May 4, 2010

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The Mountain Press ■ Sevier County’s Daily Newspaper ■ Vol. 26, No. 124 ■ May 4, 2010 ■ ■ 50 Cents



Decision Day


5Fields of dreams Three teams play regular season finales tonight, with district on the line Sports, Page A8

52-time Oscar nominee dies Lynn Redgrave succumbs to breast cancer at 67 NATION, Page A14

Weather Today

Derek Hodges/The Mountain Press

Voters cast their ballots during early voting for local county offices. Primaries for those posts and non-partisan school board seats will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today.

Variety of races across the county on the ballot By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer

“I am surprised because I really did expect to at least meet the number from 2006 and possibly exceed it. There are some big races and I thought they would generate more interest.” SEVIERVILLE — Voters across

Sunny High: 82°

Tonight Clear Low: 55°


Obituaries Ina LaFollette, 81 James R. Miller Jeff King Sr., 58 Dorothy Walker, 63 Maxine Manning, 73

the area are headed to the polls today to choose who will lead the county in the coming years, with primary and nonpartisan contests for a host of offices being decided from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. The votes today will determine what the Aug. 5 general election ballot will look like, with some heated primary battles set to come to a close. Races for each courthouse office, sheriff, all 25 County Commission seats and the 10 constable posts will be included on the primary ballots, while everyone, regardless of party affiliation, will

— Sevier County Coordinator of Elections Ronee Flynn

vote in the nonpartisan board of education contests. Though the Republican ticket has fielded some interesting races, with a battle for the mayor’s job and as many as four candidates in contests for County Commission seats, turnout for early voting was remarkably low. About 3,260 folks had cast their ballots as of the close of the preliminary balloting Thursday, a far cry from the more than 5,000

who took part in voting before the last county contests in 2006. “I am surprised because I really did expect to at least meet the number from 2006 and possibly exceed it,” Sevier County Coordinator of Elections Ronee Flynn said. “There are some big races and I thought they would generate more interest.” See DECISION DAY, Page A4

City may dip into its reserve fund to cover shortfall


Index Local & State . . . . A1-A6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . A2 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . A8,A9 Money . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Advice . . . . . . . . . . . A13 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . A13 Classifieds . . . . . A10-A12 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . A5

Corrections The voting location in the Catlettsburg precinct has been moved to Catlettsburg School from the Head Start location. This was not mentioned in a story on the election in Sunday’s edition. The Mountain Press is glad to set the record straight.

Polls for Democratic and Republican primaries in a number of county races, as well as non-partisan school board contests will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. Not sure where you vote? Following is a list of voting locations for each precinct. District 1 Jones Cove Precinct — Jones Cove Elementary School, 4554 Jones Cove Road Catons Chapel Precinct — Catons Chapel Elementary School, 3135 Catons Chapel Road District 2 Waldens Creek Precinct — Pigeon Forge Primary School, 1766 Waldens Creek Road Wearwood Precinct — Wearwood Elementary School, 3150 Wearwoood Drive District 3 Harrisburg Precinct — Sevier Vocational Center, 1150 Dolly Parton Parkway New Center Precinct — New Center Elementary School, 2701 Old Newport Highway District 4 Pigeon Forge Precinct — Pigeon Forge City Hall, 225 Pine Mountain Road District 5 Sevierville Middle Precinct — Sevierville Middle School, 500 High Street Senior Citizens Building Precinct — Fort Sanders Sevier Senior Center, 1220 W. Main Street District 6 Seymour Intermediate Precinct — Seymour Intermediate School, 212 N. Pitner Road District 7 Catlettsburg Precinct — Catlettsburg Elementary School, 1409 Catlettsburg Road (NOTE CHANGE) Voting Machine Warehouse Precinct — Voting Machine Warehouse, 1145 Dolly Parton Parkway District 8 Kodak Precinct — Northview Elementary School, 3293 Douglas Dam Road Underwood Precinct — Douglas Cherokee Head Start Building, 4125 Douglas Dam Road District 9 Seymour Primary Precinct — Seymour Primary School, 717 Boyds Creek Highway District 10 Boyds Creek Precinct — Boyds Creek Elementary School, 1729 Indian Warpath Road (NOTE CHANGE) Dupont Precinct — Dupont Community Center, 1720 Dupont Road Whites Precinct — White’s Adult High School, 703 Whites School Road District 11 Gatlinburg Precinct — Gatlinburg American Legion Building, 1222 E. Parkway Pittman Center Precinct — Pittman Center City Hall, 2839 Webb Creek Road

By JEFF FARRELL Staff writer

locally were barricaded and those all in low-lying, flood-prone areas. That includes River Divide Road, which remained closed Monday though the Little Pigeon River crested sometime early in the morning. Water still coursed through the traffic lanes there into the afternoon, as it did in other places such as Old Valley and Waldens Creek roads. The storm system dumped 2.59 inches of rain in the area and set a record for total rainfall on May 3, with 1.77

SEVIERVILLE — The budget under consideration by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen calls for the city to dip into its reserve fund to make up for a $1.5 million shortfall in revenues, but could still feature a raise for city employees in 2011. Last year, the city made do without raiding the reserves, but also was unable to pay for a cost of living adjustment for city employees. The board began reviewing the budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year, which starts July 1, at a workshop Monday before its regular meeting. To cover the costs of the $47 million budget, the city would raid its reserve, which is set aside for situations like the city currently faces when there’s a downturn in the economy. The city would still have enough left over in the fund to get a positive review from lenders and bond agencies, City Administrator Steve Hendrix said. “It’s still right at the rule of thumb (for a reserve fund),” he said. The budget remains what he terms a “high-risk” budget in that the city isn’t replacing equipment that had been scheduled for replacement. That saves the city money overall, as long as it doesn’t break down, although it requires more money be set aside for maintenance, Hendrix said. While it’s an austere budget, Hendrix said there

See WEATHER, Page A4


Derek Hodges/The Mountain Press

A truck makes its way along River Divide Road in Pigeon Forge through water from the Little Pigeon River which overflowed its banks in some low-lying areas Monday morning after a night of heavy rains.

Sevier weathers the storm County not hit nearly as hard as other parts of Tennessee By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer It seems Sevier County dodged a bullet with a storm system that moved through Sunday into Monday causing some minor flooding but nothing like the record-setting deluge that plagued Middle and West Tennessee over the weekend. As interstates around Nashville remained inaccessible and covered by rushing water, only a few side roads

n Music City swamped, Page A3

A2 ◆ Local

The Mountain Press ◆ Tuesday, May 4, 2010

community calendar Editor’s Note: The community calendar is printed as space permits. Items must be submitted at least five days in advance. Only noncommercial, public events held in Sevier County will be considered. To place an item phone 428-0748, ext. 214, or e-mail to editor@ Items may be faxed to 453-4913.


National Assn. of Retired Federal Employees, 6 p.m. at Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge. 453-4174.

Community Yard Sale

Reservations needed by today for the May 8 plant, bake and yard sale, 8 a.m.2 p.m., Middle Creek UMC, 1828, Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. Hot dog meal sold all day. Free set-up for yard sale participants. Call 429-5187 to register for a spot.

Kindness Counts

Kindness Counts will meet at 7 p.m. at Pigeon Forge City Park, pavilion 1. 6542684.

Legion Gatlinburg

American Legion Post 104, by post office in Gatlinburg, meets at 6:30 p.m. 5991187.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 1 p.m. Foxtrot Bed and Breakfast, Garrett, Gatlinburg n 6:30 p.m. Pigeon Forge UMC


Gatekeepers men’s Bible study: n 6:30 p.m., 1328 Old Newport Highway, Sevierville. 908-0591. n 6:30 p.m., 2445 Scenic Mt. Drive, Sevierville. 3107831.

Scrapbook Club

Scrapbook Club meets at Whispering Winds Scrapbook retreat off Snapp Road, Sevierville. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 5:30-10 p.m. 4293721.

Woodmen Lodge

Woodmen of The World Lodge 101 meets at 6:30 p.m. at Shoney’s in Sevierville. 429-3227 or 6543056.

Pancake Supper

Pancake supper at Flapjacks, 3401 Winfield Dunn Parkway in Kodak. $5; children under 3 free. Benefits Boys & Girls Club Kodak, Northview Optimist Club, and Safe Harbor CAC. Tickets $5, under age 3, free. 654-7723.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m., First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 908-1245.

wedneSDAY, MAY 5 Middle Creek UMC

Worship services 6:30 p.m., Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. 216-2066.

$25 to Tennessee State Bank, c/o Mollie Zigelnik, P.O. Box 1260, Pigeon Forge 37868. Four-member teams. Proceeds benefit Relay For Life.

Pancake Breakfast

Evergreen PCA pancake meal 5-7 p.m., 1103 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville. $5. Proceeds help pay for Pastor Brad Bradford’s kidney transplant.

ThurSDAY, MAY 6 Legion Gatlinburg

American Legion Post 202, by post office in Gatlinburg, 6:30 p.m. 599-1187.

Hot Meals

Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 908-1245.

Right To Life

Sevier County Right to Life meets at 5:30 p.m. at Pigeon Forge Library. Billie Jean Peattie of Women’s Care Center to discuss mission trip to Kenya. Bruce Boudin to discuss family planning/adoption. 908-2689 or 908-1968.


Gatlinburg-Pittman High School presents “A Flea in Her Ear,” written by George Feydeau with adaptations by Jeff Ginn, 7 p.m. May 6 and 7, auditorium.

Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:15-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church in Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist Church in Kodak. 933-5996.

Church Yard Sale

Women’s Bible Study

Kindness Counts

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room


TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.

Day of Prayer

n Sevier County National Day of Prayer 9-10 a.m., courthouse. n National Day of Prayer, noon-12:45 p.m. at Smoky Mountain Christian Church, 125 South Blvd, Sevierville. 453-6031.

APPL Movies

Recently released movies on wide screen, 6 p.m., Anna Porter Library, Gatlinburg. Free; bring popcorn and soft drinks. 4365588.

Kyle Arrowmont Scholarship has become fully endowed

Living Word Ministries, 111 South Blvd, yard sale, Thursday and Friday, rain or shine.

Submitted report GATLINBURG — Pi Beta Phi Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, announces the Evelyn and Stan Kyle Arrowmont Scholarship is fully endowed. This scholarship supplements the cost of attending a class at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg. The scholarship was made possible through a bequest to Pi Beta Phi Foundation from Evelyn Peters Kyle. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Marianne Reid Wild Society

Mini-Golf Tournament

Women-only tournament 3 p.m., Professor Hacker’s Lost Treasure Golf, Pigeon Forge.

Please Vote For

Howard "Howey" Reagan, Jr.

For Sevier County Mayor Cell: (865) 659-7379

Early Voting: April 14-29, 2010 Election Date: May 4th, 2010 Paid for by: Howard “Howey” Reagan, Candidate

Scholarship; Helen AndersonLewisScholarship; Margaret Marshall Wood Nashville Alumnae Club Scholarship; and Evelyn and Stan Kyle Scholarship. Foundation scholarship applications to attend Arrowmont should be submitted two months prior to the date of the applicant’s preferred course. To apply online or for more information about the scholarships available, visit For more information about available classes at Arrowmont, visit www.

friDAY, MAY 7 Kindness Counts meets 7 p.m. at Sevierville IHOP. 654-2684.

Cruisin’ and Groovin’ set for May 15 Submitted report

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m., First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 908-1245.

JOY Club

Pigeon Forge Community Center Just Older Youth Club; bingo 10:30 a.m.; lunch 11:30. Bring covered side dishes. 429-7373.

New Hope Church

New Hope Church and Adams Group Productions free live recording featuring actors and Christian comedians David A.R. White, Brad Stine, Tommy Blaze, 6 p.m.

DANDRIDGE — Cruisin’ and Groovin’, an event welcoming classic and special interest vehicles, is set for May 15 in downtown Dandridge. Scheduled to kick off at 9 a.m., activities will include the opportunity to see classic and collectible cars, a swap meet, a pet parade, and more. The event will end with a Music on the Town block party beginning at 6 p.m., featuring Scott Ramsey and The Brotherhood of Jazz, One Step Up, and GRITS from Dumplin Valley on stage behind Dandridge 2nd location in the Gatlinburg Space Needle!

May Tea

Gatlinburg Garden Club May tea, 2-4 p.m. at home of Tracy and Sam Large.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m., First Smoky Mountain

The BEST NY Style Pizza and homemade Italian Food in Town!

Come in and enjoy our cozy, family atmosphere. Pizza lunch buffet weekdays 11:30 am - 2 pm Daily discounts and specials Delivering to Pigeon Forge 865-365-1218

Located at The Howard Johnson’s on the Northbound PF Parkway between lights 3 & 4. American Owned and Operated.

Town Hall. Visitors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets. The cruise-in is being sponsored by Dandridge Merchant and Professional Association. Dandridge is located one mile off I-40 at

Exit 417. Admission and parking for Cruisin’ and Groovin’ and the Music on the Town are free. Swap meet booth spaces are available for $20. For more information or to reserve a booth space, call (865) 397-0080.





I will use my experience in business and leadership to benefit our district and all of Sevier County.


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Ripley’s Attractions

40th Anniversary! In cooperation with Ripley’s Attractions, The Mountain Press will publish a special tab section commemorating Ripley’s 40th Anniversary. Show your support by joining us in this spectacular section.

Extension Birthday

UT Extension Home Demonstration Club 100 Year Celebration, 2-3:30 p.m. at UT Extension Office, Sevier County. 453-3695 for more information.

for planned giving. She left an unrestricted bequest to the foundation, including a provision for an endowed scholarship to attend classes at Arrowmont. To make the scholarship available immediately, Pi Beta Phi Foundation’s Board of Trustees designated additional funds to the scholarship. The scholarship will provide funds into perpetuity. Pi Beta Phi Foundation offers the following Arrowmont scholarships: C.A. Eckel Edwards Nashville Alumnae Club Scholarship; Hesperia Aylsworth Henderson

Ad Rates: 1/8 Page: $95 1/4 Page: $175 1/2 Page: $325 Full Page: $500 Back Page: $750 (Includes Full Color) Inside Back/Inside Front: $625 (Includes Full Color) Double Truck: $1,500 (Includes Full Color) This section will publish and insert: Monday, May 24, 2010 Advertising Deadline: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Contact you Account Executive at 865-428-0748.

