The News Newspaper - Issue 125

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issue 125

Wednesday, may 25th 2011

Ash cloud no immediate danger Weather forecasters say Icelandic cloud is heading east and not south - Barca players leave early for football final just in case p3


Paint it blue

While jubilant voters gathered outside the Partido Popular's headquarters in Genova Street in Madrid on Sunday night, the scene outside the Socialist Party's headquarters in Ferraz Street was one of pure desolation.



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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

02 n General News


WORLD Voting scam?

By Kym Wickham

Voting here in Coin turned somewhat farcical when it was discovered that an awful lot of Coin's foreigners had not been registered. My husband was one of them, even though we filled out the same forms, followed up with all the photocopies asked for and generally did what we were supposed to do both at the same time. I know of quite a few others this has happened to. This means that a lot of the foreigners who perhaps would not have voted for the PP or PSOE were denied their chance of having their say. So now there is another four years for the parties that are interested in the foreign vote, and there are a lot of us up here, to get their finger out, talk to us and make sure that everyone is properly registered for next time. Interestingly enough, the one party that was saying they were doing something for us “guiris”, didn't get their copy of the electoral list until after the date for registering had been passed. There's an awfully fishy smell going on around here - but we wait to see if the new lot will pay our outstanding bill! I was in leslie's Bistro – now called “The Bistro at Sierra Gorda” and under new management – the other evening for fish and chips and noticed they have an exhibition of painting by local artist Juliette Robb. I have a couple of her paintings myself so why not have a trip up here, enjoy the countryside and dinner at The Bistro and see if you would like to own one of her original works.

Salon Varietes


From today until June 10th there’s plenty to see and do on The Rock



Gibraltar Spring Fair

Gibraltar Until June 12 See page 14 for more information

Continued from



Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Last chance to see : “That’s Entertainment” a musical extravaganza Closing night tonight Wednesday May 25th See ad in Out and About

Siboney’s Coin Re-opening at the top of La Trocha in Coin with barbecue area on the terrace and pub. Saturday June 4th Siboney’s, La Tracha Commercial Centre, Coin

Contrasting maps







Paint it blue As the results came in, they revealed a historic victory for the Partido Popular, which won 2,200,000 votes more than the Socialist Party, compared to a PP victory margin of 156,000 in 2007. It won 11 of the 13 regional governments up for grabs, including Castilla-La Mancha where the Socialists have always held power. The PP won all the town halls in Andalucia's eight provincial capitals, including Seville, where the Socialist Junta de Andalucia has its headquarters. Prime Minister Jose Luis

Rodriguez Zapatero conceded defeat but ruled out early general elections. He said three years of economic crisis had taken their toll. "It destroyed thousands of jobs. It is a crisis that had profound effects on citizens' morale. I know that many Spaniards suffer great hardship and fear for their futures," he said. "Today, without doubt, they expressed their discontent," he added. The country's overall jobless rate hit a new record of 21per cent in the first quarter of this year, the highest in the industrialised world. Youth unemployment stands at

45 per cent. On Monday morning, newspaper headlines were unanimous - "PP crushes PSOE" and "The 22 May tsunami drowns the Socialists". The Socialists' defeat had been widely predicted, but the scale of it indicates a possible landslide win for the PP in the general election, which is due next March. Madrid Community premier Esperanza Aguirre, who easily won reelection, called for the general election to be brought forward, as did Maria Dolores de Cospedal, the victorious PP candidate in Castilla-La

Mancha, who said it would be very hard for Spain to go on like this for another 10 months. She said the financial markets, as much as local Spaniards, are looking for stability and the government should bear that in mind. Meanwhile, the Socialists now have to elect Sr Zapatero's successor. Until Monday, the party had decided to choose him or her through primaries but many of the party's old guard feel its current situation is too fragile to stand the tension that an election would involve. They are calling on the two favourites – Deputy PM

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and defence minister Carme Chacon to settle the matter behind closed doors. Other voices have been raised in favour of the same “old guard” hand picking the successor. In the Basque country the new party Bildu became the second largest political force in the region. Its 25 per cent share of the vote was 5 per cent behind the Basque National Party. It had overturned a ban by the Supreme Court, which had said it was the successor to Batasuna, the outlawed political wing of ETA, and gained control of San Sebastian from the Socialists.

False cops arrested Police in Barcelona have arrested 24 Rumanians belonging to a gang that preyed on tourists by pretending to be policemen. Another 14 are being sought. A spokesman said their “beat” included most of the tourist attractions in the city – including the Camp Nou football ground and the Olympic Stadium. When they were arrested


The spokesman said they worked in coordinated groups of three or four, one of whom would pretend to be a tourist in order to engage real tourists in conversation. He would advise the real tourists to cooperate when they were approached by his fellow gang members pretending



they were carrying more than €80,000 in cash between them, as well as credit cards.

to be plain clothes police. These would ask the tourists for their wallets, taking out money and credit cards while pretending to search the wallet for identity documents. The police spokesman the gang had been difficult to capture because they kept on the move between hotels and pensions and rarely stayed in one place for long.







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Information provided by

weDnesDaY, May 25th 2011

National News n 03

news Your outlook on the World



National News


Jesse Owens equals or breaks 6 world records in one hour

No immediate danger from ash cloud The secretary of state for transport, Isaías Táboas, said on Tuesday that weather forecasts indicate that the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland seems to be heading east rather than south. After meeting with the Spanish Airport Authority (Aena) and the Airport Security Agency (AESA) Sr Taboas said the ash cloud is losing density and becoming more disperse. It is also lower – between three and six kilometres – well under the 12km cruising altitude for planes. However, the Barcelona football team decided to leave two days early for its date with Manchester United at Wembley this Saturday – just in case. However, if the cloud

spreads from England into< France and Spain as some forecasts expect, more than 20,000 Barcelona fans will either have to change their travel plans or stay at home. Coach Pep Guardiola said he hoped they could make it: “A final with a half empty stadium wouldn't make sense.” By midday Tuesday only 12 flights between the UK and Spain had been cancelled. Meanwhile, BA, KLM, Easyjet, Flybe, Aer Lingus, Loganair and Eastern Airways cancelled flights in

and out of Scotland as the volcanic ash cloud from headed towards the UK. The threat of further disruption led US President Barack Obama to fly out of the Republic of Ireland a

day early to get to London for a state visit. Mr and Mrs Obama had been due to fly to the UK on Tuesday morning, but White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest said the decision to

bring their arrival forward had been taken "due to a recent change in the trajectory in the plume of volcanic ash". [...] TURN TO PAGE 4


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executive editor: Kym Wickham Design and layout: Damian Merino advertising manager: Geoff Heading advertising sales: Susan Kerrigan Charlotte Fleming accounts: COHESA contributors / colaboradores: Martin Delfín - Cathy Stronach Pete Woodall - Andrea Maclean Mike Kerrigan - Muriel Pilkington Ricky Leach - Amy Thomas Valerie Mitchell The News is a free and independent newspaper distributed weekly and edited by The Coin News Group S.L. The News is independent of political parties, private interests and/or government. Our policy is to provide readers with a news and information service that is fair, accurate and balanced. The Coin News Group S.L. accepts no responsibility for the claims or content of any letter, editorial, article, advertorial or advertisement. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced in part or whole without written permission from the publishers.

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

04 n National News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Royal Society scoops Prince of Asturias Award The Royal Society, one of the oldest scientific societies in the world, has been chosen for the Prince of Asturias Award for the Humanities for its “multidisciplinary character and its dedication to scientific research and its diffusion of knowledge for the benefit of humanity”. It started out when a group of natural philosophers began meeting in the mid1640s to discuss the new philosophy of promoting knowledge of the natural world through observation and experiment. Its motto “Nullius in verba” roughly translates as “take nobody's

word for it”. It was officially founded on November 28th, 1660, when a group of 12 met at Gresham College after a lecture by Christopher Wren, then the Gresham Professor of Astronomy, and decided to found “a Colledge for the Promoting of PhysicoMathematicall

experimentall Learning". King Charles II encouraged the nameless venture which was finally called The Royal Society for the first time in 1661. The Society met in a series of locations in London until it acquired its own home, two houses in

Crane Court, off the Strand, in 1710. Isaac Newton was its president at the time. Its members were a mixture of working scientists and wealthy amateurs until 1847, when the Society decided that in future Fellows would be elected solely on the merit of their scientific work. The

government recognised this new professional approach in 1850 by giving a grant to the Society of £1,000 to assist scientists in their research and to buy equipment. Meanwhile, the Society continued to outgrow several buildings until 1967, when it moved again to its

present location on Carlton House Terrace with a staff of over 140, all working to further the Royal Society's roles as independent scientific academy, learned society and funding body. Its representatives will receive the award from the Prince of Asturias in October.

Continued from PAGE 3

No immediate danger from ash cloud [...] Ash from another Icelandic volcano led to huge disruption in Europe last year. During last April's sixday shutdown only a handful of flights took off or landed in the UK. Thousands of

Britons found themselves stranded overseas forcing many to make long and expensive journeys home by land. Airlines estimated the shutdown cost them £1.1bn. The Grimsvotn volcano in

Vatnajokull National Park began erupting on Saturday with ash rising to 20 km but, although still active, is now not as powerful with a plume of 13km. Iceland's airspace has been closed for a period

as a result. Ash from the volcano, which is 97km from the nearest human settlements, has settled over farmland and livestock, causing difficulties for some farmers and tourists have

been evacuated from the country's main national parks. The Grimsvotn volcano lies beneath the ice of the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland. The latest

eruption is its most powerful eruption in 100 years.Experts say this eruption is on a different scale to the one last year and ash particles are larger and, as a result, fall to the ground more quickly.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

National News n 05

news Your outlook on the World


Getting a driving licence N without really trying


Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News


Spanish reporter freed

In the past year and a half, the Traffic Guardia Civil have arrested 40 people in Madrid alone for helping other people to get a driving licence fraudulently by standing in for them during the examinations - it carries a jail sentence of up to three years. A spokesman said the problem in the Chinese community was language so people of that nationality who worked in shops or restaurants and who generally speak passable Spanish were often used as substitutes for those who

spoke none. The subSaharans have a similar problem but they get round it by using other people's ID cards. Rich Spaniards who don't want to spend time studying for the exam look for someone who looks like them and has just passed

the test, so the questions are still fresh in their minds. The spokesman said the fee – in cash – was between €1,000 and €2,000, but the substitutes have been known to accept drugs instead, or a job if they're on the dole.

New record for void votes Just over 584,000 empty envelopes – blank votes – found their way into the ballot boxes last Sunday, a rise of more than 2.5 per cent last time and setting a record for this kind of vote. Void votes were also up by 1.7 per cent, but more

imagination was used here. Many of the 389,500 envelopes contained amusing – and sometimes vulgar – drawings downloaded from the internet like the ones here, instead of a destroyed voting paper.

Spanish photojournalist Manu Brabo arrived back in Spain last Friday after being freed by Libyan authorities earlier in the week. He and three colleagues, two Americans and a South African, were arrested on April 5th for allegedly having entered the war-stricken country illegally. They were sentenced to a year in prison. The two Americans were also released but the South African was found dead near the place of arrest. Brabo arrived back via Tunisia, escorted by the Spanish consul there. MADRID

Low cost fliers spend less Tourists who arrived in Spain on low-cost airlines last year spent €821 on average during a two-week visit, 21 per cent less than the €1,041 spent by those who arrived on traditional flights, according to figures released by the Institute of Tourism Studies last week. People aged 25 to 44 tended to opt for low-cost flights and more than half of the total number were Britons or Germans. Most were “sun and beach” tourists arriving in July and August. MADRID

Housing touches bottom

Sample of one of the pictures found inside envelopes

The G-14 group of Spain's principal real estate agents has said that the housing market will touch rock bottom this year with a drop of 8.3 per cent over last year, representing the lowest number of sales since 2005. However, the group predicted that the market would begin a slow recovery in 2012 but warned that sales figures of the “boom” years are definitely a thing of the past. It predicted 513,000 sales by 2015, compared to 900,000 in 2005-2006.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

06 n World News

read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


World News


John F Kennedy pledged his mission to put a man on the Moon before the end of the decade

Strauss-Kahn DNA 'linked to maid'



Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News


Climate report slams media

Police have declined to confirm reports, carried by the Associated Press and ABC News, among others, that DNA found on the clothes of a New York hotel maid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexually assaulting her matches that of the former IMF chief. Mr Strauss-Kahn has denied the charges, and resigned as head of the International Monetary Fund last week to defend himself. He is under house arrest in a New York apartment, after a judge granted him $1m bail last week. Reports about the DNA samples came after authorities analysed the work clothes of the 32-yearold hotel maid who said she

was assaulted in the New York Sofitel near Times Square on May 14th. Investigators are reported to be carrying out further tests on samples taken from the carpet and other surfaces in the hotel room. Mr Strauss-Kahn is charged with seven counts including four felony

charges - two of criminal sexual acts, one of attempted rape and one of sexual abuse - plus three misdemeanour offences, including unlawful imprisonment. His accuser, an immigrant from the West African state of Guinea, told authorities that Mr Strauss-Kahn had accosted her after she entered his hotel room to clean it. Mr Strauss-Kahn's

defence team is expected to argue that a sexual encounter occurred, but that it was consensual. Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, is due to enter a formal plea on June 6th. Until news of the accusations broke, he was seen as the centre-left French presidential candidate most likely to beat Nicolas Sarkozy in the next general election.

the australian Climate Commission has warned that the world's sea levels could rise by one metre by the end of the century, much more than thought. it said climate science was ''being attacked in the media by many with no credentials in the field" and also that attempts to

"intimidate climate scientists have added to the public's confusion". one commission member criticised the "fruitless phoney debate", and said that australia "no longer had the luxury of climate denialism", as he called it.


Military rule amnesty law upheld

Apocalypse postponed Evangelical broadcaster Harold Camping said on Monday that he miscalculated that date of Judgement Day, which was supposed to happen last Saturday. Mr Camping had not been seen since then until he appeared on a show on his Open Forum radio show, broadcast from Oakland, California, on Monday. In a question-andanswer session with reporters, he said that when his prediction had failed to materialise he felt so terrible that he took refuge in a motel with his wife. He said he was sorry

for not having the dates "worked out as accurately as I could have". Over the weekend, he said, he had returned to the scripture and it had "dawned" on him that a "merciful and compassionate God" would spare humanity by compressing the apocalyptic destruction into a shorter time frame and that the apocalypse

would happen on October 21st. Mr Camping had previously predicted that the apocalypse would strike in 1994. Last week, some followers donated their life savings or simply gave away their worldly possessions as the day approached. Many have expressed bewilderment and shock since the day came and went with no

sign of the global cataclysm. Asked if he had any advice to offer those who had given away their material wealth in the belief the world was about to end, Mr Camping said they would cope: "We just had a great recession. “There's lots of people who lost their jobs, lots of people who lost their houses and somehow they all survived."

Lawmakers have rejected a bill to scrap an amnesty protecting officers during military rule from prosecution. President Jose Mujica, who had originally supported the bill, changed course after uruguyans voted to keep the amnesty in a 2009 referendum. Last week he warned people not to "transfer the frustrations of our generation to the new generations". Sr Mujica was a member of the rebel tupamaros movement in the 1960s and 1970s, and spent several years in jail under military rule between 1973 and 1985. South Korea

US to help in Agent Orange inquiry the uS has agreed to hold a joint inquiry into allegations that american soldiers dumped large amounts of agent orange on Korean land. three uS army veterans said they buried about 250 barrels of the hazardous chemical at a uS military base in Chilgok, south-east of Seoul, in 1978. uS forces used agent orange to strip foliage from Vietnam's jungles to expose Viet Cong soldiers but its use was halted in 1971 amid fears that uS soldiers were being badly affected by inhaling the chemical.




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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

World News n 07

news Your outlook on the World


Pakistan role in Mumbai attacks David Headley, who scouted sites for the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, testified at the opening of his trial in Chicago on Monday that the Pakistani intelligence service had links to the group that carried out the attacks. He was testifying against Tahawwur Rana, a Chicago businessman accused of helping plan the attacks. Mr Rana's lawyer, Charles Swift, said in his opening statement that Rana was tricked by Headley, a longtime friend from their days at a Pakistani military school. Headley told the court that Pakistan's InterServices Intelligence agency (ISI) provided military and moral support to the militant group

Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). He said a Pakistani agent paid him $25,000 for the operation. Pakistan believes Headley is an unreliable witness and is expected to flatly deny alleged links between militant groups and the Pakistani secret intelligence service. Mr Rana, who is accused of providing Headley with a cover to scout attack locations, faces a life sentence if convicted. More

than 160 people were killed in November 2008 when a group of 10 men stormed a train station, hotels and cafes and a Jewish centre, shooting and throwing bombs. In March 2010, Headley, a US citizen who spent much of his childhood in Pakistan, pleaded guilty to taking photographs and a video of the targets. He could face up to life in prison and a $3m fine.

