June 10, 2010

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The Mountain Press ■ Sevier County’s Daily Newspaper ■ Vol. 26, No. 161 ■ June 10, 2010 ■ www.themountainpress.com ■ 50 Cents


Deaton, Kelley in final nine


Sevier County educators up for state Teacher of the Year By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer

5Primaries ruled by women Female candidates scoring big nationally in primaries Nation, Page A3

Two Sevier County Teachers of the Year are among nine finalists for Tennessee Teacher of the Year. Cheryl Deaton, Sevier County Primary Grades Teacher of the Year, and Karen Kelley, Sevier County Secondary Grades Teacher

from each grand division of the state. “We’re very pleased,” Jack Parton, director of Sevier County Schools, said. “They will both represent Sevier County Schools and East Tennessee very well.” Deaton Kelley “We’re extremely proud of them,” added Debra of the Year, are among ele- Cline, Sevier County Schools mentary, middle and high director of curriculum and school educators honored instruction. “They are so

By DEREK HODGES Staff Writer

“Oh, Ranger!” scheduled from Saturday through Wednesday Local, Page A2


Tigers attend Pin 2 Win 15-time national champion brings wrestling camp to Forge Page A8 Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Today Partly Cloudy High: 89°

Tonight Partly Cloudy Low: 65° DETAILS, Page A6

Obituaries Betty Huskey, 73 Ola Wilson, 60 Roy Smelcer, 68 Preston Lethco, 67 Anita Dalton, 60 Lucas McCarter DETAILS, Page A4

Index Local & State . . . . . A1-6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . A2 Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Money . . . . . . . . . . . . A5 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . A8-10 Classifieds . . . . . . A11-13 Advice . . . . . . . . . . . A14 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . A14

Corrections The Mountain Press is committed to accuracy. Please report factual errors by calling 428-0748 Ext. 214.

Sevier County with her husband in 2001. Kelley, who teaches at Pigeon Forge High School, has taught for 13 years and arrived at PFHS when it opened in 1999. She currently teaches U.S. History, along with Bible as an elective course. Her husband, Troy Kelley, is principal at See teacher, Page A4

Planners setting developer limits for continuations

5Story tour coming to ’Burg


deserving of this. They represent the hard-working people who work with children every day.” Deaton, who teaches at Pigeon Forge Primary School, has taught for a total of 34 years at eight schools in three different states. She has also served as a principal and district administrator and taught English in Colombia. She moved to

Afton Hickman, age 4, follows the bubble trail before deciding they needed to be popped during the kickoff for the summer reading program, held at the King Family Library on Wednesday.

Ready to read

Summer program for kids kicks off with event at King Family Library By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — Sevier County Public Library System’s Summer Reading Program Kickoff Event on Wednesday at the King Family Library was a celebration that had been in the works for a while. “We’ve been planning this since the end of last year, since the closing of the (Court Avenue) library,” library assistant Vickie Kelly said. “The kids can come and sign up for the reading programs that start next week.” Fun booths and demonstrations from Cirque de Chine, NASCAR Speedpark and Bass Pro Shops were included, as well as face painting by

Curt Habraken/The Mountain Press

Bryson Ramsey, age 7, gets his face painted by Jolanta Didenko.

local artist and music up treats like snow cones. teacher Jolanta Didenko. Tennessee State Bank Several teen volunteers employees were on hand, assisted in supervising grilling hot dogs and hamactivities like watermelon See read, Page A4 hula hoop toss and serving

SEVIERVILLE — Local developers may be able to take a lesson from the baseball diamond after the Sevier County Planning Commission voted unanimously to give them three chances to make contact before they’re out. Facing a fourth request for an extension of concept approval for a project off U.S. 321, County Planner Jeff Ownby suggested the panel consider setting a limit on the number of times such a continuation can be given. The commission members agreed, establishing two extensions as the ceiling. Builders will have three years to actually make something happen. A concept extension allows a developer to keep his existing plan alive, though he’s not actually done any ground work yet. That avoids the lengthy and potentially costly process of getting the proposal approved again. It’s meant to help out in situations exactly like the one many developers are facing now, when they’re unable to move forward in a timely manner. Each approval or extension lasts for one year, though Ownby said some have abused the opportunity to keep their proposals alive. “There are others like this,” he said as the group considered a request to extend approval for Creekwood, which he described as a 40- or 50-lot development off Branham Hollow Road. “They haven’t had any design plans approved. There hasn’t been any site work done.”

“I think there’s an idea out there that if you keep getting your concept extended, you can get your development as you originally intended it.”

— County Planner Jeff Ownby

Ownby said he doesn’t believe the Creekwood developers intended to float the project for years without doing anything on the site. Still, he conceded there are some in local construction who hurried through the approval process before the county had many rules on land use, and now see concept extensions as a way to dodge regulations that might not allow them to get as many lots out of their property. “I think there’s an idea out there that if you keep getting your concept extended, you can get your development as you originally intended it,” Ownby said. In the end, the planners agreed that carrying Creekwood for four years after zoning was implemented seems unfair to those who got their concepts approved just after it came in and had to follow the new rules. On Ownby’s suggestion, they voted to set two as the cap for extensions that can be given before voting to remove approval for Creekwood. It remains to be seen if the proposal will get a new life or if it will have to be changed. Though the two actions coincided Tuesday, it’s not the first time the group has forced a concept to get a new approval, a fact one commission member See planners, Page A4

Farmer’s Market off to ‘pretty good’ start By ELLEN BROWN Staff Writer SEVIERVILLE — If Saturday’s turnout for the first day was any indication, the Sevierville’s Farmer’s Market is going to have a good season. “Pretty good” is how farmer Leon Davis simply sized up the market that is held at the Sevierville Farmer’s Co-Op from 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. each Wednesday and Saturday through October. “The Co-Op gets everything I make from one month to the next,” Davis said with a grin. “And this is their way of helping us out,” added his wife, Margaretta. Ellen Brown/The Mountain Press The Davises were joined by Margaretta’s sister, Mary Sherry Williams, left, buys fresh vegetables from Candace Delozier at the See farmer’s market, Page A4 Sevierville Farmer’s Co-Op Farmer’s Market on Saturday.

A2 ◆ Local

The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, June 10, 2010

community calendar Editor’s Note: The community calendar is printed as space permits. Items must be submitted at least five days in advance. Only noncommercial, public events held in Sevier County will be considered. To place an item phone 4280748, ext. 214, or e-mail to editor@themountainpress. com. Items may be faxed to 453-4913.

thursday, june 10 Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace women’s Bible study: n 9 a.m. UMC Pigeon Forge n 2 p.m. Blue Mountain Mist B&B, Pullen Road n 6:30 p.m. Sevierville UMC, Conference Room

Hot Meals

Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries provides hot meals 5:30-6:30 p.m., First United Methodist Sevierville and Kodak United Methodist. 9335996.


TOPS weight loss chapter meets at 6 p.m., Parkway Church of God in Sevierville. 755-9517 or 429-3150.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery 6:30 p.m.; meal 5-6, Kodak United Methodist Church. Child care provided.

Right To Life

Right To Life documentary movie, “Maafa 21,” about history of Planned Parenthood, 1:30 p.m., Pigeon Forge library. 9082689.

friday, june 11 Volunteer Training

Women’s Care Center volunteer training 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at center, 304 Eastgate Road. 428-4673.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of

the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245.

saturday, june 12 Cruisin’ for Cure

Cruisin’ for a Cure, Tanger Outlet Ride for Life, 10 a.m.; registration 9:30 a.m. at NASCAR Speedpark. Single rider $15, double rider $25.

Trinity Full Gospel

Trinity Full Gospel Church, Thomas Cross Road, gospel sing 7 p.m. featuring Robert and Jane Shaffer, Gloryland Singers, and other local singers. 453-8889.

GATLINBURG — NOC’s Great Outpost on the Parkway near the entrance to the national park welcomes Smokies research organization Discover Life in America for the Firefly Festival on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be free admission and free parking. The Firefly Festival aims to call attention to the diversity of life in the national park, where 14 different species of firefly alone make their home. The event will include live music with Captain Firefly, crafts, games and more. Visitors will find an insect

Elkmont Homecoming

Elkmont homecoming, Jake’s Creek Cemetery. Service 10:30 a.m. Singing by Two Sisters, preaching by Christopher Teaster. 448-6450.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: Noon-1 p.m. River of Life Outreach, 110 Simmons Road. 679-6796.

monday, june 14

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 4292508. n 10 a.m.-2 p.m. River of Life Outreach, 110 Simmons Road. 679-6796. n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245.

Blood Drive

Medic blood drive 5-9 p.m., Smokies Park, Bloodmobile.

Crawfish Boil

Crawfish boil noon at Rib Shack, 2933 Pittman Center Road. $20. Sevier County Relay For Life receives 100 percent of proceeds.

Farmers Market

Farmers market 8-11:30 a.m., Sever Farmers Co-Op, 321 W. Main, Sevierville. 453-7101.

Church Yard Sale

Yard sale 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Huskey Grove Chruch on the Spur. Benefits youth mission trip. 426-9796.

Cancer Support Group

Smoky Mountain Cancer Support Group meets 6 p.m. at Fort Sanders Sevier Senior Center. 428-5834 or 654-9280.

Women’s Bible Study

Garlands of Grace Women’s Bible study 1 p.m. Gatlinburg Inn. 4360313.

Hot Meals

Hot Meals For Hungry Hearts 5:30-6:30 p.m., Henderson Chapel Baptist Church. Sponsored by Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries.

Angel Food

Angel Food orders: n 12-5 p.m., Gum Stand Baptist Church. 429-2508. n 10 a.m.-1 p.m. River of Life Outreach, 110 Simmons Road. 679-6796. n 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. First Smoky Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2652 Upper Middle Creek Road. 9081245.


The “Oh, Ranger!” Story Tour is stopping at Nantahala Outdoor Center in Gatlinburg on Saturday through Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For more information visit OhRanger.com/StoryTour.

‘Oh, Ranger!’ story tour is stopping in ’Burg Saturday through Wednesday Submitted report GATLINBURG — The “Oh, Ranger!” story tour will travel to National Park Service sites this summer, giving people the opportunity to share their experiences on a webcam. These video stories can be submitted during the tour stop as well as online. The traveling tour will stop at NOC’s Great Outpost from Saturday through Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. People can drop in to record a story — park visitors, concessionaires, volunteers, park partners and rangers.

Horse Show

Bluff Mountain Saddle club horse show 6 p.m., Show Ring on Shiloh Road. 6075368 and 661-7109.

sunday, june 13 Whaley Reunion

Whaley family reunion 12:30 p.m., Masonic Hall, Dolly Parton Parkway. Bring covered dish and memorabilia.

Bible School

n Roaring Fork Baptist Church, 6-9 p.m. June 13-18. 654-2671. For a ride call 659-7235. n Oak City Baptist Church, Boyds Creek community, 6-8:30 p.m. through June 17. Family carnival and cookout June 18.

NOC’s Outpost hosting firefly festival Saturday Submitted report

n Banner Baptist Church, 209 Beech Branch Road, Gatlinburg, 6:308:30 nightly through June 18. All ages. Free supper at 5 p.m.

zoo and a darkroom where they can “bio-luminate.” These activities are presented by citizen scientists and professional biologists from Discover Life in America. Discover Life in America is working to support the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI), which brings together scientists to catalog the estimated 100,000 species the live in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.





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The story tour team will consist of four ambassadors. Upon arriving at each stop, the ambassadors will set up a small tent. Participants sit in front of a tour computer and record their favorite story. The same software will allow anyone with access to the Internet to post a story from their own computer. The National Park Conservation Association is the nonprofit beneficiary of the Oh, Ranger! Story Tour. American Park Network is a publisher of national and state park visitor guides for over 25 years.

arrests Editor’s Note: The following information was taken from the intake reports at the Sevier County Jail. All people listed within this report are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. u Blaze D. Alverez, 19, of Burgerfield, N.J., was charged June 9 with accessory after the fact. He was being held. u Kenneth Dean Beckler, 44, of 3630 Old Engletown Road in Pigeon Forge, was charged June 8 with violation of probation. He was being held. u Brandon C. Blackman, 29, of Alcoa, Tenn., was charged June 9 with criminal trespass. He was being held. u Christopher Kyle Cooper, 28, of Knoxville, was charged June 8 with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was released. u Paul B. Elliott, 46, of 1408 William Holt Blvd. in Sevierville, was charged June 8 with theft forg-

ery (credit card). He was being held. u Billy R. Hall, 38, Pikeville, Ky., was charged June 9 with possession of burglary tools, attempted burglary and possession of a schedule VI substance. He was being held. u Seth Thomas Heuckeroth, 19, of 2806 Swaggerty Road in Kodak, was charged June 9 with theft. He was being held in lieu of $5,000 bond. u Bradley Thomas McGill, 18, of 3154 McGill Road in Sevierville, was charged June 8 with theft of property. He was released on $1,000 bond. u Jacob Anthony Moak, 32, of 4929 Mathis Branch Road in Cosby, was charged June 8 with forgery, unlawful drug paraphernalia use and activities, driving while revoked and financial responsibility law. He was released on $5,000 bond. u Tyler S. Moeller, 18, of 2806 Swaggerty Road in Kodak, was charged June 8 with theft. He was

released on $1,000 bond. u Jose Alexi Santos, 20, of Newport, was charged June 8 with driving without a license and following too close. He was released on $750 bond. u Bobbi Sue Shular, 25, of 2402 High View Road in Sevierville, was charged June 8 with public intoxication. She was released on $250 bond. u Jeremy David Stallings, 24, of Strawberry Plains, was charged June 8 with theft criminal simulation. He was being held. u Dauntavius Alante Sullivan, 18, of Harriman, Tenn., was charged June 8

with a misdemeanor warrant from general sessions court. He was being held. u Ladonna Michelle Suttles, 37, of New Market, was charged June 8 with violation of probation. She was being held. u Nicholas Ryan Vaughn, 25, of Strawberry Plains, was charged June 8 with driving without a license and speeding. He was released on $1,000 bond. u Edward Andrew Wallace, 21, of Harrogate, was charged June 9 with possession of a prohibited weapon and resisting arrest. He was being held in lieu of $1,000 bond.

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Nation/World â—† A3

Thursday, June 10, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

n a tio n / w orld brie f s Key Blagojevich aide takes stand

CHICAGO (AP) — A key aide who was by the side of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich through most of his political career took the stand in his corruption trial Wednesday to testify against his old law school roommate. Alonzo Monk is considered a key witness. Prosecutors say he was part of a tight group around Blagojevich who pressed companies for campaign cash on Blagojevich’s behalf. Monk pleaded guilty to conspiring to shake down a racetrack owner for a large campaign contribution and is testifying as part of the plea deal. If convicted, Blagojevich could receive up to 415 years in prison and fines totaling $6 million. Defense attorney Sam Adam Jr. had said in his opening statement that Monk duped Blagojevich, who had no part of any alleged misdeeds. Blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to scheming to profit illegally from his power to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama and squeeze people for campaign contributions.

Money paid in van der Sloot sting

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. authorities paid Joran van der Sloot at least $15,000 in a sting operation and delayed arresting him because they were trying to help build a murder case against him in the 5-year-old disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba, two federal law enforcement officials said Wednesday. During that delay, van der Sloot arrived in Lima, Peru, on May 14, and authorities say he has confessed to last week’s killing of a 21-year-old woman in his hotel room there. The law enforcement officials say the investigation into Holloway’s disappearance was revived about six weeks ago when van der Sloot reached out to someone close to Holloway’s mother in Alabama and requested $250,000 in exchange for disclosing the location of Holloway’s body on the island of Aruba.

Four Americans killed in Afghan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents shot down a NATO helicopter and killed four American troops in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, the military said, in the latest bloodshed ahead of a major operation in the militants’ heartland. The violence came as Afghanistan’s ousted intelligence chief warned in an interview with The Associated Press that Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s strategy of seeking reconciliation with the Taliban was dangerously flawed. The deaths, and that of a British soldier killed by an improvised bomb in a separate attack Wednesday, take NATO’s toll to 29 deaths in nine days, according to an AP count. The United States, whose some 94,000 troops vastly outnumber the rest of the allies’ contributions in Afghanistan, has lost 17 service members since Sunday.

