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Honourary Life Director Award

Alan Baxandall Receives Honourary Life Director Award
Vegreville Ag Society - Submitted
This year the Veg Ag Society awards committee brought forth one name for the honorary life director award.
Alan Baxandall has been a very familiar face in the Ag society for decades, well centuries technically. He has served on multiple committees and helped out with almost every one of our committees in one way or another over the years. He has served our ag society for 28 years now, and has done more than a lifetime of helping around the Ag society as a whole.
Two committees you may best know him by would be Fathers Day many years ago – and more recently the Beer gardens committee. He has been seen watering the racetrack, Sucking water off the grass with the vac truck so the kid zone could open after a downpour mid fair, climbing into the attic to find the leak when our office flooded a few years ago, cleaning up the manure pile after a horse (or cattle) event with his bobcat, running the spring and fall auctions, running the beer gardens and even personally purchasing the tables and chairs and loaning then to the ag society for years for use in the beer gardens, and so many more tasks that we know we are forgetting.

Alan Baxandall, sitting, with Past Honourary Members from L-R: Dan Beaudette, John Litun, Derek Fox, Walter Krill and Daryl Cole.
(Vegreville Ag Society/Submitted Photo)
Alan is never too busy to call when you need a hand, and is one of the best people at fixing a problem right now. He is reliable, dependable, has a heart of gold and a passion for this ag society that is far greater than we can comprehend. He has shared his passion with his family and he brings in not just his kids, but siblings, and mom to help out each year for all we are extremely grateful!
Most recently Alan became the President of the Veg Ag Society and has led us through a couple shaky years, but has been the leader that has encouraged us to keep going, push harder, dream bigger and great things will happen. It is our honour to present the Honorary Life Director to Alan Baxandall.