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Mount Pleasant
Population: 4,899 100 Public Square • Mount Pleasant, TN 38474 931-379-7717 • MtPleasant-tn.gov
Mount Pleasant was once known as the phosphate capital of the world when brown phosphate rock was discovered in 1895 leading to a mining boom. Founded in 1824, Mount Pleasant is located in Maury County, south of Columbia. Today, downtown has several shops and restaurants. While there, explore three stories of artifacts at the Mount Pleasant History Museum and learn about the area’s past from the Civil War to the phosphate industry.
Parks & Recreation
Mount Pleasant has six parks with walking trails, picnic areas, and playgrounds. At Gardenia Clark Park there is a disc golf course and Gaga Ball pit. Rotary Park has a playground, picnic pavilion, and basketball courts, and Veterans Park has a walking trail and splash pad. The parks and recreation department hosts events and family fun nights throughout the year. For information go to: mtpleasant-tn.gov/park-events.
Organized Sports
• Mount Pleasant Youth Football and Cheer. Contact: facebook.com/mpyouthfootball • Mount Pleasant TN Dixie Youth Baseball, ages 4 -12, boys/girls. Contact: facebook.com/mpdixieyouthbaseball
City Services
The City’s Community Services Department provides trash pickup for residents and businesses. To receive city information and announcements text: MPCITY to 931-340-7700.
Bigsby Grey Civil War Monument, downtown Mount Pleasant
Photo: Maury County Visitors Bureau, visitmaury.com