Allende's remains exhumed The death of Argentinian president Salvador Allende is to be investigated nearly 40 years later. It was said he shot himself in the presidential palace to avoid being taken prisoner by General Augusto Pinochet's forces during

the 1973 coup but supporters believe the military killed him and covered up the crime. A judge has set up a panel of forensic experts to examine the circumstances surrounding the death. The coup led to 17 years of

military rule under Gen Pinochet. More than 3,000 political opponents were killed or "disappeared" by the military. The Allende case is one of 726 alleged rights abuses that investigators are looking into.

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

08 n UK News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

UK News Join FREE today!

Obama flies in to beat cloud US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle arrived in Britain late on Monday after leaving Ireland earlier than expected to avoid the Icelandic ash cloud.

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His two day state visit started officially yesterday (Tuesday) when he was welcomed by the Queen and Prince Philip on arriving at Buckingham Palace. The Obamas also met the tanned Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who have just returned from their Seychelles honeymoon. The president and Mrs Obama spent last night and tonight (Wednesday) in the Belgian Suite at the Palace, last used by Prince William and his new wife on the night of

their wedding. The visit is a mix of top level talks with ceremony and last night the president and Michelle Obama attended a State Banquet in their honour. The president will be holding talks with prime minister David Cameron today covering a range of topics, including continued support for those fighting for democracy in Arab countries. President Obama yesterday declared that the UK-US partnership was “an

essential relationship for us and the world”. The two men issued a statement of intent in a joint article identifying their responsibility to act to help those “crushed in a hail of bombs, bullets and mortar fire”. The two men will both fly to France on Thursday for the G8 summit, being held on Thursday and Friday. It is only the third state visit by a US president to the UK in 100 years. Friday. It is only the thir.

Nothing to regret on desert island French songstress Edith Piaf’s classic “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” is the most popular non-classical track chosen by castaways on BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs. The “Little Sparrow” also took the No 4 spot in the list compiled by the BBC with “La Vie En Rose”. The BBC has compiled for the first time a list of the eight most frequently picked songs, dating back to when the programme began in 1942. Icons like The Beatles have not made it, but John Lennon slips in at No 8 with “Imagine”. The Piaf song was released in

1960, three years before her death, and has been chosen 42 times, while Piaf’s songs in total have featured 106 times in the past 59 years. The No 2 spot has been secured by Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” and Noel Coward’s “Mad Dogs and Englishmen” is at No 3. The list has been compiled to coincide with the launch by the BBC of a search for the nation’s favourite Desert Island Disc. Flanagan and Allen’s “Underneath The Arches” is at No 5, Judy Garland is at No 6 with “Over The Rainbow” and

Louis Armstrong takes No 7 with “What A Wonderful World”. Listeners can record their vote on the BBC website in time for a 90 minute special edition on June 11th.

weDneSDaY, May 25th 2011

UK News n 09

news Your outlook on the World


Privacy storm after player is named Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs was finally outed as the premier league player hiding behind a super injunction after he was named by an MP in the House of Commons on Monday. Liberal Democrat John Hemming was protected by parliamentary privilege as he named the player but yesterday faced a storm of criticism by parliamentary colleagues, including deputy prime minister Nick Clegg. Prime Minister David Cameron stepped into the growing row on Monday when he said the gagging order was “unfair” and “unsustainable” and admitted that he, along with thousands of others, knew the name of the footballer in question. The prime minister said that social networking sites had made the identity of the player known around the world - it had been reported in newspapers like the English language Times of India, and on Spanish news blogs. He said it was unfair that English based media were the only ones in the world bound by the

injunction from printing the allegations. But he added that there was no simple resolution to the impasse and the law was the law. He has now announced a parliamentary review on privacy which will report in the autumn. Giggs, a family man who appeared on the Old Trafford pitch with his wife and children after the last game of the season on Sunday, is alleged to have had an affair with Big Brother contestant Imogen Thomas and sought the ban to prevent publication of the allegations, but the information is widely available on the internet and tens of thousands of Twitter aficionados have circulated it – including some UK celebrities like Piers Morgan who have subsequently withdrawn their references because they are identifiable and

could face prosecution. The footballer had instructed his lawyers to demand information from Twitter about the identities of those circulating the information in a bid to take action. Yesterday (Tuesday) Giggs arrived at the Manchester United training ground looking tense and drawn. He was expected to play in team mate Gary Neville’s testimonial, and will be expected to feature in the Champions League final on Saturday when his team play Barcelona. Wife Stacey appeared yesterday without her wedding ring and police were called to the street where Giggs lives after masked men had damaged vehicles belonging to paparazzi. Attorney General David Gieve warned that judges could still punish those who named Giggs for breaking the law.

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

10 n Inland & Coastal News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

On This daTE in

Local News


Jordan gained independence from Britain

Fashion show with a theme

Roca's 'exuberant' lifestyle A tax inspector called to lifestyle of yachts, palaces, Tomás Olivo paid €1.6 give evidence against Juan rustic and urban fincas, million in bribes to the Antonio Roca, the alleged thoroughbred horses and Town Hall when the mayor brain behind the Malaya fighting bulls only took off was José Gil to get the land corruption case, told the after he entered the town on which La Cañada court on Monday that hall in 1994. “Before that, he shopping mall was built at a before he became urban had no money in the bank better price. He said Roca planning adviser to and no way of financing was in charge of the Marbella town hall, Roca such a lifestyle,” the tax negotiations. The case, had no ofmoney and Briton inspector said. threatening to be The body the 18-year-old who has not been seen since which he wentisfor a swim off Bota beach in Huelva on Sunday at aone beach four in produced tax returns and afternoon was discovered on Tuesday themorning longest ever miles away by two Civil Protection working also with theMalaga's search parties whichhistory, had bank statements to prove it. The volunteers tax inspector legal for the youth since he disappeared. There will becontinues. an autopsy, but a Guardia Hebeen saidsearching Roca's “exuberant” alleged that businessman Civil spokesman said it was believed to be death by drowning. The sea off Bota beach is known for its treacherous currents and several people have drowned there in recent years.

Kamikaze gets sentence reduced

Volunteers at the Animals in Distress shop in Alhaurin el Grande are organising a “Here comes Summer” fashion show, to be held at the Lauro Golf Restaurant on June 1st, starting at 8 pm. Shop manageress Sue Taylor and volunteer Sue Hart searched through the clothes donations to come up with “Daytime chic”, “Summer Brights, “Beach Party” and “Night Glamour”, as well as outfits suitable for weddings, cruises, barbecues, garden parties, proms and race nights. There will be stalls offering jewellery, perfume and beauty products and accessories. Entry is €3 at the door. Food and drinks, which will be available at the bar and restaurant. For more information about AID, go to

Briton's body recovered The body of a British climber who was swept away by an avalanche in the Sierra Nevada on February 20th was found last week by one of the two other British climbers who were with him that day. The body of John Hogbin, aged 42, who lived in Zafarraya, Granada province, was found in a river bed near the Barranco de San Juan where the avalanche

happened. After the body was located, the Civil Guard's mountain rescue service (Sereim) went in with specialised snow ploughs to recover it and transfer it to Granada for an autopsy. Sereim had been on the look-out for the body during its regular patrols of the area since the accident happened but had not expected to find it until the winter snows started melting.

The mental state of a retired Guardia Civil officer should have been more fully considered when the man was sentenced for attempted premeditated murder. Andalucia's Supreme Court had knocked 20 years off the 37-year jail sentence that Malaga's Provincial Court handed down to the “kamikaze” who drove his car into the pedestrianised Calle Larios in the city centre in August 2008, running over

nine people and injuring five of them seriously. The Supreme Court considered that the Provincial Court had not given sufficient importance to the retired Guardia Civil's mental state at the time. The

Court had originally condemned the man to six years and six months for each of five counts of attempted premeditated murder, and compensation to three victims of €1,031, €39,963 and €15,420 respectively.

Town can't use Luna Mora name A Granada court has ordered Carratraca town hall to stop using the name “Luna Mora” for a fiesta which an association organised in the town from 1997 to 1999 before transferring it to Guaro when the mayor who was voted in that year refused to let them continue. The Carratraca town hall continued to celebrate the “Embrujo de Luna Mora, encuentro de dos culturas” (Spell of the Moorish Moon, Meeting of Two Cultures) but the Granada judge

ruled that the name belonged to the association, who had registered the “Festival de la Luna Mora de Malaga” in 2002. The Festival de la

Luna Mora in Guaro, when the streets are lit by more than 20,000 candles as a reminder of its Moorish past, is a hugely popular annual event.

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Inland & Coastal News n 11

news Your outlook on the World


+6%*'0 '5+)05 Angel Nozal, Mijas’ Partido Popular leader and new Mijas major

Partido Popular sweeps Andalucia The Partido Popular's sweeping success in Sunday's local and regional elections was duplicated across Andalucia. The PP will govern in all the provincial capitals, including Cordoba, where it ousted the Izquierda Unida from the only provincial capital it has ever governed. It swept the board in Seville, where the Socialist Junta de Andalucia has its headquarters, underlining predictions that the PP will win the national election due to be held next year. In Malaga province the PP won Mijas, Estepona,

PP leader and wife 'dead' Javier Arenas, the PP's leader in Andalucia, was appalled to discover when he applied for tax declaration forms for himself and his wife on the internet that the Tax Office had them down on its lists as dead. Last week, Sr Arenas presented a denuncia against the Tax Office and called for an internal investigation. A Tax Office spokesman said it was an error that affected a very small number of contributors, pointing out that it sends tax forms and data to more than 20 million people, five million via the internet, and mistakes were sometimes made. He said the error had already been corrected and apologised for any inconvenience caused. Some political observers have hinted at a plot to “remove” the man who looks set to break the Socialist Party's grip on Andalucia in next year's regional election.

Antequera, Velez-Malaga and Coin, all former Socialist strongholds. The PP also has a chance to govern in Ronda and Benalmadena if it can reach alliances with smaller parties to oust the IU and the Socialists respectively. In that case, the PP would govern in 85 per cent of Malaga province's 101 municipalities. Malaga has traditionally been a Socialist stronghold, like the rest of Andalucia, but as



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tourism brought a growing affluence to towns along the Costa del Sol and memories of poverty began to fade, the younger generation began to opt for the PP. The area was also badly hit by the collapse of the construction industry. The unemployment rate across Andalucia is almost 10 per cent higher than the national average and Malaga is one of the provinces where it is highest.

Got a story? Got pictures? Send your stories or pictures to The News


Copper theft delays 100 trains The theft of a length of fibre optic cable which transmitted data from the rail network to the train cabins caused delays of up to 30 minutes for about 100 trains along the MadridAndalucia high speed network last Thursday. Trains to Valencia and Toledo were also delayed. A Renfe spokesman said that until the cable was replaced the train drivers had to rely on the signals along the railway tracks which slowed them down considerably. MANILVA

Floating hotel to open

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In its effort to offer new services and activities to attract more tourists, the town council is awaiting the delivery of a floating hotel from the US. The ship was built in 1986 and remodeled in 2007 to provide 18 cabins for 40 people. Its 14-man crew will have their own cabins and separate living and dining area. Mayor Antonia Muñoz said the floating hotel would be available for full-length holidays in the summer and for shorter stays in the winter, weather permitting.

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Car hire to go hybrid A growing awareness of climate change, new technologies and the high price of petrol is encouraging car rental firms to consider incorporating hybrid vehicles into their fleets. Ana Maria Garcia, president of the Andalucian Association of Renta-Car Companies (Aesva) said: “Hybrid cars are the future and we have to be there.” She said it was important to be innovative and competitive and to be different from other companies and “this is one way of making ourselves stand out”.


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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

12 n Advertisement

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Now Open. Welcome!

...a new and exciting food concept in Spain Urbanización Jardín Botánico, La Cala de Mijas, Malaga.


WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Community News n 13

news Your outlook on the World



“THE NEWS”WANTS TO HEAR YOUR NEWS Is there something happening locally that you would like our readers to know about? Is your society or organization planning a fundraiser or special event?

Contact us on

Step into the garden for Rocking It must the night be the fun and fundraising away at Britsoc Blues Why not attend one of the many garden parties or summer fairs held to raise money for a good cause as well as provide a fun social occasion? Three events are coming up soon. The annual Triple S garden party will be held in Alhaurin de la Torre on the evening of Friday June 3rd. The club’s enthusiastic members enjoy social events, sports and quiz nights and are always ready to welcome new members. If you would like to meet new folk and help raise funds for CUDECA and for SOS Animal Refuge then telephone 952 960 202 or 665 682 919 for more information. Local singer Barry Mac will be on hand to make sure that the evening goes with a swing,

at this popular annual event. Entry is €10.

The FAMA summer fair will be held on Sunday June 5th at Sol y Sombra on the Camino de Coin, outside Fuengirola. There will be a great selection of stalls selling everything from bags, jewellery, home made cakes and other items. Drinks and food will be available at the restaurant and all proceeds will help FAMA (Foundation for abandoned and mistreated animals) with its work. For anyone wanting to bag a stall slot the cost is €15. Please contact Max on 659 102 279 for more information. The ARCH annual garden party will be held on Sunday June 26th

between 2pm and 5pm. There will be music, food and drink and tickets will cost €10 for adults and €5 for children. It will be an opportunity too to say goodbye to CHAIN’s Steve and Wendy who will be returning to the UK, with the 13 rescue animals they have acquired since living in Spain. The party will be held at Sue and Alan’s home not too far from ARCH in Alhaurin El Grande and all money raised will go towards the care of the horses and donkeys who are at the ARCH stables. Contact Sue and Alan on 660 220 700 or Steve and Wendy on 634 624 234 for information and tickets or pop into the CHAIN shop in La Trocha where tickets are on sale.

Members of the British Society and the Benalmadena Branch of RAFA enjoyed an evening of dining and dancing at the Rose Ball held in the headquarters of the British Society. The entertainer ensured that everyone rocked the night away with his own special brand of music learned in his days playing bass and singing lead vocals with the chart topping band The Tornados. Expats are always welcome to join Britsoc which is located just below Benalmadena Pueblo and there is plenty to do as well as a chance to make new friends.

The 5th Mijas Blues Festival will be held in the main plaza in the pretty white pueblo of Mijas over three days from June 3rd to 5th.

Happy Anniversary

Robert & Lourdes from everybody at

The News The festival is free and there will be a host of acts to entertain visitors to this popular event. Well known local star Mama Paula will take centre stage on the Sunday.

It’s a Girl!

Looking for a bargain?

Congratulations to

Hipodromo Racecourse Boot Sale every Sunday 9.30am - 3pm (Sellers 8am - first come, first served)

Pete and Debbie Geldard of Precious Moments on the birth of Poppy Jane Sofia on May 7th weighing 7lbs 7oz

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Popular local artist New concept in food exhibits her paintings grand opening today!

advertising feature

The multi-talented artist Juliette Robb is exhibiting some of her work at the ever popular Sierra Gorda Bistro on the Coin to Cartama

Road (formerly Leslie’s) just outside Coin, under new management with Mike and Andrea Monk. Juliette, who lives and

Investments, Pensions, Tax & Inheritance Seminar QNUPS – The Sequel to QROPS How to maximise benefits and minimise taxes by transferring non pension assets into an offshore pension arrangement?

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Time & Date: Wednesday 8th June 2011 – 11.00am Including refreshments & light buffet

Venue: Leslie’s Bistro on the A355 between Cartama and Coin - km 9, Cartama, at the entrance to Urb. Sierra Gorda.

Tel: 952 112 123 Reser ve your FREE place now by contacting either: Fiduciar y Wealth eal Management, in Gibraltar Tel: + 350 200 50982 Email: wealth@fiduciar or register on-line by clicking the “events”” tab at:

www .fiduciar or De Cotta, McKenna & Santafé, in Coín on Tel: 951 315 161 Email: Fiduciary Wealth Management, Centro Comercial Mar y Sol, Local 643-644, Sotogrande, 11310, Cadiz, Spain. Tel: +34 956 796 911 De Cotta, McKenna & Santafé Centro Comercial La Trocha, 29100 Coín, Málaga, Spain, Tel:+34 951 315 161

works in Coin, shows a wide range of paintings to suit everyone’s tastes from stunning Flamenco dresses flying while the dancer moves, African safari depictions in deep ochre colours of the veldt, right through to modern depictions of shoes and hats and Betty Boop! Juliette has just started painting a series of very tasteful nudes in monochrome shades which are also displayed in Sierra Gorda Bistro. The News editor Kym Wickham has three of her paintings in the style of Scottish painter Jack Vetriano, one of which is on the wall of her office in Coin!

Sierra Gorda Bistro is open daily from 8am so why not have a day out in the country, pop to enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner from the new menu, or just a tea, coffee or cool drink and browse around the exhibition to see if any of Juliette’s work catches your imagination.

You don’t know what TFC is?? This is a whole new concept in Spain! However it is already a thrilling success in many countries all over the world, but not introduced here until now that is. Now you have got a chance to experience a whole new dimension of choosing and experiencing high quality food for very competitive prices. Apart from the great experience of “taking it all from the wall”, TFC ensures the highest quality, the best service and a broad choice of tasty fried and grilled food and the best fresh sandwiches in the area. How does TFC present its products? In the new futuristic way - that is why it is so special and exclusive to order our food. How does TFC differ from the others? It has a better quality of food, faster service and a much bigger

assortment. Are you in a hurry? Don’t stand in line waiting for your food! Choose your food directly from one of the machines in the restaurant. The only thing you need is a coin that opens a little door that separates you from a tasty burger or other fresh snack! Imagine no queues or waiting to catch the eye of a waiter at any time of the day when you visit TFC during your break for a meal or fresh sandwich with the filling of your choice.

