The News Newspaper - Issue 115

Page 1

“If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s we would grab ours back.” Regina Brett



Costa del Sol edition


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issue 115

Wednesday, march 16th 2011

Briton jailed for fire damage Sixtyfive-year-old man sentenced to 18 months for causing millions of euros worth of damage in Sierra Nevada accident p11

Japan crisis - World News

Desolation in Japan fuels nuclear debate


More than 140,000 Japanese residents were told to seal themselves indoors on Tuesday as more radioactive material was released into the atmosphere from the country's stricken nuclear plants.

RESTAURANTE * menu del dia

It’s likely that more than 10,000 have died following the horror earthquake and tsunami and millions more are without food, water, electricity and gas.The

nuclear crisis, on the heels of the devastation which struck the northeaster coast, has sparked a worldwide debate about nuclear safety and fears of

a nuclear meltdown in Japan were causing a crisis on the stock market. The EU's energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger has called for

Europe to consider whether it can meet its energy needs without nuclear power. Continued on page 2

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

02 n General News


WORLD Washed out...

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The track we live on has been washed away again because the channel where the water is all supposed to go has filled up with mud. despite paying the town hall for the 'acequia' to be cleaned and maintained every year, in the 15 years we've been here they've only cleaned it out once and maintenance - forget it! I went to our council last week and made an official complaint, in writing as they won't do anything unless it's official and, have they done anything yet...... yeah, right, as if! However, after Japan, what’s a bit of rain in real terms? I was watching the news as a couple of vehicles were travelling along the road. The drivers must have seen what was coming as they suddenly both stopped but there was simply nowhere to go. utterly terrifying. now they’re contending with possible nuclear meltdowns. There's a meeting on Thursday at 7pm at the coin casa de la cultura about our irrigation. We’re told they’re trying to withdraw it so everyone who uses the water to irrigate their gardens around the coin area throughout the summer needs to turn up, otherwise we're likely to lose it. On a nicer note, we went to leslie's on Saturday night to try their new 'Ribs n' chicken' menu – delicious! A couple of weeks ago I was bemoaning the lack of our old identity cards. Pete Woodall of Woodies, los Boliches, has sent us a letter explaining why they were cancelled fascinating! Read all about it on the letters page.

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continued from FRONT PAGE

Desolation in Japan fuels nuclear debate Nuclear projects in Europe under scrutiny

By Kym Wickham



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Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Germany has responded to the Japanese nuclear crisis by suspending for three months a plan to extend the lives of its ageing nuclear power stations. Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government announced last year that the country's 17 power stations would close around 12 years later than planned. The German decision to suspend the controversial extended life policy for 17 power stations came after growing political pressure. Tens of thousands of people took part in demonstrations in Germany at the weekend against the Berlin government's nuclear policy. They formed a 45km human chain in the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg from Stuttgart to one of the power plants affected by the nuclear extension policy, at Neckarwestheim. After Chancellor Merkel's announcement on Monday, Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen said two plants that dated back to the mid-1970s would be shut down regardless of whether the extension was renewed in three months' time. The Swiss government announced on Monday that it was suspending its nuclear plans because

safety was its first priority. Switzerland currently has four nuclear plants with five functioning reactors and the country's regulatory authorities have now frozen the regulatory process for a further three sites. However, Polish prime minister Donald Tusk said his country would go ahead with its plans to build two new plants, noting that Poland did not have the same risk of earthquakes as Japan. In Spain, industry minister Miguel Sebastián reassured the population of the safety of the country's eight power plants, which accounted for over 18 per cent of the country's energy in 2008, while Socialist Party Secretary Marcelino Iglesias said the government's nuclear policy was unchanged. The main opposition party, the Partido Popular, was sticking to its line in favour of extending the lives of the nuclear plants. Spokesperson María Dolores de Cospedal said the PP supported the idea of an "energy mix," that included "clean renewables, others like gas and petrol, and nuclear energy- always with a focus on safety." A spokesman for the green group Equo said events in Japan showed the true "vulnerability and danger" of nuclear power. He said the damaged Japanese


Emerging countries Despite Japan’s crisis, India and China and some other energy-hungry countries have said they plan to keep using their nuclear power plants and building new ones. “Ours is a very powerhungry country,” Srikumar Banerjee, the chairman of India’s Atomic Energy Commission, said during a news conference on Monday in Mumbai. Mr Banerjee said nearly 40 percent of India’s 1.2 billion people do not have regular access to electricity and “it is essential for us to have further electricity generation.“ In China, which has the world’s most ambitious nuclear expansion plans, deputy environment minister Zhang Lijun said on Saturday that Japan’s difficulties would not deter his nation’s nuclear rollout. The World Nuclear Association, an industry

trade group, said that with those two countries driving the expansion - and countries from elsewhere in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East also embracing nuclear power in response to high fossil fuel prices and concerns about global warming - the world’s stock of 443 nuclear reactors could more than double in the next 15 years.

EU meeting The European Commission hosted a meeting of energy ministers and nuclear



reactor is similar to the plant in Garoña (Burgos), which is due to close in 2013. However, the mayors of villages that want to host a nuclear waste storage facility were unmoved by events. Ascó mayor Rafael Vidal said the plants were built to withstand all types of accidents and that there was no risk in Spain of an earthquake on the scale of Japan's.

experts in Brussels on Tuesday, to assess nuclear safety issues. The commission said responsibility for the safety of nuclear power lay primarily with individual member states. But with nearly 150 nuclear reactors across the continent, it wanted to take stock of events in Japan, and review safety measures. However, many governments are cautious about immediate decisions, pointing out at that most of Europe is far less seismically active than Japan.







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Information provided by

WEdNEsdaY, March 16th 2011

National News n 03

news Your outlook on the World


On thiS DatE in

National News


the 1st escalator was patented by New York inventor Jesse W Reno

Charles and Camilla visit confirmed Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall will begin an official three-day visit to Spain on March 30th, a country the Duchess has visited often in the past before she married Charles. Prince Charles has not visited Spain officially with his second wife, but he, Princess Diana and their two sons spent several days with the Spanish royal family at their summer retreat, the Marivent Palace in Mallorca, in 1987. Diana was the guest of the Spanish Royal couple on several occasions after her divorce. The upcoming Royal visit is part of what the British press are calling

a Spring tour – the couple will also visit Portugal and Morocco before they head for home on April 6th, in time to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on April 9th. The Spanish press has noted with satisfaction that they will not be visiting Gibraltar. Their official hosts will be Crown Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia, and they will stay at the Pardo Palace, normally reserved fr visiting heads of state.

After the official lunch and dinner on the 30th, the Royal couple will split up the next day. Camilla will visit the ONCE Foundation for the Blind with Princess Letizia while Charles and Prince Felipe will visit Repsol's technology centre in the Mostoles suburb of Madrid. There will be a gala benefit dinner at the Ritz Hotel that night for one of Prince Charles's charities. They will leave for Seville

the next morning and will stay at what has been described as one of the most beautiful fincas in Spain in Illora, 30 kilometres from Granada. It is owned by Lord Douro, 96-year-old Arthur Wellsley, the 8th Duke of Wellington, who is a personal friend of Prince Charles. The two titles and the finca were granted to the first Duke of Wellington and his descendants in perpetuity

for helping the Spanish to kick Napoleon's troops out of Spain in what is known as the Peninsular War in British history and the War of Liberation here.

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Executive Editor: Kym Wickham design and layout: Damian Merino advertising manager: Geoff Heading advertising sales: Susan Kerrigan Charlotte Fleming accounts: COHESA Contributors / Colaboradores: Martin Delfín - Cathy Stronach Pete Woodall - Andrea Maclean Mike Kerrigan - Muriel Pilkington Ricky Leach - Amy Thomas The News is a free and independent newspaper distributed weekly and edited by The Coin News Group S.L. The News is independent of political parties, private interests and/or government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. The Coin News Group S.L. accepts no responsibility for the claims or content of any letter, editorial, article, advertorial or advertisement. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without written permission from the publishers.

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

04 n National News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

PM predicts better figures

Twin pandas go on show Six-month-old Po and De De, both male, were introduced to the public at Madrid zoo last week. They are the first to be born by artificial insemination outside China. Their names were chosen by children in China and Spain. Po is named after

the star of the animated film, Kung Fu Panda, and De De is the pronunciation of a Chinese character from the word Madrid in Mandarin. The twins weighed about 1.5 stone last week and eat a mixed dairy diet.

Guardia warn of fine differences A spokesman for the Guardia Civil Officers' Union warned last week that there were “contradictory” orders about the application of the new speed limit of 110 km per hour.

other are using different speeds for when the fining begins. A written instruction in 2006 orders fines to be issued at 121 km per hour on those roads where the 110 km per hour was in use.

He said some provincial traffic chiefs have opted to keep the old speed limit “until the situation becomes clearer” while

But last November, the Interior Ministry put the speed at 116 km per hour for fixed radars and 118 for mobile ones.

The union spokesman said: “Now we have motorists being fined for going over, 116, 121 and 132 (120 km per hour plus 10 per cent margin of error). He said the Traffic Guardia were not to blame because they were “merely following instructions from the government”.

Spaniards pay more for petrol Spanish motorists pay up to €1.6 billion more than the French or Germans do for petrol every year because of a lack of competition. The National Competitiveness Commission said that given the unrest in the Middle East, it was more important than ever to address the “many barriers against the entrance and expansion of new operators in the retail and wholesale segments of

the fuel market”. It urged the government to implement the recommendations it made in a 2008 report. These include simplifying the application process for new garages and allowing them to open in big shopping centres. It also said something should be done to stop petrol prices from rising sharply when the price of a barrel of crude oil goes up and to make them drop more quickly when the price of oil drops.

Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told Parliament last week that the economy will start improving this month and that the unemployment figure will start dropping in April. He said February's unemployment figure was “not good but it was better than the February figures for 2009 and 2010”. He said that the reforms the government had made in the labour and finance sectors to make the economy more competitive would create more jobs as soon as next month. A survey taken just hours after he spoke indicated that unemployment is what Spaniards are most concerned about. Sr Zapatero has been predicting the end of the economic crisis since June 2008.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

National News n 05

news Your outlook on the World


Civil war massacre revived


Preston, who made the claim in an article published in this month's issue of the Ebro 38 magazine, puts the number of those killed at between 2,000 and 2,500 but other historians, both Spanish and foreign, have put the figure as high as

5,000. However, the Franco regime put the number as high as 12,000 in its efforts to blacken Carrillo, who lived in exile in Moscow and Paris until 1976. After his return, Carrillo was elected to parliament in the 1977 election and played an active role in the transition to democracy, principally by having the Communist Party accept the monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The rank-and-file removed him from the leadership after the party's disastrous results in the 1982 election.

Send your stories  or pictures to The News

First anti-speed limit protest

Madrid when the executions took place and was only informed of them afterwards but Preston said there is evidence to indicate that Carrillo was “completely involved” in the massacre. In July 1937, the Republican justice minister Manuel Irujo ordered an investigation

into what had really happened at Paracuellos but, according to Preston, “unfortunately, none of the documents from that investigation have survived”, adding that they were probably destroyed by the Communistcontrolled security services at the end of the war.

Some 250 people gathered in the capital's central Puerta del Sol  square  on  Sunday  to  protest  against  the  speed  limit reduction imposed by the government on March 7th. The protest was organised by the Movimiento 140 association which has been asking for the speed limit to be raised to 140 km per hour. Spokesman Pedro Javaloyes said the group has already collected over 35,000 signatures against the reduction and another 192,000 to have the limit raised to 140 km per hour. MADRID

Pet sector thriving Spain is experiencing a small boom in pet food and pet care products. Not only does the pet sector cater for the country's estimated  20  million  pets,  it  exports  enough  pet  food, medicines and grooming products to make Spain the world's seventh largest exporter. The Animal Nutrition and Health Industry Association said the sector's total sales amounted to more than €975 million in 2009. Some 200 companies from 18  countries  participated  in  the  sector's  Propet  fair  held recently in Madrid. LA CORUÑA





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Carrillo has always insisted that he was not in


Got a story? Got pictures?


British historian Paul Preston has claimed that former Communist Party leader Santiago Carrillo had more to do with the Paracuellos massacre than he has ever admitted. Carrillo, now 93 (pictured) and one of the last surviving protagonists of the war, was the Communist commissar in charge of public order in Madrid when prisoners suspected of sympathising with Franco were taken from jails to Paracuellos just outside the besieged capital and executed between November 7th and December 4th 1936.


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Franco property to open to public The family of dictator Francisco Franco have agreed to open to the public the country estate in Meirás which was bought for the Generalísimo  with  funds  from  a  voluntary  public  collection during the Civil War. Franco's heirs had resisted attempts by the region's previous Socialist government to open the estate but came to an agreement with the current Partido Popular regional government to allow guided tours of the small fortress on at least four days a month, to start in the near future.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

06 n World News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

On THis daTE in

World News


Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by Marcus Junius Brutus and other Roman senators

Government, rebels battle for Brega



Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories  or pictures to The News


Sacked executives get apology

Heavy fighting was yesterday (Tuesday) continuing in Libya between government and rebel forces for the oil town of Brega. At one point, both sides simultaneously claimed control of the town. Observers reported that rebel fighters had been hiding inside the oil installation in the daytime, in the belief that the government did not want to shell the facility. Opposition sources claimed there were divisions within the government ranks, with

some troops apparently reluctant to fire on civilians. At a meeting with Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Kusa in the capital, Tripoli, on Monday, UN envoy Abdul Ilah Khatib, a former Jordanian foreign minister, reiterated demands for an end to the violence and requested access for humanitarian groups Meanwhile, Foreign

ministers of the G8 industrialised nations meeting in Paris discussed the crisis, but there were divisions over whether any intervention would be effective. France wants a no-fly zone that would ground Libyan aircraft to protect people from assault by forces loyal to Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, but the US, Russia and other

EU countries reacted cautiously to the no-fly zone proposal ahead of the Paris meeting. US Secretary of State Hillary of Clinton - who attended the Paris meeting - met a leader of the new opposition in Libya, Mahmoud Jibril, for 45 minutes at a hotel to discuss ways the US could assist beyond humanitarian aid.

Renault  has  apologised  to three executives it sacked in January  over  spying allegations  after  French prosecutors  found  no evidence  against  them. The case against the men - who always  vigorously  denied wrong-doing  -  began  to unravel  last  week  with  a

string  of  French  media reports  that  the  police  had found  no  evidence.  Renault now  believes  it  may  have been  hoaxed  into  thinking the  executives  had  leaked information.  Beijing  has denied  a  flurry  of  reports suggesting  a  Chinese company was involved.


Companies must follow law

Tear gas used on asylum protesters Australian police used tear gas against more than 200 asylum seekers at the Christmas Island holding centre on Monday. The predawn clash came after about 70 asylum seekers broke out of the centre on Friday and another 100 on Saturday. Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said that over-crowding and long

delays were contributing to a level of frustration and the police had used tear gas because they feared the protest had the potential to turn violent after some refugees started fires and breaking fences on Sunday night. One detainee was taken to hospital with a suspected broken leg. Refugee advocates said the

President  Juan  Manuel  Santos  has  threatened  to  expel multinational  companies  who  pay  ransom  money  for  the release  of  kidnapped  employees.  He  said  some  of  the  23 employees of the Canadian oil company, Talisman Energy, who had been kidnapped and later released by the narcoterrorist guerrilla group, the Farc, had reported hearing of a deal allegedly made by the company and the rebels, involving a sum of £1.64m. The company has denied paying a ransom and said it always followed Colombian law. unrest at the centre was provoked by staff attempts to find people who had known about the weekend break-outs. All those who broke out of the centre are believed to have returned. Christmas Island, off the northwest coast of Western Australia, is home to more than 2,500 asylum seekers awaiting assessment on

their cases. More than 6,500 asylum seekers arrived in Australia by boat last year, mostly from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Iraq. Earlier this month, the government announced it would build a new immigration detention centre in the northern city of Darwin to relieve overcrowding on Christmas Island.


