PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.
March 10, 2016
In THE NEWS this week... 16 10, 20 March
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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent
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PAGE 6 March 10, 2016
The News & The Guide
Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors make three visits in February Submitted by Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce
The Manchester Chamber Ambassadors made three visits during February. Their first stop was at 24 Hour Total Fitness to meet new owners Lori Schulte Trenkamp and Jeremy Trenkamp who purchased the business in December. Lori, a certified yoga teacher and health coach, is excited to embark on this new adventure, helping people get healthier. They have added morning cardio/kickboxing, interval and yoga classes as well as partnering with Denise Jones to offer dance fitness classes at the gym. Ambassadors also visited Missi Coates Thede of Thede’s Computer Repair and Services. Thede has over 18 years of computer repair experience and specializes in virus removal, computer maintenance and data recovery. She also offers a 24/7 free drop-off for computer recycling at 101 Woodland Drive in Manchester. Dubbed the “crackerjack of consignment� by a longtime client, Pat Young, owner of Treasure Alley in downtown Manchester, handed over the reins Jan. 1 to her daughter Marian Gassmann. The ambassadors enjoyed a visit to Treasure Alley, which has operated since 1983, starting out as what would now be seen as “thrift shopping� and evolving to the consignment boutique it is today.
Treasure Alley Thede’s Computer Repair and Services
24 Hour Total Fitness
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The News & The Guide
Riverview Center announces relocation in Manchester
Riverview Center’s Manchester office is now located at 909 W. Main Street in the D&R building. For over 20 years, Riverview Center, a nonprofit agency, has been committed to providing free, compassionate, clientcentered care for individuals affected by sexual violence in 14 counties in Iowa, including Delaware, Allamakee, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Chickasaw, Clayton, Dubuque, Fayette, Howard, Jones, Linn and Winneshiek Counties; and for individuals affected by sexual and domestic violence in Carroll and Jo Daviess Counties in Illinois. Regardless of means, Riverview clients receive professional services, including 24-hour crisis hotlines; legal, medical, and general advocacy; one-on-one counseling and support groups; professional trainings; and violence prevention initiatives. The 24-hour sexual assault hotline is (888) 557-0310.
Extension office offers Certified Handlers CIC on March 22 Submitted by Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
Buchanan County will offer a Certified Handlers Continuing Instruction Course (CIC) Tuesday, March 22. The program will be shown across Iowa through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). The local attendance site is Heartland Acres, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Independence. Registration begins at 8:30 AM, and the course will be held 9-11 AM. The registration fee is $35 on or before March 15 and $45 after March 15. To register or obtain additional information, contact Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach at 319-334-7161. The course will provide continuing instruction credit for certified handlers. Topics to be covered include recognizing sensitive areas and other non-target sites and organisms; responding to spills and accidents; pesticide labels; and pesticide container handling and disposal. Information and registration forms for this and other PSEP courses may be found at
March 10, 2016 PAGE 7
Chamber of Commerce to host 35th Annual Ag Luncheon
Meeting on new FDA antibiotic guidelines for livestock producers
The Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce will host its 35th Annual Ag Luncheon Thursday, March 17 at the Delaware County Fairgrounds Pavilion. This year’s keynote speaker will be Dr. John Lawrence, director of ISU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources, speaking on matters of importance to the farm community such as farm incomes, items of interest learned during his recent trip to China and water quality issues. Lawrence brings an extensive knowledge of agriculture plus experience in agricultural marketing, livestock economics and Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy. In addition, the 10 AM session will see Lawrence team up with Steve Ferguson from the Iowa Finance Authority to discuss programs available to help young people get into farming and help older people find the best ways to get out of farming. The day starts with an Ag Career Fair for area FFA students. By 9 AM, coffee and rolls will be available as early arrivals view a display of new GPS systems and cameras that can be useful to farmers. The event continues with morning sessions from 10-11:15 followed by lunch at 11:30, presentation of ag awards, and Lawrence’s keynote address. Chamber Director Jack Klaus says “the goal is to have everyone moving towards the door by 1:30.” Tickets ($12.50) are available from the Chamber of Commerce at 563-927-4141. All tickets are sold in advance and there will be no tickets available at the door.
Iowa livestock producers have the opportunity to learn about the new FDA mandated antibiotic guidelines at a meeting hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach (ISUEO). The meeting will be held 1-2:30 PM Tuesday, March 29 at the Buchanan County Extension office, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd. in Independence, according to ISUEO swine specialist Mark Storlie. “The new FDA antibiotic rules begin Jan. 1, 2017,” said Storlie. “Before that time, we are informing producers, veterinarians and allied industry about the new procedures and how it will affect their operations.” The meeting will focus on antibiotic access via veterinarian relationships, veterinary feed directives (VFDs), prescriptions and required recordkeeping. Dr. Chris Rademacher, ISU Extension Swine veterinarian, will be the lead presenter. Discussion topics will include: • Background of the FDA guidelines; • Why antibiotics are being reclassified; • What drugs will require a veterinarian prescription or VFDs; and • Importance of a vet/client/patient/relationship (VCPR). To preregister, contact Buchanan County Extension at 319334-7161. Questions may be directed to Mark Storlie at 563425-3331 or
Submitted by Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
Find THE NEWS at:
Winthrop: THE NEWS Office at 225 W. Madison, McElroy’s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, Music Station, and Casey’s General Stores Manchester: Widner Drug CI14-IA-67500-CFAL0-MANC0-NONE-NONE.pdf, CI14, That Bump in the Night..., IA, 6.7500 x 4.5, PDF, FZESEHY4C4, A
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PAGE 8 March 10, 2016
U.S. Marshals warn of jury scam
The U.S. Marshals Service is warning the public of a nationwide telephone scam involving individuals claiming to be U.S. marshals, court oďŹƒcers or law enforcement oďŹƒcials seeking to collect a ďŹ ne in lieu of arrest for failing to report for jury duty. The U.S. Marshals Service does not call anyone to arrange payment of ďŹ nes over the phone for failure to appear for jury duty or any other infraction. In order to appear more credible, scammers may even provide information like badge numbers and the names of actual federal judges and courthouse addresses. Victims have been told they can avoid arrest by paying a ďŹ ne using a reloadable credit card, and were urged to call a number and provide their own credit card number to initiate the process. The Marshals Service urges the public not to divulge personal or ďŹ nancial information to unknown callers, even if they sound legitimate. If you believe you were a victim of the jury duty scam, please report the incident to local law enforcement department, or local U.S. Marshals or FBI oďŹƒce.
