32 minute read
Teacher Guide
& Overview
As United States energy policy and markets shift emphasis towards a reduction in carbon footprint, more carbon-free sources of electricity are necessary. Offshore wind potential is significant but largely untapped in the U.S., especially along the Pacific Coast. Wind speeds in the Pacific Coast region are high but water is deep, rendering fixed-bottom wind turbines impractical for the setting, compared to more shallow Atlantic Coast waters. Floating offshore wind turbines can be installed in areas of high wind potential and deep water, tapping into an unused energy resource that could provide the West Coast with the electricity it needs. This curriculum unit has been developed in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to provide teachers and students with a basic understanding of the science behind floating offshore wind turbines, their uses, and how they fit into the nation’s energy portfolio.
The waters off the coasts of the United States are rich with energy and marine resources. Buoyant force is the force illustrated by Archimedes’ Principle: the force exerted upward on a body is equal to the weight of the fluid the body displaces. Wind speeds are more consistent over water than they are over land because there are no obstacles to impede and redirect it. Increased use of solar energy in West Coast communities has created a sharp electricity demand increase in late afternoon and early evening hours. Floating offshore wind technologies can be implemented in areas where wind speeds are high and water is deep. Like onshore wind installations, floating offshore wind farms must be sited correctly to maximize power output while minimizing environmental, commercial, cultural, and military activity impacts.
Science Notebooks
If you currently use science notebooks or journals, you may have your students continue using these. A rubric to guide assessment of student notebooks can be found on page 19. If you prefer, student worksheets have been included within this guide. Depending on your students’ level of independence and familiarity with the scientific process, you may choose to copy and use these worksheets instead of science notebooks.
2Unit Preparation
Read through the entire unit to understand how the activities fit together. Decide which activities you will conduct as demonstrations and which you will employ as individual or group activities. Gather the materials you will need and if necessary, secure internet access for the mapping and stakeholder activities. It may be helpful to provide the IT department with a list of the links students will need to access, to ensure any blocks or barriers can be removed.
Grade Level
Intermediate, grades 6-8 Secondary, grades 9-12
7-14 class periods depending on the length of class periods and the activities you choose to conduct.
Magnet Safety
The magnets used in the Science of Electricity Model are very strong. In order to separate them, students should slide/twist them apart. Please also take the following precautions: Wear safety glasses when handling magnets. Use caution when handling the magnets. Fingers and other body parts can easily be pinched between two attracting magnets. When students set the magnets down they should place them far enough away from each other that the magnets won’t snap back together. The tape should hold the magnets on. If you want something stronger and more permanent you can use hot glue. When you are finished with the magnets and ready to store them, put a small piece of cardboard between them. Keep magnets away from your computer screen, cell phone, debit/credit cards, and ID badges. Do not allow the magnets near a person with a pacemaker or similar medical aid. The magnetic field can affect the operation of these devices.
Unit Introduction
This lesson provides students with the basics and background knowledge to understand floating offshore wind. To break up the large amount of student informational text, a jigsaw approach is used where students are broken into groups to tackle and share the reading. Students develop a broad understanding of the situations in which floating wind is more appropriate than permanently affixed wind turbines offshore and how it is implemented.
Students will be able to describe how energy is used and how electricity is generated in the United States. Students will be able to list the benefits and drawbacks to using offshore wind. Students will be able to describe the circumstances under which floating wind turbines are required or better suited. Time
1 class period Materials
Student Informational Text U.S. Energy Consumption by Source master, page 20 U.S. Electricity Generation by Source master, page 21 Diagram of a Floating Wind Turbine master, page 22
2 Preparation
Preview the Student Informational Text and decide how you wish to divide it. Prepare masters for projection.
1. Introduce the unit. Explain to students they will be spending a little time learning about the ways floating offshore wind fits into the nation's electricity generation portfolio. 2. Divide students into groups, one for each section of text. You will have as many groups as you have portions of text to effectively jigsaw.