Indian navy captures 61 pirates Two  Indian  navy  ships  have  captured  61  pirates  aboard  a Mozambican fishing boat after a gun battle in the Arabian Sea, seizing a number of weapons and rescuing the 13 crew from the boat, which the pirates had been using as a mother ship for their attacks around the Indian Ocean. The Vega 5, which  was  hijacked  in  late  December,  had  been  a  "risk  to international shipping for the last four months, having carried out several attacks", an Indian navy statement said.




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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

World News n 07

news Your outlook on the World


End-of-life row FACTORY baby moved to US CLEARANCE! A terminally ill Canadian baby has been transferred to a Catholic hospital in the United States after an Ontario court ruled that doctors could remove a breathing tube keeping him alive. His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, defied the court order and had him flown to the Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St Louis in the US state of Missouri on Sunday. The transfer on a private jet was sponsored by Priests for Life, a US anti-abortion group which said in a statement that it had "won the battle against the

medical bureaucracy in Canada". Doctors had said one-year-old Joseph Maraachli, who is in a vegetative state with a severe neurological condition, would not recover and would die as soon as he is removed from a ventilator. The London Health Sciences Centre, where the boy has been since last October, had agreed to transfer him

to the family home before doing so, but his parents said removal of the ventilator would cause him to choke painfully to death. They asked doctors to perform a tracheotomy that they said would allow him to die more comfortably and slowly. However, the hospital said the procedure was not medically necessary and refused to authorise it.

US sued over syphilis tests Hundreds of Guatemalan prisoners, psychiatric patients and orphans who were deliberately infected with syphilis or gonorrhoea in medical tests to study penicillin in the 1940s are suing the US government for compensation.

The US apologised last year for the "reprehensible" experiments, but lawyers said the Obama administration had not responded to a request for an out-of-court compensation settlement. The tests were kept secret

for decades, until a medical historian uncovered hidden records and made them public last year. Current Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom called the tests a "crime against humanity" when they came to light.

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

08 n Gibraltar News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


News Gurkhas come New parking scheme to trial to Gibraltar in Gibraltar next month When the Royal Gibraltar Regiment goes to Wales for training in Exercise Jebel Tarik, members of the 10 The Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment will be taking its place for a few weeks, and it will be the first time the Regiment has visited Gibraltar. They will be carrying out security duties at Devil's Tower Camp and doing the Convent Guard. Major “Patch” Reehal said that

Parking in Gibraltar has always been difficult - now the Gibraltar Government is planning a new scheme under which the Rock will be divided into different parking zones that will be administered by Gibraltar Car Parks Limited. Gurkhas are always pleased to serve in places where the British Army is appreciated such as Gibraltar.

College courses announced The Department of Education and Training at Gibraltar College has announced its Continuing Education Programme of short courses and their corresponding costs for the summer term starting on Tuesday April 5th. The classes on offer are: Confidence and Awareness Through Self Defence Tuesdays, 9 weeks, £80 Sewing, Tuesdays, 10 weeks, £90 Introduction to computers, Wednesdays, 8 weeks, £75 Photoshop, Tuesdays, 8 weeks, £75 Spanish (Beginners), Thursdays, 10 weeks, £90 German (Conversation), Thursdays, 10 weeks, £90 Japanese (Beginners), Wednesdays, 10 weeks, £90 Art and Design, Tuesdays, 10 weeks, £90 Glass and Crafts - Beginners, Tuesdays, 10 weeks, £90 Woodwork, Thursdays, 10 weeks, £90

The Government's Integrated Traffic, Parking and Transport Plan will include some pay-anddisplay, some residents only parking areas where there has been problems

money from machines and enforcement will greatly exceed the revenue to Government.” Now that Phase 1 of the Devil's Tower Road Multi Storey Car Park is operational, and Phase 2 will be ready before the summer, the Government is able to proceed with this new structured approach to parking, since designated parking facilities for visitors to Gibraltar are now available.

A pilot scheme is set to start on Monday April 4th on Laguna Estate, the Devil's Tower Road area, Catalan Bay and Both Worlds. To enforce the scheme sixteen uniformed Highways Enforcement Officers have now been recruited, along with four more staff from the existing GSS staff. They will now undergo a process of training until the end of March. Gibraltar Car Parks Limited have also recruited administrative staff.

Gibraltar cruises across e Pond Cruise Shipping Miami is the world's largest trade conference for the multi million pound cruise industry and this year the Gibraltar Port Authority attended the conference with Joe Holliday, Gibraltar's minister with responsibility for Maritime Affairs, visiting Miami for meetings with senior cruise line executives. Minister Holliday said of Gibraltar: “Work will begin soon on an extension of the

Classes take place between 6pm and 8 pm except for Confidence and Awareness through Self Defence which is on between 8pm and 10 pm. Persons wishing to register for the courses should do so at the College reception between now and Monday March 21st from 9 am – 3.30 pm. Classes will run provided sufficient students enrol. Days when classes will be held may be subject to change. You can obtain further information by contacting the Gibraltar College on(0035) 20071048 or sending an email to Morrisons Latinos (in the square) Latinos (High Street) Gibraltar Arms Elliot Hotel Is it worth going to Gib with an empty Tourist Centre tank? Usually the answer is yes! Newsagents - Albor (Ocean Village) Newsagents - Ocean Village Express Unleaded per litre £0.999 (€1.21) ICC Centre Super unleaded £1.099 (€1.33) Bianca’s (Ocean Village) Diesel per litre £0.979 (€1.19)

Where can I get my copy of e News in Gibraltar?

Gib fuel prices from Morrison’s

The exchange rate used by Morrisons is €1.21 to £1 and the prices are as at 4pm Tuesday March 15th. (same prices as last week!)

with visitors competing with residents for parking in residential areas, and some free places. According to a Government spokesperson the new scheme is aimed at: “parking to accomodate the needs of people who live in a particular area and also citizens who go to an area visiting friends and relatives, shopping, or doing business in that area. The cost of the investment in the necessary equipment, collecting the

We will be adding to this list week by week and will let you know where any new drop-off points are on this page.

Cruise Terminal, which will significantly ease the congestion currently experienced when two large ships are docked simultaneously. We are also refurbishing the Western Arm. Together with major infrastructural tourismrelated projects such as the new Airport Terminal and Europa Point, it is important to keep the cruise lines informed. My meetings are part of an ongoing exchange of views where we keep them

abreast of what we are doing and where necessary seeking their advice.” The conference, in it's 26th year, attracts all the main cruise line companies such as Royal

TOURIST OFFICES Tourist offices in Gibraltar are located in Casemates Square, the Airport Arrivals Hall, the coach terminus and the cruise terminal and at the frontier. Main Tourist Administration Office Duke of Kent House Cathedral Square, Tel: +350 20074950 e-mail: The Gibraltar Tourist Board also operates in London at: Gibraltar Government Office150 Strand,London WC 2R 1JA.Tel: +44 (0) 207 836 0777 email: Note: Gibraltar phone numbers consist of eight digits. When phoning from within Gibraltar just dial the eight digits.When phoning from the Costa del Sol and the rest of Spain precede the number with 9567. When phoning from abroad precede the number with the international dialling code which is 00350.

Carribean, Holland America, Carnival, MSC, and Norwegian Cruise Line to name but a few, plus associated industries and had some 10,000 visitors and 983 exhibitors at last years conference.

Gibraltar 2011 Bank Holidays January 1st New Year's Day March 14th Commonwealth Day April 22nd Good Friday April 25th Easter Monday May 2nd May Day May 30th Spring Bank Holiday June 13th Queen's Birthday Aug. 29th Summer Bank Holiday Sept. 12th Gibraltar National Day Dec. 25th Christmas Day Dec. 26th Boxing Day

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

UK News n 09

news Your outlook on the World


UK News You can apply for your tickets now Five hundred days ahead of the opening, tickets went on sale yesterday for the London 2012 Olympics. As reported in The News recently, you can only purchase tickets if you have a Visa card. Although people can apply using a paper form obtainable from branches of Lloyds TSB in England, Bank of Scotland in Scotland or libraries in Northern Ireland between March 15th and April 25th 2011. Mastercard, Amex or any of the other cards just will not get you a ticket that are priced between £20 and £2,012 with oversubscribed events being decided by ballot. People will be told by June 24th in these cases what events they have gained tickets for.There are over 6 million tickets up for grabs over the next six weeks until April 26th, and Lord Coe, (pictured) Chairman of London 2012, expects the Games to be a complete sell out raising around half a billion pounds. He said: "If you look at the way we have put the price points together I think we've done that in a really smart way. I think those prices are affordable. Yes, the big ticket events are always going to be the big ticket events, but there are

plenty of opportunities to see the big stars at the lower price points." Several events will be free, such as the marathon, and 2.5 million tickets will be available for £20 and under. Others start at between £30 and £50. Children under 17 will be able to "pay-your-age" to see some of the early heats, while the over-60s can watch for £16 at the same events. Some 75 per cent - or 6.6 million - of the 8.8 million tickets are available to the general public via the application process and of the remaining 2.2 million tickets, roughly half will be issued to National Olympic Committees (NOC) of each country, and half will be split between sponsors, the IOC, guests and hospitality

partners. A further two million tickets for the Paralympic Games go on sale on September 9th. Inevitably there will be problems of ticket touting for some events but with the Government having raised the fine for touting from £5,000 to £20,000 the committee are hoping that this will be less of a problem. In Trafalgar Square in London on Monday a giant two sided clock started ticking down the time until the events. One side of the clock shows the time until the Olympics and on the other die, the time until the Paralympics. However, on Tuesday the clock from Omega stopped. Omega have apologised and, at the time of going to press, were trying to fix it.

2nd team arrives in Japan A second UK search and rescue team, acknowledged to be the best in the world, has flown to Japan to help the aid effort after the huge earthquake and tsunami. The first British team spent Tuesday clearing a large area in the city of Ofunato but no survivors were found. The Foreign Office has said it has "severe concerns" about a number of UK citizens but has not given any further details. Those



being in the high-risk areas are being divided into three categories - "high probability", "possibly there", and "might be". However, there have been no confirmed British

deaths at time of going to press. See front page for the rest of the news on the Japan earthquake and tsunami.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

10 n Inland & Coastal News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Local News

1985 became the first registered internet domain name

Atlantis 'under Doñana' Spanish scientists have dismissed claims by Professor Richard Freund of Hartford University in Connecticut that the lost city of Atlantis is buried under the Doñana wetlands. In Finding Atlantis, screened on the National Geographic Channel in the US on Sunday, Prof Freund contended that Atlantis was wiped out by a giant tsunami. He said that some of Atlantis's inhabitants had fled to establish similar "memorial cities" which he had identified in central Spain. The Greek philosopher Plato wrote in

360 BC that Atlantis had been destroyed by a natural disaster in 9,000 BC. Anthropologist Juan Villarías-Robles, who was part of a team investigating ancient settlements in Donaña, said Prof Freund had sensationalised their work. He said satellite photos of Donaña's wetlands seemed to show buried rectangular buildings and

concentric circles of a buried city near a beach. He said Prof Freund had been involved in the project and after he left the National Geographic and Associated Producers told the team the documentary would be finished in April or May but they did not hear any more about it. Sr Villarías-Robles also dismissed Prof Freund's

claims of the "memorial cities" and said his team would offer their own conclusions later this year. This is the latest theory in a long line of suggested locations. In the past, Atlantis has been “found” off the coast of Cyprus, on several Mediterranean islands, in Central America and even Antarctica.

JK's Matchroom Home owners in Coin is up for hopes rise after auction announcement The inland sports and music venue, JK’s in Coin, has gone up for auction from today (Wednesday). Interested parties can now register their bids from today until Saturday April 16th. On this date the highest bidder will be announced and will then take over the venue. All enquiries should be directed through JK’s owner, Duncan Burrell, on 654 396 651. General information will not be given over the phone. Serious bidders will have all facts and figures available to them before bidding and, if interested, a deposit will be left in escrow. Should that bid be beaten

then the deposit will be returned in full. Mr Burrell will also be available for a period of time after the auction to allow for an smooth transition. JK's has been trading for over two years and has grown from a brand new company to one that is known as THE venue for inland music and entertainment. Many wellknown Costa bands and singers had their first gig at JK's and the gig nights are well attended. JK’s also hold quiz and bingo nights, pool and darts competitions, belly dancing classes and a whole range of diverse activities.

The announcement by the the Junta de Andalucia that it hoped to regularise the situation of some 11,000 illegally built properties in the Axarquia has raised the hopes of people in Mijas, Estepona, Marbella, Antequera, the Guadalhorce valley and the Ronda mountains, to name just a few places where residents

are uniting to protect their homes. In all, some 50,000 properties in the province have the threat of demolition hanging over them. Meanwhile, the Junta has announced it also hopes to regularise 11,800 properties in the Almanzora Valley and other parts of Almeria province.

ST PATRICK’S DAY CARDS AND DECORATIONS C/ El Troncon, 14 behind the main Fuengirola Post Office

Tel. 952 588 731

Floods swamp Malaga province Malaga province was one of the worst hit areas during last week's rains. The rain was so heavy that the sluice gates at the Guadalteba, Guadalhorce, Conde and Concepcion reservoirs had to be opened because they were full to overflowing. Several areas were flooded.

houses were flooded in Cartama, Tolox, Igualeja, Marbella and Estepona, where the beaches were destroyed, according to local councillor Carmen Ocaña. She said the challenge now was to clean up the damage in time for Easter Week.

Fifteen families had to be evacuated from their homes in Alhaurin de la Torre and a couple there had to be rescued by helicopter. Roads were blocked and

In the past five months, 854 litres per square metre of rain have fallen in Marbella, making it the wettest winter since 1973/74.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Inland & Coastal News n 11

news Your outlook on the World


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Jail time and fine for Briton A Granada judge has sentenced 65-year-old Michael Hanks to 18 months in jail for starting a fire in the Sierra Nevada in 2005 which destroyed 3,354 hectares of forest and woodland. He was also fined €1,800 and ordered to pay €10.6 million in compensation €1.3 million for the cost of extinguishing the fire

First 'stolen baby' case dismissed A Malaga judge has dismissed the province's first “stolen baby” case for lack of evidence. Isabel Agüera, of Estepona, filed a claim last July that she suspected her brother had not died after her mother's Caesarean in the Hospital Civil in 1970, as the staff there claimed, but had been given in adoption to a paying family. She said she had not been able to find his grave in any Malaga cemetery and that her family were never given a death certificate. Sra Agüera said the clinic had records of her two sisters' births there, but was told that the record of her brother's birth had disappeared in the 1989 floods. An untold number of babies allegedly were stolen after birth from the end of the civil war to the late 1980s and given in adoption to paying couples. DNA tests recently united one woman with a daughter she believed to have died more than 40 years ago, and nearly 750 stolen baby cases are currently under investigation around the country.

which lasted eight days and involved 277 people, €65,000 to Andalucia Water Agency for the destruction of its station in Lanjarón and the rest to the Junta de Andalucia which paid to reforest the area. Mr Hanks, the former chief executive of Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association, and a woman friend got lost



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while walking in the mountains. They called 112 and lit a fire to aid rescuers. They had put stones round it to stop it from spreading but had not cleared the surrounding area or “adopted the precautionary measures demanded by law”. The judge found the woman not guilty.

Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News


2nd largest wind park inaugurated Iberdrola's renewable energy company inaugurated the El Andevola wind park in Huelva last week. It is the second largest in Europe after Whitelee in Scotland, also owned by Iberdrola. The complex will provide electricity for some 140,000 households. It will also reduce the carbon dioxide emission by more than half a million tonnes a year. Iberdrola spokesman Ignacio Sanchez Galan said the company has invested some €3 billion in renewable energy infrastructure in Andalucia in recent years. NERJA

Beach all year round

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The town council has been authorised by the provincial government's coastal demarcation department to issue licences for more than 1,350 sunbeds for use all the year round on 18 beaches. The council is also asking for bids for 20 pedalos and boat channels at Burriana and El Playazo beaches. A council spokesman said the licences will be valid until July 20th and people who obtain the licences now, will be able to apply for an extension to the end of year.

