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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.

March 3, 2016

In THE NEWS this week...

Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week -

6 3, 201 March

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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent

REGULAR DEADLINE: 10 AM Mondays OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-4:30 M-F (closed Wednesdays) PO Box 9, 225 W. Madison St., Winthrop IA 50682 PHONE: 319-935-3027 or 319-327-1810 NEWS email: ADVERTISING email: WEBSITE: Serving the community by publishing legal notices for Buchanan County, East Buchanan Community School District, and Cities of Brandon, Independence, Winthrop, Quasqueton, and Rowley, IA.

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PAGE 6 March 3, 2016

The News & The Guide

St. Patrick Church in Winthrop

FISH FRY Friday, March 4

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F o r E V E RY O c c a s i o n !


We’ l l m a ke i t S P E C I A L !

Another week has passed in the second year of the 86th General Assembly of the Iowa House of Representatives. Over the past four days, I had the pleasure of meeting with firefighters, EMTs, students from Hawkeye Community College, representatives from AARP, and good friends from Project Pink and Iowa Childcare Resource and Referral. In addition to many visits at the capitol, we held our first of three Rural Caucus presentations for all Democratic legislators. The presentation dealt with biosecurity, food safety, and bioterrorism. The presentation was well received and well attended. This is the first week that we have debated quite a few bills. Most of the bills passed were well supported other than a few firearms bills. Some of the bills that passed were; a bill requiring all lease termination notices to be in writing, a bill allowing for tandem towing of certain farm implements, a bill allowing varsity athletes who are experiencing bullying to open enroll to another school without needing to sit out a year for a sport, a bill criminalizing certain forms of identity theft, and a bill allowing 17 year olds to caucus if they will be 18 on, or before the November election. In total over 20 bills passed out of the House this week. Next week, Representative Stutsman and I will post a press release indicating the full support of our House Democratic Rural Caucus for the Renewable Chemical Tax Credit. Our Rural Caucus understands the great value of this legislation to job creation and prosperity in rural Iowa. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the district. You can contact me anytime at or call at 515-281-3221.

Peace of mind for deployed parents

Deployed service members worried about the welfare of their children should be assured they will not face a court battle over custody and visitation during deployment. To ease their concerns, the Senate approved SF 2233, the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. It establishes a process for service members and nondeploying parents to deal with custody and visitation during deployment. This model legislation was proposed by a national organization to create consistency among states. Under the bill, when a parent is deployed, the parents can enter into a temporary agreement regarding custodial responsibility during deployment. The agreement will terminate when the deployed parent returns, and the original court order regarding child custody will once again be in force. If parents cannot reach an agreement, the court may issue a temporary order granting custodial responsibility, including to a non-parent. This order would also terminate upon the deployed parent’s return. Parental agreements and court orders will also include the assurance that a parent gets contact with their children through electronic means, if possible, during deployment. Military members should be able to confidently serve our country without custody and visitation worries when duty requires them to leave their homes and their children.

412 1st St East, Independence 319.334.4225

Everyone is Invited to the Annual

Buchanan County Pork Producers Banquet Saturday, March 5 at Wolfey’s Wapsi Outback Quasqueton

Social Hour at 5:30-6:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Entertainment: Beau Timmerman

EVERYONE WELCOME! To make reservations or for more information, call 319-521-3761


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Monticello Hopkinton Manchester 319-465-5921 563-926-2250 563-927-8019 Winthrop Ryan Strawberry Point New Vienna 319-935-3364 563-932-2561 563-933-2213 563-921-2455

The News & The Guide

Area Church Directory

March 3, 2016 PAGE 7

Please call 319-935-3027 or email news@thenews-guide with changes


St. Paul's Lutheran, 109 Prospect St. 319-233-3004 United Methodist, 506 Luella St. 563-924-2870


Church of Christ, 306 East St. 319-474-2159 United Methodist, 507 Main St. 319-474-2362

First Baptist, 301 2nd St. SE 319-240-7935 or 319-334-2135



First Presbyterian, 115 6th Ave. NW 319-334-3523;

Jesup Bible Fellowship, 152 South St. 319-827-6231

Christ United Presbyterian Church, 100 E. Charles St. 319-283-1656

First United Methodist, 455 6th St. 319-827-1675


First Presbyterian, 643 6th St. 319-827-1701


First United Methodist, 313 2nd St. SE 319-334-3689 Freedom Baptist (Independent), 210 2nd St. SE, 319-334-3801 email:


St. John Lutheran, 124 S. Main St. 563-932-2357

Grace Evangelical Church, 1312 5th Ave. NE 319-334-4232


First Baptist, 202 4th St., South

Hope Wesleyan, 505 4th Ave NE 319-334-7148

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 302 W. Main, 319-635-2211

Immanual Lutheran (ELCA), 512 5th St. NE 319-334-2511

United Methodist, 107 2nd St. N. 319-635-2932

Living Water, 113 2nd Ave NE 319-334-6723

St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod), 208 4th St. N. 319-635-2181. Email:

Our Redeemer Lutheran (Missouri Synod), 120 17th Ave. NE, 319-334-2745.


First Presbyterian, 100 3rd St. SW 319-238-9206

St. James Episcopal, 202 2 Ave. NE 319-334-4297

Trinity United Methodist, 209 1 St. NE 319-636-2784

St. John's Catholic, 209 5th Ave. NE 319-334-7191


Triumphant Church, SW corner of Hwy. 150 & 20 319-334-2407



Bethel Baptist, 614 3rd St. NE 319-334-6617 Calvary Evangelistic Center, 700 13th St. NE 319-334-2743 Cornerstone Foursquare, 707 20th Ave. SW 319-334-4489

GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705

Christian Life Church, 116 1st St. E 319-334-6978



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American Lutheran Church, 552 Purdy St. 319-827-6626

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 628 S. Frederick 319-283-3404

United Methodist, 212 E. Cedar St. Union Protestant Church of Quasqueton 212 E. Cedar 319-934-3558

Grace Lutheran, 633 Purdy St. 319-827-1257 Email: stjohnsluth@ St. Athanasius Catholic, 634 Stevens St. 319-827-6682


Aurora Lamont Baptist, 563-633-6545

Hoover Wesleyan, 2898 310th St. (SE of Quasqueton) 319-224-9317


First Presbyterian, 212 Park Ave. 319-938-2605

Grace United Methodist, 745 Washington St. 563-924-2870.





Urbana United Methodist, East Urbana Rd. 319-443-2191

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 119 W Fayette St. 563-927-4710

Immaculate Conception, 608 Bernhart St. 563-927-2740 Silver Creek United Methodist Church Four miles East of Monti and 1 mile south on Robinson Road.

Mt. Auburn

United Methodist Church, 201 Traer St.

Union Church, 126 N. Winslow 319-634-3757 St. Mary's Catholic, 402 Ash Ave. 319-448-4316


Sacred Heart Catholic, 302 Ely St. 319-448-4316, 319-448-4241 Walker United Methodist, 101 Ely St. 319-448-4689,


Church of Christ United, 354 2nd St. N. 319-935-3353 St. Patrick Catholic, 555 1st St. S. 319-935-3523 holicChurchWinthrop

SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER Jesup 319-827-1448

CITIZENS STATE BANK Winthrop 319-935-3364 Member FDIC

THE NEWS & THE GUIDE 319-327-1810


East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative is a quality telecommunications services provider who provides basic and enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic services are offered at the following rates: Winthrop and Quasqueton Exchanges Residence Access Touch Tone Line----------------------$16.00 Business Access Touch Tone Line------------------------$19.75 Aurora and Stanley Exchanges Residence Touch Tone Line---------------------------------$16.25 Business Access Touch Tone Line------------------------$20.25 --Federal Subscriber Line Charge – Residence Single Line-$6.50

American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 010611– 6/15

--Emergency 911 Services – Surcharge for 911 services are assessed according to government assessment. --Local usage provided free of charge to the end users

Find THE NEWS at:

Winthrop: THE NEWS Office at 225 W. Madison, McElroy’s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, The Music Station, Casey’s General Stores Manchester : Widner Drug

Low-income individuals eligible for Lifeline and Link-up telephone assistance programs may be eligible for discounts from this basic local service charge through state specified telephone assistance plans. Basic services are offered to all consumers in the East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative service territories at the rates, terms and conditions specified in the Cooperative’s tariffs. If you have any questions regarding the Cooperative’s services, please feel free to call us at 319-935-3011 or visit our business office located at 214 Third Street North, Winthrop, Iowa, or visit our website: for further information regarding our services.

