Welcome to
Buchanan County!
2014 Visitors Guide
Buchanan County
Your partner in building healthier communities.
Buchanan County Health Center is a critical access hospital in Independence, Iowa. With 18 clinical specialties, 15 medical specialties, a wellness center, a long-term FDUH IDFLOLW\ DQG D UHWLUHPHQW FRPPXQLW\ \RXȇOO ȴ QG H[SHUWLVH IRU HYHU\ DUHD RI your life. With its central location in Buchanan County, it’s the area’s most FRQYHQLHQW KHDOWK FDUH RSWLRQ $QG ZLWK PRUH WKDQ IXOO DQG SDUW WLPH HPSOR\HHV GHGLFDWHG WR FDULQJ IRU \RX \RXȇOO ȴ QG XQPDWFKHG H[FHOOHQFH LQ VHUYLFH %XFKDQDQ &RXQW\ +HDOWK &HQWHU H[LVWV WR SURYLGH DQG SURPRWH TXDOLW\ KXPDQLWDULDQ KHDOWK FDUH VHUYLFHV WR LQGLYLGXDOV LQ QHHG 2XU VWDII RI PHGLFDO SURIHVVLRQDOV VWULYHV WR SURYLGH TXDOLW\ FDUH WR DOO %XFKDQDQ &RXQW\ UHVLGHQWV ZKLOH EHVW managing the changing currents and future trends in the health care industry.
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Welcome to Buchanan County, Iowa!
Buchanan County Iowa has so much to offer -- everything from parks, trails, fun events, historical sites, variety of businesses and amenities, and more! Each town’s individuality is a part of the larger community of Buchanan County. Stay a day, stay a week, or stay even longer! You will find much to do, and will quickly see why we are happy to call this place home. We welcome you to Buchanan County ... visit us soon ... you may even decide to stay!
Index National Register of Historical Places Recreation/Misc. Services Calendar of Events Illinois Central Railroad Depot (Buchanan Co. Visitors Center) Buchanan County Churches Aurora (50607) Brandon (52210) Parks of Buchanan County Fairbank (50629)
1 2 3-6 7 8-9 10 11 12 14
Hazleton (50641) Amish Community Independence (50644) Iowa State Univ. Extension, Buchanan Co. R.A.S.H. (Bicycle) Ride Barn Quilts of Buchanan County Wapsipinicon Mill Museum Heartland Acres Independence Public Library
Locations listed on the National Register of Historic Places 280th Street Bridge-280th St.-over unnamed stream, Independence.
Purdy, Eliphalet W. and Catherine E. Jaquish, House 215 3rd Ave. SW, Independence.
Buchanan County Courthouse 210 5th Ave NE, Independence; also known as PWA Docket IA 1447-F.
Richardson-Jakway House 130th St., Aurora, at Jakway Forest.
Captain D.S. Lee Mansion (under restoration,) 817 1st St., East, Independence. Owned by Buchanan Co. Historical Society.
Shellito, Dr. Judd D. and Margaret S. Clarke, House 310 5th Ave. SE, Independence.
Ezra Round Barn-off C57, Henley Ave., Hazleton. Fisher-Plane Commercial Building -119 and 121 1st St. East, Independence. Illinois Central Railroad Depot 1111 5th Ave. NE, Independence. Malek Theater building 116 2nd Ave., Independence.
State Savings Bank/ Quasqueton Area Historical Building 103 N. Water St., Quasqueton.
Walter, Lowell E., House (Cedar Rock) 2611 Quasqueton Diagonal Blvd. (off W35, NW of Quasqueton). Wapsipinicon Mill Museum 100 1st St. West, Independence.
Mathias C. Fuhrman and Eva B. Crowell, Farm 1780 185th St., Independence.
Wapsipinicon River Bridge Hwy. 150 over Wapsipinicon River, Independence; walking and bike lane.
Plane, Robert R., & Julie L., House 310 3rd Ave. SE, Independence.
18 18 19 20 21 23
Buchanan County Fair Independence Motor Speedway Jesup (50648) Lamont (50650) Quasqueton (52326) Rowley (52329) Stanley (50671) Winthrop (50682) Cedar Rock State Park
Weins Commercial Building 129-131 2nd Ave. NE, Independence
24 25 26 26 28 28 29 31 32
Thank You ... A big thank you to all of our advertisers in this 2014 brochure. Without you, this couldn’t be published. Be sure to stop in and see The Depot, gift shop, and pick up new brochures to see what is going on around the area. Thank you, Judy Lauer, President Buchanan County Tourism
This publication was designed & produced by:
Taylor’s Ford Bridge Nolan Ave., over Wapsipinicon River, Independence.
Maas Commercial Building 209 1st St. East, Independence.
Munson Building (old library) 210 2nd St. NE, Independence
14 15 16-17
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Recreation & Miscellaneous Services
Independence Airport, located west of Independence, off Highway D22. For information, call (319)334-4000.
Buchanan Co. Courthouse
210 5th Ave., SE, Independence (319) 334-4109
Buchanan Co. Economic Development Commission
PO Box 109, 112 1st St., East, Independence IA 50644 319-334-7497 www.growbuchanan.com
Chambers of Commerce
Independence Area Chamber of Commerce - PO Box 104, 112 1st St., East, Independence IA 50644, 319334-7178. Jesup Chamber of Commerce PO Box 134, 791 6th St., Jesup IA 50648, 319-827-3100 or 1128.
Buchanan County Genealogical Society, PO Box 4, Independence IA 50644. Mondays 10 AM-2 PM; Thursdays 4-7 PM (closed holidays), 319-334-9333. Information available: naturalization, cemetery, marriage, birth, death/funeral home records, obituaries, probates, wills. Federal and State census of Buchanan and
surrounding counties, Buchanan County histories/plat books. Newspapers of Buchanan County from 1856 to present, indexed files. Researchers welcome to visit archives; however, research may be done by volunteers for a fee.
Five golf courses throughout Buchanan County, in the cities of Jesup, Fairbank, Independence and Winthrop.
Gym/Recreational Facilities
-- Falcon Civic Center, 1305 5th Ave. NE, and River’sEDGE Sport and Fitness, 206 2nd Ave., SW, Independence. Basketball, weights, cardio equipment, racquetball courts, game room, golf cages, walking track, batting cages, meeting rooms, more, call (319)334-2606 or 6711. -- Aurora Comet Center, 401 Woodruff St., Aurora, (319)634-FITT, www. auroracometcenter.com. Complete fitness center with weight/cardio room and full sized AAU sports court gym and walking track. Facility open to members 24/7.
Historical Society
Buchanan Co. Historical Society www.buchanancountyhistory.com Phone (319) 334- 4616 Email: bchs.lkh@gmail.com Facebook: Wapsi Mill
Buchanan County Health Center, 1600 1st St., E., Independence, 319332-0999
Hunting & Fishing
Hunting October through December: pheasant, rabbit and deer. Fish the Wapsipinicon River Water Trail and various spots throughout Buchanan County. - Wapsie Bowhunters Archery Club Office, 125 3rd Ave. SE, Independence, contact: Steve McGraw (319)334-3364
Libraries Aurora - in the Comet Center, 401 Woodruff St. 319-634-3960. Fairbank - 212 Main St., E. 319-6352487 Independence - 805 1st St. E., 319334-2470 Jesup - 721 6th St., 319-827-1533 Lamont - 616 Bush St., 563-924-3203 Winthrop - 354 W. Madison, 319935-3374
Independence Motor Speedway, just west of Highway 150 N. at Buchanan County Fairgrounds. Racing events every Saturday night, April through August. Contact (319)361-3795 for information.
Over 160 miles of trails throughout Buchanan County, groomed weekly or as needed. Drag races third Sunday in September. Governed by Wapsipinicon Snowmobile Association, contact Ted Thoma at 563-920-5384, PO Box 802, Independence IA 50644. Website: www.wsaIowa.com
Swimming & Aquatic Centers -- 511 East Main, Fairbank, (319)635-2533 -- 609 5th St. SE, Independence, (319)334-7464 -- 334 2nd St. S., PO Box 98, Winthrop, (319)935-3306
Buchanan County Tourism Bureau, Illinois Central Railroad Depot, 1111 5th Ave., NE, Independence, IA, 319334-3439 (open afternoons, May 15 to October 15).
Buchanan County Tourism Visitor’s Center WK $YH 1( ,QGHSHQGHQFH ,RZD ‡ ‡ &RXQW\ ZLGH +LVWRULFDO 7RXULVW Attraction Information ‡ 7RXU WKH +LVWRULFDO 'HSRW *LIW 6KRS ‡ &DOO $KHDG IRU 7RXUV DQG +RXUV IRU the Visitor’s Center ‡ ( PDLO XV DW EXFKFRWRXU#LQG\WHO FRP ‡7KLV FHQWHU LV VWDIIHG E\ YROXQWHHUV 2SHQ IURP 0D\ 2FWREHU Visit: www.growbuchanan.com/Public/Tourism or www.facebook.com/BuchananCountyTourism
2014 Calendar of Events May Saturday, May 3 Fontana Herb Society Plant Sale 8 - 11 AM, Fontana Park, Hazleton. Saturday, Sunday May 3-4 Friends of the Library Book Sale Independence Public Library, Saturday 9:30 AM– 4 PM & Sunday 1-3 PM. Great prices and selection of books and movies while helping the library! 319-334-2470, www. independence.lib.ia.us Saturday, May 10 Quasky Bottom Feeders Tourney 5:30 AM-noon, lunch fish fry, prizes, families welcome! Pre-register at Wee Willys or sign up that morning at boat ramp. If flooded, event may be postponed, (319)934-9301. Saturday, May 10 Fairbank Citywide Garage Sales Tuesday, May 13 Author Suzanne Woods Fisher Independence Public Library, 6:30 PM, CAMEO Series. Free presentation, book signing by Amish fiction author. 319-334-2470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Thursday, May 15 Illinois Central Railroad Depot (Tourism Bureau) opens for season. Railroad items on display, gift shop, Memorial Brick Garden Walk. Open Tuesdays - Sundays through midOctober. Located at 1111 5th Ave., NE, Independence, (319)334-3439. Friday, May 16 Friday Night Live at Five “Friday Night Fiesta”, Riverwalk Parks, free to public, 5-9 PM, live music, food and drink available, 319-3347178, indycommerce.com
Monday, May 26 Quasqueton American Legion & Auxiliary Memorial Day Parade and Service, 11 AM parade, ceremony at cemetery followed by beef dinner, Legion Hall. 319-934-3639. Tuesday, May 27 Author Saloma Miller Furlong Independence Library, 6:30 PM, CAMEO Series. Author of Amish memoirs, presentation/book signing, 319-3342470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Wednesday, May 28 An Old Time Meal at Jakway 5 PM, Historic Richardson-Jakway House, W45 south of Aurora, $20 (registration limited, call 319-6362617). Enjoy 19th century meal, program, learn about Iowa’s past.
