The Mountain Press ■ Sevier County’s Daily Newspaper ■ Vol. 26, No. 119 ■ April 29, 2010 ■ ■ 50 Cents
Kodak man injured on April 18 dies
Michigan man facing vehicular homicide charge
5Celebrities in the news
homicide after a Kodak man died Wednesday from injuries sustained in an April 18 wreck. James Miller, 54, of Kodak, By JEFF FARRELL was riding on his motorcycle with his wife, Betty, along the Staff writer Parkway when the bike was A Michigan man is facing a struck by a Lincoln Towncar count of aggravated vehicular turning right from John L.
Marshall Drive onto the southbound lanes of the Parkway. Both the Millers were wearing helmets. Miller died Wednesday, Sevierville Police spokesman Bob Stahlke said. Mark Allen Sears, 54, of Alibon, Mich., was allegedly
driving the car that struck the Millers. Police charged him with his third charge of DUI, vehicular assault and driving on a revoked licesne at the time of the accident. n jfarrell@themountainpress
Conan to give first interview since leaving the “Tonight Show” Page A6
5Tiger back on course Quail Hollow Championship next for Woods? Sports, Page A8 Ellen Brown/The Mountain Press
Jennifer Younger, Sevier County Schools Middle Grades Instructional Supervisor (behind podium), announces the science winners during Academic Field Day held at Pi Beta Phi Elementary School on Wednesday. (More pictures of winners will be published at a later date).
10th District, seat B up for grabs County Commission candidates respond to questions Page A2
The cream of the academic crop
Seventh-, eighth-graders honored during 44th Academic Field Day By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer
Weather Today Mostly Sunny High: 76°
Tonight Mostly Clear
GATLINBURG — The excitement was high in Pi Beta Phi Elementary School’s gym Wednesday as Sevier County students waited to hear their names called during the 44th Annual Academic Field Day. “It’s an honor that your
teachers have thought this highly of you,” Middle Grades Instructional Supervisor Jennifer Younger told the 240 seventh- and eighth-graders. “I know they’ve worked hard and you’ve worked hard.” The Academic Field Day, sponsored by the Sevier County Education Foundation and Sevier County School System,
began Wednesday morning with participants arriving in Pi Beta Phi’s gym with a welcome from Younger. After students were assigned to their testing areas, they had an hour to complete their test in Social Studies, Math, Science or Language Arts. While waiting for the results, the group enjoyed a little free
time: Ripley’s Attractions in downtown Gatlinburg admitted the students free when accompanied by their teacher, and they also chose where to eat lunch. “It’s not always academics that gets recognized,” Younger said. “These students work with their teachers to prepare,
Ron Ogle faces two counts of assault
Cow cosmetology at SCHS
Low: 50° DETAILS, Page A6
Obituaries Pat Dryburgh, 60 Arthur Harland Sr., 67 Charles Cooper, 72 Richard Ownby, 56 Helen DeLozier, 85
By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer
Index Local & State . . . . A1-11 Money . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 sOpinion . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . A8-10 Calendar . . . . . . . . . A11 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . A12 Classifieds . . . . . . A12-15 Advice . . . . . . . . . . . A16 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . A16 Derek Hodges/The Mountain Press
Corrections The Mountain Press is committed to accuracy. Please report factual errors by calling 428-0748 Ext. 214.
See field day, Page A4
Students in Wayne Loveday’s livestock management class at Sevier County High School got a little hands-on experience Wednesday when Loveday, left, brought in a pair of bovines from his own stock, which the students took turns slick shearing. Seen trying his hand at cow cosmetology is student Kenneth Thorkven.
SevierFirst likely to be reshaped By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — After three years of working tirelessly to sell the SevierFirst health program to local businesses, officials with the Sevier County Economic Development Council now face the daunting possibility they’ll have to reshape the whole thing. The program, which manages
what amount to health savings accounts funded by employers for small businesses in the county, was started with the cooperation of Cariten Healthcare, one of the council’s funding partners. After Cariten, an East Tennesseebased company, was acquired by Humana Inc. in late 2008, the company expressed its intent to remain part of the local development group and to continue funding SevierFirst.
However, that has apparently all changed now thanks to decisions made at the national corporate level. “I received a call yesterday informing me Humana no longer wants to be a funding partner,” Sevier County Economic Development Council (SCEDC) Executive Director Allen Newton told the board during its See sevierfirst, Page A5
SEVIERVILLE — Ron Ogle, a prominent local developer and former Sevierville alderman, is facing charges of aggravated assault after he allegedly attempted to drive his vehicle over a pair of attorneys involved in a lawsuit against him. Ogle, 45, was arrested Tuesday on two counts of aggravated assault, though he quickly posted the $7,000 bond. Witnesses claim he accelerated his vehicle when he saw attorneys Ross Gray and Michael Green in a downtown Sevierville crosswalk, narrowly missing the two men who dodged the vehicle. Ogle declined to comment on the incident, referring questions to his attorney, Chuck Sexton, who said Ogle awaits the opportunity to clear his name. “He’s not guilty of anything and we look forward to moving through the process and showing that,” Sexton said. Likewise, Gray declined to comment, saying he wouldn’t “feel comfortable” doing so until later in the See ogle, Page A5
A2 â—† Local
The Mountain Press â—† Thursday, April 29, 2010
County Commission candidates respond to questions
10th District, Seat B
1. What do you think the biggest issues facing the county will be in the next four years? JAMES DYKES: Getting and keeping good jobs, getting water to our people, and continue to make our schools better. JIM KEENER: The biggest issue to face us in the next four years will probably be how we will fund services in this economic downturn we are all facing. Roads, schools, police, ambulance service, fire protection, solid waste collection and the county’s obligation to public health that must be provided. There are also many other issues such as traffic congestion and funding of our new library that will have to be addressed. In the past we have always been able to provide services primarily from revenues received from sales tax and a low property tax rate. We will have to reassess our current funding priorities if the financial situation continues. There will probably have to be cuts made in some expenditures in order to fund essential services. It will take a county commission that understands the situation and one that can work together with other elected officials to make sure waste is eliminated and all essential services remain funded. 2. Do you support purchasing more industrial property, even in a slow economy? JAMES DYKES: Yes, to increase the opportunities of getting more jobs. JIM KEENER: It just makes good sense that if the right type of property became available, and if we had good companies willing to come to Sevier County that would bring good jobs for our citizens, then yes, I would support buying property suitable for these types of companies to purchase from the county. However, we should also look at situations similar to the recent cooperation with the Lisega Company where our Economic Development Council could work with the potential company to
1 0 t h d i s t r i c t, s e a t b James Dykes
Jim Keener
n Address: 860 Stanton Road, Seymour n Age: Not provided n Occupation: Sevier County Courthouse Maintenance Department n Family: Wife Glenda Blanche Pitner Dykes, children James R. Dykes and Teresa L. Moffett; seven grandchildren n Education: Seymour School n Community/civic involvement: Member Dupont Community Center, member Dripping Springs Baptist Church
n Address: 1261 Old Red Lane, Sevierville n Age: 54 n Occupation: Transportation coordinator, Sevier County Schools n Family: Wife of 31 years Marjorie Huskey Keener; two grown children; one granddaughter n Education: Seymour High School graduate 1974; Tusculum College, Bachelor of Science in organizational management; East Tennessee State University, eight hours short of Master of Science in Education degree; Liberty University, significant work toward Master of Arts in theology n Community/civic involvement: Family is of the Christian faith; member and Master of Sevier Lodge No. 334 in Seymour; member of Knoxville Bodies and the Scottish Rite; president of District 20, Masonic Officers Association, which includes Knox, Sevier and Union counties; belong to numerous historical and genealogical societies and support efforts to preserve historic sites and Revolutionary and Civil War battlefields
locate property already for sale in the county and assist in any way we can to bring about such a company’s location to Sevier County. 3. What do you think Sevier County should do to give itself a more yearround economy? JAMES DYKES: Buy an industrial park to get more year-round jobs. JIM KEENER: Our efforts should focus on finding companies that will bring good paying, year round jobs with good benefits and working conditions for our citizens. Industry has been reluctant to locate here because of limited access to ship products. Because we have no rail service in Sevier County, industries are forced to move their products by truck and traffic is always an issue. That is why several years ago, I suggested to County Mayor Waters and the Development Council
that we locate an industrial park near the interstate. Consequently, they purchased property in Northview. Several other companies have located and are planning to locate near the 407 exit. This is an example of how we have to work with prospective employers to make Sevier County attractive to them to locate here. 4. Some counties in the state are facing financial challenges that may lead to cuts. What is your assessment of Sevier County’s financial situation? JAMES DYKES: We will be lucky to keep our budget where it’s at. JIM KEENER: See answer number one. 5. The county has no nepotism policy or a policy that limits county employees from holding office. Should there be a policy that addresses A Service of Homes & Land Magazine
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this issue? JAMES DYKES: None other than the state law. JIM KEENER: I am not aware of any problems that have arisen from county employees holding public office. I think we should let the voters decide this issue at the ballot box. Any known issues in county departments should be addressed on a case by case basis. 6. The county may be sued and have to spend thousands of dollars to defend the use of the Lord’s Prayer at meetings. Is there a way to avoid spending this money through compromise or change? JAMES DYKES: No, we must uphold our beliefs. JIM KEENER: I think we must stand and fight for our rights to pray at commission meetings and to hold on to the right to keep the Ten Commandments posted at the courthouse. I think the majority of Sevier County citizens support that stand. I have personally spoken with a national legal counsel organization that provides free legal services in situations like this where our religious freedoms are threatened. We should never give up our freedom without a fight. 7. New rules on hillside development are about to come before the County Commission? What is your take on those rules, and should the county do more or less land-use regulation? JAMES DYKES: The county has enough rules. We should just keep what we have. JIM KEENER: There are two things we must keep in mind when considering this specific
matter. First, I believe we have an obligation to protect our mountains from ridge top development. I have spent my entire life enjoying the views of our hills, mountains and valleys and I think reasonable protection of them is in order. Second, we must also keep in mind that property owners do have rights. Some of the mountain land in Sevier County has been owned by families for generations and now that the value of this land has reached a range where they might wish to sell or develop it, we should not impose regulations that reduce the value of their property significantly. Regulations
on this type of property that are too strict could amount to condemnation of the value of their property. We must all work together as residents of Sevier County, that place we all call home, to protect our natural assets while also making sure we do not put further financial hardship on some of our neighbors.
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Vote May 4th Paid for by Committee to Elect Leonard Waring, Logan Baker, Treasurer
Paid for by Citizens For A Better County Government Jeff T. Sims Treasurer
Ants, Wasps, Roaches? Single level home $20 a month, Multi-level $25 a month on quarterly program Every other Month Service $25-$30 a month Commercial business accounts save 25 - 40%
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last in a series on candidates for the Sevier County Commission. These are candidates for District 10, Seat B. The same set of questions was sent by The Mountain Press to all candidates in contested races in the May 4 primary. Answers are published in their entirety. District 10 includes the Dupont/ Dripping Springs/Goose Creek area.
Local/Money â—† A5
Thursday, April 29, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press
Man held for especially aggravated robbery By JEFF FARRELL Staff writer Pigeon Forge Police charged a Sevierville man Wednesday with stabbing and robbing a man in the parking lot of the Walgreens pharmacy at 3071 Parkway. Melvin C. Branham, 22, of 2705 Four Point Way in Sevierville, was charged with especially aggravated robbery. He was being held at the Sevier County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bond. The victim, Jeffrey D. Prather, was found stabbed in the neck in the parking lot of the pharmacy Tuesday
at about 4 p.m. He was taken to The University of Tennessee Medical Center, where he was in staBranham ble condition. Police expected him to be released sometime today. Officers say Branham stabbed Prather while the two sat in Prather’s car in the pharmacy parking lot and took $240 in cash from him.
49.63 13.57 3.13 33.77 21.02 261.60 25.91 17.78 32.70 72.37 24.34 50.74 80.62 27.04 53.36 45.17 16.64 68.11 69.19 14.07 13.25 27.57 33.34 18.95 35.19 130.10 23.26
-2.78 0.13 -0.11 0.50 0.10 -0.44 -0.04 0.31 0.14 -0.11 0.13 -0.28 0.39 0.03 0.49 0.57 0.63 0.70 0.92 0.25 -0.32 0.21 -0.42 0.25 -0.10 1.28 -0.09
-5.30% 0.97% -3.40% 1.50% 0.48% -0.17% -0.15% 1.77% 0.43% -0.15% 0.54% -0.55% 0.49% 0.10% 0.93% 1.28% 3.94% 1.04% 1.35% 1.81% -2.36% 0.77% -1.24% 1.34% -0.28% 0.99% -0.39%
-0.51 1.05 0.15 0.25 0.18 -0.19 -0.10 0.07 0.01 -0.12 0.65 0.07 0.54 0.06 0.70 0.02 0.30 -0.28 0.17 0.43 1.33 -0.28 0.39 -0.61 0.16 -0.43 -0.17
-1.64% 2.48% 0.29% 0.85% 0.79% -0.27% -0.97% 0.21% 0.14% -0.46% 1.34% 0.43% 0.87% 0.71% 0.59% 1.31% 1.31% -1.67% 4.16% 1.42% 4.79% -0.67% 1.19% -0.90% 0.50% -0.80% -1.02%
arrests Editor’s Note: The following information was taken from the intake reports at the Sevier County Jail. All people listed within this report are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.
u Christopher Brandon Ali, 28, of 310 East Parkway in Gatlinburg, was charged April 27 with violation of probation. He was being held. u Joyce Ellen Baumgartner, 60, of 614 Monte Wood Circle in Pigeon Forge, was charged April 27 with domestic violence assault. She was being held in lieu of $1,500 bond. u Brian Joseph Burross, 25, of 849 Boyd Blvd. in Gatlinburg, was charged April 27 with aggravated domestic assault, DUI, evading arrest, unlawful possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment, driving on a suspended license and violation of a valid court order. He was being held in lieu of $28,000 bond. u Mindi Anne Conroy, 26, of 205 Love St. in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with violation of probation. She was being held. u Jerry Ray Cooper, 43, of 1345 Avenue D in Sevierville, was charged April 28 with driving while revoked, leaving the scene of an accident and traffic violations. He was being held. u Esrael Rodriguez Gomez, 41, of 308 Club Drive in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with traffic violations, financial responsibility law and driving on a suspended license. He was released on $1,500 bond. u Jose Luis Martinez, 30, of Jefferson City, Tenn., was
3From Page A1
legal process. However, Gray’s official statement on the incident to Sheriff’s Department Cpl. Ronnie Smelcer is a public record. In that document, Smelcer wrote that Gray and Green were walking through the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street on April 22 when Ogle “did aggressively accelerate his van in the direction of the affiant (the one who makes the affadavit) and two other individuals, causing the affiant to need to jump out of the way.�
sevierfirst 3From Page A1
charged April 27 with driving without a license. He was released on $500 bond. u Ronald Wayne Ogle, 45, of 244 Henderson Ave. in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with two counts of aggravated assault. He was released on $7,000 bond. u Daniel Lee Sutton, 20, of 3180 Hickory Drive #413 in Pigeon Forge, was charged April 27 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Joe Woods, 45, of N. Fort Myers, Fla., was charged April 27 with being a fugitive from justice andight WeII possession of a schedule substance. He was being held.
monthly meeting Wednesday morning. “They made a corporate decision that what we’re doing here doesn’t fit in their box. That will remove the funding for the staff position that coordinates SevierFirst and it will affect the program, as well.� Recent staffing changes and other moves in the council’s funding situation will keep Special Projects Manager Janice Bettis, who was hired just last year to oversee SevierFirst and a few other programs, in a job. While that should mean the news doesn’t equal staff shake ups, the potential it will mean some significant changes for SevierFirst and its participants remains very real. “We’re looking at that program probably going away or coming back in a very different form then, is what you’re saying,� council member and SmartBank President Billy Carroll said. Newton conceded the current incarnation of SevierFirst likely won’t last. Though the program will continue as it is at least until the re-enrollment time for the participating businesses and potentially even past that, it will either have to be restructured or go the way of the dinosaurs. That will mean either striking a new deal with Humana or finding another company willing to work with the SCEDC to continue SevierFirst. In either case, the program will likely look very different if it does surLvive. oss The news will likely make
Weight Loss Management Center FREE FACIAL with purchase of Microderm or Chemical peel.
