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Andrew School Committee Charts Path Forward
Andrew School Committee Submitted
July 20 saw the second meeting of the Andrew School Committee which was formulated in the wake of Elk Island School Division’s decision to close the junior high school programs at Andrew School. Committee Chairperson Jodie Calfat says, “It’s been a busy couple of weeks since our last meeting. We’ve gathered a lot of information on school closure procedures, and combed back through EIPS meeting minutes and correspondence. At the end of the day, we don’t think this closure was given due process.” The committee has also reached out to their School Trustee Colleen Holowaychuk and EIPS to establish lines of communication.
The meeting was focused on establishing a mandate and preliminary action plans. Ten attendees participated in a combination of discussions and idea generating exercises to produce a prioritized list:
1) Preserve the Elementary School Program
2) Unite the Community Behind this Effort
3) Improve the Level of Education in This Facility
4) Provide a Selection of After School Programs
5) Tied for 5th were Engage the Community for Input Through Social Media/ Reverse the School Closure/ Make the School Viable Again
Preliminary action plans were scoped out and will continue to be over the next few days and weeks.
“The meeting was a long one but I am happy we achieved some focus,” said Calfat. “I do appreciate the efforts of the group- at the same time it was a bit disappointing only three individuals with school age children chose to attend. We need more parents to join.”

The committee will continue refining and advancing its work in small groups and reconvening on August 10.
The Committee has also launched an online survey that runs from July 26 through to Noon on August 10.