Local/State◆ A3

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press

Music City swamped 16 dead in state; Nashville braces for more flooding By CHRIS TALBOTT Associated Press Writer NASHVILLE — Nashville braced for more deaths Monday as the flooded Cumberland River continued to swell, sending muddy water rushing through neighborhoods and into parts of the historic heart of Music City after a destructive line of weekend storms killed 22 people in Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky. The flash floods caught the city off-guard, and thousands of residents and tourists were forced to flee homes and hotels as the river rapidly spilled over its banks. Using motor boats, jet skis and canoes, authorities and volunteers rescued residents trapped in flooded homes on Monday, some which looked like islands surround by dark brown river water. Country music’s landmark, The Grand Ole Opry House, was flooded with several feet of water, forcing managers to seek alternate space for upcoming shows. It wasn’t clear how much water was in the concert hall, which is part of the large Gaylord Opryland Hotel complex along the river northeast of downtown, but at least 10 feet of water flooded the nearby hotel. The downtown — home of a historic warehouse district that dates back to the 1800s and is now occupied by bars and restaurants — was nearly deserted after authorities evacuated the area. Floodwater spilled into some streets near the riverfront, and restaurants and bars in the warehouse district were closed. Water seeped into a mechanical room in the basement of the Country Music Hall of Fame, though it was not immediately clear if there was any damage. Two blocks away, the historic Ryman Auditorium, longtime former home of the Grand Ole Opry, was in no immediate danger nor were many of the country music recording studios, located about a mile west of downtown. On the east side of the river at LP Field, where the Tennessee Titans play, water covered the field and surrounding parking lot. “It’s shocking to see it this way, but it was an incredible storm,” Mayor Karl Dean said as he surveyed the downtown flooding on Monday. The Cumberland River was expected to crest Monday night at about 12 feet above flood stage, and officials worried they may find more bodies in the rising floodwaters. Thousands of people took refuge overnight in emergency shelters, including about 1,500 guests at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel who spent the night at a high school to escape the flooding. The resort’s hotel, located northeast of downtown along the river, had “significant water” inside and would remain closed indefinitely, said hotel spokeswoman Kim Keelor. A lifesized Elvis statue, missing his guitar, was laying on its back in the parking lot of the Wax Museum of the Stars near Opryland Hotel. German tourists Gerdi

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Associated Press

Water floods the inside of the Cascades portico of the Opryland Hotel on Monday in Nashville. All of about 1,500 guests were evacuated overnight from the hotel northeast of downtown. and Kurt Bauerle, both 70, said resort staff suddenly started rushing people out of the area Sunday night. “We had just finished eating and suddenly they said: ’Go! Go! Go!”’ said Gerdi Bauerle, who was visiting from Munich. “And we said ’Wait, we haven’t even paid.”’ Lucy Owens, 46, said she had followed directions to stay inside with her 21-yearold son at their home near Opryland when she heard her neighborhood was being evacuated Sunday night. She and her son tried to escape in her truck, but she couldn’t even drive to her mailbox because the water was so high. She said she screamed for help and a police officer came and took her and son to a point where a boat could rescue them. By then, water was up to her ribcage. “I got no notice. No one said nothing about evacuating. I did what they said and stayed put. I didn’t get out. I didn’t drive. Then it just all happened so fast,” she said. Floodwaters swallowed up hundreds of homes including 45-year-old Lisa Blackmon’s in the suburb of Bellevue on the west side of Nashville. Water was up to her knees inside her house when a neighbor rushed her out Sunday. Blackmon said she feared she had nothing left in her home. She said she had no flood insurance and lost her job at a trucking company last December. “I know God doesn’t give

us more than we can take,” she said. “But I’m at my breaking point.” The Cumberland flooded quickly after the weekend’s storms dumped more than 13 inches of rain in Nashville over two days. That nearly doubled the previous record of 6.68 inches of rain that fell in the wake of Hurricane Fredrick in 1979. Sixteen storm deaths are confirmed in Tennessee as floodwaters from the Cumberland River in Nashville near their crest. Half of those were in Nashville, where two additional bodies were discovered Monday, bringing

the total storm fatalities in Music City to eight. A body was discovered in a wooded area outside a Nashville supermarket in the wealthy area of Belle Meade, city spokeswoman Gwen Hopkins said. Additionally, a woman was found dead in a home on Hummingbird Drive in the Bordeaux area of town. Hopkins said both deaths were flood related. Gov. Phil Bredesen said Monday afternoon after touring the hardest hit areas in the state that all but one death was storm related. He also said all interstates had reopened in the aftermath of more than 13 inches of rain over the weekend in Nashville. Mayor Karl Dean called on Nashville residents to use water only for cooking and drinking because one of the two water treatment plants is flooded. Three of the people killed in Mississippi died when high winds believed to be tornados hit their homes; the other three were killed in weather-related traffic accidents. Four weatherrelated deaths were also reported in Kentucky, including one man whose truck ran off the road and into a flooded creek. Bredesen got a bird’s eye view of the flooding damage during a helicopter tour of the area on Monday. As he crossed the Tennessee River and neared the hard-hit area of Madison County, flood waters were so deep that the tops of trees made the land looked like islands. The Cumberland River already reached record levels since an early 1960s flood control project was put in place. With so much water inundating its tributaries, it was difficult to gauge whether the river would stop at 50 feet deep, or 11 feet above flood stage.

ARRESTS Editor’s Note: The following information was taken from the intake reports at the Sevier County Jail. All people listed within this report are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. u Johnny Joe Atchley, 39, of 421 Belle Ave. in Sevierville, was charged May 2 with public intoxication. He was released on $250 bond. u Rebecca Sue Callahan, 32, of 4260 Conner Drive in Pigeon Forge, was charged May 2 with possession of a schedule IV substance, possession of a schedule II substance, DUI, driving on a suspended license and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was released on $7,500 bond. u David Von Cardwell, 38, of 3409 Old Mountain Road in Sevierville, was charged May 2 with public intoxication. He was released on $250 bond. u Timothy Michael Carver, 26, of Greenback, Tenn., was charged May 2 with a third violation of probation and a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Ralph Christian Casteel, 37, of 1720 Raulhuff Hollow Road in Sevierville, was charged May 3 with being a fugitive from justice. He was being held. u Jose Enrique Corea Jacome, 41, of 451 Mill Creek Road in Pigeon Forge, was charged May 2 with driving without a license, financial responsibility law and traffic violations. He was being held in lieu of $1,500 bond. u Jeffery Lynn Cornett, 41, of Strawberry Plains, was charged May 2 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Gary Joseph Crabtree, 18, of 2639 Walden Creek Road in Sevierville, was charged April 30 with financial responsibility law, speeding and driving on a suspended license. He was released on $1,500 bond. u Kristi Renee Dyke, 24, of 1103 Ten Pointe Lane in Sevierville, was charged May 1 with fraud: forged

prescription and criminal trespass. She was being held in lieu of $10,000 bond. u William Lee Hewell, 25, of 1617 Herman Large Lane in Sevierville, was charged May 1 with domestic violence assault and public intoxication. He was released on $3,000 bond. u Kye Kendra Hostetler, 24, of 278 Beech branch Road in Gatlinburg, was charged May 1 with driving while revoked and traffic violations. She was released. u Robin Renee Hunter, 32, of Dalton, Ga., was charged May 2 with public intoxication. She was released on $250 bond. u Jason Aaron Lee, 31, of Knoxville, was charged May 2 with domestic violence assault. He was being held. u Cheyenne Wayne Lowe, 30, of 3301 Nunns Cove Road in Sevierville, was charged May 3 with driving on a suspended license. He was released on $1,500 bond. u Stephen R. Odell, 57, of 2221 Newman Road #9 in Gatlinburg, was charged May 3 with aggravated assault. He was being held. u Jeremiah Creed Proffitt, 32, of 2030 Mountain Spring Way in Sevierville, was charged May 2 with public intoxication. He was released on $250 bond. u Adam Joe Rayfield, 31, of 230 Old Zion Hill Road in Seymour, was charge May 1 with violation of probation and general theft. He was being held. u Jonathan Michael Roberts, 28, of Crandall, Ga., was charged May 2 with public intoxication. He was released on $250 bond. u Matthew Ryan Smith, 29, of Kingston, Tenn., was charged May 2 with DUI, traffic violations, seat belt law, violation of open container laws and possession of a controlled substance. He was released. u Foryst Taylor Streett, 20, of Dandrige, was charged May 2 with criminal impersonation. He was being held in lieu of $1,500 bond. u Andrew Michael Swanson, 19, of 80 Kings HIlls Blvd. in Pigeon Forge, was charged April 30 with a circuit court warrant. He was being held.

★★★ Re-Elect ★★★


County Commissioner 1st District Seat B I voted yes to let the public speak at commissions meetings.

Experienced and Qualified Paid for by Candidate

t Elec


STRANGE 3rd District School Board Paid for by Friends to Elect Mark Strange Kellie Strange - Treasurer

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A4 ◆ Local

The Mountain Press ◆ Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Decision day


3From Page A1

In Memoriam

Ina Raycene Atchley LaFollette

Ina Raycene Atchley LaFollette, age 81 of Pigeon Forge, passed away Saturday, May 1, 2010, at UT Medical Center. She was born May 14, 1928. Mrs. LaFollette was a loving wife, mother and grandmother, and a friend to all that knew her. She will be deeply missed by all. She was a lifelong member of Henderson’s Chapel Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband of 49 years Ralph LaFollette; parents Dewey and June Atchley; brothers Ralph and David Atchley; brothers-inlaw and sisters-in-law Ruth and Vernon Fain, Dee LaFollette, Earl and Edith LaFollette, Burl LaFollette, Irene LaFollette. Survivors include her loving son Eugene LaFollette; grandson: Christian Luther “C.L.” LaFollette; sisters and brothers-in-law Ivagene and Billy Lindsey, Leevena and Charles Lundy; brotherin-law Dayne LaFollette; sisters-in-law Sedith and Beulah LaFollette; special sister-in-law Dorothy Fain; a host of nieces, nephews and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Henderson Chapel Baptist Church, Building Fund, 407 Henderson Road, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37863. Funeral service 7 p.m. Wednesday in the West Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with Rev. Tom Compton officiating. Family and friends will meet 11 a.m. Thursday in Shiloh Cemetery for interment. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Wednesday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n

In Memoriam

James R. Miller

James R. Miller passed away on Tuesday April 27, 2010, at 11:10 p.m. Cause of death was a causal motorcycle ride ruined by a drunk driver. He is survived by his beloved wife, Betty Miller; daughter, Sabrina; brothers; sisters; mother; and four stepchildren along with their children. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday May 8, 2010, at the Miller ’s residence, 1044 Bradley Court, Kodak, TN, from 5-8 p.m. Rest in peace we love you. Arrangements by Cremation Options, Inc. (865) 6WE-CARE (693-2273) n

In Memoriam

Jeff Harlon King, Sr, age 58 of Sevierville, passed away Friday, April 30, 2010. Survivors: son, Jeff Harlon King, Jr.; grandchildren, T.J. King, Jeremy King, and Teryn Burns; great-grandchild, Wade Burns; mother, Ethel King; brother, Eddie King and wife Barbara; sisters, Donna Parton, Wanda Tun, Barbara Hatcher, Sharon Bogle, and Connie Ownby; nephews, Harlon King, Travis Parton, and Jimmy Brackins; niece, Rebecca King. Family and friends will gather at noon Wednesday at Metcalf Bottoms in Jeff’s memory.

Dorothy D. Walker, 63 of Sevierville, died May 1, 2010, at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville. Survivors: daughters Mary Ann Jaimes and husband, Macario; Brenda Lee Sappington and husband Tommy; brother and sister-in-law Charles and Mary Sue Parton; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Services 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at Rawlings Funeral Home in Sevierville with Brother W. H. Burcham officiating. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 2010, prior to the service n

Maxine Manning Maxine Manning, 73 of Sevierville, died Saturday, May 1, 2010. She was born April 27, 1937. Survivors: husband of 53 years, Herbert Manning; sons and daughters-in-law, Michael and Wilma Manning, David and Sheila Manning; daughter and son-in-law, Susan and Tim Dixon; five grandchildren; brother, Theron Bohanan; sisters, Sharon Justus and husband Sam, Darlene Parsons.

Five Oaks Tire & Service 1425 Parkway (865) 453-3469

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3From Page A1

inches recorded at Knoxville’s McGhee Tyson Airport by lunchtime Monday, National Weather Service Meteorologist Lyle Wilson said. While Wilson and the folks at the federal agency’s Morristown office got some scattered reports of waterways overflowing their banks, they weren’t concerned enough to extend a flood warning that covered East Tennessee through the day. “There weren’t a whole lot of reports of flooding in our area, just a few streets closed here and there,” Wilson said. “There were no significant incidents that I know of.” Fortunately, while the storm dumped recordsetting rain here, it looked far different than when it visited areas such as Arkansas, where it spawned deadly tornadoes, and Nashville, where it created those Chapter 7 •

Memorial contributions may be made to the Sevier County Erica Manning 4H Camp Memorial Scholarship Fund, 752 Old Knoxville Highway, Sevierville, TN 37862. Family and friends will meet 11 a.m. Tuesday at Jones Chapel Cemetery for graveside service and interment with the Rev. Tim Dixon officiating. The family received friends Monday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n

record floods. More than 20 people were killed across four states through the weekend and the system rumbled through. The rains brought the Cumberland River up into city streets across Nashville and to the level of threatening some of the well-known parts of Music City. Emergency crews evacuated businesses and visitors in areas like the north end of Broadway, home to a number of famous bars and clubs. At least 11 people were killed by the flooding in Tennessee alone, six of those in Nashville. After more than 13

inches fell on the area over the weekend, more than double the previous 48-hour record total, the Cumberland was projected to crest Monday afternoon at 11 feet above flood stage. Officials worried there may yet be more bodies discovered as the water recedes in the coming days. It seems to have just been a twist of fate that dealt Middle Tennessee the cruel blow while sparing areas like Sevier County. For some reason weather officials have not yet determined, the storm system stalled out to some extent over the weekend. “The problem over in that area is the front kind

of hung up and it just continued to hammer the same areas with rain for several days,” Wilson said. “It dumped some heavy rains here, but it moved right out pretty quickly so it wasn’t as bad in this area.” Despite the more than two inches the storm brought to East Tennessee, the area remains at a deficit for moisture compared to normal amounts. The year-to-date total for precipitation stood at 16.99 inches by Monday afternoon, more than an inch below the typical 18.16 inches.