PAGE 8 March 3, 2016

Public Notice

The Independence City Council met in regular session in the council chambers at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, February 22, 2016. Mayor called the meeting to order with Council Members Holland, Lenius, Vaughn, Hill, Dallenbach, Grover and Brown in attendance. Complete Council proceedings are on file in the office of the City Clerk for public viewing. Hill/Vaughn to approve the amended agenda, removing the Aquatic Center Discussion for the regularly scheduled meeting held February 22, 2016. Ayes: All. Public comments were received and placed on file. Grover/Brown to accept and approve the consent agenda that approves the following: 1) The Minutes of the February 8, 2016 Regular Meeting. 2) Fire Department Financial Statements for the Month of January. 3). Sheehan-Tidball Post #30 Class C (Commercial) Liquor License March 17, 2016 through March 16, 2017 Pending Inspection. Ayes: All. Vaughn/Dallenbach to approve the following bills for payment. Ayes: All. AFLAC Premium 916.14 ALLEN OCCUPATIONAL Medical 94.00 AMPERAGE FUNDRAISING Aquatic Ctr 64.32 AWWA Training 120.00 BAKER & TAYLOR Books 217.25 BERGANKDV Server Check 260.00 BRODART CO Audio Books 987.16 BRUENING ROCK PRODUCTS Rock 180.08 BUCHANAN COUNTY HEALTH Medical 96.10 CARD SERVICES-LIBRARY Supplies 1,977.04 CARD SERVICES-VISA Meeting 2,551.76 CAVENDISH SQUARE Books 258.38 CENGAGE LEARNING Books 244.65 CENTRAL UNITED LIFE Insurance 48.32 CENTURYLINK Phone 636.79 COLLECTION SERVICES Deductions 290.00 COMPASS MINERALS Snow Remov 2,142.69 DECKER SPORTING GOODS Supplies 149.00 DEMCO Supplies 162.05 DONOHUE & ASSOCIATES Energy Assess 1,355.90 R.E.C. Utility 3,312.99 EBSCO Subscription 1.76 EDWARD JONES & CO Empl Invest 1,180.00 EMERALD DATA SOLUTIONS BoardDocs 3,000.00 FASTENAL COMPANY Supplies 133.44 FUTURE LINE LLC Supplies 1,092.53 GEARGRID CORP Shelving 10,631.00 GOLDEN HORSE LTD Books 13.92 GROUP SERVICES INC $afe-T Fund 2,385.42 HACH COMPANY Supplies 164.55 HARDWARE HANK Supplies 14.38 HOSKINS, JERRY Tree Service 900.00 HUPKE, HEATHER Clinic 288.00 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO Supplies 1,324.85 IA CHAPTER OF IAPMO Dues 20.00 IA POETRY ASSOCIATION Lyrical IA 9.00 IAMU Water Dues 406.00 ICAP Endorse 3 448.00 IMFOA Dues 50.00 INDEPENDENCE L & P Utilities 3,845.26 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES Books 28.74 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FICA TAX 20,713.45 IOWA WALL SAWING Services 1,365.00 IPERS PROTECTIV 24,412.24 ISLEY, ANDREW Rembrs Meal 7.60 M&T BANK- 305533 IPER RETIRE 563.47 MANATT’S INC Supplies 181.39 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY CO Utility 3,114.50 MILLER QUARRY Rock 1,192.69 NE IA REGIONAL LEAGUE Dues 25.00 OCCIDENTAL LIFE Insurance 50.00

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The News & The Guide

OELWEIN PUBLISHING Publication 16.50 OFFICE TOWNE INC Supplies 100.08 ON-SITE INFO DESTRUCTION Disposal 296.32 OVERHEAD DOOR CO Bldg Maint 233.00 PACIFIC LIFE Insurance 325.00 PAYROLL CHECKS PAYROLL 56,382.19 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE Books 84.75 PERMA-BOUND Books 316.06 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL Lease 111.00 PURCHASE POWER Postage 442.98 QUILL CORP Supplies 150.63 RACOM CORP Service 637.50 ROBERTS STEVENS Legal Exp 1,150.00 RON’S PLUMBING HEATING Maint 72.19 SCHIMBERG CO. Supplies 203.99 SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER Supplies 76.87 STAKER, CHRIS Rembrs Training 255.00 SUPERIOR CLEANING Bldg Maint 1,300.00 SWISHER & COHRT Prof Service 148.00 TASC FLEX MEDICAL 805.36 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 238 UNION DUES 906.00 TORGERSON, MARK Clinic 345.60 7,130.00 TREASURER-ST OF IA TAXES UNUM LIFE/AD&D INS 681.19 US CELLULAR Services 468.40 USA BLUE BOOK Supplies 85.78 VICKI DINGBAUM CPR Training 60.00 WALKER, TRAVIS Clinic 180.00 WALMART Supplies 55.52 WASTE MANAGEMENT Utility 36,069.97 WELLMARK BCBS HEALTH BEN 35,748.15 WPPI ENERGY Utility 959.91 XEROX CORP Contract 390.41 CLAIMS TOTAL-$239,815.16, GENERAL FUND -$149,820.39, LIBRARY FUND-$21,186.15, HOTELMOTEL TAX FUND-$711.54, STREETS DEPT - ROAD USE T FUND-$27,865.98, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND-$1,968.86, WATER FUND-$12,694.57, SEWER UTILITY FUND-$23,182.25, SELF INSURANCE FUND-$2,385.42 Petitions were heard from the public, Officer Brain Lau, Independence Police Department, provided an update on Code enforcement. With the last light snow many property owners did not clear sidewalks, Officer Lau made seventy-five to eighty contacts with those owners. The nuisance property that has been an issue for several months has also been resolved to satisfaction. Council Member Hill/Holland to approve Pony Express Riders of Iowa to Collect Donations on the Bank corners on Good Friday, March 25, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Independence. Ayes: All. Council Member Lenius/Dallenbach with a Resolution terminating and liquidating the City of Independence 457 Deferred Compensation Plan with Security Benefits. Ayes: All. Res No. 2016-11. Council Member Hill/Vaughn with a Resolution setting the date of hearing as March 28, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of cost for the Municipal Pool Project, and that taking of bids therefore and for legal publications to be placed in the Bulletin Journal. Ayes: All. Res No. 2016-12.Council Member Grover/Brown with a motion to approve the Absolutely Indee Branding Project. Ayes: All. Council Member Lenius/Holland with a motion to approve Veenstra & Kimm 2016 Bridge Repair Feasibility Study. Ayes: All. Council Member Hill/Grover with a motion to approve the Indytel Contract/Agreement for IT Services, second by Council Member Grover. Ayes: All. Council Member Holland/Grover with a motion to approve the request to submit the TAP Grant Application. Ayes: All. Council Member Dallenbach/Brown with a motion to approve the Airport Layout Plan. Ayes: All. Council Member Lenius/Vaughn with a motion to approve the Veenstra & Kimm Construction Service Budget Amendment for the 2014 Overlay Project. Ayes: All. Council Member Hill/Brown with a motion to approve necessity to have an Airport Manager on the premises due to the enhanced airport rating and the security needs. Ayes: All. Council Member Dallenbach/Grover with a motion to set the date of hearing as March 14, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers in the City of Independence for consideration of adopting and approving the FY2017 Budget. Ayes: All. Council Member Dallenbach/Grover with a motion to set the date of hearing as March 14, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers in the City of Independence to adopt a Resolution approving the Revenue Purpose Statement for the proposed Natural Gas Franchise Fee. Ayes: All. Comments were heard from Council and Staff. Motion by Council Member Dallenbach/Grover to adjourn. Ayes: All. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