Sunday, June 1 Lion’s Club Car Cruise & Burn Out Downtown Jesup, registration 1 PM, cruise 4 PM. (319)827-1673 or 827-1128. Friday, June 6 Friday Night Live at Five “Smoke on the Wapsi!” Riverwalk Parks, free to public, 5-9 PM, live music, food and drink available. (319)334-7178, indycommerce.com Friday, June 6 & Saturday, June 7 9th Annual Indee’s River Walk Cruise fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Iowa, Riverwalk Parks. Show off Friday 5-8 PM, live music, food, beverages. Saturday: Indee’s Cruisemeisters 69-mile 2-way cruise. Food, beverages, music, 10 AM - 6 PM. Cruise leaves 1 PM sharp. Information: Hoskie 319-961-6686, indeescruisemeisters@yahoo.com or www.indeescruisemeisters.com
Wednesdays, June 11 - July 30 or Thursdays, June 12-July 31 Nature Explorers, children age 6-8. Fontana Park, 1-2:30 PM. Science & nature hands-on exploration. www.buchanancountyparks.com, 319-636-2617, email fontanapark@ iowatelecom.net Wednesday, June 11 Tim Read’s Improv Storytelling and Illustration, Independence Library, 9:30 AM. Free family program. 319-3342470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Thursday, June 12 Picnic in Winthrop Park, sponsored by Women’s Fellowship of Church of Christ United, 11 AM-1 PM. Carryouts avail. Friday & Saturday, June 13 & 14 Winthrop Days Celebration Friday evening Glow 5K Run/Walk, Big Ball Tourney, street dance and movie in the park. Saturday: parade at 4 PM, inflatable rides, tug of war contest, face painting, fish fry, bingo, street dance and fireworks. www.cityofwinthrop.com Saturday, June 14 Friends of Cedar Rock Strawberry Moon Evening fundraiser, 7-10 PM. Experience Cedar Rock under full moon, refreshments. Call 319-934-3572 or email cedar_rock@dnr.iowa.gov Saturday, June 14 R.A.S.H. Ride Bicycle ride, with Lion’s/Rotary Club breakfast 7:30 AM at Bill’s Pizza & Smokehouse parking lot, Independence. Ride begins 9 AM from Bill’s, www.rashride.org
Saturday, June 7 Relay for Life of Buchanan County, Teams walking for a great cause. New Time: 3 PM - 10 PM, location to be announced, 888-266-2064 www.RelayForLife.org/buchanania
Saturday, June 14 Tractor Ride sponsored by Heartland Acres Agribition Center, Independence. Tour Buchanan County on favorite tractor. (319)3320123, www.heartlandacresusa.com
Wednesday, May 21 Cedar Rock, the Walter House opens. Experience Frank Lloyd Wright design with stellar river views. Wednesdays through Sundays into October, call or email to reserve tour 319-934-3572, cedar_rock@dnr.iowa.gov
Tuesdays, June 10 - July 29 or Thursdays June 12 - July 31 Wee Nature Tales, children age 3-5, Fontana Park, 10-11 AM. Stories, projects, explorations. www. buchanancountyparks.com, 319636-2617, email fontanapark@ iowatelecom.net
Saturday, June 14 Cedar Valley Hospice William “Rabbit” Donnelly Memorial Golf Tournament, Fairbank Wapsie Ridge Golf Course, 8 AM; contact Cedar Valley Hospice for info and registration forms (319)334-6960.
May 24-26 Quasqueton Historical Society Museum Open House, 10 AM-4 PM. Open Memorial Day weekend - Labor Day weekend or by appointment. Admission free, www.east-buc.k12. ia.us/Quas/Qhist/home.html
Tuesdays, June 10 - July 29 or Wednesdays June 11-July 30 Young Naturalists, age 9-12, Fontana Park, 9-11 AM. Learn about environment. www. buchanancountyparks.com, 319-636-261.
Saturday & Sunday, June 14-15 Hazleton Flea Market Days Downtown, Hazleton Park, flea market, parade and Legion Hall breakfast on Saturday, games, food, dance, 319-636-2243.
Saturday, May 17 Quasqueton Federated Garden Club Annual Plant Sale, 8-11 AM, Quasqueton Legion Hall
Thursday, June 19 Hampstead Theatre Play – The Legend of King Arthur, Independence Public Library, 6:30 PM, actors in full period costume, 319-334-2470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Friday, June 20 Annual Independence Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing Three Elms Golf Course, 4-Person Best Shot, (319)334-7178. Saturday, June 21 Strolling with the Spirits, Oakwood Cemetery, Independence, noon-3 PM, $5 guided tour every half hour. Tuesday, June 24 Fizz, BOOM, Read with Desirae Payne Independence Public Library, 9:30 AM Unleash the POWER of SCIENCE & MAGIC with free, fun, & family-friendly show, 319-334-2470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 26, 27, 28 Fairbank Days, downtown and park, kiddie parade, crowning Miss Fairbank, teen dance, parade, car show and dance, fireworks, midway (319) 635-2811, www.fairbank-ia.org
July Tuesday, July 1 Chasing4Life: Storm Chasers & Disaster Preparedness, Independence Public Library, for various age groups - times TBA, free. Disaster responders with stories and anecdotes while encouraging emergency preparedness. 319-3342470, www.independence.lib.ia.us Thursday, July 3 Independence Day Celebration begins Riverwalk Parks in Independence, free, 1-6 PM, live music, games vendors, drinks, more! Fun for the family! www.celebrateindee.com Friday, July 4 154th Independence 4th of July Parade starts 9 AM, route is 1st St. E. and 2nd Ave., NE. Theme: Independence #ANewEra. Contact Chamber of Commerce 319-3347178 to register parade entries. Celebration continues in Riverwalk Parks with FunZone, Reading of Declaration of Independence, live music, volleyball, fireworks, more! www.celebrateindee.com Friday, July 4 Aurora 4th of July Celebration Parade, games, food, fireworks and more. (319)634-3330 or email dyoung@netins.net
4 Sunday, July 6 4th of July Chamber Breakfast, Wapsipinicon Mill, 8 AM-noon; Ecumenical Church Service, 9:30 AM, Veterans Park, Independence.
designed Cedar Rock River Pavilion with Classic Boat and Outboard Motor Show. Preregister for 5-mile river paddle, 319-934-3572 or email cedar_rock@dnr.iowa.gov
Wednesday, July 9 Weird Animal Science with Blank Park Zoo, Independence Public Library, 9:30 AM. See amazing live animals in free program, learn about their amazing feats! 319-334-2470, www.independence.lib.ia.us
Saturday, July 12 Winthrop Church of Christ Pew Ride/ Poker Run, motorcycles & classic cars. Info: 319-239-1460 or 319-935-3353.
Thursday, July 10 Picnic in Winthrop Park, sponsored by Women’s Fellowship of Church of Christ United, 11 AM-1 PM. Carryouts avail. Thursday-Saturday, July 10, 11,12 Annual Jesup Farmers Day Downtown Jesup, over 100 hours of free entertainment, children’s games, tractor pull, parade, lots of great food. www.jesupfarmersday.org Friday-Sunday, July 11-12 Quasqueton Community Club Quasky Tepee Days. Softball, volleyball, horseshoe tournaments, kids games. Saturday pork loin supper 5-7 PM, (319) 934-3247. Saturday, July 12 Restore Pavilion Paddle & Boat Show Friends of Cedar Rock Fundraiser for restoration of Frank Lloyd Wright
Beginning July 24-25 Outdoor Adventures for Youth Buchanan Co. Conservation program begins with Fontana Campout July 2425, Canoe Adventure August 7-8, and Wilderness Adventure (date TBA). www.buchanancountyparks.com, 319-636-2617, email fontanapark@ iowatelecom.net
Tuesday, July 15 Dan Wardell’s Reading Road Trip Independence Public Library, Shows at 1:30 & 2:30 PM. Free performance promoting reading, exercise from IPTV’s most famous guy! 319-3342470, www.independence.lib.ia.us
Friday, July 25 RAGBRAI© XLII rolls through Independence as overnight stay. “Glowing on the River” -- fun celebration for bikers and community members alike! For information or to volunteer, www.indeeragbrai.com
July 16-19 Buchanan Co. Fair, Independence Fairgrounds, just west of Hwy. 150 N. Fun for the whole family!
Friday - Sunday, July 25-27 Rowley Days Celebration Downtown and City Park, Big Ball Tourney, Antique Tractor Pull, Parade, kids games, more! (319) 938-0004.
Saturday, July 19 Underground Independence, 10 AM - 2 PM, $10 tickets at Wapsipinicon Mill 8:30 AM - 1 PM, www.buchanancountyhistory.com. Also enjoy Independence merchants Sidewalk Sales! Saturday, July 19 Quasqueton American Legion Steak Fry in conjunction with Patriot Motorcycle Ride, 5 PM, Quasqueton American Legion Hall.
August Friday, Saturday, August 1-2 Lamont Days, Theme: Honoring our Heroes. Parade, kids games, great food, more! (563)924-2196, (563)924-2194 Friday, Saturday, August 1-2 Brandon Hillbilly Days Theme: “Brandon’s 160th Birthday!” Downtown and City Park, Friday car
cruise, Saturday - car show, parade, tractorcade, , dance, games, food, (319)474-2166, (319)474-2387, www.bacciowa.com Sunday, August 3 Hazleton School Alumni Picnic City Park, 11 AM potluck - all welcome, (319)636-2232. Friday August 8 Fairbank Historical Society Dinner, Legion Hall, 5-7 PM. Friday, August 8 Friday Night Live at Five “I Love the 80s!” Riverwalk Parks, free to public, 5-9 PM, live music, food and drink available. (319)334-7178. Sunday, August 10 15th Annual Hobo Day Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Hwy. 150 N, Independence. Hobo stew, music, stories, wagon rides and train displays. Information: (319)334-3439 Sunday, August 10 Stanley Fireman’s Ice Cream Social For information call 319-634-3310. Saturday, August 16 Underground Independence, 10 AM - 2 PM, $10 tickets at Wapsipinicon Mill 8:30 AM - 1 PM, www.buchanancountyhistory.com
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New displays of tractors DQG HTXLSPHQW KDYH DUULYHG
Summer Hours: Apr 1 - Oct 31, Mon - Sat 9AM - 4:30PM; Sun Noon - 4:30PM Buses Welcomed! Hwy 20, Exit 252 - Independence, IA KHDUWODQGDFUHVXVD FRP
Saturday, August 23 26th Annual Quasqueton Area Historical Society Fish Fry Downtown Quasqueton, begins 5 PM. If rain - American Legion Hall. Saturday, August 23 Independence Brew-B-Q Riverwalk Parks, 11 AM – 9 PM. Food vendors open. Throughout the day enjoy taste of great brews & barbecue, griller contest, home brew seminar, great live entertainment. www.celebrateindee.com
September September (date to be announced) Arts on Main, Downtown Independence, Browse creations of artists of many mediums, including painting, photography, jewelry, glass, wood carving, more! 319-334-6703. Wednesday, Sept. 3 An Old Time Meal at Jakway 5 PM, Historic Richardson-Jakway House, W45 south of Aurora, $20 each (registration limited, call 319636-2617). Enjoy 19th century meal, program, and learn about Iowa’s past. Thursday-Friday, Sept. 4-5 Fall Festival, take in views & smells of fall in Independence. Shop local for latest fall merchandise!
Thursday, September 18 Wine & Chocolate Walk, “Wined down” in downtown Independence; enjoy wine, chocolate while shopping! Sunday, September 21 Brandon Cowboy Breakfast Brandon Community Center, 8 AM - 1 PM. Information: 319-474-2166 or 319-474-2387, www.bacciowa.com Sunday, September 21 Snowmobile Drag Races Contact Ted Thoma 563-920-5384. www.wsaiowa.com Sunday, September 28 Monti Fall Festival, Monti Community Center. Local wines, apples and craft vendors. Register to enter Apple Gallop 5K run/walk. Visit monticc.com or call 319-934-3597.