Are you interested in how it works? Then come and experience it for yourself from today! You can find us here on the Urbanización Jardín Botánico, Local 1, La Cala de Mijas, Malaga We are open from 8am till late so you could come along after the theatre or cinema even. For more information please check out our website at See The Food Company’s main advert on page 12.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

14 n Gibraltar News

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in



Next Monday, May 30th is Spring Bank Holiday in Gibraltar & the majority of shops will be closed although Morrison’s will be open from 9am until 8pm

e Rock honours some of her best Classic cars get a

Left to right: Mark Rodrigues, Laura Warwick, Sir Adrian Johns, Moira Gomez and Police Superintendant Joseph Gomez

An Investiture took place at The Convent in Gibraltar last Thursday to recognise the outstanding efforts by some of Gibraltar's citizens. The annual awards are not for business people and their achievements but for people who have dedicated themselves to Gibraltar and her citizens in many different ways, making lives of people in need easier, guiding the youth of the Rock with enthusiasm and generally giving of their time for the benefit of others. Three Gibraltar Awards were presented and the Colonial Police Medal.

Investors in People award, and he made a major contribution to the work that led to Queen Elizabeth's granting of a Royal Warrant to the Gibraltar Police. He is a member of the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple and the FBI Graduates Association and the Academy's European Charter. Superintendant Gomez attended the International AntiCorruption Conference held in Korea where his excellent communications skills were brought to the fore.

no cost and works selflessly in many special ways that gives comfort to those that need it most.

The last of the Colonial Police Medals – it is being called the British Overseas Territories Police Award from next year – was presented to Superintendant Joseph Gomez . Mr Gomez has been a police officer for 27 years and has been a key player in many of the Royal Gibraltar Police's important achievements. He was instrumental in the formation of the Gibraltar Co-ordinating Centre for Criminal Intelligence (GCID), in the

The first of the Gibraltar Awards was presented to Mrs Laura Warwick in recognition of her meritorious services to Cancer Support. Mrs Warwick is a founder member of the Gibraltar Society for Cancer Relief. Since the 1980s she has geneously offered her time and services as a carer, cook, driver and councillor to anybody who needed it at the Lady Williams Cancer Support Centre.

The Gibraltar Netball Association is now part of the International Federation of Netball and the Federation of European Netball Association. Moira's squads achieved the silver medal in 2009 and gold in 2010 in the Under 17 Netball Europe Tournament. And also in 2009 the GNA was awarded the Netball Europe Award for services to Netball. Due to Moira's hard work and determination, the Association continues to achieve great things and grow.

She does all her work with the sick in Gibraltar at

The second recipient of the Gibraltar Award was Mrs Moira Gomez who received the award for Meritorious Services to Netball and to youth. Moira has been president of the Gibraltar Netball Association since 1993 and, due to her hard work and dedication to the sport she has seen the association grow from just 8 teams to an astounding 30 senior and 16 junior teams.

The last Gibraltar Award of the day was presented by the Governor to Mr Mark Rodrigues for meritorious service to Scouting. Mark has been scouting for over 20 years and has been instrumental in initiating the Scout Group's ability to offer a wide range of fulfilling adventure activities and has trained many youngsters resulting in their becoming adult leaders. Mark has successfully organised a number of large events including the annual group camp for over 120 members that is held in Chiclana, Spain. Dealing with everything from catering to insurance, Mark ensures the success and value of all these events. In his professional life Mark is a Quantity Surveyor and for well over five years he has been involved in the refurbishment of the association's own campsite on the Upper Rock resulting in a place that is enjoyed by all local and visiting Scouts and Guides. In addition to all of the above, Mark continues to provide an excellent service in his normal rôle of assistant group leader. His continuing efforts, support and enthusiasm allow the Gibraltar Scout Group to offer the best Scouting experience possible. His Excellency The Governor of Gibraltar, Vice Admiral Sir Adrian Johns KCB CBE, presented all the awards to the recipients on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen.. The awards ceremony was followed by photo opportunities for the recipients and their families then celebration drinks and a sumptuous lunch in the historic banqueting hall.

piping hot welcome

A collection of lovingly polished classic cars gathered in Gibraltar last Saturday to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Gibraltar Rally. The rally is organised by the Gibraltar Classic Vehicles Association and attracted 60 cars from The Rock and all over southern Spain – including representatives of the Sol Classic Car Club. The cars, ranging from an early Bull Nosed Morris Cowley to a 21st century Bentley GT, gleamed in the morning sun on what must have been the hottest day of the year so far. One or two of the old girls from Spain struggled with the heat as they patiently waited in the

queue from La Linea. Crowds lined Main Street as the cars made their way, to an accompaniment from the Gibraltar Sea Scouts Pipe Band, up towards Europa Point at the tip of Gibraltar, and then back down to the modern Marina complex of Ocean Village. The cars were parked on the quayside while drivers and passengers went on a tour of the 34 miles of tunnels dug into The Rock by British army personnel between 1782 and the 1960s. The rally was part of the Gibralatar festival - see next week for a list of future events up to the end of the festival.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Political Update n 15

news Your outlook on the World


The Local

Memo from

Voice Madrid

Muriel Pilkington

Martin Delfín Writes for the English language version of

To the losers

To the victors

hank goodness it's all over – perhaps we'll get back to having some real news in the newspapers instead of endless pre- and post-election speculation. Last week it was all about the effect the thousands of mainly young people making an allegedly non-political statement by camping out in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol could have on Sunday’s voting. (Very little from the looks of it turnout was slightly higher this time around.)


out. This uncertainty is compounded by rumours of undisclosed debts, of deficits much greater than acknowledged at a regional and local level. We’ll soon find out just how bad the situation is when the new PP administrations open the accounts books in town halls and regional governments across the country. The financial markets may hate uncertainty but they hate “hidden debts” even more. So I fear the situation on that front will continue to be bleak.


A house divided



nd since the election results started trickling in on Sunday evening it’s been nothing but – oh my gosh, what happened – in what El Mundo called a political tsunami. espite having suspected that what happened would happen, I’m still feeling a bit shell shocked. The scale of the Partido Popular’s triumph – 2,220, 000 more votes than the Socialists nationwide – was even vaster than I had dared predict. Zapatero will now go down in history as the man responsible for the worst results the Socialist Party has had in any election since the transition to democracy after Franco’s death.


e's blamed the defeat on “three years of economic crisis” and says he understands that people feel frustrated. In fact, three years ago he was still denying the existence of a crisis that started the previous year. It wasn’t until June 2008 that some reporters cornered him into mentioning the dreaded “C” word during a television interview, after which he couldn’t go on denying it. What Zapatero doesn’t seem to remember is that in the months leading up to the March 2008 general election, he consistently denied the existence of any economic crisis here in Spain and even went as far as accusing people who said there was one of being “traitors” and “unpatriotic”. Zapatero knew that if he had told the people the truth about the country’s economic situation they would probably turn to that “arch-traitor”, opposition leader Mariano Rajoy, for salvation. And he didn't start doing anything about it until the EU leaned on him last May. The reforms he trotted out then were too little too late.


apatero has already said he won’t be calling an early election because he still has a lot of reforms to implement. So it looks as if he intends to do the decent thing and clean up some of the mess he’s made before the PP thrashes his party in the general election. However, as someone pointed out to me on Monday, the stock market fell today despite the big win by a pro-business political party. I pointed out that Zapatero is still the man in charge but is now a lame duck who probably lacks the authority to bring in the tougher reforms that the EU is demanding to stop the country from needing a financial bail-

o complicate the situation further, even as Zapatero tries to go on governing his own party might be up to its neck in primaries to choose his successor. Apparently cooler heads within the party are calling on the two favourites – Deputy PM Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and defence minister Carme Chacon – to settle the succession behind the scenes to present a united front to the nation. However, power struggles have a nasty tendency to spill over into the public domain.


ut the party itself is its own worst enemy. Unfortunately for today’s Socialists, the country’s first postFranco Socialist PM – Felipe Gonzalez – brought in most of the reforms needed in all areas to drag Spain into the 20th century. So the current lot have had very little to get their teeth into, and they settled for what I call ideological reforms. A good example of this is the Historical Memory Law intended to right the wrongs of the Franco regime. It was foisted on Zapatero by his 2004-2008 ally, the Communist-dominated Izquierda Unida (IU) whose often stated aim is to keep the “Right” out of power. What better way to do that than by keeping alive the worst memories of the Franco regime. The IU has never made a secret of its hatred for the PP. Former IU leader Gaspar Llamazares said in 2004 that “we must do everything possible to keep the PP from returning to power ever again”. Current IU leader Cayo Lara said last week that “IU votes would be used to keep the PP from governing anywhere in Spain”. Fortunately the majority of voters – being non-ideological - don’t feel the same way.


he winners in Sunday’s elections have nothing to celebrate. The Partido Popular and Bildu now have big weights on their shoulders while the Socialists will need to spend a lot of time on very much-needed reflection and soul-searching. Race results were not surprising; the polls had been predicting heavy losses for prime minister Zapatero’s party for weeks. What is perplexing is that many Spaniards believe that the PP is their salvation when the party hasn’t even unveiled any of its supposed formulas to get Spain out of this economic crisis.


he weekend’s vote was nothing more than a referendum on the Zapatero government: punishment for what many say are inadequate policies and mismanaging of the economy. By voting for the PP, electors believe that the bountiful years under Aznar’s previous government will be rolling just around the corner. It is a common reaction by voters who are in the midst of personal financial crises with no job and no future. Electors tend to throw the current government out when things go from bad to worse. But while these regional and local elections reflect voters’ current tendencies, they do nothing to change government policy. And we are already beginning to see the cracks among the victors.


n Monday, buoyed by his party’s sweeping wins, PP leader Mariano Rajoy announced that he would not actively seek any partnerships with other coalitions in regions and municipalities where the PP didn’t win an absolute majority yet he was open to speaking with the other political forces – all except Bildu.


he Basque radical left coalition which is now the second largest political force in the region captured more than 950 spots on the town councils and 74 mayoral offices. Voters in the Basque Country and Navarre showed that they want to give Bildu a chance to work on a viable political solution to the independence issue and help bring an end to ETA.


ut by his refusal to trust Bildu, Rajoy is disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters who support the coalition. He is telling Basque electors that their votes are not any good because one of the nation’s major parties has no plans on dealing with an organisation they don’t support. It is enough to fuel tensions and dismantle any prospects for peace in the region. That is problem number one.


ith hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turning up for what is now being called the Spanish Revolution, Rajoy was content over the people’s anger and frustration with the Socialist government. But now

that he is at the forefront, fresh with electoral power, he hasn’t made any appeasements to the May 15th Movement or its organizers, Real Democracy Now. Demonstrators are still camped out in Madrid ’s Puerta del Sol and they continue to rally their cause on Facebook and Twitter. It is only a matter of time before this swelling movement, which has captured the eyes of the world, will explode into a serious problem for the nation.


s for Bildu, its responsibility now lies in showing Rajoy and the rest of Spain that it is a serious political group that doesn’t want to be connected in any way to ETA. But that is going to take time. There are too many sides to this past election drama, but the only clear message we’re getting is that Spaniards want change – change that none of the traditional parties have been able to offer them.


eneral elections are still 10 months away, but the Partido Popular wants to call them early. Rajoy knows that he isn’t ready to take over the reins of the Spanish economy so soon even though he says that Zapatero’s government is not under any condition to oversee the country.


he situation is a hot potato and it would be easier for the Socialists to wash their hands now and sit back and watch Rajoy and his people perform. But they won’t. The Socialist Party is a responsible organisation that is committed to finishing its term, doing as much as it can to shore-up a faltering nation, and to prevent any domestic political upheaval from unraveling the already loose knots that are holding the European Union together.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2010

16 n Feature

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

e ins and outs of laptop repairs It is a fact that computers have become a standard household item, much like the television, the fridge and the washing machine. Many homes now have one or more PCs as well as laptops, notebooks and netbooks which, although often cheaper than a desktop computer and now just as powerful, do have a downside - they are easy to steal and prone to accidents. Over the past ten years Electronbox and PC Doctor have developed one of the most advanced state-ofthe-art laptop repair

workshops on the Coast and consequently have successfully fixed thousands of laptops. Managing Director Philippe Michel said: “The damage is varied... dropped laptops, spilt coffee, people have even driven over them. They come in with burnt out components from overheated batteries or clogged up fans. One of the most common problems is

spilt liquids. When this happens, immediately unplug your computer and remove the battery, turn it upside down and if possible, clean the affected area with warm water. Then apply a hair dryer (with care) to dry out that water and leave the laptop open, in a warm place for several days to dry out. You will be amazed at how effective this method is. Unfortunately many people panic and then to see if their laptop still works, switch it on and off whilst it is still wet, resulting in a costly short circuit and damage to the internal components in addition to possible data loss.” Electronbox and PC Doctor's highly qualified technicians and dedicated electronics engineers have helped many people recover lost data then successfully repaired their laptop, even though the client had been informed by others that this was not possible. Cliff Dale, senior

technician and shareholder, advises people not to try and fix laptops themselves. He adds: “Most times if we receive a laptop untouched and in good time, we can probably repair it at a fraction of the cost. The problems get worse when people try to open the laptop case and in doing so accidentally break joints, lose bits and disconnect components incorrectly. Laptops are delicate and spare parts can be more expensive than buying a new one.” Cliff also suggests cleaning your laptop two or three times a year using an ordinary

vacuum cleaner to remove dust and debris from the keyboard and fan areas, a common cause of many laptop failures. Electronbox and PC Doctor have successfully operated since 2000 and with now over 15,000 clients, they are one the biggest IT companies on the Costa del Sol, providing solutions to both home and business users alike. The company’s main offices are located in Fuengirola on Avenida Clemente Díaz Ruiz 8, half way between the train station and Barclays

Bank. Call them on 952 591 071 or use the 24 hour support line 807 488 440. Alternatively send an email to or visit their website to see the full list of other services and related business as well as client testimonials.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Out & About n 17

news Your outlook on the World




Your Weekly Entertainment Guide INSIDE THIS WEEK Siboney’s to re-open in Coin Concert by American New England University choir Colin Price at Buzby’s tonight

Pinacoteca: A fruity cocktail, a wood treatment, or perhaps a Victorian game played with sticks? Well, it’s actually the Spanish word for Art Gallery, and in Arcos de la Frontera it represents the imaginative change of use for a part of one of the town’s oldest buildings. Written by Bob Whittaker




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he Gallery is open every day from 10am till 1.30pm (except Sunday) and admission is free to both the Gallery and Jardín Andalusi. It is now a mustsee for the ever growing number of tourists to this one-time Moorish stronghold.





Fine Dining







Calm and Serene



Romantic Nights BA MB U

o find it, walk down Calle Maldonado passing the Hotel Casa Grande on your right, the Pinacoteca is a little further along on the left. The reception rooms display a collection of old postcards and several large oil paintings one of which, painted by Javier Ventura Nuñez in 1966, depicts the legend of how Arcos was wrested from the Saracen. A beautiful Moorish


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eople here delight in telling you tales of secret tunnels dug in Moorish times which linked the old buildings. And it’s true that in addition to the ancient Aljibes (water deposits) found in all the old houses, the whole of the sandstone rock on which the town sits


hen you enter the main gallery itself, a smooth dark 50 metre long tunnel where the sole illumination is from the pin spots picking out the paintings on both sides. At the end a door leads up some steps and out into the Jardín Andalusi, a Moorish garden with tiled fountains and a neo-modernista iron trelliswork pergola.




nd when Arcos’ Ayuntamiento needed a Pinoteca - a gallery - to display the works of art they had accumulated over the years they literally dug deep to find the best location, right underneath an old Palace in the heart of the Casco Antiguo!


his week’s author is musician Bob Whittaker who had lovingly restored the original features of his town house in Monda before moving to Arcos to take on a similar challenge - he restored a splendid old house in the heart of Arcos just a few minutes away from the Pinocateca. As an “extranjero” he was welcomed into the church choir where he sang tenor.



pposite the San Pedro Church stands the Palacio del Mayorazgo, built in the 18th century on earlier foundations which included medieval cuadras (stables) in the form of labyrinthine tunnels. Disused for many years these had become choked with junk and more or less forgotten. But under the imaginative direction of local architect Ángel Zurilla Juan, and financed by the Diputación Provincial these old tunnels have been renovated and house the town’s Pinacoteca.



he heart of the town is packed with a mix of Moorish and Renaissance buildings, which reflect its rich architectural history.


maiden is bathing in the river Guadalete and being spied on by some voyeuristic Christian soldiers lurking in the bushes, all depicted in a charmingly naïve manner and probably very different from the reality which must have been blood sword and fire.



is honeycombed with caves and borings.



he town was wrested back from the Moors in 1264 - no mean feat as it stands on a craggy peak high above the Rio Guadalete and was one of the chain of fortresses established across the province of Cadiz.



