THE GUIDE 2 11 2016 1

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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PA D Goodn gh n he Mo n ng Comm

February 11, 2016

In THE NEWS this ! deweek... i s n I See

See inside!

6 11, 201 February

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PAGE 6 February 11, 2016

The News & The Guide

IFAA offers Iowa youth $192,750 in scholarships Submitted by Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement

College-bound Iowa youth active in 4-H and/or FFA livestock projects and current undergraduate students may apply for $192,750 in scholarships available from the Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (IFAA). There are 68 scholarships available to freshmen entering any Iowa two or four-year, post-secondary institution this fall, 31 scholarships available to current undergraduates attending Iowa State University, one scholarship available to a graduate student in agronomy, plus an additional three scholarships available to either incoming freshman or undergraduates. Applicants must major in animal science or a curriculum in agriculture or human sciences that is related to the agriculture industry. Applications and additional information are available by visiting the Sale of Champions section of the Iowa State Fair’s website ( or by calling Harold Hodson at 515-290-8875 or Linda Weldon at 515-291-3941. Selection will be based on level of 4-H/FFA involvement in livestock and other agricultural project work, livestock exhibition and/or judging, scholarship, leadership and career plans. Applications for current undergraduate students must be postmarked by April 1, and applications for incoming freshmen must be postmarked by May 1. All materials should be sent to IFAA Winner’s Circle Scholarship, ℅ SGI, 30805 595th Ave., Cambridge IA 50046. Winners will be announced during the 2016 Iowa State Fair annual 4-H/FFA Sale of Champions on Saturday, August 20, an event sponsored by IFAA.

St. Patrick Church in Winthrop


Fridays’ Feb. 12, 19 & 26 March 4 - $8, 4:30 - 7:00 PM

Menu: Fish, Potato, Vegetable, Coleslaw, Roll, Drink, Dessert

Adults 10 - $4 Under age uts Call:

Volunteers are appreciated at Heartland Acres! Submitted by Heartland Acres Agribition Center

Volunteering is a great way to use skills, make new friends, stay active and make a positive difference. The list goes on for all the benefits of volunteering in communities. “It is especially true at Heartland Acres where volunteers will be the primary source of support for the coming summer season,” said Craig Johnson, Heartland Acres executive director. Over 900 hours of volunteer support helped the museum with activities in 2015. In many cases, volunteers gave 3-6 hours per week from April through September. During the 2016 summer season, which runs from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, volunteers cover 15 weekends, as well as providing Monday to Friday support throughout the year. Volunteer times are available to meet individual schedules. Activities accomplished by volunteers included school tours, working the admission gate, answering phones, light housekeeping, grounds maintenance, display care and setup, animal care and many other activities. These activities keep volunteers engaged, active and involved. Volunteering is the main source of support for the museum, allowing Heartland Acres to run as cost effectively a possible. As a nonprofit operation, Heartland Acres operates on museum admissions, event rental, grants, donations and sponsorships. “We continue to look for ways to fund operations and keep operational costs low by working with local volunteers,” said Johnson. To volunteer, visit the museum during business hours, fill out an application and find a time that will work with schedules and become a “Heartland Hand” today. Heartland Acres is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. For information call 319-332-0123.

Pictured: Mary Lou Harrison from Walker takes a break during one of many days of volunteering at Heartland Acres.

Below: Joseph Neumann, a student from Independence, begins preparing to clean a mid-1800s wooden sleigh, which was donated to Heartland Acres and is now part of the “Transportation in Time” exhibit.

ry-O For Car 935-3871 319

Fresh Fresh

homemade homemade chili and

chili and

delicious beef

delicious beef stew loaded stew loaded with vegetables. with

vegetables. Free Will

Scholarships Available


Free Will

Donation. 5 PM – 7 PM At The Fire Station


5 PM – 7 PM At The Fire


Station Orders To Go


Orders To Go


INDEPENDENCE Delivery FIRE Available! DEPARTMENT 113 4th Ave SE Independence, IA


FIRE DEPARTMENT As always, fresh delicious homemade chili and beef stew will be served piping hot. Meal includes milk, coffee, water, bread and a choice of a fabulous dessert. All proceeds will be used to purchase or replace river and ice rescue equipment. Come hungry and leave full; show your support for a group of dedicated firefighters.


As always, fresh delicious homemade chili and beef stew will be served piping hot. Meal includes milk, coffee, water, bread and a choice of a fabulous dessert. All proceeds will be used to purchase or replace river and ice rescue equipment. Come hungry and leave full; show your support for a group of dedicated firefighters.






INDEPENDENCE 319.334.3404 TuesdayFIRE February 17 DEPARTMENT 113 4th Ave SE Independence, IA 319-334-3404

Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications is offering three scholarships from $500-$1,000 to outstanding students.  Must be a high school senior, graduating in 2016.  The student, parent or legal guardian must be a customer of Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications. Applicants will be judged on the following:  Academic achievement  Extracurricular achievement  Work and/or volunteer experience  Future career goals 1. Public Power Scholarship ($1,000) 2. Powerline Program Scholarship ($500) 3. Telecommunications Scholarship ($500)

Visit for details and guidelines. Application deadline is March 1.

The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016 PAGE 7

2015 Iowa Hunting and Fishing License Sales According to the Iowa DNR, in 2015, Iowans purchased…


236,526 annual fishing licenses 5,212 three year fishing licenses (6,957 purchased in 2014) (16,439 purchased in 2013) 6,325 bonus line third fishing line 7,042 lifetime fishing license 1,145 seven-day fishing license 2,874 one-day fishing license 40,536 trout fee 45,254 outdoor combination hunting/fishing/habitat licenses


30,335 annual hunting licenses 74,804 annual hunting/habitat combination licenses 1,502 three-year hunting/habitat licenses - (2,002 purchased in 2014) - (6,356 purchased in 2013) 2,527 lifetime hunting licenses 28,557 habitat fees 25,889 migratory game bird fees 14,659 fur harvester licenses age 16+ 955 fur harvester under 16 670 fur harvester/habitat combination licenses

50,937 regular deer shotgun season 1 licenses 45,599 regular deer shotgun season 2 licenses 56,297 regular deer bow license 21,667 regular deer late muzzleloader licenses 9,549 youth season deer licenses 16,984 spring turkey season 1-3 licenses 15,226 spring turkey season 4 licenses 6,100 spring turkey bow licenses 5,455 spring turkey youth licenses


Regular deer applications by nonresidents 2,100 bow licenses 2,018 shotgun season 1 licenses 762 shotgun season 2 licenses 957 late muzzleloader licenses 11,549 preference points

Landowner licenses

32,577 regular deer licenses 28,924 antlerless licenses 5,336 spring turkey licenses In 2015, nonresidents purchased…


17,856 annual fishing licenses 2,098 seven day fishing licenses 11,778 three day fishing licenses 12,903 one day fishing licenses 4,954 trout stamps


14,321 hunting licenses 12,222 hunting/ habitat combination licenses 16,820 habitat fees 2,816 migratory game bird fees

y m l l i F T R A E H



OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2016 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

G N O S h t i w

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The Gary Weldon Show (2–3 pm) Singing your favorite songs from the 1940’s, 50’s, and 60’s Serving Refreshments and Snacks FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL







PAGE 8 February 11, 2016

American Heart Month Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and

women in the United States. Since February is American Heart Month, this is an ideal time to reflect on how well you are taking care of your body and your heart. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are two of the major risk factors for heart disease. Although some factors are out of your control, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. You are never too old- or too young- to take care of your heart. There are several things you can do to prevent high blood pressure. Maintaining a healthy weight by incorporating good nutrition and physical activity habits is key. Being

The News & The Guide

overweight can significantly raise your blood pressure. It is also important to avoid high levels of sodium, smoking, alcohol and stress. To prevent high cholesterol, eat a healthy diet that includes a variety of fruits of vegetables, and is low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Also, get plenty of physical activity. A minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week is recommended. See your doctor regularly, especially if you are at risk for these conditions or have already been diagnosed. Know your numbers and pay attention to your body. Start taking small steps every day to improve your heart health.

Auxiliary donates $7,000 to BCHC Departments

Now accepting scholarship applications for continuing education Submitted by Buchanan County Health Center

On Jan. 20, the Buchanan County Health Center (BCHC) Auxiliary Board of Directors donated $7,000 to go towards BCHC departmental needs. This donation was made possible through several fundraisers and gift shop sales. After reviewing grant requests, the Auxiliary Board designated $7,000 to the following departments and their requests: Lexington Estate, funding towards a wheelchair accessible indoor/outdoor swing; Specialty Clinic, funding of a workstation on wheels for visiting specialists; and Employee Health, funding of an indoor sharps disposal kiosk. Currently, the Auxiliary is accepting scholarship applications from those continuing their education in a human healthcarerelated field as a current college student, or as a student of non-traditional means. Three scholarships of $1,000 are available. Interested individuals may request an application at the BCHC registration office. Qualifying applicants may live in or currently work in Buchanan County. In addition, three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors through local Dollars for Scholars chapter. Applications are due by April 1. The Auxiliary looks forward to providing continued support BCHC and its initiatives, as well as those entering the healthcare field. For information about the BCHC Auxiliary, call 319-332-0905. Pictured above: Front row from left: BCHC Auxiliary President Bette Butler and Director of Long Term Care Angel Decker. Back row: Gift Shop Buyer Nancy Elliot, Specialty Clinic Manager Amy Van Scoyoc, and Employee Health Coordinator Dolly Rasmussen.