Ogle was apparently driving an orange van branded with the name of his carpet cleaning business. The Smelcer report says, “The affiant was in the crosswalk legally and was put in fear for his physical safety as a cause of the defendant’s action. Defendant’s vehicle did come to rest in the crosswalk.� Gray and Ogle are currently involved in litigation over the Victoria Landing development off Dolly Parton Parkway and above Ogle’s furniture business that bears his name. Gray is representing the Victoria Landing Property Owner Association, which filed
suit against Ogle alleging he has failed to follow deed restrictions in relation to a pair of condominiums in the complex he ended up owning as part of a settlement of an earlier lawsuit. The property owners are asking the court to order Ogle and his wife Betty to pay up to $150,000 in damages. Apparently there was already some trouble in the case, with Ogle at least twice refusing service of the summons for the suit, according to documents on file in the Chancery Court clerk’s office. Green finally served Ogle while Ogle was appearing in Chancery Court on another
suit, handing Ogle the summons in front of court officials. Ogle is or has been involved as both a defendant and a plaintiff in a number of lawsuits filed just in recent years relating to his developments. That includes one in which neighbors of a planned project claim he is trying to use their property as a right of way, and another he and his wife filed in late 2009 against the county for denying plans to build 400 homes on Cove Mountain. Ogle is seeking $50 million in damages in that latter case.
Bettis’ efforts to sell the program even more difficult. After three years, still fewer than 10 companies have signed on to the program, which SCEDC officials describe as being perfectly suited locally because it works well for small businesses with seasonal or part-time employees. That’s because it provides health benefits those enterprises usually couldn’t afford their employees and also allows the employers to reclaim unused money at the end of the year. Facing the prospect of the program’s restructuring, Bettis still said Wednesday she is continuing to push participation in the program to local businesses. That action is likely based at least in part on Newton’s confidence there will be a deal reached with someone to continue the program. “Between now and (before the program expires) we will have another deal,� Newton assured Wednesday. “I’m certain it’s going to continue in some form and our participants will have some options when their enrollment period comes.� It’s unclear now what those
options will look like, though. Still, Newton sees the potential for good to come of the situation both for the SCEDC and for the SevierFirst participants. For instance, SCEDC officials have for years had a desire to rework the coverage to include some sort of assistance for hospitilization, in addition to just providing for primary care visits. “That’s something that Cariten and then Humana just haven’t been interested in,� Newton said. “We’re optimistic we can find a way to build that into it now.� Additionally, the retooling of the program, if it’s done right, could mean SevierFirst is well positioned when the new health care laws go into effect over the next four years. As County Mayor Larry Waters pointed out, if the initiative is remade in such a way that it can be counted as a health insurance option — Bettis is quick to point out that SevierFirst isn’t insurance in its current form — it could see a boon in 2014 when companies with 50 or more employees are required
to secure insurance and about 30 million additional people are mandated to get the coverage. “That could be an opportunity if it can count under the health plan,� said Waters, who was clear about the fact that he himself doesn’t support the health care overhaul passed earlier this year. “It could really help out our residents.� “And keep some businesses in the county,� Newton quickly added. Despite the potential shake up and the defunding decision that prompted it, Newton said he doesn’t begrudge Cariten or Humana. “They’re great folks we’ve been working with,� he said. “It’s a business decision and we understand that. We just have to figure out where we go from here.�
HVadc HeV
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Please Vote For
Howard "Howey" Reagan, Jr.
For Sevier County Mayor Cell: (865) 659-7379
Early Voting: April 14-29, 2010 Election Date: May 4th, 2010
Paid for by: Howard “Howey� Reagan, Candidate
Proven Experienced Leadership Paid for by Friends to Elect Roger Radel - Doug Huffaker, Treasurer
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Larry Stewart Live in Concert at the Stadium Saturday, May 1st 9:00 PM
Free Admission Call the Stadium Bar and Grill for tickets and information.
(865) 453-1488
I would like to say “thank you� for letting me serve as your County Commissioner. Together we have made Sevier County a better place for our families. If you feel I have served you well in my first term, I am asking for your support once again in this election. Thank you, Kenneth Whaley
These facilities have all been built without increasing your county property taxes.
I pledge to continue to work to bring around well paying industry jobs to our county.
VOTE FOR KENNETH WHALEY County Commissioner - 7th District Paid for by the candidate
Local/Money â—† A5
Thursday, April 29, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press
Man held for especially aggravated battery By JEFF FARRELL Staff writer Pigeon Forge Police charged a Sevierville man Wednesday with stabbing and robbing a man in the parking lot of the Walgreens pharmacy at 3071 Parkway. Melvin C. Branham, 22, of 2705 Four Point Way in Sevierville, was charged with especially aggravated robbery. He was being held at the Sevier County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bond. The victim, Jeffrey D. Prather, was found stabbed in the neck in the parking lot of the pharmacy Tuesday
at about 4 p.m. He was taken to The University of Tennessee Medical Center, where he was in staBranham ble condition. Police expected him to be released sometime today. Officers say Branham stabbed Prather while the two sat in Prather’s car in the pharmacy parking lot and took $240 in cash from him.
49.63 13.57 3.13 33.77 21.02 261.60 25.91 17.78 32.70 72.37 24.34 50.74 80.62 27.04 53.36 45.17 16.64 68.11 69.19 14.07 13.25 27.57 33.34 18.95 35.19 130.10 23.26
-2.78 0.13 -0.11 0.50 0.10 -0.44 -0.04 0.31 0.14 -0.11 0.13 -0.28 0.39 0.03 0.49 0.57 0.63 0.70 0.92 0.25 -0.32 0.21 -0.42 0.25 -0.10 1.28 -0.09
-5.30% 0.97% -3.40% 1.50% 0.48% -0.17% -0.15% 1.77% 0.43% -0.15% 0.54% -0.55% 0.49% 0.10% 0.93% 1.28% 3.94% 1.04% 1.35% 1.81% -2.36% 0.77% -1.24% 1.34% -0.28% 0.99% -0.39%
-0.51 1.05 0.15 0.25 0.18 -0.19 -0.10 0.07 0.01 -0.12 0.65 0.07 0.54 0.06 0.70 0.02 0.30 -0.28 0.17 0.43 1.33 -0.28 0.39 -0.61 0.16 -0.43 -0.17
-1.64% 2.48% 0.29% 0.85% 0.79% -0.27% -0.97% 0.21% 0.14% -0.46% 1.34% 0.43% 0.87% 0.71% 0.59% 1.31% 1.31% -1.67% 4.16% 1.42% 4.79% -0.67% 1.19% -0.90% 0.50% -0.80% -1.02%
arrests Editor’s Note: The following information was taken from the intake reports at the Sevier County Jail. All people listed within this report are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.
u Christopher Brandon Ali, 28, of 310 East Parkway in Gatlinburg, was charged April 27 with violation of probation. He was being held. u Joyce Ellen Baumgartner, 60, of 614 Monte Wood Circle in Pigeon Forge, was charged April 27 with domestic violence assault. She was being held in lieu of $1,500 bond. u Brian Joseph Burross, 25, of 849 Boyd Blvd. in Gatlinburg, was charged April 27 with aggravated domestic assault, DUI, evading arrest, unlawful possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment, driving on a suspended license and violation of a valid court order. He was being held in lieu of $28,000 bond. u Mindi Anne Conroy, 26, of 205 Love St. in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with violation of probation. She was being held. u Jerry Ray Cooper, 43, of 1345 Avenue D in Sevierville, was charged April 28 with driving while revoked, leaving the scene of an accident and traffic violations. He was being held. u Esrael Rodriguez Gomez, 41, of 308 Club Drive in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with traffic violations, financial responsibility law and driving on a suspended license. He was released on $1,500 bond. u Jose Luis Martinez, 30, of Jefferson City, Tenn., was
3From Page A1
legal process. However, Gray’s official statement on the incident to Sheriff’s Department Cpl. Ronnie Smelcer is a public record. In that document, Smelcer wrote that Gray and Green were walking through the intersection of Court Avenue and Bruce Street on April 22 when Ogle “did aggressively accelerate his van in the direction of the affiant (the one who makes the affadavit) and two other individuals, causing the affiant to need to jump out of the way.�
sevierfirst 3From Page A1
charged April 27 with driving without a license. He was released on $500 bond. u Ronald Wayne Ogle, 45, of 244 Henderson Ave. in Sevierville, was charged April 27 with two counts of aggravated assault. He was released on $7,000 bond. u Daniel Lee Sutton, 20, of 3180 Hickory Drive #413 in Pigeon Forge, was charged April 27 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Joe Woods, 45, of N. Fort Myers, Fla., was charged April 27 with being a fugitive from justice andight WeII possession of a schedule substance. He was being held.
monthly meeting Wednesday morning. “They made a corporate decision that what we’re doing here doesn’t fit in their box. That will remove the funding for the staff position that coordinates SevierFirst and it will affect the program, as well.� Recent staffing changes and other moves in the council’s funding situation will keep Special Projects Manager Janice Bettis, who was hired just last year to oversee SevierFirst and a few other programs, in a job. While that should mean the news doesn’t equal staff shake ups, the potential it will mean some significant changes for SevierFirst and its participants remains very real. “We’re looking at that program probably going away or coming back in a very different form then, is what you’re saying,� council member and SmartBank President Billy Carroll said. Newton conceded the current incarnation of SevierFirst likely won’t last. Though the program will continue as it is at least until the re-enrollment time for the participating businesses and potentially even past that, it will either have to be restructured or go the way of the dinosaurs. That will mean either striking a new deal with Humana or finding another company willing to work with the SCEDC to continue SevierFirst. In either case, the program will likely look very different if it does surLvive. oss The news will likely make
Weight Loss Management Center FREE FACIAL with purchase of Microderm or Chemical peel.
Ogle was apparently driving an orange van branded with the name of his carpet cleaning business. The Smelcer report says, “The affiant was in the crosswalk legally and was put in fear for his physical safety as a cause of the defendant’s action. Defendant’s vehicle did come to rest in the crosswalk.� Gray and Ogle are currently involved in litigation over the Victoria Landing development off Dolly Parton Parkway and above Ogle’s furniture business that bears his name. Gray is representing the Victoria Landing Property Owner Association, which filed
suit against Ogle alleging he has failed to follow deed restrictions in relation to a pair of condominiums in the complex he ended up owning as part of a settlement of an earlier lawsuit. The property owners are asking the court to order Ogle and his wife Betty to pay up to $150,000 in damages. Apparently there was already some trouble in the case, with Ogle at least twice refusing service of the summons for the suit, according to documents on file in the Chancery Court clerk’s office. Green finally served Ogle while Ogle was appearing in Chancery Court on another
suit, handing Ogle the summons in front of court officials. Ogle is or has been involved as both a defendant and a plaintiff in a number of lawsuits filed just in recent years relating to his developments. That includes one in which neighbors of a planned project claim he is trying to use their property as a right of way, and another he and his wife filed in late 2009 against the county for denying plans to build 400 homes on Cove Mountain. Ogle is seeking $50 million in damages in that latter case.
Bettis’ efforts to sell the program even more difficult. After three years, still fewer than 10 companies have signed on to the program, which SCEDC officials describe as being perfectly suited locally because it works well for small businesses with seasonal or part-time employees. That’s because it provides health benefits those enterprises usually couldn’t afford their employees and also allows the employers to reclaim unused money at the end of the year. Facing the prospect of the program’s restructuring, Bettis still said Wednesday she is continuing to push participation in the program to local businesses. That action is likely based at least in part on Newton’s confidence there will be a deal reached with someone to continue the program. “Between now and (before the program expires) we will have another deal,� Newton assured Wednesday. “I’m certain it’s going to continue in some form and our participants will have some options when their enrollment period comes.� It’s unclear now what those
options will look like, though. Still, Newton sees the potential for good to come of the situation both for the SCEDC and for the SevierFirst participants. For instance, SCEDC officials have for years had a desire to rework the coverage to include some sort of assistance for hospitilization, in addition to just providing for primary care visits. “That’s something that Cariten and then Humana just haven’t been interested in,� Newton said. “We’re optimistic we can find a way to build that into it now.� Additionally, the retooling of the program, if it’s done right, could mean SevierFirst is well positioned when the new health care laws go into effect over the next four years. As County Mayor Larry Waters pointed out, if the initiative is remade in such a way that it can be counted as a health insurance option — Bettis is quick to point out that SevierFirst isn’t insurance in its current form — it could see a boon in 2014 when companies with 50 or more employees are required
to secure insurance and about 30 million additional people are mandated to get the coverage. “That could be an opportunity if it can count under the health plan,� said Waters, who was clear about the fact that he himself doesn’t support the health care overhaul passed earlier this year. “It could really help out our residents.� “And keep some businesses in the county,� Newton quickly added. Despite the potential shake up and the defunding decision that prompted it, Newton said he doesn’t begrudge Cariten or Humana. “They’re great folks we’ve been working with,� he said. “It’s a business decision and we understand that. We just have to figure out where we go from here.�
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Please Vote For
Howard "Howey" Reagan, Jr.
For Sevier County Mayor Cell: (865) 659-7379
Early Voting: April 14-29, 2010 Election Date: May 4th, 2010
Paid for by: Howard “Howey� Reagan, Candidate
Proven Experienced Leadership Paid for by Friends to Elect Roger Radel - Doug Huffaker, Treasurer
Restless Heart’s own
Larry Stewart Live in Concert at the Stadium Saturday, May 1st 9:00 PM
Free Admission Call the Stadium Bar and Grill for tickets and information.
(865) 453-1488
I would like to say “thank you� for letting me serve as your County Commissioner. Together we have made Sevier County a better place for our families. If you feel I have served you well in my first term, I am asking for your support once again in this election. Thank you, Kenneth Whaley
These facilities have all been built without increasing your county property taxes.
I pledge to continue to work to bring around well paying industry jobs to our county.
VOTE FOR KENNETH WHALEY County Commissioner - 7th District Paid for by the candidate
A6 ◆
sunrise in the smokies
TODAY’S Briefing Local n
Meals to be sold for Safe Harbor
To promote awareness of National Child Abuse Prevention month, there will be a benefit lunch today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sevierville Civic Center. Chick-fil-A meals will be sold for $5. The money raised will be donated to Safe Harbor, which serves children who are victims of neglect and abuse. Safe Harbor serves the 4th Judicial District, covering Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson and Sevier counties. For more information contact Brandi Williams at 774.1777. n
Farmers market meeting planned
A public meeting to discuss the upcoming Gatlinburg Farmers Market will be held at 6 p.m. today at the American Legion on Highway 321. The meeting will include an update on plans for the market and the process for vendor applications. The farmers market will open May 22 and operate every Saturday from 8-11:30 a.m. n
Community expo scheduled May 8
A free community expo will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 8 at the Seymour High School cafeteria. Canned food and nonperishable items will be collected at the door to benefit Christians Reaching Out Serving Seymour (CROSS). There will be information, business giveaways, career information for students and more. Several area business representatives will be available to provide information. n
American Legion meeting scheduled
American Legion Post 202’s monthly potluck dinner and meeting begin at 6:30 p.m. May 6. The Legion meets the first Thursday of each month. It is located between the Police Department and the Post Office. For more information contact Amy Ejma at 266-3194 or e-mail to n
Early voting period to end
Early voting ends today at the voting machine warehouse on Dolly Parton Parkway. The voting machine warehouse is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The county primaries are May 4; the general election and state primaries are Aug. 5.