Saturday, October 4 Fairbank City-Wide Garage Sales Sunday, October 5 Brandon Annual Firemen’s Auction 1 PM, Wilson Street, 319-474-2166 www.bacciowa.com Weekends of Oct. 17-18, 24-15, 31Nov. 1, Quasqueton Haunted House, 7-11 PM. Frightastic fundraiser for Quasky Community Club, 319-9343247.
Saturday, October 18 2nd Annual Zombie Run Hosted by Independence Area Chamber of Commerce, Buchanan Co. Fair Association, 5K Zombie Run at fairgrounds with fun, food, drink, and scares ... just in time for Halloween! Register to be runner or a zombie www.indeezombierun.com Saturday, October 18 Friends of Cedar Rock Afternoon with Frank Lloyd Wright, 1 – 4 PM at Quasqueton Legion Hall. Lecture topics relate to the life, history, work of Frank Lloyd Wright, 319-934-3572 or email cedar_rock@dnr.iowa.gov Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 Holiday Preview, downtown Independence, see what’s new for the holidays in local stores! October 31 Aurora Community Trick or Treat, 5-7 PM. October 31 Independence Chamber of Commerce Trick or Treating Downtown Independence, 4-5:30 PM. (319)334-7178. October 31 Hazleton Halloween Treat City Park, 5-8 PM.
Saturdays and Sundays, Nov. 8-9 to Dec. 7, Christmas at the Depot. Illinois Central Railroad Depot. Hwy. 150 N., Independence, Sat. 12-8 PM, Sun. 12-5 PM; last day, Dec. 7, ends 3 PM with all holiday items going to highest bidder. Small table-top trees and specialty items, sold at silent auction. All 11 towns in Buchanan County donate Christmas items. Information (319)334-3439. Saturday, November 15 Buchanan Co. Health Trust Dinner & Auction 17th Annual Celebration, 6 PM, Heartland Acres Event Center, Independence. Information: Brenda Fuller, (319)332-0905. Thursday, November 20 Quasqueton American Legion Auxiliary Thanksgiving Dinner, American Legion Hall, 5-6:30 PM, (319) 934-3639. Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 22-23 Aurora Old Fashioned Christmas Information: (319)634-3822 or email alamode@netins.net Saturday, November 29 Small Business Saturday. Shop local and support small businesses!
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December Thursday, December 4 Fairbank Holiday Hop, 5-8 PM Thursday, December 4 Cedar Valley Hospice Tree of Love Ceremony, 6 PM, Prairie Hills Assisted Living, Independence. Holiday fundraiser honoring loved ones. (319)334-6960 or email cedarvalleyhospice@cvhospice.org Friday, Saturday, December 5-6 Brandon Christmas Festival Tractor hay rides, free kettle popcorn, cocoa, cookies, entertainment, Santa Claus, (319)474-2387 or 474-2317. www.bacciowa.com Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Dec. 5-7 Jingle on Main, Downtown Independence. Check the naughty and nice off your list and enjoy a festive time with Christmas tree lighting, window walk, s’mores, shopping and Santa! (319)334-7178.
Christmas at the Depot
Christmas at the Illinois Central Depot starts the weekend of Nov. 8-9. Who would believe what 50 different individuals and business people from around the county can come up with such great ideas for the trees. You have to see them to believe it. Also featured are 25 specialty items. Who knows what they will be, always a great surprise! Stop in at the Illinois Central Depot to see what the surprises are for 2014. Admission is free, but a cash or food donation for the local food pantry is appreciated. Christmas at the Depot is open five weekends, starting Nov. 8-9 through Dec. 7. Saturdays, 12-8 PM and Sundays 12-5 PM. Closing day, Dec. 7; bidding ends at 3 PM. Buchanan County Tourism group meets second Tuesday of month; held in all 11 towns in the county, 319-334-3439. Day before Easter Hazleton Easter Egg Hunt, City Park
Saturday, December 6 Holiday Cookie Walk, 10 AM - noon, sponsored by Buchanan Co. Historical Society, First United Presbyterian Church, Independence.
Day before Easter, Fairbank Easter Bunny Visit, Riverside Park Gazebo, 10 AM, if rain, I.C. Hall. (319)635-2811
Saturday December 6 Kid’s Christmas Shopping, Legion Hall, Hazleton 1-3 PM, (319)636-2854.
4th Friday of April. Aurora American Legion Smelt Fry, 4:30-8:30 PM.
Saturday, December 6 Fairbank Community Club Appreciation Day and Santa Visit, Legion Hall, 10-11 AM
May - October, First Sunday of each month, Brandon Trailblazers Saddle Club horse shows. Fun for entire family. Info: Carol Gibbs 319-4723152, email: btriblzers@ gmail.com
Sunday, December 7 Christmas at the Depot (last day), Independence, ends at 3 PM. All holiday items go to the highest bid. Saturday December 13 Santa in Hazleton, 10 AM-noon, Legion Hall, (319) 636-2854. Saturday, December 20 Santa in Quasqueton, 2 PM, Legion Hall.
Miscellaneous Events December-March - Aurora American Legion Pancake Breakfasts second & fourth Sundays. Farmers Markets Independence Saturdays 8 AM-12 PM, Wapsipinicon Mill Museum Jesup - Thursdays 11 AM -2 PM (September-October, 4-6 PM), at east end of park pavilion Music in Hazleton, Friday evenings April-November, Hootenanny-Legion Hall, listen, dance or perform!
Aurora Historical Society Building is open to the public first Saturday of June, July, August from 1-4 PM. Also open July 4, weekend before Thanksgiving, and by appointment anytime by calling (319) 634-3339, (319) 634-3396, or (319) 634-3319. Bingo: Hazleton, Thursdays 6:30 PM, Legion Hall, (319)636-2854. Fairbank- Mondays, 6:30 PM, Legion Hall IndependenceTuesdays, starts at 6:30 PM, Buchanan Co. Fairgrounds 4-H Building.
During the year, each Buchanan County city invites you to attend their town celebrations, steak fries, fish fries, dinners, barbecues, and breakfasts. Other events include dances, plant sales, a variety of
fundraisers and garage sales. Be sure to visit their websites or check with local businesses and media for details.
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The Depot Look at what $1.00 will buy you. The Buchanan County Tourism Bureau was formed in 1992. The group purchased the Illinois Central Depot and Baggage building in 1994 for one dollar. In 1996, the two buildings were moved to their new location. It is called the Buchanan County Tourism Visitors Center, with lots of information about the county. Stop in to see all the railroad items on display, and pick up free brochures. In 2000, a memorial brick walk was laid out at the depot to honor veterans of the railroad, military, school classmates and many volunteers and friends of the depot. In 2002, a 1940 model rail car was donated. It actually runs and sits on the rails. Illinois Central Depot originally used the car for track inspection. Another addition was the installation of a crossing sign and horse-drawn fireman’s hose cart. The cart was pulled by eight men, and was manufactured in the early 1900s. A collection of Illinois Central
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Railroad memorabilia is displayed inside the depot. Located on the west side of the depot sits a 1926 90-ton steam engine and a 45-ton tender (coal car). The 1978 32-ton caboose received a new coat of paint in 2008. These items were purchased from the Illinois Central Railroad. The baggage building will be open for visitors this spring, and includes a display of tools used by railroad workers. The Buchanan County Tourism group continues to coordinate and serve as volunteers at many community events throughout the county. Informational monthly meetings are also held at towns throughout the county. The depot is open May 15 through October 15, Tuesday through Sunday from 12-4 PM. For special tours and additional information, call 319-334-3439. August 10 will be the tourism’s 15th Annual Hobo Day. A big hobo stew dinner will be served under the canopy, along with hobo music, stories, door prizes and fun. Christmas at the Depot, sponsored by Buchanan County Tourism, opens Nov. 8 and the following five weekends, closing Dec. 7. Volunteers from the 11 Buchanan County cities decorate 50 small trees and 25 specialty items, available for public bidding, which closes Dec. 7 at 3 PM.
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Buchanan County Church Directory
Aurora St. Paul’s Lutheran, 109 Prospect St. Pastor Ron Spears, 319-233-3004. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM. Midweek Community Sunday School Wednesdays 6:30 PM with location alternating between St. Paul’s Lutheran and Aurora United Methodist Church. United Methodist, 506 Luella St. Rev. Nancy Bender, 319-931-4071. Sunday Worship 10 AM, Midweek Community Sunday School Wednesdays 6:30 PM, with location alternating between United Methodist Church and St. Paul’s Lutheran. Brandon Church of Christ, 306 East St. 319-474-2159, Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Praise & Worship first Sat. 7 PM; Evening Service (3rd Sunday-6 PM), Handicap Accessible.
Lord of the Harvest Lutheran AFLC, 120 Main St. Rev. Scott Jans, 319-635-2879. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM. United Methodist, 107 2nd St. N. Reverend Sheryl Hull, 319-635-2932. Sunday Worship 9:15 AM, Coffee/Fellowship 10:15, Worship Wednesdays 6 PM. St. John’s Lutheran (Mo. Synod), 208 4th St. N. Rev. Roy W. Berquist, 319-635-2181. Sunday Worship 10 AM; Sunday School/Bible class 9 AM (during school year.) Email: stjohnsluth@ windstream.net Hazleton First Presbyterian, 100 3rd St. SW. Pastor Duane Olsen, 319-238-9206. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM; Coffee and fellowship, 10:30 AM, potluck lunch first Sunday of month.
United Methodist, 507 Main St. Pastor Lexie KirkTrinity United Methodist, 209 1st St. NE. Rev. patrick, 319-474-2362. Sunday Worship 11:15 Michael Blackwell, 319-636-2784. Sunday AM; Sunday School 9:45 AM; Fellowship 10:45 Worship 9:30 AM with fellowship after; Adult AM. Handicap Accessible. Sunday School 8:30 AM; Wednesday youth group after school, Sept-May. Fairbank First Baptist, 202 4th St., S. Rev. Mike Andersen, Independence Sunday Worship 9 AM, Sunday School 10 AM. Bethel Baptist, 614 3rd St. NE. Pastor Michael Anderson, 319-334-6617. Sunday Worship 10:30 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 302 AM/7 PM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Wednesday W. Main. Father Paul McManus, 319-635-2211. Prayer & Bible Study 7 PM. Sunday Mass 8:30 AM. !
See Inside... April 18, 2013
The federal government is looking at proposals to reduce the crop insurance subsidy. Crop Insurance Subsidy Reduction Act (CISRA) plans to cut $40 billion in federal crop subsidies over the next 10 years, lowering the taxpayer portion of insurance premiums from 62% to 37%. President Obama also recently proposed a subsidy reduction, saving taxpayers approximately $1 billion a year. In 2012, farmers collected $16.2 billion from insurance, primarily due to the drought. Farmers paid $4 billion in premiums; the government paid $7 billion. Crop insurance was designed by Congress to help shelter taxpayers from the need to enact disaster relief legislation for crop disasters. Although premiums are reduced, farmers must put “skin in the game” without a guarantee they will collect. In good crop years, the government benefits, as it did from 2001-10 when the government received $3.99 billion in underwriting gains. Representative John Duncan (R-Tennessee), who helped introduce CISRA, told the press, “The crop insurance program has turned into a huge taxpayerfunded boon for some of the biggest, multi-national insurance companies and multi-millionaire corporate farmers.” He noted the largest 10% of farming operations receive half the subsidies. What do you think? Should crop insurance subsidies remain unchanged or should they be reduced? Let us know your thoughts, jot us a note at www.thebuchanancountynews.com
By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS
During their April 15 regular meeting, Buchanan County Board of Supervisors Gary Gissel, Ralph Kremer and Ellen Gaffney discussed the sale of three bridges with County Engineer Brian Keierleber. Bridges in Madison Township, Fremont Township and Fairbank Township are scheduled to be replaced this year, and it was decided to place the current bridges for sale by public bid. Story continues on page 30.