The News & The Guide
Mondays in March Gardening Series announces topics
Each year, Delaware County Master Gardeners hold an educational lecture series called Mondays in March, designed to educate and entertain those interested in gardening and growing. All programs are held at 7 PM at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 116 Guetzko Court, Manchester. This is the 22nd year of the project and promises to be ďŹ lled with a lot of great information, instruction, and fun. The public is invited, with a $2 donation taken at the door. Upcoming dates, presenters and topics are: • March 14 - The Art of Flower Arranging: From a Single Stem to a Full Bouquet Display • March 21 - Totally Tomatoes! Everything You Need to Know About Tomatoes • March 28 - Getting to the Root of Home Landscape Design: What to Select and How to do our Home Landscaping
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The News & The Guide
March 10, 2016 PAGE 9
Sit and Get Fit!
Who owns your digital data and communications?
A generation ago, mail was delivered to your house; photos were kept in an album; thoughts were recorded in a diary; documents were ďŹ led in a cabinet; and money was deposited at a bank. The Internet has changed all that. Today, many Iowans keep their photos online; interact with friends and family through Facebook; and store data and documents on a server. If you die or become disabled, survivors may not be able to access these digital assets. No Iowa law provides the administrator of an estate or a person with power of attorney to access your Facebook page, Gmail, Shuttery account or Dropbox. If an active Internet user dies, survivors may not be able to get important family photos or shut down a Facebook account that serves as a painful reminder of the loss. The companies storing these assets on their servers are “custodians,â€? who often prohibit access to grieving families. Senate File 2112 moves Iowa into the 21st century by giving Internet users the power to plan for their digital assets, just like they would for physical property. By providing procedures for allowing access to digital accounts, Iowans can decide how all of their assets will be handled when they can no longer do so themselves. Upcoming public forums: • Winthrop listening post: 9 AM March 19 at Winthrop City Hall, 354 W Madison, Winthrop. Sponsored by Rep. Bruce Bearinger. More information • Oelwein listening post: 11 AM March 19 at Oelwein Library, 201 E Charles St., Oelwein. Sponsored by Rep. Bruce Bearinger.
You don’t have to be an elite runner or a body builder to start on the road to better health. Basic moves can help tone your body and get you on track to a leaner, ďŹ rmer body. You can even get a workout seated in a chair! Here are a few stretches and simple exercises you can do to “sit and get ďŹ t.â€? STRETCHES: • Deep breathing • Toe raises and heel raises • Wrist circles • Shoulder shrugs; shoulder rolls • Crossover arm stretch • Triceps stretch • Knee to chest and stretch; then extend leg to oor and stretch downward • Ankle circles EXERCISES: • Squat hold: hover just above your chair • Calf raises • Leg extensions or leg kicks • Triceps dips o chair • Knee raises • Arm circles- forward and back • Shoulder press the air • Abdominal crunches in chair • Pelvic rotations • Bodyweight squats tapping glutes to chair • Incline plank with forearms on chair Remember that you don’t have to start o with hours of intense training. Ease into an exercise routine that is achievable, yet productive and fulďŹ lling. Check your local wellness facility for chair-based exercise classes to get you started. Be sure to always check with your physician before beginning any physical activity program.
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March 10, 2016
The News & The Guide
Area 4-H’ers travel to Des Moines Submitted by Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
Twenty-nine students, in grades 6-9, from Black Hawk, Bremer, Butler, Buchanan and Tama County spent a fun ďŹ lled day of learning at the Iowa State Capital and Science Center of Iowa on Feb. 24 as part of a 4-H Legislative Tour. The group was open to 4-H’ers and other interested students. The morning began with a tour of the State Judicial building and Iowa Supreme Court courtroom. Youth were invited to sit in on a court case and listened to the lawyer present his case. They later spoke with Iowa Supreme Court Justice Brent Appel about how he became a judge and his background in law.
At the Capitol, youth met with Representatives Dean Fisher, Deborah Berry, Timi BrownPowers, Walt Rogers, and Bob Kressig. The 4-Her’s asked many questions, covering issues on school funding, taxes and bottle refund and more. From the Capitol, they visited the Science Center where they participated in the Fire & Ice show, many hands on activities, and saw an IMAX movie. 4-H program sta are planning to oer this opportunity again next year. For information contact a local County Extension & Outreach oďŹƒce or Diane at 319-234-6811. Pictured: 4-H’ers from Buchanan, Black Hawk, Bremer, Butler and Tama County visit the Iowa Legislature.
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The News & The Guide
Yard and garden:
This week went by quickly in the Iowa House, with debate scheduled for every day and no shortage of visitors from our district. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to speak during debate to share my support of the Veterans Preference bill. This legislation will increase the public availability of veteran status, ensuring that our businesses have the opportunity to hire veterans that are already well equipped with skills and habits of highly successful leaders and team builders. Later in the week, Senator Schoenjahn and I met with the Student Council from East Buchanan Middle School. Additionally, I had the opportunity to speak with members of the Fayette County Extension Council about the growth and leadership opportunities supported through 4-H, as well as the successes of the Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative. Iowa leads nation in wind energy Over 31% of Iowa’s energy is generated by wind, the highest percentage in the country. This is the ďŹ rst time wind has supplied more than 30% of any states’ electricity. Nearly $11.8 billion have invested into Iowa wind farms, and the wind industry currently supports 6,000 jobs across the state. In the coming years, wind is expected to supply 40% of Iowa’s energy, which is enough electricity to power 6.3 million homes. In addition to the jobs and capital investment provided by the wind energy industry, farmers and rural landowners continue to beneďŹ t from use of their land for wind turbines. They currently receive $17.1 million annually from payments for use of their land. Veterans preference information In a continued eort to support veterans in job placement, the Iowa House passed a bill that would make veterans preference information more visible to individuals and employers across the state. Veterans preference provides that veterans who are citizens of the United States are shown priority in job selection. This bill would ensure that preference information is posted on the websites of the Department of Veterans Aairs, Department of Administrative Services, the OďŹƒce of the Attorney General, and Workforce Development. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the district. Contact me anytime at bruce. or call 515-281-3221.
THE NEWS is available at the following ďŹ ne businesses: Winthrop: THE NEWS OfďŹ ce at 225 W. Madison, McElroy’s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, The Music Station, Casey’s General Store Manchester: Widner Drug
Join 4-H today!