Teacher discovers 1792 document

PEABODY, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts teacher cleaning up her classroom in preparation for a move has discovered a Colonial-era document buried in a pile of outdated textbooks and dusty scraps of papers. Michelle Eugenio, a fourth-grade teacher in Peabody, found the yellowed sheet of paper two weeks ago. Dated April 1792 and protected by plastic, it appears to document the payment of a debt by a Vermont man named Jonathan Bates. Peabody Historical Society President Bill Power verified the paper’s authenticity. He tells The Salem News he was thrilled with the discovery. No one knows how the paper ended up at Peabody’s Center School or how long it has been there. Bates served in the Continental Army in 1780 and died in 1808 at age 63. He’s buried in Williamstown, Vt.

Woman seeks husband via 911; jailed

ALLIANCE, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio woman spent three days in jail for calling the 911 emergency line five times seeking a husband. The dispatcher was flabbergasted by the requests and asked Audrey Scott, of Alliance, “You need to get a husband?� The 57-year-old Scott responded, “Yes.� Told that she could face arrest for misusing 911, Scott responded, “Let’s do it.� Scott was convicted last week of improper use of the 911 system and was sentenced to the three days in jail, which she had already served since her arrest. Seven other days were suspended if she stays out of trouble for a year. After her release, Scott blamed the case on alcohol. There is no phone listing for Scott, who could not be reached for additional comment Wednesday.

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Women rule nationally in primaries By LIZ SIDOTI AP Political Writer WASHINGTON — Coast to coast, women ruled. In an election year filled with female candidates, Tuesday turned out to be a big night as two businesswomen captured the Republican nominations for Senate and governor in California, a female state lawmaker prevailed in the GOP Senate primary in Nevada and a South Carolina legislator brushed aside allegations of infidelity to grab the commanding spot in the GOP gubernatorial runoff. Not to be undone, Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln, a two-term lawmaker, scored a narrow victory over a liberal Democrat in a Democratic primary runoff. She quickly pivoted to taking on Republican Rep. John Boozman. With fresh November match-ups set, Democrats wasted little time propping up three of their most vulnerable Senate incumbents while criticizing their newly minted GOP opponents as too extreme for the country. Republicans returned the criticism as general election campaigns got under way across the country. The unpopular Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid now is squaring off against a tea party-backed

Associated Press

Rep. Nikki Haley, R-Lexington, took the majority of the GOP vote in the gubernatorial primary and gives a victory speech to supporters at the Capital City Club in Columbia, S.C., on Tuesday. Republican, Sharron Angle, and the vulnerable California Sen. Barbara Boxer faces Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive. Meg Whitman won the party’s nomination for California governor, and South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley outpaced three male rivals in a race for the GOP gubernatorial nomination but, without a majority of votes, heads into a June 22 runoff. It was the first time the California Republican Party has put a woman — much

less two — at the top of its ticket. “Career politicians in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., be warned: You now face your worst nightmare — two businesswomen from the real world who know how to create jobs, balance budgets and get things done,� said Whitman, the billionaire former eBay chief executive, In a populist model Democrats are using nationwide, Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, cast

Lincoln as an independent voice seeking to hold Wall Street accountable and accused Boozman of “putting political interests first in order to defend the big corporate interests.� Democrats also said Reid and Boxer were working on job creation and helping middle class families, while Angle was focused on “appealing to the fringe wing� of the GOP and Fiorina was “a right-wing extremist� whose “loyalties lie with Wall Street, the oil companies and the insurance companies.�

U.N. approves new sanctions against Iran By EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press Writer UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council on Wednesday approved new sanctions against Iran over its suspect nuclear program that target Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard, ballistic missiles and nuclear-related investments. The resolution imposing a fourth round of sanctions against Iran was approved by a vote of 12-2 with Lebanon abstaining and Brazil and Turkey voting “no.� U.S. President Barack Obama said the resolution puts in place “the toughest sanctions ever faced by the Iranian government, and it send an unmistakable message about the international community’s commitment to stopping the spread of nuclear

weapons.� But he stressed that the door to diplomacy and negotiations remains open, and told White House reporters that he would “like nothing more than to reach the day� when Iran answers all questions raised by the International Atomic Energy Agency so sanctions can be lifted. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the resolution, telling a meeting in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, “we don’t recognize sanctions,� and that “for us they are annoying flies, like a used tissue.� At U.N. headquarters, Iran’s U.N. Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee defended the country’s right to produce nuclear energy, reiterated that Iran opposes nuclear weapons on religious

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and ethical grounds, and accused the United States, Britain and their allies of abusing the Security Council to attack Iran. “No amount of pressure and mischief will be able to break our nation’s determination to pursue and defend its legal and inalienable rights,� Khazaee said. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice dismissed Khazaee’s statement as “ridiculous� and “reprehensible� and Chapter 7 ,

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declared that “these sanctions are as tough as they are smart and precise.� The Security Council imposed limited sanctions in December 2006 and has been ratcheting them up in hopes of pressuring Iran to suspend enrichment and start negotiations on its nuclear program. The first two resolutions were adopted unanimously and the third by a vote of 14-0 with Indonesia abstaining.

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A4 â—† Local

The Mountain Press â—† Thursday, June 10, 2010

obituaries In Memoriam

Betty Jean Lindsey Huskey Betty Jean Lindsey Huskey, age 73 of Pigeon Forge, TN passed away June 8, 2010 at LeConte Medical Center in Sevierville. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Huskey, sister, Bonnie Seymore, brother, Frank Lindsey and infant brother, William Lindsey. Survivors include her sons, Paul Lindsey of Pigeon Forge, TN, Tony Huskey of Sevierville, TN, David Huskey of Pigeon Forge, TN, and Jerry Huskey of Sevierville, TN; brother, Paul Lindsey of Knoxville, TN; sisters, Laura Segars of Jackson, MS, Ruby Barnard of Webster, FL and Marcella Hurd of Knoxville, TN; grandchildren, Brandon and Travis Lindsey, Anthony and Andrew Huskey, special friends at the river. Services were held Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at Rawlings Funeral Home in Sevierville. Interment will be 10 a.m. Thursday, June 10, 2010 at Little Cove Cemetery. The family received friends Wednesday, June 9, 2010. You may share your thoughts and memories with the family on our website.

farmer’s market 3From Page A1

Matthews, at their booth outside of the store. The couple lives in Blount County, about five miles from Seymour, while Matthews lives in Sevierville. “It’s quicker for us to come this way,� Leon said of the areas available to sell his produce. Also selling their fresh vegetables were Betty Galyon and Candace Delozier, who live off of Gists Creek Road. “We had been selling for years at First Baptist Church in Seymour and at New Harvest Park,� Delozier said. “My dad is good friends with the people at the Co-Op — we buy our feed from here.� Her family and the Davises were the first to show up at the market last year as well, and will be the last ones to leave in October, she predicts. “In three or four weeks, there will be more vendors,� she said. “Some people just sell corn, which takes longer to come in.� “We’re still waiting on corn, cucumbers and cantaloupe,� Margaretta agreed. The Davises and Matthews sold broccoli, new potatoes, green beans, cabbage and beets, while Galyon and

Delozier offered customers green onions, lettuce, bok choy and sugar snap peas. Patrons could also buy squash from the Davises for $1 a pound. The farmers arrived at the Co-Op an hour before the market opened to the public at 8:30 a.m. “I’ve been farming ever since I was big enough — except for the four years I was in the Air Force,� Leon said. Selling his produce is something he enjoys as well. “I like meeting the public, meeting a lot of different people.� “I like giving our local people fresh produce,� Delozier added. “My family has been farming for a long time, but this is my first year really paying attention to everything. I’m learning a lot more about the selling.� Sherry Williams of Sevierville arrived at the market ready to stock up on good eats for her kitchen. “I’ve been eating lots of vegetables, and it’s nice when they’re fresh,� she said. “Since I was diagnosed as diabetic, I’ve been eating healthier and have lost 20 pounds.� Margaretta said that the closing time of 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays is “really just a ballpark.� “As long as people are coming, we’ll be here,� Margaretta said. n ebrown@themountainpress.com

Cruisin’ for Cure set for Saturday at Tanger Outlets Submitted report

Sevierville — Area motorcycle enthusiasts are invited to a fundraiser to battle cancer in Sevier County. The annual Cruisin’ for a Cure motorcycle ride, sponsored by Tanger Outlets, will take place on Saturday beginning at 10 a.m. (registration begins at 9:30). The two-hour scenic ride begins at the NASCAR Speedpark and finishes with lunch in Tanger Outlet Center. Registration fee of $15 for a single rider and $25 for a double rider benefits the American Cancer Society MidSouth Division. Registration fee includes T-shirt, lunch, ACS bracelet and more. While at Tanger, cruise participants can participate in a silent auction. Other event sponsors include Dollywood, Dollywood Splash Country, KT’s Bar and Grill, Balkcom And Associates, Biltmore Estate, Blalock’s, Lamar Advertising, Hollywood Star Cars Museum, Five Oaks Development Group, East-West Media, Ripley’s Entertainment, SmartBank and What To Do visitors guide. For more information call 453-1053 or visit Tanger Shopper Services Center.

n www.rawlingsfuneralhome.com


Ola Irene Rushing Caves Wilson

Ola Irene Rushing Caves Wilson, age 60 of Sevierville, TN, went home to be with the Lord on June 8, 2010 at Ft. Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, TN. She was preceded in death by Jimmy Caves loving husband of 32 years; mother and father, Nellie Mae and Grady Rushing; brothers, Irvin, Calvin, Roy and Junior Ray Rushing. Survivors include her husband, Hugh Edward Wilson of 9 ½ years of Sevierville, TN; sons, Kevin Caves and wife, Michelle of Eddiceton Mississippi, Joseph Caves and wife, Barbara of Sevierville; daughter, Bonita and husband, Tony Moore of Brookhaven, Mississippi; grandsons, Cody and Bryson Caves; granddaughters, Hannah and Summer Moore; sisters, Myrtis Howard, Dorothy Hudson and Louise Berne; brothers; Raymond Rushing and Rodney Rushing; several nieces and nephews, many good friends and extended family. Services will be held 7 p.m. Thursday, June 10, 2010 at Rawlings Funeral Home in Sevierville with Brother Tom Couchaine officiating. Interment will be Sunday, June 13, 2010 at Bude Pentacostal Church Cemetery in Brookhaven, Mississippi. The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Thursday June 10, 2010 prior to the service. n www.rawlingsfuneralhome.com

Roy Arthur Smelcer

Preston E. Lethco

Roy Arthur Smelcer, 68 of Athens, died Monday June 7, 2010 at Parkwest Medical Center in Knoxville. A native of Sevierville and former resident of Mableton, Ga. and a resident of Athens since 2000, Roy was an antique tractors collector and restorer and participated in many antique tractor shows. He was a retiree of Norfolk Southern Railroad after 30 years of service and attended West End Baptist Church. Survivors: wife, Janice Myers Smelcer of Athens; daughters, Connie Shamblee of Douglasville, Ga., Pamela Smelcer of Knoxville; two granddaughters; two sisters and brothers-inlaw, Doris and Reaford Terry of Sevierville, Freda and Kenny Hodges of Kodak; sister-in-law, Vida Rogers of Sevierville; two brothers-in-law and sisters-inlaw, David and Christine Myers of Dandridge, Jerry and Kim Myers of Sevierville; nieces, nephews, one uncle, several aunts. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Ziegler Funeral Home with the Rev. Jim Price officiating. Burial will be 11 a.m. Thursday in McMinn Memory Gardens.

Preston E. Lethco, 67 of Pigeon Forge, died Monday June 7, 2010. He was of the Baptist faith and was an Army veteran having served in Vietnam. Survivors: wife, Ruth Carver Lethco; son and daughter-in-law, Paul and Michelle Lethco; daughter, Tena Rosenbalm; six grandchildren; mother, Mozell Lethco; m o t h e r- i n - l a w , Anna Mae Carver; brothers and sistersin-law, Alvin and Carolyn Lethco, of Dade City, Fla., Ronald and Mary Lethco, of San Santino, Fla., Elmer Jr. and Joy Lethco, of Pigeon Forge, Tenn.; sisters and brotherin-law, Charlotte Baber, Sue and John Ryals, of Sevierville; one uncle, one aunt; several nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday followed by funeral service at 1 p.m. in the chapel of Atchley Funeral Home. Interment will follow in Williamsburg Cemetery. n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

The SCPL Seymour Branch begins the reading program on Monday; the King Family Branch on Wednesday; and the Kodak Branch on Friday. Children who signed up for the program received goody bags with stickers, bookmarks, a book log and a schedule for all of the summer’s events. Virginia Borelli, SCPL Children’s Programs coordinator, was dressed as Shelley the Mermaid — who will also make an appearance at the Kodak Branch for its “An Ocean of Fun!� week next month. “The first time I met K.C. (Williams, SCPL director), I was dressed like this,� Borelli said with a chuckle. SCPL is also hosting an Adult Summer Reading Program with the theme “Water Your Mind: Read!�

3From Page A1

burgers, which were donated by Kroger in Sevierville and Pigeon Forge (among other items) and Food City in Sevierville. Food City in Kodak donated bottled water for the event. Linda Hyder of the Sevier County Extension Office was also part of the “Make a Splash� water-themed festivities, educating children about the importance of hydration during the summer. “We’ve gotten a lot of community support,� said Robin Cogdill, SCPL assistant director. “We’ve never had a grand event with all of the branches. It’s lovely to have all of this space.�

mmer W u S r u o fY

n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

n www.atchleyfuneralhome.com

Jeanie Schmutzer Machon, a native of Sevier County who now lives in Utah, attended the kickoff with her 5-year-old son, Jackson. “We’re visiting family,� Machon said. “My mother said she went to the (King Family Library) opening and said it was amazing. We haven’t toured the inside yet.� Brittany Brackins of Sevierville brought young daughters Kendall and Keeley, who love to read — something their aunt, first-grade teacher Melena Brackins, encourages wholeheartedly. “I want them to stay interested in reading because I know how important it is,� she said. Brandi Whaley of Sevierville brought daughters Bryleigh, 1, and Bryanna, 4, to

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Wednesday’s festivities. “We live a mile and a half from here, so we actually saw the building (of the King Family Library) go up,� Whaley said. “It’s a beautiful building. They love the kids’ room, the way it’s set up.� The book lover is hoping her children — which also includes son Dallas, 7 — will pick up her literary habits. “I’m a huge reader,� she said. “The library is one of my favorite places.� For more information on the SCPL Summer Reading Program, call your local branch: King Family Library Branch, 453-3532; Seymour Branch, 573-0728; or Kodak Branch, 933-0078 — or visit www.sevierlibrary.org.


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among several of the school system’s teachers honored over the years. The Teacher of the Year program is sponsored by the Niswonger Foundation, which provides $21,000 in monetary awards to encourage professional development, graduate study, higher student outcomes and mentoring. As a show of appreciation and encouragement for teacher excellence, the foundation sponsors a banquet each fall for the finalists. Deaton and Kelley were not able to be reached for comment as of press time.

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Anita Gale Dalton, 60 of Knoxville, died Sunday June 6, 2010. Survivors: husband, Charles Dalton; daughters, Donna Marie Smith, Karen Elaine Bucklew and husband Wayne, Tracy Anne Smith; son, Jason Bryant Smith and wife Melissa; 13 grandchildren. Funeral service 4 p.m. Thursday at Tarklin Valley Baptist Church with Pastor Tom Mclemore and the Rev. Claude Ramsey officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends 3-4 p.m. Thursday at Tarklin Valley Baptist Church. Arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home Seymour, 122 Peacock Court, Seymour. (577-2807)

Anita Gale Dalton


Kick of

Pigeon Forge Middle School. According to a news release from the Tennessee Department of Education, grand division winners and Teacher of the Year will be chosen from the nine finalists in the fall. “Sevier County has a rich tradition of our teachers being highlighted in the program,� said Cline, who noted Pigeon Forge Primary School teacher Pam Thomas, one of the nine finalists two years ago, is

n dhodges@themountainpress.com

Lucas Garrett McCarter Lucas Garrett McCarter, infant son of Edd and Bethany McCarter of Sevierville, died Saturday, June 5, 2010. In addition to his parents, Lucas is survived by his brother Jonas McCarter; grandparents Eddie and Carolyn McCarter, Steve and Vickie Ownby, Gary and Elaine Cutshaw; great-grandparents Helen Ownby, Juanita Story; several cousins, aunts and uncles. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be sent to First Baptist Church, 317 Parkway, Sevierville, TN 37862 or March of Dimes Foundation, 322 Nancy Lynn Lane, Suite 11, Knoxville, TN 37919. Family and friends will meet 6 p.m. Thursday in Providence Cemetery for graveside service and interment with Pastor Randy Davis officiating. Arrangements by Atchley Funeral Home, Sevierville.

n www.zieglerfuneralhome.com

pointed out. “I think in the past we’ve limited it to two extensions,� James Temple Jr. said. During the session, the group also voted to approve: Rezoning Request n From Darlene Reagan for several lots of the Helton Farm including 14.53 acres on Maryville Highway in Seymour from R-1 (low-density residential) to C-1 (rural commercial) for an office building Minor Plat Review

3From Page A1


In Memoriam


n Charles Blalock Property resubdivision, a seven-lot subdivision of 4.56 acres at the corner of Bingham Island Road and Boyds Creek Highway Final Plat Review n Timber Cove, a duplex development of 50 units on 28.87 acres on Wears Valley Road Site Plan Review n Heartland Development, Peacock Crossing Phase IV, a 4,760-square-foot commercial building on Chapman Highway across from Newell Village.