Botanical Gardens


A Beautiful Setting





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It is difficult to believe that a place like Las Islas exists. A truly romantic, tranquil garden, located in the heart of the Costa del Sol. Situated only 10 minutes walking distance to the beach, and 25 minutes drive from Malaga airport and Marbella The heart of this small hotel is it’s Fairuz restaurant, the top Lebanese restaurants on the coast Restaurant opening time: Monday to Sunday from 12.30 to 22.30 %-(,%



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wEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011


18 n Out & About

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Your Weekly Entertainment Guide

e Econ Winter Pool League Winners Night

Champions League Final



















Fresh Filtered Coffee

699 290 663 Mon - Sat 10am to 5pm

Decaffeinated served as any of the above

RESTAURANT *Catering *Bookings Taken For Celebrations



Visit us at


Chris The Dish: 667 842 359 John The Fish: 678 292 792 2nd street behind Yaramar Hotel, Los Boliches


Extra Shots

Buy two rump steaks, get a bottle of wine free - only €9.95 each


Sunday Roast Lunch €5.95pp


Main meals from €4.95

Hot Chocolate

Lunch time sandwiches €1.50

# %"





Hot chocolate with Cream

and get 2 soft drinks for free with take away

Pot of Tea for one

%! !$ #

The Home of Fish and Chips

Download more photos of both the presentations online at m/woodysfotos/shooterss cubieseconpool. Finally Mike would like to express his thanks to Woody's in Los Boliches, The News and everyone involved in both leagues on both sides of the bars and in the kitchens. The Econ pool leagues start again in October, contact Mike on 609 504 427 for details. Econ Pool ( maintain and supply good quality profit share pool and snooker tables all along the coast. They sell new and second hand tables, offer a table recovering service and provide accessories and winner’s trophies to order. Selection of Speciality Twinings Teas



ie’s N e ll

Selection of various drinks available at the counter

Av Antonio Machado benalmadena tel.: 645404911

Freshly made Thick and Creamy Milkshakes



Café Now Open 8pm ‘til late for Late Night Snacks

NEW! Early Bird Special 7 Days, noon until 6pm Fish, Chips, Peas, Bread only €3.95pp

to Paul again at Scubies with 42 points out of a possible 50, Amistad Bar and Tony Shanley’s were close though, with 38 and 36 points respectively and the raffle for another fine 2 piece snooker cue and case was won by Pat Collins with lucky ticket 113. The Fuengirola friendly ranking knock-out was won by Marc Topper who beat Rich Brown in the final, Marc who featured strongly in last years league received a meal for two and a bottle of wine, kindly sponsored by Paul from Scubies Bar. It was Scubies versus Shooters for the 2011 Econ Inter League Championship Trophy and Shield - in the end it went to Scubies Bar from Fuengirola, the final score was a close 10 points to 8. Chocolate

*FREE ENTRY* Shows start at 9.30pm. Open all day.

points. The La Cala League friendly ranking knock-out was won by Steve Petty (Shooters) who went on to beat Damian Grimshaw in the final, and the raffle prize on the night - the 2 piece snooker cue and case - went to his dad Brian Petty with ticket 62. Over in Fuengirola The Econ Fuengirola Winter Pool League winners presentation was held in the port last Thursday night by league champions Scubies Bar (pictured below) on an impressive 124 points, followed by runners up Tony Shanley’s “A Team” on 104 points and in third place last year’s winners Amistad Bar with 87 points. The players ranking prize, a Peradon 2 piece snooker cue and case, was won by Robbie Tester, also from Scubies. Best Snacks Award went


Kick off 8.45pm Manchester United v Barcelona Sunday “Mr Blue Eyed Soul” Danny Stone

Wednesday 25th Welsh Night with comic Colin Price and Mario Ross Thursday 26th Lesley Harrison Friday 27th Dex - guitar & vocals Saturday 28th The Cleverleys Sunday 29th Rob Stevens - man of many faces Monday 30th Michael Bublé tribute followed by Natalie Monroe Tuesday 31st Mad Terry Karaoke from midnight every night with Mad Terry, and Tomo

Free entry

Monday & Thursday Bingo & Quiz Night Tuesday “Black Bais” Male vocals, soul, Tamla Motown, R&B, great voice! Wednesday Karaoke with Robbie from 9.30pm Friday Siobhan - female vocalist from Dublin Fun for all ages Saturday Show cancelled for



952 057 062

Terry @ Buzby ad ’


Plaza de Remo La Carihuela Torremolinos



League champions Shooters Bar (pictured right) hosted the winner’s presentation last week in Riviera del Sol. They claimed the winner’s trophy with 100 points, followed by runners up and last years winners Studio 1 on 83 points and in third place Bar Unique with 81 points. The players ranking prize, a Riley Hybrid snooker cue, went to local hot shot Lee Draycott from The Streets of London, it will go nicely with the Pulsar ¾ pool cue he won last year. The ever so important Best Snacks Award for the top tasty treats trophy was won by the Streets of London “B Team” with 28.5 points from a possible 35, Streets of London “A Team” and Studio 1 came in a close second both with 24

Gibraltar Spring Bank Holiday is Monday May 30th - Morrisons is open! Free wi-fi zone Sky Sports

Calle San Isidro Labrador, 296 40 Fuengirola, Nr Feria Place Alhaurin el Grande’s NEwESt biStRO CAFE


Take Away Home Cooking and Catering

Serving a selection of snacks, paninis, baguettes, etc., Plus main meals including Rack of Ribs, and Entrecôte steaks.

Sunday Roast €7.95 OAP special price €5.95 Children €4.95

Scandinavian and International Specialities

Now open Fri, Sat & Sun evenings with a new menu. On Fridays you can enjoy fresh battered Cod, Chips & Mushy Peas

Tel: 951 319 439

Fri - Sat Happy Hour 6.30 7.30

Aloha Gardens, next to El Jardin. Avda Del Prado Nueva Andalucia Open Mon-Fri 10.00am - 8.00pm Saturdays 10.00am - 6.00pm

Daily from 9am Sat. & Sun. 10am

952 497 188 Calle Gerald Brenan 89 Alhaurin El Grande

wEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Out & About n 19

news Your outlook on the World


American choir visits Malaga The USM Chamber Singers are a highly talented and skilled choir of nearly 30 undergraduate voices from the University of Southern Maine in New England, USA. This outstanding a cappella ensemble has undertaken several international tours in recent years and has sung in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the Karlskirche in Vienna and St Mark’s Basilica in Venice. This month they are touring Andalucía. They will be performing in Ronda,

Seville, Cordoba and Granada, and on Saturday May 28th they are giving a lunchtime concert in Malaga – in St George’s Church in the English Cemetery (Avenida de Pries 1). The varied programme will include European and American secular and sacred music, hymns and spirituals. The concert starts at 1.00 pm. Entrance is €5 which includes a drink. After the concert drinks and tapas will be available outside the church.

Spring concerts The Choir and Orchestra Collegium Musicum Costa del Sol is pleased announce its forthcoming May concerts. For the first time they are collaborating with the Camerata Singers of Sotogrande. The first concert on Sunday May 29th starts at 8pm in the Church Nuestra Señora de la Merced, Sotogrande: it is organized by the Cultural Association of Sotogrande. The second concert will be in Marbella on Tuesday,

May 31st at 9pm in the Church of the Encarnation and is the yearly Charity Concert to raise funds for CONCORDIA. The programme for both concerts features music by Handel, Haydn and Hummel amongst others. The guest artist is Angel T. San Bartolomé who will play Haydn’s well-known Trumpet Concerto. For more information: m or phone 952 475 840.

Welsh night Siboney’s at Mad Terry re-opening @Buzby’s soon Siboney’s at the top of La Trocha Commercial Centre was always a fairly popular venue but sadly closed some while ago. The good news is that a new owner is taking over and Siboney’s will once again be open for business from Saturday June 4th, and this time it won’t be just a pub.

Colin Price is appearing exclusively at Mad Terry@Busby’s tonight, Wednesday May 25th. Colin is Wales’ top comedian and has appeared on ITV’s “The Comedians”. Colin is a Welsh comic legend and an excellent night is expected as the compere for the evening is Mario Ross, followed by Karaoke with Mad Terry and Tomo. Call 645 404 911 to book and for further details. Entry to this exciting evening is free.

The new owner will be doing barbecues on the terrace and serving great drinks, coffees etc for you to sit and relax after a hard day’s shopping in the Commercial Centre while enjoying the great views from this venue or to have a great night out. The dynamic new owner will be putting his mark on the venue and it is expected that Siboney’s will be one of the places to be seen in on the inland scene and, with the new road opened up from the coast, it’s only a 20 minute drive up to come and enjoy something different. More information on what will be happening next week in The News.

* Chill Out to the Sounds of Dave Lee from 3 pm * Welcome Cava

* Ask Dave to sing

your favourite Dean Martin song

* Traditional Sunday Lunch Menu from 11.95 euros

* Happy Hour from 6 to 8pm

* Spa Treatments vouchers available ( previous reservation )

* Special Sunday Night Room rates ask at Reception

Book your table at Reception 952 585 988

Book your table at Reception or call Hotel Tamisa Golf on


" !


THE NEWS 622 050 409



3 course Menu del Dia €12.50 available all day plus Full à la carte menu.

Come and enjoy the best of Indian cuisine in our newly refurbished airconditioned restaurant or dine on our fabulous terrace

Come and enjoy our usual high standards of service & food

BAR EL RIO For fantastic tapas, drinks, raciones and typical Spanish specialities

Indian Restaurante


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Homemade daily specials from


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OPEN 7 DAYS Lunch 1.30 - 4.00pm Dinner 7.00 - 12.00pm

Open 12.00 noon ‘til 4.30 & 7.00 ‘till late

Urb. El Rodeo, Coin

(Closed Sundays and Monday lunchtime)

952 664 311 - 691 406 453 Calle Francisco Cano, 60, Los Boliches, Fuengirola

Menu del Dia 3 courses €9,95

952 455 599 626 977 224

Open Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm / Sat 9am till 4pm

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This Week !

Thursday @10.30am Belly Dancing €5 per session Wednesdays 8.30pm Bingo - jackpot €400 Quiz with jackpot Friday 27th Farewell do for Mark who is going back to the UK Saturday 28th Charity Auction in aid of Alder Hey Children’s Hospital More info:654 396 651

La Risa @ Lauro Golf Saturday 28th May Mini Market 10am - 2pm breakfast and lunch available Monday: 2 course menu only €7.50 per person wednesday & Friday Our popular Fish & Chips available all day Saturday Night: Special Menu available Sunday: Excellent Sunday Lunch including Lamb shoulder €5 supplement for 2 persons. Pre-order required Kitchen now open to 9pm Monday - Saturday For further details of all these events call us on 660 350 896 or pop into the bar.

On the road between Alhaurin el Grande & Alhaurin de la Torre Across From the Clubhouse

Reservations: 660 350 896

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

20 n Magazine

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in








By Ricky Leach

Have I forgotten? email: web:


wish I had forgotten to watch the memory loss film Memento.


bout a year ago, a friend that really loves her films suggested that I watch this, her all-time favourite film. Remembering what she had told me, I recently came across the film and watched it on a long train journey last weekend.




BY SCOTT STEWART Starring Paul Bettany, Maggie Q

It’s a futuristic tale based on a comic book which also brings to mind any number of other movies – but that’s not such a bad thing. Paul Bettany seems to be cornering the market in grim looking mad monks and avenging angels/priests and this is no exception, as this movie reunites him with his Legion director. We inhabit a world where vampires held the upper hand until they were vanquished by a group of warrior priests identified by a crucifix tattooed on their foreheads. After conquering the vampires

the humans now live in dark, teeming neon-lit closed off cities (cue Blade Runner) although a few defiantly live in the postapocalyptic countryside ( a bit like Mad Max). Bettany’s Priest was a legendary warrior priest who fought in the last Vampire War and now lives in one of the dystopian cities ruled by the Church. But his niece (Lily Collins) lives outside on a farm with her family and is


abducted by a murderous pack of vampires who hurtle round in a high speed train. Priest has to defy the church if he is to seek out the band and rescue his niece before it is too late ( bit like The Searchers). So he teams up with her boyfriend, a local sheriff, and recruits the priestess (Maggie Q) despatched by Christopher Plummer to stop his mission and off they go on their super-

powered motorcycles, trailing their cassocks behind them. The martial arts action is all Matrix and the plot is derivative of plenty of other postapocalyptic movies with a blend of Wild West, sci-fi and horror. It won’t win any awards and hasn’t won the hearts of critics but no matter – it’s all very glossy and pacy. Do they win the day? Is it the start of a franchise...hmm.


Malik lifts the trophy Depp defies critics Terrence Malik’s The Tree Of Life might have been greeted with boos from the critics at their early morning showing, but its reception did not stop it from lifting the coveted Palme d’Or as the Cannes Festival came to a close at the weekend. The movie is an ambitious coming of age saga starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn. Malick, notoriously reserved, did not attend the ceremony to pick up the award. Kristen Dunst took the Best Actress award for her role in Lars von Trier’s psychodrama Melancholia. The director had cast a shadow over the festival

when he was banned over remarks about Adolf Hitler. He said they were meant as jokes but Dunst clearly looked uncomfortable at the press conference to promote the film - luckily her chances were not damaged.

Well, the critics were as sniffy as everyone predicted but the fourth instalment in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, On Stranger Tides, has set a new global sales record. Last week Johhny Depp and Penelope Cruz were on the Cannes red carpet

promoting the movie on the eve of its opening and since then it has taken a worldwide total of $256 million – the highest total ever for a first week of release. The previous record was held by Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, with $236 million.

eleased in 2000, the film stars Guy Pearce as Leonard Shelby, a former insurance company claims investigator who suffers from anterograde amnesia, a condition that prevents him from creating and storing new memories.


he film shows sequences in black and white that tell the story of what happed to Leonard in chronological order while colour sequences show the confusing and disorientating world of a person who wakes up each day with little awareness of what they did yesterday.


he trouble is, despite or maybe because of, its clever plot, I found myself joining Leonard in his confusion. Even though I was treated to a few extra scenes that showed not everyone was playing fairly with his disability, as the end of the film drew nearer I realized that it really didn´t make any sense to me. Ok so there is some projection of a story often repeated in the film that turns out to be closer to home than Leonard could have guessed and there is a sub plot of crooked cops and a drug dealer’s moll manipulating his ability to forget what happened ten minutes ago in order to get Leonard to do their dirty work. Overall though, I thought the film was fractured and too clever for its own good. Well, too clever for me anyway.


n altogether different memory themed film is Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, a rare kind of movie as it features Jim Carrey in a serious acting role where he isn´t playing the fool.


his is a truly wonderful film that I first saw at the

cinema in La Trocha in 2004, back when they were first showing films in English. As well as the very believable Mr Carrey, the film also stars Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo and a young Elijah Wood. British actor Tom Wilkinson also has a pivotal role playing the clever Doctor Mierzwiak who has made a business out of erasing certain people, events or places from his customers’ memories.


asically, Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) are inexplicably attracted to each other as they head on a train to the beach one day, unaware that they had previously been lovers and had subjected themselves to a memory wipe that effectively removed each of them from the other’s memory. Joel didn´t really want to end the relationship but after Clementine has the procedure, Joel hopes that doing the same would help him to forget the sadness he was feeling about the failure of the relationship and the fact that Clementine no longer knows who he is.


eing drawn to each other without knowing why, the film proves the old adage “what will be, will be” and even the best efforts of Dr Mierzwiak cannot put asunder those that love has put together. As the couple’s new relationship progresses, Joel finds bits of memory of their previous relationship hidden amongst his childhood memories, placed there subconsciously by his own brain.


story line running alongside that of Joel and Clementine shows how the wily Doctor is using his memory wiping technique to continually take advantage of his beautiful assistant Mary (Kirsten Dunst), leaving her with no idea of what she has been talked into by her boss.


side from the clever story and the brilliant acting, Eternal Sunshine is one of my favourite films and certainly the most romantic I think I have ever seen. And I remember it!

