PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.
April 28, 2016
In THE NEWS this week...
Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week -
6 1, 201 April 2 75¢
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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent
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PAGE 6 April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professionals Day, Wednesday, April 27, 2016 call attention to the important workplace role of administrative professionals. Administrative Professionals Day/Week was originally organized in 1952 as “National Secretaries Week” by the National Secretaries Association (now known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals) in conjunction with public relations executive Harry Klemfuss and a
consortium of office product manufacturers. It was established as an effort to recognize secretaries for their contributions in the workplace, and to attract people to secretarial/administrative careers. The association successfully campaigned U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer to proclaim the first National Secretaries Week on June 1-7, 1952. He designated Wednesday, June 4, as National Secretaries Day. Sawyer, Barrett and Woodbridge participated in ceremonies held in Washington, D.C.
The idea began with Mary Barrett, president of the National Secretaries Association, now called IAAP, and C. King Woodbridge, president of Dictaphone Corporation. They served on a council addressing a national shortage of skilled office workers. Together with Harry Klemfuss, public relations account executive at Young & Rubicam, they originated the idea for a National Secretaries Week.
Thank You
Thank You
East Buchanan Telephone Co-op
Deb and Janice
Annette Kress and Christy Wolfe For all you do for Winthrop
Honeycreek Furniture Manchester
Member FDIC
Thank You Kris Wilgenbusch and Christine Dale For all you do for
Thank You
The News and The Guide
Citizens State Bank
T A E R G ! B JO
Jen Vaske, Lori Conrad, Holly Kress, Karen Myrton and Carrie Lehs Winthrop
Thank You
Myla Hansen, Kelly Griswold, Beth Weepie, DeAnn Shafer and Erin Kelchen. For all you do for
OFFICE: Teresa Dudley, Shae Kerns, Morgan Robinson, Becky Peyton, Kristen Tevis Quality Assurance Director: Leigh Meyer
Thank You Luella Lawson For all you do for
Thank You
Lab Technicians: Sue Gipper, Mitzi Ryckman, Cristy Grover and Shawna Pentecost For All Your Efforts!
Wapsie Valley Creamery Independence
East Buchanan Schools
Thank You
Mary Kay Luloff, Gail Hunter, Sarah Herman and Linda Evers For all you do for
American Family Insurance Winthrop/Independence
Thank You Julie Wulfekuhle Linda Peterson For all you do for
Kremer Appraisals Independence
The News & The Guide
April 28, 2016 PAGE 7
Farmers market opens in Independence on May 14 The Independence Farmers Market will open for the season on May 14 and will be held every Saturday at The Mill from 8 AM to noon. This promises to be an exciting fun and food filled season. On opening day there will be fresh vegetables, eggs, meat, homemade baked goods and craft items available. There are already 32 vendors signed up for the season.
The market will feature guest chefs so visitors can taste and learn how to prepare dishes using what is available at the market. Entertainment will be provided as well. Just a few of the special event days planned so far: Buchanan County Arts, June 11 – Come see what they are all about and enjoy the country and folk music of Mark Armstrong. Kids Day, June 18 – Just before Father’s Day so bring little ones to make a gift for Dad. Also, the Teen Program from Independence Public Library will teach how to make healthy snacks! Master Gardeners of Buchanan County, August 6 – Come make a Toad House. This event was hugely popular last year! Salsa Day, August 20 – Salsa dancing, guest chef will prepare a Latin desert, and a cooking class on how to make salsa. This is the perfect week for salsa because all of the ingredients will be ready in the garden. Come make a piñata and dance the morning away. (Working on a mariachi band to play!) Health Fair, August 27 – Agencies and organizations doing health screenings and education. Apple Harvest – Joe Olsen will be pressing cider. Watch for dates! Soup Saturday, Oct. 7 – join in enjoying homemade soups. Other special days include market beginner day for those new to the market who will receive a tour with hints and strategies on how to shop, 4-H and FFA days, and Environmental Health and Living Sustainably days. For more information contact Roxanne Fuller at Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach, 319-334-7161 or or Gordon Murry-John, 563-4193569. Email Roxanne to request a vendor form ($30 for season to be a weekly vendor or $10 for one time).
