1 minute read
Evaluation and assessment are important components of any energy unit and should be ongoing. NEED offers many assessment and evaluation tools for teachers to use. Check out NEED’s assessments and evaluation page for more information, example rubrics, and other tools: www.NEED.org/educators/evaluations-assessment/.

Grades K-12
Use one of NEED’s Energy Polls prior to beginning your unit and as you close your unit. There are polls on four reading levels—primary, elementary, intermediate, and secondary. Polls can be returned to NEED for analysis. Show us what your students are learning!
Many NEED guides and activities also contain unit exams and suggestions for how to evaluate student performance. Please feel free to modify these suggestions as necessary. Download the basic polls at www.NEED.org/educators/evaluations-assessment/.
Grades K-12
NEED’s online Question Bank gives teachers the ability to customize evaluation tools for their energy units. There are questions at four grade levels: primary, elementary, intermediate, and secondary. At each grade level, the questions are divided into the following topics: Science of Energy and Forms of Energy, Sources of Energy, Electricity, Transportation, and Conservation and Efficiency. Under each topic, knowledge, comprehension, multiple choice, and higher order thinking questions are included. You can access the online Question Bank at www.NEED.org/educators/evaluations-assessment/.
NEED has correlated all materials to meet relevant standards for learning. NEED materials support Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics, and individual state science standards, where applicable. Access the correlations files for the relevant standards by visiting NEED’s evaluation page or the correlations page, www.NEED.org/educators/curriculum-correlations/.