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Glad Tidings for Christmas at Homestead Lodge
Glad Tidings for Christmas at Homestead Lodge
Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser
Even though residents at Homestead Lodge will not be able to celebrate the Christmas season with their families as they’ve traditionally done, but they are still going to have all of the special activities and festivities that go along with it.
Manager Rhonda Ewasiw says, “The majority of residents are taking this pandemic in stride and understand the importance of the restrictions in place, and appreciate all the hard work staff is doing. They have been very good at keeping themselves busy.
Many of our residents do have family that lives nearby and have essentials delivered and to date have been able to visit following Alberta Health protocols. Families have been very willing to follow guidelines. We also have recently purchased a large TV through donations; as well we will be receiving an IPad, which will help families connect further.”
She went on to say, “We usually have a large family Christmas party for the residents, with family, carolling, and a visit from Santa. The residents really look forward to this event every year, and sadly we are unable to enjoy this party this year. Naturally, all residents and families are disappointed, but understand that we are unable to have it.
We have a wonderful activity coordinator, who has several activities lined up to encourage our Christmas spirit. Residents will be assisting in decorating the atrium and setting up our Christmas village to enjoy. We will be having an ugly Christmas sweater contest with prizes. Several crafting projects will be done, including Christmas ornaments, and door decorations.”
Ewasiw said they will be having a Christmas raffle on December 18 and a Christmas bingo on Dec 23. On Christmas Eve Activity Coordinator Cxene Brooks will be reading, “Twas the Night Before Christmas followed by hot chocolate and refreshments. “We will be having the traditional 12 Ukrainian dishes on Christmas Eve, as well, as the full turkey/formal meal on Christmas Day.”
On December 31 residents will be treated to music and refreshments throughout the afternoon to help usher in 2021.
In fact, “Almost every day during the week since March we have been having “lunchtime draws” of small prizes for residents to win, which they all enjoy and look forward to. Mental and physical health activities are planned to help maintain resi- dents’ cognitive, physical, emotional, and social needs. Regarding spiritual needs, many residents who cannot go to church have been watching church services on TV. As well, residents who have IPads have been accessing services online.”
“Residents get fitness classes five days a week and can utilize exercise equipment such as weights and an exercise bike. Residents understand that daily physical activity is important to their mental wellness, noted Ewasiw.
Bingos have to this point, been able to continue with modifications along the way to accommodate extra cleaning protocols and physical distancing. We have been very fortunate to have a couple bingo halls donate a generous amount of disposable bingo cards for our residents.”
Even though things are different this year because of COVID-19, the seniors are making the best of the situation and continue to exemplify their indomitable spirit in the face of adversity.
In the words of Calvin Coolridge, “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”