BCHC designated as safe zone for domestic violence victims Submitted by BCHC
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. Buchanan County Health Center (BCHC) has joined efforts with Waypoint Services to create an access point for individuals needing support for domestic violence issues through Project Safe Zone. Project Safe Zone is designed to increase the availability of support and resources to individuals coping with relationship violence, especially in rural communities. Providing services for over 30 years, Waypoint is the designated Domestic Violence Victim Services Program for seven counties in Northeast Iowa. In fiscal year 2014, Waypoint served 2,583 domestic violence victims. Waypoint’s state accredited program provides the following to victims/ survivors of domestic violence, community members and professionals: • Free, confidential information; 319-334-5703 Toll-Free 1-800-769-7112 • Support and advocacy for $129,000 $130,000 $129,900 navigating legal, medical, 515 4th St. S., Winthrop 2498 Michel Ave., Indee 464 4th St. N., Winthrop and social services systems; Secluded among the evergreens Big price reduction on this newly Turn-key, well-maintained all • Referrals to other services; is this open & spacious 3 bedrenovated 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath brick ranch. 2-3 bedrooms, 2.5 Jim Curt • 24-hour crisis,support line; room, 1.75 bath mfd. home. A ranch. Brand new kitchen, beau- baths, 1st floor laundry. Large Hughes Martin basement family room. lovely setting on 1.61 acres. tiful Pergo floors, rear deck. • Individual counseling; 563-920-8212 319-440-6649 • Support groups For assistance, visit BCHC Emergency Room Safe Zone $41,000-$49,000 to contact 24-hour crisis and Chery Craig O’Conner Moroney support line. During phone Franck’s Third Subdivision 319-334-0200 319-521-9384 Newly developed rural subdivicall, Waypoint will create a $129,900 $174,900 $92,500 sion along paved road just north service-delivery and safety 254 3rd St. N., Winthrop 807 E Cedar, Quasqueton 535 W. Madison, Winthrop of Quasqueton in the East Buplan with the individuals Splendid 2-3 bedroom ranch Stately 3 bedroom 1-1/2 story chanan School District. Various Perfect family home on corner lot updated with quality & top-of-the with rocking-chair front porch. lots ranging from 2.0 to 3.93 with 5 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, experiencing domestic vioJanet -line extras. Mostly finished Updated kitchen. Alley access to acres in which to choose and new oak kitchen, 1st floor launHenderson lence. For additional infordry & fenced back yard. build your dream house today. basement. Sits on double lot. oversized garage/workshop. 319-464-0334 mation, call 800-208-0388 or visit www.WaypointSerView these properties and many more at
PAGE 8 April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Is Your Home Working For You?
The home we have lived in for years may be the same; however, the person is not. Being able to remain at home with greater safety and independence is a key priority for aging individuals and their families. Simple home modiďŹ cations and use of adapted equipment can assist in fall prevention. Millions of older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries every year. Falls within the home can cause broken bones, head injuries including brain bleeds, and can signiďŹ cantly increase ones fear of falling which can lead to completing fewer daily activities, weakness, isolation, and depression. There are many ways you can prevent falls. First, visit with your physician to discuss concerns, review your medicines, and evaluate your fall risk. Second, schedule and complete an eye exam. Lenses which are no longer adequate for our eyes’ needs can lead to impaired depth perception when reaching for items or transferring from chair to chair. Third, complete strengthening and balance training through therapy to signiďŹ cantly decrease your fall risk. Lastly, implement home modiďŹ cations to increase safety and independence. Home modiďŹ cations range from simple to complex
Subscriptions to THE NEWS are on sale in May! See page 16 for details...
depending on your needs and home set-up. The bathroom, a room which most commonly needs modifying, can be adapted in a few short steps using locally available items. Items such as grab bars in and around the shower and toilet will assist with transfers, a shower-transfer seat within the tub-shower will allow a person to remain seated, and using a long handled shower head during showering will help ease fear of falling in a slippery area. Modifying your home does not have to be done alone however; trained sta are available to create a home which best ďŹ ts your needs. Contact an Occupational Therapist to set up your home safety assessment.
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The News & The Guide
April 28, 2016 PAGE 9
Buchanan Co. celebrates 75th Soil and Water Conservation Week The Buchanan County Soil and Water Conservation District announces the 75th Annual Soil and Water Conservation Week! The week is an opportunity to recognize the important conservation practices placed on Iowa’s landscape and bring attention to the ongoing work by farmers, landowners and urban residents to protect the state’s soil and water resources. Iowa’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and others provide leadership in soil health, soil conservation, water quality and the protection and enhancement of Iowa’s natural resources.
“Much has been accomplished in the last 75 years of conservation work in Iowa,” states Robert Lynch, president of Conservation Districts of Iowa, the state-wide organization that supports Iowa’s elected Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners. “We celebrate these accomplishments during this week and seek to communicate the opportunities all Iowans have to become involved in conservation through their local soil and water conservation district.” To learn more, contact Buchanan County Soil and Water Conservation District, 503 17th St. SE, Independence, email, phone 319-334-4105, ext. 3.