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will face no more than two party-aligned choices in any given district. Independent candidates do not run in a primary and, thus, won’t appear on today’s ballot. Meanwhile, the Republican Party, which has dominated Sevier County politics for more than a century and a half, fielded a full slate of candidates, with many of those likely to face no opposition come August. Additionally, many of the candidates on today’s ballot have no registered challengers. Among the posts that have raised a contested race on the Republican ballot are county mayor; constable for Seats 1A, 2B and 3A; and County Commission for Seats 1B, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4C, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B and 10B.

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incumbent if they choose to. This will likely be one of the last times, and perhaps the very last primary, voters will use the balloting machines the county adopted only a few years ago after a change in federal law. Another switch by lawmakers has mandated the use of equipment that can create a paper trail of the vote, it seems forcing the end of the local use of ES&S’s iVotronic touch screen systems. Voters in the Democratic primary won’t find a single contested race on their ballots, with only one candidate qualifying in the four contests that drew interest there — those for sheriff, and commissioner in Seat 8A, Seat 10A and Seat 11A. With Tennessee law requiring that writein candidates qualify the same as any other aspirant, Democratic voters


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Flynn couldn’t find one reason to attribute the low numbers to, though several candidates have remarked on how quiet the campaigns have been. She’s optimistic things may pick up a bit today, though. “Tomorrow may be different,” Flynn said Monday afternoon. “You never can tell what will happen.” Election Commission workers were busy making final preparations Monday, with a training and swearing-in for poll workers capping off the busy days leading up to today’s vote. “We’re still getting the last few things together, but we’re going to be all ready for tomorrow,” Flynn said.

For voters, this election will mark some firsts and some lasts. This is the first time the county has divided up races for the commission posts based on seats. What that means is positions on the board in each of the county’s 11 districts will be assigned a letter – for instance, District 1’s Seat A and Seat B – and voters will be asked to vote in two races in each district, rather than picking their top two candidates out of one pot. The move won’t mean any redrawing of voting maps, with every voter in each district asked to pick in the two or three races on the ballot. The change comes after the current commissioners voted late last year to assign the seats, forcing them to choose which they want to run for and giving challengers the chance to target a specific

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Money/Nation ◆ A5

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press

Natural gas leak repaired

stock exchange highlights


Crews with the Sevierville Police Department, Sevierville Fire Department and Sevier County Utility District (SCUD) were called to respond to a natural gas leak sprung when someone working in a yard on Rivegate Drive struck a pipe. Fortunately, the gas was quickly shut off and the line was repaired, with the road remaining closed through that process.


Derek Hodges/The Mountain Press

Att’n shoppers: Spill could affect you NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The calamitous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico isn’t just a mess for the people who live or work on the coast. If you drink coffee, eat shrimp, like bananas or plan to buy a new set of tires, you could end up paying more because of the disaster. The slick has forced the shutdown of the gulf’s rich fishing grounds and could also spread to the busy shipping lanes at the

mouth of the Mississippi River, tying up the cargo vessels that move millions of tons of fruit, rubber, grain, steel and other commodities and raw materials in and out of the nation’s interior. Though a total shutdown of the shipping lanes is unlikely, there could be long delays if vessels are forced to wait to have their oil-coated hulls powerwashed to avoid contaminating the Mississippi.

Some cargo ships might choose to unload somewhere else in the U.S. That could drive up costs. “Let’s say it gets real bad. It gets blocked off and they don’t let anything in. They lose time, and they are very concerned about that,” said river pilot Michael Lorino. “It’s going to be very costly if they have to unload that cargo in another port and ship it back here because it was destined for here.” When a tanker and a

tugboat collided near New Orleans two years ago, oil cascaded down the river and some 200 ships stacked up, unable to move for several days while the Coast Guard had the vessels scrubbed. Millions of dollars were lost. Several river boat pilots said the edge of the oil slick Monday was 15 to 20 miles off the Southwest Pass, where ships headed to New Orleans enter the Mississippi.

Owner says he sold bomb SUV 3 weeks ago NEW YORK (AP) — The registered owner of an SUV that was parked in Times Square and rigged with a crude propane-andgasoline bomb told investigators he sold the vehicle to a stranger for cash three weeks ago, a law enforcement official said Monday. The owner, who lives in Connecticut, was questioned Sunday about his sale of the dark-colored 1993 Nissan Pathfinder to

a man he did not know, the official told The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation into the botched bombing is at a sensitive stage. Officials say the owner, whose name has not been released, is not considered a suspect in the bomb scare. But the revelation of the sale leads authorities one step closer to whomever was aiming for mass

carnage on a busy Saturday night in the heart of Times Square and achieved only streets emptied for hours of thousands of tourists. New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne confirmed Monday that investigators had spoken to the registered owner, declining to comment further. The vehicle identification number had been removed from Pathfinder’s dash-

board, but it was stamped on the engine and axle, and investigators used it to find the owner of record. Two law enforcement officials familiar with the probe said investigators considered the vehicle’s history one of the best chances for cracking the case. The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because the probe is at a sensitive stage.


from the Senior Center to LeConte Medical Center and a new traffic control system, both of which Hendrix said he would bring back to the board when more revenues are available. The board also heard a request from the Chamber of Commerce to continue working with the state on

a tourism advertising campaign for Sevierville, and reviewed the budget for the Department of Parks and Recreation, where the major new spending item is a plan to limit entry to the Community Center to a single entrance. That plan will likely include a small membership fee or some means

of admitting members and controlling entry by people who don’t have the right to be there, Director Bob Parker said. The proposed plan is a response to requests to improve security at the center.

3From Page A1

are signs for optimism in Sevierville’s economy — just not enough for the city to immediately start making less conservative projections for increased revenues. Still, he said, there are enough positive signs to tentatively include a 2 percent “cost of living” adjustment for employees effective Jan. 1. That is included in the budget currently, but must be approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen before taking effect. Aldermen indicated they would revisit the matter in November. Hendrix also praised staff for the cuts they made as they reviewed the budget before presenting it to the board. Before the mayor and aldermen reviewed it, they cut $1.3 million worth of requests from it. Several items that have been discussed in recent months remain on hold and were not included in the budget, Hendrix said. That includes a new trolley route that would run

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stocks of local interest


aflac inc 51.43 alcoa inc 13.15 alcatel lucent 3.12 allstate corp 33.04 altria group inc 21.40 apple inc 266.35 at&t inc 26.28 Bank of america 18.06 BB&t corp 34.17 Boeing co 74.39 Bristol-myers 25.13 cracker Barrel 51.41 chevron corp 82.83 cisco systems inc 27.54 coca-cola co 53.76 coneDison inc 45.73 Duke energy corp 16.93 eastman chemical 67.47 exxon moBil corp 67.84 first horizon 14.27 forD motor co 13.30 forwarD air corp 29.29 gaylorD ent 29.93 general electric co19.26 home Depot inc 35.87 iBm 129.60 intel corp 23.26


Chg %Chg


0.47 0.92% -0.28 -2.08% -0.05 -1.58% 0.37 1.13% 0.21 0.99% 5.26 2.01% 0.22 0.84% 0.23 1.29% 0.93 2.80% 1.96 2.71% -0.18 -0.71% 2.04 4.13% 1.39 1.71% 0.61 2.27% 0.31 0.58% 0.53 1.17% 0.15 0.89% 0.55 0.82% 0.07 0.10% 0.12 0.85% 0.28 2.15% 1.27 4.53% -3.82 -11.32% 0.40 2.12% 0.64 1.82% 0.60 0.47% 0.42 1.84%

Jc penney co inc 30.09 Jpmorgan chase 43.53 kellogg co 54.74 kraft fooDs inc 29.90 kroger co 22.74 mcDonalD’s corp 71.42 micron technology 9.89 microsoft corp 30.86 motorola inc 7.10 oracle corp 26.01 philip morris 49.42 pfizer inc 16.91 procter & gamBle 62.68 regions financial 8.84 sears holDings 122.36 sirius xm raDio inc 1.23 spectra energy 23.74 speeDway mtrspts 16.60 sprint nextel corp 4.31 sunoco inc 32.88 suntrust Banks 30.44 tanger outlet 42.66 time warner inc 33.88 tractor supply co 67.93 trw automotive 33.34 wal-mart stores 53.74 yahoo! inc 16.95



Chg %Chg

0.92 0.95 -0.20 0.30 0.51 0.83 0.54 0.33 0.03 0.14 0.34 0.19 0.52 0.00 1.41 0.05 0.40 0.35 0.06 0.10 0.84 1.06 0.80 0.76 1.13 0.10 0.42

3.15% 2.23% -0.36% 1.01% 2.29% 1.18% 5.78% 1.06% 0.42% 0.55% 0.69% 1.14% 0.84% 0.03% 1.17% 4.46% 1.71% 2.15% 1.47% 0.31% 2.84% 2.55% 2.42% 1.13% 3.51% 0.19% 2.54%


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A6 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Tuesday, May 4, 2010

sunrise in the smokies

TODAY’S Briefing Local n


Roe staffers to meet constituents

U.S. Rep. Phil Roe will send staff to hold office hours in Sevier County. The staff will be here from 9-11 a.m. today and May 18 at the Sevier County Sheriff’s Department. Roe’s staff will be available to assist 1st District constituents. n


Webb, Ogle to be recognized

The Gatlinburg Fine Arts Festival’s special “Night With The Artist Party” on May 14 at Mills Auditorium costs $50, which is returned in the form of a money voucher redeemable at any artist’s booth over the weekend. This year’s winner of the GFAF 2010 Achievement Award is G. Webb, a Gatlinburg watercolorists. The GFAF also will hono Jean Ogle, a patron of the arts. The party serves as a major fundraiser for Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, the Sevier County Arts Council and the Gatlinburg Boys & Girls Club. n


Courthouse to be closed today

The Sevier County Courthouse will be closed for the election today. The courthouse will reopen on Wednesday. n


Child safety seat inspections set

The Sevierville Police Department has scheduled a child car safety seat checkpoint from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Cash One, 741 Dolly Parton Parkway. Certified officers will be available to perform inspections of the seats, demonstrate proper installation techniques and offer general assistance. In addition, parents may also come to the station at 300 Gary Wade Blvd. for a seat inspection, when a technician is available. Call 4535507 in advance to ensure that a technician is on duty. n

Lottery Numbers

Country star Chely Wright comes out NASHVILLE (AP) — The speculation is over, the rumors confirmed: The star coming out in this week’s People magazine is country singer Chely Wright, the first artist to rock her conservative-leaning genre with such news. “Nothing in my life has been more magical than the moment I decided to come out. I hid everything for my music,” Wright tells People. The 39-year-old songstress behind the hit ‘Single White Female’ was raised in the South in “a community in which homosexuality was shunned.” Wright was hesitant to make the announcement for many years. “There had never, ever been a coun-

try music artist who had acknowledged his or her homosexuality,” she says in People’s story, on newsstands Friday. “I wasn’t going to be the first.” Wright recordWright ed ‘Hard to Be a Husband, Hard to Be a Wife’ with Brad Paisley, to whom she was once romantically linked. The announcement is part of a big week for Wright: Her memoir, ‘Like Me,’ and her first record in five years, ‘Lifted off the Ground,’ will both hit stores.

Murder hearing delayed

FAYETTEVILLE (AP) — A court hearing in southern Tennessee for a man charged with five murders has been postponed by flooding around Nashville where he is in custody at the Riverbend Maximum Security Institution. The scheduled Tuesday hearing in Fayetteville on a change of venue motion filed by attorneys for Jacob Shaffer has been delayed to May 18. Shaffer’s estranged wife, Tracie, her teenage son, father, brother and a teenage neighbor were slain in two homes in Lincoln County in July 2009. Shaffer is also the suspect in the fatal beating of a man in Huntsville, Ala.


At 7 p.m. today, the group Home Fire, a homeschool drama team, will present “The Story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz,” written and directed by Sabrina Gray. The free performance will be held at Victory Baptist Church, located across from the Walter State campus. For more information e-mail to Selahmercy@ or contact Sabrina Gray at 258-9424.


Tennessee Lottery office closed

Due to weather conditions, the Tennessee Lottery’s Nashville headquarters office is closed. Per its Disaster Recovery Plan, for Monday, May 3, the Lottery will use the numbers drawn by other lotteries on the following schedule: Midday drawings for CASH 3 and CASH 4 will use the numbers drawn for those same games by the Kentucky Lottery. Evening drawings for CASH 3 and CASH 4 will use the numbers drawn for those same games by the Michigan Lottery. Monday night’s PICK 5 drawing will use the numbers drawn for that same game by the New York Lottery. The Mountain Press regrets the inconvenience.

Monday, May 3, 2010 Midday: 0-6-6 Evening: NA

Midday: 9-4-5-9 Evening: NA


This day in history Today is Tuesday, May 4, the 124th day of 2010. There are 241 days left in the year.


Wind 5-10

Chance of rain 0%

■ Wednesday Sunny


Today’s highlight:

On this date:

In 1932, mobster Al Capone, convicted of income-tax evasion, entered the federal penitentiary in Atlanta.

High: 85° Low: 55° ■ Thursday Sunny

High: 85° Low: 58°


Ten years ago:

The “ILOVEYOU” e-mail virus infected computer networks and hard drives across the globe, spawning various imitations.