By Alexia Hamlett County Youth Coordinator Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
4-H is a program that is open to all K-12 grade students and is the nation’s largest youth development organization that grows conďŹ dent young people who are empowered for life today and prepared for a career tomorrow. The research-based 4-H experience grows young people who are four times more likely to contribute to their communities; two times more likely to make healthier choices; two times more likely to be civically active; and two times more likely to participate in STEM programs. In Buchanan County there are 15 clubs that members can choose to be a part of and learn lifelong skills through the different events and activities that are oered. Every club is different and unique in their own way. Some focus on livestock, while others gear towards exhibits or the environment. To ďŹ nd out more detailed information about the clubs check out the Buchanan County 4-H webpage at www.extension.iastate. edu/buchanan/page/join-4-h. Deadline to register is May 15. For questions about joining contact County Youth Coordinator Alexia Hamlett, Buchanan County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, at 319-334-7161 or ahamlett@
Have you moved? The Post Office charges a fee to inform us of your new address. Don’t risk missing a single issue! Let us know your new address. Email to: news@thenews-guide; Call: 319-935-3027 Send To: PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682
Buffalo Creek Golf Course
(Weather permitting)
Single Player Rate
(Single person or single playing spouse)
$385 Playing Couple Rate (Must be married)
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FISH FRY Friday, March 11
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At St
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Freena- twiiolln : DCoarry-Outs C7a1ll
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Removing mulch for spring ower preparation
Spring is just around the corner in Iowa. With it comes preparation for spring planting and owers. When is the right time to remove mulch and soil put in place to protect owers during harsh winter conditions? The timing can be tricky but Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists can help navigate challenges. To have additional questions answered, contact the ISU Hortline at 515-294-3108 or When should I remove the mulch on my strawberry bed? To reduce the chances of crop damage from a late frost or freeze, leave the mulch on as long as possible. Removing the mulch in March may encourage the plants to bloom before the danger of frost is past. Temperatures of 32°F or lower may severely damage or destroy open owers. Since the ďŹ rst owers produce the largest berries, a late spring frost or freeze can drastically reduce yields. To determine when to remove the mulch, periodically examine the strawberry plants in spring. Remove the mulch from the strawberry planting when approximately 25% of the plants are producing new growth. New growth will be white or yellow in color. (If possible, the winter mulch on strawberries should remain until mid-April in central Iowa. The average date of the last 32°F temperature in spring normally occurs in late April in central Iowa.) When removing the mulch, rake the material to the aisles between rows. If there is a threat of a frost or freeze later in spring during bloom, lightly rake the mulch over the strawberry plants. I covered the base of my hybrid tea roses with soil last fall. When should I remove the soil? Remove the soil in late March or early April in southern Iowa, mid-April in northern portions of the state. A frost or freeze in early spring shouldn’t harm the roses. After removing the soil, prune out any dead wood. Live wood is green and possesses plump, healthy buds. Dead wood is light to dark brown in color. When pruning, make the cuts about 1-inch below the dead, brown-colored sections. Remove the entire cane if there is no sign of life. I covered a newly planted perennial bed with mulch in the fall. When should I remove the mulch? Remove the mulch in late March/early April in southern Iowa, early to mid-April in northern portions of the state. Removing the mulch earlier in the year may encourage premature growth which could be damaged or destroyed by a late hard freeze.
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PAGE 12 March 10, 2016
The News & The Guide
April is Celebrate Small Business Month during Manchester Sesquicentennial Celebration Submitted by Manchester Chamber of Commerce
As part of Manchester’s ongoing Sesquicentennial Celebration, April has been designated “Celebrate Small Business Month� and activities are being planned around that theme. Area businesses will create a prominent display board during April showing the history of their business or their building. “We think everyone will find some fun and interest in seeing how our buildings have been used through the years
or how the businesses have progressed,� said Manchester Chamber of Commerce Director Jack Klaus. “In addition, the first weekend of April has been designated as the annual Spring Open House weekend with many local merchants sponsoring specials or seasonal items.� The committee is also asking those with a 1940 or older vehicle to consider bringing it into town on Saturday, April 2, between 10 AM and 2 PM to show it off. “We’ll block off some streets just for the old vehicles and people will
NEW Factory Built Homes
be able to walk around and enjoy them, take pictures, visit with the owners, etc.,� said co-chair John Dolan. “If anyone has a horse drawn carriage, or wagon, that would also be welcome as it would bring us even closer to the way things were 150 years ago.� Those wishing to display a vehicle on April 2 should RSVP to the Chamber at 563-927-4141.
Annual Spring Sale
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The News & The Guide
March 10, 2016 PAGE 13
Business & Service Directory
AUCTIONEERING EMMETT DONNELLY Auctioneering & Appraisal Service Certified Appraiser & Full-Service Marketing
AUTO SALES BIRDNOW Dealerships 1-888 Birdnow 1-888-247-3779 toll free Jesup, Oelwein, Monona, Cascade Chevy, Ford, Buick, Mercury, Pontiac, Lincolon, Cadillac We have NE IA Covered!
