1 minute read
Letter to the Editor: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Before Rep. James Comer begins investigating Hunter Biden, he needs to take a good look in the mirror. When he ran for governor in 2015, his college girlfriend came forth with allegations of physical and emotional abuse. She stated whenever Comer thought she did something wrong, the consequences were swift, violent and the relationship was toxic. The girlfriend’s roommate often saw bruises on her, and her mother reported Comer calling and stating her daughter was going to be killed. This investigation was shut down when Comer and his lawyer threatened devastating lawsuits against papers reporting the story. His lawyer shamed the young lady so much that she moved out of the state permanently. Why am I so interested in Comer? He and his sycophant university friend attempted to limit my communication when I harshly yet legally criticized Comer for aggressively defending the most dangerous politician in our country. Clearly, that attempt did not work, and I will not be bullied by these two men, both poisoned by power. As a Christian, I have zero hatred or bitterness toward each man but little respect for either. Stop bullies before they stop you.
—Roger Michael Weiss Murray State professor emeritus
Editorial Board

Dionte Berry Rebeca Mertins Chiodini Raleigh Hightower Jill Smith Editor-in-Chief Photography Editor Lifestyle Editor Assistant News Editor dberry11@murraystate.edu rmertinschiodini@murraystate.edu rhightower@murraystate.edu jsmith194@murraystate.edu
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