For example, if you divided the text into four sections, you will have four groups. 3. Allow students enough time to read their assigned text sections. When they have finished reading, have them meet as a small group and come to a consensus about the main ideas in the text. 4. Reassign groups, so that each group has at least one person from the original groups. For example, if you had four groups originally, you will arrange students into groups of four, one from each of the first groupings. 5. Within their newly assigned groups, students will take turns teaching the other members about the main ideas they learned in their section of text. Allow students enough time to discuss what they have learned to make sure everyone in the group has a good understanding of the information. 6. Project the U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 2018 master. Ask students what information is contained in the graphic. Ask students to differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Allow students time to discuss the information in the graphic and to develop some questions about energy use in the U.S., focusing on how floating offshore wind will fit into the overall energy picture. 7. Project the U.S. Electricity Generation by Source, 2018 master. Ask students to compare this information to the information in the previous graphic. What sources are about the same in percentage? What sources are dramatically different? What does this say about how we generate electricity in the U.S.? Have students calculate the total percentage of electricity generated by fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, and petroleum) and by renewable resources. Allow students time to discuss the significance of these numbers, and ask them how floating offshore wind might fit into electricity generation. 8. Introduce or reinforce the concepts of buoyancy and center of gravity. Use diagrams, equations, or other illustrations according to your students’ understanding, capabilities, and background knowledge to ensure they have a good understanding of these concepts.
9. Project the Diagram of a Floating Wind Turbine master. Identify the key parts and show how the turbine is anchored to the ocean floor.
Explain that while there are many designs for floating offshore wind turbines, the design shown is the one currently most likely to be used in the waters off the coast of the United States.
Your students may want to know more about wind energy. NEED has curriculum guides you can use to teach your students about onshore wind. Navigate to https://shop.NEED.org/collections/wind to download the free PDF copies to use in your classroom.
Activity 1: The Science of Electricity
Electricity is a necessary part of our daily lives. To many, it is a mystery. This hands-on, modeling and design activity allows students to visualize more simply what is involved in the generation of electricity. Students will create their own model generator, using magnets, wire, and simple lab items. After assembling the model to specifications, students can aim to optimize the design of the model, utilizing fewer or less costly materials to generate a larger amount of electrical output – a real-world challenge for electrical engineers.
Students will be able to describe how electricity is generated. Students will be able to design a model and optimize its performance. Time
Two or more class periods, depending on the level of inquiry desired and the level of students in the classroom Materials PER STUDENT OR GROUP 1 Small bottle 1 Rubber stopper with ¼” hole 1 Wooden dowel (12” x ¼”) 4 Strong rectangle magnets 1 Foam tube 1 Small nail 1 Large nail Spool of magnet wire Permanent marker 1 Pair sharp scissors Masking tape Fine sandpaper 1 Push pin 1 Multimeter with alligator clips Hand operated pencil sharpener Ruler Utility knife (optional) Science of Electricity, pages 41-43 NOTE: The materials used in this activity can be found in a common lab setting, or easily procured from a lab supply company, hardware store, or craft store. Refer to the activity instructions for more specifics about each item, however, students may opt to change up the materials when optimizing their designs. Allow for variations in the materials where possible. Alternatively, a package of most of the items needed can be purchased from NEED. Contact NEED if you have any questions or difficulty locating a certain item.
2 Preparation
Gather the list of materials and set up construction stations. It may also be helpful to incorporate extra materials that students can use in their redesign process. Make copies of the instructions sheet and student worksheet. It may be beneficial to assemble a model ahead of time following the student instructions. This model will be used for demonstration purposes and also will allow you to assist students in troubleshooting during construction and redesign.
1. Ask students to discuss how electricity is generated. What is needed? What is inside a generator? Record ideas on the board. 2. Show students your sample model. Have students take turns operating it and recording the highest output they are able to generate from your model. 3. Depending on the abilities of students you are working with, you may have them assemble their own models using the instructions provided in order to make sure they fully understand how the model operates. Some students, however, may have a firm enough grasp from viewing your sample model and be able to move on to designing their own. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
4. Have students complete the worksheet to show they understand how the model works. Explain that generating electricity requires a few simple things: motion, magnets, and wire. 5. After students have a good understanding of how the generator model works, explain the challenge. Students will need to design a generator model that employs the same concepts to generate electricity, but requires fewer or different materials and/or generates more output. You may decide if you would like students to attempt to achieve one or both of the options. Explain to students that this is called optimization. 6. It may be necessary to provide students with an overview of guidelines for the design and redesign process. Make sure students are aware of the timeline to complete their best model, and explain that they may test, redesign, and retest as many times as needed or desired in that time frame. Communicate to students what you will require from them throughout the process. Depending on the group, you may require that students submit drawings and specifications for each step of their design process. ! Notes
The Science of Electricity Model was designed to give students a more tangible understanding of electricity and the components required to generate electricity. The amount of electricity that this model is able to generate is very small. The Science of Electricity Model has many variables that will affect the output you are able to achieve. When measuring millivolts, you can expect to achieve anywhere from 1 mV to over 35 mV. More information about measuring electricity can be found in NEED’s Energy Infobooks. You may download these guides from shop.NEED.org. Extensions
If desired, this may be structured as a contest or challenge within the classroom, giving awards to students for best redesign, highest output, least materials, or categories of your choosing. Allow students to procure some of their own materials to complete their designs. Recycle bins can often be very handy for sourcing additional supplies. Provide students with a budget for materials and construction. Ask them to complete a cost analysis of their best model and decide how they might improve their design to come in under budget. Provide students with extra time and materials to add to the generator to produce electricity from another source, other than the motion energy of their hands.