April 18, 2013
Area students participate in D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony Buchanan County D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Graduation was held April 12 at Heartland Acres Event Center, Independence. The event marked the 22nd year instructor Sheriff Bill Wolfgram has overseen Buchanan County’s program. Students
Crop insurance subsidy threatened
from East Buchanan, Fairbank, Independence, St. John’s, Jesup, and St. Athanasius schools recently completed the D.A.R.E. program, which is designed to teach students good decision-making skills to help them avoid high-risk behaviors, such as drug abuse. This year’s featured essayists were Nolan Rochford, Wapsie Valley; Hope Moses, East Buchanan; Zoey Miller, Jesup, Megan Brock, Independence; Jaita Nolting, St. John’s and Claire Strauel, St. Athanasius. Steven Parker, a national voice of McGruff the Crime Dog, and retired crime prevention officer for Des Moines County Sheriff’s office was guest speaker during the graduation ceremony. D.A.R.E. was founded in
East Buchanan School Board approves 2013-14 budget By Christine Dale, Assistant Editor
1983 and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in 75% of U.S. school districts and in more than 43 countries around the world. Pictured: East Buchanan students perform; Parker and McGruff; and Hope Moses gives her essay while Sheriff Wolfgram looks on.
New MRI machine installed at Buchanan County Health Center
By Brenda Fuller, BCHC
Construction crews worked quickly between rain showers on April 9 to place the Buchanan County Health Center’s (BCHC) new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine inside. The $2 million addition was designed with an approximately 10- by 10foot portion of removable roofing to accommodate the process, as well as any future equipment updates. First, the MRI (a Magnetom Essenza built by Siemens in Germany), was carefully uncrated after its one-week journey from the factory. Next, a large crane helped the crew remove the roof portion, setting this “lid” nearby. Then, Siemens technicians used large straps to attach the 3.5 ton machine to the crane. The crane lifted the MRI from the truck and placed it over the opening in the roof. With the Larson Construction crew above and Seimens technicians below, the teams worked to slowly lower the machine into place. “As it was being lowered, I thought, it might be
First Baptist, 301 2nd St. SE. Sunday Worship 10:15 AM; Sunday School 9 AM; Thursday Bible Study 9:30 AM; Tuesday Bible study 6:30 PM; Service on Channel 9 Indy Cable Tuesdays & Fridays 8 AM; 319-334-2135, www.indeebaptist.org First Presbyterian, 115 6th Ave. NW. Rev. John H. Hougen, 319-334-3523. Sunday Worship 10 AM (nursery available); Sunday School 9:15 AM. Handicap accessible and hearing units. fpcoffice@indytel.com; www.fpcindependence.com First United Methodist, 313 2nd St. SE. Rev. Scott Meador, 319-334-3689. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Radio Broadcast 11 AM at 95.3 FM. Freedom Baptist (Independent), 210 2nd St. SE. Pastor Joshua Graber. 319-334-3801, Sunday School 9:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM/ 5 PM; Midweek Service Wed. 7 PM; email: jcegraber@ hotmail.com Grace Evangelical, 1312 5th Ave. NE (Hwy 150 N). Rev. David Foix, 319334-4232. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM & 6 PM; Sunday School 9:30 AM and Wednesdays 7 PM.
Board of Supervisors discuss sale of bridges
5-day delivery delayed
Story/Photos by Kris Wilgenbusch THE NEWS
Cornerstone Foursquare, 707 20th Ave. SW. Rev. Marty Schminkey, 319-334-4489. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM, coffee, snacks 10 AM; nursery and children’s ministry during service. SMAC for youth Tuesdays 6:37 PM. facebook.com/Cornerstone4square
75 Cents
By Mary Beth Smith, Editor and Christine Dale, Assistant Editor
United States Postal Service (USPS) Board of Governors has determined that Congress successfully halted the plan to stop Saturday mail delivery. The change was to have taken effect in August. While the board is disappointed by the Congressional action, it will follow the law and has directed USPS to delay implementation of its new delivery schedule until legislation is passed that gives them authority to put into place a financially appropriate and responsible delivery schedule. Given the USPS’s worsening financial situation, the board has directed postal management to reopen negotiations with postal unions to lower total workforce costs; and to come up with ways to increase revenue, including rate increases.
Calvary Evangelistic Center, 700 13th St. NE. Rev. William F. Hill, 319-334-2743. Sunday’s World Changers (kids) 10 AM; Worship (adults) 10 AM; Family Worship 6:30 PM; Wednesday service 7:30 PM. www.calvary-center.com
Members of the East Buchanan (EB) School Board approved the 2013-14 budget following a public hearing Wednesday, April 10 during its regular meeting. Superintendent/Elementary Principal Dan Fox stated the budget is calculated based on receiving an assumed rate of 4% allowable growth funding from the state. Unfortunately, the Iowa legislature has yet to determine what, if any, allowable growth school districts may receive from state revenues for the next year. As Iowa Code states school boards must certify district budgets by April 15, Fox explained the budget was determined using a 4% projected allowable growth because once the budget is set, it can’t increase but can be reduced. In other business, the calendar for the 2013-14 school year was approved. Starting August 21, breaks are scheduled Nov. 27-29, Dec. 23Jan. 3, March 24 and April 18-21. There will be no school scheduled for Oct. 28 to allow staff participation in Professional Learning Communities. Graduation will be May 18 and, barring snow make-up days, the last day of school will be May 21. Board member Aaron Cook asked why scheduled breaks weren’t utilized to make up snow days. Fox explained, although that had sometimes been done in the past, snow days weren’t perceived to be the same as a planned day off from school. Students often look forward to not having school on a scheduled date, and both teachers and parents often schedule activities on planned THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent days off. Most years, snow days do community newspaper, locally owned and operated by not extend the school year by much. Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Story continues on page 30. Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc.
Area students participate in D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony
In THE NEWS this week...
• Board of Supervisors discuss sale of bridges • East Buchanan School Board approves 2013-14 budget • Buccaneer and Mustang sports, school news and more! • Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Community Events, Area Obituaries
Read all these stories, and much MORE
backwards,” said BCHC MRI Technologist Becky Boggess. “But, when it was about eight inches off the floor, the Siemens’ guys spun it around, so the front of the machine faced the door. … You could tell they have done this a lot.” Story continued on page 30. Pictured: The MRI machine arrives at BCHC. (Donna Jensen Photo)
The Guide Shopping
Your FREE Community Newspaper
Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Katy Downer, Graphic Design Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent
REGULAR DEADLINE: 10 AM Mondays OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-4:30 M-F (closed Wednesdays) PO Box 9, 225 W. Madison St., Winthrop IA 50682 PHONE: 319-935-3027 or 319-327-1810 NEWS email: news@thewinthropnews.com ADVERTISING email: scsmith@thewinthropnews.com WEBSITE: www.thebuchanancountynews.com Serving the community by publishing legal notices for Buchanan County, East Buchanan Community School District, and Cities of Independence, Winthrop, Quasqueton, and Rowley, IA.
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New MRI machine installed at Buchanan County Health Center
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Hope Wesleyan, 505 4th Ave NE, Rev. Robert Solon, 319-334-7148. Sunday School (all ages) 9:15 AM; Sunday Worship 8 AM, Fellowship 10 AM, 2nd Worship 10:30. Wednesday evening: Trek (grades 6-8th), 5 PM; AWANA (grades PK5th ), 6 PM, Youth (Sr. High), 7 PM; Women’s Tuesday Morning Perk, at Em’s Coffee Shop, 8 AM. www. hopewesleyan.org Immanual Lutheran (ELCA), 512 5th St. NE. Sr. Pastor Greg DeBoer, Rev. Kurt Borkoven, 319-334-2511. Saturday Worship 5:30 PM; Sunday Worship 8 AM & 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:15 AM; Nursery available/ Handicap Accessible/ Hearing devices; www.immanuelindy.com Living Water, 113 2nd Ave NE. Pastor John Sheda, 319-334-6723. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Bible Study Prayer Service and Kid’s Club, Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM.
Our Redeemer Lutheran (Missouri Synod), 120 17th Ave. NE. Call 319-334-2745. Sunday School 11:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Adult Bible Study 11:30 AM. St. James Episcopal, 202 2nd Ave., NE. Rev. Sue Ann Raymond, 319-334-4297. Holy Eucharist 10 AM 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sunday with Father Sean Burke; Morning Prayer 3rd & 5th Sunday with Rev. Raymond, Godly Play is offered to 4 to 10-year-olds, 9-9:45 AM each Sunday. St. John’s Catholic, 209 5th Ave. NE. Rev. Donald Plamondon, 319-334-7191, Saturday Mass 4:30 PM; Sunday Mass 10 AM; Confessions Saturdays 3:45-4:15 PM. Triumphant Church, SW corner of Hwy. 150 & 20, Rev. Lance Fricke, 319-334-2407. Sunday Worship 10 AM; TNT classes, all ages 11 AM; Wednesday service 7 PM; Oneighty for youth 7 PM; Game Room opens at 6 PM. www.iamtriumphant.com
First United Methodist, 455 6th St. Rev. Lynn Gardner, 319-827-1675. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:30 AM; welcomehome@jtt.net First Presbyterian, 643 6th St. Rev. Kathleen Sheets, 319-827-1701. Sunday/Communion Worship 10 AM; Fellowship 11 AM; Sonlight Service 6 PM; Youth at Christ 7 PM. Grace Lutheran, 633 Purdy St. Rev. Roy W. Berquist, 319-827-1257, Sunday Worship 8:30 AM; Sunday School 10 AM; Email: stjohnsluth@ windstream.net St. Athanasius Catholic, 634 Stevens St. Father Scott Boone, 319-827-6682. Saturday Mass 5 PM; Sunday Mass 8:30 AM; Religious Ed 9:30 AM; Fellowship 9:30 AM Lamont Aurora Lamont Baptist, Rev. Scott Hall, 563-6336545. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10 AM
Christian Life Church, 116 1st St. E. Pastor Richard Wearmouth, 319-334-6978, Sunday 10:30 AM & 6 PM; Wednesday, Bible Study 7 PM.
Grace United Methodist, 745 Washington St. Rev. Nancy Bender, 563-924-2870. Sunday Worship 8:30 AM
Jesup American Lutheran Church, 552 Purdy St. Pastor Dawn Pederson, 319-827-6626. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Fellowship 10 AM; americanluther@jtt.net
Quasqueton Union Protestant Church of Quasqueton, 212 E. Cedar, Rev. Kevin Jennings, 319-934-3558. Worship 10 AM; Sunday School 9 AM.
Jesup Bible Fellowship, 152 South St. Rev. Matthew Perez, 319-827-6231. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Fellowship 10:15; Bible School classes 10:30 AM.
Hoover Wesleyan, 2898 310th St. (SE of Quasqueton). Pastor Dr. Charles Clark, 319-224-9317. Sunday Worship 10 AM; Sunday School 9 AM; Sunday Evening Worship 6:30 PM; Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM, Kids Club 5-7 PM.
