May 10, 2010

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The Mountain Press ■ Sevier County’s Daily Newspaper ■ Vol. 26, No. 130 ■ May 10, 2010 ■ ■ 50 Cents


Planners to hear hot Seymour topic


Meeting set for Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer

5Still not up to par Tiger Wood suffers from neck pain, withdraws from TPC on Sunday

SEVIERVILLE — What may be the most hotly contested request to come before the Sevier County Planning Commission in the past year is on the agenda yet again for

the group’s meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the courthouse. The group previously told developer Jesse Cook concerns about his plans to build apartments on Sky Drive wouldn’t allow them to approve his request to move forward with the construction. Cook is set to be back in front of the board Tuesday to present his proposal a third time in hopes some additional work he’s done will convince the group the devel-

opment will be a good one. Cook’s proposal has enraged neighbors of the small Seymour lot he bought specifically for the apartment complex. They argue the neighborhood full of singlefamily residences on a steep, narrow road isn’t suited for such a large-scale construction property, and worry the impact the project could have on their own properties. Several of the nearby property


Middle Creek Methodist fundraiser has something for just about everyone By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer

88-year-old Betty White delights as guest host of ‘Saturday Night Live’ NATION, Page A5


New pizzeria opens today Atlanta-based Mellow Mushroom setting up shop in Pigeon Forge Page A2

Weather Today Partly cloudy High: 71°

Ellen Brown/The Mountain Press

Mostly cloudy Low: 53° DETAILS, Page A6

Obituaries Kelly Cannon, 69 Eula Matthews, 103 Clyde Breeden, 87 Lloyd Parton, 86 Zenith Whaley, 95 DETAILS, Page A4

Index Local & State . A1-A4, A6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . A10 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . A8,A9 Business . . . . . . . . . A2,A3 Advice . . . . . . . . . . . A15 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . A15 Classifieds . . . . . A13,A14 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . A5

Corrections The Mountain Press is committed to accuracy. Please report factual errors by calling 428-0748 Ext. 214.


Mother’s Day tradition

5She’s still got game


owners have pointed out the lot Cook owns is small and steeply sloped. They suggest it cannot hold what Cook plans to build there and that runoff from the development could undercut the foundations of their homes and the very land the parking lot for the apartments would sit on, potentially leading to disaster. It seems the folks at the

Linda Oakberg, a member of Middle Creek United Methodist Church in Pigeon Forge, relaxes with a book she found at the church’s Plant, Bake and Yard Sale on Saturday.

PIGEON FORGE — The Middle Creek United Methodist Church Plant, Bake and Yard Sale has become a Mother’s Day weekend tradition. “We’ve been doing this for years,” said Kathryn Miller, president of the church’s Women’s Group. “We receive donations (for items to be sold), and the proceeds from the sales go to mission projects. We do really well with our plants and baked goods.” “We’ve got something for everybody,” added Candice Sarten, the group’s vice president. “There are also books, clothes and electronics equipment.” There was even a hot dog lunch that began at 11 a.m. “We’ve tried to cover all of our bases,” Sarten said with a laugh. “We’re a small group, but we’re ambitious.” Women’s Group member Jennie Warhurst noted that most of the women in the church baked for the bake sale, and Sarten said plants were added to the sale because someone had mentioned they were a good Mother’s Day gift. “I enjoy it every year,” fellow member Susan Sarten said. “I like meeting different people and the fact that it helps our missions.” Mission projects include providing healthcare products to seniors; donating food to Bread of Life and Sevier County Food Ministries; participating in the Women’s Care Center’s “Bottle for Babies” drive; and assisting with Camp Wesley Woods. See TRADITION, Page A4

Seymour expo opens residents’ eyes to businesses By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer SEYMOUR — Around 20 businesses participated in the first Seymour Community Expo, held Saturday in the Seymour High School cafeteria — making a lot of local resident a lot more aware of what is available in their area. Vendors set up information booths at the event, where door prizes were awarded and health screenings were available. “We’ve been to several health fairs and expos, but none in our own community,” said Becky Jenkins, expo coordinator and officer manager for Seymour dentist Dr. Gealon Thomas. “There are people who have been here all their lives and don’t realize what’s out there. There are a lot of nice folks in the community who have a lot of nice businesses.” Admission to the expo was free, but many participants and attendees brought

canned goods for CROSS Ministries. “It’s good to help out, especially during these trying times,” Jenkins said. “Just getting their name out” was the biggest thing for Alan and Debbie Ruttencutter of Service Plus Garage Doors, who moved to the area 11 years ago from Ohio. “There aren’t a lot of people building houses right now, but our business, which we started in February 2009, has done well,” Alan said. “We live down the road, and we saw the little yellow sign outside of the high school (about the expo) and signed up,” Debbie added. Knoxville TVA Credit Union member services representative Mark Green and South Knoxville assistant branch manEllen Brown/The Mountain Press ager Pam Hickman also took advantage Rose Gettys Hurst, sitting, of Knoxville of the opportunity. Orthopedic Clinic, shows Michelle Tracy “We have a lot of Seymour customers, of Southeast Oral Surgery in Seymour and Maryville a dynamometer at the Seymour See EXPO, Page A4 Community Expo on Saturday.

Michigan man dies on backpacking trip in park Staff report NATIONAL PARK — Ross Sabin Enderle, 26, of Pontiac, Mich., died while conducting a two-night backpacking trip in Great Smoky Mountains National Park with two friends and his brother, Ryan. Park officials said foul play was not suspected. On Saturday morning, park rangers responded to the incident at Icewater Spring shelter, one of the shelters along the Appalachian Trail. Enderle and his hiking companions had stayed the second night of their itinerary at the Icewater Spring shelter on Friday. Besides their group of four, there See MICHIGAN MAN, Page A4

Runners pay tribute to Cherie Atchley, raise money to benefit cancer society By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — It seemed fitting that the second annual Cherie Atchley Memorial 5K and 1 Mile Fun Walk was held Mother’s Day weekend. “She was a wife, mother and nurse, and she loved all three of those jobs,” said daughter Ann Marie Atchley, coordinator of the Saturday morning event held at Sevier County High School. “She was so fun-loving, and she loved being a grandmother, too. She said if she had known it was going to be so much fun, she would

have had grandchildren first.” Atchley passed away in July 2005 from cancer. Ann Marie, an avid runner – and also daughter of Sevierville Mayor Bryan Atchley — decided last year to host the 5K Walk/Run to honor her memory. “There aren’t a lot of 5Ks in our area, and I thought it would be good to do something local.” Around 30 walkers and runners of all ages participated in this year’s event. Registration proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. See RUNNERS, Page A4

A2 ◆ Business

The Mountain Press ◆ Monday, May 10, 2010

Five Guys opens 1st location in Sevier

Mellow Mushroom pizza opens today in Pigeon Forge Submitted Report

Submitted report PIGEON FORGE — Five Guys Burgers and Fries has opened its first Sevier County location. The Pigeon Forge franchise is owned by Gibby and Tina Lepsig, who also own locations in Knoxville, Powell, Alcoa and Lenoir City. The store’s location is Walden’s Landing, 2526 Parkway, in the former Atlanta Bread Company location. Store hours are 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. The Pigeon Forge Five Guys is the largest location in the country at 4,400 square feet. “We’re looking forward to introducing the Five Guys Burgers and Fries concept to Pigeon Forge,” said Tina Lepsig. “We’re so pleased with the outstanding response we’ve received from the Pigeon Forge and Sevier County community. We’re very blessed.”

Smoky Mountain Lodge tabs Rudd new administrator Submitted report SEVIERVILLE — Pasadena Villa has named Jerry Rudd administrator of the Smoky Mountain Lodge, a 29-bed adult residential facility. “Jerry’s broad experiences and skill set, along with his personality and passion for our work, make him a perfect fit for Smoky Mountain Lodge,” said George Kachmarik, president and clinical director. Rudd has more than 16 years of experience in a variety of roles and settings, including psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals, residential treatment and extended care programs. Smoky Mountain Lodge provides treatment for thought disorders, mood disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome and social and interpersonal deficits. For more information about Smoky Mountain Lodge or other Pasadena Villa programs, visit www. or contact David Nissen at (407) 8962636.


Little Rascals children’s boutique has opened for business on Dolly Parton Parkway in Splendor Oaks Plaza near Sevier County High

Little Rascals children’s boutique features gently used kids clothing 3 from Sevier County Submitted Report

SEVIERVILLE — Little Rascals children’s resale boutique is a shop featuring gently used children’s items. The store buys and sells children’s clothing, baby gear, baby and toddler furniture, shoes, accessories, maternity, educational and interactive toys, etc. It is located at 1374 Dolly Parton Parkway in the Splendor Oaks Plaza near Sevier County High School. Hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Little Rascals only accept items with no stains, fading, excessive wear or smoke odors. Items should be folded into boxes, laundry baskets or shopping bags. They do not accept clothing in trash bags. All items must be clean and in good condition. The store sells mostly name brand items, with sizes from preemie to 16. Call 286-5690 for an appointment to sell items. The owners pay cash on the spot, but ask that people limit clothing to 25 to 30 items at a time. They are accepting only spring and summer items at this time.