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Golf course plan approved Mayor José Garrido and urban planning councillor Jorge Gallardo met last week with the promoters of a sports and tourism complex which would include a hotel and an 18-hole golf course. The initiative apparently has the support of some members of the Junta de Andalucia, which has not issued permits for this type of project since it passed a decree regulating golf courses in February 2008. If the complex goes ahead, it will be built in the area known as El Cerrajón.


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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

12 n Political Update

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

The Local

Memo from

Voice Madrid

Muriel Pilkington

Martin Delfín Writes for the English language version of

Tip of the iceberg

Sick statements


he other day, when I mentioned the possibility of the Socialist Party losing the local election here in Coin, the person I was talking to said: “Difficult, just think of all those people who owe them a “favour” of some kind or other.” And favours automatically transfer into votes – it’s the age old way of making sure you get enough of them to stay in power.


his has been happening in Seville – where the Junta de Andalucia has its headquarters - for the past 30 years and we’re now beginning to find out what’s been going on. Partido Popular leader Javier Arenas – who stands a good chance of being the next regional premier - has called one of the scandals emerging now as “the worst ever in the country’s 35 years of democracy”. He was referring to what the papers have dubbed EREgate, which involves a measly €647 million.


RE is shorthand for early retirement funds paid out of public money by the Junta de Andalucia since 2001 to companies with financial difficulties. The money enabled them to give workers early retirement or compensate them for losing their jobs. At least that was the objective on paper.


ome 25,000 workers have benefited from this scheme over the years but it has now been revealed that at least 59 didn’t even work for the companies who “retired” them. These included nine Socialist Party militants, the most notable being the former head of the Junta’s Labour department and a former mayor of El Pedroso. Another 87 got the pensions because of an “administrative mistake”.


dmittedly the figures are small but the scandal is barely three weeks old. The Socialist Party at first refused to allow an investigation into the matter but has since changed its mind, only because they were making it look like a cover-up. The biggest fish to get caught in the scandal so far is the former head of the Junta’s employment department, Antonio Fernandez (pictured), who was charged on Monday with influence peddling, embezzlement of public funds and prevarication.


party spokesman reminded reporters after the court hearing that according to the law, Fernandez is innocent until proved guilty and asked them not to try him in the press.


ery odd, coming from the party that has been leaking information about the Gurtel corruption case to the press for the past two years. Of course, the latter case involves members of the Partido Popular in Madrid and Valencia, especially the premier of the latter region, Francisco Camps. Naturally, this

behaviour has nothing to do with the fact that the Socialists have been doing everything in their power for years to wrest Madrid and Valencia from the PP. The sauce for the goose is obviously not for the gander.


he other scandal which is beginning to see the light of day involves misuse of EU subsidies to create jobs in Andalucia, where the unemployment rate in some areas is 30 per cent - 10 per cent higher than the national average. So far, the Attorney General and the Guardia Civil have discovered that 5,870 companies have profited from this little scam. To obtain the subsidy, the companies had to commit themselves to keep the workers on the pay roll for at least four years. In most cases, they were fired long before that, in some cases just two weeks after being hired. The companies now face charges of administrative fraud, while the Junta department responsible for controlling the subsidies denies it all.


ith just over 1.5 million inhabitants, Seville is the fourth largest city in Spain, after Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, and there are 46 municipalities within its metropolitan area. With a population of nearly 8.3 million, Andalucia is the second largest region in Spain, after Castilla-Leon. (One of Zapatero’s many gaffes was to say Andalucia was the largest, drawing heavy fire from CastillaLeon, where he comes from.)


’m giving these figures to indicate just how big these scandals may eventually be.

t will be a bit like Chinese water torture for the Socialists, as the PP drags up one scandal after another – and God knows there are plenty. It's called tit for tat – getting their own back for the humiliations of the Gurtel case over the past two years.


nd the Socialists have no-one to blame but themselves. They must have known what was going on in Seville and that the PP would one day make sure all the dirt was swept out from under the carpet – just a few weeks ahead of the municipal elections on May 22nd. Strategic timing, I think it's called.


irst, it was Madrid premier Esperanza Aguirre who announced that she had to undergo surgery to remove a lump from her breast. Then last week, deputy prime minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba (above, left) was admitted to the emergency room suffering from a urinary tract infection. Following the two hospitalisations, questions arose over the political future of these two leaders. Aguirre said that she was ready to resume the campaign trail for the May 22nd race for her re-election, although she admitted that she would have to undergo radiation treatments in the coming weeks. Rubalcaba has not said what he intends to do and there is still no clear answer as to whether he will step in and take over from Prime Minister Zapatero as Socialist candidate in next year’s race. He is at home recovering and anxious to get back to work as soon as possible. Despite all this speculation over the health of two of the country’s leading politicians, it is regrettable that these two unfortunate events have produced floods of tactless opinions.


uring her hospital stay, El Mundo published a front page photo of Aguirre being wheeled out of surgery. Some enterprising hospital worker obviously used a cellphone to take the shot. No doubt it was in bad taste. Then came the eyebrow-raising and ridiculous comments made by some Popular Party officials, including parliamentary spokeswoman Soraya Sáez de Santamaria who suggested that Rubalcaba checked himself into the hospital because he wanted to avoid answering the opposition’s questions about the Faisán case – the investigation into a police tip off that prevented the arrest of some ETA members who were planning to meet at a restaurant in Guipúzcoa. Then came Deputy Celia Villalobos, a former PP health minister, who defended Sáez saying that she was proud of her party spokeswoman because she has been “capable of putting” his predecessor María Teresa Fernández de la Vega “out on the streets and Rubalcaba in the hospital.” You may recall that Villalobos served as health chief in the middle of the mad cow disease scare and was partly responsible for fomenting the hysteria by wanting to shut down restaurants that insisted on serving beef.


here has the sensitivity gone in this country? Statements such as those made by Sáez de Santamaria and Villalobos are red card penalties. Illness isn’t political fodder; no one likes to be sick and no one should try to capitalise on other people's health problems for political gain. As a journalist, I cannot see the news value of the clandestine photograph of Aguirre (above, left) being wheeled out on a gurney. Even more surprising – or maybe not so surprising – was that that it appeared in El Mundo, the PP’s newspaper of choice. Ridiculing a person by demonstrating they are in a helpless state isn’t proper journalism. It only appeals to people's morbidity. Politicians and public figures should have rights to privacy, which should be respected in cases like these where health matters are protected by confidentiality laws. Yes, we should all know the state of health of all of our leaders so that we can make the right decisions in choosing our elected officials. But there has to be limits. And those limits must be decided with great degrees of sensitivity and common sense as gauges in deciding news coverage.

Recycling woes


hen it comes to recycling, Spain is still near the back of the line of other European Union members. According Eurostat figures released on March 8th, Spain recycled only 15 per cent of its garbage in 2009. Germany ranked first by recycling half of its waste for that year. But the two countries both generated nearly the same amount of municipal waste per person – between 500 kg and 600 kg per person. Fifty-two per cent of Spain ’s garbage is dumped in landfills while that figure for Germany is zero. After recycling, incinerating and compost are the two other methods Germans use to dispose of their wastes.


n Spain, incineration accounted for nine per cent and compost 24 per cent. Yes, it may be a chore to put those plastic bottles in the yellow bin and walk down the street to deposit the glass bottles and paper inside those dark green square hubs. But it is time to catch up with the rest of Europe .

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Community News n 13

news Your outlook on the World


Community Reach In your language for the stars The newly formed Mijas Costa Astronomy Group wants to bring together enthusiastic astronomers of all levels of skill and experience. The group will meet fortnightly and leader Lee Osborne said: “We welcome absolute beginners and professional astronomers alike. This is a very friendly and informal group - we have no committee, no chairman and no subscription fees. You don’t need expensive equipment. The minimum equipment is your eyes and, to enhance the experience, a pair of binoculars.” The Group also plans to have regular Star Parties for the general public. For further information contact Lee Osborne on 616 679 453 or go www.astronomycostadelso

Cemetary in focus An exhibition featuring photographs of the English Cemetery in Malaga, taken by 29 enthusiastic Spanish amateur photographers from three local societies, will open on Saturday at 11am (March 19th). The work aims to promote the culture and history of Malaga. The exhibition will run for a week, at the Gatehouse Visitors Centre, Avda de Pries 1, Malaga. Entry is free but donations for the cemetery will be welcome, as part of the campaign, headed by former Consul Bruce McIntryre, to raise much needed funds. CENTRO DE IDIOMAS COIN

Conversation Based Classes in Spanish. New course starting Tues. 22nd March

El Rodeo, Coin

952 450 747

Mijas and Fuengirola elections will be taking place on March 22nd and the Partido Andalucista has announced their candidates. The Mijas candidate is Cristóbal Gonzalez Palma, who has been their spokesman for the past 8 years and also ran for Mayor of Fuengirola. Sr Gonzalez has been on the council of the Fuengirola town hall for the past twenty two years, the last eight being as an 'Andalucista'. Party colleagues have persuaded him to stand as “there is a lot of work to be done in

the area.”

The candidate for Mayor of Fuengirola is Pedro Morgado. He is “fully backed by his colleagues and the rest of the political parties” for this post. Pedro has been the Partido Andalucista's local secretary up until now. The Partido Andalucista has an English person on its board to help cut out any language barriers that expats find between the candidates parties and themselves.

e News Golf Golfing along the Costa del Sol can seem prohibitively expensive sometimes and playing regularly can become difficult because of the economic climate. The News has negotiated a deal which means we can offer reduced green fees at Lauro Golf in Alhaurin de la Torre, but the offer is limited and is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. We offer special rates for two-plusa-buggy and can even arrange 5 and 7 day

unlimited golf, plus stayand-play packages. Lauro Golf is a top class course with all the high standard facilities that you would expect. Call The News on 952 454 491 from10am to 5pm for more information and to book your tee times.






ON 654 396 651

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

14 n Opinion & Comment

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

“The NeWS”WANTS To heAR youR vieWS Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text to

Pete Woodall Woody’s Passport Renewal Service, Fuengirola Many Brits sorely miss the old style photo “Residencia” and wonder why this useful piece of identification was withdrawn and replaced with a certificate. The truth is, it had to go. The obligatory Residencia (Residence Card) was cancelled to stay in line with the EU Directive 2004/38/EC which concerns the freedom of movement for all EU citizens and living in another EU member state. That very useful but extra little Spanish ID card became “outlawed” for EU citizens and as they expire one by one, will not be replaced. The EU directive guarantees that no extra identification documentation shall be given nor forced on an EC citizen living outside their home country by the host country. You have the right of abode simply on the strength of a passport or an ID card provided by your own government. The residence card still exists but is now only issued to family members of EU citizens wishing to reside within the Union who are not citizens of an EU member state. There is the irony; essentially there are no ID cards for Brits,

some EU countries do supply them, the UK does not, nor is the UK part of the Schengen Area as it still maintains border controls with the rest of Europe. The UK is a bit of a square peg in a round hole sometimes, that's what makes them the British, mistrustful of national ID cards and wary of the men in long dark leather trench coats at the “Bahnhof”. As of 28 March 2007, Spanish Royal Decree 240/07 requires EU citizens living in Spain to register at the foreigners office or a police station after staying here for more than three months. For less than three months you need only to be in possession of a valid passport or ID card but after three months you should register and then immediately be given the appropriate certificate. Which is just what it says it is; a certificate to show you have been added to the central register of foreigners, although it shows the date of registration, your name, nationality, address and N.I.E (Numero Identificación Extranjero used for banking etc.) it is not a form of identification and is stamped

as such in large letters. Spanish regulations require you carry valid identification, in fact our whole right of freedom of movement within the EU is partially based on the ability to produce valid identification - on request. The only true form of ID for the British abroad is a valid passport although a drivers licence or passport photocopy may be accepted under everyday circumstances in shops and stores. So we are back to the slowly disappearing Residencia ID card, in the UK they appear to hate ID cards, whilst down here most Brits would love to have them back. As the Spanish authorities are no longer able nor obliged to provide you with an ID card you should carry your passport but they are expensive, bulky, easy to lose - if it has not been stolen already - and are far from indestructible but until someone comes up with a simple plastic ID card for the British, that fits neatly in your pocket, look after your passport, you need it.


Your experts in embroidery and T-shirt printing on the Cost del Sol Ken Hook and Pepe Liñan opened the first Bordados MBroidery five years ago. Within this period of time, the business – specialising in quality, cost-effective embroidery for business apparel – has not only moved to larger premises at Sunshine Golf, La Cala de Mijas, but has doubled its machine capacity and built a loyal client base from Malaga to Gibraltar, and incresingly, via their website, outside Spain. Technology Ken and Pepe attribute the company's rapid growth to “our decision to invest in two stae-of-the-art Toyota and one Tajima embroidery machines running dedicated software provided by world leaders Wilcon in the UK,” said Ken. Wide Range – Low Cost Their quality embroidery applications continue to expand, including uniforms for bars, restaurants and clubs or golf societies – they do

embroidery on almost any textile garment, helping to enhance the public image of many types of businesses, clubs, charities or associations, embroidering polo shirts, T-shirts, caps, sweaters, fleece jackets, towels etc, and all at the best prices. They do all the logo designing in-house with the expertise of designer Tuld Warngard, so turnaround times are usually very quick. Now they are also offering promotional gifts such as pens, lighters, mugs etc, golf and sports trophies and golf ball logo printing. Satisfied Clients Pepe commented: “We supplied the embroidery for the La Cala Golf – Vive Mijas golf team representing Spain at the Thailand World Golfers Championships (WGC) last year. Some of our other clients include most of the golf clubs, practically all the bowling clubs and golf societies on the Costa, several hotels and bars,

Stargazing By Ken Campbell

If you would like to be kept up to date or take part in any of the events then go to

Spring has sprung Astronomy is not just about sitting outside on dark evenings and gazing at the stars. Astronomy affects us all in our daily lives, and one of the most obvious effects is the passing of the seasons.

