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Village of Ryley Interim CAO Calls for Code of Conduct Hearings
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Village of Ryley Councillors Nik Lee and Nola Wood Herrick were once again absent from the March 27 regular meeting. They were also absent at the Feb. 21 regular meeting.
Interim Chief Administrative Officer Julie Brownridge stated that under the rules of the Municipal Government Act, (MGA) if a councillor misses all regular meetings in an eight week period they can be disqualified, and the next regular council meeting is scheduled for April 25.
Both Coun. Lee and Coun. Wood-Herrick were both absent from the Feb. 21 and the March 27 regular meetings.
At the March 27 regular meeting two separate motions were passed by council stating that the absence of Coun. Lee and Nola Wood Herrick were not authorized.
Under business from previous minutes was report on termination of employees. Brownridge stated that, “At the Feb. 21 meeting I was asked to look into the circumstances of the termination of two employees. After reviewing the circumstances of the termination of two employees of the Village of Ryley, I have confirmed that two councillors did influence and direct the decision to terminate employment of both employees. I am recommending that council conduct Code of Conduct hearings. Particulars and details are protected under the Privacy Act and were provided to council.”

Village of Ryley March 27 council meeting.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Mayor Brian Ducherer replied, “So, we’ll probably be discussing that in camera.”
A man in the crowd responded to that by stating, “Two girls’ lives are destroyed because of it.” Ducherer said, “Legally it was done correctly.” The man responded, “Oh come on. Morally and ethically everyone in this building knows that.” Coun. Sheldon Reid said, “We all know that.” Ducherer said, “And the CAO had already pointed that out. If you’re going to continue you’ll have to leave.” Ducherer then asked the gentleman to leave and said he was barred from council meetings.
“You can’t do that,” stated Jason Hill, who was also in the gallery. “Just watch me,” retorted Ducherer, who then informed Hill that he could not electronically record council proceedings. Brownridge asked for a short recess with the council members and after reconvening the meeting Ducherer said he was allowed to continue and apologized.
Brownridge said there had been an amendment to the procedural bylaw at the March 7 special meeting which allows electronic recording of council meetings.
Several appointments were made to the Family and Community Support Services, (FCSS) board including former councillor Cyndy Heslin and former FCSS director Mickey Wilson. In a follow up information request by the Vegreville News Advertiser to Wilson, he said he would be contacting board members to see if they could hold a meeting after Easter to begin the process of getting the program up and running again.
Brownridge said they currently have five FCSS board members and would like to have seven members if possible. Council has yet to discuss the hiring of an FCSS program director.
Taneen Rudyk Announces Candidacy in Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Long-time Vegreville Town Councillor and resident announced her intention to run under the Alberta NDP banner in the upcoming provincial election on March 31.
Rudyk stated, “I will take a leave from Vegreville Town Council to focus on the provincial election campaign, and have taken a leave of absence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities effective March 31 end of day.”
At that time she announced her intention to seek the nomination for the Alberta NDP in Fort SaskatchewanVegreville. The nomination meeting was slated for April 21, but Alberta NDP Communications Officer Malissa Dunphy stated on April 3 that the deadline for nominations has passed and Rudyk is the acclaimed candidate.
Rudyk said she is running under the NDP banner because, “I’m hearing from residents who are looking for caring and experienced leadership to provide a steady hand on important issues like access to healthcare and helping with the cost of living and I see the NDP government providing that for people in Fort Saskatchewan Vegreville and I want to be part of shaping that future.”
She added, “I am eager to continue serving families and communities in this area as part of Rachel Notley’s Alberta NDP team. I bring experience advocating for Albertans and I’m excited to continue strengthening health care, improving educational opportunities for our children and bringing more jobs and economic opportunities to the region.

Taneen Rudyk.
(Taneen Rudyk/Submitted Photo)
This constituency is like so much of Alberta: a tremendous variety of people, businesses, farms, and communities. People are passionate about where they live, work, and play and my experience in local government has been one of bringing the right people to the table—whether it is volunteer organizations, businesses, or different orders of government to make decisions that matter. I am ready to bring my knowledge to work for our region at the provincial level, ensuring that your postal code does not determine your access to decision makers.
I will campaign on what I believe are priorities for my neighbours in our constituency. In addition to province-wide issues such as healthcare and jobs, I remain a champion for the expansion of internet access for all rural Alberta. As an essential service, Albertans need broadband access for agriculture, industry, education, as well as everyday life.”
I will fight for sustainable long term strategic infrastructure investments for municipalities and not just the current inconsistencies of the boom-and-bust approach. Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville deserves more, and I sincerely believe that Rachel Notley is the leader to make our future better.”
Rudyk and her husband Andrew have four children and operate a pipeline welding business. Rudyk has been an active volunteer with the local Hospital Board, Health Advisory Council, as well as supporting Ukrainian and Syrian newcomers’ settlement.
She has served on Vegreville town council since 2010 and is the current President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
In 2015, Rudyk was named Vegreville’s Citizen of the Year and in 2017 was awarded the Municipal Award of Excellence. In the 1980s Rudyk’s father, Derek Fox, served two terms as NDP MLA for much of the current constituency’s area.
Tyler Beckett New Village of Holden Councillor
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Tyler Beckett is the newest member of village councillor in Holden. He was sworn into office on March 20 and said he put his name forward because, “I see a lot of potential in Holden and thought I might be able to fill that need.”
The 39-year-old said he’s, “I’m looking for some positive changes to our little community. Revitalizing the town, attracting new residents, tourism and businesses are definitely some of the items on my radar.”
Beckett and his family have resided in the community since August of 2022. “Our family purchased a home in the Holden area last summer to pursue a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle after we finally found a house big enough for our herd of eight.

Mayor Travis Schiewe, left, presided over Councillor Beckett’s swearing-in ceremony on March 20 prior to the regular council meeting.
(Village of Holden/Submitted Photo)
We are licensed foster parents with an ever-growing family, and I am a new member within the Holden Volunteer Fire Department. Both have been very rewarding! I enjoy the tight knit culture and old-fashioned neighbourly values of Holden and I look forward to serving you on village council.”
I have a passion for managing/building websites, rebuilding computers, home security systems and mapping. I am an editor for a Google mapping platform called WAZE and was lucky enough to attend their conferences in Ottawa and Las Vegas this year.
I attended schooling at NAIT and completed my Red Seal Journeyman Electrician ticket. I’ve worked in the oilfield industry in Hinton and surrounding areas for the past several years as an industrial contractor as well as being the owner/operator of Eh Plus Electric Inc. I am currently completing my home inspections license to broaden my companies’ services.