Independence Community Schools Jr. High School Honor Roll 2015-2016 School 8th Grade 4.0 Burke, Joseph Butters, Alaina M Davison, Connor W Grover, Jenavieve N Henderson, Lauryn J Higgins, Michael Homan, Makenzie S Janaszak, Grace C Johnson, Eliab Liss, Avery H Morkel, Mark D Reyner, Caroline Tharp, Taylor Wolf, Sophie L
Year Term 3 3.5-3.99 Andersen, Bailey Anderson, Hannah L Baker, Jamieson A Coonrad, Emily A Coonrad, Stephanie Crow, Elizabeth M Eilers, Kyle T Fischels, Cara K Fischels, Kenzie R Fredericksen, Paxton Hansen, Emma Hemsath, Ashlyn R Janaszak, Faith J Jones, Bryn M Jones, Landry L Klever, Brittney M
Kohtz, Loucinda M Kurt, Jacob T Lamphier, Kaleb M Lolwing, Peyton J Magsamen, Annabelle McCormick, Ethan Meador, Sophia Michael, Tim M Moore, Elizabeth A Oien, Faith Jordan Reuther, Dylan J Ruffcorn, Anna M Rummel, Jackson C Schultz, Jadyn Lynn Shupe, Alexis Smith, Jenna A Stelter, Troy
Sweeney, Parker J Vanderpool, Ethan J. Webb, Brady M Wright, Gabriel A Zimmerly, Keegan 3.0-3.49 Beatty, Sebastian Beyer, Keegan Cusher, Nicholas Domeyer, Hunter Garibay, Joseph Gerken, Hallei A Henkes, Lillian Jacobsen, Kaleb Jensen, Jered L Justason, Jessica D Krueger, Cora R
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Lee, Austin Lympus, Grant D Music, Connor A Nabholz, Ellie Ruth Orcutt, Bredan Reilly, Alissa Short, Kolby Tegler, Rylie Turner, Janson Wall, Mattea Wiltsey, Mariah E Wood, Megan H Zieser, Matthew 7th Grade 4.00 Bertelli, Sophia Bohlken, Grace Campbell, Spencer Hopkins, Hailey Kelly, Courtney Ridder, Cameron Rouse, Courtney Shicky, Amanda Smith, Jazlyn 3.5-3.99 Aldrich, Greta Atkinson, Kylee Bantz, Craig Beatty, Brooke Bitterman, Bryanne Corbin, Kelsea Crawford, Kate Donley, Koby Eager, Amelia Elzey, Jacob Halligan, Dawson Johnson, Hannah Kohrs, Peyton Kohtz, Abby Krueger, Grace
Lampe, Zoe Lamphier, Kennedy Ludwig, Jesse Martin, Delaney Martin, Reese Mulford, Hannah Nabholz, Adeline Nichol, Amity Overmann, Jasper Patton, Avery Rodriguez, Talon Rothman, Molly Schroeder, Makenzie Schwarting, Jaden Stelter, Matthew Stephens, Audrey Straw, Caleb Thomas, Alivia Williams, Grace 3.00-3.49 Armstead, Shalaya Beatty, Koby Corkery, Macie Devane, Meghan Dinger, Jacob Eddy, Ryan Frye, Carson Greenwood, Loudon Higgins, Nicole Kingery, Annastacia Kremer, Ben Lehr, Zoe Shonk, Rachel Stevens, Tatum Stoner, Zachary TeStrake, Alexis Thomas, Danielle Thompson, Collin Weber, Noah Wilson, Brodi
Party? Reception? Graduation? See us for All your beverage needs! We have keg beer too! We carry Q 20# LP BtoBo! Cylinders
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April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Two young women look forward to experiencing Washington DC Submitted by East-Central Iowa REC
Two high school juniors have been chosen to represent ECI REC in Washington DC on the Youth Tour this June. Kirstie Martin and Jamie Thompson, will visit historical sites, spend a day on Capitol Hill, meet congressional leaders, and more. Jamie Thompson Kirstie is an Independence High Kirstie Martin School junior and the daughter of first chair trombonist for Curt and Deb Martin of Independence. the concert and jazz bands. She is routinely Some of her school activities include band, featured as a soloist during jazz and marchgolf (ranked in the top 25 at Wamac), year- ing band competition seasons. In addition, book, basketball, TAG, and FFA. She is Jamie participates in speech, and in 2014 a Fight Like a Mustang member, Battle she was inducted as an All-State Individual of the Books State Qualifier, and the ju- Speech Performer in the literary programs nior class president. Additionally, Kristie category. She is a Junior Student Senate maintains an honor roll status, has come in class representative, maintains a grade point first and second in the Iowa poetry contest, average of 4.0, and is a member of the Nareceived a Spotlight on Education Award, tional Honor Society. Other past and present and logged over 200 service hours for Sil- activities include JV/Varsity volleyball, club ver Cord. volleyball, track, and choir. Jamie attends Vinton-Shellsburg High In addition to their dream of visiting WashSchool and is the daughter of Julie Barnes ington DC, both juniors have a deep interest of Palo. Jamie is very active in band – she in government and politics. For information is the low brass section leader for march- call 877-850-4343. ing band and the trombone section leader/
Mom Will Be Sitting Pretty This Mother’s Day!
RMC Governing Board of Trustees receives Iowa Hospital Association Certification Submitted by RMC
Iowa Hospital Association President and CEO Kirk Norris recognized Regional Medical Center’s (RMC) Governing Board of Trustees at the 2016 IHA Governance Forum for completing the Trustee Education Certification program. RMC CEO Lon Butikofer said, “Our board members each use governance best practices, promote the coordination of care and the best use of resources, and demonstrate to our community that RMC is dedicated to accountability and transparency. We thank them for their service and dedication to our health system.” Pictured: Vice-Chairperson Steve Palmer, Secretary Joe Keith, Treasurer Toni Browning, member Chris Tegeler, Chairperson Bev Preussner, retired member Kathy Waterman, member Diane Gatto, Kirk Norris, Lon Butikofer.
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The News & The Guide
Shop LOCAL For that perfect Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day gift!
Just in time for Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day! Stop by our greenhouse for a potted plant, hanging basket, or garden sets for MOM!
Opening SOON!
April 28, 2016 PAGE11
Rhubarb Fest â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
Looking for the unusual! Submitted by Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Do you do anything unusual? Juggle or ride a unicycle or a real tall bike? Make something that few people make? Or have an unusual hobby? An unusual collection? Do you have great-granddadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s civil war rifle or great-grandmotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spinning machine? Every year, Manchesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rhubarb Fest Committee looks for new attractions, ideas, and energy to make the Rhubarb Fest more interesting and entertaining. What you do, or have, may not seem special to you, and it may not be a center-stage type attraction, but it might be one of those things that people find interesting or that will bring a smile to some faces. Contact Jack or Doris at the Chamber (563-9207-4141) and visit with them about all working together to celebrate Manchester!
