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Contents BY TITLE


Be Honest 17

Adler, Moshe

The Big Eddy Club 8

Alexander, Michelle

Bill Moyers Journal 24–25

Calegari, Nínive

Blood and Faith 28

Carr, Matthew


The Chicken Chronicles 14–15

Deneault, Alain


Color Me English

Diamond, Julie


Economics for the Rest of Us 11

Dodson, Lisa


Fatal Invention 27

Dower, John W.

A Field Guide to the Right


Duberman, Martin

The Indispensable Zinn


Eaklor, Vicki L.



Echenoz, Jean


Lightning 21

Fang, Lee


Living “Illegal” 33

Gardner, Lloyd C.

The Moral Underground 10

Gragg, Shelby

The New Jim Crow 2–3

Marquardt, Marie Friedmann

Offshore 26

McCarthy, Timothy Patrick

A People’s History of Poverty in America 22

Moyers, Bill

Queer America 9

Petrucha, Stefan


Phillips, Caryl


The Revolution That Wasn’t 29

Pimpare, Stephen


A Saving Remnant

Roberts, Dorothy



Three Kings


20 6–7 32

Rose, David

Tide Players 12–13

Steigenga, Timothy J.

Ways of Forgetting 34

Vásquez, Manuel A.

What the (Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right? 4–5

Walker, Alice

11 2–3 17

34 6–7

32 4–5 33 18–19 24–25 4–5

8 33 33 14–15

Williams, Philip J.


Womack Jr., John


Zha, Jianying


Zinn, Howard





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Praise for The New Jim Crow: Devastating. . . . ​Alexander does a fine job of truth-telling, pointing a finger where it rightly should be pointed: at all of us, liberal and conservative, white and black. —Forbes

Alexander is absolutely right to fight for what she describes as a “much-needed conversation” about the wide-ranging social costs and divisive racial impact of our criminal-justice policies. —Ellis Cose, Newsweek

Invaluable . . . ​a timely and stunning guide to the labyrinth of propaganda, discrimination, and racist policies masquerading under other names that comprises what we call justice in America. —Daily Kos

Many critics have cast doubt on the proclamations of racism’s erasure in the Obama era, but few have presented a case as powerful as Alexander’s. —In These Times

Carefully researched, deeply engaging, and thoroughly readable. —Publishers Weekly

[Written] with rare clarity, depth, and ­candor. —Counterpunch

A call to action for everyone concerned with racial justice and an important tool for anyone concerned with understanding and dismantling this oppressive system. —Sojourners

[S]tirring up much-needed ­debate . . . ​[a] powerful new book. —Ethan Nadelmann, The Nation

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The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Michelle Alexander

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R e cen tly Publ i shed  The “ explosi ve de b u t” (Kirk u s) f r o m a r isin g l egal star ar gu in g t h at we h ave not end ed raci al caste in A me r ic a: w E h ave simp l y r e de sign ed it

A troubling and profoundly necessary book. —The Miami Herald

Accolades for The New Jim Crow:

The New Jim Crow was initially published with a modest first printing and reasonable

Winner, Constitutional ­Commentary Award

expectations for a hard-hitting book on a tough topic. Nine-plus printings later, the hardcover edition is still the number-one bestselling book in a range of categories, including criminal law, African American issues, and discrimination & racism. In the era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. Yet, as legal star Michelle Alexander reveals, today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans. Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination—employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service—are suddenly legal. Featured on Tavis Smiley, Bill Moyers Journal, Democracy Now, and C-Span’s Washington Journal, The New Jim Crow has become an overnight phenomenon, sparking a much-needed conversation—including a recent mention by Cornel West on Bill Maher’s show—about ways in which our system of mass incarceration has

Silver Medal Winner, Independent Publishers Association Winner, Association for ­Humanist Sociology Award Finalist, Silver Gavel Award Finalist, Phi Beta Kappa ­Emerson Award Finalist, Letitia Woods Brown Book Award Published in February 2010 Hardcover, 978-1-59558-103-7 $27.95 / $39.50 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 304 pages Criminal Justice/Law

come to resemble systems of racial control from a different era. A longtime civil rights advocate and litigator, Michelle Alexander won a 2005 Soros Justice Fellowship and now holds a joint appointment at the Moritz College of Law and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University. Alexander served for several years as the director of the Racial Justice Project at the ACLU of Northern California, which spearheaded the national campaign against racial profiling. At the beginning of her career she served as a law clerk on the United States Supreme Court for Justice Harry Blackmun. She lives outside Columbus, Ohio. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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Suggested Word List Nouns Bigamy God Gravity Ivory Liberty Nature Philosophy Slavery Time Timex

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Plural Nouns Asians Baby seals Blacks Broccoli Children Gays Jews Muslims Native Americans Undocumented 窶ナmmigrants Whales Women

Verbs Gain citizenship Live Serve in the military Speak Vote Famous People Lyndon B. Johnson Abraham Lincoln Barack Obama Tony Soprano Woodrow Wilson Oprah Winfrey

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What the (Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right? A Fill-in-the-Blanks Game for the Rest of Us Shelby Gragg and Stefan Petrucha

P APER AC K OR IGINAL  The ulti m ate party game f o r o u r times—f il l in th e b l an k s as y o u p e er in to th e loony, laughable world o f th e Righ t

A new poll suggests that one in five Americans still believe President Obama is a    . noun —from What the (Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right?

After a long political season of listening to Glenn Beck’s loony rants, Sarah Palin’s off-kilter phraseology, and Rand Paul’s downright oddball elocutions, authors Shelby

Includes: • Reagan on Economics • A Tea Party Rally Speech • Palin Acceptance Speech • Inside a New Texas Textbook

Gragg and Stefan Petrucha were struck by an astonishing similarity to the beloved

• Death Panels

fill-in-the-blanks games of their childhood. And so the hilarious spoof What the

• Ode to Lou Dobbs

(Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right? was born. This laugh-out-loud parody invites readers to play a game of fill-in-the-blanks, creating fanciful sentences that would make any right-wing nut proud. From the roots of the rabid right (testing our knowledge of the McCarthy hearings and Richard Nixon’s Checkers speech), through the O’Reilly and Hannity ascendancy, and up to

• A Medley of Fox Commentators • The Ann Coulter Memorial ­Section

touches on the greatest hits and the most outrageous misses of contemporary con-

• Medley of Congressional Floor Speeches

servative rhetoric.

• Palin’s Resignation

the heyday of Glenn and Sarah, What the (Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right?

Including selections such as “The Ann Coulter Memorial Section,” “Ode to a Decider,” “A Beck Word Finder,” “Drill, Baby, Drill!” and “A Teabagger Fill-In,” here’s the ultimate impulse buy/graduation gift/stocking stuffer that will provide hours of cathartic and comic relief for weary liberals everywhere.

March Paperback, 978-1-59558-638-4 $12.95 / $15.50 CAN 5 3⁄16” x 8 3⁄8”, 128 pages with b&w illustrations throughout Humor/Politics

Shelby Gragg was born in the Bronx. A lifelong New Yorker, he is currently located in Boston. After working in publishing for many years, this is his first book. Stefan Petrucha has written twenty novels and scores of graphic novels. His most recent work includes the vampire novel Blood Prophecy, the non-fiction Paranormal State: My Journey Into the Unknown and the parody Harry Potty and the Deathly ­Boring. He lives in Amherst, MA. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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A Saving Remnant The Radical Lives of Barbara Deming and David McReynolds Martin Duberman

From th e awa rd-wi nni ng bi ographer a n d h isto r ian , a b r il l ian t du al b io gr ap h y o f t wo of t h e most fasci nati ng twenti et h -c e n tu r y gay p o l itic al ac tivists

Brilliantly researched and beautifully written, [A Saving Remnant] offers a timely lesson for contemporary activists who still dare to imagine—and struggle for—a more equitable and peaceful world. —Timothy Patrick McCarthy, Harvard University

By the time their paths first crossed in the 1960s, Barbara Deming and David McReynolds had each charted a unique course through the political and social worlds of the American left. Deming, a feminist, journalist, and political activist with an abiding belief in nonviolence, had been an out lesbian since the age of sixteen. The first openly gay man to run for president of the United States, on the Socialist Party ticket, McReynolds was also a longtime opponent of the Vietnam War—he was among the first activists to publicly burn a draft card after this became a felony—and friend to leading activists and artists from Bayard Rustin to Quentin Crisp. In this remarkable dual biography, the prize-winning historian Martin Duberman reveals a vital historical milieu of activism, radical ideas, and coming to terms with homosexuality when the gay rights movement was still in its nascent stages. With a cast

We Americans are on our way to becoming the world’s bullies, all the while the majority of us confident in our hearts that we are a well-intentioned people and therefore incapable of atrocities. —Barbara Deming in 1967, after returning from Vietnam

If the money spent on war were spent on welfare, we could create a paradise in this land . . . ​ only democratic socialism offers a peaceful alternative to the military-minded policies of both the Soviet and the America blocs. —David McReynolds in 1958, at age twenty-nine

of characters that includes intellectuals, artists, and activists from the critic Edmund


White and the writer Mary McCarthy to the young Alvin Ailey and Allen Ginsberg, A

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-323-9 $27.95 / $33.50 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 336 pages History/Gay & Lesbian

Saving Remnant is a brilliant achievement from one of our most important historians. Martin Duberman is Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus at the CUNY Graduate School, where he founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies. His many books include the memoir Cures: A Gay Man’s Odyssey and The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in biography. His awards include the Bancroft Prize, the Lambda Book Award, and an American Historical Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He lives in New York.