Sevier County HS grad Jack Douglas becomes Auto-Diesel Hall-of-Famer Submitted report NASHVILLE — Jack Douglas, the son of Dayton and Lucille Douglas of the Boyds Creek community and a 1957 graduate of Sevier County High School, has been inducted into the 2010 Graduate Hall of Fame of the Nashville AutoDiesel College. Douglas is a founding partner of Diesel Power Inc. After graduating from NADC in 1958, Douglas served in the Navy as a SeaBee, including service off the coast of Cuba during the 1962 missile crisis. After military service, he joined Diesel Sales and Service Inc., owned by H.O. Balls, owner of NADC, and Samuel

Jackson, the head N A D C diesel instructor. He stayed with the company Douglas until 1981, w h e n he and two co-workers started Diesel Power Inc. Initially based in Nashville, Diesel Power now has locations in Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Middle and East Tennessee. Douglas has been active in industry organizations throughout his career, including serving on the board of directors of the Association of Diesel Specialists. Douglas and his wife Charlotte have been mar-

Cracker Barrel promotes Nicholas Russell to general manager of its store in Kodak Submitted report KODAK — Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Inc. has promoted Nicholas Russell to the position of general manager of its Kodak location. Russell has been with the company since February 2008, most recently as part of the

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PIGEON FORGE — Mellow Mushroom, a pizza shop based in Atlanta, will open its doors in Pigeon Forge today. Robert McManus and Darby Campbell, local restaurateurs with more than 25 years in the Eastern Tennessee restaurant business, own the business. They said they spent more than two years finding a location and developing the store. Located at traffic light 2A between Magi Quest and the Inn at Christmas Place, Mellow Mushroom features a large menu offering an assortment of pizzas, salads, hoagies and calzones with many vegetarian options. “More than 11 million visitors from all over the world come through Pigeon Forge every year,” said Pigeon Forge director of operations Tom Horne. “Mellow Mushroom’s welcoming, groovy vibe will fit right into the Pigeon Forge community.” The Pigeon Forge restaurant seats 262 people. There are 14 large screen TVs throughout.

management team in Pigeon Forge. Before joining Cracker Barrel, he had 10 years experience in the restaurant industry. As general manager, he will be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day business. The unit is located at I-40 and Highway 66.

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ried for 50 years. They lives in Murfreesboro. They have two daughters, a granddaughter, a grandson, and one greatgranddaughter. Douglas has a sister, Patsy Douglas Randles of Knoxville.

pass CPA examination Submitted Report Three Sevier County residents have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination. Among the successful candidates are Marshall R. Stranger of Sevierville and Elizabeth A. Wright and John T. Wright, both of Seymour. The examination is delivered in a computerbased format eight months of the year at test centers throughout the United States. Sections covered in the computer-based test include auditing and attestation, financial accounting and reporting, regulation and business environment and concepts. To be eligible to take the exam, candidates

must have completed a minimum of 150 semester hours, which include a baccalaureate or higher degree from an academic institution recognized by the Tennessee State Board of Accountancy, with a minimum of 24 semester hours in accounting and 24 semester hours in general business subjects. Upon passing the exam, the successful candidates were inducted as members of the Tennessee Society of CPAs and its Knoxville Chapter.

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Business/Local ◆ A3

Monday, May 10, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press

Civil War items focus of show set for August Submitted report


Rafting in the Smokies owner Brenda Shultz and general manager Claudette Geoffrion welcomed guests and gave away more than two dozen doors prizes at their recent grand opening of the new office on Highway 321, Gatlinburg.

Rafting in the Smokies opens Gatlinburg store Submitted Report GATLINBURG — The Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce welcomed its newest member on Highway 321 during a Business During Hours event for the grand opening of the new Gatlinburg office of Rafting in the Smokies. More than 120 guests toured the new building, which includes a full-length wall mural painted by Karl Lewanski of

Cocke County. The food was provided by Michael “Blackie” Blackwell, chef at Angelo’s At The Point. Gatlinburg Mayor Jerry Hays and Cocke County Mayor Iliff McMahan were on hand. Rafting in the Smokies owner is Brenda Shultz; general manager is Claudette Geoffrion. The office is located at 813 East Parkway, next to the Chamber of Commerce. Call 436-5008.


Chamber board president-elect Chad Reagan, Gatlinburg-Pittman High Principal Curtis Henry, Pi Beta Phi assistant principal Scott Hensley and Chamber board president Logan Coykendall at the annual Chamber check presentation to local schools.

Chamber of Commerce Foundation gives $3,000 donation to two Gatlinburg schools Submitted Report GATLINBURG — The Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce Foundation makes an annual donation to GatlinburgPittman High School and Pi Beta Phi Elementary. Each year the two Gatlinburg schools receive a total of $3,000 from the foundation. In 2010, GatlinburgPittman will use the funds to continue updat-

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ing the library computers, while Pi Beta Phi will use the donation for Parks as Classroom field trip expenses, replacement of library books and student programs such as hearing, vision, personal items,

field trip costs for needy students, and incentive awards for students. For more information on the foundation, call Erin Moran at the Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce at 4364178.

Pigeon Forge — Relics from the Civil War are the focus of a collectibles show set for Aug. 28-29 at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center. The event is being organized by Smoky Mountain Resorts, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Show organizer Pete Smith expects approximately 100 tables of Civil War items will be included. Items on display and for sale will include authentic war-era muskets, rifles, pistols, photographs, uniforms and more. Re-enactors and history buffs will participate in portrayals of U.S. and Confederate military units. An encampment that will show how soldiers lived and fought during the four-year conflict is expected as well. Smith said a replica of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley should attract attention. The Hunley was the first submarine to sink an enemy ship, the Housatonic, in Charleston Harbor in February 1864. “Shows and special events of this nature are a perfect fit for Pigeon Forge,” said Leon Downey, executive director of Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism. “They add a new element to vacation time while illuminating part of our nation’s history.” Those interested in participating as vendors should call 800-223-6707. Show tickets can be purchased at the Ramada Inn in Pigeon Forge or by calling 800-523-3919.

Congratulations Graduate

We’re in town all week long at Smokies Park! _______________________________________ TONIGHT, May 10 @ 7:15 p.m. Bring your appetite to tonight’s opener vs. Carolina as Oscar Meyer hot dogs are only $1 each all night long!


Gatlinburg Earth Day draws more than 150 to enjoy the festivities Submitted report

GATLIBURG — The Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce Foundation recently held its third annual Earth Day Festival at Mynatt Park. Hilton Garden Inn Gatlinburg and NOC’s Great Outpost sponsored this event, and the rain did not stop the festivities. More than 150 experienced live music, food and crafts, and informational booths. One of the most popular additions to the festival was the small-scale disc golf course. Guests sang and danced along with music from Jeff Bowen, Taylor Brooks, Rex Gibson, Steve Curry and Boogertown Gap, while eating barbeque, hot dogs and sandwiches. This year’s festival featured more than two dozen booths sponsored by AT&T, Alternative Energy Solutions, NOC’s Great Outpost, Hilton Garden Inn, Sevier County Electric, GSMNP, the Gatlinburg Farmers Market, Hard Rock Cafe, Keep Sevier Beautiful, East Tennessee Clean Fuels, Safe Space and the Boys & Girls Club. Participants tried making nature bird feeders, corn husk dolls, ribbon dancers and rain makers. In honor of Earth Day, attendees planted seeds, won seedlings playing carnival games with the Goodwill Teens of Pittman Center, and learned about recycling with Laurence Evans from the Gatlinburg Community Center. The Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosted a design contest for the event poster and the festival shirt. Winners received a festival shirt, green bag, water bottle and a season pass to Splash Country. Seventh-grader Haley Jade Griffin won first place in the design contest, and her drawing was featured on the festival T-shirts. Poster winners were 10th-grader Kaylee Kantz, ninth-grader Kasey Sumeriski, seventhgrader Mac Ogle, sixth-grader Austin Mosley, secondgrader Josie Fuller, first-grader Preston Johns and kindergartner David Ownby. For more information on the Earth Day Festival and other Chamber events, contact Erin Moran at the Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce at 436-4178 or e-mail to

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Kayla Patterson Pearson Kayla Patterson Pearson is graduating on May 2, 2010 from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. She will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Secondary Mathematics Cum laude and a minor in music. She has also earned the Most Outstanding Student/Teacher award for 2010. After graduating she and her husband (Sean) will be living in the Sevier County area.

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A4 â—† Local/State

The Mountain Press â—† Monday, May 10, 2010


In Memoriam

were two other backpackers staying in the shelter and two others nearby. When they awoke on Saturday morning and

Kelly Cannon Kelly Cannon, age 69 of Sevierville, passed away Sunday May 9, 2010 at his home. He was a member of Boyd’s Creek Baptist Church. He was formerly a member of Burnett’s Creek Baptist Church, where he served as deacon for 25 years. He was retired from Whites Security Door Company. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Shirley Cannon; parents, Kelly and Rose Lee Cannon, Sr.; and brother, Bill Cannon. Survivors: Wife: Fay Cannon; Daughter: Melissa Cannon; Son: Gary Cannon; Stepsons: Allen James and wife Pam, Butch Davis and wife Jennifer; Stepgrandchildren: Jordan and Alisha James, Elijah and Jolee Davis; Sister and Brother-in-law: Geraldine “Gerri� and Bob Gibson; Brothers and Sistersin-law: Poe and Charlotte Cannon, Paul and Joy Cannon, Bob and Betty Cannon, and Roy Cannon; Several nieces and nephews; Special friends: Virgil Carr, Mark Wilkerson and a host of friends at Boyd’s Creek Market. Kelly’s family would like to express their gratitude to all of the friends and caregivers who helped during his illness. Funeral service 7 PM Tuesday at Atchley’s Seymour Chapel with Rev. Bill Stephens and Rev. Jimmy Miller officiating. Interment 11 AM Wednesday in Boyd’s Creek Cemetery with Rev. Ray Carr officiating. Serving as pallbearers will be: Gene Flynn, Jim Gibson, David Johnson, Charlie Hardin, Virgil Carr, and Mark Wilkerson. The family will receive friends 5-7 PM Tuesday at Atchley Funeral Home Seymour, 122 Peacock Court, Seymour, Tennessee (577-2807).