Activity 2: Buoyancy in a Bottle
When designing a foundation for a floating offshore wind turbine or technology (FOWT), it is not enough to simply make a foundation that floats. The center of gravity of the foundation must be positioned so that the foundation floats in the desired orientation. This activity provides students with an opportunity to explore density and buoyant force in different shapes and how adding ballast can impact a floating object’s stability.
Students will be able to explain how density determines whether an object will float in water. Students will be able to explain how center of gravity influences the way an object floats. Time
One or two class periods, depending on student background knowledge and capabilities Materials PER STUDENT OR GROUP 1 empty water or soda bottle Enough clean play sand to fill the bottle Balance Buoyancy in a Bottle worksheet, pages 44-45 Materials FOR THE CLASS Large, plastic, transparent tubs (at least 15 gallons) Water Paper towels / towels Permanent markers Tape Broom / dustpan (optional) CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
2 Preparation
Gather materials needed for class. Students can be asked to bring in their own empty bottles, or they may be gathered from the recycling bin at school. Make sure bottles are clean and dry on the inside. Prepare your own “buoyancy bottle” with the play sand to get an idea of how full the bottles will need to be to float upright. It may be helpful to have a broom and dust pan on hand for cleaning sand off the floor. Make copes of the worksheet as needed. Fill the tubs with water.
1. Introduce the activity. Direct students to the locations of the materials they will need. 2. Allow students enough time to complete the activity. Be prepared to provide assistance or pointers for students based on the practice bottle you prepared. 3. Students will be using these bottles in the next activity, Anchoring a Floating Wind Turbine. Have them write their names and other necessary identifying information on their bottles to use them in that activity. Extensions
If you have time and it is appropriate for your students, have them design a procedure for determining the location of the center of gravity of their half-floating bottles.
Activity 3: Anchoring a Floating Wind Turbine
There are several factors engineers must take into consideration when designing an anchoring system for a floating turbine. How rough will the seas get? What is the seafloor like? Is the sea floor in the area prone to subsidence? Is the soil such that liquefaction is a concern? What is seismic activity like? What species are native to the area, and how will anchors disrupt or enhance their habitat? The materials, shape, and mooring system used to anchor a wind turbine all need to fit in with the factors listed here, and more. This activity allows your students to find the best way to anchor their floating systems, modeling the real-world processes engineers and scientists go through.
Students will be able to adjust a floating base and anchoring system to accommodate variations in wave height and load on the base. Students will understand how density and buoyancy work together to keep a floating turbine in its designated location. Time
One to two class periods; can be completed immediately after Buoyancy in a Bottle to minimize mess and be more efficient with time
Materials PER STUDENT OR GROUP Prepared bottles remaining from Buoyancy in a Bottle Clean play sand 100 paper clips 12” x ½” PVC pipe (no cap) Hot glue gun with glue sticks 3 identical snack-size plastic bowls with lids Rubber bands, string, fishing line, or other mooring material Push pin or sharp object Anchoring a Floating Wind Turbine worksheet, pages 46-47 Materials FOR THE CLASS Large, plastic, transparent tubs (at least 15 gallons) Water Paper towels / towels Fan
2 Preparation
Gather materials needed for students to complete the activity. Make copes of the student worksheet as needed. Fill the tubs with water.