49th CRP signup underway

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced the 49th general signup for the popular Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). More than 800 contracts encompassing nearly 22,000 acres of general CRP expire in Iowa this fall and this is the first opportunity for landowners to bid land back into the general CRP since June 2013. Landowners have until Feb. 26 to make an offer. “Whether the goal is to bring back pheasants, plant woodland for long-term profit or improving water quality, the general Conservation Reserve Program is great for landowners and farmers who want to protect environmentally sensitive land,” said Chuck Gipp, director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This sign-up is expected to be very competitive and Iowa landowners will have to make the best offers possible to be accepted, said Todd Bogenschutz Upland Game Biologist for the Iowa DNR. Bogenschutz suggested that landowners should visit with one of the DNR’s private lands staff to explore all potential options. To contact a DNR wildlife biologist or forester to receive technical help or learn more about options available with the CRP visit Or, visit the local USDA office. Pheasants Forever also have staff available to assist Iowa landowners with the CRP

The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016 PAGE 9

Business & Service Directory

AUCTIONEERING EMMETT DONNELLY Auctioneering & Appraisal Service Certified Appraiser & Full-Service Marketing


AUTO SALES BIRDNOW Dealerships 1-888 Birdnow 1-888-247-3779 toll free Jesup, Oelwein, Monona, Cascade Chevy, Ford, Buick, Mercury, Pontiac, Lincolon, Cadillac We have NE IA Covered!

BROWN’S SALES & LEASING Guttenberg 1-800-747-1611 Elkader 1-800-747-2505

PINICON FORD Independence 319-334-6033 1-800-572-3110



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www.fawcettsfuneralhome. com


Masonry & Concrete Work Brick, Block & Stone All Types of Construction Ron Connolly 319-334-4623


Commercial • Residential • Poured Walls & Basements • Sidewalks & Driveways Independence 319-334-6754



FOOD McELROY’S MAIN STREET DELI Winthrop 319-935-3354

NANCY’S PIT STOP Food • Gas • Diesel Ryan 563-932-2020

WEE WILLYS Quasqueton 319-934-9301


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Winthrop & Lamont 319-935-3327


Independence, Quasqueton & Winthrop 319-334-2501


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HAULING PAUL YEAROUS TRUCKING Rock, Sand, Dirt, Decorative Rock, Lime Spreading 319-334-3033 319-934-3734



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Jane Priede, PT Joan O’Loughin-Good PTA

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563-924-2889 888-924-2889

FRANCK CONST., LLC Terry & Tyler Franck Winthrop, Iowa 319-934-3682




CONSTRUCTION INC. Commercial • Agricultural • Residential 319-334-4246

GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705


CONSTRUCTION, INC Concrete & Construction 9’ brick pattern walls Independence 319-334-9982

SCHROEDER’S CASH SUPPLY Dundee 563-924-2051


Real Estate & Insurance Independence 319-334-4329 319-334-7118

INSURANCE AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Winthrop 319-935-3213 800-619-4835


Independence 319-334-6066 We carry all lines of insurance

SMITH INSURANCE Lamont 563-924-2816 1-800-890-9419 Aurora 319-634-3737

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E.B. TELEPHONE Winthrop 319-935-3011


Tire Sales & Repair Auto • Implement Large Truck Winthrop 319-935-3098



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PHARMACY Independence 319-334-7171

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Independence Scrap Metal • Iron • Cars 319-334-6391 Cell: 319-464-4994

AERUS ELECTROLUX Beverley Sprague Winthrop 319-935-3248 Sales & Service

Include YOUR business or service!

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319-327-1810 319-935-3027 Email:

CI15-IA-67500-CFAL0-MANC0-NONE-NONE.pdf, CI15, You Know Your Farm..., IA, 6.7500 x 4.5, PDF, PAGE 10 February 11, 2016

The News & The Guide



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The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016 PAGE11

Participate in Independence Area Community Blood Drive Feb. 9 Submitted by BCHC

The Buchanan County Health Center (BCHC) Community blood drive will take place noon-5:30 PM Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the Buchanan County Senior Center, 400 5th Ave NE in Independence. The blood drive will be facilitated by Lifeserve Blood Center, the sole supplier of community based blood products to BCHC. Blood donation is safe and takes about an hour to complete. Interested donors may schedule an appointment by calling 800-287-4903 or by visiting Please bring a valid form of identification, such as a donor ID card or driver’s license to the donation appointment.

Escape to the "Good 'Ole Days" of bobbiesocks and poodle skirts In our 1950s Ice Cream Parlor. Widner’s is a MUST STOP when in Manchester.

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This was a short week in Des Moines due to the winter storm. Many legislators were not able to get to the Capitol until Wednesday afternoon, resulting in the lack of a full quorum for business until then. Even with a quorum, many committees were still unable to meet, and there was no debate of bills on the House Floor. The Agriculture Committee did pass out the renewable fuels tax credit extension, and sent that bill to Ways and Means. Our Rural Caucus is in unanimous support of the bill, as it is critical in the support for one of our strongest rural industries. The bill was identical to previous bills, other than an increase in incentive for the production of E-11 ethanol blends, which will expand the market for our corn producers. I used most of my time this week to focus on garnishing support for several bills I am running for constituents in my district. The house will be very busy for the next few weeks as we approach the end of funnel week. I also had the pleasure of meeting with multiple organizations at various legislative receptions. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the district. You can contact me anytime at or call at 515-281-3221.

High School Juniors Apply Now for FREE Youth Tour Trip to D.C. /Ĩ LJŽƵΖƌĞ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ ĂŶ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ŽĨ Ă ůŝĨĞƟŵĞ͕ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ ŝƚ͘ ĂƐƚͲ ĞŶƚƌĂů /ŽǁĂ Z ǁŝůů ďĞ ƐƉŽŶƐŽƌŝŶŐ ƚǁŽ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ŽŶ ĂŶ ĂůůͲĞdžƉĞŶƐĞͲƉĂŝĚ ƚƌŝƉ ƚŽ tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ͕ ͘ ͘ :ƵŶĞ ϭϬͲϭϳ͕ ϮϬϭϲ͘

Last week, a bill was introduced in the Iowa Senate to stop Governor Branstad’s unilateral decision to privatize Iowa’s Medicaid program. I’m supporting this legislation – Senate Study Bill 3081 – because many of my constituents tell me that the Governor’s plan tries to do too much, too fast, and it fails to protect vulnerable Iowans. There is no excuse for putting the health and wellbeing of more than 560,000 Iowans at risk. Specifically, the legislation directs the Iowa Department of Human Services to immediately terminate contracts with three private out-of-state managed care companies. As an alternative, the legislation calls on Iowa to continue improving patient outcomes, increasing access to care and making the existing public management of Medicaid more efficient. This common sense legislation is necessary because Iowa still isn’t ready – even after a 60-day delay – to implement a privatized Medicaid system operated by for-profit, out-ofstate companies. Since the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a delay in privatizing Iowa’s Medicaid system in mid-December, we have seen no evidence that state officials and private companies have taken the steps to ensure the health and wellbeing of Iowans receiving Medicaid services. The main concerns I’m hearing from constituents include: • Arbitrary and unrealistic implementation timeline; • Failure to establish adequate provider networks in advance; • Disruptions of longstanding patient-provider relationships; • Diminished quality and access to health care services; • Compromised patient care; and • Inadequate communication with patients and providers. You can review Senate Study Bill 3081 on the Iowa Legislature’s website at


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PAGE 12 February 11, 2016

The News & The Guide

The News & The Guide

COMMUNITY here for good.

February 11, 2016 PAGE 13

Approximately $117,000 available in grants for 2016



here for good. The Buchanan County Community Foundation & You

2015 Grant Story

<' ;3 ;,' +'2'839-;@ !2& =-9-32 3( $311<2-;@f1-2&'& -2&-=-&<!ÂŁ9T ;,' 311<2-;@ 3<2&!ধ32 -9 !#ÂŁ' ;3 #<-ÂŁ& 9;832+'8T ,'!ÂŁ;,-'8 $311<2-ধ'9 !$8399 <$,!2!2 3<2;@ ;3&!@T !2& -2 ;,' (<;<8'W ' <9' ;,' (<2&9 '2;8<9;'& ;3 <9 ;3 9<6638; 232683); 38+!2-A!ধ329 -2 ÂŁ3$!ÂŁ $311<2-ধ'9 !$8399 ;,' $3<2;@ ;,83<+, +8!2;1!0-2+W &&-ধ32!ÂŁÂŁ@T >' +-=' +'2'83<9 -2&-=-&<!ÂŁ9 ! ÂŁ3$!ÂŁ 36ধ32 (38 9<6638ধ2+ ;,' $!<9'9 ;,'@ $!8' !#3<; ,'8' -2 <$,!2!2 3<2;@W 3< $!2 +-=' ;3 !2@ 3( 3<8 (<2&9 38 $8'!;' @3<8 3>2 2!1'& (<2&W ,83<+, @3<8 +-Ä‘9T @3< $!2V ,'ÂŁ6 -1683=' $-;@ 6!809 !2& #-0' ;8!-ÂŁ9T 9<6638; @3<8 ÂŁ3$!ÂŁ )8' &'6!8;1'2;T 683;'$; ;,' '2=-8321'2;T 68'9'8=' ,-9;38-$ #<-ÂŁ&-2+9T 683=-&' ,'!ÂŁ;, !2& &'2;!ÂŁ $!8' ;3 ÂŁ3>f-2$31' (!1-ÂŁ-'9T '29<8' @3<;, ,!=' !$$'99 ;3 '28-$,-2+ 683+8!19T !2& 9<6638; 1!2@ 3;,'8 $,!8-;!#ÂŁ' $311<2-;@ !$ধ=-ধ'9W

2016 Grant Applications =-;!ÂŁ 6!8; 3( ;,' <$,!2!2 County Community

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Join Us For Our Grant Workshop ,<89&!@T '#8<!8@ ÂˆÂĽ (831 ˆVŠ‡ ;3 ‰VŠ‡ 6W1W 66ÂŁ-$!2;9 !8' -2=-;'& ;3 !ħ'2& ! +8!2; >3809,36 ;3 (<8;,'8 '?6ÂŁ!-2 ;,' +8!2; 683$'99 !2& +<-&'ÂŁ-2'9W ,-9 @'!8 >' ,!=' 9$,'&<ÂŁ'& 32' 9'99-32 !; ;,' 2&'6'2&'2$' <#ÂŁ-$ -#8!8@ 311<2-;@ 331 32 ,<89&!@T '#8<!8@ ÂˆÂĽ !; ˆVŠ‡ g ‰VŠ‡ 6W1W ÂŁ'!9' $32;!$; '88@ !<1'8 !; ;'88@+!<1'8|,3;1!-ÂŁW$31 38 ŠˆŽfŠŠ‹fÂ?‰Ž¤ ;3 38 (38 138' -2(381!ধ32 !#3<; ;,' >3809,36W 319-287-9106