3From Page A1

Local/Nation/Money â—† A5

Thursday, June 10, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press

Cancer gains may be bigger than they seem By MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Medical Writer CHICAGO — Doctors reported gains against nearly every form of cancer at a conference that ended this week. Yet when Will Thomas heard about an advance against prostate cancer, he wanted to know just one thing: “Is it a cure?� “I see billions and billions done on research, and it’s all for treatment,� said the Alabama man who has several friends with the disease. “When will they cure it?� Many people share his frustration. The top achievements reported at the American Society of Clinical Oncology added an average of just two to six months of life. One pricey drug made headlines merely for delaying the time until ovarian cancer got worse. Progress has always been slow for cancer treatment. New therapies are tested on people who are so sick and out of options that any extension of life is considered a success. A cure is not usually possible. But some of the victories reported this week against breast and prostate cancer, leukemia and the deadly skin cancer called melanoma may be larger than they appear. These trends offer reason for optimism: n Newer drugs seem to be making a bigger difference for small, specific groups of patients, as companies develop treatments that more precisely target genes behind subtypes of cancer. Pfizer Inc. rushed into late-stage testing one such drug: crizotinib, which is aimed at only 4 percent of lung cancer patients. More than 90 percent of them responded to the drug in initial tests. High response rates also have been reported for other novel drugs for melanoma and breast cancer driven by certain genes. The hope: Develop enough of these specialized treatments that eventually every cancer patient will have something that works. n Quicker answers from smaller, focused studies. Pfizer’s test of crizotinib will need only 318 patients and will be finished early next year. It also will test the drug earlier in the course of

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illness rather than as a lastditch option. “You don’t really need big trials if it works so well,� and the group of patients who stand to benefit can be identified in advance, said Dr. Roy Herbst, lung cancer chief at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. n Big gains from novel combinations. All 66 patients testing a drug combo for the blood disease multiple myeloma saw a reduction in the amount of cancer they had by at least half. A 100 percent response rate is unheard of for any cancer and would not have occurred if two drugmakers had not teamed up to test their treatments together instead of against each other, said Dr. Paul Richardson of Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who led the research. The combo of Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.’s Velcade, Celgene Corp.’s Revlimid and the chemotherapy mainstay dexamethasone allowed more than half of patients to delay and perhaps avoid a bone marrow transplant — a harsh and risky treatment for the disease. n Comparison tests of long-used treatments. For decades, men with cancer that has spread beyond the prostate have been given hormone treatments with or without radiation, yet only a few studies have tested these against each other or together. A Canadian study found that combo treatment extended survival an average of six months in high-risk cases, and the oncology society said it could become a new standard of care. “We’re asking questions that should have been answered decades ago,� said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, the American Cancer Society’s deputy chief medical officer.










41.22 10.80 2.44 28.85 20.05 243.20 24.90 15.01 28.71 61.71 24.14 48.12 70.79 22.78 51.35 42.15 15.93 58.13 60.03 11.33 11.05 26.95 23.31 15.32 31.76 123.90 19.93

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25.34 37.12 53.98 28.88 19.52 68.26 8.53 24.79 6.68 21.54 44.15 14.52 61.47 6.79 77.61 0.96 19.74 13.37 4.61 28.48 24.73 38.83 30.25 64.25 28.39 50.99 14.69

0.18 -0.66 -0.37 0.24 -0.12 -0.11 -0.01 -0.32 0.02 -0.22 0.42 -0.03 -0.67 -0.31 -1.40 0.01 -0.01 -0.21 0.02 -0.32 -0.38 -0.14 0.05 0.46 -0.68 0.21 -0.10

-1.29% 0.37% -0.41% -1.37% -0.74% -2.46% -0.28% -2.09% -0.93% 1.14% -0.66% 2.10% -0.33% -0.76% -0.41% -0.73% -1.06% 0.09% -1.98% -2.50% -1.52% 1.28% -0.60% -1.03% -0.16% 0.15% -1.24%

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CMA Festival may boost Nashville flood recovery NASHVILLE (AP) — Allen Richards doesn’t need a spreadsheet or cash register to tell him how business is going after the flood put a damper on downtown tourism. All the 59-year-old busker has to do is look down into his guitar case, which earlier this week had just two dollar bills and a smattering of change. “Last year when I would come down here in the daytime, I was seeing $20 an hour,� Richards said. “This year I’m lucky if it’s $10.� Help is on the way for Richards and the thousands of people and businesses who rely on Music City tourism for a living. Nashville’s biggest single tourism draw, the CMA Music Festival, kicks off Thursday and the cash registers were ringing already early this week as the population on Broadway began to spike over the weekend in anticipation. The four-day festival drew more than 50,000 fans a day last year and fed $22 million into the economy. This year appears to be on the verge of better numbers despite the obstacles presented by the flood. Ticket sales and hotel bookings appear to be up about 10 percent. That’s good news to worried business owners who

have seen revenues fall off as much 50 percent in the five weeks since floods took out part of downtown Nashville, wiped out the Opryland Resort and the Grand Ole Opry House, and displaced thousands of residents. CMA Fest has always been important. There was never any question the show would go on despite some of the festival’s stage locations taking water. Now, a strong showing is paramount for those who want to stay in the black in the face of steep losses. “I would say this is like our Christmas,� said Dave Simon, general manager of the Ernest Tubb Record Shop. “Christmas is actually kind of slow for us.� A visitor to the record shop a week ago could peruse the stacks all alone. Simon said sales at the two Nashville shops have been down 60 percent, but that will rebound rapidly this week. There were 20 customers in the store Monday afternoon and traffic flow was constant. Simon expects four times more once the festival begins filling the sidewalks in front of the store.

Ross appeals judge’s decision to drop suit By JEFF FARRELL Staff writer

Jimmie Ross has appealed a federal judge’s decision to dismiss his civil suit against the parties involved in a foreclosure proceeding on his former home. Ross sued First Tennessee Bank, along with Judge Jeff Rader, who oversaw the proceedings, and law enforcement officers in the Sevier County Sheriff’s Department and Sevierville Police Department. His suit, which he filed without representation from an attorney, centered around the proceedings that led to the death of his wife, Pamela Ross, in October 2008, but it did not mention her death directly. It claimed the officials formed a conspiracy to illegally take his home and deprive him of his civil rights. He was not suing the individuals in their official capacities, but as private citizens he said formed a pact to take his home. Judge Thomas Varlan dismissed the case last month, saying Ross didn’t make clear enough allegations of fact, and at times he simply stated the subjects broke the law without stating how they had done so. “Plaintiff has only alleged a formulaic recitation of the elements of various statutory violations and has not identified sufficient factual allegations or the nature of any due process violation or civil rights violation,� the judge wrote. Ross has since filed a notice of appeal, saying he will take the case to the United States Court of Appeals Sixth Circuit. He has not yet addressed his grounds for appeal. Ross has alleged that law enforcement officers were responsible for the death of his wife. Pamela Ross died of a gunshot wound that occurred while law enforcement officers were standing by outside their home waiting to serve an eviction notice and Ross was in a court fighting the foreclosure proceedings. Rader gave Ross an extension on the time he had to appeal the eviction that day. Officers say Pamela Ross walked outside to speak to them, then went inside and used a gun to take her own life. Jimmie Ross has said the officers were responsible for her death, but he did not mention her death in the complaint. Two of the couple’s daughters have convinced the Department of Justice to open a civil rights investigation into the case. n jfarrell@themountainpress.com

Farmer’s Table Restaurant Serving Thursday-Sunday 11:00a.m.-8:30p.m. Lunch Served Thurs. Fri. Sat. 11:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Menu Items Available

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A6 ◆

The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, June 10, 2010

sunrise in the smokies

TODAY’S Briefing Local n


United Way to hold open house

The Sevier County United Way will hold an open house from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at its new headquarters, 906 East Parkway, Suite 2, inside the new branch of Citizens National Bank. The purpose of the open house is to make the community aware of the new location and provide information about the agency’s community partners. n

The 19th annual Smoky Mountains Storytelling Festival will be today through Saturday, featuring professional storytellers from East Tennessee and as far away as California. In addition to stories, there will be area talent representing the Smoky Mountain Storytelling Association as well as young storytellers from across the U.S. All programs will be at Grand Majestic Theater. Tickets are $10 a day or $25 for the weekend. Ages 17 and younger are admitted free. To purchase tickets call 888472-6308. For more information, visit MyPigeonForge. com/storytelling or call 429-7350. PIGEON FORGE

Haslam to host free breakfast

Bill Haslam, candidate for governor, will host a free breakfast starting at 9 a.m. Friday at Black Bear Jamboree for anyone with a Sevier County ID. Tennessee Coach Bruce Pearl will attend, and the Blackwoods will perform. n


Right To Life to show film

Sevier County Right To Life is again showing the documentary “Maafa 21,” about the history of Planned Parenthood and Eugenics. The film will be shown at Pigeon Forge library at 1:30 p.m. today. For more information call 9082689. n


Beer Board to meet tonight

The Sevier County Beer Board will meet at 7 p.m. today on the third floor of the courthouse. The board will consider an application for a manufacturer’s or distributor’s permit for Steve Koplow and Randall S. Mitchell, doing business as Smoky Mountain Cheese, 1562 Madron Drive, Sevierville. n

Lottery Numbers

Senators seek wilderness designation NASHVILLE (AP) — Tennessee’s two U.S. senators have proposed designating about 20,000 acres as wilderness in the Cherokee National Forest. The Tennessee Wilderness Act of 2010 by Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker would preserve six areas in Polk, Washington, Unicoi, Carter, Johnson and Monroe counties in the state. The largest tract is 9,038 acres in Monroe County. Congress began protecting wilderness areas in the national forest in 1975, with additional wilderness areas being established by the Tennessee Wilderness Acts of 1984 and 1986. The Tennessee Wilderness

Act of 2010 specifically creates one new wilderness area and expands the boundaries of five separate, existing wilderness areas already within the national forest. The areas are owned entirely by the U.S. Forest Service.

Paranormal group to inspect inn

OAK RIDGE (AP) — The Alexander Inn in Oak Ridge will be inspected by two paranormal investigation groups this summer. The inn, also known as the Guest House, was used by

notable figures during the Manhattan Project when Oak Ridge was known as “the secret city” while the atomic bomb was developed. The two groups are the Tennessee Division Office of Paranormal Studies, based out of Crossville and Chattanooga, and Secret City Paranormal, headed by Oak Ridge area residents Scott McGill and Greg Murr. According to The Oak Ridger newspaper, speculation has endured that the inn is haunted. The Office of Paranormal Studies will do its investigation at the end of this month, the Secret City group in late July.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Midday: 4-9-8 Evening: 5-8-0

21 13

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Midday: 8-4-2-3 Evening: 1-2-0-8

17 11


Storytelling event to cover three days


top state news


Club to sponsor motorcycle ride

Seymour Breakfast Rotary Club’s second annual “Ride for a Polio-Free World” will be Saturday. The motorcycle ride will start in Knoxville, with on-site registration beginning at 1 p.m. The ride gets under way at 3 p.m. Destination is Sevier County Utility District’s pavilion in Sevierville, where food will be served. For additional information, call 776-2614.



Today's Forecast

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

City/Region High | Low temps

Forecast for Thursday, June 10

Partly Cloudy

Chicago 74° | 61°

Washington 85° | 63°

High: 89° Low: 65° Memphis 92° | 76°

Chance of rain

Raleigh 92° | 70°


Atlanta 90° | 70° ■ Friday Cloudy

High: 91° Low: 69° ■ Saturday

New Orleans 94° | 76°


High: 89° Low: 71°

Primary Pollutant: Particles

Showers Rain T-storms Flurries Snow


Cautionary Health Message: No health impacts are expected in this range.

Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Weather Underground • AP

nation quote roundup “It is ... now abundantly clear to all politicians that if they want to get the support of working families on Election Day, they are going to need to fight for their issues every day.” — AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka after Tuesday’s election primaries

“It’s just amazing, kind of like getting married and everything. You kind of go into it wanting to remember everything, and once it’s done, you can’t remember a single thing.” — Washington Nationals’ much-hyped pitcher rookie Stephen Strasburg after he broke into the big leagues Tuesday night by striking out 14 and walking none in a 5-2 win over Pittsburgh

“If markets continue to stabilize, then the effects of the (European) crisis on economic growth in the United States seem likely to be modest.” — Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke

How to Subscribe Just mail this coupon in with your payment to: The Mountain Press P.O. Box 4810 Sevierville, TN 37864-4810 0r Phone 428-0746 ext. 231

(ISSN 0894-2218) Copyright 2008 The Mountain Press. All Rights Reserved. All property belongs to The Mountain Press and no part may be reproduced without prior written consent. Published daily by The Mountain Press. P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN, 37864, 119 River Bend Dr., Sevierville, TN 37876. Periodical Postage paid at Sevierville, TN.


Today’s highlight:

On this date:

In 1967, the Middle East War ended as Israel and Syria agreed to observe a United Nations-mediated cease-fire. In 1977, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., escaped from Brushy Mountain State Prison in Tennessee with six others; he was recaptured June 13. n

Ten years ago:

Syrian President Hafez Assad died at age 69; he was succeeded by his son, Bashar. n

Thought for today:

“It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.” — Corollary to “Murphy’s Law.”

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The Mountain Press

Officials with Smokies Stadium announced a concert planned for July 29 that was to include Bob Dylan, John Mellencamp and Willie Nelson, won’t happen after all. That’s because the producer of the show, about a month a half in advance of the date it was supposed to happen, has decided to back out of the deal. Tickets were already being sold.


© 2010 Wunderground.com

■ Air Quality Forecast:

Locally a year ago:

On June 10, 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in Akron, Ohio by Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith and William Griffith Wilson.

Miami 90° | 76°

Douglas: 994.4 D0.2

Publisher: Jana Thomasson Editor: Stan Voit Production Director: Tom McCarter Advertising Director: Joi Whaley Business Manager: Mary Owenby Circulation Distribution Manager: Will Sing

Today is Thursday, June 10, the 161st day of 2010. There are 204 days left in the year.