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The Big Eddy Club The Stocking Stranglings and Southern Justice David Rose

NOW IN PAPERBACK  A “ d azzli ngly repo r ted, su pr emel y el egan t” (Th e O b server) e xp o s é of race, in j u sti ce, and seri al m urd e r in th e D eep S o u th —Midn igh t in t h e G arden o f Good an d Evi l wi th an i nvesti gati ve edge —n o w w ith an imp o r tan t u p date [D]eeply fascinating . . . ​ a damning, shameful saga. —Cleveland Plain Dealer

A gripping and brilliant piece of reporting that both lays bare an appalling miscarriage of justice and exposes its origins in the tortured history of the South. I could not put it down.

A compelling legal drama and exposé of racism in the justice system.

—Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking

—Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Enquirer’s article about the book began, “You don’t know David Rose, but you will.”

About as good a piece of investigative reporting as you’re ever likely to get.

Residents of Columbus, Georgia—the setting for this true-crime book on a notorious

—Sunday Times (UK)

[An] engrossing blend of true crime, legal drama and acute ­exposé of racial antagonism. —Publishers Weekly

I have never heard a book talked about this much in all my years with the company. —Donna Sommer, Books-A-Million, Columbus, Georgia

March Paperback, 978-1-59558-671-1 $17.95 / $21.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 368 pages True Crime (Hardcover edition: 978-1-56584-910-5) Translation Rights: Anderson Grinberg Literary Management Available in the U.S. and Canada only

When The Big Eddy Club was first published in hardcover, the Columbus Ledger-

serial murder case and the broader issue of race and criminal justice in the American South—tried to stop the book in its tracks. They pressured Columbus State University and the local historical society to cancel the author’s speaking engagements, protested book store appearances, and posted comments denigrating the book on the Web sites of local papers. Meanwhile, the book was serialized on, named a finalist for the Investigative Reporters and Editors Award, and shortlisted for the 2008 CWA Gold Dagger Award for Non-Fiction. The author appeared on the BBC World Service, PBS’s Charlie Rose, Air America, and dozens of radio and TV shows across the country. Carlton Gary, the man currently on death row for the murders at the heart of The Big Eddy Club, came within three and a half hours of being executed in December 2009. Issued a reprieve on the basis of DNA evidence that mysteriously came to light thirty-one years after the murders, Gary has since been conclusively ruled out as the man responsible for at least one of the murders. Columbus’s District Attorney has indicated she intends to resist Gary’s attempt to get a new trial. Further stages in this extraordinary legal battle are due in the spring of 2011, just as the paperback edition of this riveting and shocking exposé is scheduled to appear. David Rose is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and has worked for The Guardian, The Observer, and the BBC. He is the author of five previous books, including Guantánamo (The New Press), and lives in Oxford, England.


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Queer America A People’s GLBT History of the 20th Century Vicki L. Eaklor A New Press People’s History—Conceived by the late Howard Zinn

PAPERBACK  A sweeping histo ry of m o der n GL B T A meri ca , f ro m t he early t wen t ie t h ce ntu r y through the c urrent fig h t f o r ga y marria ge

[Queer America] . . . inspires with its tales of how much difference gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lives have made. —Leila Rupp, University of California, Santa Barbara

Placing GLBT people at the center of the history of the twentieth century,   Vicki L. Eaklor’s Queer America: A People’s GLBT History of the 20th Century is a major new effort to popularize a long-overlooked chapter in the American experience. Written in the tradition of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, Queer America provides a decade-by-­decade overview of major issues and events in GLBT history including the Harlem Renaissance, changes in military policy, the Stonewall riots, organizations and alliances, AIDS, same-sex marriage, representation in the media, and legal battles. Eaklor brings the steady hand and perspective of an historian to the task of writing a sweeping work of narrative nonfiction that is both meaningful and relevant to all Americans. Queer America includes a rich array of visual materials, including sidebars highlighting major debates and vignettes focusing on key individuals. A timeline and further reading sections conclude each chapter; a full bibliography and black-and-white images enhance the text. Queer America is destined to become an indispensable resource for students, teachers, and general readers alike.

Combining political, popular cultural, literary, and artistic examples and stories, Eaklor gives us a fascinating account of our history. —Bettina Aptheker, University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of Intimate Politics

Lively . . . provides fascinating evidence that transformations in the social organization of gender and sexuality are central to American history and everybody’s history. —Jonathan Ned Katz, historian and   co-director of

Covering politics, law, society, and culture, this crisply written book promises “one-stop shopping” and delivers it. Highly recommended. —Margot Canaday, Princeton University, and author of The Straight State


Vicki L. Eaklor is a professor of history at Alfred University. She edited Steven ­Endean’s posthumous book Bringing Lesbian and Gay Rights into the Mainstream and is the author of numerous articles on lesbian/gay history and culture. Eaklor lives in Alfred, New York.

Paperback, 978-1-59558-636-0 $17.95 / $21.50 CAN 7” x 10”, 304 pages with b&w images throughout U.S. History/Gay and Lesbian Translation Rights: Greenwood Publishing Group Available in the U.S. and Canada only


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The Moral Underground How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy Lisa Dodson

NOW IN PAPERBACK  The untold story o f a sil en t mo vemen t f o r ec o n o mic j u stic e, a s f eat ured on M arketplace, i n The Bo ston G l o b e, an d in T h e Ame ric an P ro sp ec t

Lisa Dodson tracks a new civil disobedience [with] . . . ​ ­fascinating . . . ​wrenching ­stories. —Boston Globe

If only this book had been published in 2007. Then the hundreds of people interviewed by Lisa Dodson would have been able to pass along an important piece of advice: What’s good for business is not necessarily good for America. —Time

Important, encouraging ­reporting. —Kirkus

[A]n intriguing record of the ­economic crisis and how some are choosing to survive it. —Booklist

[A] fascinating, necessary book. —Corduroy Books

March Paperback, 978-1-59558-642-1 $17.95 / $21.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 240 pages Sociology/Economics (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-472-4)

A Book You’re Going to Want. —The Huffington Post

Called a “fascinating exploration of economic civil disobedience” by Publishers Weekly, Lisa Dodson’s stunning book The Moral Underground features stories of middle-class managers and professionals who refuse to be complicit in an economy that puts a decent life beyond the reach of the working poor. Whether it’s a nurse choosing to treat an uninsured child, a supervisor padding a paycheck, or a restaurant manager sneaking food to a worker’s children, these unsung heroes reach across the economic fault line to restore a sense of justice to the working world. Already selected as the “Writer as Witness” text to be read and discussed by the incoming Class of 2014 at American University, The Moral Underground is based on Dodson’s eight years of research and conversations with hundreds of Americans about the need to create ethical alternatives to rules that ignore the humanity of working parents and put their children at risk. The Moral Underground has been called “powerful” by The Weekly Sift, “the documentary tradition at its very best” by Pulitzer Prize–winner Robert Coles, and “inspiring” and “hard hitting” by Spirituality and Practice magazine, which wrote, “Dodson does a remarkable job of conveying the sense of deep unfairness that pervades the feelings of these individuals who are paid less than they need to live.” Lisa Dodson worked as a union activist, an obstetrical nurse, and the director of the Division of Women’s Health for the state of Massachusetts before becoming a professor of sociology at Boston College. The author of Don’t Call Us Out of Name, she lives in Auburndale, Massachusetts.


