 degrees 01 minute West 170.65 feet along the line of Lot 102 to an iron pin in the South right of way of Dora Street; thence North 62 degrees 40 minutes East, 120 feet along the South right of way of Dora Street to an iron pin; said iron pin being the place of BEGINNING; according to the survey of Trotter-McClellan, Surveyors, dated May 28, 1990, bearing Drawing No. 29297. The above description is the same as the previous deed of record, no boundary survey having been made at the time of this conveyance. Being the same property conveyed to First Party, by Warranty Deed dated June 3, 2005, of record in Deed Book 2262, Page 763 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. This conveyance is made subject to all applicable easements, restrictions and building set back lines.

February 19, 26 & March 5, 2010

February 12, 19 and 26, 2010




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Small house on Parkway for lease. Great for small business. With living quarters.


by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



Š2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(JB <=DI


1,800 sq. ft. Nicely Furnished 2 Baths, PF/Gat





Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

3BR/2BA Garage/basement Swimming Pool


Call 428-5161


(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: SWASH TABOO DROPSY SOCIAL Answer: What the history professor did — “PAST� THE CLASS

Hwy 321 Pittman Center area. 1&2 BR cabin on creek. Fully furnished. Utilities included. $225 & $250 wk. 850-2487 3BR 1BA House $850, 2BR 2BA $725 in Sevierville 865256-4809 or 865654-6042 3BR/2BA w/garage, + bonus room. In Kodak. $950/mo + dep. 865-748-2684 4BR 3BA $1000 mth 2610 Surftide Dr in Dandridge off Exit 407. Near Dam, lake view. 865405-1478. Gatlinburg 3BR 2BA. Storage bldg. $800 mo + dep. 1st & last. 865-603-0857

CURRENT OWNER(S): Linda J. Nicholson The sale of the abovedescribed property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee c/o LDWatts Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (ext. ) File No.: 221.0931430TN



Some pets ok. Call for pet policy. 865-908-6789

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 915 Dora Street Seymour, TN 37865

Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee c/o LDWatts Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (ext. ) File No.: 221.0816864TN



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+(& -&("*-%'

8B Classifieds

The Mountain Press Friday, February 26, 2010




Belle Meadows 4BR/2BA 2 car garage 2200 sq ft +/$1,200 per month 865-429-2962


Seymour area: 3BR/1BA, water & sewer furnished. $600/mo. + $300 damage dep. No pets. Call 865-6542519.

Large home on lake for lease in Kodak area. Minutes from Exit 407. 4BR 4+ BA, large deck, 2 fireplaces. $2000 per mth. 850-2483

Kodak 3BR 2BA $850 plus dep. Very nice. No pets. 865933-6544

Log cabin 3BR 2.5BA Furnished 2300 sq ft, $1500 per mth + dd. Call Phyllis 865-455-5821

Hwy. 321 Pittman Center area. 1&2 BR cabin on creek, fully furnished. Utilities included. $225 & $250 wk. 8502487.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on September 7, 2006, by Marc Asselin to PRLAP, INC., Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book No. 2616, Page 412, (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, March 11, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situate, lying and being in the Tenth Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being all of Lot 1, Crooks Property, as shown on plat of record in Map Book 37, Page 20, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which map reference is here made for a more particular description. Subject to easements, restrictions, and setback lines of record in Map Book 37, Page 20 in said Register s Office. Begin part of the same property conveyed to Clayton Crooks, II and wife, Amy Crooks, by warranty deed from Phyllis Walls Lunn and husband, John Lunn, dated August 26, 2005, and of record in Book 2327, Page 748 in said Register s Office. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1182 Sugarloaf Road Sevierville, TN 37862 CURRENT OWNER(S): Marc Asselin The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: N/A OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee c/o PLG Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (ext. ) File No.: 432.0931158TN Web Site: February 12, 19 and 26, 2010