American Red Cross

Winthrop Community Blood Drive Friday, March 4 • 1-6 PM

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The News & The Guide

Public Notice

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors February 22, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, February 22, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the February 16th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $213,897.42. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following Law Enforcement Service Contracts for FY17 in the amount of $42 per capita: Cities of Aurora, Hazleton, Lamont, Quasqueton, Rowley, Stanley and Winthrop. All in favor, motion carried. Community Services Director, Julie Davison reported the MH/DS region would like her to attend the Housing as a Platform Conference in Chicago with all expenses paid by the region. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to authorize Director Davison to attend the conference. All in favor, motion carried. Director Davison requested the approval to contract with Delaware County for short-term case management services. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to contract with Delaware County for case management services. All in favor, motion carried. At 9:15 a.m. the public hearing for the second reading of the proposed Microwave Radio Path Ordinance was called to order with the following present: E911/GIS Coordinator, James Quinn, Kris Wilgenbusch and Charlie Comfort. After discussion and no objections, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to close the public hearing at 9:17 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. After further discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-11 WHEREAS, Gaffney proposed the Microwave Radio Path Ordinance on the 18th day of January 2016, which action is recorded in Book X Page 103 of the minutes of the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, a first reading of the ordinance was held on February 8, 2016; and WHEREAS, the second reading of the ordinance was held on February 22, 2016; and WHEREAS, the third reading of the ordinance was waived. NOW, THEREFORE, the following was read and voted upon by the Board of Supervisors, and it passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors; AND IT IS NOW THEREFORE ENACTED AND ORDAINED: CHAPTER 55 MICROWAVE RADIO PATH ORDINANCE 55.01 Purpose 55.02 Definitions 55.03 Boundaries and Standards of District 55.04 Uses in Underlying Zones 55.05 Noninterference Requirements 55.06 Permitting Requirement 55.07 Review and Action by Authorities 55.08 Enforcement 55.09 Severability Clause 55.10 Effective Date 55.01 PURPOSE. The intent of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare in regard to the efficient and unobstructed flow of microwave radio communications for the Buchanan County Public Safety Radio System and other emergency responders in Buchanan County. The pathways between the radio towers must be maintained free of obstructions to provide clear communications. Effective radio communications are essential for quick response in emergency situations and for the operation of the County’s public safety agencies. 55.02 DEFINITIONS. 1.“Structure” shall mean anything erected, reconstructed, altered, re-

March 3, 2016 PAGE 9 paired, relocated, or portable, the use of which requires a location on a parcel of land. It includes a movable structure: it is located on land which can be used for housing, business, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or office purposes, either temporary or permanently. Structures include, but are not limited to buildings, fill areas, water towers, silos, radio and TV towers, signs and billboards, outdoor movie theater screens, and telephone poles. 2.“Microwave Path” shall mean the three-dimensional Fresnel zone or zones between transmitting and receiving microwave antennas of the Buchanan County Public Safety Radio System, as mapping by the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Service within Buchanan County’s GIS Department. 3.“Path 1” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the Buchanan County Court House radio tower, known as the “Court House Site”, to the County’s central radio tower, known as the “Independence Site”. 4. “Path 2” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the Central Radio Tower, known as the “Independence Site”, to the water tower located at Aurora, known as the “Aurora Site”. 5. Path 3” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the water tower located at Aurora, known as the “Aurora Site”, to the tower located at the Fairbank maintenance shed, known as the “Fairbank Site”. 6. “Path 4” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the tower located at the Fairbank maintenance shed, known as the “Fairbank Site”, to the water tower located at Jesup, known as the “Jesup Site”. 7. “Path 5” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the water tower located at Jesup, known as the “Jesup Site”, to the water tower located at Rowley, known as the “Rowley Site”. 8. “Path 6” shall be the microwave radio communications path beginning at the water tower located at Rowley, known as the “Rowley Site”, to the Buchanan County Court House radio tower, known as the “Court House Site”. 55.03 BOUNDARIES AND STANDARDS OF DISTRICT. Boundaries and standards of the overlay district are based on the “Path Study for the Buchanan County Public Safety Radio Microwave Link System.” This study is on file at the Buchanan County GIS Department. Boundaries and standards are detailed below: 1. Boundaries: The district shall encompass an area two hundred (200) feet in width stretching the entire length of each path (path locations are shown graphically on the adopted zoning maps for Buchanan County, Town of Fairbank, Town of Jesup, Town of Rowley, and City of Independence). 2. Standards: The standards of the underlying district shall apply. However, to meet the intent of this district, the following additional standards shall apply: a. No structure, as defined in the Zoning Chapters, Chapters 50-56, shall be constructed or erected in the Microwave Radio Path District that exceeds sixty (60) feet in height. Height of proposed structures shall be measured from the grade existing at the time of adoption of this ordinance. b. Structure(s) attached to existing structure(s) may not, in aggregate, exceed sixty (60) feet in height above the grade existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. c. Exceptions: i. Due to path limitations, the maximum structure height for Path 2, from the Independence Site to the Aurora Site, and Path 3, from the Aurora Site to the Fairbank Site, is to be determined by their path data. For these paths, the maximum height is to be determined by the structure being 20 feet below the three-dimensional Fresnel zone or zones of the path at any location along the path as referred to in the microwave path elevations below. ii. Due to variations in ground topography, a proposed structure may exceed 60 feet in height provided it does not meet or exceed the following Mean Sea Level (“AMSL”) elevations and encroach on a microwave path as referred to in the microwave

path elevations below. A map of the paths follows. 55.04 USES IN UNDERLYING ZONES. All principal, conditional, accessory, and nonconforming uses shall be according to the underlying districts, except that uses shall also adhere to the standards detailed in this section. 55.05 NONINTERFERENCE REQUIREMENT. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Buchanan County Code of Ordinances, or any other applicable zoning or building regulation, no application for authority, whether by building permit or by zoning authorization such as land use permit, conditional use permit, or variance, to erect a new structure that will be at least sixty (60) feet in height above ground or to increase the height of an existing structure so that it will be at least sixty (60) feet in height above ground, may be approved until and unless the requirements of this Chapter have been met. 55.06 PERMITTING REQUIREMENT. Any person or entity intending to construct, erect, or modify a Structure which is or will be at least sixty (60) feet in height above the grade existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, shall submit an application to the Buchanan County GIS Department for a finding of no detrimental impact prior to commencement of construction or modification. The application shall include any documentation completed for Antenna Structure Registration from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as well as any documentation related to an Obstruction Evaluation or Airport Airspace Analysis from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). A copy of the application must also be provided to the Buchanan County Zoning Department for their review and approval. Final approval will be granted by The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors at a public hearing. 55.07 REVIEW AND ACTION BY AUTHORITIES. A.Upon receiving an application, the Buchanan County GIS Department and other authorities identified below shall take the actions set out herein. 1. Preliminary finding of detrimental impact or no detrimental impact. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of application, the Buchanan County GIS Department shall make a preliminary finding on whether there may be a detrimental impact upon the Buchanan County Public Safety Radio System’s microwave path or paths, and report that determination to the developer, owner, or agent who filed the application for the permit. a. If the Buchanan County GIS Department reports a preliminary finding of no detrimental impact, that report shall release the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors to review the application and grant it if it meets the requirements of the applicable codes, such as the provisions in the Ordinances of Buchanan County, Iowa. b. If the Buchanan County GIS Department reports a preliminary finding of possible detrimental impact, the Buchanan County GIS Department shall require the applicant to cause an engineering study to be prepared and sealed by a licensed engineer and submitted to the Buchanan County GIS Department to confirm whether the structure will have a detrimental impact upon the system’s microwave path or paths and, if so, the extent of that impact. 2. Finding of detrimental impact or no detrimental impact. Upon receipt of that engineering study, the Buchanan County GIS Department shall review it and any other relevant evidence available to the GIS Department and, as soon as practicable, make a finding of whether a detrimental impact exists, and report that finding to the Buchanan County Building Department, Buchanan County E-911 Executive Board, and the Buchanan County Zoning Department, with a copy to the developer, owner, or agent who filed the application for the permit. a. If the Buchanan County GIS Department reports a finding of no detrimental impact, that report shall release the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors to review the application and grant it if it meets the requirements of the applicable codes in the Ordi-