State n
The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, April 29, 2010
Lottery offering chance to win $2M
The Tennessee Lottery is offering a chance to win $2 million as part of its Power Play 10X Powerball Promotion. Ticket sales for this special promotion begin Thursday. The first drawing is Saturday. As always, Powerball participants have the option to add Power Play to any play for an additional $1. This choice means any non-jackpot win is multiplied from two to five times. However, from April 29 through May 29, a “10” replaces one of the “5s” in the selection field. The promotion will continue until a “10” is selected. Powerball tickets are available at more than 5,000 Tennessee Lottery retailer locations throughout the state. Drawings are Wednesday and Saturday nights.
top state news
Lottery Numbers
2 days; still no verdict in Palin case KNOXVILLE (AP) — A federal jury at the felony trial of a former University of Tennessee student accused of hacking Sarah Palin’s e-mail deliberated a second day and gave no hint before leaving that a verdict is even close. The somber-faced jurors — six women and six men — spent another six hours Wednesday behind closed doors, where they are deciding charges against 22-yearold David Kernell. Kernell is charged with identity theft, wire fraud, unauthorized access to a
computer and obstruction of justice. If convicted on all charges, he faces a maximum possible prison sentence of 50 years. The hacking occurred while Palin campaigned on the Republican presidential ticket in 2008. Defense attorney Wade Davies has said Kernell had no criminal intent and intruded on Palin’s e-mail in a prank. Prosecutors say he was trying to derail Palin’s campaign. Palin and her daughter Bristol testified last week about harassment and distress caused for them-
selves, other family members and close friends after e-mails, telephone numbers and family photos from the e-mail account were posted online. Jurors who otherwise listened to mostly technical testimony by an FBI forensics specialist and other government witnesses are working with hundreds of evidence documents. Kernell, whose father is a Democratic state legislator from Memphis, did not testify. He was an economics major at the university when agents seized
Today's Forecast
City/Region High | Low temps
Forecast for Thursday, April 29
his laptop computer at a Knoxville apartment in September 2008. Before dismissing jurors Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Thomas Phillips again reminded them “not to discuss this case with anyone” and to stay away from media reports about the trial. He did not question the jury. Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Weddle said as he left that he was “not encouraged or discouraged” by the deliberations extending to a third day.
Chicago 68° | 47°
Washington 70° | 41°
High: 76° Low: 50° Memphis 83° | 54°
Chance of rain
Raleigh 76° | 38°
Atlanta 79° | 45°
New Orleans 81° | 58°
High: 82° Low: 64°
Miami 81° | 63°
■ Lake Stages: Douglas: 985.0 U0.7
Primary Pollutant: Ozone
Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow
Cautionary Health Message: No health impacts are expected in this range.
“The energy bill is ready. We will move to that more quickly than a bill we don’t have. I don’t have an immigration bill.” — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said he is willing to bring up climate change legislation
“This is the worst possible thing that could happen to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It will wipe out the oyster industry. Shrimping wouldn’t recover for years. It would kill family tourism. That’s our livelihood.” — Louis Skrmetta of Biloxi, Miss., who runs a company that takes tourists to the Gulf Islands National Seashore, in the wake of an oil slick spreading from a wrecked drilling rig site off the Louisiana coast
“Certainly what is going on is a theft of the Iraqi will and democracy, jeopardizing the safety of the country. We will call for the forming of a new interim government.” — Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, calling for international involvement to stop what he called attempts to “steal” the election
The Mountain Press (ISSN 0894-2218) Copyright 2008 The Mountain Press. All Rights Reserved. All property belongs to The Mountain Press and no part may be reproduced without prior written consent. Published daily by The Mountain Press. P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN, 37864, 119 River Bend Dr., Sevierville, TN 37876. Periodical Postage paid at Sevierville, TN.
Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Weather Underground • AP
nation/world quote roundup
12 26
This day in history Today is Thursday, April 29, the 119th day of 2010. There are 246 days left in the year. n
Locally a year ago:
More than 100 firefighters from throughout East Tennessee fought a wildfire that claimed two homes in the Cobbly Nob neighborhood. Firefighters were also responding to several fires in the National Park and in other Sevier County communities. Today’s highlight:
On April 29, 1945, during World War II, American soldiers liberated the Dachau concentration camp; the same day, Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun and designated Adm. Karl Doenitz president.
© 2010
■ Air Quality Forecast:
Publisher: Jana Thomasson Editor: Stan Voit Production Director: Tom McCarter Advertising Director: Joi Whaley Business Manager: Mary Owenby Circulation Distribution Manager: Will Sing
Midday: 5-5-2-0 Evening: 5-3-9-9
On this date:
In 1429, Joan of Arc entered the besieged city of Orleans to lead a French victory over the English. In 1992, deadly rioting erupted in Los Angeles after a jury in Simi Valley, Calif. acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of almost all state charges in the videotaped beating of Rodney King.
High: 84° Low: 62° ■ Saturday
12 10
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
■ Friday
Midday: 5-4-3 Evening: 2-2-6
Calm wind
Mountains: Good Valley: Good
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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Ten years ago:
Tens of thousands of angry Cuban-Americans marched peacefully through Miami’s Little Havana, protesting the raid in which armed federal agents yanked 6-yearold Elian Gonzalez from the home of relatives. n
Five years ago:
Insurgents unleashed a series of car bombings and other attacks across Iraq, killing at least 41 people, including three U.S. soldiers. n
Thought for today:
“An intellectual hatred is the worst.” — William Butler Yeats, Irish poet and playwright (18651939).
Celebrities in the news n
Conan O’Brien
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Conan O’Brien will be on TV this weekend with his first post-“Tonight Show” interview. O’Brien talks with Steve Kroft on “60 Minutes,” CBS said Tuesday. O’Brien’s exit deal with NBC O’Brien barred him from television appearances until May 1; the “60 Minutes” piece will air the day after. The interview was conducted last week in Los Angeles, according to a person with knowledge of it. The person, who lacked authority to discuss the matter publicly, spoke on condition of anonymity. O’Brien, who left “Tonight” in January over a time-slot dispute with NBC, has agreed to host a late-night show on TBS later this year. He’s now on a national comedy tour.
Mountain Views
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” —United States Constitution, Amendment One
■ The Mountain Press ■ Page A7 ■ Thursday, April 29, 2010
Everyone wins with free trade Trade is win-win. Two people trade only because each values what he gets more than what he gives up. That’s why in a store both customer and clerk say, “Thank you.” At the international level, trade is also winwin because it allows countries to specialize in what they do well and trade the extra for things they don’t make as well. When free trade is unmolested, the world is richer and has more choices. But I keep hearing about unfair trade. I’m told that trade allows American companies to exploit people in poor countries and makes Americans jobless. Tom Palmer of the Atlas Economic Research Institute says those are myths. Do we exploit people in Third World countries? “The evidence does not show that,” Palmer said. “Multinational companies pay a wage premium. They pay more than local companies pay ... because they want to attract good workers. Look at the Shanghai factory of General Motors. They pay three times what Chinese-owned factories (pay).” Yet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that liberalizing trade with Central America would exploit workers.“People want to work at those factories. They line up. They compete. Are they competing to get exploited? They’re competing for higher-wage jobs. I think that those people know their interests better than Nancy Pelosi does.” Sen. Byron Dorgan called free trade “a race to the bottom. This says to American workers if you can’t compete against 30-cents-anhour labor in some other country, you lose your job.” “Again, evidence doesn’t support that,” said Palmer. “Look at the iPod. It says, ‘Manufactured in China.’ But if you look in the back, it says, ‘Designed in California.’ Most of the value is added by American workers.” My colleague at Fox, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, said, “In a country we can only be free if we can feed ourselves, fuel ourselves and fight for ourselves. When we start outsourcing everything, that’s a road to being enslaved.” “I hope that Gov. Huckabee thought about that when he was governor of Arkansas, and made sure there was no jobs outsourced to Virginia or Texas,” Palmer replied. “He should have protected the people of Arkansas, right?” But that’s different. We can count on Pennsylvania in a time of war. I don’t know that I can count on China. “If you’re trading with them, it makes war much less likely,” Palmer said. “We’re not going to go to war with Canada. It’s our biggest trading partner — $600 billion a year going across the U.S.-Canada border in trade along the longest non-militarized border in the world. Five thousand miles, counting Alaska. That is trade creating peace.” As the French economist Frederic Bastiat put it, “When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will.” Palmer offered another way to think about trade: as a machine — “a machine that allows Florida farmers to turn oranges into (phones). They can’t grow cell phones on their trees in Florida. They grow oranges really well. What they can do is take those oranges and trade them for cell phones.” And when people do this worldwide, they get richer. “Just like the case of you buying some coffee at the Starbucks. You could have made your own coffee. But your time might have been better spent doing something else. So you outsourced your coffee production. You made yourself better off. And that young lady who sold you the coffee made herself better off.” Palmer points out that China was once the most advanced society in the world. It had developed the clock, printing, the compass and more. “And it crumbled because they destroyed their trade. They made it illegal to trade with foreigners. And they turned inward. That set in process a stagnation that only now is being undone. We shouldn’t do that to our country.” We’re different, aren’t we? We know how to make everything we need. “There’s always opportunities for new progress. ... Remember watching ‘Star Trek’ as a kid and they had that weird communicator? Everybody has one now. ... (T)rade made that possible.” — John Stossel hosts a show on the Fox Business Channel and is the author of “Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel — Why Everything You Know is Wrong.” (C)2010 JFS Productions Inc.
Feeling a draft Pro football draft show interesting, entertaining and a big hit Yesterday’s exercise in tedium and routine could be tomorrow’s most talked about media event. That seems to be the story of the annual pro football draft. Once confined to a boardroom —likely smoke-filled — it now has become one of the most hyped and anticipated TV sports programs of the year. Whoever came up with the idea of promoting the heck out of the event in advance, then inviting in an audience, choosing a venue like Radio City Music Hall and televising it live across the country — a genius, a real genius. Lots of guys — some former players, others just pundits — sit around the table and predict which players will get drafted and when, what the needs are for each team, how good the players are coming out of college, and where they might go in the draft. Those drafted in the first round make a lot more money than those who go in later
rounds, but even the ones not drafted often get invited to try out for specific teams. Despite the incredible amount of attention the draft generated, the program really is interesting and entertaining, especially when some of the players are so well known locally. It was nice to see a genuinely good guy, Eric Berry, go No. 5 in the draft. When the quality players are also quality people and are rewarded with a high draft pick, it’s reassuring. It also was interesting to see when — or if — Tim Tebow would go in the first round. He did. And when Colt McCoy of Texas would go, if at all — he was picked in the third round. Of course, there are no guarantees when selecting talent. The best scouts, the best evaluation teams, the best judges of talent are often wrong. Plenty of No. 1 picks and first-round selections have failed to live up to expectation, while
many who have gone in later rounds prove to be stars. So much of the makeup of an athlete can’t be judged by statistics or game film. It’s how much they want it, how big their hearts are, how motivated they are to be great, not just have a job. College coaches often misjudge high school players, and pro coaches do the same with college players. ESPN has found a winning formula with its three-day telecast of the draft. Even those who don’t care a whit about pro football often tune in to see the story lines unfold and the reaction of both the live audience and the players. The emotion comes out from some of the draftees, and the often poignant stories behind the players are compelling. Congratulations to the Tennessee draftees, to the other players drafted and to the producers of the ESPN show. A show is what it is. But a good one.
Political view
Public forum Pigeon Forge officials don’t care about car show effects
Editor: Does Pigeon Forge have a problem? Have you visited Pigeon Forge during the car shows? Have you tried to leisurely drive down any of the streets? It can’t be done. You can start out from Gatlinburg on a Friday afternoon and maybe, if you’re lucky, in about eight to 10 hours you may reach Sevierville. You move along at 2 mph for three feet, then you stop and wait 15 minutes. This process happens over and over and over again. If you have an important appointment, you’re not going to make it. This traffic is a major problem. Why do they move so slow? If they slowed down any more, they would be going backwards. The mayor and City Commission of Pigeon Forge seem to think it’s all a big joke. They get a big kick out of all the frustration they cause, not only to the locals but to the visitors and tourists. Something could be done about this problem, but the leaders of the city don’t seem to care. It can’t get any worse. I guess we’ll have to live with this atrocious situation. Morgan Briggs Pigeon Forge
Parents grateful for care their daughter given at local hospital
Editor: We would like to thank LeConte Medical Center emergency room staff and doctor who treated our granddaughter, Haley. Haley was taken there April 21 at about 4 a.m. with a high fever. They ran tests and found out it was spinal meningitis. They transported her to Knoxville Children’s Hospital. The doctor there told us they saved Haley’s life. Nothing we can say can express how we feel about what they have done and what Children’s Hospital has done for her. Thank you all very much and may God nless you all. Mike and Carol May Sevierville
Complainer about prayer should come forward and own up to it
Editor: The local resident who filed a complaint with Americans United about the County Commission starting its meetings by standing to say the Lord’s Prayer and the display of The Ten Commandments should have enough faith in his convictions to come forward and identify himself. If he is unable to do this, then he is nothing
more than a troublemaker and a coward. Bob Mello Gatlinburg
Grace Baptist Church pastor urges county to stay strong
Editor: I am Stacy Pearcy, the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Sevierville. I am a new resident of Sevier County, as I moved here in August of 2009. It has been brought to my attention the severe attack that our country has come under due to some very sour opinions of religion and government. Our nation was founded upon the basic fundamentals of Christian faith. I believe our government, at all levels, should still operate this way. Just because some people are ignorant to the very backbone of this nation, does not mean we should kick God out of our classrooms, county, or courtrooms. Our county leaders have the full backing of myself and the whole congregation of Grace Baptist Church. They have taken a stand: Don’t back up, turn aside or look behind you. We say press on and stand strong. We are very proud of our county leaders for the stand they have taken. We stand with you. Stacy Pearcy, Pastor Grace Baptist Church Sevierville
Letters to the editor policy and how to contact us: ◆ We encourage our readers to send letters to the editor. Letters must contain no more than 500 words. No more than one letter per person will be published in a 30-day period. Letters must be neatly printed or typed and contain no libel, plagiarism or personal attacks. All letters are subject to editing for style, length and content. Statements of fact must be attributed to a source for verification. All letters must be signed and contain a phone number and address for verification purposes. No anonymous or unverified letters will be printed. No letters endorsing candidates will be considered. The Mountain Press reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: or MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, The Mountain Press, P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864. For questions, call (865) 428-0748, ext. 214. The Mountain Press and its publishers do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in letters and columns on this page.
Editorial Board:
State Legislators:
Federal Legislators:
◆ Jana Thomasson, Publisher ◆ Stan Voit, Editor ◆ Bob Mayes, Managing Editor ◆ Gail Crutchfield, Community News Editor
◆ Rep. Richard Montgomery
◆ U.S. Sen. Bob Corker
1-800-449-8366 Ext. 1-5981; 207 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville TN 37243
◆ Rep. Joe McCord
(202) 224-3344; 185 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., B40A, Washington, D.C. 20510
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(202) 224-4944; S/H 302, Washington, D.C. 20510
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◆ U.S. Rep. Phil Roe
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◆ U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr.
