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Vegreville Composite High School Hosts Awards Night

Vegreville Composite High School Hosts Awards Night
Vegreville Composite High School - Submitted
Vegreville Composite High School (VCHS) celebrated students at their annual Awards Night held on December 1, 2023. The event showcased student accomplishments from grades 7 through 12 and recognized recipients of numerous school and community sponsored scholarships.
“Today, we honour your accomplishments, each of which is a testament to your hard work, your passion, and the time you are investing in your education,” said EIPS Trustee Randy Footz, offering his congratulations to the award recipients.
“Your award also represents the exceptional efforts of the dedicated staff here at Vegreville Composite High and highlights the love and support of your families, along with the friendships you have nurtured through the years. This day does more than celebrate your most recent achievements, it acknowledges your potential and the dreams and aspirations which lie ahead of you.
Success is not solely measured by the number of awards we receive. Success is the journey upon which we embark, the lessons we continue to learn, the humanity by which we live, and the impact we have on the lives of others that truly defines us.”
“When we come to awards celebrations, we sometimes only think about the end of the road. You passed the final, achieved your goal, maybe you surprised yourself and attained something you didn’t think was possible,” said VCHS Principal Brandon Salyzyn.
“These things are worth being proud of and celebrating. However, don’t forget about the little things - the hundreds of little decisions which made the end goal possible. Doing a few extra practice questions, obtaining extra help from a teacher at lunch, having a solid sleep the day before a big test - it is the accumulation of these little decisions which helped reach your success.
Whether you are continuing into the next grade or for our former graduates as you experience the world of adulting, don’t diminish the little things as they could make the biggest difference over time.”
VCHS would like to express its gratitude to the community for their continued support in acknowledging the vast academic, leadership, and citizenship accomplishments of our students. Congratulations to the recipients, families, and staff for their dedicated efforts,” added Salyzyn.