■ Lake Stages: Douglas: xxxx


■ Air Quality Forecast: Primary Pollutant: xxx Mountains: xxx Valley: xxx Cautionary Health Message: xxx

world quote roundup “Now when there’s a hurricane, we know it’s going to level things, devastate things, be a huge mess and it’s going to take several years to clean up. But this? It’s going to kill the wildlife, it’s going to kill lifestyles — the shrimpers, the fishermen, tourism. Who’s going to come to an oil-covered beach?” — Dana Powell, manager of the Paradise Inn in Pensacola Beach, Fla., on the impact of the oil rig explosion

“Regrettably, the government of the United States has not only used nuclear weapons, but also continues to threaten to use such weapons against other countries, including Iran.” — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the United Nations’ first day of a monthlong conference reviewing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

“We had just finished eating and suddenly they said: ’Go! Go! Go!”’ And we said ’Wait, we haven’t even paid.” — German tourist Gerdi Bauerle, who was eating at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville when heavy storms ripped through the area Saturday

The Mountain Press (ISSN 0894-2218) Copyright 2008 The Mountain Press. All Rights Reserved. All property belongs to The Mountain Press and no part may be reproduced without prior written consent. Published daily by The Mountain Press. P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN, 37864, 119 River Bend Dr., Sevierville, TN 37876. Periodical Postage paid at Sevierville, TN.

Locally a year ago:

On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire during an antiwar protest at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others. (Two of the students who died, Allison Krause and Jeffrey Miller, had been participating in the demonstration while the other two, Sandra Scheuer and William Schroeder, were passersby en route to their next classes.)

High: 82° Low: 55°

Publisher: Jana Thomasson Editor: Stan Voit Production Director: Tom McCarter Advertising Director: Joi Whaley Business Manager: Mary Owenby Circulation Distribution Manager: Will Sing


The Soldier’s Quilt will be present again this year in Friday’s Dollywood Parade. Soldiers are invited to ride on the float and should be in camos or dress uniforms. Line up no later than 5 p.m.




Monday, May 3, 2010



Homeschoolers to present play


top state news


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Five years ago:

A military judge at Fort Hood, Texas, threw out Pfc. Lynndie England’s guilty plea to abusing Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, saying he was not convinced the Army reservist knew her actions were wrong at the time. (England was later convicted in a court-martial and sentenced to three years in prison — she served half that time.) n

Thought for today:

“The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be.” — Laotzu (low dzu), Chinese philosopher (c.604-531 B.C.).

Celebrities in the news n

Helen Wagner

NEW YORK (AP) — Actress Helen Wagner, who played mild-mannered Nancy Hughes on the CBS soap opera “As the World Turns” for more than a halfcentury and spoke its first words, has died at age 91. Wagner She died Saturday, said the show’s New York-based production company, TeleNext Media Inc., which didn’t say where she died or what was the cause of her death. Wagner opened “As the World Turns” when it premiered on April 2, 1956, with the words: “Good morning, dear.” She held the Guinness World Record for playing the same role on television for the longest amount of time, 54 years, TeleNext Media said.

Mountain Views

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” —United States Constitution, Amendment One

■ The Mountain Press ■ Page A7 ■ Tuesday, May 4, 2010


President’s failure to communicate Anthony Trollope’s Victorian novel “He Knew He Was Right” is a tragic tale of how much damage a good man can do to himself, his wife and his family, simply by refusing to accept input from those around him. No one is more intolerable than the guy who believes that he’s always right. It’s a mind-set that makes learning from experience almost impossible. President Obama is a man whom Americans see as easy-going, likable, honest and straightforward, polls show. But he is leading his party and our country into a tragicomic fall by his stubborn refusal to acknowledge, process or credit the point of view of those who disagree with him. Obama is patronizing and condescending in a way that only Harvard can explain or tolerate. (And I say that as a Yalie myself!) Consider the interview Obama gave to The New York Times in which he shrugs off any suggestion that the American people might not like what he has done in office. Papa, he says, really does know best. “I think the core decisions we’ve made have been the right ones,” he said. “What I have not done as well as I would have liked to is to consistently communicate to the general public why we’re making some of the decisions. Because we’ve been so rushed over the course of the last year and a half, just issue after issue and crisis after crisis, we haven’t been as effective.” Yes, Mr. President, what we have here is a spectacular failure to communicate. But, I don’t mean that you are not communicating with the American people. The Democrats have transformed themselves — under Obama’s leadership — into the party that knows they are right, and we are wrong. And you, Mr. President, communicate that opinion with extreme clarity. With all due respect, Mr. President, the problem is that communication between you and the people appears to be entirely one-way. Even The New York Times has to concede that Obama is losing steam, not on his personality or communication skills — we still like the guy — but on the issues. “A New York Times/CBS News poll this month showed majority or plurality disapproval of his handling of the economy, health care and the budget deficit,” columnist John Harwood noted in the piece. For the Democrats in Congress the situation is even worse. A new Gallup Poll shows fewer and fewer Americans are willing to self-identify as Democrats on polls. When Obama took office, Democrats outnumbered Republicans 52 percent to 39 percent. Today, as more independents flee the Obamacrat label, the parties are nearly evenly divided: 46 percent to 45 percent. In the “generic ballot” for congressional candidates, Republicans have pulled even with Democrats among registered voters. Looking at individual races, the wave of revulsion at the politics of liberal condescension looks even more fearsome: In Democratic strongholds such as California, Wisconsin, New York, Oregon and Washington state, Democratic incumbents are all polling under 50 percent. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada is polling under 40 percent. When Russ Feingold’s Wisconsin seat is in play, you know you have a political tsunami on your hands. And still the president fearlessly forges on, attempting to take on climate change, immigration and his pre-set agenda of issues, thumbing his handsome nose at what the vast “booboisie” thinks about and cares about. You’ll like our health care plan, once we pass the bill, right? Americans like our politicians principled. The main principle we like them to follow is: Care about what we want more than you care about what you want. The spectacle of an ideologically driven liberalism, stripped by the hard realities of governing of its cloak of faux sheepish moderation and likable bispartisanship that candidate Obama was able to throw around his views, has Americans reaching for the power of the ballot box to restore the balance of power in Washington. Washington has gotten so big and unwieldly, and so dominated by lobbyists and special deals, that there isn’t much the people can do about it — except every once in a while, rise up and throw the bums out. — Maggie Gallagher, president of the National Organization for Marriage, is known for her conservative social policy analysis of social trends and conditions. (C)2009 Maggie Gallagher. Distributed by Universal Press Syndicate.


Difficult choices We need the oil and coal, but we have to accept that tragedies may occur If we are going to rely on oil, coal and other locally obtained fuel to meet our needs, we also have to accept that there will be accidents and tragedies associated. Coal mining is a dangerous business. So, too, is drilling for oil in deep water. The oil spill that will cause devastation to the southern coastline wasn’t a purposeful act, but nonetheless it is tragic and the consequences almost hard to imagine. The beaches where the oil is washing up will be affected for years, maybe decades. The livelihoods of fishermen and others who rely on the Gulf waters and the beaches for a living will lose their jobs and be ruined. The families of the West Virginia and Kentucky coal miners who died in

recent weeks face the loss of the breadwinner, the patriarch of the family, the father and husband. So do the families of the men who died in the oil rig explosion that caused the massive Gulf of Mexico spill. “Drill, baby, drill” is a cute catch phrase, until something like this happens. Then it just becomes crass and unfortunate. For all of the oil rigs throughout the Gulf and the oceans, we will occasionally be faced with a disaster. When an oil rig explodes, it leaves open the hole through which the oil flows. Capping that hole, located miles beneath the surface, is difficult and complicated. Meanwhile the oil keeps spilling at a rate of around 200,000 gallons a day.

From the mouth of the Mississippi River to the Florida Panhandle, more than 6,800 square miles of federal fishing areas were closed for at least 10 days — probably longer. The oil slick also was close to a key shipping lane that feeds goods and materials to the interior of the U.S. by the Mississippi River. We need the oil. We need the coal. The inherent risks in going after those two energy sources are evident in what has happened in recent weeks. We can stop all mining and drilling because of the tragedies, or we can press on with the knowledge that sometimes tragedies will happen. Tough choices for a country that is so dependent on the products.

Political view

Public forum Wyatts grateful for coverage, support during trip to Haiti

Now, I am sorry to say, that Mike and I have not been subscribers to The Mountain Press. After our return from Haiti, when we saw the support we received from you and Editor: in turn the community, we had a change of What a blessing and a joy to be a part of mind and realized we are so blessed in this a community that cares about the people of county with such an professional newspaper. Haiti. The Mountain Press truly cares about this Mike and I want to thank The Mountain community and brings so many together Press for the tremendous amount of supwith their articles about local people. port and coverage you gave us while we From now on, you can count on us to be were serving on a Haitian Earthquake Relief counted among those who not only subscribe Medical Missions Team. There was a huge to The Mountain Press, but we will connect amount of coverage from the time we left with our community by reading it daily. (Jan. 18, 2010) until we returned (Feb. Enclosed is our first payment. 19), with the five outstanding and accurate Mike and I also want to express our gratiarticles you printed. Gail Crutchfield did an tude to AT&T for their generous gift to all “over the top” job. relief workers in Haiti. During our five-week The scope of coverage was astounding. trip, all phone calls to and from the states Whether the choice of pictures, the skillful arranging of words, or the selection of place- and in country were written off. We were able to freely communicate critical informament in the paper — all was done with a tion in country and keep in touch with our spirit of excellence. families back home whether by cell phone, You can’t imagine the encouragement we received while serving the devastated Haitian e-mail or Facebook. What a burden this people. Just to know our caring community lifted emotionally and financially. Let’s give a was behind us with their prayers and finan- Rah! Rah! to AT&T. Mike and Karen Wyatt cial support gave us strength to face never Sevierville ending needs there.

Southern Baptist should be official religion in county

Editor: Prayer in the courthouse is just one small step in the right direction. Now for a giant leap for mankind. The Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments and John 3:16 should be in every classroom and public building. All other civilized nations have their own official religion. Why are we so backwards? We already have an official flower, official tree and an official bug. It seems to me an official religion would be much more important. Since the majority of us are Southern Baptists and it is a true Bible believing religion, then that should be the official one. Attendance should be mandatory just as school is mandatory. It would surely end this gay stuff, divorce, alcoholism, abortion and cure most of the other ills of this sick nation. It would make for a better nation. The Constitution, you say? The Constitution is not God’s word, the Bible is. It’s hoped that the mayor can take that giant leap for mankind. Charles Davis Sevierville

Letters to the editor policy and how to contact us: ◆ We encourage our readers to send letters to the editor. Letters must contain no more than 500 words. No more than one letter per person will be published in a 30-day period. Letters must be neatly printed or typed and contain no libel, plagiarism or personal attacks. All letters are subject to editing for style, length and content. Statements of fact must be attributed to a source for verification. All letters must be signed and contain a phone number and address for verification purposes. No anonymous or unverified letters will be printed. No letters endorsing candidates will be considered. The Mountain Press reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: or MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, The Mountain Press, P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864. For questions, call (865) 428-0748, ext. 214. The Mountain Press and its publishers do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in letters and columns on this page.

Editorial Board:

State Legislators:

Federal Legislators:

◆ Jana Thomasson, Publisher ◆ Stan Voit, Editor ◆ Bob Mayes, Managing Editor ◆ Gail Crutchfield, Community News Editor

◆ Rep. Richard Montgomery

◆ U.S. Sen. Bob Corker

1-800-449-8366 Ext. 1-5981; 207 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville TN 37243

◆ Rep. Joe McCord

(202) 224-3344; 185 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., B40A, Washington, D.C. 20510

◆ U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander

(202) 224-4944; S/H 302, Washington, D.C. 20510

1-800-449-8366 Ext. 1-5481; 207 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville TN 37243

◆ U.S. Rep. Phil Roe

1-800-449-8366 Ext. 10981; 320 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville TN 37243

◆ U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr.

◆ Sen. Doug Overbey

(202) 225-6356; 419 Cannon House Office, Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5435; 2267 Rayburn Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515


Visit: The Mountain View/Purchase Sports & News Photos

■ The Mountain Press ■ A8 ■ Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Regular season district title up for grabs tonight By JASON DAVIS Sports Editor SEVIERVILLE — Sunday night’s torrential rains pushed two crucial district baseball games to tonight, and that’s made for a heck of a night for baseball. Area high school diamond fans would be hard pressed to find a better slate of hardball action than what’s in store for tonight.

Tonight’s baseball games Sevier County at Jefferson County, 5 p.m. Seymour at Morristown West, 6 p.m. Pigeon Forge at Gibbs, 7 p.m.

Three area teams will all square off with district championship hopes on the line. Sevier County and Pigeon Forge can both seal regular season titles with a win, while Seymour needs some help from Jefferson County.

The Smoky Bears, seeking to cement their firstever regular season crown, will travel to face district foe Jefferson County, who they scraped by 6-5 in a game earlier in the year. A win would lock the Bears (10-3 in District 2-AA) in as both regular season

champs and the one-seed for the district tournament. A loss would allow Seymour and Morristown West a chance to stake a claim for co-champs status by winning their headto-head matchup tonight in Morristown, as both teams are a game behind SCHS with a 9-4 mark. The Eagles would love to earn the co-champions title, as they brought with them to 2-AAA a streak of 10 consecutive regular

season titles while they were playing at the AA level. Still, with two wins over the Eagles in the regular season and a likely tiebreaker of Morristown West, the Bears would probably be the one-seed heading into the district tournament later this week regardless of the results of tonight’s games. The one and two seeds of that tourney will host the district matchup, with the one-seed hosting the

championship game. Over in 3-AA the powerhouse Pigeon Forge Tigers will travel to Gibbs tonight to face the Eagles for their district regular-season championship. The Eagles won the team’s only matchup earlier this season 4-0 (see below left for details). See Wednesday’s issue of The Mountain Press for photos and results from all of the games.