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Magazine n 21

news Your outlook on the World


A weekly overview


March 21st April 19th


April 20th May 20th


May 21st June 21st


June 22nd July 22nd


July 23rd August 22nd


August 23rd September 22nd

by Cathy Stronach

It is time to get things in order this week, sort out the paperwork, clear up the house and get on top of your finances. You only have so much energy and events of late could have had you feeling that you were being pulled in six directions at once, now that things are settling down; use this lull time to clear the decks. A helping hand could appear in the form of a friend you have not seen for a while. Keep your thoughts positive and constructive and watch your confidence soar. You are an attraction magnet at the moment and could be feeling upbeat and inspired allowing you to operate at the top of your game. You may make a decision to live your life more consciously, change your diet in some way or put structures in place to make your daily life operate smoother. Initiate something new and profound and watch it take off. Self-empowerment and inner strength merge together to create an unstoppable force. This week is all about getting the details right, check your work and if you feel yourself getting distracted then ask for someone else to double check it. You could find yourself daydreaming a lot due to the amount of activity going on in your 12th house so try to make sure you are living in the ‘here and now’ when dealing with anything serious. On the positive side your imagination and creative powers are exceptional and you are likely to inspire others with your visions. Emotionally you are feeling more secure and stable as you focus your attention on tapping into ways to take charge of your life. The entrepreneur in you is alive and kicking causing you to break new ground, loaded with ideas and innovations. Whatever you wish for or desire - you have the spirit to make the changes now. Just know that a little effort during these coming days will go a long way, progress will be experienced in all areas of your life. Glitz and glam, fun and frolics – what a week you are going to have Leo. Right now you feel that you have got life sussed and this is your time to shine. Make sure that you keep up the things that are making your life run so smoothly as it is obviously working. Romance is in the air and you could be thinking of stepping a relationship up a notch. If single then put your glad rags on and get out there – as you are like a hearth fire and everyone feels warm when they are around you. Your keyword for this week is ‘passion’ born out of instinct. There is nothing like it to help secure a long sought after goal. It’s the passionate ones that can convince all of those in their midst of the reasons why something not only should happen but must. Passion will carry you to the finish line even after your legs have given up on you. This week make whatever it is you are doing a success on many levels, inject that charisma into what you really want.


Changes are occurring to turn your hopes, dreams and wishes into rock solid realities. The truth is that you also need to be willing to let go of the negative influences, habits or routines that are holding the good fortune back. Some things are black and white so instead of sitting on the fence, make your choices and live with the results. If you have the determination to see things September 23rd through you will make it all the way to success, it is there if you want it. October 22nd


Kym’s Kitchen don’t have to be a chef!

I have been dieting and haven't lost an ounce so this week we're going to make yummy coffee and banana with chocolate chip muffins. The recipe makes 16 or 18 muffins so you can enjoy midnight snacks too – if they last that long once they're out of the oven!

Mocha Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins Ingredients: ● ● ● ● ●

240gr butter or margarine 250gr white sugar 1 egg 3 ripe bananas 1 tablespoon instant coffee granules, dissolved in 1 tbsp water ● 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ● 275gr all-purpose flour ● 1/4 teaspoon salt ● 1 teaspoon baking powder ● 1 teaspoon baking soda ● 150gr chocolate chips

Directions 1 Preheat oven to 75ºC /350ºF

2 Blend butter or margarine, sugar, egg, banana, dissolved coffee, and vanilla in food processor for 2 minutes. Add flour, salt, baking powder, and soda, and blend just until flour disappears – the good thing about muffins is that the mixture doesn't have to be completely smooth. Add

in your actions, equipped with the abilities to build something solid and something you can count on. Many of those old structures that you built will be coming down, at least the ones that do not support your changing needs. Your values are not only changing, they are wrapped in greater depth, which nd December 22 will positively alter how you spend your time. January 19th

to serve ● 1 small onion, chopped croûtons – optional


February 19th March 20th

4 EAT!


CAPRICORN The quick fix is not normally you, by nature you are methodical and strategic

story sometimes when it comes to speaking your heart. Others always see you as being so rock solid strong and often fail to recognize that your heart and soul are just as human as everybody else. This week is all about finding ways to share with someone close what you really feel inside. So take that November 22nd December 21st leap of faith, believe in yourself and let others see the ‘real’ you.

January 20th February 18th

3 Bake for 25 minutes. Or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool on wire racks.

Ingredients: This week your ability to communicate effectively and meaningfully in order to restore and further deepen your connection with an important or significant other is off the scale. Take this opportunity to right the wrong and you will pave the way for greater trust and intimacy in your life. Without love nothing feels good or makes sense, so take the risk to open up to a loved one and love will make your world turn again while picking up some speed as it does.

SAGITTARIUS It is no secret that you have no problem speaking your mind. It is a different


chocolate chips and mix in with wooden spoon. Spoon mixture into 15 to 18 paperlined muffin cups.

As there is an absolute abundance of tomatoes coming out of the gardens right now, and the weather is now warm enough to enjoy it, here is a recipe for Gazpacho – the Spanish cold tomato soup that is refreshing and delicious.

● 500gr beefsteak tomatoes, skinned, seeded and chopped finely. ● 2 garlic cloves, chopped ● 3 tablespoons tomato purée ● 3 tablespoons olive oil ● 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar ● 600ml water ● ½ teaspoon sugar ● 1 cucumber, halved ● salt and freshly ground black pepper

October 23rd November 21st

(Makes 16 -18)

All eyes are going to be upon you this week and this is when you should show off your talents and abilities. It is all about you being willing to rise above the normal expectations others have of you and go that one step further. In a way you will find that you are an inspirational or motivational force for others whilst allowing others to see how deeply you really feel and care. By the weekend you will find that opportunities and a new set of possibilities open up to you. Flashes of intuition spark through you this week, your awareness is electrifying and your perception changes with regard to relationships and acquaintances. This increase in awareness allows you to see the bigger picture and not get hung up on ‘words’. Often, things that look perfect on the surface are not really so ideal. Apparent problems can be great blessings in disguise. This week brings you a development that may not seem obviously impressive; however, benefits flow your way.

Directions 1. Place the tomatoes in a liquidiser or food processor with the garlic, tomato purée, olive oil, vinegar, half the water and sugar then add salt and pepper to taste. 2. Skin and roughly chop one half of the cucumber and add to the processor. Blend at maximum speed for 30 seconds or until all the ingredients are smoothly combined.

3. Refrigerate the soup for at least two hours. 4. Just before serving, dice the remaining cucumber half and sprinkle over the top of the soup with the onion and croûtons.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2010

22 n Magazine

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in


Contemporary lifestyle and celebrity gossip

FAst FAshion

Bigger wardrobes a must have For many women today the dream of wearing the same dress as Cheryl Cole or Kate Middleton becomes an affordable reality as replica outfits fly out of the shops and into the wardrobe. And research now shows that the average woman in the UK is buying half her weight – a cool four and a half stone – in clothes each year. Women have more than four times as many clothes in their wardrobes than they did in 1980, but they are not hoarding – they are getting rid of the same amount each year.

It is believed that on average, women have 22 items hanging in their wardrobes that have never been worn, and are expected to spend £136,640 during their lifetime on clothes. Much has been attributed to the increase in “fast fashion” in which women can now easily buy cut price versions of clothes worn by

celebrity favourites. They spend less on individual items but buy more, said consumer expert Lucy Siegle, who has examined the phenomenon.

a simple blue frock produced by Zara the day after her wedding and within minutes the company’s internet site was deluged by purchasers.

She concludes that the rise in online stores like ASOS has helped, plus the growing internet empire of high street chains like Spain’s Zara and Sweden’s H&M. Kate Middleton wore

Ms Siegle reckons that the global textile market produces 80 billion new garments a year, and with prices falling, those wardrobes will continue to bulge.

Princess Beatrice’s world famous hat which she wore to the royal wedding has been sold for a whopping £81,100.01 following its eBay auction. pictures mocking the Philip Treacey confection were included on the eBay page. One was posted showing the crew of Star Trek

Fashion eyes on first ladies SamCam and Michelle Obama will be in the spotlight in a Battle of The Styles this week. The two women will be in competition to see who wins the fashion stakes during the US president’s state visit to the UK. Michelle is known for her easy, colourful choices, her support for up and coming designers and has not been frightened to go British when it suits her she wore a Sarah Burton at

Alexander McQueen outfit at one dinner. Samantha Cameron deploys a more understated signature look, and has a high profile as an ambassador for British fashion. Her underplayed look means she can pull off most things with ease. Let battle commence!

holding the hat saying “Fascinators to stun” and thousands have been following its progress on Facebook. Princess Beatrice said she hoped the new owner would have

All celeb invites politely declined by royal couple The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – aka Prince William and Kate Middleton – may just be back from their 10 day Seychelles honeymoon but they will soon be packing again as they head off to North America for their first official overseas visit.

Bea hat hits the heights Bids continued to mount even after the online auction site accidentally managed to close down the page featuring the hat. Forty eBay users made 114 bids for the hat and

Kate and William meet the Obama’s at Buckingham Palace. Kate is wearing a Reiss Shola Bandage dress, costing just £175 - watch it fly out of the shops

as much fun with it, and the money raised will go to the charities for which she is an ambassador – UNICEF and Children in Crisis.

The couple will head to Canada from June 30th to July 8th and then will visit California from July 8th to 10th. But it appears that the couple may be out of bounds for the Hollywood celebrities who were hoping to meet them at star studded events. It has been reported that William and Kate will not be visiting David and Victoria Beckham, even though Becks and Posh attended the wedding. Victoria was said to be quietly relieved as the visit coincides with when she expects to give birth to her fourth child. Advisors are keen to maintain the tone of the visit, and avoid Kate from being overwhelmed like Princess Diana, who was a huge Hollywood favourite. They want the emphasis to be on the charitable work carried out by William. It will be sad news for

Spain’s top Hollywood couple Antonio Banderas and wife Melanie Griffiths. Melanie said while aboard a yacht at the Cannes film festival last week that she would love to invite them to the Banderas LA home. “We’d love to throw them a party. We have a lovely big house and they would be more than welcome,” she said. One person who presumably will definitely be off any guest list is former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is currently in disgrace as it emerged last week that he had a long affair with his family housekeeper, who had a son, now aged 13, with the tough guy former actor. His wife Maria Shriver has terminated their relationship, and Arnie has pulled out his new movie commitments. The Duke and Duchess will be the focus of a lot of attention in the States – president Barack Obama told the Prince of Wales the nation was gripped by the televised wedding and secretary of state Hilary Clinton watched it simultaneously with her mother, and daughter Chelsea along with millions of others.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Magazine n 23

news Your outlook on the World


Health &beauty

News - Breakthroughs - Treatments - Trends

Tips for healthy summer feet The rise in temperature during the summer months along with flip flops, sandals and summer activities can cause extra problems for your feet, just when you want them to look their best. Here are some tips to help you keep your feet healthy and pain free through the summer months. Sweaty feet- and the smell that goes with them - is one of the most common problems during hot weather. To avoid them and reduce your chances of fungal infections: wash your feet every day in warm soapy water. Don't soak them, as this might destroy the natural oils causing dryness, and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes; wear good quality socks made from fibres that wick sweat away from the skin. This will help to keep your skin dry and allows your feet to “breathe”. And change them every day;

wear well ventilated shoes and change them often. Wearing the same shoes every day transfers decomposing bacteria onto your feet, so to keep them smelling sweet, alternate your footwear, and always keep your trainers well aired, before and after exercise to prevent the build up of fungal spores and bacteria. Cracked heels are normally caused by wearing openbacked shoes and sandals which allow the fat pad under the heel to expand sideways, increasing the likelihood of the skin to crack. To prevent this, keep your feet well moisturised by applying a moisturiser twice a day. Use an abrasive stone such as a

pumice stone or a non-metal footfile exfoliate the build up of skin which can occur. Change the type of footwear you wear. Constantly wearing flip-flops or flimsy sandals increases your likelihood of unsightly and sometimes painful cracked heels. If cracked heels become a serious problem, they can be "strapped" by a chiropodist or podiatrist. This holds the cracks together to help them heal. Blisters can be prevented by keeping feet dry at all times. If you have sweaty socks, change them. If buying new summer sandals or shoes, make sure they fit properly. Shoes which are too loose or too tight will create pressure points and

la clinica is a holistic and dynamic health clinic with treatments for internal and external wellness

with polish. A thick, discoloured, cracked or crumbling nail could mean you have a fungal infection. It won't go away by itself, so get it checked out.

Sunburn: your feet are most exposed during summer, so don't forget the suncream. Use SPF30 and above, and reapply regularly to protect against skin cancer and leathery skin due to premature ageing.

Try to vary your shoe type and heel height from day to day; one day with low heels, the next with slightly higher ones. Heel heights should be kept to about 3cm for everyday use.

Feet tend to swell during the day so buy new shoes or sandals later in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest

Other tips for healthy summer feet: swimming and paddling pools, gym showers and hotel bathrooms are breeding grounds for athlete's foot and verrucas. Wear flip flops or Crocs to avoid catching them; don't hide "ugly" toenails



We offer a complete health assessment using the Introspect Cellscanning System. No pain - No Needles - Relax

All aspects of hairdressing, Cutting-Wella Colours-Hi/Lo lights-Perming Sunbed ‘winter specials’ 60mins 25€- Spray tans Clarins facials from 30€ PAMPER PACKAGES FOR IDEAL GIFTS FROM 55€

Reflexology and Massages from 25€ Manicure / Pedicure The latest Shellac & Foilwrap Minx Nails Teethwhitening also available for special price 125€ To celebrate our 7th Anniversary we are having an Open Day Thursday 19th May til all welcome 16/17 Las Rampas, Fuengirola - Mon - Closed / Tues - Fri 10 - 6.00pm / Sat 10 to 4.00pm

Tel: 952 666 787 - Mobile 630 800 572

One simple scan at cellular level can check that every organ has good function / weak or reduced function. Instant result scan reveals any health problems or allergies (airborn/ and the digestive system). Suggestions what action to take as well as recommending alternative supplements

Check up: • Microflora • Viruses • Bacteria • Parasites • Skeleton, Bones • lymphsystem • stomach & Intestines • Heart & lungs • Blood • Skin etc.

lead to rubbing, making blisters inevitable. Put your feet up! Your feet need a rest. Over-working feet increases heat and moisture in footwear and increases the likelihood of blisters. Blisters should be left to dry out on their own, so don't try to burst them. However if they do burst, apply a clean dressing.


HANNA Tricoderm SL • 952 917 126 Bernabé Tierno 3, Edif. Lindamar 2 Street between Paseo Mercadona and Feria 29640 Fuengirola, Malaga

Marijke Togeretz Nurse & Health advisor

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Happy birthday Kiss !

For the Salon’s 7th birthday celebrations, Kiss Hair, Nails and Beauty Salon in Las Rampas Fuengirola held an open day complete with barbecue, salads and plenty of pink champagne to keep the party going. Demonstrations of how your nails could look once they’d been given the Kiss treatment were carried out and there were plenty of bookings by onlookers who were impressed by the results. Reflexology (pictured below) was carried out by the salon’s specialist and customers commented how marvelous their feet felt after treatment following a hard day’s shopping. Hair was cut, coloured, blow dried and one young lady tried a “pin-up” where her hair was turned into an elegant French plait with what seemed to be little effort under the expert hands of one of the girls who work at Kiss. Many people turned up throughout the day to partake of some free massages and to watch demonstrations. Over 400 raffle tickets were sold and the prizes included everything from a simple cut, to full pamper packages of massage, facial, manicure, pedicure - in fact everything you needed to take all your cares away and make you feel like a true princess. The girls (pictured above) said that, although it had been a long and tiring day, the number of people who had turned up to wish them a Happy Birthday had made it all worthwhile.

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

24 n TV Listings


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

ON THE New series:


The Rainmaker A young law-school graduate takes on his first case, pursuing a major insurance company accused of stalling on a leukaemia victim's health claim. Tense courtroom scenes and an earnest study of legal and moral principles unfold as the idealistic young lawyer battles against cynicism and corruption.


Sun, May 22nd 22:00

Under the Mud The Potts household is second home to a teenage slacker, Magic. He is such a part of the family that his longing for the eccentric beauty Paula Potts goes completely unnoticed; to her, he is just part of the furniture. With Paula arguing with her imaginary friend about running off to Ibiza with a local slimeball, Magic realises...


Tue, May 31st 22:35

Mickey Blue Eyes A sober English gent, Michael Felgate, proposes to his girlfriend Gina only to discover that she is the daughter of prominent Mafia mobster Frank Vitale. However, Frank is delighted with his new son-in-law and sets about introducing a reluctant Michael to the family `business', ...


Sun, May 22nd 23:20

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Hurricane Katrina collides with New Orleans and Daisy Williams is on her deathbed. Daisy requests that her daughter Caroline read aloud the journal of her lifelong friend Benjamin Button. The diary documents his extraordinary...


Mon, May 30th 22:00

A Few Good Men A young and impetuous naval lieutenant and a more experienced officer are given the job of defending two marines accused of murder. As the two officers come to terms with one another, their investigation uncovers some sinister secrets and collusion...


Kill Bill: Vol 1

New series:

Springwatch 2011

Fri, May 27th 23:30

Sat, May 28th 21:45

Mon May 30th 20.00

Wearing his panama and beige suit, and standing below the Hollywood sign, Merton launches his look into the early days of Hollywood, the great stars and directors , with plenty of clips from the silent movies.