3From Page A1

“We raised $1,000 last year, and I think we’re going to reach at least $1,000 again this year,� Atchley said. “I’m here to support Ann Marie and her cause,� said Teresa Browning of Seymour. “She went to school with my daughter, and she also taught some


3From Page A1

and we’re hoping to get a few more,� Green said. Dentist Dr. John Masengill, who has practiced in Seymour for three


The church also supports the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky and missionaries in Guinea. Eula Mae Lewelling Lawson Matthews The Women’s Group Eula Mae Lewelling Lawson Matthews, 103, died Wednesday, May plans to make a donation 5, 2010. She was the oldest member of New Era Baptist Church, for repairs to be made in having joined Sept. 25, 1920. its more than 100-yearn

Survivors: children Ernest Lawson and wife Edna, Patricia Ann Lawson Gibson and husband Don, Sue Matthews Hardin and husband Johnny M., Eddy Matthews and wife Teresa all of Sevierville; Betty Matthews Galyon and husband Leonard of Seymour, W. D. (Bill) Matthews and wife Nancy of Roanoke, Texas, Nancy Matthews Hammons of Shreveport, La., Sara Matthews Neil and husband Robert of Marrero, La.; and grandson she raised as her own child Robert Matthews and wife Madlin of Sevierville; 31 grandchildren, 59 great-grandchildren, 23 great-great-grandchildren; three great-greatgreat-grandchildren; sister Juanita Lewelling Cowden and husband Wayne; numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral service was held Sunday in the West Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with the Revs. Curtis Wells and Dwayne White officiating. Interment followed in Pleasant Hill Methodist Church Cemetery. The family received friends Saturday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. n

Rev. Clyde Breeden Rev. Clyde Breeden, 87, of Sevierville died Friday May 7, 2010. He was a member of Gum Stand Baptist Church. Survivors: sons and daughters-in-law, James and Linda Breeden, Ron and Karen Breeden, and Sam Breeden; two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Funeral service 7 p.m. Monday, in the West Chapel of Atchley Funeral Home with Rev. Ronnie Reagan officiating. Entombment 11 a.m. Tuesday, in Smoky Mountain Memory Gardens Mausoleum. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Monday, at Atchley Funeral Home in Sevierville. n

Lloyd Ray Parton Lloyd Ray Parton, 86, of Seymour died Friday May 7, 2010. Born in Bradley county, he was raised in Pittman Center, but lived most of his life in the Seymour area. Survivors: sons, Daniel Ray Parton and wife Shirley, Joel Dean Parton and wife Rachel; three grandchildren; two great grandchildren; brothers Frank and Ben Parton. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Kings Academy, 202 Smothers Road, Seymour Tn. 37865 or First Baptist Church of Seymour 111621 Chapman Hwy, Seymour, Tn. 37865. The family will receive friends 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesday May 11th with funeral service at 2:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Seymour with Merwyn Borders officiating. Interment will follow in Atchley’s Seymour Memory Gardens. Arrangement by Atchley Funeral Home Seymour, 122 Peacock Court, Seymour, TN (577-2807)

Zenith D. Whaley Elder Zenith D. Whaley, age 95 of Pittman Center, passed away Sunday, May 9, 2010, at his home. Graveside service and interment 11 AM Wednesday in Walnut Grove Cemetery. The family will receive friends 6-8 PM Tuesday at Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville. A complete obituary will appear in Tuesday’s newspaper. n

PLANNERS 3From Page A1

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) agree. The state officials have previously refused to grant Cook all the needed permits based on their own worries about his plan, including that the parking lot may not be properly supported. TDEC asked Cook to provide a proposal that shows some mitigation for the property, perhaps a retaining wall to ensure the dirt and maybe even the pavement itself won’t slide onto properties down the hill from Cook’s site. That requirement was

tried to arouse Enderle, he was unresponsive. One of the hikers staying at the shelter contacted 911 by a cell phone and Great Smoky Mountains National Park was notified around 7:45 a.m.

Shortly after the notification, Park Rangers arrived at the shelter at 9:14 a.m. Enderle exhibited no signs of life upon an examination by a park EMT. Park Rangers placed the body on a litter and carried

the victim three miles from Icewater Spring to Newfound Gap via the Appalachian Trail. The body was transported to Harris Regional Hospital in Sylva, N.C., where an autopsy was performed.

exercise classes I’ve taken. This year, I did the whole (5K).� It was also the second year for Megan Kenner and Ken Johnson, friends of Atchley’s and members of the running group Seymour Sonics. “We all did a marathon together,� Kenner said. “We get together and run some mornings, some evenings. I think with running, you either

love it or hate it – and I love it.� Kenner gave Atchley a grin and added, “When you run as slow as I do, you have time to come up with ideas. I have some good ones for next year’s 5K.� Last year’s Cherie Atchley 5K Run was the first race Patti Barnes had ever participated in, and it changed her life. Now she runs at least three days

a week – and she even recently competed in a half-marathon. “It’s really helped me a lot,� Barnes said. “It’s a great stress reliever.� This year, she was joined by daughter Fallon Whaley, a Walters State Community College student. “To me, this is a Mother’s Day 5K,� Barnes said.

years, was drawn to the area because of its similarities to his hometown of Cleveland. He and his staff were hoping to recruit more patients to their office, which is located next to the Kroger shopping center on Chapman

Highway. Jenkins began coordinating the expo in March. “It’s the first one I’ve ever done, and things get booked a lot earlier than I realized – there were other businesses that wanted to participate but were com-

mitted to something else. I hope to do another expo next year if everyone’s interested. “If there’s a need here, everyone in the community bans together to help.�

old church building as well. The sale is also a time for fellowship, as a group of women traded Dolly Parton stories (Miller was to see her at their high school reunion at Dollywood that afternoon). Church member Kaye Crabtree dropped off her custard pie and oat-

meal raisin cookies, but stayed long enough to say “hello� to everyone and feed the church’s adopted dog, a stray that seems to live in the nearby cemetery. The Women’s Group invites the community to join them in selling items for profit at its event. A participant last year was

able to use the proceeds to pay their rent. “These ladies do a lot of good work,� said church member Betty McCarter. “It’s worthwhile to come out and support them.� “Without the church’s help, we couldn’t pull anything off,� Miller said.

made a condition of the approval of the plan. Cook told county officials late last year he had no intention of doing anything more or, more specifically, spending further money to meet the requirements for developing the site. In a Planning Commission session late last year he demanded that County Planner Jeff Ownby “do his job� and get the plan approved. His demands and even promises of a lawsuit against the county got him nowhere, with the commission voting against the proposal. During Tuesday’s session, Cook will again seek site plan approval.

Also on the agenda for that session is: Rezoning Requests n From Advance Adventure & Travis McCroskey for property in the 1400 block of Avenue A from R-1 (rural residential) to C-1 (rural

commercial) n From Michael LeGate for property at 482 Sugar Loaf Road from A-1 (agricultural) to C-1 Concept Extension n Providence Hills.

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Nation ◆ A5

Monday, May 10, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press

White House says Pakistan Taliban behind N.Y. bomb

Oil spill grows to 3.5 million gallons ON THE GULF OF MEXICO (AP) — A growing collection of crippled equipment littered the ocean floor Sunday near a ruptured oil well gushing crude into the Gulf of Mexico, the remnants of a massive rig that exploded weeks ago and the failed efforts since to cap the leak. On the surface, nearly a mile up, a fleet of ships maneuvered to deploy the latest stopgap plans hatched by BP engineers desperate to keep the Deepwater Horizon disaster from becoming the nation’s worst spill. An estimated 3.5 million gallons has risen from the depths since the April 20 explosion that killed 11, a pace that would surpass the total spilled in the Exxon Valdez disaster by Father’s Day. A day after icelike crystals clogged a four-story box that workers had lowered atop the main leak, crews using remotecontrolled submarines hauled the specially built structure more than a quarter-mile away and prepared other long-shot methods of stopping the flow. Chief operating officer Doug Suttles said BP was thinking about putting a smaller containment dome over the massive leak, believing that it would be less vulnerable. The smaller dome could be ready to deploy Tuesday or Wednesday. “We’re going to pursue the first option that’s available to us and we think it’ll be the top hat,” Suttles said. The company was also now debating whether it should cut the riser pipe undersea and use larger piping to bring the gushing oil to a drill ship on the surface. The third option would use a tube to shoot ground-up materials into the well’s blowout preventer, a process that could take two to three weeks. As BP weighed its options on the mainland, waves of dark brown and black sludge crashed into a boat in the area above the leak. The fumes there were so intense that a crewmember of the support ship Joe Griffin and an AP photographer on board had to wear respirators while on deck.

Associated Press

Cast member Kristen Wiig,left, and Betty White, who guest-hosted last weekend, are shown on the set of “Saturday Night Live.”