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PAGE 12 April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Independence Community Schools High School Honor Roll 2015-2016 School 12th Grade 4.00 Ajruloski, Arieana L Carter, Danielle Cashen, Ashlei Davison, Kara J DeBoer, Evan Dilley, Tristan M Dryml, Melissa M Eilers, Kaylee J Fischels, Zachary D Goedken, Adam L Gonzales, Evelyn Gorman, Nicholas House, Luke Douglas Huang, Cindy Jensen, Alyssa M Kremer, Reagan Larsen, Brittany Lehr, Trystan McCormick, Madisen McMillan, Matthew G Ohl, Matthew R Oien, Hope Petersen, Hannah M. Price, Jenna M Schwarting, Jacey Seedorff, Jonathan D Silver, McKenna C Staker, Hope C
Year Term 3 Steger, Nicholas J Thedens, Ross Thompson, Mark R VanDeWalle, Sarah Wieland, Jay 3.5-3.99 Arend, Madison R. Barth, Hunter S Eder, Shane A Finnegan, Thomas Ivy, Melissa Ivy, Meria Juhl, Jake Kirchhoff, Colin Kuper, Alaina Kurt, Zachary Lau, Haylee Ludwig, Tristin M Marzen, Aunna V Meiborg, Autumn C Meyer, Eric K Norris, Alek P Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Drew E Ohl, Mitchell T Ryan, Elliott James Vest, Hayden Walker, Deonte 3.0-3.49 Astleford, Brooke Lynn Backer, Donald R
Bloom, Jennifer D Brown, Samantha J. Davis, Drew E Evens, Victoria E GrifďŹ th, Hunter Harrison, Zoe L Hermsen, Andrew E. Holt, Nicholas A Lyon, Kieley Jo Marzen, Alexandr Myers, Alissa M Ratchford, Alysha Rosauer, Leah M. Stoner, Paige Trussell, Jessica Van Alst, Kirsten 11th Grade 4.00 Adams, Ryan D Barloon, Ericka S Bertelli, Grace Ann Bohlken, Megann J Burk, Ethan H Burke, Jessica Crawford, Jacob P Henderson, Brent A Holub, Bryce W Koranda, Cody D Kremer, Brianna Liss, Regan K
Lympus, Eric R Main, Courtney N Martin, Brynn J. Martin, Kirstie Meador, Emma Morkel, Sarah Ruffcorn, Avri A Turner, Cole H Whited, Tia M 3.5-3.99 Brunko, Hannah Bussan, Megan Cappel, Ashley L Carmona, Sonia Diesburg, Autumn Gerken, Cody J Hansen, Haley J. Harris, Zachary S Hurtis, Casey King, Levi L Kremer, Luke Kurt, Elizabeth Lawler, Bailey M Niedert, Kaitlin Nolting, Peyton Reyner, Holly Stiefel, Lanie Sage 3.0-3.49 Bolton, Matthew A Coonrad, Katelynne A Dawson, Tristan Hearn, Cy A Hocken, Jocelyn Kremer, Nick Lake, Elizabeth M Larkin, Austin T Matteson, Jade McAtee, Collyn Edmund McMurrin, Seirra Reuther, Regan L Rodriguez, Spencer C Shonk, Jenna Sturtz, Clay G Taylor, Michael Trumblee, Jasmine N Wright, Andrue T 10th Grade 4.00 Beatty, Madelynn I Butters, Lydia L Carter, Kayla Cashen, Alma Chorpening, Tucker DeBoer, Rachel Doyle, Allison Erdelt, Dylan C Gruber, Kelsey L Kelly, Benjamin R Kirkpatrick, Ethan Kremer, Caleb Larsen, Hailey McNeese, Zachary A Michael, Karlie A Rice, Jayeden M Schommer, Blake A Smith, Brian C Wolf, Olivia L
3.5-3.99 Anderson, Cullen G Beltz, Aleksi N Bitterman, Garrett R Burns, D. Jacob Close, Hadassah Crawford, Maria Davis, Zachary Dryml, Tara R Estes, Brooke M Fischels, Josie M Gall, Noah C Gorman, Elizabeth Herington-Davis, Ashley Horn, Ciara ML House, Seth D Krieger, Jadah M Lake, Catherine M Miller, Anna E Ohrt, Sydney B Reed, Kira Reichenbacker, Chandlynne Morgan Schroeder, Madison N Snyder, Zachery J Stephens, Nichole Tarpy, Troy A Wilson, McKenna Zieser, Zachary D 3.0-3.49 Anderson, Ethan A Baldwin, Clifford B Broughton, Carly Butters, Cyrus L Coonrad, Julia K Corkery, Trey S DeGreif, Nicole Delahunt, Andrew Dinger, Michael Dunlap, Izzabele M Etten, Sydney Fischels, Jenna M Freidhof, Tayten Greenwood, Daytona G Hare, Kassandra C Hosch, Kenyon Justason, Paige D Kayser-Appleby, Dante Q Lampe, Hailey Lee, Taylor Michael, Alec Orcutt, Kalianna Orr, Jarret Reiff, Thomas P Simonson, Gavin N 9th Grade 4.00 Bantz, Dalton Cade Barloon, Jenessa R Bellendier, Ethan M Cooksley, Holly A Coonrad, Kylie Corkery, Megan A Davis, Abigail Evans, Andrew E Giddings, Spencer R Hearn, Allyson N
Hearn, Sydney F Henningsen, Claudia H Higgins, Maurissa Higgins, Noreasa Howard, Kaden James Hupke, Mackenzie Jayswal, Esha Lewin, Reid T Meiborg, Abigail K Michael, Sophie L. Nolting, Jaita Smith, Zander J Staker, Avery C Stivers, Mary Wheelock, Kimber Lee 3.5-3.99 Brock, Megan G Carmona, Ericka J Dilley, Talexa K Eschweiler, Felicity R Fox, Ethan L. Frisbey, Morgan Leigh Geertsema, Sean J Hurtis, Taylor Joblinske, Connor L Kain, Sophia Lee Kula, Thomas J Larson, Madison J Lau, Heidi Meek, Aaliyah M Miller, Jaxon R Naylor, Sydney M. Paris, Alexis Robinson, Marissa Sill, William Smith, Alexis J Stevens, Tanner Keith Stivers, Jerome Stivers, Robert Jr Thompson, Ryan M Till, Tyler VanGorder, Kaleb U Weber, Cole Whited, Will A 3.0-3.49 Baker, Braxton Carter, Kathleen N Cordes, Tristan L. Dawson, Ashley Jo Graeser, Nicole B Hosch, Kaylee Johnson, Lillian R Kaiser, Joseph F Kirchhoff, McKenna Lappe, Molly Parmer, Christopher D Prusator, Peighton R Reeder, Tyler Rothman, Spenser N Rowland, Jaimes Renae Stiefel, Keegan James Wagner, Delynn Way, Baylea Wendling, Karter
