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issue 114
Wednesday, march 9th 2011
Landmark was ETA target Four arrested last week were members of ETA commando group which planned to blow up Madrid’s landmark Kio towers p3
Energy cuts - National News
Lower speed limit attacked from all sides Nueva kaskada The government is facing a storm of criticism over its introduction of energy saving measures, which include a cut in the speed limit. Critics from other political parties and motorists' associations claim that the lower speed limit has nothing to do with soaring oil prices brought on by unrest in the Middle East but is a cynical attempt to
to fill government coffers. The government has introduced a new punitive scale of fines to accompany the speed limit reduction, which will be reviewed at the end of June.
Industry minister Miguel Sebastian refuted the accusations on Monday, pointing out that nearly half the money paid for petrol goes to the tax man. He said the high price of petrol added to motorists'
lower consumption arising from the lower speed limit translate into a drop in sales, which means lower not higher tax revenue.
Continued on page 2
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Flamenco A photographic exhibition by Alberto Schommer, well known for his work examining the history of Spain. The exhibition looks at the complexities of Flamenco Centro Cultural de San Pedro Until March 11th
rough e Eyes of Two Women II A second photographic exhibition by Ann Read and Bev Sheehan
An exhibition of work by Malaga based artist Jose Medina Galeote
Coin Convento Open until April 27th
By Kym Wickham k.wickham@thenewsonline.es
last week in coin there was a spate of shootings of dogs. The first friendly little dog had been having a tickle from a decorator doing up leslie's Bistro not five minutes beforehand and had trotted off quite happily. When people next saw him they thought he was just lying in a sunbeam but, when someone went up to him they found that he had been shot through the head with a pellet from an airgun and been left to die. By the time anybody realised what had happened it was too late to do anything about it and the poor thing died in the street. This animal was a friendly little dog just wandering around minding its own business. A second incident on the same day left a dog dead in the la Trocha commercial centre area, a third saw a dog being shot at as its owner was walking along with it, and with the fourth one, the pellet had lodged in its front leg at the elbow, between the joint, causing terrible pain to the animal. The problem with an airgun is that it makes very little noise so you don't realise what has happened before it's too late to catch the shooter. Whoever is doing this MuST be stopped before they start on children and grown people. If you hear anything about who is doing it, let us know and we'll inform the police. If a dog attacks a person for no reason, we have it put to sleep – maybe it should be reciprocal. There is a word for such disgusting “people”, but I couldn't print it!
attacked from all sides However, polls indicate that 70 per cent of the general public believe the aim is to collect more fines. Until the end of June, when the lower speed limit may be dropped, drivers caught speeding at between 116 km (which includes the radar's margin of error) and 120 km per hour face fines of €100. This will go up to €300 for speeds of between 141 and 150 km per hour, up from €100 under the old speed limit; €500 for speeds between 151 and 170 km per hour then €600 at 171 to 180 km per hour. Speeds of 190 km per hour and higher carry a prison sentence of three to six months, fines up to €144,000 and community work. The Associated European Motorists' Association (AEA) has calculated that speeding fines will increase by 30 per cent which translates into an extra tax revenue of €21 million per year. The number of points lost increases in proportion to the speed.
Campaign against the new limit The Movimiento 140, which until last week had been demanding a higher speed limit of 140 km per hour, had already collected 28,000 signatures protesting against the measure by Monday and has called on motorists to attend a protest meeting in Madrid's Puerta del Sol next Sunday, March 13th,
starting at 11 am. Dozens of associations and groups have already said they will attend, including the Plataforma Hazteoir (Make Yourself Heard Platform) and the Unified Association of the Guardia Civil (AUGC).
Measure won't save money or lives Meanwhile, the Associated European Motorists' Association (AEA) has been searching the archives for figures to refute the government's assertion that the lower speed limit will save lives as well as money. In 1976, when the speed limit was lowered from 130 to 100 km per hour, there were 3,959 deaths on the road, 245 more than the previous year. The AEA also points out that in 2004, when the average speed limit was 117 km per hour, vehicles consumed 29.8 tons of fuel and there were 7,538 accidents with victims. In 2008, when the average speed limit dropped to 114 km per hour, fuel consumption rose 31.1 million tons, with a similar number of accidents with victims – 7,536.
Train fares Madrid and Catalonia both refused to cut rail fares by five per cent on commuter trains in their regions following the government's announcement that lowering the price of tickets, in a bid to persuade motorists to go to work by train, was part of the package of measures. Madrid backed down after the government offered to make up the loss of revenue but the Catalans stuck to their guns and did not reduce fares on Monday.
PP draws ahead If the general election were held today, main opposition party Partido Popular would win with a margin of 15.9 per cent, up one point from last month. This would give the PP 44 per cent of the vote and the Socialists 28 per cent. The survey, for El Pais newspaper, showed that 9 out of 10 did not see any improvement in the near future in the economic situation, and 70 per cent disagreed with the new speed limit.
President Sebastian Piñera and his wife, Cecilia Morel de Piñera, arrived in Spain on Monday for a three-day State visit, with the object of strengthening the political, economic and cultural ties between the two countries. The couple were met with all honours by King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia, Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia. The couple were the guests of honour at a State banquet on Monday evening, hosted by the Royal family and attended by Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, members of the government and other politicians. Sr Piñerua had a private meeting with Sr Zapatero on Tuesday and was scheduled to address the Upper House today (Wed). Spain is the last stop on a tour that has taken the Chilean president and his entourage to Italy, Israel and the Palestinian territories and Jordan.
The Unified Association of the Guardia Civil (AUGC) is also sceptical about the measure. A spokesman said: “It's not going to change anything, it's a botched job and we don't know how the government has produced its figures.”
Until March 20th CAC Malaga
Chilean president visits
continued from FRONT PAGE
WORLD Lower speed limit Dog shootings
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
02 n General News
17 09
17 10
18 10
16 10
15 11 18 09
17 09
17 06 14 03
17 10 13 09
17 09 19 08
Information provided by
WEdNEsdaY, March 9th 2011
National News n 03
news Your outlook on the World
National News
the French Foreign Legion was formed
ETA planned to blow up Madrid towers Security sources said on Monday that the four people arrested in the Basque Country last week were members of an ETA commando group which had been instructed to blow up Madrid's landmark Kio towers last year. The attack was not carried out because the Guardia Civil in Zamora intercepted a van in January last year which was loaded with explosives to make the bombs. The driver of the van, which was heading to an ETA safe house in Portugal, and his companion managed to escape and cross the border but were apprehended hours later by the Portuguese police. They led police to a safe
house in Obidos, 60 kilometres north of Lisbon, where a bomb making factory had been set up. The plan had been to abandon the van loaded with the bomb near the Kio towers in the Plaza de Castilla.
Confession One of the alleged ETA members arrested last week, Iñigo Zapirain,
admitted to Judge Fernando GrandeMarlaska that he had participated in the murders of police inspector Eduardo Puellesin in Arrigorriaga, Vizcaya province, on June 19th, 2009, and brigadier Luis Conde de la Cruz on September 22nd, 2008, in Santoña, Cantabria province. During their declarations to the National Court
judge, Zapirain and the three others - Daniel Pastor, Beatriz Etxebarria and Lorena López – admiited to having participated in another 12 attacks. They also admitted to planning an attack on the life of Basque Country premier Patxi Lopez last year but did not carry it through. Zapirain has been charged with murder and the other three with belonging to a terrorist organisation,
possessing arms and explosives and falsifying documents. The judge ordered them to be jailed without bail to await trial.
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
04 n National News
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Practice what you preach The director general of the Police and Guardia Civil has been criticised for literally flying in the face of the government's energy-saving measures. Francisco Javier Velazquez (pictured) used a Cessna 550 Citation II aircraft to travel from Madrid to Cordoba last week to inaugurate the Civil Guard's new barracks at La Victoria and Nueva Carteya, which have been functioning for several months. The secretary
general of Andalucia's Police Confederation, Fernando Ramon Calderon, said he could not understand why Sr Velazquez flew to Cordoba, “taking into account the current cutbacks in both working materials and wages”. He pointed out that fuel for the return
flight (1,800 litres) must have cost just over €2,100, whereas a return ticket on the high speed train costs just over €160, taking him there and back just as quickly. Sr Calderon's counterpart at the Unified Guardia Civils' Association, Alfonso Carrasco, had even harsher words: “Such
extravagance shows a lack of respect for and makes a mockery of the force.” He added: “The whole show – with an entourage of politicians, police and Guardia Civil all in official cars – was set up to inaugurate barracks that have been in use for months. It's a disgrace.”
More ‘stolen baby’ cases The association investigating irregular adoptions, Anadir, has received 482 new reports of allegedly stolen babies since it requested the Attorney General to investigate 261 cases on January 27th. Most of the “thefts” took place between the early 1940s and the late 1980s and the usual procedure was for women who gave birth in clinics to be told that their babies had died. The first cases appeared to be ideological, involving women who were known to have supported the defeated Second Republic,
but that was soon replaced by financial motives. A nurse who worked for many years in the San Ramon maternity clinic in Madrid has presented sworn testimony that such adoptions were “habitual” there. DNA tests have already united a woman and her “dead” daughter, who lives in Barcelona,
while exhumations are turning up an increasing number of empty graves. Other evidence presented by Anadir includes false birth and death certificates. According to Anadir, Madrid, Andalucia, Catalonia, the Basque country and Valencia have reported the most cases so far.
'Non-risk' cocaine dealer released The High Court has absolved a Rumanian caught by police selling cocaine because the drug was so adulterated and of such poor quality that it could not be considered a public health risk. The amount seized weighed 387 milligrams but as it was only 11.7 per cent pure, the court ruled it was below the minimum psychoactive dose, fixed by the National Toxicology Institute at 0.05 grams of pure cocaine. The man had
originally been sentenced to three years in jail. Meanwhile, although Spain continues to be the main port of entry for cocaine and the biggest consumer in the EU after the UK, sales have dropped off, according to a US State Department report. It said the main reason for this was the current economic crisis, followed by the success of the government's anti-drugs campaigns.
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
National News n 05
news Your outlook on the World
Peseta makes a comeback Spaniards have never recovered from the loss of their beloved peseta and will leap at the slightest chance to bring it back, even if just for a short period. Its most recent resurrection has been in Mugardos in Galicia, where some 60 storekeepers are accepting both pesetas and euros in the hope of giving the local economy a lift. They were doubtful about the success of the scheme at first but now people are coming from all over the area to spend the old currency they never got round to cashing in. Spain went over to the euro in January 2002 and people were
given three months to exchange their pesetas at any bank. They can still be converted today, but only at the Bank of Spain itself, which calculates that 1.7bn euros worth of pesetas is still unaccounted for, either kept as mementos or lost down cracks in the floorboards. Despite all the pesetas turning up in Mugardos these days, the Bank of Spain estimates that almost
half of all those millions of missing pesetas left the country long ago - in the purses and pockets of tourists.
Campaign to overturn antismoking law
The owners of bars and restaurants all over Spain are busy collecting the 500,000 signatures they need to further their campaign to overturn the tougher antismoking law introduced at the beginning of this year. A spokesman for the country's Catering Federation said the number of signatures collected so far indicates that they will end up with over a million – more than enough to have their petition to annul the law debated in Parliament. The law scraped through Parliament the first time around and the large drop in earnings – an estimated 30% - and the rise in unemployment registered in the sector since its introduction may persuade a majority of MPs to accept the Federation's kinder, gentler version of the law.
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Too many ombudsmen Regional premier Guillermo Fernandez Vara has asked why central government needed an ombudsman if there were so many regional ones. Of the country's 17 regions only the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Extremadura and Madrid do not have their own. Sr Fernandez was complaining because ombudsmen cost taxpayers a total of €55 million – what it costs to run the Science and Technology ministry. Among them, they handle 30,000 complaints a year, 8,000 more than the government's ombudsman. MADRID
Deputy PM hospitalised Deputy PM Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba was hospitalised on Sunday with a very high fever, which turned out to be caused by a urinary infection. Further tests on Monday eliminated the possibility of cancer but he will remain in hospital until the fever is brought under control. Meanwhile, Madrid regional premier Esperanza Aguirre was back at her desk on Monday morning after having a malignant breast tumour removed 13 days earlier. Her first task: to approve a pilot project for fingerprinting patients with Alzheimer's. MADRID
Left son in car while visiting brothel Police arrested a 39-year-old man in Madrid's Fuenlabrada district last week for leaving his 8-year-old son in his car while he visited a brothel. Hearing cries from inside a car with steamed up windows, a jogger stopped to investigate. The boy told him his father had said he would only be five minutes but that was hours ago. When the police arrived, the boy begged be let out because he was very cold – it was 9 pm and the temperature was 3º.
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
06 n World News
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
World News
Charles Graham, of New York, patented artificial teeth
UK and French no-fly zone plan gathers pace
Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News
MP fights for right to wear bling
As reports came in that Forces loyal to Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi had launched further air strikes on the rebel-held oil port of Ras Lanuf, in a renewed offensive on Tuesday, plans for a possible no-fly zone over Libya were nearing completion. The UK and France have drafted a UN resolution for an air exclusion zone, which will be debated by Nato defence ministers on Thursday. The prospect gathered pace after Gulf states supported the idea and also called for an urgent meeting of the Arab League.They have condemned the use of violence against civilians by Libyan government forces. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
said Arab and African support would be crucial, and there would need to be a clear trigger - most likely a sharp worsening of conditions for civilians. Mr Hague also said the move needed the legal backing of a UN resolution - an element also required by the US and Nato. The US said on Monday it was still considering a possible military response to the situation in Libya, along with its allies. White House
spokesman Jay Carney said arming rebel groups was "one of the range of options that is being considered", but stressed that Washington was still evaluating those groups opposed to Col Gaddafi. Correspondents covering the situation said rebels had fought off a strong counter-offensive as Gaddafi forces attacked towns near Tripoli and also in the east on Monday. But as the fighting intensifies,
fears of a humanitarian crisis along Libya's borders are growing. UN emergency relief coordinator Valerie Amos said up to one million foreign workers - who have either just left Libya or are still trapped there by the fighting - will need at least $160m in emergency aid in the coming weeks for camp management, food, healthcare, water, sanitation and hygiene.
to the US after getting death threats. This has not been confirmed, and her whereabouts are not clear. Local officials said Ms Valles had asked for time off work to care for her sick baby, but had not returned on Monday as expected. The mayor of Praxedis said
Oyster thief arrested A 51-year-old man has been arrested for stealing 240,000 oysters in what is thought to be France's biggest ever shellfish theft. He had been employed on the island of Oleron off the western coast to clean disused oyster farms, but during four trips on his barge, he managed to pilfer 14.4 tonnes of oysters from working farms. A rise in oyster prices has led to a spate of thefts of the valuable mollusc in recent months in this wellknown oyster-producing region.
Mexico police chief flees Twenty-year-old Marisol Valles Garcia (pictured) was hailed as the country’s bravest woman last October when she became head of public security in Praxedis G Guerrero, a border town plagued by drug-related violence. But she was sacked on Monday for abandoning her post. She is reported to have fled
Gidion Mbuvi, 35, who was thrown out of parliament last week for wearing ear studs and sunglasses, has said he will fight to change the dress regulations. He said Kenya had been governed by old men for too long. Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim said the house had never before been entered by a male lawmaker wearing earrings, but one Kenyan reminded people on the internet that the speaker wears a white wig made of horsehair - and asked who looked more ridiculous.
UNITED STATES attempts to contact her had been unsuccessful, and he would take over direct control of the police force. The criminology student made headlines around the world when she took on the job of head of public security in Praxedis after other possible candidates were reportedly too scared to
apply. Local police and officials in the region have been frequent targets for attack. Praxedis, in the Juarez Valley in the northern state of Chihuahua, is close to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico's most violent city, where more than 3,000 people were killed in drug-related violence in 2010 alone.
Man castrated to get out of jail An elderly child molester has been surgically castrated as a condition of his release from prison. Francis Tullier, 78, pleaded guilty in 1999 to three counts of molesting young girls over the previous two decades. He underwent the procedure at his own expense, and is expected to be released from a Louisiana prison later this week. West Baton Rouge Sheriff Richie Johnson said he wished the procedure would be used more often because he thought it would be an effective deterrent.