McBee headed to China


Tigers square off with Gibbs for first place By COBEY HITCHCOCK Sports Writer KNOXVILLE — The No.1 AA state-ranked Pigeon Forge Tigers hardball team will be going for its third straight regular season district title 7 p.m. tonight at Gibbs Eagles. And although the Tigers dropped a 4-0 decision to the Eagles in March, Pigeon Forge expects a different kind of ball game this time around. “We’ve improved in all three phases since (the loss to Gibbs),” said third-year Pigeon Forge coach Mike Guinn. “And I think especially our hitting is much better.” The Tigers pitching and defense have been there all year en route to their current 26-4 record. Freshman pitcher Wil Crowe leads the team with a 0.43 ERA and a 5-0 record on the mound. But seniors Bret Gallihugh (7-2 record, 0.62 ERA) and Justin Carter (8-1 record, 1.26 ERA) have been the team leaders, shutting down some of the toughest competition on the Tigers schedule this season. “We’re not giving up any runs,” said Guinn. “We’re pitching it very well against some good competition. “Wins are okay, but quality wins are what we’ve been after.” The loss to Gibbs earlier this season was the first district loss Pigeon Forge has suffered since Guinn took the reigns of the program. The Orange-and-Black have rung up 89 wins-and-counting during that nearly three-year span.


The Tigers are currently ranked the No.5 overall baseball team in the state, including a No.1 ranking among AA teams, by the Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association ... the only organization that ranks prep hardball teams in the state. “It’s a big compliment to what we’ve done in the past, and to what we’ve done this year,” said Guinn. “(TBCA) won’t put you up there in the rankings unless you accomplish something.” Last year, the Tigers nearly reached the pinnacle of prep baseball, but a first-day loss at the state tournament left Pigeon Forge fighting for its tournament life en route to a third-place finish at Murfreesboro. That team saw the likes of Adam Guinn, Mark Isaacs, Brandon Wilson, Dale Ferrell, Kasey Hill, Schuyler Carter and Jameson Johnson depart due to graduation, leaving behind the current young Orange-and-Black squad to carry on the winning tradition at Pigeon Forge. According to Guinn, the 2010 edition of the Tigers is ahead of schedule and has a shot to make another run at state this year. “If we keep progressing and getting better, we have a chance,” said Guinn. “Our goal is always pointed toward post season play. The regular season just sets you up for post season play. We’ve just been trying to find right mix all year to get ready for postseason play. “We’ve still got a lot of work to do, but the hay is in the barn and we’ve just got to perform now.”

Jason Davis/The Mountain Press

UT’s Skylar McBee looks up at Wayne Chism during a game in the Rocky Top League last summer at Bearden High School. McBeen will join the Christian group Sports Reach for a basketball tour of China in May.

Vols’ McBee joins team for China trip KNOXVILLE (AP) — Tennessee guard Skylar McBee is part of an 11-player team of current NCAA Division I players that will travel to China for some games this summer. The team is organized by Kentucky-based Christian sports

ministry Sports Reach and will play nine games against teams from the Chinese Basketball Association in May. McBee, a rising sophomore from Rutledge, has traveled on mission trips to Belize and had planned to travel to Haiti this summer until

Tennessee assistant coach Steve Forbes recommended him for the Sports Reach team. A few of his teammates hail from the Volunteers’ biggest rival. Kentucky forward/center Josh Harrelson and guard Jon Hood will also play for the team.

Va. lacrosse player charged in death of female athlete

Second place at Volunteer Classic


Regular season n Seymour at Morristown West, 6 p.m. n G-P at Cumberland Gap n Pigeon Forge at Gibbs, 7 p.m. n SCHS at Jeff County, 5 p.m. Softball

Regular season n Seymour hosts Morristown West Soccer

Regular season n Seymour at Knoxville Central n G-P hosts TKA n Seymour at Knoxville n SCHS hosts Karns Tennis

Regular season n Pigeon Forge at SCHS

Southern League

Regular season n Tennessee Smokies off day Due to rainouts/cancellations, schedules are subject to change without notice.

Photo submitted

The Sevier County Sidewinders 9U team won second place at the USSSA Volunteer Classic in Knoxville from April 23-25. Pictured are (back row, left to right) Billy Archer, Billy Maples and Chris Dey. Players are (middle row) Aaron Buckner, Will Archer, Noah Maples, Dalton Mitchell (bottom row) Cameron Dey, Marcus Whaley, Marcus Joyner, Ben Willcoxon and Nick Caudill.

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — A University of Virginia men’s lacrosse player was charged Monday with first-degree murder in the death of a women’s lacrosse player at the school. George Huguely, 22, of Chevy Chase, Md., was charged in the death of Yeardley Love, 22, of Cockeysville, Md., Charlottesville police said in a news release. Both were fourth-year students. Police were called to an off-campus apartment around 2:15 a.m. Monday about a possible alcohol overdose. Officials have not determined the cause of death but say there were signs of physical trauma. Witnesses told police Huguely and Love were in a relationship. Both highly ranked teams are preparing for the national tournament later this month.

Sports â—† A9

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press


SCOREBOARD t v s p o rt s

The King’s Academy Lions baseball has been in a eightyear drought on the baseball field. That changed Thursday night, as the Lions won 6-4 over visiting the visiting Cosby Eagles. While the Lions hadn’t played hardball since 2001, 14 players signed up to play this season. It hadn’t gone too well for the upstart TKA team, but that changed Thursday. Dylan Hayes struck up 19 for the Lions, while seniors Matt Turner and Dane Hoffmeister paced the squad with three hits each. Babby Ivens and a triple and Hayes a double in the attack.


MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 7 p.m. WGN — Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh NBA BASKETBALL Time TBA TNT — Doubleheader, playoffs, conference semifinals, teams TBD NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference semifinals, teams TBD 10 p.m. VERSUS — Playoffs, conference semifinals, teams TBD

LeConte Sports Medicine free physicals

The Sevier County schools sports screenings were postponed from May 3 to a new date. The new date is 5 to 7 p.m., May 20, at Sevier County High School. The free physicals will also be offered from 5 to 7 p.m. on May 27, also at SCHS. For more information, call Scott Byrd at 429-6584, or look for a press release with more information coming in a future edition of The Mountain Press.

local golf Bent Creek Golf Course Men’s day results through April 28. Championship Flight: 1. Mace Avison 2. Bart Ogle First Flight: 1. Two-way tie between David Waters and U.L. Bolton

New Center boys’ basketball camp

There will be a boys’ basketball camp for all thirdthrough eighth-grade boys on June 1, 2, 3, and 4 from 4:30 to 8 p.m. daily. The cost is $50, and concessions will be available during the camp. For more information, call Brad Loveday at New Center School at 4532123.

p r o h a r db a l l

Golfin’ Barefoot for Kids Bare Feet

National League East Division

There will be a scramble golf tournament at Creekside Golf Course on Wednesday, May 12. All proceeds go to purchase shoes for local schoolchildren in need. A team of four can play for $200. Hole sponsorships are available for $100. Please call Nichole at 453-6101 for more information.

Philadelphia New York Florida Washington Atlanta

W 14 14 13 13 11

L 10 11 12 12 14

Pct GB .583 — .560 1/2 .520 1 1/2 .520 1 1/2 .440 3 1/2

St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati Milwaukee Pittsburgh Houston

W 17 13 12 10 10 8

L 8 13 13 15 15 16

Pct GB .680 — .500 4 1/2 .480 5 .400 7 .400 7 .333 8 1/2

San Diego San Francisco Colorado Arizona Los Angeles

W 16 14 12 11 11

L 9 10 13 14 14

Pct GB .640 — .583 1 1/2 .480 4 .440 5 .440 5

Central Division

Tiger Golf Tournament fundraiser

The 9th Annual Tiger Golf Tournament to fund the Pigeon Forge Middle and High School golf teams as well as The Tiger Golf Club scholarship fund, will be held 1 p.m., May 20, at Gatlinburg Golf Course. Lunch will be provided starting at noon. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams, and individual hole prizes will aslo be given. Participants are needed for either playing, sponsoring a hole, or donating a giveaway item. Contact Johnny Baker at 621-0925 or Chad Owenby at 774-5790.

West Division

Smoky Bears 5K scheduled

The Smoky Bear 5K run will be Saturday, May 22, at Sevier County High School. The event will begin at 8 a.m. All proceeds will benefit the SCHS girls volleyball and softball teams. For more information, visit

PF Little League Football sign-ups

Sign-ups for the 2010 Pigeon Forge Tigers Little League Football season will be Saturday, May 15, at the PFHS Football field from 9 a.m. to noon. Children have to be at least age five by August 1, and no older than 11 by August 1. For new players, bring a copy of child’s birth certificate. Children will learn the importance of hard work, teamwork, and leadership in an organized environment from dedicated personnel. Our teams have gone 46-11 over the past two seasons, with our Grasscutters (5-7 age) competing in the Super Bowl the last two years, and our Pee Wees (10-11 age) the reigning and defending Super Bowl Division 1 Champions.

G-P basketball camp


American League East Division

Tampa Bay New York Toronto Boston Baltimore

W 18 16 13 11 7

L 7 8 13 14 18

Pct GB .720 — .667 1 1/2 .500 5 1/2 .440 7 .280 11

Minnesota Detroit Cleveland Chicago Kansas City

W 16 16 10 10 10

L 9 10 14 15 15

Pct GB .640 — .615 1/2 .417 5 1/2 .400 6 .400 6

Texas Oakland Los Angeles Seattle

W 13 13 12 11

L 12 13 14 14

Pct GB .520 — .500 1/2 .462 1 1/2 .440 2

Central Division

——— Sunday’s Games N.Y. Yankees 12, Chicago White Sox 3 Detroit 5, L.A. Angels 1 Minnesota 8, Cleveland 3 Toronto 9, Oakland 3 Baltimore 3, Boston 2, 10 innings Tampa Bay 1, Kansas City 0 Texas 3, Seattle 1, 11 innings Monday’s Games Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Toronto at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Detroit at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. Texas at Oakland, 10:05 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Baltimore (Matusz 2-1) at N.Y. Yankees (A.J.Burnett 3-0), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (R.Romero 2-1) at Cleveland (Westbrook 0-2), 7:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (E.Santana 1-2) at Boston (Lester 1-2), 7:10 p.m. Detroit (Willis 1-1) at Minnesota (Blackburn 1-1), 8:10 p.m. Kansas City (Hochevar 2-1) at Chicago White Sox (Floyd 1-2), 8:10 p.m. Texas (Feldman 1-2) at Oakland (Undecided), 10:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (J.Shields 3-0) at Seattle (J.Vargas 2-1), 10:10 p.m. Wednesday’s Games Toronto at Cleveland, 12:05 p.m. Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, 1:05 p.m. Detroit at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Texas at Oakland, 3:35 p.m. L.A. Angels at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Kansas City at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. Tampa Bay at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.

Southern League North Division

Tennessee (Cubs) Huntsville (Brewers) Chattanooga (Dodgers) West Tenn (Mariners) Carolina (Reds)

W L Pct. GB 17 7 .708 — 13 10 .565 3 1/2 12 12 .500 5 11 11 .500 5 7 17 .292 10


——— Monday’s Games Jacksonville 5, Mississippi 1 Montgomery at West Tenn, 12:05 p.m., 1st game


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South Division


SEAT B 8th District County Commissioner


Playoff Glance CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7) EASTERN CONFERENCE Pittsburgh 1, Montreal 1 Friday, April 30: Pittsburgh 6, Montreal 3 Sunday, May 2: Montreal 3, Pittsburgh 1 Tuesday, May 4: Pittsburgh at Montreal, 7 p.m. Thursday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Montreal, 7 p.m. x-Saturday, May 8: Montreal at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. x-Monday, May 10: Pittsburgh at Montreal, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 12: Montreal at Pittsburgh, TBD Boston 1, Philadelphia 0 Saturday, May 1: Boston 5, Philadelphia 4, OT Monday, May 3: Philadelphia at Boston, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 5: Boston at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Friday, May 7: Boston at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. x-Monday, May 10: Philadelphia at Boston, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 12: Boston at Philadelphia, TBD x-Friday, May 14: Philadelphia at Boston, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Vancouver 1, Chicago 0 Saturday, May 1: Vancouver 5, Chicago 1 Monday, May 3: Vancouver at Chicago, 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 5: Chicago at Vancouver, 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 7: Chicago at Vancouver, 9:30 p.m. x-Sunday, May 9: Vancouver at Chicago, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 11: Chicago at Vancouver, 9:30 p.m. x-Thursday, May 13: Vancouver at Chicago, 8 p.m. San Jose 2, Detroit 0 Thursday, April 29: San Jose 4, Detroit 3 Sunday, May 2: San Jose 4, Detroit 3 Tuesday, May 4: San Jose at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 6: San Jose at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. x-Saturday, May 8: Detroit at San Jose, 10 p.m. x-Monday, May 10: San Jose at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 12: Detroit at San Jose, TBD

Dr. Weckesser’s



n h l p uck s


Elect Andy


Playoff Glance CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS EASTERN CONFERENCE Cleveland 1, Boston 0 Saturday, May 1: Cleveland 101, Boston 93 Monday, May 3: Boston at Cleveland, 8 p.m. Friday, May 7: Cleveland at Boston, 7 p.m. Sunday, May 9: Cleveland at Boston, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 11: Boston at Cleveland, TBD x-Thursday, May 13: Cleveland at Boston, TBD x-Sunday, May 16: Boston at Cleveland, 3:30 p.m. Atlanta vs. Orlando Tuesday, May 4: Atlanta at Orlando, 8 p.m. Thursday, May 6: Atlanta at Orlando, 8 p.m. Saturday, May 8: Orlando at Atlanta, 5 p.m. Monday, May 10: Orlando at Atlanta, 8 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 12: Atlanta at Orlando, TBD x-Friday, May 14: Orlando at Atlanta, TBD x-Sunday, May 16: Atlanta at Orlando, TBD WESTERN CONFERENCE Phoenix vs. San Antonio Monday, May 3: San Antonio at Phoenix, 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5: San Antonio at Phoenix, 9 p.m. Friday, May 7: Phoenix at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Sunday, May 9: Phoenix at San Antonio, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 11: San Antonio at Phoenix, TBD x-Thursday, May 13: Phoenix at San Antonio, TBD x-Sunday, May 16: San Antonio at Phoenix, TBD L.A. Lakers 1, Utah 0 Sunday, May 2: L.A. Lakers 104, Utah 99 Tuesday, May 4: Utah at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, May 8: L.A. Lakers at Utah, 8 p.m. Monday, May 10: L.A. Lakers at Utah, 10:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 12: Utah at L.A. Lakers, TBD x-Friday, May 14: L.A. Lakers at Utah, TBD x-Monday, May 17: Utah at L.A. Lakers, 9 p.m.