■ Lake Stages:


This day in history



Mountains: Good Valley: Good

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Celebrities in the news n

Courteney Cox

LOS ANGELES — Courteney Cox says that while a ‘Friends’ movie may never materialize, the cast has certainly thought about it — Jennifer Aniston in particular, Cox who has a “great idea ... that would reunite the members of the longrunning NBC sitcom,” The Los Angeles Times reports. “A lot of things would have to break just right for it to work. But we’ve daydreamed about it,” Cox says, noting that series creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane would have to be involved. Her final verdict? “I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

Mountain Views

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” —United States Constitution, Amendment One

■ The Mountain Press ■ Page A7 ■ Thursday, June 10, 2010


Free market remains best way for nation America’s current struggles notwithstanding, life here is pretty good. We have a standard of living that’s the envy of most of the world. Why did that happen? Prosperity isn’t the norm. Throughout history and throughout the world, poverty has been the norm. Most of the world still lives in dire poverty. Of the 6 billion people on earth, perhaps 1 billion have something close to our standard of living. Why did America prosper when most of the people of the world are still poor? Milton Friedman taught me the answer. More than any other American, Friedman, who won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1976, clearly warned the world about the unintended consequences of big government. “We’ve become increasingly dependent on government,” said Friedman. “We’ve surrendered power to government; nobody has taken it from us. It’s our doing. The results — monumental government spending, much of it wasted, little of it going to the people whom we would like to see helped.” That’s from Friedman’s PBS TV series “Free to Choose,” which aired 30 years ago and became the basis of his No. 1 bestseller by the same name. The title says a lot. If we are free to make our own choices, we prosper. That was a new idea to many back then. At the time — when inflation and interest rates were in double digits and unemployment approached 10 percent — people thought a wise government could ensure economic growth, guarantee full employment and eliminate poverty. Friedman explained that the opposite was true, that bigger government had brought us “burdensome taxes, high inflation, a welfare system under which neither those who receive help nor those who pay for it are satisfied. Trying to do good with other people’s money simply has not worked.” No, it hasn’t. So why, 30 years later, is America doing so much more of it? Because people still have not learned Friedman’s lesson. Because of that, I give money to a charity that offers teachers free copies of some of my TV news videos that explain the benefits of free markets. The video most popular in high schools is one in which I ask students, “When so many nations remain poor, why did America become prosperous?” Many answer, “Because we have democracy.” Yet India has democracy, and India has been poor for years. “India is overpopulated,” they say. They don’t know that India has the same population density as New Jersey. Other students suggest that America prospered because of our natural resources. But Hong Kong has no natural resources. It’s basically a rock. It is also more densely populated than India. Yet, in just 50 years, Hong Kong went from poverty to American levels of wealth. How? In “Free to Choose,” Friedman explained that it was the free market. Overlooking the amazing Hong Kong skyline, he said: “This miracle hasn’t been achieved by government action -- by someone sitting in one of those tall buildings and telling people what to do. It’s been achieved by allowing the market to work.” Walking down a crowded street, he added, “They are free to buy from whom they want, to sell to whom they want, to work for whom they want. Sometimes it looks like chaos, and so it is, but underneath it’s highly organized by the impersonal forces of a free marketplace.” At the time of his series, India was a symbol of enlightened central planning. “India has tremendous economic and human potential,” Friedman commented. “The human tragedy is that in India that potential has been stifled by the straightjacket imposed by an all-wise and paternalistic government. Central planning has condemned India’s masses to poverty and misery.” What counted most for Friedman was that people should be free to try innovative ideas and succeed ... or fail. “The free market enables people ... to trade with whomever they want; to buy in the cheapest market around the world; to sell in the dearest. ... (B)ut most important of all: If they fail, they bear the cost.” “Most important of all.” It’s clear what he would have thought of today’s government bailouts. — John Stossel hosts a show on the Fox Business Channel and is the author of “Myth, Lies, and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel — Why Everything You Know is Wrong.” (C)2009 JFS Productions Inc.


Soldier spotlight

‘American Pride’ your chance to feature our men and women in uniform We show pride in America in many different ways. Americans love their country, even if they sometimes have a funny way of showing it. They rant and scream at each other, often through TV talk shows and Internet blogs. They are quick to condemn. They are awfully opinionated, at times inflexible, at times rigid in their viewpoints, However, almost always they are united as one when it comes to support for and pride in our military. It wasn’t always so. For years during and immediately after the Vietnam war, we did not show respect and gratitude to the people who served the country. Those who opposed the war should have directed all their frustrations and anger at the people who sent the soldiers there, not the soldiers themselves.

It took a while for us to grow up and learn to separate the soldier from the brass, but we did learn and ever since have had a running love affair with those who wear the uniform. Each summer The Mountain Press offers its readers a chance to show that pride in the military in a very special way. Our “American Pride” special section gives you the chance to spotlight a soldier — present or past — who wore the uniform in defense of this country. The submissions often come from family members, but also from the soldiers themselves. This is the one time a year we welcome poetry. We usually get some too. When it comes to singing the praises of this great country, many seem best able to do it through verse, and we receive a few of those

writings. Mostly, the section is devoted to specific men and women who wore the uniform or are wearing it now. American Pride will be published in the edition of June 24. Send us your stories, photos and poems about the soldiers. They can be e-mailed to editor@themountainpress.com, faxed to 453-4913, dropped off at our offices weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or mailed to us at P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville 37864. We need them by June 18. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of Sevier County people who have served in the Armed Forces, during wars and in peace. This is a chance to spotlight them, and offer them thanks for what they did or are doing.

Political view

Public forum Miss Ellie unusual attraction both on and off the stage

Editor: How sad it was to learn our local heroine, Miss Ellie, has gone to Rainbow Bridge in the sky. She raised awareness of the situation of the Humane Society’s needs and brought nationwide attention to this area by first competing in the Ugliest

Dog competition, then Cutest Dog competition. I loved that little face and was fortunate to once hold her in my arms when she made one of her personal appearances. She seems to be aware of the outpouring adoration of her many fans and surely her owner, Dawn Goehring, deserves credit for providing a loving environment at the Comedy Barn where Miss Ellie wowed the audiences with her

mere presence by just being on the stage. She was an unusual attraction on and off of the stage. It is said pets are God’s toys, but she surely left her mark on us here on earth. In her memory, please make a donation to the Sevier County animal shelter. Jo Jones Sevierville

Letters to the editor policy and how to contact us: ◆ We encourage our readers to send letters to the editor. Letters must contain no more than 500 words. No more than one letter per person will be published in a 30-day period. Letters must be neatly printed or typed and contain no libel, plagiarism or personal attacks. All letters are subject to editing for style, length and content. Statements of fact must be attributed to a source for verification. All letters must be signed and contain a phone number and address for verification purposes. No anonymous or unverified letters will be printed. No letters endorsing candidates will be considered. The Mountain Press reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: editor@themountainpress.com or MAIL LETTERS TO: Editor, The Mountain Press, P.O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864. For questions, call (865) 428-0748, ext. 214. The Mountain Press and its publishers do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in letters and columns on this page.

Editorial Board:

State Legislators:

Federal Legislators:

◆ Jana Thomasson, Publisher ◆ Stan Voit, Editor ◆ Bob Mayes, Managing Editor ◆ Gail Crutchfield, Community News Editor

◆ Rep. Richard Montgomery

◆ U.S. Sen. Bob Corker

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◆ Rep. Joe McCord

(202) 224-3344; 185 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg., B40A, Washington, D.C. 20510

◆ U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander

(202) 224-4944; S/H 302, Washington, D.C. 20510

1-800-449-8366 Ext. 1-5481; 207 War Memorial Bldg., Nashville TN 37243 rep.joe.mccord@capitol.tn.gov

◆ U.S. Rep. Phil Roe

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■ The Mountain Press ■ A8 ■ Thursday, June 10, 2010


Wrestlers in Pigeon Forge learn to Pin 2 Win By COBEY HITCHCOCK Sports Writer PIGEON FORGE — The Pigeon Forge Tigers high school wrestling team may have walked away with a fourth-place finish at last season’s state tournament, but past success is never enough for a hungry program. “Pigeon Forge can’t be content with how last year went,” said Tigers wrestling camp and tournament director Darrell Lauderdale. “We didn’t come close to achieving the goals that this program has set for itself. “Fourth in the state. Who cares? We don’t want to be fourth again. We want to be better than that.” And that’s why 60-yearold wrestling legend Wade Schalles is back in town again this week running the Pin 2 Win Wrestling Camp at the wrestling building beside the high school. “Wade is the best wrestling clinician in the nation, hands down, bar none,” said Lauderdale. “And in my opinion, he’s the best teacher

Darrell Lauderdale I’ve ever been around.” Schalles is a 15-time national champion in judo, sombo, freestyle, folkstyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. He was a member of the 1976 and ‘80 USA Olympic wrestling teams, although an injury in ‘76 and a boycott of the games in ‘80 kept the American Wrestling News’ Best Middleweight of the 20th Century from gold. Schalles is a Guinness Book of World Records holder in both all-time vicCobey Hitchcock/The Mountain Press tories (821) and pins (530), Wrestling legend Wade Schalles is in town this week teaching young wrestlers at Pigeon Forge High School some moves. Above, rising senior Edward Holland is put into the “spladle,” a radical pin move invented and perfected by Schalles. See WRESTLING, Page A9 NFL GRIDIRON


Tennessee middle school football teams dominate Kentucky By JASON DAVIS Sports Editor SEVIERVILLE — A week long adventure has ended for four Sevier County middle school football players, and the quartet all have something to show for their effort. The four players, Spencer Brien and Chad Ayers from Gatlinburg and Chaz McKinney and Connor Bailey from Sevierville, were all on the right side play this past Saturday, as both the Tennessee 7th and 8th grade all-star teams bested Kentucky’s premier players in a gridiron border battle in Louisville, Ky. Brad Justus, an assistant coach from Gatlinburg-Pittman, was the 8th grade team’s linebacker coach and saw a lot of both Brien, who started at linebacker for the squad, and McKinney, who started at defensive tackle. “(Spencer Brien) and Chaz (McKinney) were two of our strong defensive leaders, and there was no question about whether or not they were starting,” Justus said of the two, who emerged as team defensive leaders at practices at Carson-Newman leading up the Saturday showdown. In the game, which Tennessee won 33-13, both players were big contributors. Brien had a sack and four tackles, while McKinney tallied a pair of sacks and three tackles. “We kept it tight (in the 8th grade game) for a while, and then started pulling away,” Justus said. “(The defense) had two safeties.” In the 7th grade game Ayers recorded a sack from his defensive end position, while Bailey played well at receiver, though he didn’t see any balls thrown his way. The 7th grade squad beat Kentucky in a defensive battle, 17-7. Justus was especially proud of his two future G-P players. “I think Spencer was one of our better tacklers in space, and he was able to come up and make several tackles by himself,” Justus said. “He was definitely a hard hitter, and the other players took notice.” Justus also said former UT sack master and NFL 1st round draft pick Todd Kelley, who was Ayers’ position coach in the 7th grade game, had great things to say about Ayers’ ability and predicted he’d See ALL-STARS, Page A9

Keith Srakocic/AP

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger passes while warming up before a training session in the team’s indoor practice facility in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.

Chaz McKinney

Video: Accuser says Roethlisberger had temper By PAUL NEWBERRY and KATE BRUMBACK Associated Press Writers

Connor Bailey

Chad Ayers

Spencer Brien

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — The college student who accused Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger of sexually assaulting her said she didn’t try to fight him off because he appeared to anger easily. “I noticed throughout the night he kind of had like a short temper, like he would get really, like, defensive,” she told police in her second interview with them on March 5, about 12 hours after she said the assault took place. She didn’t elaborate further on what made her think the quarterback had a short temper. The accuser’s interview is among more than 50 audio and video recordings released Wednesday by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The prosecutor determined there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant criminal charges after the investigation concluded, and he said the woman ultimately asked him not to prosecute the quarterback. One of the new videos shows Roethlisberger smiling, giving people high-fives and pumping his fist at the club where the woman said she was assaulted. The 20-year-old accuser was interviewed twice by police — the first time shortly after she made the accusation early March 5 in the small college town of Milledgeville, about 80 miles southeast of Atlanta. The second interview was about 12 hours later

at the Milledgeville police station. The woman sounded intoxicated when she spoke with Milledgeville officer Jason Lopez in the first interview. Her words were slurred and she even says at one point, “Obviously, I’m drunk.” An audio recording of that interview was made. During the first interview, she said she repeatedly told Roethlisberger, “I really don’t think this is OK,” but couldn’t stop him from having sex with her in the bathroom of a bar. “I don’t know what I can ... do,” she said. “I’m a little girl and he’s a big boy.” The victim told police she is 5-foot-4 and weighs 145 pounds. Roethlisberger is listed at 6-5 and 241 pounds. Lopez asked the woman if she knew of any reason why Roethlisberger would feel “it was OK to do this to you.” While the accuser acknowledged wearing an explicit name tag, which was left over from a friend’s birthday party earlier in the night, she denied leading him on. “I wasn’t forward in any way,” she said. “I wasn’t like, ’Oh my gosh, have sex with me because you’re an NFL superstar.’ I really don’t know why (it happened).” The next afternoon, the woman went to the police station for a follow-up interview that was videotaped. She was calm and matter-of-fact when discussing the previous night, struggling to remember a few details but adamant that she had been raped by

Roethlisberger. In the video, the woman’s face was blurred. She was wearing a navy blue T-shirt and jeans had her blond hair pulled back. She told police she didn’t think trying to fight Roethlisberger would stop the assault. “I figured it wouldn’t help anything,” she said. “I didn’t want, obviously, him to hurt me any more than he was going to.” In Pittsburgh, Roethlisberger took part in a Steelers practice session but didn’t talk with the media. He was escorted off the field by a team spokesman. The new videos include the first extensive comments by the woman that have been made public, though written statements she gave investigators have been released. She has declined interview requests. The Associated Press generally doesn’t name those who say they were sexually assaulted, and authorities haven’t released her name. The quarterback was suspended for the first six games of the upcoming season, though commissioner Roger Goodell said he could reduce it to four games if Roethlisberger shows he is committed to improving his off-thefield behavior. Roethlisberger also is being sued in Nevada by a woman who says he sexually assaulted her there in 2008. There were no charges brought in that case. His attorney has denied he did anything wrong in Georgia, where See BIG BEN, Page A9

Sports â—† A9

Thursday, June 10, 2010 â—† The Mountain Press NBA HOOPS

Fisher and Bryant, friends and champs By JIMMY GOLEN AP Sports Writer

BOSTON — Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher had a pretty productive relationship when they first came into the NBA together, winning three titles with the Los Angeles Lakers and forging a friendship that belied the differences in their personalities and their skills. “It’s not because our games are similar, it’s not because of talent similarities or any of that,� Fisher said Wednesday after the Lakers practiced for Game 4 of the NBA finals against the Boston Celtics. “It’s just that we’ve experienced a lot of good and bad things together. Because we’ve been through those fires, we’re just comfortable relying on each other, and I think he knows and I know that if anything in the world happened, if there was one person that would stand up and say, ’I’m here for you,’ you know, it would go both ways.� A tough and emotional point guard with a history of clutch performances, Fisher made five baskets in the fourth quarter to lead the Lakers to a 91-84 victory over Boston on Tuesday night and a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven NBA finals. His signature play this time wasn’t a long-

distance heave — like the one he sank against San Antonio with 0.4 seconds left in 2004 — or a series of jumpers like those that turned things around in Game 4 of the finals against Orlando last year. Instead, Fisher helped clinch the victory over Boston when he followed through on a breakaway layup before being flattened by three Celtics — including 300-pound Glen “Big Baby� Davis and 6-foot-11 Kevin Garnett. Fisher, who’s 6-1 and 210 pounds, converted the three-point play to turn it into a seven-point game. “He’s very, very, very, very tough — mentally and physically,� Bryant said. “He doesn’t back down from anything or anyone.� Fisher played the first eight years of his career with the Lakers, winning three titles in the Shaqand-Kobe era before signing with Golden State as a free agent in 2004. It was only then that Bryant appreciated what kind of friend and teammate he had. “Fish and I, we’ve always been close, though I think when he left we became even closer, as weird as that seems,� Bryant said. “Everything happens for a reason. It’s kind of good to see him kind of come full circle and be back here again.�

all-stars 3From Page A8

be a very talented high school player one day. Chris Wampler, who played on the defensive line at Tennessee in the early ‘80s before playing in the USFL and NFL, spoke highly of McKinney. “Chaz McKinney is a player,� Wampler, who is the head coach at Lenoir City Middle School, said. “I was very impressed with Chaz. He did what you asked him to do, and he was a great athlete and he played very well. Chaz can be whatever he wants to be.� Overall, Justus said he was proud of the Sevier County kids and the Tennessee players as a whole.

wrestling 3From Page A8

including 36 wins over national champions with 17 of those victories ending in a pin. So what is a wrestler with those credentials doing in Pigeon Forge? “Pigeon Forge has the top wrestling program in East Tennessee, and the kids down here are wonderful,� said Schalles. “Being around (the Tigers program) helps renew my interest in wanting to be here. “It’s about giving back. It’s nice to be around people who believe in giving back as they were given. “The Pigeon Forge program is just a prime example of the seniors helping the underclassmen, and the underclassmen helping the middle schoolers and the