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
World News n 07
news Your outlook on the World
Tunisia dissolves FACTORY police agency CLEARANCE! The Tunisian interior ministry announced on Monday that it was disbanding the State Security Department, under which the secret police operated. It has been widely accused of committing human rights abuses during the rule of President Zine alAbidine Ben Ali, who was ousted on January 14th. The secret police had played a key role in suppressing the opposition in the country, “hounding dissidents, torturing Islamists, and shaking down their compatriots", the US-based Human
Rights Watch said. Dismantling the agency had been a key demand of the opposition, and the move will be seen as the ultimate victory over the Ben Ali regime. The announcement came shortly after interim Prime Minister Caid Essebsi also announced a new government. It included no members of the old regime and will run the country until the elections
scheduled to take place on July 24th. Members of the government will not be allowed to stand as candidates in future elections. Tunisia has been struggling to restore stability since mass protests ousted Mr Ben Ali. Observers have said that with Monday’s announcements, the Tunisian revolution appears to have met two of its main goals.
Chirac's trial halted A Paris court has suspended the corruption trial of France's former President, Jacques Chirac, in response to a legal challenge from a lawyer for one of the nine other defendants. The judge said
the case would resume around June 20th. Mr Chirac denies paying party cronies between 1977 and 1995 for city hall jobs that did not exist. He is the first French ex-head of state to face criminal charges since
Field Marshal Philippe Petain was convicted of treason after World War II. In theory Mr Chirac could face up to 10 years in prison, but legal experts have said it is unlikely he will serve time if convicted.
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
08 n Gibraltar News
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
News Socialist candidate umbs up Getting married in for cancer meets Caruana The Socialist Party's candidate for mayor of La Linea, Gemma Araújo, told First Minister Peter Caruana during a meeting last week that she would drop the congestion tax which the town's current mayor is trying to impose at the border if she wins the municipal election in May. She told Mr Caruana that what was good for Gibraltar was good for La Linea and that her aim was
to improve relations between the the two without touching issues that are in the domain of the foreign ministry. Sra Araujo said her meeting with Mr Caruana had been “very positive”. Gibraltar has always been an important source of work for the people of La Linea and the Rock in turn has benefited from the presence of a work force just over the border.
RG’s disposal There is soon to be a changeover of responsibility for bomb disposal duties on the Rock and three soldiers of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment are the first in military history to be trained in the techniques of bomb disposal. In the past, it had always been soldiers of the Royal Logistics Corps or Royal Engineers and this year’s “students” all scored over 90% in contrast with the previous year when only half of those taking part managed the 70% pass rate.
Cancer Relief in Gibraltar needs to raise another £60,000 to buy equipment and furniture among other things for the new Lady Williams Cancer Support Centre to be opened in a few months time. The Centre is to be on the old BFBS site in South Barrack. To help it on its way on Monday, Miss Gibraltar Larissa Dalli launched the Thumbs Up Cancer Relief Campaign at their present premises on Devil's Tower Road. Anyone who has any ideas for fundraising for this project would be most welcome to make suggestions.
Women unite
The three soldiers from the Royal Gibraltar Regiment who passed with such a high score have been named as Lance Corporal Alfred Garro, Lance Corporal Malcolm Head and Private Luke Schroeder.
Twenty five countries are urging for a new bank holiday to be introduced on International Women’s Day which sees its 100th anniversary this year. Members of the Women’s Branch of Unite in Gibraltar are fully supporting the campaign to celebrate the political, social and economic achievements of women.
US accuses Gib Where can I The US Department of State has accused Gibraltar of being involved in large-scale hashish smuggling from Morocco and a major gateway for drugs being smuggled into Europe. Furthermore it has accused Gibraltar and Spain as being major centres for money laundering.
Gib fuel prices from Morrison’s Is it worth going to Gib with an empty tank? Usually the answer is yes! Unleaded per litre £0.999 (€1.21) Super unleaded £1.099 (€1.33) Diesel per litre £0.979 (€1.19) The exchange rate used by Morrisons is €1.21 to £1 and the prices are as at 4pm Tuesday March 8th.
get my copy of e News in Gibraltar? Morrisons Latinos (in the square) Latinos (High Street) Gibraltar Arms Elliot Hotel Tourist Centre Newsagents - Albor (Ocean Village) Newsagents - Ocean Village Express ICC Centre Bianca’s (Ocean Village)
We will be adding to this list week by week and will let you know where any new drop-off points are on this page.
Gibraltar Getting married in Gibraltar is easy and visitors can choose from a variety of locations. Hollywood lovers, heart throb Laurence Harvey and Margaret Leighton were one of the first high profile couples to say 'I do’ in Gibraltar. In 1962 as the world became entranced by the numbers 007, screen hero Sean Connery married actress Diane Cilento. The marriage did not last but Connery’s affection for Gibraltar did as he returned in 1975 to marry his present wife Micheline Boglio Roquebrune. However, it is the marriage of Beatle John Lennon to Yoko Ono in 1969 that caused the biggest media sensation. Today hundreds of couples are travelling to Gibraltar to exchange vows and get married on the Rock. As Gibraltar is a popular location for getting married it is wise to plan well in advance. Local marriage law does not contain any residential requirements and so therefore it is a simple
procedure, also a Gibraltar marriage is recognised worldwide. Recent legislation permits the marriage registrar to marry couples outside the registry office, if requested. The following venues are approved to carry out civil weddings: The Alameda Gardens were developed in 1816 for the purpose of providing civilians with an area of beauty for rest and relaxation. Today the gardens have developed into the Botanical Gardens. Wedding services are permitted in "the Dell", an Italian style garden laid out by a Genoese gardener in 1842. The Mount, which was built in 1797, was formerly the official residence of the senior officer of the Royal Navy in Gibraltar. It is today an officially listed building, which boasts fascinating gardens. The Cable Car Station at the top of the Rock is not only one of the most unusual venues to choose
TOURIST OFFICES Tourist offices in Gibraltar are located in Casemates Square, the Airport Arrivals Hall, the coach terminus and the cruise terminal and at the frontier. Main Tourist Administration Office Duke of Kent House Cathedral Square, Tel: +350 20074950 e-mail: information@tourism.gov.gi The Gibraltar Tourist Board also operates in London at: Gibraltar Government Office150 Strand,London WC 2R 1JA.Tel: +44 (0) 207 836 0777 email: info@gibraltar.gov.uk Note: Gibraltar phone numbers consist of eight digits. When phoning from within Gibraltar just dial the eight digits.When phoning from the Costa del Sol and the rest of Spain precede the number with 9567. When phoning from abroad precede the number with the international dialling code which is 00350.
to exchange vows, but also offers stunning panoramic views across the European coast and to Africa. Four of Gibraltar’s hotels, the Caleta Hotel, the O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel, the Rock Hotel and the Queen’s Hotel are approved for civil marriages and offer teams of advisors to assist with every arrangement from paperwork, catering, photography, flowers and the bridal suite. All enquiries and further information regarding getting married in Gibraltar should be addressed to the Civil Status and Registration Office. Bookings also need to be made directly with this office. It is advisable to book a wedding well in advance of the chosen date to avoid disappointment. Their details are: Civil Staus & Registration Office, Joshua Hassan House, Secretary’s Lane, Gibraltar. Tel: (00350) 200 72289. Fax: (00350 200 42706. Email: marriages.csro@gibraltar.g ov.gi
Gibraltar 2011 Bank Holidays January 1st New Year's Day March 14th Commonwealth Day April 22nd Good Friday April 25th Easter Monday May 2nd May Day May 30th Spring Bank Holiday June 13th Queen's Birthday Aug. 29th Summer Bank Holiday Sept. 12th Gibraltar National Day Dec. 25th Christmas Day Dec. 26th Boxing Day
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
UK News n 09
news Your outlook on the World
UK News Pension changes Police under review outcry The Government has announced a radical overhaul of the pensions system in the UK making sure, they say, that it “will pay to save” and the introduction of a flat rate pension of €140 a week for both men and women. Among the reforms will also be the safeguarding of women’s pensions who take time off to raise children, which will mean scrapping the current system of receiving lower pensions because of “missed stamps”. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said that the present system was far too complicated and that means testing of pensioners which could reduce their state pension discourages people from saving for a safe and secure
retirement. He added: "The state pension system is so complex that most people have no idea what it will mean for them now and in their retirement. We have to fundamentally simplify the system. And we have to make it crystal clear to young savers that it pays to save.” Twelve million pensioners receive 56 billion pounds a year in basic state pensions, a bill that is likely to grow without reforms as the population ages. However, changes might penalise retirees who now qualify for higher state pensions. Chancellor George Osborne may announce the change to a single pension payment rate in his budget later this month, newspapers said.
According to the Police Federation there are likely to be 28,000 job losses within the police forces of England and Wales due to cuts in their budgets. Paul McKever, Chairman of the Federation, said that this was despite the reduced crime rates they had achieved and represented a 20% cut in the number of officers that will be available to fight crime.
Terror arrest A foreign national, suspected of being involved in the Stockholm terror attack which took place on December 11th last year, has been arrested by Strathclyde police. The 30year-old was detained under the Terrorism Act yesterday (Tue) in the Whiteinch area of the city.
the IrIsh card and party store For the largest selection of greeting cards at the best prices head for the IrIsh card and party store Gis, cuddly toys, costume jewellery, and all the party goods you need to make your party a hit. U.K. and world wide Royal Mail Postal Service, passport renewals, and much much more...
ST PATRICK’S DAY MARCH 17TH Flags, banners, hats, decorations Everything to make your party the best on the Costa
the Irish card and party store Calle Troncon 14,Fuengirola. (behind the Main Post Office) Wholesale enquires welcome Opening hours Mon - Friday 9:30 to 14:00 and 16:30 to 19:30 Saturday 9:30 to 14:00 only
tel: 952 588 731
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
10 n Inland & Coastal News
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Local News
Barbie, the doll beloved by millions of girls, made her debut
Arab unrest could be good for tourism The Junta de Andalucia is hoping that the unrest in the Arab world – especially in Egypt and Tunisia – may be a godsend for tourism in the region, according to a document leaked to a local newspaper. In recent years, lower prices in those two countries have been diverting tourists from their old haunts in Spain, Italy and Greece. Travel agency figures already
indicate that the unrest gripping the Arab world is already bringing them back. But travel agents in the UK warn that it is too early to say if it is the unrest that is bringing
them back or a normal recovery after two difficult years. The tourist industry in Spain in general relies heavily on British and
German tourists but Spanish tourists may play an even more important role as they decide to stay at home rather than head south and get caught up in a local rebellion.
Junta wants to legalise 11,000 properties The Junta de Andalucia's public works councillor, Josefina Cruz, said last Friday that it is seeking ways to solve the problem of 86.6 per cent of the properties illegally built
on land exempt from construction in the Axarquía, which would affect some 11,000 houses.
Porno hits store websites
Town to revive legend
Eroski in Malaga and Murcia, Carrefour in Murcia and El Corte Inglés in Cordoba have been victims of a phenomenon called Google bombing. When their websites were googled, pornographic photos appeared on screens. The first one to come under attack was Eroski Malaga last Friday and it ended up as a trending topic on Twitter by Monday. Google is carrying out an internal investigation into the matter.
Sra Cruz said she had met 14 mayors of towns
Alozaina Town Hall plans to restore the tower which was bravely defended by women led by Maria Sagredo when 600 Moors attacked the village on July 6th, 1570. The men were out working in the fields so the women, dressed as men, fought off the attack, killing 17 Moors and injuring another 60. According to the legend, Maria Sagredo threw some beehives from the tower named after her at the Moors below, who fled screaming “a curse on your country's flies”. The old tower has been much neglected since then, having suffered the depredations of souvenir hunters and having houses built up against its walls. Its restoration will cost some €400,000 and is being cofinanced by the Junta de Andalucia's tourism department.
with less than 5,000 inhabitants in the area to draw up an inventory of irregular properties. Another eight had not attended the meeting and Nerja, Torrox and Vélez-
Málaga did not participate because they have more than that number of inhabitants. Once the inventory is completed, Sra Cruz said
ST PATRICK’S DAY CARDS AND DECORATIONS C/ El Troncon, 14 behind the main Fuengirola Post Office
Tel. 952 588 731
that the Junta would have to prepare a decree to enable the owners to apply to their respective town halls for the legalisation of their properties.
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Inland & Coastal News n 11
news Your outlook on the World
Man had incarceration wish
Algeciras under water Heavy rainfall and hailstones left Algeciras under one and a half metres of water in places after 142 litres of rainfall per square metre fell on some areas of the town between 11 pm Sunday
and 4 am Monday. Access from Malaga by road was blocked and some avenues were impassable. About 170 houses had to be evacuated and several schools were closed because of flood damage.
A 40-year-old man, who has not been named, was set free by a judge around 3 pm last Friday but found himself back in jail just hours later. He went to the petrol station near Malaga's City of Justice court building where he stole a Ford Fiesta whose owner had left the keys in the ignition while he paid at the desk. The man then went to a nearby supermarket and stole some goods before going home. Police received reports from both the petrol station and the supermarket and found a witness who was able to supply the car's registration number and a description of the man. This information was passed on to police patrols and one of them spotted the car in a poor area on the western outskirts of the city. After a short door-to-door search they found the man who matched the description they'd been given and took him back to jail. Apparently he had been arrested that morning on an unspecified charge and released because of lack of evidence.
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Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News
Man pays for sexual harassment
Final solution for plastic bags Environment minister Rosa Aguilar (pictured) said on Monday that by 2013 60 per cent of plastic carrier bags will have been substituted, and by 2018 the bags will have disappeared altogether. She was addressing a meeting with the press to analyse the draft law on waste and contaminated soil which has been approved by the Cabinet. She said the gradual elimination of the bags had been successful so far and that people were accepting the measure, knowing that it was good for the environment. The new law aims at reducing the impact of dangerous substances on people's health and the environment.
A judge has ordered a man to pay four women he worked with at an unnamed fast food restaurant in the city €7,200, €3,000, €2,000 and €2,000 respectively for sexually harassing them, plus a fine of €7,200. The case, brought by the General Workers Union’s anti-discrimination service in collaboration with the Andalucian Women’s Institute, was the first of its kind in the province. A union spokeswoman said it was important for women to denounce sexual harassment and discrimination in their work places. PIzArrA
Tourist complex opens The Hotel Cortijo del Arte de Pizarra, together with a museum and a restaurant, opened last week to form the Casablanca tourist complex, located on the stretch of road to Pizarra which the Junta de Andalucia has named Contrastes y Azahar (Contrasts and Orange blossom). The council bought the cortijo in 1985 and has completely remodelled it, remaining faithful to its typically Andalucian style, to convert it into a 17bedroom hotel with two conference rooms, a swimming pool and an Andalucian patio.
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Illegal housing meetings The Provincial Irregular Housing Association (APVI) has begun a round of meetings with the councils of towns of more than 20,000 inhabitants to seek their support for a modification of Andalucia’s Urban Planning Law. APVI claims the law is keeping thousands of families in suspense about the future of their illegally built properties. A spokesman said meetings with the mayors of Mijas, Cartama and Coin had been “very positive”, as had exchanges of points of view with the Teba, Alfarnate and Campillos councils.