nances of Buchanan County, Iowa. b. If the Buchanan County GIS Department reports a finding of detrimental impact, the other Buchanan County Board of Supervisors shall, in consultation with the Buchanan County GIS Department, work with the applicant to mitigate that detrimental impact. To do so, the applicant may (i) redesign and/or relocate the structure to eliminate its detrimental impact or (ii) negotiate with the County to design, engineer, and install (using a contractor approved by the County) any or all additional equipment or modifications necessary to eliminate that detrimental impact. A negotiated mitigation shall include posting of a performance guarantee ensuring design and installation of that equipment and conveyance of that equipment along with all necessary easements for access to and maintenance of that equipment to the County. 55.08 ENFORCEMENT. Violation of this ordinance is a County infraction under Iowa Code Section 331.307, punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $750 for each violation. Each day of noncompliance may be deemed as a separate offense. In addition, the County may avail itself of alternative relief, as authorized by Section 331.307(8) and 331.307(9). Officials of 55.09 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any section, provision, or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision, or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. 55.10 EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective sixty (60) days from adoption by the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of February 2016. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to adjourn at 9:19 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Claims paid the month of February: Advance Auto Parts, Parts....... ..........................................125.98 Allen Memorial Hospital Corp, Serv ..........................................193.25 Alliant Energy, Utilities ............ .......................................3,390.14 Altorfer Inc, Repairs .......1,965.19 Anderson Erickson Dairy, Inmate Provisions .........................282.60 Appliance Plus Of Oelwein, Supplies ....................................80.16 Area Ambulance Service, Serv .......................................1,666.32 AT&T, Serv..........................41.26 B & B Farm Store Inc, Supplies ............................................71.86 B2b Computer Products, Equip .......................................1,901.32 Bair, Amanda M, Serv .........49.00 BankIowa, Fees ..................14.40 Bantz, Barbara J, Serv .......63.00 Berns, Allan, VA Mileage Exp . .......................................1,149.03 Best Way Inc, Supplies .......38.41 Black Hawk Co Sheriff, Serv47.12 Black Hills Energy, Utilities ..... .......................................... 311.14 Black Strap Inc, Salt ......6,629.85 Blake, Scott J, Supplies .......... .......................................2,062.55 Bodensteiner Implement Co, Parts ..........................................350.07 Braun Intertec Corp, Serv ....... .....................................16,222.28 Brecke Inc, Serv ..........44,973.00 Bruening Rock Products Inc, Rock ..........................................775.71 Buchanan Co Extension Office, Regist ...............................105.00 Buchanan Co Health Ctr, Serv .......................................1,144.25 Buchanan Co Sheriff, Serv ..... .......................................... 116.36 Buchanan Co Soil/Water, FY16 Approp ...............................3,000.00 Buds Electric Inc, Serv .....607.25 Burkhart, Tai, Mileage/Cell Reimb ............................................64.42 Cabela’s Inc, Uniforms .....201.68 Cabell, Sondra, Supplies Reimb ..........................................250.60 Case Management Serv, Serv ..........................................495.00 CDW Government Llc, Serv ... .......................................4,500.00 Central IA Water Assn, Utilities ..........................................193.50 Central IA Distributing, Supplies ..........................................160.70 Centurylink, Serv ..............525.10 Chief Supply Corp, Uniforms .. ............................................58.80 Citizen Herald, Publications.... ..........................................644.74

City Laundering Co, Serv ....... ..........................................513.29 Code Blue Designs, License .. ............................................99.00 Cohen, Dan, Regist Reimb ..... ............................................10.00 Consolidated Energy Co, Fuel .......................................6,255.38 Cutting Edge, Uniforms ....243.00 Cy & Charleys Inc, Parts ........ .......................................1,281.52 Dahls Auto Glass, Serv.....260.00 Dental Distributors Inc, Supplies ..........................................360.80 Des Moines Stamp Co, Supplies ............................................34.50 Diamond Surface Inc, Serv..... .....................................89,002.99 Dons Truck Sales Inc, Parts ... .......................................1,917.85 Dooley-Rothman, Sarah, Serv ............................................42.00 Dunlap Motors Inc, Serv ...525.74 Dykes, Skylar D, Supplies ...... ............................................73.00 E Central IA Rec, Utilities ....... ..........................................401.48 Ehlers, Deb, Mileage Reimb ... ..............................................3.78 Elite K-9 Inc, Supplies ......153.02 Eschens Clothing, Uniforms ... ............................................95.90 Even, Matthew, Mileage/Meal/ Lodging ....................................203.20 Evers, John, Ins ................450.17 Evizzit LLC, Serv ..............390.00 Fairbank, City Of, Utilities .168.09 Fareway Foods, Provisions325.10 Farmers Mutual Tele Co, Serv ..........................................132.76 Fastenal Co, Parts ............176.83 Fayette Co Sheriff, Serv ... 116.32 Franzen, Clair, Serv ..........438.35 G & L Lawn Rangers LLC, Serv .......................................2,949.90 Gaffney, Ellen, Mileage Reimb ..........................................307.80 Gardiner Thomsen, Serv ........ .......................................3,500.00 Gissel, Gary, Mileage Reimb .. ..........................................205.20 Greenley Lumber Co, Parts .... ............................................78.65 Growmark Inc, Fuel .......5,564.16 Hardware Hank, Supplies ...98.92 Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co, Serv ............................................45.80 Hayzlett, Chris, Uniform Reimb ..........................................150.00 H-E Parts Distribution, Parts... .......................................9,422.46 Hersom, Gary, Serv ..........900.00 Holzapfel, Suzanne L, Serv .... ............................................94.50 HP Inc, Parts .................2,749.44 Hulbert, Dave, VA Mileage Exp ..........................................475.58 Hulse, Brenda S, Rent ......125.00 IACCVSO, Regist .............120.00 ICEC, Regist .......................20.00 IIW Engineers & Surveyors Pc, Serv .............................15,185.58 Independence Light & Power, Serv ..................................... 11,480.53 Independence Plumbing, Serv .......................................1,226.83 Independence Postmaster, Postage ..........................................200.00 Innovative Monitoring Systems, Serv ..................................300.00 Intoximeters Inc, Supplies 115.00 Iowa Co Sheriff, Serv..........22.00 Iowa Dare Assoc, Dues ......50.00 IA Dept Of Public Safety, Serv .......................................1,974.00 IA Employment Conference, Regist ..........................................295.00 INRCOG, Serv ..................791.39 Iowa One Call, Serv............23.40 Iowa Rivers Revival, Regist 50.00 ISAC, Regist ..................1,370.00 ISAA, Regist .....................650.00 IA Workforce Development, License ............................................20.00 J & D Body Shop, Serv .....900.00 Jacobs, Katherine Ann, Serv750.00 John Deere Financial, Parts ... .......................................1,543.16 Johnson, Linda, Serv ..........87.50 Kelly, Amy, Cell/Mileage Reimb ............................................28.78 Knapps Service, Repairs ..101.51 Koch Brothers, Equip..........93.58 Kwik Trip Stores, Fuel.......225.03 Lamont, City Of, Utilities .....84.72 Laughlin, Victor, Va Commissioner Exp .....................................36.34 Lechtenberg Janitorial, Supplies ..........................................146.40 Lexisnexis, Serv ...............156.00 Linn Co Public Health, Supplies ............................................40.00 Linn Co Treasurer, Medical Examiner....................................372.67 Linn Co Sheriff, Serv ..........48.98 Maas, Michael, Regist/Uniform Reimb .................................77.92 Mail Services Llc, Serv .....663.41 Manatts, Concrete ............876.19 Marco Technologies Llc, Serv. ..........................................235.73 Marlow, Amy, Mileage/Cell Reimb ............................................35.26 Matt Parrott & Sons Co, Supplies ..........................................280.55

