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A Child Pleasing Ice-Cream Party

A Child Pleasing Ice-Cream Party
Rosanne Fortier - News Correspondent
Parents mentioned that their children were looking forward all day to the Ice-Cream Party at the Vegreville KFRN Centre on August 22.
Crystal Clarke, who is the Spokes Programmer for KFRN, explained, “Our Ice-cream party had 45 children and youth who attended it. The majority of kids were between the ages of two to 13-years-old. We also had three volunteers who came to help out.

We had indoor stations for everyone. The first one was The Ice-Cream Scoop station, second one was the Skilled Games station which had Twister, Foosball and Darts. Then we also offered The Craft Table station, Kids Lego Building station and Table Top Games station which included board games and cards in it.
The outdoor part of the program included the playground and the giant bouncy castle. The Kinette Club of Vegreville collaborated with us by sponsoring the bouncy castle for the children and youth to enjoy.

The children were thrilled to bounce to the sky and take part in all the fun activities with their friends. The parents enjoyed engaging in learning and hearing about new and upcoming programs and opportunities at The Vegreville KFRN for this fall season.”
When asked, Clarke said, “The purpose for our Ice-Cream Party event was to bring together the community and create a time and space for everyone to connect. The end of the summer event allowed us to share with families and community members what we offer as an organization in the way of child development and well-being enhancement services and overall family support here in Vegreville.”