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Economics for the Rest of Us Debunking the Science That Makes Life Dismal Moshe Adler

NOW IN PAPER BAC K  The Ind ependent Pu b l ish er A sso c iatio n ’ s G o l d medal w in n e r , a book t h at Davi d Cay Johnston calle d “ a b r il l ian t ey e-o p en er ” b e c au se it tu r n s t h e con v en tio nal wi sd om about economic s u p side do w n Masterful. This delightful and entertaining book is for anyone who has ever puzzled over how economics as a discipline could have become so divorced from any real understanding of the economy. —Elaine Bernard, executive director, Labor & Worklife Program at Harvard Law School

“As entertaining as it is thought provoking” (Publishers Weekly), Economics for the Rest of Us shows how today’s dominant economic theories evolved, how they explicitly favor the rich over the poor, and why they’re not the only—or best—options. At a time when growing numbers of people are deeply anxious about the workings of our economy, economist Moshe Adler offers a lively and accessible debunking of the two elements that make economics the “science” of the rich: the definition of what is efficient and the theory of how wages are determined. The first is used to justify the cruelest policies, the second grand larceny. Why do contemporary economists consider food subsidies in starving countries, rent control in rich cities, and health insurance everywhere “inefficient”? Why do they feel that corporate executives deserve no less than their multimillion-dollar “compensation” packages and workers no more than their meager wages? Filled with lively examples from food riots in Indonesia to eminent domain in Connecticut and everyone from Adam Smith to Jeremy Bentham to Larry Summers, Economics for the Rest of Us offers a foundation for a fundamentally more just economic system and is written for anyone with an interest in understanding contemporary economic ­thinking—and why it is dead wrong. Moshe Adler teaches economics at Columbia University and at the Center for Labor Studies at Empire State College. His articles and editorials have appeared in the New

A Top 10 Business Book of the Year —Booklist

An invigorating new read . . . ​ with entertaining examples. —Too Much

Thoughtful arguments. . . . ​ This excellent book will add a controversial perspective on critical issues of our time. —Booklist

Highly recommended. . . . ​ A stimulating introduction to contested economic theory. —Choice

Reminds us of a basic, humbling fact that’s been forgotten in our market-obsessed world: there is really no such thing as “the economy,” there are only people. —Eric Laursen, co-author of Understanding the Crash

April Paperback, 978-1-59558-641-4 $17.95 / $21.50 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 240 pages Economics (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-101-3)

York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and Truthdig, as well as in the most prestigious academic journals. He lives in New York City. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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Tide Players The Movers and Shakers of a Rising China Jianying Zha

f rom th e celebrated author of Chi na Pop , S ix c ap tivatin g an d ey e-o p en in g p o r tr aits o f e n t repren eurs and i ntellectuals i n a r ap idl y tr an sf o r min g C h in a

Incisive, witty and eloquent all at once—[Jianying Zha is] a sort of female, Chinese Jonathan Spence.

Praise for Jianying Zha’s China Pop:

—The Nation

An eye-opening book. . . . ​Gracefully written and with a sympathetic but clear-eyed vision.

In Tide Players, acclaimed New Yorker contributor and author Jianying Zha depicts a new generation of movers and shakers who are transforming modern China. Through

—San Francisco Chronicle

half a dozen sharply etched and nuanced profiles, Tide Players captures both the con-

Perceptive. . . . ​What China Pop so brilliantly chronicles is the commercialization of China’s cultural world and the anxiety that change is causing in China’s intellectuals.

crete detail and the epic dimension of life in the world’s fastest growing economy. Zha’s vivid cast of characters includes an unlikely couple who teamed up to become the country’s leading real-estate moguls; a gifted chameleon who transformed himself from Mao’s favorite “barefoot doctor” during the Cultural Revolution to a publishing maverick; and a tycoon of home-electronic chain stores who insisted on

—The Christian Science Monitor

avenging his mother, who had been executed as “a counter-revolutionary criminal.” Alongside these entrepreneurs, Zha also brings us the intellectuals: a cantankerous professor at China’s top university; a former cultural minister turned prolific writer; and Zha’s own brother, a dissident who served a nine-year prison term for helping to found the China Democracy Party. Deeply engaging, lucid, and poignant, Zha’s insightful “insider-outsider” portraits offer a picture of a China that few Western readers have seen before. Tide Players is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand today’s China. Jianying Zha is a writer, media critic, and China representative of the India China Institute at The New School. She is the author of one book in English, China Pop, and five books in Chinese: three collections of fiction and two nonfiction books, including The Eighties, an award-winning cultural retrospective of the 1980s in China. She has published widely in both Chinese and English for a variety

China Pop: How Soap Operas, Tabloids, and Bestsellers Are Transforming a Culture Jianying Zha Paperback, $13.00, 978-1-56584-250-2

April Hardcover, 978-1-59558-620-9 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 224 pages Asian Studies Translation Rights: The Friedrich Agency Available in the U.S. and Canada only

of publications, including the New Yorker, the New York Times, Dushu, and Wanxiang. She lives in Beijing and New York. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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The Chicken Chronicles Sitting with the Angels Who Have Returned with My Memories Glorious, Rufus, Gertrude Stein, Splendor, Hortensia, Agnes of God, the Gladyses, and Babe A Memoir Alice Walker

P u lit z er Prize–wi nni ng noveli st, acti vist, an d sp ir itu al gu ide A l ic e W al k e r o f f er s a n ex tra ordinary account of a year i n th e l if e o f h e r f l o c k o f b ac k y ar d c h ic k en s: a s t ory of personal d i scovery, affi rm atio n , an d th e j o y s o f r el atin g to an imal s Who knew what would happen next? Who could guess? That I would fall headlong into a mystery. That I would find myself pulled into the parallel universe all the other animals exist in, simultaneous with us. In other words, before a couple of days had passed, watering and feeding the chickens, I had fallen in love with them. —from The Chicken Chronicles

For the past several years, on a farm north of San Francisco, the celebrated writer

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness Alice Walker Paperback, $15.95, 978-1-59558-216-4

Alice Walker has diligently cared for a flock of chickens. Over time, her blossoming relationship with “her girls” became a source of inspiration, strength, and spiritual discovery, and helped Walker connect more profoundly with her own past as a girl in rural Georgia. Walker has recorded this journey in The Chicken Chronicles, an extraordinary document of personal discovery, political commitment, and the joys of relating to animals. Each of Walker’s thirty-eight chronicles addresses her “girls” directly, sometimes from the intimate proximity of her yard, other times at a great distance, from her journeys to Bali and Dharamsala as a witness and activist for peace and justice. By turns uplifting and heartbreaking, The Chicken Chronicles is a new treat for Walker fans, a powerful touchstone for anyone seeking a deeper connection with the natural world, and a celebration of chickens everywhere! Alice Walker is one of the most prolific writers of our time, known for her literary fiction, including the Pultizer Prize–winning The Color Purple, her many volumes of poetry, and her powerful nonfiction collections. Her advocacy for the dispossessed has

The World Has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker Alice Walker, edited by Rudolph P. Byrd Hardcover, $25.95, 978-1-59558-496-0

April Hardcover, 978-1-59558-645-2 $21.95 / $25.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 160 pages Memoir Translation Rights: The Wendy Weil Literary Agency, Inc. Available in the U.S. and Canada only

spanned the globe. She lives in Northern California.