Business & Service Directory
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AUCTIONEERING EMMETT DONNELLY Auctioneering & Appraisal Service Certified Appraiser & Full-Service Marketing
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PINICON FORD Independence 319-334-6033 1-800-572-3110
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April 28, 2016 PAGE 13
Masonry & Concrete Work Brick, Block & Stone All Types of Construction Ron Connolly 319-334-4623
Commercial • Residential • Poured Walls & Basements • Sidewalks & Driveways Independence 319-334-6754
FOOD McELROY’S MAIN STREET DELI Winthrop 319-935-3354
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Propane-Gas-Diesel Fuel OilsMotor Oils & Lubes 800-338-3021
www.fawcettsfuneralhome. com
Independence, Quasqueton & Winthrop 319-334-2501
Quasqueton, Independence & Jesup 319-334-2595
HARDWARE HARDWARE HANK Formerly Coast to Coast Independence 319-334-2362
HAULING PAUL YEAROUS TRUCKING Rock, Sand, Dirt, Decorative Rock, Lime Spreading 319-334-3033 319-934-3734
Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy
Jane Priede, PT Joan O’Loughin-Good PTA
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6AM-6PM M-F or by appt.
HOME IMPROVEMENT FANK CONSTRUCTION General Contracting Commercial * Residential * Ag Windows
FRANCK CONST., LLC Terry & Tyler Franck Winthrop, Iowa 319-934-3682
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SMITH INSURANCE Lamont 563-924-2816 1-800-890-9419 Aurora 319-634-3737
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E.B. TELEPHONE Winthrop 319-935-3011
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Free Estimates - Insured Craig Moroney 319-935-3990 or 1-800-545-5356 Cell: 319-521-9384
GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705
CONSTRUCTION, INC Concrete & Construction 9’ brick pattern walls Independence 319-334-9982
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INSURANCE AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Winthrop 319-935-3213 800-619-4835
OFFICE TOWNE, INC. Custom Computers, Richoh Copiers & Fax, Office Supplies, Free Delivery
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SCOTT PHARMACY 238 S. Main St. Fayette 563-425-4530 800-246-0024
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April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
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WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810
GARAGE SALE 454 4th Street S, Winthrop, April 29, 8 AM-5 PM, April 30, 8 AM-12 PM. Baked goods and much misc.
THE NEWS is a locally owned and operated newspaper, established in 1892.
THE NEWS & THE GUIDE reach over 15,000 readers each week by U.S. Mail Delivery. Do YOU have NEWS for
The News? CALL: 319-935-3027 or
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Public Hearing
NOTICE that a hearing will take place at City Hall in the City of Quasqueton, Iowa on May 9th at 7:10pm to approve Resolution 16-09 to resolve debt as general obligation on the bridge.
Public Notice
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS NOTICE IS GIVEN: That there are now on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Independence, Iowa, a proposed resolution of necessity, an estimate of cost and a plat and schedule showing the amounts proposed to be assessed against each lot and the valuation of each lot within a district approved by the City Council of Independence, Iowa, for a street improvement, described in general as the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project (the “Project”), of the type and in the location as follows: The Project shall generally consist of the improvements on and along certain streets in the City of Independence, Iowa, as follows: Eleventh Street N.E.: Reconstruction of approximately 1,060 feet of 11th Street N.E. from and including its intersection with 2nd Avenue N.E. to and including its intersection with 5th Avenue N.E. The reconstruction will take the street segment from an existing 18 foot wide rural section seal coat to a 27 foot wide, 7 inch and 8 inch thickness Portland Cement Concrete urban section street. The construction includes subdrains, storm sewer, driveways, and
Statewide Classifieds HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER TanTara Transportation is hiring Company Drivers and Owner Operators for Flatbed, Van, or Tank. Excellent equipment, pay, benefits, home weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or apply (INCN) CDL A DRIVERS - *$7,500 Sign-OnBonus MEDICAL BENEFITS on DAY 1 & Earn $65k+ your FIRST YEAR!!! *GUARANTEED PAY *401k WITH COMPANY MATCH & MORE! Call
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Classified Ads Really Work!