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Visit: The Mountain View/Purchase Sports & News Photos
■ The Mountain Press ■ A8 ■ Thursday, April 29, 2010
Smokies drop 2nd straight to Birmingham Late comeback bid falls short By COBEY HITCHCOCK Sports Writer SEVIERVILLE — Shorthanded due to several injuries, a late Tennessee Smokies rally fell just short in a 6-5 loss Wednesday afternoon to the visiting Birmingham Braves. Missing Tony Campana (foot), Brandon Guyer (shoulder), Jeremy Papelbon (precautionary) and Jake Opitz (shin) for all or most of the contest, the Smokies (15-5) didn’t make any excuses for the loss. “We had some injuries, but this is baseball and you have to play around those kinds of things,” said firstyear Tennessee skipper Bill Dancy, following the onerun loss to the 5-14 Braves. “But their record doesn’t have anything to do with it, because they’re a good club
and they played well against us.” The Smokies appeared to be sailing to a win with a 3-1 lead heading into the top of the eighth inning, but Tennessee starting pitcher Austin Bibens-Dirkx — who’d been strong through seven innings — suddenly found himself in a heap of trouble with two runners on and no outs. Smokies reliever Scott Maine entered and failed to close down the threat, and Birmingham suddenly scored four runs — aided by two Maine fielding errors on slow rollers — to take a 5-3 lead. The Smokies responded immediately in the bottom of the eighth, however, scoring two runs on a Russ Cobey Hitchcock/The Mountain Press Canzler RBI single and a Fans of the Tennessee Smokies watch on as third baseman Nate Samson (7) makes an inning-endSteve Clevenger RBI SAC fly to right, knotting it back up ing catch in foul territory Wednesday afternoon at Smokies Park, narrowly avoiding an unwanted entry into the visiting Birmingham Braves dugout in the process. The Smokies lost 6-5. See SMOKIES, Page A9
Tigers baseball stays hot with 8-0 win over Union By COBEY HITCHCOCK Sports Writer
Chuck Burton/AP
Tiger Woods, right, stops to sign an autograph near the 17th tee during the pro-am for the Quail Hollow Championship golf tournament at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, N.C., Wednesday.
Regular season n Seymour hosts Sevier County, 7 p.m. n G-P at Grainger County Softball
Regular season n Gatlinburg-Pittman hosts Cosby n Seymour at Morristown West tournament Soccer
Regular season n G-P hosts Berean n Seymour at Sevier County n Pigeon Forge hosts Halls Tennis
Regular season n Pigeon Forge hosts Fulton n G-P hosts Carter n Seymour hosts TKA Track
Regular season n SCHS and Seymour at Jefferson County for the IMAC meet Due to rainouts/cancellations, schedules are subject to change without notice.
Tiger back on course By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Tiger Woods entered the room with little fanfare, and without the constant clicking of camera shutters. His press conference lasted only 16 minutes. The PGA Tour required an admission ticket for the media, although that wasn’t necessary. There were 76 seats in the interview room, and 24 of them were empty. On the golf course, Woods received warm applause when he was introduced on the first tee. The loudest cheer came at the end of his pro-am round Wednesday at Quail Hollow when he knocked in a 25-foot birdie putt before thousands of fans soaking up warm sunshine. “I have to say, this feels a heck of a lot more normal than the Masters did,” Woods said. The Quail Hollow Championship is another step toward Woods trying to get back to normal, at least with his golf. Everything about this tournament was going to be different from Augusta National, where the world’s No. 1 player made his celebrated return to competition after five months of fallout from his extramarital affairs. Quail Hollow doesn’t have the magnitude of the stage, the size of the gallery or the level of media interest. Even so, this is the first PGA Tour event Woods is playing where tickets were sold to the general public. The behavior was not much different from three weeks ago at the Masters, and Woods wasn’t surprised. “I’ll tell you what, the people here have always been very gracious, very excited about this event,” Woods said. “These fans here really get into the event, and again, with a great field like this, I think it’ll be another great week.” He caught a couple of jeers upon leaving the 18th green when he walked past fans wanting his autograph, but it was a claustrophobic walkway toward the clubhouse, and Woods stopped about 30 yards away and signed for 20 minutes. He went out of his way to make eye contact with the fans, as he did at the Masters. Woods even posed for a picture See TIGER, Page A10
PIGEON FORGE — The Pigeon Forge Tigers kept up their winning ways with an 8-0 triumph over visiting District 3-AA rival Union County Patriots on Monday night at Jack A. Parton Field. Pigeon Forge freshman starting pitcher Wil Crowe earned the win with five innings of work, allowing no runs on two hits with nine Ks and no walks. Pigeon Forge sophomore Tommy Hickey pitched an inning of middle relief, allowing no runs on one hit with a strikeout. Tigers senior Justin Carter closed the affair in the top of the seventh, allowing one hit but striking out three. Carter led the team in hitting with a 3-for-4 performance, including a double, a run scored and a stolen base. Senior DH Hayden Whaley went 2-for-3 with three RBIs, a double and a triple, and a run scored. Freshman Drake Byrd also went 2-for-3 with two runs scored and two stolen bases. And sophomore Adam Hickman was 1-for-1 with two runs scored and a stolen base. The Tigers scored a run in both the bottom of the first and second innings, but the Orange-and-Black blew the doors open with a three-run third for a 5-0 lead
at the time. Pigeon Forge then added two more in the bottom of the fourth and one in the fifth to make it the eventual final. Whaley picked up his first RBI of the night with a double in the first inning, scoring Carter on Justin Carter the play. Byrd scored from third on a past ball in the second, and Whaley picked up his second and third RBIs of the night with a two-run triple, scoring Carter and Hickman in the bottom of the third. Whaley later scored when freshman Colt Buchanan drove him in with an RBI single to center. Hickman drove in Carter, who was on second with a double, in the bottom of the fourth. After reaching second on the play at the plate on Carter, Hickman scored when Crowe drove him in with an RBI single. Byrd scored in the bottom of the fifth on a senior Trevor Matthews SAC fly to center field. The Tigers next travel to Seymour on Friday for a big county rivalry contest.
Fulmer returns to UT KNOXVILLE (AP) — Former Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer is returning to campus, this time as a commencement speaker. Fulmer, who coached the Volunteers for 17 seasons, will address graduates at the UT College of Communication and Information commencement ceremony on May 12 at ThompsonBoling Arena. Among the graduates participating will be two of Fulmer’s daughters, Alison, who is receiving a bachelor’s degree in public relations, and Brittany, who’s earned her master’s in communcation studies. College Dean Mike Wirth says Fulmer’s dedication to Tennessee and the Knoxville community and ability to motivate young adults makes him a perfect choice for a graduation speaker.
Phillip Fulmer
Sports â—† A9
Thursday, April 29, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press PREP TRACK AND FIELD
SCHS track teams finish 4th at Dan Crowe Relays KINGSPORT — Sevier County High returned to action for the Dan Crowe Relays in Kingsport, and both the girls’ and boys’ Purpleand-White squads finished fourth out of 21 teams — which included some squads from Virginia — at one of upper East Tennessee’s strongest meets. After leveling out at times the past few meets, the Smoky Bears and Bearettes were focussed for the recent big meet. The Bearettes had one of their most successful meets in recent memory, and the young Sevier County girls’ team filled with underclassmen impressed. SCHS sprinters Madison Pickel and Alexis Conner continued to lead the way for the girls, running key legs in a school record breaking performance in the 4x100-meter relay, also scoring individual points. The record-breaking team consisted of Conner, Pickel, Caroline Miller, and Hailey Tacket. Conner, who qualified for the State Championships last season, finished second in the long jump, getting the team off to a strong start. Pickel showed her explosive speed in the 200- and 400-meter dashes, placing second in each. She posted a personal best in the 400 with a time of 1:01.14. The girls proved they can score points in every area at a large meet. The girls’ 4x100-, 4x400- and 4X800meter relay teams all placed in the top five, earning some much needed points and setting season-best marks in
Photo submitted
SCHS’s Hayley Fox won the 100- and 300-meter hurdles at the recent Dan Crowe Relays in Kingsport. each of the events. Hannah Pelham placed 5th in both the 1600- and 3200-meter runs, providing distance points for the team. Heather Kyker sprinted into eighth place with an outstanding 100-meter run. But perhaps the biggest improvement for the girls’ team came from Haley Fox and Jocelyn Perez, both placing high in the 100- and 300-meter hurdles. But to be competitive at track meets, teams must find a way to score points in field events as well as sprints and distance competitions. The Bearettes proved strong in all areas, bringing home the impressive fourth-place finish.
In boys’ action, the Purple-clad sprinters once again dominated the relays. The 4x100- and 4x200meter relay teams finished in a comfortable first place. Despite not having one outstanding sprinter as in years past, the Bears have proven dominant with great teamwork, handoffs and a competitive nature that makes them tough to beat at any meet. The No.5-seeded 4x400meter relay nearly pulled off an upset, falling just short in the final sprint relay of the day. As the girls’ relay teams did, the Sevier County boys also set season-best marks in all three relay events. Bears hurdlers Jeremiah
Foster and Kel McCarter once again showed why SCHS has become known as Hurdle High. The runners finished first and second in the 300-meter hurdles respectively. Foster, who collided with the next to last hurdle in the 110-meter event, stumbled across the finish line in third place. He showed his grit by managing to stay on his feet through the end of the race. In boys’ distance events, Alex McCandless once again led the Bears with a 1500meter Steeplechase championship. McCandless, who is the premiere steeplechaser in Tennessee with a No.1 ranking in the state, only gets to run it twice during the high school season. He brought home first-place finishes each time. McCandless’ 1500-meter run placed him yet again in the school record books, breaking Chris Fletcher’s 1985 school record of 4:48 by 11 seconds. McCandless also placed third in the 800-meter at Dan Crowe with a personal best of 2:01.59. Sevier County saw several individuals post season-best performances from both the girls’ and boys’ teams, including Lisa Burke and Maryann Jackson in the 800-meter; Pelham, Rebekah Fields and Makayla May in the 1600meter; Pickel in the 400-meter; Patrick Hanlon in both the 1600- and 3200-meter races; Fox and Perez in both the 100- and 300-meter hurdles; Zac Carlson in the 4x800-meter relay; Conner in the 4x400-meter relay;
Brett Pippin in the 200-meter; Kel McCarter in the 100meter; Heather Kyker in the 100-meter; Carly Pippin in the high jump; Miller in the triple jump; Logan McCarter in the 200-meter run; and McCandless in the 800-meter. Sevier County begins to wrap up its season with the IMAC Championship meet Thursday at Jefferson County High School. Results gGirls i rls ’ results 100m – Heather Kyker 14.11 (8th) n 200m – Madison Pickel 26.91 (2nd) n 400m – Madison Pickel 1:01.14 (2nd), Brittany Lister 1:09.5 (13th) n 800m – Lisa Burke 2:35.66 (9th), Maryann Jackson 2:35.68 (10th), Joslin Connatser 2:41.03 (15th) n 1600m – Hannah Pelham 5:47.40 (5th), Rebekah Fields 6:12.54 (14th), Makayla May 6:29.61 (18th) n 3200m – Hannah Pelham 12:53.89 (5th), Makayla May 14:15.01 (14th) n 100m Hurdles – Hayley Fox 16.65 (2nd), Jocelyn Perez 17.89 (6th) n 300m Hurdles – Hayley Fox 52.57, (3rd), Jocelyn Perez 52.81 (5th) n 4x100m Relay – Alexis Conner, Madison Pickel, Caroline Miller, Hailey Tackett 51.02 (3rd) School Record n 4x400m Relay – Conner, Kaycee Dixon, Lister, Courtney Kirby 4:25.82 (5th) n 4x800m Relay – Dixon, Jackson, Burke, Kirby 10:43.30 (4th) n High Jump – Pippin 4’10� (9th) n Long Jump – Conner 16’ 3 ž� (2nd) n Triple Jump – Miller 29’7� (12th) n Girls Team Scores: 1.Dobyns-Bennett 129 2.Science Hill 122.5 n
3.Tennessee High 87 4.Sevier County 69 5.Morristown West 52 6.Abingdon, VA 44.5 7.Morristown East 37 8.Greeneville 28 9.Daniel Boone 27.5 10.Marion, VA 25 11.University School 23 12.Lebanon 19.5 13.John S. Battle 17 14.Sullivan Central 17 15.Cumberland Co. 13 16.Volunteer 11 17.Elizabethton 8 18.David Crockett 8 19.Happy Valley 3
bBoys o yResults s ’ results n 100m – Kel McCarter 11.57 (5th) n 200m – Brett Pippin 23.23 (5th), Logan McCarter 24.38 (12th) n 400m – Mikey Hutton 57.92 (18th) n 800m – Alex McCandless 2:01.59 (3rd), Jordan Whaley 2:08.56 (11th) n 1600m – Patrick Hanlon 4:56.39 (14th) n 3200m – Hanlon 10:53.42 (10th) n 110m Hurdles – Jeremiah Foster 15.77 (3rd), Justin Patterson 18.40 (11th) n 300m Hurdles – Jeremiah Foster 40.74 (1st), Kel McCarter 41.22 (2nd) n 1500m Steeple Chase – McCandless 4:37.22 (1st) School Record n 4x100m Relay – Jeremiah Foster, Brett Pippin, Dustin Hurst, Brandon White 43.84 (1st) n 4x200m Relay – Kel McCarter, Brett Pippin, Dustin Hurst, Brandon White 1:31.10 (1st) n 4x400m Relay – Nathan Hays, Bryce Whaley, White, Hurst 3:31.63 (2nd) n 4x800m Relay – Jordan Whaley, Mikey Hutton, Zac Carlson, Nathan Hays 8:38.32 (5th) n High Jump – Derek Partington 5’6� (9th) n Long Jump – Bryce Whaley 19’1 ž� (9th), Logan McCarter 18’6 ½� (12th)
3From Page A8
at 5s. Tennessee had a chance to take the lead back with bases loaded and two down, but phenom SS Starlin Castro grounded out to end the threat. Birmingham’s Justin Fuller made it the eventual final with an RBI SAC fly to right, scoring Jared Price for the game winner in the top of the ninth. The Smokies were retired in order on ground-ball outs in the bottom of the ninth. “I thought overall our pitching was good, but we had those two balls in the eighth inning that we didn’t field that ended up giving them the runs,� said Dancy. “We could have just folded the tents and quit after that, but we didn’t quit, and we bounced back to tie the game. Overall, I was proud of the guys.� The loss came in front of a big 6,528-person crowd, consisting mostly of school children from several East Tennessee elemenCobey Hitchcock/The Mountain Press tary schools, who were there Smokies’ Tony Thomas (3) slides in safely for Safe Kids Health Awareness to home in the bottom of the eighth inning Day. Wednesday afternoon, tying the game 5-5 at the time. The Smokies ended up falling in nine, however, 6-5 to the visiting Birmingham Braves.