Our Earth travels through space as it orbits the Sun and as it moves it presents us with a constantly changing view of the heavens. If the Earth was standing upright then every day would be 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. But the Earth is not standing upright, it is tilted over by about 23 ½ ° and it is this tilt that causes the seasons. From March until September the northern part of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun and so the Sun’s rays are stronger giving us warmer days that we call summer. From September to March the northern part is tilted away from the Sun so its rays are lessened, it gets cooler and we call it winter.

many stables at the Hipodromo, darts clubs, poker clubs and so on.” The success story of Bordados M-Broidery looks set to continue apace. If your business or association needs some image enhancement then call Pepe, Ken or Tuld on 952 932 758 or 670 800 555 and they will be pleased to talk about your requirements. You can see the quality of the work for yourself by calling into the shop, downstairs at Sunshine Golf, La Cala (Km 200 on the N340 / A7). You will be more than welcome! Or you can visit the website at or email

In summer we have long days and short nights and in winter the opposite is true and we have long dark nights with short days. The longest day in summer falls on June 21st and is called the summer solstice. The shortest day of the year is on December 21st and is known as the winter solstice. So between these two extremes it stands to reason that there must be a day that is equal in day and night time. This day falls on March 20th and is called the Spring or Vernal Equinox. This coming Sunday March 20th the Earth will be standing perfectly upright and the Sun will be placed directly over the equator. It doesn’t matter where you stand on the Earth on Sunday from the North Pole to the South Pole and all points in between you will receive exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. From this

day up until June 21st the nights will get shorter, the days will get longer, and spring has finally arrived. The Spring or Vernal Equinox was such an important date historically that Easter day is calculated from the Equinox. Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full Moon that occurs after the Equinox. In 2008 Easter was as early in the year that it ever can be, March 23rd. The latest that Easter can occur is on April 25th and this year as the full Moon falls on Saturday March 19th, the equinox is the next day Sunday March 20th then the next full Moon will occur on Monday April 18th and so Easter will occur the following Sunday on April 24th, almost as late as it can ever be. Eagle eyed readers will spot that the Equinox is not the day when the sun rises at 6 am and sets at 6 pm, this day is on Wednesday 16th March. The problem is due to ‘clock time’ and ‘Sun time’. We measure the length of a day as being 24 hours from noon to noon. But the Earth doesn’t keep perfect time as it orbits the Sun and spins on its axis so sometimes it is ahead of ‘clock time’ and sometimes it lags behind. Our measurement of time is simply an average spread out over the year. The Prime meridian which is the line drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole passes directly through Greenwich near London. It is from this line that all of the world’s time zones are calculated. But because of the variations between ‘clock time’ and ‘sun time’ an average or ‘mean time’ is calculated hence Greenwich Mean Time or GMT.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Out & About n 15

news Your outlook on the World




Your weekly entertainment Guide InsIde thIs week Mother’s day special at Casa kon-tiki talent show final at Buzby’s Miramar shopping centre st Patrick’s extravaganza

Cartajima – a tiny pueblo blanco in a spectacular setting Written by

Jean Joss

Driving up to Ronda from the coast on the A397 from San Pedro takes in some dramatic scenery as the road passes through the Puerto del Madrono into the Serrania de Ronda.


he pine-covered slopes give way to almost bare rock formations as you climb ever higher in the clear mountain air. And at this time of year the yellow broom adds flashes of colour as it clings in the crevices while smudges of wild flowers along the verges glow pink and white.


ome 40 kilometres from the coast you can turn inland into the Genal valley, an area covering some 42,000 hectares and now designated as Natural Park. The Rio Genal – reputedly one of Europe's cleanest rivers – has its source near Igualeja from where it winds down to its confluence with the Rio Guardiaro below Gaucin and thence to the sea. There are some 15

villages dotted throughout the valley, all typical pueblos blancos dating from Moorish times. The upper part of the valley, the Alto Genal is made up of the pueblos of Cartajima, Igualeja, Pujerra, Parauta, Juzcar, Farajan and Alpandeire. The lower part, the Baja Genal, contains Gaucín, Benarrabá, Algotacin, Benadalid, Benalauría, Atajate, Jubrique and Genalguacil.


artajima, is one of the highest communities in the province of Malaga, 846 metres above sea level. The tiny hamlet nestles against the white limestone massif of the Serrra de Oreganal looking steeply down into the valley and across rolling slopes of chestnut, oak and cork-oak forests. The views are spectacular

and it is little wonder that there are “miradors” (or viewpoints) on each side of the village which provide excellent photo opportunities. It is probably prudent to park on the outskirts and explore the narrow streets on foot though there is limited parking close to the charming little Hotel Los Castanos, a newly renovated boutique hotel from whose roof terrace the views are, if anything, even better. Beside the hotel is the church of Nuestra Senora del Rosario dating from the 16th century but burned during the early months of the Civil War in 1936, when sadly the village archives were also lost. Restored in 1941, the interior now houses a large painting by the celebrated Ronda painter and photographer Miguel

Martin who was born in Cartajima in 1947.


lthough the actual community's records were destroyed some of its history is still known. Roman coins were discovered here as well as tombs from the Phoenican era and the settlement itself is of Berber origin, established some time after the Moorish conquest of 711AD – the name is said to stem from the Arabic Aljaria al Jaima, the homestead of Aljaima. After the Christian conquest in 1485 the name was changed to Xaritalxime and during the succeeding decades the inhabitants were baptised although many of the Moriscos may have been less than convinced since the Inquisition visited the pueblo in

1560, imposing fines for continuing Moslem traditions.


he town thrived in the 19th century because of its canon factories and Fernando VII recognised Cartajima as a “villa” in 1814 for its support against Napoleonic troops during the War of Independence, calling it Cadiz el Chico (Little Cadiz).


oday Cartajima is a sleepy little village with less than 250 inhabitants. Its main claim to fame is the cultivation of chestnut trees which are harvested around October/November time when the locals produce special dishes from the crop. Other local specialities are rabbit and a mushroom soup served

at the August feria. During Semana Santa the village comes alive with celebrations called Las Cortesias, but generally visitors who prefer the peace of the mountains to the clamour of the costa can enjoy quietness and the wonderful walking opportunities.


utside Cartajima, heading southwards towards Juzcar is a turning to “Los Riscos”, a limestone area, reminiscent of the better known El Torcal north of Malaga, where the rain and wind has carved the rocks into a fantastic moonscape. There are well marked walking tracks here and sheltered areas ideal of picnicking. As well as – naturally – wonderful photo opportunities.

Wednesday, March 16th 2011


16 n Out & About

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

e Perfect Indian at Mumtaz Mahal



















Fresh Filtered Coffee



Decaffeinated served as any of the above

Visit us at


2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches



Extra Shots

Chris The Dish: 667 842 359 John The Fish: 678 292 792


Sunday Roast Lunch for €5.95pp from 12 noon


Mother’s Day Special - Sun April 3rd 3 course menu of the day - e.g. Prawn Cocktail, Roast Beef Dinner, Home-made Apple Crumble €8.95pp Booking adviseable


Early Bird Special Monday to Saturday until 6pm Fish Chips and Mushy Peas, Bread and Butter plus a free drink only €4.95pp

Hot Chocolate

The Home of Fish and Chips

Hot chocolate with Cream



Apart from the vast main menu with loads of options to choose from - from a mild Korma and Biriani right through Vindaloo to a Phal, the Mumtaz Mahal also have two menu del dia choices consisting of three courses for just €9.95 or €11.95 and a free local home delivery service for orders over €25.

The great thing about Asian food as well is the vast array of vegetarian meals that are on offer as a matter of course. There is a choice of 16 different vegetarian dishes at Mumtaz Mahal and that’s not including the many varieties of rice, breads and starters that are available plus twenty different fish dishes for fishetarians! There is even a children’s menu! £1.10

av antonio machado Benalmadena tel.: 645404911


Pot of Tea for one



caters for everyone, from those wishing to try an Indian meal for the first time who won’t want anything too hot to start with, right through to extremely spicy for those Indian cuisine afficionados. Selection of Speciality Twinings Teas

*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm. Open all day.

café now open 8pm ‘til late for late night snacks

Selection of various drinks available at the counter

Monday & Thursday Quiz Night Tuesday & Wednesday Live Football from 8:45pm Friday Siobhan - female vocalist from Dublin Fun for all ages Saturday Night Life - comedy vocal duo Not to be missed!! Sunday “Mr Blue Eyed Soul” Danny Stone


SPECIAL OFFER! 8oz entrecôte steak with all trimmings & bottle Rioja - only €20 per couple

Wednesday 16th Alex Avery Thursday 17th Lesley Harrison Friday 18th Dex - Guitar wizard & vocalist Saturday 19th Mad Terry Sunday 20th Karaoke with Natalie Munroe from 4pm then Adele Lee Peters & Talent Talent Final starts at 9pm Monday 21st Terri Fox followed by Natalie Monroe -after midnight Tuesday 22nd Jordana + Cher tribute Karaoke from midnight every night with Mad Terry & Tommo

We have been to this restaurant several times in the past and we ate there again last week. This time there were four of us and we had the mixed starter which comprised onion bhaji,

Freshly made Thick and Creamy Milkshakes

952 057 062

terry @ Buz ad “LIVE” by’


Plaza de Remo La Carihuela Torremolinos



For the main courses we had the lamb biriani, chicken korma, chicken sag aloo, pashwari naan and a lamb bhuna plus pilau rice all of which was absolutely delicious. The added plus of eating at this restaurant is that, if you have any special dietary requirements - I am allegic to nuts for instance owner Sohail will do his best to accommodate you and make sure that you have such a good meal you will definitely want to return. Chocolate

Popadoms are served with three different dips to munch on while you wait for your order to arrive.

seekh kebabs, chicken tikka, chicken pakora and both vegetable and meat samosas.


At the Mumtaz Mahal restaurant in Coin you can be assured of one of the best Indian meals you will ever have eaten. Using the freshest and best ingredients available all food is cooked to order and served by Mumtaz’s friendly and attentive staff.

Mumtaz Mahal is in the El Rodeo area of Coin and is open for lunch from 1.30 until 4pm and dinner from 7 until midnight. For reservations and take-away orders call the Mumtaz Mahal on 952 455 599 or 626 977 224. You will not be disappointed.

the international bar el rodeo - coin

952 455 029 UNDER new ownersHip

OPEN 7 days a week

Alhaurin el Grande’s neWest Bistro cafe

We are proud to be the home of the Coin branCh of

the Royal BRitish legion all neW improved menu from monday to saturday - TUESDAY OFF €6,50 €8,50 €11,00

main course 2 course 3 course

Bottle of house Wine


Celebrate your parties and speCial events (unbeatable rates for food)

p.o. box rental €50 per year internet room 2 pool teams, in local league

sunday lunch

from 1pm to 5pm

we are changing our image

come and see

the bright

new look

Serving a selection of freshly prepared snacks, sandwiches, wraps, baps and baguettes, paninis jacket potatoes, pizza, burgers. Early evening specials 5-7pm Buy 1 main meal - get the second half price! everything availaBle for takeaWay

sunday roast

plus trimmings and vegetables from 1pm €7.95

Daily from 9am Open Sunday 10am

952 497 188 Calle Gerald Brenan 89 Alhaurin El Grande

Weekly activities - Inland mums (Monday mornings) - Line dancing with Shelagh J (Tuesday mornings) - Chess club (Tuesday night) - Whist drive (Wednesday midday) - Yoga (Friday mornings) - Steve’s monster Karaoke (Saturday night)


%! !$ # and get 2 soft drinks for free with take away

all through

the week


We have the ability to show all the top matches on our large independant screens - even if the games are not on Sky or Terrestrial TV!


A thriller by Bettine Manktelow ' 24! . !$ $ ' 26! ! ' ! % ! + ! / 12 , . $ , ! -(

' 25!


! 6)0 !& ! ) 6* 158& -( # " ! , % ! , ! -( ! $ . ! ! , $ ! ! -




842 770 530

842 827 185


ie’s l l e N Wednesday, March 16th 2011

Out & About n 17

news Your outlook on the World


Stage Fright The next production by the well known theatre company The International Theatre Studio is the thriller “Stage Fright” by Bettine Manktelow and directed by Diana King. Diana has considerable experience both as an actress, film maker and director and has performed for I.T.S in “Holiday Snap”, “One for the Road” and “Round and Round the Garden”, as well as writing Murder Mysteries which she directed for I.T.S. “Stage Fright” will be performed by a strong cast which includes Paul Baker, Kate Jackson, Claire McKenna, Diane Clarke,

Mary Smith and Michael Clarke. Once again the venue will be The Atalaya Park Hotel just a short way on the Estepona side of San Pedro and the production can be seen on Friday March 25th and Saturday 26th at 8.0 pm and Sunday 27th at 7.0 pm. Tickets are €12, from Bookworld Espana (Guadalmina & San Pedro), Costa Cards Benavista, Glittarati Diana Centro, Longmans Bookshop Estepona and The Estepona Port Business & Internet Café Puerto Estepona. Alternatively tickets can be reserved by telephone on 952 880 630 or 952 928 196.

Buzby’s talent final The third heat in Buzby’s talent contest saw just one entrant put through to this Sunday’s final. Nicki,19, stormed through the audition with her great version of the Amy Winehouse track “Valerie”. The standard set in previous weeks was very high and means that the final, which starts at 9pm, will be a fantastic evening with a chance to see just how good the up and

coming talent is on the coast. Pop into Buzby’s for a fun packed evening of live entertainment !

Have some Irish fun this Saturday!

Also from mid-day until 1pm and from 5pm until 6pm there will be “Snakes on sticks” / free children's creative activity.

Scandinavian and International Specialities

Tel: 951 319 439 5pm, and at 1.30 and 7pm you will be able to sample some wonderful traditional Irish food and beer. There’s an Irish Dance show to watch at either 1.30pm or 6.30pm, and singer Laura Ellen will be rounding off this fantastic St Patrick's Day celebrations with Songs From Ireland at 7.30pm.

A Magic Show will be performed at 12.30 and

+&) *




DINE & DANCE EVERY NIGHT AT THE OASIS RESTAURANT 20:30H Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:

Michelle Jane – Diva Tribute Pearse Webb – Irish entertainer Mario Ross – Music for all Phoebe – Stunning female vocalist Tina Rose – Female soul vocalist Mark Burt – Piannist/singer Ricky Lavazza – The Musicals Show

Also BAr El rio For fantastic tapas, drinks, raciones and typical Spanish specialities Open 12.00 noon till 4.30 / 7.00 till late (Closed Sundays and Monday lunchtime)

952 664 311 - 691 406 453 Calle Francisco Cano, 60, Los Boliches, Fuengirola


1 o



INTERNET HOTSPOT Fish & Chips Friday Night

Information / Reservations

952 579 400 *All programmes subject to change.

Indian Restaurante Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newly refurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our fabulous terrace

Menu del Dia 3 courses €9,95

952 455 599 626 977 224

t’ spor bar OPEN FROM 11am

Set menu dinner from 14€ pp. Non-diners welcome after 20:30h PANORAMA BAR : Daily Happy Hour 18:30h-19:30h


Urb. El Rodeo, Coin

3 course lunch menu. €10. 50 3 course evening menu €12. 50 full a la carte menu available


Lunch 1.30 - 4.00pm Dinner 7.00 - 12.00pm

" !

now re-opened for you to enjoy their usual high standard of service and food

MOONLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT 22:00H: Wednesdays: Ricky Lavazza – don’t miss it! Sundays: Michael Jackson tribute show

More info:654 396 651


rEstAurAntE El rio

$#!"* &* (* #&% &* (# +* ) # " $ + $- & % &, %'(

Pool & darts competition

Take-away service

610 969 040

&* )*# &#!"* ' )'&! & *' '% '& ) ' # #$$# %)

Monday & Thursday Belly Dancing 10.30am €5 per session Wednesdays 8.30pm Bingo - jackpot €400 Quiz - jackpot €120 Fri 18th March Cloudy Night - must have a ticket - only 10 cents each! This will be a closed function so pre-booking is essential. Call Duncan for more details Sunday 20th March

Free home delivery with orders over €25.00

get your pool ready for the long hot summer:

Phone Graham on

Aloha Gardens, next to El Jardin. Avda Del Prado Nueva Andalucia Open Mon-Fri 10.00am - 8.00pm Saturdays 10.00am - 6.00pm

This Week !


Spring is almost here & it’s time to... ☼ Pool maintenance & cleaning ☼ Long & short term contracts ☼ Pool problems solved


Take Away Home Cooking and Catering

Performances, Irish gastronomy, beer tasting, children’s workshops and much more… this is what you can expect if you pop along to the Miramar shopping centre in Fuengirola this Saturday for the St. Patrick's Day Celebrations. At mid-day and 6pm you can see monocycling and juggling acts plus, from mid-day until 2pm and from 4 until 6pm, there will be a Father Ted Fest with screenings of classic Father Ted episodes.


QUALITY GOLF At Reduced Green Fees Available NOW at Lauro golf 2 Green Fees and a buggy 5 & 7 day unlimited golf, Golf breaks in luxury accommodation on the golf course... plus many more options available

Call 661 114 070 for more details

La Risa @ Lauro Golf saturday 19th march st patrick’s - superb 3 course meal at €15pp from 7:30pm

saturday 26th march caribbean night with authentic 3 course menu €15

Eat In or Take Away €7.50 Sunday Lunch - 2 courses for €8.50pp 1.30 - 6.00pm Meal Deal: buy one, get 2nd half price! Weds nights - everybody welcome - darts night

mondays: new two course curry menu €7.50 sunday lunch served from 1pm


For further details of all these events and our new opening times call us on 660 350 896 or pop into the bar.



thursday 17th march ladies lunch with speaker from the news 1:30pm

On the road between Alhaurin el Grande & Alhaurin de la Torre Across From the Clubhouse

Reservations: 660 350 896

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

18 n Advertising Feature

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Internet television is the future The phenomenon that is sweeping the world is Internet TV. Giving you all your favourite programmes from back home, it allows TV channels to be accessed anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop or desktop computer - once considered luxuries but now as common as kettles and toasters. It’s rapidly becoming the future of entertainment viewing. Traditional television broadcasts have several limitations. They require an aerial or a satellite dish on the roof. Aerials need to be in direct line of sight of the transmitter which is on the ground. If it’s over the hill, behind a building or you live in a valley then you’re in trouble. With satellites unless you are directly under the satellite's zone, dishes have to be very large.