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PINICON FORD Independence 319-334-6033 1-800-572-3110
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Masonry & Concrete Work Brick, Block & Stone All Types of Construction Ron Connolly 319-334-4623
Commercial • Residential • Poured Walls & Basements • Sidewalks & Driveways Independence 319-334-6754
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WEE WILLYS Quasqueton 319-934-9301
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Propane-Gas-Diesel Fuel OilsMotor Oils & Lubes 800-338-3021
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Independence, Quasqueton & Winthrop 319-334-2501
Quasqueton, Independence & Jesup 319-334-2595
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HAULING PAUL YEAROUS TRUCKING Rock, Sand, Dirt, Decorative Rock, Lime Spreading 319-334-3033 319-934-3734
Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy
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FRANCK CONST., LLC Terry & Tyler Franck Winthrop, Iowa 319-934-3682
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SMITH INSURANCE Lamont 563-924-2816 1-800-890-9419 Aurora 319-634-3737
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AERUS ELECTROLUX Beverley Sprague Winthrop 319-935-3248 Sales & Service
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March 10, 2016
The News & The Guide
WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810
PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to
Public Notice
Names of the applicants were not provided to the Council. Motion White, second Myers to establish tie breaker protocol, on awarding of free lot: 1) Applicant that will be dig ready first will receive free lot. If both applicants dig ready date is identical: 2) Coin will be flipped at April 6th council meeting. Both applicants will be invited to be present for the coin toss. A free lot will be awarded to the winner of the coin toss. All ayes. Mayor will contact applicants to determine dig ready status. Motion Myers, second Sprague to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. BILLS TO BE APPROVED MARCH 02, 2016 COMPANY-PURPOSE-A M O U N T PAYROLL.......................8 , 6 7 6 . 4 5 PAYROLL TAXES .........2 , 6 6 3 . 4 6 I.P.E.R.S. .......................1 , 2 9 1 . 0 6 ALLIANT ENERGY-GAS & ELECTRIC ..............................4 , 1 7 1 . 4 2 CITIZENS STATE BANK-ANNUAL LOCK BOX RENTAL ..........3 0 . 0 0 COLE, BRIAN- O V E R PAY M E N T WATER BILL.......................6 9 . 5 6 EAST BUCHANAN TELEPHONEPHONE/FAX/INTERNET ..1 9 8 . 5 0 FEHR GRAHAM-PARTIAL PAYMENT FACILITY PLAN .......................................3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 IA ASSOC. OF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES-WATER DUES .........5 0 7 . 9 2 IA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTHPOOL REGISTRATION ......3 5 . 0 0 GAFFNEY QUARRIES-ROAD ROCK ...............................3 8 5 . 0 2 J & R SUPPLY-WATER PLANT MUD PLUGS ....................1 5 0 . 0 0 JOHNSON PLUMBING & HEATINGCITY HALL FURNACE ..3 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 KEYSTONE LABS-SEWER TEST-
REGULAR MEETING OF THE WINTHROP CITY COUNCIL MARCH 02, 2016 The Winthrop City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, March 02, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor, Gerald Dennie presiding. Council Members present: Melissa Hesner, Mark Kress, Ann Myers, Leland Sprague and Lee White. Individuals present: BCHC Public Relations Director Michelle McBride, Library Representative Erin Kelchen, Government Students, PWD Shawn Curtis and City Clerk Mary Ryan. Motion Kress, second Hesner to approve the Consent Agenda: prior meeting minutes (February 03, 2016), current bills, and monthly financial report. All ayes. Erin Kelchen presented library’s activity report. Michelle McBride presented flyer on “Building For You” construction project for, Buchanan County Health Center. Dump truck bids opened: Don’s Truck Sales $111,450.00 and Truck Country $116,024.00. Motion Kress, second White to approve ordering truck from Don’s Truck Sales, $111,450.00, after Dennie and Curtis review bids for accuracy. All ayes. Clerk informed Council that two applications had been approved for one remaining “free” lot in subdivision. Both applications were approved on the exact same day.
BRANSON COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION - Celebrating 38 years. April 15-16, 2016. Featuring Corvettes, Mustangs, Mopar, Jaguar, MG, Triumph. Consign your car today! 800-335-3063 www. (INCN)
Statewide Classifieds
Located in the Iowa Great Lakes Corridor, Rust Publishing, NWIA has openings for staff in its sales and editorial departments. A family-owned group
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25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you. ING ...................................2 3 1 . 0 0 MCELROYS-ICE MELT ......1 0 . 1 8 MONKEYTOWN-TIME CLOCK (POOL) .............................2 8 8 . 0 0 OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF STATEPERIODIC EXAM FEE ..1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 RATCHFORD, RICK-REPAIR WATER LEAK E MONROE ST ...1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 R.E.C.-STREET LIGHTS....9 9 . 2 5 STATE HYGIENIC LAB-WATER TESTING .........................1 2 . 5 0 THE NEWS-PUBLISHING..7 5 . 5 8 USA BLUE BOOK-WATER PLANT VALVES ............................6 5 9 . 4 1 U.S. POST OFFICE-WATER BILL POSTAGE ........................1 3 1 . 0 5 UTILITY EQUIPMENT CO-WATER REPAIR CLAMPS.............2 1 5 . 7 7 WASTE MANAGEMENT-GARBAGE/RECYCLING.......4 , 8 1 8 . 2 8 CITY HALL DUMPSTER ..4 6 . 0 0 * * * * * L I B R A R Y * * * * * BAKER & TAYLORBOOKS ............................2 1 0 . 1 7 BERNS, SHAY-MILEAGE-TRAINING ...................................1 7 4 . 9 6 BIRDS & BLOOM-SUBSCRIPTION ...................................1 5 . 0 0 STAPLES-SUPPLIES .........4 7 . 5 9 TEI LANDMARK AUDIO-AUDIO BOOKS ...............................2 1 . 7 5 MCELROYS- P R O G R A M M I N G SUPPLIES-DONATIONS....5 4 . 2 7 UPSTART-SUMMER RDG. SUPPLIES-DONATIONS .........2 8 3 . 2 7 WALMART-OFFICE SUPPLIES .................................1 7 . 8 6 PROGRAMMING SUPPLIESDONATIONS ......................2 7 . 6 1 *******FIRE DEPARTMENT******* IA DCI-FIRE FIGHTER BACKGROUND CHECKS............4 5 . 0 0 BUCH. CO FIREMEN’S ASSOC.YEARLY DUES ...................3 0 . 0 0 BUCH. CO FIRE OFFICERS ASSOC.-YEARLY DUES ....2 5 . 0 0
of three newspapers located in Storm Lake, Spencer and Spirit Lake, Iowa, Rust Publishing offers opportunity for advancement for the right candidate. Sales staff should have a familiarity with digital marketing, while newsroom positions in hard news and sports are available. Full benefit packages included. Send your resume to: Paula Buenger, Group Publisher, Rust Publishing NWIA, PO Box 197, Spencer, IA 51301; or email
BUCH. CO. HEALTH CENTERBLOODBORNE PATH. TRAINING .....................................5 0 . 0 0 NAPA AUTO PARTS-FUEL FILTERS, OIL ..........................8 1 . 2 2 WALMART-SEA FOAM, MISC. SUPPLIES ..........................8 2 . 5 3 WINTHROP BUILDING SUPPLYQUARTER ROUND REMODELING .....................................6 1 . 9 9 MIDWEST BREATHING AIRANNUAL AIR TEST PPE EQUIPMENT-PPE FD. ................6 9 9 . 2 4 TOTAL BILLS TO BE PAID ............................3 4 , 6 1 7 . 8 9 TOTAL BILLS BY ACCOUNT: . GENERAL ...................1 7 , 3 4 7 . 9 9 LOCAL OPTION TAX ...........0 . 0 0 ROAD USE TAX ............1 , 2 0 7 . 6 9 UTILITY .......................1 6 , 0 6 2 . 2 1 TOTAL ........................3 4 , 6 1 7 . 8 9 ***ACCUMULATED COMP TIME*** 2/20/16 CURTIS - 113 HOURS FEB. RECEIPTS: WATER/SEWER/LANDFILL CUST. .....................................2 5 , 2 4 4 . 0 8 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX ................................5 , 8 3 9 . 8 6 BUCHANAN CO. PROPERTY TAX ..........................................2 4 8 . 5 9 ROAD USE TAX ............8 , 7 8 5 . 6 3 TOWNSHIP PYMTS-FIRE DEPT .............................2 , 2 7 7 . 0 0 POOL................................2 0 0 . 0 0 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS ...............................5 4 . 5 8 TOTAL .........................4 2 , 6 4 9 . 7 4
THANK YOU I would like to thank the Buchanan County Pork Producers Board for appointing me as the 2016 Buchanan County Pork Queen and for the scholarship. I look forward to working with everyone to promote a great industry. Markia Griffin THANK YOU I would like to thank the Buchanan County Pork Producers for the Senior Hogman Award at the banquet Saturday night. It was great to see such a huge turnout of pork producing families, delicious food, and enjoyable music as we begin a challenging year ahead in the pork industry. Thank you again. Randy Reiling pp PANCAKE SUPPER Quasqueton Emergency Services Annual Pancake Supper, March 12, 4:30-7
PM. Quasqueton Fire Station. Serving pancakes and sausage. pp4-4 HELP WANTED Dump truck driver, CDL-B, air brakes. Full time, pick up applications at Bruening Rock Products, 2076 220th Street, Independence or fax resume to 319-334-5600. 1-2 bbp
PRAYER TO ST. JUDE “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us.” Say this prayer for 9 days; by the 8th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude. P.A.T.