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A10 â&#x2014;&#x2020; Sports
The Mountain Press â&#x2014;&#x2020; Thursday, April 29, 2010
auto racing at a gl ance NASCAR SPRINT CUP Heath Calhoun 400 Site: Richmond, Va. Schedule: Friday, practice (Speed, noon-1:30 p.m., 2-3:30 p.m.), qualifying (Speed, 5-7:30 p.m.); Saturday, race, 7:30 p.m. (FOX, 7-11 p.m.). Track: Richmond International Raceway (oval, 0.75 miles). Race distance: 300 miles, 400 laps. Last year: Kyle Busch raced to the third of his four 2009 victories, holding off Tony Stewart to complete a weekend Nationwide-Sprint Cup sweep. Last week: Kevin Harvick snapped a 115-race victory drought, passing Jamie McMurray on the last of 12 extra laps at Talladega Superspeedway. On the third and final attempt at a green-flag finish, Harvick slid inside and drag-raced McMurray to the finish, winning by 0.011 seconds. Fast facts: Jimmie Johnson has a series-high three victories in nine races and leads the standings. The four-time defending series champion swept the 2007 Richmond races and also won at the track in September 2008. ... Harvick is second in the standings, 26 points behind. ... Denny Hamlin, from nearby Chesterfield, won last September at the track. He has victories this year at Martinsville and Texas. ... The September race at the track will end the run for the 12 Chase
spots. Next race: Southern 500, May 8, Darlington Raceway, Darlington, S.C. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NATIONWIDE Bubba Burger 250 Site: Richmond, Va. Schedule: Friday, practice, qualifying (Speed, 4-5:30 p.m.); race, 7:30 p.m. (ESPN2, 7-10 p.m.). Track: Richmond International Raceway (oval, 0.75 miles). Race distance: 187.5 miles, 250 laps. Last year: Kyle Busch raced to the third of his nine 2009 victories, taking the lead from Carl Edwards with 22 laps left. Edwards finished second. Last week: Brad Keselowski won at Talladega Superspeedway, overcoming high carbon monoxide levels after the Sprint Cup race. Pushed back to Sunday because of rain, the race ended under caution on the second attempt at a green-white checkered finish after a wreck that nearly sent Dennis Setzer flying over the fence. Fast facts: Keselowski, in his first season in Roger Penskeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No. 22 Dodge, leads the season standings, 60 ahead of secondplace Kevin Harvick. In eight races, Keselowski has seven top-five finishes. ... Harvick has won four Nationwide races at Richmond, one off Mark Martinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record. ... Busch has three series victories
at Richmond. ... Edwards won last September at the track. ... Matt Kenseth is driving the No. 16 Ford in place of Colin Braun. Kenseth also will drive the car at Darlington. Next race: Darlington 200, May 7, Darlington Raceway, Darlington, S.C. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; CAMPING WORLD TRUCKS Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reilly Auto Parts 250 Site: Kansas City, Kan. Schedule: Saturday, practice, qualifying; Sunday, race, 1 p.m. (Speed, 12:303:30 p.m.) Track: Kansas Speedway (oval, 1.5 miles). Race distance: 250.5 miles, 167 laps. Last year: Mike Skinner gave NFL star Randy Moss his first victory as a NASCAR owner, waiting through two days, two weather delays and a tornado scare to win the rain-shortened race in a Monday finish. Last race: Sprint Cup star Kyle Busch won the Nashville 200 on April 2 for his first NASCAR victory as a team owner. Kevin Harvick was second. Fast facts: Timothy Peters, the winner of the seasonopening race at Daytona, leads the season standings with 666 points â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 82 more than second-place Aric Almirola. Peters is the only series regular to win this year. Sprint Cup driver Kevin Harvick won at Atlanta and Martinsville, and Busch
won at Nashville. ... Ken Schrader is driving the No. 2 Chevrolet in place of Harvick, and Brian Ickler will be in Buschâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s No. 18 Toyota. Next race: Dover 200, May 14, Dover International Speedway, Dover, Del. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; IZOD INDYCAR Road Runner Turbo Indy 300 Site: Kansas City, Kan. Schedule: Friday, practice, qualifying; Saturday, race, 2 p.m. (ABC, 1:30-4 p.m.) Track: Kansas Speedway (oval, 1.5 miles). Race distance: 300 miles, 200 laps. Last year: Scott Dixon raced to the first of his five 2009 victories, beating Helio Castroneves by 0.71 seconds. Last race: Ryan HunterReay won the Grand Prix of Long Beach on April 18 for his second career IndyCar victory. The Andretti Autosport driver led 64 of 85 laps. Fast facts: The series announced Tuesday that it will crown season champions for oval and road courses, as well as the overall points winner. The race is the first of the seriesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; seven oval events. There are nine races on road and street courses. ... Will Power swept the season-opening races in Brazil and St. Petersburg, Fla. The Penske driver leads the standings with 172 points. Teammate Castroneves, the Grand
interview with CBS Sports after his final round at the Masters, more angry at a missed opportunity than pleased with a tie for fourth having not played a tournament in five months. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But given a little time to reflect on it, it was an incredible week,â&#x20AC;? Woods said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think it went as well as it could have possibly gone, and obviously I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do what I needed to do on the weekend, but after not playing for that long and coming back and finishing fourth, I think thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pretty reasonable.â&#x20AC;? Woods wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t terribly crisp during his pro-am round, hitting his first two drives deep into the trees. Then again, he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t look all that sharp during practice at Augusta National, either. Mickelson is also trying to work off some rust, although the layoff was far more brief and a break worth celebrating. Of his four majors, none was quite like this â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a Masters victory after a year of turmoil at home as his wife battles breast cancer, and Amy coming to the golf course to greet him when he walked off the 18th hole. Mickelson slipped on the green jacket the next morning while fulfilling
a promise to his three kids â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a visit to Krispy Kreme for some glazed doughnuts â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and spent the entire week going to their after-school activities and taking in a San Diego Padres game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I take two weeks off, the first week I usually donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t touch a club, which was the case this past time off,â&#x20AC;? Mickelson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But for the last five, six days Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been practicing pretty hard. I feel like my game is starting to come around.
I see the improvement in a row competing ... Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll feels like,â&#x20AC;? Woods said. each day, and I feel like have a better barometer â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t done itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back to a level close to of what normal really that in a while.â&#x20AC;? where it was at Augusta, so I certainly have high expectations this week and next.â&#x20AC;? Mickelson already has one distinction as the only player to win three OUTDOOR LIGHTING SYSTEM straight tournaments The East Tennessee distributor for the rugged with Woods in the field. and field proven Cast low voltage system. They are playing in the JG Supplies same event the next two 1717 Boyds Creek Hwy weeks, both hopeful of Seymour, TN 37865 building some momen865-365.5426 tum. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think just two weeks
3From Page A8
with a kindergarten student on his way to the second tee. Perhaps that will change when the tournament begins on a world-class course with another strong field that includes four of the top five players in the world ranking. Phil Mickelson is making his first start since winning the Masters, although his week got off to a rough start when he withdrew from the proam with a stomach illness. Woods is to start Thursday morning with Stewart Cink and Angel Cabrera, and he will play Friday afternoon when the gallery typically is at its most vocal. If there are fans wanting to heckle him, that might be the time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whether they do or not, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happened before, and it happened before any of this ever happened,â&#x20AC;? Woods said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve dealt with that before. But as far as the fans here over the years, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been great. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no reason why that shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t continue.â&#x20AC;? One change Woods wants to see is with his golf. He sounded bitter in his
smoky bears 3From Page A9
n Triple Jump â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bryce Whaley 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2 ½â&#x20AC;? (5th), Austin Nave 37â&#x20AC;&#x2122;5â&#x20AC;? (11th) n Shot Put â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dustin McGill 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;11 Âźâ&#x20AC;? (18th) n Boys Team Scores: 1.Dobyns-Bennett 125 2.Morristown West 104 3.Science Hill 103 4.Sevier County 84 5.Daniel Boone 40 6.Tennessee High 37 7.Sullivan South 31 8.Abingdon, VA 30 9.Lebanon 28 10.Morristown East 28 11.Volunteer 23 12.David Crockett 22 13.University School 20 14.Sullivan Central 14 15.Marion, VA 14 16.Elizabethton 11 17.Happy Valley 9 18.Greeneville 8 19.Cumberland County 5 20.Virginia 5
TUESDAY, May 4 from 4-5 pm 3EVIER &ARMER S #O /P 3EVIERVILLE 4. 4/ 0,!#% !. /2$%2 #!,,
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Prix of Alabama winner, is second with 130 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a point ahead of HunterReay. ... Dan Wheldon won in 2007 and 2008 at Kansas Speedway. ... Danica Patrick is 16th in the standings. She was 15th in Brazil, seventh in St. Petersburg, 19th in Birmingham and 16th in Long Beach. Next race: Indianapolis 500, May 30, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Indianapolis. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; NHRA FULL THROTTLE AAA Insurance Midwest Nationals Site: Madison, Ill. Schedule: Friday, qualifying; Saturday, qualifying (ESPN2, 9-11 p.m.); Sunday, final eliminations (ESPN2, 10-10:30 a.m., 7-10 p.m.). Track: Gateway International Raceway. Last year: Del Worsham won the Funny Car division, beating Ron Capps in the final. Antron Brown (Top Fuel), Jeg Coughlin (Pro Stock) and Eddie Krawiec (Pro Stock Motorcycle) also won. Last event: John Force raced to his third Funny Car victory of the season and record 129th overall NHRA win, beating Tony Pedregon on April 18 in the Spring Nationals in Las Vegas. The 60-year-old Force had a 4.334-second pass at 284.93 mph in the final. Larry Dixon (Top Fuel) and Mike Edwards
(Pro Stock) also won. Fast facts: Force leads the Funny Car standings, 120 ahead of Matt Hagan. Force has an NHRA-record 14 season titles. ... Dixon has a one-point lead over Cory McClenathan in Top Fuel. ... Edwards tops the Pro Stock standings. Next race: Summit Racing Equipment NHRA Southern Nationals, May 14-16, Atlanta Dragway, Commerce, Ga. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; FORMULA ONE Next race: Spanish Grand Prix, May 9, Circuit de Catalunya, Barcelona. Last race: Jenson Button gambled on tire strategy to win the rainy Chinese Grand Prix on April 18, beating Lewis Hamilton to give McLaren a 1-2 finish. Button, the reigning world champion, made only two stops. On the Net: http://www. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x201D; OTHER RACES WORLD OF OUTLAWS: Sprint Car, Saturday, Jackson Speedway, Jackson, Minn.; Late Model, Friday, Fayetteville Motor Speedway, Fayetteville, N.C., and Saturday, Swainsboro Raceway, Swainsboro, Ga. On the Net: http://www. U.S. AUTO RACING CLUB: Sprint Car, Saturday, Lincoln Park Speedway, Putnamville, Ind. Net: http://www.
JG Supplies
t Elec
STRANGE 3rd District School Board Paid for by Friends to Elect Mark Strange Kellie Strange - Treasurer
Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant
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Local â&#x2014;&#x2020; A11
Thursday, April 29, 2010 â&#x2014;&#x2020; The Mountain Press
community calendar Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note: The community calendar is printed as space permits. Items must be submitted at least five days in advance. Only noncommercial, public events held in Sevier County will be considered. To place an item phone 4280748, ext. 214, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress. com. Items may be faxed to 453-4913.
thursday, april 29 Hot Meals
Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:15-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church in Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist Church in Kodak. 933-5996.
Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible Study
Garlands of Grace womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room
TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.
Camp Fundraiser
Civitan Jumpstart Camp fundraiser 5:30 p.m., Ripleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Old MacDonaldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm mini-golf. Proceeds benefit special-needs camp in July.
friday, april 30
Cove area.
Camp Smoky
Camp Smoky registration 10 a.m.-2 p.m. today and May 8 at camp. Registration ends June 12. Forms at campsmoky. com. 436-5787.
Radio License Class
Sevier County Emergency Radio Service general license class 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at EOC. Testing will follow. 3140899 or e-mail to n4jtq@
Pilgrimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Covenant
Pilgrimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Covenant Church fundraiser, smoking hog and entertanment, American Legion, Sevierville.
Bradleys Chapel Singing
Bradleys Chapel Baptist Church gospel singing 7 p.m. with Pilgrim Heirs and others.
Old Harp Singing
As a part of Spring Festival in the Smokies, Old Harp singing 3:30-5 p.m. at Townsend Visitors Center. 428-0874.
Blessing of Bikes
Smoky Mountain Blessing of the Bikes, 11:30 a.m. 975 Overlook Way, Sevierville, DOuglas Dam Overlook Service 11:30 a.m. followed by foood, muisc and fellowhsip Blessing at 2 p.m. 8507539.
sunday, may 2 Sunday Night Alive
Violin recital of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Four Seasonsâ&#x20AC;? by Vivaldi, pre-recital talk by musicians Zachary Bradley and Becky Henry, 6:30 p.m., Evergreen Presbyterian, 1103 Dolly Parton Parkway. Reception to follow.
Scuba Class
Scuba class orientation 6 p.m., Gatlinburg Community Center. $100, includes equipment. 6545373.
Optimist Yard Sale
Northview/Kodak Optimist Club yard sale Friday and Saturday, indoors at Optimist Park. 8 a.m. both days.
Kodak Story Time
Preschool story time 11 a.m., Kodak Library. 9330078.
Church Yard Sale
Union Grove Methodist Church yard sale, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., covered building, 1458 Boat Launch Road.
saturday, may 1 Mini Relay
Mini-Relay For Life 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sevierville Middle School. 805-0134 or e-mail to
McCarter Reunion
McCarter reunion 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. American Legion, 104 W. Main, Sevierville. Bring covered dish. 453-8660 or 6548680.
Optimist Yard Sale
Northview/Kodak Optimist Club yard sale 8 a.m., indoors at Optimist Park, Kodak.
Pig Pullinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Meal
Pilgrimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Covenant Church â&#x20AC;&#x153;pig pullinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? fundraiser meal, Jones
#OME BY FOR ALL YOUR WINE SPIRIT NEEDS -/. 4(523 !- 0&2) 3!4 !- 0-
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Gatlinburg First UMC, 6 p.m., fellowship of contemporary music and worship followed by a hot meal. 436-4691.
Submitted report Each month the Sevier County Public Library System hosts a variety of book clubs to fit personal reading preferences. The Fireside Book Club features contemporary, eclectic books. The Inspirational Reading Club focuses on an author and his or her works. The Literary Classics Book Club discusses previous and more
Christ Covenant Full Gospel Church homecoming worship 10:30 a.m. 5759 Sevierville Road, Seymour. Singing by Mike Burse. 9247826 or
Old Harp Singing
Old Harp shape note singing 2 p.m., Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. 428-0874.
recent classics. Each club holds a monthly meeting. May meeting dates, authors and books: n Fireside Book Club, 10 a.m. to discuss James McBrideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Color of Water.â&#x20AC;? The club meets at Fort Sanders Sevier County Senior Center, 1220 W. Main. Call Virginia Borelli at 774-6033 for information. n Inspirational Reading Club, 1
p.m. May 12 featuring Linda Chaikin and her books. The club meets at the Seymour Library at 137 W. Macon Lane. Call Janet Persichetti at 5730728 for information. n Literary Classics Book Club, 6 p.m. May 28 featuring Sara Gruenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Water for Elephants.â&#x20AC;? The club meets at the Kodak Library at 319 W. Dumplin Valley Road. Call Danielle Smothers at 933-0078 for information.
Democrats solicit essays for scholarship contest Submitted report SEVIERVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Sevier County Democrats are sponsoring their second annual student essay contest and awarding a $250 book scholarship for Walters State Community College. The contest is open to senior students of any Sevier County high school who are enrolling in the 2010 fall semester at Walters State. The award recipient may use the $250 toward required course books. Applicants must write an essay on the topic â&#x20AC;&#x153;What would you suggest your local government do to make Sevier County a better place to live?â&#x20AC;? Essay submission deadline is May 21. Applicants will be judged on essay alone regardless of any political affilia-
tion. Anyone interested Democrats meet at 7 of every month at the in participating in the p.m. the first Thursday courthouse. essay contest should call 654-9348 for directions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are proud to offer this second annual book scholarship award. We hope all young citizens will take an active role to improve their government and communities,â&#x20AC;? said Scott Whaley, chairman of the Sevier County Democrats. The Sevier County 865-573-4801 s
150 Off Your First Months Rent Expires April 30, 2010 Smoky Crossing
CONGRATULATE THE 2010 SENIORS! ATTENTION FAMILY & FRIENDS: Honor your 2010 graduate by sending them a special message in The Mountain Press Graduation 2010.
Only $25 per photo. You may use any photo of the graduate, whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s their senior photo or their baby photo. (1 person per photo)
Please use the space below to fill out your message. Entries must be received by Friday, April 30, 2010, 5:00pm Fill out the information below and send with check-payable to The Mountain Press for the amount of $25. Drop off at our office located at 119 Riverbend Drive, Sevierville, 8am to 5pm WEEKDAYS /R MAIL TO 'RADS C O 4HE -OUNTAIN 0RESS s 0 / "OX s 3EVIERVILLE 4. )F YOU D LIKE YOUR PHOTO RETURNED PLEASE INCLUDE A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE
Christ Covenant
Violin Recital
Libraries set May book club meetings
We Connect you to your neighborhood, this region, and the world.
A12 ◆ Nation
The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, April 29, 2010
NASA has tried to phone ‘E.T.’
nation briefs Bullock divorcing; to adopt on own
NEW YORK (AP) — Sandra Bullock is dumping her two-timing husband and welcoming a new guy into her life — a baby boy she is adopting as a single mother. Divorce papers were filed Friday in Austin, Texas, where the 45-year-old Oscar-winning actress has a home. The impending end of her five-year marriage to Jesse James came as no surprise on the heels of reports that the motorcycle mogul had been cheating on her and that the couple had already separated. Instead, the bombshell, set off by Bullock in an interview with People magazine, published online Wednesday, was the news that she brought a newborn son home to California earlier this year and has been raising him unbeknownst to almost anyone. Bullock and James began the adoption process four years ago, according to the People article. They brought 3 1/2-month-old Louis Bardo Bullock home in January but decided to keep the news to themselves until after the Academy Awards.