Paul Merton’s Birth of Hollywood Fri May 27th 21.30




May 25th

May 26th

May 27th

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Fake Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 11:45 Bargain Hunt 12:30 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 President Obama at Westminster 16:30 Flog It! 17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six

18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Waterloo Road 20:30 Life of Riley 21:00 The Apprentice 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 22:45 Not Going Out 23:15 It's a Boy Girl Thing 00:45 Weatherview 00:50 See Hear 01:20 Watchdog 02:20 The British at Work 03:20 One Man and His Campervan 03:50 Click

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Fake Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 11:45 Bargain Hunt 12:30 Chelsea Flower Show 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 Copycats 15:40 Wingin' It 16:00 Project Parent 16:30 My Life: Children of the Road 17:00 Newsround

17:15 The Weakest Link 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Watchdog 21:00 Inside the Human Body 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Question Time 23:35 This Week 00:20 Holiday Weatherview 00:25 Panorama 00:55 Countryfile 01:55 Britain's Next Big Thing 02:55 DIY SOS 03:55 Our World

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Fake Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Don't Get Done, Get Dom 11:45 Bargain Hunt 12:30 Chelsea Flower Show 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 Copycats 15:40 Wingin' It 16:00 Remote Control Star 16:30 Fee Fi Fo Yum 17:00 Newsround 17:15 The Weakest Link

18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 A Question of Sport 21:00 Have I Got News for You 21:30 Outnumbered 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Graham Norton Show 23:20 The Lottery Draws 23:30 The Rainmaker 01:35 The One Show 02:35 Weatherview 02:40 Monty Don's Italian Gardens 03:40 The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

09:30 Big and Small 09:40 Buzz and Tell 09:50 Big Cook Little Cook 10:10 Timmy Time 10:25 ZingZillas 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 Crossfire 13:00 See Hear 13:30 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:15 Animal 24:7 15:00 Copycats 15:30 League of Super Evil 15:40 Wingin' It 16:00 Dani's House 16:30 Little Howard's Big Question 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Newsround

17:15 Cash in the Celebrity Attic 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Great British Menu 19:00 The Culture Show 19:30 Two Greedy Italians 20:30 Chelsea Flower Show 22:00 The Apprentice: You're Fired 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle 23:50 The Culture Show 00:20 The French Open, ATP Tennis 01:20 BBC News 01:30 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer 02:00 BBC News

08:55 Bob the Builder 09:05 The Koala Brothers 09:15 Guess with Jess 09:30 Big and Small 09:40 Buzz and Tell 09:50 Big Cook Little Cook 10:10 Timmy Time 10:25 ZingZillas 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 The Locket 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:15 Animal 24:7 15:00 Helicopter Heroes 15:45 Flog It! 16:30 The Hairy Bikers' Food Tour of Britain 17:15 Cash in the Celebrity

Attic 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Great British Menu 19:00 The Culture Show 20:00 Chelsea Flower Show 21:00 The Shadow Line 22:00 Psychoville 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 BMW Championship, PGA Tour European Golf 00:20 The French Open, ATP Tennis 01:20 The Culture Show Special 02:20 BBC News 02:30 HARDtalk 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Our World 03:55 Pages from Ceefax

08:55 Bob the Builder 09:05 The Koala Brothers 09:15 Guess with Jess 09:30 Big and Small 09:40 Buzz and Tell 09:50 Big Cook Little Cook 10:10 Timmy Time 10:25 ZingZillas 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 The Racket 13:00 Diagnosis Murder 13:45 To Buy or Not to Buy 14:15 Animal 24:7 15:00 Helicopter Heroes 15:45 Flog It! 16:30 The Hairy Bikers' Food Tour of Britain 17:15 Cash in the Celebrity

Attic 18:00 Eggheads 18:30 Great British Menu 19:00 Windfarm Wars 20:00 Chelsea Flower Show 21:30 Paul Merton's Birth of Hollywood 22:30 Newsnight 23:00 The Book Review Show 23:50 BMW Championship, PGA Tour European Golf 00:20 Later... with Jools Holland 01:25 The French Open, ATP Tennis 02:25 The Haunted House of Horror 03:55 Pages from Ceefax

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Britain's Best Dish 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Poms in Paradise 20:00 Midsomer Murders

22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Cops with Cameras 23:35 Long Lost Family 00:30 The Zone 02:35 Space Jam 04:00 ITV Nightscreen

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Britain's Best Dish 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Tonight

20:00 Emmerdale 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Long Lost Family 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 Piers Morgan's Life Stories 23:35 Amanda Holden's Fantasy Lives 00:30 The Zone 02:30 Tonight 02:55 ITV Nightscreen 04:35 The Jeremy Kyle Show

06:00 Daybreak 08:30 Lorraine 09:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 This Morning 12:30 Loose Women 13:30 ITV News and Weather 14:00 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 Dickinson's Real Deal 16:00 Midsomer Murders 17:00 Britain's Best Dish 18:00 London Tonight 18:30 ITV News and Weather 19:00 Emmerdale 19:30 Coronation Street

20:00 Baboons with Bill Bailey 20:30 Coronation Street 21:00 Paul O'Grady Live 22:00 News at Ten and Weather 22:35 An Audience with Neil Diamond 23:35 The Cube 00:30 The Zone 02:30 The Hitcher 04:10 ITV Nightscreen

06:10 The Hoobs 06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 Freshly Squeezed 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:55 Frasier 08:25 Frasier 08:55 Friends 09:25 Accidentally on Purpose 09:50 Location, Location, Location 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 The Home Show 13:05 Kidnapped 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal

17:00 Celebrity Five Go To... 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 Diagnosis Live from the Clinic 21:00 24 Hours in A&E 22:00 Desperate Housewives 23:05 The Big Bang Theory 23:35 The Big Bang Theory 00:05 Inside Incredible Athletes 01:35 The Sunchaser 03:45 Husk 03:55 Wild Thing: I Love You

06:35 The Hoobs 07:00 Freshly Squeezed 07:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:55 Frasier 08:25 Frasier 08:55 Friends 09:25 Accidentally on Purpose 09:50 Location, Location, Location 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Paralympics 13:05 My Eden 13:10 White Feather 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal

17:00 Celebrity Five Go To... 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 Three in a Bed 21:00 Cutting Edge 22:00 Bodyshock 23:10 The Secret Millionaire 00:10 The Vue Film Show 00:45 The Great Escape Festival 2011 01:15 The Album Chart Show 01:30 4Play 01:40 The JD Set Presents 01:50 The Model Agency 02:45 Emily's Song 03:00 Unreported World

08:00 Frasier 08:55 Friends 09:25 Accidentally on Purpose 09:55 Location, Location, Location 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 Paralympics 13:05 River Cottage Bites 13:20 The Frogmen 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Celebrity Five Go To... 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 19:30 Unreported World

19:55 20:00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 21:00 Million Pound Drop 22:25 That Peter Kay Thing 22:55 Phoneshop 23:30 Ricky Gervais Show 00:00 Jessie J: Live 00:35 Mercury Prize Sessions 00:50 Album Chart Show 01:05 4Play 01:20 Much Ado About a Minor Ting 01:50 The Dish 02:00 Daddy 02:05 My Name Is Earl 02:30 My Name Is Earl

07:30 Thomas and Friends 07:40 Mio Mao 07:45 Make Way for Noddy 08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:10 Milkshake! 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Olivia 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Stansted: Inside Story 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 Law & Order 13:15 Home and Away

13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 Chinese Food in Minutes 15:15 McBride: 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 19:00 5 News at 7 19:30 Pawn Stars 20:00 Giant Animal Moves 21:00 NCIS 22:00 Law and Order 22:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 23:55 Poker: Aussie Millions 00:50 Super Casino 04:00 Meals in Moments

08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Olivia 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Stansted: The Inside Story 12:00 Meals in Moments 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 Law & Order 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 Chinese Food in Minutes

15:10 Chinese Food in Minutes 15:15 The Sign of Four 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 18:55 5 News at 7 19:00 npower Test Cricket 20:00 Emergency Bikers 21:00 Extreme Fishing with Robson Green: At the Ends of the Earth 22:00 Impossible 23:05 Banged up Abroad 00:05 Super Casino 04:00 Meals in Moments 04:10 Michaela's Wild Challenge

08:00 Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15 Peppa Pig 08:30 Roary the Racing Car 08:40 Olivia 08:50 The WotWots 09:00 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom 09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:05 Stansted: The Inside Story 12:00 The Family Recipe 12:10 5 News Lunchtime 12:20 Law & Order 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 The Vanessa Show 15:05 Chinese Food in Minutes

15:10 Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:25 OK! TV 18:55 5 News at 7 19:00 npower Test Cricket 20:00 Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 21:00 The Mentalist 22:00 Law & Order 22:55 CSI: Miami 23:50 Rough Guide to Adventures 00:10 Super Casino 04:05 Motorsport Mundial 04:30 Nick's Quest

19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Great Movie Mistakes 21:00 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 22:45 Family Guy 23:10 Family Guy 23:35 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 00:05 American Dad 00:25 American Dad 00:45 American Dad!

01:10 American Dad! 01:30 American Dad! 01:50 American Dad! 02:15 American Dad! 02:35 American Dad! 03:00 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 03:30 Great Movie Mistakes 04:30 Secrets of the Superbrands 05:30 SIGN OFF

19:00 The Apprentice 20:00 Secrets of the Superbrands 21:00 Misbehaving Mums to Be 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 Ideal 23:00 Family Guy 23:25 Family Guy 23:50 Misbehaving Mums to Be

00:50 Ideal 01:20 Secrets of the Superbrands 02:20 Secrets of the Superbrands 03:20 Young, Rich and House Hunting 03:50 Young, Rich and House Hunting 04:20 The Apprentice 05:20 SIGN OFF

19:00 Doctor Who 19:45 Doctor Who Confidential 20:00 Hotter Than My Daughter 20:30 Snog Marry Avoid? 21:00 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 21:30 Lee Nelson's Well Good Show 22:00 EastEnders

22:30 Young, Rich and House Hunting 23:00 Family Guy 23:50 Ideal 00:20 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 00:50 Lee Nelson's Well Good Show 01:20 Bizarre ER 01:50 Snog Marry Avoid? 02:20 Hotter Than My ..

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

TV Listings n 25

news Your outlook on the World


Champions League Final: Man U v Barcelona

Drama following the personal and professional lives of two detectives working for a Manchester police unit specialising in murder. Starring Lesley Sharp as DC Scott and Suranne Jones as Bailey.

New series: Scott & Bailey

Sat May 28th 19.00

Sun May 29th 21.00

NOTE: Add 1 hour for Spanish viewing times.





May 28th

May 29th

May 30th

May 31st

06:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 Great British Menu 12:00 BBC News 12:05 BBC London News; Weather 12:10 Live: Formula 1 Motor Racing 14:30 Live: PGA Championship Golf 16:50 Don't Scare the Hare 17:25 BBC News 17:35 BBC London News; Weather 17:45 So You Think You Can Dance 18:45 Doctor Who 19:30 So You Think You Can Dance

20:00 The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 20:50 Casualty 21:40 John Bishop's Britain 22:10 BBC News 22:25 Face/Off 00:35 Steal 01:55 Weatherview 02:00 BBC News 02:30 Cannes 2011 03:00 BBC News 03:30 Our World 04:00 BBC News 04:30 Click

06:00 Breakfast 09:00 The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 The Big Questions 11:00 Country Tracks 12:00 BBC News 12:05 Live: Formula 1 Motor Racing 15:20 EastEnders Omnibus 17:15 Points of View 17:30 Songs of Praise 18:05 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 18:35 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News; Weather 19:00 Countryfile 20:00 Antiques Roadshow 21:00 Pirates of the

Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 23:20 BBC News 23:35 BBC London News; Weather 23:45 The Football League Show 00:35 Weatherview 00:40 The Apprentice 01:40 Holby City 02:40 A History of Ancient Britain

06:00 Breakfast 09:00 Fake Britain 09:45 Homes Under the Hammer 10:45 Real Rescues 11:30 Cash in the Attic 12:00 Bargain Hunt 12:45 BBC News at One 13:05 BBC London News 13:15 Escape to the Country 14:15 The Cat in the Hat 15:30 Wallace and Gromit in A Close Shave 16:00 Pixar: 25 Magic Moments 17:00 WALL.E 18:30 BBC News at Six 18:45 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show

19:30 Saints and Scroungers 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Egypt's Lost Cities 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:10 BBC London New 22:15 A Question of Sport 22:45 The Football League Show 23:25 The Graham Norton Show 00:10 Weatherview 00:15 Wonders of the Universe 01:15 Inside the Human Body 02:15 The Secrets of Scott's Hut 03:45 One Man and His Campervan 04:15 BBC News

06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Fake Britain 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Real Rescues 11:45 Cash in the Attic 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Doctors 14:15 Escape to the Country 15:00 BBC News 15:05 Copycats 15:40 Wingin' It 16:00 Sadie J 16:30 Blue Peter 16:55 Shaun the Sheep 17:00 Newsround 17:15 The Weakest Link

18:00 BBC News at Six 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Holby City 21:00 Panorama 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Crimewatch on the Streets 23:35 The Lock Up 00:05 Weatherview 00:10 Children's Craniofacial Surgery 01:10 Wootton Bassett: The Town That Remembers 02:10 Who Do You Think You Are? 02:55 Great British Railway Journeys

09:00 Dick & Dom Go Wild 09:30 Deadly 60: Brazil 10:00 Relic: Guardians of the Museum 10:30 League of Super Evil 10:40 Wolverine and the XMen 11:00 Mortified 11:25 OOglies 11:40 MOTD Kickabout 12:00 Bell Book and Candle 13:40 The Cheyenne Social Club 15:20 Two Greedy Italians 16:20 Escape to the Country 16:50 Live: PGA Championship Golf 18:00 Flog It! 19:00 Dad's Army

19:30 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 20:00 Terry and June 20:30 The Many Faces of June Whitfield 21:30 Absolutely Fabulous 22:00 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:45 QI XL 23:30 Grumpy Old Holidays 00:00 French Open Tennis 01:00 Later... Live with Jools Holland 02:05 Under the Mud 03:30 Pages from Ceefax

06:00 Wibbly Pig 06:10 Penelope 06:15 Toddworld 06:30 Tinga Tinga Tales 06:45 Octonauts 07:00 Space Hoppers 07:30 Bear Behaving Badly 07:55 Shaun the Sheep 08:00 Gimme a Break 08:30 Me and My Monsters 09:00 Friday Download 10:00 Something for the Weekend 11:30 Escape to the Country 12:30 The Long Ships 14:30 Live: PGA Championship Golf 18:10 Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections

19:00 Top Gear 20:00 Britain's Secret Seas 21:00 Miami Mega-Jail 22:00 Queen: Days of Our Lives 23:00 The Shadow Line 00:00 French Open Tennis 01:00 BBC News 01:30 The Reporters 02:00 BBC News 02:30 Dateline London 03:00 BBC News 03:30 The Record Europe 03:40 Pages from Ceefax

08:55 Bob the Builder: Project Build It 09:05 The Koala Brothers 09:15 Guess with Jess 09:30 Big and Small 09:40 Buzz and Tell 09:50 Big Cook Little Cook 10:10 Timmy Time 10:20 ZingZillas 10:45 Waybuloo 11:05 In the Night Garden 11:35 The 39 Steps 13:00 World Cup Rowing 14:30 Animal 24:7 15:00 Rewind the 60s 15:45 Flog It! 16:30 The Hairy Bikers' Food Tour of Britain 17:15 Cash in the Celebrity

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Extra Portions 17:30 Come Dine with Me: Extra Portions 18:00 Channel 4 News 18:20 18:25 Titanic 22:00 The Million Pound Drop 23:20 Dylan Moran: Aim Low 00:25 In America 02:10 Mother of Many 02:15 Slow Joe 02:25 A Family Portrait 02:30 The Tannery 02:35 Paraphernalia 02:50 The Dead Zone 03:35 Hill Street Blues 04:30 Wild Thing: I Love You

06:10 The Hoobs 06:35 The Hoobs 07:05 That Paralympic Show 07:30 Freesports on 4 08:00 Friends 08:30 Friends 09:00 Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:30 Being... N Dubz 12:05 Glee 13:05 The Simpsons 13:40 The Simpsons 14:10 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 14:40 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 15:15 Jamie's 30 Minute Meals 15:45 Deal or No Deal 16:45 Channel 4 News

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07:55 Frasier 08:25 Frasier 08:55 Friends 09:30 Accidentally on Purpose 09:55 Location, Location, Location 10:55 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00 Channel 4 News 12:05 In Your Dreams 12:15 The Home Show 13:20 Appointment in London 15:10 Countdown 16:00 Deal or No Deal 17:00 Four in a Bed 17:30 Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Simpsons

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01:15 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 02:45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 04:15 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 04:45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 05:15 SIGN OFF

19:00 Total Wipeout 20:00 The World's Strictest Parents 21:00 Secrets of the Superbrands 22:00 EastEnders 22:30 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 23:00 Family Guy 23:20 Family Guy 23:45 Secrets of the

Superbrands 00:45 Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 01:15 Misbehaving Mums to Be 02:15 The World's Strictest Parents 03:15 Total Wipeout 04:15 Misbehaving Mums to Be 05:15 SIGN OFF

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

26 n Magazine

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Take a break TARGET PUZZLE

SUDOKU by Papocom Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. With no repeats, that means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Level:




See how many words of four or more letters you can make from the given nine letters. In making a word each letter may be used only once. The key letter must be used in each word.