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
12 n Political Update
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
The Local
Memo from
Voice Madrid
Muriel Pilkington
Martin Delfín Writes for the English language version of
Running scared
Major cash hub
t’s coming to something when columnists in the national press who normally come down on Zapatero like a ton of bricks are beginning to sound almost sorry for the man. In a way I’m glad about it because something like that has been happening to me so it’s nice to know I’m not ready for the little men in white coats just yet.
he pro-Zapatero press started dropping hints a few weeks back but now they’re openly putting forward reasons as to why Zapatero will be the Socialists’ worst enemy in the approaching local elections. As one columnist in El Pais – notoriously progovernment – put it, it doesn’t matter what Zapatero does now, people are only going to remember his past mistakes. The “Zapatero effect” is so bad that the ruling Socialist Party in Castilla-La Mancha – a region where the Partido Popular is tipped to win big – is campaigning online without the Socialist logo. How Socialist campaign managers throughout the country must have groaned in despair when the government announced its decision to lower the speed limit. If we look at it as a long-term plan to reduce the country’s dependence on oil, we can only praise the government. But polls across the country indicate that some 70 per cent don’t approve of the measure – mainly because people feel it won’t achieve its objectives or suspect the reasons behind it (see leading article on the front page).
espite feeling sorry for the man now that he’s down, most columnists agree that Zapatero is getting what he deserves.
is problems began in 2007 when he decided to pretend that the economic crisis looming over the horizon was just a “slow down”, and that social policies like giving €400 back to each tax payer – one of his 2008 campaign promises - would either alleviate it or divert people’s attention from it. Several factors were in his favour at the time – the unions were quietly enjoying the juicy subsidies they got from the government, most Spaniards had been lulled into a false sense of security by years of prosperity the likes of which the country had never known, and many had swallowed the Socialist propaganda that things would be worse under a PP government.
hen the construction industry collapsed and the banking crisis erupted in most western countries. Zapatero can’t be blamed for either of these two disasters but, being in the front line, he was a natural target for people who started losing their jobs and their homes, as the mortgage crisis bit in.
nstead of introducing cutbacks in government spending then, when they might have taken the edge of the crisis, he waited until last May, when the EU – prodded by Angela Merkel – started demanding huge cutbacks in Spain, Ireland and Portugal to avoid having to implement a Greecetype bailout in those countries, insultingly referred to as the PIGS. The PP made hay of the fact that spending cuts had been forced on Zapatero by Brussels and the financial markets, the unions woke up and started calling for a general strike, and the Socialist Party lost the regional election in Catalonia.
he government cut public workers’ salaries by five per cent and made it cheaper to fire people. It withdrew the “baby cheque” of €2,500 which Zapatero had foolishly started to hand out a couple of years earlier. But it was the withdrawal of the €426 payment to people who had run out of dole credits and this January’s sharp hike in the price of electricity that disillusioned Socialist voters, according to the national pundits. Recent polls indicate that something like 30 per cent of people who have never voted for any other party have decided to stay at home or vote for the opposition. If that happens, the Socialist Party will fall off the map.
here has also been cause for disillusionment on the international front. The government’s meek acceptance of Morocco’s reaction to the Western Sahara a few months back shocked thousands of people who had been marching for years in support of independence for that region. Zapatero is now talking about a military solution to the problem of Ghaddafi, but hang on a minute – who led all those marches against Jose Maria Aznar’s decision to back the Allied invasion of Iraq?
he PP can’t work miracles but people remember how Aznar set the economy to rights after he inherited a record (for then) number of jobless and a huge government deficit from (Socialist) Felipe Gonzalez. They are assuming that a PP government would be able to do the same after Zapatero.
ut the worst awaits him in Andalucia. There are is a corruption scandal gradually emerging into the light of day in Sevilla which could put an end to the Socialists’ 30-year-hold on the region and overshadow all the other scandals put together. It’s not just one scandal, but several interlocking ones which I will try to unravel for our readers next week.
nce again Spain is listed among the group of nations the US State Department has singled out as a major money laundering centres. This dubious distinction was pegged in the department’s annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, which was released last week in Washington . Spain is one of 63 countries and jurisdictions that the United States says are of “primary concern.” Among the flaws the US State Department finds is that Spanish lawmakers have taken their time to incorporate new provisions in an antimoney laundering law that went into effect last year. Tax evasion and smuggled goods along Spain’s coast also continue to contribute to a proliferation of illegal funds in the country. “The smuggling of electronics and tobacco from Gibraltar remains an ongoing problem,” the report states.
B “
ut of course, the biggest source of revenues for money launderers is narcotics trafficking.
In 2010, there was a sharp upswing in containerized cocaine shipments from South America ; container seizures in the first half of 2010 exceeded all of 2009,” the report states. Despite a downturn in real estate, drug proceeds are still being used to purchase property across the country. US authorities say that many passengers still smuggle bulks of cash to Latin America and, with the money they make in Spain from drug sales, Colombian cartels buy goods in Asia to be resold at stores they own across Europe or in Latin America . “Credit card balances are paid in Spanish banks for charges made in Latin America, and the money deposited in Spanish banks is withdrawn in Colombia through ATM networks,” the report states.
nother interesting factor the US State Department found was that 20 percent of the 500-euro notes used in Europe were in circulation in Spain in 2009 and linked to money laundering activities involving property sales. “Efforts by Spain’s tax authority to deter fraudulent activity involving these large bank notes have kept the number of 500-euro notes at October 2008 levels (around 110 million notes).” International call centres, or “locutorios,” as they are known in Spain, continue to be one of the most popular mediums in transferring illegal funds to Latin America.
ecently, authorities in Madrid confiscated €500,000 at one neighbourhood locutorio that was allegedly to be sent abroad. Police raided the centre and arrested about six people.
ut money-laundering methods are ever-changing. Spanish investigators have also discovered that some terrorist groups, such as ETA and Al Qaeda, used their illicit funds to set up print shops for the purpose of publishing their propaganda, or “cultural centres” that collect donations. The traditional ETA shakedown of Basque businesses also continues to be a problem. The money generated by the extortion is also invested in suspicious businesses.
here are some positive observations. The State Department quotes a report issued by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition that cocaine use is declining “due to effective demand reduction programs and the country’s weak economy.” A government survey released in November reflected that cocaineconsumption among the Spanish population dropped for the first time in 15 years. Successful interdiction efforts and tighter money laundering laws have helped Spain combat the narcotics smuggling and cash schemes. But State Department officials say that the government should focus more on confiscating properties and assets in criminal cases through civil forfeitures after defendants are convicted, and maintain and disseminate statistics on the number of drug and money laundering prosecutions.
t going to take a while before the counter-crime measures produce results. Until then, Spain , unfortunately, will continue to be a major money-laundering hub in Europe.
Search turns tragic
olice found the body in the Manzanares river early Tuesday of a 22-year-old US exchange student who had disappeared on February 25th when he tried to enter a Madrid night club. Austin Taylor Bice apparently walked home after the bouncers at the club didn’t let him in because he was reportedly “a bit drunk.” His disappearance sparked a massive citizen’s search with friends, classmates and his father, who travelled from San Diego, California, to help look for Bice.
uthorities said there appeared to be no foul play but it was still unclear how Bice ended up in the river. Hours before the discovery, students at San Diego State University, where Bice attended, held a vigil Monday night. “We are totally confident that we will bring Austin home to his family,” said Alexis Gompf, Austin ’s former high school sweetheart.
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Community News n 13
news Your outlook on the World
Don’t miss out RBL lunch raises The Irish Association have a great line up of artistes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day, on Thursday March 17th. They are bringing over the current champions All Ireland Set Dancers from County Galway and will have a host of guests to ensure you all have a great time.The day will begin with Mass at 1pm in the Catholic church in Arroyo de la Miel and, after mass there will be a parade led by a pipe band down to the feria ground in Benalmadena(located next to Paloma park). There will be a prize given to the best dressed male and female, boy and girl, plus drinks and food will be on sale. Chairs will be provided but it will be
money for charity
impossible to guarantee everyone seating so please bring your own to be sure of a seat. This is the best day out on the Costa and many people come here to share it with us. The Irish Association asks everyone to make an effort and wear green and help to make it a day to remember. For further details telephone Tony on 952 375 482 or mobile 680 104 987.
Members of the Alhaurin el Grande branch of the Royal British Legion enjoyed a sumptuous lunch together on their 6th anniversary, followed by a celebration cake and Cava. A local guitarist played for some time during the meal and a Flamenco dancer gave a wonderful display after the meal. The afternoon finished with a raffle and the branch raised nearly 250 for the Poppy appeal. The branch are proud to have been the first to be
opened inland from the Costa del Sol and have continued to thrive and raise funds for the Poppy Appeal during the last 6 years. They have a varied calendar of events including trips, regular meetings, auctions, quiz nights and a very popular lunch club. The branch meetings and most events are open to everybody. Details of all forthcoming events can be found in The News or by phoning Anne on 952 499 238.
FOR SALE Triple S BY AUCTION charity quiz COIN There’s still time to get a team of four together to test your quiz skills at the Triple S quiz night at Lauro Golf, on Friday, March 11th. The evening starts at 7pm for a 7.30 start. Funds
are raised for Cudeca and SOS animal refuge and there’s a prize for the winning team. Contact Sheila or Anne on 952 417 452 or 654 845 888
And the winner really is... In last week’s issue of The News, we mistakenly ran the wrong picture for the winner of The Royal British Legion, Coin Branch, annual photograph competition. The real winner, pictured above is Charles Edward.
ON 654 396 651
S K Estates
Rare Opportunity! Raised ground floor apartment in Alessandra, Torreblanca, Fuengirola with own garden 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and glassed-in terrace used as a dining room by the present owners Potential for holiday and long term letting Reduced from €99,000 to only €87,995 This apartment is sure to sell quickly so call now for an appointment to view
Bargain of the year! 3 bedroomed house in Mula, Murcia right at the top of the town with fantastic views. Living room, dining room, big kitchen, bathroom and three bedrooms plus courtyard for barbecues and roof terrace. New electrics. This house is on a NO TRAFFIC road so is very safe for a family with children. Absolute bargain at €75,000
661 114 070 / 667 340 928
661 114 070 / 667 340 928
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
14 n Opinion & Comment
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
“THe NewS”waNTS To Hear your vIewS Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text to editorial@thenewsonline.es
Chester Hargreaves What is it with the new speed limit being introduced from last Monday. The government is trying to tell us that it is a measure to cut the consumption of oil by the country but I see that the motorists organisations reckon that it is just a ploy to bring in more money for the Government by way of yet more speeding fines. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that just as they introduce a
Pat Freeman
new speed limit, they also introduce a new set of ramped up fines to take advantage. It seems to me that a sensible speed limit that applies consistently along the road is both safer and results in more economical driving. For example, motorists using the Ojen road from Coin down to the coast have to constantly adjust speed for limits that change within a matter of yards and that definitely cannot help save
fuel, as well as, in my opinion, being dangerous. Over very short distances, the speed limit jumps from 80 down to 60, up to 70...all that braking means using more fuel rather than less. Mind you, that sudden drop in speed as you approach the Refugio de Juanar really comes in handy for the speed cops that regularly sit along there hauling half a dozen cars over at a time and slapping drivers with fines. Call me a cynic...
La Cala
Can somebody tell me what’s happened to the Spring that had arrived two weeks ago?
in the morning and me freezing my toes off because I also packed up all my socks!
I packed up all my winter clothes and put them into storage, got all my linen Dunnes trousers and T-shirts out and now, what have we got? Thick frost on the garden lawn and the car windscreen
I remember my grandmother telling me “Ne’er cast a clout afore May is out” which loosely translates means “don’t put your winter stuff away before the end of May”.
If you live on an urbanisation or manage a community then this is of real interest to you. The company Urbytus S.L. have brought out two multilingual internet based programmes specifically for residential communities throughout Spain. UA (Urb Admin) and its sister programme OCM (Online Community Management).
Many communities are international with resident
If you would like to be kept up to date or take part in any of the events then go to www.kencampbell.info
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun; it is also the smallest planet in the solar system so usually the hardest one to spot, but this coming week it puts on a fine display.
Rest assured the sun will then re-appear and I’ll be boiling...well, I am British and moan about the weather is what we do!
Internet for urbanisations
Some five years in the making, and designed right here on the Costa del Sol by the developer - himself a community president in Mijas – who had the knowledge to address the issues of owning a home abroad, and as a president the day to day administration of the community, accounts, keeping and sending out the minutes of the meetings, collecting proxy votes, emergencies and chasing the debtors.
By Ken Campbell
So, it looks like the change in the weather for the worse has been all my fault and I will be reversing all my packing and unpacking this weekend.
The internet is not the future, it is the present and it is here to stay, it is an incredible tool for both owners and the administrators but greatly underused.
and non resident owners, the two way communication programmes with simultaneous translation in eleven major European languages integrate the web, email and text, contacting as many or as few owners as needed. Indeed the applications are endless and compliant with the data protection act and all legal requirements but above all the streamline interactive programmes, dramatically reduce labour intensive ever increasing urbanisation running costs - a subject dear to everyone’s heart.
tenants, contractors, suppliers and the administrators. Urb. Admin (www.urbadmin.es) is the online portal for professional community management companies. Most people will grasp either programme quickly, although simple to use there are real practical depths to both.
OCM (www.ocm-online.com) is a free interactive website for staying in touch and can be used by the president, the committee, the owners,
Just have a look, it's easy to put your community online with Urbytus.
Call 952 591 071 or better still go online for more details, demonstrations and videos with references and testimonies. From there you can forward the information to your fellow co-owners and your administrator.
Mercury is a tiny world, not much bigger than our Moon and being so close to the Sun it whips around its orbit in just 88 days, the fastest of all the planets. The ancient Greeks named it Apollo when it was seen in the evening sky and Hermes when it was seen in the morning sky, but it was the ancient Romans who named it Mercury, after the messenger to the Gods. With it being so close to the Sun it is usually very hard to spot and can only be seen for a few days when it is either to the far left of the Sun and sets after sunset or when it is to the far right of the Sun and rises just before sunrise. But even at the best of times it is still very hard to find in the glare of the twilight sky, you need to have a very clear view of the horizon and know exactly where to look and at what time. Over this next week Mercury reaches its farthest position to the left of the Sun at just the same time as its orbit takes it to its highest above the horizon. Not only that but it will also be accompanied by the brightest of the planets Jupiter to help you find it. Go outside about 15 minutes after sunset (about 18.40) each night over the coming week and look very carefully toward the western horizon, if you try it on Monday 14th or Tuesday 15th then Jupiter will be very close by. Now look very hard and you should spot a tiny pink coloured star, well done - you’ve just found Mercury! Binoculars will make it a lot easier to find but be very careful NOT to use binoculars while the Sun is still in the sky.
By March 18th Mercury will have reached its highest point away from the Sun and then over the next week or so it will gradually move closer and closer toward the Sun and finally disappear into the Sun’s glare. Mercury is due to receive a visitor on March 18th when the space probe Messenger will arrive at the planet and go into orbit around it. Messenger is the first probe to orbit Mercury after being launched in August 2004 - it has taken almost 7 years to get there, and boy, did it go the long way round! Because it is so close to the Sun you can’t simply fire a rocket straight at Mercury, the Sun’s gravity would snatch it away from Mercury and it would burn up. Instead Messenger has been backwards and forwards around the inner solar system and even back out to the Earth twice. It has passed Mercury three times on its journey but now it is at just the right speed to be caught by Mercury’s tiny gravity, a bit like running fast to hop onto a moving bus.
ISS Watch out on Thursday night ( March 10th) at 20:06 as the International Space Station will go right overhead coming from the North West. After the recent visit by the Space Shuttle Discovery the final module has now been installed so it will appear bigger and brighter than ever now. One final word; congratulations to Sir Patrick Moore on the 700th edition of ‘The Sky at Night’- the programme first aired in 1957 and has never missed a month’s episode since then.