1. Introduce activity to students, explaining that they will be designing an anchoring system for the half-buoyant bottles they prepared in Buoyancy in a Bottle. 2. Allow students enough time to complete the activity. Younger students may need supervision with the glue gun. 3. When students have finished the activity and have cleaned up and returned their supplies, ask students to share their results, highlighting the process they used to determine the best way to anchor their bottles. 4. Ask students what happened when they added weight to the bottle. Ask what happened when they simulated wind with the fan. Ask them to describe the adjustments they made and the process they used to arrive at those conclusions. 5. Review the scientific process with students, which involves observations, hypotheses, testing those hypotheses, then revising hypotheses based on data acquired during the testing. Ask students to identify which parts of the activity are associated with their own evaluation and decision-making process. 6. Ask students how their model is the same as a real-world floating turbine mooring system and what factors are included in those systems that their models do not address. Ask students how they could incorporate those factors into this activity.
Activity 4: Wind Can Do Work
Students will be able to explain and diagram how wind can do work. Time
One class period Materials PER STUDENT OR SMALL GROUP 1 Large foam cup 1 Extra-long straw 1 Small straw 1 Binder clip 2 Straight pins Ruler Hole punch Marker 50 cm String or thread Paper clips Masking tape Scissors Forms of Energy master, page 23 4-Blade Windmill Template, page 24 Wind Can Do Work worksheet, page 48 Materials FOR THE CLASS Fan(s)
Prepare masters for projection. Make copies of the 4-Blade Windmill Template, and student worksheet as needed. Gather materials for students to use.
1. Using the Forms of Energy master, discuss the forms of energy and energy transformations with students. 2. Students should build windmills following the activity instructions. 3. Students should diagram their windmill assembly and trace the energy transformations that occur in this system. 4. Encourage students to investigate the question, “What is the maximum amount of paper clips that can be lifted all of the way to the top of the windmill shaft?” Students should record data and observations.
Allow students time to redesign their windmills to lift more weight, using recycled or repurposed materials. Allow students to modify the design of the entire windmills to eliminate newly purchased materials (except glue or tape) and instead rely solely on recycled or repurposed materials. Ask students to re-design their models from 4-blade windmills to 3-blade models to mimic an actual wind turbine.
Activity 5: Floating Offshore Wind Model
In this engineering activity, students construct a base for a simple wind turbine using PVC pipe. Providing pre-cut pieces of PVC pipe will make assembly faster. Alternatively, you may opt to skip providing dimensions or diagrams to students to challenge them to come up with their own models. The student worksheet will show students how to build a model that has been tested. You may wish to build this as an example and ask students to improve upon the design while, for example, using fewer materials. If you have younger students, provide them instead with a “kit” of PVC pieces to which they can add weight using washers to keep it upright.
Students will be able to identify the parts of a model floating wind turbine that correspond to a real-world, utility-scale floating wind turbine. Students will be able to test, modify, and re-test a design. Time
Two or four class periods, depending on students’ abilities and the amount of work done outside of class; for simplicity and minimal setup time, this activity can be completed immediately following Wind Can Do Work Materials PER STUDENT OR GROUP 1 Extra-long straw 1 Small straw Masking tape 50 cm String or thread Paper clips 2 Straight pins 5 Binder clips Ruler Hole punch Marker Scissors 5 x ½” PVC caps 4 x ½” PVC elbows 3 x ½” PVC “T’s” 10 x 6 “ Pieces of ½” PVC 2 x 8” Pieces of ½” PVC 1 x 12” Pieces of ½” PVC 2 x 2.5” Outer diameter / 1” inner diameter Galvanized washers 4 Larger rubber bands Plastic folder, page protector, or transparency film (optional) 4-Blade Windmill Template, page 24 Floating Offshore Wind Model, pages 49-51 Materials FOR THE CLASS 6” x 6” piece of ½-inch styrofoam Large, plastic, transparent tubs (at least 15 gallons) Water Paper towels / towels Fans
2 Preparation
Copy enough 4-Blade Windmill Template copies so each student or small group has one. Laminate the windmill templates as necessary. Make copies of the worksheets as needed. Consider an organizational system to allow students time to test their wind turbines efficiently to allow all groups to have enough time to do so. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Gather materials for students to complete the activity. Fill tubs with water. Orient tubs so they are close enough to an outlet to perform tests with a fan, but far enough away for safety around minor splashes. Create a “barge” or a few barges out of the foam. Cut the foam into blocks or a shape that is large enough to hold a pile of paper clips near the floating models.