“I think our team in general had pretty good character and discipline,� Justus said. “We didn’t have any problems all week, our team came to play. They had some problems on (the Kentucky) side. Our kids all came in and did well, and it’s an honor to have that many players from one county. “I think Chad and Chaz having experience working with some NFL players and high level college players it will make them into better football players,� Justus continued. “I think it was a great experience, I enjoyed working with players from Morristown, Memphis, Chattanooga, and around the state.� The two 7th graders are eligible to be selected to play in a national game following their upcoming 8th grade seasons. middle schoolers helping the elementary school wrestlers. And that all starts from the top, the leadership of the school.� In all, 28 young wrestlers have been attending the fiveday camp that ends Friday, including 22 from Pigeon Forge, one from Seymour and five from Heritage. The young wrestlers are getting as much from the camp as Schalles. “It’s great having somebody here that has done as much as he has (in wrestling),� said Pigeon Forge rising senior Edward Holland, who is in his third camp with Schalles. “It’s just great learning from somebody that knows everything he knows. “It’s a great experience. It’s hard work, but he makes it fun while you’re doing it ... and it helps a lot.� chitchcock@themountainpress.com

SCHS Letterman’s Golf Tournament SEVIERVILLE — There will be a Sevier County High School Letterman’s golf tournament and luncheon this Friday, June 11, at Eagle’s Landing Golf Club in Sevierville. Any former Sevier County lettermen, coaches or supporters of Sevier County athletics are welcome to attend. The golf tournament will begin with a shotgun start at 8 a.m., while the luncheon will start between 11:30 a.m. and noon. For more information, call Bill Robinson at 423-593-3687 or Ed White at 865-453-5390.

big ben

3From Page A8

he owns a lake house near Milledgeville. In suspending Roethlisberger, Goodell has said the 28-year-old failed to meet the league’s expectations for player behavior with his carousing. One of the new videos shows the quarterback partying at the club where the accusation was made. The shaky 49-second video, shot by a member of Roethlisberger’s entourage, shows the quarterback, wearing a black Nike baseball cap and black T-shirt with a devil’s face on it. Most of what Roethlisberger is saying is drowned out by loud music in the club, but he can be heard asking a girl what her drink tastes like. He repeatedly gives high fives to people off camera. When the friend shooting the video asks him to say hi, he strikes a pose, punches his fist twice in the air and flashes a huge grin at the camera. Several of Roethlisberger’s teammates said they didn’t even know the DVDs were being released. “It’s not even something that’s being discussed,� backup quarterback Charlie Batch said. “It has

nothing to do with football.� Offensive lineman Willie Colon — the only teammate with Roethlisberger at the Georgia nightclub — said he hasn’t had a chance to speak with Roethlisberger about the case since the tapes were made public. “I had no idea that it was going to be released to the public,� Colon said. “All I can do is just deal with whatever comes along with it. I just want to let everybody know I have a family and I’m a good man and I spoke freely in my interview� with Georgia investigators. Colon’s hourlong interview with a GBI agent was one of the videos released Wednesday. He shed little light on the case, saying he didn’t even know anything had occurred until he saw police at the club. He wasn’t with Roethlisbgerer afterward, leaving in a separate car, though he was concerned about what impact the accusations would have. “I’m a player, too,� Colon told the agent in his interview. “I can’t get in trouble. We’ve got to be more cautious about putting (ourselves) in situations where people can harm us.� ——— Associated Press Writer Joe Mandak in Pittsburgh contributed to this report.

SCOREBOARD t v s p o rt s

p r o h a r dball


GOLF 10:30 a.m. TGC — European PGA Tour, Estoril Open de Portugal, first round, at Sintra, Portugal 3 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, St. Jude Classic, first round, at Memphis, Tenn. 6:30 p.m. TGC — LPGA, State Farm Classic, first round, at Springfield, Ill. (same-day tape) MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2 p.m. WGN — Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee NBA BASKETBALL 9 p.m. ABC — Playoffs, finals, game 4, L.A. Lakers at Boston SOCCER 10 p.m. ESPN2 — MLS, D.C. United at Seattle

National League East Division

Atlanta Philadelphia New York Florida Washington

W L 34 25 31 26 31 27 28 31 28 31

Pct GB .576 — .544 2 .534 2 1/2 .475 6 .475 6

Cincinnati St. Louis Chicago Milwaukee Pittsburgh Houston

W L 33 26 33 26 26 32 24 34 23 35 23 36

Pct .559 .559 .448 .414 .397 .390

Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Colorado Arizona

W L 35 24 34 24 32 25 30 28 23 36

Pct GB .593 — .586 1/2 .561 2 .517 4 1/2 .390 12

Central Division

West Division

GB — — 6 1/2 8 1/2 9 1/2 10

——— Tuesday’s Games Philadelphia 10, Florida 8 Washington 5, Pittsburgh 2 N.Y. Mets 2, San Diego 1, 11

innings San Francisco 3, Cincinnati 0 Milwaukee 3, Chicago Cubs 2 Houston 4, Colorado 3 Atlanta 7, Arizona 5 L.A. Dodgers 1, St. Louis 0 Wednesday’s Games Florida at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at Washington, 7:05 p.m. San Diego at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. San Francisco at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Houston at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Atlanta at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. St. Louis at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Thursday’s Games San Francisco (Wellemeyer 3-5) at Cincinnati (Leake 5-0), 12:35 p.m. San Diego (Garland 6-3) at N.Y. Mets (Niese 2-2), 1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Dempster 4-5) at Milwaukee (Bush 1-5), 2:10 p.m. Houston (Oswalt 3-8) at Colorado (J.Chacin 3-4), 3:10

p.m. Atlanta (Hanson 6-3) at Arizona (Willis 1-0), 3:40 p.m. Florida (Ani.Sanchez 5-3) at Philadelphia (Moyer 6-5), 7:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Duke 3-6) at Washington (L.Hernandez 4-3), 7:05 p.m. Friday’s Games Chicago White Sox at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m. Houston at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. Washington at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Kansas City at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Atlanta at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Texas at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Toronto at Colorado, 9:10 p.m. St. Louis at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. Seattle at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Oakland at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m.

2nd place ain’t bad ...

Photo submitted

The Sevierville Force softballers took second at the recent Field of Dreams Tournament held this past weekend in Dandridge. Front row, from left are coach Scott Liedel, Brooke Whaley (22), Laura Ratledge (23), Courtney Hickey (10), Lilian Lesniewski (4), MacKenzie Liedel (6), Chandler Cox (25) and coach Joel King. Back row, from left are manager Bobby Stoffle, Caitlin Cox (40), Sarah Stoffle (21), Payton King (33), McKenzie Robertson (9), Kendall Cox (34) and coach Chris Maples. INSULATED RODENT PROOF *STORAGE BUILDINGS*

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American League East Division

Tampa Bay New York Boston Toronto Baltimore

W 38 36 35 33 16

L 20 22 25 26 42

Pct GB .655 — .621 2 .583 4 .559 5 1/2 .276 22

Minnesota Detroit Chicago Kansas City Cleveland

W 34 30 24 24 21

L 24 27 33 35 36

Pct GB .586 — .526 3 1/2 .421 9 1/2 .407 10 1/2 .368 12 1/2

Texas Los Angeles Oakland Seattle

W 31 32 31 23

L 27 29 29 35

Pct GB .534 — .525 1/2 .517 1 .397 8

Central Division

West Division

p.m. N.Y. Mets at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at Detroit, 7:05 p.m. Washington at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Kansas City at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Atlanta at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. Texas at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Toronto at Colorado, 9:10 p.m. Seattle at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Oakland at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m.

Southern League ——— North Division Tuesday’s Games W L Pct. GB Boston 3, Cleveland 2 Tennessee (Cubs) 35 23 .603 — N.Y. Yankees 12, Baltimore 7 West Tenn (Mariners) 34 23 .596 1/2 Tampa Bay 9, Toronto 0 Huntsville (Brewers) 27 32 .458 8 1/2 Texas 7, Seattle 1 Chattanooga (Dodgers) 26 32 .448 9 Detroit 7, Chicago White Sox 2 Carolina (Reds) 25 34 .424 10 1/2 Minnesota 7, Kansas City 3 South Division Oakland 10, L.A. Angels 1 W L Pct. GB Wednesday’s Games Jacksonville (Marlins) 35 23 .603 — Boston at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. Montgomery (Rays) 32 25 .561 2 1/2 N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore, 7:05 Mobile (D-backs) 30 27 .526 4 1/2 p.m. Mississippi (Braves) 25 32 .439 9 1/2 Toronto at Tampa Bay, 7:10 Birmingham (W. Sox) 20 38 .345 15 p.m. ——— Seattle at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Wednesday’s Games Detroit at Chicago White Sox, Carolina at Chattanooga, ccd., 8:10 p.m. rain Kansas City at Minnesota, 8:10 Birmingham at Mobile, 1:05 p.m. p.m. L.A. Angels at Oakland, 10:05 Mississippi at West Tenn, 1:05 p.m. p.m. Thursday’s Games Jacksonville at Montgomery, Detroit (Scherzer 2-5) at 8:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Danks Huntsville at Tennessee, 7:15 4-5), 2:05 p.m. p.m. L.A. Angels (E.Santana 6-3) at Thursday’s Games Oakland (Cahill 4-2), 3:35 p.m. Mobile at Jacksonville, 7:05 Boston (Lester 7-2) at p.m. Cleveland (Talbot 7-4), 7:05 Chattanooga at Mississippi, 8:05 p.m. p.m. N.Y. Yankees (A.J.Burnett 6-3) Birmingham at Montgomery, at Baltimore (Arrieta 0-0), 7:05 8:05 p.m. p.m. West Tenn at Tennessee, 7:15 Toronto (Cecil 6-2) at Tampa p.m. Bay (W.Davis 5-5), 7:10 p.m. Huntsville at Carolina, 7:15 p.m. Seattle (Rowland-Smith 0-4) at Friday’s Games Texas (Tom.Hunter 1-0), 8:05 Mobile at Jacksonville, 7:05 p.m. p.m. Kansas City (Chen 2-0) at Birmingham at Montgomery, Minnesota (S.Baker 5-4), 8:10 8:05 p.m. p.m. Chattanooga at Mississippi, 8:05 Friday’s Games Loss Weightp.m. Chicago White Sox at Chicago Huntsville at Carolina, 7:15 p.m. Cubs, 2:20 p.m. West Tenn at Tennessee, 7:15 Houston at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m.

Weight Loss Management Center eight Lose W reat! Feel G










A10 ◆ Sports

The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, June 10, 2010

auto racing at a gl ance Kevin Harvick’s No. 33 Chevrolet. ... Edwards won the 2005 race. Next race: Bucyrus 200, June 19, Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wis. Online: http://www.nascar. com ——— CAMPING WORLD TRUCKS VFW 200 Site: Brooklyn, Mich. Schedule: Friday, practice; Saturday, qualifying, race, 2 p.m. (Speed, 1:30-4:30 p.m.). Track: Michigan International Speedway (oval, 2 miles). Race distance: 200 miles, 100 laps. Last year: Colin Braun won for the first time in the series, giving team owner Jack Roush his 50th Trucks victory and third in a row at Michigan. Last week: Todd Bodine raced to his record sixth Texas Motor Speedway victory in the Trucks Series, holding off Johnny Sauter. Bodine has 18 career series wins. Fast facts: Bodine leads the standings with 1,263 points, followed by Aric Almirola (1,198), Timothy Peters (1,128) and four-time series champion Ron Hornaday Jr. (1,108). ... Kyle Busch won at Charlotte on May 21 in his last series start. Next race: Lucas Oil 200, July 11, Iowa Speedway, Newton, Iowa. Online: http://www.nascar. comusch ——— FORMULA ONE Canadian Grand Prix Site: Montreal. Schedule: Friday, practice (Speed, 2-3:30 p.m.); Saturday, practice, qualifying (Speed, 4:30-6 p.m.) Sunday, race, noon (FOX, noon-2 p.m.). Track: Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (road course, 2.71 miles). Race distance: 189.7 miles, 70 laps. Last year: No race. In 2008, Robert Kubica raced to his first Formula One victory, teaming with Nick Heidfeld to give BMW Sauber a 1-2 finish. Last race: Lewis Hamilton led McLaren to a 1-2 finish on May 30 in the Turkish Grand Prix after a costly run-in between Red Bull teammates Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel. Webber and Vettel touched as Vettel looked to pass for the lead, sending Vettel spinning out of the race. Webber recovered to finish third behind Jenson Button. Fast facts: The race, a fixture at the track since 1978, was dropped from the 2009 calendar after negotiations with race organizers failed. ... Webber, the winner last month in Spain and Monaco in consecutive weekends, leads the season standings with 93 points. Button, also

NASCAR SPRINT CUP Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400 Site: Brooklyn, Mich. Schedule: Friday, practice (Speed, 11:30-1 p.m.), qualifying (Speed, 3:30-5 p.m.); Saturday, practice (Speed, 12:30-1:30 p.m.); Sunday, race, 1 p.m. (TNT, noon-4:30 p.m.). Track: Michigan International Speedway (oval, 2 miles). Race distance: 400 miles, 200 laps. Last year: Mark Martin raced to the third of his five 2009 victories, saving just enough gas to finish. Jimmie Johnson dominated, but ran out of fuel with two laps to go, giving the lead to Greg Biffle, who then ran out of gas on the final lap. Last week: Denny Hamlin raced to his fourth Pocono victory and series-leading fourth win of the year. Joe Gibbs Racing teammate Kyle Busch was second. Fast facts: Dale Earnhardt Jr. is winless in 71 races since the June 2008 race at Michigan, his only victory in 86 starts for Hendrick Motorsports. He has 18 career Sprint Cup wins. ... Kevin Harvick leads the season standings with 2,063 points. Kyle Busch is second with 2,044, followed by Hamlin (1,927), Matt Kenseth (1,893), Kurt Busch (1,881) and four-time defending champion Johnson (1,849). ... Brian Vickers, sidelined by blood clots in his lungs and left leg, won the August race at the track. Next race: Toyota/Save Mart 350, June 20, Infineon Raceway, Sonoma, Calif. Online: http://www.nascar. com ——— NATIONWIDE Meijer 300 Site: Sparta, Ky. Schedule: Friday, practice; Saturday, qualifying (ESPN, 4-6 p.m.), race, 8 p.m. (ESPN, 7:30-11 p.m.). Track: Kentucky Speedway (oval, 1.5 miles). Race distance: 300 miles, 200 laps. Last year: Joey Logano won at the track for the second straight year, passing Joe Gibbs Racing teammate Kyle Busch with 10 laps to go. Last week: Brad Keselowski raced to his third Nationwide victory of the year and ninth overall, easily holding off rival Carl Edwards at Nashville Superspeedway. Keselowski led 97 of 225 laps in his Penske Dodge. Fast facts: Keselowski leads the standings with 2,141 points. Busch is second with 1,945, but isn’t running for the championship after winning last year. Edwards is third with 1,864. ... Brad Coleman is taking Busch’s spot in the No. 18 Toyota, and Mike Bliss is driving


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ROY SATTERFIELD, Petitioner Vs. No. 10000751 ROGER SANFORD Respondent/Natural Father And LISA THOMAS Respondent/ Half-Sister NON-RESIDENT NOTICE IN THIS CAUSE, it appearing from the "Petition for Custody", which is sworn to, that the Respondent, ROGER SANFORD, is a non-resident of Ten-

NASCAR Camping World 2010 Driver Standings 1. Todd Bodine, 1,263 2. Aric Almirola, 1,198 3. Timothy Peters, 1,128 4. Ron Hornaday Jr., 1,108 5. Johnny Sauter, 1,058 6. Mike Skinner, 1,044 7. Matt Crafton, 1,011 8. Jason White, 999 9. David Starr, 990 10. Ricky Carmichael, 989 11. Austin Dillon, 933 12. Justin Lofton, 886 13. Mario Gosselin, 855 14. Tayler Malsam, 798 15. Kyle Busch, 787 16. Ryan Sieg, 781 17. Brett Butler, 751 18. Jennifer Jo Cobb, 740 19. Johnny Benson, 735 20. Norm Benning, 728

LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE All members of the public, please take notice that on Monday June 21, 2010 at 1:00 p.m., the Tennessee Regulatory Authority (TRA) will hold a public meeting on the ground floor of the offices at 460 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, Tennessee, to consider the proposed Settlement Agreement between Foothill Water Properties and Nonmember Utility Users (agreement between members already settled) 06/10/2010

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ABANDONED VEHICLE YEAR:1996 MAKE: Saturn Model:SL1 VIN:1G8ZG5285TZ1 83134 NAME: Done Right Automotive ADDRESS:3275 Newport Hwy CITY: Sevierville STATE: TN ZIP CODE: 37876 PHONE NUMBER: 865-908-7814 06/10/2010 Public Notice The regular session of the Board of Commissioners of Shady Grove Utility District of Jefferson and Sevier Counties, Tennessee, will be on Monday June 14, 2010 at 4:00 o’clock P.M. at the district office located at 830 Hwy. 139, Dandridge, Tennessee. N a n c y H u m b a r d , President



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2010 NASCAR Nationwide Driver Standings 1. Brad Keselowski, 2,141 2. Kyle Busch, 1,945 3. Carl Edwards, 1,864 4. Kevin Harvick, 1,852 5. Justin Allgaier, 1,846 6. Paul Menard, 1,678 7. Jason Leffler, 1,411 8. Joey Logano, 1,398 9. Steve Wallace, 1,386 10. Greg Biffle, 1,368 11. Brendan Gaughan, 1,355 12. Tony Raines, 1,343 13. Michael Annett, 1,337 14. Brian Scott, 1,324 15. Trevor Bayne, 1,302 16. Reed Sorenson, 1,246 17. Kenny Wallace, 1,230 18. Scott Lagasse Jr., 1,213 19. Mike Wallace, 1,176 20. Mike Bliss, 1,153





Homestead, Fla. x-non-points race ——— 2010 Driver Standings 1. Kevin Harvick, 2,063 2. Kyle Busch, 2,044 3. Denny Hamlin, 1,927 4. Matt Kenseth, 1,893 5. Kurt Busch, 1,881 6. Jimmie Johnson, 1,849 7. Jeff Gordon, 1,827 8. Jeff Burton, 1,803 9. Carl Edwards, 1,729 10. Greg Biffle, 1,727 11. Mark Martin, 1,711 12. Clint Bowyer, 1,686 13. Tony Stewart, 1,685 14. Ryan Newman, 1,668 15. Martin Truex Jr., 1,621 16. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 1,599 17. Joey Logano, 1,585 18. Jamie McMurray, 1,576 19. David Reutimann, 1,540 20. Juan Pablo Montoya, 1,513

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nessee, it is ordered that publication be made for four (4) consecutive weeks, as required by law, in the Mountain Press, a newspaper published in Sevier County, Tennessee notifying said non-resident Respondent to file an answer with Petitioner’s attorney, Jerry K. Galyon, whose address is 119 Court Avenue, Sevierville, TN 37862 and the Juvenile Court of Sevier County, Tennessee within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication, exclusive of said last date of publication, or a judgment by default may be entered and the cause set for hearing ex parte as to said Respondent on 25th day of August, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. before a judge of our Juvenile Court. THIS 1st DAY OF JUNE, 2010.