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Deed of Trust executed by Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon L. Daugherty, to M. Coppley Vickers, Trustee, dated September 28, 2007, and recorded in Book 2922, Page 343, as modified by Modification of Note and Deed of Trust of record in Book 3326, Page 448, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Carl and Sharon Daugherty to Citizens National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Citizens National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee recorded in Book 3495, Page 291 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 22nd day of March, 2010, at 10:35 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described property to wit (which is believed to have a street address of 901 Lake Smoky Road Sevierville, TN 37876 SITUATE in the Fifteenth (15th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, on Douglas Lake and being an unnumbered lot containing 0.68 acres, more or less, being bounded on the north, south and west by Douglas Lake and on the East by Lot 18 and an unnumbered lot in Lake Smokey and Lake Smokey Road, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING in the southeast corner of the property hereinafter described at an iron pin in a flower bed at or near the 1002 contour line of Douglas Lake and a common corner to an unnumbered lot (Rader); thence from said point of beginning and along the approximate 1002 contour line of Douglas Lake, South 75 deg 31 min 33 sec West 34.05 feet to an iron pin; thence South 84 deg 10 min 26 sec West 132.84 feet to a point; thence North 84 deg 05 min 30 sec West 79.56 feet to a point; thence North 16 deg 37 min 29 sec West 84.15 feet to a point; thence North 56 deg 30 min 07 sec East 109.89 feet to a point; thence North 45 deg 45 min 37 sec East 59.24 feet to an iron pin, a common corner to Lot 18; thence leaving the 1002 contour line and with the line of Lot 18, South 38 deg 52 min 32 sec East 66.26 feet to an iron pin at the right of way of Lake Smokey Road; thence leaving Lot 18 and with the terminus of Lake Smokey Road, South 39 deg 01 min 21 sec East 47.96 feet to an iron pin, a common corner to an unnumbered lot (Rader); thence leaving the terminus of Lake Smokey Road and with the line of the unnumbered lot, South 38 deg 00 min 13 sec East 101.47 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 0.68 acre, more or less, as shown on survey of Howard T. Dawson, RLS No. 1301, 134C Maryville Pike, Knoxville, TN 37920, dated July 21, 2005; and, BEING the same property conveyed to Carl H. Daugherty, Jr. and wife, Sharon L. Daugherty by warranty deed of Lake Place Partnership, a Tennessee General Partnership whose sole general partners are Ron Rader, Jane Rader, Jeff Rader, Mitch Rader, and John Rader, dated the 20th day of September, 2007, or record in Book 2922, Page 339, Registerís Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. BUT this conveyance is made subject to flowage easement in favor of TVA as to the portion of the above-described property which lies below the 1007í contour line of Douglas Lake. BUT this conveyance is further made subject to restrictions of record in Misc. Book 19, Page 466, and Warranty Deed Book 188, Page 200, Registerís Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Citizens National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 23rd day of February, 2010. _ THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307

February 26, March 5& 12, 2010

HUD PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-6699777, The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.




For sale or lease. Possible owner finance. Near Dollywood 4BR 3BA 321-695-6161.

Building for lease formerly Creekside Wedding Chapel. Parkway Gatlinburg 850-2004.



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SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on March 25, 2005, by Kevin Pitsenbarger and Kevin Pitsenbarger to Wesley D. Turner, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book No. 2209, Page 294, (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee under the Securitization Servicing Agreement dated as of August 1, 2005 Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-HE3; and WHEREAS, U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee under the Securitization Servicing Agreement dated as of August 1, 2005 Structured Asset Securities Corporation, Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-HE3, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, March 25, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Situated in the Seventh (7th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee and being all of Lot 5R on the plat entitled “Resubdivison of Lots 4&5 John Hickman Property” as shown on a plat of record in Map Book 35, Page 58, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which map specific reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Subject to easements, notations, setbacks, restrictions and right of ways as shown on the map of record in Map Book 35, Page 58, in the said Register s Office. Subject to easements and right of ways of record in Misc. Book 236, Page 315 and WD Book 654, Page 349, in said Register s Office. Being a portion of the same property conveyed to Kevin Pitsenbager and wife, Tasha Pitsenbarger by Warranty Deed from Stoney Sutton and wife, Carolyn Sutton, dated March 29, 1999, of record in Book D654, Page 348, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1287 Atchley Drive Sevierville, TN 37876