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Out & About n 15
news Your outlook on the World
Your weekly entertainment Guide InsIde thIs week Ricky Lavazza at e Moonlight, Benalmadena successful second round of talent Contest at Buzby’s Another chance to see Frankie B at Jk’s in Coin
In the footsteps of the Moors... Written by Gary dearden
The Arab Steps at El Chorro
his exciting and stunningly spectacular walk begins on the southern side of the El Chorro gorge in the charming barriada of the same name – famous for its iconic green railway bridge, which featured in the movie ‘Von Ryan’s Express’.
hether you arrive from Ardales via the lakes (take the A448 and follow signs for Desfiladero de los Gaitanes) or across country from Alora town (a shorter but rather more tortuous route, following signs for El Chorro) you will marvel at the majestic ‘garganta’ of the El Chorro gorge. Drive across the hydro-electric dam and turn left into the barriada, following signs for the 3star Garganta hotel and the RENFE railway station.
ark just below the railway station, near a large, tiled information map, and then walk uphill for 50m to climb some
wooden steps on the left. Cross the road and, stepping over a rainwater channel, turn left into a narrow lane between some houses - there is a small supermarket on the right as you head gently up the incline and out of the village.
gnore a tempting concrete path on the right and stay on the lane for 200m or so until you come to a sign, also on the right, for the Haza del Rio. Follow the forest track as it winds steadily uphill through tall, fragrant Eucalyptus trees –through which there are tantalising glimpses of the high limestone cliffs that soon loom fully into view.
fter about 10 minutes, turn left at a Tjunction and go around a vehicle barrier to continue climbing on the wide track. The cliffs seem to rise ever-higher as you make steady progress uphill, enjoying the easy walking which gives you the chance to watch out
for impressive Gryphon Vultures soaring on the thermals high above.
epending upon your fitness and pace, it will take between 45 and 60 minutes of fairly constant uphill walking to reach the start of the path up to the Arab Steps. At a distinct left hand bend, watch out for a red and white wooden marker post on the right, followed some 50m later by a large, single pine tree standing on the left of the track, just before another sharp bend to the right. The stony path is behind a dry ditch to the right of the pine tree, and leads off to the left, climbing quickly and steeply up towards the cliffs.
lthough it is far from dangerously narrow, the path does climb quickly and in some places the height achieved combines with a rather sheer drop off to make for a dizzyingly vertiginous, but always exhilarating ascent. Extra care should
be taken if you have children and/or dogs in your party. Rock climbers are also likely to punctuate the path in places, so again, take care with your progress. However, to compensate, the views become more incredible with each upward step as the entire Guadalhorce valley stretches out below.
fter 10 minutes of steady climbing on the path, you encounter the first of several flights of ancient stone steps and the gradient sharpens still further. This is what you came for, so take your time and enjoy the climb! Don’t forget to stop and enjoy the dramatic panorama as it unfolds around you and take a camera too, as I guarantee you’ll be talking about this for a very long time afterwards.
limbing the Arab Steps…note the cars below!
t the top of the steps, the stony path resumes on a flatter area behind a vertically jutting rock slab. Head uphill and across the slope until you reach a gap in a metal fence. The bank here is an ideal spot for a (hopefully) sunny and spectacularly scenic, picnic lunch.
Lunch with a view
ith the metal fence behind you, follow the path to the right as it heads gently downhill for 100m or so before climbing again to emerge at the perimeter of some cultivated fields. The farm building is just visible in the distance, uphill and across the fields to the left. Take care here as the path is not as clear as it was earlier. Keep to the edge of the stony fields and, with a water course on your right side, follow a deceptively steep uphill route for about 400m, generally
heading towards a forested area, where you will once again pick up a broad track. Turn right and follow the track past some derelict farm buildings. At a clear Yjunction, bear right and head downhill, passing a worked out quarry on the right. After 400m, turn right at a T-junction and then follow the track as it meanders all the way downhill and back to the village.
he terrace of the Garganta hotel, overlooking the lake and the gorge, is a wonderful spot to finish your day with a cold beer or maybe a glass of vino and some tapas.
Total distance: 9km Time: 3.5 to 4 hours Grade: medium; no real path-finding problems, but you do need a head for heights. Not for beginners.
wEDnESDay, March 9th 2011
16 n out & about
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Your Weekly Entertainment Guide
Search for the next Costa star continues at Buzby’s Buzby’s in Benalmadena Costa was the place to be last Sunday for the second heat in the talent competition. The evening was hosted by songstress Adele Lee Peters, Mad Terry himself( pictured right) and Kev.
Fresh Filtered Coffee
Decaffeinated served as any of the above
Extra Shots
Hot Chocolate
av antonio Machado benalmadena tel.: 645404911
Hot chocolate with Cream
Café now open 8pm ‘til late for late night Snacks
Pot of Tea for one
Wednesday 9th Alex Avery Thursday 10th Lesley Harrison Friday 11th Dex - Guitar wizard & vocalist Saturday 12th Mad Terry Sunday 13th Karaoke with Natalie Munroe from 4pm then Adele Lee Peters & Talent Contest start at 8.30pm Monday 14th Terri Fox followed by Natalie Monroe -after midnight Tuesday 15th Jordana + Cher tribute Karaoke from midnight every night with Mad Terry ‘Copper’ Nitrate & Tommo
Selection of Speciality Twinings Teas
*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm. Open all day.
Selection of various drinks available at the counter
Monday & Thursday Quiz Night Tuesday & Wednesday Live Football from 8:45pm Friday Siobhan - female vocalist from Dublin Fun for all ages Saturday Night Life - comedy vocal duo Not to be missed!! Sunday “Mr Blue Eyed Soul” Danny Stone
Terry @ Buz ad “LIVE” by’ £1.50
SPECIAL OFFER! 8oz entrecôte steak with all trimmings & bottle Rioja - only €20 per couple
Freshly made Thick and Creamy Milkshakes
952 057 062
Plaza de Remo La Carihuela Torremolinos
The first one through to the final was a young man of 18 years-old, Connor James Zimmerman, singing the classic Cry Me A River. His second song was “Tender Trap”. Connor has a fabulously strong voice and an easy manner that makes you feel that you could watch and listen to him singing all night. Connor loves swing music in particular and is an afficionado of all things
Alhaurin el Grande’s nEwESt biStRo CafE
Serving a selection of freshly prepared snacks, sandwiches, wraps, baps and baguettes, paninis jacket potatoes, pizza, burgers. Early evening specials 5-7pm Buy 1 main meal - get the second half price! EvERything availablE foR takEaway
Michael Bublé. He says his ambition is to make slow progress so that he can learn the music business inside out along the way to stardom. Connor has just taken over the Mosquito Bar in Fuengirola so, if you would like to hear Connor’s singing or would like to book him for a gig, pop along there and meet him or call him on 674 628 223. The other entrant to win a place in the final was 19year-old Ben Nelms. He played the leading rôle in the latest production of Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at Salon Varietes. Ben only started singing a couple of years ago and sang two songs from the big shows; “Any Dream Will Do” from Joseph and “Why God”. From the beginning Ben showed incredible stage presence and it is amazing that he has only been doing this for two years. He says that his ambition is to one day be a rock star. If you have a venue that would like to see more of Ben, call him on
Sunday Roast
plus trimmings and vegetables from 1pm €7.95
Chris The Dish: 667 842 359 John The Fish: 678 292 792 2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches Visit us at www.los-boliches.es
By popular demand, Frankie B, who appeared at JK’s in Coin three weeks ago is back this Friday (March 11th) with his show. Frankie B was a member of the band Heat Wave remember Boogie Nights? He is also a well known singer songwriter in his own right and the show three weeks ago was described by someone who was there as “Awesome”. By
evening everybody was up on their feet dancing - and we mean everyone... bar staff and the owner of JK’s included! So, if you missed out at his last show, make sure you get to JK’s this Friday for this week’s show. Tickets are €1 in advance and €3.50 on the door on Friday night. Call Duncan on 654 396 651 to book for a fabulous night out at this top inland entertainment venue.
☼ Pool maintenance & cleaning ☼ Long & short term contracts ☼ Pool problems solved
" !
Daily from 9am Open Sunday 10am
Phone Graham on
952 497 188
610 969 040
Calle Gerald Brenan 89 Alhaurin El Grande
BARS & RESTAURANTS... %! !$ # and get 2 soft drinks for free with take away
Sunday Roast Lunch for €5.95pp from 12 noon
Another chance to see...
get your pool ready for the long hot summer:
The Home of Fish and Chips
Early Bird Special Monday to Saturday until 6pm - Fish Chips and Mushy Peas, Bread and Butter plus a free drink only €4.95pp
The final heat is next week so call Terry on 645 404 911 after 1pm or just pop along next Sunday and see if you can get into the grand final on Sunday 20th starting at 9pm.
Spring is almost here & it’s time to...
661 192 870.
# %"
THE NEWS 622 050 409
indian Delight FINE INdIAN CUISINE
Free bottle house wine with every 4 evening meals!
Monday 18.30 - 23.30 Tuesday / Sunday 13.00 16.00 / 18.30 - 23.30 Free easy parking available
RESERVATIONS 952453745 / 610317980 Calle Maria Zambrano, 7 - 29100 Coin MALAGA
ie’s l l e N wEDnESDay, March 9th 2011
out & about n 17
news Your outlook on the World
Sold! What a bargain Ricky Lavazza at There is an extra JK’s auction this month on Sunday to allow people from the La Trocha Sunday market to attend as well.JK’s auction has become increasingly popular and is well worth popping along to to see if you can find that bargain you’ve been looking for.Take
along the items you want to sell between 12noon and 3pm for inclusion in the auction which will start at 3pm. JK’s is on the Poligono La Trocha on the Coin to Cartama road. Call 654 396 651 for more information about the auction and any other events at JK’s.
P.O. BOX RENTAL €50 per year INTERNET ROOM 2 POOL TEAMS, in local league
WEEKLY ACTIVITIES - Inland mums (Monday mornings) - Line dancing with Shelagh J (Tuesday mornings) - Chess club (Tuesday night) - Whist drive (Wednesday midday) - Yoga (Friday mornings) - Steve’s monster Karaoke (Saturday night)
We have the ability to show all the top matches on our large independant screens - even if the games are not on Sky or Terrestrial TV!
e Moonlight Ricky Lavazza has quickly become one of the most sought after vocalists and entertainers on the Costa del Sol. His extensive repertoire and uncanny ability to connect with his audience make his shows a favourite amongst holiday makers and locals. Ricky started performing his Tribute Show at Sunset Beach Club’s Moonlight Bar last year; his shows were so popular that he is now appearing twice a week as one of the hotel’s regular artists. On Wednesday evenings, Ricky takes to the stage of the Moonlight Bar with his highly popular Tribute Show. The show’s audience is treated to songs from some of the most popular and respected male vocalists: Tom Jones, Michael Bublé and Robbie Williams to name but a few. For a great evening of song and dance, this show is a must! On Sunday evenings, Ricky slows things down a little for “An Evening of Musicals”. This time the venue is Sunset Beach Club’s Oasis Restaurant
Take Away Home Cooking and Catering Scandinavian and International Specialities
Tel: 951 319 439 where hotel guests and local residents can enjoy a delicious meal whilst listening to songs from their favourite musicals: Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Les Miserables, Mamma Mia….there’s something for everyone! The best thing about both of the shows that Ricky performs at Sunset Beach Club? Entrance is free! For the tribute show, just make your way down to the Moonlight Bar before 10pm, find yourself a good table and enjoy the show! The musicals show at the Oasis restaurant starts a little earlier: 8:30pm. You can book a table if you would like to have a meal during the show or just enjoy the music whilst enjoying a drink at the bar.
rEstAurAntE El rio Now re-opened for you to enjoy their usual high standard of service and food 3 Course lunch Menu. €10. 50 3 Course Evening Menu €12. 50 full a la Carte Menu available
&* )*# &#!"* ' )'&! & *' '% '& ) ' # #$$# %)
$#!"* &* (* #&% &* (# +* ) # " $ + $- & % &, %'( MOONLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT 22:00H: Wednesdays: Ricky Lavazza – don’t miss it! Sundays: Michael Jackson tribute show
+& +&) *
Also BAr El rio For fantastic tapas, drinks, raciones and typical Spanish specialities Open 12.00 noon till 4.30 / 7.00 till late (Closed Sundays and Monday lunchtime)
952 664 311 - 691 406 453 Calle Francisco Cano, 60, Los Boliches, Fuengirola
Michelle Jane – Diva Tribute Pearse Webb – Irish entertainer Mario Ross – Music for all Phoebe – Stunning female vocalist Tina Rose – Female soul vocalist Mark Burt – Piannist/singer Ricky Lavazza – The Musicals Show
Happy Birthday
Set menu dinner from 14€ pp. Non-diners welcome after 20:30h PANORAMA BAR : Daily Happy Hour 18:30h-19:30h
Information / Reservations
952 579 400 *All programmes subject to change.
Aloha Gardens, next to El Jardin. Avda Del Prado Nueva Andalucia Open Mon-Fri 10.00am - 8.00pm Saturdays 10.00am - 6.00pm nellies.deli@hotmail.com
This Week !
Monday & Thursday Belly Dancing 10.30am €5 per session Wednesdays 8.30pm Bingo - jackpot €400 Quiz - jackpot €120 Fri 11th March Frankie B If you missed him 3 weeks ago, here’s your chance to see this awesome musician Sunday 13th March 3pm Extra Auction 12noon entry of items Food will be available. More info:654 396 651
MUMTAZ MAHAL Indian Restaurante Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newly refurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our fabulous terrace
Menu del Dia 3 courses €9,95 NEW 2011 MENU WITH PRICES REDUCED BY UP TO 10 & 15%
Take-away service Free home delivery with orders over €25.00 OPEN 7 DAYS Lunch 1.30 - 4.00pm Dinner 7.00 - 12.00pm
Urb. El Rodeo, Coin
952 455 599 626 977 224
QUALITY GOLF At Reduced Green Fees Available NOW at Lauro golf 2 Green Fees and a buggy 5 & 7 day unlimited golf, Golf breaks in luxury accommodation on the golf course... plus many more options available
Call 661 114 070 for more details
La Risa @ Lauro Golf
DINE & DANCE EVERY NIGHT AT THE OASIS RESTAURANT 20:30H Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
Muriel Love from everybody at The News
Saturday 26th March Caribbean night with authentic 3 course menu €15 PlEaSE notE thE nEw DatE foR thE CaRibbEan night
Saturday 19th March St Patrick’s - Superb 3 course meal at €15pp from 7:30pm Sunday lunch served from 1pm new: whole lamb shoulder for 2 persons €5 supplement - pre-booking required Mondays: new two course curry menu €7.50 For further details of all these events and our new opening times call us on 660 350 896 or pop into the bar.
On the road between Alhaurin el Grande & Alhaurin de la Torre Across From the Clubhouse
Reservations: 660 350 896
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
18 n Magazine
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Movies on the Costas
email: info@coinlife.info web: www.coinlife.info
Starring Liam Neeson, January Jones
Liam Neeson, the man who formed the backbone of Schindler’s List, and is the deep,authoritative voice of Aslan in the Narnia movies, has been cornering the market in high octane action movies. Now The A-Team may not be such a good example. But Taken, on our television screens last week, most certainly was. That movie did not get great reviews, did not perform well at the box office but then became a word of mouth monster DVD hit – and rightly so. Neeson’s latest outing come from the same stable...man facing adversity and making revenge his mission. He plays Dr Martin Harris, an acclaimed scientist who is in Berlin for a scientific summit, accompanied by his wife Elizabeth (Mad Men’s January Jones). Arriving at the hotel he discovers that he has to return to the airport to retrieve his briefcase but on the way his taxi is
caught up in a car accident, and Harris ends up in a coma for four days. When he wakes up, he heads back to the hotel to discover that not only does
his wife not recognise him, she is staying there with another man called – you guessed – Dr Martin Harris. So, just what is going on? Is the Neeson
character around the bend? Is he the victim of some mad conspiracy or is there another explanation? He teams up with a Bosnian woman called Gina (Diane Kruger), and a former Stasi agent Ernst (Bruno Ganz)) and sets out to discover just how another man has managed to take over his whole life – without his wife noticing the difference. He may have started off the movie as a top scientist but he quickly swings into high octane thriller mode as he races around Berlin and faces off bad guys in a series of polished and pacy action sequences. It’s a cracking performance from Neeson – just like Taken – and will keep cinema goers glued to their seats.