Public Notice
The Buchanan County Zoning Commission will meet at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 in the Buchanan County Public Health meeting room located at 1413 1st St W, Independence, IA.This meeting is open to the public and anyone wishing to attend is welcome to do so. AGENDA 1. Approval of minutes from the March 2016 meeting 2. Kathryn Gillihan request to rezone 3.23 acres from “A-1” Prime Agricultural to “R-3” Residential to allow for the construction of a new house replacing the old house built prior to the adaption of the Zoning Ordinance. The property is located in the SE ¼, SW ¼, Sec 4, T87N, R8W at 2501 290th St, Rowley, IA 50644. 3. Adjournment
parking areas. Second Street S.E.: Reconstruction of 420 feet of 2nd Street S.E. from and including its intersection with 7th Avenue S.E. to a point situated approximately 425 feet East of the C.L. of 7th Avenue S.E. The reconstruction will take the street segment from an existing 18 foot wide rural section seal coat street to a 25 foot wide, 7 inch thickness Portland Cement Concrete street. The construction includes subdrains, storm intakes, storm sewer, and driveways. It is considered that the property abutting the above-described segments of streets to be improved will be specially benefited by the Project and should be specially assessed. The City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m., on May 9, 2016, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, Independence, Iowa, at which time the owners of the property subject to assessment for the proposed improvement or any other person having an interest in the matter may appear and be heard for or against the making of the improvement, the boundaries of the district, the cost, the assessment against any lot or the final adoption of a resolution of necessity. A property owner will be deemed to have waived all objections unless at the time of hearing the property owner has filed objections with the City Clerk./S/Jeena Lynch, City Clerk/ Treasurer.
Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16 (INCN) MISCELLANEOUS Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 319-327-1810 or email: scsmith@
The City of Lamont is accepting applications for the part-time position of City Clerk. Must be responsible, self-motivated, energetic, enjoy challenging assignments and working with the public. Good computer knowledge and excellent communication skills are necessary. General duties include agenda preparation and official minutes of council meetings, municipal records management, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and budgeting. Reference and background checks required. Wages DOQ EOE Inquiries and applications contact: City of Lamont, 644 Bush Street, P.O. Box 240, Lamont, IA 50650, (563) 924-2194 or Application Deadline: May 16, 2016, by 5:00 pm at City Hall.
Drainage doesn’t cost - it Pays! Tim or Ryan Rasmussen 319.334.3053
Public Notice
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Lucille B. Hogan, DECEASED. THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUCHANAN COUNTY Probate No. ESPR007069 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS. To All Person Interested in the Estate of Lucille B. Hogan, Deceased, who died on or about April 10, 2016: You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of April, 2016, the last will and testament of Lucille B. Hogan, deceased, bearing date of the 9th day of August, 2006, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that David Hogan and Rosalie Hansen were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 15th day of April, 2016. David Hogan & Rosalie Hansen, Executor of Estate, 1971 Victor Avenue, Winthrop IA 50682 and 615 Easy Street, Winthrop IA 50682. A.J. Flickinger, Attorney for Executor, Craig, Wilson & Flickinger, 316 1st St. East, Independence, IA 50644. Date of second publication: April 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
April 28, 2016 PAGE 15
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Public Notice
East Buchanan Board Meeting Minutes April 13, 2016 Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement: “To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values and contribute to society.” BOARD MEMBERS: Greg Schmitt, Brian Crawford (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Chad Staton, Aaron Cook, Shawn Stone ABSENT: None SUPERINTENDENT: Dan Fox BOARD SECRETARY: Beth Weepie VISITORS: Visitors from the community were present at the meeting. Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to approve the agenda. Motion carried with all ayes. Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Schmitt second by Staton to approve the Consent Agenda. Items on Consent Agenda include: Minutes from the March 30, 2016 Special meeting; Minutes from the March 9, 2016 Meeting; Motion carried with all ayes. Administrative Reports: Mr. Schueller gave his report on the testing results from middle school and high school. Mr. Fox reported that the fire inspection and bus inspection was today and went really well. He also had a meeting with the board from Kids Corner. They discussed the option of relocating our 3 year old classroom to Kids Corner. He updated the board on items that will still need to be worked through before it will be brought to the table. The preschool numbers look good for next year. Kids Corner was very receptive to the whole idea. Facilities Update: Dan presented a recap of the work session on March 30th. He introduced the new costing sheet. Fine Arts committed to donating $25,000 for the auditorium should the bond pass. Board discussed what steps need to take