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Kindergarten A Teacher, Her Students, and a Year of Learning Julie Diamond with a foreword by Jules Feiffer

NOW IN PAPERBACK  In the trad i ti on o f Tr ac y Kidder ’ s Amon g S c h oo l c h il dre n , a bea utifully wri tten book that cap tu r es th e w o n de r o f th e k in der gar te n y e ar — Es s en t ia l read i ng for parents and t eac h er s al ik e [Diamond] has captured the world of the class—at times chaotic, always busy, usually inspired. —Los Angeles Times

Diamond’s book is an extraordinary resource for parents and teachers at all stages. It is honest and masterful, engrossing and unique. And it is utterly real. —Ruth S. Charney, co-founder of Northeast Foundation for Children and author of Teaching Children to Care

Highly informative. —Publishers Weekly

As a classroom insider, Diamond pulls back the curtain and allows parents and others a view of how an effective classroom actually works. —Library Journal

Hailed by renowned educator Deborah Meier as “a rare and special pleasure to read,” Kindergarten explores a year in the life of a kindergarten classroom through the eyes of the gifted veteran teacher and author Julie Diamond. In this lyrical, beautifully written first-person account, Diamond explains the logic behind the routines and rituals children need to thrive. As she guides us through all aspects of classroom life—the organization, curriculum, and relationships that create a unique class environment—we begin to understand what kindergarten can and should be: a culture that builds children’s desire to understand the world and lays the foundation for lifelong learning. Kindergarten makes a compelling case for an expan-


sive definition of teaching and learning, one that supports academic achievement

Paperback, 978-1-59558-348-2 $ 18.95 / $22.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 272 pages Education (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-171-6)

without sacrificing students’ curiosity, creativity, or development of social values. Diamond’s celebration of the possibilities of classroom life is a welcome antidote to today’s test-driven climate. Written for parents and teachers alike, Kindergarten offers a rare glimpse into what’s really going on behind the apparent chaos of a busy kindergarten classroom, sharing much-needed insights into how our children can have the best possible early school experiences. Julie Diamond has taught young children for over twenty-five years in a variety of settings, most recently in the New York City public schools. She has taught curriculum to graduate students at Bank Street and City College and also supervised dozens of student teachers for numerous New York City teacher training institutions. ­Diamond’s published work includes book reviews, short stories, and a critical analysis


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of education in Pakistan. She lives in New York City.

10/13/10 12:45 PM

Be Honest And Other Advice from Students Across the Country Edited by Nínive Calegari with an introduction by Neko Case

T h e n ewes t book from 826 Nati onal, the c el eb r ate d o r gan izatio n f o u n de d b y D ave E ggers an d Níni ve Cali gari , co-author s o f th e b e stsel l in g Te ac h e rs H ave It E asy — a much - n eeded add i ti on to the curr ent n atio n al c o n ve r satio n ab o u t o u r sc h o o l s 826 helps young people learn that language can be play, that work can be joyful, and that they themselves can be the inventors and caretakers of their world. I have seen it with my own eyes. 826 is a good thing in a world of bad things, and a good place in a world of hard ones. —Michael Chabon, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Amazing Adventures of kavalier & clay

Be Honest is the newest innovative publishing project from 826 National, the tutoring center founded by bestselling author Dave Eggers, now with branches in eight cities

Teachers Have It Easy: The Big Sacrifices and Small Salaries of America’s Teachers Daniel Moulthrop, Nínive Calegari, and Dave Eggers Paperback, $16.95, 978-1-59558-128-0

nationwide. Eggers’s co-founder Nínive Calegari, the former CEO of 826 National and a co-author of the bestselling Teachers Have It Easy, presents a riveting book full of surprising insights from young people who have a lot to say to their teachers. Be Honest presents the first-person stories of dozens of high school students from every ethnic group and financial bracket: a girl from an immigrant family is put in an ESL class even though her English is fluent; an African American boy talks about the social pressures that prevent him from asking his teacher for help; and a privileged private school student describes his transition to public school—and reports that he was able to learn more with the increased freedom it brought. Through these personal narratives, teachers and activists will learn an invaluable lesson: what the classroom looks like from the other side of the desk. Nínive Calegari is the co-founder of 826 Valencia, and the former CEO of 826

Fires in the Bathroom: Advice for Teachers from High School Students Kathleen Cushman Paperback, $16.95, 978-1-56584-996-9

May Hardcover, 978-1-59558-609-4 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 240 pages Education

­National. She is a co-author (with Daniel Moulthrop and Dave Eggers) of Teachers Have It Easy. She lives in San Francisco. Neko Case is an American singer-songwriter. Her album Middle Cyclone was released in March 2009. She lives in Tucson, Arizona. 826 National is a nonprofit tutoring, writing, and publishing organization with locations in Ann Arbor, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. It is the recipient of a 2010 Jim Henson Community Honor Award and a 2010 Innovations in Reading Prize from the National Book Foundation.

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The Indispensable Zinn The Essential Writings of the “People’s Historian” edited by Timothy Patrick McCarthy with an introduction by Alice Walker and an afterword by Noam Chomsky

P APER BACK OR IGINAL  a conci se and acc essib l e vo l u me o f th e se min al wr itin gs o f th e l a te Howard Zi nn, “ the hi stori an who made h isto r y ” (t h e n at io n )

We need to engage in whatever nonviolent actions appeal to us. . . . The history of social change is the history of millions of actions, small and large, coming together at critical points to create a power that governments cannot suppress. —Howard Zinn

When the historian Howard Zinn died in early 2010, millions mourned the loss of one of our foremost intellectual and political guides: a historian, activist, and truth-teller who, in the words of the New York Times’s Bob Herbert, “peel[ed] back the rosy ve-

Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky Noam Chomsky, edited by Peter R. Mitchell and John Schoeffel Paperback, $22.95, 978-1-56584-703-3

neer of much of American history.” Designed to highlight Zinn’s most important writings, The Indispensable Zinn includes excerpts from Zinn’s bestselling A People’s History of the United States; his memoir, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train; his inspiring writings on the civil rights movement; and the full text of his celebrated play Marx in Soho. Noted historian and activist Timothy Patrick McCarthy provides essential historical and biographical context for each selection. With an introduction from Zinn’s former Spellman College student and longtime friend Alice Walker and an afterword by Zinn’s friend and colleague Noam Chomsky,

A People’s History of Sports in the United States: 250 Years of Politics, Protest, People, and Play David Zirin Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-59558-477-9

The Indispensable Zinn is both a fitting tribute to the legacy of a man whose “work changed the way millions of people saw the past” (Noam Chomsky) and a powerful


and accessible introduction for anyone discovering Zinn for the first time.

Paperback, 978-1-59558-622-3 $19.95 / $23.50 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 432 pages History

Timothy Patrick McCarthy is Lecturer and Director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at Harvard University. He is a co-editor of The Radical Reader, Prophets of Protest, and Protest Nation (all published by The New Press). He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Alice Walker is the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Color Purple. She lives in Northern California. Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor emeritus of linguistics at MIT and the author of numerous books, including Understanding Power (The New Press). He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


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Ravel A Novel Jean Echenoz TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY LINDA COVERDALE Winner of the 2009 IMPAC Dublin Literary Award

NOW IN PAPERBACK  The i nternati onal b e stsel l er b y “ th e master magic ian o f th e con t emporary Fr ench novel” ( The W ash in gton Post ), p u b l ish ed to c o in c ide w ith th e h a rdcover release of hi s new novel , L igh t n in g Rarely has the difficult craft of storytelling been as well mastered.

Echenoz puts his enchanting imagination to work exploring the mundane, the curmudgeonly, the quirky. . . . ​[A] beautifully musical little novel.

—The Times Literary Supplement (London)

—The New York Times Book Review

[A] fascinating portrait of a musical genius, a strange and lonely character who was never at peace with himself. —France Today

An exquisitely written novel. —Kirkus

Winner of the world’s premier literary awards, as well as a French-American Foundation Translation Prize, Ravel is a beguiling and original evocation of the last ten years in the life of the musical genius Ravel, written by novelist Jean Echenoz. The book opens in 1927 as Maurice Ravel—dandy, eccentric, curmudgeon— crosses the Atlantic aboard the luxury liner The France to begin his triumphant grand tour of the United States. Ravel travels across America, playing in grand concert

Echenoz’s prose is stylish and delightfully soft-pedaled . . . ​ ­leaving the sensation of a life lived exclusively for the creation of art.

halls from Boston to Chicago to California, meeting luminaries of the day including

—Publishers Weekly

sartorially and socially splendid—and on his most successful compositions across a

Every word is perfectly placed; the writing is fluid . . . ​like a garment that fits beautifully even inside-out.

Stravinsky, Mahler, Bartók, Toscanini, Gershwin, and even Charlie Chaplin. In this “tiny miracle of a biographical novel” (Booklist), Echenoz captures the folly of the era as well as its genius, concentrating both on Ravel’s personal life—­ tumultuous decade. Illuminated by flashes of Echenoz’s characteristically sly humor, Ravel is not just a delightfully quirky portrait of a famous musician coping with the ups and downs of his illustrious career but a truly touching farewell to a dignified and lonely man going reluctantly into the night.