638ধ32 3( ;,' 2'> 6£!@+83<2& '7<-61'2; !; ;,' 8!2&32 -;@ !80W

Brandon Area Community Club

Brandon Park Playground Equipment

Becoming a Donor

$115,981 in Grants Awarded to 26 Organizations in 2015

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February 11, 2016

Livestock master matrix adopted in 88 counties Once again, 88 of 99 Iowa counties notified DNR that they plan to evaluate construction permit applications and proposed locations for animal confinements by using the master matrix. Animal producers in these counties must meet higher standards than other confinement producers who also need a construction permit. They must earn points on the master matrix by choosing a site and using practices that reduce impacts on air, water and the community. With 11 exceptions, all counties will use the matrix during the next 12 months. The following counties will not use the matrix in 2016: Decatur, Des Moines, Fremont, Keokuk, Lee, Mahaska, Osceola, Plymouth, Wapello, Warren and Washington. Counties that adopt the master matrix can provide more input to producers on site selection,



The News & The Guide

the proposed structures and proposed facility management. Participating counties score each master matrix submitted in their county and can also join in DNR visits to a proposed confinement site. While all counties may submit comments to DNR during the review process for permit applications, counties that adopt the master matrix can also appeal approval of a preliminary permit to the state Environmental Protection Commission. The deadline for enrolling in the program is Jan. 31 of each year. Producers and citizens can obtain more information and view a map of participating counties at Only producers who must get a construction permit for a confinement are affected by the master matrix. Generally, these include proposed construction, expansion or modification of confinement feeding operations with more than 2,500 finishing hogs, 1,000 beef cattle or 715 mature dairy cows. Confinements are totally roofed facilities.

Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Buchanan County Emergency Management Commission The Emergency Management Commission of the above-named County will conduct a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2016/2017 budget as follows: Meeting Date: Meeting Time: Meeting Location:


2-23-2016 7:30 p.m. Courthouse Assembly Room At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of receipts and expenditures on file with the County Coordinator. Copies of the supplemental budget detail will be furnished upon request. County Coordinator Telephone Number: County Coordinator Name: 319-334-6411

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June 30, 2015

June 30, 2016

June 30, 2017





County Contribution





Other Revenues





Total Revenues (2+3)




100,050 111,586


EXPENDITURES: Administration and Operations




Capital Outlays





Total Expenditures (5+6)





Total Ending Fund Balance





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The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016 PAGE 15

Maquoketa, IA

Huge Flea Market Antique & Collectible Show



Public Notice

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors January 25, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 25, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the January 18th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the claims ďŹ led with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $241,062.30. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to accept the resignation from Michael Hudson, Assistant County Attorney, effective February 5, 2016. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the Easement Agreement between Buchanan County and Christopher A. O’Loughlin and authorize the Chairman to sign. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the 2015 annual report for the CertiďŹ ed Local Government and authorize the Chairman to sign. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to convert Ned Johnson’s longevity to wages to conform with the Buchanan County Employee Handbook. All in favor, motion carried. County Engineer, Brian Keierleber presented Federal bridge agreements on two county bridges. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following agreements with the Iowa Department of Transportation: Project #BROS-C010(97)--5F-10, on York Ave, FHWA 81770 at an estimated cost of $270,000 and project #BROS-C010(96)--8J-10, ON 235th St., FHWA 81940 at an estimated cost of $200,000. All in favor, motion carried. At 9:30 a.m. the Board proceeded to open bids for 2016 rock for 49,500 ton per division as follows: Bruening Rock Products, Inc., Decorah, Division I $9.739, $482,080.50 and Division II $9.739, $482,080.50; Paul Niemann Construction Co., Sumner, Division I $9.77, $483,615 and Division II $9.67, $478,665. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to award Division I to Bruening Rock Products, Inc. and Division II to Paul Niemann Construction Co. All in favor, motion carried. The Board met with Community Services Director, Julie Davison to discuss the proposed FY17 budget and the progress on the transition to regional services. Discussion was held regarding the decrease in staff in the department and increase in responsibilities for the remainder

of the staff. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to increase Julie Davison’s salary to $58,500 effective January 25, 2016. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second Gaffney to increase Laura Esch’s hourly rate to $23.88 effective January 25, 2016. All in favor, motion carried. No additional action was taken. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to recess until 1:15 p.m. All in favor, motion carried. The Board reconvened at 1:15 p.m. with all members present. The Board met with Jail Administrator, Russ West; Chief Deputy, Steve Hepke; and Sheriff, Bill Wolfgram to discuss the proposed FY17 budget requests. No action was taken. At 3:45 p.m. motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to recess until 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 26th. All in favor, motion carried. The Board reconvened at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2016 with all members present. The Board met with Roadside Manager, Sherlyn Hazen; County Recorder, Diane Curry; County Treasurer, Amy Wright; Conservation Director, Dan Cohen; IT Director, Ray McDonald; and Environmental Health/Zoning Administrator, Matthew Even to discuss their proposed FY17 budget requests. No action was taken. At 12:15 p.m. motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to recess until 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 26th. All in favor, motion carried. The Board reconvened at 1:00 p.m. with all members present. The Board met with GIS Director, James Quinn; County Attorney, Shawn Harden and Public Health Director, Amy Marlow to discuss their proposed FY17 budget requests. No action was taken. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to adjourn at 3:00 p.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Buchanan County Board of Supervisors January 29, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in special session at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, January 29, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The Board met with Engineer, Brian Keierleber to discuss his proposed FY17 budget request. No action was taken. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to adjourn at 9:50 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Claims paid the month of January 2016: 310 3rd St South, Serv .....1 2 0 . 0 0 Aable Pest Control, Serv ....5 5 . 0 0 Advance Auto Parts, Parts..2 5 . 9 9 Allen Memorial Hospital Corp, Serv ..................................3 1 3 . 0 0 Alliant Energy, Serv .......2 , 3 4 1 . 8 8 AltorferInc, Parts ............1 , 8 3 2 . 6 3 Anderson Erickson Dairy, Inmate


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Provisions .........................2 2 7 . 8 6 Appliance Plus Of Oelwein, Supplies ..................................2 8 9 . 8 9 Area Ambulance Service, Serv ............................... 1 , 11 2 . 0 0 AT&T, Serv..........................4 0 . 7 8 Aurora Plbg & Electric Inc, Repairs ..................................3 1 3 . 2 9 Aurora Public Library, FY16 Approp ...............................8 , 6 2 7 . 1 0 Aurora, City Of, Serv .....1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 B2b Computer Products, Supplies ..................................6 0 3 . 6 0 Bagbys Automotive, Repairs ..................................8 4 8 . 4 7 BankIowa, Fees ..................2 9 . 3 7 Barrier Group, Serv ..........9 0 0 . 0 0 Berns, Allan, VA Per Diem/Mileage Reimb ............................1 , 3 6 6 . 3 5 Black Hawk Co Sheriff, Serv ............................................7 9 . 2 8 Black Hawk Co Treasurer, Serv ..................................5 0 5 . 0 0 Black Hills Energy, Serv ...2 6 3 . 7 6 Black Strap Inc, Salt ......6 , 4 2 3 . 3 1 Booth, Richard, Well Plugging ...................................1 0 0 . 0 0 Brandon Water Works, Serv ............................................4 5 . 0 0 Brandon, City Of, Jurisdiction Funds.............................5 , 0 6 2 . 6 5 BreckeInc, Repairs ...........6 7 0 . 5 0 Bruening Rock Products Inc, Rock ..............................3 , 4 1 8 . 2 9 Buchanan Co Auditor, Serv ..........................................3 2 6 . 3 0 Buchanan Co Library Assoc, FY16 Library Serv ......................8 2 6 . 2 8 Buchanan Co Sheriff, Serv ..........................................5 0 0 . 0 0 Buchanan Co Wildlife Assoc, Dues .................................6 5 0 . 0 0 Burkhart, Tai, Phone/Mileage Reimb .................................2 6 . 6 2 Caldwell, Denny, Uniforms ..........................................2 3 0 . 0 0 Case Mngt Service, Serv ..4 9 9 . 5 0 Cashen, Ross, Repairs .....................................21,577.00 Central IA Water Assn, Serv ..........................................2 4 3 . 1 8 CenturyLink, Serv .............5 2 5 . 1 0 Chief Supply Corp, Uniforms.................................3 3 3 . 9 3 Citizen Herald, Publications ..........................................6 3 0 . 4 2 City Laundering Co, Serv .4 9 5 . 8 0 Coast To Coast Computer Products, Supplies ...................8 6 3 . 9 0 Coe College, Serv ............3 4 4 . 0 0 Cohen, Dan, Phone Reimb ..........................................1 8 0 . 0 0 Cone, Thomas E, Serv .....2 0 0 . 0 0 Consolidated Energy Co, Fuel..............................17,054.60 Coonrod Wrecker & Crane, Serv ...............................1 , 3 2 7 . 5 0 Co Conservation Directors, Dues ...................................4 0 . 0 0 Crump, Andrew J, Mileage Reimb .................................5 7 . 5 0 Cy & Charleys Inc, Repairs .............................10,495.67 Dash, Supplies .................1 2 1 . 8 0 Davis, Alex, Meal Reimb.....2 3 . 5 3 Delaware Co Sheriff, Serv ..2 0 . 0 0 Des Moines Stamp Co, Supplies ....................................2 8 . 7 0 Dons Truck Sales Inc, Parts ............................14,439.54 Dunlap Motors Inc, Repairs ............................................7 4 . 9 0 East Buchanan Telephone, Serv ..................................9 9 9 . 5 4 E Central IA Rec, Serv......8 4 4 . 2 7