WASHINGTON — Stephen Hawking says it is too risky to try to talk to space aliens. Oops. Too late. NASA and others have already beamed several messages into deep space, trying to phone E.T. The U.S. space agency, which two years ago broadcast the Beatles song “Across the Universe” into the cosmos, on Wednesday discussed its latest search strategy for life beyond Earth. “The search for life is really central to what we should be doing next in the exploration of the solar system,” said Cornell University plan-
Fire set to oil leak in Gulf
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Crews began setting fire to oil leaking from the site of an exploded drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday, a last-ditch effort to get rid of it before it reaches environmentally sensitive marshlands on the coast. A 500-foot boom was used to corral several thousand gallons of the thickest oil on the surface, which will then be towed to a more remote area, set on fire, and allowed to burn for about an hour, the Coast Guard said. Such burns will continue if they are working.
“If they have the capability to come here, they’re probably to us as we are to ants on Manhattan.” — Former NASA sciences chief Alan Stern
etary scientist Steve Squyres, chairman of a special National Academy of Sciences panel advising NASA on future missions. The academy panel is looking at 28 possible missions — from Mars to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. And NASA is focused mostly on looking for simple life like bacteria in our solar system rather than
fretting about potential alien overlords coming here. “If they have the capability to come here, they’re probably to us as we are to ants on Manhattan,” said former NASA sciences chief Alan Stern. Just days ago, Hawking said on his new TV show that a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher
Columbus arriving in the Americas, “which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.” The famous British physicist speculated that while most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, advanced life forms would likely be “nomads, looking to conquer and colonize.” The comment reinvigorated a three-year debate roiling behind the scenes in the small community of astronomers who look for extraterrestrial life, said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, which looks for aliens. Should astronomers ban purposeful messages into the universe for fear of attracting dangerous aliens?
Astronomers find loads of ice on big asteroid WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists have found lots of life-essential water — frozen as ice — in an unexpected place in our solar system: an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. The discovery of significant asteroid ice has several consequences. It could help explain where early Earth first got its water. It makes asteroids more attractive to explore, dovetailing with President Barack Obama’s announcement earlier this month that astronauts should visit an asteroid. And it even muddies the definition between comets
Wind farm nearer to reality
BOSTON (AP) — A whole new way of generating electricity in the U.S. drew a big step closer to reality Wednesday, and it could look like this: 130 windmills, 440 feet tall, rising from the ocean a few miles off Cape Cod. After more than eight years of lawsuits and government reviews, the Obama administration cleared the way for the nation’s first offshore wind farm. “We are beginning a new direction in our nation’s energy future,” U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar declared in announcing his approval of the $2 billion Cape Wind project, which would finally allow the U.S. to join the list of major countries that are producing electricity from sea breezes. The project has faced intense opposition from environmentalists, an Indian tribe and some residents, including the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who warned that the windmills could mar the ocean view. They would be visible from the Kennedy compound at Hyannis Port.
and asteroids, potentially triggering a Pluto-like scientific spat over what to call these solar system bodies. This asteroid has an extensive but thin frosty coating. It is likely replenished by an extensive reservoir of frozen water deep inside rock once thought to be dry and desolate, scientists report in two studies in Thursday’s issue of the journal Nature. Two teams of scientists used a NASA telescope in Hawaii to look at an asteroid called 24 Themis, one of the bigger rocks in the asteroid
belt between Mars and Jupiter. They examined light waves bouncing off the rock and found the distinct chemical signature of ice, said University of Central Florida astronomy professor Humberto
Campins, lead author of one of the studies. Astronomers have long theorized that hydrogen and oxygen and bits of water locked in clay are in asteroids, but this is the first solid evidence.
Baseball time in Sevier County!
Team Pride for Players Proud Parents or Grandparents Show you support Handcrafted Jewelry for 45 years! Have a great season!
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900 Transportation
LEGALS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE Docket No. 2010-A-006-I Notice of Entry Required JENNIFER LEIGH KING, Mother JEFFREY SCOTT KING, Step-Father Petitioners vs. MAURICE MARCEL BERGERON, Biological Father Respondent IN RE: Jacqueline Noelle Bergeron, A Minor DOB: March 10, 1998
ENTER this the 8th day of April, 2010. Ben W. Hooper II Judge 04/22, 04/29 05/06, 05/13
ORDER OF PUBLICATION This cause came on to be heard upon Petitioner’s Petition to Terminate Parental Rights and Adoption of a Related Child , and the Motion for Publication, and from the record as a whole, from all of which it appears to the
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Pursuant to Section 66-31-105 Code Ann. Notice is hereby given that the contents of units listed below stored at Shaconage MiniStorage located at 1719 Pittman Center Road, Sevierville, TN, phone 865-607-0198 will be sold at Public Auction on TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010 at 10:00 AM unless below make payment prior sale. CASH ONLY OR BANK LETTER OF CREDIT. TOTAL CONTENTS OF UNITS MUST BE REMOVED THE DAY OF AUCTION OR PAY RENT FOR EXTENDING NEW CONTRACT.
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Court that the Respondent’s address is unknown, so that ordinary process cannot be served upon him, it is therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that publication be made for four (4) consecutive weeks, in The Mountain Press, which is a newspaper published and circulated in Sevier County, Tennessee, notifying the Respondent to appear on the 3rd day of June, 2010 at 9:00 A.M. to defend against the entry of a Judgment by Default.
Old Forge Plaza 178 Old Mill Ave, Pigeon Forge, Stoplight #7
Charms for Bracelets
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Are you looking for a position that offers competitive wages, year end bonus and a unique and friendly environment in which to work? Twin Mountain Properties located on the Parkway in Pigeon Forge has openings for desk clerk/ reservationist in a multiple property rental office. We prefer someone with desk clerk experience, has a basic knowledge of the computer, dependable transportation and is available for any shift. Call 453-4444, Monday through Friday, 10AM to 4PM to schedule an interview.
MOTIVATED TELEMARKETERS. Faith Based, Non Profit Humanitarian Organization in Sevierville, TN. is in need of Dynamic Individuals to take on the challenging role of a Direct-Dial, outbound Call Center Telemarketer. Full time positions available. Looking for candidates with previous Telemarketing Experience, Great Communication/Phone Skills, Strong follow through and closing skills! Scrips will be provided for these positions. Experience preferred, but will train the right candidate. Offers a pleasant working environment, competitive hourly wage plus commission bonus. 8685200.
Classifieds 13
The Mountain Press Thursday, April 29, 2010 236 GENERAL
Help Wanted: Experienced Cafe Cook/ Server. Inventory/ Stock Position, S a l e s / C a s h i e r. Moonshine Ridge Country Store 2005 Wears Valley Rd.
We need a FT experienced reservationist. Some evenings & weekends. Benefits. Aunt Bug’s Cabin Rentals 3121 Veterans Blvd, 9084948
Exp. Desk Clerk needed. Apply in person at Colonial House Motel in Pigeon Forge.
Part-time Desk Clerk and Housekeeper needed. Apply at Smoky Meadows Lodge, P.F. 865453-4625.
Baskin Robbins Shift Managers and Customer Service Representatives needed for Pigeon Forge Location. Management experience preferred for Shift Manager position. Applicant must pass background/credit/drug screening for Shift Manager. All applicants must have a stable work history with good references. To apply for these positions please contact Mattie Rolen at Baskin Robbins, 3270 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN. 428-1770.
NOW HIRING experienced servers. Apply in person at Cracker Barrel, Sev. in front of Kroger. 865-9083202.
Experienced Sewing Machine Operators Aerotek is taking applications for industrial sewing machine operator, must have experience. Please call Toby Gambill at 865-2922431 or Cameron Bryne at 865-2922431. Housekeeper Needed $10/hr Full-time Apply Lid’l Dolly’s at traffic light #4 SALES CLERK 10.00 Hr. Lid’l Dolly’s Light #4, P.F.
238 HOTEL/MOTEL CLARION INN & SUITES Looking for dependable, detailed and customer service oriented personnel. Now accepting applications for the following full time positions:
Experienced Front Desk Clerk urgently needed to work 2nd shift. Good starting pay depending on the experience. Please apply in person: River Bend Inn, 2350 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863. No Phone calls please.
FRONT DESK Accepting applications 1100 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN.
Clarion Inn Willow River, 1990 Winfield Dunn Parkway (Hwy. 66) Sevierville now hiring night shift (4-12) front desk clerks. No experience necessary. Computer skills required. Apply in person.
Gatlinburg Falls Resort Front desk reservationistPT/FT Nights & weekends required. Must be dependable, adaptable, flexible and able to multitask efficiently. Please apply in person. Contact: Miranda Lewis 865-436-6333.
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE AND SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Default having been made in the terms and conditions of payments, pursuant to a certain Deed of Trust executed by Kathryn Boehm and Phillip Boehm, wife and husband, to Brent S. Knight, Trustee, dated the 25th day of November, 2005, and being of record in Book 2409, page 581, Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, referred to herein as the deed of trust, which conveyed certain real property, appurtenances, estate, title and interest therein in trust to secure the indebtedness described therein, which indebtedness is now due and unpaid and has been declared in default by the lawful owner thereof, HSBC Mortgage Services, Inc. Appointment of Substitute Trustee having been duly executed by the holder of the note and beneficiary of said Deed of Trust, and appointing William Timothy Hill as Substitute Trustee. NOW, THEREFORE, I, William Timothy Hill, Trustee, pursuant to the said Deed of Trust, having been requested by the owner and holder of said indebtedness so to do, by virtue of the authority and power vested in me by said deed of trust and appointing of Substitute Trustee will on the 13th day of May, 2010, at 12:00 noon, on the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Sevier County, Tennessee, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash (or credit upon the indebtedness secured, if the holder is the successful purchaser) the following described property located in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situated and being in the 14th Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, beginning at and being all of Lot 2 of River Run Estates, as shown of record in Large Map Book 4, page 111, in the Sevier County Register’s Office, to which reference is hereby made for exact legal description. Being the same property conveyed to Kathryn Boehm and husband, Phillip Boehm, by deed recorded 6/29/04 in Book 2011, page 350 in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee. This is improved property known as 1307 River Run CL Sevierville, TN If there is any discrepancy with the street address, the legal description will control. The sale is subject to liens, easements, encumbrances, property tax and other matters, if any, which are prior in right to the lien of the deed of trust subject of this foreclosure and declared to be in default by the lawful holder thereof. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder will be deemed the successful bidder. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Other interested parties: Capital One Home Loans
Riverstone Resort & Spa is now hiring a relief Night Auditor. Apply in person at 212 Dollywood Lane, PF, left at traffic light #8. 239 OFFICE/CLERICAL General office assistant needed to help busy cabin rental company in obtaining more rental properties for program. Commission based pay or possible salary depending on experience & qualifications. Fax resume to 865-4535749 or send to PO Box 627 Pigeon Forge, TN 37868.
Bojangles Pigeon Forge Now Hiring! Accepting Applications Online at EOE/ Drug Free Workplace
NOW HIRING PM Servers & Cooks. Apply Daily 3-6 PM: Mel’s Diner 119 Wears Valley Rd. Pigeon Forge
247 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Man Needed, Best Western Zoder’s Inn, Drug Free Work Place, Excellent Starting Pay, Ability to MultiTask, Carpenter Skills/ with own Tools, Plumbing Experience, Electrical Experience, Apply In Person or Send Resume to: 402 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE Sale at public auction will be on M ay 17, 2010 at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by David W. Wear and Keesha M. Wear, Husband and Wife, and John Wear and Jessica Wear, husband and Wife, to Emmett James House or Bill R. McLaughlin, Trustee, on June 9, 2006 at Book Volume 2550, Page 292 conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Registers Office. Owner of Debt: Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Ninth (9th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee to wit: Lot 41 of Majestic Meadows, as the same is shown by plat of record in Large Map Book 5, Page 180 in the Registers Office for Sevier County, Tennessee for a more particular description. Street Address: 1933 Arkansas Street Seymour, TN 37865 Current Owner(s) of Property: John Wear and wife, Jessica Wear and David W. Wear and wife, Keesha M. Wear Other interested parties: Lonnie Wilkerson and wife, Lisa Wilkerson d/b/a Wilkerson Builders, Regions Bank, Lonnie Wilkerson, et al., c/o Jerry K. Galyon, Attorney, Majestic Meadows Property Owner s Assoc., Inc., c/o Andrew N. Wilson, Attorney, Capital One Bank, c/o Mark A. Sexton, Attorney and David W. Wear, et al., c/o Ben W. Hooper, III, Attorney The street address of the above described property is believed to be 1933 Arkansas Street, Seymour, TN 37865, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890
April 22, 29 & May 6, 2010
April 22, 29 & May 6, 2010
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Sale at public auction will be on M ay 10, 2010 at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Bradley Duncan and Wendy L. Duncan, Husband and Wife, also known as Brad Duncan and wife, Wendelin Duncan, to Arnold M. Weiss, Esq., Trustee, on February 27, 2004 at Book Volume 1925, Page 360 conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Registers Office. Owner of Debt: Residential Credit Solutions, Inc. The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Sixteenth (16th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Lot 88R of Black Bear Ridge as the same appears on a plat of record in Large Map Book 5, Page 20, in the Registers Office for Sevier County, Tennessee to which reference is here made for a more particular description. Street Address: 942 Black Bear Cub Way Sevierville, TN 37862 Current Owner(s) of Property: Brad Duncan and wife, Wendelin Duncan Other interested parties: Black Bear Ridge Owners Association, Inc. c/o Kerley & Koester, Attorneys at Law The street address of the above described property is believed to be 942 Black Bear Cub Way, Sevierville, TN 37862, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY INTEREST THAT MAY EXIST IN UNRELEASED OPEN-END CONSTRUCTION DEED OF TRUST OF RECORD AT VOLUME 1833, PAGE 515, IN THE REGISTER S OFFICE OF SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890 File No. 10-003061 April 15, 22 & 29, 2010
American Mountain Rentals hiring for Full -time Position in Reservations. Must be able to work nights & weekends. Experience preferred. Apply in person at 110 Hillis Dr. Pigeon Forge. Behind Alf’s Restaurant.
10X10 or 10X20 SELF STORAGE Convenient Location! 411 South, left on Robert Henderson Rd., 1/4 mil on right at Riverwalk Apts.