Rowley First Presbyterian, 212 First Presbyterian, 212 Park Ave. Worship Leader Steven L. Bush, Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Handicap Accessible. United Methodist, 201 Rowley St. Pastor Sheri Andersen, 319-938-2605. Thru June 2014 Fellowship 9:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM, Beginning July 1, 2014 Sunday Worship, 9 AM, Fellowship 10 AM, Wednesday Bible Study 10 AM, Handicap Accessible. Stanley Union Church, 126 N. Winslow. Pastor Phil Rownd, 319-634-3757. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM & 7 PM; Sunday School 10:40 AM; Sunday Evening 7 PM; Wednesday Youth: 6:30 PM; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 PM. Winthrop Church of Christ United, 354 2nd St. N. Pastor Dean Schlitter, 319-935-3353. Sunday Worship 10:15 AM; Sunday School 9 AM. St. Patrick Catholic, 555 1st St. S. Rev. Donald Plamondon, 319-935-3871. Mass Saturday 6:30 PM; Sunday 8 AM. Please note: Church service and event information may change throughout the year. Please contact churches directly for current information.
LIVE! July 19
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A Community Looking to the Future The residents of Aurora, in northeast Buchanan County, continue to bring a variety of quality-of-life accomplishments to their community, dedicated to making Aurora a great place to live and work. The town is known for one of the state’s longest running community 4th of July celebrations (over 50 years!) The old-fashioned family friendly celebration includes truck/tractor pull, kids games, music, fellowship, delicious food, and one of the largest and oldest continuous fireworks displays in the state. It all takes place at the 14-acre city park with ample parking and plenty of shade. Aurora’s Comet Center is a modern recreation/fitness and community center that also houses the public library. The center is a vital asset to the community, bringing people together and keeping residents of all ages healthy and happy. The town has a water system, completed in 2007, and several Main Street businesses. The Aurora Historical Society Building on Main Street is home to a collection of local memorabilia that provides a nostalgic walk through time. The society continues to expand exhibits and is open to the public the first Saturday of June, July and August from 1-4 PM, on July 4, the weekend before Thanksgiving, and tours by appointment anytime by calling (319) 634-3339, (319) 634-3396, or (319) 634-3319. The Aurora Legion is known for its annual Smelt Fry - a tradition for many families throughout Northeast Iowa, held the 4th Friday of April. The Legion also sponsors all-you-can-eat pancake breakfasts the second and fourth Sundays of January, February and March. Aurora’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Open House offers entertainment, holiday events and shopping the weekend before Thanksgiving. For information email alamode@netins.net or call 319-634-3822. Whether you are visiting for a few days or a few hours, don’t miss Aurora, a wonderful little community within driving distance of Backbone State Park, Amish community, Jakway Forest and the historic Richardson/ Jakway House. For information please visit www.auroraiowa.com
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An O Fashio ld Celebra ned tion
Aurora’s annual 4th of July Celebration is always popular family-fun event.
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TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL Starts at Noon for information call Dave Schweitzer 319-634-3325, 319-634-3911 or 319-934-3527 BAGS TOURNAMENT $IWHU 3DUDGH ‡ $PDWHXU 7HDPV 2QO\ For Information call 319-634-3898 6LOO\ 3LOOLGLOO\ *UDLQ\ 7KH &ORZQ Face Painting & Balloon Animals 2-6 pm 'UDZLQJV DW 30 IRU 3UL]HV ‡ 7LFNHWV $YDLODEOH DW *DWH Must Be Present To Win Permits for Keg Beer Issued at Gate $100 Deposit FREE WILL DONATIONS AT GATE %XFKDQDQ &RXQW\ 6KHULIIœV 'HSW 3URYLGLQJ )LUVW $LG DQG *URXQG 3DWURO
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A Little Town We’re Proud to call Home Brandon, nestled in southwest Buchanan County on Lime Creek, is one mile west of U.S. Interstate 380 off exit 49, about halfway between Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. It can also be accessed by D-48 from the east and west and V-71 from the north and south. The town has a convenience store, manufacturer, beauty shop, churches, auto repair shop, sports bar, realtor, fire department and first responders. Brandon City Park, by the water tower, offers a tennis court and playground equipment. Brandon Area Community Club (BACC) sponsors youth ball in the summer at the regulation size, lighted ball field at the park. The Community Club sponsors Brandon Hillbilly Days each August, with a parade, car cruise, food, games and dance. The group also sponsors the popular Cowboy Breakfast each September. (See Calendar of Events for dates.) A benefit auction for the Brandon Fire Department is held the first Sunday in October. A Christmas Festival the first weekend in December includes hayrides, open houses and more! Lime Creek Fish and Game Club has their annual fish fry the last Saturday in March each year at the Brandon Area Community Center. Brandon Trailblazers Saddle Club holds horse shows the first Sunday of each month, April-October, held at the horse arena five miles east of Brandon on D-48. The July show includes 4-H events. The GAR Hall was constructed in 1887 by Civil War Veterans and has been used for years as the Jefferson Township Hall. The hall features early photos of Brandon. The Historical Society is currently restoring the 1915 two-story bank building to house an area museum. Brandon Area Community Club recently built a community center on Main Street, which displays Iowa’s largest frying pan. The center features a 3000 square foot event room (seats 240) with full service kitchen to meet any caterer’s needs. A smaller meeting room is available for
Brandon Community Center groups of 50 or less. Brandon Community Center also provides indoor practice area for softball, pitching practice, basketball and bean bag tournaments. Brandon’s giant frying pan, created in honor of the annual Cowboy Breakfast, measures 14.3 feet tall by 9.3 feet wide and weighs 1020 pounds. Cedar Valley Nature Trail, a hiking and biking trail, passes through Brandon’s south side, and includes parking, picnic shelter and restrooms. The trail stretches from Waterloo to Cedar Rapids, using a discontinued railroad line. Campers can enjoy several areas such as Lime Creek Park to the northeast, Winegars Lake to the west and MinneEstma to the south. Public fishing can be enjoyed at Koutney Pond and Cedar River Access. Brandon is a little town we’re proud to call home!
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Phone: 319-474-2242 Fax: 319-474-2585
Buchanan County Parks & Natural Areas
Campgrounds and cabins - Buchanan County’s three developed campgrounds at Fontana Park, Jakway Forest and Lime Creek Area provide excellent camping in different parts of the county at reasonable rates. All offer both primitive and modern (electricity) camping. A few sites may be reserved in advance at Fontana Park, but most are on a first-come basis. Two award-winning Sustainable Living Cabins are available at Fontana Park, featuring beautiful carpentry and comfort, separate bedrooms, bathroom with showers, and kitchenette. Sustainability features include a solar energy system, energy-efficient construction, and more. To make reservations, call 319-636-2617, visit www.buchanancountyparks.com Jakway Park south of Aurora on Hwy. 45, has shower house and dump station, modern restrooms, and storm shelter. With a nicely shaded campground nestled in Jakway Forest, campers can walk the self-guided and forest trails. There is a playground, shelter house, wildlife observation blind. The historic Richardson-Jakway House and grounds provide a look at an 1850s farmstead. Interpretive signs guide visitors along a path. Programs are available upon request. Lime Creek Park, north of Brandon, is about a mile from Cedar Valley Nature Trail so campers and visitors may want to bring along bicycles. Lime Creek meanders through the park, and a playground and shelter house are available. Just a few minutes away is Koutny Pond, the County’s largest public fishing pond. Fontana Park - Fontana Park is the county’s most popular park destination. Fontana Interpretive Nature Center contains displays on the theme of “making our home in a living environment.” The outdoor wildlife display at Fontana, features a black bear, bison, foxes, coyote, raccoons, eagles, owls, hawks, waterfowl, and other creatures native to Iowa. In addition to the wildlife display, nature center, campgrounds, and cabins, Fontana Park has multi-use and self-guided woodland trails, picnic areas, and shelters. Fishing, canoeing, hiking and camping
Buchanan County Abstract 113 First Street East Independence, IA 50644 P: 319.334.3669 Fx: 319.334.9003 orders@buchanancountyabstract.com Kate Risk Anthony Bengston Janet Kohlmeyer Leah Geertsema Peggy Erger Independently owned and operated.
Interpretive Nature Center at Fontana Park are offered on scenic Otter Creek. Fontana Park was developed around a 19th century mill site. A shelter house was built on the old mill foundation, and mill stones are on display. Natural Areas - Visitors to Buchanan County are encouraged to visit the many public prairies, wetlands, woodlands, and streams protected and managed by Buchanan County Conservation Board (BCCB). All areas provide excellent wildlife habitat, and offer visitors places to hike, hunt, fish, and explore. Some areas contain rare land formations and wildlife species. There are 40 separate parks and natural areas in Buchanan County. The Wapsipinicon River through Buchanan County is a designated State Water Trail, and water trail guides are available for use by paddlers and other river users. For further information regarding Buchanan County Conservation’s parks and natural areas, including upcoming events and maps, call (319) 636-2617 or visit www.buchanancountyparks.com
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Fairbank Riverside Park.
Fairbank is in the northwest corner of the county on Highway 281. The city encompasses several parks. The Little Wapsipinicon flows around Island Park, which can be reached by a footbridge. If you desire a leisurely afternoon on the water, there is a canoe ramp near the park bridge, which offers river access above the dam. Bentley Park is located on the “Old Mill Property� on both sides of the river, adjacent to the dam. Riverside Park, located south of Main Street and along the west side of the river, features a gazebo and trail, which crosses the street and runs through Bentley Park. Veterans Park, in the southeast corner of town, offers a Civil War Memorial. The Ball Park, on the southwest edge of town, has three volleyball courts and two ball diamonds. All the town parks, except Riverside Park, have picnic facilities and playground equipment. An aquatic center is located at the east end of Main Street and golfing is available at Wapsie Ridge Golf Course, west of Fairbank. A historical point of interest is the old two-cell jail, built in the 1920’s, which stands in the lot beside the Post Office. Fairbank offers five churches, a well trained, well equipped fire department with a state-of-the-art ambulance and rescue unit, a health clinic, well stocked library, senior housing, and assisted living complex. The town also offers a daycare center, funeral home, grocery store and deli, full-service bank, gas and convenience stores, flower and gift shops, restaurants, barber and beauty shops, used car lot, truck dealership, car wash, auto repair shop, car body shop, plumbing and heating shop, building supply business, Polaris dealership and insurance and real estate businesses. An industrial park is located on the east edge of town, on the north side of Highway 281. A boat maintenance business is also located there. The town’s annual festival, Fairbank Days, will be held June 26 27, 28 in 2014, with parade, dances, midway, food and plenty of fun.
Hazleton is located at the junction of Highway 150 and County Road C57 in northern Buchanan County. Hazleton Commercial Club sponsors Bingo every Thursday evening at the Legion Hall. Funds from Bingo have enabled the town to build a basketball court, and purchase welcome banners, playground equipment and park shelter. Bingo money has also been donated to Fontana Park, Fire Department, First Responders, scholarships for graduates and The Depot and The Mill in Independence. The town features a number of local shops and two parks with grills, shelters and playground equipment. Flea Market Days is one of the main events sponsored by the Commercial Club. On the second full weekend in June, the city park attracts vendors from a wide area. Other events include a parade, kid’s games, music, food and fun. The Country School Museum, located in the west park, is open during Flea Market Days or by calling City Hall at 319-636-2559. Hootenanny, a get together for musicians, dancers and singers meets every Friday evening, April through November, at the Legion Hall. The Hazleton School alumni picnic is held the first Sunday in August. Other events include Fire Department Soup and Spaghetti Supper, Easter Egg Hunt, Commercial Club Halloween Party and a visit from Santa. Hazleton Veteran Park is located on Hwy. 150, featuring commemorative bricks honoring Veterans. Fontana Park and Interpretive Nature Center is just south of Hazleton, connected to town by a biking and walking trail. The trail and buildings are wheelchair and handicapped accessible. The area includes camping, nature trails, fishing and picnic areas, a playground and wild animal displays of bear, deer, buffalo and many other animals. Another attraction is Fort Pentecost, a replica of an old Texas town, at 1591 Grant Ave., Hazleton, 319-334-3273.