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Esch, Laurie, Mileage Reimb ............................................1 0 . 9 6 Eschens Clothing, Uniforms ..........................................3 0 3 . 0 0 ESRI, Serv .....................6 , 9 5 2 . 8 8 Even, Matthew, Mileage Reimb .................................2 8 . 0 6 Evizzit LLC, Serv ..............7 8 0 . 0 0 Fairbank Public Library, FY16 Approp ............................. 11,753.30 Fairbank, City Of, Serv ..... 11 6 . 9 5 Fareway Foods, Inmate Provisions .................................2 1 5 . 3 6 Fareway Foods, Supplies ..........................................1 0 9 . 1 3 Farm & Home Publishers, Plat Books................................6 8 3 . 2 0 Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, Serv ..................................1 6 2 . 7 6 Fastenal Co, Parts ............2 2 9 . 2 2 Fayette Co Sheriff, Serv ...1 4 3 . 7 0 Fencl, Patricia, Mileage Reimb ............................... 11 7 . 8 8 Fillenwarth Beach, Regist ..........................................2 6 1 . 0 0 Franzen, Clair, Serv ............5 0 . 0 0 G & L Lawn Rangers LLC, Serv ...............................4 , 1 3 7 . 4 0 Gaffney, Ellen, Mileage Reimb ...............................3 7 0 . 8 8 Gaffney Quarries, Rock .......................................1 , 7 1 8 . 8 1 Galls-Quartermaster, Uniforms.................................3 8 4 . 8 9 Gissel, Gary, Mileage Reimb ...............................1 2 3 . 0 5 GrowmarkInc, Fuel ........6 , 9 6 2 . 5 2 Hamilton, Loren J, Mileage Reimb ...............................1 0 6 . 3 8 Hansen, Chris, Phone Reimb ...............................1 8 0 . 0 0 Hardware Hank, Supplies ...3 2 . 4 5 Hausers Water Systems Inc, Supplies ..................................3 4 7 . 9 0 Hawkeye Alarm Co, Serv....7 2 . 0 0 Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co, Serv .................................. 11 0 . 0 0 Hazleton, City Of, Utilities ..7 0 . 8 1 Hewlett-Packard Co, Equip .......................................... 11 0 . 0 0 Hobby Lobby Stores Inc, Supplies ....................................8 7 . 2 6 Hoffman Trustee, C Dean, Well Plugging............................1 0 0 . 0 0 Hughes Rentals, Serv.......2 0 0 . 0 0 Hulbert, Dave, VA Per Diem/Mileage Reimb ........................5 7 9 . 7 7 IACCBE, Regist ................4 2 5 . 0 0 ICEC, Regist .....................2 4 0 . 0 0 Independence Light & Power, Serv .............................10,102.53 Independence LP, Serv ....2 2 5 . 0 0 Independence Plbg&Htg, Repairs ..................................3 1 4 . 0 0 Independence Public Library, FY16 Approp .........................45,422.44 Independence, City Of, Tickets Reimb .................................1 5 . 0 0 Innovative Monitoring Systems, Serv ..................................1 9 2 . 0 0 ICAP, Insurance .........148,391.30 IA Co Recorders Assn, Dues .................................2 0 0 . 0 0 IDNR, Well Permit Fees ...1 2 5 . 0 0 IDNR, Serv .......................2 0 0 . 0 0 IA Ground Water Assn, Dues ............................................3 0 . 0 0 IA Public Health Assn, Regist ......................................1 5 5 . 0 0 ISAC, Regist .....................3 9 0 . 0 0 IA State Sheriffs & Deputies, Dues ...................................2 5 . 0 0 Jesup Food Mart, Bridge Opening .....................................2 7 0 . 1 6 Jesup Public Library, FY16 Ap-

prop .............................21,161.94 Jesup, City Of, Tickets Reimb .................................3 0 . 0 0 John Deere Financial, Supplies ...............................1 , 2 3 0 . 8 1 Keierleber, Brian, Meal Reimb .................................1 7 . 9 4 Kelly, Amy, Phone/Mileage Reimb .................................5 3 . 7 5 K Mart, Supplies .................1 2 . 4 7 Knapps Service, Parts ........8 3 . 7 9 Koohy, Mary, CPR Training ............................................4 0 . 0 0 KQMG Radio Services, Publications ..................................2 4 6 . 0 0 Kromminga Motors Inc, Parts ..............................1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 Kwik Trip Stores, Fuel.......2 0 5 . 8 5 Lamont Public Library, FY16 Approp ............................. 11,117.54 Legislative Services Agency, Supplies ....................................9 0 . 0 0 Lentz Construction Inc, Repairs ....................................2 5 . 2 0 Lexisnexis, Serv ...............1 5 6 . 0 0 Linn Co Public Health, Supplies ..................................3 0 0 . 0 0 Linn Co Sheriff, Serv ..........3 1 . 9 6 Lovewell Fencing Inc, Repairs ...............................8 , 1 5 0 . 0 0 LSI, Serv ...........................2 7 8 . 1 0 Maas, Michael, Phone Reimb ...............................1 8 0 . 0 0 Mac I Inc, Supplies ...........1 9 5 . 0 0 Manatts, Concrete .........5 , 6 8 9 . 5 2 Marco Technologies LLC, Serv ..................................2 9 3 . 8 7 Marion Police Dept, Serv ....2 5 . 0 0 Marlow, Amy, Phone/Mileage Reimb .................................9 7 . 3 5 Martin’s Flag Co Inc, Flags ..........................................3 1 2 . 1 6 Matt Parrott & Sons Co, Supplies ..................................2 9 3 . 5 5 McGraw, Kriss A, Shipping ............................................2 2 . 5 2 Medical Associates, Serv .......................................1 , 9 4 5 . 0 0 Meyer, Shellie, Serv..........2 2 5 . 0 0 MidAmerican Energy Co, Serv ...............................1 , 4 8 9 . 6 2 Mills, Karla, Mileage Reimb399.46 Mocic, Dues ......................1 5 0 . 0 0 Monkeytown OfďŹ ce Supply, Supplies ....................................7 9 . 2 9 Myers-Cox Co, Inmate Provisions ..............................3 , 4 8 0 . 9 6 Napa Auto Parts, Parts ..1 , 5 4 2 . 1 8 Natl Sheriff’s Assoc, Dues ..........................................1 0 9 . 0 0 Network Computer Solutions, Repairs ..................................2 5 0 . 0 0 Oelwein Glass Inc, Repairs ..........................................3 4 3 . 0 0 Oelwein Publishing Group, Publications ..............................9 0 3 . 1 5 Oelwein Veterinary Clinic, Serv ....................................2 6 . 0 0 OfďŹ ce Towne Inc, Supplies ..........................................6 2 9 . 8 7 Orkin Exterminating Co, Serv ............................................5 9 . 3 5 Paul Niemann Const Co, Rock ..............................8 , 1 4 5 . 0 8 Pheasants Forever, Seed ...6 6 . 0 0 Pinicon Ford, Repairs ....1 , 5 6 2 . 7 6 Power Plan, Parts ..........1 , 7 6 8 . 9 8 Print Express, Serv ...........5 7 2 . 6 0 Public Safety Center Inc, Supplies ..................................4 9 2 . 0 7 Quality Computer Service Inc, Repairs ..................................2 0 7 . 0 0 Racom Corporation, Equip ..........................................8 7 5 . 0 0 Radio Communications Co Inc,

Supplies ..............................4 7 . 2 3 Rasmussen, Ryan, Well Plugging ...................................4 0 0 . 0 0 Ricoh USAInc, Serv ............2 0 . 0 0 Rowley, City Of, Serv.....1 , 0 1 2 . 5 0 S & G Harviuex, Serv .........3 5 . 0 0 Schares, Michael, Well Plugging ...................................1 0 0 . 0 0 Schumacher Elevator Co, Serv ..................................3 3 4 . 3 5 Sebetka, Cathy & Blue, Well Plugging ...................................4 5 0 . 0 0 Shahriari, Daria T, Serv ....6 6 1 . 5 0 Sherrets, Larry, VACommExp ..................................2 5 . 0 0 Shonka, Don, Mileage Reimb ............................................8 6 . 2 5 Shred Master, Serv .............3 7 . 5 0 Sidwell Co, Serv ...............4 5 0 . 0 0 Signs & More, Uniforms......3 0 . 4 0 Simplexgrinnel, Serv......4 , 2 8 6 . 7 9 Spahn& Rose Lumber Co, Supplies ..................................1 6 5 . 0 1 Sperfslage, Roger/Shelley, Well Plugging............................1 2 3 . 6 2 Stanley, City Of, Jurisdiction Funds.............................3 , 1 7 9 . 0 2 State Hygienic Laboratory, Well Test Kits .........................1 , 4 6 9 . 5 0 Steil Welding, Repairs ...... 11 7 . 3 8 Stephenson, Karen, Mileage Reimb .................................7 7 . 6 3 Superior Cleaning Services Ltd, Serv ...............................3 , 4 0 0 . 5 2 Taser International, Supplies ..................................7 7 9 . 9 6 Temeyer, Louise A, Well Plugging ...................................2 6 7 . 8 8 Treasurer State of IA, Sales Tax ....................................1 9 0 . 0 0 Uniform Den Inc, Uniforms ..........................................1 0 6 . 9 4 Unitypoint Health, Serv .....7 7 3 . 5 0 US Cellular, Serv ...........1 , 5 7 3 . 9 3 Van Raden, Michael, Phone Reimb ...............................1 8 0 . 0 0 Van Wyngarden & Abrahamson Inc, Serv ........................... 11 3 . 0 5 Veridian Credit Union, Fees ............................................5 2 . 2 0 Verizon Wireless, Serv .....3 9 1 . 2 8 Verns True Value Inc, Supplies ..................................2 3 5 . 5 7 Visa, Supplies ................2 , 5 9 5 . 9 6 VohneLiche Kennels Inc, K-9 Training ................................16,393.72 Walmart, Supplies ............2 2 8 . 2 9 Waste Management, Serv .......................................2 , 5 9 1 . 8 7 Weber Paper Co, Supplies ..........................................1 6 3 . 1 6 Weible-Jones, Angela, Serv ............................................7 2 . 0 0 Welch, William J, VACommExp/ Mileage Reimb....................3 7 . 6 5 Whittle, Jeremy, Phone Reimb ...............................1 8 0 . 0 0 Wilson, Korey, Uniforms ...1 5 0 . 0 0 Windstream, Serv .............6 4 5 . 8 6 Winthrop News, Publications ..................................7 2 2 . 6 4 Winthrop Public Library, FY16 Approp .............................13,973.40 Winthrop Sales & Service Inc, Supplies ....................................2 7 . 2 2 Winthrop, City Of, Serv .......2 5 . 8 5 Wolfe, Ronald A, Mileage Reimb ............................... 11 5 . 0 0 Xerox Corp, Serv ................3 7 . 6 8 Zee Medical Service Co, Supplies ..................................1 2 2 . 5 8 Total ..........................491,046.61

Whenever people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government.