W L Pct. GB Jacksonville (Marlins) 16 8 .667 — Montgomery (Rays) 12 10 .545 3 Mississippi (Braves) 12 13 .480 4 1/2 Mobile (Diamondbacks) 11 13 .458 5 Birmingham (White Sox) 6 16 .273 9

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West Division

Ants, Wasps, Roaches?


Carolina at Mobile, 12:35 p.m. Montgomery at West Tenn, 2:35 p.m., 2nd game Huntsville at Birmingham, 6:05 p.m., 1st game Tennessee at Chattanooga, 7:15 p.m. Huntsville at Birmingham, 9:35 p.m., 2nd game Tuesday’s Games West Tenn at Huntsville, 8 p.m. Jacksonville at Montgomery, 8:05 p.m. Wednesday’s Games Jacksonville at Montgomery, 11:35 a.m. Birmingham at Mississippi, 12:05 p.m. West Tenn at Huntsville, 8 p.m. Mobile at Tennessee, 7:15 p.m. Chattanooga at Carolina, 7:15 p.m.

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Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (Closed 12-1 for lunch) 213 Forks of the River Pkwy IN THE + -ART 3HOPPING #ENTER s 3EVIERVILLE


The coach Placeres boys’ and girls’ basketball camp will be June 7 through 10, from 9 a.m. to noon. The cost is $80, and it’s for players ages eight to 18. There will be daily games and scrimmages, and contests will be held with prizes awarded at the conclusion of camp. Participants will learn individual and team skills, and a popular UT Vol basketball player will be in attendance to talk and sign DISC PADS OR BRAKE SHOES starting at autographs on the final FREE TOWING WITH REPAIR Labor not included. day of camp. The first 100 $ 97 Most U.S. cars. 2 wheels campers will be accepted. DONE RIGHT AUTOMOTIVE Call 256-2222 for more .EWPORT (WY s 3EVIERVILLE information. 908-7814

——— Sunday’s Games Florida 9, Washington 3 Atlanta 7, Houston 1 St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 0 Chicago Cubs 10, Arizona 5 Colorado 4, San Francisco 1 San Diego 8, Milwaukee 0 L.A. Dodgers 9, Pittsburgh 3 Philadelphia 11, N.Y. Mets 5 Monday’s Games St. Louis at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Arizona at Houston, 8:05 p.m. Colorado at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Tuesday’s Games Atlanta (Kawakami 0-4) at Washington (L.Hernandez 3-1), 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Dempster 2-1) at Pittsburgh (Maholm 1-2), 7:05 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 4-1) at Philadelphia (Hamels 2-2), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Maine 1-1) at Cincinnati (Arroyo 1-2), 7:10 p.m. San Francisco (Lincecum 4-0) at Florida (A.Sanchez 1-2), 7:10 p.m. Arizona (I.Kennedy 1-1) at Houston (Oswalt 2-3), 8:08 p.m. Colorado (G.Smith 1-2) at San Diego (LeBlanc 2-0), 10:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Narveson 1-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 1-1), 10:10 p.m. Wednesday’s Games N.Y. Mets at Cincinnati, 12:35 p.m. Atlanta at Washington, 7:05

p.m. Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. St. Louis at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. San Francisco at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Arizona at Houston, 8:05 p.m. Colorado at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.


Lions baseball gets 1st win in years

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PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1207 Eagle Court Gatlinburg, TN 37738 CURRENT OWNER(S): Cathy Stephan The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: N/A OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee c/o NDS1 Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 File No.: 158.0934989TN

May 4, 11 &18, 2010

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Sale at public auction will be on M ay 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Donnette D. Hughes and Jack D. Hughes, to Mid-South Title Corporation, Trustee, on November 30, 2006 at Book Volume 2678, Page 366 conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Register’s Office. Owner of Debt: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for the registered holders of Soundview Home Loan Trust 2007-1 AssetBacked Certificates, Series 2007-1 The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Fifth (5th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being within the City of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, to wit: All of Unit 110, Phase I-Legacy Condominiums Horizontal Property Regime as shown on plat of record in Large Map Book 1, at page 153 and as established by a Master Deed and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Easements of record in Warranty Deed Book 613, at Page 641, both in the Sevier County, Tennessee, Register’s Office, to which reference is here made. Street Address: 2740 Florence Drive, 110 Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 Current Owner(s) of Property: Donnette D. Hughes and husband, Jack D. Hughes The street address of the above described property is believed to be 2740 Florence Drive, 110, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890 File No. 10-003369

April 27, May 4 &11, 2010

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SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on April 27, 2005, by Charles Stephan and Cathy Stephan to PRLAP, Inc., Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book No. 2236, Page 621, (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Trustee; and WHEREAS, Bank of America, N.A., the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, May 27, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situate in the Eleventh (11th ) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being Lot Thirty-two (32) Quail Run Estates Subdivision, Phase 2, City of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, as the same appears in Large Map Book 5, Page 102, Register’s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee as shown on a plat of survey by Vision Engineering and Development Services, Inc., Michael K. Settles, RLS No. 1452, dated December 05, 2002. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions, easements, etc. of record in Large Map Book 5, Page 102 and Misc. Book 203, Page 271 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Being the same property conveyed to Charles Stephan and wife, Cathy Stephan by warranty deed dated April 27, 2005 and of record in Deed Book 2236, Page 619 in the Register s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. No new boundary survey was made at time of conveyance.

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Corrections After the first insertion, want ads scheduled to be published again on Tue., Wed., Thu., or Fri. may be canceled or corrected between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on the day prior to publication. For ads on Sat., due Thu., prior to 3 p.m., for Sun., Fri., prior to 10 a.m. and Mon., prior to 11 a.m.

Sale at public auction will be on May 18, 2010 at 11:00 a.m., local time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Street, Sevierville, Tennessee, pursuant to Deed Of Trust executed by AlloíRa, LLC to R. Scott Elmore, Trustee on May 21, 2007 at Record Book 2828 Page 793 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, and conducted by James S. MacDonald, Successor Trustee, or his agent, all of record in the Sevier County Register’s Office. Owner of Debt: American Trust Bank of East Tennessee Street Address of Property: 804 E. Parkway, Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738 (not part of the following legal description which controls) The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: TRACT ONE: Situate, lying and being in the 11th Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing iron pin located in the Southeast right of way line of Highway 321 (East Parkway), said iron pin being located South 38 deg. 33í44î West, 19.61 feet from the point of intersection of the southeast line of East Parkway and the South line of Sleepy Hollow Road, said iron pin also being located North 34 deg. 51í15î East, 45.37 feet from an existing concrete highway monument, said iron pin also marking the common corner of property herein described and the property of Page Distributing Company, Inc.; thence from said point of beginning with the Southeast line of Highway 321, the following calls and distances: North 38 deg. 33í44î East, 42.61 feet to a point; thence North 35 deg. 51í39î East, 119.00 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 66 deg. 10í39î East, 23.60 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 50 deg. 48í32î East, 71.00 feet to an existing iron pin; thence with the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 35 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 68 deg. 24í42î East, 21.17 feet, and an arc distance of 21.51 feet to an existing iron pin; thence North 03 deg. 43í21î West, 5.00 feet to a point; thence North 15 deg. 31í39î East, 37.83 feet to an iron pin; thence North 72 deg. 41í21î West, 24.72 feet to an existing iron pin; thence North 36 deg. 37í39î East, 17.84 feet to an iron pin set; thence leaving Highway 321, with the Ogle and Whaley Property Subdivision, the following calls and distances: South 50 deg. 30í00î East, 97.65 feet to a point; thence North 66 deg. 00í00î East, 132.44 feet to a point in Dudley Creek; thence leaving Dudley Creek, South 25 deg. 00í00î East, 45.00 feet to a nail set in the North line of Sleepy Hollow Road; thence crossing Sleepy Hollow Road, South 24 deg. 32í57î East, 29.62 feet to an existing iron pin; thence South 24 deg. 56í03î East, 300.10 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 08 deg. 56í13î East, 263.19 feet to an iron pin set corner to Virgil Ogle; thence with the line of Ogle, South 64 deg. 37í28î West, 53.59 feet to an iron pin set corner to Page Distributing Company, Inc.,; thence with said line, the following calls and distances along the center of a ridge: North 22 deg. 46í32î West, 89.55 feet to an existing pipe; thence North 25 deg. 07í32î West, 138.05 feet to an existing pipe; thence North 54 deg. 05í52î West, 132.96 feet to an existing pipe; thence North 69 deg. 18í22î West 65.09 feet to an existing pipe; thence South 85 deg. 08í27î West, 132.57 feet to an existing pipe; thence continuing with Page Distributing Company, Inc., North 48 deg. 28í18î West, 191.22 feet to an existing pipe; thence South 64 deg. 23í13î West, 63.78 feet to the point of Beginning, containing approximately 3.368 acres. LESS AND EXCEPT that portion lying with the bounds of Sleepy Hollow Road, approximately 0.215 acres, as shown on the Plat Map of record in Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. TOGETHER WITH the mutual appurtenant easements for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elsie Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, recorded in Misc. Book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, Page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. SUBJECT TO: (1) The permanent drainage easement inside the North line of the subject property to the State of Te nnessee established by the Judgement in favor of the State of Tennessee of record in Deed Book 373, Page 369, and shown on the Plat Map at Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office; (2) Rights of others entitled thereto to the uninterrupted flow of Dudley Creek flowing through the subject property; (3) Reservation of right to obtain water and lay pipeline across the subject property contained in the deed of record in Deed Book 98, Page 225, in the Sevier County Register’s Office; (4) The mutual appurtenant easement for the maintenance, repair, and replacements of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elise Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, Inc., recorded in Misc. Book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s office; (5) 20 foot right of way easement for a public road known as Sleepy Hollow Road, across the subject property as shown on the plat of Ashley Ogle Estate of record in Map 2, Page 89, in Sevier County Register’s Office; (6) Matters depicted or disclosed by survey of Ray Epperly, dated October 1, 1996, map of which is recorded at Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office, to specifically include the following (a) located of structures within the 100 year and 500 year flood limit; (b) overhead power and telephone lines and water main inside Sleepy Hollow Road right of way; and (7) 15 foot front building line as shown by Large Map Book 1, page 678, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: Map 127H, Group B, Control Map 127H, Parcels 007.00 and 007.01. TRACT TWO: Situate, lying and being in the 11th Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 1, consisting of 0.280 acres, more or less, with metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a nail set at the southeasternmost corner of Lot 1, as shown on the map of record aforesaid; thence from said point of beginning, North 25 deg. 00í00î West, 45.00 feet to a point in Dudley Creek; thence with Dudley Creek, North 66 deg. 00í00î East 35.00 feet to a point; thence South 21 deg. 24í47î East 61.77 feet to an existing iron pin in the North line of Sleepy Hollow Road; thence with the North line of Sleepy Hollow Road, South 55 deg. 25í24î West, 52.82 feet to an existing iron pin; thence continuing with the North line of Sleepy Hollow Road, South 68 deg. 20í57î West, 191.81 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the mutual appurtenant easements for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elsie Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, recorded in Misc. Book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, Page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. SUBJECT TO: (1) Rights of others entitled thereto to the uninterrupted flow of Dudley Creek flowing through the subject property; (2) Reservation of right to obtain water and lay pipeline across the subject property contained in the deed of record in Deed Book 98, Page 225, in the Sevier County Register’s Office; (3) The mutual appurtenant easement for the maintenance, repair, and replacements of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elise Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, Inc., recorded in Misc. Book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s Office; (4) 20 foot right of way easement for a public road known as Sleepy Hollow Road, across the subject property as shown on the plat of Ashley Ogle Estate of record in Map 2, Page 89, in Sevier County Register’s Office; (5) Matters depicted or disclosed by survey of Ray Epperly, dated October 1, 1996, map of which is recorded at Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office, to specifically include the following: (a) located of structures within the 100 year and 500 year flood limit; (b) overhead power and telephone lines and water main inside Sleepy Hollow Road right of way; and (6) 15 foot front building line as shown by Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: May 127H, Group B, Control Map 127H, Parcel 007.00 TRACT THREE: Situate, lying and being in the 11th Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 8-A, consisting of 0.210 acres, more or less, with metes and bounds as follows: To find the point of beginning commence at an existing iron pin located in the Northwest corner of former Lot 5 to the W.W. Burchfield Property as shown by the map of record in Map Book 24, Page 346, in the Sevier County Registerís Office and the South line of Sleepy Hollow Road; thence with the South line of Sleepy Hollow Road, North 65 deg. 25í48î East, 195.13 feet to a point; thence North 62 deg. 22í16î East, 12.68 feet to a point marking the Point of Beginning herein; thence from said point of Beginning continuing with the South line of Sleepy Hollow Road, North 62 deg. 22í16î East, 22.48 feet to an existing iron pin; thence continuing with Sleepy Hollow Road, North 83 deg. 37í48î East, 98.20 feet to an existing iron pin; thence leaving Sleepy Hollow Road, South 13 deg. 48í17î East, 74.92 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 83 deg. 37í48î West, 43.44 feet to a point; thence North 08 deg. 29í08î West, 18.62 feet to a point; thence North 30 deg. 03í37î East, 12.26 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH the mutual appurtenant easements for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elsie Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, recorded in Misc. Book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. SUBJECT TO: (1) Reservation of right to obtain water and lay pipeline across the subject property contained in the deed of record in Deed Book 98, Page 225, in the Sevier County Register’s Office. (2) The mutual appurtenant easement for the maintenance, repair, and replacements of existing sewer lines, as set forth in the Agreement of record by and between James Childress and wife, Elise Childress, Hoy Wyatt and wife, Carlee Wyatt, and Valley View Lodge, Inc., recorded in Misc. book 112, Page 601, and in Map Book 24, page 346, in the Sevier County Register’s Office; and (3) matters depicted or disclosed by survey of Ray Epperly, dated October 1, 1996, map of which is recorded at Large Map Book 1, Page 68, in the Sevier County Register’s Office, to specifically include the following: (a) overhead power and telephone lines and water main inside Sleepy Hollow Road right of way; and (b) 15 foot front building line. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: Map 127H, Group B, Control Map 127H, Parcel 007.00 TRACT FOUR: Situate, lying and being in the 11th Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning from the intersection of the easternmost right of way line of U.S. Highway 321 and the southernmost right of way line of Sleepy Hollow Road, South 38 deg. 33í44î West, 19.61 feet, to an iron pin at the Point of Beginning, for the 4.692 acres map; thence from the Point of Beginning, North 64 deg. 23í13î East, 63.78 feet to an iron pin; thence South 48 deg. 28í18î East, 191.22 feet to a pipe; thence North 85 deg. 08í27î East, 132.57 feet to a pipe; thence South 69 deg. 18í22î East, 69.09 feet to a pipe; thence along the crest of the ridge, South 54 deg. 05í52î East, 132.96 feet to a pipe; thence South 25 deg. 10í05î East, 138.04 feet to a pipe; thence along the crest of the ridge, South 22 deg. 41í31î East, 89.55 feet to an iron pin; thence along the crest of the ridge, South 64 deg. 26í16î West, 191.20 feet to an iron pin set at the top of the ridge; thence North 73 deg. 27í40î West, 355.37 feet to an iron pin at a metal fence post; thence North 23 deg. 39í34î West, 45.81 feet to an iron pin; thence North 67 deg. 11í01î West, 103.67 feet to an iron pin; thence North 43 deg. 27í29î West, 150.01 feet to an iron pin; thence North 36 deg. 16í28î East, 185.50 feet to a concrete highway monument; thence North 34 deg. 51í15î East, 45.37 feet to an iron pin at the Point of Beginning. The tract contains 4.692 acres, more or less. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: Map 127H, Group B, Control Map 127H, Parcel 006.00. BEING the same property conveyed to AlloíRa, LLC, by deed from Greene Development, Inc., a Tennessee corporation, dated May 21, 2007, and recorded in Book 2828, page 788, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION IS THE SAME AS THE PREVIOUS DEED OF RECORD; NO BOUNDARY SURVEY HAVING BEEN MADE AT THE TIME OF THIS CONVEYANCE. Owner(s) of Property: AlloíRa, LLC Other interested parties: None known. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Successor Trustee. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trusteeís option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender of trustee. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. James S. MacDonald, Successor Trustee 6204 Baum Drive Knoxville, TN 37919-9502 April 27, May 4 & 11, 2010