RMC’s Emergency Department has an opening for a part-time to full-time Registered Nurse. Current Iowa license required. Emergency Department/Critical Care experience preferred. Excellent Benefit Package
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POLICE OFFICER: The Indianola Police Department is taking applications for the positions of Police Officer. Applications can be obtained by visiting Application deadline 3/18/16 EOE HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to $37.50/ hr CNA’s up to 22.50/hr Free gas/ weekly pay $2000 Bonus AACO Nursing Agency 1-800-656-4414 Ext. 12 (INCN)
HELP WANTED - TRUCK DRIVER QLF Transportation – Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-9350915 Ext 16 (INCN) CDL A DRIVERS- *$7,500 Sign-OnBonus MEDICAL BENEFITS on DAY 1 & EARN $65K+ your FIRST YEAR!!! *GUARANTEED PAY *401k WITH COMPANY MATCH & MORE! Apply online or Call Hollie at (507) 664-3038 (INCN)
Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/ week! Call 319-327-1810 or email:
STEEL BUILDINGS-Diamond Steel Structures-Factory Direct Pricing-Preseason $1000 discount if ordered before April 1st- www.diamondsteelstructures. com Call 844.297.8335. (INCN)
The News & The Guide
March 10, 2016 PAGE 15
Why is third grade such a critical year for reading? By Kim Swartz, Assistant Director of Educational Services, AEA 267
Third grade marks an important time in a child’s education as they move from what is often known as the “lower grades” to the “upper grades.” It is a critical time in students’ learning as they become more independent readers and learners. Being at “grade level” is important at any age, but third grade is the crucial year when students make the leap from learning to read to reading to learn. From a teacher’s perspective, reading instruction at the third grade level focuses on teaching students how to think and talk about what they read in deeper and more detailed ways. As children progress through the grades, the text and tasks that are being asked of them are longer and more complex. Students are expected to read different types of literature with much more nonfiction text being used. In addition they are asked to write and talk about what they are learning, including developing their own points of view about what they are reading. Students who have trouble understanding what they read find it very difficult to keep up, become frustrated when they try to tackle schoolwork, and for some students, this leads to years of difficulty in school. To combat these difficulties, Iowa has
an early warning system to identify reading concerns before they become a problem. Schools across the state use universal screening tools to pinpoint students at-risk for reading difficulties. Tests to monitor a student’s progress are used to determine if the adjustments the teacher is making in the classroom are making a difference. Parents who have concerns about their child’s reading should talk to their child’s teacher to develop a plan for their reading needs. This may include things to work on at home as well as the help that will be given in school. Local Area Education Agencies (AEAs) also have resources to support teachers and parents in the goal for reading success for students. There are activities that can be done at home to help create strong readers as well. By reading aloud to children, making sure they have access to books, and promoting positive attitudes about reading and writing, adults can have a powerful impact on children’s literacy and learning. Some ways that promote the love of reading and literacy are listed here. Simply invite a child to read with you every day, letting them hear or read their favorite book over and over again. While reading a book, point word by word, which helps the child learn that reading goes from left to right, and to understand that the word that is spoken is the word that is seen on the page.
Reading books with rhyming words and lines that repeat and inviting the child to join in on these parts helps them to learn sounds and word parts. Discussing new words and stopping to ask about the pictures and about what is happening in the story builds vocabulary and understanding. When reading, choose from an assortment of children’s books, including fairy tales, songbooks, poems, and information books. When adults work together to give children the skills and tools needed to succeed, they begin to love reading and learning and will be on track for the challenges of third grade and beyond. Kim Swartz is the Assistant Director of Educational Services with Area Education Agency 267 (AEA 267). She can be reached at kswartz@aea267k12. AEA 267 serves over 65,000 students. In addition, over 5,000 educators rely on AEA 267 for services in special education, school technology, media and instructional/curriculum support. The agency’s service area reaches 18 counties and nearly 9,000 square miles. Learn more at
Part-time position for Spring field work on Independence farm. Experience driving tractors and other equipment helpful. Send name and phone number to: 2029 170th Street, Independence, IA 50644
IDPH supports national effort to raise awareness of prediabetes
Nearly 90% of those with prediabetes don’t know it
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one in three Americans has prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose (sugar) levels are high, but not high enough yet to be classified as type 2 diabetes. People with prediabetes are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. In 2014, 7.8% of adult Iowans were told by a health care provider they have prediabetes or borderline diabetes. That’s an increase from 2013, when 6.2% were told about the health risk. It’s estimated the actual percentage is much higher; in fact, the CDC estimates nearly 90% of people with prediabetes are not aware they have the condition. In an effort to reverse this trend, IDPH is working with local National Diabetes Prevention Program sites in Iowa, YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program sites in Iowa, healthcare providers, and worksites to increase awareness of prediabetes. “Diagnosis the key to prevention,” said IDPH Diabetes Primary Prevention Coordinator Katie Jones. “Healthcare providers play an important role. Research shows that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through the evidence-based and cost-effective National Diabetes Prevention Program.” Prediabetes can often be reversed through weight loss, diet changes and increased physical activity. The American Diabetes Association (ADA), American Medical Association (AMA), and the CDC have recently partnered with the Ad Council on the first national prediabetes awareness campaign. The campaign encourages people to take a short online test to learn their risk for prediabetes. Additional information about IDPH’s diabetes prevention and control efforts is available at
March 10, 2016
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March 3, 2016
Annual Report
189 iew189 Rev 22 ntyRev Cou iew anCou han nty Buc Est.Buc an han Est.
appoint new police chief Mayor to Smith By Steven C.