They’re sensitive to rain because the signal does not go through clouds very well. Also whenever there is a storm countless people are faced with the additional cost of getting their dish re-aligned as it effectively acts as a sail and ends up facing the direction the wind chooses and not pointing at the satellite and, if it happens on a Friday night you may very well have no TV for the whole weekend until an engineer is available on the Monday! Another issue is that you don’t always get programmes in your language. If you want to brush up on your Spanish,

fine, but sometimes you just want to see the news and then your favourite soap. The beauty of internet TV is it’s always on wherever you are, giving you the choice of what you watch. If you are travelling, you won’t miss a thing - you just plug the super-slim nifty little box into your laptop. At home connect it to your normal TV and see your programmes in your living room on your big screen. The choice of channels is getting bigger by the day so for ex-pats it’s as good as being at home but you’re in Spain with the usually lovely weather.

Getting internet TV is as simple as a phonecall. In most cases you don’t even need an engineer to visit as it can be downloaded and set up over the internet in seconds. It's the future and it's here now. For more information see the main advert below. Join us and join the future of television now! CALL 902 00 95 93 FOR MORE INFO OR 651 430 534 for scandinavian language

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The superslim box measures just: 30cm wide, 3.5cm high and 20cm deep

As long as you have access to the internet with at least 3 MB OF BROADBAND connection you can GET TV 24/7 365 DAYS A YEAR whatever the weather

More than 80 channels and rising! FOR MORE INFO


WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Magazine n 19

news Your outlook on the World


A weekly overview


March 21st April 19th


April 20th May 20th


May 21st June 21st


June 22nd July 22nd


July 23rd August 22nd


August 23rd September 22nd

by Cathy Stronach

All sorts of changes are occurring now Uranus has moved into your sign; the unpredictable becomes your friend as you have the chance to turn all uncertainties into opportunities. It is hard to know at this point how events are going to pan out, it's more a time of going with what is happening right now and making the most of the energy that is coming your way. As long as you adapt in a cool, calm and collected way then your instincts will see you through. It is all about being one step ahead of the game this week and by doing so you improve your chances of winning an important contract. Pay attention to the subtleties this week as they hold vital clues that you can use to keep on top. Keeping quiet in the background will allow you to keep your eye on the ball and gather information. Expect waves of negativity and doubt to appear - this is normal right now - just don’t allow yourself to buy into it. Rise way above it. If you have a desire to re-write history then now really isn’t the time to do it, partly because it will not help you to hold on to regrets. For some reason it all had to happen that way, even if you can’t see the whole picture now. There is an avenue that is opening up that will appeal immensely after the long haul of the past. An opportunity to innovatively work with what is in front of you, something that is no longer a drain on your resources and energy. A shift is occurring whereby a burden is still there but you are viewing and feeling it in an objective way. There is so much more going on than meets the eye and you have more power than you realise to influence a situation simply by staying sweet and holding that smile like only you can. This will allow other parties to reveal their hand and you will understand where a complex situation is now headed. Success is on its way – just hang in there. No matter how hard you try you are not seeing eye to eye with another. It is important to let go of any pre-conceived notions you have regarding this relationship as somewhere along the line your expectations of the other person does not match the reality. Not everything has to be hard and complicated there have been some tough times this year so far, so give yourself a break by letting go of those relationship habits of the past. Even if it is a little step in the right direction towards your destiny that you take this week it will bring great personal rewards. Don’t let anyone sow doubts in your head or allow them to destroy your dreams - let your flame burn brightly amidst all opposition. Feeling that you have done your best will be enough to keep you positive and moving in the right direction. Your hard work, your persistence, your inner strength will bring you merit.


Something isn’t sitting quite right with you - one area of your life is not as it used to be, and people and places have moved on and changed. This is leaving you feeling at odds like your equilibrium is knocked off balance - the balance between your head and your heart needs settling. Perhaps a conversation you have been avoiding needs to be confronted to clear the air and get to the September 23rd - “bones” of what is going on. nd October 22


October 23rd November 21st

You love submerging yourself in the action, going right down to the depths of a subject or emotion - any restrictions on this makes you feel trapped and as though you were undergoing some sort of punishment. The key to your dilemma is that something from the past needs to be re-looked at but you need to go around the issue to see the reality this time, not cut straight to the core. Only from an objective viewpoint will you see the whole.

SAGITTARIUS No matter how much you know there is always more to learn, to glean, to gain. An old challenge may put you to the test this week but with your grace and ease you will develop a new approach, this time you will pass with stars. You will be shining come the weekend and everyone will want to be around you. This is a great time to meet new friends or even start a new relationship as others will feel nd November 22 - like opening up and talking to you. st December 21

CAPRICORN When you have only yourself to think of then that is a completely different way of looking at the world from having some other to take into consideration. A relationship can be overwhelming this week so try not to let this emotional influence affect your own opinions and decisions. Worry less, relax more - you could be pushing to move fast and putting yourself and your current situation December 22nd under immense pressure. Perhaps your expectations are contributing to the January 19th tension.


January 20th February 18th


February 19th March 20th

There is nothing more you want than to get back in the game. Sudden events abound making it challenging to relax enough to sleep or rest. Like a lightning bolt you wonder where it will strike next and this is making you feel edgy. Uranus is surprising and awakening and will also be invigorating your sense of optimism and excitement for the future. A piece of your life needs securing and you will question and dig until you have it in the bag.

Patience is called for. Something that has been initiated is facing a slight setback. Do not allow yourself to put up with something that you should never accept. Make sure there is a fair exchange in all dealings - if you undersell yourself, you may not be appreciated. If you demand what you are worth then you command more respect. You are about to begin a positive cycle. Have faith, patience and high self-esteem - you do not need anything else.

Kym’s Kitchen don’t have to be a chef!

Never mind what it says on the packet or the tin, sell-by dates are just what they say – the recommended date by which retailers should sell something. They are not “Eat By” dates and every week, householders are chucking in the bin millions of pounds worth of perfectly safe and useable food so, this week we continue with our handy guide to how long you can safely keep everyday food items before you have to throw them out which should help you to stop wasting so much money every year.

Sell by dates: Part 2 ● Ketchup: Unopened: 1 year (after this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume) Opened or used: 4 to 6 months (after this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume) ● Maple syrup: real or imitation 1 year ● Maraschino cherries: Unopened: 3 to 4 years Opened: 2 weeks at room temperature; 6 months refrigerated ● Mayonnaise: Unopened: Indefinitely Opened: 2 to 3 months from “purchase by” date (after this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume) ● Peanuts: Unopened: 1 to 2 years unless frozen or refrigerated Opened: 1 to 2 weeks in airtight

container ● Peanut butter: natural 9 months ● Peanut butter: processed (Sunpat) Unopened: 2 years Opened: 6 months; refrigerate after 3 months ● Mustard: 2 years (after this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume) ● Olives: jarred (green with pimento) Unopened: 3 years Opened: 3 months ● Olive oil: 2 years from manufacture date (after this time, colour or flavour may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume) ● Pickles: Unopened: 18 months Opened: No conclusive data. Discard if slippery or excessively soft.


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About Liberty Seguros Liberty Seguros is the leading expatriate insurance provider in Spain with over 150,000 international clients, committed to providing high quality, competitively priced insurance products and services to both personal and business users. Liberty Seguros has been in operation since 2001 and is one of the top 10 insurers in Spain with a total of 1.5 million customers. It is part of the Liberty Mutual Group, the 5th largest property and casualty insurance company in the US, with more than 90 years experience in the sector.

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2010

20 n Magazine

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip


Forget heels – it’s ballet pumps for Spring

Red Nose icon nearly non-starter

Pop into any shoe shop now and you will find that the shoe du jour is definitely the flattie – inspired by the ballet psychodrama movie Black Swan.

Who would have known? As the nation gears up for Friday’s Red Nose Day one of the founders of Comic Relief has revealed that when the red nose was mooted it was considered an “atrocious idea”. Comedy scriptwriter and director Richard Curtis helped launch Comic Relief on Noel Edmonds’ Late Late Breakfast Show, with a report from Ethiopia on Christmas Day in 1985. A few months later the first live fundraising show was staged at London’s Shaftesbury Avenue, with performances by Rowan Atkinson, Ronnie Corbett and Kate Bush. The idea for a red nose is lost in the mists of time but

Curtis has said that it was pooh poohed, and no-one thought it would catch on. Well, since then more than 60 million have been sold so the original doubters would have red faces now. The first Red Nose Day was held in 1988 and since then the charity juggernaut has swung into action once every two years, raising billions for charities abroad and in the UK.This year the target is £57.8 million (2009’s total) and Friday’s

There are flat lace-ups, which look like ballet training shoes, and plenty of pretty ballet pumps swamping the shelves of Spain’s shops.

telethon promises to be rich in comedy treats. Tennis player Andy Murray is taking part in an episode of Outnumbered, Miranda Hart and Michael McIntyre will be starring throughout the night, and there’s a delicious Downton Abbey spoof with Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley and Victoria Wood.

The ballet boom is feeding through into the world of fashion so if you want to be hot to trot then you need to team those pumps with the pleated skirts and the tulle and taffeta that have made their mark on the spring/summer fashion collections.

Jonathan Ross has been recalled from BBC exile to help host the evening.


The movie is not aimed at young girls, so won’t have inspired a new generation of youngsters to head to the

barre, but it has made a definite impact on classes for adults in the UK. Even Amy Winehouse is now said to be taking lessons and beginners classes are enjoying a boom with teachers definitely giving the credit to Natalie Portman’s Oscar winning performance. And the movie has sparked an interest in audience figures. The Royal Ballet has just premiered Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, its first full length ballet for 15 years, and all performances are sold out and companies throughout the UK are reporting an upswing in interest. Mind

you, some prospective punters have been telephoning the Royal Opera House to ask whether Swan Lake was based on the movie and whether Natalie Portman is dancing at Covent Garden –the mixing of fact and fiction!

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Magazine n 21

news Your outlook on the World


Health &beauty

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

Kiss - for all your Coffee may cut stroke risk in women beauty needs Some women may be avoiding coffee because they think Kiss Hair, Nails and Beauty is situated in the heart of Las it is unhealthy, but a Swedish study has found that Rampas, Fuengirola. women who drink more than a cup of coffee a day cut Into our seventh year of their risk of stroke by 22 to 25 per cent. business we continue to Researchers at the Karolinska Institute looked at data from more than 34,000 women aged 49 to 83 whose health had been monitored for around 10 years. After taking into account other risk factors, such as smoking status, body mass index, history of diabetes, high blood pressure and alcohol, coffee consumption was linked to a statistically significant reduced risk of different types of stroke. The benefit was the same

whether the women drank one to two or several cups of coffee each day. The researchers said people should not change their coffee-drinking habits, but their findings should ease women’s worries about the beverage. A spokesman for The Stroke Association said it has been known for some time that antioxidants found in certain foods and drink, including coffee, could help to reduce a

person’s stroke risk and the Swedish study provides further support to this theory. However, he said it should be borne in mind that caffeine intake can also contribute to high blood pressure, the single biggest risk factor for stroke. He recommended moderate to low-level consumption of coffee as part of a healthy balanced diet which together with regular exercise helps to reduce the overall risk of a stroke.

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

22 n Magazine

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Take a break TARGET PUZZLE

SUDOKU by Papocom Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Level:




See how many words of four or more letters you can make from the given nine letters. In making a word each letter may be used only once. The key letter must be used in each word.





1-9 Poor 10-19 Average 20-33 Good 34-36 Excellent

1-4 Poor 5-9 Average 10-17 Good 18-19 Excellent

The following are not allowed: - Words beginning with a capital letter - Words with a hyphen or apostrophe - Plural words ending in “s” The 9-letter word MARKETING


1. Account clerk author and narrator. (5-6) 9. California lost a patrol at the seaside. (7) 10. Appellation heading for a knighthood, perhaps? (5) 11. Used a rope to identify a style of drama. (5) 12. Direction to except shortly beforehand. (7) 13. Misappropriated return of hot slaves. (6) 15. Observer perceiving pleasure. (6) 18. Cloudier dairy product over which one hesitated. (7) 20. Cheat if the swindler is apprehended. (5) 22. 500 following the speed of a SA elk. (5) 23. Breather taken before the French suffer with a head cold symptom. (7) 24. Remarkable sight of an Eastern city undergoing change. (3-8)

2. Make fun of in a polite aseptic manner. (5) 3. Disclaim again the extent of the plot. (7) 4. Flowers from a European capital, maybe? (6) 5. Position he lit up in a flexible way. (5) 6. The ultimate limit of a former meter scanner. (7) 7. Parallel room, sounding like the return of noise to an empty bedroom. (4,7) 8. Improved bid, probably one that one would accept? (6,5) 14. Broadway night berceuse? (7) 16. Trios playing before a church animal. (7) 17. Organised before a musical group performance. (6) 19. Group of languages in 599 styles. (5) 21. Short mood without end apparently? (5)











2. Which of these is not a gardening tool: Dibber; Mattock; Trowel; Pinking Shears; or Loppers?






3. Which of these was not an ancient unit of length: Cubit; Stadium; Peck; Palm; or Digit?

17 18





4. Which of these is not a breed of rabbit: Beveren; Silver Fox; Lionhead; Elfin; or Damani?





1. Scamp (6) 4. Cold (6) 9. Prudent and tactful (7) 10. First Christmas present from my love (1,9,2,1,4,4) 11. See 10 12. International sporting event (7,5) 13. See 10 18. As well (7) 20. See 12 22. Before time (5) 23. Whole number (7) 24. Mourn (6) 25. Complex - hard to solve (6)

1. Statement of facts, news etc - noise (6) 2. Cold dish (5) 3. Belgian port (7) 5. Prepared (5) 6. Attempt to get hold of, or seize (7) 7. Separate (6) 8. (Grant awarded for) academic learning (11) 14. Quack remedy (7) 15. Apply increased tension or security (7) 16. Descend using ropes (6) 17. Off course (6) 19. Senior member (5) 21. Power (5)













17 19


5. Which of these is not a word in one language or another for love: Liebe; Cariad; Arbre; Leifde; or Rakkaus? 6. Which of these is not a song from the musical 'My Fair Lady': A Man Has Dreams; Get Me To the Church On Time; I Could Have Danced All Night; The Rain In Spain; or On the Street Where You Live?




7. Which of these was not a British Prime Minister: George Grenville; Archibald Primrose; John Turner; Arthur Balfour; or John Russell?




8. Which of these was not a Mr Men character: Mr Messy; Mr Naughty; Mr Topsy-Turvy; Mr Bounce; or Mr Impossible? SOLUTION FOR QUIZ

18. Besides 20. Games 22. Early 23. Integer 24. Lament 25. Knotty

1. Rascal 4. Frigid 9. Politic 10. A part 11. Ridge 12. Olympic 13. Inape art ree

15. voyeur 18. milkier 20. thief 22. eland 23. sniffle 24. eye-catching

1. story-teller 9. coastal 10. title 11. opera 12. precept 13. helots


1. Report 2. Salad 3. Antwerp 5. Ready 6. Grapple 7. Detach 8. Scholarship 2. tease 3. retract 4. tulips 5. lithe 6. extreme 7. echo chamber










1. Which of these is not a cape in America: Horn; Cod; Chidley; Point; or Hatteras?






1. Cape Point (South Africa) 2. Pinking Shears (zigzag edge scissors) 3. Peck (unit of volume) 4. Damani (goat) 5. Arbre (arbre is French for tree - Liebe is German; Cariad is Welsh; Leifde is Dutch; Rakkaus is Finnish) 6. A Man Has Dreams (from Mary Poppins) 7. John Turner (Canada) 8. Mr Naughty (The 'naughty' character was Little Miss Naughty)


The 9-letter word AIRMAILED



14. Nostrum 15. Tighten 16. Abseil 17. Astray 19. Doyen 21. Might 8. better offer 14. lullaby 16. ostrich 17. preset 19. Indic 21. infin

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

news Your outlook on the World


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Advertising n 23

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

24 n TV Listings



Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in



Leaving Amish Paradise


Wed March 16th 21.00


Mon, Mar 21st 23:35

A Bronx Tale A youth in '60s-era New York prefers the flash and favour of a local mobster over the love of his honourable father.