2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup Feb. 6 — x-Budweiser Shootout (Kevin Harvick) Feb. 11 — x-Gatorade Duel 1 (Jimmie Johnson) Feb. 11 — x-Gatorade Duel 2 (Kasey Kahne) Feb. 14 — Daytona 500 (Jamie McMurray) Feb. 21 — Auto Club 500 (Jimmie Johnson) Feb. 28 — Shelby American, Las Vegas (Jimmie Johnson) March 7 — Kobalt Tools 500 (Kurt Busch) March 21 — Food City 500, Bristol, Tenn. (Jimmie Johnson) March 28 — Goody’s Fast Pain Relief 500, Martinsville, Va. (Denny Hamlin) April 10 — Subway Fresh Fit

600, Avondale, Ariz. (Ryan Newman) April 18 — Samsung Mobile 500, Fort Worth, Texas (Denny Hamlin) April 25 — Aaron’s 499, Talladega, Ala. (Kevin Harvick) May 1 — Heath Calhoun 400, Richmond, Va. (Kyle Busch) May 8 — Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. (Denny Hamlin) May 16 — Autism Speaks 400, Dover, Del. (Kyle Busch) May 22 — x-Sprint Showdown, Concord, N.C. (Martin Truex Jr.) May 22 — x-NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race, Concord, N.C. (Kurt Busch) May 30 — Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C. (Kurt Busch) June 6 — Gillette Fusion ProGlide 500, Long Pond, Pa. (Denny Hamlin) June 13 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400, Brooklyn, Mich. June 20 — Toyota/Save Mart 350, Sonoma, Calif. June 27 — Lenox Industrial Tools 301, Loudon, N.H. July 3 — Coke Zero 400 Powered By Coca-Cola, Daytona Beach, Fla. July 10 — LifeLock.com 400, Joliet, Ill. July 25 — Brickyard 400, Indianapolis Aug. 1 — Pennsylvania 500, Long Pond, Pa. Aug. 8 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at The Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. Aug. 15 — Carfax 400, Brooklyn, Mich. Aug. 21 — Irwin Tools Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. Sep. 5 — Labor Day Classic 500, Hampton, Ga. Sep. 11 — Richmond 400, Richmond, Va. Sep. 19 — Sylvania 300, Loudon, N.H. Sep. 26 — AAA 400, Dover, Del. Oct. 3 — Price Chopper 400, Kansas City, Kan. Oct. 10 — Pepsi Max 400, Fontana, Calif. Oct. 16 — NASCAR Banking 500, Concord, N.C. Oct. 24 — TUMS Fast Relief 500, Martinsville, Va. Oct. 31 — AMP Energy 500, Talladega, Ala. Nov. 7 — Lone Star 500, Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 14 — Arizona 500, Avondale, Ariz. Nov. 21 — Ford 400,

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IN RE: SANFORD 05/07/93)

Bristol Dragway, Bristol, Tenn. Online: http://www.nhra.com ——— INDYCAR Firestone 550k Next race: Iowa Corn Indy 250, June 20, Iowa Speedway, Newton, Iowa. Last week: Ryan Briscoe won at Texas Motor Speedway for owner Roger Penske, pulling away from second-place Danica Patrick in the closing laps. Online: http://www.indycar. com ——— OTHER RACES AUTOMOBILE CLUB DE L’OUEST: 24 Hours of Le Mans, Saturday-Sunday (Speed, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, 9-9:30 p.m. Saturday-9:30 a.m. Sunday), Circuit de la Sarthe, Le Mans, France. On the Net: http://www.lemans.org ARCA RE/MAX SERIES: Racing for Wildlife 200, Friday (Speed, 5-7 p.m.), Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, Mich. Online: http://www.arcaracing.com WORLD OF OUTLAWS: Sprint Car, Boot Hill Showdown, Friday-Saturday, Dodge City Raceway Park, Dodge City, Kan. Online: http://www.worldofoutlaws. com U.S. AUTO RACING CLUB: Sprint Car, Thursday, O’Reilly Raceway Park, Clermont, Ind., and Saturday, Berlin Raceway, Marne, Mich. Online: http://www. usacracing.com

2334 Newport Hwy ( 4mi. past Sevier Co. High)

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a two-time winner in the first seven races, is second — five points back. Hamilton is third, nine points behind Webber. ... Seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher, driving for Ross Brawn-led Mercedes GP after a three-year retirement, is ninth with 34 points. He has a record 91 victories, winning at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in 1994, ’97, ’98, 2000, ’02, ’03 and ’04. Next race: European Grand Prix, June 27, Valencia street circuit, Valencia, Spain. Online: http://www.formula1. com ——— NHRA FULL THROTTLE NHRA Supernationals Site: Englishtown, N.J. Schedule: Friday, qualifying; Saturday, qualifying (ESPN2, 11 p.m.-12:30 a.m.); Sunday, final eliminations (ESPN2, 4-7 p.m.). Track: Old Bridge Township Raceway Park. Last year: Tony Pedregon raced to the second of his three 2009 Funny Car victories, beating Ashley Force Hood in the final. Larry Dixon (Top Fuel), Jeg Coughlin (Pro Stock) and Craig Treble (Pro Stock Motorcycle) also won. Last week: Dixon won the Top Fuel division for the fifth time this season, beating champion Tony Schumacher in the Route 66 NHRA Nationals in Joliet, Ill. Matt Hagan (Funny Car), Mike Edwards (Pro Stock) and LE Tonglet (Pro Stock Motorcycle) also won. Fast facts: In 2008 at the track, Scott Kalitta was killed after his Funny Car burst into flames and crashed at the end of the track during qualifying. As a safety measure following Kalitta’s death, the NHRA cut the length of Top Fuel and Funny Car races from a quarter-mile to 1,000 feet — a reduction of 320 feet. ... John Force has three Funny Car victories this year. The 61-year-old star, trying to add to his record 14 season championships, is second in the standings — a point behind Robert Hight. ... In Top Fuel, Dixon has a 135-point advantage over Schumacher. Next event: NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals, June 18-20,



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Classifieds 428-0746 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by that certain Deed of Trust executed on June 16, 2006, by Ky D Neal, and wife Jennifer L Neal, Tenants by the entirety to Wesley D. Turner, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, under Book 2557, Page 724, (“Deed of Trust”); and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-8; and WHEREAS, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-8, the current owner and holder of said Deed of Trust, (the “Owner and Holder”), appointed the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Owner and Holder, and that the undersigned, Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc., Substitute Trustee, or his duly appointed attorneys or agents, by virtue of the power and authority vested in him, will on Thursday, June 24, 2010, commencing at 2:00 PM at the steps of the Main entrance of the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: Situated in the Ninth (9th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, being all of Lot No. 34, in Cherokee Hills Subdivision, Section A, as shown by map of record in Map Book 14, Page 21, Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, more specific reference is hereby made to said map book for the metes and bounds. Being the same property conveyed to KY D Neal and wife, Jennifer L. Neal, tenants by the entirety property by Warranty Deed dated 6/16/06 and filed for record 6/21/06, in Book 2557, Page 722, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. And Further being the same property This conveyed to Paul E. West by Quit Claim Deed dated 4/27/01 and filed for record 5/1/01 in Book 1220, Page 351, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee. Conveyance is subject to restrictive convenants of record in Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 40 (formerly Map Book 14, Page 21), Book M28, Page 443, and all restrictions, easements setback lines, conditions, plat of record, and encumbrances of record in the Register’s Office for the aforesaid County. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 525 Texas Street Seymour, TN 37865 CURRENT OWNER(S): Ky D. Neal and Jennifer L. Neal The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plan; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. SUBORDINATE LIENHOLDERS: N/A OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. Substitute Trustee c/o NDS1 Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234-9181 File No.: 381.0903666TN June 3, 10 & 17, 2010

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Deed of Trust executed by Robert A. Leedy, a single person, and Judy L. Jones, a single person, to M. Coppley Vickers, Trustee, dated January 6, 2006, and recorded in Book 2436, Page 731 in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Robert A. Leedy to Citizens National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Citizens National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee recorded in Book 3553, Page 719 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 2nd day of July, 2010, at 10:30 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described property to wit (which is believed to have a street address of 1130 South Old Sevierville Pike, Seymour, Tennessee 37865): SITUATE in the Ninth (9th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being all of L ot 3 of Keene Valley Subdivision, Phase I, as the same is depicted on a plat of record in Large Map Book 6, Page 22, Register’s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin (found) in the northern right of way line of Old Sevierville Pike located approximately 303.70 feet from its intersection with North Cunningham Road, said iron pin also marking a common corner with Lot 4; thence, from said point of beginning, and with the line of eastern boundary line of Lot 4, North 14 deg 25 min 16 sec West 203.32 feet to an iron pin (found) in the line of Lot 10, Keene Valley Subdivision Phase II (Large Map Book 6, Page 60); thence, with the southern boundary of Lot 10, in part, and Lot 11, in part, North 69 deg 39 min 37 sec East 114.95 feet to an iron pin (found) marking a common corner with the western boundary line of Lot 2; thence with the western line of Lot 2, South 10 deg 39 min 30 sec East 218.93 feet to an iron pin (found) in the northern right of way line of Old Sevierville Pike; thence, with the northern right of way line of Old Sevierville Pike, a curve to the left, having an Arc Length of 100.04 feet, a Radius of 1523.36 feet, a Chord Bearing of South 77 deg 27 min 37 sec West, and a Chord Length of 100.03 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, according to survey title ìMortgage Loan Survey for Robert A. Leedyî prepared by Alcon Enterprises, Al Crumley, Land Surveyor, 1373 Pullen Road, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862, (865) 908-0240; and BEING the same property conveyed to Robert A. Leedy, a single person, and Judy L. Jones, a single person, by general warranty deed of Darrell Keene, Al Crumley, Benny Byrd, and Jerry King, dated January 6, 2006, of record in Book 2436, Page 728, Register’s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. SUBECT to all matters noted and/or depicted on plat of record in Large Map Book 6, Page 22, Register’s Office, Sevier County, Tennessee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. The Realty Store, Inc., The Sheffield Insurance Company, Inc. and State Farm Bank may assert an interest in the above-described property by virtue of recorded judgment liens and said entities have been notified of this sale. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Citizens National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 7th day of June, 2010. THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307 June 10, 17 & 24, 2010

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms and conditions of a Deed of Trust dated October 29, 2007, executed by STEVEN ALLEN WARNER, A/K/A STEVEN WARNER AND TERESA WARNER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, conveying certain real property therein described to RINEY TITLE as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, on November 5, 2007, as Instrument No. 07062608, in Book 2948, at Page 1; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, who is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., having been appointed by as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable, and that the undersigned, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Substitute Trustee or its duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, on July 1, 2010, 11:00 AM at the Sevier County courthouse door where the foreclosure sales are customarily held At the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, TN, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: SITUATED IN DISTRICT NO. EIGHT (8) OF SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF ANY MUNICIPALITY, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. 4, TWIN RIDGE, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF SAME OF RECORD IN PLAT CABINET 13, PAGE 195-B (FORMERLY MAP BOOK 28,PAGE 390), REGISTER’S OFFICE FOR SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE DESCRIPTION. PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the property is believed to be




Administrative Assistant to handle clerical & operational duties. Must be able to use Microsoft word, good spelling & gramatical skills. Non smoking, male or female, mature employee, willing to work year round. Gatlinburg Wedding Center is the leading provider of wedding services in TN. Fax or email resume to 865430-3382 or gatweddingcenter@ aol.com

Housekeeper Needed $10/hr Full-time Apply Lid’l Dolly’s at traffic light #4


Assistant- Grease Duct Cleaning 654-0966 After 11 AM- Ron

COLLEGE STUDENTS & 2010 HS Grads $13 base-appt, FT/PT schedules, sales/svc, no exp nec, all ages 17+, conditions apply, 865-366-0277

Local cabin company taking applications for Reservationist, Assistant Manager, Cleaners & Maintenance person. Apply in person at: 333 Ski Mtn. Rd. Gatlinburg.

3320 TWIN RIDGE LANE KODAK, TN 37764 In the event of any discrepancy between this street address and the legal description of the property, the legal description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): STEVEN WARNER AKA STEVEN ALLEN WARNER AND TERESA WARNER OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: ARROW FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC The sale of the abovedescribed property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. This property is being sold with the express reservation that it is subject to confirmation by the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, where is, without representations or warranties of any kind, including fitness for a particular use or purpose. RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. Substitute Trustee 2380 Performance Dr, TX2-985-07-03 Richardson, TX 75082 Tel: (800) 281-8219 Fax: (805) 553-6392 TS#:09 -0013561 FEI # 1006.44742 June 10, 17 & 24, 2010

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms and conditions of a Deed of Trust dated May 15, 2007, executed by LYNETTE L MCCOY AND GREG MCCOY, conveying certain real property therein described to PRLAP, INC. as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, on May 21, 2007, as Instrument No. 07031816, in Book 2823, at Page 400; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to BANK OF AMERICA,N.A, who is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., having been appointed by as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed for record in the Register’s Office of Sevier County, Tennessee on May 27, 2010. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable, and that the undersigned, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as Substitute Trustee or its duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, on June 30, 2010, 11:00 AM at the Sevier County courthouse door where the foreclosure sales are customarily held At the Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, TN, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit: SITUATED IN THE FIFTH (5) CIVIL DISTRICT OF SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, AND BEING ALL OF UNIT NO.5 OF GATLINBURG FALLS AT THE PARK, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AS THE SAME APPEARS ON A PLAT OF RECORD IN LARGE MAP BOOK 7, PAGE129, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE OF SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH PLAT SPECIFIC REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY, AND WHICH DESCRIPTION IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE; AND, SUBJECT TO RESCRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAY, CONDITIONS, SETBACKS LINES, MAP, NOTATIONS, AND ALL OTHER ISSUES OF RECORD IN LARGE MAP BOOK 7, PAGE 129, AND AS ANY OF THE FORGOING MAY HAVE BEEN AMENDED, CORRECTED OR SUPPLEMENTED, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE FOR SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE. SUBJECT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND EASEMENTS, FOR GATLINBURG, FALLS AT THE PARK RESORT, A PLANNED UNTI DEVELOPMENT, DATED APRIL 25, 2007, OF RECORD IN VOLUME BOOK 2807, PAGE 14, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE FRO SEVIER COUNTY, TENNESSEE. PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the property is believed to be 4526 HOLLY FOREST DR SEVIERVILLE, TN 37876 In the event of any discrepancy between this street address and the legal description of the property, the legal description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): LYNETTE L MCCOY AND GREG MCCOY OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A The sale of the above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. This property is being sold with the express reservation that it is subject to confirmation by the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, where is, without representations or warranties of any kind, including fitness for a particular use or purpose. RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. Substitute Trustee 2380 Performance Dr, TX2-985-07-03 Richardson, TX 75082 Tel: (800) 281-8219 Fax: (805) 553-6392 TS#:10 -0062456 FEI # 1006.101172 ␣ June 10, 17 & 24, 2010

Now hiring for Customer Service rep needed for Fast paced internet sales and ware house. Job Requires Answering Customer Questions, Complaints and Order taking. Answer Emails, Phones, Refunds, Claims and basic office duties. Must be able to offer solution where appropriate. Apply in Person Tues.-Fri. 9-3 Adventure RV 2910 Newport Hwy.