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Amish Country
Amish Country, just west of Hazleton, is one of the largest and oldest Amish communities. The Amish community is friendly, with large families who use horses and buggies. The children attend country schools. You will enjoy and be welcomed at Amish businesses, ranging from quilt shops, furniture and general stores, and bakeries. Stores are open Monday through Saturday; information available by calling 319-6362854, 319-636-2243 or 319-334-3439. A produce auction is held west of Hazleton on Amish Blvd., Tuesday and Friday mornings, spring through fall, selling fresh items ... from food to plants. Fall/winter, it is held on Saturdays, with hay, straw and firewood available. More information by calling 319-269-2666. An Amish “large school� auction is held spring and fall to support rural Amish schools.
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Independence America’s Fame is in Our Name
Independence was founded in 1847, just one year after the Statehood of Iowa, when three state commissioners visited Buchanan County to locate and name the county seat, resulting in Independence, named in part, due to the approaching 4th of July. Offering a wide variety of unique businesses and services including a hospital, stores and shops, lodging, restaurants, health care, manufacturing, and service organizations, Independence also has some of the most beautiful parks in Northeast Iowa. Eleven of the 17 parks have shelters, rest rooms, electricity and picnic tables. Seven parks are complete with wellmaintained and safe playground America’s Fame is in Our Name! equipment. The city of proud of its fine schools including a new state-of-the-art Jr./ Sr. High School. Each year, the city presents one of the oldest continually operating 4th of July parades in Iowa, part of its renowned Independence Day Celebration. The wonderful family-friendly event is followed by the most spectacular fireworks display held anywhere in the Midwest, high over the beautiful Wapsipinicon River in downtown Independence. Popular Independence events include Hobo Day, Brew-B-Q and Brew Tasting, Buchanan County Fair, racing at the Independence Motor Speedway, Christmas at the Depot, Relay for Life and Make-a-Wish Fundraisers, and more (See Calendar of Events).
Independence Parks
Independence has several parks: In the Northwest: 1st Ward Park; In the Northeast: Riverwalks Park, Teachers Park, 4th Ward Park and 5th Ward Park; In the Southwest: 3rd Ward Park; In the Southeast: Jaycee Park and R.V. Park; Downtown: Liberty Park; Brimmer Park; behind Wapsipinicon Mill: Veterans Park
Independence Trails/Tours
--Downtown Tour is great for class reunion or other groups. Tours begin at Wapsipinicon Mill; for more information stop by the Mill or go to www. buchanancountyhistory.com --The Heritage Trail (Historical Hiking Trail) is sponsored by the Buchanan Co. Historical Society and winds around Independence, locating historical spots. Brochures available at Independence Area Chamber of Commerce, Wapsipinicon Mill and many businesses, www.buchanancountyhistory.com --Liberty Trail is 1.5 miles on the former Rock Island Railroad tracks. It starts at 1st Street W. and West elementary to the Mental Health Institute, coming out on 20th Ave., SW (south of Cornerstone Foursquare Church.) --Riverwalk Parks Trail encompasses The Mill, Brimmer Park, Veteran’s Park, Teacher’s Park and Bathing Beach Parks, plus 37 additional acres of green space.
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In addition, Heartland Acres Agribition Center and Wapsipinicon Mill Museum are must-sees when visiting the area! Make Independence a must to visit -- we’re waiting to spend the day with you! There is no better place to celebrate your independence than in a town named after our nation’s fame! For more information, visit www.celebrateindee.com, www. indycommerce.com or www. growbuchanan.com
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Office 112- Center for Commerce and Economic Development
Cedar Valley Hospice Garden - Independence Cedar Valley
Hospice Memorial Garden, 801 1st St. East in Independence, offers peace and tranquility to area residents. Visitors are welcome.. --Independence Tree Tour is a “walk of trees� that offers a wide selection of trees based on size, unique features and diversity. Map available at Heartland Acres Agribition Center, Independence Area Chamber of Commerce, Wapsipinicon Mill Museum and several downtown merchants. --Three Elms Park Trail runs from Hwy. 150 through Three Elms Park to the Independence Baseball/Softball Complex. --D-22 East Trail-runs from the East side of town to “old� East Elementary along County Road D-22.
Office 112, located at 112 1st St. NE in downtown Independence, is a hub for commerce and area community information, housing the Independence Area Chamber of Commerce, dedicated to business and community betterment and Buchanan County Economic Development, supporting business expansion, entrepreneurship, and economic sustainability. Independence Area Chamber of Commerce hosts many events throughout the year, such as the Chamber Showcase, Easter Egg Hunt, Downtown Trick-or-Treat, Friday Night Live @ 5 summer concert series, historic 4th of July Parade, and business training seminars for local business and Chamber members. More information at www.indycommerce.com
Independence RV Park
An RV Park is located on Hwy 150 S. (3rd Avenue SE), in Independence, on the scenic banks of the Wapsipinicon River. The RV Park is close to several businesses including restaurants and stores. The 42 camping lots offer electricity, water, sewer, and cable. There are 10 primitive camping sites available, as well. The park is open April 1 - Nov. 1, depending on weather. The shelter house, designed and equipped by the Independence Lions Club has picnic tables, concrete sidewalk and floor. A shower house and updated playground area are on site. For information, call Independence Parks and Recreation (319)334-6711.
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Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, Buchanan County
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Buchanan County brings the resources and expertise of Iowa State University to area residents. Located in the Heartland Acres Agribition Center, Independence, Extension and Outreach is available to work with all people, communities, businesses and organizations using Iowa State resources to address local needs in the areas of health and wellbeing, food and the environment, K-12 Youth Outreach and economic development. The office coordinates the local 4-H youth program and the Master Gardener programs in Buchanan County and offers 24/7 access to resources through their website: www.wxtension.iastate.edu/buchanan where there are links to upcoming programs, topics and more. For more information, contact Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Suite A, Independence IA 50644. Phone: 319-334-7161, Email: xbuchanan@iastate.edu Facebook: Buchanan County ISU Extension
R.A.S.H. Ride
Come join Buchanan County for the R.A.S.H. Ride on June 14, 2014, beginning at 9 AM. Bill Versluis is a co-sponsor of the event. It is also sponsored by four local bike clubs: Team Rawhide Riders, Team Native, Team Subtle Savage, and Team Fish. Members of these bike clubs have built this ride into an annual event. The ride, 27 (or 48) miles, begins at Bill’s Pizza & Smokehouse in Independence and goes through Winthrop, Quasqueton, Rowley, Jesup, Littleton and Otterville. A Lions/Rotary Club breakfast is held before the event, starting at 7:30 AM. Riders may come to Independence Friday evening to either tent camp at Riverwalk Parks or choose from campground facilities or local accommodations for the overnight stay. Over 500 riders are expected. There are registration fees that support Buchanan County Four Season Trails Association, which in turn, helps build trails in Buchanan County. More information at www.rashride.org
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Barn Quilts of Buchanan County Buchanan County Barn Quilt project is housed at Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach office. The project is in its ninth year with over 100 “barn quilt� squares across the county. As we meander along the country roads, it is enjoyable to see the colorful “clothesline of quilts�, enhancing our barns. For many, this may bring back a memory of a quilt your Grandmother made. Annually our “barn quilt� map is updated with the new sites for a self-guided tour. We currently have 62 sites with 8-foot square “Barn Quilts� on barns, corncribs or other farm buildings. Maps are available at Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach office, Heartland Acres Agribition Center, Tourism Depot, Wapsipinicon Mill, Independence Area Chamber or by calling 319-334-7161 or email xbuchanan@iastate.edu
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Wapsipinicon Mill Museum
Dad says I have my whole life in front of me. He says it’s never too early to plan for the future. I need to work hard, be a good person and strive to achieve my goals. I know someday I will...
The Wapsipinicon Mill, nestled along the Wapsipinicon River in the heart of downtown Independence is one of Iowa’s finest surviving grist mills. The 1870 mill towers six stories above the river and is a unique example of how Iowans captured the power of the rivers for commercial development. The Wapsipinicon Mill opened for business in August of 1870 as a merchants flouring mill, grinding wheat into white flour. For over 100 years, within the walls of this massive building, the actual milling of various grains for flour and livestock feed took place. Measuring 62’ wide by 112’ long by 107’ high, the building contains unique components that display three eras of milling. Manual power using a primitive stone quern, water powered flat grinding process using stone buhrs, and the modernization of steam or electric power using the steel roller process. The miller’s goal was to improve the production and quality of his finished product. The interior reveals hand hewn timbers and superb craftsmanship, post and beam construction throughout, complete with square nails and large wooden pegs. Visitors are astounded by the natural beauty of this extraordinary treasure. This mill is an excellent example of each phase in the development of milling for the education of future generations. Participate in operating a hand cranked corn sheller, grind corn, or sift ground corn to make corn meal. Unique photo exhibits, interactive displays and interpretive exhibits plus numerous Pioneer agricultural artifacts awaits you. The Wapsipinicon Mill is a significant historical landmark placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The museum offers visitors, both young and old a glimpse of Iowa’s rich agricultural history and connects them to life during the Pioneer grist milling area. After touring the mill, visitors can take a relaxing stroll along the adjacent scenic river-walk parks or a short walk to historic downtown Independence. The Mill, at 100 1st Street West, Independence, is owned by the Buchanan County Historical Society. It is open mid-May through mid-September, 12-4 PM, daily, closed Mondays. Volunteers on duty and donations accepted. The Mill is a “Partner Site� of Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area. For more information, call 319-334-4616 or visit www. buchanancountyhistory.com, or Facebook at WAPSI MILL.
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Heartland Acres Agribition Center “Agricultural Innovation on Display – See it TODAY!”
Heartland Acres Agribition Center is an agricultural museum focused on agri-tourism, located at 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Independence IA (Exit 252 along Highway 20.) Visitors find both inside and outside displays to challenge their agricultural IQ and bring back memories of days gone by. Exhibits are focused on agricultural past, present and future. Hands-on exhibits, along with creative displays and stimulating information, are available to educate, entertain and excite imaginations of the young and young-at-heart. The towering two-story “Big Red Barn” with full length glass silos, is the distinctive and visually appealing heart of the Heartland Acres campus. Based on 1800s barn designs using real cedar siding and wood shake shingles, the barn captures the past and brings it up close and personal for guests. In and around the barn, visitors see and touch agricultural history like never before. On the main level and outside are farm animals from April to October. Interactive displays like cow milking, rope and fence making, corn shelling and grinding are brought together for an all-inone experience. On the second story of the barn, a mural serves as a backdrop to agricultural artifacts used by settlers in and around the Iowa Territory from 1830 up to present-day technologies. “Great Spaces” is an open area with transitional displays, always changing to showcase a variety of stories telling agricultural practices, local history and modern day agri-business. Modern and vintage tractors of all colors and types may be seen in “The Machine Shed.” Agricultural equipment is at the heart and soul of our ability to feed a growing population. Planting, cultivating and harvesting equipment can be seen in rotating displays along with a wide variety of tractor displays including favorites like BIG BUD 16V 747 – The World’s Largest Tractor (for a limited time.) Live a day-in-the-life of a student in the “1869 One Room Schoolhouse.”