place to prepare the committee for the future vote. The educational piece of the plan is very important to the board and want that relayed to the community. Next step is to bring in Piper Jaffray to see what finance options are available using Sales Tax Revenue Bonds and the current funds available in the Capital Projects Fund. 2016-2017 BUDGET HEARING: Motion was made by Schmitt second by Crawford to open the meeting up to the public regarding the 2016-2017 Budget Hearing at 5:20 p.m. After hearing no objections from the community, motion was made by Staton second by Crawford to close the public hearing on the 2016-2017 Budget. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 BUDGET APPROVAL: Motion was made by Staton second by Schmitt to approve the 2016-2017 Budget with a tax rate of $13.03534. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 BUDGET GUARANTEE RESOLUTION: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Stone to approve the following resolution: “RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the East Buchanan Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under Section 257.14, Code of Iowa.” Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR HEARING: Motion was made by Crawford second by Staton to open the meeting up to the public regarding the 2016-2017 School Calendar. Motion carried with all ayes. After discussion and hearing no objections from the community, a motion was made by Staton second by Crawford to close the public hearing on the 2016-2017 School Calendar. Motion carried with all ayes. APPROVAL OF 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Motion was made by Staton second by Stone to approve the 2016-2017 School Calendar. Motion carried with all ayes. HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AGREEMENT: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Schmitt to approve the Education Service Agreement with
Hawkeye Community College for the 2016-2017 academic school year. Motion carried with all ayes. BASEBALL AGREEMENT: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Crawford to approve the agreement with Duane Banks Field for summer 2016 baseball game. Motion carried with all ayes. CLOSED SESSION: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Staton to go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code Section 20.17(3) at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried with all ayes. Crawford left the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Motion was made by Staton, second by Schmitt to come out of closed session at 7:34 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. ADJOURN: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Stone to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried 4-0 Next regular board meeting is May 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the library. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Beth Weepie Business Manager/Board Secretary April 2016 Board Approved Expenses GENERAL FUND ADVANCED SYSTEMS, INC-Copier Maintenance ...............$ 1 5 3 . 2 5 AEA 267-ELL Book ...........$ 2 9 . 5 4 ALLIANT ENERGY-District Electricity ............................$3,718.25 AUTO-JET MUFFLER CORP-Bus Repair Parts....................$ 1 3 1 . 6 5 BLACK HAWK WAST DISP, INC.Garbage..........................$ 5 9 9 . 0 0 BODENSTEINER IMPLEMENTLawnmower Repairs .......$ 3 9 0 . 2 3 Burke, Ron -Bus Employee Physicals .................................$ 1 5 0 . 0 0 CHASE CARD SERVICES-HS Library Software ................$ 7 8 9 . 0 8 CITY LAUNDERING CO.-Bus Purchased Services ...............$ 3 1 . 2 0 CITY OF WINTHROP-Water & Sewage...........................$ 3 9 5 . 8 5 DELAGARDELLE, KIM-Elem Purch Serv ..................................$ 6 5 . 0 0 DON & WALT L.L.C.-Heating And Plumbing...........................$ 1 4 . 8 4 DUBUQUE FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC.-Custodian Purchased Service ........................................$ 1 6 1 . 0 0 EAST BUCHANAN COOP TELEPHONE-District Telephone...........................$1,530.43
GRANT WOOD AEA-Purch Serv ................................$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 Hare, Charlene-Reimb Fuel ..........................................$ 2 0 . 0 0 HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE-PSEO TUI .........$2,000.00 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANYHS Testing Supplies .......$ 2 3 9 . 5 0 IA SCHOOL BUSINESS MANG ACADEMY-Registration ..$ 2 5 0 . 0 0 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK-ICN Line Charges ........................................$ 2 8 3 . 7 3 IOWA FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVING PROGRAM-Staff Wksp/Conf Reg Fees ..........................$ 8 5 . 0 0 IOWA TESTING PROGRAMS- M S Testing Supplies ..........$1,626.63 IROCWEBS.COM-Website Hosting .....................................$ 8 0 . 0 0 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC.-Band Music ..............................$ 3 5 7 . 1 6 JMC COMPUTER SERVICE INCStudent Info Software ..$4,229.85 KARR LLC-Office Supplies ..........................................$ 6 0 . 9 8 KONE INC.-Custodian Purchased Service................................$ 5 . 5 5 Landis, Ronald-Reimb Supplies ..................................$ 5 1 . 6 5 LINN-MAR CSD-Open Enrollment Tuition ..........................