A new poll has revealed that the final scene from E.T. – when the alien gently touches Elliott’s face as he bids farewell – has been selected as the most powerful cinematic moment. The scene from Stephen Spielberg’s blockbuster beat off some stiff competition. Toy Story 3 took second spot with the scene in
ilms based around locations in Spain obviously have moved on since Dirk Bogarde and Michael Hordern graced the silver screens in 1956 with the story of the tensions between a distant father, a lonely child and a meddling young man in the film adaption of A J Cronin’s book, The Spanish Gardener. Although the story is set in Spain, the clipped English tones of Bogarde do nothing for his labouring Spanish character although at least his on screen mother was actually played by a Spanish actress, not an English actress affecting a Spanish accent, or not even trying to in Dirk’s case. Michael Hordern plays a Consul for the British government who has aspirations to move from the local consulate on the coast to the bright lights of the Madrid Embassy. Throw in a touch of overacting by child star John Whitely and the whole film becomes something only its mother could love. It is a shame though, as the original story had tension and trod a dangerous path around the relationship between the gardener and the young schoolboy, something that was cut out of the screenplay, noticeably so.
E.T. goes home...
which Woody and the other toys hold hands as they face the furnace grown men admitted that this made them cry. Third was Sylvester Stallone’s climactic fight in Rocky, and at No 4 was the death of Bambi’s mother. In at 5th was the final shoot-out in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid.
By Ricky Leach
Blade Runner to run again Warner Bros are in the final stages of acquiring the rights to produce either a sequel or prequel to Ridley Scott’s cult classic Blade Runner. The movie, starring Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard, is a dystopian vision of a future in which a policeman hunts down four illegal androids. It performed poorly at the box office but later became a cult favourite among scientists and the movie watching public, and it’s always on any list of top ten movies of all time. The rights will not permit a remake, but the studio will be able to use elements of the plot to build another story. Sources at Warners say that it will be important to make sure Ridley Scott is happy.
CInEMaS SHOwInG FILMS In EnGLISH To find out the times and location online, go to www.entradas.com, click on Malaga, go to Cine and on drop down list select “Cartelera V.O.” and click on film poster
Malaga - Plaza Mayor: 902 902 103 Fuengirola - Parque Miramar: 952 198 600 Marbella - Gran Marbella: 952 810 077 Velez Malaga - C.C. El Ingenio: 902 221 622 *please check times with the cinema direct
ore modern takes on life on the coast have not been so backwards about coming forwards. Sexy Beast was released in the year 2000 and although it had a pretty big-name cast, it didn´t do as well at the box office as had been hoped. Retired East End villain Gal, played by Ray Winstone, just wants a bit of peace and quiet and a chance to enjoy his luxury villa in the sun with his devoted wife and ex-hardcore porn star Deedee. Unfortunately, his past connections come calling in the shape of Sir Ben Kingsley, as heist planning criminal Don Logan who needs Gal to complete a team that will break into a vault that his boss was shown by a bisexual banker. When Logan tries to upset Gal’s peaceful life by insisting he helps out on a bank raid in London, he ends up dead, leaving Gal with the problem of appeasing Logan´s boss, the gangland uber-villain and banker bonking Teddy Bass, played by Ian McShane.
hen Bass becomes suspicious about what happened to the henchman who made the trip to Gal´s Spanish villa, never to be seen again, Gal starts to worry, eventually giving up his share of the loot from the bank job, keeping just a pair of ruby
earrings for Deedee. Just what a girl needs for sitting by the pool.
hen Gal gets back to the villa he finds that Don Logan´s body has been cleverly buried under the pool, something I shall certainly bear in mind if I need to get rid of a body. Deedee is happy with her new jewellery, no-one is chasing Gal and the calm life of gangster retirement can continue anew.
nother loveable rogue that pitches up in film on the Costa is Danny Dyer in The Business. Released in 2005 and filmed along the coast east of Malaga as well as in Estepona and La Linea, the film charts the rise and fall of a pair of criminals that carve out a very comfortable life ushering bales of marijuana across the Straits of Gibraltar into mainland Europe. Despite phenomenal financial success and steady relationships with the local powers that be, Danny Dyer´s character Frankie and his boss Charlie get greedy and start to make enemies. Eventually they cross the local mayor once too often and find themselves in fear of their own lives, having lost everything and all of their friends. Although the film was released in 2005 it is set in the early Thatcher years of the 1980s, so there are big perms, big shoulder pads, XR3s and some small white, polyester, Sergio Tacchini tennis shorts that Danny Dyer wears throughout most of the film.
his is certainly not Michael Hordern country as throughout the film there is violence and a lot of very rough swearing (and that´s mainly from the wives involved in the plot) but The Business is one of my favourite gangster films. It is not as smooth or clever as Lock Stock and doesn´t have the edge of the seat thrills of Harry Brown, but it is a good old fashioned ´caper´movie and despite everything, you do want Frankie to come out on top, even though he ends up to his neck in the proverbial, literally!
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Magazine n 19
news Your outlook on the World
A weekly overview
March 21st April 19th
April 20th May 20th
May 21st June 21st
June 22nd July 22nd
July 23rd August 22nd
I know you love to be in charge and take the lead but there is a certain situation that is requiring you to ‘let go’ of the reins. You basically need to detach from insisting on a certain outcome and let it develop naturally, we can’t always predict how certain events are going to pan out and sometimes it is best that we don’t. Perhaps there is more to the story than you are aware of? Trust your gut feelings when it comes to your finances – they will serve you well. You are likely to experience a new found confidence in your future that you have not felt for a long while. With fuel in your jets and your eye fixed on the path, the changing scenery will feel like food for your soul. Your success at the moment is tied with your ability to weave proven qualities of the past with the new advances of the present moment. It is about keeping the end result in mind but letting go of the how to get there so that you can take advantage of opportunities as they appear. A window of uncertainty looms – perhaps there is something that was said that took you off course or words spoken in haste went too far. A worry that has been eating away at you is likely to be cleared up by the weekend when oil is poured onto troubled waters. The thing is you just don’t want to dance around anything anymore and want to get down to the ‘nitty gritty’, it is bottom line time as you want to feel secure in the decisions you now have to make. There is a rare energetic window that has opened for you that requires a bit of personal effort on your part to get yourself out of the place you are in and onto the greener pastures lying on the other side. Just know that the unthinkable can happen now, miracles do happen, expect the unexpected. Keep an open mind and experience life at full volume. As long as you maintain your standards and show how committed you are to the things that are important to you, the light shines in your direction. Sweeping away all that is no longer serving you or is not applicable to your current situation is where you will be focusing; you are spring cleaning your life. You will start to feel supported and elevated by those that are being strategically placed on your path to help you, allow them in and you will feel the benefits instantly. Direct your energies and passions on getting things moving, sorting things out and preparing the ground for a fresh new day. One minute you feel full of energy and the next sapped and drained and all you want to do is sleep. There is a greater need for balance in your life and you are being reminded that too much energy spent in one direction can tip the scales. Take the time to do what you have to do to meet your obligations, duties and studies, just make sure you are doing what is needed and required so that you do not fall behind. Make sure you make some space for you.
Exuding magnetism and intensity you could get lost in a sea of emotions and passions this week. Distractions and temptations are likely to be high. The same drive of emotions could push you to seek perfection in your surroundings; you may make some changes to your environment, refining and improving your living situation. Creative pursuits are high on the agenda September 23rd - mixed with an innovative urge to create something new and extravagant. nd October 22
October 23rd November 21st
Socially this is the perfect time for you to go out and have the time of your life. You are extremely attractive and literally ‘shine’ in the eyes of others. This energy literally demands that you take centre stage and control over what is going on. Your instincts ensure that you are in the right place at the right time and have all that you need in order to succeed. Helping another will bring the greatest rewards by giving them what they need not what they think they want.
SAGITTARIUS You may be feeling a little confused and cloudy over what direction your situation is moving in. Hold onto your dream and try not to over think things this week. There is a lot going on and you may find it hard to see the wood for the trees, there is much daily work to be done, even though you feel as though you want to party – now is not the time. Others may also lean quite heavily upon your nd November 22 - strong shoulders for some emotional support. st December 21
CAPRICORN There is a sense of responsibility that has been weighing down on you lately, however, you are about to experience that sense of freedom filtering back into your life, releasing you from some of the burdens that you have been so conscientiously carrying. Your determination and strong will gives you all the leverage you need now and there is no reason why you can’t pull anything off. December 22nd With a bit of confidence in your abilities you will realise that you have no January 19th competition.
January 20th February 18th
February 19th March 20th
Ideas and words do not mean anything until they are put into action and deeds. Someone that has made you promises will start to show you if they really meant it. It is important not to force things to happen but there is nothing stopping you from challenging someone to be honest with you. Trust your gut instincts and take a look at your financial situation – it could do with some attention and modifying, this is a good time to put a budgetary plan into place. You are running on a full tank this week, you can get more accomplished in one hour, when it would normally take you a week at other times. This energy brings with it a positive feeling for life, lust and a sense of bursting forth with ideas, revelations and breakthroughs. Do not let your shy nature hold you back, ask and you shall receive. You may ‘see’ more than you want to see as someone’s motives may become so transparent it can make you feel slightly uncomfortable.
...you don’t have to be a chef!
Never mind what it says on the packet or the tin, sell-by dates are just what they say – the recommended date by which retailers should sell something. They are not “Eat By” dates and every week, householders are chucking in the bin millions of pounds worth of perfectly safe and useable food so, this week for a change, instead of a recipe here is a handy guide to how long you can safely keep everyday food items before you have to throw it out which should help you to stop wasting so much money every year.
Sell by dates: Part 1 ● Brown sugar: Indefinite shelf life, stored in a moistureproof container in a cool, dry place. ● Chocolate: 1 year from production date ● Coffee, jar or tin: ground Unopened: 2 years, opened: 1 month refrigerated ● Coffee, gourmet beans: 3 weeks in paper bag, longer in vacuumseal bag. Ground: 1 week in sealed container. After this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume. However if you freeze it, it will last up to a year – just take out what you need each time. ● Coffee, instant: Unopened: up to 2 years. Opened: up to 1 month – again, up to a year if you keep it in the freezer ● Soft drinks in plastic bottles: Unopened: 3 months from “best by”
date. Opened: doesn't spoil, but taste is affected. ● Dried pasta: 12 months ● Frozen dinners: unopened: 12 to 18 months ● Frozen vegetables: unopened: 18 to 24 months. Opened: 1 month ● Honey: indefinite shelf life ● Juice, bottled: (apple or cranberry) Unopened: 8 months from production date. Opened: 7 to 10 days ● Marshmallows: Unopened: 40 weeks. Opened: 3 months
Poco a Poco By Valerie Mitchell
August 23rd September 22nd
by Cathy Stronach
Kym’s Kitchen
Two weeks ago we looked at the difference between masculine and feminine words and saw that generally words which end in an "a" are feminine. Of course, in Spanish, as in other languages, there are exceptions. An exception to this is another rule which says that most words ending in "ma" are masculine. One of the most frequently heard words which falls into this category is "el problema" So, if you need help you might say "Tengo un problema" - I have a problem. Or if all is going well No hay problema - No problem. Similarily it's el clima - the climate. Me gusta el clima de España - I like the climate in Spain. And el programa - the programme. ¿A qué hora sale el programa "Amigos"? What time is the programme "Friends" on? El síntoma - the symptom El médico preguntó qué síntomas tiene - The doctor asked what symptoms he/she has. El crucigrama - the crossword. Quiero hacer el crucigrama - I want to do the crossword. There are then the exceptions to the exceptions La cama - the bed, la crema - the cream, la firma - the signature - are all feminine. To put it in a nutshell, the main thing to remember is not to stress out about learning another language. Laugh at your mistakes and remember that if you keep plodding along "poco a poco" little by little you will know more than you did last week, (la semana pasada), last month, (el mes pasado) last year (el año pasado). That's progress. Ya está - that's it Hasta la próxima - Until next time Valerie runs the Centro Idiomas Language School in Coin. Her books, “The First Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” , “The Second Twelve Shortcuts to Spanish” (€5 each) and “The Verb Book” (€7) are available from The News office in Coin, Woody’s Cards and Books in Los Boliches, David’s Books in Los Boliches or by email from vjeffrey1@fastmail.fm or call 952 450 747.
1. de
2. In pa inc ba po Sp ch
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2010
20 n Magazine
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip
Rumour mill flurry over Kate’s wedding dress It’s the most sought after fashion commission this century – to design the wedding dress for Princess-to-be Kate Middleton, which will be seen by millions worldwide as viewers sit glued to their television screens on the big day. But with just a few weeks to go before the Royal wedding, on April 29th, the dress remains a big secret. Word is that work is being carried out in a room at Buckingham Palace to create the frock that will put its designer firmly at the top of the fashion news, but a blanket of secrecy has been thrown over just who is
creating the garment. Now a new runner has just entered the stakes – rumour is that Alexander McQueen’s protegée Sarah Burton (36) has won the golden prize. Fashion sources say that the design would combine Kate’s own ideas with the quirky design sense of Mrs Burton, who became
creative director of Alexander McQueen, one of Britain’s edgiest labels, shortly after the designer’s death- he committed suicide last October. Burton’s latest collection for McQueen was unveiled at the Paris Fashion Show yesterday (Tuesday) and as rumours about the royal
A chilly time ahead for Tevez and co Real men don´t wear snoods, Manchester United’s tough boss Sir Alex Ferguson sneered. And the fashion item made famous by Man City player Carlos Tevez and a handful of Arsenal wimps – oops, sorry, footballers – came in for scathing criticism from other footballers past and present. Rio Ferdinand tweeted that no Man U player would ever be seen wearing one, former club captain Roy Keane blasted players for going soft and former England captain Paul Ince poured scorn on players like Tevez for wearing the
neck warmer along with red and pink boots. Well, the fashion garment has now had its day and players will have to endure the chill winds whistling around their necks. FIFA president Sepp Blatter said at the weekend that snoods were dangerous and the International FA Board announced an immediate ban on the garment. So no more terrace taunts along the lines of “you great big jessie” from this week.
Gibraltar born Galliano, aged 50, was sacked as creative designer by the French fashion house after he was engulfed by a scandal involving racist and anti-Semitic comments. Dior abandoned the traditional catwalk display
Kate has made it clear that the wedding dress is to remain a state secret so not surprising that the shutters were dropping. The bookies’ favourite for the job has
in favour of a staged presentation in a flower strewn Paris mansion. France has punitive laws in place for offences of racism and anti-Semitism and Galliano is expected to have to face the French courts in the summer.
been Bruce Oldfield, and Daniella Issa Helayal, who designed the now famous engagement dress, had also been hotly tipped. Mrs Burton designed an offthe-shoulder wedding dress for Sara Buys, a fashion journalist, who married Prince William’s stepbrother Tom Parker Bowles in 2005 (pictured above),
and produced a glamorous black and red dress for Michelle Obama to wear to a state dinner last year. She has also produced one-off creations for stars like Cate Blanchett, Lady GaGa and Gwyneth Paltrow. Just days after the wedding a McQueen retrospective opens in New York on May 4th.
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Court date to be set for designer John Galliano, the fallen idol of fashion, was believed to be in the United States in rehab as his signature collection for Christian Dior was presented on Sunday during Paris Fashion Week.
wedding swept through the fashion world both she and the fashion house were quick to deny any involvement.
Age, tobacco, staining foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine and cola can discolour teeth whose teeth couldn’t do with a bit of maintenance? Advanced whitening products are applied to the teeth, after a full dental dam is applied, this is then activated in stages by the laser unit.The product used is a number one market leader with active desensitizers, so the teeth are not left painful or sensitive as can be the case with other treatments. “The perfect white teeth” treatment not only returns teeth to their natural white state but improves oral health by destroying harmful bacteria found in
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Magazine n 21
news Your outlook on the World
Health &beauty
News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends
Cannabis linked to psychosis risk Teenagers and young adults who use cannabis have a higher risk of psychosis, according to an international study. The link between cannabis and psychosis was well established, but it was not clear if cannabis triggered the disorder. However, the latest information strongly suggests that cannabis use comes first, rather than people taking it for their symptoms. Researchers from the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and the UK assessed 1,900 people aged between 14 and 24 for cannabis use and psychotic symptoms
at three points over a 10year period. They excluded anyone who reported cannabis use or preexisting psychotic symptoms at the start of the study, which took place in Germany. They found that cannabis use "significantly" increased the risk of psychotic symptoms, even when
other factors such as socio-economic status, use of different drugs and other psychiatric conditions were taken into account. A spokesman for the UK’s Institute of Psychiatry said the study added "a further brick to the wall of evidence" showing that use of traditional cannabis is a
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contributory cause of psychoses like schizophrenia. He said it was one of 10 prospective studies all pointing in this same direction. A spokesman for drug helpline Frank warned that "binge smoking" cannabis to achieve the maximum effect could be putting people's mental health in serious danger: "You never truly know what you're getting and stronger cannabis, such as skunk, can increase the chance of suffering a nasty reaction."
