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LEED For Existing BuiLDings upDatE
Shift to Performance Measurement. LORD Green Strategies’ Jon Gimber reports on the change. 16 prEcast/prEstrEED concrEtE association’s DEsign awarDs
Three Texas properties shine in the association’s 56th annual event. 18 with intErEst ratEs rising, c-pacE can hELp

Mark BoyEr proviDEs insight into this LittLE-known Financing prograM 20
FostEr + partnErs is aLL ovEr thE Map (in a vEry gooD way) 22 rEaL EstatE oF thE FuturE

Toronto goes BIG with Gesamtkunstwerk. 24 ovErLanD partnErs – rEshaping thE way wE think aBout architEcturE 26
By thE nuMBErs
cELL towEr LEasEs
– prisons anD thE DEath pEnaLty 27 thE sistEr citiEs prograM
James Kennedy explains why the long-term financial effect of small cells matters 28 rEconstructing thE rEaL EstatE BusinEss MoDEL
Contributing Editor Angela O’Byrne examines Under, Norway’s submarine restaurant.
The second installment in our series of the international relationships Texas cities develop and maintain – featuring Austin and Houston 32 aMazing BuiLDings – wonDEr oF thE sEa 34 thE architEcturE oF Frank gEhry

Jesse Wood makes the case for using document management software. 36
My karma ran over my dogma.
A pictorial tribute to the designer of some of the most spectacular and recognizable buildings in the world. 38 thE coLLEgE MinDsEt List
Our 8th installment of this 21-years-young look at the perspectives of today’s college freshmen. 39
LakE supErior statE univErsity’s List oF BanishED worDs in its 44th yEar (anD our 3rD instaLLMEnt) this Michigan univErsity sELEcts worDs that it wouLD prEFEr rELEgatED to thE past 39 waynE statE univErsity worD warriors
In its 10th year (and our 3rd installment) this Michigan school selects words that, having fallen into disuse, it would like to see returned to our lexicon. 41 thE history pagE – pa anD Ma FErguson
The 26th governor of Texas was impeached and convicted – so his wife took over 47 iMportant voicEs – MiLitary housing FunDing
Sinclair Cooper explains why it is critical to military readiness. 48 hErstory – aLicE, i’M gLaD i knEw ya’
Contributing Editor Rose-Mary Rumbley tells fascinating stories from/about this small South Texas town. 50
LEgaL viEw: Managing MEDicaL oFFicE BuiLDings 52 artchitEcturE – intiMatE DrEaMs
Attorney and Contributing Editor Anthony Barbieri examines HIPPA and other laws and how they impact managers.
Marc Chalme’s creates mysterious landscapes, still-lifes and figurative pieces.
The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else does.
The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else does.

On the Cover: Those Who Dream By Day
Marc Chalmé creates mysterious landscapes, stilllifes and figurative pieces. He has mastered his approach to these subjects. Perhaps one of the most impressive and notable aspects of his work is his handling of light, which is, at times, almost eerie; the light often seems to glow organically from within the painting and the viewer can nearly feel its warmth. The shadows and sense of depth are handled in such a way that the viewer is invited into the painting, into the room. This innate ability to understand the complexities of light and shadow, and render the subtleties with such talent, is exceptionally rare.
See more of his work on pages 52-53.