Blackboards and inkwells replace computers in this school. Modern day grade school teachers and students enjoy this stand-alone display. Period desks, globes, books and more will remind us all of how it used to be “back in the good old days.” For something out of the ordinary, visitors find a very well represented lineup of antique and classic cars in the “Car Museum,” with cars and trucks dating back to a “horseless carriage” along with many other makes and models. Visitors enjoy the on-site gift store for souvenir needs. Local amenities include hotels and motels, theater, restaurants, shopping, parks, and the historic Wapsipinicon Mill – one of several buildings on the National Register of Historic Places. Heartland Acres is close to downtown shopping and historic Independence. An Old Order Amish community is north of Independence. Make this a “Destination Point” for an exciting weekend trip. Heartland Acres is a partner site of “Silos & Smokestacks” National Park System. Both self-guided and guided tours are available. For more information, please visit online at www.heartlandacresusa.com or call 319.332-0123. Summer museum hours: April 1 – Oct. 31, 9 AM - 4:30 PM Monday Saturday; Sunday noon - 4:30 PM. Winter museum hours: Nov. 1-March 31, Monday-Friday 9 AM-4:30 PM. Business office hours are Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM.
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Independence Public Library
Independence Public Library is a spacious and inviting facility. This “community center” has areas to read and relax, meeting room, study rooms, teen area, children’s area, a cozy fireplace located by the newspapers and magazines, and easy access to materials for check-out. The library also offers downloadable ebooks and audiobooks, ereaders for checkout, free wireless Internet and both desktop and laptop computers for public use. If you enjoy art, stop to see the sculpture, “Balancing Act” located in the green space north of the library. The Independence Public Library also boasts a large wall mural by John Paul Schafer, two paintings by Robert Tabor, a Grant Wood lithograph, a P. Buckley Moss print, fused glass butterflies, and other beautiful artwork by local artists. The library is located at 805 1st St., East by the Lee Mansion. Check out the website at wwww.independence.lib.ia.us, call 319334-2470, or check out the library on Facebook for information about programs, classes, story times, news, and services. Many free quality programs that appeal to a variety of ages and interests are offered. There is something for everyone at the Independence Public Library!
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Buchanan County Fair 4-H Schedule Events held in Black Pavilion at Fairgrounds in Independence, unless otherwise noted.
Buchanan County Fair Buchanan County Fair will celebrate 156 years in 2014. The first county fair was held in Independence in 1858 and has been at the same site since 1891. In addition to 4-H/FFA shows, exhibits and livestock auction, the fair offers several days of activities and events for the whole family! A special feature in 2014 is the appearance of country music artist Chris Cagle on July 19 (tickets available at www.midwestix.com). Other major events include the Fast, Fun Fair Race on July 16 at the Speedway, Pro Truck/Tractor Pull on July 17 and Night of Destruction Demo Derby July 18. There will be a great variety of family-fun attractions at the fair such as live bands and entertainment, great food and beverages, the crowning of the new fair queen, pie baking, garden, cookout and photography contests, volleyball tourney, kids inflatables, kids pedal tractor pull and much more! Gather friends and family and come to the fair for a whole lot of fun! Visit us at www.buchanancountyfair.org.
Saturday, July 12 8 am-3 pm: Building Judging Day: set up exhibits 10 am-3 pm: Dog Obedience, Grooming, Handling, Rally Sunday, July 13 1 pm: Vet Check Cat/Pet 2 pm: Cat/Pet Show 4 pm: Vet Check Horse 5 pm-8 pm: Horse Show Monday, July 14 9 am-2 pm: Horse Pleasure Show 3-5 pm: Vet Clinics (Thom Building) 6 pm: Dog Agility & Costume Tuesday, July 15 7:30 am: Poultry/Rabbit Check-in 8 am: Broiler Weigh In & Vet Check 9 am-1 pm: Poultry Show 2 pm: Rabbit Show
4 pm: Check-in/Weigh-in Swine & Sheep 4:30 pm: Beef Check-in/Weigh in Wednesday, July 16 8-10:30 am: Meat Goat Show 11 am-12:30 pm: Dairy Goat Show 1-5 pm: Sheep Show 5:30 pm: Jr. Goat/Sheep Show 6:30 pm: Livestock Judging Thursday, July 17 8 am: Swine Show 6 pm: Pie Auction Friday, July 18 9 am: Dairy Cattle Show 11 am: Dairy Bucket Bottle Show Noon: Junior Fun Day 1:30 pm: Beef Bucket Bottle Show 2 pm: Beef Show Saturday, July 19 9 am-Noon: Livestock Auction 12:30 pm: Master Showmanship (Schedule is subject to change)
You are sure to À QG the vehicle \RX ZDQW
Independence Motor Speedway
For the 32nd consecutive year, weekly racing will be IMCA sanctioned on the 3/8-mile oval at the Buchanan County Fairgrounds. Late Models, Modifieds, Stock Cars, Northern SportMods and Hobby Stocks will all return under the IMCA banner for the season. Highlights include the Deery Brothers Summer Series for IMCA Late Models on Tuesday, July 1. IMCA sanctioned Northern SportMods and Hobby Stocks will join the nation’s longest-running Late Model tour. Established 1948 A special race night has been added to kick off the fair schedule Buchanan County’s LARGEST New & Used Vehicle Dealership! on Wednesday, July 16. Stock Cars, Northern SportMods and Hobby 319-334-7103 Toll Free: 866-334-7103 Stocks will compete during the event. Micro Mods will also be a www.dunlapmotors.com part of the event in their first-ever appearance at the speedway. The annual Dick Frye Memorial, traditionally held during the fair, has been moved up one week to Saturday, July 12. During the fair, on July 16, a “Fast, Fun, Fair Race” will be held. For the fourth straight year, the World of Outlaws Late Model Series will make an appearance at the speedway. IMCA sanctioned Modifieds will also compete for a $1,000 winner’s share during the Thursday, July 24 event. We’ll ensure your project is completed properly, One Saturday a month from May through August, on time and trouble free. Call us to help you one division will be selected to compete for increased design and plan your project today! purse money during the weekly program. Stock Serving our customers installation, service Cars, Northern SportMods and Hobby Stocks will be and repair needs for over 25 years! featured during those events. The Saturday Showcase will feature Stock Cars on May 24 and August 9, SportMods on June 21 and Hobby Stocks on July 12. All will be weekly points races. The season will close August 23 with season championship night for the five weekly divisions. www.independencemotorspeedway.com
We don’t agree on everything ... One thing we ALWAYS agree on is your job has got to be done RIGHT!
The Right Place for a Change of Pace
West Gateway to Backbone State Park
Jesup’s annual Farmers Day parade
Lamont, in the northeast corner of Buchanan County is the west gateway to Iowa’s first state park. Backbone State Park is a nature lover’s dream with every type of outdoor activity and beautiful scenery. Lamont Museum is located in a restored downtown bank building. Built in 1910, it features architectural characteristics from that era including oak woodwork, tin ceilings, tile and hardwood floors. The museum is two floors full of Lamont’s rich history including military, farming, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, school and many other fine displays. The museum is open Memorial Day, during Lamont Days, and during the annual Christmas at the Museum. Contact Mike Cook at 563-924-2803 for information or to arrange a tour. The town offers several unique establishments including a toy farm equipment business that offers all sizes and types of farm toy tractors and implements -- some rare and collectible. While visiting Lamont, be sure to stop by the coffee shop, operated by local volunteers, for lunch and dessert. Take a break at the beautiful park next door, complete with gazebo. Lamont has its own newspaper, antique and gift shops, bank, kid’s center, churches, and many businesses. Boy Scout Park has a gazebo, tennis and basketball court, campground with hook ups, and playground equipment. The scout house, complete with kitchen and fireplace, is available for rent for special occasions. The picturesque City Park, along the creek in the heart of Lamont, is home to a rare soldier monument from the Civil War, shelter, and playground equipment for all ages. Lamont Community Club and Lamont Museum host the annual Christmas celebration. Community members, organizations and businesses put together gift baskets, wreaths, miniature trees, and gifts for silent auction. Lamont Days, the first weekend in August, has a steak fry, parade, and many exciting activities. Masons, firefighters, Legion, churches, and other organizations host events year around. There is always something special going on in Lamont! For information, contact Joann Crow 563924-2708 or Diane Anderson at 563-924-2194.
Jesup, the second largest town in Buchanan County, is at the western edge of the county. It offers easy access to Highway 20, making travel to Waterloo, Independence, and other cities convenient. Jesup has over 100 businesses, two schools, six churches, medical clinic, assisted living facility, newspaper, dental office, veterinary clinic, chiropractic clinics, country club, tennis courts and a softball and baseball complex. The town offers a supermarket, convenience stores, banks, and many other businesses. Jesup has a number of parks, including the Land of Corn Park in the center of town, Parker-Muncey Park in the northeast, Liberty Park in the west and Hershberger Park in the southwest. A modern library offers a community meeting room with seating for 35, public access computers, story hour, summer reading program, home delivery of materials, children’s videos and more. Jesup goes all out each summer for their Farmers Day Celebration featuring over 100 hours of free entertainment. In 2014, the event will be held July 10, 11, and 12, with parade, rides, kids games, entertainment, food, more, see www.jesupfarmersday.org or www. jesupiowa.com Jesup has an active Lions Club, American Legion Post, and Even Dozen and Rural Women’s Study Clubs are affiliated with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Growth and improvements are ongoing throughout From your local Internet Service Provider Jesup with revitalization in the downtown You choose the speed you need! NOW ONLY: area, expansion in the industrial park and new No Land Line Required. $ housing additions. /Month Jesup is focused on growth and positive change while maintaining its small town 3 mbps Down/2 mbps Up* charm and values. Located within minutes of Independence, Waterloo, and Cedar Rapids, the $ /Month community is a popular choice for people who enjoy the easy pace of a small town without 6 mbps Down/3 mbps Up* sacrificing the conveniences of a big city. Jesup’s schools are progressive and achievement-oriented. The city boasts a clinic tied directly to one of the largest health care Metered use plans are available providers in the state. Its city government Equipment may be leased for $6.50 per month or purchased for $149. is strong and effective and its recreational *Internet speeds vary according to a variety of conditions. These are the maximum speeds you may expect. options are many. A new city hall (completely handicapped accessible) was recently built in Call for details TODAY! 866-327-2748 Toll Free downtown Jesup.
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Picturesque Lamont is in northeast corner of the county.