McGraw, Kriss A, Serv ........69.41 Medical Associates, Serv..406.68 MHDS-ECR, Fy16 Distribution ...................................167,808.00 MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities .......................................3,765.30 Mills, Karla, Mileage Reimb .... ..........................................405.00 Monkeytown Office Supply, Supplies ..................................572.74 Myers-Cox Co, Inmate Provisions .......................................4,516.87 Napa Auto Parts, Parts .....797.92 Ne District ISAA, Regist....650.00 Network Computer Solutions, Serv .......................................1,765.00 NE IA RC & D Inc, FY16 Approp .......................................6,000.00 Oelwein Police Dept, Serv ..42.00 Oelwein Publishing Group, Publication ....................................703.19 Oelwein Veterinary Clinic, Supplies ............................................52.00 Office Towne Inc, Supplies1,579.00 O’Reilly Automotive Inc, Parts ..........................................199.66 Orkin Exterminating Co, Serv . ............................................59.35 Our Iowa, Subscription .......32.98 Overhead Door Co Inc, Doors/ Labor ...........................12,483.25 Peters Law Offices, Serv ....90.00 Petersen Court Reporters Inc, Serv ..........................................348.65 Pine Creek Cemetery Assn, Care ............................................12.00 Pinicon Ford, Parts ...........371.95 Polks Lock Service Inc, Repairs ............................................14.50 Porter & Porter Const, Door Replace ..............................3,250.00 Power Plan, Parts ..........2,404.43 Price, Jim, Bd Of Adjust Mileage ..............................................7.02 Print Express, Supplies ....187.00 Productivity Plus, Supplies .42.41 Public Safety Center Inc, Supplies ..........................................243.86 Quality Computer Service Inc, Repairs ..................................270.90 Ray O’Herron Co Inc, Supplies ..........................................203.63 Reedsburg Hardware Co, Supplies ..........................................157.54 Roepke, Leland C, VA Commissioner Exp .................................41.20 Rowley, City Of, Utilities .....12.50 Sadler Machine Co, Serv1,050.00 Schares, Marie, Refund .... 110.00 Shonka, Don, Mileage ......176.58 Signs & More, Uniforms......13.00 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, Supplies ..................................561.64 State Assn Preservation, Dues ............................................20.00 State Hygienic Laboratory, Supplies ..........................................283.00 State Medical Examiner, Serv .......................................3,539.18 Stecklein, Shawn, Serv.....700.00 Steil Welding, Supplies .......18.61 Stone, Larry A, Supplies .....47.00 Superior Cleaning Services, Serv/ Supplies .........................3,509.24 Superior Welding Supply, Supplies ............................................33.12 Taylor Construction Inc, Bridge Payment.............................43,804.52 Taylor, Alan, VA Mileage Reimb ..........................................468.58 Thomas Electric Motor Serv, Repairs ..................................154.20 TMA Laser Group Inc, Supplies .......................................2,341.30 Trumbauer, Melissa, Mileage Reimb .................................42.55 US Cellular, Serv ...........1,907.71 US Postmaster, Postage2,000.00 VanRaden, Michael, Regist Reimb ............................................10.00 Veridian Credit Union, Serv 52.10 Verizon Wireless, Serv .....313.19 Verns True Value Inc, Supplies ..........................................158.21 Visa, Supplies ................2,496.33 Von Bokern Associates Inc, Serv .......................................5,350.00 Walmart, Supplies ..............51.27 Ward, Ben, Supplies Reimb ... ............................................95.99 Waste Management, Serv ...... .......................................2,563.23 Waterloo Police Dept, Serv .... ............................................55.56 Weber Paper Co, Supplies ..... ..........................................718.48 Weible-Jones, Angela, Serv ... ............................................27.45 Welch, William J, VA Commissioners Exp ...............................36.88 Wendling, Louis, Bd Of Adjust Mileage........................................3.78 Westendorf, Sylvia, Serv ..120.00 White Funeral Home Inc, Serv .......................................1,500.00 Windstream, Serv .............103.24 Winthrop News, Publications .. .......................................1,100.79 Winthrop, City Of, Utilities.104.10 Wulfekuhle, Alan, Bd Of Adjust Mileage...................................... 11.34 Xerox Corp, Serv ................34.44 Zee Medical Service Co, Supplies ..........................................231.91 Total ...........................546,817.95


March 3, 2016

The News & The Guide

Independence Site Latitude: 42° 29’ 08.30” N Longitude: 91° 51’ 22.80” W Site Elevation: 984 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 100.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 3 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 2.1°

Line Distance: 11.46 mi Climb Elevation: 630.5 ft Climb Distance: 6.8 mi Note: Future paths from the Jesup water tower to Brandon and Brandon to the Rowley water tower may be required. If this path is implemented, the Jesup to Rowley path may be eliminated.

The News & The Guide

March 3, 2016 PAGE11

Aurora Site Latitude: 42° 37’ 23.00” N Longitude: 91° 43’ 49.00” W Site Elevation: 1147 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 165.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 3 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 2.1°

Path Length: 11.46 miles From Tx Freq: 11,345.0 MHz To Tx Freq: 10,855.0 MHz

Terr Distance: 11.46 mi Descend Elevation: 466.7 ft Descend Distance: 4.6 mi

Elev Gain: 163.8 ft Min Elevation: 967.4 ft Max Elevation: 1,144.9 ft

Fairbank Site Latitude: 42° 38’ 03.00” N Longitude: 92° 02’ 58.00” W Site Elevation: 981 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 120.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 3 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 2.1°

Path Length: 10.51 miles From Tx Freq: 11,305.0 MHz To Tx Freq: 10,815.0 MHz

Line Distance: 10.51 mi Climb Elevation: 362.1 ft Climb Distance: 5.3 mi

Terr Distance: 10.51 mi Descend Elevation: 350.3 ft Descend Distance: 5.2 mi

Jesup Site Latitude: 42° 28’ 57.00” N Longitude: 92° 04’ 00.00” W Site Elevation: 992 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 120.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 3 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 2.1°

Elev Gain: 11.9 ft Min Elevation: 915.0 ft Max Elevation: 1,013.8 ft

Path 5: Jesup Site to Rowley Site

Path 3: Aurora Site to Fairbank Site

Path 1: Court House Site to Independence Site

Courthouse Site Latitude: 42° 28’ 14.00” N Longitude: 91° 53’ 19.00” W Site Elevation: 951 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 90.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 2 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 2°

Path Length: 1.96 miles From Tx Freq: 17,865.0 MHz To Tx Freq: 19,425.0 MHz

Independence Site Latitude: 42° 29’ 08.30” N Longitude: 91° 51’ 22.80” W Site Elevation: 984 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 140.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 2 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 2°

Aurora Site Latitude: 42° 37’ 23.00” N Longitude: 91° 43’ 49.00” W Site Elevation: 1147 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 165.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 6 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 1.9°

Line Distance: 16.29 mi Climb Elevation: 514.2 ft Climb Distance: 7.3 mi Line Distance: 1.96 mi Climb Elevation: 116.1 ft Climb Distance: 1.1 mi

Terr Distance: 1.96 mi Descend Elevation: 82.4 ft Descend Distance: 4,360 ft

Path Length: 16.29 miles From Tx Freq: 6,093.45 MHz To Tx Freq: 6,345.49 MHz

Terr Distance: 16.29 mi Descend Elevation: 680.0 ft Descend Distance: 9.0 mi

Elev Gain: 33.7 ft Min Elevation: 911.9 ft Max Elevation: 981.5 ft

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Fairbank Site Latitude: 42° 38’ 03.00” N Longitude: 92° 02’ 58.00” W Site Elevation: 981 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 185.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 6 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 1.9°

Elev Gain: -165.8 ft Min Elevation: 979.1 ft Max Elevation: 1,148.3 ft

Jesup Site Latitude: 42° 28’ 57.00” N Longitude: 92° 04’ 00.00” W Site Elevation: 992 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 120.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 6 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 1.9°

Path Length: 13.54 miles From Tx Freq: 6,286.19 MHz To Tx Freq: 6,034.15 MHz

Line Distance: 13.54 mi Climb Elevation: 304.6 ft Climb Distance: 6.8 mi

Terr Distance: 13.54 mi Descend Elevation: 325.5 ft Descend Distance: 6.6 mi

Rowley Site Latitude: 42° 22’ 14.16” N Longitude: 91° 50’ 56.99” W Site Elevation: 971 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 160.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 6 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 1.9°

Elev Gain: -20.8 ft Min Elevation: 889.0 ft Max Elevation: 997.4 ft Continues next page

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PAGE 12 March 3, 2016

The News & The Guide

East Buchanan Mat Club

Path 6: Rowley Site to Court House Site


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Rowley Site Latitude: 42° 22’ 14.16â€? N Longitude: 91° 50’ 56.99â€? W Site Elevation: 971 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 160.0 ft. AGL From Antenna Diameter: 2 ft From Antenna Beam Angle: 3.4°

Line Distance: 7.19 mi Climb Elevation: 260.7 ft Climb Distance: 3.6 mi

Path Length: 7.19 miles From Tx Freq: 11,305.0 MHz To Tx Freq: 10,815.0 MHz

Terr Distance: 7.19 mi Descend Elevation: 283.4 ft Descend Distance: 3.6 mi

Court House Site Latitude: 42° 28’ 14.00â€? N Longitude: 91° 53’ 19.00â€? W Site Elevation: 951 ft. AMSL Antenna Height: 85.0 ft. AGL To Antenna Diameter: 2 ft To Antenna Beam Angle: 3.4°

Elev Gain: -22.7 ft Min Elevation: 885.3 ft Max Elevation: 981.4 ft

LOW INCOME TELEPHONE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Low-income telephone assistance is available to qualifying low-income Iowans through the “Lifeline� and “Link-up� federal telephone assistance programs.