Thomas Jefferson


February 11, 2016

The News & The Guide


WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810 PANCAKE SUPPER Quasqueton Emergency Services Annual Pancake Supper, March 12, 4:30-7 PM. Quasqueton Fire Stapp1-4 tion. Serving pancakes and sausage.

BIDS Accepting bids for mowing Walker and Davis cemeteries. Contact for details: Patsy Neumeyer. PO Box 38, Walker, IA 52352 or Butch Neumeyer 563-920-4320. b 1-1

STOP WASHING YOUR LAUNDRY IN POLLUTED WATER! NEW magnetic technology gently cleans clothing without using chemical laden soap. Clothes are clean, fresh, and healthy. Essential for those suffering with allergies. Lasts up to 50,000 laundries. or 888-964-2692.


POLICE OFFICER: The Indianola Police Department is taking applications for the positions of Police OfďŹ cer. Applications can be obtained by visiting Application deadline 3/18/16 EOE

HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL CHS at Shipman, IL is seeking a qualiďŹ ed General Manager. This is a

multi-location Energy, grain, seed, and agronomy cooperative with sales of $260 million. Business degree and or successful agricultural business management experience desired. To Apply: - For more info contact Larry Fuller, 701-220-9775 or Email (INCN)

Large Northeast Iowa

FIREARMS-SPORTSMEN AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 19TH • 9:00 AM Buchanan County Fairgrounds • Independence, Iowa

Taking Consignments NOW . . . Will limit number of firearms per sale.

Statewide ClassiďŹ eds FOR SALE- MISC.

PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and ClassiďŹ ed Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you.

ers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and BeneďŹ ts! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-9350915 Ext 16 (INCN)


Independent Contractors! Now leasing 3/4 or 1 ton truck owners with 2-years towing experience. CDLA or Chauffeur license required. Deliver nationwide. Call 480-833-4000 x2 (INCN)

Bids reviewed for replacing City Hall furnace. Independence Plumbing, Heating & Cooling ($3,525) and Johnson Plumbing & Heating ($3,400). Motion Hesner, second Kress to approve bid from Johnson Plumbing & Heating. All ayes. Motion Myers, second White to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m. BILLS TO BE APPROVED FEBRUARY 03, 2016 COMPANY-PURPOSE-A M O U N T PAYROLL.......................9 , 3 5 6 . 7 0 PAYROLL TAXES .........2 , 7 6 7 . 5 4 I.P.E.R.S. .......................1 , 2 6 7 . 2 9 ALLIANT ENERGY-GAS & ELECTRIC ..............................4 , 2 4 0 . 8 0 ALTORFER-SNOW BLADE EDGE & BOLTS...........................3 3 9 . 2 0 BUCHANAN CO. TOURISMYEARLY DUES ...................6 0 . 0 0 CURTIS, SHAWN-WATER/SEWER LICENSE TRAINING ..3 3 0 . 0 0 EAST BUCHANAN TELEPHONE-PHONE/FAX/INTERNET ..........................................1 9 2 . 3 2 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO-WATER PLANT CHEMICALS ........4 7 8 . 0 0

INDEPENDENCE PLUMBINGDIAGNOSE FURNACE ......9 0 . 5 0 IOWA ONE CALL-UTILITY LOCATES ................................1 3 . 5 0 IOWA PARK & REC ASSOC-POOL C.P.O. TRAINING .............1 3 5 . 0 0 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL-TOOLS, SHOVEL, BELT, CABLE TIES, MISC. ...........7 7 . 2 8 KEYSTONE LABS-SEWER SAMPLING ..............................3 0 8 . 0 0 MONKEYTOWN-TIME CLOCK (POOL) .............................3 6 0 . 0 0 NORTHEAST IA REGIONAL LEAGUE-YEARLY DUES ...1 0 . 0 0 R.E.C.-STREET LIGHTS....9 9 . 2 5 STAPLES-PAPER TOWELS CITY HALL, PAPER................... 11 2 . 0 2 STATE HYGIENIC LAB-WATER TESTING .........................1 2 . 5 0 THE NEWS-PUBLISHING ..........................................1 6 2 . 5 0 UNITY POINT CLINIC-DRUG TESTING ALLIANCE YEARLY FEE.....................................3 0 . 0 0 U.S. POST OFFICE-WATER BILL POSTAGE ........................1 3 1 . 0 5 SEWER SAMPLING STAMPS (6 MONTHS) .........................3 4 3 . 6 8

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Public Notice

REGULAR MEETING OF THE WINTHROP CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 03, 2016 The Winthrop City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, February 03, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor, Gerald Dennie presiding. Council Members present: Melissa Hesner, Mark Kress, Ann Myers, and Lee White. Council member Leland Sprague was absent. Individuals present: Deputy Matt Cook, Deputy Alex Boby, Library Representative Janet James, PWD Shawn Curtis and City Clerk Mary Ryan. 2016 Committee Appointments assigned by Mayor Dennie. A complete copy of committee appointments may be viewed at the City Clerk’s OfďŹ ce, during regular business hours. Motion Myers, second Hesner to approve the Consent Agenda:

McElroy’s Liquor/Beer/Wine/Sunday Sales Permit, prior meeting minutes (January 06, 2016), current bills, and monthly ďŹ nancial report. All ayes. Deputy Cook provided law enforcement activity report and introduced new Deputy, Alex Boby. Janet James presented library’s activity report. Public hearing opened at 7:07 p.m. on Budget, ďŹ scal year 07/01/16-06/30/17. No oral or written comments were received. Motion White, second Kress to close public hearing. All ayes. Public hearing closed at 7:08 p.m. Motion Hesner, second Myers to approve Resolution 16-01, approving budget, ďŹ scal year 07/01/16-06/30/17. All ayes. Motion Myers, second Kress to approve Resolution 16-02, setting wages for ďŹ scal year 07/01/16-06/30/17. All ayes. Motion Kress, second White to approve installing new pump and valves at water plant, Pollution Control, $25,391.00. All ayes.

WASTE MANAGEMENT-GARBAGE/RECYCLING.......9 , 5 7 7 . 4 4 CITY HALL DUMPSTER ..9 2 . 0 0 WEX BANK-GAS-SNOW REMOVAL .....................................1 6 2 . 6 9 * * * * * L I B R A R Y * * * * * BAKER & TAYLOR-BOOKSPAST DUE INVOICES & CREDITS ....................................2 5 2 . 1 5 BOOKS ............................1 9 7 . 6 5 CONSUMER REPORTS-MAGAZINE ...................................2 0 . 0 0 DEMCO-BOOK LABELS ....3 4 . 7 3 ELLSWORTH PUBLIC LIBRARYBOOK .................................1 0 . 0 0 FOLLETT-CIRCULATION YEARLY SUPPORT FEE ................8 5 0 . 0 0 FRIENDS OF MARSHALLTOWN LIB. BOOK ..........................1 0 . 0 0 STAPLES-PAPER TOWELS-LIBRARY ...............................2 6 . 9 9 WALMART-OFFICE SUPPLIES ...................................6 . 6 8 PROGRAMMING SUPPLIESDONATIONS ......................4 4 . 2 9 WORKPLACE PRO-SUMMER RDG. SUPPLIES-DONATIONS...............................2 2 4 . 8 0 *******FIRE DEPARTMENT*******

BEST WESTERN-FIREFIGHTER TRAINING-HOTEL ...........2 9 1 . 2 0 WALMART-ANTI FREEZE .1 0 . 3 2 TOTAL BILLS TO BE PAID ............................32,426.55 TOTAL BILLS BY ACCOUNT: GENERAL .....................6 , 4 9 8 . 7 3 LOCAL OPTION TAX ...........0 . 0 0 ROAD USE TAX ............1 , 1 4 2 . 0 0 UTILITY .......................24,785.82 ................................................ TOTAL .........................32,426.55 ***ACCUMULATED COMP TIME*** 1/16/16 CURTIS 105 HOURS JAN. RECEIPTS WATER/SEWER/LANDFILL CUST. .....................................19,846.64 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX ................................5 , 8 3 9 . 8 4 BUCHANAN CO. PROPERTY TAX ................................2 , 0 1 8 . 0 9 ROAD USE TAX ............7 , 6 4 4 . 2 6 BUCHANAN CO.-LIBRARYALLOC. .....................................13,973.40 FIRE DEPT. DONATIONS .......................................1 , 1 2 5 . 0 0 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS .............................7 3 5 . 2 0 TOTAL .........................51,182.43

The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016 PAGE 17

Seed Treatment Course scheduled for February 24 Submitted by Buchanan Co. ISU Extension

Buchanan County will host a Seed Treatment Continuing Instruction Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators, Wednesday, Feb. 24. The program will be shown at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). The local attendance site is Heartland Acres, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Independence. Registration begins at 8:30 AM and the course runs 9-11 AM. The registration fee is $35 on or before Feb. 17 and $45 after Feb. 17. To register or to obtain additional information about the CIC, contact Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach at 319-3347161.

The course will provide continuing instruction credit for commercial pesticide applicators certified in categories 4 and 10. Topics to be covered include neonics in groundwater, seed treatments and pollinators, evaluation of seed applied nematicides on soybeans, seed treatment IPM, seed treatment stewardship, and seed treatment labels. Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered. Interested participants should bring their CCA number to the program. Additional information and registration forms for this and other courses offered by the PSEP team can be accessed at www.extension.iastate. edu/PSEP/.