IN THE MATTER OF: BRIAN SMITH d.o.b: 10-8-2002


NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to Section 66-31-105 Code Ann. Notice is hereby given that the contents stored at M & M Storage located at 3814 Boyds Creek Highway, Sevierville, TN 37876 Phone 865-765-0409 will be sold at Public Auction on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 10:00 AM unless below make payment prior sale. Cash only, total contents of unit must be removed the day of Auction or pay rent for extending Contract. Unit #12 Marco Soler

05-04-10 05-11-10

BRIANNA SMITH d.o.b: 01-03-2000 MARVIN V. SMITH II d.o.b: 12-19-1997 MATTHEW SMITH d.o.b: 9-15-2005 Children Under Eighteen (18) Years of Age ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION To: JOSHUA ALLISON

NOTICE Divorce Complaint filed in the Fourth Circuit Court of Knox County Tennessee: DOUGLAS EARL OGLE (Plaintiff) -VSJANET LEE “WALKER� (Defendant)



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428-0748 LEGALS

WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on January 12, 2006, by Mountain Top Resorts, LLC to Gregory D. Shanks, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Registers Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Instrument 06002611, (“Deed of Trust�); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC; and WHEREAS, Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder�), appointed the undersigned, The Callins Law Firm, LLC, as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Registers Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, The Callins Law Firm, LLC, Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Tuesday, M ay 18, 2010, commencing at 1 2:00 PMat the Main entrance or hallway of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: TRACT ONE: Situated in district fifteen (15) of sevier county, Tennessee, and being all of lot 49, section 2, of windfall estates, as the same appears on the map dated march 3, 1982, prepared by Ronnie l. sims, rls, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the southwestern edge of a 50-foot right of way, said iron pin being the southeastern corner of lot 48 and the northeastern corner of lot 49; thence from said point of beginning and with the common line of lot 48, south 55 deg. 10 min. 28 sec. west, 338.09 feet to an iron pin, a common corner of lots 47, 48, and 49; thence leaving lot 48 and with the line of lot 47, south 23 deg. 29 min. 01 sec. east, 195.00 feet to an iron pin in the line of bonanza subdivision; thence leaving lot 47 and with the line of bonanza subdivision, north 65 deg. 18 min. 05 sec. east, 498.80 feet to an iron pin on the southwestern edge of a 50-foot right of way; thence leaving bonanza subdivision and with the southwestern edge of said right of way, north 42 deg. 07 min. 00 sec. west, 75.86 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left with r = 166.48, t = 31.75, for an arc distance of 53.32 feet to a point; thence north 64 deg. 34 min. 33 sec. west, 176.82 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.2889 acres, more or less.

Also conveyed is the right to use the roads, easements, and right of way of windfall estates for the purpose of ingress and egress, as described in an easement agreement dated may 26, 1982, of record in misc. book 83, page 372, in the registers office for sevier county, Tennessee, and is for the purpose of ingress and egress to douglas lake. Tract two: Situated in district fifteen (15) of sevier county, Tennessee, and being all of lots 59 and 60 of windfall estates subdivision, and being more particularly described as follows: Lot 59: beginning at an iron pin on the north right of way line of a 50-foot right of way being located approximately 250 feet west of its intersection with flat creek road; thence with the north right of way of said 50-foot right of way, south 86 deg. 20 min. 23 sec. west, 125 feet to an iron pin, corner to lot 60; thence with the line of lot 60, north 03 deg. 39 min. 37 sec. east, 200 feet to the point f beginning, and containing 0.5739 acres, more or less, according to the survey of Ronnie l. sims. Lot 60: beginning at an iron pin on the north edge of a 50-foot right of way being approximately 375 feet west or its intersection with flat creek road, corner to lot 59; thence with the north right way line, south 86 deg. 20 min. 23 sec. west, 125 feet to an iron pin, corner to lot 61; thence north 03 deg. 39 min. 37 sec. west, 200 feet to an iron pin, corner to lot 59; thence with the line of lot 59, south 3 deg. 39 min. 37 sec. east, 200 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.5739 acres, more or less, according to the survey of Ronnie l. sims. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO MOUNTAIN TOP RESORTS, LLC, BY FIRST TENNESSEE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BY DEED DATED 12TH DAY OF JANURAY, 2006 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 2441, PAGE 800 AND BOOK 2441, PAGE 797; IN THE REGISTERS OFFICE FOR SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE RESTRICTIONS, BUILDING SET-BACK LINES ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS AND RESERVATIONS, AND TO ALL CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE MAP PREPARED BY RONNIE L. SIMS, RLS, DATED MARCH 3, 1982. Tax ID # 029-015.12


In The Mountain Press Classifieds!

Edition Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Good News in the Smokies

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2713 & 2788 Windfall Estates Drive Sevierville, Tennessee 37876

Deadline Friday, 10 a.m. Friday, 11 a.m. Monday, 10 a.m. Tuesday, 10 a.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. Friday, 10 a.m.

CURRENT OWNER(S): Mountain Top Resorts, LLC

Thursday, 10 a.m.

Online OR, All line ads published in The Mountain Press are placed FREE on a searchable network of over 500 newspapers’ classifieds located at WANT TO KNOW WHEN A CLASSIFIED ITEM IS AVAILABLE? Go to http://www.adquest/request/ to register your request and we will notify you by e-mail when it becomes available in the Classifieds.

Hon. Dwight Stokes Juvenile Court Judge 04/13/2010 04/20/2010 04/27/2010 05/04/2010

The road to a better job begins with the “Employment� section of the classifieds. Browse hundreds of new listings every week. Find jobs in your own area of expertise or set out on a new career path.

Reserved is a 1-foot strip of land on the exterior boundary of the lines adjoining bonanza subdivision.


04/13/10 04/20/10 04/27/10 05/04/10

Where is your career headed?


DOCKET #115502 Pursuant to T.C.A. § 37-1-121 and § 37-1123, you are hereby summoned to appear on the 12th Day of May, 2010 at 8:30 a.m., and defend the above-entitled action in the Sevier County Juvenile Court, at Sevierville, Tennessee, and answer the Petition for Custody filed by the State of Tennessee, Department of Children’s services, and to serve your answer upon the Petitioner. In case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Petition, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Sevier County Juvenile Court located at the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. Since your whereabouts are unknown and the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon you, a copy of this summons shall be published in the Mountain Press newspaper for four (4) consecutive weeks. ISSUED this 7th day of April, 2010.

Classifieds ‹ 11


The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose.



Buford Atchley d/b/a A&A Construction Removal


Gene Atchley d/b/a Atchley Trucking & Septic Tanks

OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above.


All-In-One Storage 326 Business Street Kodak, TN 37764 Notice of Sale of Unit Contents Dona Workman D-20 David Cook D-4 Amanda Sorah F-16 Will be sold May 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. May 3, 2010 May 4, 2010 May 5, 2010

DIG UP great finds in the Classifieds.

does not recommend or endorse any product, service or company. For more information and assistance regarding the investigation of FINANCING, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AND WORK AT HOME OPPORTUNITIES, this newspaper urges its readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 2633 Kingston Pike, Suite 2, Knoxville, TN 37919, Phone (865)692-1600.



************************** *** PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA in Sevierville now hiring entry level management. Apply in person at 739 Dolly Parton Pkwy., Sevierville. or send resume to: 900 East Jackson Blvd. Suite 5. Jonesborough, TN 37659. Also hiring all positions inside store and delivery drivers. Please apply in person. ************************** ***


The Callins Law Firm, LLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Dionna Squires The Callins Law Firm., 101 Marietta Street, Suite 1030 Atlanta, GA. 30303 â?Ł (404) â?Ł 681-5826 â?Ł





Yard Mowing & Weedeating Yard Clean up Hauling Trash & Brush Trees Cut & Removal & Trimmed




Bushhogging-clearing, dumptruck, Grading, backhoe.




Sell your unused household items with....

! !



Hunt’s Painting Company

Residential/Small Business Monthly/Weekly Call for appt. Credit Cards accepted


Finest Quality Craftsmanship TENNESSEE CARPENTERS


Floating Docks /Int-Ext Finish Remodels / Hardwood Stairs Fencing / Additions / Decks / Siding




Linda G’s Cleaning Service

Kitchens, Bath, Decks, Windows, Doors, Trim Sheetrock, Painting, Pressure Washing, Plumbing & Electrical, Vinyl & Laminate Flooring

Campbell Enterprises 865-850-2078



Lic & Ins.




CLEANING SERVICE years exp. Licensed


Call. Collect.

Classifieds: 428-0746

12 ‹ Classifieds

The Mountain Press ‹ Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Experienced Sewing Machine Operators

Four Seasons Motor Lodge in Gatlinburg hiring 2nd Shift Desk Clerk. Apply in person.

Aerotek is taking applications for industrial sewing machine operator, must have experience. Please call Toby Gambill at 865-2922431 or Cameron Bryne at 865-2922431.

Riverstone Resort & Spa is now hiring a relief Night Auditor. Apply in person at 212 Dollywood Lane, PF, left at traffic light #8. 242 RESTAURANT

Help Wanted: Experienced Cafe Cook/ Server. Inventory/ Stock Position, S a l e s / C a s h i e r. Moonshine Ridge Country Store 2005 Wears Valley Rd. Helper Wanted, Plumbing & Electrical a Plus. Call 607-6181 PART TIME WORK ALL AGES 17+ Great pay, ideal for college students & ’10 hs grads, customer sales/svc, will train, conditions apply, 865-366-0277 Housekeeper Needed $10/hr Full-time Apply Lid’l Dolly’s at traffic light #4 Sales Associates F/T & P/T positions. $9.00 hr. Apply in person at The Shops at Pigeon Forge, Global Liquidation Center, 175 E Wears Valley Rd.

Bojangles Pigeon Forge Now Hiring! Accepting Applications Online at EOE/ Drug Free Workplace NOW HIRING PM Servers & Cooks. Apply Daily 3-6 PM: Mel’s Diner 119 Wears Valley Rd. Pigeon Forge 244 RETAIL



Online Only AUCTION Ends on May 4th at 6pm Beautiful 5.74 AC Tract in Sevierville, TN

A 10% Buyers Premium

Ayers Auction & Real Estate

Now Hiring 2nd Shift, Retail & Photo Sales Clerks, A top Gatlinburg Sky Lift. Must be personable to interact with guest. Call Bryan 274-7110.

(423) 569-7922



OPC Supervisor, Full time w/ benefits, Supervisor needed to run 15 person team in Nashville. Contact Wayne Baker @615-8842996 or email wayne.baker@wyn

2 Fam. Wed-Sat 7-5 3019 Shaconage Trail. Elect., Design. clothes, Mens suits, TV, VHS, DVD’s, Furniture, Household, qlty items 581 PETS


Experienced CNA interested in taking care of the sick or elderly. Refs Available upon request, Call 865-224-4126

Looking for dependable, detailed and customer service oriented personnel. Now accepting applications for the following full time positions:

GATLINBURG Deal! OFFICE/APT/SHO P water inc. No Pets. 621-3015

1BR Eff. W/D. All utilities. $600 a mth. Jones Cove Area 865-654-1486


2BR Pigeon Forge No Pets. $500 mth + $500 dep. 4537252 or 654-1117

Retail Shops, Elks Plaza 968 Parkway, Gatlinburg. 865436-7550.

7!,+ 4/ 7!,-!24 ,' "2 &52. 7!3(%2 $29%2 7%%+,9 ") 7%%+,9 -/.4(,9


Weekly Rentals Includes Phone, Color TV, Wkly Housekeeping Micr./Frig. Available $169.77+ Family Inns West

Pigeon Forge


" ! # ! ' % $ % & ! " " #


10X10 or 10X20 SELF STORAGE Convenient Location! 411 South, left on Robert Henderson Rd., 1/4 mil on right at Riverwalk Apts.