1. Introduce the activity, explaining that students will be building on the knowledge they gained from Wind Can Do Work to build a floating wind turbine to lift paper clips from a “barge”. 2. Allow students to assemble their floating bases, then attach the wind turbines to the top. 3. Explain the procedure you want students to follow to test the weight their turbines can lift, then have students complete this portion of the activity. Demonstrate how to use the foam barge as a way to float the paperclips without getting them wet and adding extra mass to lift. 4. When students have completed testing, cleaned up, and returned supplies to your specified locations, reconvene the class to discuss their results. 5. Ask students how their models are the same as a utility-scale, real-world wind turbine, and how they differ. Ask them to identify the parts of their model with respect to a real-world turbine. 6. Ask students how they would modify their designs to lift more weight. If you have time and materials available, allow students to test their designs. 7. Ask students to consider how they might adapt their model for electricity generation. Discuss the concerns and challenges they might encounter.
This activity and Anchoring a Floating Wind Turbine can be combined to give students a greater, overall picture of how floating wind turbines are designed and developed. Encourage students to use the knowledge they gained from both activities, and combine it to design an improved floating structure in an engineering challenge, incorporating variables such as seafloor surface/geology and wave action. Ask students to reconstruct their model pinwheel to use a 3-blade design. Discuss how it impacts the "generation" and ability to float.
Activity 6: Mapping Microclimates
Airflow across a landscape is greatly impacted by natural and human-made structures. One of the benefits of offshore wind is the absence of structures to impede or disrupt airflow, leading to greater and more consistent power generation. This activity provides students with experience using mapping software and gathering windspeed data around the school to study microclimates. Students will assemble their own anemometer or can use hand-held digital tools to gather windspeed data.
Students will be able to analyze windspeed data and describe how structures affect wind speed. Students will become proficient at using mapping software. Time
1-2 class periods Materials PER STUDENT OR GROUP 1 Pencil 5 Snow cone cups 2 Extra-long straws Masking tape Hole punch Scissors 1 Straight pin Marker Stopwatch or watch Ruler Building an Anemometer, page 52 Mapping Microclimates, pages 53-55 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
2 Preparation
Decide If students will be building their own anemometers out of paper snow cone cups and pencils, or if you will use actual hand-held tools. You may opt to have students use a combination if you do not have enough tools to go around. Gather materials needed for building anemometers, measuring wind speed, and mapping. Determine which areas students will be mapping. Try to select areas with a variety of sheltering from buildings, fences, landscaping, etc., that will yield a variety of wind speeds. Familiarize yourself with applications and websites students will access prior to conducting the activity with students. Prepare a map for students to use, if necessary. Prepare a shared document for data collection, if necessary.
1. Students will use the Build an Anemometer worksheet for directions to create their own anemometers. 2. Teach students how to use their anemometers, and direct students to head outside to measure. 3. Return to class and discuss observations. Were there differences in wind speed around the school grounds? Why might that be? Why might it be important to consider time during measurements?
1. Introduce the activity to students, explaining that they will be mapping wind speeds around their school grounds. 2. Lead students through the activity, interjecting as much as necessary as dictated by the age and capability of your students.
It can be a very long process to harness energy from our oceans. When siting an offshore wind turbine of any form, developers must work with government entities to identify and evaluate locations that not only have consistent wind speeds, but also are locations that are able to provide a path to grid connectivity and are able to be constructed without compromising the ecosystem, the local economy, boat traffic, and more. This activity aims to give students a look at all the information teams must consider and process in order to find a viable site. Paper-based maps have been provided, but in several cases, digital maps can be used instead, if preferred.
Students will be able to describe offshore wind energy technologies. Students will be able to list advantages and disadvantages of floating offshore wind energy. Students will be able to describe challenges developers face when trying to site an offshore wind farm. Students will be able to identify community stakeholders and their possible opinions on developing a floating offshore wind site. Materials:
Colored pencils Highlighters Sticky notes Chart paper (optional) Internet access (optional) Maps, pages 56-64 Developer Proposal Worksheet, page 65 Floating Offshore Wind Development Project worksheets, pages 66-67
2 Preparation
Prepare copies of the maps (except the BOEM sites map) and the design worksheet for each student. It will be helpful to copy the maps in color if available. You may also opt to prepare digital copies that you may link to, for students to view from a tablet or computer screen. Where possible, it may also be helpful to have students use online mapping systems like www.eia.gov, or Google Earth or even GIS programs and data that are accessible and familiar to students. Prepare copies of the worksheets for each student or group.