—Elle (Paris)

June Paperback, 978-1-59558-670-4 $14.95 / $17.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 128 pages Fiction/Literature (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-115-0) Translation Rights: Les Editions de Minuit Available in the U.S. and Canada only

Jean Echenoz won France’s prestigious Prix Goncourt for I’m Gone (The New Press). He is the author of five previous novels in English translation and the winner of numerous literary prizes, among them the Prix Medicis and the European Literature Jeopardy Prize. He lives in Paris. Linda Coverdale’s most recent translation for The New Press was Jean Echenoz’s Running. She was the recipient of the French-­ American Foundation’s 2008 Translation Prize for her translation of Echenoz’s Ravel. She lives in Brooklyn.


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Lightning A Novel Jean Echenoz translated from the french by linda coverdale

t h e Prix Gon c ourt wi nner’s m agni fi cen t p o r tr ait o f N ik o l a T e sl a, “ th e man w h o i nven t ed th e twenti eth century”

Echenoz is one of contemporary literature’s rare graceful magicians. . . . He might easily be located in the posthuman environs of Michel Houellebecq, Haruki Murakami, and the late Jean-Patrick Manchette. —Bookforum

Praise for Jean Echenoz: A writer at the top of his form . . . his style is, as usual, im­peccable, full of finesse and promise. — Le Monde

Drawn from the life of Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of his time, Lightning is a captivating tale of one man’s curious fascination with the marvels of science. Hailed by the Washington Post as “the most distinctive voice of his generation,” Echenoz traces the notable career of Gregor, a precocious young engineer from Eastern Europe, who travels across the Atlantic at the age of twenty-eight to work alongside Thomas Edison, with whom he later holds a long-lasting rivalry. After his

[O]ne of the best storytellers among the “serious” novelists of his generation. . . . Echenoz has shown that an attention to novelistic intrigue is by no means incompatible with an ­experimentalist impulse. —Context

discovery of alternating current, Gregor quickly begins to astound the world with his other brilliant inventions, including everything from radio, radar, and wireless communication to cellular technology, remote control, and the electron microscope. Echenoz gradually reveals the eccentric inner world of a solitary man who holds a rare gift for imagining devices well before they come into existence. Gregor is a ­recluse—an odd and enigmatic intellect who avoids women and instead prefers spending hours a day courting pigeons in Central Park. Winner of the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, Echenoz once again demonstrates his astonishing abilities as a prose stylist as he vividly captures the life of an isolated genius. A beautifully crafted portrait of a man who prefers the company of lightning in the Colorado desert to that of other human beings, Lightning is a dazzling new work from one of the world’s leading contemporary authors.

Running: A Novel Jean Echenoz Hardcover, $19.95, 978-1-59558-473-1

June Hardcover, 978-1-59558-649-0 $19.95 / $23.50 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 160 pages Fiction/Literature Translation Rights: Les Editions de Minuit Available in the U.S. and Canada only


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A People’s History of Poverty in America Stephen Pimpare a new press people’s history howard Zinn, series editor

NOW IN PAPERBACK  An “ excepti onally th o u gh t-pr o vo k in g an d tr o u b l in g” (C it y L im it s) h is tory of poverty i n Ameri ca, told th r o u gh th e ey es an d e xp er ie n c es o f th e p o o r t h ems elves [A] sympathetic social history that allows poor people, past and present, to tell their own remarkably similar stories. —Booklist

A concise and distinctive ­bottom-up history.

Stephen Pimpare has given the poor a voice that reveals not only the terrible want but the sharply punishing indignity of being poor in a culture that celebrates affluence. We need this book. —Frances Fox Piven, author of Poor People’s Movements

In A People’s History of Poverty in America, political scientist Stephen Pimpare brings

—Library Journal

the human lives and real-life stories of those who struggle with poverty in America

The voices of the poor give valuable insights into the experience of poverty.

to the foreground, vividly describing life as poor and welfare-reliant Americans


[A] deft and highly readable weaving of historical and contemporary material. . . . ​This is exactly the history that needs to be uncovered in America today. —Socialist Worker

June Paperback, 978-1-59558-672-8 $21.95 / $25.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 336 pages History/U.S. (Hardcover edition: 978-1-56584-934-1)

experience it, from the big city to the rural countryside. Prodigiously researched, A People’s History of Poverty in America unearths rich, poignant, and often surprising ­testimonies—both heart-wrenching and humorous—that range from the early days of the United States to the present day. Pimpare shows us how the poor have found food, secured shelter, and created community, and, most important, he illuminates their battles for dignity and respect in the face of the judgment, control, and disdain that are all too often the price they must pay for charity and government aid. In telling these hidden stories, Pimpare argues eloquently for a fundamental rethinking of poverty, one that includes both a more nuanced understanding of the history of the American welfare state, and a meaningful—and truly accurate—new definition of the poverty line. Hailed by Kirkus Reviews as an “illuminating history of America’s poor” and a “useful counter against those who blame the poor for their bad luck,” A People’s History of Poverty in America reminds us that poverty is not in itself a moral failure, but our failure to understand it may well be. Stephen Pimpare is the author of The New Victorians: Poverty, Politics, and Propaganda in Two Gilded Ages (The New Press). He teaches American politics and social welfare policy at Yeshiva College and the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. He lives in New York.


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Color Me English Migration and Belonging Before and After 9/11 Caryl Phillips

Cap tiv ating rumin ations on race, c u l t ure, an d i den t i t y i n a w orld f o rev er cha n g e d , by th e celebrat e d British Car ibbean w r i ter an d a u t h or o f t h e B o oker- s h ortl i s te d Crossing the River One of the literary giants of our time.

Praise for Caryl Phillips:

—The New York Times

With the elegance and maturity of a prize-winning author . . . Phillips lives, breathes, and masterfully teases into prose the singular dilemma of the outsider.

Born in St. Kitts and brought up in the UK, bestselling author Caryl Phillips has written about and explored the experience of migration for more than thirty years through his spellbinding and award-winning novels, plays, and essays. Now, in a magnificent and beautifully written new book, Phillips reflects on the shifting notions of race, culture, and belonging before and after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Color Me English opens with an inspired story from his boyhood, a poignant account of a shared sense of isolation he felt with the first Muslim boy who joined his school. Phillips then turns to his years living and teaching in the United States, including a moving account of the day the twin towers fell. We follow him across Europe and through Africa while he grapples with making sense of colonial histories and contemporary migrations—engaging with legendary African, African American, and international writers from James Baldwin and Richard Wright to Chinua Achebe and Ha Jin who have aspired to see themselves and their own societies more clearly. A truly transnational reflection on race and culture in a post-9/11 world, Color Me English is a stunning collection of writing that is at once timeless and urgent.

—The Boston Globe

[Phillips is] an insightful and sympathetic chronicler of race, British identity, and the immigrant experience. —The Christian Science Monitor

[Phillips] writes wonderfully crafted, deeply meditative treatises on the black experience in a global and historical sense. . . . ​ [He is] intellectual and reflective but always interesting and informative. —Quarterly Black Review

Caryl Phillips is the author of numerous works of fiction and


nonfiction. His novel A Distant Shore won the Commonwealth

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-650-6 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 320 pages Essays/Current Affairs Translation Rights: The Gernert Company Available in the U.S. and Canada only

Writers’ Prize, and his other awards include the Martin Luther King Memorial Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and lives in New York.


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Bill Moyers Journal The Conversation Continues Bill Moyers

Brea kth roug h conversati ons wi th one o f th e “ F if ty M o st I n f l u en tial P r o gr essive s o f th e Twen ti eth Century” ( The Nati on), in a stu n n in g c o mp an io n to th e E mmy A war d– w in n in g PBS ® seri es Bill Moyers has been and remains an essential voice in our national conversation.