For Sale

A-1 pre-owned dryers, washers, ranges & refrigerators All with warranty. Cagles Furniture and Appliances


2BR 1.5BA Some pets

865-453-1748 (Day) 865-428-3381 (Night)

Affordable Housing in Gatlinburg Rooms for rent, weekly rates, furn., cable TV.

436-4471 or 621-2941

Nice 1BR 10 miles from G’burg on 321 North

No Dogs! 1 YR LEASE


Bring in cold cash with an ad in the Classifieds!



2BD/1BA All Appls. W/D Large Family Rm Wood Floors $550 Mo. 1st/Last/Dep. No Pets 865-898-7925

Kodak 3+2 $550 2+2 $450. No pets. References. 9336544

2BR/1BA, 4x8 storage room, ground level, in Sev. $500/mo. + dep. Short or longterm lease avail. Call 423-619-1925.

Sevierville 2+1 Dwide $500. Plus Dep. NO PETS. Ref. Call 933-6544.

CROSSCREEK 2BR/2BA large garden Trolley access $580.00 865-429-2962

$550 to $950+. Wanda Galli Realty Exec. 680-5119 or 7744307.

Gatlinburg: 2BR/1BA, No pets. Credit check, Sec. Dep. required. $600 mth 430-4222.

1100 Sq. Ft. House. 1BR + loft. Beautiful view near Pigeon Forge. $825 mo. 865-696-6900.


Large 1BR Water, app furnished. No pets. Ref. $450 + dep. 680-3078. RIVERWALK 1BR/1BA TO 2BR/2BA $545.00 to $695.00 865-429-2962

ROOMS FOR RENT Weekly Low Rates $110.00 + tax 436-5179

Sevierville/Pigeon Forge area. Available now. 2BR, 1.5BA, incl. refrig., range & full size w/d. $650/mo. Call 865-654-9826.


4 BD / 2 BA + GARAGE 4 MILES FROM EXIT 407 $950/MONTH + DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 865-712-5238



near trolley stop

2 BR / 1 BA $585/mo. Call (865) 436-3565

Includes All Utilities.


For Rent

Beautiful Creekside Rooms in Gatlinburg s 0RIVATE "ALCONY s *ACUZZI 6ERY 1UIET s .O 0ETS .O $EP s WEEK s 7Il ALL UTL INCLUDED

*WEARS VALLEY 1BR/1BA & 2BR/2BA 1 level/deck/yard Walk-in closets All kit appl + W/D conn Some Pets OK. $500-$700/mo. + dep. 865-654-6507 1BR Furnished Apt No Pets. Very Nice. Refs. required $150 wk. + $400 dam. dep. Call: 428-2190

3BR/2BA Garage/basement Swimming Pool

Now Leasing, New Apartments in Gatlinburg behind GP High School near trolley stop

1 & 2 BR avail. Some Pets OK. $400 UP WATER INCLUDED Murrell Meadows 1/8 mile from Walters State College Allensville Road Walk to lake Reasonable Rates

Call 428-5161 Gatlinburg Beautiful 2BR 2BA Furnished Condo with Fireplace, Overlooks stocked trout stream and has heated pool. Walk to downtown Gatlinburg, includes water, cable, flat screen TV, granite counter tops. Immediate occupancy, Minimum 1 Year lease $975 mth. 865-771-9600


Pigeon Forge




EfďŹ ciency

Silo Apartments

2BR/1.5BA 2 & 3BR mobile homes for rent Must have refs. Pittman Center Cabin on the river Call for info 5BR/3 1/2BA 428-3096


Hwy 321 Pittman Center area. 1&2 BR cabin on creek. Fully furnished. Utilities included. $225 & $250 wk. 850-2487

! " " # ! "!

Nice 2BR

10 miles from G’burg on 321 North

Spacious & Quiet! 2 BR / 2 BA Apts. for Rent in Wears Valley From $650/mo. 12 Mo. Lease Pets Allowed (865) 329-7807

A Great Location. 2 blocks off Parkway near Walmart. 2BR/2BA w/carport, w/d & water furn. Approx. 1400 SF, non-smoking environment. No pets please. $750 month. Year lease. Call 865-453-5396.

No Dogs! 1 YR LEASE 865-430-9671 or 865-228-7533

We Deliver! Subscribe Today! 428-0746

HG=HL ?HK 0:E> Cherokee Lodge in Pigeon Forge

2 BD / 2 BA On Excellent Rental Program

865-850-2004 716 ACREAGE

Beautiful mountain property 5.6 acres on Upper Middle Creek, not far from Dollywoood. Great for a private estate or possibly rentals. Call 256-1410


16x80 above average. 3BR/2BA. On lot in Sev. $26,000. Call 865-898-6565.

All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-6699777, The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.





RV and Tent Sites

Indian Camp Creek Monthly or Yearly Utilities & wiďŹ Bathhouse & Laundromat Near the Park 850-2487


2001 MH, Low mileage, Slideout, generator, V10 engine, Call 430-4218

1925 sq ft. All brick rancher. Seymour schools. 1 acre lot. Appliances stay, new roof. 3BR 2BA 428-0664 or 3083770


428 Park Rd.

CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN SEVIERVILLE 2 bedroom 1.5 bath townhomes Call 428-5161

Why Rent When You Can Buy? OWNER FINANCE Pigeon Forge on the River $1900 down total monthly $875. 3bed 1 1/2 bath, new carpet & laminate flooring. New heat pump, new paint. Almost 1/2 acre level. We check credit, employment, criminal background, sex offender list. 423318-9064 or 865806-0702.





Sevierville 2 mi from dwntwn 3/2 rancher w/ garage on 1 acre. $950 mth Lease & security No pets. 453-9185 or 405-4130


DOWNTOWN SEVIERVILLE Includes All Utilities.

Redbud area. 3BR/ 2BA w/storage unit Like new. $800/mo + dep. 428-5212.



Free Wi-Fi, Cable, Laundry, Kitchens, Clean Rooms, NO PETS.

House for rent-2BR 2BA $500 mth off Pittman Center Rd. No pets. 254-8513

Cute 2BR/1BA walking distance to school. $800/mo. – $800/dep.

Utilities Included

near trolley stop



865-430-9671 or 865-228-7533




2BR 2BA 1 level No pets. $600 w/$550 dep.

Near hospital


Accepting applications 1100 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN.

1 BR / 1 BA IN SEVIERVILLE $380.00 + DEPOSIT NO PETS 865-712-5238

Free Wi-Fi, Cable, Laundry, Kitchens, Clean Rooms, NO PETS.

Lawn mowing, Free Estimates, Call 679-5037.





Lawns mowed, includes trim. $25.00 & up. Call 2238565.


428 Park Rd.








Greystone Rentals Red Carpet Inn 349 East Parkway Gatlinburg, TN

WAREHOUSE & STOCK 12.00 HR LID’L DOLLY’S LIGHT 4 PF We’re Building!! The Lodges at the Great Smoky Mountains is opening a new resort in Pigeon Forge. We are hiring Sales Reps. Average pay 50k to 75k per year Paid training. Full benefit package No experience required. Limited number of positions available. Call 865-851-5105 865-804-5672 or 865-428-9055 ext. 225.


Lic. # 3949

Free Male Beagle, 428-0281 or 8050066.

SALES CLERK 10.00 Hr. Lid’l Dolly’s Light #4, P.F.


3BR/2BA Single wide trailer. Located on Pittman Center in Sev. No pets. No smoking. $600/mo. incl, water, 1st & last mo. rent req. 865-366-7045.

Available in May 2BD/1BA $565. Near the river. Pool access. 865-429-4470

Doublewide 3BD/2BA, on private lot, $500mth. 1st, last & sec. dep. due to move in. 14 miles from Gatlinburg on Hwy 321. NO PETS. 865-2588046.

Beautiful 2BR Furn. Log Cabin for residential rent. Located between Gat. & P.F. $750 month. Call Business office:423-246-1500/ day or night THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

EYAPE Š2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Appraised Value $240,000 Selling Price $186,500 Call (865) 436-3565

LeConte Landing, Reduced. 3BR 2BA, May take sometrade. 865-4140117. Log home on creek 15 acres. Walden Creek area. Totally private. FSBO $339,000. Leave msg at 865-7740514

OWNER FINANCE Pigeon Forge on the River $1900 down total monthly $875. 3-bed 1 1/2 bath, new carpet & laminate flooring. New heat pump, new paint. Almost 1/2 acre level. We check credit, employment, criminal background, sex offender list. 423318-9064 or 865806-0702.

TO “


943 AUTOMOBILE SALES 1999 Mustang GT Convertible, Black, all options, runs & drives great. $6500. 453-7400

2002 JAGUAR X-type, 3.0, gray w/black interior. Nice car. $4500 OBO. Call 865-607-6542.

97 1/2 Volvo S90 Low mileage. Like new, white with tan leather interior. 453-5613 944 VAN SALES 1993 GMC Safari Van, $1000.OBO. 865258-8046.

2001 Mazda MPV Excellent condition All options Dealer price over $6000 Asking $4800. See at Knife Works 765-969-5012 945 TRUCK SALES

1981 4 x 4 Ford. Late model motor & transmission. $1000. OBO. Call 908-6029. 950 MOTORCYCLE SALES

1991 Harley Davidson Sportster 883, $4500. OBO. 1979 Harley Davidson Basket Case Shovelhead, $3000. Call 908-6029.

We Buy Used Bikes! Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson, Shane Tymon (865) 977-1669



-+1 -,


(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: JOUST FANCY PAYOFF UNSOLD Answer: What the runner ate before the big race — “FAST� FOOD



16 ft John boat with 50 horse Mercury. Very good shape $2500. 696-2938


Foreclosure Sale, 3 BD / 2 BA House in Kodak Area

RIDGEWOOD: 5BR, 4.5BA, 6000+sq. ft. All brick. $280,000. Call Sheila @ 6549990 - American Dream Realty.



Owner Financing 3BR 2BA all brick 2000 sq ft. In Kodak. $188,000 865-932-2613

New 3 bd, 2 ba, basement rancher, 2 cg, beautiful mtn. views! $159,900. O/A.865.599.2886.

NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To:


Comics ◆ A13

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press Family Circus

Close to Home


Woman should lower expectations for relationship with biological father



Baby Blues

Beetle Bailey


Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

For Better Or Worse

Tina’s Groove

Dear Annie: I have only known my biological father for 14 years. (I have no relationship with my biological mother.) Dad signed away his rights when I was young, but I reconnected with him at age 15. He claims he always wanted me, but I am now 28, and he has made no effort to be in my life. I was recently hospitalized for two weeks. Dad never once came or called, even though he knew I was there and only lives a mile away. My foster dad, however, drove 100 miles to see me. Whenever I try to see my father, he never has time. He doesn’t bother to visit my home or my 9-year-old daughter. I want him to love me, but I was the only one making the effort to have a relationship. This man has alienated himself from his siblings and other relatives. When his mother was terminally ill, I sat at her bedside for weeks, and he never once came to see her. I have decided to cut all ties because I am tired of being hurt and having my every move criticized. I have gone through cancer without any emotional support from him. He ignores my daughter, his only grandchild. My husband is big on family and is pressuring me to have a closer relationship with my biological parents. I consider my foster parents my real parents. They have loved me no matter what. I think it’s healthier to eliminate my father from my life. Am I wrong? -Abandoned Again

Dear Abandoned: There is no right or wrong here. If you want to keep your father in your life, you must scale down your expectations. He is not capable of putting forth the effort required to maintain a close relationship. Either accept him as an occasional distant relative, or avoid him altogether, but don’t let your husband make the choice for you. Do what you can handle. Dear Annie: I am a 29-year-old woman who has suffered with epilepsy since childhood. It is a surprisingly common disorder. I deal with it fairly well through medication, but I still have a big problem. I can be “photoinduced,” meaning I can have a seizure when exposed to flashing or strobing lights. If I am attending a live concert or play, I always ask the management whether there will be any such lighting effects and explain why. However, my biggest problems are TV and movies. Often there are strobe effects with no warning. Epilepsy is common enough that I feel we deserve some type of warning when the lighting could cause real medical danger. This is why they changed the format of many cartoons in Japan -- because children were having seizures

t o d ay ’ s p u z z l e

from the strobe effects. We post warnings when TV programs contain “offensive language,” but those don’t land anyone in the hospital. Please, Annie, help me think of ways to raise awareness and create positive change. -Seeking Stability Dear Seeking: If you have not already contacted the Epilepsy Foundation ( at 1-800332-1000, please do so today. They advocate for those with epilepsy and their families. If they haven’t yet worked on getting management to alert theater and concert patrons about lighting, they would surely appreciate your help. Dear Annie: I also cut up my daughters’ wedding gowns and made baptism dresses for their daughters. But I saved the bodices, intact, in case their daughters or future daughters-in-law want to use them as part of a wedding dress. -D.G. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

A14 ◆ Nation

Actress Lynn Redgrave, 67, dies of cancer NEW YORK (AP) — Lynn Redgrave, an introspective and independent player in her family’s acting dynasty who became a 1960s sensation as the unconventional title character of “Georgy Girl” and later dramatized her troubled past in such onewoman stage performances as “Shakespeare for My Father” and “Nightingale,” has died. She was 67. Her publicist Rick Miramontez, speaking on Redgrave behalf of her children, said Redgrave died peacefully Sunday night at her home in Connecticut. Children Ben, Pema and Annabel were with her, as were close friends. “Our beloved mother Lynn Rachel passed away peacefully after a seven year journey with breast cancer,” Redgrave’s children said in a statement Monday. “She lived, loved and worked harder than ever before. The endless memories she created as a mother, grandmother, writer, actor and friend will sustain us for the rest of our lives. Our entire family asks for privacy through this difficult time.” Redgrave was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2002, had a mastectomy in January 2003 and underwent chemotherapy. Her death comes a year after her niece Natasha Richardson died from head injuries sustained in a skiing accident and just a month after the death of her older brother, Corin Redgrave. The youngest child of Michael Redgrave and Rachel Kempson, Lynn Redgrave never quite managed the acclaim — or notoriety — of elder sibling Vanessa Redgrave, but received Oscar nominations for “Georgy Girl” and “Gods and Monsters.”

The Mountain Press ◆ Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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