Est. Est. Buchanan County Review 1892 Buchanan County Review 1892
ay met in regular session Mond Independence City Council a Daers present and Mayor Bonit night with all council memb MillRandy Chief Police nced annou vis presiding. The mayor January with the intent to retire. er tendered his resignation in on the job is July 1, 2016. Davis Miller’s target for his last day tised and nine candidates apsaid the position has been adver were internal candidates for there er wheth asked plied. When say where the candidates not the job Davis said, “I’d rather
BCHC to embark upon 74,000 square foot Alberts named remodel and expansion Buchanan Co.
Cattleman of the year By Connie Arend
Buchanan County Cattlemen held their annual banquet Feb. 27 at the Buchanan County Fair Fairgrounds 4-H building. President Doug Lehman welcomed a crowd of 230 members and guests, an increase of 50 people from last year. After a prime rib dinner, and desserts provided by Wapsi Warriors 4-H Club, Lehman introduced Vice President Doug Lentz, Secretary Dale Priebe, Treasurer George Richardson, and board members Jordan Albert, Derek Lentz, Dean Van Note, Joe Scheckel, Mark Merfeld, and Rustie Kane. Junior associate members Ryan Merfeld and Ryan Arend were acknowledged for their involvement and 4-H and FFA members were recognized for their participation in the beef projects at the 2015 Buchanan County Fair. Alexia Hamlett and Roxanne Fuller of Buchanan County Extension were introduced and thanked for their dedication and work at the fair. Mike Klein from Iowa Cattlemen Association spoke about the upcoming regional meeting on June 23. Educational presentations and meal will be held at Heartland Acres in Independence. Wes Thoma was introduced as district director. Cattleman of the Year was presented to Craig Alberts, from Brandon. Alberts got into farming in 1973 after his father suffered a stroke. He began with dairy, stock cattle, hogs, breeding stock, as well as hay, corn, beans, and pastures. Alberts is a community leader with many volunteer hours in Brandon. Alberts’ famous words, when asked to help or volunteer, are, “Well this is a conundrum!” After his volunteer work is completed he says, “Glad I could 10, 2016 help out.” Alberts thanked the association for the honored award. Story continues on page 20.
came from.” in Meyer and Brian Brinkema Davis did say Officers Darw ates down to five. Those candid assisted in whittling the pool city library by a citizens comthe at 18 Feb. were interviewed comittee comm il counc a by mittee selected by Davis and g nd, and Mike Lenius. many people are congregatin prised of Don Brown, Jon Holla It is the Lenten season and ssed that he would like ay’s meeting, Lenius expre Submitted for the St. Patrick Church fish Mond At nights Friday on the finalbyse-BCHC rop in Winth as diners council members onOn 19 other Feb. ly from quick input up Feb. 23, the Buchanan County Health Cenmore filled see to fry events. The Parish Hall concern as “this is an his made stated s home Leniu aw, ter (BCHC) Board of Trustees voted to begin a vegetable, colesl lection of a candidate. the rest of think I enjoyed fish plus a potato, and unity desserts and more. three-phase 74,000 sq. ft. building project to the tant decision for our comm impor ed.” Many helpers work together campus of 22. BCHC, instilling a commitment to the council should be includ page on ues contin ssful, Story to make the event succe provide the highest quality of health and wellness fish whether they are battering services to the communities of Buchanan Coun Counor serving the meal. ty conveniently close to home, amidst growing More St. Patrick fish fry healthcare needs. events are planned for 4:30-7 This expansion will take place over the span of PM Friday, Feb. 26 and March 27 months. The major75 phases are as follows: Cents 4 in Winthrop. Cost is $8 for • Expand and remodel Wellness Center and NEWS THE , busch Wilgen under Kris By nan ay, Bucha adults and $4 for youth Therapy Department by expanding the gym and Mond on ng meeti y weekl r During their regula Gaff GaffEllen and age 10. Call 319-935-3871 for a studio space to allow for additional equipment and Gary Gissel, Don Shonk visors Super y Count Radio locker rooms, create new and waverenovate carryouts. classes, on a proposed Micro ney held a public hearing t publicrooms for physical therapy, speech (Christine Dale Photos) protec private therapy the ordinance is to Path Ordinance. The intent of nt and the efficie occupational therapy, and cardiac rehab, in regard to therapy, re welfa al gener and , safety health, ionsafor unicat and develop new entrance along with an updated wave radio comm unobstructed flow of micro other and registration area. System Safety Radio the Buchanan County Public • Construct new, two-story medical office buildcounty. emergency responders in the ained radio towers must be maint The pathways between the Effecto attend. During the communications. Effec raged clear e encou provid and to 18. ctions free of obstru will se in Days to submit ideas is March respon ine rop quick Deadl Winth for for ial plans essent are NEWS Kris Wil- meeting, tive radio communications By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE n of officers will According to C&C President Comthe operation of county public and Com theme be discussed and electio The Winthrop Community emergency situations and for sch, “Submit your parade genbu ly month r held. regula safety agencies. mercial Club held their ook page or mail to be no forward d at 9:15 AM and there was Discussion ideas to our Faceb Wilgenbusch stated, “We look The public hearing was opene PO Box 15, Winmeeting Monday, Feb. 15. d everyone at the annual meetWinthrop Winthrop C&C Club, sed ordinance. The board waive theme winner will to seeing public objection to the propo and plans are being made for for The take . ideas will g It 50682 IA nce. hearin throp and ordina 21 18. the 17 and ing on March g and approved hearin public third a Days, which will be held June ” are We prize! Days parade! g a pa- receive a $25 annual the 2016 Winthrop effect 60 days after approval. The committee approved havin and for input from The C&C Club will hold their Story continues on page 22. The parade Win- looking for volunteers rade theme contest this year. on March 21 at Win unity members.” and the club meeting at 6 PM comm 18 our June d PM 5 invite at is held be will City Hall. The public throp . theme a for is asking for public input
Batter up!