Sat, Mar 19th 21:30

Christopher and His Kind The `divinely decadent' Berlin cabaret scene is in full swing when a young and wide-eyed Christopher Isherwood arrives in the city to stay with his close friend and occasional lover, the poet WH Auden. To Isherwood's reserved English sensibility, the city's thriving gay subculture is thrilling. However....


Sat, Mar 19th 22:05

Casino Royale Shortly after earning his licence to kill, James Bond is sent to Montenegro to stop shady banker Le Chiffre using the cash from a highstakes poker game to fund a terrorist plot.


Fri, Mar 18th 21:00

I, Robot Set in 2035, Chicago cop Del Spooner doesn't trust the robots that are part of human society. They're supposed to be harmless but Spooner's latest murder hunt unearths a frightening android conspiracy. Only the robotics expert Susan Calvin can help him fight the growing danger, but first he has to convince her...


Sun, Mar 20th 18:40

Stealth In the near future, the Navy develops a fighter jet piloted by an artificial intelligence computer. The jet is placed on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific to learn combat manoeuvres from the human pilots aboard, but when the computer develops a mind of its own, it's the humans who are charged with stopping it before....


The Aviator

Fri, Mar 18th 19:50

The eight remaining contestants are given a masterclass in vegetarian cuisine, and their challenge is to cook for a troupe of circus performers in their tent.

Wed Mar 16th 21.00




March 17

FRIDAY March 18th

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories 16:30 All Over the Place 17:00 Newsround

17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 The Boat That Guy Built 20:00 Waterloo Road 21:00 MasterChef 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:35 The l Lottery Draws 22:45 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 23:25 Amadeus 02:15 Weatherview 02:20 Country Tracks 03:15 Toughest Place to Be A... 04:15 Baking Made Easy

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:50 Dennis & Gnasher Shorts 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories

16:30 All Over the Place 17:00 Newsround 17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 21:00 The Big Red Nose Desert Trek 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Question Time 23:35 This Week 00:20 Skiing Weatherview 00:25 Panorama 00:55 Countryfile 01:55 Antiques Roadshow 02:55 Limbo Babies

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories 16:30 All Over the Place 17:00 Newsround

17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 Comic Relief 2011 22:30 BBC News 22:55 BBC London News 23:05 Comic Relief 2011 01:00 Jack and Kevin's Comic Relief Lock-In 02:30 Weatherview 02:35 The Record Review 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Click 03:45 Newswatch 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Bottom Line

09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:40 Waybuloo 11:00 In the Night Garden 11:30 The Daily Politics 13:00 See Hear 13:30 The Hairy Bakers 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads

18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Escape to the Country 20:00 Great British Food Revival 21:00 Leaving Amish Paradise 22:00 Mock the Week...Again 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 BBC News 00:30 BBC World News America 01:00 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News 02:30 The Record 03:00 BBC News

09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Decade of Discovery 20:00 A Farmer's Life for Me 21:00 The British at Work 22:00 ICC World Cup Cricket 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Zimbabwe's Forgotten Children 00:20 BBC News 00:30 BBC World News America 01:00 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News 02:30 The Record 03:00 BBC News

09:10 The Koala Brothers 09:25 Big Barn Farm 09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes

16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Britain by Bike 19:30 Island Parish 20:00 Mastermind 20:30 Gardeners' World 21:00 African Railway 22:00 Great British Railway Journeys 22:30 Comic Relief 2011 23:05 Newsnight 23:40 The Lottery Draws 23:50 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:50 Murder in Mind 02:15 Pages from Ceefax 19:30 Coronation Street 20:30 Die Another Day 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Die Another Day 23:30 Take Me Out 00:40 The Zone 02:40 In Plain Sight 03:30 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale

19:30 Live: UEFA Champions League Football 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 23:35 Cops with Cameras 00:30 The Zone 02:30 American Graffiti 04:25 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale

19:30 Tonight 20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Monroe 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Benidorm 23:35 The Late Debate 00:05 Grimefighters 00:30 The Zone 02:30 The Jeremy Kyle Show 03:25 Tonight 03:50 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 House Gift 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale

06:10 Sali Mali 06:15 The Hoobs 06:40 The Hoobs 07:05 Freshly Squeezed 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 Frasier 08:30 The Morning Line 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Country House Rescue 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Seaside Secrets 12:20 River Cottage Bites 12:25 Live: Channel 4 Racing 16:15 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons

18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 Time Team 21:00 Jamie's Dream School 22:00 The Model Agency 23:05 Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags 00:05 Cheltenham Festival Highlights 00:40 4Music Favourites 01:10 4Play 01:25 The Shockwaves Album Chart Show 01:40 Frontier House 02:35 Only Yesterday 04:40 Reaper

06:10 The Hoobs 06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 Freshly Squeezed 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:55 Frasier 08:30 The Morning Line 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 The Restoration Man 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 In Your Dreams 12:20 River Cottage Bites 12:25 Live: Channel 4 Racing 16:15 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons

18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 Relocation, Relocation 21:00 Love Thy Neighbour 22:00 10 O'Clock Live 23:05 Friday Night Dinner 23:35 The Ricky Gervais Show 00:10 Cheltenham Festival Highlights 00:40 Ctrl Mx 01:15 On Track 01:25 On Track 01:40 The People's Supermarket 02:35 Dispatches 03:25 Hill Street Blues 04:15 Without a Trace

07:00 Freshly Squeezed 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:55 Frasier 08:30 The Morning Line 09:30 According to Jim 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Gok's Clothes Roadshow 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 River Cottage Bites 12:25 Live: Channel 4 Racing 16:15 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News

19:20 Channel 4 Racing 19:25 19:30 First Cut 20:00 Relocation: Phil Down Under 21:00 I, Robot 23:10 Rude Tube 00:10 10 O'Clock Live 01:10 Cheltenham Festival Highlights 01:40 Mercury Prize Sessions 01:55 Ctrl Mx 02:20 My Name Is Earl 02:40 My Name Is Earl 03:05 Modern Toss 03:30 Without a Trace 04:15 Gentleman's Agreement

08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:10 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 The Family Recipe

15:15 Crimes of Passion 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Starlight: For the Children 20:00 Emergency Bikers 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Law and Order: Criminal Intent 23:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 World Poker Tour: Paris 00:55 Super Casino 04:00 How Not to Decorate 04:45 Nick's Quest

07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 How Not to Decorate 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 The Family Recipe 15:15 Living with the Enemy

17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 UEFA Europa League Football 22:10 The Order 00:00 Super Casino 04:00 Colin and Justin's: How Not to Decorate 04:45 Nick's Quest 05:10 Wildlife SOS

07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 How Not to Decorate 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:10 Jenifer

17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Vets in Action 20:00 Ice Road Truckers 21:00 The Mentalist 22:00 Law & Order 22:55 NCIS 23:55 Cops in Crisis 00:15 Super Casino 04:05 Motorsport Mundial 04:30 Animal Rescue Squad 04:45 Nick's Quest 05:10 Wildlife SOS

19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 21:00 Working Girls 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 24 Hour Panel People 23:05 Family Guy 23:25 Family Guy 23:55 Working Girls 00:55 How to Live with Women

01:55 24 Hour Panel People 02:30 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 03:30 A Dangerous Place to Meet My Family 04:30 How to Live with Women 05:15 SIGN OFF

19:00 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes 19:05 Doctor Who 19:50 The Aviator 22:30 Family Guy 22:55 Family Guy 23:15 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 23:45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 00:15 American Dad

00:40 American Dad 01:05 American Dad 03:15 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 03:45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 04:15 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes 04:20 Snog Marry Avoid? 04:50 Snog Marry Avoid? 05:20 SIGN OFF

19:00 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes 22:00 24 Hour Panel People 22:35 Family Guy 22:55 Family Guy 23:30 Being Human 00:20 24 Hour Panel People 00:55 Pop's Greatest Dance Crazes 03:55 Snog Marry Avoid? 04:25 Junior Doctors: Your

Life in Their Hands 05:25 SIGN OFF

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

TV Listings n 25

news Your outlook on the World


Red Nose: Comic Relief 2011

Champions League: Chelsea v Copenhagen Wed Mar 9th 19.30


March 19

Fri Mar 18th 19.00


March 20

NOTE: Add 1 hour for Spanish viewing times.

Anyone who is anyone in the world of comedy is on the box tonight as the fund raising telethon marches through the evening. There are the usual clips to remind the audience why the event is so important.


March 21

TUESDAY March 22nd

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 Deadly 60 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 16:00 The Big Performance 16:30 Blue Peter 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Newsround 17:15 The Weakest Link

18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Bang Goes the Theory 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Panorama 21:00 Waking the Dead 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Mrs Brown's Boys 23:05 Late Kick Off 23:35 A Bronx Tale 01:25 Weatherview 01:30 Silk 02:30 Romancing the Stone: The Golden Ages of British Sculpture 03:30 Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Heir Hunters 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Britain's Empty Homes 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 The Smokehouse 15:35 Deadly 60 15:40 Deadly Art 15:55 Shaun the Sheep 16:00 Horrible Histories 16:30 All Over the Place

17:00 Newsround 17:15 Comic Relief Does Glee Club 18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Holby City 21:00 Silk 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Neighbourhood Watched 23:20 Girls Behind Bars 00:20 Weatherview 00:25 See Hear 00:55 Human Planet 01:55 When Teenage Meets Old Age 02:55 The Natural World

Colonel Blimp 15:20 The Red Shoes 17:30 The Spice Trail 18:30 Live: MotoGP Series Motorcycle Racing 20:00 Top Gear 21:00 Wonders of the Universe 22:00 Match of the Day 2 23:00 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:00 MotoGP Series Motorcycle Racing 01:30 The Blue Tower 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Record Europe 04:00 BBC News 04:30 The Super League Show

09:25 Big Barn Farm 09:40 Little Human Planet 09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat SDS 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where

Your Mouth Is 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Nicolas Sarkozy: President ``Bling-Bling'' 20:00 University Challenge 20:30 Raymond Blanc's Kitchen Secrets 21:00 The Secret War on Terror 22:00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Cabaret 01:20 Island Parish 01:50 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News

09:45 Timmy Time 09:55 3rd and Bird 10:05 Postman Pat 10:20 Pingu 10:25 64 Zoo Lane 10:40 Chuggington 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Meerkat Manor 12:00 The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:30 Restoration Roadshow 15:00 Flog It! 15:45 Helicopter Heroes 16:30 Pointless 17:15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Royal Upstairs Downstairs 19:00 Wonders of the Universe 20:00 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best 21:00 Bible's Buried Secrets 22:00 Have I Got Old News for You 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:20 BBC News 00:30 BBC World News America 01:00 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News

06:45 Handy Manny 07:00 Handy Manny 07:10 Curious George 07:25 Monk 07:30 Cool Stuff Collective 07:55 Beyblade Metal Fusion 08:20 SpongeBob SquarePants 08:35 X-Men 09:00 Wizards of Waverly Place 09:25 May the Best House Win 10:25 House Gift 11:30 This Morning: Sunday 12:30 Dinner Date 13:25 ITV News and Weather

13:35 Columbo 15:35 Midsomer Murders 17:35 Granada News and Weather 17:50 ITV News and Weather 18:10 Harry Hill's TV Burp 18:15 London Tonight 18:25 Harry Hill's TV Burp 18:40 Dancing on Ice 20:30 Duran Duran: One Night Only 21:30 Dancing on Ice 22:00 ITV News and Weather 22:15 Leah's Dream 23:15 Rugby 00:10 The Zone 02:00 Highlander 04:00 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street 20:00 The Lakes

20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Law & Order: UK 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Real Crime with Mark Austin 23:35 River Monsters 00:35 The Zone 02:35 UEFA Champions League Weekly 03:05 The Jeremy Kyle Show 03:55 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 The Chase 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Grimefighters

20:00 Lion Country 21:00 Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Thirteen 00:25 The Zone 02:25 Crossing Jordan 03:15 ITV Nightscreen

16:50 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 17:20 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 17:55 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 18:25 The Political Slot 18:30 Channel 4 News 18:55 19:00 River Cottage Every Day 20:00 Seven Ages of Britain 21:05 The Happening 22:50 Stand up for the Week 23:45 Kalifornia 01:55 Melinda and Melinda 03:35 Privileged 04:20 Privileged

06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 Fis Freestyle World Championship Skiing 07:25 That Paralympic Show 07:55 Friends 08:25 Friends 08:50 Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:20 Friends 11:50 Glee 12:50 The Simpsons 13:25 The Simpsons 14:00 Four in a Bed 14:30 Four in a Bed 15:00 Four in a Bed 15:30 Four in a Bed 16:00 Four in a Bed 16:30 Deal or No Deal 17:30 Time Team 18:30 Channel 4 News

18:55 19:00 Come Dine with Me 20:00 Civilization: Is the West History? 21:00 Country House Rescue 22:00 Shooter 00:25 The Shockwaves NME Awards 2011 01:45 The Strangest Hotel in Britain 02:40 The Family 03:50 Without a Trace 04:35 Reaper 05:25 Wogan's Perfect Recall

07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:05 Frasier 08:35 Friends 09:05 Supernanny US 10:00 The Good Wife 10:55 Relocation, Relocation 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 The TV Book Club 12:30 Arizona Raiders 14:10 Cookery School 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55

20:00 Dispatches 21:00 One Born Every Minute 22:00 Heston's Chocolate Factory Feast 23:05 The Event 00:05 Russian Standard Vodka Originals Presents 00:35 4Play 00:50 European Tour Poker 01:45 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day 02:35 Royal Deaths and Diseases 03:30 Codex 04:25 The Bible: A History 05:20 Chrono-Perambulator

07:40 Everybody Loves Raymond 08:05 Frasier 08:35 Friends 09:05 Supernanny US 10:00 Brothers & Sisters 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Operation Amsterdam 14:05 Cookery School 15:10 Countdown 15:55 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Come Dine with Me 17:30 Coach Trip 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55

20:00 Supersize vs Superskinny 21:00 Katie: My Beautiful Friends 22:00 Lily Allen: From Riches to Rags 23:05 The Big C 23:45 School of Comedy 00:15 UK & Ireland Tour Poker 01:15 Fis Freestyle World Championship Skiing 01:45 Mobil 1: The Grid 02:10 KOTV 02:40 Extreme Sailing Series 03:05 Ironman Triathlon 04:00 Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championships

07:45 Igam Ogam 08:00 The Little Princess 08:10 Little Lodgers 08:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:30 Play! 08:45 Rupert 09:00 Olivia 09:15 The Mr Men Show 09:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00 The Family Recipe 10:05 UEFA Europa League 11:10 The Gadget Show 12:10 Ice Road Truckers 13:15 Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss 14:55 Mona Lisa Smile

17:05 While You Were Sleeping 19:10 5 News Weekend 19:15 NCIS 20:05 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 21:05 CSI: NY 22:05 CSI: Miami 23:05 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 00:05 Super Casino 04:00 Your Sport 04:05 How Not to Decorate 04:50 Meals in Moments 05:00 Hana's Helpline

07:25 Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures 07:30 Make Way for Noddy 07:40 Igam Ogam 07:55 The Little Princess 08:05 Hana's Helpline 08:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 08:30 Family! 08:45 Rupert 09:00 Olivia 09:15 The Mr. Men Show 09:30 Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00 Camilla Kerslake Live 10:30 Starlight: For the Children 11:00 Stansted: The Inside

Story 12:00 Cowboy Builders 13:00 Cowboy Builders 14:00 Blood Alley 16:15 5 News Weekend 16:20 Hellfighters 18:40 Stealth 21:00 Death Race 23:10 Knock Off 01:00 Super Casino 04:00 Your Sport 04:05 Colin and Justin's: How Not to Decorate 04:50 Meals in Moments 05:00 Hana's Helpline

07:15 The Mr Men Show 07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:10 Mio Mao 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours

14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 The Family Recipe 15:15 Ike: Countdown to DDay 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 How Do They Do It? 20:00 The Gadget Show 21:00 Romeo Must Die 23:20 Death Race 01:20 Super Casino 04:05 The FBI Files 04:55 Animal Rescue Squad 05:10 Wildlife SOS

07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:10 Mio Mao 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Hana's Helpline 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Cowboy Builders 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 House 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show

15:05 The Family Recipe 15:15 Heart of a Stranger 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Extraordinary Dogs 20:00 Tutankhamun: The Mystery Revealed 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00 CSI: Miami 22:55 CSI: NY 23:55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 00:55 Super Casino 04:05 The FBI Files 04:55 Animal Rescue Squad

19:00 Don't Tell the Bride 20:00 Frankenstein's Wedding Live in Leeds 21:20 24 Hour Panel People 21:55 24 Hour Panel People 22:30 24 Hour Panel People 23:05 24 Hour Panel People 23:40 24 Hour Panel People 00:15 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy 01:00 American Dad!