Includes Bill Moyers’s ­conversations with:

—Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor, NBC Nightly News

Karen Armstrong Andrew Bacevich David Boies and Theodore Olson Grace Lee Boggs Ross Douthat and Mickey  Edwards Barbara Ehrenreich Louise Erdrich James K. Galbraith Nikki Giovanni Richard Goldstone Jane Goodall John Grisham Susan Jacoby Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot John Lithgow W.S. Merwin Michael Pollan Jeremy Scahill David Simon Jon Stewart E.O. Wilson Rev. Jeremiah Wright Howard Zinn

One of the highest-rated public affairs programs on public television, Bill Moyers Journal drew up to two million weekly viewers from 2007 to 2010. Through incisive, morally engaging conversations with some of the leading political figures, writers, activists, poets, and scholars at work today, the Journal captured the essence of the past three pivotal years in American life and politics, including the final act of the Bush Administration and the early years of Obama. Now, Bill Moyers Journal: The Conversation Continues brings this groundbreaking work to the page. From Michael Pollan, David Simon, and Jane Goodall to John Grisham, Karen Armstrong, and Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Moyers Journal: The Conversation Continues introduces the ideas that matter today—on subjects as diverse as the politics of food, race in the age of Obama, aging in America, the power of poetry, wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan, the conflict over gay marriage, and the fate of the American newspaper. With extensive new commentary from Bill Moyers—in the tradition of his national bestsellers A World of Ideas and Healing and the Mind—here is an unparalleled guide to the debates, the cultural currents, and above all the fascinating people who have so powerfully shaped the world we live in. Bill Moyers was a founding organizer of the Peace Corps, a senior White House assistant (and press secretary) to President Lyndon Johnson from 1963 until 1967, the publisher of Newsday, a senior news analyst for CBS News, and the producer of groundbreaking series for public television. He is the winner of more than thirty Emmy awards and nine Peabody awards. Among his bestselling books are Listening to America, A World of Ideas, The Power of Myth (with Joseph Campbell), and Moyers on America. He lives in New York City.

and many others June Hardcover, 978-1-59558-624-7 $28.00 / $33.50 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 528 pages Media/Current Affairs WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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Offshore Tax Havens and the Rule of Global Crime Alain Deneault translated from the french by George holoch

A pa radig m- shi fti ng new argument th at vie w s o f f sh o r e tax h aven s as th e p l atf o r m f o r t h e crimin al control of a large par t o f th e gl o b al e c o n o my

Daily financial transactions around the world are now calculated in trillions of dollars. Half the world’s money supply passes through or is kept in tax havens. This means that colossal volumes of trade are beyond the control of any national laws. —from Offshore Field Guide to the Global Economy Sarah Anderson, John Cavanagh, and Thea Lee Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-56584-956-3

A 2009 Government Accounting Office report revealed that two-thirds of the one hundred largest U.S. publicly traded corporations and largest contractors for the U.S. federal government had subsidiaries in countries generally considered tax havens. According to some estimates, fully half of the world’s wealth is held in offshore accounts, where it is largely beyond the scrutiny or control of governments or laws. Offshore reveals how a vast network of unregulated financial centers—from Luxembourg to the Cayman islands to the tiny Pacific haven of Nauru—has evolved

Globalization and Its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money Saskia Sassen Paperback, $19.95, 978-1-56584-518-3

into an enormous nether realm of drug and arms trading ungoverned by national


ominous than simple “tax havens” where financial elites and corporations must re-

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-648-3 $21.95 / $25.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 160 pages Economics Translation Rights: La Fabrique Editions

laws. Delving into the scandals, the financial structure, and the history of this hidden side of globalization, sociologist Alain Deneault depicts something larger and more side to protect their earnings. Instead, Offshore describes a global base of operations from which massive criminal enterprises and corrupt corporations operate freely and with impunity, menacing developing nations and advanced democracies alike. Published at a time when the world is fed up with financial shenanigans, Offshore is a fascinating and timely new book that presents a startling revisionist account of how the global economy actually functions today. Alain Deneault is a sociologist at the University of Quebec in Montreal. He is ­co-author of Black Canada: Pillage, Corruption, and Criminality in Africa. He lives in Montreal. George Holoch has translated more than twenty books, including The World According to Monsanto (The New Press). He lives in Hinesburg, Vermont.


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Fatal Invention How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-First Century Dorothy Roberts

A powerf ul n ew argument from a leadin g in te l l e c tu al th at exp l o r es h o w to day ’ s cut tin g- edge geneti c sci ence helps pe rp e tu ate in e q u al ity in a “ p o st-r ac ial ” A mer ic a

While embracing a racial ideology rooted in genetics, Americans are accepting a genetic ideology rooted in race that makes everyone responsible for managing their own lives at the genetic level instead of eliminating the social inequalities that damage our entire society.

Praise for Dorothy Roberts’s books: Killing the Black Body:

—from fatal invention

[M]onumental . . . ​an important contribution to the literature of civil rights, reproductive issues, racism and feminism.

A decade after the Human Genome Project proved that human beings are not natu-

—San Francisco Chronicle

rally divided by race, the emerging fields of personalized medicine, reproductive technologies, genetic genealogy, and DNA databanks are attempting to resuscitate race

Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly valuable.

as a biological category written in our genes.

—Kirkus Reviews

In this provocative analysis, leading legal scholar and social critic Dorothy Roberts argues that America is once again at the brink of a virulent outbreak of classifying population by race. By searching for differences at the molecular level, a new race-based science is obscuring racism in our society and legitimizing state brutality against communities of color at a time when America claims to be post-racial.

Shattered Bonds: Passionate, meticulously ­researched. —Ms.

obscured by the focus on genetic difference. Fatal Invention is a provocative call for

Roberts revels in raising the hackles of what she regards as a comfortably numb society that has for centuries treated people of color with a not-sothinly-veiled contempt.

us to affirm our common humanity.

—The Christian Science Monitor

Moving from an account of the evolution of race—proving that it has always been a mutable and socially defined political division supported by mainstream science— Roberts delves deep into the current debates, interrogating the newest science and biotechnology, interviewing its researchers, and exposing the political consequences

Dorothy Roberts is the Kirkland & Ellis Professor at Northwestern University School of Law and a faculty fellow at the Institute for Policy Research. She is the author of Killing the Black Body and Shattered Bonds. She lives in Evanston, Illinois.

July Hardcover, 978-1-59558-495-3 $29.95 / $35.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 512 pages Racial Discrimination/Biopolitics Translation Rights: The Robbins Office, Inc. Available in the U.S. and Canada only


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Blood and Faith The Purging of Muslim Spain Matthew Carr

NOW IN PAPERBACK  A New York Tim e s e d i t or ’ s c h o ice an d a m aj or n e w h i s t ori cal ex po s é of th e tra gi c fa te of M uslim Spai n , w i t h hau n t i n g re s o nan ce f o r t he pre s en t

Balanced and thoroughly ­researched history.

A fascinating account of perhaps the first major episode of European ethnic cleansing and, just as importantly, the story of the beginning of the conviction that “blood” matters more than belief; a conviction that led, in the end, to modern racism.

—Literary Review (UK)

—Kwame Anthony Appiah

A splendid work of synthesis. —The New York Times Book Review

Carr deftly narrates the complex events leading up to this littleknown but horrific episode as a warning against religious intolerance and xenophobia. —Publishers Weekly

Set against the vivid historical backdrop of Muslim Spain, Blood and Faith is celebrated journalist Matthew Carr’s riveting chronicle of what was by 1614 the largest act of ethnic cleansing in European history. In April 1609, King Philip III of Spain signed an edict denouncing the Muslim inhabitants of Spain as heretics, traitors, and apostates. Later that year, the entire Muslim population of Spain was given three days to leave Spanish territory, on threat of death. In the brutal and traumatic exodus that followed, entire families and communities were obliged to abandon homes and villages where they had lived for generations, leaving their property in the hands of their Christian neighbors. By 1613, an estimated 300,000 Muslims had been removed from Spanish territory. “Richly detailed” (Choice), Blood and Faith presents a remarkable window onto a

The Infernal Machine: A History of Terrorism Matthew Carr Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-59558-408-3

cultural oppression, and resistance against overwhelming odds that sheds new light on national identity and Islam at the start of the twenty-first century.

July Paperback, 978-1-59558-640-7 $19.95 / $23.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 368 pages History/Europe (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-361-1) Translation Rights: InkWell Management LLC Available in the U.S. and Canada only


little-known period in modern Europe—a complex tale of competing faiths and beliefs,

Matthew Carr is a writer, broadcaster, and journalist and the author of The Infernal Machine: A History of Terrorism and the acclaimed memoir My Father’s House. He lives in Derbyshire, England.


29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 28

10/7/10 4:33 PM

The Revolution That Wasn’t Mexico, 1910–1920 John Womack Jr.