URGENT CARE Office Hours

Monday Evenings 5-7PM Please call for an appointment.

Medical Associates of Independence 1100 First St. E., Independence


Duane D. Jasper M.D., F.P. Kurt A. House, D.O., F.P. Rick R. McCormick D.O. Bridget Paris, ARNP


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday



w No ing Hir

Electric Line Worker Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications is accepting applications for this full time position. Duties include construction, operations, maintenance and repair of overhead and underground electric Distribution and Transmission, CATV and Fiber-Optic systems. Position requires valid Iowa class A CDL, high school diploma or GED and vocational training. Drug and alcohol screening is required. EOE.

Send Cover Letter, Transcripts and Resume to:


General Manager Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications PO Box 754 Independence, IA 50644

Page 18 February 11, 2016

Know your numbers

Camp Courageous to raffle a classic 1966 Volkswagen Bug convertible

Make Their Day!

Send a Balloon Bouquet! Accepts MASTERCARD & VISA


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Camp Courageous, a year-round camp for individuals with special needs, is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a 1966 VW Cabriolet. The “mint” green car is the latest fundraiser for the camp, and can be best described as being in “mint” condition. The car is referred to as “Gracie,” a name given by her former owner. Raffle tickets are available for purchase at $25 each, two for $40 or three for $50 at camp or on camp’s website: After learning of Camp Courageous through the Power Wagon Community, “Gracie” was donated to camp by Michael Verst of Union KY in memory of his wife Karen. He purchased the car in 1999 and spent nine years restoring the “Bug Convertible” – even installing an automatic transmission after his

February is Heart Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States and in Iowa. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 26.6 million Americans have heart disease and more than 600,000 Americans die from it each year. The encouraging news is that 80% of heart disease cases can be prevented with lifestyle changes. “All heart disease risk factors can be lowered with a healthy diet and regular physical activity,” said Terry Meek, Health Systems Coordinator for the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention. Knowing your numbers is an important step towards preventing heart disease. For a heart healthy lifestyle, your numbers should be under the designated goals:

wife lost her leg to cancer. “Gracie” was officially presented to his wife on the 10th anniversary of her being declared cancer free. Karen and Michael enjoyed “Gracie” for five years, but, unfortunately, Karen lost her battle with cancer in 2013. Although difficult to part with “Gracie,” Michael describes his donation as this, “If I can help put a smile on someone’s face, it’ll be worth it.” Raffle tickets will be sold through Sunday, Sept. 25. The winning ticket will be drawn during the 2016 Pancake Breakfast. For information about the car, to have the car at an event, or to purchase tickets, call Charlie Becker at 319-465-5916 ext. 2100, or by e-mail at Visit for more details.

Risk Factor


Total cholesterol

Less than 200

Blood pressure

Less than 120/80

Fasting glucose

Less than 100

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Less than 25

Waist Circumference

Less than 35 inches for women; less than 40 inches for men Iowans should see a health care provider each year to determine their personal risk factor numbers. A medical provider may prescribe medications to help in lowering risk factors, especially for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high glucose. To learn more about risk factors and how to prevent heart disease, visit www. The CDC also has information on Heart Month and controlling high blood pressure at

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The News & The Guide

February 11, 2016

Century and Heritage Farm owners encouraged to apply for recognition

Page 19

Applications must be postmarked by June 1 to be recognized at Iowa State Fair Iowa Secre ary of Agr cu ure B Nor hey encourages farm owners o app y for 2016 Cen ury and Her age Farm Program sponsored by Iowa Depar men of Agr cu ure and Land S ewardsh p and Iowa Farm Bureau Federa on I recogn zes fam es ha have owned he r farm for 100 years n he case of Cen ury Farms and 150 years for Her age Farms Th s s he 40 h ann versary of he Cen ury Farm program wh ch was s ar ed n 1976 as par of he Na on’s B cen enn a Ce ebra on To da e more han 18 600 farms from across he s a e have rece ved h s recogn on The Her age Farm program was s ar ed n 2006 on he 30 h ann versary of he Cen ury Farm program and 837 farms have been recogn zed Las year 366

Cen ury Farms and 101 Her age Farms were recogn zed “These awards are an oppor un y o recogn ze he hard work and comm men by hese fam es ha s necessary o keep a farm n he same fam y for 100 or 150 years ” Nor hey sa d App ca ons are ava ab e on he Depar men ’s webs e a www IowaAgr cu ure gov by c ck ng on he Cen ury Farm or Her age Farm nk under “Ho Top cs ” App ca ons may a so be reques ed from Becky Lorenz coord na orof heCen uryandHer ageFarmProgramv aphone a 515-281-3645 ema a Becky Lorenz@IowaAgr cu ure gov or by wr ng o Cen ury or Her age Farms Program Iowa Depar men of Agr cu ure and Land S ewardsh p Henry A

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My Valentine “to-do” list: t a p : o r h o f e # 1. S p p o h S t f i ine & G r W e a Valentines Day is n w Wid ntastic bottles oyf IHooney Fa olate for m a B I G “to-do” at: st V-Day Choc 1 s ’ by r Ba o f ” s e i s e n Cute “O nior! u J r o f ” Stuffy “ y n n u F

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Wa ace Bu d ng 502 E 9 h S Des Mo nes IA 50319 Farm fam es seek ng o qua fy for he Cen ury or Her age Farms Program mus subm an app ca on o he Depar men no a er han June 1 The ceremony o recogn ze he 2016 Cen ury and Her age Farms s schedu ed o be he d a he Iowa S a e Fa r on Thursday Augus 18 n he P oneer L ves ock Pav on “Cen ury and Her age Farm recogn ons a he Iowa S a e Fa r are a grea ce ebra on of Iowa agr cu ure and he fam es ha care for he and and produce our food ” Nor hey sa d “I hope e g b e fam es w ake he me o app y and hen come o he S a e Fa r o be recogn zed ”


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See Insid

February 11, 2016

S n d

1892 Review 1892 County Review Est. Buchanan County Est. Buchanan

the troops icking it up for Showmobile days


to Appointees approved ILP&T Board of Trustees

Local veteran recalls

in regular session City Council met presiding and all The Independence Mayor Bonita Davis Appointments to Monday night with was except Dustin Dallenbach. Board of Trustees members present Light & Power (IL&P) Mayor Davis again the Independence a row. asked fourth meeting in addressed at the to the board. She is for appointments brought suggestions Gerald Stetler and Lance Fricke. Stetler Jan. the council to approve board whose appointment expired of the a current member board on Jan. 11. proposed to join the of the ILP Board of 1. Fricke was first Steve Elliott on the At the Dec. 28 meeting, current members his wish to retain group works Trustees expressed stated he feels the Elliott for term. next The board has plans board for the made vast changes. toward better service cohesively and has and is also working Chair Gerald Stetler’s future improvements Elliot and Board and pricing plans. 1, 2016. page 5. terms expired Jan. Story continues on

By Steven C. Smith

By Christine Dale Assistant Editor

pushing Time moves fast, moments aside remarkable obscuring in history and who par-ordinary people that ticipated in making history. resides Barbara Rothman Livat Prairie Hills Senior She ing in Independence. and has a cheery smile and a discerning gaze, by might be overlooked through one wandering those the sitting area with The gathered to watch RothRoth Price is Right. But man has an extraordinary


postings for Reduced weight limit four bridges approved

n Grant

Community Foundatio applications available

City to install new pump, water plant

2016 Copyright Copyright 2016

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some Rothman recalled ocof the “stunts” that performed Showmobile Units their by the curred during a at installations affected story. free time. During lived in Newark Army build-up resulting their At age 20, Rothman stop in Chicago, more and from the 1961 Berlin crisis evNJ, aching for something director warned THE NEWS own. She joined the and again during the Cuban Buchanan County sure By Kris Wilgenbusch, longing to be on her her Monday meeting, eryone, “Make of these Don initial dismay of make crisis. The success During their regular Gary Gissel, Ellen Gaffney, and U.S. Army to the you kids don’t to father was support- performances demonstrated Brian Keierleber Board of Supervisors mother, although her In had any trouble.” County Engineer to recent Her older brother a need for entertainment. down Shonka met with four bridges. Due ive from the start. While walking U.S. Army weight limits for in high school. 1963, the Third Chapthe following bridges discuss reduced served while she was had basic train traindetermined that Chicago streets with the was formed she Showmobile unit inspections, it was lower weight limits. as After enlistment, with pelle and their boyfriends, reAlabama, before enlisted men and women Newton Township, should be posted they were ing at Fort McClellan, at Fort Benja- with south of 325th Street, two women noticed because one -Thomas Avenue, 10 tons; taking advanced training She graduated performers.stateside, Rothman’s unit attention of to a lot Based Avenue, Middlefield Section 30, reduced other white. U.S. to ceiving min Harrison in Indiana. miles west of York was black and the common computer operator toured throughout the Eastern to de -250th Street, 0.14 reduced to 10 tons; de- couple a at the top of the last 23, the 1960s, it was not page 21. women, and worked perform for soldiers preparing Township, Section Story continues on perform- During Rothman and Chappelle deperform class that allowed So punch cards. part for Vietnam. The band, sight. the collating with and bus. by walking sorting she worked with ers and equipment traveled arrived cided to switch, each Rothman recalled Rothman laughed dismissed her despite Rothman said they typically evening other’s boyfriend. driver who stared men who largely the proud that she was by 3 PM and set up for as she recalled one The her skill but she was them. stayed overnight so intently, he hit a parked car. then to performance, mornmorn to the Buchanan to them later was, able to prove herself to audition on base before leaving in the director’s comment can now be submitted grant cycle. The In 1964, an opportunity Showmo2016 Grant applications Army Showmo ing. “You’ll get us killed!” occasion for Foundation for its (CST) April 1, for the Third U.S. performance, County Community Rothman took a Another memorable unit was in art applications is midnight In one memorable a can-can bile was announced. part as a backdeadline to submit when the in the following areas: back a awarded to projects Rothman was performing and flew Rothman was environment, were able to stop chance and obtained 2016. Grants are betterment, education, used her sewing when her shoe came loose in the Key West and they bus to watch the ground singer and and culture, community and human service. costumes while on offstage … hitting a general and get out of the the returned it skills to help mend the early manned be found on health, historic preservation head. She said he launch of one of application may the road. The online grant missions. website at www.buchanancc after the show. concept was soldiers] Gemini Story continues on page 5. The Showmobile Community Foundation’sannounced in June 2016. Completed “It was good for [the cared when the 10th (CST) will be developed in 1951 Grant recipients later than midnight to know that someone visit,” Barbara Rothman. Company was be submitted no Pictured, inset: to Special Service applications must funding. Rothman) enough about them appre units were be considered for page 21. appre- (Photo courtesy Sarah formed. Showmobile April 1, 2016, to Story continues on the Zorba the Greek said Rothman. Soldiers and rotated Top: Performing members produced in Japan World of Summer ciated it when unit Second U.S. with them. song from Wonderful Bell, Rita DiCarlo, through Korea. The made an effort to visit program in Kelly, Jacqui haphap Judi are what Army adopted the Barbara Rothman, “I always wondered them.” Eddie Grimes, 1955. pened to some of Sue Smith. singer Carolyn Porter, and The unit’s lead City Council approved Rohlfing drives a 3 meeting, Winthrop city water plant for At left: Daniel and Barbara During their Feb. was Anita Chappelle, at the (left), valves Porter and Essex, Carolyn pump to advertise member of The installing a new Bids were also reviewed for Rothman, in a gondola at a cost of $25,391. follows: Independence show. a group best known pollution control as “Eas- the Carnival in Venice Third United “Eas furnace in city hall and Johnson Plumbing the Billboard hit for replacing the & Cooling $3,525, Done.” (Period photos courtesy the bid from Johnson ier Said Than Show website, Plumbing, Heating Council approved former States Army Soldier Chappelle was a & Heating $3,400. in with all ayes. page 21. Marine who enlisted Plumbing & Heating Story continues on the Army in 1964.


