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Controversy - "Shame on The Mud Life !"
Well, wasn’t last month fun? (in a editorial sense)
It appears that Lauren’s Laning Life article and The Mud Life, for not editing her work, ruffled quite a few feathers, which led to a few interesting comments.
What I hadn’t realised is that by giving GLASS a number of pages to allow them to share what’s happening in the Rights of Way world, and for just being a GLASS member myself, it would appear from various comments, that the general consensus is, and I quote, 'I’m up GLASS’ arse!'
Not only that, but it would appear that we are also their propaganda machine! The latter really made me laugh out loud.
What some readers may have forgotten, or not actually read, is that in the past we’ve shared stories from other 4x4 groups, like All-Terrain UK and the Yorkshire Green Lanes Facebook group, amongst others.
Of course there’s nothing wrong with folk having and sharing their opinions, after all, communication is key to a civilised adult society.
I always wanted The Mud Life Magazine to encompass the 4x4 community, to share our plights and frustrations from the likes of GLEAM and other antis, and of course the threat from within our own hobby - those amongst us who disregard the rules and give the antis and councils the ammunition to close our lanes.
The Mud Life is indeed a ‘propaganda machine’, aimed towards promoting responsible green laning.
Ramblers work together, as does GLEAM, with the latter trying to rid us from our Rights of Way., but how are we expected to keep our lanes when we can’t even be civil to each other and work together?
All that said, in this case the old adage 'all publicity is good publicity' is true, as the article attracted many new readers to The Mud Life Magazine, and quite a few new subscribers, so welcome to all you newbie Mud Lifers!