2 minute read

Identify Your Skills

Employers are often interested in “soft skills” which are also referred to as interpersonal skills. These skills are not specifically tied to one career or job, but are applicable across all areas of employment. Some examples of soft skills include teamwork, communication, problemsolving, flexibility, work ethic, creativity, time management, and performance under pressure.

Write about an example, either from your own experience or imagined, where two or more soft skills listed above have been used. Describe the example like a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

The hobbies and clubs where we spend our time can inform for which careers we may be most suited. Are you a member of your school’s robotics team or environmental club? Are you in scouts in a leadership role? Do you spend your time making things or building models from kits?

Make a list of your hobbies and clubs. Then after each, identify how each may help you develop a career in the wind energy industry.

There are things that we are interested in as individuals that may not be at all related to the classes we take or the clubs and hobbies in which we engage. These additional interests may be useful to help us plan how we spend our time in the future. For example, you may not have the money to invest in radio controlled airplanes right now, but you are interested in aviation and would like to learn to fly some day.

Make a list of your other interests. After each, identify how that interest could be tied to the wind energy industry.

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