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Rowley Veterans Memorial Park in Quasqueton
Oldest Town in the County
e im
less Pra i
Settled in 1842, Quasqueton is the oldest established town in Buchanan County. The city rests on the banks of the scenic Wapsipinicon River. You can find plenty of opportunities for adventure and community events in Quasqueton. Those who appreciate outdoor pursuits may enjoy picnics, camping, canoe/kayaking, boating, fishing, hiking, mushrooming, birding, or hunting. Foodies should try the locally eateries. History buffs enjoy the Historical Society museum. Head two miles out of town and tour Frank Lloyd Wright designed Walter Estate, Cedar Rock State Park. Don’t forget opportunities to experience nature at Boies Bend and Pine Creek Areas, and Buchanan County Wildlife Association’s gun range. Across the newly re-built Quasky bridge is Veteran’s Memorial Park with electrical hook-ups, shelters, restrooms, boat ramps, and handicapped fishing access. The arch rapids at the dam, a new feature, will eliminate undertow at the dam, improve fish passage, enhance aesthetics and recreation opportunities on the Wapsipinicon River. City park has a softball field, horseshoe pit, open pavilion and sand volleyball court. Memorial Day parade and services are hosted by American Legion followed with a beef dinner prepared by Ladies Legion Auxiliary. Legion Steak Fry will be July 19 in conjunction with Patriot Motorcycle Ride. The delectable Auxiliary Thanksgiving turkey dinner fundraiser is held Nov. 20. July 11 and 12, Quasqueton Community Club hosts the Annual Teepee Days celebration with tournaments for softball, horseshoes, sand volleyball, or kid’s games. Saturday evening gobble up the porkloin dinner. As a compliment to the Teepee Days events, Friends of Cedar Rock are hosting their Restore the River Pavilion Paddle and Boat Show on July 12 at Cedar Rock Park. Brave souls will have a howling ghoul time at Quasky Community Club’s haunted house fundraiser weekends of Oct. 17-18, 24-25, 31, and Nov. 1. Quasqueton Area Historical Society has an educational and fantastic museum in the city bank building. Plan your visit for weekends or holidays from 1-3 PM. If you are looking for yummy fun for the family, attend their Annual Fish Fry August 23. Quasqueton may be the oldest settled town in Buchanan County but it is young at heart. Enjoy funtastic community events and recreational opportunities. Quasqueton is a great place to savor life!
Iowa’s Best Kept Secret
Rowley is in Homer Township in southern Buchanan County. It was established in 1873 and named in honor of D.W.C. Rowley, the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Minnesota Railroad Secretary. In 1902, this railroad became the Rock Island and Post Office Depot and 10 neat farmhouses made up the town. The station opened for business June 17, 1873. New stockyards and chutes were built in 1880. Lack of business resulted in removing the passenger trains in 1925, but Rowley prospered until the 1929 stock market crash. The depot closed in 1959 and was sold and dismantled in 1961. Today, the heart of the community can be found in the post office, bank, United Methodist and First Presbyterian Churches, fire department and many businesses. Visitors enjoy Kenny Nielson Park, which features a shelter with tables and electricity, playground, horseshoe pits, basketball court and lighted ball diamond. Rowley Community Center provides front-door handicap access. The Rowley Historical Society is open Sundays 11 AM - 2 PM Memorial Day through Labor Day. They also provide book loaning every Sunday through the winter, from 3-4 PM. When you enter Rowley, you will see a new water tower, as rural water was brought to the city in 2010. Rowley Days 2014 is July 25-27, and offers family fun including an antique tractor pull, kids games in the park, parade, big ball tournament, great food and entertainment. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy Hare’s Pond and Recreation Park two miles east of Hwy. 150 on D-47, southwest of Rowley. Hare’s Pond includes acres of forest, wetlands, campgrounds and ponds stocked with fish. It is open mid-April to Oct. 1 and offers an enclosed pavilion available for rent. Rowley Fen, on northwest edge of town, is a Buchanan County nature preserve offering hunting and nature appreciation. It is home to rare plant life and supports wetlands, forests, prairie and wildlife. Here you can “feel the earth move beneath your feet,” due to the “quaking soil” because the peat is so saturated, the ground trembles when walked upon. Many children on school trips visit this area.
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Stanley Stanley City Park
Buchanan County, Iowa ...
Has so much to offer -- everything from parks, trails, fun events, historical sites, a variety of businesses and amenities, and so much more! Each townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s individuality is a part of the larger community of Buchanan County.
Visit Buchanan County ... We Welcome You!
A Town on the Border Stanley, incorporated in 1912, is the youngest and smallest town in Buchanan County and is located on the northern border in Buffalo Township and the southern border of Fayette County. In 1855, Rev. Isaac Soules, a Baptist minister from Virginia, bought the land where the town now stands from the U.S. government. Several community members serve on the Parks and Recreation Community Beautification Committee. Stanley Memory Park has a park shelter and playground equipment and park benches were added a couple years ago as well as a basketball court. Stanley Union Church, 126 Winslow Street, was established in 1887. The church holds vacation Bible School each summer. Another popular community event is the annual Stanley Firemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ice Cream Social held mid-August.
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with friendly people, well-kept homes, and a safe, clean environment which makes it a great place to raise a family. Dedicated to growth and continued development, Winthrop has excellent opportunities to purchase or build a new home. The home of East Buchanan K-12 school, Winthrop is conveniently located on Highway 20, between Manchester and Independence.
9LVLW :LQWKURS VRRQ ÂŤ \RX ZLOO Âż QG D YDULHW\ RI VHUYLFHV amenities, and businesses, and so much more!
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Winthrop Development Corp. Winthrop Commercial & Community Club 32 %R[ Â&#x2021; :LQWKURS ,$ Â&#x2021; www.cityofwinthrop.com
Annual Winthrop Days Parade
The Friendliest Town for Miles Around Winthrop, located on “old” Hwy. 20 between Independence and Manchester, is one of three communities in Buchanan County to show an increase in population, growing from 772 to 850. Winthrop Historical Center is open during Winthrop Day and other events. The center offers many displays that reflect the area’s rich history. For information or arrange a tour, call 319-935-3262. Commercial & Community Club (C & C) is a community based 501(C)3 organization that works to raises funds that are put directly back into the community. The C & C is the umbrella organization for Winthrop Historical Society, Little League Program. The group sponsors events such Spring Fling for the Young at Heart, Winthrop Day Celebration, and Santa visit. Winthrop Days 2014 celebration is June 13 & 14. Friday evening celebration will consist of a Glow 5K walk/run, movie in the park, Big Ball tourney and street dance. Saturday will begin with a parade at 4 PM, themed “Big Timin in a Small Town.” There will be a fish fry, kids activities, street dance and a spectacular fireworks display. More information at www.cityofwinthrop.com. Winthrop Public Library, an Iowa STAR Library, is known for children’s programming, computer technology and a current collection of materials. Come “check out” what is going on at Winthrop Public Library! East Buchanan School District serves the communities of Aurora, Monti, Quasqueton, and Winthrop, covers 137 square miles, and enrolls over 550 students. Community support is provided by the PT0, Boosters, Dollars for Scholars, Buccaneer Foundation, East Buchanan Mat Club, volunteer/mentoring program, and FFA program. Winthrop has a post office, newspaper, grocery store/deli, bank, funeral homes, landscaping business, furniture store, medical clinic, telephone co-op, lumber mill, lettering/sign business, screen-printing/embroidery shop, hair-cutting establishments, lumberyard, welding and car/auto body repair shops, gas stations, tavern, trophy shop, veterinary clinic, insurance offices, day care, meat locker and several agribusinesses. Winthrop is the proud home of Church of Christ United and St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. St. Patrick’s is well known for their annual Lenten fish fries, serving around 700 people at each event. A housing subdivision continues to grow and provides new home opportunities. The Volunteer Fire Department and First Responders provide essential services to the community. City Park offers shelters, playground equipment, Householder Ball Park, and a swimming pool, offering swimming lessons and summer fun. Little League baseball and softball are available for area youngsters. Buffalo Creek Park, just east of town offers disc golf, electricity and shelter house. North of town is a beautiful nine-hole golf and country club. Check out Winthrop’s small-town atmosphere, amenities, friendly people and progressive spirit. See why it is called “The Friendliest Town for Miles Around!” For information, visit www.cityofwinthrop.com
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Come See What’s New!
Cedar Rock State Park
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Cedar Rock, the Walter House
Experience a Frank Lloyd Wright designed estate at Cedar Rock State Park. The Lowell and Agnes Walter Estate at Cedar Rock is a shining example of Wrightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. The park includes a beautiful 1,800 sq. ft. home complete with maids quarters, veranda, outdoor entertaining area Wright called the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;council fireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and a beautiful river pavilion. Wright designed Cedar Rock from brick, concrete, and glass. His trademark organic style of architecture is highlighted with the use of window walls that incorporate natural light and dissolve barriers to the out of doors. The Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s non-profit support organization, The Friends of Cedar Rock, is fundraising for restoration of Cedar Rock River Pavilion. Wright only designed a handful of river pavilion structures, many of which have been lost. The boat house at Cedar Rock is in dire need of tuck-pointing, strengthening of concrete, removal of efflorescence, and shoring up steel supports. Friends of Cedar Rock are in the midst of their fundraising campaign to support this critical work. In 2014, The Friends of Cedar Rock offer an opportunity to see the entire estate by the light the full Strawberry Moon on Saturday June 14, from 7-10 PM. The Friends are hosting their Restore the River Pavilion Paddle and Boat & Outboard New Patients Welcome Motor Show in conjunction with Quasky Teepee days on July 12. Their Annual Afternoon with Frank Lloyd Wright lecture 319-935-3343 symposium is Oct. 18 at the Legion Hall in Quasky. www.regmedctr.org/rfh 345 1 st St. S. Aside from the Walter Estate, Cedar Rock Park has a visitor center with interpretive displays about the life of Frank Lloyd Wright, story of Cedar Rock the Walter house, and small gift shop. Hour-long tours of the home are available with East Buchanan School District serves the communities of reservation May Aurora, Monti, Quasqueton, and Winthrop, covering 137 into October. Call square miles and enrolling over 550 students. New the park at (319) state-of-the-art elementary addition completed 2011. 934-3572 or email c e d a r _ r o c k @ GREAT school with GREAT teachers and GREAT dnr.iowa.gov to community support provided by PT0, Fine Arts Boosters, reserve a tour. Sports Boosters, Dollars for Scholars, Buccaneer Find Cedar Rock Foundation, and an extensive volunteer/ 21st Century Learners State Park at 2611 mentoring program. EB is implementing the Quasqueton 1:1 Initiative, providing D i a g o n a l East Buchanan offers a strong curriculum, laptops to students, so they Blvd. (W-35) VSRUWV DQG Âż QH DUWV DQG PXFK PRUH LQFOXGLQJ become producers of knowledge Independence, IA a new Ag Education Program in 2013. instead of consumers of knowledge. 50644. Our Mission To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values, and contribute to society.
Kristen Jensen, ARNP
Timothy Gerst, MD
Janny Budzine, DNP, ARNP
Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications, the municipal utility for the City of Independence and Buchanan County, offers quality, cost-conscious, reliable utility services, including electrical and fiber-optic telecommunications. Independence Light & Power, Telecommunications is moving ahead rapidly with technological improvements and innovative ways to link our customers to the ever expanding world of power and telecommunications. We look forward to continuing our growth and improvements, and providing the citizens of Independence and Buchanan County a direct connection to the limitless information super-highway. We have powered Independence for 120 years and we will be here for the next 120 years helping our city, county, and people grow.
Come and play. You might just want to stay!
We invite you to come and enjoy our community.
Historic Illinois Central Depot Visit our many shops
Historic Wapsipinicon Mill
Buchanan County Fairgrounds & Independence Motor Speedway
Historic Lee Mansion
Farmers Market
Modern Library
Independence Municipal Airport with 5,500â&#x20AC;&#x2122; runway is available 24/7
Heartland Acres Agribition Center
Independence Campground
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Â&#x2021; City Hall 8am-4:30pm M-F www.independenceia.com