Male depression on the rise The number of men with depression could rise because of changes in Western society, the authors of an article in the British Journal of Psychiatry have warned, as economic and social changes erode traditional sources of male selfesteem. The authors said
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that although women are almost twice as likely to develop major depressive disorder in their lifetime as men, this could change as men struggle with the shift away from traditional male and female roles. Male identity was bound up in employment and traditional male jobs such as manufacturing or physical labour are being lost, either through improved technology or jobs moving to other countries. On the other hand, women are now more likely to go to university than men so the number of households where the main breadwinner is female will increase. The authors said that men's failure to fulfil the role of breadwinner will lead to greater depression and marital conflict.
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
22 n Magazine
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Take a break TARGET PUZZLE
SUDOKU by Papocom Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Level:
See how many words of four or more letters you can make from the given nine letters. In making a word each letter may be used only once. The key letter must be used in each word.
1-9 Poor 10-19 Average 20-33 Good 34-36 Excellent
1-5 Poor 6-12 Average 13-19 Good 20-22 Excellent
The following are not allowed: - Words beginning with a capital letter - Words with a hyphen or apostrophe - Plural words ending in “s” The 9-letter word WEATHERED
1. An ail miner striking oil made one a very rich man. (11) 9. Beats to cafeteria? (7) 10. Auk about way of an Eskimos boat. (5) 11. Titans disagreement. (5) 12. Meet Leonard shortly as a important constituent. (7) 13. Most unfamiliar Western without the right ingredient. (6) 15. See that church roof in Barnet? (6) 18. Activate a shooting finger. (7) 20. Hampered terrorist before dropping case. (5) 22. Discharge my pet. (5) 23. Singers making an entrance. (7) 24. Right pier mainly producing a trial run, maybe? (11)
2. Its’ beneath one on to dig apparently. (5) 3. Cheese left by hangers-on. (7) 4. Sacked for joust educing revelation. (6) 5. Collective term for 7d possibly? (5) 6. Merit an worn ensemble. (7) 7. Bisect noise of vulgar impurities. (11) 8. Draft I take to cape shows un-clarity. (11) 14. Almost whereabouts one minister might snivel. (7) 16. Oh’ angel has the means to be elemental. (7) 17. Stereotype style I strum along with. (6) 19. Narrow Scot’s wooded stream has guile it’s heard? (5) 21. Wretched way to stand at attention. (5)
2. Which of these is not oneeighth: 12.5%; 0.125; Three twenty-fourths; or 0.8?
3. Which of these is not a lake in Italy: Garda; Carasaljo; Iseo; Lugano; or Lesina?
17 18
4. Which of these is not a chemical element: Alnico; Arsenic; Chlorine; Iodine; Krypton; or Plutonium?
1. Back of the neck (6) 4. Rice field - temper (5) 7. Old Iran (6) 8. Retire to bed (4,2) 9. As well (4) 10. Arrogant (8) 12. Type of white wine (6,5) 17. Showy but worthless articles (8) 19. Spots (4) 20. Stone figure with human head and lion's body (6) 21. Plenty (6) 22. In a cunning manner (5) 23. Aromatic yellow plant of the parsley family (6)
1. Resin in flakes, used to making varnish (7) 2. Spiced meat coated in breadcrumbs and fried (7) 3. Authorisation to engage in specific commercial activity (9) 4. Play a guitar - prepare a chicken for the pot (5) 5. Iconic lover (3,4) 6. Over there (poetic) (6) 11. Small enclosed space (9) 13. Supercilious (7) 14. Magic lamp rubber? (7) 15. Hide (7) 16. Period of equilibrium (6) 18. Apron-like protective garment (abbreviated) (5)
16 18
7. Which of these is not an African nation: Benin; Nagaland; Egypt; Comoros; or Mali? 8. Which of these is not a wind instrument: Tabla; Quena; Clarytone; Kaval; or Siku? 9. Which of these is not a type of milk: Homogonized; Condensed; Kwila; Acidophilus; or Kefir? SOLUTION FOR QUIZ
blanc 17. Trumpery 19. Acne 20.Sphinx 21. Oodles 22. Slyly 23. Fennel
1. Scruff 4. Paddy 7. Persia 8. Turn in 9. Also 10. Cocksure 12. Chenin
15. thatch 18. trigger 20. laden 22. empty 23. ingress 24. preliminary
1. millionaire 9. buffets 10. umiak 11. clash 12. element 13. newest
1. Shellac 2. Rissole 3. Franchise 4.Pluck 5. Don Juan 6. Yonder 2. infra 3. leeches 4. ousted 5. abuse 6. raiment 7. obscenities
5. Which of these is not a note in the conventional western musical scale: B; C#; D; E#; or G? 6. Which of these is not a position in a netball team: Shooting Guard; Wing Attack; Centre; Goal Defence; or Goal Shooter?
1. Which of these is not a species of shark: Nurse; Beluga; Carpet; Whale; or Megamouth?
1. Beluga (whale) 2. 0.8 (is 80% or eight-tenths) 3. Carasaljo (New Jersey, US) 4. Alnico (an alloy and chemical compound of Aluminium, Nickel and Cobalt, used in magnets) 5. E# (# means sharp - there is no sharp between the notes E and F) 6. Shooting Guard (basketball) 7. Nagaland (a state in India) 8. Tabla (drum) 9. Kwila (wood)
The 9-letter word REvERSING
11. Cubbyhole 13. Haughty 14. Aladdin 15. Conceal 16. Stasis 18. Pinny 8. sketchiness 14. whimper 16. halogen 17. truism 19. ghyll 21. drear
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
news Your outlook on the World
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
24 n TV Listings
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
New Series:
Wonders of The Universe
Tue March 15th 19.00
Fri, Mar 11th 23:35
The Good Shepherd During the early years of the Central Intelligence Agency, a founding member finds that, as the country slides deeper into the Cold War, dedication to duty has a price.
Mon, Mar 14th 01:00
The Boys of Sunset Ridge Four friends have been meeting at the Sunset Ridge Golf Club ever since they were boys. Now 20 years older, and bona fide members rather than trespassers, their friendship remains intact despite problems such as racism and career slumps.
Tue, Mar 15th 22:35
Before Sunset Nine years ago, Jesse and Celine met on a train from Budapest to Vienna. They had a magical night, and then never saw each other again until now. Jesse is an American writer on a book tour through France and Celine is a French environmentalist, and they meet up again in Paris and spend the few hours....
Sat, Mar 13th 23:50
The Cave When an uncharted cave system is discovered beneath a 13th-century Romanian abbey, a team of thrill-seeking professionals is flown in to search the area for signs of a new ecosystem. The good news is they do find life. The bad news is they may not be alive long enough to tell anyone.
Sun, Mar 13th 21:00
Phone Booth Cynical, smarmy PR man Stu Shepard picks up a ringing phone in a booth in a busy New York street to find a killer on the line. Armed with a high-powered sniper's rifle, the anonymous caller soon proves his prowess and presents Shepard with a choice - convince the police of his story before they shoot him...
Wed, Mar 9th 22:00
James Nesbitt is Gabriel Monroe, a gifted neurosurgeon who chucks the rule book into the bin. Fans of House may spot some similarities but this series is more than just a pale imitation and is a must-see.
Thu Mar 10th 21.00
March 10
FRIDAY March 11th
06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Wreck or Ready? 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 16:00 Trade Your Way to the USA 16:30 M.I. High 17:00 Newsround
17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 The One Show 19:30 The Boat That Guy Built 20:00 Waterloo Road 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 The Lottery Draws 22:45 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 23:25 The Killing Fields 01:40 Weatherview 01:45 Country Tracks 02:40 Toughest Place to Be A... 03:40 The Foods That Make Billions
06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Wreck or Ready? 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 16:00 Prank Patrol 16:30 Serious Explorers: Livingstone 17:00 Newsround
17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Bang Goes the Theory 21:00 Famous, Rich and in the Slums with Comic Relief 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Question Time 23:35 This Week 00:20 Skiing Weatherview 00:25 Panorama 00:55 Countryfile 01:55 Antiques Roadshow 02:55 The Foods That Make Billions 03:55 Rip off Britain
06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Wreck or Ready? 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 16:00 Tracy Beaker Returns 16:30 Newsround 17:00 Newsround 17:05 Shaun the Sheep
17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Comic Relief: Girl on Wire 20:00 EastEnders 20:35 QI 21:00 New Tricks 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 The Graham Norton Show 23:20 The Lottery Draws 23:35 The Good Shepherd 02:10 Weatherview 02:15 South Riding 03:15 Horizon 04:15 BBC News
09:25 Big Barn Farm 09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:40 Waybuloo 11:00 In the Night Garden 11:30 The Daily Politics 13:00 See Hear 13:30 The Hairy Bakers 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Nature's Top 40 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 17:15 Put Your Money Where
Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Escape to the Country 20:00 Great British Food Revival 21:00 The Price of Life 2011 22:00 Have I Got Old News for You 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 The Modern Age of Coach Travel 01:20 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News 02:30 The Record
09:10 The Koala Brothers 09:25 Big Barn Farm 09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Nature's Top 40 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Cash in the Celebrity
Attic 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 The Culture Show 20:00 A Farmer's Life for Me 21:00 The British at Work 22:00 Mock the Week...Again 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 The Culture Show 01:20 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News 02:30 The Record 03:00 BBC News
09:25 Big Barn Farm 09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Nature's Top 40 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Cash in the Celebrity Attic
17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Britain by Bike 19:30 Island Parish 20:00 Mastermind 20:30 Gardeners' World 21:00 Hidden Treasures Of... 22:00 ICC World Cup Cricket 22:30 Newsnight 23:00 The Review Show 23:50 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 The Man with the Golden Arm 02:15 BBC News 02:30 The Record Review 03:00 BBC News
06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale
19:30 UEFA Champions League Football 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 23:35 Police, Camera, Action! 00:30 The Zone 02:30 Timecop: The Berlin Decision 03:55 ITV Nightscreen
06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale
19:30 Tonight 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Monroe 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Benidorm 23:35 Send in the Dogs 00:30 The Zone 02:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 03:25 Tonight 03:50 ITV Nightscreen
06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale
19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 Children's Hospital 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Benidorm 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 The Cube 23:35 Take Me Out 00:45 The Zone 02:45 In Plain Sight 03:30 ITV Nightscreen
06:45 The Hoobs 07:15 Freshly Squeezed 07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:05 Frasier 08:35 According to Jim 09:05 Supernanny US 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Country House Rescue 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Drums Along the Mohawk 14:05 Cookery School 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks
19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Beauty and the Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice 21:00 Jamie's Dream School 22:00 The Model Agency 23:05 Shameless 00:10 4Music Favourites 00:40 The Shockwaves Album Chart Show 00:55 Mercury Prize Sessions 01:10 The Life, Death and Suffer Story 01:20 First Cut 01:45 This Is Me 01:50 Frontier House 02:45 Without a Trace 03:30 Hill Street Blues 04:20 Reaper
06:45 The Hoobs 07:15 Freshly Squeezed 07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:05 Frasier 08:35 According to Jim 09:05 Supernanny US 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 The Restoration Man 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 River Cottage Bites 12:15 Sea of Sand 14:05 Cookery School 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks
19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Relocation, Relocation 21:00 Love Thy Neighbour 22:00 10 O'Clock Live 23:05 Friday Night Dinner 23:35 The Ricky Gervais Show 00:05 Ctrl Mx 00:40 On Track with Seat 00:55 On Track with Seat 01:10 The Crush Wrap Party with KFC Krushems 02:00 The People's Supermarket 02:55 Dispatches 03:45 Without a Trace 04:30 Reaper
06:20 The Hoobs 06:45 The Hoobs 07:15 Freshly Squeezed 07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:05 Frasier 08:35 According to Jim 09:05 Supernanny US 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Gok's Clothes Roadshow 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 River Cottage Bites 12:20 The Desert Rats 14:05 Cookery School 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip
18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:25 4thought.tv 19:30 First Cut 20:00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 21:00 Embarrassing Bodies 22:00 Friday Night Dinner 22:35 Rude Tube 23:40 10 O'Clock Live 00:45 4Music Favourites 01:10 Ctrl Mx 01:40 4Play 01:55 My Name Is Earl 02:15 My Name Is Earl 02:35 Modern Toss 03:00 The Man with One Red Shoe
08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Milkshake Monkey 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Build a New Life in the Country 12:05 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 Rough Guide to Cities 15:20 Circle of Friends
17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Starlight: For the Children 20:00 Cowboy Builders 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Law and Order: Criminal Intent 22:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 Law & Order 00:55 Super Casino 03:55 Your Sport 04:05 Brian Sewell's Grand Tour 04:50 Nick's Quest
08:10 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Milkshake Monkey 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:05 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 Rough Guide to Beaches 15:20 Lies and Deception
17:00 5 News at 5 17:15 Neighbours 17:45 UEFA Europa League Football 20:05 Police Interceptors 21:00 The Longest Yard 23:10 Sex Lessons 23:50 Cops in Crisis 00:10 Super Casino 04:00 Your Sport 04:10 Brian Sewell's Grand Tour 04:50 Brian Sewell's Grand Tour
07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:05 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:00 The Long Shot:
Believe in Courage 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 Home and Away 18:55 Meals in Moments 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Vets in Action 20:00 Ice Road Truckers 21:00 The Mentalist 22:00 Law & Order 23:00 NCIS 23:55 Cops in Crisis 00:15 Super Casino 03:55 Motorsport Mundial 04:20 Royal Navy: Caribbean Patrol
19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 21:00 Working Girls 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 Lunch Monkeys 23:00 Family Guy 23:20 Family Guy 23:45 Working Girls 00:45 How to Live with Women
01:45 Lunch Monkeys 02:15 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 03:15 Music, Money and Hip Hop Honeys 04:10 How to Live with Women 05:10 SIGN OFF
19:00 Doctor Who 19:45 Doctor Who 20:30 The Lock Up 21:00 Little Britain 21:30 Little Britain 22:00 EastEnders 22:35 How to Live with Women 23:35 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 00:05 Two Pints of Lager
and a Packet of Crisps 00:35 Family Guy 00:55 Family Guy 01:20 The Lock Up 01:50 Coming of Age 02:20 Lunch Monkeys 02:50 How to Live with Women 03:50 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 04:20 Snog Marry Avoid?
19:00 Don't Tell the Bride 20:00 How to Live with Women 21:00 How Drugs Work 22:00 Severance 23:30 Family Guy 23:50 Family Guy 00:15 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 01:15 Being Human 02:15 American Dad!
02:35 American Dad! 02:55 American Dad! 03:20 American Dad! 03:40 American Dad! 04:05 American Dad 04:30 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 05:30 SIGN OFF
WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
TV Listings n 25
news Your outlook on the World
New series: Waking The Dead
Champions League:
Spurs v AC Milan Wed Mar 9th 19.30
March 12
Sun Mar 13th 21.00
March 13
NOTE: Add 1 hour for Spanish viewing times.