01:25 American Dad! 01:45 Frankenstein's Wedding Live in Leeds 03:05 Don't Tell the Bride 04:05 How to Live with Women 05:05 Special 1 TV 05:10 SIGN OFF

19:00 The World's Strictest Parents 20:00 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 21:00 Becoming Human 21:50 EastEnders 22:00 Family Guy 22:20 Family Guy 22:45 American Dad! 23:05 American Dad! 23:30 Becoming Human

19:00 Total Wipeout 20:00 Freak Like Me 20:30 Snog Marry Avoid? 21:00 How to Live with Women 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 Kara Tointon: Don't Call Me Stupid 23:30 Becoming Human 00:20 Family Guy 00:40 Family Guy

01:05 How to Live with Women 02:05 Kara Tointon: Don't Call Me Stupid 03:05 Total Wipeout 04:05 Snog Marry Avoid? 04:35 Becoming Human 05:25 SIGN OFF

19:00 Total Wipeout 20:00 Snog Marry Avoid? 20:30 Snog Marry Avoid? 21:00 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 24 Hour Panel People 23:05 Family Guy 23:20 Family Guy 23:50 Snog Marry Avoid? 00:05 Junior Doctors: Your

Life in Their Hands 00:15 Snog Marry Avoid? 01:50 24 Hour Panel People 02:25 Total Wipeout 03:25 Young, Jobless and Living at Home 04:25 Working Girls 05:25 SIGN OFF

06:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 Raymond Blanc's Kitchen Secrets 12:00 BBC News 12:10 BBC London News; Weather 12:15 Football Focus 13:00 A Question of Sport 13:30 Outtake TV 14:00 Live: Six Nations Rugby 16:30 Live: Six Nations Rugby 19:15 BBC News 19:25 BBC London News 19:30 Live: Six Nations Rugby 22:00 The National Lottery

Saturday Night Draws 22:10 BBC News 22:30 Match of the Day 23:50 The Football League Show 01:10 Weatherview 01:15 BBC News 01:30 The Bottom Line 02:00 BBC News 02:30 British Olympic Dreams 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Our World 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click 05:00 BBC News

06:00 Breakfast 07:35 Match of the Day 09:00 The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 The Big Questions 11:00 Country Tracks 12:00 Politics Show 13:00 EastEnders Omnibus 14:35 The Weakest Link 15:20 Bargain Hunt 15:50 Escape to the Country 16:50 Lifeline 17:00 Songs of Praise 17:35 BBC News 17:50 BBC London News 18:00 Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers 18:30 The Boat That Guy Built

06:45 Rastamouse 07:00 Basil and Barney's Game Show 07:30 Arthur 08:00 Sam and Mark's Guide to Dodging Disaster 08:30 Project Parent 09:00 Dick and Dom's Funny Business 10:00 Trapped: Ever After 10:30 OOglies 10:45 Copycats 11:15 My Life 11:45 Deadly 60 11:50 MOTD Kickabout 12:05 Diagnosis Murder 12:50 The Man from Laramie 14:30 Into the West 16:00 Churches: How to Read

Them 16:30 Final Score 17:15 Priceless Antiques Roadshow 17:45 Escape to the Country 18:30 Flog It! 19:30 Dad's Army 20:00 The Art of Tommy Cooper 20:30 The Story of Variety with Michael Grade 21:30 Christopher and His Kind 23:00 The Tudors 23:50 ICC World Cup Cricket 00:50 Q & A 03:00 Pages from Ceefax

06:00 Finley the Fire Engine 06:10 Zigby 06:25 The Large Family 06:35 Little Robots 06:45 Rastamouse 07:00 Basil and Barney's Game Show 07:30 Arthur 08:00 Sam and Mark's Guide to Dodging Disaster 08:30 Gimme a Break 09:00 Dick & Dom Go Wild 09:30 Cop School 10:00 Something for the Weekend 11:30 Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 12:00 Diagnosis Murder 12:45 The Life and Death of

07:10 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 07:25 Monk 07:30 Beyblade Metal Fusion 07:55 Horrid Henry 08:10 Cool Stuff Collective 08:35 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody 09:00 Hannah Montana 09:25 Coronation Street Omnibus 11:45 This Morning: Saturday 12:45 Monk 13:40 ITV News and Weather 13:45 You've Been Framed!

14:15 Doc Hollywood 16:15 Evan Almighty 17:55 London Tonight 18:05 ITV News and Weather 18:20 You've Been Framed! 18:50 Harry Hill's TV Burp 19:20 Ant & Dec's Push the Button 20:35 Take Me Out 22:05 Casino Royale 23:20 ITV News and Weather 23:35 Casino Royale 00:55 The Zone 03:00 Swingtown 03:45 ITV Nightscreen

06:40 The Hoobs 07:05 The McCain Track and Field Show 07:30 Mobil 1: The Grid 07:55 The Morning Line 08:50 Friends 09:25 4 Music Favourites 09:55 Real Stories 10:55 Glee 11:55 Great British Hairdresser 12:55 The Big Bang Theory 13:25 The Big Bang Theory 13:50 Live: Channel 4 Racing 15:50 The Secret Supper Club 16:20 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions

19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Waking the Dead 22:00 BBC News 22:25 Comic Relief Highlights 2011 23:25 Stand Up for Comic Relief 23:55 Reggie Perrin 00:25 Reggie Perrin 00:55 Lead Balloon 01:25 Weatherview 01:30 Faulks on Fiction 02:30 Holby City 03:30 Romancing the Stone: The Golden Ages of BritishSculpture - Masons of God

00:20 Frankenstein's Wedding Live in Leeds 01:40 Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 02:40 The World's Strictest Parents 03:40 Hotter Than My Daughter 04:05 Frankenstein's Wedding Live in Leeds 05:24 SIGN OFF

WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

26 n Advertising

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€ 795,000

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Advertising n 27

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WeDnesDay, March 16th 2011

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659 650 700 availaBle for roads, tracks, car parks etc., 300 ton crushed concrete. very good material for sub-base can be supplied laid & rolled for a good, free quote in english ring 637179373 or for your quote in spanish 673250707. (118)p

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Mets DOG training club. Fuengirola Glyn 605121831, Ken 627851379. Torre del Mar Colin 606616308 (124)p ---------------------------------------------laGuna Kennels and cosy cattery. Five star facilities, fully tiled quarters with airconditioning. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. (125)p 952112021 / 606838983 ---------------------------------------------expOrt Specialists. Cat and Dog World Kennels. 952112978, (115)p 630197435 ---------------------------------------------luxury professional kennels, Cat and Dog World. Fully licensesd. Cheap collection service. Viewing welcome. (115)p 952112978 / 630197435 ---------------------------------------------prOBleMs? David the Dogman from Estepona to Fuengirola (0)tnf 952883388 / 610868748 ---------------------------------------------cHiHuaHua Pedigree puppies with passport. All year available. (115)p 952112870/654285667 ---------------------------------------------Beautiful Ragdoll kittens. The ideal apartment cat. Sensibly priced. Animals transported and quarantined. 952960075 / 662645816 (116)p ---------------------------------------------MaincOOn cat, 2 years old. Gentle affectionate girl, Anita is just waiting for someone to love (116)p again. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------siaMese cat, loving beautiful little girl, 8 months old seeks a (116)p good home. 952486518

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WeDnesDay, March 16th 2011

Classifieds n 29

news Your outlook on the World


tO rent

fOr sale

BeD & BreaKfast evening meal and laundry. Sat TV in every room. (115)p €85 per week. 627379001

S K Estates RaRe OPPORtunity!

prOperty finDer. Access to “below market value properties”, repossessions and refurbishments. Housing stock throughout the UK. Combined services available, tailored finance, conveyancing, refurbishment packages, tenant sourcing. Suitable for investment, repatriation and individual needs, block purchases available. Call Carla on 687921481 for an informal chat or email at (rbf) ---------------------------------------------calaHOnDa Detached chalet, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 bathrooms, private pool, large garage, roof terrace, 620m2 plot, plenty of off road parking. Close to all amenities. A real family home just needs some TLC. €350,000 952930039, (113)f 606611228 - no agents


Raised ground floor apartment in Alessandra, Torreblanca, Fuengirola with own garden 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen and glassed-in terrace used as a dining room by the present owners Potential for holiday and long term letting Reduced from €99,000 to only €87,995 This apartment is sure to sell quickly so call now for an appointment to view

661 114 070 / 667 340 928 www.GApp-propErTiEs.CoM

LonG LETs Studio Hercules, British TV, Pool, w/machine 300€/month 1 bed Yolamar, nr Bonanza sq. pool, parking 450€/month

for Long Term Rentals from Fuengirola to Marbella.

2 bed Torrequebrada, pool, parking sunny sea views 550€/month

952932276 SOL VILLAS

2 bed Nr Bonanza Sq, modern pool, Sat TV parking 640€/month

3 bed Townhouse Torrequebrada, pool,parking store 850€/month


aBsOlutely everything to do with property including sales, rentals, key holding, maintenance, cleaning. 696150765 (000)tnp ---------------------------------------------cOin Legal country home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, private pool, 1,600m2 irrigated garden. Secure fencing, main services, phone and Sky. Reduced €250,000 (115)tnp 952455269, 639368014 ---------------------------------------------cOin tOWn centre. lovely large house with potential for B&B. 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. €249,000 negotiable. BarGain 952453813, 00447968536556 (113)p ----------------------------------------------

3 bed Furnished Townhouse, Arroyo free 1st April, pool, Garage 900€/month Many MOre prOperties availaBle, tOO Many tO list We alsO DO HOliDay lets, just asK fOr pat rental prOperties urGently requireD in jupiter anD Minerva

Avenida Gamonal, Local 9, Edificio Jupiter, 29631 Arroyo de la Miel, Malaga Tel: (0034) 952 57 40 51 (0034) 952 57 77 51 Fax: (0034) 952 44 26 51

cOin El Rodeo. Nice chalet, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, pool, barbecue, garage, aircon with heating. Near to town. (111)p €850 696150765 ---------------------------------------------lOOKinG for a property to rent? Finca, villa or apartment - we have the right one for you - if not, we will find it. Without commission!!!! Call us now on 696150765 (111)p ---------------------------------------------Mijas cOsta 2 bedroom apartment. €450. 629903751 (114)p ---------------------------------------------alHaurin GOlf 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, apartment. €500 6 2 9 9 0 3 7 5 1 (114)p ---------------------------------------------cartaMa 4 bedroom townhouse. €550. 629903751 (114)p ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 3bedroom, 2 bathroom villa. €650 629903751 (114)p

SECURITY SP S S AI E R N. S RT Established since 1987




lOnG terM Rentals, super prices, no commissions, apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, coast and (108)p inland. 679111522 ---------------------------------------------aBsOlutely everything to do with property including sales, rentals, key holding, maintenance, cleaning. 696150765 (000)tnp ---------------------------------------------cOin Beautiful modern country house 105m2 and 6000m2 land. Accommodation on 2 floors, 2 bedrooms, open studio, 2 bathrooms, living room, nice fitted kitchen. Pefect road access. €600 (111)p 696150765 ---------------------------------------------cOin Nr. town. Nice house with 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, fitted kitchen, pool, central heating, air con. 800m2 plot. €650 (111)p 696150765 ---------------------------------------------MOnDa Nice country house, 3 bedrooms, 8000m2 land. €500 (111)p 696150765

Mijas cOsta 3 bedroom, 2 bath, townhouse. €850 629903751 (114)p ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa. €900 6 2 9 9 0 3 7 5 1 (114)p ---------------------------------------------alHaurin el GranDe 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom villa with pool. €1050 629903751 (114)p ---------------------------------------------Mijas cOsta 3 bedroom, 5 bathroom villa, 400m to beach. €1,500. 629903751 (114)p

. .L

puMps Reconditioned and repaired for pools, irrigation, pressure systems etc. Economical prices, fast (139)p turnaround. Tel. 667292493 ---------------------------------------------scOtt fOrBes the Plumber. All work guaranteed. 20 years British (0) Gas experience 652665410 ---------------------------------------------pluMBer All types of plumbing carried out by professional plumber with 30 years experience. (118)p 669009821

cOrner townhouse Nagüeles. With many extras and complete with luxury furniture. It´s worth to see it! €595,000 696330543, (115)p 952860072 ---------------------------------------------€90,000 Mijas Costa, Urb. el Faro, top floor, 1 bedroom apartment. Walking distance to beach. From €99,000 to €90,000 only this week if not, we remortgage, so call now (114)p 629903751 ---------------------------------------------Mula, Murcia As featured in the British Airways in-flight magazine. 2 houses absolute bargain! Home and business. House 1 consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen, bathroom, courtyard and roof terrace. Fully rewired. House 2 has 4 bedrooms, 2 receptions plus cave room, kitchen, bathroom. Courtyard and huge roof terrace. The second house needs total refurbishment but is structurally sound and would yield in the region of €500 per month rental income when done up. Both houses are at the top of the town overlooking the rooftops of houses, churches etc., and the valley beyond. Mula is known for its hot spring baths and has planning for several golf courses and a spa in the area. Price for both houses is €125,000. Don’t delay! Tel: 661114 070

cat White, 8 month old little boy. Affectionate, good with people and would love to share your (116)p home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------Kittens galore, boys and girls of all colours would love to share (106)p your home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------stanley – Mixed breed Male. Born 1st April 2006 - Height 38cmts to shoulder. He is a friendly and kind dog. Walks on the lead and is ok with other dogs. Tel: 626942427. Visit our website: luna – We have a good selection of all types of Cats desperate for a loving home. Tel: 626942427. Visit our website:


prOperty services inlanD property services. Property maintenance, pool cleaning, gardening, painting and decorating, holiday let changeovers, weekly cleans, builders clean, we can arrange for all your property needs. 663214803 (109)p .uk

reMOvals & stOraGe uniOn jacK Removals (The Original) See main advert on front (0)p page. 90210956 ---------------------------------------------spainuKspain@HOtMail.cOM Vehicle leaving Spain on 9th, 19th 28th of each month, 19, returning 10th, 20th, 29th of each month. Prices from £80 per cubic metre. Cars £495, bikes £250, dogs £395, cats £295. Free removal boxes with all jobs undertaken. 952160096 / (118)p 665150227 ---------------------------------------------transpOrt vehicle to and from UK every month. Small loads - full house, door to door. 952960075, (116)p 679932071 ---------------------------------------------cHeap as chips, van and man removals, anywhere, anytime. (111)p 635253549

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r e f r i G e r a t i O n / airconditioning. Same day repair specialist. Fridges, displays, bottle (120)tnp coolers etc. 627769969 ---------------------------------------------place an aD! Its quick, its easy and it works! Call 952454491. (tn) ---------------------------------------------frencH pOlisHinG repairs, restoration etc. Restore your valuable furniture to its former glory. 647579519 / 952119190 (117)p

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cOin WinDOWs We make aluminium windows, doors and mosquito screens, also supply and fit sun canopies, blinds, shower screens, etc. spanish owned business. call lisa Marie (125)p 646066351 ---------------------------------------------aBsOlutely everything to do with property including sales, rentals, key holding, maintenance, cleaning. 696150765 (000)tnp ---------------------------------------------BaBy-sittinG service available. lady with own car and references available. torremolinos to (00)p fuengirola. 639067664. ---------------------------------------------prOperty Management, cleaning, laundry, change-overs, pool cleaning, gardening, window cleaning. w w w. o s b o r n e p r o p e r t y. c o m (126)p 952664472, 616679453 ---------------------------------------------MOt (spanisH itv) test with home or work vehicle collection. Smart service - your time savers. 647810494, 647810495 (119)wp


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van leavinG 14th March to Cheshire. Part loads required. (115)p 697671661 ---------------------------------------------van spain-uK-pOrtuGal Regular deliveries - full/part loads. Competetive rates, honest and reliable. 25 years on the coast. Contact Dave on 952724698, 610686273or email (115)p ---------------------------------------------reMOvals Man and large van. Experienced. €20 per hour. Extra (127)p help available. 619604114



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DaMp problems. Sourced and cured by master builder. Ted (115)p 693859894 ---------------------------------------------Man/van Odd jobs/gardening. Richard 698322822, 952452734 (120)p ---------------------------------------------any jOBs around your property you don’t want to do, I can do for you. No (0)ch job too small. 685555834 ---------------------------------------------translatiOns All language combinations, all fields. Certified and ordinary translations. Best rates. Translations Network 952776803 Fax 952824630, (118)p ---------------------------------------------retaininG walls. Master builder. All types of retaining walls. (115)p 637997752 ---------------------------------------------assistance with bureaucratic and paperwork issues, tax & legal advice. 952485026 (115)p

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ne WeDnesDay, March 16th 2011

30 n Classifieds

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Window Grilles, Doors-Double & Single. Security Fencing.