Board adopts Microwave Radio Path Ordinance
ing, which will house the Specialty Clinic and provide room for service growth, develop homelike suites for sleep studies, develop a new front entrance and registration area, and remodeled kitchen and cafeteria for public dining. • Remodel and expand surgical center to allow for continued surgical growth with new procedure rooms and create pre and post-operative sursur gical rooms, providing more privacy and comfort to patients and their families. Titled the “Building for You” project, this expansion will provide many long-term benefits to the communities of Buchanan County. “Due to more and more people making BCHC their choice forch Mar healthcare along with our growing services, we are outgrowing our facilities. We are recommitting to being the healthcare center of choice in a big way. BCHC has become a great choice for healthcare with the added benefit of local convenience. We offer top-notch and experienced physicians along with state of the art technology Est. Bucha and a dedicated staff,” comna n Co mented CEO, Slessor. unSteve ty Re view Story continues on page 20. 1892
ade Theme” Public is invited to “Name that Par for this year’s Winthrop Days
Th BEST e VA aroun LUE d! Subsc ribe for as Today little as
try iew Iowa Restaurant Indus AsRestaurant As
whose Iowa real estate 2015 overv pregnancy outcomes in babies rose In 2015, home prices in Iowa virus while mothers infected with Zika official of tment once again, according to the have been reported. Last week, the Iowa Depar ant pregn the by ed releas nced an may also yearly housing trends ® Public Health (IDPH) annou Mosquitoes in these areas - Iowa Association of REALTORS . has tested older, female Iowa resident diseases like dengue or chikun carry 7.7%, ved impro price sale travel a with The median positive for the virus. She has . Travelers visiting areas in gunya 000 Zika : $140,000 compared to $130, history to Central America where ongoing Zika transmission should is the fourth consecutive long-sleeved shirts and long 2014. This virus transmission is ongoing. Wear . • prices home in at risk of year with an increase “The general public is not y se the pants; nts Also, homes sold were up slightl contracting this virus, becau Use EPA-registered insect repelle • 2014. over 1.9% not are ng; from last year, mosquitoes that transmit Zika and permethrin-treated clothi any year Medi Medior airHomes sold faster in 2015 than established in Iowa,” said IDPH • Stay and sleep in screened-in a faster Quinlisk. in the past 10. Every month saw cal Director Dr. Patricia ioned rooms; and condit in 2014. month to areas activities rate of sales than the same “However, Iowans traveling • Avoid or limit outdoor d to 80 from 89. droppe t virus marke Zika on ng Days ongoi times. is peak mosquito where there national pro- during to pro mild with Iowa continues to receive transmission should take care Zika virus illness is usually as ito bites.” hospi- recognition. In 2015, Iowa was rated hospi tect themselves from mosqu symptoms lasting up to a week; in America live to state delay best to d d Zika to secon d advise the Pregnant women are ons are rare. Most expose nt talizati loyme unemp t Zika There is and has the 5th lowes travel to foreign countries where virus won’t develop symptoms. de s birth derate in the nation. is being transmitted. A seriou no vaccine or treatment. poor other fect called microcephaly and
Zika virus identified in Iowa
$ WHO 32 for a LE YE AR! 2016 right2016 Copy right Copy
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The National and Iowa foodfood sociations had projected that Iowa’s in jobs service industry would add 1,230 pled that 2015. However, the state quadru se of 5,200 projection posting a net increa year is industry positions last year. This as– the as well as strong be to projected 1,600 of se s a net increa sociation expect By Kri s Wilgein nb2016. usch, THE NE Iowa in foodservice jobs Buchanan Co also ex WS es ty Porkexrevenuun Iowa restau Producer heldrant their last Annu year. al MEnteri eetingngand Ba s ceeded expec quettation Marchbeen nted to 5 projec at had Wo es lfe revenu y’ser, 2015, queton. Ap in Quashowev billion xim;ate $3.6 pro over ly 130 peop land justen joyed a delicry posted le more indust iou rant s me Iowa’s restau al, and musical program This intai2015. enter sales nment. than $4 billion Membeinrs ted to expec 15 Buchan year, restaurant salesofare 20 an . billion $4.2 d excee
Pictured, top: Buchanan County Cattleman of the Year Craig Alberts. At left: 2015 Beef Queen Shelby Lehman, 2016 Beef Princess Bailey Kleitsch, 2013 Beef Queen Lucretia Mangrich. Not pictured: 2016 Beef Queen Mandy Rawson.
Pictured are architectural renderings of what the new medical office (top) and east lobby (at left) will look like after construction.
When the weather gets rough, the tough go storm spotting
By Christine Dale, Assistant Editor
Iowans know that when March arrives, severe thunderstorms are just around the corner. To prepare, more than 100 people attended an annual storm spotting class Feb. 22 at the Mental Health Institute in Independence. The event was sponsored by Buchanan County Emergency Management and featured training by National Weather Service meteorologists, Alex Gibbs and Zack Uttech, from the Quad Cities. Following the class, particiCo untywhether pants, their skills or taking the training for the first time, Pork refreshing Pro cers Po rk Qu were part ofHo a moredu than 220roy member group in Buchanan County dedicated een lly Cook an alty, lia Mensching Mto isskeeping theirdfamilies, businesses and communities safe. Pigtailsthemselves, Kate Dolan Little as Little Miss and Lindsay Beyer every Pigtaiwhether thank While Weather Service can predict an area one the ed (NWS) ls. for National their fun ye Two $500 senistinlikely ar repreget severe weather, with the nearest in the Quad g andtopro olarsh ips Cities, awarded; officesch moting the re recknow dustr porkground” ipientsif there they “boots on the to accurately arewe any y instill in- Co Buneed we chanan re ok Holly an Co d Markia ty. property. Storm spotters, Roserious threats to lifeunand many Pictured, ab yalty for Griffiofn.whom are 2016 Buchan ov Sto ry ty Po Award Rand e left: Mike Pech (rig volunteers local fireandepartments and emergency services, can report co Co nti rk Queenwith unnues on pa ht) congrat y Re M ia Griff ge 5. ulates Senio visible threats,ark such as hail, n. Ceand Above, from iling. (Heather Thom ce- their location to NWS staff. NWS can r Hog Man ps lef then issue weather alerts for