‘Live, from New York ...’ Guest hosting on ‘Saturday Night Live,’ Betty White shows she’s still got it at 88 By FRAZIER MOORE AP Television Writer

“Oh, really,” she scoffed. “Since when does a 103-year-old man simply drop dead?” She appeared in three “MacGruber” NEW YORK — Betty White demsketches as the grandmother of the onstrated how it’s done as host of this bumbling special-op agent played by week’s “Saturday Night Live.” Will Forte, each time nagging and Drawing on her six decades in comedy, she was the consummate pro at 88 berating him as he tried (unsuccessfully, of course) to defuse the ticking years old — sweet, sassy, salty, charmbomb. ing and clearly game for anything. She played the guest of Gasteyer and “I’m not new to live TV,” she remindShannon, co-hosts of a public-radio ed the audience at the top of the show, cooking show, in a sketch slyly built and recalled that she had starred in a around an alternate meaning for “mufsitcom that aired live back in 1952. fin.” “Of course, back then, we didn’t “A lot of people like my pumpkin WANT to do it live. We just didn’t know pie, and of course my carrot cake is how to tape things.” A perfectly timed legendary,” White’s bakery chef began beat. “I don’t know what THIS show’s proudly, “but if there’s one thing I’m excuse is.” known for, it’s my muffin.” She didn’t Billed by NBC as a special Mother’s stop there. Day edition, the show had a definitely And in a filmed short that should feminine tone and was a reunion of sorts for “SNL” alumnae, bringing back find a robust afterlife online, “SNL” cast former regulars including Amy Poehler, members paid tribute to White by singing “Thank You for Being A Friend,” Tina Fey, Ana Gasteyer and Molly the theme of her classic sitcom, “The Shannon. (Jay-Z was musical guest.) But White was the queen bee, appear- Golden Girls.” “Oh, that was just lovely,” said White ing in nearly every bit throughout the when they were finished. “But I think 90-minute span — and never failing to I prefer my version,” whereupon she punch it up. pulled a black ski mask over her face As a dotty resident being surveyed by census-taker Fey, White listed other and led a growling, rip-roaring deathmetal rendition that left everyone reelresidents in her apartment as Fluffy, ing. Princess, Tigger and Socks. White, whose “SNL” gig resulted “These are people we’re talking about from a half-a-million-strong groundand not cats, right?” asked the wary swell on Facebook after her hilarious Fey. Snickers commercial on the Super “There’s really no way of knowing,” came the reply. “Sometimes when I see Bowl, took pains to thank Facebook their big eyes looking up from my lap, I during her opening monologue. Her way. think that’s definitely a homeless guy in “When I first heard about the cama fur coat.” paign to get me to host ’Saturday Night White played the star of a new “CSI” spinoff set in a Florida retirement com- Live,’ I didn’t know what Facebook was,” White confessed. Then she exhibited her munity, “CSI: Sarasota.” warm smile and a perfectly timed beat As an investigator (identified as before marveling impishly, “Now that David Caruso’s great-aunt), she wasn’t I DO know what it is, I have to say: It buying the story that the victim had seems like a huge waste of time.” died of natural causes.

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Saying they obtained new evidence, senior White House officials said Sunday that the Pakistani Taliban were behind the failed Times Square bombing. The attempt marks the first time the group has been able to launch an attack on U.S. soil. And while U.S. officials have downplayed the threat — citing the bomb’s lack of sophistication — the incident in Times Square and Christmas Day airline bomber indicate growing strength by overseas terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida even as the CIA says their operations are seriously degraded. The finding also raises new questions about the U.S. relationship with Pakistan, which is widely known to have al-Qaida and other terrorist groups operating within its borders. Concerning the Pakistani Taliban, Attorney General Eric Holder said: “We know that they helped facilitate it; we know that they helped direct it. And I suspect that we are going to come up with evidence which shows that they helped to finance it. They were intimately involved in this plot.” John Brennan, the president’s homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, made similar remarks, linking the bomber to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP. Neither official said what the new evidence was. Faisal Shahzad, a U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, is believed to have spent five months in Pakistan before returning to the United States in February and preparing his attack. Shahzad has told investigators that he trained in the lawless tribal areas of Waziristan, where both al-Qaida and the Pakistani Taliban operate. He was arrested aboard an Emirates Airlines jet in New York just minutes before it was scheduled to take off for Dubai.

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A6 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Monday, May 10, 2010

sunrise in the smokies

TODAY’S Briefing Local n


Titanic to host United Way event

An evening aboard the Titanic as a fundraiser for United Way of Sevier County is scheduled for May 20 beginning at 6 p.m. Guests will experience a progressive wine and cheese tasting tour. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased from a United Way representative, online at www.uwosc. org, by calling 453-4261. They also can be bought at the event, if available. All proceeds will benefit United Way of Sevier County and its community partners. n


Rabies vaccination clinics scheduled

Sevier County rabies vaccination clinics sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Health are scheduled for Saturday at these locations: n Sevier Farmers Co-op, 1:30-2:30 p.m. n Pigeon Forge Middle School: 1:30-2:30 p.m. n Northview Elementary: 3-4 p.m. n Gatlinburg-Pittman High (lower lot near Boys & Girls Club): 3-4 p.m. The cost is $9 for a one-year rabies vaccination. Participating veterinarians are Len Pilkington and Vickie Mellon.

State n


Haslam stresses ‘culture of restraint’

Republican Bill Haslam, who has been pilloried by his rivals in the Tennessee gubernatorial race for raising property taxes in his first year as Knoxville mayor, stresses a “culture of restraint” in the city that he would translate to the governor’s office. Haslam has made his performance at the helm of the state’s third largest city a major element of his campaign platform. He recently presented his latest spending plan that includes no new taxes and refrains from tapping the city’s $52 million in cash reserves. “The hardest thing in the world to do in government is to have money and not spend it,” Haslam said in an interview after his budget presentation. “Now that times are getting tougher people see the benefit of having that fund balance.” n


Trial starts today in truck stop slays The suspect in the death of a woman found at a Nashville truck stop is set to go on trial after having his day in court delayed by flooding. Attorneys are set to pick jurors today in the case of Bruce Mendenhall, an Illinois truck driver charged with murder in the June 2007 shooting death of 25-year-old Sarah Hulbert whose body was found at a truck stop in Nashville. n

top state news

Lottery Numbers

UT may cut two language majors KNOXVILLE (AP) — The University of Tennessee may discontinue Russian and Italian as majors in its Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures as federal stimulus money expires, and one instructor said eliminating the Russian major “makes no sense.” An associate professor of Russian, Stephen Blackwell, said there is “tremendous growth, three national awards for students this year and waiting lists” for the classes. He said the recommenda-

tion to eliminate Russian as a major seems at odds with the university’s official ‘Ready for the World’ internationalization plan. UT officials are examining options as the Knoxville campus prepares for a $54 million — or 30 percent — budget cut when federal stimulus funding ends in June 2011. UT Knoxville Provost Susan Martin said she expects the university to go through the process and “come to some conclusion” in the fall. Classes and minors in



Today's Forecast

Partly cloudy

Chicago 58° | 40°

An internal audit has concluded that Chattanooga may have been paying its city attorneys for the last 50 years in violation of the state’s conflict of interest laws. The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports that the audit by city Internal Auditor Stan Sewell said the arrangement violated state rules over contracting, bidding, segregation of duties and conflicts of interest.

Washington 65° | 43°

Memphis 70° | 49°

Chance of rain

Sunday, May 9, 2010 Evening: 7-6-0

Raleigh 70° | 45°


Atlanta 74° | 45° ■ Tuesday

Evening: 0-1-9-6


New Orleans 83° | 61°

High: 85° Low: 62°

This day in history Today is Monday, May 10, the 130th day of 2010. There are 235 days left in the year.

Miami 85° | 76°

Douglas 991.8 U0.4

© 2010

■ Air Quality Forecast: Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow


Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Weather Underground • AP

“I wouldn’t say it’s failed yet. What I would say is what we attempted to do ... didn’t work.” — BP chief operating officer Doug Suttles said of the containment box it send to the Gulf of Mexico to contain the massive oil spill

“They recognized, as Frederick Douglass once put it, that ’education means emancipation.’ They recognized that education is how America and its people might fulfill our promise.” — President Barack Obama, in his commencement speech to nearly 1,100 Hampton University graduates on Sunday

“Peace can’t be made from a distance or by remote control. Over time one cannot assume that that we will reach decisions and agreements on critical issues such as security and our national interests and their interests if we don’t sit in the same room.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Publisher: Jana Thomasson Editor: Stan Voit Production Director: Tom McCarter Advertising Director: Joi Whaley Business Manager: Mary Owenby Circulation Distribution Manager: Will Sing (ISSN 0894-2218) Copyright 2008 The Mountain Press. All Rights Reserved. All property belongs to The Mountain Press and no part may be reproduced without prior written consent. Published daily by The Mountain Press. P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN, 37864, 119 River Bend Dr., Sevierville, TN 37876. Periodical Postage paid at Sevierville, TN.


Today’s highlight:

“A UT-TPA Prize Winning Newspaper”

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On this date:

In 1865, Union forces captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Irwinville, Ga. In 1869, a golden spike was driven in Promontory, Utah, marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. n

World quote roundup

Locally a year ago:

“ S h a - K o n - O Hey — Land of Blue Smoke” premiered at Dollywood’s Celebrity Theater yesterday featuring songs written by Dolly Parton. Parton sang “My Mountains, My Home” with the cast. The idea came about with Dollywood Entertainment Director Paul Couch who wanted to create a personal connection to the mountains by sharing this history in a musical theater production.


■ Lake Stages:

Primary Pollutant: Particles Mountains: Moderate Valley: Moderate Cautionary Health Message: Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors.


In 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was given the job of FBI director.

Mostly cloudy

Mostly cloudy


Saturday, May 8, 2010


High: 78° Low: 63° ■ Wednesday


Sunday, May 9, 2010


High: 71° Low: 53° Wind 5-10

able to offer everything,” he said. “Language instruction is very important, and that’s something we definitely are going to preserve.” Blackwell said there are 36 registered Russian majors at UT, and seven of the department’s students will be going to Russia this summer or next fall. That’s double the recent average number of students going to Russia per year. He said there are three graduates in the Russian major this year, and he expects seven next year and eight in 2012.

