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Mental Health Counseling
CAP offers counseling services to families and individuals in Eastern Kentucky. Our counselors are professionally licensed and possess a broad base of experience, education, and training. Counselors often serve individuals with chronic, multi-layered problems and CAP’s services are structured to meet the specific needs of individuals, couples, children, and families. The counseling staff is committed to the value of the individual, the importance of families, and the wisdom of spiritual beliefs.
CAP is a primary provider for many local referring agencies, including medical clinics, social service agencies, churches, and courts. The program works collaboratively with these community partners to ensure that individuals, families, and groups receive professional, compassionate counseling services.
CAP provides the elderly and individuals with disabilities companionship, increased mobility, and support. Our focus is to increase socialization for otherwise isolated elderly community members and strengthen the network of support for families and agencies already working with them. Our goal is to help keep participants in their homes and self-sufficient as long as possible.
The geography of Appalachia contributes to the increased social and physical isolation of the elderly. Many of these individuals have no one to help them with minor home repairs and maintenance, purchasing groceries, or to ensure that they receive the medications and health care they need. Many of these individuals have a variety of health problems that make it difficult for them to perform even the most basic tasks in their home. In order for the elderly to retain a level of independence, staff make frequent visits and provide transportation when needed.
CAP provides relief for families who are caring for individuals requiring 24-hour care. CAP supplies fulltime caregivers with rest and professional consultation and participants with quality care, meaningful socialization, and Christian fellowship.