Trevor Eve returns as Det Supt Peter Boyd and Sue Johnson is back as Dr Grace Foley in this tense drama. The team searches for a missing banker and Boyd’s nose is put out of joint by a new team member. (Part 2 on Mon)
March 14
TUESDAY March 15th
06:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen 11:30 Raymond Blanc's Kitchen Secrets 12:00 BBC News 12:10 BBC London News; Weather 12:15 Football Focus 13:00 British Olympic Dreams 13:30 From Thames to Tigris 14:00 Live: Six Nations Rugby 16:30 Live: Six Nations Rugby 18:55 BBC News 19:05 BBC London News; Weather
19:10 Let's Dance for Comic Relief 20:30 The National Lottery: Secret Fortune 21:20 Casualty 22:10 BBC News 22:35 Live at the Apollo 23:20 John Bishop's Britain 23:50 The Football League Show 01:10 Weatherview 01:15 Hidden Treasures Of... 02:15 Horizon 03:15 100 Years of the Palladium
06:00 Breakfast 09:00 The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 The Big Questions 11:00 Country Tracks 12:00 The Politics Show 13:05 EastEnders Omnibus 14:30 Live: Six Nations Rugby 17:00 Songs of Praise 17:35 BBC News 17:50 BBC London News 18:00 Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers 18:30 The Boat That Guy Built 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Waking the Dead
22:00 BBC News 22:15 BBC London News; Weather 22:25 Outcasts 23:25 Would I Lie to You? 23:55 Reggie Perrin 00:25 Lead Balloon 00:55 Lead Balloon 01:25 Weatherview 01:30 Faulks on Fiction 02:30 Holby City 03:30 Imagine... 04:20 BBC News 04:30 HARDtalk
06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories 16:30 All Over the Place 17:00 Newsround 17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee
Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Bang Goes the Theory 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Panorama 21:00 Waking the Dead 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:35 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:05 Late Kick Off 23:35 The Graham Norton Show 00:20 The Apprentice 01:45 Weatherview 01:50 Silk 02:50 Imagine... 04:05 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein
06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories 16:30 All Over the Place 17:00 Newsround
17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Holby City 21:00 Silk 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Neighbourhood Watched 23:20 Girls Behind Bars 00:20 Weatherview 00:25 See Hear 00:55 Human Planet 01:55 When Teenage Meets Old Age 02:55 The Natural World 03:55 Nuns Aloud
06:35 Little Robots 06:45 Rastamouse 07:00 Basil and Barney's Game Show 07:30 Arthur 08:00 Richard Hammond's Blast Lab 08:30 Project Parent 09:00 Dick and Dom's Funny Business 10:00 Trapped: Ever After 10:30 OOglies 10:45 Copycats 11:15 My Life 11:45 MOTD Kickabout 12:00 The Sky at Night 12:40 Escape to the Country 13:10 The Outlaw 15:00 Into the West
16:30 Final Score 17:15 Churches: How to Read Them 17:45 Flog It! 18:30 Dad's Army 19:00 Spike... I Told You I Was Ill 20:00 The King James Bible: The Book That Changed the World 21:00 The Edge of Love 22:45 The Tudors 23:40 Nurse Jackie 00:10 ICC World Cup Cricket 01:10 Force of Evil 02:25 BBC News 02:30 The Bottom Line 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Our World
06:00 Finley the Fire Engine 06:10 Zigby 06:25 The Large Family 06:35 Little Robots 06:45 Rastamouse 07:05 Basil and Barney's Game Show 07:30 Arthur 08:00 Richard Hammond's Blast Lab 08:30 Gimme a Break 09:00 Dick & Dom Go Wild 09:30 Cop School 10:00 Something for the Weekend 11:30 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 12:00 His Kind of Woman 13:55 Priceless Antiques
Roadshow 14:25 Coast 14:35 EastEnders Omnibus 15:10 Escape to the Country 16:10 The Spice Trail 17:10 Goal II: Living the Dream 19:00 The Real Italian Job: James Martin's Mille Miglia 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Wonders of the Universe 22:00 V for Vendetta 00:00 ICC World Cup Cricket 01:00 The Boys of Sunset Ridge 02:30 Dateline London 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Record Europe
09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Live: Speed Skating 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads
18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Coast 20:00 University Challenge 20:30 Raymond Blanc's Kitchen Secrets 21:00 The Secret War on Terror 22:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 Island Parish 00:50 BBC World News America 01:00 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News
09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:40 Chuggington 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Wonders of the Universe 20:00 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 21:00 Bible's Buried Secrets 22:00 Have I Got Old News for You 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 BBC News 00:30 BBC World News America 01:00 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News
06:25 Signed Stories 06:35 The Hive 06:45 Babar and the Adventures of Badou 07:00 Babar and the Adventures of Badou 07:10 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 07:25 Monk 07:30 Beyblade Metal Fusion 07:55 Horrid Henry 08:10 Cool Stuff Collective 08:35 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 09:00 Hannah Montana 09:25 Coronation Street Omnibus
11:45 This Morning: Saturday 12:45 Monk 13:40 ITV News 13:45 You've Been Framed! 14:15 Small Soldiers 16:20 London Tonight 16:30 ITV News 16:45 Live: FA Cup Football 19:20 Harry Hill's TV Burp 19:50 Ant & Dec's Push the Button 21:05 Take Me Out 22:20 ITV News 22:35 Hard Target 00:20 The Zone 02:25 Swingtown 03:10 ITV Nightscreen
06:25 Chloe's Closet 06:35 Fluffy Gardens 06:45 Handy Manny 07:00 Handy Manny 07:10 Curious George 07:25 Monk 07:30 Beyblade Metal Fusion 07:55 SpongeBob SquarePants 08:10 X-Men 08:35 Cool Stuff Collective 09:00 Wizards of Waverly Place 09:25 May the Best House Win 10:25 House Gift 11:30 This Morning: Sunday
12:30 Dinner Date 13:30 ITV News and Weather 13:35 Live: FA Cup Football 16:15 Midsomer Murders 17:35 London Tonight 17:50 Midsomer Murders 18:15 Granada News 18:25 ITV News and Weather 18:40 Harry Hill's TV Burp 19:10 Dancing on Ice 20:30 Wild at Heart 21:30 Dancing on Ice 22:05 ITV News and Weather 22:20 FA Cup Football 23:20 Rugby 00:20 The Zone 02:00 Sweet Charity 04:30 ITV Nightscreen
06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 The Lakes
20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Law & Order: UK 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Homes from Hell 23:35 River Monsters 00:30 The Zone 02:35 UEFA Champions League Weekly 03:00 The Jeremy Kyle Show 03:55 ITV Nightscreen
06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Grimefighters
20:00 Lion Country 21:00 Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Before Sunset 00:10 The Zone 02:15 Crossing Jordan 03:00 ITV Nightscreen
06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 The McCain Track and Field Show 07:25 Mobil 1: The Grid 07:55 The Morning Line 08:55 Friends 09:55 Real Stories 10:55 Glee 11:50 Great British Hairdresser 12:50 The Big Bang Theory 13:20 The Big Bang Theory 13:50 Live: Channel 4 Racing 15:50 The Secret Supper Club 16:25 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 16:55 Come Dine with Me:
Extra Portions 17:25 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 17:55 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 18:25 The Political Slot 18:30 Channel 4 News 18:55 4thought.tv 19:00 River Cottage Every Day 20:00 Seven Ages of Britain 21:00 Celebrity Naked Ambition 23:10 Stand up for the Week 00:00 Election 01:50 Without a Trace 02:35 Privileged 03:20 Privileged
06:10 The Hoobs 06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 FIS Freestyle World Championship Skiing 07:25 That Paralympic Show 07:50 Friends 08:15 Friends 08:45 Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:15 Friends 11:50 Glee 12:50 The Simpsons 13:25 The Simpsons 13:55 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:25 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:55 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 15:30 Jamie's 30 Minute
Meals 16:00 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Time Team 18:30 Channel 4 News 18:55 4thought.tv 19:00 Come Dine with Me 20:00 Civilization: Is the West History? 21:00 Country House Rescue 22:00 Taken 23:50 The Cave 01:35 Going Back 02:30 The Family 03:25 Without a Trace 04:10 Reaper 05:00 Grudge Match
06:25 The Hoobs 07:15 Freshly Squeezed 07:45 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:15 Frasier 08:40 According to Jim 09:10 Supernanny US 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Relocation: Phil Down Under 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 The TV Book Club 12:30 Reach for the Sky 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks
19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Dispatches 21:00 One Born Every Minute 22:00 The Event 23:05 The Event 00:05 The Album Chart Show 00:40 The Album Chart Show 00:55 T4 Special 01:20 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day 02:15 Royal Deaths and Diseases 03:10 Codex 04:05 The Bible: A History 05:00 Without a Trace
07:10 Freshly Squeezed 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 Frasier 08:30 The Morning Line 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Seaside Secrets 12:20 River Cottage Bites 12:25 Live: Channel 4 Racing 16:15 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Sims 18:30 Hollyoaks
19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 4thought.tv 20:00 Gok's Clothes Roadshow 21:00 Heston's Mission Impossible 22:00 Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags 23:05 The Big C 23:40 Facejacker 00:10 Cheltenham Festival Highlights 00:45 Pokerstars.com UK & Ireland Tour Poker 01:40 FIS Freestyle World Championship Skiing 02:10 Mobil 1: The Grid 02:35 KOTV 03:00 P1 Superstock
07:20 Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 07:30 Make Way for Noddy 07:40 Igam Ogam 07:50 Animal Families 08:00 The Little Princess 08:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:30 Play! 08:45 Rupert 09:00 Olivia 09:15 The Mr. Men Show 09:30 The Milkshake! Show 10:00 The Gadget Show 10:05 UEFA Europa League 11:05 The Gadget Show 12:10 Superman III 14:35 Murder 101: If
Wishes Were Horses 16:20 My Girl 18:25 5 News Weekend 18:30 NCIS 19:20 NCIS 20:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:10 CSI: Miami 22:10 CSI: NY 23:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 00:05 Super Casino 04:00 Your Sport 04:05 How Not to Decorate 04:50 Meals in Moments
07:25 Make Way for Noddy 07:35 Igam Ogam 07:50 Animal Families 08:00 The Little Princess 08:15 Milkshake Monkey 08:20 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:30 Family! 08:40 Rupert 08:55 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 09:00 Olivia 09:15 The Mr. Men Show 09:30 The Milkshake! Show 10:00 Starlight: For the Children 10:30 Ice Road Truckers 11:30 Cowboy Builders
12:30 Spy Kids 13:30 Superman III 14:10 Mrs. Winterbourne 16:15 5 News Weekend 16:20 TNMT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 18:05 The Mask 20:00 Royal Navy: Caribbean Patrol 21:00 Phone Booth 22:40 Double Team 00:25 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 01:15 Super Casino 04:00 Your Sport 04:05 How Not to Decorate 04:50 Meals in Moments
07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 The Family Recipe
15:20 Earthstorm 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 How Do They Do It? 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Chaos 23:15 Best of the Best 01:05 Super Casino 04:00 How Not to Decorate 04:45 Nick's Quest 05:10 Wildlife SOS
08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:10 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 The Family Recipe 15:15 Agatha Christie's the
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19:00 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 19:15 Top Gear 20:30 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes 23:30 Family Guy 23:55 Family Guy 00:15 American Dad! 00:40 American Dad! 01:00 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes
04:00 Hotter Than My Daughter 04:30 Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 04:45 The Lock Up 05:15 Special 1 TV 05:20 SIGN OFF
19:00 Sport Relief Presents Little Britain's Big Swim 20:00 Junior Doctors Your Life in Their Hands 21:00 Being Human 22:00 24 Hour Panel People 22:30 Family Guy 22:55 Family Guy 23:15 American Dad! 23:40 American Dad! 00:00 Being Human
19:00 Working Girls 20:00 Hotter Than My Daughter 20:30 The Lock Up 21:00 How to Live with Women 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 24 Hour Panel People 23:00 Being Human 00:00 Family Guy 00:20 Family Guy
00:45 How to Live with Women 01:45 24 Hour Panel People 02:15 Hotter Than My Daughter 02:45 Working Girls 03:45 Being Human 04:45 The Lock Up 05:15 SIGN OFF
19:00 Total Wipeout 20:00 Snog Marry Avoid? 20:30 Snog Marry Avoid? 21:00 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 24 Hour Panel People 23:00 Family Guy 23:20 Family Guy 23:45 Snog Marry Avoid? 00:15 Snog Marry Avoid?
00:45 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 01:45 24 Hour Panel People 02:15 Total Wipeout 03:15 Young, Jobless and Living at Home 04:15 Working Girls 05:15 SIGN OFF
01:00 24 Hour Panel People 01:30 Sport Relief Presents Little Britain's Big Swim 02:30 Coming of Age 03:00 Junior Doctors Your Life in Their Hands 04:00 The World's Worst Place to Be Gay? 05:00 Coming of Age 05:30 SIGN OFF
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Mets DOG training club. Fuengirola Glyn 605121831, Ken 627851379. Torre del Mar Colin 606616308 (124)p ---------------------------------------------laGuna Kennels and cosy cattery. Five star facilities, fully tiled quarters with airconditioning. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. (125)p 952112021 / 606838983 ---------------------------------------------expOrt Specialists. Cat and Dog World Kennels. 952112978, (115)p 630197435 ---------------------------------------------luxury professional kennels, Cat and Dog World. Fully licensesd. Cheap collection service. Viewing welcome. www.cat-and-dog-world.com (115)p 952112978 / 630197435 ---------------------------------------------prOBleMs? David the Dogman from Estepona to Fuengirola (0)tnf 952883388 / 610868748 ---------------------------------------------cHiHuaHua Pedigree puppies with passport. All year available. (115)p 952112870/654285667 ---------------------------------------------Beautiful Ragdoll kittens. The ideal apartment cat. Sensibly priced. Animals transported and quarantined. 952960075 / 662645816 (116)p www.patriarcacats.com ---------------------------------------------MaincOOn cat, 2 years old. Gentle affectionate girl, Anita is just waiting for someone to love (116)p again. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------siaMese cat, loving beautiful little girl, 8 months old seeks a (116)p good home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------cat White, 8 month old little boy. Affectionate, good with people and would love to share your (116)p home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------Kittens galore, boys and girls of all colours would love to share (106)p your home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------stanley – Mixed breed Male. Born 1st April 2006 - Height 38cmts to shoulder. He is a friendly and kind dog. Walks on the lead and is ok with other dogs. Tel: 626942427. Visit our website: www.animals-in-distress.eu
WeDnesDay, March 9th 2011
Classifieds n 29
news Your outlook on the World
luna – We have a good selection of all types of Cats desperate for a loving home. Tel: 626942427. Visit our website: www.animals-indistress.eu
pluMBinG puMps Reconditioned and repaired for pools, irrigation, pressure systems etc. Economical prices, fast (139)p turnaround. Tel. 667292493 ---------------------------------------------scOtt fOrBes the Plumber. All work guaranteed. 20 years British (0) Gas experience 652665410 ---------------------------------------------pluMBer All types of plumbing carried out by professional plumber with 30 years experience. (118)p 669009821
prOperty fOr sale
€90,000 Mijas Costa, Urb. el Faro, top floor, 1 bedroom apartment. Walking distance to beach. From €99,000 to €90,000 only this week if not, we remortgage, so call now (114)p 629903751 ---------------------------------------------Mula, Murcia As featured in the British Airways in-flight magazine. 2 houses absolute bargain! Home and business. House 1 consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen, bathroom, courtyard and roof terrace. Fully rewired. House 2 has 4 bedrooms, 2 receptions plus cave room, kitchen, bathroom. Courtyard and huge roof terrace. The second house needs total refurbishment but is structurally sound and would yield in the region of €500 per month rental income when done up. Both houses are at the top of the town overlooking the rooftops of houses, churches etc., and the valley beyond. Mula is known for its hot spring baths and has planning for several golf courses and a spa in the area. Price for both houses is €125,000. Don’t delay! Tel: 661114 070
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VILLAS, TOWNHOUSES PENTHOUSES WANTED for Long Term Rentals from Fuengirola to Marbella.
