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onlIne mortgage advIsor reCently used an AI facial recognition tool to scrape over 300,000 geotagged pictures on Instagram to analyze the happiness levels of homebuyers in the U.S. and globally.
They collected a set of photos that featured various hashtags relating to having recently purchased a home, including #homeowner, #firsttimehomebuyer, and #newhome, and then used AI to discover the most dominant emotions displayed in the faces in every photo, allowing them to rank the most and least happy locations around the US and the world for homebuyers. Their key findings were that Atlanta is the unhappiest city to buy a home in America (with homebuyers 15.9% less happy than the national average on the happiness scale); that Miami is the second least happy (scoring 11.1% less happy than the national average); and that San Francisco is in close third (with 11%). The happiest city to buy a home in the US is Louisville, KY (with homebuyers 6.5% happier than the national average on the happiness scale).
The analysis was performed in August 2021 and considered two sets of Instagram posts: one was found using the hashtag #selfie and the other was found using hashtags relating to a recent home purchase, e.g. #homeowner. Every photo in our analysis was scanned with the Microsoft Azure facial recognition tool which analyzed and scored the levels of different emotions present. (The detectable emotions are anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral.)
See all the results around the world at: onlinemortgageadvisor.co.uk/blog/where-are-the-happiestnew-homeowners-in-the-uk and see the full list of US data here and download the maps here n
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