$3,183.00 LOOKOUT BOOKS-Library Books ........................................$ 1 7 4 . 6 0 MANCHESTER CARQUEST-Van/ Bus Repair ........................$ 8 4 . 6 5 MARION INDEPENDENT CSD-3rd Qtr OE .........................$1,591.50 MCELROY’S FOOD MARKETHS Home Ec Food Supplies ........................................$ 2 8 2 . 0 5 NE ICDA-MS Honor Choir Reg .................................$ 1 0 9 . 0 0 Honor Choir NEICDA-Elem Reg ................................. $ 11 4 . 0 0 NEWS, THE-Budget Publication/ Board Min .......................$ 3 0 1 . 5 6 ORCA BOOK PUBLISHERS-Supplies ..................................$ 3 8 . 9 4 Overhead Door Co. of Waterloo, Inc.-BUS BARN REPAIR ........................................$ 5 4 8 . 0 0 PESI-Level 1 SPED Supplies ................................$ 2 5 1 . 9 7 QUILL CORPORATION-Supt Office Supplies ...................$ 1 6 4 . 1 6 SADLER POWER TRAIN-Van/Bus Repair .............................$ 6 3 1 . 7 6 SCHLOSS, PATRICK-Reimb AD Conf travel ......................$ 2 3 0 . 5 4 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO-BUS REPAIR ..........................$ 2 8 5 . 5 1 Schueller, Amanda -REIMB PHYSI-
CAL...................................$ 6 5 . 0 0 Schueller, Travis-Reimb meal/travel .......................................$ 4 0 . 7 3 STANDARD AUTO PARTS-Bus Repair Parts....................$ 2 8 2 . 2 5 SUPERIOR WELDING SUPPLY CO.-IND TECH SUPPLY ..$ 4 9 . 8 5 THOMPSON TRUCK & TRAILER, INC.-Bus 7-transmission/repairs .............................$6,907.49 TROTT TROPHIES-HS awards ..............................$ 6 2 . 0 0 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA-PHYSICS REG ......$ 2 8 . 0 0 US CELLULAR-District Telephone ........................................$ 3 4 0 . 4 3 USHMM-Holocost speaker expenses ............................$ 7 8 0 . 2 1 WALMART COMMUNITY BRCElem General Supplies ...$ 1 3 3 . 6 7 WEST DELAWARE CSD-Trans. Contract .......................$2,929.97 WEST MUSIC COMPANY-Band supplies ............................$ 6 9 . 9 5 WINTHROP BUILDING SUPPLYMaintenance Supplies ....$ 3 0 3 . 4 5 TOTAL .......................$38,133.61 VPPEL Fund DON & WALT L.L.C.-WATER HEATER ......................$8,083.17 ACTIVITY FUND AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY-GIRLS’ BASKETBALL SUPPLIES ..........................$1,197.25 BOOST PROMOTIONAL GROUPATHLETICS SUPPLIES ...$ 6 4 . 1 2 CASCADE HIGH SCHOOLATHLETICS DUES AND FEES ..........................................$ 8 0 . 0 0 CHASE CARD SERVICES-BASEBALL EQUIPMENT......$1,590.17 DESIGNS UNLIMITED-ATHLETICS SUPPLIES ............$2,829.00 EASTBAY, INC.-GIRLS’ BASKETBALL SUPPLIES ............$ 5 3 9 . 8 6 GENERAL FUND-FEED STORE SUPPLIES ...................... $ 11 6 . 9 7 HOT LUNCH PROGRAM-MS STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPLIES ...............................$ 7 2 . 3 0 IA HIGH SCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION-MUSIC CLUB OTHER EXPENSE ...........................$ 1 9 5 . 0 0 INDEPENDENCE CSD-ATHLETICS DUES AND FEES ......$ 7 0 . 0 0 IOWA FFA ASSOCIATION-FFA OTHER EXPENSES.......$ 5 8 0 . 0 0 JESUP COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT-ATHLETICS DUES AND FEES........................$ 8 0 . 0 0 Levine, Kim- CLASS OF 2017 SUPPLIES .............................$ 2 2 5 . 9 7 LIZZY ROSE LLC-ATHLETICS
SUPPLIES ......................$ 7 7 2 . 0 0 MCELROY’S FOOD MARKETFEED STORE SUPPLIES ..$ 6 . 7 4 MIDAMERICA BOOKS-LIBRARY CLUB SUPPLIES ...........$ 2 9 1 . 2 0 MONTICELLO SPORTS-ATHLETICS EQUIPMENT ...........$ 5 1 2 . 0 0 NORTH CEDAR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT-ATHLETICS DUES AND FEES .............$ 8 5 . 0 0 PALMER, CARTER-GIRLS TRACK SUPPLIES ........................$ 6 5 . 0 0 PEPSI-COLA-HS STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPLIES .....$ 1 3 0 . 5 8 PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, INC.-HS STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPLIES ..........................................$ 5 9 . 7 8 PRECISION PRO GOLF-BOYS’ GOLF EQUIPMENT .......$ 4 5 3 . 0 0 TROTT TROPHIES-WRESTLING SUPPLIES ......................$ 1 3 9 . 0 0 US FOODS, INC.-MS STUDENT COUNCIL SUPPLIES-$57.26 VINTON PARK & RECREATION DEPT.-BUCCANEER CLUB OTHER EXPENSES ..............$ 3 6 6 . 0 0 WALMART COMMUNITY BRCFEED STORE SUPPLIES ..........................................$ 7 5 . 8 1 WEST DELAWARE CSD-ATHLETICS DUES AND FEES ....$ 1 3 0 . 0 0 WEST MUSIC COMPANY-MUSIC TRIP SUPPLIES .............$ 2 7 0 . 0 0 WINTHROP BUILDING SUPPLY-CLASS OF 2017 SUPPLIES ...............................$ 9 4 . 4 1 WOLFEYS WAPSI OUTBACKWRESTLING SUPPLIES ........................................$ 1 0 0 . 0 0 TOTAL .......................$11,248.42 Nutrition Fund EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANY-Food Purchased .......$ 6 4 7 . 0 8 KECK, INC.-Commodities Used ...............................$ 2 6 6 . 2 8 PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, INC.Food Purchased ..........$2,978.16 PRESTO-X-Purchased Services ......................................$ 5 1 . 3 6 REINHART FOODSERVICE, L.L.C.-Food Purchased .....................................$3,046.56 TECHNO PLY, LTD-Food Purchased ............................$ 4 6 7 . 9 4 US FOODS, INC.-General Supplies .............................$7,734.38 WALMART COMMUNITY BRCFood Purchased ...............$ 2 3 . 6 8 TOTAL .......................$15,215.44
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