Lifelong Service
irginia Black and Terri Pennington from Kentucky. Dennis Bertram from Minnesota. Jay and Sandra Dresser from Georgia. They come from around the nation, but their hearts are bound together through their love and service to Christian Appalachian Project (CAP). All of them are over the age of 65, and all volunteer their time in fulfilling CAP’s mission of building hope, transforming lives, and sharing Christ’s love through service in Appalachia. Black and Pennington drive 60 miles round trip every week to sort donated items that arrive in packages from other states at CAP’s Grateful Threadz Thrift Store. The long-time friends then spend their day steam cleaning clothes so that they are ready for customers. The staff at the store work diligently to give customers a great shopping experience where people can keep their pride and dignity. Black is 80 years old. She first encountered CAP at the doctor’s office where she worked. Now as a retiree, she volunteers in order to give back to the community. She’s in good health and wants to keep active. Volunteering is a way to achieve that, plus help a cause, like CAP, that she believes in while also helping people receive services that impact their lives. Black sees it as a win-win all the way around. SPRING / SUMMER 2018 |