1-7 Poor 8-14 Average 15-21 Good 22-23 Excellent

1-7 Poor 8-14 Average 15-21 Good 22-23 Excellent

The following are not allowed: - Words beginning with a capital letter - Words with a hyphen or apostrophe - Plural words ending in “s” The 9-letter word GUNPOWDER



1. Away to silence cold libation outlets. (3-8) 9. Oil goes into different sciences. (7) 10. Hangs around grinding teeth. (5) 11. Obsolete permission to European. (5) 12. Supple smile so agile. (7) 13. Condition of sharp nails, perhaps? (6) 15. One of the four Beatles with one seen in church cloth. (6) 18. Crash ace bled in terrible defeat. (7) 20. Flexible and fired up male, possibly. (5) 22. Bouquet dispatched with a Conservative. (5) 23. Boat carrying little weight. (7) 24. Description of a movie featuring many well-known actors. (4,7)

2. Maybe one sells whips? (5) 3. Delays stir Leo into action. (7) 4. Board game stronghold. (6) 5. Might antique Arthur like a hot port and lemon juice. (5) 6. Locks contrary to our charm. (7) 7. Solid band recording onto audio laser system. (7,4) 8. Multiple hurrahs at honour celebration. (5,6) 14. Time ban effect on surrounding atmosphere. (7) 16. Apparently reckoned that everyone was moved to the edge. (7) 17. Oh! to have zeal like an enthusiast. (6) 19. React to provide supply. (5) 21. Let slip it is just a legend. (5)












2. Who is the Greek God of the forge and fire, among other related responsibilities: Dionysus; Ares; Erebos; or Hephaestus?






3. What is the musical term for 'To be repeated from the beginning': Da Capo; Etude; Cantata; or Rubato?

17 18





4. Burley is which type of crop: Cotton; Wheat; Rice; or Tobacco?





1. Ballet by Stravinsky (8) 5. (Mineral providing) powder (4) 9. Upper room (5) 10. Pouch accompanying kilt (7) 11. Hard metallic shade (8,4) 13. Women (6) 14. Chess piece (6) 17. Strong safety fencing (5,7) 20. Terpsichorean exercise (7) 21. Opera by Puccini (5) 22. Spanish painter (4) 23. Grill - American football (field) (8)

1. Emblem - iris - wilt (4) 2. Extremely disconcerted (7) 3. Transmission mechanism (used as weapon) (7,5) 4. Holiday destination (6) 6. Traditionally showery month (5) 7. Bits thrown at weddings (8) 8. Focused - made denser (12) 12. Animal representing depression (5,3) 15. (Unskilled) mechanic (7) 16. Hand weapon (6) 18. Vex (5) 19. Precipitation (4)










7. In June 1937, which US state became the first, and only, to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday: Florida; California; Pennsylvania; or Texas?

11 12 13



16 17

18 19 21




8. Which European leader publicly welcomed a new female MP to parliament by reminding her of a 'rule' called 'jus primae noctis' ('law of the first night' - a medieval right of the Lord of the manor to deflower new brides) ? Silvio Berlusconi; Winston Churchill; Nicolas Sarkozy; or Helmut Kohl? SOLUTION FOR QUIZ


14. Knight 17. Crash barrier 20. Dancing 21. Tosca 22. Goya 23. Gridiron

1. Firebird 5. Talc 9. Attic 10. Sporran 11. Electric blue 13. Ladies

15. fabric 18. debacle 20. lithe 22. scent 23. lighter 24. star studded

1. off-licences 9. ologies 10. gnash 11. passe 12. lissome 13. clause


1. Flag 2. Rattled 3. Bicycle chain 4. Resort 6. April 7. Confetti 2. flogs 3. loiters 4. castle 5. negus 6. enamour 7. compact disc







5. In the 2004 film biopic Beyond the Sea, Kevin Spacey plays which 1960s singer: Bobby Vee; Frankie Avalon; Bobby Darin; or Fabian? 6. Hypokalaemia is the deficiency of what in the bloodstream: Calcium; Potassium; Oxygen; or Protein?

8 9

1. A 2010 UK survey by the Campaign for Better Transport identified which city as the most car-dependent: London; Milton Keynes; Bristol; or Swindon?

1. Milton Keynes 2. Hephaestus 3. Da Capo 4. Tobacco 5. Bobby Darin 6. Potassium 7. Pennsylvania 8. Silvio Berlusconi


The 9-letter word RELUCTANT



8. Concentrated 12. Black dog 15. Greaser 16. Dagger 18. Annoy 19. Rain 8. three cheers 14. ambient 16. alleged 17. zealot 19. cater 21. title

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Opinion & Comment n 27

news Your outlook on the World


“THE NEWS”WANTS TO HEAR YOUR VIEWS Send letters to the editor as part of an e-mail text to

Tom Cowan In reply to last week’s query from Brenda Patrick. I had a UK disabled drivers permit and continued to use it when I took up permanent residence in Spain, with no problems. When that permit was nearing expiry I obtained an Andalucian permit and have used that when visiting the UK, with no problems. I am sure a permit issued in the EC is valid in all EC countries as long as it is not time-expired. How did I obtain a Andalucian permit? I asked my doctor in Las Lagunas medical centre, Fuengirola who provided me with a requisition for disability assessment and referred me to the social security section in the same centre. The social

by email security section then arranged an appointment for me at Centro de Valoracion y Orientacion, plaza Diego Vazquez, Otero 5, Edificio Torre Almenara, Malaga. I attended the Centro de Valoration bearing, as requested, all relevant documentary evidence of disability and income, together with my Residencia and certificate of Empardronamiento. There, I was subjected to financial and medical examination to determine whether I qualified for financial assistance as well as my degree of disability. The Centro de Valoration later sent me a certificate of degree of disability (35%), valid for 5

years. I then presented that certificate, together with a couple of passport sized photos to the Distrito Sanitario, C La Union near Las Lagunas, Fuengirola and there applied for a disabled drivers permit (Tarjeta De Aparcamiento), which I eventually received valid for 10 years. This all happened over a period of 4 months in 2003 and procedures may have since changed. It was a frustrating, bureaucratic process but worth it as the permit was valid for 10 years and renewal will probably be less painful.Hope this helps, good luck.

Stargazing By Ken Campbell

If you would like to be kept up to date or take part in any of the events then go to

Do you believe in aliens? You wouldn’t believe how many times I get asked that question, so rather than answer with a simple yes or no I always try to throw it back to the asker to let them ponder.

T Alan Grieve I really must take issue with your correspondent, Arthur Webster, (by email, The News, Opinion & Comment, Wednesday, May 11th, 2011), who appears to be lambasting Facebook because of his own limitations. I have been a Facebook user almost since it began. I spend far too much time on Facebook almost every day. I have learned to 'manage' my Facebook account so I don't have to deal with the

Belfast spam which seems to be upsetting your correspondent. To receive these spam messages, he must be accepting or agreeing to receive them, then not bothering to delete said acceptance after satisfying his curiosity to whatever is behind the headline that he so desperately needed to see. It is perfectly easy to click on the 'accept' button, have a wee look at the link, then click on 'my account', and

cancel the acceptance you just agreed to. I think that his rant is very unfair to Facebook and its millions of users. Just because you didn't learn to drive a car, but drove one into a tree, doesn't mean you should bad-mouth the builder of that car. I think Arthur Webster should consider accepting his own mis-management of his Facebook account, and write a retraction of his slur on Facebook.


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he Universe is unimaginably large, in fact it probably goes on for infinity, that is to say it has no ending. It contains billions and billions of galaxies, each galaxy containing billions of stars. It has been said that there are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on every beach and desert in the world. p to now astronomers have discovered 551 planets orbiting around other stars. This may not sound like many but the first one was only discovered in 1995, but now that we have the equipment and also the technique to find them the number is going up almost daily. Conservative estimates put the final figure at over 50 billion planets in our galaxy alone. If you think about multiplying that number throughout the whole of the Universe then the number of planets is…well, astronomical. ut what we need is not just any old planet, the Eureka moment will come when we discover the ‘Goldilocks’ planet, one that is not too hot, not too cold, not too big and not too small, just right to harbour life. n our own solar system there are 8 very different planets with almost 150 moons between them, each moon unique in its own way. One of Jupiter’s moons, Europa, is completely covered in a crust of ice; below the ice is a liquid ocean. NASA intends to send a probe within the next decade to penetrate the ice and search for life in the waters below. Europa currently stands as the most likely candidate to support life. ut what is life? 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth are now extinct, so the word ‘life’ has a variety of meanings. It could be anything from the tiniest bacteria through plants, fish, reptiles, mammals right up to advanced civilisations that we would recognise as ‘life as we know it’. And if we did discover alien life could we communicate with it? We have trouble understanding other humans who live only a few hundred miles




from us in another country, and apart from yelling a few instructions at the dog to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ or ‘rollover’ we cannot even communicate with other life forms on our home planet, so being able to communicate with another life from another planet in another solar system seems very difficult indeed. nd this is before we take into account the vast distances involved. The nearest star to us is 4 ½ light years away so a message sent there would take 9 years to return to us. If we had found life on a fairly close star a mere 1000 light years away then if Jesus had sent them a message we would only just be receiving their reply now, and that’s if we remembered to listen out for it! here is an agency called SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) that has been monitoring the cosmos for the last 50 years looking for that one unique signal that will eventually answer the question ‘are we alone?’ believe there has got to be life out there somewhere, but as for little green men in flying saucers then no; I don’t believe they are coming all this way and not making themselves known to us. That is not to say that they haven’t been here in the past, the Earth has been around for a very long time and there is no reason to think that aliens should appear only now just at the exact time for us to be technically advanced enough to comprehend their visit. hat do you think, is it more disturbing to think that there is alien life or that we truly are all alone on our little blue planet in this massive Universe?




WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

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FLOOR POLISHING MARBLE Floor Polishing (€2 m2) Why pay more? We clean, then crystalize and polish to a high gloss, non slip. Professional fast services. Cover all Costa. 14 years (140)p experience. 671244683

GARDENING 39 euros a week. Garden maintenance and more. (references). (126)p 634355441, 690049011 ---------------------------------------------GARDENING services, cleaning, maintenance, etc. Hourly rate. Spanish: 670822949 / English: 685555834

HAIRDRESSING Mobile hairdresser, over 15 years experience, all aspects. Telephone (130)tnp Janet 645037335 ---------------------------------------------GILLIAN your friendly mobile hairdresser for the elderly. Specialist in perms, sets, colours and blow-drys. Good rates. All products supplied unless advised (139)p otherwise. 635261483 ---------------------------------------------MOBILE massage therapist. Reflexology, Swedish massage, aromatherapy, deep tissue and hotstones. Gift vouchers also available. (121)p 666144572

HOUSE CLEARANCES HOUSE Clearances. Full or part. Fast and efficient service. (133)tnp 628239174, 628564634 ---------------------------------------------NEED SOME SPACE. Cash paid for all good household items. (135)tnp 630158235

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INVESTOR wanted for high profile media company wishing to expand successful business. Call 661114070 for more detailed (130)p information.



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METS DOG training club. Fuengirola Glyn 605121831, Ken 627851379. Torre del Mar Colin 606616308 (137)p ---------------------------------------------FREE to good homes. 4 beautiful kittens, 8 weeks old, half Siamese with blue eyes. 1 grey/black, 2 cream and 1 tiger marked. Brought up in a loving (126)p home. Call 952454540 ---------------------------------------------LAGUNA Kennels and cosy cattery. Five star facilities, fully tiled quarters with airconditioning. Your pets lovingly cared for by English mother and daughter. Near Coin. (126)p 952112021 / 606838983 ---------------------------------------------BERTIE – I was born February 2009, I walk well on the lead, I am a lovely dog, very nosey and constantly sniffing around everything. I love a cuddle and like to explore and play. I am a talker and whenever you greet me I talk back! Tel. 626942427 ---------------------------------------------STANLEY – Mixed breed male. Born 1st April 2006 - height 38 cms to shoulder. He is a friendly and kind dog. Walks on the lead and is ok with other dogs. Ideal family pet. Tel. 626942427 ---------------------------------------------CATS – We have a good selection of all types of family cats desperate for a loving home. Tel. 626942427 ---------------------------------------------EXPORT Specialists. Cat and Dog World Kennels. 952112978, (122)p 630197435 ---------------------------------------------LUXURY professional kennels, Cat and Dog World. Fully licensed. Cheap collection service. Viewing welcome. 952112978 / (122p 630197435 ---------------------------------------------PROBLEMS? David the Dogman from Estepona to Fuengirola (0)tnf 952883388 / 610868748 ---------------------------------------------SNOWSHOE cat, female, neutered. 12 years old, gentle cat who seeks loving retirement (126)f home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------SIAMESE cat, neutered, 1 year old. Beautiful loving little girl needs a (126)f good home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------CAT neutered, white, 1 year old. Affectionate, handsome little boy seeks loving home. 952486518 (126)f ---------------------------------------------KITTENS galore, boys and girls of all colours would love to share (126)f your home. 952486518 ---------------------------------------------KAISER – I am very cute and friendly small dog with a great personality and I get on great with other dogs. I am castrated, vaccinated and micro-chipped. Tel 626942427. www.animals-in(126)f

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Classifieds n 29

news Your outlook on the World


CATS & KITTENS – We have a good selection of all types of Cats desperate for a loving home. Tel: 626942427. Visit our website: (126)f ---------------------------------------------NEWLY born puppies, born 15th May. Free to good home, call (130)bff 951272695 ---------------------------------------------BERNARD – neutered, I was born February 2010. Thrown out of a car in La Trocha car park, Coin. I am a lovely boy and in the past I have been beaten and left to fend for myself in a finca. I need an understanding owner and one on one training. Preferable no other dogs or children. I am castrated, vaccinated and micro chipped. Tel 626942427. www.animals-in(126)f

MULA, MURCIA As featured in the British Airways in-flight magazine. 2 houses absolute bargain! Home and business. House 1 consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen, bathroom, courtyard and roof terrace. Fully rewired. House 2 has 4 bedrooms, 2 receptions plus cave room, kitchen, bathroom. Courtyard and huge roof terrace. The second house needs total refurbishment but is structurally sound and would yield in the region of €500 per month rental income when done up. Mula is known for its hot spring baths. Price for both houses is €125,000. Don’t delay! Tel: 661114 070



PUMPS Reconditioned and repaired for pools, irrigation, pressure systems etc. Economical prices, fast turnaround. Tel. (139)p 667292493 ---------------------------------------------SCOTT FORBES the Plumber. All work guaranteed. 20 years British Gas experience (0) 652665410




PROPERTY VALUATIONS PROPERTY Valuation in your language. Flat rates. Call Patrick 616672211 or 952417095 (office (123)p hours). ---------------------------------------------PLACE AN AD! It’s quick, it’s easy and it works! Call 952454491 or email (f )



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2 bed nr Bonanza Sq, Modern pool, Sat TV parking600€/month 3 bed El Pinillo, pool Sat TV, sunny terrace 650€/month 3 bed Benalmadena Costa, huge terrace, no pool pets 750€/month


Avenida Gamonal, Local 9, Edificio Jupiter, 29631 Arroyo de la Miel, Malaga Tel: (0034) 952 57 40 51 (0034) 952 57 77 51 Fax: (0034) 952 44 26 51 LONG TERM Rentals, super prices, no commissions, apartments, townhouses, villas, fincas, coast and (127)p inland. 679111522 ---------------------------------------------COIN Close to town. 2 bedroom with separate 3rd room, swimming pool, barbecue area, internet and telephone (126)p line. €650 622303447 ---------------------------------------------COIN Urbanisation. 3/4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pool, barbecue area, internet, landline. (126)p €900 622303447 ---------------------------------------------COIN Country property, 3 beds, 2 baths, beautiful pool and barbecue area. Must be seen. €900 (126)p 622303447 ---------------------------------------------COIN 4 bedroom brand new townhouse. Unfurnished. €550 (126)p 622303447 ---------------------------------------------COIN 1 bedroom lovely new little finca, lots of land. €380ono (126)p 622303447 ---------------------------------------------COIN Town Centre. Lovely en-suite room. €250pm all inclusive. (129)p 685407610 ---------------------------------------------COIN centre, immaculate 4/5 bedroom house, long let available, furnished, €475 pcm 662131532 (127)p

PROPERTY Management, cleaning, laundry, change-overs, pool cleaning, gardening, window cleaning. w w w. o s b o r n e p r o p e r t y. c o m (126)p 952664472, 616679453 ---------------------------------------------PROPERTY Management, cleaning, laundry, change-overs, pool cleaning, gardening, window cleaning. w w w. o s b o r n e p r o p e r t y. c o m (126)p 952664472, 616679453 ---------------------------------------------PLACE AN AD! It’s quick, it’s easy (f ) and it works. Call 952454491


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MAN/VAN Odd jobs/gardening. Richard 698322822, 952452734 (134)p ---------------------------------------------TRANSLATIONS All language combinations, all fields. Certified and ordinary translations. Best rates. Translations Network 952776803 Fax 952824630, (130)p



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A JOB FOR YOU? If you can write perfectly in English; communicate well in Spanish; have a good telephone manner in both languages; possess excellent admin skills; be very computer literate (preferably Mac); excel in Excel and Word and make a nice brew, you may be who we’re looking for.

