What To Do When 5000 Friend...s Find YOU on Facebook

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TheNetworking Queen.net

What To Do When 5000 Friends Find YOU on Facebook… 7 Tips to Ensure the Contacts You Friend are Worthy of Accessing Your Profile This isn’t something I dreamed up. I am LIVING IT! It happens every day to few hundred…maybe even THOUSANDS of people on Facebook. This is a REALITY. It is out of my frustration and looking back at what I should have done that I am sharing these 7 tips with you. I am working BACKWARDS and want to help you work FORWARD. The steps listed are what I am doing now…and with over 5000 Friends, 960 Friend Requests and 176 Friend Suggestions as of this very minute, GUARANTEED, I know what I am talking about. I don’t say this to impress you, but to impress upon you the importance of using what I am about to reveal…

Denai Vaughn Do More. Be More. Achieve More. YOU ARE WORTH IT! TheNetworkingQueen.net

What To Do When 5000 Friends Find YOU on Facebook… “I can't add more friends or fans on Facebook? What is this message about?!?” That was my reaction. So, what do you do? Maybe you are like me and someone told you to “add any one and every one as a friend.” Does that sound familiar? I was originally told this when I began my journey with Facebook oh so many years ago, and now I'm here to tell you IT IS A LIE! This may come as a shock to you, but you do not want to add anyone and everyone as a friend on Facebook. In the beginning, it sounds great! You can add tons of friends, grow your lists, and reap the benefits of a larger number of prospects, expand your contacts, and increase your connections. As this number continues to grow, has it become a challenge for you to continue to connect, relate, and refer? With numerous requests and suggestions coming in, you don’t have to go seeking new ones. “The Hunter becomes the Hunted,” as they say. Have you anything in common with each and every one of them? Have you first attempted to determine why, how, and in what network you should be linked? Hmm… In this e-book, I will uncover seven tips to help ensure the contacts you friend are worthy of accessing your wall. You will learn strategies to increase your success on Facebook, and fail proof steps to grow a network that works for you. Are you ready to get started? THEN LET’S BEGIN! 1. Be strategic when requesting friends on Facebook. Make a list of the 10 networks you want to focus

on. This may consist of a network for your friends, a network for your family, a network for your coworkers, and a network for your church family. Basically, you want to consider the 10 circles of influence that you want to focus on & grow within Facebook. Which do you want to expand? What groups of people do you want to see connect and begin to overlap? Here’s a list of some of the networks you might choose from: My side of the family

College Friends

Book Club

Chamber of Commerce

My spouse’s side

Parents at Kids’ Schools


Tuesday Networking Group

High School Friends

Church Family



Family Friends

Friends in Australia

People who like Sushi Cowboys Fans

2. Be intentional with who you let connect with you on Facebook. When a friend request comes in

determine if that person fits into one of the 10 networks you've already identified. If they do then you already know why you are connecting with that person. If not, you may decide to inquire as to why they wish to connect, unless you know them personally. If they are unsure, then this person has become a prime candidate for you to refer to your fan page if you have one, or your group page(s). Not everyone needs to be a “friend” on Facebook. That is why you also want to be sure you to expand your brand, network, and connections by including a fan page for your business & group pages for those you share special interests. You have an opportunity to connect others who are like-minded, and also to post events. Great for when you want to invite your network to connect or socialize to get to know 2

What To Do When 5000 Friends Find YOU on Facebook… TheNetworkingQueen.net

each other a little bit better. No matter what platform you prefer. Use these tips with your 10 networks to assist you in deciding who to and not to connect with on Facebook & other sites. It will enable you to refer people to your Facebook fan page and give you a reason to share your groups with them, or to even start a new group page! 3. Do not just add anyone! Yes, I realize this goes against what many of

you have been told, learned, and might even teach others. So let me explain why it is a new reality on a Facebook profile. A profile page limits you to 5000 contacts. This does not just mean profile connections this also includes how any pages you become a fan of. So if you fan 50 pages then you can only connect with 4950 people. If you are a fan of 500, then you can only connect with 4500 people. Are you beginning to see how this tool works and how this sets parameters for your networking on Facebook? You can create a limitless number of groups. It does not affect this rule of thumb, but you cannot “fan” as many fan pages as you want. Thus, it limits the expansion of your network. Keep in mind, fan nor group pages limit you as to how many people can be members/fans. Unlike a profile page, when you hit the 5000 mark then you have "maxed out the master formula.” You have to go back and clean up, remove, relocate, and reassign connections to your profile before you can add more. This is not an easy task to undertake when you consider you will probably have over 4000 contacts to go through! This could be a full-time job! You may chuckle as you read this, but let me tell you I am speaking from experience! Yes, this happened to me. I did what I heard was the best thing to do be an open networker. I added everyoneand because of the "rules of the land of Facebook" it is now a lesson learned. One, I am happy to share with you. WHAT?! NO PROFILE PIC?: If someone doesn’t have a profile picture on their page, don’t just ignore them – send them a message asking them why they don’t have a picture up. You can leave them in “Awaiting Friend Confirmation” status by not clicking ACCEPT or IGNORE until you decide if they are someone you DO want to link with or not. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and some people just don’t know what they don’t know…so ask HWY and see what they say. 4. What do I do with my friend request!?! When you get to the point where you are nearing 3000 friends

