1 minute read
Exploring Marine Hydrokinetics Materials
Electricity, Electromagnetism, and Circuits 9-volt Batteries Compasses Motors (1 disassembled, if possible) Alligator clips Large nails LED bulbs 9-volt battery clips Masking tape Conductive dough
Energy in Waves Demonstrations
Making Waves Demo Slinky-style spring Plastic 1 or 2 liter bottle Cooking oil Water Small plastic cube, brick, or bead Funnel Hot glue gun Food coloring Transparent tub or box White paper Clip lamp with bulb 1” PVC pipe or dowel
Ocean Current Formation
Model Wave Generator Large, clear container to represent ocean or large body of water; shoebox sized or larger Thermometers 5mL Transfer pipettes 50 mL Beakers or cups Red, blue, or green food coloring Spoons Table salt Ice Hot plate or hot pot Clear, plastic tubing Cylindrical magnets, diameter close but not equivalent to the inner diameter of the tubing Magnet wire Fishing bobber or floats Rulers Permanent markers Scissors Galvanometers Alligator clips Large 4-5 gallon tub Hot glue guns and extra glue sticks 1 Spool of fishing line 1 Pool noodle Waterproof duct tape Utility knives Fine-grain sandpaper Water Anchors or weights