1. Ask students to page through the student informational text or search online for pictures of offshore wind farms. Ask them to specifically look for an example of floating offshore technologies (hint: look for examples in Scotland, Portugal, Norway, Japan, and France). Make sure students get a good example of wind farms offshore, both floating and fixed bottom. 2. Construct a Venn diagram as a class, citing student thoughts about the similarities and differences of offshore and on-land wind farms.
Make note of any misconceptions about offshore wind farms during the discussion, so they can be corrected and clarified as the activity progresses. 3. Shift your discussion to the differences between floating and fixed bottom offshore wind. Lead students to create a separate Venn diagram to itemize the similarities and differences along with the advantages and challenges of each. 4. Revisit the informational text as a class. Explain to the class that they will be acting as a developer in this activity, and that developers are in charge of finding the best location for a group of floating structures. Review the Venn diagrams and correct any statements or add details as necessary. 5. As a class, make a list of all the things wind farm developers might have to consider or deal with when trying to find and build a site offshore, citing specific concerns with floating structures. Keep this list visible for the class as they proceed through the activity. 6. Display each of the maps. Explain to students that they will be comparing and synthesizing the information on each of the maps. Take time to discuss what each map is showing, as needed. Ask them to use highlighters and/or colored pencils to identify possible locations for an installation of 3-5 floating turbines. Each turbine needs to have plenty of space around it – usually at least 6 rotor diameters or more apart. After students compare their maps, they will complete the Floating Offshore Developer Proposal Worksheet, by marking off two possible GOOD locations in GREEN with numbers 1 and 2. They will label two possible POOR locations in RED using the numbers 3 and 4. In the bottom half of the page, they will write a statement justifying and describing why they would select or avoid each site, using information from their maps. 7. While students are working individually, pre-select groups for the development team part of the activity. After students have completed their individual work, explain that developers often work as teams to share the workload and cost of getting a large project started. Put students into their new development teams. 8. Explain that each group will have a team meeting, where they will each discuss and propose their two good and two poor site locations.
Each group should appoint one member to take notes on chart paper or digital discussion board as each team member discusses their options. As a group, the team will then debate and pick the best spot from each member’s proposals. The group should mark their location on the Floating Offshore Wind Development Project worksheet with a yellow star and list at least three reasons why this location is the winner on their chart paper. 9. Remind students that the water offshore is often be leased like an apartment or car, but everyone who makes a living off of the water, works there, owns property nearby, cares for the local environment, or enjoys recreation there can participate in the discussion and leasing process. As developers, they must be able to ensure power is generated, the project is profitable, MOST people are happy, and the environment will not be harmed. On the second page of the project worksheet, groups must identify their possible challenges. First, they must list possible challenges to siting in the area (fishing, geology, marine life, weather, culture, military activity, etc.) Second, they will list four community stakeholders that have an opinion on the placement of their project. For each community stakeholder, groups must write 1-2 sentences describing the stakeholder’s opinions. 10. Hold a developer conference. Ask each group to share their top locations. Are there any similarities? Why were some locations selected over others? Are there any spots that should be eliminated? Why? 11. Discuss each groups’ stakeholder opinions. Ask the class how they might prioritize stakeholder opinions? Ask the class what other maps, data, regulations, or information they might have to consider that were not included in the activity? 12. Revisit the Venn diagrams and lists from earlier in the activity and address any misconceptions that may have arisen. 13. Show students the proposed floating offshore wind site map for California. Ask students to revisit their personal and group discussions.
Did any of the developer groups select an area similar to those depicted on the proposed sites map? Have a class discussion and/or make a list of all the possible reasons these sites have been targeted. Ask developer teams to describe why these sites might be better than the ones they selected, and/or ask teams to explain why their site might be superior. Extensions
Have students research wildlife that live around their proposed sites (birds, bugs, plants, fish), or conduct research on the ocean floor geology. Have students determine the distance to shore from their proposed sites using proportions and a map scale.
