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AHS Declares COVID-19 Outbreak at Eagle Hill Lodge in Willingdon
AHS Declares COVID-19 Outbreak at Eagle Hill Lodge in Willingdon
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Alberta Health Services declared an outbreak of COVID-19 at the seniors’ residence in Willingdon on November 29.
Mark Dixon, Marketing & Communications Manager for Connecting Care (2000) Inc., which operates the facility stated on December 4 “Currently there are seven residents who have tested positive who are in isolation in the community. One resident who tested positive has been sent to hospital. Testing of other residents and employee care partners is ongoing.
We’re doing everything we can to reduce the spread including asking residents and families to follow the enhanced protocols.
We are in close contact with Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health and following all of the following all of the protocols.”
According to AHS Facility Operator Checklist, they are to conduct a point of care risk assessment and initiate additional isolation precautions for symptomatic residents. The Checklist contains 65 infection control measures to be taken in regards to reporting-notification, outbreak management, staffing, hygiene, and cleaning and disinfecting practices.
Dixon said this is the first time there has been an outbreak at Eagle Hill Lodge since the pandemic began in March. A total of 15 seniors reside in the lodge which has 10 employees. Connecting Care operates 28 seniors’ lodges across Canada.
The December 9, 2020 edition of the News Advertiser is now online! https://issuu.com/thenewsadvertiser/docs/december_09__2020_-_web?fr=sZjZkOTI0MTM1OTg