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BeD & BreaKfast evening meal and laundry. Sat TV in every room. (114)p €85 per week. 627379001 ---------------------------------------------lOnG terM Rentals, super prices, no commissions, apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, coast and (108)p inland. 679111522 ---------------------------------------------aBsOlutely everything to do with property including sales, rentals, key holding, maintenance, cleaning. 696150765 (000)tnp www.sunshine-immo.com ---------------------------------------------cOin Beautiful modern country house 105m2 and 6000m2 land. Accommodation on 2 floors, 2 bedrooms, open studio, 2 bathrooms, living room, nice fitted kitchen. Pefect road access. €600 (111)p 696150765 ---------------------------------------------cOin Nr. town. Nice house with 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, fitted kitchen, pool, central heating, air con. 800m2 plot. €650 (111)p 696150765 ---------------------------------------------cOin El Rodeo. Nice chalet, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, pool, barbecue, garage, aircon with heating. Near to town. (111)p €850 696150765 ---------------------------------------------MOnDa Nice country house, 3 bedrooms, 8000m2 land. €500 (111)p 696150765
LonG LETs 1 bed Minerva, British TV, Pool, w/machine 400€/month
lOOKinG for a property to rent? Finca, villa or apartment - we have the right one for you - if not, we will find it. Without commission!!!! Call us now on 696150765 (111)p www.sunshine-immo.com ---------------------------------------------Mijas cOsta 2 bedroom apartment. €450. 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------alHaurin GOlf 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, apartment. €500 6 2 9 9 0 3 7 5 1 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------cartaMa 4 bedroom townhouse. €550. 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 3bedroom, 2 bathroom villa. €650 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------Mijas cOsta 3 bedroom, 2 bath, townhouse. €850 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa. €900 6 2 9 9 0 3 7 5 1 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa with pool. €1050 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------Mijas cOsta 3 bedroom, 5 bathroom villa, 400m to beach. €1,500. 629903751 (114)p www.cabopinorealty.com ---------------------------------------------tOrreMOlinOs (Montemar) One bedroom apartment (80m2), beach 200mtrs, enclosed parking, views, furnished, private Sky TV. Photos by email. €129,500ono 952409971(114)p ---------------------------------------------lOs BOlicHes 3 bedroom apartment. October until April. (114)p English TV. 699026009
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reMOvals Man and large van. Experienced. €20 per hour. Extra (114)p help available. 619604114 ---------------------------------------------cHeap as chips, van and man removals, anywhere, anytime. (111)p 635253549 ---------------------------------------------van leavinG 14th March to Cheshire. Part loads required. (115)p 697671661 ---------------------------------------------van spain-uK-pOrtuGal Regular deliveries - full/part loads. Competetive rates, honest and reliable. 25 years on the coast. Contact Dave on 952724698, 610686273or email (115)p davelomas@fsmail.net
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any jOBs around your property you don’t want to do, I can do for you. No (0)ch job too small. 685555834 ---------------------------------------------translatiOns All language combinations, all fields. Certified and ordinary translations. Best rates. Translations Network 952776803 Fax 952824630, info@translationsnetwork.com (118)p ---------------------------------------------retaininG walls. Master builder. All types of retaining walls. (115)p 637997752 ---------------------------------------------assistance with bureaucratic and paperwork issues, tax & legal advice. 952485026 (115)p www.easylifespain.com ---------------------------------------------HOuse/pet/plant sitting. UK or Spain. Long or short term. References available 651106247 (115)p www.mindyermanors.com ---------------------------------------------place an aD! Its quick, its easy and it works! Call 952454491. (tn)
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!!! uniOn jacK Removals (The Original) See main advert on front (0)p page. 90210956 ---------------------------------------------spainuKspain@HOtMail.cOM Vehicle leaving Spain on 9th, 19th 28th of each month, 19, returning 10th, 20th, 29th of each month. Prices from £80 per cubic metre. Cars £495, bikes £250, dogs £395, cats £295. Free removal boxes with all jobs undertaken. 952160096 / (118)p 665150227 ---------------------------------------------transpOrt vehicle to and from UK every month. Small loads - full house, door to door. 952960075, (116)p 679932071
prOperty Management, cleaning, laundry, change-overs, pool cleaning, gardening, window cleaning. w w w. o s b o r n e p r o p e r t y. c o m (126)p 952664472, 616679453 ---------------------------------------------MOt (spanisH itv) test with home or work vehicle collection. Smart service - your time savers. 647810494, 647810495 smartservicemail@gmail.com (119)wp ---------------------------------------------DaMp problems. Sourced and cured by master builder. Ted (115)p 693859894 ---------------------------------------------Man/van Odd jobs/gardening. Richard 698322822, 952452734 (120)p
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
30 n Sports & Motors
Motors Flash
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
New luxury 186mph Japanese bullet train The latest ultra-fast train, called 'Hayabusa' or Falcoln, will make two trips a day between Tokyo and Aomori, a scenic rural backwater on the northern tip of the main Honshu island.The thin-nosed train's debut journey was delayed by seven minutes after a passenger fell from the platform at Tokyo station, where more than 1,000 train spotters had gathered to take pictures. The man climbed back up to the platform unaided.
Another British car maker crashes as Bristol cars fold
Foreign drivers will escape punishment for UK offences
The exclusive luxury car maker Bristol announced at the weekend that it had called in the administrators after 65 years, with the loss of 22 jobs. The cars carry a price tag of between £150,000 and £250,000 each and can only be bought from one showroom in the whole of the UK.
Foreign drivers will be able to drink and drive, break the speed limit, jump red lights and escape without punishment because the UK Government has not signed up to an EU crackdown.
Tom MacLennan and Trevor Binyon of RSM Tenon have been appointed to handle the administration, and aim to find buyers for Bristol who would keep it running as a going concern. Mr MacLennan assured car owners that sales and service operations would be maintained while new owners were sought. "We would urge any interested parties to make contact with us as quickly as possible and are confident
that we can secure the future of this iconic British brand," he said. Bristol Cars was founded in 1946 when the Bristol Aeroplane Company teamed up with AFN (makers of Frazer Nash cars), and has maintained a single showroom on Kensington High Street, London ever since. It has rarely released any sales figures and consistently denied the media opportunities to test
Gentlemen’s Club
drive its cars. The current Bristol Cars line-up consists of the Fighter, Blenheim, Blenheim Speedster and Series 6. In many ways, the company is a victim of of its own exclusivity. It was bought in 1960 by former racing driver and RAF pilot Tony Crook who allegedly only sold the cars to people he liked. It's rumoured that the company was shifting just 20 vehicles a year.
Club Nocturno
Costa Rica "
# !
Committee, warned that Britain's decision to opt out would allow foreign motorists to think they were beyond the law when driving in the UK. He said: "We have been waiting 10 years for this and I thought this was the last hurdle. It would have meant if you break the law you are held to account no matter where the offence took place. "Now non-UK residents will break the law and just get away with it. Word will get around and the danger on our roads will be increased.
Shamefully we are the only country stepping back from this important move." But Mike Penning, the road safety minister, said: "This directive would have imposed significant costs on the UK without actually allowing us to effectively pursue foreign drivers for offences. It is therefore not in the UK's best interests to opt in at this stage." Around 79,000 speeding and red light offences are committed annually by nonUK registered vehicles and almost all the drivers escape punishment.
Jeep plans its smallest ever SUV Jeep, the American brand synonymous with military vehicles and 4x4s, is planning a small SUV that is to rival Nissan's Juke. The car is likely to be Jeep's smallest ever. The brand, owned by the Chrysler Group and Fiat, is looking to expand its model range to widen its appeal, particularly to young buyers. The small SUV is an emerging car niche catering
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to those that like the chunky looks of a 4x4 but want a more city-friendly and economical package. According to Autocar, Jeep's small SUV will use mostly Fiat parts, including the chassis from the Punto Evo
and the 1.3-litre JTDm diesel engine found in the Alfa Romeo MiTo. The car could be on the road as early as 2013, Jeep CEO Mike Manley said to Autocar.
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This week 25 EU states agreed a pact to make it easier to track down and prosecute drivers breaking the law in another country. Britain and Ireland were the only countries not to sign – although Ireland is expected to join after its post-election disruption. Under the Cross Border Enforcement Directive, foreign drivers would have been prosecuted for offences committed on British roads. The directive allows EU states to share information on millions of motorists though an electronic database. Brian Simpson, a Labour Euro MP and chairman of the European Parliament Transport
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
Sports & Motors n 31
news Your outlook on the World
Barça refused to Rory Sabbatini earns his ticket promote Spanish for another trip to the Masters tourism South African Rory Sabbatini was determined to win on the PGA Tour again Industry and tourism minister Miguel Sebastián told a press conference last week that the Barcelona football club had refused to help promote Spain as a tourist destination. He said Madrid City Hall, the Madrid regional government, his ministry and the Real Madrid football club had signed a three-year agreement to promote Spain and Madrid internationally, with the Real Madrid players acting as ambassadors for the Spain and Madrid “brands”. He said Barcelona had
turned him down flat when he approached the club to sign a similar agreement. At the time, Joan Laporta was the club's president but he has since stepped down to form his own political party with the main objective of making Catalonia independent of Spain. Sr Sebastian said he hoped the new Barça president, Sandro Rosell, would be more amenable to a “Visit Spain, visit Barcelona” campaign. Last year, of the ten million tourists who visited Madrid, just under half of them were foreigners.
The Real Madrid team 2011
Rain stops play Unfortunately Sunday’s game at the Cartama Oval between Fuengirola and Malaga was postponed due to a waterlogged pitch! Yes the rain stayed mainly on the plain in Spain! However this does give me an opportunity to give a short update on 'what's been happening' off the field of play, as a result of the response to the articles in the News. We have two volunteers for umpiring duties; David McLeary was due to make his debut last Sunday along with veteran Dickie Bird lookalike Ray Fry, but he'll have to wait to point the finger on a later date! On the playing front we have seven new players...two from Seville..who just happened to be in the area and read the News! We
Winter,freshly arrived from the UK, who has kindly offered his playing and equally importantly his coaching skills. These skills will be utilised in promoting the game to schools and colleges through the medium of Quick Cricket and to develop youth and adults. So if there are any schools and colleges out there that need help please contact me. As I have previously said, this is totally voluntary and without funding, so we could really benefit from sponsors and in return we will give maximum publicity for your generosity. Match ball sponsorship starts from as little as 25€. As you can see things are progressing nicely..but we still welcome new players new and old. Please contact me Tim Meal on 66 22 33 302 or tim_sheena@hotmail.com
after denying a late challenge from South Korea’s YE Yang at the Honda Classic Tournament in Florida last weekend. The 34-year-old from Durban managed to hold off former champion Y.E. Yang by a single shot on Sunday to claim the Honda Classic title. Sabbatini started the day with a five-shot lead, bogeyed the 9th and 14th, Yang birdied the 13th and 15th, and was only 18 inches away from an ace at the start of the three-hole stretch known as the Bear Trap. Sabbatini then responded with a 16-foot birdie putt on the next, however, despite a thunderstorm that caused a delay as the pair contested the 17th , the South African closed with even-par 70 to finish at 9-under 271 with Yang finishing on 66 and Jerry Kelly in third place after a 67. Sabbatani, who has been recovering from surgery for skin cancer, and now plays in a cowboy hat to protect himself from the sun, was immensely happy with this victory after not winning a tournament in two years. "I've been feeling like things are going in the right direction and trying to build on it each and every week," said Sabbatini, who tied for fifth place last week in Mexico. "I felt like something good was going to happen, I guess I was trying to flush a win out." He then went on to say
although he described the course “as a very different golf course” and was happy when the weather improved after the storm. "The wind dropped by 10mph so it was much more civilised and a little more fun to play than it has been all week," said McDowell.
with much emotion: "A lot has occurred since my last win in 2009 so I'm just ecstatic." This victory has secured Sabbatini’s ticket into his seventh consecutive Masters Tournament. Kevin Fasbender, Sabbatini’s caddie, said in a recent interview that it has been Sabbatini’s goal all year to make it through to Augusta. "Oh, the Masters -- I love going and I love competing at the Masters," Sabbatini admitted in an intereview last weekend. England’s Lee Westwood required a top-three finish if he was to overhaul Martin Kaymer, who was absent in Florida last week, to reclaim the world number one spot, but unfortunately, he missed the chance after ending tied 29th at four over par and a closing 70.
Graeme McDowell managed to equal the course record set by Sabbatini with a sixunder-par 64 that moved him up the leaderboard from 30th to joint sixth on two under. He played well
Luke Donald, winner of last week’s world match play, was just a stroke behind McDowell following a bogeyfree round of 66, which means he remains third with McDowell fourth in the world rankings. Report by Claire Voet
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WEDNESDAY, March 9th 2011
32 n Sports & Motors Sports Flash
Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in
Sony buy Hawk-Eye ball tracker Co Hawk-Eye, the UK company behind ball-tracking technology, has sold the firm to electronics giant Sony for an undisclosed sum.The Winchester firm makes ball-tracking technology for tennis and cricket. With Fifa agreeing to extend its experiments with goal-line technology there potentially may also be future openings in football.Hawk-Eye inventor Paul Hawkins said the takeover by Sony created "immense opportunities for the sports industry".
Malaga hit rock bottom Belplaya Bowls Malaga 0 Osasuna 1. The slide continues for Malaga Open comp’s After last weeks midweek massacre at the Bernabeu where Real Madrid smashed seven goals past Malaga, fans were hoping for something of an easier game against fellow relegation strugglers Osasuna. With the league's worst home side pitted against the league's worst away side something had to give. And unfortunately it was the home side. It was Malaga who started brightly, Rondon and then Quincy had chances early on, but as seems to be the norm with Malaga they lose their way allowing the away teams to take control. Osasuna's Nekounam saw a volley saved by Willy Caballero and then the midfielder headed just inches wide midway through the half. Malaga piled on the
The semi’s and finals of the Belplaya Bowls Club Open for Triples and Pairs were played for recently in glorious sunshine.
Malaga’s players look totally dejected after the injury time goal
pressure in the second half and Seba Fernandez was guilty of missing three glorious chances, twice shooting wide when he had looked certain to score and also directing a header off target from close range. The finish was a frantic one, with chances for both sides to win it. Soriano hit the post for Osasuna with four minutes left, and Weligton headed just wide at the other end moments later. Just as it looked as though a draw was going to
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be the result, a Sergio Fernandez header deep into added time gave Osasuna their first away win of the season. A disasterous defeat for Malaga which leaves them back on the foot of the table two points adrift after all the other teams around them took points. There are only 11 games left now, which means a win at Real Sociedad is vital. Report By: Scott Forbes
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The Triples Final and Triples “Plate” Final commenced after a short break for the Benalmadena Pair of Brian Todd and Mary Detheridge – who both had to play three times that day. The “Plate” seemed to indicate that the close game of the morning had affected Mary and Brian who, playing with Lennie Dineen, lost 17-7 to the Mijas team of Tony Land with D and J Warne.
The Final of the Pairs saw Brian Todd and Mary Detheridge eventually run out the winners over John Sullivan and Dorrien Ives after a very hard day. Stuart and Jenny Parkin from Lauro were comfortable winners of the Pairs “Plate”. Trevor Burgin presented the prizes, having worked very hard as Competition Secretary for the Club for the past two years.
Meanwhile Garry Aldridge, & Gordon and Margaret Kain from Santa Maria overcame the Lauro Triples of Margaret Bicknell, Claire Dye and Terry Morgan 21-10, although the Santa Maria trio won fewer ends.
A raffle in support of Cudeca, the Cancer Care charity, raised 220 Euros during the week of the competition thanks to the generosity of competitors and spectators.
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Report by Charles Ottaway
David Haye vows to knock out Wladimir Klitschko WBA heavyweight champion David Haye has pledged to knock out IBF and WBO champion Wladimir Klitschko when they fight in Germany in the summer. The British fighter is set to take on the Ukrainian in a football stadium on either 25th June or 2nd July. "I just can't wait for that first bell to ring so I can run across the ring to stick one on his chin," Haye, 30, told BBC Radio 5 live. Haye added: "Wladimir Klitschko is getting violently knocked out." British bookmakers still rate Klitschko the favourite.
Leading ref takes a month’s break One of the country’s leading officials, Mark Clattenburg, a man trusted by Uefa to oversee their games, is taking a month off from Premier League duties to escape the relentless opprobrium. Clattenburg’s elite colleagues are furious such a respected official has been pushed to the brink. Some of the criticism levelled at referees is legitimate but most is excessive in a sport that has become so high speed and so high profile in a country so quick to apportion blame.
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