!!! UNION jACK Removals (The Original) See main advert on front (0)p page. 90210956 ---------------------------------------------REMOVALS Man and large van. Experienced. From €20 per hour. Extra help available. 619604114 (127)p ---------------------------------------------VAN SPAIN-UK-PORTUGAL Regular deliveries - full/part loads. Competitive rates, honest and reliable. 25 years on the coast. Contact Dave on 952724698, 610686273 or email at (127)p ---------------------------------------------W W W. S PA I N U K S PA I N . CO M Vehicle leaving Spain on 9th, 19th 28th of each month, returning 10th, 20th, 29th of each month. Prices from £80 per cubic metre. Cars £495, bikes £250, dogs £395, cats £295. 952160096 / 665150227 (131)p ---------------------------------------------CHEAP as chips, van and man removals, anywhere, anytime. (129)p 635253549 ---------------------------------------------10 EUROS PH Van and man removals. Friendly, reliable. IKEA and returns to UK. 603122202 (129)p

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>ŽǁĞƐƚ ƌĂƚĞƐ ŽŶ ĐŽĂƐƚ COIN WINDOWS We make aluminium windows, doors and mosquito screens, also supply and fit sun canopies, blinds, shower screens, etc. Spanish owned business. Call Lisa Marie (125)p 646066351

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Large 1 bed Bonanza, sunny terrace, pool 450€/month

3 bed Townhouse Torrequebrada, pool,parking store 800€/month 3 bed Townhouse, Santangelo Norte, garden, pool Garage 900€/month

PROPERTY FINDER. Access to “below market value properties”, repossessions and refurbishments. Housing stock throughout the UK. Combined services available, tailored finance, conveyancing, refurbishment packages, tenant sourcing. Suitable for investment, repatriation and individual needs, block purchases available. Call Carla on 687921481 for an informal chat or email at (rbf) ---------------------------------------------ALHAURIN GRANDE - REDUCED 4 bedroom house. €249,000 or part exchange for smaller property. Details from or (136)p Owner 634355214 ---------------------------------------------ARROYO DE LA MIEL Vera Cruz. Independent 3 bedroom villa, fully fitted kitchen, dining room, large lounge, pool, garden and store. Solar panel, good views. Very quietly situated in cul-de-sac. (126)c&t €255,000 952566345 ---------------------------------------------CALAHONDA Detached chalet, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 bathrooms, private pool, large garage, roof terrace, 620m2 plot, plenty of off road parking. Close to all amenities. A real family home just needs some TLC. €350,000 952930039, 606611228 - no (113)f agents ---------------------------------------------COIN TOWN CENTRE. Lovely large house with potential for B&B. 5 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms. Reduced €239,000 negotiable. BARGAIN (128)p 685407610 ---------------------------------------------COIN Legal Country Home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, private pool, 1,600m2 irrigated garden. Secure fencing, main services, phone and Sky. Reduced to €250,000. (128)p 952455269, 689368014

WE SELL your property within 3 months! (129)p Thomas 622563339

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

30 n Sports & Motors Motors Flash


Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Spanish racing cyclist dies in accident Movistar team rider Xavier Tondo has been killed in a freak accident at a ski resort in southern Spain. The 32-year-old Spaniard was crushed between his car and a garage door as he prepared to set off for training, local police said. Tondo finished sixth in the Vuelta a Espana in 2010 and won the Vuelta a Castilla y Leon in April."He was an incredible person who loved this sport more than anyone," said Tour de France champion Alberto Contador.

Vettel steals the show in Barcelona

New circuit opens for business

But it was home favourite Fernando Alonso setting the track alight early on crucial moves in traffic on his out-lap after the first stop to stay close to Alonso – dived in to make his second stop one lap sooner than Alonso and was able to get ahead and into the lead.

The Blyton Park Driving Centre is now officially open following a successful launch attended by 75 invited guests and hosted by the entrepreneur and enthusiast behind it, Richard Usher. The open day saw a wide range of cars take to the pristine new 1.5-mile asphalt circuit, which garnered much praise for its challenging yet safe nature.

The second round of stops would also prove to be the turning point of the race for Hamilton, who had got ahead of Webber in the first round of stops to lie third, but staying out on track a number of laps longer before making his second stop, the Briton got ahead of Alonso and then set about chasing down Vettel for the remainder of the race. Hamilton closed on Vettel as the race wore on but despite the fact that Vettel was only able to use his KERS intermittently, the McLaren was unable to find a way through. More than once, Hamilton found himself close enough to utilise his DRS on the startfinish straight, but Vettel wasn't to be beaten on this day, finding more speed in the middle sector to just keep Hamilton at bay and frustrated. Hamilton's McLaren team-mate Jenson Button took a brilliant third place and podium spot but only after a disastrous start to the race, where he was out of shape at the first corner and

Mijas bowls news Recently the members of Mijas Bowl’s club went to visit Posada Bowls club. It is a new Bowls club in Alameda, situated not far from Antequera off the A45. The club is part of a lovely complex and has a good bowling green. We played on five rinks in perfect weather. The members made us all feel very welcome, and we enjoyed an excellent match with Mijas winning four of the five games. We then had a lovely

lunch provided by the ladies of Posada bowls, and we look forward to seeing them in the future to return their generosity. It’s nearly summer and from the beginning of June we change to evening bowling and have our barbeque after the game on Thursdays. Anyone who wants to come and join us for a game will be made welcome. We have a full calendar during the summer and social events every

month. The summer championships’ are at our club this year from September 17th to 26th. The Ball and Chain competition is from October 3rd to 6th. We hope to get a good response to both competitions. For information contact the club on 952 466 038 or the captain on 951 449 552 or visit web site Report by Sheila Graveling

slipped down to tenth by the end of the opening lap. A decision to run a three-stop strategy compared to the four stops favoured by the cars around him, proved to be key to Button making up places as he found himself on the quicker option (soft) tyres mid-way through the race while others had swapped to the harder prime tyres. Storming through to overtake both Alonso and Webber on one lap, Button then enjoyed an untroubled run to the finish as Webber was unable to respond – leaving the pole-sitter nearly 50 seconds behind the winner in fourth.

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at the end of the Coin road


“I am overwhelmed by the unanimously positive response to what we have done with Blyton,’ said a delighted Usher, who has so far invested around half a million pounds rejuvenating the facility near Gainsborough in Lincolnshire. “I built the track so that people could come here and enjoy their cars, a pastime that’s increasingly difficult on our roads.” The day saw everything from Autograss buggies to rally cars to road cars to a

Lola Formula One car lapping the newly laid track. The fine selection of historic rally cars included original Escorts, Mick Strafford’s unique Chevy-powered Firenza and Steve Perez’s lurid and loud Lancia Stratos. Phil Morrison of Driftworks explored the outer reaches of the asphalt in his Nissan Silvia S15, and Callum Macleod wowed the crowd when he demonstrated David Harrison’s DFVpowered Larousse Lola SC88. The former Second World War US bomber base has been used for various forms of motorsport for around 50 years and the local Grass Track racing club still occupies a part of the site. It’s hoped that the new asphalt track, designed by ex-touring car ace Eugene O’Brian and journalist John Barker, will be sanctioned for Sprint meetings. The track is now open for bookings for track days and general testing.


From lights out Ferrari's Fernando Alonso gave his adoring Spanish fans reason to cheer as he tore into the lead on the run to turn one, diving down the inside of both Mark Webber and Vettel into the first corner as the Red Bull pair fought for position. Leading by 0.7secs at the end of the opening lap, Alonso was able to keep his advantage over the Red Bull pair to the second round of pitstops. However, Vettel – who had made a series of

Luxury Limos available for hire with driver. Weddings, Parties, or just go out for the day in a beautiful car and feel special ALL MAKES CAR SERVICING





Part worn tyres from €25

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All makes and models - Petrol / Diesel Fax: 952 453 144 Pol.Ind, Cantarranas. C/ Acero, 6. 29100Coin (Malaga)

WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

Sports & Motors n 31

news Your outlook on the World


Test match at the Oval Poulter stays cool on On a perfect day at the stunning Cartama Oval the 22 players, the Costa to take title all graduates of the publicised Open Days, formed two teams for a competitive but friendly game of 30 over cricket. The teams ranged in age from 18 to Bus Pass and included no less than 5 different nationalities and a couple of Yorkshiremen thrown in! Team A, skippered by Phil Nuttall, won the toss and elected to bat. Phil’s team amassed a total of 160/6 in their allotted overs with Tony Crooks contributing 29 of those, Phil Nuttall a solid 26, with healthy support from Craig Cooke(14) and Nick Helme 14 not out.However to prove that there is a lot of improvement to be made the top score was provided by Extras! Far too many. Team B, skippered by Peter Winter, started their innings with a flurry - Tom Tobin(37) and Rayeez(47) putting on a stand of 70 in 12 overs before Tom hollowed out at long on. Although there were further contributions by Peter Winter (21)run out by an over eager Tim Meal(14) Team B couldn't keep up the required run rate, finishing on 150/8. Match of the day highlights

were Phil Flaxman's super wicket keeping, Paul Rogers two wickets in two balls, Deryck Foster with a wicket and a catch, Ray Fry's mobility in the field, Les Warr's first appearance, Stuart Hilton's near beheading, Chris Litchfield’s amazing one handed catch, Deano with his tight bowling, Charley Hepburn with his one wicket and Golden Duck, Gazza Crouch proving on two occasions in the same over that a human being is no contest for the hardness of a cricket ball at speed, Tom Pelham and Rafael Aranda for their cat like performances in the field. A big thank you to Mick

Button and David (hope you made it home in time for the Rugby) McLeary for umpiring and David Cooper for once again providing such fabulous facilities. Details of the next games to be published shortly. If you are interested in joining in the fun at the Oval,either by playing, spectating, scoring, umpiring, sponsoring (match ball sponsors starting from 25€)then please call Tim Meal on 662 233 302 or email everybody welcome! Report by Tim Meal

Luke Donald missed out on becoming world number one after losing to Ian Poulter at the Volvo World Match Play Championship final at Finca Cortesin in Casares, Spain. Poulter, 35, rode his luck throughout the event, frequently coming from behind to stay in contention before disposing of a weary Donald by 2&1 to collect the winners cheque for €800,000. Both finalists are renowned matchplay exponents with Poulter the WGC Accenture World Champion in 2010, and Donald the reigning champion of that event. However, taking more than three hours and 50 minutes for the 17 holes, the final was a scrappy affair. The turning point in the match came when Poulter holed a mammoth 50-foot putt for a birdie on the 12th green to level. He then went on to recover from a fairway bunker to less than a metre to go ahead at the 14th before Donald missed an easy opportunity to level proceedings by threeputting from 20 feet at the next. Poulter accepted the

Essex’s Graham Napier

The 31-year-old hit an astonishing 196 off 130 balls on his return to the first-class game after an 11-month absence due to a careerthreatening back fracture. Symonds had achieved the feat while playing for Gloucestershire against Glamorgan in 1995. "It's an honour (to hold the record) and a good bat helps.

I had an idea I was close to the world record for hitting sixes when I saw the figures at lunch time. I knew it was just around the corner," Napier, was quoted as saying. "I probably don't have the restrictions some batsmen do, that when they hit a boundary they look for a one - I tend to look for two or three more," he added. All-rounder Napier, who also holds the record for sixes in a Twenty20 innings, was last man out for Essex after also sharing a ninthwicket stand of 190 with Chris Wright, who contributed 34. He fell short of claiming the outright record when he skied an attempted pull off Stuart Meaker and was caught by home wicketkeeper Steve Davies.

Napier's knock prompted Essex coach Paul Grayson to declare: "That was just unbelievable."

staged a great fight back in the morning’s semi-final to beat Italian Francesco Molinari at the 19th while Donald, who picked up €377,770 for finishing second, had ousted

"I played 108 holes to win this title and it’s always wearing playing the best players in the world", said Poulter, who moves up to 15th in the world rankings.

Germany’s Martin Kaymer.

"This is a great boost after a slightly frustrating season and also as it has come on my son Luke’s seventh birthday." Poulter had set up by Maresca. Malaga should have been 2 up after Coin’s own Juanmi was put through, only to be denied by Pinto. Just before half time Eliseu was harshly adjudged to have bought down Barca’s Bojan, and he duly stepped up to equalise.

Sixes record matched by Essex all-rounder Graham Napier Essex all-rounder Graham Napier has equalled Australian batsman Andrew Symonds' record of 16 sixes in a first-class innings in his team's county championship match against Surrey.

let-off by again knocking his approach shot to the 16th to within gimme range and made sure of taking the title and prize, with a nine-footer for a half and the match at the short 17th.

In the second half Barca's team of youngsters grew in confidence, and Afellay was a constant threat. The Holland international has been limited to bit-part appearances in his Barca career so far, but he impressed as a starter in this match and scored his first goal for the Catalan club -

Malaga just miss out on a top ten finish Malaga 1- 3 Barcelona Another big crowd was at La Rosaleda for the visit of the league Champions. But those who had paid the high ticket price would have been disappointed as Barcelona played virtually a 2nd XI with the Champions League final against Premier league champions Man Utd in

mind. Malaga began well dominating the early play, but it was Jeffren of Barca who forced Caballero to make the first decent save on 21 minutes. It was however no surprise to see Malaga go one up on 31 minutes, Seba slotting home after a great


NEW RATES 2011 1 year unlimited golf: 1.750€ (couple: 3.000€) MAY OFFER: 2 green fees + buggy: 100€ Tel: 952 41 27 67 Fax: 952 41 47 57

However, Donald couldn’t maintain his early form and remains second in the world rankings behind compatriot Lee Westwood. "I just ran out of steam and gave Ian too many opportunities", he said.

and a fine one - with 15 minutes left on the clock. Batra scored a free header from a corner in the 84th minute to flatter Barcelona with their 3-1 victory. Arnau came on for Caballero in goal for his last game for Malaga playing the last 5 minutes. Players at the end took the plaudits from fans who had stuck with the club all season through thick and thin. Malaga with their strong finish to the season finishing in 11th place and plenty to build on for next season. Report by Scott Forbes


Front-line golf properties for sale Membership and golf included

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WEDNESDAY, May 25th 2011

32 n Sports & Motors

Read your favourite news, plus a whole lot more in

Sports Flash


Hampshire 'tiger sighting' alarm A stuffed toy animal led to a large-scale police operation in Hampshire and stopped play at the Rose Bowl cricket ground. The alarm was first raised by a concerned member of the public who believed there was an escaped white tiger hiding in a field near Hedge End. Officers were sent to the scene along with a helicopter and thermal imaging cameras, at about 1600 BST on Saturday. When no body heat was detected police moved in and found a cuddly toy tiger.

Sporting Steve SPOTLIGHT McManus GOLF Andy Murray joins Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer in the second round Memorial Davis earns British Murray brushed off being surface at Futures and the same half of the draw as straightforward. Benavista Open place introduced to the crowd as Challenger level. The proud defending champion and 'l'Anglais' before making his Scot was too strong for world No 1 Rafael Nadal, England's Brian Davis Djokovic had one of the way into the second round Prodon, winning 6-4, 6-1, 6- meaning they could meet in more booked his place in the straightforward Bowls Club of the French Open. Open at Royal St George's 3 on Court Suzanne Lenglen. the semi-finals, but his initial victories of his six-month

Murray eases through first round

Murray, seeded fourth, is in




The world No 4 rarely looked at ease with either himself or his game and his serve was broken in both the first and third sets, but in the end Murray simply had too much quality for his unheralded opponent.

unbeaten run as he saw off Thiemo de Bakker in the opening round. The Serbian, who turned 24 on Sunday, needed just one hour and 32 minutes to defeat Dutchman De Bakker 6-2 61 6-3 and extend his winning streak to 40 matches.

Prodon has won only one match on the ATP World Tour in his entire career but he has no shortage of experience on clay and has 21 titles to his name on the

Third seed Roger Federer followed Djokovic onto the stadium court and was similarly impressive as he swept past Spain's Feliciano Lopez 6-3 6-4 7-6 (7-3).


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Family and friends turned out in force for the recent Steve McManus Memorial. Later Jan McManus said: “I can't thank you all enough for turning out and making it such a wonderful day for me, Steve's family and my friend, Avril. We went on to have a great night at Alan's Chinese which rounded everything off brilliantly.”

after winning the US qualifying tournament at Gleneagles Country Club, Texas. Davis shot a 64 to secure one of eight available positions from the event, which was reduced from 36 holes to 18 because of heavy rain and lightning. Others to qualify for the major, which takes place in July, include Americans Chad Campbell and Davis Love III. Spain's Sergio Garcia withdrew with an infected finger.


One million bid for 2012 hot tickets London 2012 organisers have received more than one million requests for tickets for the Olympic men's 100 metres final. The session, at the Olympic Stadium on August 5th next year, is one of the most sought after of the London Games. Some 40,000 seats are available after the stadium capacity was halved through sponsors, VIPs and the media. Applicants will find out by June 24th whether they have got any of the 6.6 million Olympics tickets available.


Man Utd win FA youth trophy for record 10th time Manchester United became the first club to lift the FA Youth Cup 10 times after beating Sheffield United 4-1 to seal a 6-3 final win on aggregate. It came a day after their senior side collected the league trophy for a record 19th time. Sir Alex Ferguson was in the stands to witness the historic triumph against a talented group of young Blades players.

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