For the most part, presenting a table or page of numerical data can be confusing or frustrating to interpret, so data is usually represented visually in graphs, charts, and other formats that make it easier to digest. Your students will be very familiar with 2-dimensional graphs, such as distance vs. time, or pie charts that show percentages of a whole. Another way of representing data is geographically. A geographic information system, or GIS, displays data on a map. By doing so it provides a framework around which patterns can be recognized and analyzed. One common way to represent data geographically is in weather maps, which show various weather data points by shading or coloring areas. There are many types of data that can be displayed using a GIS and there are many ways that data can be displayed. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) shows earthquake data in GIS, with different colored circles representing how recently each earthquake occurred and the size of the circle representing its relative magnitude. This activity allows your students the opportunity to explore two different GIS configurations to become familiar with their capabilities and the kinds of data they display. Students then use GIS to create a map of the data they think are important when determining the location of an offshore floating wind farm. Data sets worth considering might include shipping lanes, grid connections, military traffic, fishing areas, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Offshore Wind Call Areas - October 2018, and marine protected areas.
Students will become familiar with GIS and how to display data. Students will be able to successfully navigate GIS to select the data they feel are important and display them on a physical map. Time
One class period Materials
California Average Solar Monthly Irradiance, 2019 Master, page 25 Duck Curve Master, page 26 Floating Offshore Wind Data Mapping Activity, pages 68-70
2 Preparation
Ensure that students will be able to access any GIS-related websites without any difficulty. Have your IT department remove any barriers to those sites that may exist. If this is not possible, find alternative sites that have similar data that you can access or assign the work to be done at home. Prepare masters for projection. Preview and prepare to project some examples of GIS for students, to demonstrate their similarities as well as differences. The USGS earthquake locator is found here: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) state energy profile has a mapping system showing locations of grid-related items as well as refineries, pipelines, coal mines, etc. that can be found by visiting: https://www.eia.gov/state/maps.php
1. Introduce the activity, explaining GIS and providing some examples. It may be helpful to project some examples of GIS available online to show students how they differ and how they are all similar. 2. Set the stage for the way floating offshore wind will fit into the current electricity generation picture. Explain that many residential and commercial buildings have had solar systems installed over the last five years, which has created a challenge for the California
Independent System Operator (CAISO) while they attempt to meet demand for electricity without over-generating power. 3. Project the Average Monthly Solar Irradiance master. Ask students how solar power may be presenting challenges for electrical power
producers in California. What happens on a monthly basis? What challenges would that present? 4. Project the Duck Curve master. Explain what it is showing and why it is called the “duck curve.” Ask students how wind energy might help address the duck curve and take some of the generating pressure off the utilities in California. 5. Preview the California Offshore Wind Energy GIS. Demonstrate that hovering over a choice displays metadata that students may find helpful when making decisions about which data sets to use. 6. Give students a set amount of time to explore. Each student should create a map that shows at least two data sets. Students should write a few sentences about what they learn when they consider multiple data sets at the same time using GIS tools. 7. When students have finished and have submitted their maps and explanations, have a brainstorming session with students to determine the top 3 or 5 data sets needed to identify the best offshore wind locations.
Students will be able to consider multiple points-of-view regarding an issue. Students will be able to cite the major considerations when selecting an area for a floating offshore wind farm. Time
1-3 class periods, depending on the amount of work completed outside of class Materials
Floating Offshore Wind Stakeholder Role Play, pages 71-74
2 Preparation
Make copies of the role play information for each student. Decide which role(s) you will assign and the students to which you will assign them. Decide which roles you will group together as having similar perspectives.
1. Introduce the activity, and explain that they are to conduct the discussion from the point-of-view of their stakeholder, regardless of whether those perspectives match their own. 2. Provide some quiet, individual work time while students work through the advantages and challenges of a floating offshore wind farm and develop their individual stakeholder’s point-of-view. 3. Place students in their first stakeholder gathering groups. Allow enough discussion time for each group to have a firm understanding about how their members’ points-of-view support each other. 4. Allow students to mix into their own second stakeholder gathering groups, or assign them to groups. Allow them enough time to fill in the information about the other stakeholders in their group. Each group will vote whether to approve the floating offshore wind development and will elect one representative to present the discussion and decision to the rest of the class. 5. Reconvene as a class and allow students sufficient time to discuss their decisions and come to a consensus as a class as to whether the offshore wind farm will be allowed.