1 minute read
Cornelius Arms, Volunteer
The thing that Cornelius Arms remembers most about his first year at Camp Shawnee is wanting to quit. As a camper, there is a certain satisfaction in conquering the steep Overlook Trail, but he wasn’t certain that he could make it to the top. Arms has Cerebral Palsy which impacts his stride, and he tires out easily. His counselors saw him struggling and helped him with the physical part of the climb, but also helped him overcome his belief that it was impossible.
“This may be my only chance to do stuff like this so I’m going at it full throttle,” he said. “CAP showed me a love that I didn’t even know existed. I want to spread that love to others that was shown to me.”
Later, he came to see Christian Appalachian Project Teen Leadership Program as a way to give back to the camp that had meant so much. His experience inspired him to commit to serve as a one-year volunteer and AmeriCorps Member.
“I would tell others to take the opportunity because they will learn more about compassion and independence here than anywhere else that I can think of,” Arms added. “I find joy in helping others, no matter what I'm doing. I hope to be able to show people that all it takes is the will and the spirit to do good, no matter if you are disabled or not.”