************************** PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA in Sevierville now hiring all levels of management. Send resume to: 900 East Jackson Blvd. Suite 5. Jonesborough, TN 37659. Also hiring all positions inside store and delivery drivers. Apply in person. ************************** PART TIME WORK ALL AGES 17+ Great pay, ideal for college students & ’10 hs grads, customer sales/svc, will train, conditions apply, 865-366-0277 SALES CLERK 10.00 Hr. Lid’l Dolly’s Light #4, P.F. SINGERS, ACTORS, SPECIALTY ACTS & DANCE TEAMS Come be a part of the Gatlinburg's Newest Property! We are looking for local performers to sing, dance, entertain our guests nightly. OPEN AUDITIONS TUE,6/15 6:00-9:00PM WED, 6/16 2:00-5:00 PM Shops at Carousel Gardens 458 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN. (Traffic Light #3) 865-430-7334 The Spa at Riverstone Resort now hiring Experienced Massage Therapist and Receptionist Part time. Please apply in person 212 Dollywood Ln, Pigeon Forge 286-3400 WAREHOUSE & STOCK 12.00 HR LID’L DOLLY’S LIGHT 4 PF

Looking for dependable, detailed and customer service oriented personnel. Now accepting applications for the following full time positions: FRONT DESK

Accepting applications 1100 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN.

Experienced Desk Clerk/Night Auditor needed. Apply in person at Pigeon River Inn, 1931 Parkway, PF.

Four Seasons Motor Lodge in Gatlinburg hiring Experienced Mature Dayshift Clerk. Please apply between 7am-3pm.

Hampton Inn Gatlinburg now hiring for full-time Front Desk Associate. Must be reliable, customer focused, and self-motivated, with outgoing personality. Hotel experience preferred. 1st & 2nd shift Full & part time hours available. Hours are 3p.m. to 11p.m. Great starting pay and benefits. Must be available to work weekends. Please apply in person at 967 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738

Housekeepers, Inspector & Houseman for a well established condominium resort in Pigeon forge. Apply in person 205 Ogle Dr, Pigeon Forge at Whispering Pines Condominiums from 9am5pm

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, Sonia Roca, single, executed to T. Mike Estes, Trustee, a Deed of Trust to secure the payment of indebtedness described therein, which Deed of Trust is recorded in Record Book 2568, page 526, as corrected in Book 2607, page 492 in the Sevier County, Tennessee Register of Deeds Office; and WHEREAS, G. Wendell Thomas, Jr., has been appointed as Substitute Trustee under said Deed of Trust, with all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and Farm Credit Services of Mid_America, FLCA (the ìCreditorî), the present holder and owner of the debt secured, has requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness and obligations having matured by default on the payment of a part thereof, at the option of the holder of said indebtedness and obligations; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me as such Substitute Trustee, under the Deed of Trust, at the request of the Creditor, the undersigned, G. Wendell Thomas, Jr., Substitute Trustee, will on:

Thursday, June 17, 2010 commencing at 1:00 p.m. at the front entrance to the Sevier County Courthouse, in Sevierville, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the real property located in Sevierville County, Tennessee, described in the Deed of Trust as follows: Situate in the Fourth (4th) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being Unit 530 of Hidden Springs Resort, Phase 6, Enchanted Forest Section, a Horizontal Property Regime, as the same is shown by plat of record in Map Book 35, page 26 and Large Map Book 6, page 72, both in the Registerís office for Sevier County, Tennessee to which maps specific reference is hereby made for a more particular description. In the event of uncertainty as to the precise location of this unit, the Southern corner of the unit is located S 43 eg. 57 min 06 sec. E 306.14 feet, more or less, from the intersection of North Star Way and Enchanted Mountain Way. Subject to easements, notations, setbacks, restrictions and rights of way as shown on the map of record in Map Book 35, page 26; Large Map Book 3, page 111; Large Map Book 4, page 4; Large Map Book 4, page 113 and Large Map Book 6, page 72, in the said Register’s office. Subject to restrictions of record in Book 1238, page 454; Book 1326, page 589; Book 1356, page 727; Book 1370, page 585; Misc. Book 327, page 389; Misc. Book 350, page 394 and Book 1004, page 497, in the said Register’s office. Subject to the use of right of ways of record in ROW Book 12, page 187; ROW Book 14, page 20; ROW Book 13, page 719 and ROW Book 9, page 59, in the said Register’s office. Being the same property conveyed to Sonia Roca, a single person, by Warranty Deed of Richard Fraser and wife, Martha Mirie Fraser, dated June 28, 2006 of record in Book 2568, page 523, in the Register’s office for Sevier County, Tennessee. The street address of the property being foreclosed is unknown. The sale will be subject to any encumbrances having lien priority over the Deed of Trust, including, without limitation, any unpaid ad valorem taxes or other taxes. The undersigned is aware of no lien claims of the State of Tennessee required to be identified by T.C.A. ß 35_5_104. The undersigned is aware of no lien claims of the United States required to be identified by T.C.A. ß 35_5_104. The undersigned will sell and convey only such title as he holds as Substitute Trustee. The following persons are parties known or believed to have an interest in the property: Sonia Roca. All proceeds of the sale shall be used first to satisfy the indebtedness and obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. After the satisfaction of the debts and obligations secured by the Deed of Trust, any proceeds that are received from the sale that are in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the Deed of Trust shall be paid to subsequent lien holders and claimants in order of their priority. The sale will be subject to all matters, if any, having lien priority over the Deed of Trust that is being foreclosed, if any. The property is being sold ìas is, where isî, with no representation as to the condition of the property or as to marketability or merchantability of the title to the property. The undersigned reserves the right to postpone the sale to another time and date certain upon announcement by the Substitute Trustee or his agent at the time and place of sale. The undersigned reserves the right to conduct the sale through his duly appointed agent. If one or more apparently successful bidders fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the sale, the undersigned shall have the right to accept the next highest bid until a bidder whose bid has been accepted shall have complied with the terms and conditions of the sale, all without the necessity of re_publishing notice of the sale. G. Wendell Thomas, Jr., Substitute Trustee 550 Main Street Fourth Floor, Bank of America Center Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 865-546-7311 May 27, June 3 & 10, 2010

A12 ‹ Classifieds

The Mountain Press ‹ Thursday June 10,2010





Now Hiring for Experienced Front Desk Clerk. Apply in person at Red Roof Inn, PF.

Riverside Motor Lodge P.F., now hiring Housekeepers. Apply in person.

Country Barn Gift Shop in PF. Seeking sales associates, Exper. preferred. Must be able to climb steps. Ft & pt avail. Days & afternoons. Non smoking building. Apply in person: Mon - Fri 9-5pm. 2869 Parkway, Red light #4.

Now Hiring Sales Associates & Assistant Mgr for Billy’s/HHI As Seen on TV Store. FT/PT & Outstanding Customer Service Skills & Prof. Sales ability req. Must be flexible & dependable. Includes evenings & weekends. Growth opp. Vacation pay. Employee disc. Apply in person: PF traffic light #7. Ask for Regina.

Now hiring full and part time housekeepers. Tree Tops Resort of Gatlinburg 865-436-6559 Overnight Rental Company is offering a great opportunity to qualified individuals for the following positions: Front Desk/Reservations Maintenance Housekeeping Supervisor/ housekeeping staff Full and Part-Time positions available. Benefits include paid vacation and medical insurance. Apply in person to: Eagle Property Management 2740 Florence Drive Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 Directions only: 865908-2644

Experienced Maintenance Man needed. Apply in person 8a.m.-3p.m. Four Seasons Motor Lodge, 756 Parkway, Gatlinburg.

Riverstone Resort now hiring Housekeepers. Apply in person 212 Dollywood Lane, Pigeon Forge, left at traffic light #8. 242 RESTAURANT Bennett's Pit Bar-BQue in Gatlinburg now hiring NIGHT SHIFT COOKS. Want to be a part of the team, earn good money and have fun doing it? Then stop by 714 River Road to apply in person, Mon-Fri. 11am4pm.

Bojangles Pigeon Forge Now Hiring! Accepting Applications Online at apply.bojangles.com EOE/ Drug Free Workplace Help wanted: Cafe/Deli fulltime/part time. Apply in person at Moonshine Ridge, 2005 Wears Valley Rd.


mer into sum

245 SALES Gatlinburg fine jewelry store needs sales associates. Looking for high-energy, outgoing wellpolished, nonsmoker applicants. Must be available evenings and weekends. Previous jewelry/retail experience preferred. Apply in person at Myrick’s Jewelry, 962 Parkway, Gatlinburg. Parking provided.

Help Wanted Smiling Sales Associates, Come Join Our Team... -Strong customer service -Great communication skills -No Sales Experience needed Apply online at: www.shopsatcarouselgardens.com

What’s New Around Town?

with the Classifieds.

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by authority of a Deed of Trust executed by Larry L. Allen and wife, Betty A. Allen, to M. Coppley Vickers, Trustee, dated April 14, 2009, and recorded in Book 3324, Page 52, in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, to secure the indebtedness due from Larry and Betty Allen to Citizens National Bank, which has become due and payable by virtue of default in the Deed of Trust on the property hereinafter described; and Citizens National Bank, the true and lawful owner and holder of said indebtedness, having exercised its option to declare the indebtedness due and payable and having made demand for foreclosure pursuant to the Deed of Trust; I, the undersigned, acting under the authority of the Deed of Trust, by virtue of appointment as substitute trustee recorded in Book 3543, Page 494 in the Register’s Office for Sevier County, Tennessee, will be at the front door of the Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Avenue, Sevierville, Tennessee, on the 14th day of June, 2010, at 10:15 a.m. to sell to the highest bidder for cash in bar of all rights waived by said Deed of Trust, the following described property to wit which is believed to have a street address of 3051 Old Newport Highway Sevierville, TN 37876 SITUATE in the Third (3rd) Civil District of Sevier County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a Persimmon tree on the South side of the pike road U.S. Highway, now Whaleys Corner; thence running a new line South 62ş E. 29 17/25 poles to a Cedar in a ditch; South 36 W 31 6/25 poles to a stake on the West side of the big ditch; thence N 53ş W. 17 7/25 poles to a stake now Lillards corner; thence North with Lillards line to a stake at the ditch; thence with Lillards line along the ditch to the public road, U.S. Highway 411 to a stake on the South side of the road; thence with the public road N 36 E. 32 19/25 poles to the BEGINNING, containing by estimation 5 3/10 acres, more or less. BEING the same property conveyed to Larry L. Allen and wife, Betty A. Allen, by deed from Lillard Allen and wife, Helen Allen, dated March 29, 2005, of record in Book 2208, Page 560, Sevier County, Tennessee, Register of Deeds Office. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day and time certain, without further publication and in accordance with law, upon announcement of such adjournment on the day and at the time and place of sale as set forth above. Tennessee State Bank may assert an interest in the above-described property by virtue of a recorded deed of trust. Larry Hurst may assert an interest in the above-described property by virtue of a judgment lien. Said parties have been notified of this sale. The above-described property will be sold subject to unpaid taxes, prior deeds of trust, all easements and restrictions, the rights of tenants in possession of said premises, if any, prior claims, or matters of record. The proceeds of the sale will be applied first to discharge the costs and charges of executing this trust, including attorney s fees; next, to all indebtedness remaining unpaid and secured thereby, including all indebtedness owing to Citizens National Bank, by the grantors; and next, the balance, if any, shall be paid to those legally entitled thereto. This 25th day of May, 2010.





Reservationist/Office Work. Part time to full time. Call 865868-1470.

1st time Yard Sale: Fri./Sat. 8am. Lots of furn., clothes, toys, etc. Chapman Hwy. across from Sr. Center. on N. Circle Dr.

Garage Sale: 1207 Briar Lea in Belle Meadows Subd. Fri. & Sat. 8 a.m. til ? Tools, furniture, clothing & much more. You don’t want to miss this one.

Multi-Family Yard Sale in Belle Meadows, 857 Katherine Way June 10,11, & 12. 8am.-4p.m.

3 Family Sale, Everything Must Go! Thur/Fri & Sat 85pm. golf clubs, baby items, clothing, hh items, 3269 Riverpointe Cir. off River Rd Kodak 356 STORAGE BUILDINGS

&( Top producers in the vacation ownership industry? 5 REASONS TO CALL TODAY!! #5) Work with an established company that has 25 years experience in the vacation ownership industry. #4)Full Benefit package avail. #3)Rapid advancement possible! #2)Multiple marketing sources ensuring year around employment! #1)Top producers earn up to 23 % commission. The Lodges at the Great Smoky Mountains is recruiting a TOP GUN sales team! There are a limited number of positions available. CALL TODAY! John Gwynn (865)804-5672 Tim Cole (865) 851-5105

&%, %! %* & *!&%

&+* # * &% & (* % ()&% $!# &% (! * * !, (- #" '*)

3 Family Yard Sale Thurs. 6/10, & Fri. 6/11. 8a.m.-? 219 Lenz Dr. Kodak, (behind Smokies Stadium).

4 Family Garage sale: Thur/Fri 8-? Jasmin Trail off Snapp Rd. Big furn, boys clothes 3mth -5t, designer women clothes. Big Fri/ Sat Yard Sale, 8-? Boyds Bears, Dunn’s Mill, Upper Middle Creek Rd.

439 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Restaurant/Snackshop available at Outdoor Resorts at Gatlinburg. Complete facility. For information call 865-654-4199. 500 MERCHANDISE

Garage Sale Fri/Sat 73pm Household items & plus size clothing. Rivergate Subdivision, 1737 Meadow Ridge Circle

Garage Sale Fri/Sat 83pm. 2255 Maples Drive on Pittman Center Rd in Mitchell Bottoms, clothing, toys, odds & ends, lots of new stuff. 654-6031.

People d Res pon To The Classifieds! 428-0748

248 CABIN CLEANING Cabin Cleaners $9hr Weekends a must. Call 865- 201-2739

SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Sale at public auction will be on J uly 2, 2010 at 10:00AM local time, at the front door, Sevier County Courthouse, Sevierville, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by Marinda L. Ogle, to Ronnie Batson, Trustee, on April 26, 2006 at Book Volume 2520, Page 693conducted by Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee, all of record in the Sevier County Register’s Office. Owner of Debt: CitiFinancial, Inc., The following real estate located in Sevier County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record: Described property located in the Fourth (4th) Civil District, of Sevier County, Tennessee, to wit:Lot Number 28 of Eastgate Subdivision, as the same appears on plat of record in Map Book 13 at Pages 76-77, in the Sevier County Register’s Office, to which Plot map specific reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said property.

Garage Sale: Thurs. 644 Broadview Dr. off Hardin Lane in Sev. Dolls, glassware, antiques, ‘92 Astro Van. Rain or shine.

Moving Sale: 1353 Snappwood Dr 6/11 & 6/12 9am4pm Misc household items & furniture. Just tuned riding tractor lawn mower-great shape. Wed-Fri 6/9-6/11 7am1pm Sat 6/13 7am12pm. Incredible variety!! Furniture antiques, store fixtures & displays, home & Christmas decor, collectables, clothing, purses, books. 1282 Foxwood Dr, Sevierville Yard Sale Fri/Sat 95pm. Behind McDonalds at Applebarn Red light. 135 Fox Rd. Boys clothing 3t & 4t, King size waterbed. Mens & women clothing, toys, tools, many other odds & ends.

