2 minute read
Teagan McGuire
Since she started camp at 8 years old, Teagan McGuire knew she wanted to be a part of Christian Appalachian Project’s (CAP) Camp AJ long after she was too old to be a camper. As she grew through her camp years and into her teens, she became a part of the Teen Leadership program to start her long-term journey with being a part of CAP’s Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Program. YES encompasses CAP’s youth programs with three components: summer camps, teen leadership, and in-school services which aim to inspire spirit and empower Appalachian youth.
“Camp AJ has had a huge impact on my life,” McGuire said. “The people there have always made me feel welcomed and included, and it will always be one of the best parts of my childhood.”
As part of Teen Leadership, teen leaders attend events where workshops allow the teens to meet new people, learn about themselves, and grow as leaders in their communities. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, McGuire was
part of a group that served as AmeriCorps members at Camp AJ during the summer. The group cleaned and organized the camp, discussed and planned the structure of a camp day and week, and traveled to schools in the area to run day camp activities for students.
“Teen Leadership has helped me grow as a leader by giving me more experience working with a team, teaching me about my own work styles and how I can use them to complete tasks more efficiently, and allowing me the confidence to speak up when I have an idea as well as listen when others have ideas,” McGuire said.
McGuire looks forward to the summer when she will take on the role of camp counselor at Camp AJ and give back to the program that has given so much to her. “Camp is the place I learned how to make friends as a camper and the place that offered me the best opportunities to serve my community as a teenager,” she said. “CAP has shown me so much love since I have known it, and I could not be more grateful for everyone there.”