City/Region High | Low temps

Forecast for Monday, May 10


City payments to attorneys illegal?

both programs will continue. Bruce Bursten, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences that includes the two majors, said that during a five-year period, both have averaged fewer than three graduates per year. The majors are also on the Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s list of low-producing programs, which means there were fewer than an average of 10 bachelor’s degrees generated per year over the last five years. “We don’t want to not be

Ten years ago:

High wind drove what began as a deliberately set fire into a New Mexico canyon, forcing the evacuation of the entire town of Los Alamos. (The fire had been set to contain an earlier blaze intended to clear brush.) n

Five years ago:

A federal bankruptcy judge approved United Airlines’ plan to terminate its employees’ pension plans. Cheered by tens of thousands in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, President George W. Bush urged the spread of democracy across the former communist world and beyond. n

Thought for today:

“Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training.” — Anna Freud, Austrian-born psychoanalyst (1895-1982).

Celebrities in the news n “Iron Man 2”

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tony Stark piloted to the top of the box office but not the record books. “Iron Man 2,” the sequel starring Robert Downey Jr. as Marvel’s gadgethappy billionaire superhero, earned $133.6 million domestically on its opening weekend, according to distributor Paramount Pictures’ estimates Sunday. The opening rocketed past the original $98.6 million debut in 2008 and landed the record as the fifth-biggest opening weekend. “Iron Man 2” has taken in $194 million overseas since it debuted in many international markets last week, bringing its worldwide total to over $327 million.

Mountain Views

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” —United States Constitution, Amendment One

■ The Mountain Press ■ Page A7 ■ Monday, May 10, 2010


KOA devoted to children with cancer I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Chipperfield, the general manager of the KOA campground in Townsend, last week. Mark and his wife, Samantha, do a remarkable job of catering to the tourists that come to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park each year, along with their excellent staff. The KOA sits less than a mile from the Townsend “Y” entrance to the park, as well as border it with the Little River which runs right by the campground. The day I was there, the river was up because of the heavy rain that Tennessee had received just a few days before. Mark told me that there has been times in the past when the river would overflow and flood the entire KOA, making it impossible to rent. The Chipperfields do not rent scuba gear, by the way. I was taken on a tour of the KOA, which is laid out beautifully in a secluded wooded lot. There are a swimming pool, playground and an outdoor theater. There are also “kamping” lodges and “kamping kabins,” for those who want a roof over their heads. There are plenty more amenities at this fully loaded facility and plenty of other things to keep you entertained throughout the day. No, I didn’t misspell camping. At the KOA, they use the “K” in place of the “C” on purpose. Mark’s parents managed the property until he and his wife moved back to the area in 1996 and the property was later converted to a KOA in 2007. I love the little blurb on the web site that says, “Samantha sings with her church praise team and spends time away from Mark when he’s playing his banjo.” I didn’t get to hear him play, so I don’t know if that was a blessing or a missed opportunity. The thing that got my attention about KOA were the fundraising events that they do for children with cancer. In case you didn’t know, there are some 10,400 children under the age of 14 diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. annually. Of these, some 1,545 will die of the disease. The three most common cancers to hit children are leukemia, brain cancer and lymphoma. In 1984 the KOA organization launced a campaign to help children with cancer called the Care Camp Trust to raise money for these children with special needs. Most of the KOAs participate in the program with over 390 for this year — the goal is to raise $137,500 for this great event. Owner of the KOA franchise, Oscar Tang, will match whatever the campgrounds raise as an incentive to make the Come Kamp & Care With Us Weekend a success. He will also match the numbers in the year 2011. At last count the number of Care camps set up across North America are 43. The camps are separate from the regular KOA’s because of the special needs of the children. They have to have on-site medical facilities, specially trained counselors and medical staffs — many of them volunteers. The camps are free to the children, their siblings and those in remission. No KOA Kampground benefits from this program. Many parents who are inundated with medical expenses will now have the opportunity to see their children enjoy the pleasure of the outdoors like other children do. Some of the expenses that these special camps have to contend with are thousands of meals, drugs, medical equipment, utilities, phones, insurance, gasoline, postage, linens and transportation. As you can see, even nonprofits are not spared the everyday expenses of operation. There are around 500 KOA campgrounds in America, with most of them being independently owned and operated. The KOA owners association has a disaster relief program which is helping out in Tennessee and Kentucky with their floodrelated problems. Also KOA, the world’s largest system of public family campgrounds, was the sponsor of the 2010 U.S. Olympic bobsled and skeleton teams. I want to remind the people in our area that the Come Kamp & Care With Us Weekend in Townsend, will be held this coming Friday and Saturday. You pay for Friday and camp free on Saturday. If you are interested you can go online at www. or call 800562-3428 (locally 448-2241). Remember, it’s not campingm it’s kamping! — Dan M. Smith is a Cincinnati native and Gatlinburg resident. He is the author of the forthcoming book “So Far from Forfar.” His son is serving in the Air Force. E-mail to


Hacked off Young David Kernell deserves proper punishment for his e-mail prank It’s hard to know what would be a fair punishment for young David Kernell. It’s for sure he’s going to spend time in jail. Any plans he may have had for a life of public service have been derailed. He messed up big tine. What he thought was a clever prank turned out to be a big-time crime that gave him a profile he didn’t want. Kernell, the son of a Democratic Tennessee lawmaker, was convicted last Friday on two charges in the hacking of Sarah Palin’s e-mail account while she campaigned on the Republican presidential ticket in 2008. The federal court jury reached its verdict against Kernell, 22, after four days of deliberation. He was found guilty of obstruction of justice and unauthorized access to a computer, but was acquitted on a charge of wire fraud.

The jury deadlocked on a charge of identify theft. The charge of obstructing an investigation carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence and unauthorized access to a computer is a misdemeanor with a maximum one-year sentence. U.S. District Judge Thomas Phillips did not immediately set a sentencing date. Kernell was a college student at Tennessee when he came up with the password to hack into Palin’s Yahoo e-mail account. What happened next made lots of people angry and fearful. The information Kernell obtained was widely distributed, including the posting of Sarah and daughter Bristol’s cell phone numbers. The Palins suffered harassment, annoyance, disruption of their lives and embarassment as a

result of what Kernell did. He deserves to be punished. There must be consequences for bad behavior, and Kernell was no kid when he did this. He was a responsible, presumbly mature college student who knew right from wrong and, like so many other young people, didn’t think through the consequences of his actions. That cannot be an excuse for a light sentence. Whatever happens to young Mr. Kernell, let’s assume he has learned a lesson that, it’s hoped, is a lesson learned by many other would-be hackers and computer gurus. Mind your own business. When you mind other people’s, there can be trouble, and you won’t find a lot of sympathy when you get caught.

Political view

mountain musings

Adam Guinn’s recuperation from surgery going well Editor’s note: The Mountain Press is occasionally offering an eclectic mix of newsy tidbits, anecdotes and oneliners: Adam Guinn, the former Pigeon Forge High School all-state baseball player, is doing well after his surgery to repair a broken left arm, which occurred when his Walters State roommate, Samuel Irwin, allegedly struck Guinn with a baseball bat after becoming upset about somebody’s Facebook post. Irwin has been dismissed from the program. Guinn, like Irwin a freshman, already has a much-improved range of motion in his arm, although it will take months of rehab to get back to 100 percent. Guinn has dropped about 20 pounds since the attack, and he said he always will have to wear protective gear, similar to what Barry Bonds wore while batting, to protect the damaged arm. ...

As gasoline costs rise along with the temperature, there is a quick way to find the best prices. Simply go to the Web site, look to the far right and find an icon called “My AAA Benefits.” Click on the category at the very bottom, “Fuel Price Finder.” You will be prompted to select a state and you’ll then scroll down to find a specific city or exit ramp to an interstate. ... Only an educated guess, but we would bet on three things people most enjoy about their visit to the Titanic Museum Attraction: testing their hands in the 28-degree water, walking up the ornate staircase and checking their passenger stub in the Discovery room to see if they survived the sinking. ... A friend of the muse observes: Isn’t interesting that some people can be dirt poor while others are filthy rich. ... Perhaps the sportscaster just wasn’t thinking when he made the following obser-

vation about a listless Kobe Bryant during a Los Angeles Lakers’ playoff game against Oklahoma City. “Kobe needs to just let his hair down and play.” Duh?! Bryant’s currently wearing the shaved-head look — he has no hair. ... Circuit Judge Rex Ogle, chairman of the library foundation, made sure this Friday’s ceremony to open the new facility was done early. He has to be in Atlanta for a Friday night rehearsal dinner and the Saturday wedding of his son, Daniel, a Methodist minister. ... Seymour Intermediate School Principal Peggy Oakes braved the heat last Tuesday to help campaign for husband, County Commissioner Bill Oakes, who was re-elected. ... Gatlinburg Pittman High School tennis coach G. Webb pointed out that the school’s last three valedictorians have all been tennis players. ...

Letters to the editor policy and how to contact us: ◆ We encourage our readers to send letters to the editor. Letters must contain no more than 500 words. No more than one letter per person will be published in a 30-day period. Letters must be neatly printed or typed and contain no libel, plagiarism or personal attacks. All letters are subject to editing for style, length and content. Statements of fact must be attributed to a source for verification. All letters must be signed and contain a phone number and address for verification purposes. No anonymous or unverified letters will be printed. No letters endorsing candidates will be considered. The Mountain Press reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: or MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, The Mountain Press, P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864. For questions, call (865) 428-0748, ext. 214. The Mountain Press and its publishers do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in letters and columns on this page.