368 LAWN SERVICES Lawn mowing, Free Estimates, Call 679-5037.
R&E STORAGE Units Available
FIRST MONTH FREE Jay Ell Road 429-0948
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Sale at public auction will be on M ay 10, 2010 at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Jesse L. Woodall and Diana A. Woodall, husband and wife, to First Americn Title Insurance Company, Trustee, on January 18, 2007 at Book Volume 2781, Page 423 conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Registers Office. Owner of Debt: HSBC Bank USA, N.A., as Trustee on behalf of ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust and for the registered holders of ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2007-HE4, Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Sixteenth (16th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Lot 37 of Cedar Falls, Phase I (a Premier Mountain Resort), as the same is shown by plat of record in Large Map Book 4, Page 79, in the Registers Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, to which plat specific reference is here made for a more particular description. Street Address: 2410 Possum Cove Way Sevierville, TN 37862 Current Owner(s) of Property: Jesse Woodall Other interested parties: Wachovia Bank, National Association, Cedar Falls Homeowners Association, Inc., Wachovia Bank National Association and Cedar Falls Homeowners Association, Inc. The street address of the above described property is believed to be 2410 Possum Cove Way, Sevierville, TN 37862, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890 File No. 09-012589 April 15, 22 & 29, 2010
File No. 10-003165
This 19th day of April, 2010. William Timothy Hill, Substitute Trustee
WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on November 28, 2005, by Roger D. Lux and Barbara Lux to Rob V. Budhwa, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book 2408, Page 151, as modified by agreement recorded in Book 3313, Page 123, aforesaid records,(“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust, Series 2006-1; and WHEREAS, HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee of the Fieldstone Mortgage Investment Trust, Series 2006-1, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, May 27, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situate in the Third (3rd) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being all of Lot 39 of Fairgarden Village, as the same appears in Plat Map of record in Large Map Book 2, Page 33, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. subject to the restrictions, conditions, easements, map notations and all other issues of record in Misc. Book 338, page 739, and Large Map Book 2, Page 33, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Being all of the property conveyed to Roger D. Lux and wife, Barbara Lux, from Judy R. Clark, single, by General Warranty Deed of record in Book 2408, Page 149, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3211 Old Newport Highway Sevierville, TN 37876 CURRENT OWNER(S): Roger D. Lux and Barbara Lux The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Fieldstone Mortgage Company OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee c/o Amy Gonzalez Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 File No.: 416.0903613TN April 29, May 6 & 13, 2010
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on March 8, 2006, by Mary Caughorn to David L. Flitcroft, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Registers Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book 2483, Page 695, as re-recorded in Book 2503, Page 415, aforesaid records, and (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to SunTrust Mortgage, Inc; and WHEREAS, SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, May 13, 2010 commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situated in the Ninth Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, without the corporate limits of any municipality and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin in the Northeast line of E. Macon Lane, said point being 217 feet Southwesterly from the point of intersection of the Northwest right of way of Nails Creek Road with the Northeast line of East Macon Lane; thence from said beginning point, South 49 degrees 49 minutes East 112.7 feet to an iron pin, thence South 16 degrees 08 minutes East 150.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 54 degrees 00 minutes West 183.3 feet to an iron pin; thence North 27 degrees 53 minutes West 204.0 feet to an iron pin; thence North 38 degrees 56 minutes East to an iron pin being the beginning, according to the survey of Larry A. Doss, RLS No. 1255, dated April 23, 1991. Subject to, and conveyed herewith is a boundary line agreement and easement dated January 4, 1996, of record in Deed Book 566, Page 209, in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Being the same property conveyed to Mary Caughorn, by deed from Richard A. Ballenger, Sr. and wife, Barbara J. Ballenger, dated 3-8-06, recorded 3-13-06, in Deed Book 2483, Page 693, in the Registers Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 213 East Macon Lane Seymour, TN 37565 CURRENT OWNER(S): Mary Caughorn The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Citizens Bank OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee c/o Amy Gonzalez Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 File No.: 221.0936429TN
April 15, 22 & 29, 2010
14 Â&#x2039; Classifieds 500 MERCHANDISE
The Mountain Press Â&#x2039; Thursday, April 29, 2010 555 GARAGE & YARD SALES
2 Family Yard Sale Fri & Sat Rain or shine Across from Dollar General on 321 Wears Valley.
Garage Sale Thur/Fri & Sat 9-2pm. 1549 Jasmine Trail, Mt. Meadows, Sev.
Backyard Garage Sale 8am-5pm Friday April 30th & Sat May 1st 6233 Nails Creek Rd, Seymour off 411 Turn on Hinkle-Nails Ck 1st left-or Burnetts Station turn left on Nails Creek. Women scrubs & clothes, exercise equip, cookware, sewing machine, antiques, dishes, Boyds Bears..and much more
Big Yard Sale/ 3 Family, Thur/Fri & Sat 8am. Books, household items, lawn mower & much more. Grand view Estates, Kodak.
Thur/Fri & Sat 8-5pm. Riverbend Lot 58, PF, behind Ruby Tuesdays.
Duplex Gatlinburg 2BD/1BA, Carport, Fully-Furnished $650/$700.mth. Less than 1 mile from Hard Rock Cafe. Call 865428-9717
3 Family Garage Sale Fri & Sat Rain or shine. Baby items & much more. 8-? 1104 Valley View Cir, Boyds Creek Follow signs 555 GARAGE & YARD SALES
Big 3 Family Sale on Fri. Lots of great stuff. 1108 S. Fork Dr. Corner of Veterans & Collier.
1 Time Finds Numerous Robert Tino & Jim Gray framed prints, office furniture, TVs, cell phones & accessories, kids toys, multiple DVD movie collection. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out Friday 8-7 Saturday 8-3 Shaconage 1713 Thurman Circle
Community Sale, Loads of families, loads of stuff, 2 blocks from New Center School, follow signs, Fri/Sat 8am. Community Sale, Pickle Rena Bellwood Mt. Vista. Pigeon Forge, Thur/Fri 9-4
Garage Sale 4/29-5/1 4206 Russell Dr, Kodak
Huge Inside Sale Thurs Fri Sat 4/29 4/30 5/1 9am-5pm 1105 Ridge Rd, Sev (next door to Ogle Place Apts) Antiques, Collectables, Iron Crocks, Jewelry, Grill for 1930â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ford, Precious Moments, uniforms, wicker, dolls, books, clothes-Infant to womens 4X mens 2XT Plenty of â&#x20AC;&#x153;STUFFâ&#x20AC;? Large selection of desirables, wantables and needables.
APPOINTED TRUSTEEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S SALE Sale at public auction will be on M ay 20, 2010 at 2:00PM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Reva G. Spaulding and Bernard L. Spaulding, on March 24, 2006 at Book Volume 2502, Page 262conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Appointed Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Registerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office. Owner of Debt: HSBC Mortgage Services Inc. The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Eleventh (11th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Lot Number 152 of Chalet Village North Subdivision as shown on a plat of record in Map Book 15, at Page 76, in the Sevier County, Tennessee Register of Deeds Office, and being more particularly described as follows:Beginning at an existing iron pin on the southern right-of-way line of a street known as Skyline Drive (a/k/a Leconte Drive) in Chalet Village North Subdivision, being a point plus or minus 710 feet from the center of the intersection of Skyline Drive and a street known as Wiley Oakley Drive, and being the northeast corner of a subject Lot Number 152, a common corner with Lot Number 153; thence from the point of Beginning, South 13 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East leaving Skyline Drive and running along the common boundary line between subject Lot Number 152 and Lot Number 153 for a distance of 179.23 feet to an existing iron pin at the southeast corner of subject Lot Number 152, being a common corner with Lot Number 153 and a common point with Lot Number 110; thence North 82 degrees 58 minutes 44 seconds West leaving Lot Number 153 and running along the common boundary line between subject Lot Number 152 and Lot Number 110 and continuing along the common boundary line between subject Lot Number 152 and Lot Number 111 for a distance of 134.90 feet to an existing iron pin at the southwest corner of subject Lot Number 152, being a common point with Lot Number 111 and a common corner with Lot Number 151; thence North 25 degrees 41 minutes 27 seconds West running along the common boundary line between subject Lot Number 152 and Lot Number 151 for a distance of 134.51 feet to an existing iron pin at the northwest corner of subject Lot Number 152, being a common corner with Lot Number 151, and being the intersection of Lot Numbers 152 and 151 with the southern right-of-way line of the street known as Skyline Drive (a/k/a Leconte Drive); thence North 70 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East leaving Lot Number 151 and running along the southern right-of-way line of Skyline Drive for a distance of 62.00 feet to a point; thence continuing to run along the southern right-of-way line of Skyline Drive following a slight convex curve in a northeasterly direction with CB = North 79 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East C = 94.32 feet, R = 300.25 feet and L = 94.71 feet to an existing iron pin at the northeast corner of subject Lot Number 152, being a common corner to Lot Number 153 and being the Beginning corner. Street Address: 844 North Skyline Drive Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Current Owner(s) of Property: Reva G. Spaulding a married woman The street address of the above described property is believed to be 844 North Skyline Drive, Gatlinburg, TN 37738, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. Terms of Sale will be public auction, for cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, redemption and dower, and the rights of Reva G. Spaulding and Bernard L. Spaulding, and those claiming through them, and subject to the right of redemption by the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE by reason of tax lien of record in Volume 2660 Page 103, Registerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee, subject to any accrued taxes and restrictions. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Appointed Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Appointed Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890 File No. 10-002585
Huge One Day Sale, indoors/ rain or shine, Sat. May 1st. 8am - 4pm, Location: St. Joseph Episcopal Church. 345 Hardin Lane. Furn, toys, household, sewing and much more. A portion of sales will benefit Veterans Hospital, Cancer Patients, and Special Needs Children. Leftovers will be given to Safe Space. Huge Yard Sale. Fri 8? Clothing, tools & furn. 2289 Spruce Court off McCarter Hollow, between Dollywood & Splash Country. Large Multi Family Garage Sale. Sevierville Mountain Star Lodge 1309 Dolly Parton Pkwy. Friday, April 30th only. 7am-2:30pm
LeConte Landing, Yard Sale Saturday Only 8-4pm. 1306 Robert Ridge Rd. Lots of household items, old hats, two small refrigerators, three lawn mowers, jewelry, square dance clothing, books, etc. Blalock Woods 1660 White Oak Dr Sevierville Fri & Sat 8am
Bushhogging-clearing, dumptruck, Grading, backhoe.
! !
Cell: 865-748-5934
Bedroom Group Dresser, mirror, 4 Drawer chest, headboard. $399 Cagles Furniture and Appliances
Summerfield Subdivision 6+ family sale Fri & Sat 9-4, Lots of household items, everything from A to Z. Something for everyone! 416 to Red Bank Rd. Left on Summerfield. Follow Balloons. Union Grove Methodist Church Yard Sale: Covered building More good stuff. Friday 8-4. 1458 Boat Launch Road. Yard Sale Thur/Fri 82pm. Lots of stuff. 336 Birchwood Ln. Yard Sale Fri & Sat 8-4 Clothing-Adult & childrens, household items, linens, TV, large variety. 1730 Dixon Branch Rd 453-8513
For Sale
A-1 pre-owned dryers, washers, ranges & refrigerators All with warranty. Cagles Furniture and Appliances
453-0727 591 MISC. RENTALS KitchenAid refrigerator /freezer. 20.03 cu. Stainless steel. Good cond. Ice maker, water dispenser. $325 504583-6358 or 865428-5900 592 WANTED TO BUY Looking for Indianhead cents and Wheat cents. Call after 5pm, 244-0019l
Weekly Rentals Includes Phone, Color TV, Wkly Housekeeping Micr./Frig. Available $169.77+ Family Inns West
GATLINBURG Deal! OFFICE/APT/SHO P water inc. No Pets. 621-3015
Pigeon Forge 865-453-4905
Retail Shops, Elks Plaza 968 Parkway, Gatlinburg. 865436-7550.
Affordable Housing in Gatlinburg
610 DUPLEX FOR RENT 2BR 1.5BA Quiet neighborhood. Central H/A, W/D, dishwasher, refrigerator, screen front porch, spacious lr & dinning area. In Sevierville. Available immediately. $695 mth. 1st, last, security. 607-5111 or 429-5111
near trolley stop
Rooms for rent, weekly rates, furn., cable TV.
436-4471 or 621-2941
ROOMS FOR RENT Weekly Low Rates $110.00 + tax 436-5179 Greystone Rentals Red Carpet Inn 349 East Parkway Gatlinburg, TN
Includes All Utilities. Free Wi-Fi, Cable, Laundry, Kitchens, Clean Rooms, NO PETS.
Roommate wanted $350mo. Prvt. bath & bed. Utility pd. washer/dryer, Sevierville, 908-1347
Spring Special Creek Place Eff. Studio w/ Util. $100-$145 Weekly/ Monthly. Clean, Trolley Route. 436-2115
mer m u s o t in
with the Classifieds.
Who ya gonna call? If you have a problem with the delivery of your morning Mountain Press, please call the Circulation Department at 428-0746, ext. 239 & 231 Monday - Friday and your paper will be delivered to you on the same day. Newspapers from calls after 10:00 a.m. will be delivered with the next dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paper. On Saturday, Sunday and holidays you may dial 428-0748 extensions 239 & 231. If complaints are received between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., papers will be delivered the same day. Newspapers from calls received after 10:00 a.m. will be delivered with the next dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paper. This applies to in-county home delivery only. Sevier Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Only Daily Newspaper
File No. 10-000853
Huntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Painting Company +JP 'TP y .E? +JO EPA & HUD Certified .A=@ $=OA 2=EJP 4AIKR=H SSS *QJPO2NAOOQNA%HA=JEJC ?KI
Campbell Enterprises 865-850-2078
Peopsle d Re pon To The Classifieds! 428-0748
TENNESSEE CARPENTERS Floating Docks /Int-Ext Finish Remodels / Hardwood Stairs Fencing / Additions / Decks / Siding
5LFN 7KRPSVRQ Â&#x2021;
CLEANING SERVICE years exp. Licensed
865-740-7102 106 HOME IMPROVEMENTS
Linda Gâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cleaning Service
Residential/Small Business Monthly/Weekly Call for appt.
6cn hbVaa Zc\^cZ gZeV^g KZgn gZa^VWaZ ;G:: E^X`je 9gde d[[ HZgk^XZ 8Vaa @Zc
Kitchens, Bath, Decks, Windows, Doors, Trim Sheetrock, Painting, Pressure Washing, Plumbing & Electrical, Vinyl & Laminate Flooring
Finest Quality Craftsmanship
New 4pc.
Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890
Free Estimates Licensed & Insured
Street Address: 2415 Big River Overlook Drive Sevierville, TN 37876 Current Owner(s) of Property: Terry W. Huskey and wife, Rebecca Huskey, as Tenants by the Entirety The street address of the above described property is believed to be 2415 Big River Overlook Drive, Sevierville, TN 37876, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
2 ! *;QH 1?LPC=?
5HP Troy Built Rear Tine Rototiller, excellent shape, New $700, sell $350. 18 Bushell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Compost Tumblerâ&#x20AC;? Like new $500, sell $300. Craftsman 16â&#x20AC;? Chainsaw, Very good $75. Call after 5pm, 429-5452.
Sale at public auction will be on M ay 10, 2010 at 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Terry W. Huskey and Wife, Rebecca Huskey, to Billy Rosenburg, Trustee, on December 26, 2007 at Book 2989, Page 380conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Registers Office. Owner of Debt: Household Financial Center Inc. The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Seventh (7th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit:Lot Number 83 of Big River Overlook Subdivision as shown on a plat of record in Map Book 13, Page 26 in the Registers Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to which plat reference is hereby made for a more particular description.
Lic & Ins.
Yard Mowing & Weedeating Yard Clean up Hauling Trash & Brush Trees Cut & Removal & Trimmed
Multi-family Yard Sale, Thur/Fri & Sat 8:30am. 1120 Vista Drive, from Parkway, Weigels, follow signs. baby items, bicycles, toys & more.
For Rent
Beautiful Creekside Rooms in Gatlinburg
April 15, 22 & 29, 2010
Moving Sale: Fri. & Sat. 8:30-? 2839 Florence Dr., P.F.
581 PETS Pit Puppies Free to good home. Call Ed at 561-6625986.
April 29, May 6 & 13, 2010
Moving Sale Thurs, Fri, 8-5. on 416 South in Richardson Cove Community turn left at A&W Concrete Plant and follow signs. Patio set, old metal kitchen cabinet, quilts, computer and lots of Rooster items and much much more.
557 MISC. SALES Thule Auto Luggage Carrier, 8 cu. ft. New condition. 195 Call 323-7487
865-654-2223 Credit Cards accepted
ome h w e n a into
MOVE with the Classifieds.
Classifieds Â&#x2039; 15
The Mountain Press Â&#x2039; Thursday, April 29, 2010 696 APARTMENTS FOR RENT
" ! # ! ' % $ % & ! " " #
1BR Eff. W/D. All utilities. $600 a mth. Jones Cove Area 865-654-1486
*WEARS VALLEY 1BR/1BA $525/mo. + Dep. Walk-in closet All kit appl + W/D conn Some Pets OK. 865-654-6507
! " " # ! "!
