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Intentionally Problematic

TheAmazon Rainforest has been burning itself out for three weeks straight.


Zyra Jones BILLEZA

silence. And they were told that there was no record, it is just his feeling.

President Jair Bolsonaro is blaming his own government of setting fire to the lungs of the Earth. Awe can feel the cries of help from afar, and blaming each other can’t solve the crisis.

Jair Bolsonaro accused environmental groups for being the cause of the arson in the rainforest. People suspected that he is trying to cover up his failure of protecting the world’s biggest forest. It is disappointing to see a president accusing others just to defend his own mistakes. If this is his plan, to point fingers to people, thinking the Amazonian fire will never be solved.

The president took advantage in the environment agency and put some minor penalties and such. But what bugs the public is the sudden accusation the president said. Due to extreme high records of fire situations, it prompted halt donations from Norway and Germany to support NGOs as well as government agencies.

But Europe block the trade deal to Brazil and other South American Nations. Bolsonaro claimed that fires were started because of the environmental NGO’s, to embarrass his government. In an interview, at a steel congress in Brasilia, he said “On the question of burning the Amazon, which in my opinion may have been initiated by NGOs because they lost money, what is the intention? To bring problems to Brazil.”

The President also made a similar allegations, said that the groups had gone out with cameras so that they could film them. But the interviewer asked if he has evidence, or he could say one of the names involved, all they got was

Now, that is very specific details was given by the president. The public can tell that most of the information given was all bluff, and only full of accusations of Bolsonaro. There were more help from other countries than Brazil has helped itself. The tribes and farmers are shouting for assistance from the government. But look at this, the president was only wasting time to point fingers to others, and not focusing on the main problem of his own country.

The Amazonian crisis will continue to blow. According to the environmental activists, “Those who destroy and let deforestation continue unabated are encouraged by the Bolsonaro government action and policies,” said by Danicley Aguiar of Greenpeace Brazil. There are many fires that have occurred, but this arson is the biggest.

There’s no time for pointing fingers, but there is still room for saving the Earth. Let’s stop being intentionally problematic, and lend a helping hand to the world.

There’s no time for pointing fingers, but there is still room for saving the Earth. Let’s stop being intentionally problematic, and lend a helping hand to the world.


A student avails from the Municipal Hall's Pipol Konek for his research.

In Danger: Sleepless Early Birds

Today’s learning system in the Philippines capitalizing early morning classes has led the students to become drained and exhausted at the end of a normal school day.

School was supposed to be fun, providing a convenient place for learning, as well as for self-improvement and personal development. Classes usually start at 7:30 am and ends at 4 in the afternoon, both public and private. Due to early classes, students are sleepy during lecture periods. Some arrive late, especially those who have to travel a long distance to school.

Students don’t get enough sleep at night as they are loaded with assignments that need to be done at home. Plus the fact that the students tend to wake up early to attend flag ceremony shows that the students fail to achieve the 8-10 hours of sleep and could result to sleep deprivation. Thus, the concern of parents to their child’s well-being.

Various students have shown that early classes have significant effect for the well-being of teenage students, saying it is bad for them.

According to a research by Diana Zuckerman Ph.D, students starting and undergoing puberty tend to have an adjustment in their body clock. Most adolescents “naturally” feel awake later at night, making it difficult for them to sleep before 10 pm. In fact, some tend to sleep as late as 12 am, or even later.

In a survey held by the National Sleep Foundation that focuses on the sleep patterns of US teenagers, only 20% of adolescents get the recommended nine hours of sleep on school nights and 45% of the respondents have less than eight hours of sleep. This could lead to a number of consequences such as limited ability to focus and learn and might also affect the students’ mental and physical health.

On the other hand, it is not only the students who are affected but also the teachers, who are as well, in need of more sleeping hours. Teachers have particularly busy schedules that often extend beyond the usual class hours. Sleep deprivation amongteachers also have its own consequences that could affect their cognitive function and emotional health.

Sleep plays a vital role in the well-being throughout the life of a person. Having enough hours of sleep is already a tough game and the early class hours doesn’t help at all. Some might say “it is only a matter of time management”

It is time for the education department in the country to open their eyes and listen to the propositions of the people, especially the people – the youth who are the future of this country.

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