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Federal Legislators:

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■ The Mountain Press ■ A8 ■ Monday, March 10, 2010

A’s Braden perfect against Rays By JANIE McCAULEY AP Baseball Writer OAKLAND, Calif. — Dallas Braden pitched the 19th perfect game in major league history, shutting down the majors’ hottest team and leading the Oakland Athletics to a 4-0 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays on Sunday. Braden threw his arms in the air after Gabe Kapler grounded out to shortstop for the final out. The closest the Rays got to a hit was Jason Bartlett’s liner to third leading off the game. Evan Longoria tried to bunt against Braden leading off the fifth, drawing boos from the small crowd. “It’s without a doubt a team effort,” Braden said. “You got eight guys out there chasing balls and knocking balls down for me. So this is ours, not just mine, this is ours.” It was the majors’ first perfect game since Mark Buehrle did it for the White Sox against the Rays on July 23, and the second no-hitter this season after Colorado’s Ubaldo Jimenez pulled it off in Atlanta on April 17. Braden pitched the A’s first perfect game since Hall of Famer Jim “Catfish” Hunter’s gem on May 8, 1968, against the Minnesota Twins. Only 6,298 were there to witness it. Sunday’s crowd at the Coliseum wasn’t much better: 12,228. Braden (4-2) wasn’t fazed by anything, throwing twostrike changeups and getting quick outs against a Rays team that lost on the road for just the third time this year. He struck out six in the 109-pitch performance, throwing 77 strikes in his 53rd career start.

Associated Press

Oakland Athletics pitcher Dallas Braden, center, is mobbed by teammates after throwing a perfect game against the Tampa Bay Rays in Oakland on Sunday. Braden’s teammates mobbed him when the Mother’s Day masterpiece was over, leaving bats and gloves scattered on the field. The left-hander pointed to the sky in honor of his mom, Jodie Atwood, who died of cancer when he was a high school senior. He shared a long and tearful hug with his grandma, Peggy Lindsey, the woman who raised him, in front of the dugout. “It hasn’t been a joyous day for me in a while,” Braden said. “With my

Grandma in the stands it makes it a lot better.” Braden’s perfect game was the sixth no-hitter in Oakland history. The 26-year-old Braden, a native of nearby Stockton, was a 24th-round draft pick by the A’s in 2004. Before Sunday, the crafty lefty had made more of a name for himself for his enraged reaction to Alex Rodriguez walking across the mound back on April 22, when he beat Yankees ace CC Sabathia. The squabble was still

making news leading up this start, and they were going back and forth in recent days. On Friday in Boston, A-Rod said he didn’t want “to extend his extra 15 minutes of fame.” Braden insisted Friday that was all history — then two days later he made his own history. It was his first career complete game, no less. Last Mother’s Day, Braden was hit by a line drive by Vernon Wells. “You know, a year later you don’t expect anything

like this,” he said. “I’m just happy to be putting on the costume a year later.” The A’s defense didn’t even have to make a really tough play in fair territory. Third baseman Kevin Kouzmanoff sprinted to the dirt in front of Oakland’s dugout to catch a foul popup by Dioner Navarro for the second out in the sixth. Kapler then fouled out on a 12-pitch at-bat on another ball caught by Kouzmanoff. Navarro fouled off five straight pitches before the popup.

Landon Powell — who caught the game with regular catcher Kurt Suzuki injured — Kouzmanoff and Ryan Sweeney each singled in runs for the A’s, who added two unearned runs in the fourth after catcher Navarro’s throwing error. Daric Barton had three hits and scored twice for Oakland. James Shields (4-1) failed to beat the A’s for the second time in 12 days after striking out 12 in a 10-3 win April 28.

Clark sheds unwanted label

with 1-shot victory at TPC By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. — Tim Clark no longer has to hear about being the best player to have never won on the PGA Tour. He settled that Sunday by beating the best field in golf. Clark played the final 26 holes without a bogey and made an 8-foot par on the final hole for a 5-under 67 to win The Players Championship with a record 36-hole comeback at TPC Sawgrass. “I did all I could there,” said Clark, a 34-year-old South African. “That’s as good as I could have played.” He needed every shot. Clark, seven shots behind going into the weekend, made four straight birdies around the turn to take the lead, and no one could catch him. Robert Allenby had the best chance, but an 18-foot eagle putt on the 16th and a 12-foot birdie try on the island-green 17th came within a fraction of an inch from going in. Clark became only the second player to make The Players Championship his first PGA Tour victory. He had gone more than eight years and 204 tournament with nothing more to show than eight runner-up finishes. Tiger Woods managed to create a buzz

without even being there most of the day. He withdrew on the seventh hole because of a neck injury that he fears might be from a bulging disk. Woods said his neck has been bothering him since before the Masters. “I’ve been playing through it,” Woods said. “I can’t play through it anymore.” Phil Mickelson could have moved to No. 1 in the world with a victory, but the Masters champion never gave himself a good chance. He made bogey on three of his opening six holes, closed with a 74 and tied for 17th. Clark won for the fourth time worldwide, yet this was his finest performance. The Players Championship not only is the richest tournament in golf with a $9.5 million purse, it features the strongest and deepest field all year. Clark won with a 66-67 weekend in which he made only one bogey — the 10th hole on Saturday. It was the best weekend on the treacherous Stadium Course since Fred Couples shot 132 to win in 1996. The 36-hole comeback topped the record of six that Woods set when he won in 2001. Clark finished at 16-under 272 and earned $1.71 million. Allenby, winless on the PGA Tour since 2001, closed with a 70. He needed a birdie on the final hole to force a playoff, but missed the green to the right and his 50-foot birdie attempt never had a

Associated Press

Tim Clark of South Africa, pumps his fists after making par on the 18th hole during the final round of The Players Championship golf tournament Sunday. chance to go in. He earned $1,026,000 as a consolation prize for his second runnerup finish this year. U.S. Open champion Lucas Glover shot 31 on the back, including a 50-foot birdie on the 17th, and wound up third at 14-under 274. Lee Westwood of England had the 54-hole lead, just as he did at the Masters last month, and couldn’t hold on. He made one clutch par after another, includ-

ing a 50-footer on the 15th hole to stay in the game, but his hopes ended with a tee shot into the water on the 17th to make double bogey. “I just didn’t play well enough today,” Westwood said. Westwood shot 39 on the back and fell into a tie for fourth with Davis Love III, whose 68 was one of only two rounds in the 60s. The other belonged to Clark, and it was a beauty.

Rondo, Celtics beat LeBron, Cavs to even East semis BOSTON (AP) — Run over in Game 3, the Celtics were off and running Sunday. And Rajon Rondo was the one making those aging Boston legs go Rondo had 29 points, 18 rebounds and 13 assists, and the Celtics beat the Cleveland Cavaliers 97-87 on Sunday to even the Eastern Conference semifinal series at two games apiece. Rondo had a playoff career high in rebounds and

matched his best scoring night in his fourth postseason triple-double. He played 47 minutes with some of his bigger-name teammates in foul trouble, and fans chanted “MVP! MVP!” as he knocked down a pair of free throws with 17 seconds left. “He was absolutely sensational tonight,” Boston coach Doc Rivers said. Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett scored 18 apiece for the Celtics, who

rebounded from the worst home playoff loss in franchise history and ensured they’ll get at least one more game at home. Game 5 is Tuesday night in Cleveland before the series returns to Boston on Thursday night. LeBron James scored 22 points — only one more than he had in the first quarter of Game 3 — and seemed frustrated during a seven-turnover performance. Shaquille O’Neal added 17 points, his

high for this postseason, but was on the bench when the Celtics blew by the Cavaliers in the fourth quarter. Tony Allen scored a playoff career-high 15 points in 26 spirited minutes off the bench for the Celtics, helping spell the foul-plagued Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. Pierce continued to struggle, managing only nine points in 31 minutes, but Rondo made sure he wasn’t missed.

The Celtics ran off the first 10 points of the fourth, mostly in transition, turning a two-point edge into an 84-72 lead. Rondo’s basket started the spurt, he twice fed Glen Davis for easy baskets, and Tony Allen finished it off with another bucket in transition. The Cavaliers didn’t score in the period until Mo Williams’ jumper with 7:15 remaining. “I just wanted to continue to attack,” Rondo said.

“That’s how we got the lead at first.” But Cleveland used its own 10-0 run to climb to 86-84 after James converted a three-point play and set up Anderson Varejao for one. Tony Allen answered with a basket, and after a free throw by Varejao, Rondo threw a pretty bounce pass to Pierce for a dunk, then added a follow shot to make it 92-85 with 1:34 to play.

Sports â—† A9

Monday, May 10, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

Cockrell fired by Mariners

Associated Press

Denny Hamlin, who had knee surgery March 31, drives to victory during NASCAR Sprint Cup series Showtime Southern 500 auto race Saturday night. Hamlin became the first driver in 17 years to sweep the Sprint Cup and Nationwide events at Darlington Raceway

For Hamlin, winning is the best medicine By PETE IACOBELLI AP Sports Writer

burnouts. Hamlin out-raced JGR teammate Kyle Busch to take the Royal Purple 200 on Friday night. At Saturday’s Southern 500, Hamlin moved to the front late in the race and held on while prime contenders Jeff Gordon and Jeff Burton made pit errors to fall back. It’s been a quicker than expected recovery for an injury that may keep athletes in stick-and-ball sports off the field for months. Hamlin injured his ligament playing basketball. After winning at Martinsville on March 29, Hamlin knew he couldn’t drive without surgery. After the procedure, many at Joe Gibbs Racing held their breath about the season ahead — especially when Hamlin insisted jumping back in when the series went to Phoenix. “We didn’t know if he was going to make it the whole race, maybe half a race, what was he going to do,� JGR team president J.D. Gibbs said. “I think he went up a few notches in my

