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RSVP: Arts Calendar
All The (Road) Rage

Electric pick-ups are (almost) here and Chevy’s
new Silverado EV makes its presence known. | By Simon Murray
ack in early 2020, before the
Bsky fell, my then girlfriend (now ancée) and I were bound for a rental shaded by palm trees—until a series of furloughs upended our plan. Unbeknownst to us, COVID-19’s fallout had placed us on an immutable track that looped back, with sickening velocity, to my mom’s house in the Berkshires. The ingredients for disaster were quickly stacking up.
For starters, Tatiana had never lived outside of Florida. And before we met, I’d been bouncing around the country, never staying in a new place for more than a couple of years, give or take. How would this Cuban, spunky, city-loving woman take to the rural life, let alone communal living with her future sister- and mother-in-law?
Somehow, everything Now, we talk earnestly electric dream Chevy’s worked out. That’s a electric 2024 Silverado EV about what kind of a picktestament to my ancée’s will be available Fall 2023. up to buy. Did we ever. resilience and my mom, In 2022, no sincere carwho’s an accommodating go-getter of the buying conversation can a ord to disavow highest order. But there’s something about the electric vehicle (EV) revolution. Or put the Berkshires—and its residents—that it this way: do so at your own nancial peril. hooks its claws into you in the best way. The question is: When should you buy into
Our newest dream is to own a farm. It this exponentially growing phenomenon? feels weird even committing that to paper, Because unlike a transient fad, EVs are but it’s true. I’d always lived too fast to want here to stay. For. Sure. to put down roots; settling down felt as But in what capacity? When deciding if unbecoming as a weed-choked yard. Of now’s the right time, a serious EV-buyer must course, a career of testing sports cars and balance a golden ratio represented by the yachts, most recently for the leading boating sluggish introduction of charging stations magazine in the country, was conducive to and the bone-chilling price of gasoline. that feeling. Can you blame me? I’ve never According to the US Department of Energy, heard of someone enjoying that wind-in-the- in early 2022, the US had a little more than hair feeling from a tractor. At least not yet. 128,000 charging outlets—both public