Milling + Lathe Drilling + Tapping Mezzanine Floors Heavy Steelwork


Sheet Metal Work

Automatic Gates Sliding or Swing Scissor Gates Concertina Gates

Ducting + Flashing Galvanised Guttering Plate Welding Water + Cess Pit Tanks

It's slightly bigger than a Fiesta, but more than a foot smaller than the C-Max compact crossover. 952 590 651 - 649 696 453 - www. HOuse/pet/plant sitting. UK or Spain. Long or short term. References available 651106247 (115)p ---------------------------------------------clearflOW Drain Services. All drain problems solved. More than 25 years on the coast. Tel (120bf ) 952885661 or 630200600

Ford’s B-Max baby MPV


tv, viDeO & DvD WHite Sky Cards, Free to Air and Sky Boxes now available. (0)ch 691097059 ---------------------------------------------neW Digiboxes €50, reconditioned €30. Remotes €10. Unrepeatable. (118)tnp Fuengirola 695270010

WinDOW tintinG MOBile service. ITV legal, solar reflective tint for glass curtains, balconies, yachts. Stop fading heat and glare. 958496571 / 644546176 (126)p

aDult relaxatiOn

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This is Ford's answer to the Vauxhall Meriva - the BMax baby MPV. It's based on the existing (and highly successful) Ford Fiesta, but this car is bigger and a lot more practical. It has pillarless, sliding rear doors that make access to the cabin exceptionally easy. The Vauxhall Meriva is the car to beat in this class and Ford's B-Max is set to be a close rival. There's no doubt that it resembles the Fiesta, but the B-Max also looks a little like Ford's Iosis Max concept from the 2009 Geneva Motor Show.

It's expected to be powered by a 1.0-litre three-cylinder EcoBoost engine, which should have exceptionally low emissions and top fuel economy. That engine was first seen on the Start

concept at the

2010 Beijing Motor Show. The show car featured a panoramic glass roof, but that's likely to be a cost option on the final production model. The sliding pillar-less doors are the main attraction, not least because Ford is taking such an obvious stab at the Vauxhall Meriva with them. The company claims that the B-Max has a 1.5metre entrance to

the cabin, which is supposedly twice as wide as that of 'competitors'. Motor companies are hesitant to do them these days because they add a lot more weight -- cutting into fuel costs -- compared with hinged doors. The fact that it is a relatively small car means they can get away with it. It's small, but it's not the smallest Ford crossover cruising Europe. Estimated release date for the B-Max is 2012, and the cost is estimated to be from £16,000.

952 45 44 41 seWinG services all styles curtains, upholstery, soft furnishings and bean bags made to measure. Sensible prices. Also repairs/alterations. All areas. Call 678910117 or email (116)p

situatiOns WanteD carer with excellent college qualifications and own transport, offers care in the home for adults, teenagers, children. In the Fuengirola, Mijas area. Call (119)p Margaret 672564416

BenalMaDena Young lady, 34, attractive, sexy, educated, for gentleman. €30 Tel: 634209427 (120tnp ---------------------------------------------calaHOnDa After the best naked massage, the pleasure of choosing your sexual fulfilment. €30 681345319 (120)p ---------------------------------------------Karla 58 years, 150 bust, sexy beautiful lady. Couples, erotic massages. €25, visits €70. Paseo Maritimo Fuengirola 697389591 (115)p





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Cal Crutchlow loses finger tip in Qatar crash Cal Crutchlow's final night of pre-season testing before his MotoGP race debut proved to be a painful one when the Englishman lost the tip of his left little-finger. Crutchlow's hand became trapped under the handlebar of his Monster Yamaha Tech 3 following a heavy crash at Turn 10 shortly before 9pm, causing the finger damage. Fortunately Crutchlow, who finished the final night in 15th position with just 28 laps, won't need surgery and should be able to take part in opening practice for the Qatar Grand Prix, at the same Losail circuit, as planned on Thursday evening. “The test certainly didn't end how I wanted and it is a real shame because we had made some changes to the balance of the bike that really helped my confidence with the frontend tonight. But I made a silly little mistake at Turn 10,” said Crutchlow.

The new MotoGP season gets under way this weekend in Qatar. Casey Stoner was leading the last session from team mate Pedrosa.

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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

Sports & Motors n 31

news Your outlook on the World


Nick Watney wins the WGC–Cadillac championship American Nick Watney fired a superb final round of 67 to win the WGC-Cadillac Championship at TPC Blue Monster Doral. It was an incredible win on home soil last weekend, as he finished two strokes ahead of his countryman Dustin Johnson. Watney, the 29 year old from Sacramento, California, who turned professional in 2003 following in the footsteps of his uncle Mike Watney, who played on the PGA tour in the 1970s - began the final day two strokes back from Johnson after he had double bogeyed the dangerous 18th hole in round three. Johnson managed to maintain his advantage for much of the front nine, up until Watney made four birdies in five holes from the 8th to the 12th to move one ahead. Johnson rejoined Watney at the top of the leaderboard with a birdie at the 14th and gave it back with a

Rankings and wining £857,034 for the first prize "Top-10 finishes are nice," Watney said. "But winning is what counts out here, and that's how you're measured. To win this tournament against this field, it's a huge honour. I'm very excited. I'm very proud."

Nick Watney’s final putt goes in for birdie

bogey at the short par 4 16th and from there it was down hill for Johnson as he pulled his tee shot into a bunker, then played his second into a greenside trap from where he failed to get up and down. Without doubt Nick Watney must have been

feeling the pressure as he stood on the 18th tee with a one shot lead after Saturday’s double bogey. He did extremely well against the intimidating drives on the golf course which had water all down the left hand side.This was the biggest win so far of his

career and after firing a great approach within 15 feet and then holing a tricky downhill putt for birdie, the American grasped his opportunity with a five under par 67 and 16 under aggregate of 272, placing him 15th on the Official World Golf

Johnson finished two behind with Italian Francesco Molinari and Dane Anders Hansen in joint third which means that Hanson has now climbed back up the leaderboard into the world’s top 50 in time to earn a third Masters appearance next month. Luke Donald, looking for a second straight WGC title, went into the final round

Watney with the WGC trophy

tied with Watney. The Englishman struggled to get it going on Sunday and ended up on a level par 72 to finish in a tie for sixth with Adam Scott. Tiger Woods also showed what he was made of with a joint best-of-theday 66 and charged from 30th to 10th, keeping him fifth in the world rankings. Report by Claire Voet

Suppliers of trophies for all sports and pastimes

Benalmadena Open Bowls competition Last Saturday saw the start of the Benalmadena Open with 40 Pairs and 27 Triples taking part. Starting with the pairs, there were some fantastic matches in the first round, the Benalmadena team of Geoff Edginton and Barbara Russell led one of

11. The other semi final was much closer, the Benalmadena team of Jim Neilson and Lynn Heseltine just beaten by Mary Hilton and Mike Detheridge. The final was a close contest after 7 ends the score was 9-9. But with Gordon and Margaret Kain picking up 8

Mary Detheridge to Colin Handley and Peter and Marlene Brooks. So to the semi final: the Kains and Alan Turner playing John Sullivan, Don Smith and Dorrien Ives - after 10 ends it was a close match but John, Don and Dorrien won the next 6 ends to run out comfortable winners 22-12. In another very close semi final Mike Detheridge, Diane Chambers and Murray Johns just got the better of Colin Handley and Peter and Marlene Brooks

12-10. In the final John Sullivan, Don Smith and Dorrien Ives started well and after 9 ends led 19-3 there was no way back for Mike Detheridge, Diane Chambers and Murray Johns and they conceded after 14 ends with the score 25- 8. Thanks to sponsor Carla from Futura Hearing and Benalmadena Bowls Club members. Report by: Amber Dineen


The Sunshine Golf Calahonda District Darts League

Tel:952493709 The Sunshine Golf Calahonda District Darts League Results for Friday 11th March

Mens Singles Semi Finals... Wayne Dunn 4 - 1 Dean Moseley Tim Swift 4 - 1 Shaun Godfrey. Wayne and Tim go through to the final to be played on presentation night. well done to you both. Division 1... Bunkers v Sussex (unkown) Division 2... Rays B 5 - 7 Connect It. All Sunshine Golf Darts League info is available on

Sunshine Golf, the Costa Del Sol’s one stop golf shop “All we slice is the price”

Polos & Logos The Pairs finalists with winners Margaret and Gordon in the blue

the favourites, Margaret and Gordon Kain, only to lose on an extra end. Another close match was between Garry and Jenny Aldridge against Mary Hilton and Mike Detheridge. Garry and Jenny were leading 18 – 3 only for Mike and Mary to come back and win 21-18.

shots in the next 4 ends the Kains ran out winners 2519. The triples saw the Benalmadena team of Gus Goodwin, Phil and Carol Hall beating the more favoured team of Garry and Jenny Aldridge and Richard Seed. After leading 18-0 the Halls and Gus just hung on

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DETAILS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. The Triples finalists with sponsor Carla

The semi finals were between the Kains and Sue Walker and Alan Turner, with the Kains winning 23-

to win 23-18. Another favoured team to lose in a close match was Sandy Guthrie, Jan McManus and


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WEDNESDAY, March 16th 2011

32 n Sports & Motors Sports Flash


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

MotoGP Japanese round postponed The Japanese MotoGP race in Motegi set forApril 24th has been postponed until later in the season following the earthquake and tsunami. Although Motegi did not suffer major devastation on Friday, roads between Tokyo and Mito - the closest city to the race circuit - have been damaged. The MotoGP season gets under way in Losail in Qatar on March 20th. It is the second year in succession that the Japanese round of the championship has been rescheduled.

Duda’s goal the spark Tiger Woods for a vital away win continues his Real Sociedad 0-2 Malaga upturn in form After last week's massive disappointment and the repercussions in the press that followed, Malaga were looking to bring some points back from San Sebastian. In the opening period Real Sociedad were the more dominant side

and in the 7th minute Willy Caballero was called on to make a great save from Prieto's shot. Real’s Tamudo tried to con the referee in the 15th minute by diving in the box but

thankfully the claim was waved away. Slightly against the run of play Malaga took the lead, when a Duda freekick evaded everyone in the box including Sociedad's keeper to give Malaga the impetus. Real’s Tamudo

missed a great chance to equalise just before the interval and Caballero made an important stop to deny Rivas just 10 minutes after the restart. Malaga went 2-0 up


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after 57 minutes when Rondon got on the end of an Eliseu cross to majestically head home. After the second goal went in Real Sociedad never really got back into the game, and Malaga's defence remained strong to keep a clean sheet. In the last minute Malaga could have had a third with a bizarre own goal but the ball went just over the bar. Although they remain bottom of the table with just 10 games of the season remaining, Manuel Pellegrini's side are now level on points with both Almeria and Hercules, and just three adrift of 17thplaced Sporting Gijon. Espanyol travel to La Roselada next Sunday and the game gets underway at 5pm. BELIEVE. Report by: Scott Forbes

top quality installations from €595 Coin meters to control electric consumption €300 no obligation quotations and advice - all makes Contact lynne or alison in the airflow offices

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Tiger Woods continued his preparations for next month's Masters with a solid performance on the opening day of the Tavistock Cup in Florida. Woods shot a betterball score of 64 with partner Arjun Atwal for Albany to finish on eight under at the halfway stage in the fourclub event. Graeme McDowell and Retief Goosen had the joint-best score of the day with a 12-under 60 for Lane Nona. English pair Justin Rose and Ian Poulter shot 61 for Albany. Brian Davis and JB Holmes also recorded a 60 for Isleworth, who finished the day a cumulative 30 under and led the event. With the singles to come, Albany are two behind, three ahead of Lake Nona with Surrey club Queenwood 14

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shots adrift. Woods entered the competition, a four-club event similar in structure to the Ryder Cup, on the back of a morale-boosting top-10



Tickets go on sale for London 2012 Tickets for the London 2012 Olympic Games have gone on sale, 500 days before the opening ceremony gets under way. A total of 6.6 million tickets are available to members of the public, who have until April 26th to apply. Organisers are keen to stress that tickets will not be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so there is no need to panicbuy on the first day. "We have 2.5 million people saying they want tickets, but there is no hurry," said 2012 chairman Lord Coe."

FOOTBALL finish at the WGC-Cadillac Championship. And the former world number one backed up his closing-round 66 in Doral with a further encouraging performance ahead of the Masters, which begins on April 7th.

Fabio upset over skipper debacle Fabio Capello has said he is considering relieving Rio Ferdinand of his captaincy duties and handing the role back to former skipper John Terry. Last year, Terry was stripped of the armband and Capello wants to avoid it being passed around like it was in February's friendly against Denmark. "I was really upset about what happened in Denmark, when I saw the players saying 'who is the captain?'” he said. “For that reason I need to make a decision - and it will be a permanent decision, not just one game."

Sca real ndinav esta ia te a n gen


Bank repossession in Spain - buy directly from the bank

Approx 30 apartments for sale in Duquesa

Price € 120,000 - 135,000

Lounge · 2 bedrooms · 2 baths · 70 - 80 m² built · Terrace · Spacious · 3 large community pools · Garages · Paddle tennis · Gated community · Exclusive area · Reference: RE-2060

High quality development ALL APARTMENTS have 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms They are 70 - 80 m² built · Bright · Spacious Elevator · Siemens kitchen · Private terrace Some available with parking and storage room included

100% mortgage* • • • •

2.5% mortgage rate Interest only for 2 years! No redemption fee No opening cost for mortgage (only a 1% penalty if change lender) • Mortgage application supplied in English *Notes: Banco Espana instructed all Spanish Banks that they are no longer permitted to offer mortgages above the selling price of the property, so purchase costs and fees cannot be included in the mortgage amount. Siemens kitchen Modern kitchen with granite worktop, “Siemens” fitted kitchen – electric oven 4 hobs, American fridge, Washing machine.

La Duquesa sports harbour The sportsharbour has several restaurants and bars open all year. It is a lovely holiday area with wide sandy beaches. There are plenty of charming places to enjoy lunch!

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Map of Duquesa Located close to the beach 5-8 mins walk and near the town Duquesa, these apartments have excellent road access and travel from either Malaga Airport or Gibraltar (Monarch and British Airways)

Tel. 951 100 210


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