A lea din g h is tori an of Mexi co reflects o n th e M e xic an Revo l u tio n o n e h u n dr e d y e ar s a f ter th e piv otal upri si ng

A feat of historical writing. . . . ​John Womack has an uncanny feeling for the infinitely complex strains of Mexico. —Carlos Fuentes, reviewing Zapata and the Mexican Revolution in the New York Review of Books

Praise for John Womack Jr.’s Zapata and the Mexican ­Revolution: [A] definitive study. —The New York Times Book Review

Almost all the accounts about the Mexican Revolution treat it as one of the great sociopolitical upheavals of the twentieth century, in which masses of Mexican people revolted against a tiny elite of feudal landlords, U.S. imperialism, and an ancient military dictator. In this pithy, paradigm-shifting history of Mexico from 1910 to 1920, celebrated historian John Womack Jr. invites us to reconsider the fascinating and

The best piece of narrative history that has been written about modern Latin America in any language. —Ernest R. May

complicated story of modern Mexico’s founding moment. In a deeply researched and vivid historical account, Womack brings to life the story of Mexico’s bloody armed contests for political power—struggles, he argues, that did little to alleviate the country’s gross inequalities and injustices, which remained mostly unchanged in the wake of the revolution. The Revolution That Wasn’t reveals that, although the so-called revolutionary forces declared they would reconstitute Mexico on democratic, liberal, and agrarian terms, no such revolution actually happened, then or in later decades. Published in time for the centennial decade of the Mexican Revolution, The Revolution That Wasn’t is an important reframing of a critical stage in Mexico’s modern history. John Womack Jr. taught Latin American and Mexican history at Harvard University from 1965 to 2009. Author of Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, he has retired to

Rebellion in Chiapas: An Historical Reader John Womack Jr. Paperback, $23.95, 978-1-56584-452-0

July Hardcover, 978-1-59558-646-9 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 224 pages History/Mexico

work on studies of industrial labor in Mexico, 1880–1950. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 29


10/13/10 12:45 PM

Mission Control: Veering to the Right

29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 30

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A Field Guide to the Right The Conservative Machine in the Age of Obama Lee Fang

P APER BACK OR IGINAL  What every ci ti ze n n e e ds to k n o w ab o u t th e su b te rr an ean w o r l d o f t ea pa rties, stealth lobbyi ng, junk sc ie n c e in stitu tes, sme ar c amp aign s, an d c orpora te front groups Few people out there have done more in-depth research, reporting, and writing on the post-Obama conservative movement than Lee Fang. A Field Guide to the Right goes beyond the headlines and explores exactly how this ideological movement operates. —Amanda Terkel, Senior Political Reporter, The Huffington Post

Before Barack Obama had even taken the oath of office after his historic victory, cadres of lobbyists, political hacks, oil tycoons, and right-wing politicians met to plan his political demise. The massive conservative infrastructure created by business groups beginning in the 1970s would not be sufficient, they concluded: in the age of Obama, something new—and bold—had to be done. Written by the blogger who was the first to report on the lobbyists who brought us the Tea Parties, here is a groundbreaking exposé of the plans to make America conservative again. A Field Guide to the Right dissects the rise of “patriot” hate groups, touches on the role of New York City’s most celebrated billionaire in financing the fodder for Glenn Beck and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and exposes how former Bush operatives and current trade association heads have cleverly adapted to crush Obama and progressive reform. For anyone interested in comprehending the new landscape of the conservative movement, here is an essential guide to the people, the money, and the strategies that make it tick. Lee Fang is a researcher for The Progress Report and at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. His investigations have been featured by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, CNN’s Rick Sanchez, the New York Times, the New Yorker, and the Huffington Post, among other news outlets. He lives in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Topics covered: • PR factories including Russo Marsh & ­Rogers—the firm that helped install Governor Schwarzenegger, build public support for the Iraq war, and is now orchestrating much of the Tea Party movement • Corporate front groups such as Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, and the Sam Adams Alliance, which launched the “grassroots” anti-Obama movement • Messaging from Sarah Palin’s Facebook posts to the coordinated conservative bloggers • Local political initiatives including the American Legislative Exchange Council, GOP voter-suppression firms such as Lincoln Strategy, and candidate schools GOPAC and the Republican State Leadership Committee August Paperback, 978-1-59558-639-1 $18.95 / $22.95 CAN 7 1⁄2” x 9 1⁄4”, 272 pages Politics


29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 31


10/13/10 12:45 PM

Three Kings The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II Lloyd C. Gardner

NOW IN PAPERBACK  The “ absorbi ng and o f te n pr o vo c ative” (Book l ist ) b ac k sto r y to America ’ s curr ent pred i cament i n the M iddl e E ast, with f r igh te n in g r el evan c e f o r t h e dis t an t prospect of peace and stab il ity in th e r e gio n to day Uncovering valuable new factual evidence, Gardner ably guides the reader through the perilous chess game that has played out in the region since World War II. —Kirkus

Anyone who wants to understand the roots of U.S. Cold War foreign policy and our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should ­begin with this fine book.

Gardner’s meticulous review and perceptive analysis provides a rich background for understanding what is unfolding today, and is likely to persist. —Noam Chomsky

In an account that Publishers Weekly calls “erudite, persuasively argued, and lucid,” one of our preeminent diplomatic historians draws a magisterial portrait of America’s ascent in the Middle East during and following World War II. From F.D.R. to L.B.J., Three Kings reveals a story of America’s scramble for political influence, oil concessions, and a new military presence based on airpower

—Christian G. Appy, author of Patriots

and generous American aid to shaky regimes in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, and Iraq.

Devastatingly effective.

Marshaling new and revelatory evidence from the archives, Lloyd Gardner deftly

—Andrew J. Bacevich, author of The Limits of Power

weaves together three decades of U.S. moves in the region to offer the first history of America’s efforts to supplant the British empire in the Middle East. From the early efforts to support and influence the Saudi regime (including the creation of Dhahran airbase, the target of Osama bin Laden’s first terrorist attack in 1996) and the CIAengineered coup in Iran to Nasser’s Egypt and, finally, the rise of Iraq as a major petroleum power, Three Kings is “a valuable contribution to our understanding of our still-deepening involvement in this region” (Booklist). As American policy makers and military planners grapple with the U.S. withdrawal

The Long Road to Baghdad: A History of U.S. Foreign Policy from the 1970s to the Present Lloyd C. Gardner Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-59558-476-2

from Iraq, Gardner uncovers the largely hidden story of how the United States got


Lloyd C. Gardner is the Charles and Mary Beard Professor of History at Rutgers

Paperback, 978-1-59558-644-5 $17.95 / $21.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 272 pages History/Middle East (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-474-8)

­University and the author and editor of more than a dozen books, including

into the Middle East in the first place.

The Long Road to Baghdad. He lives in Newtown, Pennsylvania.


29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 32

10/13/10 12:45 PM

Living “Illegal” The Human Face of Unauthorized Immigration Manuel A. Vásquez, Philip J. Williams, Timothy J. Steigenga, and Marie Friedmann Marquardt

A my t h - bus ting account of the tragedie s, tal es o f su c c e ss, an d amb igu itie s o f u n documen t ed i m mi grati on—the stories b eh in d th e o ver h e ate d r h eto r ic in th e n ews

What Part of “Illegal” Don’t You Understand? —Anti-immigrant protest sign

Today’s polarized debates over immigration revolve around a set of one-dimensional characters and unchallenged stereotypes. Yet the resulting policy prescriptions, not least of them Arizona’s draconian new law SB 1070, are dangerously real and profoundly counterproductive. A major new antidote to this trend, Living “Illegal” is an ambitious new account

The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and the Hard Place Judith Adler Hellman Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-59558-448-9

of the least understood and most relevant aspects of the American immigrant experience today. Based on years of research into the lives of ordinary migrants, Living “Illegal” offers richly textured stories of real people—working, building families, and enriching their communities even as the political climate grows more hostile. Moving far beyond stock images and conventional explanations, Living “Illegal” challenges our assumptions about why immigrants come to the United States, where they settle, and how they have adapted to the often confusing patchwork of local immigration ordinances. This revealing narrative takes us into Southern churches (which have quietly emerged as the only organizations open to migrants), into the fields of Florida, onto the streets of major American cities during the historic immigrant rights marches of 2006, and back and forth across different national ­boundaries—from Brazil to Mexico and Guatemala. A deeply humane book, Living “Illegal” will stand as an authoritative new guide to

Crossing into America: The New Literature of Immigration Edited by Louis G. Mendoza and S. Shankar Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-56584-895-5

August Hardcover, 978-1-59558-651-3 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 256 pages Sociology

one of the most pressing issues of our time. Manuel A. Vásquez is an associate professor of religion at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Philip J. Williams is the director of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. Timothy J. Steigenga is a professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University in Jupiter, Florida. Marie Friedmann Marquardt teaches religious studies and sociology at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 33


10/13/10 12:45 PM

Ways of Forgetting Japan in the Modern World John w. Dower

A s t un n in g rum i nati on on the hi stor ic al r e l atio n sh ip b etw e e n J ap an an d th e U n ite d St at es , f rom the Puli tzer Pri ze–wi nnin g h isto r ian

Praise for John Dower’s books: Embracing Defeat: [A] superb history of Japan’s occupation. . . . ​Dower brilliantly captures the louche, squalid, but extraordinary dynamic mood of the postwar years. —The New York Review of Books

Beautifully written and exactingly researched, . . . ​an outstanding example of narrative history.