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February 4, 2016


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Local pork producers earn Iowa Pork Producers Association recognition

Caucus results

75 Cents

Tickets punched!

Information/Photos submitted by the Iowa Pork Producers Association

Iowa voters crowded caucus locations in record numbers Monday night. Statewide, the candidates winning one of the top tickets to the next round on the Republican side are Ted Cruz 27.7%, Donald Trump 24.3%,, Marco Rubio 23.1%, Ben Carson 9.3%, Rand Paul 4.5%, and Jeb Bush 2.8%. The Democrat caucuses resulted in Hillary Clinton at 49.9% and Bernie Sanders 49.6%, in a dead heat. Martin O’Malley garnered just .6%, and has suspended his campaign. In Buchanan County, the Republican results are Cruz 36.8% (308 votes), Trump 25.9% (217 votes), Rubio 13.1% (110 votes), Carson 9.8% (82 votes), Paul 4.2% (35 votes). Buchanan County Democrats results showed Clinton with 52.5% and Sanders with 47.5% support from caucus goers. Candidates and their followers left Des Moines during the night, both to beat the impending snow and ice storm and to begin a week of heavy campaigning leading up to the next contest, the New Hampshire primary, on Feb. 9.

Holly Cook of Winthrop was named the 2016 Iowa Pork Queen on Jan. 27 by the Iowa Pork Producers Association (IPPA) at the 44th annual Iowa Pork Congress. In addition, Keith Wilgenbusch, also of Winthrop, was named a 2015 Master Pork Producer, and Bill Steenstra, Independence, was named a Master Pork Partner.

Supervisors discuss FY2017 budget

week before Entering the home stretch a U.S. Senator the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, both Senator Ted and nt Vermo Bernie Sanders of and Acres in Cruz of Texas spoke at Heartl ce. Independen


By Steven C. Smith

stop Senator Joni Ernst made a 23 in Buchanan County on Jan. tour. as part of her 99-county ining Mach r Geate visited Ernst ) and Manufacturing, Co (GMM any in Independence. The comp ning, machi ion precis has supplied ation, finishing, sheet metal fabric tions assembly and finishing opera and for aerospace, electronics since other high-tech companies “onea as itself 1962. GMM prides y of stop-shop offering a variet sses secondary manufacturing proce to send that help eliminate the need to parts ated fabric and ned machi multiple vendors.” bed CEO Jerry Bitterman descri ing the company’s growth to becom yer the largest manufacturing emplo GMM y; Count nan in Bucha After now employs 243 people. tment being awarded Iowa Depar nt tax of Economic Developme Quality incentives through the High leted Jobs program, GMM comp y in an expansion to its facilit t projec The 2012. in ce Independen 25,000 included an additional nery square feet and added machi a $5.9 and equipment, representing million capital investment. , vice Meier Joe and Bitterman both president of GMM operations,

Jane, next to background is Sanders’ wife Randy Miller. Independence Police Chief lican Repub oon, aftern ay On Mond ents were, candidate Cruz’s opening comm lied to you?” ians politic ington Wash “Have

Master Pork Producer Award The 2015 class of Master Pork Producers were formally introduced at the event. The select group of 10 hog farmers, or production company employees, were recognized by their peers for excellence in pork production. A slide show highlighting each new Master Pork Producer’s operation was shown and a brass belt buckle and certificate of achievement were presented to each producer. Wilgenbusch, who has raised pigs for 20 years, owns and manages an 850sow farrow-to-finish farm. He marketed 3,500 head to Tyson and Farmland in 2014. He also sold an additional 20,000 weaned pigs to other area producers. He operates a 50-head cow-calf herd with his brother and also farms 80 acres of row crops. Story continues on page 5.

See Inside!

board Concern expressed over IL&P,T ons rati ibe del nt tme oin app


Lamont church destroyed by fire

icking it u Local veteran

p for the

recalls Showm


obile days

Appointees ap ILP&T Board ofproved to Trustees


ing a expressed an interest in attract bed trained workforce. Meier descri ive, GMM’s School Outreach Initiat gh Throu 2013. in which began GMM the outreach programs, te educa to ls schoo area works with careers students and parents about ing. factur manu in ble availa only “CNC operators aren’t the , as he focus,” according to Meier used video tional described a promo ing by GMM to promote manufactur ology techn ring ufactu “Man jobs. ollar has evolved to include high-d nge for equipment; creating a challe tunities high schools to offer oppor

Holly is the daughter of Aaron and Trish Cook. The East Buchanan High School senior plans to attend Iowa State University this fall and major in agricultural business and perhaps minor in agriculture and society. IPPA combined the Iowa Pork Queen and Premier Pork Youth Ambassador contests into one competition this year. The top female contestant is crowned pork queen and the top remaining contestants, male or female, are named youth ambassadors. The two 2016 Pork Youth Ambassadors are Olivia Bisbee of Stacyville and Ashley Smeby of Klemme. Cook, Bisbee and Smeby will represent IPPA at events throughout the year. Each receives a $4,000 scholarship from IPPA.