DARLINGTON, S.C.— Denny Hamlin has found the perfect way to rehab his surgically repaired knee — winning NASCAR races. Hamlin became the first driver in 17 years to sweep the Sprint Cup and Nationwide events at Darlington Raceway, an achievement even more remarkable since he was on the operating table on March 31 to fix a painful ACL tear in his left knee. Still, less than two weeks later, Hamlin was back in his No. 11 Toyota and barely missing a shift. Hamlin says the racing helps with the knee’s recovery. “It really is like a physical therapy session in there,� Hamlin said of the driver’s cockpit. “With the car, you have a little bit of vibration right there on the steering column. I kind of rest my leg against it.� Plus, at Darlington, Hamlin added a couple of therapeutic winner’s

eyes (with) the mental toughness.� Hamlin’s shown that the past month. Hamlin followed a gritty, 30thplace finish in Arizona with a rousing win at Texas a week later. Any lingering doubts about his condition were put to rest at Darlington. He led 111 of 147 laps in the Nationwide event, roaring ahead of Busch over the final five laps to capture his second series win this year. Hamlin said after the victory that he took steps to conserve his energy with a grueling, 500-miler ahead. Hamlin again led the most laps in the Southern 500 — 104 out of 367 laps — and was again up front when it mattered most. He outpaced pole-sitter Jamie McMurray in second, Kurt Busch in third and Jeff Gordon in fourth. Series points leader Kevin Harvick extended his margin with a sixthplace finish, while Jimmie Johnson

got caught up in two wrecks and didn’t finish. Hamlin’s gumption wasn’t a revelation to JGR, even if his three victories the past six races are. “I’m personally surprised that we’re running as strong as we are,� Hamlin’s crew chief, Mike Ford, said. Hamlin was asked what his ironman effort at Phoenix showed about himself and, at first begged off an answer. When pressed, Hamlin said it showed his character and desire to work with his team. “The easy way would have been to get out of the car, sit there, watch someone else go through hell the rest of the race with a car that was dinged up,� Hamlin said. “There’s been many times my guys have gone over and beyond for me in certain situations and stuck up for me,� Hamlin continued. “I felt like it was important for me to step up and do the same for them.�

Tiger withdraws; says his neck isn’t up to par PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Dressed in his Sunday red shirt, Tiger Woods bowed his head and sat in silence in front of his locker. He was supposed to be on the ninth hole at The Players Championship. In another stunning twist for someone whose life used to be so predictable, Woods withdrew suddenly with neck pain that he fears might be a bulging disk. Woods was so frustrated that he slammed his golf shoe to the floor while taking questions from three reporters. “I’ve been playing through it,� Woods said of pain he first felt before the Masters. “I can’t play through it anymore.� Woods said he did not know what caused the injury, only that “playing doesn’t help it.� He took 10 questions before going into a physical therapy trailer for 37 minutes and leaving the TPC

Associated Press

Tiger Woods looks down after putting on the third green during the final round of The Players Championship golf tournament Sunday.

Sawgrass. “I knew his neck had been bothering him but Tiger doesn’t ever make excuses, so it was hard to tell just how bad it was,� swing coach Hank Haney said in a text message to The Associated Press. “Having said that he won the US Open on a broken leg and if he couldn’t play

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anymore today it must be pretty bad.� This is Woods’ first withdrawal from a tournament since the Nissan Open at Riviera in 2006, when he narrowly made the cut and withdrew from the final two rounds because of the flu. He also withdrew from the 1995 U.S. Open at Shinnecock Hills as a 19-year-old amateur because of a wrist injury from hitting out of deep rough. This one caught everyone by surprise. The only time he has mentioned his neck was during his news conference last month at the Masters. Woods was taken to the hospital Nov. 27 after driving his SUV over a fire hydrant and into a tree, the infamous accident that set off shocking revelations of extramarital affairs that led to his five-month break from golf. Asked at Augusta what injuries he suffered that night, Woods said, “I had a

busted-up lip and a pretty sore neck, and that was it.� He didn’t cite pain when he struggled last week at Quail Hollow and missed the cut for the sixth time in his career. But it became obvious something was wrong Sunday on the par-4 seventh hole at Sawgrass. After hitting his tee shot well right, Woods called for an official. He hit his second shot and grimaced, then walked to the middle of the fairway, shook hands with playing partner Jason Bohn and left in a golf cart. Fans gave him a warm ovation, with one man shouting, “Hurry back, Tiger.� Bohn noticed that Woods loosened his neck muscles on the first tee, but he didn’t see any signs Woods was in pain until they exchanged pleasantries in the seventh fairway. “He just said, ’I“m done,�’ Bohn said. “Then I kind of inquired about

it. I said, ’Are you OK? ... I said, ’Is it your wrist?’ He said, ’No, it’s my neck.’ I could tell when he shook his hand; he kind of stiffened up. When your neck hurts, it’s pretty severe. But you could tell when he was leaving he was in pain.� The large gallery following Woods dispersed soon after he did. Bohn played the final 11 holes alone — without all the FBI agents dressed in plain clothes, sheriff’s officers and extra volunteers who followed Woods around the Stadium Course all week.

Thank You 3rd District First I want to thank my family! I could not have won this election without their support. Secondly, I want to thank my friends and the voters of the 3rd District for coming out to vote. Thirdly, I hope to win the confidence of the voters who felt they could not support me. Tony Proffitt


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SEATTLE (AP) — Hitting coach Alan Cockrell was fired by the Seattle Mariners on Sunday, becoming the fall guy for an underperforming offense that is the worst in the American League. Cockrell, a two-year starter at quarterback and an AllAmerica outfielder at the University of Tennessee, was scouting in the Mariners video room at Safeco Field when he was called into manager Don Wakamatsu’s office and told of the change by Wakamatsu and general manager Jack Zduriencik. Alonzo Powell was promoted from Triple-A Tacoma, where he’s been hitting coach for three seasons, to take Cockrell’s spot. “Sometimes just the same message from a different messenger sometimes carries some weight, but it’s certainly apparent we’re not doing what we should be doing offensively,� Zduriencik said. “Certainly guys can look within and they should. Every single player here should evaluate themselves and ask, ‘What am I doing? Where are my contributions at?’ I know the effort is there. There’s no question about that. It’s just a matter of the production. “So maybe there’s a little key here the new guy can unlock.� Cockrell’s firing comes at the conclusion of a tumultuous homestand for the Mariners. Seattle started the ninegame homestretch a half game back in the AL West, but have dropped eight straight and fallen well behind in the division. The Mariners have scored just 12 runs during the eight-game skid and are hitting just .173. Overall, Seattle is hitting .225 and ranks last in the AL in eight offensive categories, including slugging, on-base percentage, hits, runs and homers. Cockrell, Tennessee’s starting QB in 1982 and 1983, was in his second season as Seattle’s hitting coach after three seasons in the same role with Colorado. “I tried to do what I could do every day. It didn’t work out,� Cockrell said as he was leaving the stadium. Powell has worked with many of the current Mariners in the minors, and was Seattle’s minor-league hitting coordinator before becoming hitting coach in Tacoma.

A10 ◆ Local

The Mountain Press ◆ Monday, May 10, 2010


monday, may 10 Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace Women’s Bible study 1 p.m. Gatlinburg Inn. 4360313.

RFL Challenge

Relay For Life event needs volunteers for a school. 428-0846.

Cancer Support Group

Smoky Mountain Cancer Support Group meets 6 p.m. at Fort Sanders Sevier Senior Center. 428-5834 or 654-9280.

Trinity Full Gospel

Singing at Trinity Full Gospel Church, Thomas Cross Road, 7 p.m. with Gospel Friends, Soul Seekers, Hank Sweet and Trinity singers. 453-8889.

Hot Meals

Hot Meals For Hungry Hearts 5:30-6:30 p.m., Henderson Chapel Baptist Church, 407 Henderson Road, Pigeon Forge. Sponsored by Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 2-5 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 429-2508. n 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-7 p.m., First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 908-1245. n 10 a.m.-1 p.m., River of Life Outreach, Seymour. 679-6796. n 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kodak UMC, 2923 Bryan Road. 933-5996. Credit card and EBT orders may be submitted online at www.


Daughters of American Revolution, Spencer Clack Chapter, meets 7 p.m. at Bistro 109 for annual banquet and installation of officers. Program by Virginia Borrelli.

tuesday, may 11 S.I.T.

Seniors In Touch (S.I.T.) meets 5-6 p.m. at MountainBrook Village, 700 Markhill Drive, Sevierville. 428-2445.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 1 p.m. Foxtrot Bed and Breakfast, Garrett, Gatlinburg n 6:30 p.m. Pigeon Forge UMC


Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 429-2508. n 10 a.m.-4 p.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245. n 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kodak UMC, 2923 Bryan Road. 933-5996. Credit card and EBT orders may be submitted online at www.

wednesday, may 12 Middle Creek UMC

Worship services 6:30 p.m., Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. 216-2066.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kodak UMC, 2923 Bryan Road. 933-5996. Credit card and EBT orders may be submitted online at www.

Sevierville Garden Club Sevierville Garden Club meets, noon, at Sevier Senior Center. Lunch provided. Board meeting at 11 a.m.

thursday, may 13 Hot Meals

Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:15-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church in Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist Church in Kodak. 933-5996.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room


TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.

Health Fair

Community health fair 1-3 p.m., Wellington Place, 1020 Middle Creek Blvd. Healthcare professionals to have booths for medical assessments and information.

Medic blood drive 1-5 p.m., Quality Plumbing & Mechanics, 405 Donavans Way, Kodak.

Waldens Creek UMC

Revival at Waldens Creek United Methodist Church 7 p.m. today and Saturday, 11 a.m. Sunday, with Ralph Alley of Fries, Va.

Choral Society Concert Sevier County Choral Society spring concert 7:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church, Sevierville. Free.