CURRENT OWNER(S): Kevin Pitsenbarger and Tasha Pitsenbarger The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, this sale shall be subject to the right of redemption by the TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, TAX ENFORCEMENT DIVISION, pursuant to T.C.A. 67-1-1433(c)(1) by reason of the following tax lien(s) of record in: Book 2284, Page 505. Notice of the sale has been given to the State of Tennessee in accordance with T.C.A. 67-1-1433(b)(1). SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: Citifinancial, Inc.; Sevier County Electric System OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee c/o IMR Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 File No.: 5005.1003674TN

2000 Fleetwood 14x70 3BR 2BA comes with skirting. Electrical entrance, central air. Must be moved. $9500. Located at 10207 Alex Bales Rd, Kodak, TN. 931-5447368

2003 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 Engine Automatic 10,135 actual miles. Roll bars. $10,500 679-5024 943 AUTOMOBILE SALES

1992 Honda Civic, new paint & tires. $2,000. Call 865323-4784. 2003 F-250 Lariat Goose Neck Ball Receiver Hitch $15,000 Supercab Short Bed 6795024


430 Seaton Way, 37764



3BR/2BA set up in quiet park behind Sevier County High School

Sat, February 27th From 11 to 2 pm

OPEN HOUSE Saturday February 27th 10am - 1pm 1519 Mayberry Lane, Sevierville 2 beds, 2 baths $126,900 Call 865310-8482 for information or, visit http://www.forsalebyowner.com/sear ch?szLocation=37 862



941 SUV SALES 2000 Cadillac Escalade $6950. Exc. cond. 4WD 6795024

2004 Dodge Truck 1 Ton Dually 3500 Crew Cab. $14,000. Automatic Diesel. 679-5024 2006 F-350 Pickup Crew Cab Long Bed King Ranch $25,000. 679-5024

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on March 6, 2008, by Sherry A. Ogle to Robert M. Wilson Jr., Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book 3043, Page 765, (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP; and WHEREAS, BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, March 25, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: SITUATED in the 12th (Twelfth) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being a 13.51 acre tract and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an old iron pin in the Southern boundary line of property owned by Raulston, also being a common corner to the land owned by Bailey, thence from said point of beginning, with the line of Raulston, South 85 deg. 21 min. 48 sec. East 539.04 feet to a new iron pin; thence South 84 deg. 00 min. 43 sec. East, 821.87 feet to a new iron pin, a common corner to the land of Mary Hillard; thence with the line of Hillard, North 83 deg. 08 min 01 sec. East 257.00 feet to an old iron pin, a common corner to the land of D. Hillard; thence with the line of D. Hillard, North 76 deg. 25 min. 26 sec. East 107.40 feet to an old iron pin, a common corner to the land of Pilgrim; thence with the line of Pilgrim, South 01 deg. 40 min. West 375.00 feet to a new iron pin, a common corner to a 12,674 acre tract; thence with the line of said 12.674 acre tract, North 05 deg. 34 min 03 sec. West, 210.12 feet to an old iron pin; thence North 07 deg. 36 min 32 sec. West 183.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.451 acres, more or less, according to the survey of Eddie R. Garrett, Surveyor, TR 4 Shady Grove, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871, dated 2/11/1991 and entitled “Survey for Sherry Pilgrim”. TOGETHER WITH a right of way for ingress to and egress from the property to Hillard Lane, as said right of way is set out in right of way deed by Wanda Pilgrim, et al, to Teddy D. Ogle, et ux, dated 3/261997 of record in ROW Book 15, Page 136, Register s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee, to which Instrument specific is hereby made for a more particular description of said right of way. LESS AND EXCEPT that portion of the property conveyed to Robert S. Talbott by Warranty Deed from Sherry A. Ogle, unmarried, formerly Sherry A. Pilgrim dated 7/17/2007 of record as Book 2872, Page 652, in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee. Being the same property conveyed to Teddy D. Ogle and wife, Sherry A. Ogle by deed from Velma Lee Loven dated 7/19/1996 of record as book D576, Page 437, in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee. Also being the same property conveyed to Sherry A. Ogle by Quit Claim Deed from Teddy D. Ogle dated 9/12/2005 of record as Book 2341, Page 772, in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee. Property Address: 4831 Hillard Lane, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4831 Hillard Lane, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871 CURRENT OWNER(S): Sherry A. Ogle The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: N/A OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee c/o LDWatts Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 (ext. ) File No.: 432.1002294TN Web Site: www.jflegal.com <http://www.jflegal.com> Insertion Dates: Feb. 26, March 5, 12, 2010