on your profile page, a simple strategy to implement would be to begin to go back through your Friends and be sure you have assigned each one to a list. If you have not, why not? If you have, FANTASTIC! There may be more than 10 networks you are expanding. Along the way, you should be creating more Lists. Yes, it takes work, but the end result is UNEQUIVOCAL! You don’t have to guess who and why you know someone, for what reason you connected with them to begin with or how they found you. One of your lists might be “Twitter Follower” or “Following Their Tweets” so you can 3

associate who you converted from your COLD MARKET into your WARM MARKET. The same is true with any other social platform you are using. Create a list for those persons to be on so you know who overlaps where and why. When you come across someone who isn’t “listed” then : o Go to their Info Tab and see if you can recall how and/or why you decided to link with them o Search your Messages for communications the two of you have had o Read some of their recent Wall Posts o See how many Common Friends you have and WHO they are If none of this helps, then email them and get clarification on how you came about being connected. You might find a friendship begins…or a contract is negotiated from the connection. If you don’t connect so you can begin to relate, you shouldn’t expect any referrals. The above four ideas should assist in determining your reason for the original connection. I have found FEW occasions when I couldn’t figure it out… 5. Have an overload of friend suggestions but don't want to

offend anyone, then don’t click “IGNORE”! As you begin to develop and grow your network on Facebook you may also find it relevant time and time again to send a friend suggestion to your contacts. Don't be surprised when they, and others, reciprocate. This will fill your friend list fast! I have a few friends who send me suggestions almost daily. I had to send them an e-mail and ask them to pause until I was able to clean up my friend list because it was on overload and maxed out. They were very understanding and appreciative of this. I also appreciate their helping to grow my network. Let others know who you are looking to connect with and why, as well as the 10 networks you are working to fill. Many will happily assist you by providing more Friend Suggestions to those within their network and it will be people who meet your criteria. This is a powerful way to build a referral-based business. Woo hoo! Talk about taking the “work” out of networking (for you that is…). You can send the same message to friend suggestions as friend requests, but keep in mind that many of these people may not know there was a suggestion sent for the two of you to be friends. It all depends on whose page was accessed to suggest the friend. You may need to clarify who made the friend suggestion and why you are excited to connect. Let me give you yet another example of a message: Hey (name here), Thank you for the ongoing friend suggestions. I REALLY appreciate it! Right now, I am STUCK. I have over 900 friend requests, in addition to over 200 suggestions. My profile is maxed out - they only allow 5000, unfortunately. Please recommend your friends join my FanPage, TheNetworkingQueen.net until I can get caught up. Just have them use the Search Bar to type the name in and the Fan Page will appear – no spaces, though. Again, thank you!!! I am working hard to get through who to keep and who to MOVE to the Fan Page or my Group Page for Only3Degrees. Denai Vaughn, “The Networking Queen”


What To Do When 5000 Friends Find YOU on Facebook… TheNetworkingQueen.net 6. Relocate! Relocate! Relocate! If you have come to the point where you have 5000+ friends & fan

pages on Facebook, then instead of removing people, relocate them. Make a recommendation that they join your fan page, which you post to regularly, also. Encourage them to join a group page, because you recognize they also share an interest in health and wellness, for example. You will only be able to make these recommendations when you have visited the info tab on their profile, reviewed every word/column and/or read their group list. If you already know them, this might help you to realize which is the best fit. You do not want to have a message seem like it is generic. Doing so could get you removed as a friend faster than you can count to 10. Personalize it! Tell them specifically why you are making this recommendation and any other personal information you want to reiterate so they realize you took the time to learn more about them. They will want to take the time to learn more about you and suggest you to others. Here is a sample message you can tailor to meet your specific needs and send: Hey (insert name) – I would like to remain connected with you but as my profile page hit the 5000 capacity Facebook allows, I’m asking a number of friends to join my Fan Page. There we can remain connected and continue to build our friendship! I look forward to learning more about your (name of business, company, product, etc. here) and having the opportunity for us to chat further. You will find TheNetworkingQueen.net Fan Page is also filled with networking tips, plus ideas for use with Facebook and many other Social Media sites you might be seeking Success Strategies for. I simply ask you DO NOT promote your business on the Fan Page wall. This is reserved for persons whom we are confident in referring others to and as we get to know you, the third party validation is even MORE powerful. For our subscribers to see you are someone WE recommend, you will find the post to be much more rewarding! May your day be DYNAMITE, your week be WONDERFUL and your 2010 the year you are IN IT TO WIN!!! YOU ARE WORTH IT ~ Denai “The Networking Queen”