lican 75 Kris Wilgenbusch, rivalByRepub 75 Ce nt CeTHE ntssNEWS He also got in a few jabs at crats, and During their regular Monday meeting, Buchanan County , Demo front-runner Donald Trump Supervisors Don Shonka, Gary Gissel and Ellen Gaffney .” licans Repub “soft February 11 s) discussed the proposed FY2017 budget with County Auditor (Steven C. Smith Photo , 2016 Cindy Gosse. Pictured, top: IPPA Queen Holly Cook. Gosse stated that due to valuations being up and mental At left is Master Pork Producer Keith Wilgenbusch. health services levy changes, county tax rates may see a slight decrease. The rural levy rate will change to .44687 per $1000 and urban levy will be .30 per $1000. However, it is unknown whether there will be any change in levies for county school districts and cities. Public hearings for the budget will be set Es Est. at Indep a laterenden date.ce t. B Buc ucha By Steven C. Smith ng, hanan Coun meeti il endence City Counc Indep Supervisors also discussed continued need and benefit nan Co s night’ unty ay Mond ty Re g Durin Revi of Trustees member view Board T) ew 18 (IL&P s 92 On Jan. 28 at approximately ication 187:05 ofrecent the local option sales tax. Currently the tax provides 92 PM, the Buchanan il counc Light & Power, Telecommun on ion unicat County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 report of a structure concern about comm approximately $1,000,000 for the county, which helps s rsation conve Stephany Harvey expressed Harvey feels her ers. memb fi re to a building at 825 Oak St. in Lamont. Now vacant, board T reduce county residents taxes. IL&P consideration of new when the council s were not fully represented Countyd Stetle r, Brian Keierleber was at the meeting to the structure was the former St. Peter Lutheran Church. Fire Geral Engineer with council person Mike Leniu replace Steve Elliot and to departments from Lamont, Aurora, Dundee and Strawberry stions sugge ’ discuss repairs to the O’Connor Avenue bridge. He estimated Davis r considered Mayo Christo first of the year. theByilcost between $25,000-$30,000 to make necessary Point responded and fought the blaze, but the building was tinbe e Da she le to insure whose terms expired at the counc AssistanThe a total loss. to record her comments to the repairs. ssion board approved having Keierleber continue to t permi Ed ted ito have reques y did r she Harve stated that Timecosts The structure had not been used for approximately five future deliberations. She then move pursue and to make repairs. s fassign rative was accurately represented in and coope t, puagreements ve shing how the current board is effecti asi rem Atde their the supervisors also approved claims filed years, and both the gas and electricity had been shut off. arkab Jan. the at meeting, le mo conversations with Lenius about ments intopic in discussions on the that d his The owners live next door and had stored some personal asserte tor also with county auditor for $509.16, and a contract with United She y er. d obscurin that ifannew in working togeth sugge g ordsted inary pefor belongings in the former church. acknowledge that Harvey had Healthcare leservices. a personopwho 11 meeting, Lenius failed to and ipated in ma who parr-would like to see a womantic she ted appoin were ers king that board memb ting. histor ing public relations and marke y. By Steven C. ues on page 5. could contribute knowledge regard Story contin Barba Smith ra Rothman The Indepen resides at Prairie H Hills Monday nig dence City Council Perhaps by the end of the Living in Indep Senior L met in reg ht with Ma endence. Sh ular sessio yor Bo me mb week this cheery snowman ers present e n has a cheer except Dustin nita Davis presiding y sm the Indepen mcts ile and and all will have a friend made from to and Dalle Rock R nin Produ dence Light discer B a ing ach. Appo Nonbinjuries were reported and w ed to Bruen award for students to be exposed g & NEWS ga intme ad THE Po , ze, dre we busch Paul Tuesday’s snowfall. ntsistounder sse to Wilgen try. r an ed (IL d at the fou By Kris wbe d mi &P)cause was w ghaward on 2 m Bo t the of the fi re Divisi D ard and gain experience in the indus g, rth ov of meetin m erl ay me Tru brought sug Mond ookeedd by stees was The average total snowfall just Bids During their regular M D B reflect n. nd ructio gestions for eting in ainvestigation. row e w C on wa Buchanan N m nn Const Manufacturing is more than ering sethr appointments . Mayor DaThe the council to y Supervisors Ellen Niema vis per Count C ou in February is 7.2 inches for nan ag uter increa gh ain Bucha B 00 Comp the . $12,0 to the bo m e sitting area ap County Sheriff ’s Office and working with metal Gary an approximat ard. Sh with those a current me prove Gerald Stetler an e asked Don Shonka and G Waterloo, 7.6 for Dubuque ation Gaffney, D G gathered to w mb d Lance Frick Point Ambulance m division. programmers, inform bids from watchwith 1. Fricke wa er of the board whoseStrawberry e. Stetle wT and 6.8 Cedar Rapids. met mw The Gissel opened rock-letting G eepers isors appointme s first propo ce isalso The supervPri Service also assistedr is at the Right. B R technology experts, bookk and Paul nt cts sed ex Bu Produ At pir to t Rock R eber Ro R ed Jan. joi the ing Keierl K At press time on Monday g n thescene. thBruen B amon Brian Bs Dec. 28 me ma m eer board on Jan n ha y Engin Count C tons 0 and managers are needed, an eti 49,50 for ex ng n . 11 Trustees ex tram , Steve Elliot ents. ord Constructio m nn C there was significant snowinary Niema N l bridge agreem story. pre t of the ILP . regarding federa other jobs.” board for the ssed his wish to retain ard of ved for 80/20 fall in the forecast, with of rock per division. appro were wA At age curre memb Bo ments m next term. Ell A ning 20, R Sh wm on 1 (northern Agree D cohesively mobil erscourtesy mbridge iott stated he nt (Photos an livsed in Pictured: Geater Machi on the wthm two eRo eU The bids for Divisi someow areas possibly receivUnits per replac to g NJ N an fundin , l d ach Ne N fee ha federa for Buchanan Co. Office wa w s Jerry ing ls Rock R me m at ma the groupSheriff’s rk insthe d de vast chan fore just Bruening tallatmonthly were: B future impro som north ion m & Manufacturing CEO wo eth half of county) w s ing average Avenu A aff rks ing ge York Y : lon ect s. mo m ve ed by the Th and re and A the Smith) Paul in the county ging to be on her west Arm ardSteven Rothman rec my buaildsingle has plaC. and pricing ments and is also worki e bo ow Bitterman (center) describes ww ns for Products $482,080.50 and -up res n. She joined 235th Street snowfall in day.ult andm alled some U.S., A U Street ng pla 250th of Ar tow ns. ing 615. my from fro the ard $483, Ell parts of n to m ining iot better servic thetsinitotiahave the “stunts” theC.19 terms expir Constructio m nn C process of mach 61 BePhoto) Niema N Smith l dism e motheeber m Keierl K rlin crisis ed Jan. 1, 20 and Board Chair Ge may of her (Steven W of W-40. r, althoexpec and again du B or Joni curred du that ocugh cts rald Stetler’s 16. her fat Division 2 (southern half signed solid material to U.S. Senat Bids for D B ring the C her w ring their m t contra cemen ive was support- cri Cuban ict Rock Products repair/repla from thereplac sis. The suc free time. Bruening R w He H m r oldwill of county): B Ernst and Iowa Senator (Distr of start.ement cess of these er Sto Du Dved w serDate bro year. rin ry this the g co nn wh m r nti a Niema N had perform ile she w nues on pa stop in Chica mances dem ules. sched s in hig $482,080.50 and Paul 48) Dan Zumbach. ctor’swa ge 5. thetercontra h school. go Af depend onA ated enlistm ir a need 2016 me Copyright Follow us at: director wa , the page (Steven C. Smith Photo) Construction $478,665. uesnt,onshe had25. contin rne ing Story basic train- 1963 for entertainm ment. In at Fo w rt M on 1 was McC D eryone, “M d evClellan, A , the Third discussion, Divisi After A Alabam ak taking adva U. U m e S. a, sure Arm A before Show my nced training you kids do wm mobile un at Fort Benja n’t make min H m was form By Kris Wilge Harrison in med with enlisted it w - w any trouble. nbusch, TH Indiana. She B men and w m ” E NEWS at the top of During the graduate wom men as perform While walki the last com ir mers. mputer opera d ng class that all Board of Su regular Monday meeti down Ch tor Ba B ica ow sed wed w pe go ng, Buchan rvisors Gary str wo stateside, eets with Ch men, and w m sorting and an County Sh on Ro R Gissel, Ell wo pe ap ka thm rke lle tou m me d and an’s unit red through t collatin out the E Rothm R two women their boyfriends, the discuss red with County Engineer en Gaffney, and Don man recalled g punch cards. perform Eastern U uc no U. ed m tic Brian Keier S. we ed for to she igh the soldiers pre ceiving a lot t limits for y were reworked w w men w m inspections, leber to who largely wi pa pa fou of th rin rt att g r for it bridges. Du to ention becau dism Vietn m. T V missed her de her skill but should be po was determined tha e The band, pe de- couple was black se one spite ers and eq am she was pro t the follow to recent ste and rform m- During uipm ud tha ment able to prove w ing bridges -Thomas Av d with lower weight lim the 1960s, it the other white. was R Rothm herself to the t she w man said the traveled by bus. sig en its wa ue, south of . s not a comm ht. So Rothm m. m Section 30, In 1964, an y typically 325th Street on by 3 PM reduc an an opportunity arrived cided , Newton To for the T to audition perfo M and set up for the -250th Street ed to 10 tons; to switch, eac d Chappelle dewnship, Third U ev rm mance, the U.S. A Arm my Show bile w Township, Se , 0.14 miles west of Yo n stayed ov ening other’s boyfrien h walking with the was announ wm mo on ba d. Rothman rk ern ction 23, red se before lea ced. R Rothm chance and laughed uced to 10 ton Avenue, Middlefield ving in the ight as she recalled on obtained a pa man took a ing. e mo m s; dri rnve r so who stared rt as a back ground sin intently, he Story continu In one m ger hit a parke mem director’ es on page morable pe d car skills to help and used her sewing R 21. Rothm rform mend costu man w mance, “You s comment to them lat . The was mes while on w the road. ’ll get us kil er was, ming a can when her sho perform led !” -ca n e cam Another me The Show T m e loo off se wm mo stage … hit mo and flew Ro rable occas tin thm developed in bile concept w ion g an a ge was for Grant appli 1951 when head. She sai neral in the Key We was when the unit wa cat the 10th Special Se st s d County Comm ions can now be sub rvice Comp after the sho he returned it and get and they were able to in mitted to the an formed. Sh stop w. out of the deadline to unity Foundation for owmobile un y was bu “It s to lau its 2016 gra Buchanan wa submit appli wa its s good for [th nch of one produced in tch the were 20 e of sol 16 Japan and die . the Gr to know tha rs] Gemini ants are award cations is midnight nt cycle. The early mann through Ko rot ate mi t d (CST) ed som ssi ed ons. eone cared and culture, rea. The Seco to projects in enough abo co nd the following April 1, Army adop ut Story continu health, histor mmunity betterment, ted the progra U.S. areas: art said Rothman. them to visit,” es on page education, ic preservatio m in 1955. So 5. Pic environment, ldi tur ers n Th and human ed, inset: e online appreciated it wh Barba en unit me re Community grant application ma service. made an effort mbers (Photo courtesy Sarah ra Rothman. Fo y be found to Rothm Top: Perform Grant recipi undation’s website at “I always wo visit with them. ing the Zorba an) en www.buchan on the ndered song the Greek applications ts will be announced in pened to som what hap- are from Wonderful World mu June 2016. of Summer e of them.” Judi Kelly, Ja Completed April 1, 2016 st be submitted no lat cq The unit’s er , to be consi lead singer Eddie Grimes ui Bell, Rita DiCarlo, dered for fun than midnight (CST) , was Anita din Ba g. rba ra Rothman Carolyn Porte Ch , Story continu r, an member of appelle, a es on page At left: Da d Sue Smith. The Essex, 21. nie a group be st known for Carolyn Porte l Rohlfing drives r the Billboa (le ft), and Ba Rothman, in rd hit “Eas rba ra asa gondola ier Said Th to advertis an Done.” the Carnival in During their e Ve Chappelle wa Feb. 3 meeti (Period photo nice show. s a former installing a ng, Winthro s Marine wh ne p City Coun o enlisted in States Army courtesy Third United cil pollution co w pump and valves at Soldier Show the Army in ntr the city wa approved www.tusa-s 1964. website, ter plant for for replacing ol at a cost of $25,391. howmobile Bi .com.) the Plumbing, He furnace in city hall as ds were also reviewed follows: Ind ating & Co oling $3,52 & Heating 5, and Johnso ependence $3 Co Copy n Plumbing & ,400. Council approve pyrig right ht 20 2016 16 d the bid fro Plumbing Heating with ww www. m Johnson w.the all ayes. thebu buch chan co anan ancoun untyn tynew ews.c Story continu om Fo es on page Follo llow w us 21. us at: at: Fa bo Face ok cebo .co

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