specific areas. Buchanan Co t: 2016 Royalty Little on Photo) (Christine Dale Photo) Miss Pigtai unty Pork Qu By Kris Wilge ls Cecelia Me One person who likes to watch the weather is Winthrop Fire Chief Chris Lin ee dsay Be nWinthrop nbusch, TH Markia Grand when he was north of saw a tornado touch down ye nsch r. (K iffi E ing, on the Tempus ris NE n and Little During their WS Wilgenbusch Hare, who says that he “enjoys helping his community,” and storm spotting is Mi reg ss Ph ula Pigtails farm just a mile away. oto) eviewr weekly meeti untyR daanCo 1(c)(3 y, Bu chan ws-Bu of50the ways untyR ) nohe heNe chaneview ng on Monone anCo om/T npcontributes. chan an County ook.c rofit that serIt can be frightening at times, like in June 2001 ws-Bu Faceb heNe Story continues on page 20. usat:at:Faceb om/T Follow ook.c Bo are Do ve ard a. us s a seven-co n Shonka, Ell They work wi Follow of Supervisor unty en Gaffney, th Winthrop Ci (via telepho and Gary Gi s leaders to develop community members ne) ty CounFollow and in ssel and2016 us ideas, cil me the proposed held a public hearing reg Copyright bu reg t ild fin Copyright 2016 Follow at: ula viewed as partnerships, r session M fis arding fed d funding. RC&D ha follows: Do arch 2 Tr with Auditor Cind cal year 2017 budget. s recently rec eral funding n’s council uck Sales Co y eived pre Mayor Gerald Denn .) $111,450 an a slight decre Gosse stated that tax lev unty pinicon Water to help with the Upper ie siding and d establis Council approved Wapsished Manage ase, except ies had est the following Truck Country hing tie co for debt ser me $116,024. to increased un stated they nt Authority cil memb Council me vices due tocol on aw -breaker proha property va . ers Fri d ask mb present: ord ed for $3.8 ers approve Melissa He funding has these change luations. Ho ard mi d eri sne llio be ng lot as follow ing the free en approved; s r, n wever, am the truck fro property tax may not necessarily s: however, the and Ann Myers, Le Mark Kress, Truck m Don’s ount and fun decrease es, Sales, aft cant who wi 1) The appliexact an d criteria is land Sprague cities, schoo because of other tax Friest also ll be “dig-rea no d Lee Whit Curtis review er Dennie and first levies by stated that tw t yet known. ls and hospi e. Also atten dy” will the bids for ing the me youth progra tal. After dis o the proposed d- curacy. ac- Howe receive the free lot. eting were cussion, ms have be Buchanan county bu ver, if both Buchanan Coun through the en awarded Supervisors dget was approved. applicants’ In other ty Health RC&D Em dig gra met with No -re nts busin ady Center Ry ployee Givin Public Re The progra Executive Di rtheast Iowa an informed ess, Clerk then: 2) date is identical, m lations Di g rec RC&D A rector tha and is used is administrated by em Fund. Michelle M ects in Buch tor Lora Friest regard t two appli the council at the Ap coin will be flipped to aw plo cB ing an cations ha ril 6 co source Conse an County. Northeast Iow proj- programs tha ard grants to youth ed yees Representative ride, Library been d uc ap t ing rvation & De aligns with Erin Kelchen ation Ea proved for a Re- No . Both appli uncil meetthe velopment, st the rth , cants will mi Bu eas rem on ssion of the chanan go t Iowa RC&D e aining “free” Inc., is a be vernment . lot in Win- invited to be present students, PW throp’s housi for the D co Sh in aw Story continu toss and the ng subdivisi n Curtis, and City Cl free lot will Bo es on page on th . erk Mary Ry applications be awarded 5. an. Bids for a to we the re ap- the proved new city du toss. Mayor winner of truck were mp day. (N on the exact same opened and contact appli Dennie will ames of the ap re- were cants to de not provid plicants mine their terdig-re ed to the Wolves shot in northwe Story continu ady status. Test results es on page conclusively st Iowa The DNR is 5. identified tw large canine ask ing anyone o counters a s sho who enwolf County and Va t this winter in Osceola Bank lendin servation offi to contact a local co n g shows n- po cer or wildl The samples Buren County as wolve sitive growth ife biologist s. we Coyotes and as interest . ty of Californi re tested at the Universi wolves share rate margins According - lar characte a-D many simiremain unde pressure. to ris both shooting avis. Investigation int r sociation, Iow the Iowa Bankers As o but there are tics including coloring s was condu Return on ass a fea , ba charges will cte nks provided tures where d and no than $52.7 ets (ROA), be filed in eit Wo the mo lve y dif re dicator of s are 5-6 fee billion in tot fer. another inher case. Gray wolve ov t lon era lea al g ll ses loa tail, 27-33 from nose to s bank perfo ns and continu by the inc rmance, under endang are listed as endangere ed to im $49.5 billio end of 2015, up fro d weigh 50-10 hes at the shoulder an ered species m end of 2015 prove to 1.19% at the n, or 6.4%, d of 0 pounds. Co state and fed laws at both , compared since the en 2014 eral 4.5 feet long, yo d the end of 20 to 1.15% at 20-22 inche tes are 3.5- balan . The largest increases season in Iow level and there is no open 14 s at the shoulder and weigh a. ces were in loan The numb . increase in the Iowa has seen a recent 35 er land develop for construction an The number -40 pounds. d nation on the of banks across the ment, includ ing in from est number of wolves movily residenti ing 1-4 fam FDIC “prob 2013-14 set of coyotes harvested ablished popu dro al co pp lem list” in ns a ed Great Lakes lat tru rec ions in the Th to183, the reg e second hig ord high of 15,347. family residential ction, and multi- banks aware of the ion, so hunters need to be since the thi fewest problem hest total wa real estate. loa n possibility tha 15 with 13 ca rd quarter of s in 2014These The FD tegories saw ,911. Hunti t what they are looking at ma 2008. IC do uble-digit loa De growth in 20 ng an are the prima y not be a coy n supported by posit Insurance Fund 15 ote. ry means to d trapping , bank premi Loan quali . coyote popu $72.6 billio ums, grew ty also rem lation mana manage the Th to n, ain up gement. ed strong. thi e interest rat $2.5 billion rd quarter. from the mains an are e environment also reCopyright 20 a of focus for Copyright 20 16 Iowa banks, 16 www.the w.thebuchan buchww anan ancountynew countynew Fo Follow llo us at: Face uswat: Facebook eNews-Buc .com/ThTh eN hananCounty ews-Bucha nanCountyReview Revie
Buchanan Co
. Pork Produc
Supervisors ap
ers hold annu
prove propose
d FY 2017 bud
al banquet
Council review
s bid for new
dump truck
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