7. Has everyone friended you or are you still waiting for confirmation? Go through your friend list

periodically to see who has not confirmed your friend request. The best way to do this is to access “Edit Friends”. When you view your friends it will tell you "awaiting friend confirmation" in light gray just below their name. You can send these people a reminder to ACCEPT or IGNORE your friend request. You may also recommend if they choose IGNORE, you would like to welcome them as a fan or new member to one of your group pages. Send the links to the various pages in your e-mail. One word of caution, Facebook monitors “link sends” and if there are too many hyperlinks (websites) in your e-mails you will get a Warning Pop-Up. To ensure this doesn't happen, send these e-mails periodically. Scatter them out over a week or so verses ten in in one day. Refer to the Facebook help pages or simply search "spam" on Facebook if you need more information on that topic. Below, I am again providing you with an example of a message you might send to someone who has not yet confirmed your friend request. Hopefully after this, they will take action! Hey (insert name) I would like to be connected with you on Facebook but my profile page is about to hit the 5000 capacity the site allows. I’m asking all PENDING Friend Confirmations to select ACCEPT, OR if you choose IGNORE I welcome you to join my Fan Page (link here) so we can remain connected. I also noticed you have a blogtalkradio show. I have a show that airs on Thursdays and would love to have you join my Group Page, (insert link here). What is yours? I look forward to learning more about you and having the opportunity to chat further. I am sure we have much more in common than we realize, after all, “like attracts like”. YOU ARE WORTH IT ~ Denai "The Networking Queen"

As you can see, these seven tips aren't all that difficult to implement. It's a matter of determining what strategy to create, to follow, to act upon, and what to stick with verses not. As you develop your friends list on Facebook, expand your fan page, and grow the number of “groupies” in your group, take time to be INTENTIONAL and STRATEGIC, and NOT just “add anyone.” You won't have to worry about relocating, being on overload, or having friend request envy. When you take the time TODAY to implement what you have learned, you won't be doing as much clean-up tomorrow. And let me tell you, this takes a lot more time than I care to admit... had I known then what I know now - WOW! Would my Friend list look different. These strategies, tips, and information I am sharing with you would have changed how I first got started on Facebook. Now I am in the “What do I do now that I have 5000 friends on Facebook who found me?!” mode. Contemplating daily who stays, who relocates, why and how. And then there is the matter of whether or not I should hire someone to clean this up for me! Believe it or not, this is not easy work! Yet, the rewards far outweigh the pain. I have some AMAZING connections and it is working GREAT for me and my business!!! Let me know how this e-book has benefited you and your business, as well as the growth of your brand and YOU on Facebook. One thing is for sure, these seven tips are not made-up strategies. To make sure others are 6

What To Do When 5000 Friends Find YOU on Facebook… TheNetworkingQueen.net

set up for success on Facebook, I felt compelled to share. Reaching 5000 is easy to achieve when you know who you are looking for, why you need to connect with them, why they need to connect with you, and what the benefits will be. When someone lands on your profile page and requests to be a friend, you can determine if they are better suited as a fan thus your page is booming at the seams with over 5000 fans…effortlessly! Your groups will be growing leaps and bounds, as well! You have an opportunity to make all three flourish daily. Now get out there and go for it!!! Be on the lookout for more CONTENT-BASED e-books (no smoke and mirrors, no fluff) from Denai Vaughn, The Networking Queen. You can also visit TheNetworkingQueen.net, or check out NetworkingForMoreBusiness.com for more great tips, tricks, and techniques to use on Facebook, as well as many other social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. PLUS you’ll find Offline Networking Ideas for the live events you LOVE to attend (or loathe…but go anyways)! If you are a professional Network Marketer or even an MLM-newbie, visit TheNetworkMarketingDIVAS.com for FREE TRAINING, FREE LEADS, FREE MARKETING IDEAS and more. It is time for you to join the 3% - those earning over $10,000 per month. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Denai's skills and talents are capitalized upon each and every day by men & women around the world who seek to grow their business and minimize their bottom line. She is a woman who prides herself in connecting others with WHO they need to know WHEN they need to know them. Through strategic alliances and synergistic partnerships she continues to network with some of America's most loved and most amazing people, companies, and organizations. Many are impacting the nations! Social Media sites are popping up online daily, if not more often...so how do you decide the right one(s) for you? Tap into a resource who can direct you to the most successful sites, and give you advice for making online connections that WILL impact your bottom line. Learn how to market yourself and your business in new ways. Develop new ideas for growing your brand so you make this year your BEST YET! Be sure to listen to Only3Degrees on http://BlogTalkRadio.com/TheNetworkingQueen for more great tips plus a list of people YOU need to know!


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