As an imaginative scholar who knows Japan intimately, [Dower] goes far beyond the traditional focus on top people to address crucial questions of culture and psychology. —Asian Wall Street Journal on John Dower’s Japan in War and Peace

John Dower is not only our leading historian of modern Japan but also one of the most perceptive critics of American foreign policy. Embracing Defeat, hailed as “magisterial and beautifully written” by the New York Times Book Review, Dower’s definitive study of the American occupation of Japan, won every possible prize, from the Pulitzer and the Bancroft to the National Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. This new set of reflections looks at key twentieth-century moments in the rela-

—National Book Award Citation

tionship between the United States and Japan, focusing on Japanese perceptions of

Cultures of War:

the United States: how the Japanese saw Hiroshima, the American occupation, and

An unrelenting, incisive, masterly comparative study.

the changes in their own lives. We also catch a glimpse of Japanese attitudes toward

—Kirkus (starred review)

[A] provocative and expert treatment of the use and abuse of historical memory. —Columbia Journalism Review

August Hardcover, 978-1-59558-618-6 $24.95 / $29.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 240 pages History/Japan

their own war crimes. Finally, Dower offers blistering comments on George W. Bush’s attempts to justify the invasion of Iraq by citing Dower’s own work on the U.S. occupation of Japan. Ways of Forgetting is a fascinating and probing look at the ways in which we remember the tangled history between the United States and Japan and how that history is still invoked today. John W. Dower is professor emeritus of history at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His interests lie in modern Japanese history and U.S.-Japan relations. He is the author of several books, including War Without Mercy, Cultures of War, and Embracing Defeat, which was the recipient of numerous honors.


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10/13/10 12:45 PM

The New Press Bestselling Backlist



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Classic writings on urban education from America’s leading experts

Leading experts offer concrete strategies for dealing with race in schools

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The New Press Bestselling Backlist

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10/13/10 12:45 PM

The New Press Bestselling Backlist


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10/13/10 12:45 PM


The New Press Bestselling Backlist

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The New Press Bestselling Backlist


Studs Terkel

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The New Press Bestselling Backlist

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29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 40

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10/13/10 12:46 PM

The New Press Bestselling Backlist


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Index of Authors and Titles

1877 38 Adamson, Rebecca 37 Adler, Moshe 11, 40 Alexander, Michelle 2–3, 40 All Alone in the World 36 All That We Share 37 Ayers, William 35 Be Honest 17 Bellesiles, Michael A. 38 Berlin, Ira 42 Bernstein, Nell 36 Beyond the Bake Sale 35, 41 The Big Eddy Club 8 Big History 38, 40 Bill Moyers Journal 24–25 Blood and Faith 28 Bobo, Kim 37 Brewer, Rose 37 Brown, Cynthia Stokes 38, 40 Butler, Paul 36, 40 Caldicott, Helen 42 Calegari, Nínive 17, 35 Carr, Matthew 28 Chafe, William H. 42 Chesney-Lind, Meda 36 The Chicken Chronicles 14–15 Chitty, A.B. 37 Chomsky, Noam 41, 42 The Chomsky-Foucault Debate 41 City Kids, City Teachers 35 Cole, David 36 Collins, Chuck 37 Color Me English 23 The Color of Wealth 37 Coming of Age in America 41 The Consumer Society Reader 37 Crenshaw, Kimberlé 36 Critical Race Theory 36 Cushman, Kathleen 35, 41 The Darker Nations 38 Davies, Don 35, 41 Delpit, Lisa 35, 42 Deneault, Alain 26 The Devil in Dover 40 Diamond, Julie 16 Dodson, Lisa 10, 40 Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour 35 Dower, John W. 34 Dr. Seuss Goes to War 41 Duberman, Martin 6–7 Eaklor, Vicki L. Echenoz, Jean

29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 43

9 20–21

Economic Apartheid in America 37 Economics for the Rest of Us 11, 40 Eggers, Dave 35 Ellis, Catherine 42 The Essential Chomsky 41 Everyday Antiracism 35 “Exterminate All the Brutes” 38 Fang, Lee 30–31 Fatal Invention 27 Favreau, Marc 42 A Field Guide to the Right 30–31 Field Guide to the U.S. Economy 37 Fires in the Bathroom 35, 41 Fires in the Middle School Bathroom 35 Folbre, Nancy 37 Ford, Patricia 35 Foucault, Michel 41 Founders 38 Founding Myths 38 Framing Innocence 36 From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend 37 Frosch, Mary 41 Gardner, Lloyd C. 32 Gavins, Raymond 42 Geoghegan, Thomas 37, 40 “The Good War” 39 Gotanda, Neil T. 36 Gragg, Shelby 4–5 Gristle 40 Guitton, Stephanie 36, 41 Hard Times 39 Heintz, James 37 Hellman, Judith Adler 41 Henderson, Anne T. 35, 41 Herivel, Tara 36 History in the Making 38 Holt, Douglas B. 37 Hope Dies Last 39 The Indispensable Zinn 18–19 Invisible Punishment 36 Irons, Peter 36, 41 Johnson, Vivian R.

35, 41

Kindergarten 16 Korstad, Robert 42 Lebo, Lauri 40 Leondar-Wright, Betsy 37 Let’s Get Free 36, 40 The Lexicon of Labor 37 Lies My Teacher Told Me 41 Lightning 21

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Lindqvist, Sven 38 Living “Illegal” 33 Loewen, James W. 41 Lui, Meizhu 37 Mapp, Karen L. 35, 41 Marquardt, Marie Friedmann 33 Mauer, Marc 36 May It Please the Court 36, 41 McCarthy, Timothy Patrick 18–19 McChesney, Robert W. 42 Mexican Lives 41 Miller, Steven F. 42 Minear, Richard H. 41 Moby 40 The Moral Underground 10, 40 Moulthrop, Daniel 35 Moyers, Bill 24–25 Murolo, Priscilla 37 Murray, R. Emmett 37 The New Jim Crow 2–3, 40 No Equal Justice 36 Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer 42 Offshore 26 On the Commons 37 Other People’s Children 35, 42

Remembering Slavery 42 The Revolution That Wasn’t 29 Rich Media, Poor Democracy 42 Roberts, Dorothy 27 Robles, Bárbara 37 Rogers, Laura 35 Rose, David 8 Rose, Mike 35, 40 A Saving Remnant 6–7 Say It Plain 42 Schor, Juliet B. 37 The Skin That We Speak 35 Smith, Stephen Drury 42 Steigenga, Timothy J. 33 The Studs Terkel Interviews 39 The Studs Terkel Reader 39 Teachers Have It Easy 35 Teller-Elsberg, Jonathan 37 Terkel, Studs 39, 42 Thomas, Kendall 36 Three Kings 32 Tide Players 12–13 Touch and Go 39 Understanding Power 42 Vásquez, Manuel A.

P.S. 39 Park, Miyun 40 Peller, Gary 36 A People’s History of Poverty in America 22 A People’s History of Sports in the United States 38 Petrucha, Stefan 4–5 Phillips, Caryl 23 Pimpare, Stephen 22 Pollock, Mica 35 Powell, Lynn 36 Prashad, Vijay 38 Prison Profiteers 36 Protest Nation 38


Wage Theft in America 37 Walker, Alice 14–15, 42 Walljasper, Jay 37 Ward, Kyle 38 Ways of Forgetting 34 We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For 42 Were You Born on the Wrong Continent? 37, 40 What the (Active Verb) Is Wrong with the Right? 4–5 Why School? 35, 40 Williams, Philip J. 33 Womack Jr., John 29 Working 39, 42 Wright, Paul 36

Queer America 9 Race 39 Race to Incarcerate 36 Raphael, Ray 38 Ravel 20 Remembering Jim Crow 42

29821 New Press Spring 2011.indd 44

Yeskel, Felice


Zha, Jianying Zinn, Howard Zirin, Dave

12–13 18–19 38

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