Now Leasing, New Apartments in Gatlinburg behind GP High School near trolley stop 2 BR / 1 BA $585/mo.
Spacious & Quiet! 2 BR / 2 BA Apts. for Rent in Wears Valley From $650/mo. 12 Mo. Lease Pets Allowed (865) 329-7807
The World in a Travel Size WHEREAS, Sonia Roca, single, executed to T. Mike Estes, Trustee, a Deed of Trust to secure the payment of indebtedness described therein, which Deed of Trust is recorded in Record Book 2568, page 526, as corrected in Book 2607, page 492 in the Sevier County, Tennessee Register of Deeds Office; and WHEREAS, G Wendell Thomas, Jr., has been appointed as Substitute Trustee under said Deed of Trust, with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and Farm Credit Services of MidAmerica, FLCA (the Creditor), the present holder and owner of the debt secured, has requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness and obligations having matured by default on the payment of a part thereof, at the option of the holder of said indebtedness and obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me as such Substitute Trustee, under the Deed of Trust, at the request of the Creditor, the undersigned, G Wendell Thomas, Jr., Substitute Trustee, will on:
Thursday, May 13, 2010 commencing at 11:00a.m. at the front entrance to the Sevier County Courthouse, in Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the real property located in Sevierville County, Tennessee, described in the Deed of Trust as follows: Situate in the Fourth (4th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being Unit 530 of Hidden Springs Resort, Phase 6, Enchanted Forest Section, a Horizontal Property Regime, as the same is shown by plat of record in Map Book 35, page 26 and Large Map Book 6, page 72, both in the Registers office for Sevier County, Tennessee to which maps specific reference is hereby made for a more particular description. In the event of uncertainty as to the precise location of this unit, the Southern corner of the unit is located S 43 eg. 57 min 06 sec. E 306.14 feet, more or less, from the intersection of North Star Way and Enchanted Mountain Way. Subject to easements, notations, setbacks, restrictions and rights of way as shown on the map of record in Map Book 35, page 26; Large Map Book 3, page 111; Large Map Book 4, page 4; Large Map Book 4, page 113 and Large Map Book 6, page 72, in the said Registers office. Subject to restrictions of record in Book 1238, page 454; Book 1326, page 589; Book 1356, page 727; Book 1370, page 585; Misc. Book 327, page 389; Misc. Book 350, page 394 and Book 1004, page 497, in the said Registers office. Subject to the use of right of ways of record in ROW Book 12, page 187; ROW Book 14, page 20; ROW Book 13, page 719 and ROW Book 9, page 59, in the said Registers office.
DOLLYWOOD AREA 2BR, util. furn. No pets, 428-1084 or 654-6265
Kodak: 2BR 2BA 1 level No pets. $600 w/$550 dep.
Large 1BR Water, app furnished. No pets. Ref. $450 + dep. 680-3078.
RIVERWALK 1BR/1BA TO 2BR/2BA $545.00 to $695.00 865-429-2962
Townhomes Near hospital
2BR 1.5BA Some pets
Sevierville/Pigeon Forge area. Available now. 2BR, 1.5BA, incl. refrig., range & full size w/d. $650/mo. Call 865-654-9826.
865-453-1748 (Day) 865-428-3381 (Night) LIGHT 6 P.F. DUPLEX 2BD/1BA All Appls. W/D Large Family Rm Wood Floors $550 Mo. 1st/Last/Dep. No Pets 865-898-7925
Townhouse in Sevierville 2BR 1.5BA Stove, refrigerator & dishwasher. $475 + dep. No pets. 453-2634. 697 CONDO RENTALS
1 & 2 BR avail. Some Pets OK. $400 UP WATER INCLUDED Murrell Meadows 1/8 mile from Walters State College Allensville Road Walk to lake Reasonable Rates
1100 Sq. Ft. House. 1BR + loft. Beautiful view near Pigeon Forge. $825 mo. 865-696-6900.
4 BD / 2 BA + GARAGE 4 MILES FROM EXIT 407 $950/MONTH + DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 865-712-5238
Luxury 2,000 sq. ft. cabin Seymour multi pets welcome River Amenities $300 per week
BOB RENTS Pigeon Forge Apartments
EfďŹ ciency Utilities Included
Sev. Gatl.
Sevierville Silo Apartments
2BR/1.5BA 865-774-5919 2BD / 1BA House Sevierville Area on Parkway for lease with Side Storage Building
Gatlinburg Beautiful 2BR 2BA Furnished Condo with Fireplace, Overlooks stocked trout stream and has heated pool. Walk to downtown Gatlinburg, includes water, cable, flat screen TV, granite counter tops. Immediate occupancy, Minimum 1 Year lease $975 mth. 865-771-9600
The sale will be subject to any encumbrances having lien priority over the Deed of Trust, including, without limitation, any unpaid ad valorem taxes or other taxes. The undersigned is aware of no lien claims of the State of Tennessee required to be identified by T.C.A. Ă&#x;35-5-104. The undersigned is aware of no lien claims of the United States required to be identified by T.C.A. Ă&#x;35-5-104.
698 MOBILE HOME RENTALS 1BR Trailer on private lot. $367/mo. Water furn. 933-8955.
The undersigned will sell and convey only such title as he holds as Substitute Trustee.
CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN SEVIERVILLE 2 bedroom 1.5 bath townhomes Call 428-5161
2 & 3BR mobile homes for rent Must have refs. Call for info 428-3096 3BR/2BA rent to own. Seymour. $750/mo No pets. 865-7657929. 3BR/2BA Single wide trailer. Located on Pittman Center in Sev. No pets. No smoking. $600/mo. incl, water, 1st & last mo. rent req. 865-366-7045.
Sevier Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best for 13 years
Kodak 3+2 $550 2+2 $450. No pets. References. 9336544 Sevierville 2+1 Dwide $500. Plus Dep. NO PETS. Ref. Call 933-6544.
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
DUGAY Š2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:
by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek
Gatlinburg: 2BR/1BA, No pets. Credit check, Sec. Dep. required. $600 mth 430-4222. House for rent off Douglas Dam Rd. Close to new Sevierville Convention Center & Dumplin Creek Development. 3BR 2BA, large storage building/workshop. Landlord provided lawn maintenance & monthly pest control. $685 mth, 1st & last req. $200 damage dep. Refs needed. Call 865-428-4752 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm House for rent-2BR 2BA $500 mth off Pittman Center Rd. No pets. 254-8513 New construction, near hospital & schools. 2BR/2BA, $700/mo 865-963-6146. New construction, near hospital & schools. 2BR/2BA, $700/mo 865-963-6146. Redbud area. 3BR/ 2BA w/storage unit Like new. $800/mo + dep. 428-5212.
3BR 2BA house in Pigeon Forge. Kitchen appliances furn. 5 mins from Parkway. No smoking or pets. $850 mth 453-5613 4BR 3BA $1000 mth 2610 Surftide Dr in Dandridge off Exit 407. Lake access, lake view. 865405-1478. A Great Location. 2 blocks off Parkway near Walmart. 2BR/2BA w/carport, w/d & water furn. Approx. 1400 SF, non-smoking environment. No pets please. $750 month. Year lease. Call 865-453-5396.
Beautiful 2BR Furn. Log Cabin for residential rent. Located between Gat. & P.F. $750 month. Call Business office:423-246-1500/ day or night
House for Sale Great location in the Heart of Pigeon Forge 1400+ sq ft 3BR/2+BA Real wood floors New tile in bathrooms ***$139,000*** Not for rent or lease Call 865-850-6738 LeConte Landing, Reduced. 3BR 2BA, Brick, May trade smaller home. 865414-0117.
RV and Camp Sites
Indian Camp Creek Monthly or Yearly Utilities & wiďŹ Bathhouse & Laundromat Near the Park 850-2487 837 CAMPER SALES 2001 MH, Low mileage, Slideout, generator, V10 engine, Call 430-4218
New 3 bd, 2 ba, basement rancher, 2 cg, beautiful mtn. views! $159,900. O/A.865.599.2886. RIDGEWOOD: 5BR, 4.5BA, 6000+sq. ft. All brick. $280,000. Call Sheila @ 6549990 - American Dream Realty. 711 CONDOS FOR SALE
HG=HL ?HK 0:E> Cherokee Lodge in Pigeon Forge
2 BD / 2 BA On Excellent Rental Program
16 ft John boat with 50 horse Mercury. Very good shape $2500. 696-2938 943 AUTOMOBILE SALES
2002 JAGUAR X-type, 3.0, gray w/black interior. Nice car. $4500 OBO. Call 865-607-6542.
865-850-2004 Riverstone Resort 4BR/4BA condo for sale. Call Mike 865-765-5303.
2006 Mercury Milan, extra clean & well maintained. Metallic silver, with blk/tan cloth interior. 74K mileage, $12,000. OBO, Please call for more info. 865414-9077
97 1/2 Volvo S90 Low mileage. Like new, white with tan leather interior. 453-5613 829 MANUFACTURED HOME SALES
16x80 above average. 3BR/2BA. On lot in Sev. $26,000. Call 865-898-6565.
Call 428-5161 Hwy 321 Pittman Center area. 1&2 BR cabin on creek. Fully furnished. Utilities included. $225 & $250 wk. 850-2487
HUD PUBLISHERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-6699777, The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
3BR/2BA Garage/basement Swimming Pool
3BD/2BA central heat/air, no pets, $650mth, $500 dep. New Center Area. 865-7481520 or 865-4533441.
The following persons are parties known or believed to have an interest in the property: Sonia Roca.
G. Wendell Thomas, Jr. Substitute Trustee 550 Main Street Fourth Floor, Bank of America Center Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 865-546-7311 April 22, 29 & May 6, 2010
Available in May 2BD/1BA $565. Near the river. Pool access. 865-429-4470
NICE, CLEAN IN KODAK CROSSCREEK 2BR/2BA large garden Trolley access $580.00 865-429-2962
The street address of the property being foreclosed is unknown.
The undersigned reserves the right to postpone the sale to another time and date certain upon announcement by the Substitute Trustee or his agent at the time and place of sale. The undersigned reserves the right to conduct the sale through his duly appointed agent. If one or more apparently successful bidders fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the sale, the undersigned shall have the right to accept the next highest bid until a bidder whose bid has been accepted shall have complied with the terms and conditions of the sale, all without the necessity of re-publishing notice of the sale.
$550 to $950+. Wanda Galli Realty Exec. 680-5119 or 7744307.
3BD/2BA Apt. in Sev. Non smoker/ no pets/ ref. req. $ $500 dep. 865-573-3549 or 865-607-3007.
Being the same property conveyed to Sonia Roca, a single person, by Warranty Deed of Richard Fraser and wife, Martha Mirie Fraser, dated June 28, 2006 of record in Book 2568, page 523, in the Registers office for Sevier County, Tennessee.
All proceeds of the sale shall be used first to satisfy the indebtedness and obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. After the satisfaction of the debts and obligations secured by the Deed of Trust, any proceeds that are received from the sale that are in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the Deed of Trust shall be paid to subsequent lien holders and claimants in order of their priority. The sale will be subject to all matters, if any, having lien priority over the Deed of Trust that is being foreclosed, if any. The property is being sold ĂŹas is, where isĂŽ, with no representation as to the condition of the property or as to marketability or merchantability of the title to the property.
Call (865) 436-3565
944 VAN SALES 1993 GMC Safari Van, $1000.OBO. 865258-8046. 950 MOTORCYCLE SALES
We Buy Used Bikes! Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson, Shane Tymon (865) 977-1669
2007 Suzuki, C-50, blue/grey color, sissy bar, saddle bag, crush bur pegs & shield. 2800 miles, All included $5500. 865414-6333
710 HOMES FOR SALE 1925 sq ft. All brick rancher. Seymour schools. 1 acre lot. Appliances stay, new roof. 3BR 2BA 428-0664 or 3083770
Foreclosure Sale, 3 BD / 2 BA House in Kodak Area Appraised Value $240,000 Selling Price $186,500 Call (865) 436-3565
By Owner, Log home on Little Pigeon River, 3BD/2BA, 1372 sq. ft. 1.1acre, 2463 Red Bank Rd, Sev. $165,000. 865429-1122 FSBO: 3BR/2BA in New Center, 1200 sq. ft., hardwood in LR. Storage shed. $149,900. Call 865-429-0646. Great Location - Beal Woods, Sev. 3BR, 3BA home. Fireplace, CH/A, new roof, carport, finish basement, huge deck, laundry/pantry room. Must see. 865-604-1948.
<_SQ\ CdbQg Starting at
# '% per bale & up. No tax charged. 5 bale minimum Also-Grass seed available
(% !#
GUNJEL Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
-+1 -,
(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: SOUSE ANISE TYPHUS UPROAR Yesterdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Answer: What the counterfeiter said when he was confronted by the reporter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; STOP THE PRESSES
A16 ◆ Comics Family Circus
The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, April 29, 2010 Close to Home
Group of friends at odds with shy girl
Baby Blues
Beetle Bailey
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith
For Better Or Worse
Tina’s Groove
Dear Annie: I’m a 14-year-old girl, and in my group of friends, there is one girl who never talks. “Nicole” sits at our lunch table because she has nowhere else to go. The problem is, when we don’t invite her to our outings, she starts to cry. We don’t like including her because she’s no fun. I don’t know what to do. We’ve confronted her many times and suggested many solutions, but she always uses the excuse that she’s shy. I’m -- Out of Ideas Dear Out: Talk to your school counselor or a favorite teacher about ways to help Nicole. She obviously has some social issues and has no clue how to behave in a more acceptable manner. She may also have some problems of which you are unaware. Then encourage her to get involved in school activities in which she might have an interest or talent, including athletics, band, chess club or the school paper. You do not have to include Nicole in everything, but please try to teach her how to be the kind of friend you’d want to have around. It won’t hurt you to be kind, and it means you won’t be sorry later for the way you treated her. Dear Annie: My wife’s 84-year-old mother lives with us. My wife’s cousin, “Erma,” lives two hours away and occasionally sends letters and newspaper clippings to Mom to keep her updated on happenings in the old hometown. Erma is also very punctual with cards on special occasions. Mom reciprocates by calling her often and sending
cards of her own. Recently, Mom lost her only sibling. Two weeks after the funeral, Erma celebrated her birthday. Mom sent a birthday card, but it was a week late. My wife, admittedly not a card person, called Erma to wish her a happy birthday and left a message inviting her to our home for dinner. There was no response. A few days later, a letter arrived from Erma, saying she was very hurt not to receive a birthday card on time. My wife tried to explain that no one forgot her birthday, but circumstances were difficult and an effort was made to celebrate it later. Erma responded that she “doesn’t believe in late birthday cards,” and that even though she is busy, she always finds time to write to Mom. Isn’t this a petty and childish way to treat an 84-year-old who just lost a family member? -Shocked Hubby Dear Shocked: You bet. Erma sounds very self-centered and unable to put herself in someone else’s shoes. She thinks her prompt birthday greetings make her special and, as a result, expects others to put her first, regardless of their circumstances. She can’t help who she is, however, so please let your wife and mother-in-law handle her as they choose. You should stay out of it.
t o d ay ’ s p u z z l e
Dear Annie: I love reading your column in our local paper. But I wonder about your response to “Deborah in Los Angeles,” whose friend’s kindergartner uses a potty chair in front of company. You said the friend should train her daughter to use the bathroom, but admitted you had laughed. Why? A 5-year-old has no business using a potty chair at all, nor should she have been allowed to undress herself in front of guests. Why would any parent encourage this? And the idea that someone would laugh at such an occurrence is strange. I would never be amused by a child that age acting in such a manner. She is not a toddler. She is in kindergarten and obviously knows how to use the restroom. -- Michelle in Baton Rouge, La. Dear Michelle: We are of the opinion that little kids, in general, are pretty funny, and when one is doing something totally outrageous, it is better to laugh than cry. Parents need to find the humor in raising kids. But we agree that it’s time this one used the bathroom. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at