Banner Baptist

Banner Baptist Church, Beech Branch Road, off the spur before the tunnel, 8 a.m. to 4 pm. yard sale to benefit youth charities fund.

saturday, may 15 Classic Car Show

Chevy Classic car show and bake sale, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Inn at Christmas Place.

Waldens Creek UMC

Revival at Waldens Creek United Methodist Church 7 p.m. today, 11 a.m. Sunday, with Ralph Alley of Fries, Va.

Motorcycle Benefit

Motorcycle ride to benefit Safe Harbor CAC begins at Harley-Davidson in Pigeon Forge. Registration 1 p.m.; ride 3 p.m. to Newport. Pre-registration $20; day of event $25. 429-7424 or 654-7693.

Angel Food

Angel Food pick-up: n 8-11 a.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 429-2508. n 8-10 a.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245. n 10 a.m. to noon, River of Life Outreach, Seymour. 679-6796. n 8:30 a.m. Kodak UMC, 2923 Bryan Road. 933-5996. Credit card and EBT orders may be submitted online at www.angelfoodministires. com.

Community Yard Sale

Wears Valley community yard sale 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. along Wears Valley Road. Maps provided by Wears Valley UMC or Rocky Top Country Store.

MON. - THURS. 9AM -10PM FRI. - SAT. 9AM -11PM

Jenkins reunion, Pleasant Hill Church pavilion. Bring covered dish. 428-0234.

sunday, may 16 Choral Society Concert

Choral Society spring concert 4 p.m., Gatlinburg Presbyterian Church. Free.

Waldens Creek UMC

Revival at Waldens Creek United Methodist Church 11 a.m., with Ralph Alley of Fries, Va.

Pilgrim’s Covenant

Pilgrim’s Covenant Church trip to Smokemont. Patriot Park caravan leaving 8:30 a.m. Sugarland Visitor Center caravan leaving 9 a.m. 428-7684.

monday, may 17 Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery Support Group meets 7 p.m., Echota Resort Office, Highway 66. 453-6841 or 712-3287.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace Women’s Bible study 1 p.m. Gatlinburg Inn. 436-0313.

Hot Meals

Hot Meals For Hungry Hearts 5:30-6:30 p.m., Henderson Chapel Baptist Church, 407 Henderson Road, Pigeon Forge. Sponsored by Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries.

tuesday, may 18


Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 1 p.m. Foxtrot Bed and Breakfast, Garrett, Gatlinburg n 6:30 p.m. Pigeon Forge UMC

Methodist Revival

Waldens Creek United Methodist Church revival 7 p.m. May 18-19 with Rev. Ralph Alley of Virginia. 6542535.

Sevier County Emergency Radio Service, 7:30 p.m., EOC office on Bruce Street. 314-0899. www.freewebs. com/aresradio.

Scrapbook Club

Scrapbook Club meets at Whispering Winds Scrapbook retreat off Snapp Road, Sevierville. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 5:30 to 10 p.m. 429-3721.

Blood Drive

Medic blood drive 10 a.m.6 p.m. Kroger Sevierville, 702 Winfield Dunn Blvd. Bloodmobile

wednesday, may 19 Methodist Revival

Waldens Creek United Methodist Church revival 7 p.m. May 18-19 with Rev. Ralph Alley of Virginia. 6542535.

Middle Creek UMC

Worship services 6:30 p.m., Middle Creek United Methodist Church, 1828 Middle Creek Road, Pigeon Forge. 216-2066.

Hot Meals

Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:15-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Church in Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist Church in Kodak. 933-5996.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room


TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.

APPL Movies

Recently released movies on wide screen, 6 p.m., Anna Porter Library, Gatlinburg. Free; bring popcorn and soft drinks. 436-5588.

Health Fair

MountainBrook Village is hosting a Health Fair from 9 a.m. to noon. Medic Bloodmobile for donations available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 700 Markhill Drive, Sevierville. 428-2445.

AARP Driver Safety

AARP driver safety classes noon-4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Senior Center. 922-5648.

Blood Drive

Medic blood drive 8 a.m.4 p.m. Mountain Brook Village, 700 Mark Hill Drive, Sevierville. Bloodmobile.


Sevier County Republican Party meets 6 p.m. at courthouse. 453-3882 or 368-3833.


Sevier County Crewettes meet 7 p.m. at Rescue Squad. 453-3861 or 4538572.

thursday, may 20 Submarine Veterans

Smoky Mountain submarine vets meet at 6 p.m., Islamorada Restaurant. www.SmokyMountainBase. com or 429-0465 or 6923368.

friday, may 21 Bells Chapel Revival

Bells Chapel Baptist Church revival, with the the Rev. Michael Allen holding the services. The Rev. David Gibson, pastor.

saturday, may 22 Legion Yard Sale

Scholarship Concert

Annual Cristin Sutphin vocal music scholarship concert 7 p.m., Seymour High auditorium. $3 at door; taxdeductible.

American Legion Post 104, Sevierville, 7 a.m. yard sale. $10 for outside location, $15 inside (tables provided inside). 428-7821 or 429-5329. Breakfast $3. Hot dogs/burgers for lunch.


Gatekeepers men’s Bible study: n 6:30 p.m., 1328 Old Newport Highway, Sevierville. 908-0591. n 6:30 p.m., 2445 Scenic Mt. Drive, Sevierville. (865) 310-7831.

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Management Center

Park Commission

Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains Park Commission meeting 1:30 p.m., Twin Creeks Pavilion off Airport Road in Gatlinburg. 5945442.

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Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kodak UMC, 2923 Bryan Road. 933-5996. Credit card and EBT orders may be submitted online at www.

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Jenkins Reunion

Medic blood drive, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., National Park Service, 107 Park Headquarters Road, Gatlinburg.

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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

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friday, may 14



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At Relay For Life we celebrate the lives of those who have had cancer, remember those we have lost, and fight back against this disease. You can support your local Relay For Life event by making a luminaria donation in honor or in memory of someone you love who has been touched by cancer and light the way to a world with more birthdays. Relay For Life of Sevier County May 21 at 2 p.m. until May 22 at 2 p.m. Patriot Park For more information visit or call Robin Kurtz at 908-5789.


Gatekeepers men’s Bible study: n 6:30 p.m., 1328 Old Newport Highway, Sevierville. 908-0591. n 6:30 p.m., 2445 Scenic

Mt. Drive, Sevierville. (865) 310-7831.


Editor’s Note: The community calendar is printed as space permits. Items must be submitted at least five days in advance. Only noncommercial, public events held in Sevier County will be considered. To place an item phone 4280748, ext. 214, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress. com. Items may be faxed to 453-4913.

Comics ◆ A15

Monday, May 10, 2010 ◆ The Mountain Press Family Circus

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Husband’s friendship with ex-wife puts current marriage on the rocks



Baby Blues

Beetle Bailey

Dear Annie: Can you please explain to my husband why it’s not a good idea to play nice guy to your ex-wife on Mother’s Day? He secretly invited his ex and her mother to my Mother’s Day brunch, knowing I would object. I have nothing against these women, but I don’t want to share all special occasions with them. He justifies this by saying it’s for his son, even though it means I have no “special time” with my daughter and stepson. Everything includes the ex. I’ve warned him several times that his refusal to let go of his ex-wife will force us into divorce court. Today, I am following through on my threat. Instead of being man enough to admit he made a mistake and apologize, he chose to make excuses, saying, “If you are going to fault me for being a nice guy, that’s your problem.” So now his incessant need to seek his ex-wife’s approval has put our marriage on the rocks. Ever since I met him, he has gone out of his way to put my daughter and me in the middle of family outings with his ex-wife and her family members. We even spent our summer vacation with his ex-sister-in-law and her husband. I feel like an intruder in my own marriage. Worse, he has been picking on my daughter, a normal teenager and a good kid who stays out of trouble. I think deep down he’s hoping to chase us off so he can go back to his exwife without looking like the bad guy. Well, he’s going to get his wish. -The Ex-Mrs. in New York

Dear New York: We understand why your husband might want to be nice to his son’s mother, but all this togetherness is a bit much. You could be right about his motives, and one way to find out is through counseling. Ask him to go with you to work on the problems in your marriage before it is too late. If he refuses, go without him, and make sure you are making the best choices for yourself and your daughter. Dear Annie: I have a few friends who think it’s OK to take a doggie bag home from a buffet. They carry a plastic bag with them in order to put food in it and then stick it in their purses when they leave the restaurant. Is this stealing? Can a person be arrested for it? -- Questioning in Missouri Dear Missouri: This is up to the restaurant. Most places provide a doggie bag to hold leftovers from a sit-down meal for which you have paid. The cost of a buffet, however, assumes the food will be eaten at the restaurant. If you are curious, ask the management what their policy is and what they do about those who don’t follow it. Dear Annie: Thank you for your advice to “Almost 21,” whose friends are pressuring her to binge drink on her 21st birthday. Our handsome, intelligent, successful son died at age 34 from binge

t o d ay ’ s p u z z l e


Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

For Better Or Worse

Tina’s Groove

drinking. He was a big guy, tall and muscular, and looked the picture of health. We knew he liked to party and warned him against drinking too much, but he said his friends “watched his back.” Well, the night he died, those friends put him in a recliner to sleep it off and then ignored him. By the time they realized he was not breathing and called 911, it was too late. Alcohol is a depressant. It lowers the heart rate, respiration and gag reflex. Our son choked to death on his own vomit. There are no words to describe the grief of losing a child in the prime of life. Even after months of therapy, I am still devastated. If “Almost 21” isn’t concerned for herself, I hope she will be careful for her parents. They would never get over losing her. -Grieving Mom Dear Mom: Our condolences to you and all the other grieving parents who wrote to warn this young person of the dangers of drinking. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at

A16 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Monday, May 10, 2010

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