3 minute read
Walking by the Spirit, with the Fruit of the Spirit
As anyone who has attended an NALC Lutheran Week will tell you, it is a week full of the Word of God; faithful teaching and learning; practical, useful information related to real life in congregation, ministry and home! Together the Ventures in Youth Ministry Symposium, Women of the NALC Annual Gathering, Carl E. Braaten-Robert D. Benne Lectures in Theology, Mission Festival and Convocation allow us to reflect upon, guide and shape our mission and ministry! Be prepared to be filled, encouraged and inspired as the NALC meets for Lutheran Week!
Continuing our six-year focus on the Holy Trinity, our theme for the 2019 Lutheran Week is the Holy Spirit: “Walking by the Spirit, with the Fruit of the Spirit.” The theme Scripture verse is Galatians 5:16-23:
In his Commentary on Galatians, Martin Luther introduces this section speaking of Verse 16:
It is quite apparent that Paul had not forgotten the doctrine of justification, for in bidding the Galatians to walk in the Spirit he at the same time denies that good works can justify. “When I speak of the fulfilling of the Law I do not mean to say that you are justified by the Law. All I mean to say is that you should take the Spirit for your guide and resist the flesh. That is the most you shall ever be able to do. Obey the Spirit and fight against the flesh.”
This week, we will be learning what it means for us to walk in the Spirit; to take the Spirit for our guide and resist the flesh. It involves both resisting and rejecting the works of the flesh while adopting and encouraging the fruit of the Spirit! As we walk together, let us pray, “Come, Holy Spirit. Be our guide and our strength. Amen!”