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LIFELINE Low-income telephone assistance is available to qualifying low-income Iowans through the “Lifeline� and “Link-up� federal telephone assistance programs. LINK-UP Link-up assists in paying for the installation of basic telephone service by reducing connection charges by 50% or $30, whichever is less. Iowans who participate in at least one of the following programs are eligible for telephone assistance: Medicade, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Federal Housing Assistance, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF), National School Lunch Program (NSL). Iowa who do not participate in one of the above programs are eligible if their income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. To apply for either or both these plans, applicants should call East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative at 319-935-3011 and request an application. An application is also available at the Iowa Utilities Board website at: http:// East Buchanan Telephone in association with I wireless offers Lifeline eligible post-pay and pay in advance unlimited 30 day calling plans for $35 plus fees and taxes. All Lifeline rate programs include the following services: Voice grade access to the public switched network, free East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative, afflicated with I wireless, participates in the Lifeline/Link-up Programs. For more information Call 1-888-684-0500. East Buchanan Telephone Coop Phone: 319-935-3011 or visit

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Public Notice

East Buchanan Community School Special Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Aaron Cook, Jason Kress, Chad Staton, Greg Schmitt Late Arrival: Brian Crawford @ 5:04 p.m. Superintendent/Elementary Principal: Dan Fox Secondary Principal: Travis Schueller Secretary: Beth Weepie Visitor: Mark Nall Approval of Agenda: Motion was made Kress second by Staton to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0. Brian Crawford arrived @ 5:04 pm. Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Staton second by Schmitt to approve the


consent agenda with changes. Consent Agenda included the following: Hire of Amanda Schueller as HS Language Arts Teacher; Hire of Jenalee McElroy as MS Language Arts Teacher; Motion carried with all ayes. Land Purchase: Mr. Fox discussed with the board possibility of purchasing property that is for sale located at 245-5th St., North, Winthrop, IA. Board toured the premises located at 245-5th Street, Winthrop, Iowa from 5:08 pm 5:43 p.m. After further discussion, a motion was made by Schmitt second by Staton to table the purchase of property located at 245-5th Street, North until next regular meeting on March 9, 2016. Motion carried with all ayes. Adjournment: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Kress to adjourn the meeting at 5:58 p.m. Next regular meeting is March 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the library. /s/ Beth Weepie, Board Secretary

The News & The Guide

March 3, 2016 PAGE 13

Business & Service Directory

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AUTO SALES BIRDNOW Dealerships 1-888 Birdnow 1-888-247-3779 toll free Jesup, Oelwein, Monona, Cascade Chevy, Ford, Buick, Mercury, Pontiac, Lincolon, Cadillac We have NE IA Covered!

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March 3, 2016

The News & The Guide


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The News & The Guide

March 3, 2016 PAGE 15

Where I carry my stress

The Independence Community School District is hiring Substitutes! • Food Service Workers • Bus Drivers • Paraprofessionals • Nurses • Teachers To apply for these positions, please visit our website at: You can also pick up a substitute packet at the Central Administration Office, 1207 First Street West, EOE Independence, IA.


Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Independence, Iowa will meet at 6:30 p.m. on the 14th day of March, 2016, in the Council Chambers in City Hall for the purpose and consideration of adopting a Resolution designating a Revenue Purpose Statement for the use or expenditure of fee revenues from proposed natural gas franchise fees. Anyone interested in the subject matter of this request may attend the hearing at said time and place and be heard or file written objections with the City Clerk before said hearing. Published by order of the City Council. /s/ Jeena Lynch, Clerk/Treasurer

"It's where I carry my stress." This is a very common phrase you have likely heard or have even said yourself. Many people deal with upper neck, shoulder discomfort and headaches on a daily basis. They often feel that nothing can be done about the tightness and discomfort in the upper shoulder area, back of the neck, and also the associated headache symptoms that wrap around the side of the head toward the temple. What if there was a way to help, a way to get relief and then a way to sustain that relief by maintaining a specific lifestyle? Cervicogenic headaches, by definition, are a secondary headache, one that is caused from a disorder involving the neck. These disorders can include positional alignment issues, disc related injuries, post motor vehicle accident issues, or a "strained" muscle. Pain can generate headache

symptoms from these injuries or disorders, sometimes even involving dizziness, jaw pain or radicular symptoms into the arm. For those affected, physical therapy can be a way to help. A Physical Therapist will examine you, assess alignment, posture, soft tissue quality and determine a plan of care to help guide you to a more controllable situation. A plan of care will vary person to person but generally involve postural re-education activities and manual therapy techniques aimed at improving alignment and muscle imbalance that is leading to the secondary headache symptoms. Physical Therapy can help empower you to take control of your pain and learn ways to treat yourself. Living with the idea of "It's where I carry my stress," doesn't necessarily need to apply to you. Contact the BCHC Physical Therapy Department for more information on cervicogenic headaches.

Changes to BCHC entrance and parking Submitted by BCHC

The south parking lot of BCHC along 1st Street East is closed until further notice, as construction begins on the “Building for You” expansion and remodeling project. This 74,000 sq. ft. project will provide the communities of Buchanan County with extended health and wellness opportunities and services and continued quality care close to home. The south entrance, along with entrance to Wellness Center and Therapy Department and Lexington Estate will be closed for the duration of building project. Patients and patrons of Wellness Center and Therapy Department are requested to park in the west parking lot, adjacent to 15th Avenue NE. Access to Wellness Center will be made available through the back Wellness door, adjacent to the west parking lot. Those using 24/7 gym access are asked to use the sidewalk connecting the west parking lot to the current 24/7 entrance before and after regular business hours. All other patients, visitors, and guests are asked to park in the Specialty Clinic and Emergency Room parking lots, adjacent to 3rd Street NE. Access to hospital will be made available through the Specialty Clinic and Emergency Room entrances. Guests and family members of Lexington Estate residents may request assistance to and from Lexington Estate by speaking with admission representatives upon arrival and/or Lexington Estate team member.

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March 3, 2016

The News & The Guide

Are you gettingTHE NEWS? February 18, 2016

Cent ss 7575Cent


See Insid

Cabin Fever

See inside!

February 25, 2016

Home Improvement

189 iew189 Rev 22 ntyRev Cou iew anCou han nty Buc Est.Buc an han Est.

Medicaid transition concerns g aired at Independence meetin

THE NEWS recognized in INA Better Newspaper Contest

Cents 7575Cents

Buchanan County

Soil & Water Conservation District Annual Report

Board vacancy ussion sparks disc Assistant Editor

Est.Buchanan BuchananCounty CountyReview Review1892 1892 Est.