YARD SALE Sat only! 8-? 3299 Mattox Cemetery Rd. Wears Valley Yard Sale Thur/Fri 85pm. 2320 Jones Cove Rd. Books, clothes, shoes, Lots of good bargains. 557 MISC. SALES 2 MOPEDS, 1997 & 1993. Engines need work. $50 ea. or $75 for both. 429-1500.


Full size Bed, 2 mattresses & box springs, frame & headboard $75. Call 429-1500. 590 APPLIANCES

For Sale

A-1 pre-owned dryers, washers, ranges & refrigerators All with warranty. Cagles Furniture and Appliances

453-0727 5th

Wheel Hitch, 15,000pd $300. 50 gallon hot water heater $30. 3 ton air and heat pump $100. Smartcycle w/games $45. Electronic basketball goal & other games $45. Call 933-8354. 572 ANTIQUES

For Sale: Antique Tobacco Baskets $15. Call 865621-4477 581 PETS FREE to good home, 1 yr. old AKC reg. male Lab. Yellow. Cannot keep due to job. Call 423619-1925.


Who ya gonna call? If you have a problem with the delivery of your morning Mountain Press, please call the Circulation Department at 428-0746, ext. 239 & 231 Monday - Friday and your paper will be delivered to you on the same day. Newspapers from calls after 10:00 a.m. will be delivered with the next day’s paper. On Saturday, Sunday and holidays you may dial 428-0748 extensions 239 & 231. If complaints are received between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., papers will be delivered the same day. Newspapers from calls received after 10:00 a.m. will be delivered with the next day’s paper. This applies to in-county home delivery only. Sevier County’s Only Daily Newspaper

Street Address: 2225 Arch Rock Drive Sevierville, TN 37876 Current Owner(s) of Property: Marinda L. Ogle The street address of the above described property is believed to be 2225 Arch Rock Drive, Sevierville, TN 37876, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSESSION. All right of equity of redemption, statutory and otherwise, and homestead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the sale, the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. This office is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP Substitute Trustee Law Office of Shapiro & Kirsch, LLP 6055 Primacy Parkway, Suite 410 Memphis, TN 38119 Phone 901-767-5566 Fax 901-767-8890

THOMAS H. DICKENSON Substitute Trustee Hodges, Doughty & Carson P. O. Box 869 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 (865) 292-2307

File No. 10-004663 May 27, June 3 & 10, 2010




June 10, 17 & 24, 2010

CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMAN Sell direct in the Classifieds!


Property Clean Up Cutting of trees, underbrush & misc. Yard Work

CAMP WOOD Call Joe 428-1584 or 850-7891



Cal-Pro Builders LLC


Randy 865-556-8712

Knoxville Skylights 5 Star Skylight Specialist

Drive A Hard Bargain... Advertise in the Classifieds!

New Installs, Replacements, Sun Tunnels Lic. Bonded & Insured




Professional Painter for hire 1st class guaranteed work. Over 25 yrs. exp.


Phone Sam 865-453-6811





Call 428-0746 to place your ad.


A.B.C. CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS Owner Ernest Grossholz

PH# 865-740-7817 We do all commercial, auto, residential Car Stereo Sound Systems 100% Professional Amps, Subs Etc‌.

Free Estimates!!! We are even mobile we will come to you! 100% Satisfaction Licensed

GRAB more attention with Classifieds! Call 428-0746

Classifieds ‹ A13

The Mountain Press ‹ Thursday June 10, 2010 693 ROOMS FOR RENT




2 B R / 1 . 5 B A . To w n house. NO pets. Patio, year lease. $525+. 453-5079.

OfďŹ ce / Warehouse space for rent. Conveniently located, water/sewer included. Call 388-0263 or 850-2231 for more info.

3300 or 6600sq.ft. retail/ showroom space for rent in busy complex, with large delivery door. $2200mth for 3300 sq. ft. or $4000mth for 6600sq.ft. Call 865-388-5455 for more info. Affordable Office Space for rent in busy complex. 800sq.ft. with nice layout. Semi furnished. Three office’s & conference room. Also, break room w/frige. $550mth. Call 865388-5455 for more info.

Affordable Housing in Gatlinburg Rooms for rent, weekly rates, furn., cable TV.

436-4471 or 621-2941




Spacious & Quiet! 2 BR / 2 BA Apts. for Rent in Wears Valley From $650/mo. 12 Mo. Lease Pets Allowed (865) 329-7807

1 & 2 BR avail. Some Pets OK. $400 UP WATER INCLUDED Murrell Meadows 1/8 mile from Walters State College Allensville Road Walk to lake Reasonable Rates


For Rent

Beautiful Creekside Rooms in Gatlinburg s 0RIVATE "ALCONY s *ACUZZI 6ERY 1UIET s .O 0ETS .O $EP s WEEK s 7Il ALL UTL INCLUDED

Office building for rent. 119 South Blvd, just off pkwy. $475 mth. 933-6544



CROSSCREEK 2BR/1.5 BA to 2BR/2BA garden apts. $545 to $580 Trolly access 865-429-2962 Gatlinburg 2BR apt Quiet area in city. $550 mo. No smoking or pets. 786-412-7871

Spacious 2BR/2BA 2 car garage No pets. 1 yr lease. $800 mth/$550 dep.


GATLINBURG, 2BR unfurn. water incl. No Pets. dep req. 865-621-3015.


Gatlinburg area:


610 DUPLEX FOR RENT 2BR Duplex. Quiet country setting. Water, Pets ok $575 mth. 865806-9896 3BR DUPLEX in Seymour. Hardwood floors. $500 deposit, $700/mo. rent. Call 865-919-1324. 693 ROOMS FOR RENT

Weekly Rentals


Pigeon Forge 865-453-4905



Apartments, mobile homes and trailer lots for rent



Owners: Ethan & Paiton Whaley



Mountain View Townhome apartment for rent 2BR 1.5BA. Newly remodeled with hardwood flooring & new carpet. Located in Gatlinburg. $650 mth 1st mth rent & security deposit required. For more information call 865-868-0449 Mon-Fri 8:30am5:30pm or 865356-3015 after hours & weekends



Pigeon Forge 2BR/ 1BA $650 month + $650 dep. Pets OK. 404-324-3759.

! " " # ! "!

PITCH your unwanted items in the Classifieds.

A Page Featuring Your Special Pet Will be Published Monday, June 23, 2010 in the Mountain Press $10.00 per photo prepaid 1 pet per photo please. All photos must be in our ofďŹ ce by 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 16, 2010.

RIVERWALK 1BR/1BA TO 2BR/2BA $545.00 to $695.00 865-429-2962 697 CONDO RENTALS

Studio condo on Pkwy, furn, util. inc., wifi, cbl, indr pool $200/ wk 540-397-4977. 698 MOBILE HOME RENTALS

I give my permission to publish the enclosed picture and information The Mountain Press, “Love My Pet� Signature _______________________________________________ Pet’s Name ______________________________________________ Owner’s Name ___________________________________________

2BR/2BA $485

$10.00 Enclosed Check____________________________________ Discover ____

Expiration Date __________________________________________

Mail to: , Love My Pet, P. O. Box 4810, Sevierville, TN 37864



4 BD / 2 BA + GARAGE 4 MILES FROM EXIT 407 $950/MONTH + DEPOSIT. NO PETS. 865-712-5238 DOWNTOWN SEVIERVILLE Cute 2BR/1BA walking distance to school. $800/mo. – $800/dep.


3 BD / 2 BA 1 Car Garage

$745/mo. (865) 908-6789

2BR 2BA Private. Mtn view. Furn, nice, PF. $850mth. 865453-6547 2BR/2BA in Waldens Creek area. $750 mo. + deposit. Pets neg. 865-4530788. 3BR 2BA Belle Meadows $850.mth Plus $850. dep. 865-654-0222. 3BR 2BA in Sevierville area. $750 mth $750 dep. No pets. Call 680-4615 3BR 2BA No pets, Non smoking. Sevierville $750 mth. 865-654-9004 7BR/4BA fully furnished w/game room, Will entertain a family of 8 to 10. 1yr lease. $2100.mo. Near Dollywood & Splash Country Call 321-695-6161 Beautiful log home on Golf Course + pool. 2BR 2BA plus loft, Fully furnished. Only $795 mth + dep. Call Diane 865-654-7861 Gatlinburg Executive 4 BR home. Near downtown, Mt. LeConte View. Great Location. $2000mth. 765412-7871 House for rent in the country. 4BR 2BA New hardwood & tile floors. $975 mth., $975 dep. No pets. No smoking. Credit & background check required. 865-4536642. Log Cabin in Gatlinburg, 1BR partially furn. $600. + elec. Water furn. NO PETS! Ref. req. 865-430-9082. PF,

Address City ____________________________________________ Mastercard ___ Visa___ American Express ___

Custom Homes, Additions, Garages, & Remodel Coplen Construction, 865654-6691.

2BR/1BA Mobile Home $375 sec. dep., $375 + $25 water per month. Call 453-6300. Kodak, $450 + dep. 2+1, very nice, no pets, ref. req. Call 865-933-6544



Sevierville 3BR/2BA w/central heat/air, 2 car garage on 1 acre. $950mth w/no yard maint. Lease & security No pets. 405-4130 or 335-1418. HUD PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-6699777, The Toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.





709 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE BUILDER BLOW OUT $93,900 2br, 2ba Townhomes Awsome Views! Large Master suite, Stainless Appliances Sevierville, Call Realty Plus 428-8155

2005 Lance Truck Camper, 2001 Ford 1Ton Truck, 865-429-5961 $24,995.00



718 LAND FOR SALE OWNER FINANCING 1- 5 AC Tracts approx 2 miles to sevierville Paved Roads, Underground Utilities, Water Starting at $45,000. Buy over 1.4 AC Tract for $261.Mo. Call Joe Acosta @ Barnes Real Estate Company 305776-6206. 721 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1/2 Acre Commercial Zoned Lots, Kodak exit 407, $89,000. 865-654-6691.

Commercial Space for Lease. READY NOW!!! 2400 sq ft. with plenty of parking, common area plus public restrooms. GREAT LO CATION!!! Downtown Gatlinburg, Red Light #3. $4000.a month. e m a i l : jamileew@shopsatcarouselgardens.com

READY NOW!!! 600 sq ft. with plenty of parking, a common area plus public restrooms. GREAT L O C AT I O N ! ! ! Downtown Gatlinburg. Red light #3 $1500 a month. E m a i l jamileew@shopsatcarouselgardens.com READY NOW!!! 600 sq.ft. plenty of parking, a common area plus public restrooms. GREAT L O C AT I O N ! ! ! Downtown Gatlinburg. Red Light #3, $1200 a month. E m a i l jamileew@shopsatcarouselgardens.com


2005 Mercury Mariner, V6, 4x4, automatic, sunroof, Michelin, perfect condition, 95k miles, $9,500 Call 865-603-2877.

2000 American Eagle 40 footer Has 350 Cummins Engine, 2 A/Cs Water heater, microwave, fridge, Freezer, stove, oven, auto level, Sleeps 4, 2 slide outs, 3 awnings Diesel, garaged, loaded with every imaginable option. Absolutely immaculate condition.


Repo For Sale: Taking Open Bids. 2004 Chevrolet Impala LS. 4-door, Leather Seats, Pwr Sunroof, 113,000 miles. Sale Date: June 18th, 2010 at 4p.m. Bid starts at $5,000 Call 865428-4426. 945 TRUCK SALES

8 Ft. truck bed cover by Undercover. Black. $600 obo. Call 865-453-6473. 949 AUTOS & TRUCKS WANTED

$99,000 Would like to trade for $150-$175,000 cabin.

Turn your junk cars & trucks into cash. 908-6207


950 MOTORCYCLE SALES 1995 Kawasaki Police 1000. Great shape. $2500 786-4127871

Mark Our Words: You’ll Find It in the Classifieds! 428-0748




-+1 -,


722 BUSINESS BUILDINGS Gatlinburg Bus Opt 2000 SF former grill and market for lease on East Parkway. 786-4127871

Outstanding Commercial Building ready for nightly rental office or pizza house restaurant. In Gatlinburg next to Westgate Resort 865-978-1056

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.


3209 Gold Dust, 3BR/3BA ch & a, NO pets. $900mo., 1st, last 368-5002.



LeConte Landing, FSBO. Reduced. 3BR 2BA, Very Desirable location. 865-414-0117.



Family Inns West

Greystone Rentals Red Carpet Inn 349 East Parkway Gatlinburg, TN

Large 1BR Water, app furnished. No pets. Ref. $450 + dep. 680-3078.

No pets. Credit check, Sec. Dep Required.


Includes Phone, Color TV, Wkly Housekeeping Micr./Frig. Available

Low Weekly Rates 436-5179

A Great Location. 2 blocks off Parkway near Walmart. 2BR/2BA w/carport, w/d & water furn. Approx. 1400 SF, non-smoking environment. No pets please. $695 month. Year lease. Call 865-453-5396.

Beautiful newly redecorated 2BR, 1BA. Sevierville $550, $400 dep. 712-0254.


OFFICE & WAREHOUSE 7 Offices, Conf. Rm, w/2200 sq. ft. warehouse. Loading Dock. $1925 per mth. 865-388-0788.


Š2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.





NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To: http://www.tyndale.com/jumble/


GORCED Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: Yesterday’s

A (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: AGENT BOOTH MORGUE CANOPY Answer: What the picnickers thought of the swarming insects — “GNAT� MUCH

A14 ◆ Comics Family Circus

The Mountain Press ◆ Thursday, June 10, 2010 Close to Home


Husband inappropriately attracted to wife’s mother



Baby Blues

Beetle Bailey

Dear Annie: I am a 25-year-old male who has been married for a few years, and I still love my wife as much as the day I met her. The problem is, I am having sexual fantasies about her mother. My mother-in-law is happily married and has no idea about my feelings. My wife has heard me make a few comments, but she does not take them seriously. I am a good person and have never been in any kind of trouble with the law or anything of the sort. So my question is, why am I having these feelings? I’ve tried to block them out, but I can’t. -- Oregon Dear Oregon: You’ve been watching too much cable TV. If your motherin-law is attractive, you are seeing her as an available female instead of as “Mom.” You need to recalibrate your impression of her, and you can do that by making a concerted effort to substitute more “motherly” images in your head. Imagine her baking pies and cleaning spit-up. Think of her as your future children’s grandmother, with white hair and wrinkles. Whatever images you can put in your brain that will replace the sexual ones you have now will help. We urge you to work on this, or it could destroy your marriage. Dear Annie: What can I say to my 10-yearold daughter, who came home from school today and told me a classmate is having a birthday party and invited every girl in the class except her? To add insult to injury, she

even invited my daughter’s best friend -- a girl who attends school in another district. I am at a loss for words. -- Sad Mom Dear Mom: Is it possible your daughter’s invitation was lost? This happens more often than you might think. Also, many schools have a policy that doesn’t allow children to single out and exclude one classmate in this manner. It’s a form of bullying. If your daughter’s school has such a policy, you can discuss this with the principal. If you are friendly with the other girl’s mother, you can talk to her about it. But if the bottom line is simply that the birthday girl doesn’t like your daughter, you need to tell your child that life isn’t always fair, even for good people, and it will help to learn positive ways to cope with disappointment. Perhaps on the day of the party, you and your daughter could do something special together. Dear Annie: I was enraged to read the letter from “Running Out of Room,” whose sister gives framed pictures of her children to their family as birthday and holiday gifts. I also do this. There is rarely anything I can think of to buy my mother-in-law that she doesn’t already

t o d ay ’ s p u z z l e


Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

For Better Or Worse

Tina’s Groove

have or hasn’t recently purchased. But she loves getting new pictures of her grandkids. No, it is not cheap to put them in frames, but it comes from the heart. And you are correct in saying they don’t need to display every picture. There have been times when my own mother puts the pictures in an album and then returns the frames for another photo. “Running” may not appreciate these photographs, but I believe her sister is giving her an extremely heartfelt gift, and she should embrace it. Those kids aren’t going to be little forever, and it will be nice to look back later and remember what they were like “way back when.” -- Roberta in Rhode Island Dear Roberta: It’s fine to give Mom pictures of the kids at every occasion, but when given to siblings who have their own children, it can be interpreted as bragging. As long as you don’t mind if the photographs are not displayed, it’s OK with us if you keep sending Mom mementos of the little tykes. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

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