February 26, March 5 & 12, 2010

City of Pigeon Forge Trolley Department Seasonal Trolley Positions: Trolley Drivers and Washer Positions require a High School Diploma or Equivalent, and a valid Tennessee Commercial Drivers License, Class B with Air Brakes and Passenger Endorsement, and or the ability to obtain one. Trolley Drivers and Trolley Washer must be available to work both day and evening shifts, weekends, and holidays. Seasonal positions work from March through December, 40 hours per week. Applications may be obtained at the Pigeon Forge Fun Time Trolley Office at Patriot Park, 186 Old Mill Avenue, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 M-F- 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Mail Application to:

City of Pigeon Forge Human Resource Department P.O. Box 1350 Pigeon Forge, TN 37868-1350

No Phone Calls Please The City of Pigeon Forge is an E.O.E and complies with A.D.A. and Title VI. Applicant will be subject to the drug testing policy of the City. Applicant will be required to satisfactory pass to post offer job physical, background and driving history check.

Comics ◆ B9

Friday, February 26, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press Family Circus

Close to Home


Learn to cope with alcoholic sister and family’s denial



Baby Blues

Beetle Bailey

Dear Annie: I adore my husband of 20 years, and we have the best kids on earth. The problem? My parents. My older sister is divorced and has several small children. She is also an alcoholic and a horribly toxic person. In the past few years, “Hettie” has pulled several stunts where her drinking has put herself and her children in extreme danger. She insists she is sober, but I know from several reliable sources that she is not. She won’t admit that her cheating and drinking drove her husband away, and she has my parents snowed into thinking it was all his fault. She swindled her ex and my parents out of enough money to net her a nice income, yet she twists everything so that she comes out the victim. I do not allow my teenagers to baby-sit for her or get in her car because she allows strange men in her home and drives drunk. She only calls when she wants something, and if I don’t drop everything (I work full time), she screams at me. My parents believe I am a horrible person because I don’t buy in to Hettie’s lies or give her money. I’ve tried to help in the past, and it brought nothing but trouble. She is a mean, lying drunk. My parents say I need to look past this because she is “family.” I cannot deal with the drama anymore. I am cordial to Hettie, but won’t make her our charity poster child like my parents do. I have done my best, but I am still the “disappointing daughter.” Last year, their intense disap-

proval sent me into the hospital with a major anxiety attack. Talking to them doesn’t help. This is breaking my heart. — Refuse to be an Enabler Dear Refuse: Your parents have blinders on when it comes to Hettie. Accepting that she is a “mean, lying drunk” makes them fear it’s their fault, and that is why they blame you instead. You cannot change the way they think, but you can change how you deal with it. If you need help, get some counseling to learn better coping skills. Dear Annie: I have repeatedly told my daughter to remove her things from my home because we no longer have room for them, but it does no good. We plan on moving soon and cannot take along 10 boxes of our daughter’s books and clothes. She lives out of the country and visits two or three times a year. Each time she visits, she buys more than she can possibly take back and leaves the rest here. It is prohibitively expensive to ship boxes of books to her. What do we do? — Out-of-Space Mom Dear Mom: Notify your daughter that you will pack up her things and put them in a storage facility for six months or until her next visit, whichever comes first. After that, you will stop paying storage fees. She

t o d ay ’ s p u z z l e


Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

For Better Or Worse

Tina’s Groove

can then decide whether she wants to keep paying the fees herself, ship the items to her current location, sell them or make other arrangements that don’t involve you. The important thing is that you stick to your guns. Dear Annie: “Might As Well Be Single” said her husband couldn’t hold on to a job. Thank you for mentioning the possibility that he is suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder. The fact that he has had many jobs could mean he is making an effort to be employed. I am 70 years old. I had job and school problems all my life and only recently discovered that I have ADD. I always managed to make a decent living, but might have done a lot better had I known earlier what I was up against. And my wife would have had a happier life. — Wish I’d Known Dear Wish: ADD was not a realistic diagnosis when you were younger, but we’re glad you know now. To our Baha’i Readers: Happy Ayyam-i-Ha. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

B10 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Friday, February 26, 2010







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