Mayor to appoint new police chief

By Christine Dale,

cy sparked Filling a board of director’s vacan School By Steven C. Smith nan (EB) discussion at the East Bucha Independence City Council met in regular session Monday Kress, who Board meeting Feb. 10. Jason night with all council members present and Mayor Bonita Dain g movin is ber, Septem was elected last most the vis presiding. The mayor announced Police Chief Randy Millto le again eligib once be THE NEWS is early March and will no longer er tendered his resignation in January with the intent to retire. nan County, awarded newspaper in Bucha represent Director District #2. Miller’s target for his last day on the job is July 1, 2016. Davis t News Iowa appoin the may in s s receiving five award By Iowa Code, school board said the position has been advertised and nine candidates ap2016 Better cy, pursuant to paper Association (INA) a new member to fill the vacan plied. When asked whether there were internal candidates for comthe ation, public ing st. Newspaper Conte public notice. Follow the job Davis said, “I’d rather not say where the candidates n for an election. commented, munity has 14 days to petitio Owner Steven C. Smith came from.” ary of State wledged According to the Iowa Secret “We are so pleased to be ackno Davis did say Officers Darwin Meyer and Brian Brinkema vathe fill to ry. aper indust website, the board has 30 days by our peers in the newsp assisted in whittling the pool down to five. Those candidates have . we tment many the to appoin s by award cancy Adding these l were interviewed Feb. 18 at the city library by a citizens comschoo next the until loserve coverage, The appointee will won over the years in news mittee selected by Davis and by a council committee comer it is a bond vote It is the Lenten season and many people are congregating y, community election, regardless of wheth cal columnists, photograph prised of Don Brown, Jon Holland, and Mike Lenius. l board schoo r regula in Winthrop on Friday nights for the St. Patrick Church fish next ing. the or is gratify on facilities promotion and advertising At Monday’s meeting, Lenius expressed that he would like ber 2017, when fry events. The Parish Hall filled up quickly Feb. 19 as diners ction is in the election scheduled for Septem to see more input from other council members on the final seHowever, our greater satisfa file has been inenjoyed fish plus a potato, vegetable, coleslaw, homemade able Iowans unserved.” ship and ada board member is elected. (A federal governthe into and s and we are going to leave vulner lection of a candidate. Lenius stated his concern as “this is an made continuing growth in reader 47% if saving butes that, strated contri desserts and more. unity.” troduced in the Iowa Senate and federal funds; the state Iowa Deimportant decision for our community and I think the rest of vertising support from our comm ement.) Medicaid is paid for with state the federal government. The Many helpers work together law, would change this requir program with oversight from in dozens of tive branch department does the council should be included.” execu board an 53%. The state manages the is the Approximately 4000 entries if m, ment that progra to make the event successful, es the requir Iowa Code based on (IDHS), that administers Story continues on page 22. 30 days of the partment of Human Services categories were judged by class, the governor. whether they are battering fish not appoint someone within Legislature and controlled by Story continues on page 4. must declare a ary which is funded by the Iowa circulation. secret or serving the meal. board the cy, vacan dual indivi d Photo) Story continues on page 21. electe Smith C. More St. Patrick fish fry 75 Ce75 special election and the Medicaid changes. (Steven nts Cent the term. njahn speaks about planned state events are planned for 4:30-7 s Pictured: Senator Brian Schoe would serve the remainder of require 30% of PM Friday, Feb. 26 and March A petition by the public would elec elecEB school 4 in Winthrop. Cost is $8 for the number of voters at the last March y 925 voters 3,$420 adults and for16 youth under tion, which brought approximatel By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS n is held, it must age 10. Call 319-935-3871 for to the polls. If a special electio During their regular weekly meeting on Monday, Buchanan be the vacancy becarryouts. occur between 60-70 days after County Supervisors Gary Gissel, Don Shonka and Ellen Gaff Gaffry. secreta school (Christine Dale Photos) Bob was comes known by the ney held a public hearing on a proposed Microwave Radio public Pat chuckles as she recalls that h the and saw The board voted, 4-1, to publis By Steven C. Smith Path Ordinance. The intent of the ordinance is to protect public a barber with a growing family Crawford estate Brian real ent the in Presid ns Vice lidatio styles notice. Board Recent conso health, safety, and general welfare in regard to the efficient and on the wall as hair as he wished to in Indepen- the handwriting cast the only dissenting vote and insurance community unobstructed flow of microwave radio communications for tically in the ‘50s and earssion about generations changed drama Est. B research the topic further. Discu dence are bringing together the Buchanan County Public Safety Radio System and other uc haircuts became less frequent. Es and the ha ‘60s at ly t. occur na B will y. uc tees n na ha Con something un prospective appoin get of service in Buchanan Count better emergency responders in the county. ty had he d Co Re decide unty viewvi18 meeting her “He March board meeting. 9218 By Kris Wilgenbusch, Pat Ohl fondly remembers ew Deadline to submit ideas is March 18. and Re encouraged to attend. During the The pathways between the radio towers must be maintained dependable.” tion, THE NEWS more educa 92 at dary dance secon a on at Ohl update During an nce began opThe high Winthrop Community and ComAccording to C&C President Kris Wilmeeting, plans for Winthrop Days will future husband Bob Insura free of obstructions to provide clear communications. Effecand Estate l Real schoo Ohl in. The Principal Travis Schueller stated n Barber Shop. mercial Club held the Coliseum Ballroom in Oelwe tive radio communications are essential for quick response in re their regular monthly genbusch, “Submit your parade theme be discussed and election of officers will - erating in 1960 at the Scanlo ation were refeatur gradu for 1928 s in d ement opene lty requir om course meetingwith Monday, popular ballro emergency situations and for the operation of county public agent for Aetna Casua Iowa Feb. 15. Discussion ideas to our Facebook page or mail to be held. align of national Bob Ohl was an viewed and adjusted to better and plans are being made for Winthrop Winthrop C&C Club, PO Box 15, WinWilgenbusch stated, “We look forward ing a rollicking rocking lineup operated the barber safety agencies. effec es will be effecuntil its and Surety Co. He real Core Standards. These chang Days,class. which will be held June 17 and 18. throp IA 50682. The theme winner will to seeing everyone at the annual meetname big bands and rock bands The public hearing was opened at 9:15 AM and there was no 10 years before entering the his mother, Pat. for and shop Ohl an Pat Steve and freshm ed: 17 Bob Pictur tive with the 2016by 1962, was and The committee approved having a pa) receive a $25 prize!” ing on March 21 and hearing ideas for final dance July 14, 1973. field, public objection to the proposed ordinance. The board waived Photo nce Smith insura C. entary and n nt/Elem (Steve Coli- estate at the Coli In the elementary, Superintende business. rade theme The C&C Club will hold their annual the 2016 Winthrop Days parade! We are were among many who met a third public hearing and approved the ordinance. It will take testing this year. The parade mentcontest spending full time on the latter Assess and s Iowa parent said ’s Fox writer Dan al this 21. Princip willThey be held PM June 18 and the club meeting at 6 PM on March 21 at Win- looking for volunteers and for input from seum (including effect 60 days after approval. Story continues on page heldata 5pred in 1953. was underway for grades 3-8. is asking fortspublic throp City Hall. The public is invited our community members.” grandparents) and were marrie Story continues on page 22. to do input for a theme. studen testing pep rally and “encouraged in back results test have to By Connie Are their best.” Fox hopes g. nd meetin Buchanan Co time for the next regular board hours once a month for es project, Center for approximately two nual banque unty Cattlemen held the Concerning the proposed faciliti cost esNEWS . She stated that all boxes are es t Feb. 27 at By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE ay distribution of food boxes he recently received revised the Buchan ir anFa Tuesd uted stated held irg Fox distrib g, and rou meetin ed, pregnancy outcomes in babies whose y nd unload weekl an Co s 4-H dis semi, Zika virus identified in Iowa Iowa 2015 overview Iowa Restaurant Industry He was disunty Submitteects. bureal During their regular ildingestate El- prepaid, delivered on a d by BCHC man while . President timates from StruXture Archit welcomedIna 2015, nan Co. Supervisors El mothers infected with Zika virus . t period projec Last week, the Iowa Department of home pricesDo in Iowa rose The National and Iowa Restaurant Asour reduce to two-h t cro On that due to President’s Day, Bucha attemp wd first within Feb. 23, the of 230 memb ug Lehyear. Independence appointed that the Buchanan for with m met pregnant have been reported. progra Bu Gissel great i ia Gary ch is Public Health (IDPH) announced an once again, according toersthe sociations had projected that Iowa’s foodapprox and this anan County andofficial district (B theBo len Gaffney CHC) save The board feels guests, an • only Co Super would m r. nst Af se progra He Barke expen e ter ruc the ard s alt Denis increaindustry e a t in these areas may also of Tr h Ce new,tested to discus primeyearly se of 50would nter Iowa ustees voted uction older, female resident has housing trends released by the service add 1,230 jobs in two-storyMosquitoes rib constr sing ph din SHARE Program representativ increa ase to ing people County residents. Barker plans ne due 00 , 74 me r, int which will to begin a thr and desse ,000 sq. ft. foot dical offilike For more from last that mately $500,0 uced Vice ® carry diseases dengue orrod chikunt. ce bu for thepro virus. She has a ho travel Iowa Association REALTORS . 2015. However, the state quadrupled board at the senior center. eeprovided by use the Presid ild- son per squarebuilding projec positive visor Don Shonka was absen s of$200 from ent Doug Leof rts range pu SpeciTravelers vide room BCHC lizes in with the advisory m, which Wa specia Progra , costs, t E that an alt psi to d , SHAR zation y gunya. visiting areas with ins bo the the Warriors ntz organi Cl for for ard till inic and , Secretar7.7%, The median sale price improved historycam to Central where ser Zika projection posting aCl net increase of 5,200 ing a,comm memb - likeAmerica vice growth, for locker rooms 4-H the ation or to sign up SHARE is a non-profit $250 ers to y inform hig Da space been Jor Me he ub om itm sui le have www. da st , LeThis rfe classro They Pri visit ent virus tes for sleep for n Albert, qualityroom. ld, and Ru$140,000 ebe, Trepositions hman ongoing de Zika transmission should: to protransmission to 50% off. velop 319-938-2814 or at of r De compared to $130,000 in is ongoing. industry last year. vid asu ho he Barke sti e rek e safe me stu alt rer a e Denis to for t selling exceptional food at up Ka h Le die Ge $270 contac the an entrance an ne. Junior ass ntz, Dean Va s,• de orge Richard year is d welln ser ackand nowllong velop $260 for the stage and communities of ding to Barker, SHARE Wear long-sleeved edged for d at a new frontshirts n Noto ociateconsecutive regrisk vicgeneral 2014. is the fourth is not as well – -the aste, be ist of are es kitpublic members Ry projected Buchanan Co ess“The theirThis Joestrong niently close in business for over 18 years. Accor Scheck involv partic en and cafete ration pants; a, and rem resolution el, Mark ement anin In other business: ansociation uncontracting Merfeldexpects to help others and that spirit is ty conve- thischvirus, homeent d 4-H for yearbewith an increase home prices. because the publi increase of 1,600 ss, supervisors approved a odeled Ro ipation in the ria for and Ryaannet , am busine retirem an ne was started as a resource to other early ids ef In d ed ed FF t pro • s. approv raged gro Re S Ar A jects at the c din EPA-registered members we wing he model and are not nne Fulle • The board residents are encou were insectxa repellents l health services MH-D . althcare that transmit a 2015 homes sold were upBuslightly mosquitoes foodservice inniz Iowaen ind2016. expand sur • Use ing rejobs of Buch recog and the resignaalive and well today. All county Steffen amending the current menta chanan Co for continuedZika Deb is ex anan Co per dedication an r Also, gical ed for their pansion Teacher AssociateTh center to all clothing; provide necessary unty Farestaurant untyover permethrin-treated savings, in exchange for perwill tak surgicMedid wo Exten from year, 1.9% 2014. established inroo Iowa,” said IDPH revenues also exir. Alexia Ha Marcy rk atlast al growthand Quail. sion were int Iowa e place over ow n 28E Agreement to read, “To to take advantage of the food mo Cory r Regio the nth teache There Mi fai grade ly. per s. ms a ml fifth on wi r. ke Th month of e ett anEntering and createQuinlisk. th ne tion the spa e major phase secroducedexpectation ning Board • Stay and sleep screened-inKl orein air-fromHomes unity servic w pro d Patricia sold faster in 2015 than any year ceeded last year. and thanked cedinure pre and st27 rooDr. schoolssec Iowa Ca g, as determined by the Gover forming two hours of comm me high are as follow caln ofDirector • Ex part-ti as pa ttlemen Assoc ms nd an for the operativerooms; Fox was approved ements to participate; the fundin and ing on June 23. Ed d rem viding to areas poconditioned operation of the Region. ir Iowans, pro traveling in uc the past Every month sawspo a faster revenues had been projected to odel7 school iation surgical Wellness Ce s: “However, tie 2016-1 are no income or financial requir apy aDe capita basis, for the ongoing onal10.pre day Indepactivities ke abou2015, nts and their more privacy• an pafor er county’s endence. Werate ofatisales rtmthe retary for 2.5 hours nter anwhere t the up d comf Avoid orortlimit outdoor ent by unity members. The focus of ionmonth d Ther-there is ongoing Zika than sen the tat same in 2014. land just over $3.6 billion; however, familievirus comi ng s and me expa may be provided, at the memb teachi s g to Th from ng program is open to all comm fundin nd pa spa om s. move Said reg ing will a al ce Ca ion Tit wa Meyer the gym an will be held to allow for there led thetake al me s int eer service. year. Christy roducedtoas during peak mosquito times.ttleman of the Ye or combination thereetvolunt “B local source l te d uil ad lawfu transmission should care to proDays on market dropped 80 from 89. Iowa’s restaurant industry posted more promo stu at also to any din dit is E will He dio from ion ar she g dis tion, SHAR artland Ac for You” pro was presented al equipme trict dir halfketime; ing in mild to loc ovate sion will time 1973with first grade fullren $28 and includes meat discre Zikajecvirus illness is usually in to Cr r mems to the levy permitted by law vide ma classe themselves mosquito bites.” Iowa continues to receive than $4 billion in sales res in 2015. This aig nationalector. , create new nt and tect basis. The best value package costs s, commfrom pro her suff ny long-term t, this expan- stock, as after his fat apy roo of, including but not limited half-tiroo g on ered a stroke. Alberts, from Brandon. msa for taxes.” and pri teach Title I readin Each month, the box will symptoms up to a week;we hospiitieadvised benefilasting ll as hay,recognition. physi s of Buto womenunare delay Iowa as year, restaurant sales are expected to Hewas Alberts go ts to the calon ther- an services, reserves or property corn, beans,In 2015, begarated chan thepage and fresh seasonal produce. ues cupatioStory contin rapy,4.speech vatePregnant n with un an Coun t into farmteer hours d more peop ted permission for MH/DA page 21. nal the dairy an on reques ues r d ty. talizations are rare. Most exposed to Zika pa Barke , contin the sto “D in rap stu food. Story of rap ck Br y ue y, res travel to foreign countries where Zika the second best state to live in America exceed $4.2 billion. an le cattle, hogs, y, oc- he and cardiac to more . Alberts is a don. Alberts making BC include a variet a new entra r Senio y bre alt reh Count co ’ HC nan hc fam ed mm ab are Bucha ing virus won’t develop symptoms. There is , nce along wi ous wounemployment their choice unity leader an alo ng with A serious birth and has the 5th lowest rds, when ask lop transmitted. from the supervisors to use the with many vo th an updated d deisvebeing ourdefor area. untyReview outgrowing gro ng vaccine ed to help or lanCo servic or treatment. registrfect chan ouand other poor wino called microcephaly rate in the nation. ws-Bu volun untyReview heNe ation anCo om/T chan ook.c ws-Bu Faceb being the he r facilities. We are rec es, we are heNe om/T Followususat:at:Faceb ook.c this is a co teer, are, “Well ommitting to om althcare cen Follow ews.c untyn nundrum!” anco om uchan ews.c ter .theb BC untyn www of anco HC After choice in a his voluntee 2016 has become right2016 www.thebuchan Copy big r right wo wa a Copy rk is comy. great choic Copyright2016 2016 pleted he say Copyright Follow s, with the ad e for healthcare help out.” Al “Glad I could de berts thanked cal convenien d benefit of loassociation the ce. We offer for notch and the honored topaward. ex cians along perienced physiStory continu with state es on page 20 of the art technolo gy . Pictured, top staff,” comm and a dedicated ented CEO, County Ca : Buchanan Slessor. Steve ttleman of the Ye ar Craig Albert Story continu es on page 20 At left: 2015 s. . Pictured are Shelby Lehm Beef Queen architectural an derings of ren Princess Ba , 2016 Beef what the ne w mediiley Kleits cal office (to ch 2013 Beef p) and east Queen Lucre , (at left) will lobby Ma tia look like aft ngrich. No er cont pictured 2016 Beef Queen Ma : ndy Rawson. By Steven C. Smith

Arof Ar State Senator Brian Schoenjahn post at the lington conducted a listening ce Falcon Center in Independen on Feb. 13 to hear concerns Branraised by Governor Bran stad’s impending privatization of Medicaid. Schoenjahn said be the point of the meetings being held all across the state to is to send a clear message Branstad and the Centers for SerMedicare and Medicaid Ser vices (CMS) that, “We are just not ready. We’re moving too fast. We have no real demon

Batter up!

Board adopts Microwave Radio Path Ordinance

ether in History and generations come tog ndence epe real estate and insurance in Ind

Public is invited to “Name that Parade Theme” for this year’s Winthrop Days

BCHC to emba rk upon 74,000 s remodel and equare foot xpansion

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When the wea

By Christin

e Dale, Assis

ther gets roug

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tant Editor Iowans know that when around the corner. To pre March arrives, severe thunderstorms pare, more storm spottin tha g are just The event wa class Feb. 22 at the Menta n 100 people attended an s l Health Ins titute in Indep annual and featured sponsored by Buchan an en tra Gibbs and Za ining by National We County Emergency Ma dence. nagement ather Service ck Uttech, fro pants, wheth m the Quad meteorolog er ists, Alex Ci were part of refreshing their skills or ties. Following the cla ss, particia more than taking the tra 22 to keeping the ining for the 0 member gro first ms up in Buchan While the Na elves, their families, bu an County de time, sinesses and tional Weath dicated is likely to get severe we er Service (NWS) can communities safe. predict wheth ather, with they still ne the ed er serious threat “boots on the ground” nearest office in the Qu an area to accuratel ad s y know if the Cities, volunteers wi to life and property. Sto re are any th visible threat local fire departments rm spotters, many of wh an s, then issue we such as hail, and their d emergency services, om are can report ather alerts location to for NWS staff. One person NWS can who likes to specific areas. Hare, who watch the we say ather is Wint one of the wa s that he “enjoys helpi hrop Fire Ch ng ief Chris ys he contr ibutes. It can his community,” and storm spottin be frightening g is at times, lik Copyright 20 e in June 20 Copyrig 16 01 ht 2016 ww

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when he wa s north of W inthrop and farm just a mile away. saw a torna do touch do wn on the Te mpus FollowFo Story continu uslloat: w Fa es on page us ce bo okce at: Fa .co 20. bom/ okTh .coeN ew m/ s-B

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